Apex Legends: Breakout Battle Pass Trailer
Sharpen Your Edge with the Breakout Battle Pass, where cold steel meets colder fits.
Tear through squads with the “Buzz Kill” Reactive R-99 at Level 100. Storm the shadows with Lifeline’s Legendary “Code Blue” at Level 50. Seek precision with the “Teal Energizer” Triple-Take, and unlock Epic skins for Fuse, Crypto, and Ash. Earn new banner frames, emotes, weapon charms, and stickers. Complete the Breakout Battle Pass to unlock the second Reactive R-99 skin “Kill Joy.”
Get the premium bundle to instantly unlock the first 25 levels including Bangalore’s “Sand and Rust” along with more rewards.
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/breakout
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 20,apex legends trailer,apex breakout,apex legends breakout battle pass,apex legends anniversary collection event,apex legends breakout rewards,apex legends ranked updates,reactive r-99,bangalore,mirage,lifeline,pathfinder,ash,legendary skin,breakout battle pass apex,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts
コメント (797)
Because of this s**t idea of u having gift I won’t be able to get the flatline skin
let us have more than 8 favourites for transitions and music packs!
I feel so bad for people who still play Apex
I want that lifeline skin badly
very unpleasant season
did they changed the VA for mirage or hes just sick
What about that new legend?
Woah! This battle pass looks awesome!! Season 20 already?! Yikes, the Seasons have gone by so fast! I’m looking forward to once again taking part! Let’s do this!! Season 20! Here we go!
You ruin this game.Its not apex animore
Trailer song?
Editing 99% Stuff 1%
did i just hear lastimosta
I was honestly holding out hope this update would completely turn around the string of terrible decisions that Respawn has made for apex but its been highly underwhelming. Which I should honestly just expect by now. Id say they definitely turned a good 45° in the right direction but its safe to say that after the initial week of running pubs i will not be playing this season :/
the lifeline skin

Do y’all just make this footage or do all your devs use aim bots while making clips for the trailers, those bullets are pulling hard to bodies in this trailer.
They always make the game look easy to play in the gameplay trailers
Finally something from the battle pass for ash
The R-99 Skin is cleary inspired by the AK-47 Bloodsport skin form Counter Strike.
Ash main here…. that Ash skin and r99 goes hard af.
Ps5 no servers found ,good start
season 20
Whenever the changes they do, I would always love this game
They forgot “Alternator” Reactive skin, just like they’re forgetting New Castle “Tracker” Truly an Apex Legends Experience
Couple hours guys! We can wait
Looking at this again, this is possibly the most subpar battlepass I’ve seen. The skins are absolutely generic, and the R99 is hardly anything interesting.
The patch notes look nice though.
Me corrí sobre mi prima
Y los 120 fps??????
Keep out of range of murderous simulacra? Sounds like discrimination to me. Let Rev have all the fun
why 99 again?
not exited anymore, can yall just fix the game
Sai que horas essa atualização??
L game
R99 is such an epic skin…….. Literally
Bring back arenas
I don’t get mad at anything apex does. But this reactive r99 skin got me angry. IT ALREADY HAS ONE, WHY ANOTHER!! I have been waiting for my 30 30 for so long and now that they are going to do repeats, I feel like it’s going to take so unnecessarily long for guns without reactives to now get them.
really doesnt look that great
Coloque um modo solo no game
lol no one is using that r99 skin…5 years in an these guys are so out of touch.
j’ai fait la MAJ hier, enfin elle s’est lancée automatiquement sur ma PS5 et bim impossible de jouer hier !! faut que ça m’arrive le jour où j’ai ma nvelle TV j’ai pas pu la tester sur APEX encore pour le coup… bref merci Respawn !!! heureusement que vous fabriquez pas des parachutes ! sinon voilà l’hécatombe !!!!
Guys, you complain so much about default iron sight on reactive r99, but developers already said that now all new skins will have default iron sight
Path grapple is
Why there’s R99 again, my skin storage can’t take this no more
Would be nice if we had more than 2 legendary weapon and legend skins in the bp
After playing for a while I can now finally get the BP for free from the free coins
Song name?
I like these futuristic skins, not the the ancient style ones that don’t match the aesthetics of the game at all. I’ll get the battle pass.
server down
You think they would make some decent designs
Wonder if the little quip at the end is hinting Mirage will be getting his prestige (God please I hope so)
Season trailer so good it makes me want to learn fortnite. I mean that game MUST be doin something right cuz it aint over here.
When will consoles get 120 FPS? Every battle Royale has it, overwatch Warzone etc those games look better if this game gets 120 FPS I’ll come back
The battlepass are getting more and more boring to be honest
I find it hilarious how people complain to Apex devs that they’re raising the prices for skins and pushing out recolors for past skins and trying to sell it all (which they do, because people still buy), yet at the same time half of this comment section talks about skins of this BP, what’s bad on them, what’s missing etc. It literally doesn’t change yours or others game at all if you have a skin or don’t. The gun shoots the same, the character moves the same as default or with a skin. Caring so much about pixels on a screen having a different shape and color is literally why they do this and will keep doing this.
After nerfing the r99 again and again. They give us a r99 reward. Respawn is trolling
R99 again
i waiting for solo mode
That lifeline skin
S7 R99 reactive over this ds one
Why do the R99 skins not have the good iron sight? If you want to please your fan base, you know what to do.
this is the worst battlepass i have every seen that im not going to buy since that season where ash came in
Oh that’s too bad they made the reactive skin of circle site it looks kind of cool too. would’ve been better off redoing the 301 I feel like the 301 battle pass in is one of like the least used where the are 99s reactive skin is like the most common
Remember when Apex actually made good content? Yeah, me neither.
Apex is always looking out for my wallet and time with these trash skins
Cada vez mas perros los trailers
they literally nerf r99 every season and now they making a second reactive r99? this probably thw worst battle pass reward so far not buying it for the first time
Where’s wraith skin?
we need African survers please tired of playing 250 ping abeg
What happened to that blue pathy legendary skin we saw in the picture?
هل لديك اخبار عن Apex Legends mobile
سمعت انها ستعود
You’ve picked up some great music
Where is lifelines prestige skin????
I just want TF3
mirage commentating = mirage prestige skin confirmed
Bring back *”Apex Legends Mobile”*
Music was dope
I’m sorry did it say Lastimosa?!
Are you serious. Most disappointing tier 100 ever
Unban all unfair banned players first.
Should’ve been alternator or 3030
I’m ready to see a trailer where everybody isn’t 1hp
I AREADY PRE ORDER A BATTLE PASS, AND WHAT I GOT IS R99 REACTIVATE SKIN??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? REALLY BRO???????????????? WHY NOT OTHER WEAPON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R99 needs the good iron sights apex if you can fix it will be nice
WHY R99 REACTIVATE SKIN APEX DEV????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? THERE’S A LOT OF WEAPON WITHOUT REACTIVATE SKIN!!! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????
give him a tailor number
So happy Bangalore is getting such a good skin I feel like she hasn’t gotten much these last few battle passes
i wonder how many pointless charms we’ll have taking up space this season
no movement in the video? this season will be quite bad…
Why they hate caustic
Nothing for him ?
It’s been over a year now and broken moon still has no map update and then they give another r-99 reactive skin is crazy
what ive learned from this update is that people love to whine about anything really. bro if you cant aim with the new r99 reactive iron sights maybe its just a skill issue
Can we get the tools to create cinematic shots likethat too please? Would be awesome!
Hola apex deberian hacer un nuevo personaje uno con campo de fuerza en la mano por ejemplo está curando a alguien y se pone el escudo automáticamente que que tire grabadas de electricidad y el que pasa los paralice como la granada electro estrella y un pulso electromagnético que que les electrocute el arma a los enemigos
Bah. Gonna be more movement and visual clutter
Was hoping for a sentinel or 30-30. Or even the bocek. But the r99 again. I prefer if every weapon got one before we do repeats tbh.
r99 must be the favorite child.
By the way the Alternator needs a reactive
I love Mirage, this looks so SWEET!
Hello, Humans
Never look back, never look forward. Look beyond expectations and whatever others do.
So hyped for these reactive skins!!!
kyle crane giving us the battlepass trailer for season 20 is insane
yeah nah the sight ruined it i’ll stick with my S7 reactive
Started playing Fortnite recently and I gotta say… Apex needs to step up their game with the skins. Fortnite skins are next level and the battle pass is way more generous.
Mirage should be the announcer
This would have been a good reactive for the R301 but they chose the r99 again despite having one of the best reactives in the game that was released 12 seasons ago.
well I’m at least stoked for a reactive r9 skin, I started playing a bit after the og one came out, finally getting one after like 3 years of playing the game
Yay. More Holo
Sprays and gun charms.. because that is what people want….
R99 reactive and then it gets nerfed same season lol.
Give Mirage a tailor…..
100 rewards and 90 of them will be stickers and charms lol
I was banned by EA because I make $1200/week and only buy the battle pass every 3 months ($20).
Mirage narration never gets old or boring.
That triple take skin looks like a destiny gun
EA: Pre purchase battle pass?
Me who has the zero point 99: No i dont think i will.
i did infact pre purchase the BP….
Bro r99 again
game in decline
Another R99 T100
Hmm kinda sad
Are they gonna fix old Gen Now? Since szn 16 it’s been at 30-40 fps since they’re fixing current gen please tell me they’re fixing old gen ? Plenty of ppl still on old gen consoles
Yea that r99 skin just ain’t it
diid you guys improves the servers at all
w apex
Path grapple Into knock into grapple mid air
I love you apex

