Apex Legends: Breakout Gameplay Trailer
Welcome to the biggest Anniversary Season yet! The Legends are upgraded, Ranked gets reloaded, Breakout Rewards roll out all season, and that’s only the beginning. The Games are going into overdrive, Champion–it’s time to Drop Hotter.
Want to learn more?: [http://x.ea.com/apxl/breakout
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 20,apex legends trailer,apex legends gameplay trailer,apex breakout,apex legends breakout,apex legends anniversary collection event,apex legends breakout rewards,apex legends ranked updates,apex legends legend upgrades,breakout battle pass apex,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (1454)
Self res lifeline 🙄🙄 oh brother
I wish my lobbies were this easy lol, hope this season as good as the quality of this video🫡
Pretty cool
What happened to the wraith voice actor? Shantel’s voice is no longer heard in any of the trailers Did you notice this too?
120hz is all I’ve been asking for for years, thank you finally!
just give us titanfall 3 enough with this.
“WOOOOOOOOO! Yea baby! That’s what I’m talking about!”
Fell off
Why did they change the core gameplay it was fine with shield swapping
Respawn Dev: Hey we kinda went hard for this season update I think it’s fair that we introduced another Heirloom scam
Other devs: oh 100%, put it in fine print though
nerf aim assist
1st season without a new legend
If perks pop up in every fight that’s gone be distracting and imma lose. That’s not really necessary tbh
2:27 what is crypto doing lol. He got some RIZZZZZ…
There they go trying to be other games be yourself apex don’t like the perk changes personally it makes it more unpredictable which is good but in my eyes it is ridiculous
a free p2w flatline is amazing for a reward
Hot garbage!
They sure love money and we sure like giving it to them
the fine print hidden in the frame if you pause and zoom lol🤣like dam….
wingman is back?
Bro this trailer goes hard af
So they just gonna discard the whole revenant thing or did i miss something
Get 150 heirloom shards?? Thank you Respawn, thank you EA! I’m an OG player, I’ve stuck with this game for half a decade. This feels like a real celebration – the five year anniversary! Honestly, what incredible developers.
Not bad
Can we just bring back Ranked Arenas that was way more fun and competitive then control and the other lame game modes
I’m too broke for heirloom shards : (
Whoever edited this deserves a raise
This game is actually dead on console i wouldn’t bother.
I like the part where they ignore my demands to fix wattson for over 3 years they showed that very well in this video
This is your reminder that Jesus took the punishment that we all deserve so that we could be forgiven and he loves you so much that no matter how far you are away from God he will welcome you with love and open arms if you just believe,trust, repent and love Jesus and remember what he did for us
Reactive flatline It’s not free, you have to buy the battle pass at level 60 and make six unique gifts, ty SCAMMERS EA and Respawn
Well respawn, let’s see if you guys have revived this game.
Pretty sick editing, NGL
I loved the part where respawn suggested we would get free heirloom shards only to put in tiny writing we had to pay. Truly an apex experience.
All this work and still won’t upgrade server tics
Really trying to make titanfall without the cool movement
Ah yes I love when the game starts to look fun again, I quit the season before and if I come back I’ll be terrible ☠️
I wanna see a Pathfinder prestige skin so badly 🗿
SONG: Us vs Everything, by Ohana Bam
I’d rather a new legend or Titanfall 3
Anyone know the song???
I’m confused is there gonna be another character or no?
but will i be able to play on my sony account from my pc? NO? guess i wont play this update either.
Wall jump at the End was horrible lol 😂
Even though they bring cosmetics these are the hardest working studios considering its a free to play game so these in game events are their way to make money off of a “free” game. I respect what they are doing you have to give them their flowers. Collaborations, in game events, doesn’t matter they deserve respect for their 5 year and continuing game.
Nah, i’d win
Being life line revive shield 🛡 back
What song is this
How about fixing your servers and bugs before all this eh?
Is it true that theres no more tap strafing BS?
Glad they making changes cause the game was getting stale
That’s what’s up respawn
Ngl whoever made this trailer killed it
😢miss playing this game
Yea I’m gonna be cooking with the 120 hz finally coming to this game thanks apex I can finally play this game to its full potential
120 fps Mode?? They are only gonna play test a 120 fps mode or are we finally getting good frames on console?
This in fortnite y tf respawn
Add 3v3 back
can you fix casual matchmaking or are we still pampering and pandering to inflamed lymphnode troglodytes that never hop off ranked
When keyboard and mouse support on consoles ?
Finally you guys add 120 hz haven’t played this game in almost 2 years
Anyone spot a reactive skin Besides the flatline?
Are the Breakout Challenges for the reactive Flatline skin all season, or only during this Anniversary event?
Yesss!! Again, something big is happening within Apex!!! Three straikes, crossover event and now perks and a smaller gamemode!!!
Money hungry game😂 ain’t nobody buying that.
I love how every apex trailer is the same exact thing
respawn has been cooking
This is going to be huge!!! I hope the servers are ready. I can’t wait
2:24 that wall jump transition was insane
Прошло 5 лет а Respawn так и не научились делать скины, эта текстура бабушкиного ковра так приелась к ним…
Ok this has to be the best things respawn has cooked up
An update that’ll be bringing me back, excited for the ranked mode that’s been fixed.
Love for Ranpart rekindled
I feel like this trailer told me nothing. It was just a bunch of graphics and edits
Audio finally fixed?
5 more years
this season is cracked ❤
Its like every new season they keep making the game worst. Game took skill to play now its like Fortnite , wow? if we wanted to play Fortnite we will play it. smh waste of potential
Apex done revived itself 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥it’s lit
The transitions at the end were almost as good as Mokey’s are. 🙂
They should just give everyone 150 heirloom shards so they can at least have one
Please fix your broken servers, balance your game properly, and set up a better ssbm.
Apex has the most hype trailers. Good lord this was epic
Ash got a skin with feet! 😭😭💕
RESPAWN Can you guys please make that we can save more Random Favorite skin because I have some Favorite skin on my mainLegends I don’t want to unequip them off please
Do you have any idea how long us PS5ers have been waiting for 120hz? Thank you!!!
120hz graphic mode means?
I noticed the current store prices are already higher than normal so I can only imagine how much the new season store prices will be. Heirloom shards going to cost twice as much to get during events.
FINALLY 120 hz Ive waited years for this
They should have some kind of orb that the jump master gets that magnetically pulls the teammates in a certain proximity, if you give up jumpM you pass the orb in the air. Would look cool as well.
I like the part where Mirage says “Ok guys let Breakout” and then continues two shot by a wingman, trully an Apex experience.
some stuff for caustic would be nice ngl
The FACT that Rampart is doing the intro. Means this is finna be one RAMPART-ED!!! Season!
Let’s gooooo
Please tune down the map rotation tines. 90min is way too long.
The mid game skill level up system is NOT it 😭
Do Devs even play the game? It’s rare to get a clean fight, most fights are 3rd, fourth, and fifth partied.
you won’t have time to pick a skill MID FIGHT.
Just make these skills LOADOUTS BEFORE THE MATCH!
Let people have them on cooldown off drop, why not.
1:23 so does that mean 120fps coming to ps5 n xbox s/x?
So. What does rampart get y’all? She’s in the spot light with crypto and mirage. Crypto gets a skin and tricolor. Mirage gets a skin. But rampart gets?
I can’t wait!! 1:18 ❤
Not fair!!! Why I bought all characters, and now you can unlock them for free?! Give some rewards then who already have them!!!
aint no way 90% of the trailer for a new season is cosmetics, is that all apex has to offer now…
So where’s the new map that’s like angel city
Meanwhile the servers are exploding in real-time.
Give us titanfall 3🥺
pls roller tap strafe back pls pls
Apex needs new finishers
Gonna show crypto yet secretly dropped his recolor heirloom without any event
Looks like fun stuff. Instead of those knockdown choices, hp/shield recover would’ve been better.
I bet the update size for consoles (especially Xbox) will be huge but for 120hz I guess it’s worth it? Excited for this season regardless
People asking for Titanfall 3, well we got Apex Legends 2 in season 20
extremely scarce, uncommon, ultra rare mythical respawn W
Stop milking Respawn. Gimme Titanfall 3!
This new map is like a combination of all the maps
Rampart is getting alot of love lately !!!!
When arenas came out I predicted it will hurt apex, I was right, now I predict this update will bury apex. this is why : arenas made ppl dislike BR, instead of the longer tactical game, they got used to shorter matches, so they landed hotter, games got shorter, people started losing interest in BR and just wanted hot drop, push, die, requeue. why they bash apex the past year? cuz it’s not exciting anymore. it’s just feels like longer TDM. the thrill of BR was lost.
now this update will get things much worse. it will take longer to evo, everyone will have only white armor at hot drops, meaning even shorter games. faster deaths. who will have time and energy to this long evo times. the people that take wraith, hot drop then leave after getting knocked? the people who hot landing 8 teams in one area will take the time to use ring console to evo their armor?
Every change past year was bad for apex BR, shorter ring time? now before 1st ring closes there are 5 teams left, games end before ring 2. instead of dividing mixtape and BR styles, devs make them the same game, so people play BR as they play mixtape. fast, death, re. rush, die. re. the BR aspect isn’t exciting, winning after 8 minutes cuz last 2 teams had 1 person each, give no sense of accomplishment.
What’s the solution? it’s probably too late. surely when devs trying to make this game more like COD, which fail for the same reason. maybe adding more squads is the solution. if people want 30 teams and shorter games, let them play it, if they want mixtape, they have the option. but what about the classic BR experience? apex doesn’t have it anymore.
*_Don’t forget that the Flatline Heat sink is getting a recolor and it free to get but you have to complete challenges to get the reactive flatline skin and you get a wraith skin with the reactive flatline as well_*
The reactive Flatline Reskin looks so good😮💨🤌🏽
People missing the point completely. The dev video said they were giving shards. This trailer adds that its only possible IF you complete the collection event. Doesn’t matter what was done in the past.
Probably the best gameplay trailer yet!
No character or gun….
still better than overwatch 2.
catalyst heirloom when
catalyst tracker when
Ladies and gentlemen, a little rip gold armour for this season
“Gameplay” trailer
1:10 I love seeing how Respawn removes the tap strafe controller but puts it in its trailer, that’s not crazy
O wow this looks sick
Let’s gooooo apex mobile ability are coming to apex legends BOYSSSSSSS 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤
still no tick increase?
Game needs new weapon sites. We’ve had the same ones since the game launched.
What is with the Ping and packetlost?
