Apex Legends Season 2 – Battle Charge Launch Trailer
Did you feel that? Season 2 is starting July 2, and Kings Canyon will never be the same.
Check out what’s coming in Season 2 – Battle Charge: http://x.ea.com/58888.
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier.
Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Origin for PC: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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“Only One King” Feat. Jung Youth. Remixed by 2WEI.
Taqs:Apex Legends,Apex,Apex Legends Season 2,Apex Legends Battle Charge,Season 2 Battle Charge,Apex Legends new season,Wattson,L-STAR,Apex Legends map update,Apex Legends Kings Canyon,Apex Legends game,Respawn Apex Legends,ps4,Xbox,PC,Origin,Battle Royale game,Battle Royale,Battle Royale shooter,Apex Games,squad play,multiplayer shooter,Respawn Entertainment,Electronic Arts,Titanfall,Titanfall 2,EA,Respawn,fun battle royale
コメント (4686)
Best Apex trailer ever.
man, this is the peak apex situation. i wish apex was this good again.
4 years still the best trailer ever made
Who else misses when apex was actually a good game?
I miss this
“This is the least bored I’ve been all day” …. oh good times
best trailer ever made
season 0-4 was peak apex bro
We lost OG Kings Canyon! No bridges, no cascades! Thanks alot Crypto
Best trailer in apex legends
Been playing since launch, this is still the best trailer after 19 seasons.
season 2 is where i first started playing i miss 2019
I forgot those giant creatures once roamed the map! Getting crushed by it was hilarious
we can see the season 18 hemlock on this trailer
Season 2, the best trailer, the best song, the sexyest new champ 😉 always was perfect!
if only i played early fs
This will go down in history as the best trailer of anything in the world . :❤
still watching this after 4 years button
Octane mains : tHiS tHe LeAsT bOrEd I’ve BeEn All dAy
* dies *
Im just here cause I love the music
enough to make a grown man cry🥲
old apex was amazing
Lol im here in 2023😂😂
Still the best Apex trailer ever.
We’ve strayed so far 😔
Hands down the best trailer yet
Still get goosebumps to this day
back when apex trailers where good.
It’s 2023 season 19
Why did i just get recommended this😂
this was the prime for the game
This was one of the very best apex trailers to ever exist
They don’t make trailers like this no more 😣😣😰
These older trailers are so much better than the new ones. The quality has dropped dramatically these days.
4 years ago
Years ago I sometimes got annoyed in Apex and Fortnite comment sections. I think I commented on this video, I always made clear I wasn’t hating but I’m really sorry if I did hurt anyone.
Years ago I used to get annoyed when people had a different opinion to me. I delete my old comments but I think I commented on this video, I always made clear I wasn’t hating but I remember I got angry a few times so sorry if I did.
that is SO epic it makes me cry
one of the best season trailer
افضل مقطع سيزون
This was peak Apex. Rip.
After 4 years this is still the best trailer and they will never top it
came back to this for the nostalgia… still probably my favorite trailer, actually gets my adrenaline going. the dialogue and animation is spot on, the art is fantastic. please respawn, come back to this style of trailer we all miss it
At the last second a flyer just ate wattson thinkin of becoming pikachu
This season has a special place in my heart. Agreeably the best season in the years of apex.
this is still best trailer of all apex trailers
lightwork no reaction
4 years later miss this time 0:38
Cuando respawn se esmeraba en hacer un buen trabajo 😞
I’m watching this 4 years later
And this trailer made me speechless
I’m literally cried right now
Best season trailer ever made
oq resta agr é só sdds🥺😭😭😭
Nothing has surpassed this trailer so far
idk why i always will have a soft spot for bangalore.
To think 4 years ago, this dropped. I’ve been playing since season 1. Dame and were already in the 18th like Dame time Flys
자막 어디감?
sometimes when i am mad at the game i come back here to remember what it once was
this brings back like season 2 was one of the first season i played
Anybody in 2023 looking at this and remembering good memories.
Yes after 4 years level 830 no heirloom 😭
season 18 about to drop and this is still my fav tralier
1:30-1:52 GOOSEBUMPS!
Here after 4 years (yeah time flies, I didn’t notice it had been this long?!!) And this is still my absolute favourite apex trailer.
Not to mention my absolute favourite season. Nothing will quite hit me the same as playing apex season 2 and the whole vibe of the game. No game will ever top season 2 of apex for me, not even the new seasons of apex itself. God the things I’d do to experience this season for the first time again 😢❤
Can’t believe it’s already been 4 years since this season and trailer…
0:40 This scene goes so hard
“This is the least bored I’ve been all day”💀
жаль такое время было :((((((
Now this… this is art
After like- season 9/10 they made the movements in these trailers really cartoony and goofy. I MUCH prefer the way this trailer carries itself with its fluid movement
This is my season !!!
the best season
Octane is so funny 😂
Still the best trailer to this day XD
after 17 seasons this is still the best one
19/05/2023 I shed a tear😭😭
This is so nostalgic
The best Apex Legends trailer ❤️🔥
Debería haber jugado desde esta temporada
Best season of all the timeee
1:32 the real goosebumps here
Best season
“For a fast guy, your pretty slow!”
“For a dumb guy, you’re perfect!”
“I am perfect!”
Let’s be honest this is just octane’s trailer
Nunca volverá a ser algo tan bueno
Best season 🥲
😢My best season one ❤
el mejor trailer del Apex.
When respawn cared.
Dem lizard creatures got NO business being that tall
I wanna go back 🙁
I forgot about the Dino
Name music please
Coming back from season 16 is just insane. Make me so happy to see apex legends progression throughout the times. I do wish that I could go back to the old days when I was in year 8 and play this goated af game again when everything was much simpler.
This will always be the best trailer for apex
I remember
2023 Still the best trailer
Still the best trailer evere
Why was this recommended to me 2 years later
This is one of the hardest trailers ever dropped in multiplayer videogames history ngl😤
It’s 2023 and this trailer still gives me goosebumps.
This is still my FAVORITE apex trailer
It has AWESOME monsters, the music is EPIC, my favorite champs are here and the animation is beautiful
It’s up there with Elden Ring and Aot for me
Best trailer for any game still
It’s 2023 and this is still the best trailer in Apex Legends.
crazy how how long it’s been, just now starting season 16
Such an apex experience…
When the lore was so good because it didn’t have a lore yet
1:39 best part
Why do i get this recommended 3 years later xD, bringd back nostalgia
Those were the days 😥
Oh i miss those days ✨💖
Perfect time to recommend me it
It’s still one of the best season trailers
16 seasons and still the best trailer of the game ❤️🔥(16 temporadas e ainda sim esse é o melhor trailer do jogo❤️🔥).
who said it 🗑🙃
Trash game , trash company EA
I miss this
I miss season 2
I remember my friends and i trying so hard to figure out who the hacker was
The best season
music is such trash but was my fav trailer because of wattson
Just taking in the nostalgia <3
Good old days. Season 2 and 3 been the best ones so far
Crazy how Season 16 drops in a week and people are just as, if not more hyped. This game is the best BR.
Still the best trailer Apex dropped so far
Fav Video
After almost 4 years, this vid came back up on my recommended list, with the 4th Anniversary coming up, quite a good time to rewatch this again
Love how they put the time to add camos to the guns
This looks sick! Can’t wait for season 3 to drop🤠
im actually prefer this animation style rather than the ones that started from season 9
Who’s here after the game has sadly gotten unplayable since it’s prime
I remember this trailer releasing. Good times
Por cerrar apex legends mobile deberían todos de dejar de jugar ApexLegends de pc y consola y titanio fall 2
I miss that time
Ahhh… back in the good ol’ days.
when this trailer dropped i was so exited but the fact that the season came out on my freaking birthday is 10 times better
One of my favorite seasons
Extraño esos días donde solo era peleas a muerte, rivalidades y desmadre en ves de esta trama toda rara
I remember this day 💔
Me rewatching this in 2023
Of course 😄 caustic gets killed in a trailer, its almost every trailer he dies in
remember when devs used to care about apex?
Best Trailer ❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥
Whats the song
The best trailer in pex history they will never top that
and now game is dead 🙁 rip
Oh god haven’t played apex in ages! But I still remember how I felt watching this trailer. Full of excitement. Never felt like that in gaming since I was a kid playing the new call of duty’s like black ops. Haven’t felt like it since this. Still waiting for big game to come out….3 years
3 years went like light currently we have catalyst the latest legend
I played apex from season 1, it’s amazing how much time already has passed
Блин это круто!!!
Загляните ко мне на канал есть русская озвучка этого сезона если кому интересно
Still the best Trailer who misses old Apex Legends?
I miss Kings Canyon 🥺
Extraño mucho esa temporada 😿
By they recommend me this legendary trailer 3years later??
Can’t believe this was 3 years ago
I Can’t believe Apex Legends is 3 years old now i miss season 0
Игру убили в последних сезонах. Вот первые 10 сезонов годные были. Я играю с 0 сезона блин
Season two will and always has been my favorite season. I can watch this all day long.
i miss season 2 so fck much
probably my favourite trailer to date
Useless crypto is doing something 😆😆
i miss the old apex 🙁
Make apex great again
Just got recomended with this by youtube👴👴👴👴👴👴
Season 15 bouta drop this trailer still the best jeez
Checking in before season 15 drops
third year of coming back here watching this at same time
My favorite apex trailer
Ngl I’d tap them cheeks of miss watson
The G(OLD) DAYS😢😢😢
Notice how Mirage uses the L-STAR? It’s very cool
This is probably my favorite trailer by far
This and 4 are my favorites
Watching this in September of 2022, and it still gives me goosebumps 😜
whats octane saying to mirage like for a dont guy your perfect or smtin
10 years later I realized the voice is crane from Dying Light I’m sad that he dies I love Pathfinder but I love that guy now from the guy from Dying Light
0:28 can we acknowledge that the octane footsteps go well with the beat ?
This is still the best launch trailer we’ve gotten!
0:16 Gibraltar: COME BACK HERE BROTHAH!!!! I DARE YAH Octane: I would but your already ded Bangalore: Night night
Only one king …..l some nostalgia I remember how long I listed to this song. Haven’t heard it in 2 yrs and watch this amazing season trailer and 🥲 I had the best 2:30sec of my life
I miss when Apex was genuinely fun 🙁
octane is on SOOOO much drugs
Best apex trailer
The best season ever, i will never forget it😭
im literally crying rn
God I still get chills from this trailer, I remember when this came out and I was so hyped!
Can we just get more trailers like this? Since S4 trailers fell off
Really put the “king” in kings canyon
1:32 that part is awesome
I don’t care what anyone says, best season ever. The hype, the Crypto teasing and the first ever destroyed map filled everyone with so much excitement. I miss the old days of the early seasons
Season 13 it’s about to drop, they need to bring back the huge animals that walk around the map
Dude a Netflix show would be guaranteed success
Still my favorite trailer. I love it so, so much.
Had to come back, this trailer was the beginning of amazing Apex season trailers. season 14 is dropping soon!
Man season 2 was my best performance season ever despite how overpowered some loadouts were it was a fine season
0:39 Me getting hyped up for a legend I won’t even use
Mirage: “For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow!
Octane:”For a Dumb guy, You’re perfect!
[Insert me jeering in the background]
This is still the best trailer to ever release
By far best trailer
the best season
This compared to the newest trailer. Just can’t even compare. Like no where even close. Smh and yal really let vantage look mid af.
Had to come back here for the nostalgia, Season 14 is about to drop.
Best Trailer, can’t change my mind
57 times watched… Still gets me excited every time I watch it.
Когда выйдет?
Watching this back just to see how it would excite me when apex mobile king’s canyon gets crashed by the leviathans xD.
Best trailer ever!
1:41 over two years later and I still get goosebumps watching this trailer
Been 4 years since this masterpiece of a trailer dropped, old times:(
Good ol days man, I miss old apex guys–like really bad. newer apex doesnt have the same feeling anymore, i dont feel excited for new seasons and i just feel underwhelmed whenever i play i just wait until its over, back then i felt the grace of sliding down the beautiful grassy hills of kings canyon and flying around as gibby with the supply bin glitch, now im just sad, apex isnt the same anymore 🙁
If anyone is wondering this song is called
Only one king
Mhmm Season 2 Nostalgia
Waiting for Netflix serie 😀 haha^^
After 13 seasons, this is still the best trailer
The good old days 🥹
When it’s Black Friday 1:35
1:41 I need a full version of this remix
“For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow!”
I mean, can you blame sonic for saying that
I will love a web series or a movie
2 years later and this is still the best one to date
I’m sorry but to date (Feb 2023), this is by far THE best Apex Legends Seasons trailer.
Still my fav trailer
I swear they cut the moment when octane and Watson looked at each other
still the best trailer
This is still one of my favourite
9 year old army
I always come back to this I was on the live 😫
This trailer is so clear out of all of the new trailers 🥵
Me comming back here after getting wattsons hairloom today
Name the song?
Best trailer ever🥹❤️ season 13 is about to drop. Time flies and nostalgia hits
I remember being so hyped about this trailer back when I used to play this game all the time, I pretty much spent that entire summer just grinding out that battlepass, still my favorite season next to season 4
Bloodhound getting always sniped is the best thing in the game.
I miss season 2 😢
brudda trolled
Still one of the best trailers
Just watched the new stories from the outlands, but came back to see this trailer so I could feel the Nostalgia from back them when this New awesome season came out!
What is the name of the song used in this?
Here we go new season again so im back here
respawn should make a show with the titanfall and apex era in this style
Season 13’s dropping soon, but this is still my favorite trailer
that ending tho, EPIC 🔥
Just realized Crypto still wasn’t released at this point in time
So why exactly did I get this in my recommended again😅
I am a apex veteran from season 0 and i gotta say, this is honestly nostalgic especially the hype of octane, wattson, and when people were still trying to figure out who crypto is, and when wingman was op af and spitfire had the maximum of 66 rounds
A nostalgia mds
bruh the nostalgia
season 13 is dropping in a month and this trailer is still hyping me up don’t be sad because its gone be happy because it happened
Best trailer
Season 13 bouta drop,just here the nostalgia
I remember getting so hyped for this.
Hypest trailer apex ever put out
Best trailer of apex ever
I love this music is cool
I think octane and wattson are in love 🥰🥰
how is it season 12 now, I don’t understand how this went so fast 🤯
Funny how they thought Gibby dying to 3 shots from the hemlok would fly
What font is crypto using ?
Still being the best seasonal trailer of all Apex History, LOVE OCTANE!! ❤️
First and probably the last time they’ll ever have two new legends in a trailer.
modern day apex is bad🤦🏽♂️ i miss the old apex
It’s been a long time but I’ve watched this probably 10 times and it still doesn’t get old. I remember the day I came to apex was about a day before this trailer came into the game, and I got so hyped for this. Watching this gives me nostalgia that nothing can rival
Best Apex season trailer ever
I still remember watching this EVERYDAY only because it looks cool, i didn’t even have the game.
I’m still watching
I miss it when trailers where mostly action and the story was second. Still to this day the best Apex trailer, it mastered the sence of scale
Bangalore: come on ladies! boi, octane is a boy
One of the best season y’all have to admit
Even after 2 years , still in my fyp
it is season 12 now, but this is still the best.
Bro, what happened to these old animations 😭 They were better
this is still the best launch trailer to ever come out
Over two years later, and I still get goosebumps from that part…
I miss this animation style. New ones look great but this is just more realistic
What’s it’s a song ?
just suprises me now that we in season 12 now
What a nostalgia
Best trailer ever
Best trailer
Kinda crazy that this came out 2 years ago, i remember being really excited to play as Wattson.
0:59 is that a sentinel?
3 años del juego y sigue siendo el mejor trailer ♥
Still gives me chills
I can safely say that this is still my favorite trailer.
Season 12 just launched a couple days ago and this could make me cry man.
i remember when this came out and everyone was hyped because giant monster
Pov it’s season 12
0:39 so clean
This trailer gives me literal chills every time i watch it so f***ing amazing🥶
10 seasons later this trailer still gives me chills
This was the glory days of apex the art style the original trailer style it was just a good time
The season where i startet playing love to see it
I really miss apex at this time
That was the best season this game has had, at the moment I’m commenting this, we’re at season 11, what a shame
By far their best launch trailer to date.
I still think this was THE best season of apex
Epic moment 0:39
Anyone else get recommended this in 2022?
How to Train Your Dragon just got a remake
To think that season 12 is coming out soon and this was 10 seasons ago Is crazy
La mejor temporada de apex <3
Man i remember how i hyped i was for this, good times
Крутая песня в этом трейлере.
Когда я сру, постоянно ее слушаю.
ok cool
Why did this pop in my recommendation
Please take me back to season 2 when respawn somewhat cared about the game and it’s fans
God missed dees days
One of the best trailers of all time in the history of apex legends
Octane is so funny
Best trailer
Ahhhhhh I still miss it
When trailers were good now we get downgraded trash
I remember this, good times
I can’t believe this was 2 years ago
Who is here waiting for season 12?
wattson still so adorable
2022 anybody watching?⭐️
Crypto was already teased
With a really Good animation team and writers , Respawn and EA could very well come up with an animated show that could even surpass the likes of Arcane
I only want to come back to time and play that season. Preseason up to season 7 were awesome.
Que recuerdos, cuando fuí feliz y no lo sabía💔
D las presentaciones de las leyendas la de wattson y octanes son la mejor.
Keep coming back to see how good the trailer were and still are, still needs a
a series!!!
Anyone else notice crypto in this at 0:27
I miss altinator take out of package in season. 12??
Best season in my opinion mainly because it was summer break and there was a lot of free time.
As a apex player I can confidently say, we all miss this
After all this time the new cinematic trailers to newer season’s don’t look great.
I like how the first thing you see is a legend that wasn’t even out yet back then
Still the best season release trailer yet
The faces octane and wattson make to each other😏
Wait crypto was revealed before his release….
Came back to this after Season 11 and this is still the best trailer for me. 😏
0:39 I actually really love this part when octane use his stim
This looks really good respawn I really hope you guys don’t add a guy that cancels everyone’s else ability’s and gives him and his team a second life so they can pair up with a buffed octane. Or make a guy from a different planet who’s tactical gives wall hacks players health for 8 seconds and cancels pretty much any and everything…….. but you guys at respawn wouldn’t do that right?
One of the best season trailers ever.
i think i might had loved apex more if it looked like this in game
2021 still best apex season trailer ever
Had to come back here because season 2 was better than season 11
Anyone here after wattson got an heirloom?
I honestly thought this was octanes trailer
Joder unos de los mejores trailers xd
had to come to refuel my reason to go back on apex. Season 2 was the season that got me pumped to play again.
Octane timing went wrong and got crashed
guess we all are here again
whats the song?
9 seasons later and this is still my favorite trailer
Back when trailers were cool and aggressive
0:52 saviour ribbon accuired
Had to come back here for nostalgic memories, season 11 is out and it’s kinda fun
9 seasons later, and this is still one of the best trailers.
The BEST trailer of all times
This update killed my squad’s home we claimed…. But dang was it great!
why is crypto in the season 2 trailer?
Any one in 2021
Apex really came a long way 🥺
still the best Trailer 👌
Had to come back for the nostalgia season 11 is about to drop
What does gibby say right before octane says i would but you are already dead
Here at season 11 anyone?
Old times
9 seasons ago…we’ve come a long way
Ahh the good old days. Came back here to watch one of my favorite trailors. Season 11 just dropped today!
I had to comeback here to nostalgia season 11 drop today
Got recommend this 2 years later
0:00 – 1:59 best part
Even after all this time, this is still my favorite trailer.
The music, the action, showcasing Octane AND Wattson, teasing my boi Crypto, and the nostalgic hype of seeing the giant eye and the flyers. It’s all so byoutiful.
I love the other trailers, but I have my favorites, and this’ll always be #1 of them all.
Just got this on my recommended…… brought back a lot of memories
Who else is just watching for vibes
My favorite part is when octane goes “THIS IS THE LEAST BORED I’VE BEEN ALL DAY!” And then he just dies
season 2 was 2 years ago? gg
Im coming Here for Nostalgia, Season 11 is to drop next days.
Best Season
Still best season ever
Season 11 incoming
OG Apex was lit
I can’t wait for this to drop, it came in my recommendation
This is nearly 3 years old and stil lhas better animations than season 11 trailer
love the music and how it fits both, the legends fighting each other and crypto hacking the tower
happy to see how the game has come so far, season 11 dropping next week. with a jungle map.
This animation looks so much better than the recent ones
op song
Hello im Here im from october 2021
Had to come back here for the nostalgia, season 11 is about to drope.
Still my favorite launch trailer
Season 11s about to drop. Ahh what happened to the good old days
Best Apex Trailer ever. watching it in season 12
Season 11 is about to drop…
I miss this art style
Still can’t believe they tease crypto on the season 2 trailer
Octane: this is the least bored I’ve been all da- *dies*
I wish we could ride the dragons too in apex
Season 11 dropped but this is still the best trailer.
Watching this before the season 11 Launch Trailer. And the Nostalgia is kicking
Best season in my opinion
Mirage best legend
Tío que buen trailer de apex Legends jejeje
came back for nostalgia since the good ol days were before season 9…..
What is that tatoo on octanes arm
I love the music
funny how crypto was shown to us in this trailer
0:57 blood was just kinda standing there waiting to get shot
who remember getting goosebumps with this trailer?
Can’t wait for this season!
I remembered old times of this game again, I want to return to season 2 🤟
лучший сезон в апексе, который я только видел
Still the best apex trailer
Why did this just pop up In my Recommendation
Bro this give me chill 1:39
apex know how to make a hype trailer
Who else here because they can’t ever get bored of the trailers
One thing about this game that no one can complain about 😔👌👌👌
Te amo Apex
Best trailer i think
Octaine is so cool in this trailer
Season 2 is when I started to actively play Apex. It was the golden days. Hands down S2 was the best season. It was during a time when everything was so simple. People were more casual at the game. No sweats. I used to win games every other day. it was during a time when my fav legend, pathfinder was amazing. It was when krabers and mastiffs were legendary. It was when ranked was there. I play d apex the day it launched and left after a week. BUT THIS AWSOME TRAILER BROGHT ME BACK. THERES OBLY ONE KING AND ONLY ONE CROWN and it belongs to Apex legends.
Came back to listen to this song. It’s a bump
“The” if not the best apex trailer so far IMO
Best season ever made 🥺😢
Porque quitaron como veía wattson a octane?
I need the music
Eu preciso dessa musica
Who else is here because this was their favorite season trailer and its season 10
Season 10!
This is the best trailer
4 m later:Still the best
This was so hype in the moment
how did I come back to this trailer and just realized that crypto was in it
It’s Season 10, tap strafe has been removed and Wattson is the least played legend 🤡
Goosebumbs when that second extra bassy synth hits..
When you come back to feel the nostalgia. The best season tbh.
Nostalgie go brrr, coming from season 10 damm, I want a apex retro event where you can go back even further with map and weapons balancing and all that stuff
I hope they keep doing LTMs that take us back to the old maps
This trailer still gives me goosebumps
Best launch trailer
I know this trailer was ment for wattson but we can all agree octane stole the trailer for himself
Literally gave me chills
8 seasons later and I’m here
camyon lehking x electrician and ondrags
I gotta admit that this is one of the best trailers
Oh man, remember when apex was actually good?
Bruh this is so epic
Now it’s Season 10
I miss the early trailers the new ones aren’t bad but they don’t have the same vibe the old ones just felt so apex
Y pensar que ya pasó dos años
my movie!!!!!
Season 10 anyone? Season 15?
2 года не могу поверить а ведь я был только в 6 классе а уже в 2021 перехожу в 9 просто не могу поверить
Wow how time flys I remember watching this the minute it came out!
This is my favorite Apex launch trailer.
im so dissapointed i didnt play apex earlier
I love how they teased crypto in this then teased him even more in game
this is still one of the most impressive looking trailers for apex
0:22 (バンガ)ナイナイ~
Ugh i wish i have a pc to play🥲🤝
Still get chills anyone else?
One of the best saison trailer
still gives me goosebumps till today of season 10
Loba ruined the dinos 😢
Best trailer
I just noticed they teased crypto in this trailer as he was the one that blew up the tower
who’s here 8 seasons later missing kings canyon
This had to be one of my favorite seasons
I still think this is the best trailer put of them all.
1:33 this is always the coolest part
This has to be the best apex legends trailer
This is the best apex trailer
“Come back here bruddah”
Still the best Apex trailer.
El mejor trailer 👁️👄👁️
Plot twist octane’s boost is G fuel inside a syringe
Season 10 arrived! How memorable that Flyers in map on the previous season and then came this trailer!
This is the best apex legends trailer NO CAP
Had to come back here for the nostalgia, Season 10 just got released.
Season 10 just dropped and I left playing this legendary game some weeks ago 😔 I’ll always remember the amount of fun I had playing this game and being with the community X
Gotta love how crypto was foreshadowed
Ah simpler times
More better trailer than season 6
These new players just don’t know
0:36 Accurate representation of Mirage when meeting Loba.
Coming back before season 10 haha
Had to come back for the nostalgia. Season 10 is about to drop
I just realized octane is just running around the battlefield without a weapon 😂
Season 2😪 my baby
My boy cryptos first appearance
God I love Octane
i hope that respawn make trailers like this in the upcoming seasons
I cant believe its been so long.
Season 10 is almost here
Disruptor is back
What is the sound at 1:34?
Still the best trailer
Best apex trailer.
Season 10 is coming, but I’ll never forget the best season so far🙌
1:30 See a part to unmask octane 😁
I miss season 2 season 10 bout to drop
this trailer is my favorite trailer just because of the ending
Im here after seeing season 10. This is still my favorite
Season 10 about to drop
This trailer will always hold a special place in my heart. Still gives me shivers watching it
I wish I stuck with apex and didn’t go back to Fortnite back in season 1 cause I totally missed out on this
Name of song?
Who knows it?
Have to Rewatch All the trailers Before season 10
arguably in the top 3 for best season release trailers. came back to watch it again
1:02 1:03 1:04 1:05
The best Apex legend trailer i ever seen
Just popped up on my recommended
I really hope this season will improve from last season
God, two years ago. what a trip. still the best trailer
Coming back here missing season 2. Season 10 is about to drop
1:17 What Octane says I can’t understand
Let’s be completely honest. There will not be a more epic trailer than this no matter how many seasons will come out
still the best trailer for anything i’ve ever seen ever, i could literally rewatch this over and over again till i die
I had to come back to this video, I remembered grinding until I got watson
0:41 when I’m on drugs
Remember good times
E vivido El Nacimiento de Apex Legends desde el principio y Aún sigo viendo trailers de hace 1 año o 2🥷🏻⚡
And now we’re 3 weeks away from season 10
Back when this game was actually a good video game… It’s a flat out terrible game now. Only exists for the income.
1:02 Eso me prende <3
Season 2, Good times.
wattson and octane “have an eye contact”
apex fandom: R O M A N C E
i will never forget this
2 year later i miss it
Here during Season 9… ❤
My mom and dad and me are running from a cerial killer
My mom and dad 1:11
Me 1:18
Hard to believe this almost 2 years
2 years ago already since this trailer came out
2 anos da melhor temporada do Apex, só resta saudades!
Hoy 27/jun/2021 y hace 2 años se presentó este hermoso trailer
2 years ago from today this trailer released
Just noticed at 01:31 you’ll see Octane’s eye
The best saison.
Best Apex Launch trailer till date.
Season 2… BEST season TRY and change my mind
The good days 😢
When you start a bank robbery 1:13
And you hire other people
The other robbers 1:18
The bank tellers 1:11
0:26 crypto was from the beginning?
this game is more cartoonish than fortnite
I see Wattson’s squad graduated from the Prometheus school of running away from things
I remember this
0:02 my boi crypto is here a season erlier
I feel bad for mirage getting kicked in the head
Season 9 now
Honestly one of the best game trailers ever released.
Still the best!
I’m at season 12 now
Cause there’s only one king
Under me is wrong it is now season 9
bad game
This was the best season you can’t change my mind
Why tf dis get recommended to me?
this is the best launch trailer imo (currently season 9)
Even on the battlefield Gibby is a good sport
I just put montero over this trailer and it went pretty well
1:18 should be a octane voice line
if you play this trailer the same time as montero it syncs up perfect try it out guys
We all agree that s2 trailer is the best
Take me back to og apex so chaotic but yet so fun or just give me kings canyon again
Quit fortnite and started playing Apex in Season 2. Best decision of my life (wattson main btw)
wow this is giving me memories
Bloodhound was just standing there
one of the best cinematics of all time
I love when the music drops and the “kings” joins the game
What the song ?
There could not be a better song choice
It’s 2021 and I come here often.
One of the best cinematic trailer in gaming industry.. 💙
Única e melhor cinza
The Good old days😞
It’s been almost two years ago…So much happend since then in my life(and i bet in yours as well) but i still playing apex and having a ton of fun, thanks Respawn!