I dont see anyone besides 3 people using the r99 skin especially after its 100th nerf for no reason, just make the gun like the volt and give it good irons so then they wouldnt be p2w
Battlepass skins iron sights make me want to kms but whatever at least its not like an alternator skin or some bs
What a garbage reactive skin. Huge let down.
Mirage Goat
Mirage Funny
Are they serious? Like, really?? i love apex, but come on guys, as other guys here already said, there are like 10 guns without the reactive skin, and we get another one for R-99 (in my opinion even worse than the previous one), and even with the worse iron sight?? Pls, wake up D’:
Finally some titanfall respect
I want a RE 45 reactive
The most trash r99 skin ever
so no new character?
the r99 skin looks so nice, just a shame it has default iron sights so i cant physically use it without being at a disadvantage
Didn’t even complete this months and probably won’t buy this one no point
Buff octane
Crypto no hizo nada en todo el trailer, al menos lo hubiesen dejado disparar con el Triple take XD
La mejor skin de Bangalore!
I didn’t see a single reason to by the battle pass
I love when mirage does commentary it’s the best please do it more
R99 skins yet its the worst gun in the game right now. Even Mozambique shts on it.
Me encanta
My sentinel reactive is never coming is it
To my calculations the triple take does 33.3% additional damage
He’s getting a tailor. I smell a mirage prestige skin!!
Bro the bangalore skin is hard
Same pos game. Nothing new. Try again respawn. You’re hurting at this point, looks like you’re following in bungies footsteps. you’ll be joining them soon enough on being a worthless pos company too.
Ok but that double pathfinder grapple tho
No new character?
nerf the aim asist
Nice. A Purple tier reactive skin with the god awful circle iron sights. Good thing i have Zero Point and it’s recolor, along with the S7 skins.
Trash reactive skin, passes are dead nowadays
hahah, they try to push wall jumping so hard after failing to fix the code it’s almost pathetic
Mirage is the best thing happen in Apex and the server is the worst.
that skin looks so badass but the bad sights!
They finally gave us a lifeline skin with swords on the back
i already love this season
Reactive R99 without the pay to win sight? You know buying this battle pass is optional, right?
Who here cares about the R-99 iron sights more than the actual skin?
Sentinel next hopefully
I’m not going to sleep
Mirage commenting feels right.
R-99 I sleep go do the 301 I’ve been waiting for 10 seasons ,the only beautiful skin is the triple take
Where is the old prestige skins with sky dives trails UPDATE ?????
100+ new rewards (80 of them are holosprays) truly an apex experience
I’m not gonna get it but the season looks fun
Apex owners please don’t let this game die and start listening to the community a lot more
I will stick with the r99 reactive skin they gave us in season 7 it looks so much better than this one
The enemies in these trailers are always 1hp and completely oblivious
I BETTER GET A BANGALORE TRACKER I BEEN 2 years since season 8 Bangalore hasn’t gotten trackers besides the ones that where hidden
Bro I think you’s released the update for console a bit early
Someone know the name of the song of the background? or its just an original song?
Lastimosa reference les goo
What is the secret text that keeps appearing in the trailers?
Anyone else here the announcer say lastimosa like, CPT lastimosa from TF2
Out of all the battle royale games. Apex seems to miss the most with their skins. PS. Nobody cares about Holos or voice lines at this point, stop padding your weak battlepass with them.
Спасибо за русский язык
Кстати, когда скин на Патфайндера в виде Марвина
why is nobody talking about pathfinder at 1:00 as he went from one grapple shoot and then grappled again??
name of song?
Wow cool a reactive r99! Too bad I already have the much sexier reactive r99
Love seeing the Titanfall 2 references being added to the museum. Now if I could hang out in the museum long enough to take a look and not get shot…
Was hoping for a reactive nemesis skin
Y como siempre nada para bloodhound