Lifelines voicelines were foreshadowing self-revives from day 1
S20 and still waiting on the older prestige’s to get dive trails :’)
Honestly really looking forward to this season, let’s hope these changes move the game in a positive direction. Can’t wait
One of the seasons ever
как всегда мотивирует играть! супер!
Look forward to it, it feels like they remade the game, but did they change the Engine as they said like 3 seasons ago?
did wraith just TAP STRAFE that’s cheating we’re banning u
Everyone is talking about the wall jump transition but Rampart saying “Games Changing Mate” it soo good
New hero or not?
Long time no play, this game has a LEGIT aimbot, they call it aimassist. I thought that the whole point about FPSooters is the ability of the person who plays to AIM. Naaa this is no FPS, this is AI – assisted shooter game. I can’t see the point of this kind of games anymore. As an ex-pro FPS player I say even Palworld is a better choice for having fun.
Sick trailer! Credit to the guy who worked on it.
I like the part when everyone has 1 hp in the trailer.
Bro thst wraith skin cooked
The way people keep using the same old and unfunny joke every season is truly an…apex experience. (sorry i almost threw up in my mouth saying that.)
I’m so excited 😀
please return the apex mobile
Okay but Solo BR when??
I don’t see how they do barely anything every season without fail and get this much praise. How is this game still alive?
Lol arena intro like the finals 😅
bro just make titanfall 3
Lifelines bout to be a problem 🔥
Respawn cooked
Very good show
i like the flatline part and i cant tell if its going to be like a free unlockable thing with challenges or its behind a paywall and then challenges they didnt really explain how you were going to get it but this is the best season of apex 10/10
It’s crazy they put in more effort into the trailers than the actual game
En efecto es cine 🚬
Still wanting FADE to come to the game
If they actually offered free 150 heirloom shards, id actually come back to complete the challenges associated with them and so would other players too
No way the perks choosing takes up the whole screen the moment you upgrade, right?😂
I’m really curious if the screen overlay of selecting your new perk/shield upgrade is going to get players killed from lack of being able to see anything.
Can’t wait for the servers to crash day 1 and play all Pred’s in ranked !!!
The transitions at the end were nice and so was the whole trailer. Excited for the new season
Love the gam. But can yall please stop making 400$ weapons. And can the mindless shills stop buying em.
they spend more effort on the this trailer than on the game in the last year
this is going to be so awesome
Походу мне одному не всëравно на бесплатный реактивный флет
1st year Anniversary
+ Season 4 – World’s Edge got 3 POI changes, Fragment, Harvester & Survey camp.
+ Revenant added
+ Sentinel added
+ Badge and weapon charm login reward.
– No events
– No new modes
2nd Year Anniversary
+Season 8 – Kings Canyon got a HUGE overhaul, biggest of any map update yet.
+Fuse added
+30-30 added
+Locked and Loaded game mode
+22 free rewards including 10x Apex packs and 2x Event packs.
=Heirloom shard collection event. Cost 22,00 AC (£176 with 500 AC spare) using bundles and free.
3rd Year Anniversary
+ Season 12 – Olympus got 2 POI, Terminal, and Phase Driver
+ Maggie added
+ Control Mode added
+ 3 weeks of login rewards with 9x Thematic packs & 1x Legendary pack. Also 3x earnable Legends
+ 22 free rewards including 5x Apex packs, 2x Event packs & 100 crafting metal.
= Bloodhound Prestige collection event. 24 items. Cost 24,700 AC (£194 with 450 AC spare) using bundles and free.
– No new weapon
4th Year Anniversary
+ Season 16 – Nothing for BR maps
+ Nemesis added
+ Mixtape “game mode”
+ Classes feature added
+ 2 weeks of login rewards including 2x Thematic packs & 2 Legend unlocks.
+ 22 item free reward track with 5x Apex pack, 2x Event Packs & 100 Crafting metal
= Heirloom shard collection event. 24 items. Cost 24,700 AC (£194 with 450 AC spare) using bundles and free.
– Arenas removed
– No new Legend
5th Year Anniversary
+ Season 20 – Nothing advertised for BR maps.
+ Armor Perk Overhaul
+ Straight Shot game mode
+ 23 free rewards including BP Flatline recolour for full completion. Also 6x earnable Legends.
= 1 New Mixtape only map (assets not shared with BR)
= Heirloom shard collection event. 24 items. ESTIMATED Cost 27,500 AC (£217 with 350 AC spare) using expected bundles. No free event packs advertised.
– No new weapon
– No new legend
– No new BR POI advertised
2nd Anniversary wins IMO
That fuse skin looks absolutely awesome
Is it just me, or did this feel like it preswnted a whole lot of nothing as though they cooked…?
I dont like the shield changes
Id go back in if there was an option to reset all game progress.
Metan las arenas denuevo
They thought they ate
They should let her get her healing drone with shield for on e of the final level ups
no heirloom for newcastle on black history month is wild…
As, long as they keep nerfing free players and keep boosting influencers and spenders, this game is no fun
Naw this was tough. Can’t wait to play
what was the reactive camo?
Ya pero para cuando arreglan su ranked todo mal hecho?
Imagine thinking we would get a mythic without spending hundreds of dollars 😂
Still no arenas is crazy
Until you fix the matchmaking and I(silver) arent with no preds and masters anymore. I dont even care bout the rest of it lol
Can this season be only 10 days long…. None of this is new… put the new map out & all that “new” stuff you got for it. Apex just turned into a money grabber than before.
120Hz Gameplay, finally. Respawn has made the community happy, for once.
They foul asf 😂
I can’t wait to just pick up a wingman off the ground again. I wouldn’t LOVED to have the Bocek on the ground too
Ok now fix the crash issues pls 😢
Wow that was awesome
Buff Seer bro
Normally I only expect to find out what the new skin looks like or new legends’ abilities in these gameplay trailers. But this one is kinda cool. Almost as cool as a cinematic launch trailer
Hyped ! Finally
W update
sooo no new legend or??
Apex has the most hype trailers. Good lord this was epic
Why Wraith again ?? Respawn WHY? Why not Rampart? Why not bloodhound? Why not Conduit? I’m tired of skins for Wraith, Octane, Pathfinder, etc. STOPED!!!
why does this new season actually look good
Still a trash game
Lifeline self revive ???
The motion graphics animations are so cleeeeeeeeean 🔥🔥
So glad that after playing for 5 years I can get my first heirloom shards.. oh wait, what’s that? Small words at the bottom of the screen telling me I can spend money to buy them, wow lovely. Didn’t want an heirloom anyway..
Okay, respawn glowing up, cinematic trailers have been pretty fire 🔥
I’ll give it a 2 week trial I love Apex Legends, but it’s losing its replay ability.
was thinking of stop playing on season 20.. guess i wont stop after all.. heeeey!
😁Gameplay Trailer: Not all images appear in game. 😁
How much time did we have without a great trailer like this one? geez.
Name of the song used please ?
Nice to see Rampart get some limelight
Hey Respawn, buying the whole shop for heirloom shards IS NOT CONTENT.
That legendary skin for lifeline and fuse is mid as heck smh
yeah well i play mnk so
This trailer was really good. Excited for the changes!
Bring arenas back and I’ll play again
Will there be heirloom shards?
Trailer was kinda bad. Didnt really show much
Wattson with da Beanie
Apparently they are making the Aim Assist like the PC one cuz of the 120hz. I’m wondering about the reactions…
is anyone else hyped by the music timing at 1:52
Yo whoever is cooking at Respawn KEEP IT UP!!
Heat sink recolor???!!!!
S20 and still no free heirloom smh
Will flux capacity be resold?
back to home baby back to HOME!!! 😘😘
Get 150 Heirloom Shards IF you pay more than 200$ US. Truly an Apex Experience.
Looks like an excellent refresh, I just couldn’t hear the video because of the games terrible audio
Can’t wait for the $300 cosmetic. The heirloom shards is a pathetic attempt to bring people back.
Life line hmmmmmmm
so you get a random pop up on your screen when you level up? what if your in the middle of a team fight?
Mad Maggie needs new emotes you eggs 😎
Finally a “lifeline buff”
Chega de lendas tragam novos conteúdos
No new legend no new gun and no new map what a terrible season this will be glad i quit
I remember when this game was fun
Anyone wanna be partners to exchange gifts with?
Fuse skin looking good
Power on power , on skills on power , leveled up evo… more powers
( uninstall what this 2023 Fortnite )
Wingman is back!!?!
Respawn cooked
Corny aah
I thought they were giving away heirloom shards in yhr battle pass this time i got excited but i guess not. 😢
Worst servers in the business! No sound. Fix ur game
FEB 13TH NEED TO HURRY UP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That flatline skin is literally the heatwave skin from season 1 just recolored. Pathetic.
I loved the part where respawn suggested we would get free heirloom shards only to put in tiny writing we had to pay. Truly an apex experience.
Thank you guys for giving us all this content! I’m excited for 120fps
Don’t give Catalyst the boot 🥾 didn’t really see her once in this trailer 😫
Can we play Arenas on that new map or any of the other maps ?? When they bring back Arenas?
Dont stap mi nałt ❤
It’s crazy how controller players used to have tap strafe but y’all took that away from us but let m&k still have scripts, & game breaking movement.
Love how rampart introduced the new season but didn’t get a legendary skin haha
Honestly do big game companies even read the criticism in these comments?
Yaw apex we want VANTAGE heirlooom.
Nothing special unfortunately.
I play this game every other season. So after watching the dev dairy i was really interested in this upcoming season and excited for heirloom shards because they made it seem like you could some with spending a bunch of money lol. Apex still being apex i guess.
Hopefully this will be somewhat of a fun season, having no new legend or map at all except for the new dome map for mixtape and new LTM. I’m definitely gonna have to get use to the changes.
Is it really going to pop up on the screen like that
The level up ui is gonna get in the way of gameplay
so no new gun, no new br map, and no new character, yup expected from Respawn
remember when full games used to be 50$? – now you pay triple the price for heirloom shards – congrats EA, milking the cash cow has never been that easy!
please just give us titanfall 3…
Wait so what’s different this season?
It would be cool to see legends with original designs for skins, not just recolors. Wraith & Pathfinder have skins that change their body shape, & hair, & style of skin, but legends like Mad Maggie & Seer only get the famous AI generated recolors.
Apex is so back baby
Where’s jack cooper
Ради этого умер titanfall
Ps if you’re on console and you switch to 120fps
Your aim assist is getting nerfed.
And the refresh tick rate is still the same, you happy you waited 2+ years for this? Lol
I like that effort is being put back into this game, but this is bare minimum dawg
Welcome to 2022 apex
No new br map????