There was a crypto 😯
Alter das Spiel hätte mal echt besser werden können, wenn es nicht andauernd irgendwelche probleme geben würde.
wattson casually just resurrects octane and all he says is thanks.
Regresenme a esa temporada T_T, ahí era feliz
Can I just say that this is an amazing trailer and it’s so cool and the music is great and the animation is amazing
So Crypto is the one that we can thank for all the animals on this map huh?
I have seen all Apex trailers but this one is definitely the best one.
This is still the most hype trailer
yo even though its season 9 in apex season 2 trailer still gives me the chills
1:30 so thats why they 2 are getting shipped. Huh.
Octane in trailers: fun, nice, grateful, smart.
Octane in game: dumb, selfish, suicidal
ykw im proud of playing apex since day one
Coming back from Season 9
1/2 and 3 best seasons
I could watch the apex trailers the whole day and I wouldn’t be bored
Play store me kb install kar payenge?
Tower: *about to crush people*
All Other Legends: WE’RE GONNA DIE!!!
Octane: AWESOME!!!
Ngl, love Octane’s personality, as adrenaline junkies, he and my dad would get along well
this was the best trailer ong
Can someone tell me why I am not able to find the 2WEI remix of the song. I mean the remix used in the trailer…not the actual song…that remix is soo sick to hear ……..
Btw the emojis are for grabbing attention
0:40 wats the name of this song
Love this game so much
I love it when the trailers are all octane having fun
When you drop your big brother’s iPhone 11 1:18
After 2 years and i m still here
Best trailer
Best season trailer
Just had to come back to refresh everything in my mind, season 9 just launched
Wildlife Repulsor Technology – developed by the IMC when colonizing new planets
Back when this game was enjoyable
the best Trailer of game I ever saw
Season 9 is here but I had to come back
Octane really did a horror movie iq move trying to escape the tower
He ran straight
Caustic getting bodied in the cinimatic: some things never get old
i need a link to the 2wei remix of this song
like now.
Who else just got this in reccomended
Greetings from s9
This is probably one of the best trailers out there in terms of hype for Apex Legends
Season 9 is going to be fun
Here the day before season 9 drops, Arena comes out tomorrow. This trailer still hits hard
Crypto is leaked
Had to come back for nostalgia just like Matt Clarke, season 8 is about to drop
This trailer is amazing bro
it never gets old
Season 9 is about to drop😶
bloodhound got sniped by path in the launch trailer and now wattson’s sniped him again
Season 9: Legacy is in 2 days, but to this day, no trailer has gotten me more hyped. 1:39 is just a gem.
They should release an animation video every week these r so good
Season 9 about to drop!!
It’s been two years and they still haven’t cleaned the ruins of the repulsor tower off the top of the mountain
My family sees a guy with a gun
My family: 1:11
6 year old me: 1:14
0:39 9 year old me playing tag after I drank a bottle of coco cola
0:52 me when I find the last person alive in tag
Ive missed….sooo much
It looked way better than what it was
guAtzOn 🤯
Season 9 bout to drop had to come back for some nostalgia.
Here before Season 9. Bro, I love this trailer
Why is caustic always getting beat
0:17 pump action mastiff?
My favourite animatic, right after Valkyrie’s one, even though I’m a pilot 😉
Season 9 bouta drop so I came back to this hype trailer.
Apex Legacy is next week!
I remember being hella excited for this. Season 2 was by far the best season.
Season 9 is about to drop :’)
Best season i miss u
its season 9 now. anyone else remember when everyone tought apex would end on season 8 and now its almost season 9! what a long journey. and its not even over
Season 9 now suckers
Honestly octane every time it goes extremely fast like the trailer he doesn’t like in a satisfying way
anyone here before season 9
Wow que recuerdos cuando todos decíamos que crypto sería la mejor leyenda y a día de hoy no se ve en ninguna partida x’d
Nostalgia coming back right before season 9 is dropping!
Can we talk about the fact that Bangalore uses 3 shots from a single fire hemlock, a weapon with a triple burst attack
Say what you want about the bugs, but Respawn KNOWS how to make cinematic stuff. Telling ya, they gotta make a series or movie
Who came back here after the Legacy Cinematic trailer? 🙂
Don’t mind me, just patiently waiting for season 9 to drop.
Bangalore shot 3 shots 2 for gibby And 1 for A I R
Man, good times
So slick! 😲 A++
Only one king is most favourite trailer song
Playing this game since season 2 and still waiting for a trailer to come that will beat this one. Its just perfect !!
Both the nostalgia and music hit hard even if we are at season 8.
And now we are here waiting for the Legacy season
nostalgia 🙁
Had to come back for nostalgia! Season 9 is about to drop!!
Octane : **dies**
Lifeline Finisher
Season 9 is about to drop came here for the hype
I come here every new season for the nostalgia. Its tradition.
I just noticed.. Octane’s left eye revealed!!!
When I try to aim with the L-star 0:31
Had to come back here for the nostalgia, season 9 is about to drop.
Just noticed crypto is in the season 2 trailer. Didnt notce this when this came out
Still one of my favorite apex season ever
2nd best trailer after valk 🔥
season 2 theme song in the backround dope no cap 1:37
Season 9 boys wya?
ready for season 9
Had to come back here for the nostalgia, season 9 “Legacy” boutta drop.
100% copied
After watched season 9 trailer…
Had to come back to compare with this legendary trailer.
Watched it over 100 times….
This is by far the best apex season trailer
Time for season 9
One of the best season launch trailers of Apex. Missing these type of hype trailers. Bring on season 9! Stoked!
No other season trailers have ever hyped me up as much as season 2, let’s hope season 9 doesn’t disappoint.
Here for the nostalgia, we’re currently 2 weeks away from season 9
Mejor temporada y mejor trailer de todas 🥺🥺♥️♥️
Somehow, I keep coming back to this trailer
Jesus, nearly Season 9 already
Mobile version coming soon🥳
Apex always makes amazing trailers and animated shorts, but as an Octane main, this trailer will almost always be my favourite video posted by Apex Legends’ YouTube
Had to comeback here. It’s been a year ago, whay a year eh? Season 9 is coming!!!
I just realized crypto was teased in season 2 but octane came out
This is tradition to watch whenever theres a new season trailer
I didn’t play then… I regret it
Damn I miss this Season…
tbh this is the best trailer for a game even after 2 years
Wish I could go back to this season lol
*“Muchas gracias, amigo”*
I come back to this every week
Congratulations on watching 10 million! !! !! !! !! !! Best
just realized zed crypto was in this trailer
0:31- 0:55 still gives me goosebumps
Congratulations on 10 million plays:)
Am i late to watch this video at the end season 8
A simple time
Remember before Season 2 how Apex literally had nothing going on. The game has come such a long way!
0:37 what does mirage say right here
This is the best apex legends trailer, change my mind
0:37 when the community saw Loba for the first time.
still my fave season so nostalgic.
How did the mirage that gibby killed only have a Mozambique
i cnt understand what octane is saying even tho i know spanish
I miss when the animals were in kings canyon
“come back hear brodah”
“I would but your already dead”
*Bangalore shoots him 3 times in the back*
I love this part
Wattson is one year old happy birthday to all wattson mains
First 3 seasons I was in love with and the 4 season I fucked with and the fifth then after that I was okay and still enjoyed but not as much
Nose porque no jugue esa season😔
So nostalgia hitting me the bat cinematic to date
I just played it
The days wattson were favorable
Back when Apex Legends was not just about cosmetics.
This has to be the best launch trailer
I forgot how so cool this is one of the best of the best i memorized this but i forgot so i tried
Still the best trailer
Hey that tower brings back Titanfall 1 memories
This is my favorite season trailer so far
0:21 bad ass Bangalore
Still the best trailer
1:39 when there’s only 1 PS5 left on the shelf at Walmart.
I remember this in season 2 and got win and were so happy lol
when this came out
holy shet we were all excited weren’t we?
Still hyped for Titanfall 3 now that it is confirmed
Viva el Apex perrossss
“This is the least bored I’ve been all day”
Implying that he is still indeed bored when he’s i n m o r t a l f u c k i n g
d a n g e r
0:39 octane is badass and best.😂🤣😆
Porque en todos los trailers muere caustic???
Because in all the trailers caustic dies ???
Best BR ever! having fun when make a content for it!
0:38 mi parte favorita :v
I became Octane main after that lovely cinematic 🔥♥️
all time favourite trailer
I started playing around season 6 had no idea this clip existed this right here is absolutely perfect the music the character everything is just perfect wow
The goosebumps are still here after a year
1:29. Start of a love relationship??????
The best of ALL trailers…
Love it
This Is the best trailer
Wattson is lowkey one of the prettiest video game characters ever.
0:45 this is proof that everyone that is fast can make things slow kinda
El mejor intro de toda Apex con su song alb
I like how they secretly teased crypto in the trailer
Did anyone realize at the start of the trailer you see crypto and he wasn’t even out yet
0:16 did Gibraltar just cock the mastiff? Potential thing for the mastiff?
1:30 お前そんな背高かったんか…
This the best one
Anyone who has played TF1 or at least know what that tower was know exactly why all that happened. I love it
What is octane saying to mirage? I only understand, for a …. guy, youre perfect
Thx 4 the fake hype
has anyone else realized the hacker is crypto?
Keep buffing octane pls i like this buffs
Idk if I had seen better trailer in BR games
I’m not sure if this is on purpose, but at 0:49 the song literally says “it’s about to go down” basically predicting that that tower would fall down. I didn’t find any other comments pointing that out
0:39 me on 20 kill rampage in apex
I love this trailer but mostly the music
I just now realized that the first guy on that computer was crypto
wtF is up with this recommendation.
oh wait im looking back because im tired and out of drugs
I want to go back to this day 😩
This never gets old
1:14 this is why i fell in love with octane lol😂
Best trailer out there when the leviathans came out and zoomed in on watsons face it still gives me goose bumps
“For a dumb guy you’re perfect!”
Why am I In most of this The Directors said I wouldn’t not be in many parts
Guys its time to admit that leviathons are the most epic thing of apex
“This is the least bored I’ve Ben allday”
Mirage get bullies in all season trailer, as mirage main, I find this funny
El trailer mas epico de todo apex
Wattson: Humans
Bloodhound: Human’s liberty
1:34 no doubt this is the best part and after seeing this I have yet to see a trailer that surpasses this one in music and action
the best trailer
I like that there’s safeguards in place so Legends don’t get insanely hurt
This is still the best launch trailer
1:39 This gave me the longest chills in my entire life.
Man Respawn chose a fucking banger for this one
The song in this trailer would fit perfectly for the new Godzilla vs Kong movie.
The song they used is called “Only One King” by Jung Youth.
The Crypto hype after this was so dope. Really miss the OG Apex
They teased crypto before he came out in season 4
Anyone else get chills when octane runs to the beat?
I miss og seasons
1:48 is so fricking cool looking dude
Me runing from a kidnapper 1:15
Best apex trailer ever
I just realized how small Wattsons ult is in this trailer
The Music for this trailer has got to be some of the best even a year later.
I wish the flyers actually attacked
God I hated this song
Best trailer
0:51 that’s gotta be from Spider-Man i mean just look at it
My favourite trailer
0:14 when you and your friend see there’s only one chicken tender left
I started playing Apex this season, very pog
Still the best season trailer of them all. This gets me hyped every time
Best apex trailer till now
I joined s7 but this trailer is my fav
This game is perfection
Miss the good old dayssss
This game started getting trash after season 3. I just remember when me and my friend would have so much fun. Everyone was trash, we were trash. It was fun. There’s no turning back time so that’s that I guess.
APEX legends: animal kingdom
In 1:18 this is the least ford i been all day!
Who else listened to only one king while they were playing apex legends
That was good
Season 8 now
How nostalgic..
why is this in my recommended in s8 wtf
The Best trailer 👉💉🧪🔥🔥🔥😍
IN 0:39 When Octane Injects That Adrenaline In Him And He Starts Running Fast And The Music Plays And He Jumps On That Jump Pad Literally It Looks So Majecstic ASF and i literally main octane so much he is fun asf to main tbh
Out of all the trailers right now, this one will always be my favorite
Who is watching this in 2031? i am
This is by far the best Just My opinion God I love this game
I remember when this dropped and i thought we would be sble ride the animals. Man that wouldve be sick
Good old times
Can we all agree that this is the best apex trailer
Todas estás temporadas han sido hermosas, pero este es mi trailer favorito, a pasado poco tiempo y me da Nostalgia 😪❤️.
Con esa canción de fondo y su letra hacía que te adentraras más en las Partidas Rankeds, todos peleando por ser un Apex Predator, fue hermoso ❤️
I think season 2 was my most favorite out of all of the others. I remember seeing the flyers early before the release of the official second season
me in 2021 rewatching this
This was my favorite trailer nostalgia
Season 1 octane:
Season 2 octane: hey wattson wanna be in the trailer together.
I wish kings canyon was as lush and bright as this in game
I remember seeing this exact vid while waiting for my apex to update
2 words.
disruptor rounds.
wait no…. make that 3..
LONGBOW .disruptor rounds
Still the best trailer
I remember how hyped i was for this
What is the song
This trailer is still goes hard af
MmMmmmmMmmMmMmmMMMMMmmMm This trailer is goooood
Anyone else just realize that crypto is in the season 2 trailer
No other season trailer got me this hype for the game, that and the solos LTM. Season 2 was the best ever, Apex at its prime! Still a great game, but it’ll never be as great as this.
petition to make this the default song for apex
1:52 RIP She got eaten by the dragon.
this was the best trailer apex did up until now.
This season should be called Jurassic park season
*Octane players stereotypes*
Trailer Octane: 0:39
The players who forgot they were using octane: 0:51
Octane mains: 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:39 IVE BEEN DOWNED, WOW I ACTUALLY GOT HIT
When Mirage meets Loba : 0:36
Season 2 when my baby Wattson was introduced!!
ngl this is personally one of the best trailers in video game history.
Best trailers in my opinion
Season 2
Bro I miss old apex and when they didn’t nerf pathfinder 🥲
Anyone here after s8? Can’t believe s8 is here omg time flies
Even after all this time apex season 2 is still the best season of apex there is and maybe ever was but let’s all talk about how this song is still a banger
This trailers music is fire and I think it might be the best trailer in the game ngl
Octane is allergic to stand still
0:39 best part
This is the best
Poor Bloodhound heirloom just get destroyed
Everyone runs
This trailer still gives me goosebumbs, Respawn created such a great game…
I get vibes whatching this trailer now bro, im glad i play apex
0:52 how did he stopped falling from the air stay still midair and kick mirage in the face?
This trailer is so good!
what the name of the song?
POV: This is the best trailer and you know it
Bro why is octane the best
Still the best banger
So big lizards and annoying titanfall birds
Still the best trailer so far
Don’t worry guys, this is just a normal day as octane
back in good old days
oh man I’m so excited for season 2 thanks for the recommendation youtube
Cant eait to play season 2 omg!!!!!!!
1:39 My Favorite part
My teammates when they see a horizon ult: 1:11
Me: 1:14
Crypto was in this trailer
Bro that song is 🔥
Crypto in the background of this watching: *laughs in hacker*
Still my favorite trailer
What song?
I felt the Battle Charge in me
30-34 when bullying doesn’t work
Normal people when running away from a skyscraper falling: ahhhhhhhh
Octane: this is the least bored I’ve been all day
Bloodhounds that unlucky player who doesn’t get a weapon at the start of the game
This is my second favourite trailer. My favourite is the Revenant trailer.
Also why is Bloodhound killed in pretty much every trailer
0:04 I just realized that it was crypto.
i miss the blue sky
Me watching this being a season 7 starter:😲
I know this is the season 2 trailer, bbut its so good that i cant stop watching it.
the first time kc got destroyed
Octane is literally mexican Jesus
crypto was hacking at the beggining 0:03 but he doesnt get added till season 3
Ah yes, the day best girl was announced
This trailer never gets old, GOOSEBUMPS EVERY TIME!
It’s great to see it now!!
0:57 Wattson is perfect sniper!!!
who else just loves octanes personality?
Anyone else here waiting for season 8 ?😶
Watson: *revives octane
Also Watson: kills him in season 3
0:38 escapefromschool. exe
I love how octane is crazY like me.
This is so f*cking GOOD
Anyone here in 2021 when season 8 is like 9 days away or less
pov finally realizing what happened at 52 seconds in after 7 seasons
I remember those days
And there is only one king and there is only one kin- oh I’m late
The ablosute best apex trailer this part is so badass 1:33
S2 looked so fun 😞
I miss old apex
Anyone here before season 8
Had to come back here for the nostalgia, Season 8 is about to drop.
Good F old days
I come from the future to tell you guys that this trailer is never gonna be beat
1:39 when everyone is trying to be the first in the lunch line
Wattson is Wifey
Season 8 coming up and its still the best gameplay trailer
Muchas gracias amigo!
Me and the boys when The weekend comes
man this is still the best trailer so far and its almost s8, so much has changed i wish i could go back to s3 apex
best trailer no cap
0:07 when your little brother is playing in your computer
Best trailer…
It doesn’t matter how many times I watch this, it will always give me chills.
0:38 sonic…SPEEED!!
Still the best trailer 🙂
still the best trailer (whos re watching after the season 8 trailer dropped)
Back when Apex was still good and fun
Came back here to pay my respects to in my opinion, the best season and trailer of Apex in its life span so far my god.
This remains the best apex trailer ever still
The sesson i started
The best trailer forever
Who else get chills when listening to this now
Damn, every time I rewatch these I get the same goosebumps
This is Best apex legends trailer
Back when apex was good
Bro I wish they bring back this map
The music in the apex trailers is lit
Yeah and I felt the charge in my body
Ya love to see it
why was cypto in this. he got added a season later
1:44 gives me shivers
Still the best one
The evolution of apex has just been wow i remember when this game firsr came out my friend showed me it and now its just wow
well bloodhound still got sniped.
Do the Watson Hairllom!
That music is lit where can I get that 0:41
Whoooooooo octane can run on water 0:42
Mirage what do you think your doind to octane 0:30 and that sick animation
Ya my favorite season
The song adds to the epicness
pasen el nombre del rolon de este trailer por favor, gente
Gibraltar is so meme. Come back here brother. I dare ya
1:28 octane his eye revealed pay me with a like
this is still the best
why we like octane
R.I.P. King’s canyon
holy shit do i miss the older seasons
Dis is seak👌👌👌
To this day
This is still my favourite apex trailer.
And the best one to show off octane
2021 according to the person who predicted 911
I usually never watch trailer again but all the trailers from Apex are so good.
d r u g s
all trailer season 1 – 7 the best is this 🤘🤘
Anyone is waiting for s8???
I love looking back on this such an amazing trailer
Season 2 is when this game peaked
Rip care packaged mastiff
Come back here bradda
How many times did Bloodhound die in trailers? lol
Season 2 is the best season and this is goodie song
0:52 what it’s like to chew 5 gum
나이/지역/장소 X
합법적인 간단알바
하루 3만원
카카오톡 상단 돋보기 클릭!!
Oh season two looks sick I’m so excited
What octane say 0:15 ??
Proud player since season 2, but I still can’t trust shotguns😂
This was my favorite season
Mirage : For a Fast guy, your pretty slow.
Octane : For a Dumb Guy, Your *Perfect*
This is why i am an octane main
And 0:51 is also a reason why i am an octane main aswell
Welcome to jurrasic park
Octane is faster then my internet connection
I just realized that when the tower is blown up, Wattson is the only one to wince and cover her ears, further signifying how she dislikes the noise and is sensitive to it. Nice touch animators.
Is this on anyone’s playlist
0:19 *Omae owa, moe, shindayue.*
If I could go back I would. S2 was best 4-7 was kinda garbo.
Is that crypto at 0:25 ?!?!
Wow omg
Hey guys I’m from the future in season seven we get this space lady that can fly and do this black hole
This is were my story started
I am surprised that when Bangalore shot Gibraltar that the bullets went through
Thanks octane for calling me dope you still slow tho
revenge of *the moyai*
con este trailer me compraron
any one see crypto
What song did you guys use for this trailer?
1:42 to 1:50 That’s one of the most coolest things I’ve ever seen
Got recommended this a year later, still the BEST tho. I got like 27 wins as path in season 2
has been my fav trailer everytime season 7 trailer is on no.2
Still be vibin’ to this trailer!
F 0:59
Crypto be hacking tho:)
Why we love octane
god this trailer is stupidly good
0:19 Octane: Omae wa mou shindeiru
I can’t believe all those features were introduced so long ago
If respawn knows how to make a thing, it definitely would be the satisfaction of hearing and feeling almost something, they add weight and such in their animation
I love it
this one was dope
Wait is that crypto?
0:14 muchas gracias amigo 🙂
The best trailer out there. I miss the old apex days. Bring back cascades. Bring back thw good ole pre season map
It gives me chills at the end .
this one just yes
Muchas gracias amigoooo.
Octane:Let’s see I’m mid air an arc star just exploded behind me and I’m speeding towards mirage with an Lstar in hand …..
Let’s take a selfie
What song is this?
I know it like a year after but yeesh the 9 yr Olds still want vbucks even tho this apex (flyers r 9 yr olds)
1:38 loooool
This trailer always restores my love for Apex Legends
If you think season 2 had the best trailer guess what
You’re right
Muchas gracias amigo
As a boy, always knew I’d
One day have the courage to be king
Time flew and I grew up
Now I’m ready for the promise that it brings
You only wanted me to screw up
But that’s something that you’re never gonna see
Everything that you hoped for
It was only in a dream
Now I go on a roll on the road
And I know that I’m never breaking down
I control all the flow in my soul
Pull the sword out the stone in the ground
She always said it’d be someday
Seeing castles in the clouds
And one way or another
When I step in the room, everybody better bow
So be careful how you talk to me
‘Cause there’s only one king
And there’s only one crown
And there ain’t enough room for us both on the throne
So it’s ’bout to go down
So you better start running
So you better start running
So you better start running
Because I’m coming right now
‘Cause I’m coming right now
Huddled masses talk in whispers
Situation’s getting tenser
You should probably pay attention
Boy you know I’m born to win it
Ever since I had the vision
When I speak, my people listen
We could start a new tradition
All the children, men and women
Gat her’round to burn it down
We gon’ start the kingdom from scratch
Far too many may take advantage
But it ain’t gonna happen like that
Time and time again I wake up and
Enemies might attack, but
All that matters in my opinion
Is that the dynasty lasts
So be careful how you talk to me
‘Cause there’s only one king
And there’s only one crown
And there ain’t enough room for us both on the throne
So it’s ’bout to go down
So you better start running
So you better start running
So you better start running
Because I’m coming right now
‘Cause I’m coming right now
There’s only one king
And there’s only one crown
And there’s only one king
And it’s looking like me
So you better start running
So you better start running
So you better start running
So you better start
So you better start
‘Cause there’s only one king
And there’s only one crown
And there ain’t enough room for us both on the throne
So it’s ’bout to go down
So you better start running
So you better start running
So you better start running
Because I’m coming right now
‘Cause I’m coming right now
I’m coming right now
I’m coming right now
I’m coming right, coming right
‘Cause I’m coming right now
Wtf this was in my recommend
Uhhhhhh so glad I wasn’t here yet for that invasion
You know for being Watson’s season it’s strange that Octane was the star of the show here
Respawn still has yet to top this trailer (and Season) imo. Just coming back here to relive the hype ❤️
Remember cryptos introduction actually broke the game
ok is no-one going to talk about how Crypto literally created the new map
still my favorite cinematic trailer.
Кто прочитал там арех
Bruh this trailer always gives me chills ( in a good way)
2 reasons octane my fav
1:14 – 120
Miss the old seasons but season 7 is her now
I like how out of all the legends running away from the falling tower octane was the slowest.
This is when I started and I’m still here
Probably the most epic trailer ever
0:41 me running to get my food 5 minutes before the place closes
No one’s gonna talk about Crypto in this trailer?
Essa season foi incrível
The fact that you can see Octanes eye makes the whole trailer 10 times better
Wow the subtitles don’t think gibbys a voice
Octane need boink
Hey caustic come here
Sinceramente este trailer para mí es el mejor
Not lying but I say season 2 was the best season
I’m here after season 7
This and the Season 7 trailer has to be the best-
Are we not going to mention that gibby was pumping the mastiff when its a semi auto shotgun not pump action.
More exciting than the new season is octane eye reveal
Cool 💥
Ah… the good old days
The song and the character’s foot steps sync is awesome
This is so iknoc
Octane: This is the bored I’ve been all day
Moments later [FRIGGIN DIES]
Why is this getting recommended to me 3 days before season 7
Season 7 coming in a day and I still think this is the best trailer so far
Still thinking this is the best season trailer yet
love how I saw Crypto so many times in this trailer that I forgot it’s actually Wattson’s trailer and then to see him in S3 still blows my mind
The graphics improved so much!
We’ve come so far…..its Season 7 now
0:03 must of been a hint of season 3 legend
Still one of the best launch trailers
Who’s here after the trailer of season 7 has been released?
Mozabique here!
From this trailer we should realize that the L-Star was doomed from the begining
this is the best artstyle i have seen for apex no doubt, the bright colors just perfect it
lol I remember before seasons were a thing in this game
0:16 mastiff is a pump action shotgun? Wait… HOW AND WHAT?!?!
bro these trailers are just flawless. Crazy
Therefore he wasnt meant to introduced into the apex games same for revenant but apex games know hammond personally
Crypto was in the apex games early therefore not for us but he was a secret legend in the apex games
*New season drops*
Everyone: “think I’m gonna rewatch this”
They teased crypto
100% 100
We gunna talk about how all the trailers still kick major ass
missing the old days man 🙁
Here after season 7 trailer.
Still this is the best one
Season 7 trailer was great but nothing tops this trailer.
yep i’m obsessed with his eye 1:31
Who’s here after watching the SEASON 7 TRAILER? maannn u gotta let me know, S2 is the best trailer.
we almost got a octane face reveal, but just a eye lol
The best season launch trailer. Mainly due to the song choice.
_Written after watching season 7 trailer._
I’m here after the season 7 trailer just dropped and I gotta say with how good that one was, this is still my favorite
Octane on drugs tho
Can’t wait
this pop’s up on recommended
when you realized that crypto was teased in season
apex was so hype back then
its october 27th 2020, i’m watching this maybe for the 100th time and it still gives me goosebumps… This is (for me) by far the best apex trailer ever. Loved it the day it came out and still to this day lovin it. Keep the good work respawn.
0:43 me running downstairs to get McDonald’s
Apex has come a long way since season 2.
To look back, it was Crypto the entire time… we were trying to figure out who he is…
Still my fave trailer
Hmmm a French character weilding a sniper sound familiar. no bad widow maker
0:46 this part is the best
Still my favorite game trailer
How did Bangalore kill Gibby with 3 bullets HE’s THIS AF
No cap
1:50 I just notificated the banners LOL
0:57 they spoiled he nerf
0:41 why this can be in the game just change it with he glowing efecth
Best Season In The Game …
by far my favorite, just cause the music is fire asf
I love how each one of them are going head to head one after another 🤣😂
I still watch this and season 6 is out almost season 7 this season was great
It’s been fr a year and I’m still denying dat wattson hit dat kraber shot
Just realized that crypto was spoiled in this trailer.
Un año de recuerdos :’)
I feel like they should add a game mode where everyone works together to fight off a horde of these wyverns the guys from bloodhounds trial or something like that basically a bunch of creatures
when cypto is working with octane…
Octane sound Mexican to me
I wanna be a streamer to the point where my comment gets 1k but … Lol I don’t have a PC ..
Octane is basically spiderman from homecoming
How hackerman was leaked
Wow I have apex too and im pro my favourite is OCTANE
Hear with headphones nexxt levvvvvvvvvvel
Wattson’s face after shooting Bloodhound🤗
The greatest Season ever
He said for a fast guy your pretty slow 😂 but octane wasn’t using his stim plus now it’s season six and his stim is now 40% increased speed instead of 30% 🤣😂🤣😂
Octane: super kicks mirage in the face wattson: snipes bloodhound crypto: *hackerman*
Best trailer so far I think
I miss season trailers this hype, idk season 6 was lack luster
1:42 mm hm
Ahhh this was the peak of the game
Looking back, still probably the best trailer for any season.
Still get chills from this trailer in season 6.
It’s the best one
Family crying right now cuz of died family member.tik tok be like:0:49
I have a question, why was Bloodhound just standing still in the open😂😂
Melhor treler de todos!!!
Funny how the l-star accuracy is really shown in the trailer 🙂
I’d love to see map changing events like this occur in a match. While Fortnite did it first, it’s still a great concept.
I can remember sitting in my room, trying to go to bed, but still way too hyped for season 2.
Is it weird that I only noticed that guy with the laptop was crypto now😅
Best trailer ever apex
0:11 my dad to me when we are play fighting
I fucking love octane
personally dont like apex, but the way they used the music, I cant stop binge watching it.
Me does something bad
My mum: 0:11
They need to keep making trailers like this
Definitely the best trailer.