looks cool yall did good!
what about a new map???
Looks good.
Dear EA this is REao a very weell known content creator in the apex community i just wanted to say that i think it is unfair that octane does not have a item? right its not fair please delay the season
BOOO make reactive for all guns before making ones for guns that have reactives already.
W Trailer!
That pathfinder dev is cracked
bring back tap straffe on controller
I missed the season when the R-99 got the first reactive skin, I’m happy about this I get a second chance
So no new legend just gonna rework one already in the game and then just putting rank back to how it already was and now the only new thing is a legend ability tree the battle pass and armor is no longer in the loot pool amazing update the apex community is hopeless
can’t wait to see what cosmetics they add 
ps I want this game to die already respawn don’t know what they doing
R301 buff or we riot
You are doing your best to troll
I think your game is dying
:23 Its your host with the most whiteboy7thst
i guess ill just wait longer for a p2020 reactive skin
ppl still play this?
Respawn, why do you hate Ash? The 10 other Ash mains like myself are longing for the day her ult gets improved. Make it longer and only teammates can use it.
thats it? only good thing was the r99 skin and not even that good because it has the basic iron sight
The question is where is the new one LEGEND???
Change the sight on the r99 or im not buying
Apex u should’ve did a recoloe of the s7 r9 skin u would get hella money
Nooooo!! Not R99! Not again! I prefer p2020 or moza
Another L
Really r99 as a reactive skin again
Season looks dope
But, personally, this Battle Pass looks… meh
The legend of lastimosa will live on
All the hardstuck gold players complaining system is to hard is about to be Hardstuck bronze Massive W Tired of bot silver teammates in my master lobbies
This season looks amazing!
how about you fix the servers and then ill buy the battle pass
p2020 reactive when?
yo apex i’ve already got the new season but it’s saying no servers found and i was trying to get max level fgs
If the r9 skin had better iron sights it would be one of the best skins in the game.
Another R99 reactive?! Didn’t it get one in s7? Why do y’all hate the Alternator so much? It’s been 20 seasons now and it still hasn’t gotten a reactive yet…
i have glitch to my brain when i see gameplay trailer with controller
Conduit is the reason warzone passed apex again.
Plz nerf that legend and more people will come back.
Nobody likes broken Legends
I get it, they know they can’t do the MozamBEAST any justice. I’d feel pressured too trying to design the perfect reactive skin for the best gun.
So happy to get 120 I’m buying it all ty…now upgrades on the anti cheat
The round r99 iron sights are terrible like change it
Instead of this r99 skin you could’ve brought back S7 skin just like you did with Flatline S4
Anyone else see Pathfinder grapple twice in a row?!?
I really want a sentinel reactive skin
0:56 How did Pathfinder use his grapple twice?
When’s the mozam reactive skin
r 99

No new legend??
Trash, nothing more than skins and ect.
They should rather have given the r301 a new reactive skin instead of the r99 which already has a really nice skin with a GREAT IRONSIGHT
Such a cool trailer, they really upped the things happening in the background. The valkyrie take off at the same time pathy was grappling was
New legend
The second ever reactive r 99 skin
why no skins for rampart ?????
Where my reactive 30-30 skin at?
This is the first season I am hyped for since…2 years?
Another garbage battlepass yay
Dawg where is the new legend
LETS GO LASTIMOSA!!! 7274 all the way baby
Stop supporting this disgusting game
Bring back the ranked arenas
“Goes Brrr” really got me off guard
Trash battlepass
yall had 3 months for a new season and all we got is dogshit skin ggs
Y la Prowler? Se queda otra temporada fuera?
they really gave us the reactive r9 at walmart
I want a reactive skin for the L-Star!!
R99…twice? I’d rather have one on the Mozambique…
naw they should change the iron sights for that r99 thats just robbing us
good music and production on the trailer, pretty bad looking battle pass. I had high hopes for such a big anniversary.
Apex and Respawn are in full milking mode now, bringing back the Flatline reactive again and making the R99 the tier 100/110 reactive again.
I need to play mirage again he’s so funny

