My Octane Movement Impressed My Teammate…
impressing my teammates with octane movement.
Apex Legends Season 16 Revelry
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,apex legends season 16,apex legends wraith,wraith buff,wraith animations,wraith animation,apex legends revelry,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,nemesis apex legends,wraith,buff,animations,kunai recolor,apex legends new event,apex legends season 16 revelry,aceu,iitztimmy,wraith heirloom,kunai,Wraith heirloom,hopes dusk,new heirloom,Apex Legends Imperial Guard Collection Event,wraith recolor,wraith recolor heirloom,octane
コメント (179)
You had Pan on your team!! He is an absolute beast
So wholesome to tell ur fans u love em back, makes us feel good man
you fuckin monster )
I just got shards outta he most random ass pack and got cocktanes because of your movement
Faide always makes me wanna hop on the game when I see him play 💀😂
This video is a clear demonstration on why Faide loves playing Octane. Also, the R99 looks crazy in the hands of those 2!!! 👀🔥😎
faide playing with pandxrz????? lets effen go.
Wait a sec, is that the real Pandxrz???
This is what I hate the most mfs see you popping off and proceed to try and fuck your 20 bomb if I see a mf popping off ima let him go crazy the amount of times I lost a 20 bomb cause of teammates hurt🥲 ill never get it
The lifeline at the end must have been a paid actor. Niceee 🤌🏼
noooooooo rlly you think
Maybe a finder game next?
The Chances of faide being in your lobby are low but never 0
1:09 Excuse me? What???? Also, 3:23 WHATTTTT????
4:04 bro why does he have the john wick tone 😩😩
Was that actually Pandxrz?
Panderz usually dips hella quick he was definitely 👀
Bro killed “acue” at the beginning 💀
Faide with another absolutely insane video!!!
Playing duck hunt at 14:17 Lol
Lmao was that the real pandxz
Dude I wish I could be at least like 1/3rd as accurate as faide I suck man good content thanks
That ending was MF’n sweet!
Multiple bots in the lobby
This man killed the lifeline like he was hunting pigeons. GOAT.
Unban me from chat faide mate
That clay pigeon ending 👌
Always a good day when faide uploads and when he likes me comment 🗿
3:24 wtf was that shit
At 7:56 his half way through the animaltion reload just magically finished while it was still pulling the mag out?
same hour! first time ive done this in a while ❤😂
So we just gonna ignore that he happen to get pandxrz as a random😂😂
can you plz tell me why you open ur map sm
Yooo, no matter how many pro exists out there, you are the face of the game, they should make a legend with your name 👏👏👏
Faide took out that Lifeline like she was a clay Pidgeon
Was that the actual Pandxrz?
Bro keep making vids u inspire me to get better at this game tbh. Keep it up coach
Fade and Furia pandrxz on the same team is a RIP the lobby
that lifeline was not in this world anymore ☠☠
3:24 how do you bend bullets like that?!
4:05 i love you too ❤
bruh that last kill was gross😭🔥
Fire as usual 🔥🔥🔥
faide is so quick the hairloom is glitched also i feel bad for the lifeline lol
Faide actually dies in one of his videos (or gets knocked)?!
The glazin is crazy
more impressed by that aim on that broken moon game hollllyyyy
I’ve never seen faide get knocked, died, but never knocked 😭
I love your videos
You know it’s a good day when faide uploads an octane game
Last kill was disrespectful 🤣🤣
Was that Bangalore really Aceu?😂
no shot that was actually pandxrz
i must be on an octane stim if i’m this early
Love this Faide keep up the good work man your an inspiration to many
Octane Faide is always a must watch.
Je suis français but I love you faide 🙌🏽
day 11 (I THINK) of asking faide for a game
faid next vid you do can u play with flatline and r99 and i got better by watching ur vids and got my first 4k
Let me guess…
Something is cringe
I love
didn’t know Fade could do a Tom impression from Tom and Jerry :DDD He’s getting more talented every day
Much Love Faide!
Imma need to start using the stim of octane more damm, banger vid once again
dam 6.6k views in 27 minutes, suprised ur not at a mil
How are u not at 1 mill yet 😭
my day is better faide has uploaded as i got home
7:35 bro padded backwards into the enemy
My man even apologized for taking his wraith, and wish my teammates were like that 😢
daily dose
2 videos in 24hrs! Lets go!
That poor lifeline…PULL!💀
Even the people faide kill are impressed with his movement
yoo faide
push like a true octane main ❤
that octane that couldn’t even secure the kill at 1:10 is so cringe lmao
how can that be ,that 87 people saw it and 107 liked it? 🤔
armor swap!!
Day 32 of asking faide to play overwatch 2
Not only is faide good with movement he’s just good with every legend and his aim is so good
& im over here getting dead slides every 3-5 seconds
When faide uploads that means it’s a good day for some apex
It’s me. I’m impressed by movement
Let’s go
are you ever planning to play ranked? Love your content but shitting on mainly silver-plat enemies and new players in pubs is kindof lame, they never use abilities and fights never get interesting
No one can beat faide!… he is the God of apex
Another banger bro I love u so much my fav youtuber streamer, ur playstyle is just so diff and unique man ur goated keep it up 💪
My Octane Teammate impressed my Movement
Bruh, I just luv so much Faide videos, I wish I could play like daddy 😭
I want to see FAIDE play on Xbox or PS.
Tbh if I was against you I’d say you’re a sweat but damn are your videos satisfying, nice movements
What a nice teammate you had 🙂
Your movement is always so good 🤩🤩
I want more of these!
Would love to see a Leamonhead vs Faide
Hoping for his demon voice
Can we 1v1 faide? I’m confident I can put up a challenge
We all can’t lie faide wit the r99 is demon mode
idc what anyone says faide’s the best apex streamer in my eyes
Noti gang
You should play with Leamonhead
Clicked fast…with movement
Not just your teammate being impressed…
faide know he’s a noob.i can easy deceat you in 1v1 dawg xddd
We early af out here
this early on luck
Your Octane moves like Jagger, but your teammate moves like a turtle 😂
another faide video = another reason to give this type of movement to console
The question is Who doesn’t get impressed by your movement?? 🙂
The big Faide
Nothing like eating while watching faide
Love the video! More Faide to analyze for me c:
Faide you NEED to try to do melee only
love u bro
Faide there is no audio also him Music at max volume
w man keep it up zaddyu
Keep up the content ur a legend faide
ur just better
Absolute legend can’t believe how crazy dude is at apex
I love you Faide
I love your videos
First! Love you faide 🙂
HOLY SHIT YO!! Wasss good faide!!!!!
Da Boy Faide Handing Out Fades 😂😂🤣🤣 #GGz #Boss
You r the best faide, keep up the momentum
Impressed everyone.
Faide movement with octane = god
Im surexcited first com
I don’t think there’s ever been a random teammate on your team that isn’t impressed with your movement 😅
Faideee I’m first
LETS GO FAIDEEEEEEE#NotificationSquad ❤️
Faide to wake me up in the morning? yes please!
You are the most consistent apex player ever wish you the best of luck for your future
Can anyone name a better apex player than faide???
Noti gang 👾
Insane bro keep up the good work
I’m first always
Better at octane?
Faiddy daddy posted !
**_-This is the 14th comment that is posted-_**
Damn I’m early
First 😈😈😈
Yeah i,.m first
It’s a good day when faide uploads
W vid
W vid
Yeaaaaaaa buddy
Hi I am a big fan
❤ faide is goat
Sup Faide
Yoo faid I’m new lol
Hy, early