Man octane in season trailers is og
No mattttter how many times I watch it, it’ssss Sweeeeeet!!!
“Muchas gracias amigo”
Plz make a MOVIE!
omg i freaking miss this season the best
All the dislikes are saddo fortnites
This vid juat 1mil view more than the original song vid
Jesus it’s been four seasons and I still get goosebumps from this trailer
I love there’s only one king
Oooo the nostalgia
this season is when i first started to play apex ♥️ wraith ♥️
1:2 second crypto
Cypto ia hacking that towor
What if apex had live events imagine this plying out in game
Wow mirage died in this trailer. What a shock.
I miss this
Can we just talk about how he legit said “this is the least bored I’ve been all day!” Like what I can’t 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Reason #. 1000 Why Apex is better than Fortnite : Dope Trailers
Yo why TF is the L-star have a diffrent animation? Make the recoil less but took longer time for reloading like you did in TF2. Thats better
Can you send me apex legend link from where I can download it please
Wait so *octane was created by crypto*
Es el mejor trailer de apex legends visto: T6
I wander why the Apex trailers lost such a cuality.
Crypto ya estaba presente jaja
1:32 OCTANE HAS EYES?!?!?!!?!?!!
Can’t lie best apex trailer ever
Let’s be honest, this is the trailer that still.. CHARGE everyone! Get it?~
This is the coolest trailer evere
“and Kings Canyon will never be the same.”
I just saw Watson save octane with her ultimate which is sick at the ending I do like dragons to as well
I would go to hell and back for a season as great as this one.
I was happy by that time
If only they did add blue flyers
I miss these season when my Friends play with me this awesome game :c
They need to make another trailer like this, I fucking love the artstyle, the music everything about it
The season my waifu came 😍💕 wattson
Dam lol been a long time
Also, does anybody notice that on Octane’s arms it says:” Non Terra plus Ulra” ?
We think this looks cool now, but think about when we didnt know who Wattson was
Who saw crypto on the beginning he wasn’t even out at the time lol
Pay respect to disruptor Rounds 🙁
Gracias again Wattson for letting me be in ya trailer
Did anybody notice Octane’s heart stopped at 1:23?
For a fast guy your pretty slow, for a dumb guy your perfect I am perfect
I wanna back this :'(
Best season.
Remember when disruptor ammo was a thing only for this season and then it gets removed after season 3
My fav legend octane
put the live comments and you’ll see hyped people…really hyped people
Octane stole a wingman to never use it
лучший трейлер из всех
Ao Crypto is responsible for the Map Change… Cool
When a fastest legend and a pikachu face legend falls lov.
Wat will happen?
How to put kids to sleep
Google read them a bedtime story
Bing: 0:21
I love this music
the Myoi
This will forever be my favorite of the trailers
Still gives me the goosebumps to this day😍
This came out on birthday
We saw more of crypto’s abilities than we did wattsons, when we had another season before crypto
its been a year and yeah…
Wait Wait Wait. 1:02 Is he crypto? No way…
definitly the best apex trailer
God I love Only One King, that song is amazing
yuh the moyai
Ngl this looks like a vid for octane than watson
I still get chills every time I hear the beat drop after the horn.
As a fair, Christian Octane main, I’m making a petition for “This is the least bored I’ve been all day!” To be a voice line. Also for octane and wattson dialogue interactions cuz at valentines or something in the trailer they just stared at each other
This and the season 6 teaser are the best trailer of the all game!!!
So that explains Wattson’s love for Dinosaurs
That roar gives me goosebumps everytime
Aye who else remembers not knowing who crypto in this trailer when it came out
show me a trailer where wattson aint cute ill wait
What the music?? 1:45
I love the animations
I really wished apex looked this good
I still revisit this trailer because it’s the perfect balance between new gameplay and cinematography showing off the new story
Missing these simpler days. Season 6 is so chaotic with weapons being too strong
Nothing makes me want to play Apex more than this trailer.
0:42 Octane is chewing 5 gum
best season trailer ever
* Fleeing for life *
This was the best season imo
I remember when this trailer was launched in the game and i was HYPED. Also i bought Wattson right away!
These were a good times
Tbh this trailer introduced octane than the s1 trailer
Also call peta on crypto
Hey respawn could you add the finisher that octane did to mirage into apex legends
Season 2 is the best until now
If the graphics looked like this that would be awesome, the graphics look great rn btw.
Octane just hypes me
I played for the last time back in March and honestly dont want to come back.
Forever one of the greatest BR game ever.
My Family sees a bank robbery
Mom and Dad 1:11
7 year old me: 1:14
Did anyone even realize that they gave a teaser for season 3?
Notice how crypto was already teased in season 2
Crypto is getting a heirloom skin not weapon
Let’s be honest here, this was the best season and the perfect full hyped trailer
So that was crypto first ever sight in apex
hahahh top
So… wattson used a sentinel
Best 3,2,1,4,5,6 but that’s just me
This is the best season trailer
This has got to be the best launch trailer for apex🙌 On God
I though the first trailer was the best!?
No apex trailer sense this has been so cool in the flow and introduction of the characters
Gun? 0:59
SeAsOn # TrAiLeR wAs GrEaT, bUt, ThIs, WaS tHe BeSt.
1:30 octanes tatoo says plus ultra if u pause so I guess he watches my hero academia
That song ….
Dam .. awsome
I just came back here after the season 6 trailer. And still. This one is the best for me.
I like how this trailer actually has dialogue between the legends to keep the trailer fresh, all the other trailers (besides for season 1) there was basically no dialogue, when I’m watching the other trailers, it just feels like I’m listening to music (except for season 4)
BGM is the most hyped
None of the other trailers even compare to this one
I still come back to this trailer and Meltdowns
Hey boys help a brother out I need to know the song at 0:24 seconds
Does anyone else notice that mark on the side of Watson’s face is that her veins or what
1:39 Chills every time…
The music fits so well with this. I love it
no one can top this launch trailer
this made me want to play the game
Here after shroud?
this launch trailer is still great to watch even a year later. The BGM , VA work, and animation is just satisfying to watch.
It is stille giving me goosebumps dAAAAMN
I can’t wait!
Who’s here because of shroud??
Recommended 1 year later
this is by far the best trailer they put out..
How does Wattson, Gibby and Mirage have care package items and mah boi octane doesn’t even have a gun yet
Who else is watching this again in season 7?
Shroud come Back?
I miss this season 😭
every octane in my team: 1:13
The best trailer
What crypto doing in season 2?
Tower falling: *I CRUSH*
the only game where the game itself has better graphics than the trailer
And the king is not apex legends, it’s modern warfare
Wattson ⚡️⚡️⚡️
1:31 wait, what? 😲
Imagine if flyers ate you while you where dropping like in the end
Okayokay everyones like Cryptooooo but im like OMG WE SAW OCTANES EYE
This trailer is still the best because the energy it has.
Bangalore and Gibraltar in the trailer of season 6 be drinking together like bff’s. Bangalore and Gibraltar in the trailer of season 2 be shooting each other on the back with assault rifles.
Who came back to this trailer after watching Shroud coming home video?
who is here after season 6 trailer is out
Whats the name of the song they used?
Still the best trailer
The season 2 is the best
Wats the song like “and theres only one king….”
Ill save you all the trouble 0:39
You can thank me by nothing, have a gr8 day.
You got me dude you got me to hype play apex again
still waiting for the flyers to attack while dropping.
I’m really upset I missed this
Bruh when this came out I was watching YouTube on PS4 and this came out at 2am I didn’t even know😂
Who is here after season 6 has been revealed
If you here after season 6 trailer sub me 🤣🤣
Never seen this one i started it in s4 to be honest this is betteeeeer way better
Is it just me or is all Apex trailers music and trailers awesome
I wish that the game graphocs looked like this
It would make the game 10x better
0:56 don’t mind me, just skipping into battle.
1:19 this is the least board I’ve been all day😂😂
Honestly season 2 has been the best season so far 😀
Where did his phone and stick go?
Trash season 6
Replusor tower: falls Octane: 🟢👄🟢
bloodhound was really about to hit octance with that arc star though
I come from the future!!! Ask me anything about the next seasons
I didn’t actually watch this trailer at release. We saw crypto before season 3, wow
Wait this is the best trailer?
Always has been
0:40 Ss6 coming and I still find that shiet to make me hype hahaa. Fking awesome
When your parents call you by your full name: 1:08
I really love that guy with robot leg i like him
0:15 octanes so hot when he says that 😂🥵
My favorites are 2 3 and 4 and 5 are ok
I know its been such a long time but 0:45 still gives me goosebumps
I remember my excitement when I first saw this trailer
When I run upstairs at night 00:39
Apex trailers are the best trailers in gaming history!
Can’t believe it’s already been a year!
The graphics in this a BOMB
When i hear a sound at night 00:39
Season 6 trailer is amazing but we love this
Season 6 trailer released yesterday and still this is the best one. Yet.
Season 6 trailer is great. But let’s be honest, this trailer is one of the best.
This trailer is still by far The Best of them all
When school starts at 8:30 but it’s 8:29 and you still haven’t arrived
Here after season 6 trailer.
Dang it’s been a long time now :’)
0:50 we need this as a finisher
I cannot find the messy I looked over 50 times and can’t find it
Chills every single time.
Here after the season 5 trailer damn this still the best
I love your game it’s the best
Season 6 trailer suck. This IS the best 😉
0:16 was the Mastiff even in the game at this point?
Damn, I remember seeing on the featured clip slideshow back in the summer of ’19
Music trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHLCXJeYv80
Very good0:51
1:03 they planned crypto since season 2
Season 6 trailer kinda trash
I wish season 6s was as good as this.
The best trailer
Who’s here after season 6 trailer
Who is here after season 6 trailer?
Season 5’s trailer coming out now.But this one,still the best for me.
How many people when seeing crypto in season 3 realize he is the reason that they moved to world’s edge
ur lying if ur saying u didnt get gosebumps for this
Did anyone notice that octane didn’t have a gun and still *knocked down* mirage.
i always feel irony if i died/damaged by zone while using wattson
“come here brotha! I dare tou!”
“I wont,but you alredy dead amigo!”
1:18 what octane say when he’s running ?
this still gives me goosebumps man respawn knows how to make trailers
1:40 gets me every time
Ok but why was Octane screaming “Awesome!” and “This is the least bored I’ve been all day!” funniest thing ever
Самый пиздатый трейлер, по моему мнению
Gotta love Octane
Octane eye reveal!
Close enough to a face reveal right?
Crypto is in season 2 trailer:
Everyone: Wait that is illegal and you are gonna get punished for your actions
They should realy make an animated series about this and air it on Cartoon Network or something.
1 year anniversary for Wattson and Octane
Can apex be an animated series
this video is so cool but then you go play the game and it looks so different this art style is awesome but nothing like the game
How crypto in s2 Trailer? Nani
One of my favourite trailers of all time. Great music for the King of Battle Royale.
I get the new trailers are all about the lore but…
I love these so much more
1:37 to 1:51 Best Part ❤
skull town is the titanic 🙂
Even Now fortnite shit their pants when this was released Lmao 😂
Best apex trailer so far
best apex legends trailer
0:34 gets hurt
0:39 heals the cut on his arm look closely
They know how to make a trailer, shows every ability.
If you notice the Leviathan where he steps it’s the same exact please that the bridge is broken me is smart boi
1:20 *Octane2538* ⬇️ *Crushed*
I miss THIS apex sooooo fucking much
Best moment
I mean if crypto’s emp went that far i would have at least ten more wins
What I be like when I go on run 0:42
Ah season 2 my fav season
Gotta go FAST
Thank you for making such an awesome game!
I suck so bad at it that I had to edit my recent video to make me look better…
But somehow its still fun
I love wattson’s casual skip on her way to snipe somebody lmao
Crypto: *is in game before being released*
Everyone: Wait, that’s illegal.
this should be a live event in apex. Agree?
‘this is the least bored I’ve been all day’
*he said as the life left his eyes forever… or until wattson res him*
‘what is that?’
callmecarson: the *m o y a i*
Such good vibes from this season I miss it 😔
Good memories, best Apex trailer yet
They choose the best music for trailers
The best game forever
My favorite
Who is better game apex or fortnite
Don’t you know everyone in this video is evacuating after that huge signal tower exploded?
Bangalore:what was that.
Me: Jurassic park time boiz
Me When My Poopy WoNt CoMe OuT 1:49
I miss season 2
Best season ever
I just realized that mirage was just camping on top of the skull… how did he get there???! 00:27
0:00 worthless words and letters
0:10 green sonic
0:20 green sonic again
0:30 green sonic runs from ordinary sonic
0:40 green sonic takes drugs
0:50 wattson’s ult
1:00 bloof hundr dies in vain
1:10 moments before disaster
1:20 green sonic runs from disaster
1:30 wattson saves green sonic
1:40 darkness
1:50 champions skydiving
2:00 end
Season 2 was godly
Is someone can please tell me what does Octane answer to Mirage when this one tell him : “For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow” ? I am french and I don’t understand… 🙇 I’d like to know what does Octane says when he’s running with the tower’s falling behind him too, please. Thank you very much. ❤
I remember watching this trailer before I started playing this game. It wasn’t what convinced me to try it out but I still thought it was amazing. Respawn really knows how to make good trailers. Titanfall, Jedi: Fallen Order, and now Apex. All of their trailers are phenomenal, not to mention the musical scores that go along with them
This trailer is so underrated
5 sezon apex and 2 sezon 1. fragman
00:1 is that Crypto?
after season 5 still best trailer
A watson is a grenade’s worst nightmare
New Gibraltar ability:he can break knockdown shields without having to finish people XD
What’s stupid is that the Repulser Tower still isn’t fixed after all this time… i think?
Did anyone see crypto
This trailer is the best with the song
We can all agree that these are better than fortnites
Anyone know what happened to the remix??
*Zat can’t be good* *DEFINITELY not good*
I really dont understand why this thing has dislikes
The best cinematic
If only gibby was a three shot kill…
Remembering how I first saw this trailer and was hyped for Season 2. A lot of time has passed, Season 3 introduced us a new map, and we’re now here waiting for yet another one in Season 6. This consistency is what has made and what will keep Apex Legends the best Battle Royale game of all time.
So Aowsom man 🤟🏻🤟🤟🏻🤟
So crypto was leaked
“I would, but you’re already dead.”
*omae wa mou shindeiru*
Apex is better than fortnite
0:39-0:51 is go Badass
babies be like: 1:50
Let’s be honest
We all got hyped at 0:39
I think this game is good but apex legend mobile need to be free if you know what I’m saying
0:04 crypto
“For a dumb guy, you’re perfect.”
4:20 – The one time fall damage kills someone in the game.
Jurassic World????
I have lost count how many times I’ve watched this trailer 🤩🤗
You at least need 500 mags to kill Gibby
The 1st thing doe was ctoe
The best season
This gives me goosebumps everytime I watch it
Somehow bloodhound dies in every trailer except season 5 but that doesn’t really count
So crtro was leaked in season 2
This trailer still gives me chills
I miss the leviathans bring them back I remember when I get stepped on and die 😂
Free replays
BOOM 0:11
I’ve never realised how SMALL Octane is, my god, he less than 1.60mts
This season is when people new respawn weren’t messing around with this legendary game
(octane kicks mirage) literally floats and defy gravity
If this was a live event in game it would be amazing and scary
Me when I play apex during quarantine 1:19
I just realized something that crypto is already been leaked
be honest this isn’t the first time you’ve been here
Best clip.
0:40 my dad
Whats the name of the music
0:46 nobody is talking about how cool of a midair kill that would’ve been if wattson didn’t ruin it
0:51 literally my background
Why he had to pick the wingman if all he needed was his leg? ;__;
1:04 rip Wattson’s gun. She dropped it and let it get crushed by the tower
Everybody knows that this is the best trailer.
I ador this trailer
Yo, Wattson just casually bouncing on her way to kill Bloodhound is terrifying.
Did anyone notice at 1:31 how you could see octanes eye? No okay. Just pause really quick.
anyone know what gibraltar said at 0:18
This actually has voice lines it’s fun and better than fortnite your a piece of trash fortnite
The song bro is littt
best trailer of Apex Legends
the song )
Now that people hc/theory guessing that Wattson has sensory overload issue (audio), i watch the part repulsor gets blow up in x0.25. Wattson not just dropped her sentinel to cover her ears, she also started to move her hands to ears half a second before the sound shows up. Interesting.
Did you see bloodhounds aim
Best trailer out of all of them
I hope and hopefully not add back disrucberounds
Apex knows what music we love
1:03 you can see crypto before season 3
Season 2 will forever be the best.
1 year already damn, who’s been playing since season 1/season 2?
best trailer
Ummmm i think crypto set off that emp am i the only one who that thinks that 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
0:52 with captions: Applause while Octane is kicking mirage at the face.
1:18 1:25
1 year
So octane is able to run on water?
You know, when I first saw this trailer, I was expecting the leviathans to be walking through the map, and fliers to be an environmental hazard while skydiving. Im not complaining but it really feels like a missed opportunity.
I made a legend his name is Dino Dan he controls the Dino’s and his ultimate is becoming the leviathan
This trailer looks like he was made for octane
Literally a skyscraper falling down
Octane : AWESOME.
Season five is better
i started playing Apex Legends in Season 2, it was the first game i played on my new ps4. this trailer hyped me up to the skies
“This is the least bored i been all day” i died laughing😂😂😂😂
If any one find out… Octane sayd a meme u are already dead
Omg best thing ever
It’s been almost one year.
Wattson so god damn cute
It would be awesome if they did the game in this art style
Listen I know it’s been a whole year but 1:39 STILL gives me goosebumps
A year later and this trailer is still at the top for me.
1:02 crypto in season two trailer. Neat.
Of course Octane’s squad third partied Gibby’s
1:28 ocson
oh-ho-ho-ho-ho awesome legit dies
1:39 dang anyone get shivers that was so badass
Mirage: “For a fast guy you’re pretty slow”
Octane: “For a dumb guy you’re perfect”
This gives me more memory’s than my childhood
The part where octane is running in the water is amazing
Send help im repeatedly watching this in 2020 and I can’t stop
1:31 it may be one eye but its probably as close as we’ll get to seeing octanes face
Feel bad for mirage getting kicked in the face
1 year ago today, how time flies
One year. Wow th is game is getting old
0:57 me when my brother stole all the pizza rolls
I miss these times lol. Apex is still fun but will never compare to these times right here lol.
I dont like music like that but that trailer were the best so far !!
Muchas gracias amigo 😎 nmms si habla español xd
*can y’all stop shipping me with octane*
0:27 music?
Tes tad as wom teouf antes casdi
I swear, the guy that took down repulsor is gonna be a new legend I call it
Bruh all the chills, this season’s trailer was my favourite and this one is pure nostalgia for me!!!!
0:25 Crypto in season 2?
Every season let’s get back here , remembering that this one is gold.
I just realized crypto is in this trailer before crypto was announced
I remember watching this back in season 1 and I was so hype.
Guys did you see that octane and wattson looked at each other for a little while… THAT ONLY MEANS 1 THING THEY IN LOVE 😍
cinda cute thou
My favorite legend is octane
Ok but why tf do people ship Wattson and Octane? Like OmG tHeY mAdE eYe CoNtAcT fOr 2 sEcOnDs ThEy ArE sO iN lOvE
I honestly don’t understand how you could ship anybody in the game? I guess Watty and Crypto would be cute?
For the people who want certain ships to be cannon, i think it’s better not to have cannon ships with the legends in the game. I wouldn’t want Wraith and Mirage to be a thing and flirt or something, and I’m sure other people would agree. Some people might even get really upset that it wasn’t their ship or something. Also I’m pretty sure it would (probably) be like against the games rules for any of them to have a relationship with one another? Because if they date/break up then it could affect the legends gameplay (in the actual lore) because lets say Mirage was dating Wraith, he may refrain from hurting her if they were against each other. Just my opinion i guess? Don’t hate me this is just how i feel ig
The music was dope
I like how octane is so energetic. He is my main but the thing that sucks is that people think I’m a loot goblin
In the beginning , crypto was hacking for some apex coins. You thought I was gonna use V bucks?
0:40- 0:55 Not gonna lie this has to be one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a trailer it gives me chills and I can’t stop watching and smiling (and I leave the game twice)😁
Apex is 🔥
Lol I’m just now noticing that that us crypto at 0:03
I miss season 2 😭😭
“For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow.”
That line needs more attention honestly. It’s clever
Holy shit almost a year ago
The Octane selfie is pretty dope. And Watson looking so fresh so fine, you look good, all day all night.
Why does caustic always get completely annihilated in every trailer
Is it just me or does Watson low key look like Grace Vanderwall
0:38 that’s what he thought of loba 😂
Apex makes the coolest trailers but its the biggest pay to win
EPIC but i am of season 5 xd
s1 and s2 trailers were thr best and you can’t deny it
Gibraltar sounds like a pirate
oh man… this trailer brings me back to play this game again
0:25 is crypto
F in chat for Gibraltar
I’ll never get bored of watching this
Devetly not good
For a fast guy your perfectly slow
Octane This Is Least For Been All Day 1:18 1:19
2020: 1:07
The launch one and this one are definitly the greatest
Ohh so this is what crypto meant for his intro quip “Im here to change the game”
The only person i REALLY like in this trailer is ma boi OCTANE. Also 0:52 and 0:55 are the perfect 👌 wallpapers
*h e r o i n m o d e a c t i v a t e d*
The best part of this is the scene where they are all flying next to the bird things and dinosaurs
dads when someone touches the thermostat: 0:41
hear me out,
ltm: dragon rider
Its even beter if you play it at 1,5x speed
Maybe this is just me but this is the best trailer
Bloodhound throwing that arc star was sexy
Someone: Would you kick your best friend for $ 10,000?
Girls: No! Of course not!
Boys : 0:52
I agree
Nothings ever topping this trailer
Bro, watching this back in season 5, still goosebumps. Damn respawn make a good trailer
Why was crypto in this?
wattson revive him “stopid bitch”
I just realized that the music in the trailer is way better than the actual song.
Did octane just steal that mozambique?
Kinda regret quiting during season 2…im back during season 4 and I suck ass.
this was the best trailer imo but i feel its weird that octane was literally behind bangalore and wattson
is the destroyed tower, or the place it used to be, still on the map??
I’m just checking a replay of live chat and I see thing that are chars are not reacting to the thing I’m seeing now
Wait crypto is in this trailer all ready
What if this game was animated like this I would love it
Is it just me who ships mirage with loba and octane with wattson?
I just realized that crypto was leaked in season 2.
for a master hacker, im suprised crypto uses a single finger to type
i love 2 season. This is very good season был
When did crypto come out? Why is he in this trailer? Did anyone come out season 3?
No comments on Wattson’s cute little skip while holding a 50-cal rifle? Shameful
Watch “gamehunter kaan”
0:12 nice shimmy
I like Apex, but I really wish this was the art style for the game, it look more bright and colorful.
You can tell Octane is a sweet haert
Let’s be honest the music makes the trailer 10x better than it already is
0:53 Octane: kicks Mirage in the face. youtube subtitles: applause
Crypto ;w;
I just realized that Crypto was there
I like it when octane says gracios amigo
Only respawn knows is it dull guy or dumb guy
Who’s here when loba was already released
“This is the least bored I’ve been all day”
What are your weekends like octane?
Si no one is talking about the fact that kripto was being teased here for season 3 ? Lol
Mirage voiced kyle crane how did he not pursue the chase?
I like how nobody acknowledged Crypto in this trailer when they first watched it/trailer launch
Anyone else realise crypto broke the towers and mirage says he wants a drink with that person yet he doesn’t like crypto 😂
1:08 when Fortnite realised that Apex was actually a good game and overtaking them because there’s no broken mechanics or metas that ruin everything-? Just me? Ok
Can’t wait for it to come out
This has to be the best trailer in all of Apex Legends
what did he say :))
1:11 that’s not how an EMP works.
My favourite characters: Mirage, Octane, pathfinder, bloodhound and Wattson. Oh and also is it just me or is Wattson the most attractive girl character?
This gives me chills everytime I watch it
I like how they leaked crypto before he even was in the apex games
LOVE Octane👍👍
Bruh, crypto was already shown before he came with a season
I wanna be octane
If you don’t get chills when the leviathan opens its eye, are you even human?
I love how octane says this is the least bored I’ve been today
Who remembers dying or almost dying from those huge creatures
When the creatures came it have me bumps because the huge ones were awsome
Why did this get recommended 10 months later?
The music and the beat make this amazing
1:31 *octane eye reveal?!*
this is the best! I swear this really puts me in the mood to play Wattson, love it!
with all the creatures, i was hoping for environmental hazard enemies or PVE mode
I like how mirage shows us how inaccurate the Lstar is
0:21 how Bangalore will put her kids to sleep
0:59 she honestly had no right to be so fucking gorgeous holy shit
I watch this trailer at least once a day, even tho i bare played during season 2, I still think this is an amazing trailer
Woahohoh Awesome!!!!!
Literally every time i have octane and I land late
Me: Gotta Go!
*A fucking tower about to fall on top of Octane*
Octane: Hahaha, AWESOME!
I love this character, seriosly
Mozambique Here
Mirage: for a fast guy your slow
Octane: for a dumb guy your perfect
Mirage: I am perfect. ah this thing is hot
That guy reminds me of EddieVR
Season 2 was the best In my opinion
They should make a campaign for apex
1:14 Me watching Rollercoasters rush by but I’m still a little wimp to even go on them
I really want to ride a leviathan.
I love all the new lore and everything but videos like this were they show all the action in the games is just awesome
What did Octane say in spanish?
I couldn’t hear it.
We just gon ignore that crypto is in this video
Still my all time favorite trailer
Melhor trailer de todos, não me canso de ver hehehe.
Laptop:Press [Square] to EMP
Crypto: *ENTER*
0:18 new shotgun??? 😂
This is why I love apex
Octane roasted my man mirage
How’d they get legendarys like that so earlie omg hacks reported
Luv yu all the apex team thnx for making such an amazing game
This is still the best trailer for me and will be 😉
Season 1: nothing
Season 2: awesome with cool shots and action
Season 3: funny
Season 4: story
Season 5: also really cool
Wattson x Octane siiiiuu
Octane :Muchas Gracias Amigo.
ta ficando top demais
When everything was simple
Bruh why is this in my recommendations after 10 months
Okay fair enough, I see why people thought this could bring down fortnite
0:20 Mastiff in Season 5 be like
How did this get less views than the Season 3,4 and 5 Trailers?
This is obviously the best season trailer in the history of season trailers.
Crypto getting leaked
Who came here because it was in your recommendations?
Did octane just naruto run on water et got chakra ?!!
Cripto is in the trailer
0:22 now that’s music to my ears!
1:03 was his secret leak.
Crypto is in here
How has it only been 10 months
Fed7 gang rise up
why is mah boi mirage getting his butt whoopped on every trailer?
Seeing octanes eye feels like a privilege
I love this trailer so much and I love the music for this especially the beat drop at 00:40 👍👍
0:03 crypto
1:34 welcome to do jurasic Park
Most hyped trailer of Apex Legends
1:33 when your the last survivors in class tag
Did they cut out wear octane and watson was staring at each other? it seemed longer win I first watched it hopefully they get voice lines soon
Love it
The scene that shows the person hacking the computer is crypto look at the ears and go to apex and look at crypto’s ears
And here we are now…
Season 5
How the game has grown
Who is watching after season 5 release
Still the best trailer of the century change my mind
Every season trailer show to unknown character for each 2 season being part the 10 year plan
2nd teased crypto and Watson
Skip 3 because it was teased in 2
4th teased loba and revenant
So stay tuned till 6 for 2 more leaks
Im here from season 5
Season 5 rn
Mirage when he sees Loba in season 5. 0:37
Crypto is already here Hiding and hacking
This still remains as the best launch trailer throughout Apex Legends.
How did the trailers go from this to some robot killing a family mercilessly?
top demais
1:38 There is bass boost.
This is the least bored I’ve been all day literally dies
Best season so far
So nobody is going to talk about how they teased crypto in the beginning
First time watching it not edited it still makes me laugh
Seasons 5 out we have Loba, Revenant, Crypto and Wattson but I’m still here for octane great voices line and quips
my brain:CaUse is onLY One KInG!
So nobody knows that crypto was leaked in this trailer
The apex legends need to stop destroying kings canyon. By the end of season 10 it will probably be the size of skulltown. Oh wait, skulltown’s gone, what’s next, artillery base?
Miss the dinos
What is the song ??
Ah good old days
Who is here in season 5
*fOr A dUmB gUy, YoU’rE pErFeCt*
Anyone else just coming back to watch all the trailers?
0:00 crypto thou
Play the video on 2x speed.
Why dose mirage sound like he voiced a sonic
Just found out he did voice a sonic
Your too SlOw
Who’s here after playing season 5
0:04 enyone realize that’s crypto
Why’s this in my feed. I already watched this a bunch and played the season
“For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow”
This gets funnier when you realise he actually isn’t the fastest character
I think I love this just because it shows the true stupidity of octane.