Lifeline man let’s mf goo!
another r-99 reactive skin
For a music like that, you should have at least 4 legendary legend skins, 2 ain’t going to cut it for the hype of the music.
R9 should have the low profile sights.
Another reactive R99 skin?! LAME!
When i beard lastimosa i thought of Titanfall2
I don’t think there will ever be a R-99 skin that beats zero point
Great 4 legendaries
you will pay for what you did to titanfall.
Think about the trailers and how advanced they look nowadays, someone should go back and watch the season 1 trailer for this game
Wow another r99 reactive skin not like I have both of the other ones from season 7
Yo big up to the team that done the typography for the trailer love the font looks soo much better its soo much better
pathfinder 2 graples???
A reactive mozambique would be fine really but instead we got another R99.
They really need to make these battle passes better we need more gold rarity character skins because 2 every 12 weeks is simply inexcusably awful and same with the reactive guns, if they don’t wanna make more of those sure understandable but could they at least make it so 95% of the battle pass isn’t worthless ? Let’s be real 8/10 players don’t care about the purple skins, and 1200 scrap every 12 weeks is just AWFUL.
L season
Mirage trying to feel included
la skin de r99 parece de las que salen en los packs de rareza azul jajaja
You know its a good season when Mirage is the commentator
Why would you release season 20 a day before launch on ps5, now I can’t even finish my ranked season and I was diamond 1. You guys owe me heirloom shards for ruining my ranked season.
The battle pass trailer singlehandedly beats the season trailer and gameplay trailer.
10 r99 skins in 1 seaseon again r99 reactive(( all for money 0 for comunity (
Why are apex bp always so bad, even overwatch has a better bp
and they barely started making them like 2 years ago
이번시즌 미쳤다
Bring back bp sky dive emote
First battlepass i guarantee wont sell well at all…
Im sorry, but this battle pass seems like a massive L. The trailer itself is cool tho
These skins look like wrapping paper for Christmas presents.
Why with the bloodhound passive change ? He was already perfectly fine why did you change it
I like free stuff
Where is the battle pass for sentinel
All they have to do, to make the battle pass better is to add a legendary unlock every 10 levels
Which would only be 9 given the 100 is the reactive skin
3 legend skins 3 gun skins
Then 3 emotes/banners/finishers(imagine finishers)
Like ppl would go crazy over it
Love to see more and more movement in these trailers
0:46 did pathfinder just double grapple?
Sigma pathfinder 0:55
I don’t think I’ve ever seen holosprays used in game.
To the gamers without a reactive R-99, you have my condolences. This Battle Pass is for you and I’ll be waiting until they have a reactive I actually care about to start grinding again.
Not that I’m complaining! Thank goodness I can feel fine about skipping this season
The only way to keep Mirage from dying in a trailer. Make him the commentator
You know I love this game, but….. I can never see the enemy unless they are right in my face punching me. It’s like you need to have bionic vision to see anything.
Bro i though flatline
We want vantage heirloom pls
Mirage needs to get himself a Taylor
Lol,r99 skin but nerf r99, respawn your brain still ok?
I’m so freaking excited man!!!
0:42 the name for the lifeline skin is actually accurate because code blue is a metrical term
Sooooo any new gamemodes orrrrrr
1:14 ミサイル視点すき
Bangalore with a way better Mortal Kombat skin than anything else found in MK1
they put more effort into the trailer than the actual game. truly an apex moment
note goes brr
another r99? nty i ll pass
0:04 dibs!
Why not just make all the new skins from here on out ‘P2W’?
¿Path uso el gancho dos veces seguidas?
Mirage on commentary is S tier.
Considering how much the R-301 is used, and how bad it’s reactive skin looks, they could’ve made that instead of the R99
Nothing for revenant not buying ur battlepass
Love how we already have a 99 reactive that has better iron sights. I was hoping to come back to something cool for the 45.
15 servers in usa 7 in europe with double number of civilians in europe thanks EA for your support in europe
Why does the R-99 need another reactive instead of something like the Nemesis or L-Star
Mirage prestige skin next please apex
Me: pre-orders battle pass
Also me: thumbs down battle pass trailer
How many more battle passes are y’all going to make without bloodhound getting ANYTHING?
I can’t buy apex coins but I have 59.99eur in my steam account. Someone can help me pls?
You think they would buff the r9 with the new reactive skin but no there nerfing it.
is it me or do lifelines heirloom look different at 1:25
Arena und Arena rang muß zurück kommen der geilste Modus überhaupt war das
What a surprise another mid battle pass
Meh. This might be my last season.
I’m really hate the r99 color…
Name song?
Find a better way against CHEATS if you want to keep Apex alive!
Legitimately no real reason to use this season’s reactive over the previous R-99 reactive
Stop with pay to loose iron sight
Nobody uses the rare stuff and holosprays. Stop adding them.
Lets go!!!!
This is the most generic, basic looking R-99 skin I’ve ever seen.
The song is “No More – Full” by Stephen Green for those wondering
R99 ._.
After 5 seasons of trash
I’m sure they’re close to their goal of running off the OGs who know they deserve better
Chichiue ni narattaka
okay, waiting for the next one
Why is Rashid from Street Fighter 6 commentating for Apex Legends’ battle pass?
i’m so happy I don’t play this game anymore