This actually makes me want to play the game again, I hope you guys keep it up
120hz nice 🎉🎉
nobody talking about the heat sink recolor???
actually exited to play season 20 if the servers doesn’t die obviously.
I thought this game was dead… and I was right hahaha
I’ll be watching from the stands y’all 😂lemme know how it goes
good stuff finally im proud of you respawn now i will finally put money back into the game cant wait to play when it comes out
Crypto is him
Like if this season is Good 👇
Okay respawn, I see uuuu!!! Bringing it back!!! Been a player since season 0 and I lost the love for awhile but I’m excited!!!
@ Respawn please give Sheila matching skins to RAMPART!!! We’re way over due for this small implement!!!
New season of Gambling Legends is here!
“Ranked Reloaded” yay im ready to get dissapointed again with a new ranked mode rework.
Just give us Titanfall 3
No new ledend
And no free ledinds
No free to play buffs or rewards
A truly apex moment
sooooo when are we gonna see duo’s ranked or even solo game type the game been out what 4-5 years and still nothing
yay another filler season
devs play the game better than make it
the new call of duty of ea and respawn 🔥🔥
We want titanfall 3
I just hope they don’t disappoint, but knowing their past and their employer…
Can’t wait to see all the new bugs that come along with this huge update.
well, sadly there is no new more money perk on our wallets😔
That was an absolutely sick trailer!
my ranked team master season 17 Valrkye 1:09
Man I still miss legendary season trailers like season 3 and 4
They really need to get a handle on the team making the launch trailers because this made me more hype than the launch trailer
This definitely is one of the trailers
W on respawn giving us free heirloom shards….
(Only if we got all 24 cosmetics)
so many paid comments
Lifeline’s self-revive is long overdue, glad to see she’s moving back to S tier
After months of silence and decline I would like to say thank you. Theatre mode?
Now say thank you to THE FINALS
Still waiting for cross progression…
Flatline reactive skin we are sooo back
Transition are even smoother💥💥
Finally 120 fps it’s been way too long
02:20 nice transitions
I wish they’d hv invested in a better ani cheat system then on a useless trailer :/
Dang, when I said i wanted a shake-up, I meant put the r301 in the care package. Not change the entire game!
Bring back apex legends mobile.
really somehow this time hope to see apex can reach 10 years
Respawn kinda cooked here
Yes thats kind of a given at this point ao i didnt say it 🫠
Only good thing is ranked should be fixed they didnt say splits will be back cant wait to see that master percentage go back to under 2% no more fake master
The hype on this is real; game looks better than ever and the devs really have outdone themselves this time. I’ve not really played for 3 – 4 seasons but this season I’m full send back
Regalen una reliquia maldita sea
Bring arenas back
Wait they are giving 150 heirloom shards ?!!!!!!😮
FINALLY 120FPS support for Xbox and PlayStation I’ve had to play 60 fps on ps5 version for so long I’m so happy they are finally adding that
Is it me or does it look like the flatline has an increased fire rate? If so that gun is gonna be insane
I’ll get my 3rd heirloom next year
Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉
What legend is this? 1:14
Orange color
Im so glad i quit playing apex a year ago… They doing the same thing over and over again.
So, what are you going to do about the cronus problem in the game
i am not returning. i want old apex back.
I’m a day one player with no heirloom yet. Definitely not going to pay hella money for it though
great <3
Still banned after 4 years for writing one time ret4rd nice.
Pretty good trailer now if they would be less stingy with money id be happy
No audio
I like the part where the game just became Fortnite
kickass editing! I’m so excited. 🥹
I never quit -Lifeline ❤
We just gonna ignore Lifeline reviving herself
i like the part where they walljumped so hard the map changed. truly an apex exlerience
120?!!!! CAN IT BE?!
I like how it takes The Finals for EA to sit upright.
apex always has the sickest songs for their trailers ngl
free heirloom shards if you use your child’s college funds to buy everything I’m the event!
I assume the 150 shards will be like last time, not free. You have to collect all 24 items in whatever event that’s about to take place
No new legend?
Sorry apec y’all losing me I ain’t got an heirloom yet an I been playing since launch need to give every player least 250 shards free
They forgot where you can choose between to add your credit card or your debit card.
Truly a Apex experience
Ailright who Hurt Apex? This Trailer is like a Overall Refresh for Apex
The devs are lazy😂
People gonna play then it will be trash…. can’t wait to be disappointed
Haven’t played in a minute but might have to try again
Очередной парад кринжа из убогих режимов. EA: Соломод? Не, не слышали
Revenant always getting clapped by someone 😭
Only thing we need are new servers and tickrate !!!!!
You could put PT-BR dubbing, huh!?
Ok this has to be the best things respawn has cooked up😮😮😮😮
Did respawn fix the audio yet or going to fix on season 20 audio still terrible on this game guess what its gonna be server crash or lag on this day when season 20 out.
felt like a movie trailer……………..
Out of everything to be excited for im most excited about the 120 hz mode. Im coming back just for that
I’m glad more games are implementing Fortnite’s Augment System
Put Amos back what it was stop trying to uphold some weird solidarity with PC players make the game good again there’s nothing like talking about unfair they get to use their whole arm and for us to have good graphics we have to give up what makes the game playable
Chale, no van a resucitar a Rhapsody ni a Fade 😢
bring arenas back please
Cambios frescos eh, por cierto, buen trailer ijosdeprra 🥵😈
Ok! Me agradas! 120 FPS en consola 🤘 bien
Isn’t there a new legend?
Season 20 might make Apex great again.
Anyone catch what the evolving weapons gonna be?
When it talks about the rewards for the event it looks like they are using a heatsink re-color
Free 150 shards??
Will skins be available for 50% of the standard price.
1200 crystals??
Imagine if youd offer free shards instead.
This is Apex Legends, not The Finals
what a colors 😍ahh …
Si, y el Doblaje al español latino?
Most exciting part is the wingman coming back to ground
What does “Rewards: 6 Unlockable Legends” mean? Cause it definitely sounds misleading to me.
“It ain’t just about winning” is such a weak mindset
¿por qué será que Apex lo hizo tan bien al provocar que cada jugador frecuente de Apex se sienta familiarizado y hasta quiere a su personaje? En mi caso Octane es la diversión pura del juego, si fueran todos Octane sería caótico ❤😂
apex legends devs challenge: try to do an event without recolors
putting an asterisk on a reward in the trailer. truly an apex experience
No new legend ?
GET HEIRLOOM SHARDS ! *but pay 300€ for it !*
5 Seasons and still not a new proper map 🤣
I’m really hoping the choosing of perks after leveling up doesn’t block the whole like that in gameplay
so no new legend? Wack
the finals map stlye in apex i dig it
So no new content (map changes or a weapon) just a few reworks? 📉
I have nearly 1.5k hours on this game spent 80 dollars unlocked hella apex packs and not a single heirloom shard
I rage quit this game about nine months after launch because I found it too luck based (hide until the end circle). Is it worth giving it another go now? It looks completely different in lots of ways.
Will the perks be in rank too?
All they care about money
this was truly a beauty, well done respawn.
noway they finally add the reactive flatline again
Enquanto a EA existir eu n serei feliz
aie aie aie 👌
Actually surprised to say, this season is looking good
Well if I’ll be honest, self revive only for Lifeline, at least it’s in the game.
That was fire
Where is the new legend ??? Ahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahhah😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 i think apex delvepors cant handle this game becuse they are not giving us new legends bcuses of old chutiypassss
fortnite wannabe
Nice another money grab 😁
Why tf did they do nothing for Newcastle? I feel sick. Where my Newcastle mains at? We needed more mobile shield hp seasons ago. Something like Killer Handling would have made him fun. Now he’s the new Crypto.
Whoever edited this deserves a raise 👏🏽
Hello fellow hotdawgers 🎉 idk if anyone will actually see this but I LOVE APEX LEGENDS. I SLEEP I THINK OF APEX I SHOWER AND I THINK OF APEX. So I’m starting a YouTube career it’s just I’m new to EVERYTHING the post the thumbnails u name it I’m new to it . But I want to take this chance and maybe reach 15 subs by the end of the day ❤
Bring back arenas please
Don’t show tap strafing in a trailer if you took it from controller players
Will the reactive flatline be limited time to earn?or do we have the entire season?I can’t believe when I’m on vacation this game comes out with the best improvements made so far
I got Goosebumps! It’s on guys, see you on the ground!
Cool trailer but please fix the ping problem pls and the service
Cant wait for this update its what we all have been waiting for this is fire 🔥 cant wait any longer
uff despues de años que veo un trailer de esa calidad !! buenazo !!!
What would be cool is that if there was an actual shopping store that you could go in walk around and shopping around with skins displays on characters and guns! 🔥🔥🔥
This is the first time im actually hyped for a apex update in 2y
I am so keen
The last trailer was kinda meh, but this one is kinda cool
have been losing interest in the game lately ,but these season changes are definitely for the better !! and cant wait to jump back in !
wow, no new weapon or legend, so fun.
1:11 that what we looking for!
Please launch apex legends mobile
Seems like everyone in these trailer’s be rushing without shields 😂
120hz game mode??? Huh
you have my attention
are…are we back?
120fps! finally
even if they changed the apex game it will always remain a toxic game and above all not optimized in fact if you don’t have good hardware it always causes a drop in performance
The transitions at the end were nice and so was the whole trailer. Excited for the new season
Please fix ranked
They cooked. Let’s goooo!
Make Titanfall 3
The Bangalore skin look really nice
Im praying this is gonna be a W season 😭🙏🏾
“Mozambique here.” I’m waiting for an apex legends youtuber from Mozambique.
finnaly a good skin for bangalore on the bp geez
Pathfinder can’t even make it in the videos anymore….
GET HEIRLOOM SHARDS (after you pay for heirloom shards)
에이펙스 전성기 돌아오는거냐
They fixed ranked? Oh I’m coming back for sure!
6 unlockable legends for the event? I might just have a come back to the game
Show this is The Finals in Apex
Every time Wraith, Path skin, Wraith, Path… Stop it please you have a ton of other legends.
you guys are running out of finishers to put in the trailers now
One of Mirage’s legend upgrades should give him the ability to create decoys of his own team
Give controller tape strifing back PC gets stape strifing with rewasd/ anti recoil. Stape strifing alone is a major advantage
No new MAP, WEAPON or LEGEND. Anniversary season 🙄
release the 4 other prestige skins dive trails
Well, time to spend more money for the a game servers to crash for a couple of weeks lol
Still no audio or server fixes huh
I’m amazed. This is what I’ve been waiting for, for ages. Just a new experience. So hyped!!! Can’t wait to see what they’ve COOKED 🔥🔥🔥
most of ya’ll complain wayyyyy tooo much.. I’m so stoked for every new season.. I love this game too much to be worried about any issues.. best game in the 20th century by a long shot
so excited
Idk how I feel about the perk choices popping up immediately. What if you’re in a fight or want to think for a sec which perk you want (might only be an issue until we get used to it) but that might get real annoying
The valkyrie was an Observation Camera
Song was 🔥
How to record gameplay like this vibrant in ps5…i want this settings and sorry for the grammer
Bring back arenas
please give the titanfall IP to somebody who actually cares
finally good job
We need a horde mode!!!