Even in quarantine this trailer is the most entertaining thing I’ve ever seen
Who come here after see, Season 5 trailer ?
Trailer season 2 is better for me.
By far that was my favorite apex season
Essa foi a melhor season até agora
1:03 crypto
Everytime I want to stop playing Apex, I always come back and watch these.
There has always been one question about Octane that I think hasn’t been explained/answered yet, Which is how can Octane’s body be able to handle all that stim he injects himself with. To quote a Grunt from Titanfall “Yeah one time I put two drops of stim into my coffee, couldn’t sleep for a week!” If two drops of stim+a little caffeine can keep you awake for a week who knows what 1 dose of that stuff could do. “Yes I know I’m overthinking, over all it’s still a great game.”
0:43 Its confirmed Octane is a ninja!
thanks crypto, very cool
Am I the only one that noticed they edited out the romantic gaze between Octane and Wattson? Lol
I just realized crupto 0:06
Still give me the goosebumps
Still the absolute best trailer of any games and this game ever
Me when my mom counts down to three 0:28
Who’s here for octane and watson
Apex is the best at making launch trailer
Octane graduated from the Prometheus school of running away from things
We all see gib as this gentle giant type, who is there to protect, then his raspy like of “Come back here brotha, I dare ya!” is pure evil and I love it.
Apex doesn’t have consistent updates like Fortnite but goddamn this is entertaining every time.
Since trailer without I still watch it 1:45
Please put turn this whole game into a movie or show.
I love this music under the video.
If you also find in here:
I love the way that the music sounds starting at 1:40 but the actual song isn’t like that and I’m sad.
Ah yes, season 2 and early season 3 were the golden days of apex
This was the most hyped up season
The first good season
Who is here after realizing the hacker was crypto
Crypto I thought you were good 1:03
el mejor trailer
a h y e s
Who is watching when loba trailer came out”🙃
Who’s here after Season 5 is revealed?
after the season 5 one you came here to look at the better one
Who’s watching this because season 5 not out
Has anyone noticed Wattsons voice line when the tower explodes is a carbon copy of Phil from Disney’s Hercules when the hydra is still alive?
I wish the colours were so bright in apex
?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG_q-BIRaSM
0:01 early crypto footage
Doctor: You have a minute and 13 seconds to live
Me: 1:34
Lol he blew it up to get hisself in the games
Whats the name of that song
For some reason this has now found its way into my recommendations, 7 months later
Coming back waiting for season 5.Crazy knowing this game only came out last year
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daVkNXUQx1Q APEX LEGEND 5 РУССКАЯ ЗАКАДРОВАЯ ОЗВУЧКА
octane:literally the fastest man in the world
pathfinder:are u sure about that
1:30 couple confirmed
Rewatching all trailers after loba’s launch
Crypto broke his LEGO tower
Remeber when the devotion was a suicide weapon
The Best trailer:’)
This trailer makes me wanna play Apex RN but i cant cuz its night time and i was playing all day
For a dumb guy your perfect!
Ive watched this 10 times and now i have Wattson and i love her french gorli
This is much more awesome than rhe season 5 trailer (sorry respawn) and wattson is the cutest legend ewhaa
The music is really good for a dude perfect vid!🤣
*epic intensifys*
Season 5’s trailer is great. But let’s be honest, this one was the best.
EDIT (Season 6): eh, still the best.
EDIT (Season 7): yeah new map is pretty, but we still goin’ strong.
This trailer is golden.
These trailers are incredible, Apex never fails to amaze
This is still their best trailer
This si the best trailer of the world 😱😱
One of the best video game trailers ever IMO
Wattson: ayo watch yo jet. Watch yo jet BRO WATCH YO JET!
Make a film of apex thats sow cool😌😍
Yo does this sound still give you guys chills 1:34
crypto was the one who release the monsters and he was in season 3
Here after the season 5 trailer because the season 2 trailer is still the best!
I just realized Watson has lichtenburg figures lol
Hey team there’s a squad right in front of us don’t fire until-
Easily the best season trailer for apex so far.
0:42 proof octane is Jesus
Lol even in season4 I just realized the guy in the beginning is crypto on his laptop doing a emp
Baby got Back 😀
best trailer!
Arrepiei até os pelos do cu mané
am i the only one who just realized that crypto was the one who activated the emp device
Who is here before the Season5 launch trailer 🤩
1:38 Still giving me chills
I just noticed crypto was in the season 2 trailer
Watching the legends fly around on their jetpack things at the end never fails to make me laugh
God coming back to this it still gives me goosebumps every time
I get those goosebumps every time.
Season 1 octane :
Season 2 octane: hey wattson wanna share trailers
Está chida la música
Easily the best season trailer
Bangalore:”let’s move girls”:Octane:”am not a girl:
Wats is music
I cry when I see crypto
I never noticed that crypto was the one who actually made the tower collapse
Bro who’s still here 2020??
It shows crypto wtf this is season 2 not 3
I have been watching 1:46 12:59
Such a good trailer for the game and the song is just perfect!😃
Just realised this guy was crypto long ago
My lovely song
0:16 when your asking your dog whats in their mouth
When you have played apex for a long enough to recognise every gun in the trailers
я посмотрел его уже раз 30 точно)
1:31 Bangalore actually ruin their moment
0:10 its funny because the knockdown shields are super useless
I’m watching this as season 5 is a week away and I still love this trailer with all my heart
Whats the shotgun in 0:17?
Are this crypto on 1:04 ?
I watched the.is back and the guy is crypto (idk if I spelt his name right)
The sound affects alone are so satisfying
It’s been 10 months since this was released. And I still get super hyped when I watch it!
wattson is sooo cute
whoa this trailer was HEAT
is it me or crypto was already there in this trailer ?
We all have a octane in us
ngl i have the biggest crush on watson
Your the best game I played
Best trailer 2019
Cause ther’e only one King!
The best trailer ever made , season 5 is coming but this? This is gold.
Honly shit
Come back here brotha. That scares me for some of of reason
And that sniper was santinel.
Cringe music
damn i just realised crypto is in this trailer
Still entertaining and will always be
Trailer: ‘Cause there’s only one king and there’s only one crown and there ain’t enough room for us both on the throne
Fortnite: oh shit
Crypto was leaked for season 3
Is no one gonna ask what the music is
0:53 harder daddy
If you know wrench from watch dogs 2 then do you think octane and wrench would make good friends
0:39 This is why octane is the best legend
Me: I should be working right now.
My Brain: No, You should watch this again.
Me: OK.
Apex plz fix game in Belgium server or else
0:17 is that a leaked gun or a eva 8? Idk
Whoa crypto already here
0:47 blood hounds trying to look cool but that’s really cheap and wow
*Watson and octane make eye contact for one second*
Everyone: ah yes they are in Love
Just watched it for the first time in forever and saw Crypto’s ass and said “…huh?”
Season happened so long ago but I still watch it. Such a good trailer. Every time i do watch it it gives me goosebumps.
OCTANE:for a dumb guy your perfect!
OCTANE:this is the least bored i’ve been all day!
Co cool!
0:05 pause and it’s crypto u can tell cuz of dat bionic ear
Octane is crazy
Watching 0:52 on 0.25 speed is Boxing
Still my favorite apex trailer
whats the name of the music?
octane: awsome
What song is this
1:45 The eye
Me after listening to music 0:39
I can’t describe the hype i got everytime i saw this trailer.
Best season so far, don’t @ me
who is here after season 5 trailer.
Makes me want to cry its so good and just 🥺😍 love the animations and the music 👌🏽
0:56 apex french version of IQ
two characters who have no mobility our run octane…. huh
Prob the best trailer
Imagine the cinematic for season 5. Wow. I wonder what map they’re gonna do. Also the sons is pretty dope.
Prolly the most hype trailer
My favorite season 🙂
Gibraltar: Come back here brother, I dare ya.
Octane: I won’t, but [omae wa mou shindriu]!
Gibraltar: NANI?!
Octane is cool but how can you kiiky some like that.
Hahaha octane is hilarious
They’ll never top this trailer
The best game bro
El mejor trailer p
Best season
Man, i need a animation of this!
This is Mi Favorite Apex Trailer of all time 😎
They teased the L star and crypto in season 2😲
way is watts sniping wit the sentinal
Sentinel is in here too… They put so much from this video into the game.
Wish you could make your graphics look like this
wattson: is supposed to be the main part of the trailer
octane:yes actually no
be sounding like dude perfect and I mean the song
ваша игра умерат а вы ничего ни делаете
Screech Flyer The Flyer 1:05
so no one will say how Gibraltar died over a Mozambique when he had mastiff
Wow u can see octanes eyes in 1:32
Season two has been the best season still
Wait so are gun skins canon
The Flyers 1:05-1:32-1:39
The Strider Leviathan 1:41
I forget that there wasn’t always the dragons and monsters in the first season
Season 2 Kings canyon best map so far
Melhor season com o melhor trailer
Oof I always get goosebumps at the end when those giants and flyers are moving along with Wattson😍
what is the name of the music?
Hi who’s here at season 4
i can`t stop watching this oml … help
Cest un truc de fou wow
Who’s here because of memeorys
I miss King Canjons
1:33 always gives me goosebumps
Edit: 1year later it still does
This seems like a octane trailer
North Korea: *Bombs the USA*
adorably terrifying
1:46 when I hear a sound at night
bro why don’t the make a animated tv show with this style i would be totally down to watch it
I promise I don’t have a thing for octane 😅😬
This map fit the game so much and then they had to add “Worlds Edge”
Mirage got clapped
Also octane is my best and favorite
Its the best trailer ever !
Gibraltar: Come back here brotha, I dare ya
Octane: I would but,
Wait I saw crypto does it mean that crypto was planned since season 1
Avatar 2
Fucking shet this is very very very nice omg aaaaaaaa!!!!
Best trailer till now ❤️
Huh. You could see Octane’s eye through his shattered goggles after Wattson picked him up.
crypto took the tower down
I rate this higher than all other trailers
Is this a leak for crypto
apex legends best days. this was the best season.
Crypto isn’t even in the game yet but he’s doing the cool things
Why is the Peace keeper a pump action here?
Gibs punch breaks lvl 2 knockdown shield, around 400 damage?
rip caustic
season 1-season 2
Rip caustic 0:11
Can we talk about how tall Bangalore is in comparison to Octane and Wattson? 1:31
How did I just now notice…everything in season two, counting the Flyers, the broken tower, the giant creatures, everything was because of crypto!
It would kinda be a good idea if respawn uses this song again for a permanent solo mode trailer.
Who else misses this apex legends?
This video still makes me pump to play 😤even if where at season 4 now
Octane: **fucking dies**
Also Octane: *T H A N K S*
My 1% better watch the whole thing
My phone was 1%
Gibby is terrifying in this
This is my favorite video on the internet
¿Alguien sabe cuál es la cancion que sueña durante el trailer?
:Banglore what is that?
:Wattson those are dragons
Lo sigo viendo eate trailer como si fuera la primera ves
can’t wait to play this season
Why is there crypto in season 2
Is that Watson holding the sentinel at 1:00. Even before it was released
Why caustic always dying in this trailers
YouTube: Let’s recommend this 2 seasons later.
Who is watching this now because this trailer is amazing
0:42 Jesus Christ…
It’s a better tv series than game
0:40 best part
Bangalore: We gotta go or else were gonna die
Octane: Woohoo awesome!
Bloodhound is toxic it didnt mark Octane coming to destroy Mirage. Ban him.
Thicc legend appears 😀
I want this music to play whenever I play octane so bad 😆
Announcer: all legends must evacuate the arena
The legends: yeah no
1:39-1:52 if only it looked like that
Wattson killed bloodhound using sentinel
I saw crpto
I’m so hyped for Season 2…I mean Season 5
Poor bloodhound she got her arm shot off
When 5 year olds discover candy 0:40
July 2 is my birthday so this is my birthday present
crypto still hasn’t got his hair cut
Ya know, I wish the graphics were like this, but too close to fortnut and too far away from titanfall
Lets be honest you came back here on purpose
Ahhh the good old days of season 2 ☺️
I don’t what it is but when ever octane uses his stim, I cry a little bit
Was Wattson using a sentinel?
The meta was fine until watson came
0:57 when you find out your little brother plays fortnite
1:23 when he switches to apex
Edit:guys don’t like it’s at 420
Dude was that the Muyai?
“I DARE YA” thats honestly pretty scary lol
Octane x Wattson
Name of music plz
Octane:For a dumb guy you’re perfect hahah
Mirage: hey i am perfect.
Lol still the best game trailer ever made
This is the best trailer !!!
i like 0:39~0:52
If that was Gibraltar finisher, I would buy that ASAP. Just look at him wiggling at the end.
1:01 so I’m noticing it right now but they already told us one season before that crypto is the next legend
Watching this makes me sad that the old map isn’t always playable
I Like The Part When The Leviathan Stomps On The Ground It Was SOOOO GOOD
Have you ever seen the meme of session 3 its funny so funny
1:32 i love that!
Where is the music remix?
What is the music
Octane this is the least bored I’ve been all day
Fucken dies
Fuck I love apex
I’m in 2020 first person you see crypto
0:39 how it feels to chew 5 gum
Zat cant be gud
Only one king
do you feel the adrenaline
How come he survived a tower collapsing into him…. YET the only thing that seems damaged is his Sam Fisher looking goggles on his head.
god its season 4 i really miss kings canyon i blame it on crypto
Apex please bring back the kings canyon😭
Octane face reveal
I did not know cripto was in the season 2 trailer
0:38 Does anyone realize that octane injects the drugs in his heart?!?!?!
Unless he doesn’t have a heart 🙁
Whats this song name? 0:24
Who else rlly misses this season
wen I see this now I say to my self will now I know who hacked the tower
respawn you guys are too smart for me
i like it when 1:40
octane x his selfie stick
Best trailer and best season
why does bloodhunter keep getting sniped
Please Apex Back kings canyon 🙁
The best season for me
Did anyone notice that octane nearly hit the rock and had to wave out of the way flying with wattson and bangalore…
Yeah he is a daredevil
Every season why they gotta do bloodhound like that
Only remember this season 🙂
1:18 I agree with octane
Wow never noticed crypto in this trailer
My favorite
I love how apex exposes a legend that will come out in the next season
What does mirage say at 0:38?
This is just the best trailer of Apex seasons
Wattson – the sexiest Apex Legend so far… Don’t argue with me… It’s true…
I love wattson’s expression when she help octane
I don’t play APEX LEGENDS, but that creature-monster-what-ever at the end was legitimately amazing and blew my mind. I also like the sound they’ve chosen for him. Fits him.
imagine if octane could take a selfie in the game
Lol “For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow”
Little did they know
Me when my hotpockets are ready 1:14
Oh my God the hacker is crypto
I think Wattson wanna kill Octane
RIP Kings canyon
That chicky little basterd
fooh best season trailer
Season 2 was definitely the best Am I the only one who thinks there making it worse…?
0:41 I don’t think that’s healthy for ya veins
the name of the song?
Who is here in season 4
Many vibes located here I’m peeing myself after octanes eye reveal
1:02 its been 8 MONTHS, and i didn’t notice that the banners on the right were the squad with wattson in lol
2:07 face reveal
Season 2 is the best season so far, the scenery, the envirenment…Just perfect!
I like how crypto was in the trailer an entire season before his release
It’s season 4 and I’m still watching this trailer everyday…
Plzzzzzz after this trailer I really want to play apex but I only have a iPad
I have crypto octane
Mirage and Bloodhound didn’t pin the Bangalore behind Gibby. Reported
this is my favorit trailer
Always wondered who Gibraltar killed at the beginning
Wattson in for the save! I love being a Wattson main..
Crypto in season 2 ??
still the best trailer tho…….
Bangalore was warning us that the Hemlok was good all along. I’m glad I’ve started to use it more in s3.
Gosh i miss so much old map ; (
Pause on 1:04 and you can see crypto
Dude this trailer has so much hype.
Wattson x Octane
Cómo cuando lo viste hace 7 meses pero te lo recomiendan ahora
Why does Octane’s tattoo appear as a different font in the trailer than in the game?
Best apex trailer ever.
I miss this season
Watson’s arm goes limp 1:01
Oh ho ho AWSOME trailer!
fortnite is better
Caustic never gets no love lol always dying in these
Who’s here when its season 4
This was the best trailer for a BR season so far!
Lol I barely found out that was Krypto at the start
Can someone please tell me what gibby said at the beginning. I heard him say come back here brother and I couldn’t catch the rest
Octanes voice lines in this trailer were hilarious
Song name?
0:29 the actor in Sonic boom plays mirage now Listen to this again now that you know that
Why the graphism actually don’t look like that 😭
Why is this in my recommend even though I watched it
wattson is so cute <3
this is still their best trailer you cant change my mind
2021- still the best.
I just realized crypto caused season 2
1:12 they going to die:
Octane: OHHhohHohHo awesome
Who is here after season 5 trailer?
I don’t understand tho
Why did crypto has done that already?
This need to become a tv show
When I saw this I thought there was going to be Watson and crypto
octane x watson
0:51 PS4 Spider-man?
Am I the only one who absolutely loves octane?
this is why I hate crypto,
he ruined kings canyon adn we had to go to that terrible bs map
This is the one that got EVERYBODY’S heart racing, especially at the end.
I love this trailer… but it’s only my #2 favorite, got to remember the wraith inter-dimensional one she’s my main so I’m obligated to love it
In the beginning I once thought that crypto was Wraith
Who seen the dank memes version onee
“Only One King (feat. Jung Youth)” // Produced By Tommee Profitt
This trailer basically shows how fun it is to be an Octane main.
1:32 bangolers face is ver ugly
Best trailer so far
Nostalgia am i right
That was crypto hacking
1:08: my parents when they see someone robbing the bank while I’m with them
Me: 1:14
0:48 is really just XD
Season 2 is probably one of my favorite seasons thus far
0:30 all I hear is Sonic’s voice when he says fast and slow
Edit: yes I know it’s the same voice actor
That me right almost getting killed and killing
Who else came back here after seeing the deleted scene of this video?
So the whole point is to kill each other but when dinosaurs start coming u better run for ur life, u know so you don’t get killed
1:39 you can see the fear in Watson’s eyes
Wattson is beautiful xddd
0:00 crypto
Great game play!😜
I’m here to see the cutie pie Wattson eye my boy Octane
The wattson’s look at Octane has been deleted…
crazy Octane 😀 and best season ever
Who else misses the old map
Best trailer ever
What’s the name of the song plz help
Bring back the old map
me mama
You guys know that the guy with the computer is the character from season three
I wish apex was on switch
new jurassic park its so damn good
Caustic really just got b o p p e d
It’s season 4 and this trailer is still so good
I started playing just yesterday because of the new season starting and I wanted to check if my pc could run the game at a decent framerate. Awnser is yes.
Now I’m just watching back the trailers and god I love Wattson so much. She’s amazing.
It’s Mid season 4 and this trailer is recommended because YouTube algorithm is weird but only now do I realize crypto hacked the ring allowing the flyers and big Dino fucks into the ring
Mirage: For a fast guy your pretty slow Octane: for a dumb guy your perfect
“Gracias Amigo! ” bro… I really felt that
I still find this to be my favourite trailer.
Still the best trailer
0:03 Its Crypto
Love it or hate it, you gotta admit this game has some bomb ass season trailers
Ahh, take me back
1:31 did anyone else notice that octanes eye thing broke and you can see his actual eye
This was the second best season ever after season 1 imo
Missing kings canyon
Yooo, crypto is in the trailer and hey hadn’t come out till season 3….
Octane is the boi
best scene of the trailer 0:39
Anyone else notice that crypto is the hacker
Octane: One for the gram
De lejos, el mejor tráiler de Apex hasta ahora. 😉
music octane please ??
If you turn the video to 2x speed then Octane becomes even faster.
Fortnite monster vs apex monster who would win. Like for apex monster replie for Fortnite monster!
Looking back and figuring out the dude was crypto was extremely nostalgic for me-
The flyers are just a 9 year old army
Nnnn me devolve a seson 2 essa 4 ta uma bosta -_-
Season 2 hmmmm 90000000000000/10
Best trailer
new lands in pandora
1:31 the closest we will get to seeing ocanes face.
That massive pupil focusing on her is amazing
Octane is the fastest but he still gets hit
bro the s2 was legendary not like s4
Temporada 2 que recuerdos :’)
I love the trailers for this game
I miss u kings canyon
Watson says “zat cant be good”
Me “are you french?”
Its season 4 and damm apex has been best battle royal
Give us kings canyon back.
They leaked crypto
This one is the best trailer so far
The legend on the laptop was crypto
Honestly even now that it’s season 4 and season 2 is over, this trailer still gives me goosebumps
Holy shit, they teased Crypto and I didn’t even notice
Who is here in Season 4
Octane: literally the fastest legend in the game
Also Octane: *gets crushed by falling tower*
Its season 6 now and im watching this haha 😂 miss this map but i love the new map worlds boarder
I miss this map
Crypto was leaked there
Just realized that crypto was in the first 10 secs in this💀
This is still my favourite trailer
Best season ever
Cool that they teased crypto this early.
What is this song called in the background
“For a fast guy, your pretty slow”, “And for a dumb guy, your perfect”
Tsunami in apex
Wattson : definitly not good
Octane : ohohoho AWESOME!
Rip Caustic’s Traps 1:03
Still the best season trailer you’ve had
This is so nostalgic:,v
Did you guys see crypto in this trailer because I did
Melhor temporada/best season
Me and the boys when we find the morphing machine in Area 51
Still the best of the season trailers
Who’s here from session 4 trailer?
Lol crypto is realsed in season 3 but he is in the trailer
i love the references in these.
Season 2: mentions how dumb mirage is. crypto takes down the tower.
Season 3: crypto reminds mirage he’s an idiot. “you’re gonna need to find whoever took the tower down, and buy them a drink”
youtube recommending this at season 4, smh
whos here at season 4?
I love this music and song ♥️
1:03 IS CRYPTHO!??
Why does bloodhound get sniper in every trailer
In this trailer is cripto
Im back to this after watching season 4 trailer and i still have this old awesome filling inside. I miss old king canion
0:25 alv xd
Where the fuc* is bloodhound ?
idk if im going to be like this in s4
i wish the game looked like this
The music is a best.
Octane is best 1:15
This is best season trailer hands down in watching this in 2020 and this gives me goosebumps everytime!!!!!
Damn this trailer. When Apex was still “Normal”
Finally realised that crypto was kinda sneak peaked here.
Don’t mind me…just visiting old memories before season 4
I love the leviathans roar🤤
Oh sht crypto
Who’s watching this in 2020
“THIS IS THE LEAST BORED I’VE BEEN ALL DAY-“ famous last words of Octavio Silva
0:58 is that the sentinel? If so they literally had it teased for season 4 since season 2, and that’s just awesome!
Best season no cap
Just realized crypto is in this
0:52 as a mirage main I disapprove
What the music name in the video?
I just see crypto
just noticed crypto is the hacker!!!
After seeing the dark season 4 trailer this feels kinda weird but apex storytelling is so good I love this game man
Who is here after watching season4 trailer.
There is also Revenant in season 3 trailer
Crypto is Hacker
0:25 crypto season 2
Watching this a day before season 4 and its still great.
basically, crypto pissed off a bunch of dinosaurs and then made wattson’s team all screwed
Crypto:*Starts coughing*
Octane:Jajaja mis esteroides me han hecho inmune al coronav-
(Hahaha my steroids have made me immune to the coronav-)
I really don’t play apex but this was a dam good trailer and made me play for a while
0:10 a thicc boi kills another thicc boi
Best season?
What was crypto doing here
Season 2 will always have the best trailer
Then need to bring back this kind of trailer
Jemapple Jeff
Best apex season
as an octane main we need a heirloom for him
I still get goose bumps from this video approaching season 4
Man this trailer still gets me hyped and wanting to play more apex.. Love how well done it is
I miss these times
Really wish I hadn’t missed this season
The song is fire
yeah crypto is there
0:39 This is Only one King!
Just would like to say whoever put together the visual and the music to this trailer, TOP NOTCH JOB! 🙂 gave me goosebumps months after this released.
Whose here in season 4 trailer dropped
Now gameplay battlepass and gameplay have dropped
Crypto u bichh
Respawn: Teases Season 4 pictures and trailers
Youtube: Now would be the perfect time to get the fans hyped for Season 2
Who else came here after season 4 trailer?
The good ol days when Gibby was trash
Anyone else binge watch the trailers before a new season
Who’s here after season 4 trailer?
anyone here after season 4 trailer release?
ah que saudade…
you’re already dead!
It’s funny because 4 still can’t compare too this.
i really be missing this
Okay, season 4 still doesn’t beat this trailer!
I miss season 2 so much.
Why is this just as fresh as the day it came out!?
0:39 in 2x
4 days for forge (i guess forge is fake rahat venant will come)
Who’s here after the new trailer?
revenent gonna be mad if forge shows up now xD
Who’s here after the new trailer?
I never noticed crypto was in this trailer
Revendo t.t
Anyone here 4 days before season 4 drops 2020!!! Hyped
that tower crashing should’ve been a live event
It’s Crypto
looking back on this, that laptop and those hands, that’s Krypto that blew the tower
Peep crypto
0:25 crypto
Crypto was in the season 2 trailer ? 0:26 bra
Only recorded instance of someone killing gibby with a single mag
Anybody in season 6?!?!
did eny one notes that cripto is in ghrer at 4 sec in yull see
0:59 for Arthur xd
I forgot how dope this trailer was. Man, season 2 was just as hype as all the others.
bangalore: “rock up ladies”
octane: ammm I a joke to u
ok how did they allow crypto In the games if he was the one that messed things up
Song title? Hahah
Bruh I love how fortnite knows it’s dying so they did the icon series AND copied apex like twice
Music?? Скиньте песню плз из трейлера
aren’t we gonna talk about how Octane had a stroke and said “for a dumb guy, you’re perfect”?
The Sonora band is always the best 👍
Alright so I have therapy that when a legend get finished off, just before they die they leave behind a loot box and are teleported to a facility and brought back to life and fixed up for their next game
And then Crypto is hot ass😂
Aquí esperando la de forge uwu
So,is crypto brake there?
I’m sad they cut the part of Wattson crushingly looking at Octane after she revives him. It was shown in their latest dev update video about S4. But I get it, it didn’t fit with the music of the trailer
Apex community * season 4 is coming
Me after season 2almost over” 0:04 appears crypto :v
1:02 Crypto
I watched more than 30 times
Lesss be honest yall came here for this part 1:39
this trailer is fucking awesome
Crypto Was The One Who Destroyed The Satellite Tower Look At The Hackers Outfit In 0:04
Song name?
Thanks YouTube for recommending this to me
Wow the teased us Crypto in season 2 launch trailer
Anyone misses Kings Canyon?
@1:00 that’s Sentinel the new sniper announced for season 4!!
Octanes fast as hell
Amigoo q epico son los trailers de apex
Better than season 3
Why is caustic always getting his butt rekt in trailers
Crypto Banzai!
Crypto in season 2
Damn I love this trailer so much.
Octane is so sick in this trailer !
Wow watching this in 2020 and it is giving me goose bumps….
just now coming back to watch this for some reason and i noticed crypto 😂
Its bad that they removed the part where wattson stares at octane for a second
Watson is cute
Last best season
Ah, the memories :’)
I came back from S4 reveal devstream and they actually cut out the Wattson’s cute stare at 1:32
What song?
Who else saw that one of octane’s goggles were broken when he was revived by Watson
Make subtitles please.
I don’t understand what they say, but interesting.
Am i the only one who likes the music of this trailer or no
Cant wait for S4 trailer
I just realized crypto is in the beginning of the trailer lol
Божественный трейлер
Wattson⚡💙 & Octane💉💚 had a moment there. 7v7
Satan could burn the whole world and octane would still be bored
Snipers: uff thats a sexy bloodhound
Song ?
Anyone else hype for season 4??? 🤨
Guess I’m the only one here …
Apex é muito melhor que fotnite
I luv dis trailer the action is 100
Season 0 and 1 the golden days
Season 2 ok
Season 3 world’s edge the old was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better
And the new character sucks balls
But I can live with it
Did anyone else notice that the tattoo on octain said plus ultra because the creator loves super hero’s.
Now I know why they have abilities lol
202- me: 0:53
0:25 i played that scene 10000 man the song is fucking awesome
Bro i love apex play it all day
I miss kings canyon so much , i think kings canyon is better than the new map
Who is that!?!
1:34 ight ima head out
1:30 imagine a common outfit for octane where he has shattered goggles
What is it with bloodhound and getting sniped
I’m happy apex won’t let octane die after the countless times he nearly did!
Anyone notice Gibraltar had a pump action shotgun?
Cara, isso foi incrível.
This is the best season trailer I’ve ever seen
0:02 Crypto???
Crpyto is the 1 hacker on our island
I missed this season ;( haven’t played for 9 months and season 3 is about to be over, haven’t started that yet too ;D
Anyone else miss the old Map?