but the lifeline skin is clean
Does the two consecutive grapples at 1:01 mean something?
Mobile launch?
r99 battle pass skin again, what a shame apex, player base will drop even more low.
We need Titanfall 3!
-a Titanfall 2 player
Yooooooo the music is perfect for that Mirage voiceover!
R-99 Reactive with the garbage iron sight is crazy. That means the top reward for the battle pass is useless garbage and inferior to a craftable legendary skin
what were they thinking?
Bangalore new skin
It funny how they try and make us believe this is a “trailer” when in all reality it’s an advertisement lol
Give Bangalore A New SkyEmote Already,She hasn’t had one in years
Don’t worry guys, they tried their best to convince people not to buy the Battlepass
Yall have never managed to top the S1 skin lol. This one is especially bad
Bruh just give my older prestige skins their dive trails man
Love apex but they have the worst battle passes ive ever seen in any game
seen better in 8 ball pool fs, got it this season and dont even care about any of the stuff its all garbage, got nothing back on my packs i got with the coins from it too just dont see point putting amymore money into it
This battlepass is worse than the charge rifle one in s16 or something…
No free shard
es ilegal hacerle alguna skin bonita a mirage?
Rip alternater
They really showcase us rare quality skin and thought they did something
Как то не впечатляет . Не одной реликвии с боевого пропуска, удручает
Did pathfinder just double grapple?
U know the items are trash when they can only highlight 5 of them
Otra vez para la R99 XC y luego pinches skins tan más chafas parece que traen uniformes del wallmart, área de frutas, área de juguetes, área de electrodomésticos
sentinel, re45, mozam, alternator reactive when???????
Mah Boi MIRAGE!!
no cool down grapple pathfinder is gonna be a problem for everyone. I love my tin can boy.
Why the r99 again there’s already a bunch of better skins for it… they really couldn’t give us one of the 10 other guns that don’t have one?!
why R-99…..
Wait did the announcer just say Lastimosa armory? As in titanfall? And which has two games? Which means TITANFALL3?
My aim assist doesn’t work. Is this getting addressed in this new season? Oh wait, I remember none of you care about controller people. Carry on.
Chance the view of r99
Pathfinder buff?
Wasn’t there a legendary flatline skin???
Otra actualización

That Pathfinder play though
You know Fortnite might be a pop-culture thing, popular with the kids and always get big-name collabs, but this right here is why Apex will always be the GOAT!
That pathfinder kick ahhh <3
My vote for next reactive skins!
– Alternator
– 3030
– Kraber
– Sentinel
– p2020
Universal heirloom for 110
everybody in these trailers are one shot
So this is definitely the worst season yet… no new characters… no new map… no new weapons… the reactive skin is for a gun that already has a reactive skin… what is happening? I really hope apex isn’t falling off
Y’all should really start adding more then just 2 legendary skins to the battle pass. The pass honestly not worth it unless your getting the reactive gun skin why not add a reactive legend skin as well it would make it actually worth buying.
mid city
why r99 we already have r99 mythic skin
Pathfinder is the new Wraith
They really need to step up on their skins for guns and characters
The battle pass just isn’t worth it in my opinion when it comes to Apex
Like I don’t wanna be that guy but the finals Has really good cosmetics right now even overwatch is stepping up
oh wow another lifeline skin, bangalore skin and 99 skin, unbelievable
My God Apex Developers you guys are freaking AWESOME

Conduit is due for a legendary skin
The song is dope
Mirage is a great Host.
A que hora sale el pase?
Ngl respawn these 100 BP skins have been extremely lackluster for the past 5+ seasons. I miss the days you guys would change the weapons silhouette entirely.
What does lastimosa even have to do with this? Is this just baiting more titanfall 2 stuff? Cause if its just a twisted version of his last words than thats so dumb
I don’t judge books by their covers so you can keep your cosmetic hype train. Let’s goooooo for the new gameplay coming tho
R311 reactive? When?
Lastimosa mentioned. Tf3 suspected
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I like the part where the 90s rap beat drops
“deadlier than the double take 0:48” Where are my schitzo meds
Another pass full of mostly trash, but what else would you expect
Cool, but when are you nerfing aim assist?
Passe de batalha ridículo, a melhor skin do passe é a evolutiva e eles lançam para uma arma repetida, seria melhor se tivessem lançado para a mozambique do que para a R99
Honestly the teir 100 and 110 reactive skins should’ve been for the alternater in my opinion, but why argue over get another reactive for the R-99 and reskin of the flatline reactive when this season is going to be interesting with all the new changes that it brings
There’s plenty of guns that don’t have reactives come on respawn do better
New season looks great and all but it still doesn’t make any sense why the Nine is getting ANOTHER reactive skin when there are other weapons in the game that have yet to receive one!
Looks amazing can’t wait for the new season tomorrow
Another R99 reactive skin? o.O
dont have reactives for the guns missing but yes give us a terrible r99 reactive instead. makes sense.
i mistook that bangalore for a wraith..
I can’t wait to spend upwards of 1.5k on useless cosmetics again
Literally like 1 ONE good skin in the WHOLE battle pass, the bangalore one…
Love this game since 2019!
Wait huh???? Another R99 reactive skin???
I’m literally getting this battle pass just for the apex packs lol
I need to get a tailor
I love how these videos always show enemies going down in 2 shots but I unload 2 full clips into someone in game and they survive
Oh Dayumn!
mid battlepass but ill be an amazing season in my opinion
So many other guns that deserved a reactive skin
plant vs zombie >>>> apex
It’s a solid battle pass.
Just wondering why they picked the R99 again, their reactive time was back in S7, if they did for Havoc I would understand since it’s been a long time they’ve done it, more players joined in later seasons. I know S7 wasn’t yesterday but come on… Havoc was on the first ever battle pass and this season we’re celebrating Apex 5th anniversary. Such a missed opportunity.
im kinda salty cuz of those r99 iron sights
A moment of silence for the Alternator, P2020, RE45 and Mozambique reactive skins
Bad sight for R-99
the twiks in this season are interesting but the bp reactif skin is dogshit tbh i dont know why but saison after saison the bp skins get worst
The game that they keep taking the fun out of of it, has reached 20 boaring seasons
I love how all fps trailer are like “you can one shoot everyone”
no new map, no new legend, no new weapon, but hey, a new battle pass with pay to lose iron sights
I’m already out of creativity, skin r99 again???? … I would put a mozambique, r45 or even p2020, but don’t repeat a weapon that already has a reactive, sad apex just falls into novelty
Who cares about better iron sights when you get to have all these cool colors!
Anyone know the name to this song?
Another R-9 reactive??
There’s other guns that haven’t received one yet
wHEres OlYMpUs
Need back my Charge Rifle!!!!
Where is my Sentinel REACTIVE SKIN ?
That Ash skin looks awesome.
Wasnt expecting a second reactive R-99 skin. Given the fact that we still need the Sentinel, 30-30, P-2020, Mozambique, and the L-Star
That’s probably the 2nd worst reactive skin we’ve had, behind the charge rifle.
Lol they removed movement so now no tapstrafes nor super glides this trailer truly an apex moment
That is one of the most beautiful CAR skin
Don’t understand why they give the r99 a reactive skin and at the same time nerf the r9 again for the 20th time I’m gonna use the r9 regardless of how many times they nerf it
I hope besides the holo spray, gun charms and stickers ( that no one actually wants ) there are some sound fixes ( everyone wants this )… Getting tired to die to a full squad thats pushes and makes no sound
We don’t care about skins what we want is skill
No new Map, legend or gun. Battle pass reskin for flatline and r99, Crypto heirloom recolor this game is dead.
these are all just recolours
when does it release? tomorrow or few hours?
I wonder who really would swap out a legendary skin for a epic battle passes are not good sorry
Wait so, is the R-99 the first gun that gets two different reactive skins? Cuz I already own two reactive skins for R-99. So now there’s two more? First gun to technically have 4 reactive skins while all the others have 2 or none. I find it weird
the wall bounce by lifeline lol
Based on Mirage’s commentary, we should expect a Deadpool skin for him sometime soon, yes??
the wraith skin looked so bad they were scared to show it
As a singaporean, my favorite part of playing apex is landing and instantly dying to a cheater and then repeat the whole thing all over again until i finally get a cheater on my team that can beat other cheaters in the lobby.
I feel like the devs at respawn have no idea what the apex community really want, that reactive skin looks so cheap compared to the s7 one, not to mention it doesn’t have pay to win iron sights. They could’ve just made a recolor of the season seven reactive skin or just give it to guns that don’t have a reactive skin like the alternator or pistol.
Im changing my main to wraith as you dont give any look to mad maggie
can’t wait to give 150 euros to EA for goofy skins LET’S GO! FINATIAL IRRESPONSIBILITY IS THE BEST
When does it come out?
Note:goes burrrr
Mad props to the devs. This season is huge
Is that a recolor lifeline skin? Coz i swear I’ve seen it before
PLEASE give horizon a better perk please.
I thought it was the flatline reactive coming
The R-99 is incredible
Anyone know the name of the song?
Why would I want another r9 skin
The Triple Take skin looks JUST like a Nerf Rival gun
ugliest r9 skin looks like deafault nahh
Pray for Gaza
I was thinking wether or not playing this season. Thanks for confirming I will not play it even just for the BP. Already have the S7 R99 reactive skin. Another one is just unnecessary…
why’s everybody in these trailers got 14 health