Dam ya see that Bangalore Skin oh yeah baby
hahaha another 1. bunch of algo support in this game 👏 still not playing anymore it’s the moral thing to stop playing this worn out game
When are we getting a pink season?
Respawn never fails to make a 🔥 edit
So all that changing….and still no solos?
The chances of the game crashing wouldn’t surprise me but positive mindset ig
These mfs do anything but make titan fall 3
Well after a year I was starting to play since 2 days ago, with this trailer I can say it was a perfect time to come back 🔥🍻
Player population gonna see a spike the first day and then an immiediate drop
I have the feeling that Apex is going back to the game with this season
self revive is crazy
Verry nice one trolling with wall bounce and tap strafe since they deleted configs xd
Not for mnk players .
All we wanted was a Fixed Mirage Ult where Silver+ Ranked Players can’t use a “Tell” and melt the REAL Mirage in under 0.6 seconds.
😢Too much to ask for apparently.
The transitions around 2:20 are very mokeysniper-esque
hello, i go to the espot in Paris (its a place where you can rent computer to play video games) and i cant play Apex because the anti cheat dont allow me to play on a public pc, and i love to play Apex, but because of this, i cant, can some one fixe that bug ??? please
every comment on this video are from a bunch of bots. There’s no way people are “impressed” by the transitions. I’ve played apex since launch and they make the same trailers over and over. people need to stop
I mis apex mobile😢
They have beef with wraith
Почему все Фьюза убивают?
I think they saw how Fortnite changed their game and got their player base back. I think apex is trying to do the same
Respawn always goes all out with their W trailers just take titanfall 2 for an example
Is it just me or at the end they all literally look like they’re posing in that among us drip with shoes
Just me still waiting on my cross progression pop up nearly a whole season later?
This is the first season I’ve been hyped for since I started playing season 10 🎉🎉🎉
5 more years
Most hyped trailer ever
ya ramparts the meme queen of apex and I’m all for it
cant wait for the servers to crash when the season drops
Me when literally no new content
It went from “fortnite is copying Apex!” To “Apex is now copying Fortnite”
We have come full circle, originality is dead
THAT is how you make a season well played 👏
I love the part where we can earn the heirloom shards for free without getting all 24 collection skins (we have to). Truly an apex experience
Respawn COOKED
The intro of Respawn/EA is a 10/10
FIRE UPDATE!!! 10/10 🔥🔥🔥
I’m waiting for EA to add it sólo
okay why 2:15 gotta be so hard
Love it
fix skill based macthmaking
whaddup with the cringe music
I love it ❤️
So S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 were just fillers then?
You don’t really die as fast as in these promotional video clips 🙂 Everyone in a bulletsponge
this a story mode game now not a battle royale no more
ill be honest, if the trailer is 1 to 1, i dont like the fact that the level up ui just appears on ur screen in the middle of a fight like it showed with lifeline 0:44
120 hz gonna make it harder for controller players movement and aim assist
Nice trailer, but I hate a lot of the changes (like shields, crafting, etc…). I’m honestly think it’s going to ruin the game.
Ya’ll mfs need to add squads bru
Wonder how much of a disappointment they can make ranked, let’s find out. Oh and all this fancy BS they flashed about new gamemodes and stuff isn’t the issue, they need to fix what they got (like servers and game mechanics) before adding even more new stuff to unbalance everything again. This is coming from someone that’s played enough to know, hope EA stops being greedy and listens to fans for once. prob won’t, bite me.
Well am glad I came back to Apex to see it’s revival
the sentinel shots at the end actually cooked
Tbh I think a lot of shooter games are going in the wrong direction and even if apex is still going down the path of exceedingly numerous micro-transactions I’m genuinely glad that the devs started to make changes to the gameplay itself. It still looks like apex but will probably feel fresh and without the addition of a new overpowered legend. Ngl respawn low-key impressed me. We’ll have to wait and see if it really delivers on the 13th.
No artifact Dagger info?
Love seeing my girl Rampart
The transitions at the end were nice and so was the whole trailer. Excited for the new season
Finally a 120 fps mode, Jesus
aimassit nerf where🐒
No one gonna talk about the flatline szn 4 is coming back
Outdid yourselves with this one, this trailer is insane!!
idk how yall are falling for this. the game is still going to be dreadful.
Well now, I’m genuinely excited for this
if that 150 shard are free W apex
I’m quite excited for new season. I love how the recent Final Fantasy crossover changed basic BR gameplay, I know the new system is gonna be tough on more casual players but I hope we can all have fun with it (I’m right there with you, my level comes from playing alot not playing well)
People still play Apex ?😂
Actually good trailer. I love new Wattson and Fuse CE skins
Trailers are always 12/10❤
great job on the editing
Ah yes, the Fortnite OG treatment is going to become a trend with trash games lol, next will be COD and bring MW19 gameplay?
hope those skin aren’t that expensive as always😂
Its time to come back 🎉
is the heirloom free or not
120 FPS!!! Thx u, you are the best!!!
The transitions
apex trying so hard to stay alive
Ok I always hear it from different games so thought I’d ask what exactly is this attitude im supposed to have cause if this attitude means thinking I can win every game I definitely can’t 💀
Hope you only need one friend to do the gifting thing. I only play with one other person my duo partner. Hopefully me and him can just gift each other to get the challenges done.
Can’t wait to get downed because I have to pick which perk I want in the middle of a fight.
Does anyone’s game look like this? What settings are these? Even at all max, I am nowhere near this in terms of quality running on 3090
I like how they use fast ttk to advertise their game.
Lets hope that with all the good feedback, respawn and ea realize that this is better for the game and for profit than 360 dollar deathboxes.
New transitions look fire af!!
Porque quitaron el mobile 😭😭😭😭
apex 2 ngl
they cooked. they really, REALLY cooked.
Isn’t that how every collection even works…buy all the skins for $150 and get an Heirloom/shards? Not sure why they had a big title card for that
Can you please do something about Mirage’s horrible heirloom
Looks like another money grab with nothing too interesting.
Yes my comments keep deleting lol I didn’t say anything wrong
Its new game. Good job respawn.
Ou they cookin fosholy
Hype hype hype
Nice nice
But the „get 150 heirloom shards“ are a big bait. Just give each player 150 and that’s it. Can’t be that hard for you money suckers..
Honestly the best update the games gotten
Man, Respawn doesnt give Caustic a break.
Rampart be roasting all those people who run from ever fight in ranked
I like the part where I spend 30 minutes looking for enemies just to die in 5 seconds, Truly an Apex experience.
Titanfall 3 ?
s20 it was a great i love thisone
This trailer doesn’t show much.
I saw a lifeline self revive.
Mirage getting love LETS GOO
Respawn: Can I copy your homework?
Embark Studios: Sure, just change a little bit so it would not look obvious.
Arenas… when??
soooo no new legend?
Is lifeline self rezing?????
EA Respawn greed aside, am happy for the voice actors
I quit playing apex like 5 months ago and this trailer made me want to play again
Yooooo respawn cooked here 🤯
Still no bots added to custom games, they really refuse to do anything with this useless mode
Ngl they cooked with this
Que juego tan aburrido se a vuelto Apex
Excellent trailer
Devs seem to actually be working; keep it up. Still not giving you my money EA.
2:24 that wall jump transition was insane
me estremecí con tremendo trailer ❤
Still not enough for me. Apex needs a goal. Games feel useless. At least in destiny when i won matches i gkt new guns, leveled up, got rewards, could take that into pve, pvp, pvpve etc. Idk. At a certain point in apex i was like whats the difference between 1,889 wins and 1,890 wins. Like ive got nothing to show for each game its just throw away time. I want to feel some kind of progress. Not sure how they could fix that but thats what i need.
Bruh tell me you all saw the purple flatline skin
That is legit the only thing I want 😂😂
No way they actually going to add next gen update with 120 hz
Is anyone else curious if that level up window will get us killed in a heated battle? I hope it doesn’t just pop up for a selection when i level up my shield after knocking someone when there’s more teammates to shoot at. Hopefully this video just exaggerated how we pick our perks
i like the part where they let controller with aim bot
Sooo…where’s arenas?..
Trailer editing is next level 🔥 Amazing 👏
Still nothing about lifelines energy sword from the trailer. Wonder what that’s all about. Maybe they planned on it for this season but aren’t releasing it and the trailer was already made?
Apex mobile is now the official apex 🙄
Alright I’m reinstalling then
Still not a good newscastle skin, were gonna get a comduit heirloom before u give my main some love
Honestly, this game is dying
Apex always in my pockets
So basically a mixtape playlist of ltms we shouldve had already, evo shield perks, and more purchasable cosmetics
The shield perks seem interesting i guess
Apex 2.0 has arrived ky friends
120 hz mode finally 😭 😊
ngl this season already looks fire❤🔥
Wait is the harloom free? or do I have to spend money?
Another solid reason for me to thirst the Lifeline now❤️
do something about the legend visibility , i am playing shooters for the past 24 years and apex is the only game that i have a hard time seeing enemies or allies .
The fact that we have to buy cosmetics to get 150 heirloom shards I’d rather spend money on Apex packs😢
respawn may be cooking
I knew there was gonna be a catch. Of course they aren’t going to just give us free heirloom shards
120hz on consoles finally 😊
The Stockholm syndrome is wild
wow jolie couleur et montage
The video editor cooked crazy
Collect skins and cosmetics for Heirloom Shards, or pay $160 for them? Nice wording Alex Legends.
I think respawn cooked here
So the Flatline is again the reactive skin coming season???
Dammmm I might make a return to Apex this season!! Miss my lifeline!!
This game is dead lol 😂
I swear to God, you hate Horizon EA
I’m just here for 120 hz 😂 bout mf time
This is all well and good, looks amazing, but will the servers not be complete garbage? It’s the only reason I haven’t played in the last 2 seasons.
This is why I don’t play this game anymore.