Its crypto’s fault. If it wasnt because of him we would be in kings canyon
I finally understand why octane didn’t explose with the arc star 😂👌
Dads after having children: 0:40 to 0:45
I miss the hype i used to get for apex
I’m saying this now, no other season trailer can beat this one
Who else misses kings canyon
The good old map
Not to be racist, but asian people-
Crypto sey’s alwey’s “he will brek the game
The soundtrack?
I did it
cripto fue el que hiso eso
Who else wishes there was an apex legends movie? 😭
did anyone notice why the hell bloodhond was just standing 0:56
Wattsons squad must be having a great time
no entiendo como la gente no le gusta esta maravilla De juego
Juas juas habló español:D
Watson: definitely not good
00:00 Crypto was leaked already
i miss it so much
Muchas gracias amigo :v
Anyone from 2020 here and loves Cypto
1:31 octanes left eye…
Ahhh man the good old days. My favorite season .. no sbmm , kings canyon , having fun on the game ..
Wait crypto was in the season 2 trailer , he destroyed the tower 😵
Why does someone always has to krabered.
And these are the guys that animated Dead Space Aftermath?! ¡AWESOME!
wow apex is suggesting that children use drugs omg thats so mean!
as a 34 yr old mom i feel that my childs mind is unsafe and that you are brainwashing him im sueing
Its like octane a coffee addict
**fucking dies**
Wtf Crypto was here
My lovely season. Скучаю
I got to many ,win in apex I’m good at this game
0:51 Possible loading screen
Octane : the fastest legend
Also octane : right behind wattson and bandalore
Is it just me or are octane and wattson a match-mate in heaven?
I WATCH this trailer everyday to get me hyped when I play apex XD
does anybody know what song it is?
Is it just me or does anyone like OCTANES CUTE ASS EYEs
CRYPTO is here
In season 3 (meltdown) mirage says we need to find the person who took down the tower dont they realize its crypto
*Ah those were the days*
Who is here when Crypto is in the game
Yeah this was the one, the one video where I absolutely fell in love with octane.
Do I feel ashamed for loving a character that doesn’t exist? Nah, I do it with anime all the time. Nothing new.
Why the crypto stay on the trailer of season 2
When is season 4 coming to apex
Is this only me who just realised that crypto was in the trailer ?????
anyone get chills while watching this?
this post was made by buddy the elf.
So crypto cause the dinosaurs to come after a energy blast of radar he did to bring creatures to the map
Najbolji apex legends
0:17 something tells me that shotgun isn’t in the game
Isnt that the tower in skyhook in season 3 or im i trippin
“This is the least bored ive been all da-“
1:18 is me after watching this 872810423 times
every single person in the comments: THIS IS THE LEAST BORED I’VE BEEN ALL DAY!
It’s the 82906th time I watch this, and I still get fuckin goosebumps
I keep coming back to this because DAMN Respawn can make a good trailer.
Of course amigo
I just want Kings Canyon back :/
1:11 epics reaction
1:13 Minecraft’s reaction/ mojangs
1:16 PUBGs reaction
What is the music that was playing ?
WAIT I thought the guy that took down the tower was caustic but now I see it’s crypto
@ 0:52 thats life coming to kick my ass
i find this video so satisfying, something brings me here even in this time. miss you king’s canyon.
Still gives me the shivers. The shrieking from the flyers and the stomp. Awesome!
Does anyone know what the song in the background is called?
Kings canyon…you were as beautiful as the day I lost you
can anyone tell me what gibraltar says?
Crypto destroyed the building down
seeing this again i still want to know what the songs name is
What the name of the music?
Cómo se llama la rola :)?
So crypto is the reason why season 2 was a bit new
RIP when the game was fun 🙁
99.99% of people that disliked accidentally did
Almost every legend was shown except caustic
nose cuantas veces lo e visto es tan bueno que lo veo y me dan ganas de jugar
This was released all the way back in June and it still doesn’t fail to entertain me every time I watch it
I want kings canyon back 😥
(And btw I already knew the hacker was the new legend named crypto. It already leaked)
I love how this is in my recommended now
Or did not know, crypto appears in the trailer season 2 at the beginning of the computer
I wanna play old season so bad ! I hadnt play this map…..fk I Fking get bored of season 3 map
Was crypto always in the trailer?
Top 10 anime kills
This trailer made me to play Apex legends
Bring Kings Canyon back 😢😭
Whos in season 3
Mirage: for a fast guy you’re pretty slow
Octane: for a dumb guy you’re perfect
Mirage: I am perfect ooo this thing is hot
Who is here after seeing this amazing game won multiplayer of the year?
What’s the song named?
Wait wth is crypto doing there? Are you gonna tell me revenant probably is on the new trailer?
Ultra cool
Apparently octane himself was not fast enough to run away from that falling thing
She said what is that I think Bangalore meant WHAT ARE THOSE
next shit
I miss the old map 😥
Why is crypto in this?
ok wattson isn’t really good with guns obviously but i don’t see how bloodhound died to a shot to the shoulder
Oh so you leaked crypto in the season 2 trailer. I just realised
I knew cripto was coming to apex because in the season 2 trailer you see him hacking a computer
But he revealed himself in season 3
Why crypo is in season 2
Al gien sabe como se llama la cancion
1:40 were they all evacuating or just landing?
Pathfinder,Lifeline,Wraith and Caustic be like: Im Forgotten
Hey Octane can you send me that Awesome pic?
Im officially an Octane fan
In 1:05 you can see crypto
The octane is a bob sponje in a minute 1:17
Кста у меня днюха 27 июня, и вышел трейлер 27 июня 🙂
I love the trailer
Crypto legit broke the map for a new one 😂😂🔥🔥
Octane is a Beast!! Best Character!!
Нет мой любимый Бладхаунд
Dayum Wattson be thicc
They leaked crypto even before crypto was leaked
Bloodhound always gets sniped in trailers
Who relizes cripto was the haker thay wher hinting cripto the hole time
I’m a fortnite fan but they now how to make a tralier.
Yo, they neeed to add 5 leviathans to the new map next season
whos here before 2019 christmas ?
What if I told you the hacker guy was Crypto
I just realised the glass on octanes left eye is cracked after the structure collapsed.
Crypto:yes I bought the tower down. Mirage:who took the tower down.
Anyone else notice the Lichtenberg figure on Wattson’s cheek? It’s the result of lightning strike. Plus she’s so adorable in this one.
I don’t understand why is no one talking about crypto in a season 2 trailer
Crypto said he never killed anyone but you almost killed octane
Apex lagends can you make custom room…please
They gave me a glimpse of crypto
I miss the map
Really want king canyon back.
Me rewatching this in season 3: HOLY CRAP THAT’S CRYPTO!!!
Like Apex
Comment Fortnite
I love octane so much I can’t dESCRIBE IT
Night night
-Bangalore 2019
Tower: about to kill everyone
Is ıt just me that the hacker is crypto
I kinda always suspected that the hacker would be a new legend in season 3 or at least by season 4 but damn it feels good to be roght
Could somebody pleeeeease tell me what Octane says after Mirage said “for a fast guy, you´re really slow”
I don`t unterstand it, Hearing something like “But it don´t guy, youre perfect”
Please help me, Need that for my Story
I always go back because wattson is so adorable <3
Alguna sabe cómo se llama la canción e al final 😍
Hands down the best apex trailer out there
Yes. Better than season 3
Still the best trailer of apex legends
Still a banger.
Lol crypto is in this
I just realized that the person who decimated the repulsive tower was crypto 😯
Has Anyone Wondered What It Feel Like To Be In The Apex Games This Song Makes Me Do
English!Good luck…
Octane homies where U at
apex is better than fortnite
They putet crypto from seasone 3 into seasone 2 trailerp
Australia in a nutshell
This trailer forced me to return in Apex and buy BattlePass
i miss kings canyon
The hacker crypto
In season 3 season 3 character is the hacker from this season trailer
Who want apex on all android device
Looks like Watrson, Bangalore and Octane went to the Promethea school of running away from things. *ding*
1:32 Bangalore is third wheeling HARD
Al prinsipio sale cripto el de la temporada 3
Al prinsipio sale crypto
They gave a lotta messages to other battle royales with that song tho.
Best trailer ever
Came back for this Trailer, anyone else?
Cryoto was the guy with the leptop
Cypto was the hacker
If u a titanfall vet like me u know that the planet they are on in season 2 is a planet from titanfall 1 from the mission hear me dragons
At 0:04 that’s crypto
Pathfinder Voice: “I have kiled you, friend. I hope you’ll understand it” 💛💛💛
octane habla español
y la waifu wattson tiene unas caderas huff es hermosa
interesante 🤔
Did anyone watch the season 3 trailer then the season 2 again to realize cripto is the one who brought the tower down
Why always my guy blood hoond
TBH it actually sounds good
Octane my favorite person
Why they’d have to completely lock us out of this map? New map is good but not Kings good.
The game could have a setting to look like this
Also where is this on the map
Anyone notice the hacker is crypto
Looking back at this trailer, I can’t believe how coordinated Wattson, Octane and Bangalore are.
Apex to op
this trailer didn’t make sense to me till until season 3
Anyone notice how now octanes right eye glass is cracked
Song ??
Crypto tease
Ya I just realized that was crypto
I feel stupid 🤦🏿♂️
This moment😱 0:39
I just realized the hacker was crypto I feel so dumb
I just realized crypto is the hacker😂
0:05 when I get my teammates reboot card
Crypto be chillin
If only Apex did some series on youtube that would be crazy.
Literally the only game that knows how to make good animated trailers
How crypto get in the arena?? We don’t know :/
It’s season 3 and I still keep watching this and it is badass
who is here after seeing. crypto
Is the guy who hold the hacking computer is Crypto?
The respawn has whole storyline allready in place. We should look for more secrets on season that’s quite cool
That dude was crypto
Crypto in 0:04
Still the best trailer imo.
Хорошая отсылка к Крипто
This is why octane is my dad
That’s crypto on 0:25
Dudeee mix this and titanfall 2? Titanfall 3 (if its coming) will be FIRE
Omg just a couple months, I still watching it!! It is just AWESOMEE! One day I”ll come back here when the 3 season end, then I”ll say welcome back King Canyon!!
You would think they would at least make a back up tower just in case the tower fell
0:29 I can see sonic saying that!
I think the clown is the noob and the king is the pro
Will there be apex for switch
THIS is what i call a trailer
Could we talk about how bad gibby and mirage’s accuracies arenas how they are wasting the amo of both a mastiff and an L-star?
Crypto aparecio en la season 2 y el es de la temporada 3
going back from season 3 and watching it again and seeing who blew up the tower
it was crypto people
worlds edge ….rip kings canyon
0:05 that was cryptic in season 2 he is the reason they went to a knew map
Why crypto destroy the tower
A quien no le gusta las cinematicas de APEX, apesta y seguro son seguidores de fornite 😂
1:03 crypto
OMG i noticed the one whos hacking is crypto
Octane: HOO This is the least bored ive been all day!
*Gets squashed by repulsor tower*
Octane: muchas gracias amigo
Gibraltar:Come back here broda…
I dare ya
Octane: i would but omae mou shindeiru
Bangalore:Night Night
Gibraltar:Im dying
Help me
1:40 if only it really looked like that when dropping in, it would be epic
I miss kings canyon
Poor bloodhound
Octane about to die*
This is the least bored I’ve been all day
Crypto started season 2
Crypto was right under our noses
Что за трек? Скажите пожалуйста!
What if octanes selfie stick was his heirloom
This is how many people prefer fortnite over apex
👇 no number? Exactly
Octane is a crack addict
Fortnite players be unliking but subing
Who is the name of sonh?
Crypto is the one who broke the tower and made the dragons mad
ThIs Is ThE lEaSt BoReD iVe BeEn AlL dAy!!!!iii
So crypto was leaked all the way back then
Apex is better than Fortnite and my favorite character is octane I love that he has a speed power
We see crypto and dont’ care of that
0:04 hey beautifull
Octane: is sonic / drug addict / does’nt care bout dying
Isn´t that Crypto? minute 1:01 – 1:04. I guess it makes sense that he destroyed the tower
1:28 why do i like these two
Sneak peek at crypto
WTF with everyboy, we all knew it was crypto, even his laptop was on the game lying on the floor
Crypto! 1:03
Holy crap dude I never noticed kryto was the one typing everything😂
I never even realized crypto was the one who destroyed the tower
I came back to watch to see how much of Crypto we actually got to see. I ended up watching the whole thing because I just remembered the nights of season 2, dropping into all the new areas and quickly dying from some TTV Wraith. Man, this game isn’t even a year old and I’m already getting heavy nostalgia.
I’m from season 3 did anyone else notice crypto the new character from this trailer?
Hi crypto
Sick pic
What is the song?
Bro crypto was the one who destroyed the tower
Wait is that crypto
It was crypto!
1:03 that’s crypto
Whos here after szn 3 dropped and wished that Kings canyon was still the map because they hate the new map😪😪
When the hacker is crypto
Your not slick anymore
They already had crypto fully planned at the begging of season 2
the Cryptos name is (ERROR) his from(ERROR)
Crypto is in it
Why are so many of the comments so retarded……?
This cripto
thank GOD they averted from the whole dinosaur theme
R.I.P Kings canyon.
That’s the guy that took the tower down From season 3
1:18 can’t they just walk to the left or right
OMG IS crypto
the guy at computer in crypto!
Apex trailer season 2 is better than season 3
в начале видео там крипто)) лол))))
This is the best trailer of Apex
Being here after season 3 I thought the hacker was blisk but it was yeah
Cripto hacked the tower
1:14 my personal AWESOME button
Зачем крипто подорвал вышку
JAJA noone stops my feet when it flies into Bamboozle’s face. Gracias, Nat <3
0:25 was that Crypto?
Love the music
So they go for drug addict and the equivalent of Mei from overwatch
I see crypto
I miss this map 🙁
Crypto: *breaks apex ring*
Apex: moves to another location
Crypto: •~• u wot m8
At the beginning you see crypto
RIP king canyons 😭😭
Who knowtices crypto in the beginning and the Ray gun or whatever it’s called
That’s crypto I already know bcuz it’s Oct.9
Epic crypto spoiler
So this is leaked crypto lol
The hacker is crypto from season 3 #wtf
Mirage:Now we got to find the person who took down the tower and buy them a drink
Crypto:Na how bout I show my fighting skill
I wonder if we’ll ever see octane and bloodhound’s face
Guys Who noticed the crypto 0:04
0:04 is crypro 😯😯😯😨😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
*Gets crushed by a falling tower*
Kings canyon: was I a good first map?
The Grim Reaper: you were better than fortnite’s so hell of a job
He is Singed ??
1:03 hey it’s crypto!
Why was he standing and staring at wattson :/ 0:58
Who is here when they realised crypto is the person who angred the fliers and leviathans to come to come the map and that he destroyed the tower
1:34 This still gives me chills
Octine is amazing
OMG its crypto from Season 3!
bruh i just realized they teased crypto
01:02 it’s Crypto.
octane and wattson,,, is the only i got to say
Apex should do Collab with Mountain Dew and make a MTN DEW skin for Octane
It would E P I C
wtf Giblartar is gay
The season 2 song is only one king
Season 2 gave us so much teasers for 3 i would be ready for the ones in three now like charge rifle and crypto.
Crypton has been revealed in this trailer!
I love that since they didn’t make one of these for season 1, this is basicly is a show off of octane instead of Watson. 😂
Octane might just be my spirit animal!
Who else noticed that crypto is the one who hacked it?
Now we know that unknown person was crypto
1:03 Crypto
Rip leviathins
It was crypto from apex anybody see it in season 3
Wait the hacker is Crypto
I am pretty sure that the guy who launch the EMP strike is Crypto.
(yes I know I watch the new legend trailer then I analyze it and I am pretty sure that is crypto right there who launch the EMP strike.)
I just found out that the new guy for season 3 is in this video
I miss this map
1:39 music and entry makes it so cool..
This trailer is better than season 3 trailer
Fortnite: AHH final-
Apex: hold my breathe
Kings canyon 😢💔
Trailer Graphic VS Borderlands Graphics Yea Can’t see the difference
Who’s here cause recommendation
this background music and the game, and if you don’t tell me her name please
THE OCTRAIN IS DA GOAT!!!! even thou the haker does steal some parts
Song Only One King by Jung Youth
When I saw Crypto I was like WAIT A mINUTE is that the hacker from the season 2 trailer!?!?
Proceeds to immediately die
First like 2 seconds show crypto
He did this for the girl they stole from him !
Bet u didn’t know that the guy at the start is crypto
0:56 Swiggity swooty, I’m coming for that booty!
Im here this trailer is my favorite
Man, that was Crypto all along…
Drug addict goes on a murder rampage after stealing gun
Wait is that crypto
Ohhhh that hacer is criptos!
Bruh when I just realized they hinted crypto since the damn beginning
wow i just realized that was crypto…..didn’t even consider it being a new character
Plot twist: octane wears a gas mask to prevent the legends from getting insta killed from his hot ass chimichanga breath
1:03 crypto sneak peak
Octane reminds of junkrat
damn, season 2 is done already?
time flies
So is Crypto a villain like Caustic?
So long, cowboy.
Crypto is the hacker.. epic
1:03 he was cypto
im going to miss the old map
So crypto destroyed the tower
They leaked crypto from season 2 trailer THATS CRAZY
Apex Trailer comparision.
Apex Legends season 2 trailer
. After two Months. 5,2 million views
Apex Legends season 3 trailer
After 3 days: 5,4 million views😐
Why couldnt respawn call this titanfall 3 but with no mechs
They’ve been planning Season 3 and Crypto since Season 2. Very Epic RESPAWN!!!
At 0:26 it’s the season 3 new skin
Comparing season 2 trailer to season 3 you can see the community grew a lot.
0:25 its awesome how Crypto is hinted at a whole season before hes supposed to come out
This map isn’t the original map
This is one of the best game trailers ive ever seen
Crypto hacked the apex legends game and broke the emp
*Plays Apex with best friends*
When you just realize that the apex games happens 30 years after titanfall 2
Who else realised crypto is the reason for the explosion
95% of the comments- about octane saying “THIS IS THE LEAST BORED IVE BEEN ALL DAY”
Other 5% Talking about the actual trailer
Who’s here to see if the hacker who destroyed the tower is crypto
와 다시보니깐 이때부터 크립토 있었네;;
Octane runs like a jack sparrow xd
Why do those dragon things look like the ikrans from Avatar
1:00 is that crypto???
Wait that’s some next level Easter egg I didn’t even notice it at first. For those who don’t know what I am talking about. For the first 5 seconds of the video look who it is.
Now this is a trailer
Who else is just realizing crypto is in this trailer
There crypto
So Crypto is the one who caused this…nice
🔥 battle charge 🔥
Who thinks that this trailer is much better than the newest one?
Who is here after the release of the season three launch trailer?
The fucking tower is about to crash on Octane
Octane: “WO-HO-HO-HO AWESOME” fucking love him
**Fortnite and Apex are both pretty good games**
Is that the Season 3 legend!?!?
So all of that so Crypto can find Mila
Nobody: adds more gameplay of previous seasons then the new one….
Who saw crypto in the beginning of season 2 trailer
I finally realized who that was!!!
So they teased Crypto bacn in S2 , nice
I like a lot of details,the octane glasses showing his eye,this scene is sensational 1:29
And we thought this was good Season Trailer…
0:25 is this crypto ?
Who just finding out that the guy in the beginning is crypto 😂 cause I just did
0:6 i thought that was Wraith but actually it’s Crypto
Crypto is the New character and I just noticed he was in this trailer hacking and made the tower collapse
Who here after season 3 trailer
0:24 Krypto)
Who’s here after the Season 3 trailer to compare?
I’m actually watching this after the new Season 3 trailer. Who else?
I’m here from the future after watching the season 3 launch trailer.
Love the flying creatures, perfect copies of the ones from Avatar.
Who is here after the new map in the season 3 trailer
And here we are in season 3
Well two days until
Edit: 4 days until
Wtf, crypto!?
just watched s3 trailer
Who’s here to compare with season 3 trailer?
This is poo compared to the season 3 trailer
“cuz there’s only one king and there’s only one crown” oooohh that explains the name of the event
Omg crypto is here
Came here after watching the trailer for season 3 to rewatch the trailer for season 2 bc these are just so damn good!!
Who is here after season 3 trailer?)
who’s here after the season 3 trailer and new map got announced
The moment I saw the trailer, I thought the guy who was Crypto was like a new character and I was like: *WILL THERE BE 2 NEW CHARACTERS?!*
i wonder if the season 3 trailer gonna tease season 4 character just like season 2 did
Im starting to think the hacker that broke the tower is the family forever legend coming soon
Edit: noticed the symbol on the pc definitly him
Who is here cause they cant wait for season 3
Crypto triggered an emp at the tower that keeps the animals out of the games as a distraction for him to get into the apex games so he could hack into the mainframe in order to get data on the people that framed him to get answers
New trailer coming today!! Hype is off the charts
The moment Octane use STIM, the goosebumps
I hope season 3 has as cool of a trailer as this one
Honestly this is my favorite trailer for anything. Can’t wait to see how they’ll top it with Season 3!
Edit: I forgot I commented this, but they DEFINITELY topped this with the new trailer. Fuck YEAH. I’M HYPED.
It’s crypto 1:01
Did you know Crypto is the one who blows up the Repulsor Tower
0:24 😰😲👽
Necesitamos titanfall 3
Apex legends out here showing oss crypto one season to early
-Octane 2019
“Oooh this things gets hot” *gets kicked in the face*
Love the content keep it up
How did the leviathans come to the planet?
0:39 cool😎
Why is season 3 Battle pass trailer not here yet?
That was crypto hacking!!!!
Пажалуйсти верните соло или не делайте так чтобы игроков выше 100 уровня закидывало с 27 или 11 рангом уберите они катку сливают уже 5 катка слита
The song is called there’s only one king by jung youth
Thx for 6 likes for freind.
Cause there’s only 3 kings
developers are mediocre morons
There’s crypto
I wish apex had the same graphics as in the trailer
Ho ho awesome 1:14
The moai is mad
Bring back fucking solo queue
Like si crees que el que hackea la antena es cripto
who else noticed the wattson no scope? 0:57
It’s the moyai
Many Apex characters have a backstory reason to become a legend
Then there’s Octane.
Terrible update completely broke the game
me: *knew it was crypto from the beginning of season 2*
everyone : oMg Is ThAt CrYpTo?!?!
0:40 How the Hype actually builds up in us Gamers.
People:apex is dead
Apex: ha bamboozled
0:10 why, why you bully me
If anyone wants to play apex add me I have a PS4: Lazer_Sparkzzz ( no toxic kids ok
I noticed something in this trailer nobody got turned into a death box after they died 🧐
When I first saw this I immediately thought Watson was going to be able to resurrect teammates
Here after releasing Crypto trailer
dudeeeeeeeeee!!!!! the song literally gives me chills
perfect song + perfect animation = perfect video
Still watching it, I love it
Literally kicked Fortnite in the guts with this ! Lmao
fortnite dead ajajjajajaaj
Crypto easter egg
*Teasing that rumored PvE mode I see* 👀 I NEED IT!!!
This game is a complete rip off I would not suggest that anyone waste money trying to personalize your characters. I spent $20 only to get a measly 1000 crafting metals I am not about to buy another $20 worth so that I can unlock 1 SINGLE characters legendary outfit, how the fuck can a single outfit cost $40! I am not a kid I am grown ass adult with real money I spend on games but I can see that origin is just here to rip off the kids so I am not going to spend a single dime on this game until they fix this! NOTE is also recieved 4 apex bots already from in game and 0 crafting metals! If you are new to the game crafting metals are the only way to unlock EVERYTHING in the game yet they make it SO FUCKING rare that you find it impossible to outfit your characters the way you want!! WARNING DONT GET TO SPENDING MONEY ON THIS GAME ITS A RIPOFF AND EVERYONE EVEN MAGAZINES HAVE COMPLAINED BUT THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK SO FUCK THEM!
Anyone realized crypto in the beginning?
Came here after Cryptos trailer
is the guy “hacking” crypto? he looks like it
Crypto was in this trailer and I didn’t even realize it!!!
I honestly thought Crypto was going to be a girl when I first saw them in this trailer becuase of the hair style
Season 3 coming Oct 1
0:04 aaaaand that’s Cypto everyone
Lol such a cool tease
Hacker dude is crypto?
Who is here after realizing that the hacker is Crypto.
Crypto the new legend!! 1:03
Months after this release I’m still getting chills
Crypto is here
What alotta people arent talking about.. are the canonical eliminations. So far, mirage ,gibby and bloudhound, have all been eliminated. Meaning, wattson, lifeline, Bangalore, wraith, crypto, pathfinder, caustic, and octane are still alive. Who do yall think will be win the Apex Games?
Yep I just realized it at 0:05 that was Crypto
Who’s here for the Crypto teaser?
1:52 RIP
First time we see Crypto
Whos here from the crypto backstory video we know who that is in da begining
who came from the short film “forever family” to see if the guy at the beginning of the trailer was good and beautiful him, like this comment
Who’s there after my lore video???
This trailer is never getting old
This game is so dumb come on reach lvl 100 you should at least give us more create packs 🤦♂️
Wattup Crypto.
pls music
Just realized Wattson has Lichtenberg figures on her face.
Anyone here after Cryptos leak at labs today? So hype for season 3 can wait. Besides I’m only 130 points away from being a PREDATOR
Im waiting for you crypto
so, that “crypto” was there all the time
People:It’s the end of the f***ing world
Haryy the dragon
Nuke alarm
How do they do it, half of their studio is animators so like how do they get things done
jogo muito bommm…
Crypto Scene: 0:04 and 1:03
The music is perfect
And you dont see fortnite here with voice actors
Alguien se sabe la cansion?
poo fortnite end its reign
I played for 1 week in season 1 then i stopped and started to play in september so i forgot what kings canyon looked liked before
Guys the guy with the laptop is cryto fkk
please can you release this version of only one king song from this trailer on youtube please i like this remix 😀
0:25 Is that CRYPTO?? New Legend is coming in season 3
If enemy players and our players could like talk to each other it would be pretty cool
Please promote the Seoul server in Korea.
Octane:my adhd is uncontrollable
You want to know why I octane, I love his personality, and how he literally spits in the face of death
Octane is a meme
Quién es la del ordenador es mi pregunta eso sí el juego la ostia
What is the song for 1:38
First it was path
Now 0:57
Bloodhound sure is lucky😂
EA if you screw up this game, I will never play or touch anything you play again
new character in the beginning? of the viddd
lmao i didnt knew that he crypto is in this trailer burhh till now 0:25 crypto hacking the shed
Season 03 ?
If you don’t get a legend where their ultimate is they call like a scavenged titan I’m going to be pissed
Such a great game but you need to bring in new maps asap
Who’s that holding a laptop and destroy the tower?
This is my favorite game
Fortnite is daying 1:14
so…new legend and now there are monster it just season 2 think in season 10
I know this is not the right time, but who thinks that Octane and Wattson is a good power couple? Like they’re cute together (I didn’t mean to offend anyone but reply if you did too)
Team of 3 and 3 energy guns. Please neff them
Yo buddy I couldn’t find your PSN name
Could someone tell tell me name of this remix for trailer (not original soundtrack)
Sneek peek of Crypto?
You guys are dumb that’s the new character cryptio wow
Please bring back solo pleeeeeeaaaaaaaasss3ee
*So that’s the reason why octane has a crack on his glasses*
octane: *literally the fastest boi*
tower: *falls*
octane: ight Imma head out
If only I could play Battle Royale games without wanting to wring someone’s neck.
That might be crpto
Thank u for make best game ever
I like OCTANE cause he’s Cooler then Wattson and octane use the fast I like it like it’s so cool he’s eye is super green
1:02 somebody pressed that button… And we have to find out who it was
Creo que solo octane es el que habla español e el principio (muchas gracias amigo)
What the name of that music?
at 1:37 thats the face of “oh shit, i’ve have to deal with this now”
Crypto created Season 2. Change my mind
I’ve watched this for the millionth time
Incase none of you played the first titan fall. That tower is designed to repel wildlife from invading an area like the area. In titan fall you destroy one to take out an IMC base
Fornite: “I am the Battle Royale KING!”
Apex: “Better start running” **Holds up Kraber**
Like apex comment fortnite
Just gonna comment this here when season 10 launches and players look for old comments
How is octane fast and has a speed boost but he was running the slowest out of Bangalore and Wattson 1:17
Hey respawn why did you not put damage lifeline Gibby bloodhound bangolore octane mirge custic and Wattson🤲🏻 pls put it in the game
God damn for a small company made of the makers of the mw series, they sure know how to make a fire trailer and a bad ass game
To anyone who said this game was bad
You got bamboozled
I can’t wait for season 3, im playing now a long time, and im in love with this game. Im going to wait until the new legend (legends) are coming!