Might be the first battlepass where I think there’s actually 0 value for me personally. Usually I’d atleast argue that the 100/110 reward gave some value, but I already have the season 4 99, so this entire battlepass is meaningless.
Song ?
Cool beans.
There is always new ways to scam
What about the sky dive emotes
Why you do a reactive skin to the worst iron sight in the game?
Can’t say I’m a fan of any of the skins coming from this pass
Hope next season, the new legend will ballistics son, Nathaniel
0:55 This is truly a heavy expression of affection because of love.
Terrible BP, Reactive R-99 again but with the HORRIBLE default iron sights? What a nice way to not sell a Battle pass
That sight is
Ok r99 got reactive skin, so don’t give r99 an epic skin in the battle pass give that epic skin to other weapon, and event rewards give us another r99 skin, instead give skins to other weapons
And stop giving us banners and stickers give us skins for legends and weapons or apex packs
There is another r99 epic yellow skin in BP

Bangalores skin looks dope!
Pretty mid skins
reactive r9 skin and they dont even change the irons? and all these skins look like chewed up spit from all seasons combined.
Old WE is what us movement players miss rn
Can’t wait to play with this second pay to lose r99 skin
Can we get a gold R-301 tier 100 please? I wanna have one in my collection
respawn this is a HUGE W
apex finally understanding r99 go brrr and that 30 30 1 taps everyone, we are getting somewhere boys
That was epic I gyaaats to watch that again
A pathfinder with two grapple hook is crazy

From the patch notes *”Players spending too much time outside the Ring will be warned, then eliminated”.* … Well, ring rats you had a good run.

Lets go

Change my mind but noone needs those “rare” skins.. better off putting crafting metals in the game
nice song bad skins
Just bring me back my stuff the worst cross progration ever
Ahhh yes the only thing apex cares about is
We need more legendary rewards, Apex has the least rewarding battle pass of any game I’ve played. Most of it is just common and rare filler garbage
fix the matchmaking.
MORE MIRAGE ON COMMENTARY! He killed it! Also awesome trailer keep it up respawn!
game is so stale now…
worst battlepass r-99 reative skin ever, how do u see this is a good ultimate skin?!
Dont give us reactive skins for guns that already have reactive skins.
Bangalore Skin is
p2020 100 110? why again r99
Another BP buy scam. R99 reactive skin
Yall just don’t try anymore huh
They’re having so much fun, I love it and every skin is fire