Respawn remade the game as well as put in community created skins, banners, and trackers for season 20.
Lifeline will be broken
120hz is all I’ve been asking for for years, thank you finally!
Yo they finally cooked!
I love how valkyrie is so useful in this trailer. absolutely an apex experience.
if i buy the heirloom shards from the event will it reset my heirloom counter for packs? i am about 200-300 packs into my next heirloom
Glad they spent the budget for a new legend on another collection event truly a respawn moment.
I never really liked Apex, I preferred other BR games, but this might bring be back just to see the new stuff. Nice trailer, Respawn!
Dude they turned Apex into a roguelike
if only they put this same effort into the game…
Where is Arena? I can’t understand why you removed it.
Anyone buying the event?
Ah yes, the Rampart drip update
lets make apex great again 😊
Oakley fuze isn’t real he can’t hurt you
Oakley’s fuze:😎💣
bring arenas back please
👍if you think that transition was 🔥
lemme buss on ramparts midriff pls respawn
Were is the new legend ?
MEME Trailer in my channel 🙂
sad no new cool legend ? we will wait anther 3 months againe
so are these cosmetics that we unlock to get teh 150 heriloom shards are unlocked by just playing and finishing challenges or we have to buy them?
Great content and I thank you for breaking it down!! Even with the current crypto dip, I’m still Glad 😊I can smile back at my portfolio of $82,700 made from my $6k weekly trade within a short period.
Just your friendly average neighborhood gamer here to report that unlike the last few trailers, this one gave me that desired tingle in my toes! This doesn’t erase or make me forget all the shenanigans but finally CONTENT we actually deserve boys!! Catch ya out there 🫡🤙🏻
still no new skins for conduit??
Im hyped! Lets go!
god i need to get back on this game
Looks disappointing ngl
just fix the error called client failed anti cheat runtime integrity check i tried everthing nothing works
Biggest news is the return of the OP flatline skin.
They added augments pretty much like fortnite had. Nothing original at all from apex this season just reusing ideas from other games. Then there is their overpriced skins as usual. Apex n cod are fighting to be the fps with the most expensive cosmetics. No wonder concurrent players keep dropping.
The Finals?
1:44 – 2:02 amazing 🤩
Great next gen get 120 graphics and 4k while current gen gets 40 to 50 frames crazy
So where are all the Titans
Those transitions were done quite well I must say
Ahora hay que esperar que los servers no se caigan que emoción
Please rework bloodhound’s heirloom :c
Is it Titanfall 3
Season looks promising so far. 🔥
I don’t have enough for the battle pass😢
Shield meta MIGHT go hard, but i guess we’ll have to wait and see. So far, it looks kind of promising.
The game’s changing mate
Bring back the Train in Wrlds Edge
Apex feels like its finally gonna be fun again.
You can get 150 Heirloom Shards! but…*
You get shards instead of the Heirloom introduced in that event. You still have to buy the cosmetics in the event so they’re not free.
I love that all the bad comments here and on Instagram about the game are most from people that don’t play the game that much hahahaha anyway, always nice to see and hear my Rampart s2
Apex Could go up from here maybe game going to be looking better 🤔 😏
only if they put the same amount of effort into the game that they do the trailers
the only reason i play this is for wattson
let arena come back!!!
For those wondering, the song used is ‘Us Vs. Everything’ by Ohana Bam.
I like the part when i get kicked out of the game, “failed anti cheat”, then recieve 10 min ban and loose 150 lp. Truly an Apex experience.
Truly what an apex experience
Wraith getting her millionth legendary skin(s) while other legends such as Ash get nothing yet again…
I was hoping that the r99 will be the lvl 100 and 110 skin but now I see that the triple take is 😭
Oh well guess I’ll just have to keep enjoying apex like I have through the highs and lows of it’s career oh woe is me
Like heinserberg said
” Someone cooked here”
best game ever!
“A j shay coming through “
Pls apex legends mobile
I really hope that this season will be as good as season 16 was, I just want a reason to play this game again
Is it just me or the sentinel sounds different
120 hz 😮 p5?
Cheat mode on 🤔
Ngl I have high hopes for this season
Honestly NO ONE does trailers like respawn they seriously put elbow grease into these and their game and I’m here for it
Dont make it look like everyone will get a Free Heirloom EA cause we know Yall would never do that 😂😂
i know this will fall on deaf ears but pls give ash girlypop skins im gnawing at my cage waiting besties
Where BP Reactive skin? I’ve heard this is R-99, right?
Respawn the season looks promissing without a doubt but PLEASE BRING BACK ARENAS
I mean if nothing else, the trailers are pretty good
Operation Health of Apex Legends and I love it.
I hope the menu to choose upgrade skill doesn’t pop up like it’s doing here. So excited go try out the new changes
Another $360 for 150 heirloom shards. This game is dead
finally a good seasonnnnn
Massive W
Мдааааааааа….полное дно…все хуже и хуже сезоны…
Supposedly a 5-year anniversary is supposed to be something special, isn’t it? All these new updates for the new season are very welcome, but it’s just going to be a drop of content that I’ll play for 2 days and then quit the game. Since it’s the 5-year anniversary, they should really release a big content package, something that will keep us hooked for at least a week. At the very least, I was hoping for a new character and a new map, since there wasn’t a new map in the last season.
Octane didn’t die the moment he jump padded onto a team? 🤨
i like the part where they just took parts of the map and cut em up and crammed em together then made the most basic skins…….but it dont look too bad more fast paced might actually work.
Thought 120 hz Server. HAHAHA
Transitions 10/10
Skins 10/10
New game modes 10/10
120hz 10/10
Ok, one more chance for apex. let’s go
Player drop off and revenue decline finally got them to add some new stuff to the game. Good job, yall.
with all these game mode additions, when are we going to get non-br trackers back
Respawn finally stopped focusing on making skins and finally changed the way to play the game since crafting. Now i just need to hope they fix matchmaking so i can stop playing against diamonds and masters
Somebody cooked here
The TTK in these trailers are so misleading 😂
I am really digging that lifeline self-rez added into her kit, and despite there not being a new map or new legend, the amount of changes coming to improve the overall game is worth a season’s wait. I was hesitant about this new season, but now I’m siked! If Respawn needs a season to focus on the game and not new legends going forward, I trust ’em
W on the game changes, L on the reactive
Okay cool, but ian see nun bout fixing footstep audio that’s been bugged since season 6 especially for the players who don’t got headsets it’s crazy cuz my headset recently got messed up
Ooooo mmmmmyyyu Godddd
Ranked reloaded for the 3rd time. Still think they should have never changed it from the second time they redid it
이게 섹스지
120 htz mode? like to see what is that about
Fingers crossed, this season looks pretty exciting
Crypto finally getting love after so long
just bring back ranked arenas
Haven’t been this excited about Apex in a long time. Respawn was in the kitchen COOKING 🔥
So there’s nothing new? There’s no way that first upgrade system thing is not an LTM
Can lifeline self revive?
You know a content drop is good when the top comments aren’t immediately dunking on it lol
😏🫨🫨That was hot 🔥🔥🔥🫨🫨😏
The beginning where it said I put in 10,000 hours I bet a lot can relate
Ignoring the typical Respawn just wants your money fact… this season looks pretty decent
They actually made the game good again, W for respawn
Rampart mains: GAME’S CHANGING MATE!
The FACT that Rampart is doing the intro. Means this is finna be one RAMPART-ED!!! Season!
Let’s gooooo 🔥 🔥 🔥
Yo hold up is that THE flatline skin??
Still going to have broke base make matching
That ending section looks a lot like an arena setup…
Can we pick better music for these in the future
Season 20 might officially take Apex back to the top.
They need beat Warzone.
The respwan system should be something like warzone.. for eg, you need crafting points and dont need a replicator for banners, just go to the respawn beacon and buy back ur frends.. just like how warzone does it.
Right now, not everytime u can craft banners and even if u can u need to find replicator and respawn beacon.. they need to change this to how warzone does.
Sooo no legends this season ???
Copying the Finals 😂🎉
Wait I’m confused are they giving away free heirloom shards?!
This game peaked at season 3 season 4-5 were okay then only when valkyrie came out it picked back up and now it’s been down hill
Titanfall 3?
yeah idk man still doesnt seem that fun. sure the smaller maps might be better and the legend armor system thing seems neat but i dont think apex is gonna have a long boost from this. just give us titanfall 3 i dont wanna play br as much anymore
Awesome, can’t wait for this. I don’t know why others don’t like this game yet, but since i started playing from mayhem season, i started liking more.
hopefully they fix matchmaking in this one
0/10, needs more mirage
120hz LFG! 😅
The only thing that im reluctant about is the level up not beacuse its bad no i love it, but what if we are in the middle of a fight and the level up thing appears will it like disrupt the buttons?
Si van a seguir con las mismas temáticas para sacar dinero al menos arreglen sus servidores de porquería.l.
Great now balancing perks and abilities fantastic 😂
Big W
Bring back apex legend mobile😢
They made the arena look like THE FINALS💀💀💀💀
I’ve not been this excited simce season 9 when valk came out! Thank you respawn for cooking good with this update!
Ok wheres da reactive skin😭
Wow amazing trailer tbh
I know I didn’t hear Newcastle drop a castle crashers reference.
i love the team who directs those trailers, it feels like actually lots of effort is put in there. Thanks respawn
it´s so beautiful
120 fps!? Will that set my xbox on 🔥🔥🔥?
120hz ok that’s it am uninstalling from last Gen new Gen only from now on
We fkn needed that LL selfres… 🙂
No gun no legend no new mode or BR map just a ltm and a perk system
I mean shiddd the game has legends in the name y’all better STAND on it.
I’m so naive i thought the shards IN the pass
Los que hablan español nmms que chingon ❤😢 ya se extrañaba algo así
So perks from fortnite?
this season looks really promising respawn better not fumble this.
Giant who cares. New content chock full of cheaters.
That ending
The ending is just so fire. 🔥🔥🔥
I advise everyone doesn’t celebrate and simply wait till the seasons releases. We could be disappointed. We could not.
Apex Legends making a HUGE comeback🔥
Wingman is back on groundloot?
Does vision actually get obstructed to show options…i doubt it but for a second i also thought ah yes, the whole game will pause for you to choose lol, maybe hotkey options sounds good
Let’s gooooo apex 5 more days
like EA would give away something for free lol
Deep down you’ll always be one of my favorites but with all the changes you’ve made I have to let go no no no is not you is me I this is getting to toxic for me…..😢😢😢😢😢
Dam ngl im kind of excited to jump back on apex
how is apex not dead yet lol
Ok we take it
Let’s go another freaking months of grind I didn’t need to
My favourite bit of the trailer was rampart saying
“the game’s changing mate” (2:10)
And then there be literally no new content to ‘change the game’
Truly one of the top apex moments
Where is the new legend? New map?