This is the least bored I’ve been all day *literally dies*
Idk why but i just love this 𝑠𝑜 goddamn much
Pretty much sums up Gibraltar.
So no one gonna talk about how amazing bloodhundes arc star was?
This video is cooler than any video
Was that krypto that took the tower down ?
I feel like they could have done a lot more with the wildlife in apex legends during this update.
Having to avoid flyers when first dropping in, swooping down on you while you’re in the arena…
More than them just harmlessly perched on the canyons or hovering overhead as bonus box exploits.
Breaking news high sonic steals Mozambique from thick boy
Want to re watch it
I’m not being mean sorry 🖓I done that because there is only one in that folder and I won’t to re watch it
Oh shiiiiiiit The Fortnite Kids revolution 1:35
Who’s here after the voidwalker trailers?
I would have prefered a nerf to be honest.
After rewatching this trailer..
Has anyone wonder where did the Wingman Octane took went?
Looking back at it, it just disappeared
who was the person on the laptop
Everyone else: *is panicking and are terrified*
Get duo on apex
1:02 so this is the next legend?
Wattson:has the hands of the joker
기가 막히다
love how they referenced the whole iron crown event via the song
This may be perfect,but can we all notice how Octane waited for the L-Star to overheat the attack.I know the gun is good but………Damn octane.
And Wraith?
Does anyone notice 1:00 thru 1:04 that’s probably the new legend every was talking about
That octane is soo dumb
What if that mirage wasn’t one hit
so is anyone gonna start a petition so respawn can see how much we NEED an octane skin that reveals his face or at least his little damn eye??
Respawn should make a overwatch style intro to legends like the voidwalker event trailer
No one:
Literally No one:
Not a single soul:
Octane: “This is the least bored I’ve been all day!”
Why douse bloodhound die at all trailers????
Apex is the best game ever better than fortnite and Minecraft
This is the worst game I’ve ever played
So awsome 😍😍
I adore this game
The character at the start isn’t any character we saw I think it’s crypto
I love apex
0:50 in 0,5
this is a weird request, can someone point me to a video similar to the last part of the video where there were these majestic beasts but the video has to be only the majestic creatures roaming around a vast Havana. I’d like to get high on that. Can someone help a brother out please?
We want a solo mod! (PS4)
Apex:You know that your game released the worse patch Note?
Fortnite:Yea your right I should go
*fortnite left the server*
Octane was the best
0:26 this might be a new legend
This is the least bored I’ve been all DAY!!
Who is that with the damn laptop? So curious!!
*Crypto revealed!*
Apex Legends I hope you see this reaction. You are the best in making trailers! But really! You should make something like a movie!
Oh i just realized crypto is in this trailer 😳
Can u guys please give us apex on Nintendo pls.
I don’t like fortnite, however, they do one thing right: and that is the start of a new season. Whenever they do, it’s an event everyone in a lobby can partake in, that is the ONLY thing I like about fortnite. Who kinda of wished respawn did something like that.
Was is the song when the green guy heals
Dont hate i dont relly play muc apex but its awesome
If you guys make ever an Apex Legends The Movie, i watch it every day
4.8 million views? Lol!
those 6.7 k dislikes are fortnite players
Honestly don’t get why Apex is so hyped up, the game play doesn’t feel that fun and surely if you have better armour that’s a huge advantage and not really a fair playing field with that rng
Now THAT it’s a monster unlike that fortnut crap
Omg I love the music and the art in these trailers you guys are seriously good at hyping stuff
Пожалуста назовите какого-нибудь та персонажа в мою честь Шейсхан
В честь самого редкого в мире и меня 🙂
Bro thats crypto in the beginning and he might be in seadon 3
used to be a Huge fortnite fan. when my brother got this game i said “apex sucks fortnite better” But I played for Over 5 months and holy shit was I wrong ! IS AWSOME AND IT WILL GROW TO BE BETTER THAN FORTNITE
I love this
has any one else saw the new chapter on the laptop critic
This is the least bored I’ve been all day!
I think I saw the new session 3 legend
I might quit Fortnite for Apex
its so beautiful
Fact: 0:02 this is going to be a new apex legends his name is crypto
Man I miss Titanfall, but this is good, I’m really excited for season 3 , it would be nice to see more char skins
God damn crypto why did you have to do that.
This game is sexier than Fortnite
Add all console player frend requesting like in fortnite
Is the guy in the beginning a leak for season 3?
octane x watson
OMG that OST killed me amazing
they should sanction those players who use insulting vocabulary against other players who are not so good. Words like rat, knees and things like that. Afin y alcabo is a game for everyone, including children.
Octane is funny that’s why I got him first and I did get lots of wins and kills with him. And he is my main so…
Когда музыка прекрасно подобрана под трейлер, открытия 2 сезона.
Кому так же интересен трек – “Only One King” (feat. Jung Youth).
Спасибо Apex Legends за эмоции от трейлера <3
Apex u need to stop delete it fortnite is better GRRRRR STOP IM TRYING TO END THIS so better delete it
Nice trailer
This needs to be a TV show or comic
Is that borderlands 3?
_ *Epic Games has left the chat*
Y’all I didn’t even fucking realize! When Bloodhound launches the arcstar at Octane, and when Wattson dropped down what we now know to be basically a trophy system, that’s what stops the arcstar and sets up for the epic selfie stick photo.
Fucking genius.
1:02 who is that???
It would be nice, if someone from Respawn can explain, why crypto destroy the repulsor 😡
idk why i feel like this is one of the best trailers to show for a season. I think it’s one of the best.
the only question on my mind whos the guy on the notebook who destroyed the repulsor?!
1:40 music please
0:22 sounds like Battery from bo3 Lmao
I realized that the other squad was Caustic, Mirage, and Bloodhound.
I guess octane didn’t use stim shot while the tower was collapsing
Love this gamee
I love Season 2! Hopefully Season 3 will be even better!
Love Wattson’s little skip
apex sucks so laggg
The music 🥰🥰🥰
Respawn says we are freeloaders.. Who wants a $200 Axe?
I might go back to apex
What the hell go goosebumps after I heard the chorus?
Is it just me or do y’all also get goosebumps, just me? Ok…
Ban a sacar una sesion 3
APAC legend dies: couple months later ……………………….. Uno reverse card
SEASON 3??????
How octane gonna third party gibby like that
ngl, this shit slaps
This game is wayyy better than fartnight. *change my mind*
I just realized, that Bloodhound got sniped again in the trailer, what’s with his luck?
i got so many chills that literally made me smile so bad
Apex: blood violent
*only has one scene*
Did Octane just steal a Mozambique from Gibraltar? Whaaa…. 🤨🤨🙄
Why is octane so cool!?!?!?
S2 apex trailer better than fortnite s10
I dont want octane to die next season
I wonder who activated the bomb?
Same here Zero games
i want to use this video. there is no copyright in it? please tell me.
this is so lit i like this trailer
They are damn good at making trailers ill give em that
Wattson is really cute too and what happened to Octane when he stood up after wattson revived him??
Fortnite: I’m gonna make the best game ever
Apex legends: I’m gonna stop you right there
I rewatched ot because of Crypto
I see that Octane went to the Prometheus school of running away from things.
Starting to get bored with apex, I dont care for new skins and shit
Watched it like 1000 time
Love this trailer
0:25 Crypic linked before season 2
tingles, every time.
*excuse me what the frick*
When the batlemcharge thing ends will I still be able to the items I didn’t get yet or does my money get stolen and I dont get item s that I paid for
Apex legends is ok….
song name?
Dissapointed by the expensive Iron Crown Event
Not gonna lie, I’m not the hugest fan of thus game (yet, I will be once solo mode gets added permanently)…. But God damn this trailer is sick
I think I can watch this video all day long. why I’m so addicted to this vdo? <3 aoHohoHooo Awesome.....
why the game doesn’t look like this?
where’s wraith ??
That’s a nice ass trailer. I just started my youtube channel and playing this game is just the best thing. Wish me luck 🙂
Jogo dos inferno desgraça ruim do diabo
1:00 looks like allfather didn’t give Bloodhound sight, eh?
Where was lifeline, wraith, and pathfinder in all of this?
The sound design for this trailer is absolute magesty.
Me running from my dad when he has belt 0:27
Bloodhound: 1v1 On Fortnite! Wattson: Fu-k you kid -Wears Glasses-
0:56 when you pick bloodhound.
What song in trailer
One of the best video game trailers ever!
xd xdx dxd
Is the otctane boy or girl
I love a company who knows how to make you love a game and go play it just by the trailer
*Everyone trying to escape from tower and scared*
No one:
Literally no one:
One fast boi: I ve never least bored all day!
Ублюдская игра, на трейлере так показано,что противников налево и направо убивает, а в самой игре совсем не так…
Solo is good but weapon balance is broken fuck sake hard to kill now game gona be more nobish
@Apex Legends
Very good that you made solo game’s possible. The only thing that’s missing right now is solo games with similary rankes solo players. Otherwise very good latest update and keep up the good work…
Hai who was one the laptop
I just want to point out that the song saying “Only one king” and “Only one crown” was a GIGANTIC tease for solos that nobody saw. I had a feeling when I heard it that solos were coming and I was hoping I was wrong but it is what it is
I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve watched this
Where is LifeLine!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
octane water running when?!
Computer dude next character?
Anybody knows the song name???
Is anybody gonna talk about the new character that made the dragons mad?
The music is the best part i loved the choice
Omae wa mou shindeiru 0:20
Why you don t let ps 4 player or xbox player play with keyboard and mouse?
One of the best trailers ever made
Why does the song sound like something Nerd Out would make?
What I love about Apex legends is that there is a story, that you know why you are in the arena – legends fight against each other to become an apex legend. In Fortnite you just go onto the map not knowing why. Excited for season 3.
Idc if this game got its peak for like 3 weeks but no matter what it’s one of the funnest games I’ve ever played
0:57 I imagine Wattson saying booop when she kills bloodhound
People: Apex Legends is dead, deal with it
Me: What the fuck is wrong with people crying at the corner because this game keep reminding them that they can’t afford Titanfall?
For a dead game, not that bad
Name of the song
I just realized. Respawn was hinting toward solo mode and the iron crown event all along. The song they chose said “only one crown”! Hmmm….
No matter how much I play Apex Legends, I cant stop watching this trailee because if how awesome it is
Yo so I was in the middle of a 1 v 1 situation and the big boie just crushed me
Am I the only one disappointed with Mirage not using decoy and get his face kicked?
Solos in 9 Hours..HYPE! 🤘🏽🔥🤘🏽
Bro is that Crypto in the beginning????
Respawn knows how to make a game. Good job, guys. 👌
Is it weird that my daily routine is watching this every day
the person who destroyed the tower was Crypto aka the person on the pathfinder image on the right corner
Nice vid
Apex Legends, pls fix the popcnt issue
This still gets me Hype when i watch this Trailer
Roses are red
Come back here I dare you
0:04 Who IS this?
who watched this more than 20 times?
1:51 how did they make the sound of roaring leviathan
Ok, but who hacked the mainframe?
What the song name doeee it’s fire
They SERIOUSLY improved how they make trailers. Well done Apex! 👏
My first time seeing Octane’s eye directly
This is crypto with the computer not wattson father
9 year old army : get rekt fortnite
i was really disappointed with the massive creatures i was expecting some kind of levelution not stationary objects
Please cross platform please
0:25 crypto new legend
This is the best trailer I’ve ever seen
All is good until servers DIE
Apex has slow updates, but that means they can work more in-depth and give better content/quality then Fortnite’s weekly updates (not Fortnite itself).
1:02 New player
This song is better with apex not fortnite fortnite trash
Anyone here after crypto leaks?? 😂
Ma che gioco di merda. È palesemente copiato da fortnite e da cod.
What the sound?
lol wraiths not in this
I just realized that the person with the laptop is the next legend. 1:03 that symbol looks like his ult. :3 I am sure of it
Keep up good work love apex legends like my favorite game I almost dropped 14 kills but I died oof
I thought the song said “And there’s only one game, and theres only one round” referencing to battle royales.
When does season 2 end? I’ve been playing a lot but I don’t know if it’s worth buying at this point.
*_This is the least bored I’ve been all day!_*
The guy with the laptop who blew up the tower is the next legend, Crypto.
1:37 is my fave part
I think at least 60-70 views will be thanks to me🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️
How bout the epic music in the back
More Octane the better.
Crypto is whose on the keyboard btw… season 3 new hero.
what is the name of the music?)
octane, mirage, bangalore and lifeline: best legends btw
Who was the person on the computer?
how could people say that this is worse q fortnite, apex is a wonderful game, so kids find this game bad because they are stupid
Who’s the new guyyyyyyyyyyy???
Apex legends fix your shop and fix the loot system
Where did this happen on the map
can some one tell me this songs name
Hands down, Respawn make the best Trailers IMO
The videos get you hyped not like fortnite
Octane is best legend
all those dislikes are from fortnite salty kids 😂
1:04 v-bucks time
Damn I can’t wait for season 3
This animation is better than the fortnite new season animation tbh…
I just wanted to see caustic in action 🙁
No ones gonna talk a out octane huge drug addiction?
Who was doing the hacking I really gotta know.
C mon my internet is botter then poop
Make 3rd person shooter mode
I keep watching it
God damn I get so frustrated in this game when I drop and I don’t get anything but a fucking frag ugh
Damn I want a series on Netflix it’s awesome😂😂
0:11 Toddyquest?
The previous trailer Gibralter died, in this one he dies again.
Is death not a permanent concept here?
No one:
*tower falling*
Octane: aoHoHooO Awesome!
It’s crypto that caused the leviathans and flyers to enter the arena
Algunas veses se puede compra a wuachon con las L roja
Why the fuck is this game going bad???? It’s literally so much better than other Battle Royals games !!!
Can you guys just make a movie or series then more $$$$$$
What song is that
0:52 how pistorius kills enemies in ww3
My new wallpaper at 0:51
Honestly thought the game died but this trailer is fucken awesome
Name of song ??
Contains eye /face revealed
This should be the in game graphical style.
Take out caustic plz I fucking hate him
Apex players: fortnite is dead
Fornite 34•/•
Apex legends 16•/•
Minecraft 50•/•
3 games masterful
0:05 quem é?
f*ck u kid 0:59
When they realise octane actually hit mirage’s decoy and he now sneaking his way to top 3 for rank points.
Fortnite: let’s copy the stuff in apex nobody will notice
Crypto !!!
funny how fortnite kids complain about apex has more Bots but they dont realise that fortnite has more bot than usual because kids take their risk to download hacks to be good.
0:45 this shot was amazing
1:00 confirm IQ from rainbow six siege
If only octane knew…he wasnt fast enough
Viel besser als Fortnite
who’s the hacker?
Apex is best
The song choices for the trailers are always really good this trailer is by far my favorite
Apex is the best
if apex tries to end the season fast and catch up with pubg cod and fortnite seasons they might also attarct player.. im a fortnite lover but also like the trending games like apex ,pubg and cod because of fortnite new season update the apex players have gone and now its seems to have lost the fame….#goseason2!
U guys planing on making a movie
Play this trainer while listening to lil uzi -baby are you home
they sure know how to make a trailer.
Maybe the hacker dude will be a recon character and he can make EMPs that disable weapon for 5 seconds show the location of player as an ultimate, power up weapons to increase damage by 50% but make him take 15% more damage for like 10 seconds then have a tracker bullet passive that shows enemy location for 10 secs after he shoots to the whole squad.
Would this be too OP or not good?
Ya know how wraith has this heirloom melee weapon kunai right?
Well I think these should be the things for other legends
Octane : Selfie Stick
Gibraltar: The Club Thingy He Uses For The First Finisher
Lifeline: Her Drumsticks
Bloodhound: The Throwing Knife
Caustic: A Nox Tank That’s On His Sides
Wattson: Maybe An Electric Prod
I’m not sure what to do for Bangalore, Pathfinder or Mirage.
Maybe reply some ideas?
Anyone thinking about how fun a story mode would be if it looked like this?
Bangalore:”What is that?”
Me:”The real question is what are those!”
Me:(1 minute later) 😒
Who loved the music?
I did!
A new character in game
دعاية بطلة والله
ومشجعه للعبة
بس مصيبة عملات coins apex جداً غالية مقارنة بالالعاب الثانية اتمنى ينزل سعرها كباقي الالعاب
After seeing Octane’s eye, he reminds me of Delsin from Infamous Second Son, but with more drugs
It’s fun how they have skins
Not a big Apex fan, but this intro cinematic is epic
Where r titans ?
Without them , apex still incomplete …
You guys did a amazing job to create this game that every one loves and we all appreciate it thank you for this experience ☺
Not going to Lie but I would watch this for my life it’s so well done
Reeeeally nice this trailer… Who’s that guy with the laptop?
Yo u what that skin watt somthing she’s awesome🔥🔥🔥
Someone should recreate this trailer but in the actual game ngl.
The first time i picked Wattson some dude in the squad was like “What are you a lightbulb?” I was like “WHAT” (WATT) and we all got killed cuz we couldnt stop laughing
Wattson: That can’t be good
Tower falls
Wattson: …
Definitely not good
Apex better beat FORTNITE!!!! Best trailer eveeeeeeeeer😎😄
‘Click like if y’all agree’
Who came here after fortnite season 10 trailer
Why we just get it that Fortnite and Apex Legends are very good games.
Guys awsome workdone
Rip bloodhound again by getting sniped
I wish AL gain RSPE loads of money cause I want to see TF3 before I die…
who else remembers when this game was suppossed to kill fortnite
Fortnite: just because you added octane doesn- rocket league : OHH your saying my octane is bad huh? Fortnite : no not tha- rocket league: no I don’t want to hear anything from you fortnite:😒
I love caustic.
Is the best
* For a dumb guy ur perfect* WAS IT A ROAST
Theres a different variation of the song in the trailer that I really love that I cant seem to find. The official version is amazing, but the one in the cinematic is top tier. I wish I could find it
God I love this trailer and you know octane is in it so that just makes it ten times better
Caustic is always getting beat up
Like to help caustic
Android please
Season 1 : i hate that game
Season 2 : best game ever
‘This is the least bored I’ve been all day.’ Great last words or *greatest* last words?
Just notice that Octane is a fan of All Might from MHA 1:30 Plus Ultra
Am I wrong?
Apex:fails to kill off fortnite
*_My turn buddy._*
Fortnite: finally apex is gone
Respawn: *r e s p a w n s*
Fortnite:My skins got more ass😂
Why Wattson shot Octane and then revived him?
NEXT LEGEND : a hacker
Why doesn’t the game look like this?
Mirage:You know for a fast guy you’re pretty slow.
Octane:And for a dumb guy, you’re perfect!
Mirage:I am perfect. Ah this thing gets hot
0:41 is octane Jesus or what he is fucking running on water
Octane about to die
Apex is better than fortnite
يارب يضيفون سيرفر عربي في عرب
Beaucoup trop de bug depuis la saison 2 -_- autre que les box EA sen fiche carrément du jeux
Guys. Seriously fix your servers. They are lagging and packetlosses too many times in a day. 4 out 10 games gameserver crashes and it kicks me back to menu. It wasn’t so bad at the start of the year. Now with season 2 it is f****d up too much.
Fortnight sucks Let’s play apex
Even tho that season 2 came out I still watch it for the music 😂😂
this trailer made me play this game, and i don’t regret that choice
The moyai are coming
Am I the only one who noticed?
But whoever knocked down the tower could be a new legend in the next update? no se si lo escribi bien pero enserio cuando estaban hackeando la torre se noto que noe ra una de las leyendas ya conocidas megusto la nueva actualizacion asi como la apuesta en las clasificatorias donde se da un match making donde te ponen con alguien de acuerto a tu nivel y experiencia de juego
I wish the game looked like this
Apex players: fortnite is dead !
Fortnite players: 👇 fact check
Apex YouTube subscribers just under 500k
Fortnite YouTube subscribers just under 7mill
Do you really wanna have this argument?
Funny thing about apex comment section is they talk more about fortnite than the actual game that’s how you know apex is dead. Bro stop talking about fortnite you’re not on that level and quite frankly you’ll never be. Apex is an ok game I agree with that but it doesn’t take skill to play this game and that makes it boring.. you can literally watch a “pro” Apex player and a decent apex player and not see much a skill gap because the game doesn’t allow you to separate yourself from other players but fortnite on the other hand you can tell who is a pro, an ok player, or a straight default in about 3 minutes because fortnite has a huge skill gap you can actually work on different things to make you better than the next player.
Whats the song used in the trailer its badass
0:51 clip it
crypto boys. Also this is the most badass trailer I have ever seen
Talk about a trailer
I would but OMAE WA MOU SHUNDIERU -Octane
I’m stuck.
I can’t stop watching this.
Yu games shit I played it literally a month ago for the first time and dropped 16 kills
Fortnite: we have an army of sweats
Apex: well we have an octane
Why bloodhound always getting sniped? 😂
1:31 pause and see his eye
0:39 1:40
I’m pretty sure the dude who did the hack thing might just be Kane from Titanfall 2 even tho we supposedly killed him
So we just gonna ignore the other new character and gun in the animation
Never knew octane was a “lady” until now
1:33 what is this efect??
nooooooo bridges
What is that giant monster
Solo und duo please
But who is the hacker man…..lady
Wattson is pretty cute.
Before the end of season 1 i stopped playing apex but this trailer goddammit i can’t stop playing lmao
Octane is a mood
Tbh this is the best trailer ever i cant stop watching iT i love that there is good humor in iT
Who’s watching this trailer after Season 2 came out?
bro we saw octanes eye
all the legends need nerfs
I just realized Fortnites fame has dropped quite a lot ever since season 2 came out I’m glad I’m an OG
Mirage: For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow.
Octane: no u
No one gonna talk about the look Watson and octane shared after she revived him?
Apex just pulled a pro gamer move on the competition…
0:47 You’ve got to admit that that throw was amazing. 1 Like 1 Throw
Me drinking G-Fuel at 2 in the morning 0:42
When your teammate steals your golden knockdown shield. 0:16
Wait wtf what gun is Gibby using in the beginning
0:15 *Literally steals wingman*
0:29 Its gone..
That’s how you deliver a plot fortnite not shitty live events
Who thinks the trailer has a pinch of borderlands graphics texture?
I know it’s outdated
wait aren’t these these towers in titanfall 1?
I love Gibraltars Voice
Come ack here brother….. I dare ya
but I also love Octane
0:39 when you do drugs
1:04 you break something your parents are running up the stairs 0:39 you running away
Skip to :39
The challenges are so fucking boring there not even worth it if that’s all in yet another trash battle pass
0:39 – 0:51
Imma just drop this here
Song: and there only one king
Octane: yeah it’s
Octane and mirage : me….
Doctor: wattason died of cancer
Octane : reads lines ….. aawwessomee😂😣😥😭😢
Apex: octane you you cannon stopp😣😭😭😭😭😢😵😧
I very very like Octaine, but i dont have his yet…
It looks sick👍
anyone notice how those big dinosaur, dragon things are moving really fast, but now they take a step every like 30 minutes, and they were screaming in the trailer now they just sound like they are slowly dying inside😂😂😂😂
Why im watching this 15th time
Una pasada
Muy buena
Never played the game
No i want to, cause Dragons
The music pls
good so whats next for season 3 .? are we going to titan ? or that ark map ? perhaps something alittle bumpy
That dinasour screem sync with the music is something else 1:49 btw
Apex best game forever
In 1:32 you can see octanes eye🙀🙀
1:18 Octane:”This is the least bored I’ve been all day!” Omg hes my favorite 😂😂
which came first fortnite with the monster event or apex with the idle monster in the map
I want apex to have a story mode.
Apex Legends Vs Fortnite
The best videogame in all times!!!!
very good
all BR game theme song
Fortnite : Alone
Pubg. : On my way
APEX. : Only one king
Damn !! i knew now who is king !
Caustic : * SPAM F *
I don’t play, but that looks awesome
Fortnite is now dead
Octane fr me I have 451 kills as him
Fortnite copyright
What’s music?
Noob Fortnite! APex legend FTW!
Octane : la muncha gracias Amigo!
Girbraltar : come back bruuther, I DARE YOU.
Octane : I would ! ! ! your already dead~
Bangalore : night night *piu piu*
Mirage : for a fast guy, you’re pretty slow *shooting octane*
Octane : for a dull guy, you’re PERFECT !
Mirage : I AM PERFECT ! *burn hes hand* ooo this thing get hot.
Octane : *inject him self with memes drug and kick Mirage face*
Nobody :
Octane : *show peace sign*
*world collapsing*
Wattson : this can’t be good.
Octane : AWESOME !!!
*tower fall down*
Octane : This is the least bored I’ve been all day ! ! ! *hit by tower and die*
me : *literally dying*
The season Is opened amigos HE RE GO (I Like this octane frase v:)
Best trailer I ever seen
Octane he doesnt care for a bullet cause he regenarate 0:34
I like octane and mirage I got a legendary skin for him it’s called ghost machen
This game is the coolest I hope you kill fortnite plz do it
I’m just excited we’re finally getting the Lstar!
To all the people in the comments saying that Apex is a bad game or dead “that’s some mad shiz for someone in crusading distance”
Fortnite: Apex is finally dead.
Respawn: Hold my Mozambique
Apex suck
OMG I fucking love Octane.
The person hacking looks like Kane from Titan fall 2
I want crypto already damn it 😈
Bangalore uses hemlock on single shot. Smart
WHERE CAN I GET THE REMIX?! I can only find the original :S
Very good
Apex copiones
zat can’t bi goud
Does anyone know who the hacker is? The one who actually caused the tower to crash
Apex can’t beat fortnite😂😂😂😂
omg octane doing a selfie wooh
Fix pls the servers thx :/
Do a update were you can choose 3 legends if the first legend dies another you choose another legend but you will go solo.
Ranzen Game
Please create netflix series
Crypto the new character is all over this trailer he’s legit the reason for season 2.
Best Tr ever!
Who got the music version by 2WEI ? I really want the remixed version
all the dislikes are bloodhound, gibraltar, and mirage mains
They should have a octane vs mirage because there both funny and there is only one king
0:04 who the hell is it???
I like how nobody mentioned that gibraltar had a shotgun which wasn’t in the game also wattson had a sniper.
gibraltar cheering after he knocks down caustic is my aesthetic
이걸 보고나면 다시 들어갈수밖에 없어 ♡♡♡♡
Who’s the dood with the laptop?
So Gibraltar has a new Gun I mean SHOGUN
imagine having an option of making the game’s graphics cartoony like in the animation
i think not
The new hero laptop?
So what legend should I buy
animals and dinosaurs
Nobody cares about caustic 😂
Watson is cute
wattson is the sexiest character in the game, prove me wrong
I stop playing for a month and I get back on and this happens
1:23 my couple, and idc
Octane lmao
Octane: For a dumb guy your perfect
Mirage l: I am perfect ooo this thing gets hot!
Classic mirage I love how he has trouble talking XD
I was planning buying Wattsons but this video said to me
And I did it
And now I’m a Octane main
So many trouble with origin. Now I cant download update, the apps keep saying resuming…
Fuck origin
Give us a battle damaged octane skin
ngl when i got onto the game when s2 launched i was gonna skip this but im glad i didn’t. this shit was epic.
Wattson’s Pylon in game was bigger than this trailer
Do you guys know the origin of the music int this video pls let me know
Can we get octanes broken mask as a option for him please?!
The best lunch tlairer
This is better than every fortnite cinematic combined
Perhaps i should come back
Fortnite is best
Alguien más habla spanish? :v
Psdt: Ese octane es la verga xd
I think this amazing
Octane is coll
I kinda wish the graphics of the gameplay was like this it looks awesome it kinda reminds me of a Borderlands style but much nicer looking
0:38 The ultimate hype. This song is the definition, purely of hype.
Not to mention a minute after that 1:38 even more hype <3
*octane* hoho awesome
nearly hits death
*octane* well sh*&^
Why is it that my boy bloth hounder gets abused in these animations please respawn in season 3’s Legend trailer he’s on the new legends team and he’s not abused he’s already abused enough as it is
Respawn, I know we killed Kade in TF2, but wasn’t he a heavy drug user? So like, did he survive and start sabotaging the Apex games? Just a thought because our mysterious character has a striking resemblance
Trash game can’t even get in a game without disconnecting from severs your game is dog shit no wonder nobody watches it anymoee
Okay am I stupid or does anyone else notice the way Octane looks at Watson. Maybe caused she revived him 😂
I love the song (it’s only one king )
0:10 every Gibraltar player ever
Sorry todd ( if you dont know todd search toddy kwest or go to zylbrads channel )
Who else is an Apex OG?
This version of “Only One King” is amazing, hope He puts it out
Is it me or does Mirage sound like Kyle Crane from Dying Light
Holy shesh best Animation
I would but omaiwa mou shideiru
1:52 Wattson Is Eaten
Best scene of this trailer 0:40 to 0:55
2nd best scene 1:40 to 1:55
I love apex it’s so better than fortnite fortnite is becoming dead
Fucken octane😂😂😂
good update, much better than season 1
Fun ass game but I thought when we drop out of the drop ship we were going to get chased by dragons and shit I only see like 2 a game if that!