That R-99 reactive skin with those iron sights should be considered a crime against humanity
Fine r99 skin but from someone with the s7 reactive, I would’ve preferred a 30-30
Taylor swift coming to apex legends ?????
I can tell there’s definitely gonna be bugs and glitches, but atleast it’s a way to test the new perks out
Chicano Style Video
I like where respawn ignore all the feedback and comments and release 2nd r99 reactive skin truly an??
Apex/Respawn I can clearly see you guys are rocking a new team somewhere, cause sweet lawd, you guys upgraded a lot of things not only in game but this video is COLD.
i thought season 20 was gonna bring a new map
Big W? if not coming some bugs….
No new map, No new legend, No new weapons, No gameplay change besides new perks that was in mobile version first time and 1 year ago.
Respawn never fails to not fix problems that exist for 4 years but spend all their time making recolours
So where is the flatline reactive recolor skin everyone was going crazy about
R99 buff?
R-99: gets 2nd reactive set
Flatline: gets 3rd reactive
Mozambique: cries in the corner
Let a new farming begin.
R-99 skin 2/10
The music is the best
man just give us a sentinel reactive
I ain’t buying it. I can’t afford it
pls add more skydive emotes
где ревенант?
Every Apex trailer actually slaps
Fix the game first
A reactive skin with a bunch of other trash……true apex experience
Best battle pass trailer I’ve seen in a long wile absolute flames
Why give a weapon that already has reactive skins another one??? There’s still 5* legacy weapons that don’t have one yet..
I love Roger Craig Smith so much
Been a while since we had an R-99 reactive skins. At least all weapons are ground loot except bows and Kraber.
R9 season 7 reactive >>>
Please make sure that the servers actually works when the season start every season the same problems happen and it been happening for years now
Another pointless R99 skin as it’s not pay to win.
Next season start with ACT 1 – Season 0, I mean this already feels like an ACT lots of changes!
Ok, static r-99 reactive skin was looking mid BUT DUDE WHAT IS THAT ANIMATION, insane!
Alright, wish me luck guys I’m gonna complete this BP.
pathy grappled twice??
Dogshit battle pass
Here before zylbrad
delete stormpoint
L-Star reactive when?
No 30-30 and L r99
Imo this BP is one of the worst ones they have released.The only decent skin that I like is the reactive R99.
fixe youre servers apex legends so players from north africa can play
There is no reason for mirage to not voiceover the trailer every time
Only a real Pilot know the Lastimosa Armory.
Ngl L decision on another reactive r99. Theres plenty of other options. Even if we exclude the L weapons (p29,mozam/re) the sentinel,3030,alternator are easily top picks
So not a single new thing? These all look like rare skins to me. Come on Respawn what is this
I’m blocking the pad from moving
It’s disgusting that there’s no movement on the trail at all. I don’t know if the operators are silly or silly. OS
That R99 looks like epic quality event skin
Ngl, I think I speak for most when I say this battle pass is NOT it. I like the Bangalore skin and maybe there is a few small extra things to like but as an overall battle pass, it’s
damiiii damiii
I loved the part where the 30-30 Repeater is just dominating. Truly an Apex experience.
bangalore looking gansta af
I’m so excited for the bangalore skin!!! only have 1 that I like and this new one will be much better
First bangalore skin that isn’t bad
Another reactive skin for the R-99? Why it’s like the Devs forgot about the alternator it is the only SMG without a reactive skin I am super disappointed
1:01 ヴァルキリー空中でウルト?!
0:30 Legendary Bangalore skin
Me: Wraith? Again?!
Buffeen todas las armas
Cool to see Lastimosa’s name still doing something in the universe again.
It would be cool if you could customize the announcer like you can in titanfall 2. The strikes and the Halloween events have already proven its possible. Just gotta figure out how to sync the voice lines so they happen at the same time for everyone
That R9 skin is so underwhelming. I’ve completed every battle pass in Apex and have never been this let down by a reactive skin. One day we’ll get a Mozam reactive….
finally, a good bangalore skin
Ila triple skin… Just what I wanted

can we turn all r99s and hemloks and flatlines into a gun with a nice sight… Most players struggle to see with them
There are so many guns to yet have the reactive tier 100 but they decide to give the R99 a 2nd one like what???
There’s 10 guns that don’t have a reactive and we get another R99 skin, they’re doing everything in their power to prevent the alternator from getting anything.
the music selection is always on point
Based from Mirage’s commentaries, it’s probably gonna be the announcer voice lines for the new gamemode? It’s just like the holoday bash but less festive
Why are you guys still playing this game?
As a mirage main, I hope this doesn’t mean he doesn’t have anything in the event I’ll cry.
Nah we got ANOTHER r9 reactive skin before a reactive p2020, re 45, nemesis, kraber, bow, repeater,L STAR, sentinel AND OF COURSE THE MOZAMBIQUE
I would rather have a reactive Mozambique than another R-99 reactive skin any day.
Second reactive r9 instead of anything new???
Finally some Bangalore trackers!
When is a pacific rim collab coming??????
No wall running
. Whats up with jumping off the wall?
We already have a reactive r9… What about the r301? Nemesis?
Why a second R99 reactive skin and with trash iron sights
why do I watch these if i never buy the battlepass
Mid r9 skin over the alternator? Cmon man
If this is what they are giving us for a season that should be huge getting to 20 shows that this game is dying a slow repetitive 0 effort death
another R-99 skin
Not the Lastimosa Armory
One of the worst battle passes
What about the epic R99 skin
This looks better than the one in S7.
lvl 100 r99 trash
My boy fuse almost nothing
why another r9 reactive though
That was Dope respawn. Music selection is key and Mirage talking in the background

I do want to keep,outlands avalanche on my R99 but,this skin looks way cooler,I mean I do like the P2W iron sights but I can just put a 1x on it,because they got rid of digi threat.
They better keep worlds edge in maps rotation…
I lowkey love this trailer it’s so like upbeat and it’s well paced. If only it shows more stuff tho
World’s edge is boring and depressing
Where are the skydive emote? We got one this season it seems just annoying if its true
Sin nueva leyenda ,otro skin de la r99 que ya teníamos 2 de otro pase . Francamente el apex ya esta muriendo vengo del dia uno y se va notando la decadencia
No new map no new legend ?
I like how mirage advertises by saying “it glows” so that we can buy the battle pass.Truly an apex experience
there are a lot of cheats in your game… and you don’t want to do anything about it, while I uninstalled the game, but as soon as there is news about cheat protection, I will install the game again
Was really hoping for reactive sentinel or alternator. I already have the first reactive r9 skins
Another okish at best BP.
Honestly not a fan of the reactive r99, we don’t need pay to win but at least give us something slightly better than default iron sights
Might be the first Battle Pass I don’t buy. Incredibly underwhelming. I want reactive skins on guns that don’t already have them.
Ash main here…. that Ash skin and r99 goes hard af.
Respawn is running legendary R99 skins by putting default R99 Iron sight .
Apex legends mobile coming back please
And that… WAS MID!
Should have given us L-Star or Nemesis reactive, not R99 again. Respawn committing another big fail.