Goodbye Apex!
Let me guess all these skins and all this cost a small fortune like always
Has the Rampage had its recoil fixed?
imagine having to choose your perk midfight everytime you level up
They did it they brought me back from death bed
so did they add 120 Hz to the whole game or did they just make a game mode only and only in that mode you can get 120 Hz? im lost someone explain this.
lets fricken go bud
What do they mean whit GET 150 heirloom shards aré they saying like “BUY THEM” OR like you can GET them playing
Это было так круто, что у меня аж встал
After 3 years, I’ll finally be able to gladly spend some money on this game again😌
The editing on point! Dam 💪
Woah! What another brilliant video?! It looks like Season 20 is going to be a blast! I’ve said this before but I’ve been playing Apex Since the end of Season 1, to the beginning of Season 2, and I’m still a fan! 😀
Like one of Conduits sayings… “Toasted. I know it’s tough, but that’s the game, and I love this game! 😀
Still got 20 tick servers and can guarantee there will be lag and cheaters.
I have been begging respawn to just fix the base game for years. Basically since the game came out. Fix the base game then you don’t need all the fluff.
Finally 120fps on consoles. 😭😭😭
Is that a Ryan Lockwood reference at 22 seconds? From the Golden Eye Speedrun video.
What a rush ! ❤
That looked amazing can’t wait looks so much fun
2:15-2:26 those transitions were clean
Gameplay trailer with no new gameplay
Truly an apex moment
New legend?
Map changes?
Nope just more new skins. When will the apex community just let this game die. The game has become just a cosmetic shop that gets no content
Lifeline main: “Respawn, please give lifeline back her revive shield.”
Respawn: “Self-revive”
Lifeline main: “It’s a start, it’s a start….”
Wait…this isn’t Titanfall 3?
Just make titanfall 3 at this point
Too little too late.
Thought we were getting Arenas back for a second😢
Now they just need to keep the good changes coming. They’ve already made ranked reloaded once, and bailed on a good system.
Still no solos, the most asked for mode since release. Shame.
Love playing with rampart
Cosmetics Royale
1:55 “Get 150 Heirloom Shards*” –
Wow maybe as part of the BP? that would be really good….
Small print = “Collect and unlock all 24 event cosmetics before February 27th to receive heirloom shards”
Crypto rework when
i wanted to see the perk activation animation oh well
1:48 I want that wattson skin and once again they gave catalyst blond hair WHY RESPAWN WHYYYYY.
I hope three strikes is active during this event
Is that a Mirage pilot skin ?
Finally 120hz good bye Fortnite
Remember when Apex was good?
Wow this is the most changes I’ve ever seen and I’ve been playing since season 2 looks epic 120fps on console Finally!! And that flatline skin everyone wanted and missed out on for free and recoloured in gold looking better! Ults doing different things! New maps, game modes,ranked ranges, crafting changes all look very positive
Apex putting new content in the game is actually shocking
Really hope 120Hz mode works properly for Xbox Series X
The trailer is cool, the reactive skin is amazing, the new modes excite me, heirloom shards is awesome, the perks for loba and wraith … i love it! Finaly no new map, weapon or legend … we have enough from them, now new ingame innovatons and finaly wingman back to floor … i missed this weapon so much
I love this game!!!! I was never really good or into shooters but APEX…..GOAT…LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!! HAPPY 5th ANNIVERSARY 🤪💜
Finally, the Roguelike update
120Hz FINALLY 💥💥💥
Finally, a gameplay trailer where my boy Crypto isn’t getting beat up
that watson collection skin is 2400/10
My Wattson enjoyers are feinding for that wattson skin
Respawn taking notes on transitions from Mokey.
Every time its a health season , its always something good they doing for the experience especially for the new comers 👍🏻
I’m not a wraith main but that skin hit different🥵🥵
No new legend?
Apex Legends ❎
Apex Breakout ☑️
Do better.
Honestly these are awesome comebacks, but i do hope that there are some changes made to the servers as well.
my main wattson skin from now on
Respawn realized The Finals was stealing their entire player base and decided to blatantly copied their game show idea 💀💀💀
Idk who needs to hear this but….
Solos in apex was trash, that’s why it hasn’t made a return in 4 years. Stop asking for it and move on.
Prices are still trash in this game, apex has learned nothing
Big W ❤😍
Bring the legends that were in Apex:Mobile to console/PC!
I was so worried about the perks, since YouTubers kept showing a talent tree. But since it’s within the match, and an option between two perks, two separate times. I’m honestly excited about the new season.
Sick, ow figure out how to deal with cheaters 👍
Lifeline, mains rise up
Dang I haven’t watched a trailer this good in a while
This comment can’t get 201 like +1 👍
Lets see how it works in game, this might be the best dish respawns cooked in ages, but it could also get stale real quick lets see.
Top 10 anime comebacks
Please bring Indian servers we need those really badly.
no new legend?
I need that new wattson skin
Kinda hyped ngl 🙂
Апекс навсегда!!
pretty cool
SONG: Us vs Everything, by Ohana Bam
Reminds me of the good old days 🔥
Ah yes, “Get 150 Heirloom Shards” with a little asterisk that it costs you $160. Gotta love gaming nowadays.
I liked the part when they showed the new legend
*150 Heirloom Shards*
for collecting all skins in the next two-week event
Now they know they could have put a new skin on Rampart! lol she’s like Respawn’s “Vegeta”. Always gettin’ the short end of the stick.
We are so back
Glad they gave my girl Rampart some love here!
Looks clean, but when I play, the game looks patchy. 🙁
Ye, it looks fine
Free 150 shards???
Crazy how the leaks were making it seem like this might be another filler season and then they just completely throw everyone for a loop with some serious changes. As a Lifeline main, I can’t wait for these new perks so she finally feels a bit different after all this time. As a Apex mobile player as well, I’m happy to see more of these ideas coming from what was going on over there as well.
Lol consoles finally get 120hz hahaha. So glad I’m on PC that has been a thing. You know 120 hz 144hz 240hz
THE Best apex trailer😍
wished they showed a little more of the perks but besides that this next season should be an interesting one
stopped playing when there was a cheater in every game.. is it still the same?
Wow. Glad the gun skin i paid money for is gettin released for free…..smh 🤦♂️
Shield swaps won’t be as beneficial this season that alone is a major game changer
Hey guys 😊 my name is Professor i play this game since season 1 i stop play beacuse this game is boring i spend a lot time since 2019 to 2022 i dont like it anymore 😮 you need give more time to your family video games is’nt to try be best player is by best vriend that you like to love him. If you 18+ you wil understand also this game is for adult not for kids 😂 you see on terms you need accept it you dont need read it all .this world is illusion time is relative . like einstein said.
Ill stick to 60fps
This trailer was sick!😮💨 They really cocked with this one👍
I like the part where a big screen blocking the game pops up and asks me which path i wanna take they really took the Final Fantasy event to a whole different level. APEX LEGENDS RPG !
I would rather have the servers fixed than this.
Apex 2 vibes in this trailer
Apex legends 2
Can’t wait for this to literally be the same as every other season, lets go.
Release Titanfall 3
APEX goes THE FINALS. No shame.
Day one player here who hasn’t played for 3+ months. I am cautiously optimistic about the changes and look forward to giving the game one more shot. See you next season.
As long As I stop dying in wraiths phase and through walls I’m good bro
So we just not gonna talk about that senti clip transition 😩👀
This feels like auguments
Always thought why lifeline couldn’t just use doc for help
that stage looks same as the finals :DDDDD
they did my boi pathy wrong with that skin
Guese We didnt buy a lot of costumes , they punished us with no new legend😂
yo devs, I’ve got an idea: how about you remove broken moon and stormpoint and just leave worlds edge and olympus ? 🙂 NO ONE ENJOYS STORMPOINT REMOVE IT FFS
heirloom shards let’s go
Apex cheat legends
Another collection event 😢
Wait apex might actually be back not like it went anywhere but this update actually looks quite amazing and covering 120 FPS is so huge 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥
omfg finally flatline skin s4
New Mode: The finals 2.0
Come on guys at least show more perks in the trailer 🫡, can’t wait.
Ya know what?got nothing funny to say here,this is AMAZING!finally respawn is learning!!!!NOW WE JUST NEED SOME GOOD GAME MODES AND ITLL BE SO FIRE!!!!!!
Where is the new map that was supposed to drop Nov 1 2023???? 🖕 Apex, you cash grabbing cow 🐮🖕
The hype is real guys!
It comes out on my bday can i get a like for that thanks ea 😂
I am not excited about my position in Himx, right now down 50k,less with dividends , not enviable. Himx is a billion dollar a year business with several extremely desirable products and growing client base. Trading at less than sales with close to 700 milion in working capital, with a book value twice the share price.
The issue with not only this company but all small caps Russell 2000 hitting two decade low, this has more to do with China, its market loosing 7 trillion in the past two years and wall street and all Western dollars leaving anything to do with China 🇨🇳. This will not change quickly and mite be more pain to come, but I believe that this company will over come.
🥲 thanks respawn ⚡
They should’ve mentioned that we can’t loot shields anymore.
Whoever edited this trailer needs a raise
Why I feel like those 2 m
We’re like 20m wow
Rare W
This actually looks awsome, really looking forward to it
self rez returning is literally one of the worst decisions made. it shouldn’t be in the game period.
New scope??????
Apex Legends 2.0 is finally here
Dam that was crazy (⊙_◎)
Is that a tap strafe? Definitely an MnK trailer 🤣
Pensé que era el mobile ya me había emocionado 😭
No one:
Respawn: Here’s the REAL apex experience 💅
Okay. Respawn you ate.
Soooo it’s just The Finals?
quality of the Trailer was really good, i think the best so far. I really liked the cameratracktion from the Fuse Ability, was nice idea.
Also i,m hyped of a new Ära of Apex.
This new season is where Apex catches up with all the other BR’s major changes and shows why (after some hella lame seasons) its the best BR out!
Omfg let’s goooo!! Preordering battle pass this game is my life baby!! 🎉
I wish rev was buffed😢
I hope this season to get heirloom shards
No Caustic Skin? makes me sad
so many nice skins
Looks good I think respawn was in most or in fully control here
Now THIS is a trailer🔥
Meh. Nothing new in this update. I’ll check back in season 21.