Я уже 20 раз смотрю
i love octane
The real question is, who is the character sabotaging the ring?
This is way more exciting then Fortnite!
Damnnnn if only it was that cartoony in game
0:06 no one fucking notice that they’res a new legend 😑
Yeah but why can’t I connect to EA servers and start the game?
My theory about the mysterious man might be pathfinder father or he gave wraith powers.
Octane has attended the Prometheus school of running away from things
Song’s name?
Anybody play on playstation 4? I need a couple of squad members (with a mic) to play all around. I am not that good. Just trying to expand in this community, and just have fun.
For season three can we have an ice character that is over powered like Mei in Overwatch
Нарисовано шикарно, просто конфетка!
1:02 is the new character (no wattson)
They should do a clash a Rama type thing and do a series of shorts with this amazing animation
1:41 does any else get the chills when this happens in the trailer?
This is the least board ive been all dey………..OOOOF
The dude with the laptop, is that Crypto??
Where’s Lifeline Tho
1:39 is my fav part
Lets not forgot even yall want to that is a sequel to titan fall 2 and there are dragons, WTH WHERE WERE THEY IN TITAN FALL, edit: well they look a little more like wyverns, edit2: WTH MONSTER HUNTER TYPE SHIZ LIKE ARK AND WTH…
0:51 that should be the loading screen for octane
“This is the least bored I’ve been all day”
Literally one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard in a videogame
Thanks Respeawn
это ахуенно
Pls Team dethmatsh
“Only one king” is the song if your wondering
I had to download apex again because they do know how to make their trailers
Apex copia de todos los juegos
It’s ultra disturbing to see octane’s eye for me, So unusual
did the dragon biteed wattson on the end?
I’m not gonna lie….
This was a good ass trailer.
La ka kappnen you wellon
I saw Octanes eye when he gotten back up
u guys should add a skin for them battle damaged like octain it would be cool if u did that
0:13 me and my brother playing video games
0:21my mother turning off the console and saying “time for bed”
i was planing buying Wattson for my next legend but this video got me pumped up to buy Octane
well you see apex is a mix of
eh fortnite?
Que buen video, espero que sigan sacando mas cinematica, esta cinematica hizo que me dieran ganas de jugar a Apex Legends
What’s the music
**A Br game growing strong and is living**
Fortnite virgins: ThIs gaME iS dEaD
Fortnite: losing players and slowly dying
Fortnite virgins: Impossible.
Yo it’s tha moayi
Wish the game actually looked like this
What did Gibraltar say
imagine how epic it would be to see wraith pop up & grab them in a portal to save them from the giant falling pole..
0:17 new gun? Or it’s that the mastiff?
Why you coping fortnite stop it delete youre game
Music please: 0:26 – 0:53
Octane be like:
Omae wa mou shindeiru.
Ужасно как всегда вы всегда любите копировать все с фортнайта и монстра склпировали и сюжет похожий и с пабг скопировали и с реалм рояля капец своё что-то придумайте
1:46 didn’t expect to see a HUGE FUCKING EYEBALL!!! Jesus Christ!
Let’s tell da truth these guys know how to make a trailer
Who destabilize the force shield
Thats amazing. This game made by Electronic Arts
you have very good anamating
when apex copy fornite
Who is the guy pushing the button on his laptop creating the explosion ?
Man I wanna know…
Wattson lowkey thicc
To solve the mystery of: “where are the cameras?”, that some people ask about. The niggas got Go Pros on they bodies. You’re welcome.
Whats the name of the song second 26
Be dope if Apex were to throw in some weather affects, like rain and hurricanes! What if the zone was actually lava from the volcano 😍 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
Octane: aWsOMe
Octane:tHisSS iS tHe LeAsT boRAD I’ve bEEn tO DaY
best game trailer ever
0:55 That moment where Wattson leisurely skips into frame…
Who else thinks that guy with the laptop is a future legend?
Whoever made this it is genuine artwork. Id love to see a movie or something in the style of this. The music is perfect too.
They copying Fortnite monster huh?
bring apex to the switch
are we all finna ignore the guy at the start
Is mirage Nathan Drake? He sounds like it
fortnite always copy’s shit from other games
but look at apex giant dinosaurs, pterodactyls that drop loot, cool personalities of the characters, and drop emotes
I knew this already because on the last day of season July 1 you’ll see the monster 1 foot away from the map
So, should we just ignore the fact that they had shown a hacker that destroyed the half of the map with no context?
We gonna have a cool hackerman in season 3, ma dudes
Caistic: Me
Gibraltar: my dad
İt is AWESOME!!!!!!!
Zoo harte nakkerse van fortinie
Where is titanfall 3?
Did anyone knows who is that laptop bitch
All dislikes from fortnight players because they know what is going to happen on that cartoon game
They have to make a show or movie in this animation style
When bloodhound threw the ark star and Wattson used her ultimate and she wasted it because in octane’s selfie you can tell the arkstar would miss him!
4 million views Poggers
1:47 the eye reminds me of the polar peak monster from fortnite 🐲
So are we not gonna talk about who it was that did the EMP?!
When the tower fell ( it was at that moment they knew… The f***** up)
How is this demonitesed like wtf
Juste awesome
There’s monsters now
I like the attention to detail : you can still see octane’s grazed arm from the L-Star in the trailer
But who’s the hacker that caused the commotion?!?!
COD: BO4 BlackOut – guns and zombies
Fortnite – we got players
Battle realm – infinite ammo
Apex Legends – 1,000,000 tones of badass Awesomeness EVER!
When are is apex legends coming on mobile
The song is called only one king btw if ur wondering and yes it is copyrighted
What IS song?
Yo that’s sick
No one gonna talk about who made the explosion happen Yano the guy hacking the computer maybe our next new legend 🤔
apex should release a fighting game like street fighter, with all these legends. I’d buy IT
If anyone want to listen to the music it’s called Only One King
I want the legend to comunicate in the actual game while there fighting
This is fortnite, *but better*
Crypto ultimate name enp
plz tell me the song
Hey cool, its that giant walking thing and those flying reptiles from the first game everyone forgot existed.
zwhos better fortnite or apex
“Warning: All remaining Legends must evacuate the arena”
Apex players:
9 teams drop at cascades through flyers and moyai then brawl with fists and mozambiques and disconnect before you even have a chance to get their banner.
Very cool trailer
I’ve seen this like 10 times and i still get goosebumps at the end!!!
I get that there is a lot to unpack here in this trailer but is NOBODY going to talk about how Mirage, A.k.a the same voice actor as sonic, said that octane is “too slow” ???
I can see octane eye
Fix your serves!!!
First time bangalore doesnt know what something is???? damn
1:48 me when someone steals my diamonds
PD: i love Apex 🙂
Sorry, this is a repost comment, but it’s like my favourite comment of 2019
Repulsor: *working*
Crypto: I’m gonna do what’s called a pro gamer move
What’s the background music
New character reveal
My favorite part.
The *Moyai* are comming
who else like me thinks that the 2 creatures are useless just to slow ur pc and it would be better to remove them .
1:02 who is that person
Octane:GOOD LUCK AMIGO me:is heindia
can we still discuss the fact that all of this is running on Source Engine ?
this is the best trailer i have seen trust me motivation positive and energize
apex should add cutscenes for players after a certain amount of matches played to push the lore
Main Octane man haha
Кто русский?
My poor Gibraltar died 😢
this is a end of apex
Wouldn’t it be epic to have some of the dragons chase you down from the jump ship!
Fortnite: *Celebrates Apex’s death*
Mirage: *You’ve been bamboozled bitch*
Can I just say, I recently played apex again, I’m enjoying it so damm much. This trailer is so beautifully animated I love it. What did I miss im season 1?
1 thing y have the fast agro 1 with the most campy 1
One clip was so cool I made it my background
This trailer is the reason many people are coming back in the game.
I love it.
I love epex ss.2
I wish the game used these textures, they look amazing 👀
Can Netflix pick this up as a series and animators work on it in between seasons
I have a theory for the season 3 legend. There’s a rumour that Bangalore’s brother will be the season 3 legend. Through the Apex lore, Bangalore had 3 brothers and she and one of her brothers (unknown) fought in a battle with her and her brother went MIA and there’s a load of stuff saying that he was supposed to come back blah blah and so forth the season 3 legend could potentially be Bangalore’s brother.
Now I’m excited for season 3
Imagine one off these things can swoop down and kill u
this video makes me wee
0:15 Mexican guy takes a gun away from thicc boi
Gotta admit better then all fortnite trailers
So was Wraith behind this
When for Nintendo swich??
The game is dead
Wen the players get damige it will show scratch and bruse and bullet holes
Okay I’m trying to enjoy the video but.
•Caustic has his shield out which means he’s down but none of his team is around
•when Bangalore shoots gibby he just *Dies* and the same goes for the rest of his team
So actually, there is no way to get that song with remix, right??
People gonna ignore octane broke his mask?
Yes, 4000000
The one game more lame then fortnight . . .
Octane and wattson are the best legends In this game,change my mind
Mirage: for a fast guy your pretty slow Octane: for a dumb guy your perfect
0:51 that would be a great wallpaper
Really loving apex at the minute!
-A new legends leaks-
What is fortnite?
Might be nothing but I’m going to mention it anyway. Does anyone else see that little symbol on that computer chip thingy, In like the first five seconds of the video?
What’s the point of having useless dinosaurs?
They don’t even look good..
Why is there still no duos or free for all mode?
1:18 Octane:tHiS iS tHe LeAsT bOrEd iVe bEeN aLl dAy!*literally dies*
I watch it every night befor bed
Just because, and i like the music
Like site gusta jugar ápex legend
& this is the reason I left fortnite.
No footsteps Pathfinder hit judgment not improved Error Many other bugs Work with you guys. Japanese Apprentice Neat Company
Pinche juego copion
Music PLEASE >.<
bast song ever
Honestly this is my favorite game
APEX died….
Then…..it came back to open
They need to make a show of this, I would definitely watch it
podrian colocar la textura del trailer en el video juego seria mas bacan
how adorable is wattson
Octane and Wattson look so cute together ❤️
Норм только сделайте деньги дешевле
Who loved octane so much more now
*Big tower falls down towards the squad*
Octane: this is the least bored I’ve been all day. *Dies*
I really want a APEX movie in near future please!
Seasons 2: Octane’s eye revealed
Season 3: Bloodhound half-face revealed
Oh… my god….
People: apex is dead.
Apex: I may have bamboozled you
0:25 i think we know who’s the legend for season 3 is
Pretty sure this song is dedicated to Fortnite “there’s only room for one king”
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
He perfecc
why octane is so cool iplay octane forever
Season 1: nah
Season 2: oh hell yeah giant fucking monsters and epic ass music
Octane: THIS IS THE LEAST BORED ALL DAY!! 1 sec later *Gets crushed*
0:37 onwards, does anybody else get shivers when watching this bit or just me🤔
Opening season let’s go !!!!
0:39 octane become Usain bolt!!
the hacker is going to be a new legend. krypto
The battle pass is better than first one, but it would be better if it had these things:
Octanes selfie loadscreen
Octanes broken goggle skin
that song
Fortnite kills Apex
Season 2 Grabs Apex banner.
Anyone else saw octane say Gracias amigo and thought it was in spanish?
Apex: skydive only from battle pass
Me: hold my wallet
Das epic
Who is da Hacker :O I bet he is going to be the next hero on season 3
Yo ain’t anyone gonna mention who tf that hacker-man is, his screen said ‘Activate EMP’. Hint for the season 3 Legend?
U guys need to add asian character there’s to many of us play this game. To all asian people don’t play this game
And is no one going to talk about the hacker guy is he going to be the next legend
What’s the song
This trailer is much better than everyone else ever made by Epic games for the fortnite
So who was that guy with the computer?
When octane kills mirage in my opinion a nice version would be:what octanr kills is a decoy and mirage hits him with the l star at the back
Everyone: Apex gonna die in a month
Apex: ArE YoU SuRe AbOuT ThAt?
So is none going to talk about Crypto hacking the tower thing?
Song is called only one king by tommee profitt
Octane seeing his last moment woahohh that cool (died)
Go apex gagne contre Fortnite
Fortnite players: uh uh uh ah dead game uhhh uhhh aaaah aaahhh
This is so EPIC
Who is the guy with the laptop
I shipping octane whith wattson
I guys are nerds
Like if Fortnite is better
Класс самый лучший трейлер в мире октейн самый крутой и сильный персонаж люблю октейна
fortnite better than apex
wattson is so fucking cute ♥️
Btw nice music
season 1: meh 😑
season 2: it over 9000 😎😎😎🤩🤩🤩🤟🤟🤟
Name of the song
I want to know who the person using that laptop was
The guy with the laptop is Crypto nah ?
Am I the only one who wants to know the song
Fornite:We have so many good seasons
Apex Legends: I’m gonna end this man whole career
Hey apex can you add the game in android and iOS so we can play them too
Octane: Awesome! This is the least bored ive been all day!
Almost forgot to watch this today
Y love apex
I want song it
Octane has grown eyes
Don’t do drugs kids
Octane: 0:39
Hi! Could i use the trailer song for my videos?
Anyone else find the music lit or nah
Apex Ben do you relse the game in your phon
I dont play apex but damn that trailer gave me chills, gonna have to play
Also nobody is gonna talk about Mr. EMP Extravaganza over there?
Anybody notice the character who made the tower explode? Who is that, it’s not mirage they have different hair and clothes
It was crypto
If wattson built the ring then can she build it to get them out
That one 5th grader who thinks hes fast: https://youtu.be/ThSKocfe5QE?t=42
I finally made it to apex predator 😂
fortnites better
God I luv octane as a character
Add to nintendo switch
The end of all the universe
Also to add the titan needs batteries which they’re scattered across the map and once the battery is found player is on the radar once place the titan is now for the taking
Guns can only do minimum damage but explosive can do more damage
How cool would be if they add a titan as a boss fight 2x the health and only sheild can replenish not health kills can refill health by 25%
Who’s the dude on the computer !?!?!
Every game worked hard to apex to the respawn beacon and then the my demolished Fortnite
fix the fucking storm
Apex actually has characters
I just laughed WHEN Octane lense just broked
season 2 trailer: Shows octane with his left goggle broken
me: I swear to god if they don’t update his model
Respawn: Does nothing
Me: i was looking forward to seeing his eyes, but they have bigger things to work on so, I understand
Me in reality: I sad
I can’t believe universal and apex making a jurassic park movie
Like you guys copied Fortnite again and that’s obvious and in Fortnite have like a monster and you guys put a monster too but way sooner so people think Fortnite copied but not
Bye bye fortnite 💩💩
Not Minecraft, but still better than Fortnite
Who is the one who activated the EMP???
Who’s the guy with the laptop?
This is going to be 🔥
OMG so trash
I gotta admit, this is one of the most hype trailers I’ve ever seen. Good job EA. For once, you done a good
I Wonder Who hacked the map
Girbraltar: Come back here bruddah I dare ya
Octane: I would but
что за песня на заднем фоне
Please reward the rusher more now its al About camping
Just imagine while Apex and fortnite are fighting pubg is just going to come from no we’re and just the top game
Good season 2 10000000000000000000 like
Why is Caustic always getting beat up in every trailer
The most badass trailer
Who is the strange charcter that hack the tower
i am not a king i am a noob
Why does Fortnite have to copy this game?
Finally a game better then fortnite
Who know song name in the trailer?
They should name this…
Apex Legends S.2
Attack of the MOYAI
fix your server
News flash: sonic on drugs steals gun from thicc boi
Ładnie zaszaleli
wats the name of the song?
She ulted for one granade….
moyai is now closer than ever
Sooo lol nobody gone talk about the guy in the video the beginning ?! ANOTHER New character
Why is nobody talking about the fact that part of Octane’s face got low-key revealed…?
0:13 Gibraltar’s face lmao
Better than fornite traliers because in apex ther not bots
1:04 New legend
Type: Hacker
Story: Not found
1:04 New legend anyone
I would watch a movie animated like this
Wattson sounds like widowmaker
This was badass 🔥
Is no one going to talk about who the hacker is
New CHAMPİON is coming (hacker)
Now we know who is the fastest legend1:19
If any of you guys play Titanfall 2 y’all know that he’s the one who did it from the end of the game if I stay so I can tell it’s him so I don’t know what you’re going through but it could be super right cuz the guys don’t you think they look at the person that cuz you can try by to hear and everything then look at this guy that press the button on the trailer you can just tell that that could be him just saying
These animations are like from overwatch but better
You should give skins to people that get all their weekly callenges
Like if Apex should sue Fortnut
Very good season 2🤟🤟
Dang this trailer is epic
At least Watson has a cute ass
Mirage: You very slow
Octane: I am fast as fu*k boi
kids and trash teens play fortnite trash……….
men play APEX LEGENDS…. coz this game is intended for legends only
Titanfall 1 reference,omg
Apex just replace the fuck out of fortnite
Почему показали в трейлере класс, а в игре херня😯😣😥
Im kinda sad bc lifeline wasn’t in the trailer😷 but it was pretty EPICCCC
The dinosaur name is Billy!
Awesome 😭😭😭
Who else can relate with octane SO MUCH
If only the game looked like this
Apex to guwno fortnite lepszy
Mirage is Sonic now!?!?
I’m glad the voice of Sonic was the one to comment on the fasty boi’s speed. This pleases the nut.
Is there gonna be another new character? I mean the hacker… that’s gotta be a new one
I honestly feel bad for the animators that did this
C’est un scandale!!
Toujours aucune solution aux très très nombreux bug sur Ps4! C’est même pire!
Je pensais que la MAJ allait rectifier mais rien du tout
Impossible de jouer plus de 3/4 parties d’affilés !!
At about 1:36 you can see small scars on Wattsons face that appear to be electrical burns. Actually looks like scars from a lightning strike. Amazing detail on an electric based character
That’s pretty cool
Rip Fortnite
Damn octane gonna be my mans
*Apex legends sponsored by Jurassic park
What did the tower protect them from the animals like a fence or something than mystery man destroyed it?
I love it
Апекс у вас игра очен долго загружается лучше бы я в фортнайт играл
1:39 is fucking hype!!
I believe Wattson won’t be the only legend coming this season
https://youtu.be/pCLSg147WD8 man this guy goes hard!!!!
Can we get an animation where Caustic does actually something intresting instead of just dying?
Yo the guy hacking could be crypto but his hair is different so I have know way of knowing
0:53 octane:apex. Mirage:Fortnite after season 2
I can tell there’s gonna be an overhaul of r34 for the new character
What’s the name of this song.
The moyai have come
i wish apex was cartoony like this video
Arena: are allowed to kill other people
Also arena:Monsters are dangerous
They should’ve made Wattson’s passive being able to revive dead teamates like in the trailer
I like how wattson and octane just looked at each other for a sec
The guy at the beginning of the trailer is a new Legend Name (Hacker)!
I want there to be a full on animation series with this exact animations style
Can you imagine that in the third season you can even ride the dragons during the game and even at the start?
Who clicked the button?…..season 3 new legend i bet
Apex is dieing.
Respawn: hold my golden sheild.
for real best animation trailer
TheApexTeam: So you wanted weekly challenges yah.
this looks fu#king awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! SO HYPED
Looking at fortnite it’s not as versatile as apex is, fortnite pretty much crammed everything they can in the game already meanwhile apex is new so it has flexibility to be better and grow
What’s the song called ?
name of the song ??
“For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow”.
This line gets funnier when you realize that Mirage’s voice actor also voiced Sonic the hedgehog
Y yo aquí jugando free fire ._.
I am literally installing apex cuz of this😂💥💥
Btw what is the song name??
If you look closely to wattson face you can see a ligthing scar on the left side of her face
fortnite is better btw
Please. Make a pilot please
Wattson is OP! 🙂
Oh crap here we go again
I have apex on ps4
Apex give me free skin pls
activison made a mistake by firing the old infinity ward as for revenge they made this game
Damn, I like wattsons accent
cooles game
does anyone realize that fortnite will steal skydiving emotes next? like if you realize
What’s music in video ?
Who’s the person who hacked repulsor 🤔
The game looks way better with this colorful cell shading. It makes the actual graphics of the game look boring by comparison.
Cattus vs dogus in fortnite dragon vs robot
Apex apex apex epic already did dragons
Amazing huh?
Octane is sonic
0:14 “В этот раз я забегу” — “this time I’ll run” Octane from Russia?
All 6.4 dislikes were from fortnerds
Fortnite: (does take the L on apex) Apex is finally dead!
*Apex season 2 trailer*
Mirage: Ha! You got bamboozled!
Im te only one shipping Octane and Wattson?
Is no one gonna question that marriage said holy sink that’s hot at 00:37
Hey mabye instead of spending all this money on a admittedly cool trailer for season two you could have used that money time and effort to fix your games server crashes, extreme lag, and terrible hit boxes same goes for those new hop ups like hammer rounds the guns still suck and I’m gonna find a r301 before I find the hop up and if I don’t I’m still switching it season two is a mess
If you think about it, this song relates to fortnites and apex’s competition:
“Theres only one king, theres only one crown, and there aint enough room for us both on the throne, its about to go down”
Wattson is soo fucking hot
You can see how much more effort they have put in to this trailer. Animation is so much smoother than reveal trailer.
Great trailer! All this jawing about Fortnite and Apex is just lame. I play both. I like both. Its okay to like both, or prefer 1 to the other. Its obvious now, Fortnite never was dying and isnt any time soon. They are the king of gaming. Apex is not dying either. Its just not going to the top. Apex had a great release. They had a great plan. Maybe too good, because expectations were too high for Respawn to keep up with. Respawn had a chance to make Apex a monster. They didnt pivot as well as they could have. And, EA didnt offer enough support and vision to help the game maintain momentum. Once that momentum died and everybodys expectations were kinda dashed, they were and are never going to get that Momentum back. Maybe secretly thats how Respawn wants it. It takes Alot of work and will and dedication to even remotely try to keep up with Fortnite. And you cant take that away from Epic. Its really under stated and under appreciated what Epic does for there community. But, Apex is very healthy, has a great loyal player base, and isnt going anywhere either. So arguing about it is pretty fanboyish and juvenile. Like what you like, and play what you wanna play.
Rip Apex map
What if the guy with the lap top is Jack cooper
Mirage: For a fast guy your pretty slow
Octane: for a dumb guy your perfect
Octane(literally kicks mirage in the face 6 times)
Best free to play experience
Apex es una mierda fortnite es lo mejor
Put more likes on this instead of thumbs down Apex Rules
Bangalore: come on ladies let’s move
Octane: am I a joke to you?
If this was a story game
There is one mistake, if the arc star was behind octane when bloodhound throwed it why need to blast it, to get pic mabye but I love apex legends not like I am a hater.
This is the best trailer I’ve ever seen
But is a new graphic?
wattson kinds THICC
This is now fortnite
Anyone know the song?
This trailer is awesome one of a best game trailer i ever seen
Best trailer for a game I’ve ever seen I’m.my.life
Develepors are you on drugs this will make me play apex forever
A mi no me corria estable el juego tenia muchos bajones cosa rara ya q su competencia fortnite tranquilo graficos alto
The coolest game ever
Octane:you are already dead
Something about this trailer hypes me up so much
Wattson: that can’t be good
*Come back here brotha*
R.I.P Fartnut
Who’s the hacker is that new lagend to
Am i the only one who plays apex and fortnite I like apex more tho
This game should live forever
This is OP
What’s the music for this trailer?
This background music makes the trailer 100% more epic
I could be retarded but who was the person typing and hacking?
Bloodhound: *Gets sniped*
Me seing this : eeeeeeee WHAT IS THIS ?!!!
Apex Legends : Our new trailer to season 2
Me : This is the best thing EVER!!!!!!
Nice 10%10
I can’t believe it took me this long to find out Apex is in the same universe as titanfall….
As to the trailer, i only have one thing to say…. DRAGONS!
Best trailer i have ever seen!
Good animation
season w already
Put apex on iPad please so I can play the game
Secret hacker hmmm??????🤔
убили игру 2 сезоном (
are those mountain banshees from avatar?? thought it was a future event for the movie release or something lol
muchaas gracias amigo
what music?
The music is so epic
Fortnite players: apex has more bots that suck.
Pathfinder players: RACIST
Yo does anyone else think wattson is cute af
Yep i re-downloaded, and im impressed
What is the songs name at the of the video?
EA says seaon 2 is a failed but once they get that trashnite was made for 5 year old with daddys card and apex mostly ppl with a brain play so they don’t drop thousands on the game
Everybody: That’s not good
Octane: AWESOME!
0:50 but first let me take a selfie
Crypto: *watches Peppa pig while everyone is being massacred*
Okay but who sent out that hacking signal?
APEX LEGENDS!! El mejor battle royal!
Fornite es caca!!!
Fortnite battle royale sucks
“There’s only one king, there’s only one crown”
Me: Oh I know, it’s Octane, right?
Looks cool, I’ll pass though cause I’ll get clapped
When is apex on mobile :c
That los Cool but who invest in apex
Theory: What if the guy that destroyed the tower is a new hacker legend that will come in the future?🤔🤔
I hate this game
When I did something wrong
0:17 me going after my siblings when they will tell mom
0:20 my brother after he told mom what I did
0:22 my mom grounding me
what song??
I love action packed stuff and idk why but this make me smile slowly ahah
Still boring
no one is gonna talk about the fact that they basically teased a hacker character?
Can someone tell me which legends explodes the antenna? Is it maybe the next legend? 🤔
Maybe the guy who is with the laptop could be the new hero
Looks like borderlands
Anyone know the song or music????
Fortnite is still better giant monsters and giant robots
If we could get an animated series to run along the game that would be amazing. Like get some action like we see here but also have some downtime and get more story behind the different legends and how they interact besides what happens in game
Octance is just EA’s form of bane from batman
I love how apex uses musics from EPIC ROCK music collection
does anyone else hear octane say for a dumb guy your perfect but he also says for a tall guy your perfect lol
This trailer gave me goosebumps when I saw it ☺️
If apex’s art style was like this I would delete every game I own but this
I love octanes personality
1:48 it’s the fortnite monster
Funny how the fastest one got squished under the fallen tower.
And there is only 1 king fits in perfect
im gay
Any last words Fortnite?
how is this guy ????? 0:05. 0:25
Is there no youtube clip of the soundtrack of Only One King remixed bt 2WEI? Help me 🙁
Best trailer
Wait is the guy with the green goggles the fastest character some plz tell me
I want a damaged version of octane’s suit
Ok but wheres pathfinder in this trailer
It’s about to go down.
Wow this season made play Apex and made me stop playing fortnite
Un k
Cant waiiiitt to play🔥🔥
The fall of fortnite begins
1:04 When your Wifi turns off in the middle of a game.
Oh this trailer made me come back to apex
This is awesome
Is it me or am I the only one watching this on repeat? 😂✊
When apex legend go to Android, comment pleas
Reported for being too fire!
Literally these guys did massive improvement and the game feels better than ever!
1:35 to 1:53 it’s so fucking epic
If this is an actual series I would watch it like no joke
Come Back Here Brada
Octane: I would but your already dead
Night night that’s so sick in my opinion
0:15 when I see a nerf gun on the ground in a nerf fight against my brother
0:17 my brother
0:20 me when mom comes
Mom 0:22
So they added in Godzilla and dinosaurs?
The music is 🔥
0:57 wattson looking thicc
That music in the background bops I must say…
Amazing trailer, dead game.
Op season
Rip Bridges
Best trailer
I will give them respect. They did take long for another update but dam does it look good
Why does 1:40 remind me of Ark Survive Evolved
Bruh she is wearing clothes like shes in the north pole. Take that shit off, we all know u thicc inside n outside. ITS OVER, u know u cant sit in this heat mon
Wattson be lookin THICK
Trust me, I ain’t no fortnite fan, but, all they need are live events which I guess is fair to copy off of fortnite since they DID copy the respawn and the ping
1:02 which legend is this ?
So will S2 will finally kill fortnite??
Find out soon…
This looks so good. I feel like Apex does gameplay much better than fortnite, but fortnite has better cosmetics. Apex is very new however, so it’ll grow and improve into something legendary for sure.
lol… if the graphics of the game were the same as those of the trailer the game would be lighter and more beautiful
This is how many people play apex
Actually Nobody:
Not a single soul:
AAh shit… Here we go again
Why cant the game use this art-style
Wraith maybe
so can you guys like, ummm Murder Fortnite already. It’s been months and you still have’nt killed fortnite
1:32 *what is that?*
Oh those are *The Moyai*
They have disrespected *The Moyai*
Do not disrespect *The Moyai*
“For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow.” says Sonic.
Wraith is bae🤤
Is it litterly only me WHO wants These grapics in apex.