“lastimosa armory”
reject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pillsreject the pills
soo bad
ummm patch notes ?
PSA to the Valk mains: Do NOT visit the “Frontier War” section, lest her PTSD kicks in.
Vem papai
Big fail to leave the bad sight from the blank R-99 on a reactive skin…
Default r99 iron sight L battlepass
Respawn,thanks for this season,but did you have to give us a **** ton of R99 skins
,the rare in the battle pass,the epic in the battle pass,the 2 legendaries in the battle pass,the free event one,the one we got in uprising
A bit underwhelming tbh
return r99 to relevance revert nerfs
Cool trailer but the rap song every trailer did get old…
Haha R-99 goes BRRRRR
Woooow a cool battle pass but nothing about making custom games more than just a tool for YouTubers.
fine i guess ill play apex again sadly
Oh god why is the r-99 getting another reactive skin
Man I was hoping for a reactive sentinel this season
This is the most anticipated season for a long time, with a lot of positive changes. I hope we get the new map, weapon and legend in S21.
I’m pretty disappointed with the reactive skin choice. They should have chosen a new weapon
0:54 bro violent his crush
Love whenever Miraige gets to Narrate an anniversary trailer so much fun
Sick trailer
Did we forget that other weapons need reactive skins?
Why another reactive r-99? Do a gun that doesn’t have one
Why another R99 reactive skin when not all guns have reactive skins? Big L
i’m still gonna use my season 7 r99 skin lol
The R99 iron sight…
Nah no way I’m gonna miss another reactive r-99 skin
can the devs give me a PC to run Apex And r6
if u see this comment like it
At least I’ll get my first reactive R99 skin lol
I’m a Bangalore main. I’m so hype for her scanning ability!
Sooo when yall gonna actually start banning the real hackers of the apex games?
Mirage skydive emote has GOT to be this season. Marks 15 whole seasons since his last one.
The music to this trailer goes HARD
Honestly,I think that 100 is actually,finally better than 110,I am gonna try to learn how to use the defaults so that I can always use the lv 100 skin,and keep it on my gun.
imo s7 skin looks better
this skins are pathetic bland wow
“human supervision” lol
Are the legends, human? What’s the lore behind the deathboxes and teams having the same characters???
R99 scope are trash in dumpster
dogwater reactive skins
The double grapple from Pathfinder!! That’s going to be a huge change
The r99 reactive has the same iron sight as one of the crafted for 1200 crafting materials. Should have gotten the p2020 and mozan over with already could have been a cool mozan skin with this reactive skin
20 seasons and you still get only 3 legends cosmetics?
quem ta deixando meu mano mirage fora dos jogos pagará por isso
wow nothing will change this game to be better if aimassist keeps being so strong, no amounts of skins nor perks will help
Terrible R99 Skin.
All we wanted was a new map..
re-do past weapons instead of making new reactives…. shoulda expected it from this washed studio tbh.
Such a trash r9 skin
They gave us a nerf gun as the reactive r99 skin
باتل باس باختصار خياس وبالاخص الr99
nice W
Better be good apex. Youve been on thin ice for a while now
Is it me or does mirage sound different
The notes Xd
Respawn it’s been 5yrs, we don’t want the formula changed. A NEW gun gets a reactive each season! No one wanted this
Octane trailer death count – 179390174828393
Next season gonna be crazygood..
banglore skin 25 lvl is dope
No pase, yes Titanfall 3
They hurt my feelings with that r90 skin iron sight
00:36 “note: goes brrrr”
If your not gonna use the garbage iron sights
I didn’t even recoginize bangalore in that skin
Why the R-99 again?

The r99 skin isn’t half bad which is good
They forgot “Alternator” Reactive skin, just like they’re forgetting New Castle “Tracker” Truly an Apex Legends Experience
meh to mid
Apex sigmas
Should’ve been a reactive that hasn’t been done before over the R9 getting the second one
Another R99 reactive…? That’s an odd choice for sure.
It’s a cool skin but those colors are not it!
*Lastimosa* Armory?
I need my pills
Trailer music is actually pretty dope
Walter Fuze fizroy at your blood service
why does the guy giving the voice over sound like Roger Craig Smith in sonic frontiers
New sure hope it not bad
Please guys, give us more skydive emotes!! Especially for Mirage!! He hasnt got one since season freaking 5!!! While other Legends have 5 or more, he has only 3, or less if you missed season 5 for example. Please!!
Mirage best character prove me wrong people
حمید کون دول آبی ریدی به کل لابی
Yeooooo who else ready for this new season
TITANFALL 3 PLEASE or something . what not use the sim pods from tf2 to play tf in apex as a side mode pleeeease
Why do the R99 skins not have the good iron sight? If you want to please your fan base, you know what to do.
Dumb another r99 reactive skin when there is other guns that still don’t have one!
imagine making a cool new r99 skin and putting the bad ironsight on it, yikes
nice one EA, but can you at least provide a better server to play with?
I liked the trailer but I still left a dislike on the video. Truly an Apex experience.
The R-99 skins are cool but I don’t see why anyone would use them over the S7 ones
No thanks for the worst Battlepass reactive skin. R99 was totally unneccessary.
they should let mirage do the commentary to the trailers everytime, it’s just so dope
Where is our p2020 or Mozambique at level 100 and 110?
Rad music Apex Legends
When mirage said ” ” that was a real apex moment
Why a r99 reactive ?
How are you guys commenting so fast?
if u are excited for the new season