Man this new update for The Finals looks fire, glad we’re getting an Apex Legends themed map!
trailler music :
us vs everything ohana bam
Has there ever been a legendary volt skin a battle pass other than the reactive ones or even an epic skin?
I’m there 🗿
That wall-bounce transition was CLEAN.
nah that loba skin is fire I’m copping that FR
Might get me back to play the game again…
Haven’t played apex in like 2 years, how’s it holding up?
“Drop Hotter” thank you!!!!. Stop hiding and fight!!
Amazing!!! I’m so hyped for this ❤️
Can’t wait to get killed by a 3 stack 50k kills masters with those shiny brand new perks 🤩
1:32 everyone shut up
Watch nessi
so are they ever gonna fix Game? still waiting on sound issues. I can hear fighting across the map but cant hear footsteps or direction where footsteps are coming from when I do hear them at thier rare apperances??????? All this content but no actual maintenance………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Ok the changes are very cool and will change the game a lot but can we get like a new gun or 1 poi change not just decorations please? But anyway cool changes
I’m praying they clocked cause I wanna play this again
Trash.. thanks for making us wait a year and a half for a new map. Content releases half as much as it use too and now cosmetics release twice as much as it use too. 🖕 Respawn this season will be dead again in less than a month. Changes are lame ASF this ☠️ to me. Been on Apex since day 1. 🖕 Respawn
When will Arenas mode return?
120hz graphics “mode” what does that mean?
Looks like a cool season. Now just need to step up your anti cheat and server hacking issues
That’s called CONTENT
Apex is back baby 🎉🤟😎
Mozambique on care package
I love the fact they essentially reworked the whole game. It’ll be fun with all these perks.
Lifeline’s drone res lifeline, nice change
i miss arena mode ,_,
Im actually so hyped for this season
The put crypto at the forefront for the final fantasy event and this season. Yet they keep giving him NOTHING. All of his perks should have been buffs except one is a nerf. A larger ultimate just means staying further from the fight and more chance to hit teammates if that isn’t the plan. Idk why they have given up on his character. It’s actually ridiculous.
Did anybody notice that there were four players right before they talked about ranked reloaded. Does anyone think that they’re actually going to add four man squads for ranked?
Apex mobile
add solos
i want arenas back… please
apex add a mnk mode
I like the part where Titanfall 3 is announced
Lifeline getting an actual care package is honestly insane, can’t wait to see Mirages buffs ❤❤
I hope that the perk system doesn’t pop up in a middle of a fight and perks in a BR game… hmm let’s see
Kids aren’t whining now….
Bro the track slaps!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Scott The Woz reference
all i want is no aim assist
soo…crypto is still there….
Region lock China
Really Good Job Respawn ! that’s what we want ! Thank you, Let’s gooo ! “I never quit”
Yall felt really threatened by the finals huh?
purple heatsink i busted everywhere
self revives? no thanks
Ramparts the face of this season yet she didnt even get a skin
The end transition 🔥🔥🔥
Sure hope this season is good but if the matchmaking isn’t better then all of this is in vain.
fuse looks like he’s about to rap.
120hz lets gooooooooooo
Y la nueva legenda?
W fr finally no rats
oh that glorious flatline skin looks even better in First person
Hoping this revamps the game and playing will actually be fun again, tired of constant bots and having to carry all the time
This was kinda fire ngl
Did they just show 150 heirloom shards in new season trailer like it something brand new never seen before if those were free id understand but comon
120 FPS on PS5 Please
Song name?
Looking really promising, sweet
pretty sure the player @ 2:14 is cheating ban him
Where are the skydive trails from the Old Prestige skins?
Keeping tap strafing in a trailer but removing it for controller players is wild.. basically promoting this game as a mnk game
I can’t wait for this season. It feels like they didn’t give us much the last few seasons to make this season big
CANT WAIT! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Can anyone tell me the name of the song please?
Edit: nvm found it
0 MnK pov 😀
looking forward to next week 😀
Nerf Aim Assist. Remove Movement Exploits.
So the finals made apex better like we thought huh?
Ok so let’s go through it. No new gun, no new legend, no new map, no new POI, a rank system reverted to a point that was so flourd that it need to be changed. No new reactive skin (as we have a relative r9 skin) and a free recolour of a skin that we all have that you nerfed! So what does the life blood of this game player who have played for the last 4/5 years get?? Not a great deal really! Well done respawn, got to appreciate the hussell, it will only take 99.9% of the player base till the split to notice it ( insert mirage slow clap emote!)
Cheater breakout trash
Bring it on 🤩
wat ar they cookin
Apex is back
who knows the name of the song, tell me
Ok I’ll be back
I see this as an Apex reboot. I’m very excited to play.
ban xim please.
120hz for the new gen consoles lasgoooo
Hey, Respawn! Can we get that Prowler SMG switch fire thing built into the gun? It just feels better in Full Auto and not Burst Fire.
“Your next ultimate is a supply drop”??? The frick does this mean!? Lifeline gets a selection of ults? Randomized? Maybe she gets three different possibilities??
Respawn, thank you, just thank you for this
People always hyped about a new season we should stop getting our hopes up
Ok this has to be the best things respawn has cooked up😮😮😮😮
yo can i get a name for the music?
Ay that wattson skin hard bro
Hold on Respawn finally cooking??
This game is more sweaty than a discord mod
That’s quiet the disappointing anniversary collection event
Their animation for this trailer was top tier man🔥
Nothing special.
So to upgrade you armor.. it’s pops up in front of your screen like that? What if you got no time to choose and still in the middle of a fight ?
Hopefully they fixed ranked aswell. Enough with camping rewards
Hopefully this game wont feel like a chore to play anymore.
L game worse every season
This saves apex!
i love how everyone used to say this will be its worst season now everyone saying its its best in a while
I could not get away from this “upcoming” video for the last two days and 10 minutes after it comes out youtube refused to show it to me anywhere, I had to search for it. Youtube your algorithm is garbage.
Apex seem like they getting things right with this. Respawn seem to always have good ideas. Is really EA the ones that dont let them. Also the servers going to be crashing like every season and update . I wont he playing the first 2 days . EA servers are ones of the worst or the worst.
Bring it
wasn’t that a tap strafe there? 🤨🤨🤨 1:11
120hz for console ?! mozambik her
Worst season and battle pass ever
FREE HEIRLOOM!!!🚨🗣🗣🚨🚨🗣🚨💀💀💀🦅🦅🦅🦅
So what happens if you already have 150 heirloom shards not spent! You get none more? You are forced to spend it? Why is there even a limit on how much you can hold?!!!! I don’t understand it should be illegal to put a cap on that!
I always get scared around the end of the season, especially when it feels like there’s not a ton of hype or not a lot happened, but you always pull me back in at the start of the new season. Very excited
I’m hyped like I never been 😆😆😆
Apex legends just added the power from the wizard from clash a clans and said “FIREBALL”
This season really is make or break for the game and things are looking extremely promising
For once im actually really excited for an apex season!
Nah wait, Respawn is actually cooking🔥
input based matchmaking
Only tapstrafe and wallbounce but no mantle-swag-grapple-cancel-drop slide?
120hz for console say less
Lifeline new heirloom inspection animation
New wattson skin 🥹🥹🥹
Скин на Фьюз просто пушка😍
So the colesseum arena can be used for private 1v1s?? So far so good looking stuff
that Valk should uninstall the game.
This may be the seaoson my main Rampart gets her prestige skin im praying on it!
That flatline skin is so beautiful ❤
Haha no free heirloom😂😂😂
I like the part where Respawn offers 150 Heirloom Shards and write in small print at the bottom – for collecting all skins in the next two-week event. Truly an Apex experience.
This might just be the revival of apex, but only time can tell ig im hopeful tho 🙏
Gotta put some respect on they name
Season 20 is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
what does “get 150 heirlooms shard ” means? Is it only in like game mode ? I was planning to open packs for heirlooms.
hahahaah 1v30 hack
Im a caustic player and i love apex
“However you drop, it’s time to drop a little hotter.”
did they remove configs from gameplay trailers too ? interesting how all the last few previous Gameplay Trailers promoted movement tech and there is literally none here – right after autoexec and cfg was disabled.
Got my hopes up with those shards – does anyone ever get every event item without paying an absolute fortune in real money?
Hold on respawn might be answering our prayers 🫦🗣️🔥
120hzzzz let’s goooooo
Gotta be honest, that trailer didnt show us much of what we didnt already knew.
My best hope is for them to fix the pack loss i have every game for the past 3 weeks.it’s annoying af to freeze here and there out of nowhere.
Это будет одним из лучших сезонов 💥Браво 👏👏жду безумно
ramro cha
I thought we were getting a new map?!
i play apex evreyday
Yo the skins are so fire yall seen that wraith skin and them doing them no scopes was dope
Gonna have a new legend??
African servers anytime soon?
Collect and unlock all 24 event cosmetics to receive 150 heirlooms sharks so yeah let s use again 160 – 300 $ for one heirloom nah i pass dude
1:29😍💥что за кайфовые скины 💥
cant wait
It’s okey
we were in beta phase the entire time.. this is the real APEX🔥
Here comes a filler season
Lifeline is back mate
LET’S GO RESPAWN! I see you, great work!
Can’t wait for this one respawn really made the game a million times better
I wonder what the battle pass reactive skin will be? Either way I’m excited for the new season 😃
I wonder how 20hz servers will do with 120 fps
missing apex legends mobile😒😒😒
Rampart was featured a lot in this hopefully thats sum sign of a prestige skin for her (or im just delusional and want it too bad)
Bruh r we gonna get free heirloom shards??
The self-revive is Insane.
Let’s hope everything lives up to the hype. I haven’t been this excited for a season ever. Except maybe Revs whole season
Song’s name
Anyone else notice that lifeline revived herself
For the first time ever, let me say, W apex
Very excited for this, but I want to know how Perk selection works. Do you choose pre game or you choose during the match? What’s the menu/button layout? Are you effectively a sitting duck while choosing a perk?
1:09 カッコよ
Perk are terrible.
So is there goin yo be areanas?
Wow…New Flatline Skins😍
Does this mean free heirloom shards
So did Vantage suddenly drop off the face of the earth or what?? I feel like she’s never in trailers 😂😂😂😂
Did Lifeline just get knocked and pick herself up?????
dass crazy
This is the best gameplay trailer I believe Respawn has made.