My apex legends ships (reply with yours)
Octane x Wattson
Wraith x mirage
Gibraltar x his already cannon boyfriend
Bangalore x bloodhound
Pathfinder x lifeline
Caustic x caustic
0:39 Cause theres only one king and theres only one crown…. and there anit no room for us both on the throne so its bout to go down *best scene ever*
Fortnite : Apex died lets goo
Apex : *comes back with season 2*
All players : this game looks amazing who cares about fortnite its already dead
Apex again: hehehehehehehe yeah boi
Keep in mind that fortnite is very good game because it keeps All the toxic 6yr away from such a good game like Apex
Expectation: (this trailer)
Reality: 10 times better
i see a new champion at 1min and 4 sec
I love the game but this trailer is sooo damn good.
Bloodhound gets merked by a Kraber in yet another trailer
What is name this song in 1:40
p0rnhub search- Wraith and Wattson Apex Predators
. … your welcom ; )
the best game ever
Idk if I should buy it or not it looks so good but I still like fortnite but it’s like you could ride the dragons so idk
0:40 Literally me when I go to town whit Octane
Octane has plus ultra as a tattoo on his arm… Octane all might confirmed.
“that’s defenetly good”
Dragones peerrrrroos
the grind on the new battle pass is unreal = (
ridiculously few points for playing and some severely complicated challenges for a n00b like me = (
is anyone else having trouble with some of the challenges?
I only have 1 hour to play per day, and as you can imagine, I have a serious problem of “get good” … because I’m at the absolute bottom of the chart in this game. And dude, the grind is real now = (
It’s funny that everytime I finish watching the trailers, I just search and listen to the original music they used for the trailer XD
guys are we not gonna talk about who the dude on the laptop was, it looked like he broke the antenna at repulsor and that deactivated some kind of barrier letting the big monsters in
best parts?
– cause there’s only one king and there’s only one crown beat drops..
Кто не заметил 0:37 они просто взяли и сперли из игры Titanfall2 L-star это оружие.дальше еще из той же игры стимулятор у одного из персов titanfall2
But who is the person hacking the towers?…
𝓐𝓹𝓮𝔃 𝓵𝓮𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼
petition to respawn to make this a series!
Yet no graphics update 🙁
Can we just talk about that monster wich is probably has the same height as an FUCKING PETRONAS TOWER OR MAYBE MORE ?
1:37 me and the boys when we heard someone got pizza
Goodbye fornite XD
10th time im watching this and im not even bored, i mean either theres something wrong with me or this is SOOOOO FREAKING AMAZING! <3 <3
whats the song that plays at the end?
Link music??
Fortnite is better
Apex shoud fix the CPU Problem! I can’t play this game at the Start!
Viva fortnite
best thing i have seen in my life!!!!!!!!
They got some of this from fortnite like that big monster
Yo Apex fortnite copied the eva 8 shotgun
Am I the only one who thinks there’s coming a other legend then Wattson, Just as looking at this ? like 0:03 – 0:25 – 0:27 – 1:01 who is he ?
1:03 I guess thats New legend or then Im just stupid
0:27 they just built octanes footsteps into the beat. How can you not love this?
anyone want to talk about the hacker who destroyed EMP?
whats the song?
New map?
Best game ever!
Broo 1:31 you can see the eye of the character octane
Plz what is the song of the trailer
Oh look they added the moyai into the map itself
Fortnite- we have more players
Apex- we have an octane
“𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗕𝗥𝗔𝗗𝗗𝗔𝗛” 𝖨 𝗁𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝖼𝖺𝗇’𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗂𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝖽𝗈 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖾𝗇t 𝗉𝗂𝗀𝖾𝗈𝗇
Badass trailer i’ve ever seen !
Damn…at first I thought the eye opening indicates it was some Godzilla King of the Monsters crossover event with Apex from the teaser trailer of sort. But now instead on this, its an actual Leviathan. Boy, was I been wronged so hard…ooh well, least dragons and them have invaded thanks to some hacker blowing the tower up. I bet that hacker will be playable in a future update.
This is one of the best trailers for a game or something ever😁😁
Oh man was ein dummes Spiel in den Trailer sieht man auch das man gesnipt oder Kills geklaut werden und und und immer noch der selbe scheiß!
Octane is like cayde-6 they Are lovable, funny, cool, both died and came back to life except for that one time…rip cayde-6 but my point is I love Apex but I can already tell you just like cayde. Octane will Carry the game until he dies for real🤣🤣
Did Wraith cause the EMP? Because as far as I can think of she’s the only known legend with that hairstyle
Like wer deutsch ist 🇩🇪
this may seem far fetched but when wattson revived octane and octane had that tiny moment of staring at her i low-key smell a new ship
Fix the game…it’s crashing like crazy after the update!
Can you add a legendary optic for assault rifle mid range to close range
I wonder who the hackerman is? Maybe… a future Legend?
Fortnite is better
Fuckers destroyed my bridge!
Fortnite kids be like 1:11
Apex listen I wait for 5 months to download and here it come the I’ve waiting for but before I sign up I type my email my password my birth and when it done it came the verification code end I use mine it came the invalid word why apex why it took so long I didn’t say I don’t like your game the game I like the graphics I like it to but when it comes the verification code my brain just stop and yeah I kinda feel the hate a little sorry I say that please Apex I want to play please I need to play please I begging you please I got my so I can play please Apex
kinda funny how the season 2 trailer has more views than the launch trailer.
heres to more seasons to come and hope respawn keep doing cool stuff like this.
Octane- “This is the least bored I’ve been all day”
Also Octane- *dies *
It’s the M O Y A I
Whole entire tower collapses and potentially kills many people
Octane: A W E S O M E!!!!!!!!!
So why did the dome generator fall?
Guys I think the mysterious person on the laptop is crypto another leaked legends who might come out towards the end of this season or midway
1:02 next legend
Ok this got me hyped. Who else?
This game went from being the ONLY game that I play and my favorite in years to deleting from my console. Possibly the worst patch in gaming history. Completely changed the way the game is played in every way. Do your company a solid and fire whoever was involved with Season 2.
Y para cuando en español?
Last Saturday it was said that apex passed fortnite with the amount of players.Fuck fortnite that game is cancer and only wants fucking money.Respawn actually does give a shit about there game unlike epic games
Wraith did that whole dragon monster thing
I like when explode behind octane
Background music?
best art design ever…best game ever
Anyone imagine In like 40 years, our kids (if u have any), will be like what’s this 3D BS, Gameplay sucks, we have 47D, 45x better and you can actually play like the trailer not the stupid graphics rn, HD is bad 69,696,969 Graphics are OP
Bro, I want to know why they be killing bloodhound every animation
Anyone knows what’s that song at 00:40?
That’s how much you replay it
Where’s lifeline
0:41 *me running down the stairs to get some beans*
next hero is man and has emp?
Esto supera a todos los trailers de fortnite :v
Who is that person with the computer?
Apex is the best online game right now, who agree?
im gon be so mad if they kill my boi Bloodhound one more time…
Jokes on you, arc star got nerfed <3
I get chills every damn time I watch this. This is like my 38th time watching it and I’m still acting like a little kid who has just been shown some candy lmaooo. Loving the content Apex keep it up! Been playing since the day it came out god such potential for an exceptional game!
This game is fucking trash all they do is copy shit from other games and why your first person perspective in game reminds me of Black ops IIII?
So we not finna talk about who detonated the EMP for this season to happen
تحيا ابكس ماذفاكرز
well, there is Cypto, the next legend
Am I the only one who loves seeing all the legends dropping in the trailer. I love seeing the smoke as the literal hundred of them fly together
This game still gay
More and more of Titanfall 1 is being pumped into this game every season that goes by
I love the movie!! I love that Octane’s EYE!!!! COOL!
god i love this trailer so much my favorite part is the zoom on wattson and the transition to the last part its so cool and it sets the mood i just love it so much awesome job respawn
The reason people stopped playing was because Apex didn’t update their game and the battle pass wasn’t very good but I hope this season brings people back into it!
This how many times we watched this
* *World Falling* *
*Octane* : AwEsOMe!
This dude seriously said “Boys think it’s hot” 0:37
Does anyone know who is the guy/girl on the laptop who destroyed that tower
so flippin COOL
Dooooope i can’t stop watching this all day octane is absolutely cool
What is this song?!!
Very good the tráiler
All the dislikes are from fortnite fans
Кто русский лайк
Todo el mundo ya copea a fornite
Eu n gosto de Apex mas n vou mentir q deu vontade de jogar
You are a cheat
Sooo cool intro
Mirage: For a fast guy, you’re slow!
Octane: For a dumb guy, you’re perfect!
When wil official mobile version realese
The moyai
Booooo apex sucks so bad
90 percent of these comments are hold my beer jokes
So ein Rotz
New gun vs feet. Feet wins
Who is in love with the song?
Apex legend will come back
Krypto caracter
“For a fast guy, you’re pretty slow!”
“For a dumb guy, you’re perfect!”
I love octane
Just add skill based Matchmaking to this game. As a casual player that plays 2 games per day Its very frustrating to be against the incels with 10000000000 kills with Wraith that are completely out of my level
I hated apex, but this season is spectacular, I think it is certain that fortnite is dying. IT SEEMS THAT THE GAME TURNED IS NOT THE SAME … I LOVE APEX SO MUCH!!
0:06 this is crypto? Anyone know about this ?
I wonder if that guy in laptop is third season legend…
Name song?
Do I see another new character then the electric one?
Season 3 will be green and the next legend will be a hacker
Fortnite is good but the Community is 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
If wattson doesnt revives teammates with her shock hands im gonna be pissed
The trailer is pure fire! I’ll try playing this game again!
alright im downloading
All i want to here is prepare for titanfall
I feel like Wattson And Octane have a thing💕
Bloodhound: *getting sniped in a tráiler again*
Who paused to see octane’s eyes? Like 😂😂
Apex legens зачем вы сделали выпадения скинов на закрытых персонажей?
The song in this is so good… And the bloody trailer itself!
I’m buying the new character also I’m a pro at Apex level 97
Fortnite: we did it apex is gone we won!
Dude this is a bomb trailer
*The building starts to fall*
(Bangalore, octane,and Watson):we done goofed
Wattson has a. Tree on her face
what song?
*Fortnite*: I have an Army of Players
*Apex Legends*: We have Big Monsters
Fortnite is trying to copy apex cause they know apex is death neatly better keep it up guys the game is awesome we just need more update
Stop thinking this game is relevant
Too bad the graphics don’t actually look like this
Tbh everyone keeps comparing the game to fornite but I don’t think respond cares til much about them. They are just doing their thing similar to how titan fall was an awesome series.
Omg this little movie is dope more!!
Titanfall 3 ?
Fortnite: oh shit, here we go again.
1:02 Who is he?
This game is ok but people need to go back to normal games that is better than battle royle .its not one of my favs
Buuuuuuuuuu :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Track please 👍🏼
Fking sick
0:51 is a perfect background
We did not pray enough. Now the moyai are angry.
Why my fucking apex now is in italian? Before it was in English, beautiful, but now, after an update, the voices are in italian…omg so awful their voices..
P.s. I’m italian xD
Still waiting for Titanfall 3…
Y is no one talking about the person with the laptop we haven’t seen them they could be a new legend but everyone’s too busy talking about the song and octane
Team: but we play as team…
Team: Team, bro… TEAM
Community: We want a bigger Update, Respawn… .
Respawn: Ok, lets put a giant dinosaur into the map
who else got hyped when octane charged and ran on top of the river?!?!?!
“You’re breathtaking!”
“I AM breathtaking!!!!!!”
Time to run ladies and the first one is octane
Who was the hacker that destroy the tower
Who’s the guy on the laptop??
The moyai approach
Anybody wanna talk about Wattsons finisher in the one trailer where she literally disintegrates Gibraltar and then after that looks shocked like “WOAH THATS INTERESTING” LIKE YEAH HIGH AMMOUNTS OF ELECTRICITY CAN DO THAT
1:35 – 1:51 is epic
Not even a diehard fan for this game but I gotta admit that this trailer is well fucking done
0:32 the scout xd
Let me get this right:All The Creatures and The Leviathans Come To The Island After The EMP Blast Which must Of attracted Them To The Island And That’s Why The Creature All Came To The Island.
Looks like we’re getting a hacker legend soon, maybe for season 3. (The guy that destroyed the tower thing)
Now who’s the person who destroyed the tower?
Sooooo who took down the tower?🤔
1:14 should have saved that stim
Octane runs as fast as me when my moms got the belt!
is it bad to watch this video too many times?, it’s like the tenth time
What’s that music called?
So basically octane is anarki from quake champions (?)
That is so epic
Sweet Dreams is rare. RARE. You assholes really care about the people that play your game and for the twitch community that make your game even bigger than it should be.
It would be nice if this game was cross platform with xbox one and ps4.
I didn’t get this from fortnite btw
Fortnite: Our season 2 is pretty good!
EA&Respawn: *Hold my Wingman*
They only have caustic in trailers to kill him like why couldn’t he have a badass moment in that trailer like nearly every other character
I wonder if that person deactivating the barrier around the island will be a new character who could disable characters abilities I know it’s pretty basic but I wouldn’t mind that
What that song playing in the background?
Everybody:apex is dead
Respawn: hold my revive banner
Avatar 2 🤣👏🤙
1:12 when bangalore says buckle up ladies
octane: :’) i am no lady
They sure know how to make trailers
*Huge ass tower falls*
Octane: *Awesome*
Love the trailer I’m gonna come back to apex now but sadly I won’t be decent anymore because everyone is a tryhard now 🙁
Season 2 is sick I just get creeped out when I look at those giant things eat the trees in the middle of the map.
Holy shit this game..
Whats the song?
Octane is about to die
*_Y O U A R E A L R E A D Y D E A D_*
*_N A N I!?_*
I got falsely banned from apex so lol
Name of the chanson? 0:42
I’m guessing crypto did this… Since he is a tech legend and the leaks kinda show
I watch this trailer for many days in a row from the moment of release and I am still delighted
This music is good for this trailer
Callate a ri no te sale
Songтрек please пожалуйста
I’m seeing so many meme comments but nothing about the random person that activated the EMP
5 months later and Pathfinder’s grapple hook is still one of the funniest game mechanics I’ve ever experienced. Honestly I’d happily play a Spiderman game with a web slinging mechanic similar to Pathfinder’s.
when I see the new season: yes
my credit card: nope
Music is dope !!!! If u want to no it it’s called only one king also not on spotify
What would u do if u couldn’t find a laptop with printed keys on the keyboard??
Write your own
The first time seeing this on my TV when the game updated gave me some serious goosebumps
Anybody got an idea on who the character who set off the EMP was? i dont think its anybody we’ve seen before and it could be a tease to a new character or something. I’d love to hear other peoples thoughts.
Apex é uma merda
Apex legends: hey, we exist
Jojo hypex 100
Well co-op survival mode would also be great.
All different legends together against common threat
1. Das mich extrem nervt ist, das ich keinen Zugriff mehr habe auf den BEZAHLTEN, BattlePass Saison1 (ONE) und ich keine Möglichkeit mehr habe diese Inhalte freizuschalten!!!
2. Bezahlter Pass Saison1 existiert offenbar nicht mehr, und für den Saison2 werde ich extra zur Kasse gebeten obwohl ich schon für einen nicht mehr vorhandenen bezahlt habe!!!
Also ich fühle mich etwas betrogen, sonst würde ich kaum hier etwas schreiben, ich weis nicht wo ich mich SONST beschweren kann, aber in Saison 1 habe ich den BattlePass mit Echtgeld gekauft, DANACH muss man aber genug lange spielen um alle 100 stufen und deren Belohnungen frei zu schalten, wenn ich mich nicht täusche war ich glaub bei Stufe 80 oder in der nähe, und vor allem Richtung ende der Stufe 100 werden die Belohnungen immer etwas ausgefallener, ich habe versucht auf diese Saison 1 BattlePass Linie zu kommen, leider musste ich feststellen das diese nicht mehr existiert!
Does anyone know what song that is?
Respawn: you didn’t think we were just gonna do a quick update no no no no here’s a 29.22 GB update have fun
Me: …
No gameplay? What have they been working on?
Fortnite:Stinkt come back Here
Me:nope Is apex time
no one’s gonna ask who the hacker is tho?
Es una estafa copia de
Who is hacking??????
Pixel Shaded BR game would look the best.
This is why octane is my favorite apex avater
They can make the coolest trailers
Apex has uploaded the first trailer of there game and its better than all of fortnites trailer
I cant be the only person that wants that octane selfie as a loading screen… Right?
0:51 that’s a wallpaper for your phone
They are finally adding a story aspect into the game. This trailer makes me want to pay again
That is the end of king kenyon
Apex hoppin back on the train😀
oyun açılırken donuyo kalıyo ready veriyorum orda donuyo kalıyo oturum kapatmayınca oyundan çıkılmıyo çözüm üretın animasyon degil varmıı arkadaslar bu hatanın çözümünü
Como é o nome da música
My boi octane died happy and got revived like nothing happened lol
Anyone spot lifeline or wraith anywhere? XD
But seriously, best trailer I’ve seen in my time on this earth
Radio:all legends must evacuate immediately
10 seconds later everyone dropping into battle
I could watch a movie with this style of graphics!!
Fortnite SOSAT’!
Who’s the one on the laptop
Скиньте название трека
OST please
I want the game with this graphics
we’re is wraith?
*Octane makes anime reference*
Me: *_Nani?_*
What’s the sound
I love your game and the trail ther best fortnit us a bot to go down
CAN you put this music in Apex Please
Like for he see
Copia de fortnite
yeah wottson screwed up like, alot alot *alot* when she clicked send
Is it just me or do I like the leviathan more than all the other characters except octane
1700: revolutionary war
1800: civil war
1900:world war 2
2019: T-seris vs Pewdiepie
2020 Fortnite vs Apex
Nothing could be better than Dinosaurs in game
dislikes are from kids that play that, you know, the game that copies everything from apex, called fortnite
0:04 this is Crypto?????
Apex Legends meets Avatar!!!
Very awesome trailer to be honest 🙂
*For a dumb guy, you’re perfect!*
I hate those daily and weekly challenges aka “3 Kills for Bangalor” or “3 kills for Gibraltar” . Don’t force me to play for characters which I don’t like to play. Better make challenges like “3 head shots with Mozambique” or “Kill enemy while jumping” . Don’t make me play for specific characters!
Раздражают задания типа “3 убийства за Гибралтара”, “3 убийства за Миража”. Хватит заставлять меня играть за персонажей которые мне не нравятся. Уберите эту хрень. Лучше бы было просто “3 хедшота из мозамбика за ЛЮБОГО персонажа” .
*Fortnite Has left the chat room!
Is it weird that I enjoy this more in slow-mo
I think the idea is from fortnite why did you copy?
The eye is from fortnite you copied the eye apex
This looks like anime
Mirage : for a fast guy your pretty slow
Octane : for a dumb guy your perfect
*i am perfect*
Th3 dragons are from titanfall2
I dont play apex but the cinematics are really cool
Soooooo is everyone gonna ignore who blew up the satellite thingy at 1:02 ?
I wish this game had a Campaign
You just stood there…? Bloodhound what happened to you?
” *King’s Canyon will never be the same* “, I love that phrase
1:40 what song?
Is apex still free to play like pubg?
Who was the character who blew that EMP?! He looks sick…. Well the side of his face did xD he’s gonna be a hacker?
I think 1:35 and beyond is probably the best part of the song since the background noise makes it sound better than it already was
Vcs se superaram
monster hunter
It’s the Moyai
This, was my excuse to abandon fortnite. And i have no regrets.
Wanna know what octane looks like?
1. *Playback the speed when Wattson was reviving octane (0.25)*
2. *Wait ’till it was on **1:31*
3. *Pause it, you’ll see on the other side of octane’s goggles is broken and you’ll see what his eye looks like*
*(You’ll decide what he looks like in your mind this is just a clue)* XD
Loving the new look of the map n the battle pass as well
Does anyone know what song it is that plays at 1:40 ?
0:25 What is song?
Who wasted all there crafting crystals on watson
If u like fortnite
Make this blue👍
1:13 she runs like a kid
O m g
The monster 😂😂 it’s so cool
Fortnite:get back Botha I not hurt you
Apex:for a dumb guy your pertfect
Did someone say, new main?
I was squealing do much during this when I saw Octaine running on water that, my friend told me to shut up😂
I dont think *not good* would be the last word i would say
Beast trailer but… Who was operating the lap top, tho?
Hey cool video watch us because eir have told about the whole update more and leave a like and abo da thanks
I çanta play
Put more octane I like him
Even though it is cool, we don’t need a damn tv series like everyone is saying. A lot of video game tv shows/movies have been awful. Let’s just keep it as a game.
apex legends tips @t
What is this song?
What… the… hell?
Who is the guy on the laptop? 0:25 1:01 Hidden legend?
Looks good
nice … fajnie …. cool …. extra :)))
But who’s the hacker tho
At 00:21 I really want Gibraltar to say Nooooooonnniii
The moyai have struck
Was everyone doing a no shield challenge or something?
Me: sees new Apex trailer
Cool thing Respawn ✌️👌
Yo erm I used to play apex and this looks decent so in gonna start playing again
This might make be play this again. Maybe.
I don’t even play this.
I played the shit out of some Titanfall and 2.
But this trailer..
Makes my hyped to play.
& I’m not a PvP lover either.
Fortnite fan: we should compare apex’s trailers to fortnite’s
Me: let’s be honest there’s no competition there apex already won
Also 0:42 is so badass
Why tf does zone do damage in 1st ring compared to the old final ring damage
Apex next God game
Am i the only one to notice thag watsson has a scar on her cheek???
Anyone have a guess on who that mystery hacker is?
I wish Apex was like borderlands because battle royale is getting really old for me
I’ve watched it like 5 times and it’s still AMAZING!
Is nobody going to talk about Bangalore calling octane a lady🤨🤨🤨?
😹 mucha gracia
Octane must’ve been to the Prometheus school of running away from things
Anyone not gonna notice the hacker? Seems like we will get another legend this season but most likely it will be for next season (like how they said wattson for season 1)
Bro!!! Best trailer ever
Wait did the mastiff just shoot normal shotgun shots and not the energy
Minecraft’s better
If only the game was like the ads for the game
The girl hacking looks like seraph from black ops 4
Who used the computer to blow up the tower🤔🤔🤔
apex legend now kill fortnite for sure 100% hahahahhahahahahahhahahahaa
So where the hell are those flying dinosaurs?
Rip blood hound
Apex legend sucks
Make a story mode for each champion there origin
What are we supposed to do with flyers inside the cages?
As an octane main this pleases me, so who’s the guy with the computer???
How cleverly they didn’t show who’s triggered the EMP
Okay here’s my theory so wraith was trying to find out more about here past so she went to get all the data but something went wrong.now season 2
Wattson, I’m comin babyyyy ! Sorry Wraith ❤️
Nobody :
Octane at 00:20 : “Omae wa mou shinderiou” (You are already dead !)
And yeah….I’m not….Go on Bamboozle em !
Did they release cross platform?
I feel like the person with the keyboard will be season 3s legend I wonder 🤔🤔
Me : octane runnnn runnnnn octaneeeeeee
i haven’t played apex in a minute but this looks so dope with the music A++++++ im gonna hop on now
Tfw the leviathans only take 1 step per game
When i logged on and saw this, i was not expecting it
It got me mad hype
Yall really stepped up your game
Well done
hold up, pause it at wattsons face.. she has some scars
i ponder on how she got them
testings gone wrong?
deeper story?
or just results of living in the arena 0.0
I’m glad fortnite is finally diying
Officially better than fortnite
You know it’s probably the new possible character crypto who got the Leviathans to go berserk.
i’ve never been this hyped about a game in ages😍😍
Watson is new waifu
Who else fan girl’d over octane?
Juste a word amazing
Pls add fortnite portal on season 3
60 FPS
This should have been at E3.
cool now just add a solo mode and I might play it again
I thought octane said “but ur already gay” but he said dead lol
In 1:32 you can actually see octane’s eye
What is the name of the music?
0:57 bruhh rip russian girl. All father gives me that :v
I’m hyped for this!
Woooow like si lo estas actualizando
Y los dragones????
Still watching it after update who else?
So is your color scheme per season based on code name kids next door??? If season three is green, I’ll have my answer.
Revive the game. Gonna last 2 weeks and go back down 🙁
Please! Please! PLEASE!! do more cell shaded launch trailers like this that was amazing!!
A Mexican Flash?
The Leviathans are vegetarians but they have the teeth of a carnivore
Song at 0:29 ? xD, Trailer is fucking nice, lets Go for Season 02 boysss
Hmmmmm now who is this mysterious sabotier
When the emp happened I literally felt it’s shockwave irl
Cmon trashnite make a better and more hyped trailer than this one
And there’s still people that say that fortnite is better
*Muchas gracias amigo*
There is no doubt that you belong to the MOST STUPID GENERATION OF GAMERS ( NOT PLAYERS ) JUST VISUAL STUPIDS STUFF. And companies are laughing , Let`s make some lights, movements and bom bom for STUPIDS TENNAGERS hahaha you are SO EASYYYYY TARGET NOW IN THESE DAYS . Thanks my son can be rich, and have fun outside in REAL LIFE , and making tons of friends , having girls parties, reading books. While ALL OF YOU AND YOUR STUPIDS PARENTS ARE WASTING TIME. letting to you all wasting your ONLY ONE LIFE on something that NOBODY CARES IN REAL LIFE.
I LOVE this music
I wish we could revive teammates that quickly with Wattson. It’s clearly false advertisement there…:(
Sol freeh
the moyai attack
Only two seasons in and they are already doing better than epic with there openings and graphics
“come back here brotha, I dare ya.” now carries much more weight with the new patch
song? soy yo o quiero una serie de apex?
Who else think this should be a movie
There’s something about Wattsons walk to snipe bloodhound there’s just something about it
EA Please Updates
I wish the game was played with this art style .
This is amazing!
fix the game first
Octane: omae wa mou shindeiru
Gibralter: NANI??!!
Bangalore: night night…
Anyone else think the guy that detonated the EMP is foreshadowing the next playable character after Wattson?
I was gonna buy mirage but my boy octane needs the money for drugs
what´s the name of that song?
Why the game can not have those grafics tho 😡
Damn wattson is so fucking hot. Idk whos hotter now. Wraith or wattson
Thanks for the Crypto trailer
Octane is a selfie master
How dpi find the dragons?
I love this game. Bloodhound main. But because of how hyped Octane was in this trailer, it made me hyped too. He might be a very close second main
Fortnite players:apex is dead
Me:rlly,then y did 133k ppl like it?
if the graphics was like this i’d actually try out the shitshow… too bad
Make a Battler pass like this trailer
Roger Craig Smith, great job.
0:13 is such a cool moment
I only just noticed. 0:54 PLUSULTRA
Song: “There can be only one King”
Apex Legends: *Doesn’t feature single player*
Mas o planeta não tinha sido explodido no Titanfall 2?
If apex had more of a borderlands feel like this trailer does id definitely play it way more often
soundtrack ?
people still play this game?
this is amazing everything about this trailers is better then fortnites
There needs to be a show of Apex Legends they do that and I’ll buy every battle pass
Can we appreciate the amount of effort respawn puts into their game trailers?
Muchas gracias amigo, I loved that part 🤣
When they gonna give my boy path finder clout
I got the chills watching this because it is so EPIC!!!
Apex is the best game
What’s the name of this song? :-O
The new watch dogs looks weird
como se fosse tao facil jogar o shuriken…
That “omae wo mo shindeiru” reference 0:19 XD
who’s watching it while downloading the 2nd season patch?
Just please don’t fuck up this game. All we want are just weapons and characters
For a trailer they know how to get me hyped
Waiting on fortnite to do this
Who else is watching this while downloading the 20GB patch for Season 2?
she just fucking one shot octane with a triple take but they’re on the same team?
Nahhh When update it’s 3 july now u must tell the GMT
it’s the freaking L-Star!!!!!
Wow Cool But I Love Fortnite More
15 more minutes
Who was the person behind the EMP Id the real question here 🤔
Honestly I would prefer these graphics in-game
( ಥ_ಥ)
You know what would be really cool? If they added voice lines you can equip for every Legend you kill. Say you play as Octane and you kill a Mirage, you get to equip a funny little voice line directed at Mirage. (I’m sorry I used the exact confrontation in the trailer, but it was just too perfect.)
can’t wait for this! maybe i’ll live more than 5 seconds in battle
Fortnite players can say whatever they want about apex but if it wasn’t for apex you wouldn’t have the ping system or respawn buses just saying maybe fortnite should come out with a original idea for once also get ready to thank apex again for air emotes because you already know fortnite working on it as I comment this.
Welcome back apex 😈
What is this music????
Me :i like this umm im going to see iymt again why not 5 hr later again .its a nice keep it up apex
Fortnite made a build feature: WE ARE THE BEST BATTEL ROYALE GAME
Apex: Hold my beer.
Mirage: *misses 40000 shots*
“I am perfect”
The people who dislike the video are fortnite players
Cant wait to see what ideas fortnite copies from apex this season lol
If you look closely you can actually see more Legends then the ones we focus on.