Already bored…
Apex is on that resurrection arc
Ngl this reveal trailer was a waste of time 😭🙏🏾
W pathy skin so far ❤
I’m Excited!! Well Done Respawn…Well done…
guys they did something right
Looks Promising, Impress me Respawn
Now that’s a killer trailer
hueta, chestnoe slovo
Thank you for your creativity! Your videos are always interesting and enjoyable.🐧🏵🍾
what it means by “ 150 heirloom shards” ? Are we gonna get it for free or how
Looks good … Im excited !!!😊
Now I have something to forget about my love life
Gracias a Dios la Wingman vuelve a piso 👌🏻☺️
please don’t fumble this season, respawn
Pls let us use perks in mixtape 🥺
They did good
Straight gas respawn
Eh it was kinda mid
Didn’t show anything really new that we didn’t already know about
I’m glad that for the Straight Shot game mode they’re going to make every map smaller. I was afraid that they would lower it to 30 people but still keep the map size the same.
Mostly excited for Thunderdome and Ranked going back to being good(hopefully🙄)
Prime of apex coming back ?
This gonna be a W Season not gonna lie, can’t wait to play it when I got home from school! 🙂
Fortnite trailers aint got nothing on apex ones😂
Either to have armor or perk crital chocies to make or do dmg to get srmor which for purple will be 1.4k dmg bro bye bye perks for ranked then…
No free heirloom please
Tanto esperar para algo decepcionante como siempre
Is the Event like half recoloured skins-
respawn cooked with this trailer dam
No new legend, no new map, and no new gun, yet this might end up being one of the best seasons yet. I’m so excited to play when it drops!!
What are you doing for Valentine’s Day? I play Apex!
This season is going to be so good!!!
No lo sé rick
I am cheese
One of the hardest edit from respawn.
Yooooooo we now shield soap is a nightmare
Ok so basically they added nothing new except a new map and one LTM
120hz is a mode and not in the actual game???
might have to jump back into apex with this one
what a time to be alive to play apex
new map??
What’s the song?
Ayo why didn’t they show reactive r99?
this is gonna change the WHOLE GAME!!!❤ respawn did their thing!!
The transitions were honestly insane
They cooked
Love it! Can’t wait for the start of the season!
Wait, are we getting free heirloom shards?
Looks mid af. Do tf3
Boring trailer, good changes
Idk man
Interesting they showed old rev skin and not his new one
Must admit kinda Hyped
Apex 2
These trailers go crazy.
so no arenas?
so who’s the new legend?
The finals
Wait 2 weeks before playing while the patch all the release bugs! 🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲
Looks cooked!
Апекс я хочу от тебя ребенка
Long have I waited…
Apex Legends 2 🔥🔥
That was fire
delete game ok
Music hype af
lets go legends
the hype has returned to apex
Nerf strikepack
10 sec crew
сезон говно
Lfg fam
Let’s goooooo
Iloovee Apex ❤
I’m excited but I’m still hesitant on it based on the past seasons
make this the top liked comment
I was here on release
Here we go guys
1 – Im very disapointing with Apex legends , me and EVERYONE who buy the OLD PRESTIGE SKINS 160$ each , we buy but no one give us any information when they will be updted with prestige sky dive trails 🙁 , 2- im very disapoiting with devs make a finisher for Recoler Crypto heirlloom but dont update the original crypto heirllom with the finisher , its very sad FOR all players and colecters who have old prestige skins and crypto mains who have original crypto heirloom 3- if crypto recoler heirloom have a finisher than why wraith and revenant recoler heirloom not been updated with th heirloom finisher? , this is sad:(
Want the of season back
1 минута
Everyone excited here, but soon everyone will be back to crying again… kek
Give pathfinder a passive
Я гей и не кто об этом не узнает инглиш мены
Any one else got class right after this
This livestream chat is horrible
The live comment section is complete brain rot 😭
Never seen such positive comments on an Apex video, gives me hope. New season actually looks GREAT
“Hey I’m going to a party after this. I like you but you’re not invited”
Season 20 comeback is real
Im so excited for this season
This new season will either make or break Apex Legends. I hope they dont disappoint!
Nooo, I’ll be at school when this finally runs out of time
Россия ВПЕРЕД!
Horizon & Newton Lore Hype! 🎉🎉🎉
huh?…. dagger artifact finally coming out?
The trailer is 2:41
Make crypto a god and let him teleport around the map🙏🏽
They finally got 120 fps out for consoles, now its gonna be a game for everyone to enjoy.
I need that flatline skin bro i already lvl 100
I like it the Launch trailer
The comeback tho…..
What are your guys thoughts on duo ranked , that would be fun and good for the game right?
I’m excited to fight you – Pathfinder
armor swap is essential when the third party comes,now everyone will rat and play snipers.
I Hate To Say This But Respawn Can Actually Show Some Entertainment
I’m pretty sure that with the new season apex legends will feel like a whole different game (i mean, a better game of course)
Love how they reshaped how body armors work!
Let’s see what happens
I am hyped
Man I thought this was the season where they added some Titanfall lore to the mix but nope still shoved in the past. But gotta admit this event won’t go unnoticed but just maybe Titianfall stuff in future just maybe some for the future. Just maybe…
ру есть в коментах?
In my opinion it will be the best season!
Anyone else staying up all night to watch this
Hear me out, by the shape of the logo. New octane heirloom.
Yeaaaa (octane voice)
HUGE L releasing another R99 reactive when L-Star, Nemesis & Alternator don’t have one yet. Another L is that Newcastle & Catalyst still don’t have set trackers when Pathfinder is on 8 & Lifeline will be getting her sixth one this upcoming season.
Bring back Duardo Silva
Go go
Make lifeline great agian
why are my randoms so bad
The only thing I don’t like about this season is the removal of gold shield,but everything else is awesome,w respawn
Is this trailer gonna show the new legends ability
If 1k people sit here all day and do nothing what are you doing with your life
Y’all got 10 more seasons to show your absolute best or this game is done for. I have over $8,000 into this game. Don’t let me down😊
Im prepared for lifeline and bangalore legendary skins
gogo gaga
Can we get a new weapon please???
Está season promete queridos amiguitos 🫣
the enthusiasm has returned. Let’s go
Theyll still find a way to ruin it like have 8 more collection events with no real content for the next 3 seasons
The middest season I’ve ever seen
and nothing about titanfall 3…
plz dont peak storm point😢
THis could be the Apex rebirth Revolution we deserve. Get rid of cheaters…. and make all Legends playable. FIngers crossed
I’m just glad they didn’t release a new legend and focus on fixing/balancing the current game
I haven’t played this game in over a year
Comeback is real
Which skin do you guys think will get a reactive one?
Alternator / L-Stars / 30-30 / Sentinel
It’s a shame that Apex Legends Mobile no longer exists even though we really miss it
Any information about update the old prestige skins with sky dives ???? Any information about the finisher of the crypto recoler if they will put the same finisher on the original Heirloom ???? its possible to ask to devs , i think its very important for the people o buy them like me i have 3 old prestige skins and crypto heirlloom , Plz if you can Ask for DEVS this questions
Apex died a long time ago
TITANFALL 2 is better.
angel city map this season would be god their
Is the for mobile or pc
Apex is on life support and Titanfall 3 is holding its hand.
Looking foward for the new season. 🙂
I already miss the old evo shields 😢
Funny hihihihi!
Very excited for this season! respawn please don’t forget the absolute server crunch expected with this. maybe we can get clarity on the future of network infra next.
“Mozambique here”
When come the mobile version ? I’m very missed the mobile version of apex 😢
Masters rigth now probobly will be plat 2 since splits are back just liek in good old days!
Ok WITHOUT telling us they put crypto new heirloom in and the luner moon event in u know without telling us and there are only 6 more days till season 20 they just gonna put it in
Originally I thought this was going to be pretty bad, but the more I think about the changes, I think this will mostly be good. Very impressed they have finally rolled back the ranked changes. It shows their development is about 3 seasons ahead.
Please make the map smaller some how or add more people into the battle royale and they probably not listening but this would make the game so much better let’s just be honest cause the game gets boring when running around doing nothing and then there are 5 squads left and you done nothing and you looked for people the whole time
120 hz!
Wraiths recolour hierloom i need it respawn
Please upgrade those servers bucko as I get better ping on the other side of the planet than on my normal server
Apex Might be back with this one
برای اپکس بیشتر وقت بزارید خب جلوی فورتنایت یا کالاف کم میاره ترو خدا میتونه اپکس اپکس قبل بشه فقط با گرافیک بیشتر و مپ بهتر خاهش میکنم من عاشق اپکسم از سیزن ۱ بازی میکنم نذارید بازی دیگه کسی دوست نداشته باشه😢😢😢😢😢
This is going to be huge!!! I hope the servers are ready. I can’t wait
guys! peacekeeper and r99 is Best combo!
Very rare respawn W
I liked the part where they announce titanfall 3
Waiting for 120fps 😢😢
Titanfall 3?????
Story missions PvE mode in the future ❤💪🏿
The game is saved once again,good job Respawn,keep up the good work,long live Apex legends!
Please make jumpmaster tools to navigate his team after landing 👍
More functions on the map, and make a visible line for teammates towards point on map.
Still mad about gold armor it will be mist
respect for the evo shields changes without testing in ltm
we need a new Titanfall game not a another season
Biggg loool where is the crypto recoler finisher in the original heirloom???
Бля что они опять придумали
Raziel se la come
Someone cooked here
yes respawn breakout of ea greed
This is going to be one of the greatest seasons of Apex Legends 😳
By the time we get a new BR map it would have litterally been over a YEAR AND A HALF!
Edit: Typo
No new Map sadly but still Excited!
Time to make some videos on the new season!
Absolutely going to be one of the worst Seasons in Apex’s history. Too many core things that make Apex and it’s new seasons are missing. Legend, Weapon, Map. These are not small things either.
I might play ranked next season
Let’s go
Aint no way
Bangalore’s smoke now regenerates HP. kinda wish the smoke highlights enemies when hit like Caustic traps
Wattson buff needs to happen those fences should not be see through 🤨
See this is what I’m talking about. They rlly stepped it up this season
Improve the rampage!!!
i love the part where apex finally decided to give us a next gen update to the game after years of waiting for something that should’ve been released a long time ago. truly, an apex legends experience.
I’m looking forward to this new season 20
Don’t forget that the Flatline Heat sink is getting a recolor and it free to get but you have to complete challenges to get the reactive flatline skin and you get a wraith skin with the reactive flatline as well
This is my alter ego
Make heirloom shards easier to get
Ty for decent ranked changes + splits coming back
They Basically Remade the whole game with this one i never thought i would say this but respawn kinda cooked here
C nuuuuuuuuul
nan je rigole, a voir en jeu, c’est pas du tout nul sur le papier
New reactive R99 looks clean !
Revenant Perks on top