Apex Legends & FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH Event Trailer
Apex Legends™ summons FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH to the Outlands for a Crossover Event, featuring a new BR Takeover with the Buster Sword R2R5, Materia Hop-Ups, and plenty of other secrets.
Plus, find an avalanche of FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH-inspired cosmetics, new Iconic skins, and more. Prove that Limits Are Made to Be Broken, on January 9th!
Want to learn more? Mosey to: http://x.ea.com/apxl/ffvii-rebirth-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/playapex.
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/playapex/.
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 19,apex legends trailer,apex uprising,apex legends kill code,apex legends uprising collection event,ignite battle pass apex,apex legends skins,crypto,wraith,horizon,newcastle,wattson,lifeline,cloud,tifa,aerith,aeris,sephiroth,moogle,buster sword,limit break,materia,SOLDIER,nessie,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts
コメント (1271)
They really fumbled the deal with ALGS teams, so this crossover with FF gives me hope that Respawn/EA has finally figured out the financial/business side of doing collaborations.
Not only do I hope there will be more themed collabs like this, but also a revisit of working with teams again. Maybe even individual deals with major content creators.
Finally a Crypto skin
Where the chocobo
You guys who literally still stick up for respawn is becoming more and more laughable 😂 they are a multi billionaire company and doesn’t care about their community lol they have about one or two more seasons and it’ll be done lol
1:12 mfw all this AI art
Why on gods green earth is Horizon Aerith?…… if u hav crypto as cloud….. u should’ve had wattson as Aerith,……. That’s literally perfect but hey…. Maybe I’m just a nerd🤣
Why does aerith look like a grandmother?
Most of the sweaty kids dominating pub lobbies were not even born when FFVII came out. I miss Apex but the terrible match making has made it near impossible for the FFVII generation to enjoy. A real shame because I loved both games.
No Revenant Vincent feels like a crime.
Apex just isnt what it used to be
Buster sword should be free or earnable
Hope you used the money you saved using ai art to better the game.
1000 for a pack? not worth it. normal heirlooms are much cheaper than booster sword
Can you make walk valkyrie op agen
finally good cosmetics but probably cant afford it
Apex I’m in rookie 2 in ranked and way better people that are not in rookie 2 are killing me I literally got a master player in one of my games
why does aerith look like that
Nintendo switch players: well let’s play fortnite
now get you servers🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1:13 1st!?😂
We haven’t gotten any new wattson voice lines since S4 that’s wild.. she’s still hurting for new finishers and sky dive emotes but at least we’re getting something
We have The First Solider at home!
TFS at home:
bro not the AI art, half baked game now no effort on the promo for the $30 skins they try selling
Western developer moment
0:48 ew🤣🤣🤣
Next season Apex should add a MRVN skin for Pathfinder
апекс превращается в фортнайт?
Gotta love EA using actual ai art in this trailer when they make $2 billion dollars.
Should have made a Sephiroth Revenant or Ash skin. Y’all keep dropping the ball.
“C’est comme un fantasme… un fantasme final”
Puis tout le monde s’est levé et a commencé à applaudir
Enfin, en tant que fan inconditionnel de Final Fantasy, cela me fait sourire 🎉
Cela a l’air génial ! Enfin une vraie collaboration !
Thanks for ruining the titanfall universe
Funny how a megacorp that rakes in billions of $ every year can’t afford to pay their own artists
Skill issue get good unethical losers
what was happend to apex
when i watch the viedeo i don’t get any final fantasy feelings
I feel like that sword is kind and f like how ash’s ult should be
bro i miss apex legends mobile
Aerith looking like a grandma.
요즘 apex의 스팀 동접자 순위를 보면 기분이 참 좋음ㅎㅎ 더 쳐망해서 10만 이하로 떨어지길 진심으로 바랄게
nice trailer but never fixs the game.. playing the finals are much enjoying
Not to criticize it, but maybe but if they have the music from Final Fantasy seven, I’ll rock it
fight against cheating, cheating moving, servers? No, let’s release an addon ff
Your game is dieing and you do this😂 instead bring titanfall 3. This game is just horrible to play now, cheaters all over, dieing fanbase, even stats online show how low you’ve gotten and lost a ton of players, even i barely touch it and get bored of this game, people just riding thw train because its ff7 but doesn’t look like anything new just an event dies out and then dead again. Tired of this game because of sweaty people just sweats all over and everyone saying the same things everytime, its only pubs like they know what a real battle royale actually is. Instead the play like this games a cod multiplayer game, so fix your dieing game, i actually saw stats on which ones back on top and it had over 1million players, yours has a base of current users: 144k 😂 you dead bro, people will come for the event and leave straight away I’m not giving your stinky company anymore money ever again and haven’t in 2 years, you guys have horrible practices at EA and i hope this game does die out. Maybe I’ll play titanfall3 if its ever made 😂
tried to replicate Tetsuya Nomura’s art style and butchered it imo
I’ve spent in total £170.42 on all final fantasy’s including VII rebirth a d if I don’t get the buster sword in the event then that would have an effect on me especially since I really like play VII right now
Not a peep out of these greedy devs about 120fps on next gen console. I’m glad I quit giving them my money. They never cared in the first place. EA has ruined its reputation.
Worlds edge ????? Kings canyon!!!!!!! Can’t wait
Wait this game is still being played ? Lol
I used to be excited for these videos sadly not anymore , the game is dying. Devs at fault
this is so nice
This IS Newcastle eirloom yes 😉
Can’t wait 😮💨🔥
This what we. “Ok I mean me!” have been waiting for.
Why is there no Sephiroth skin and why is the Crypto Cloud skin so bad? He should have spikey blonde hair like Cloud. They didn’t even bother to dye it smh. At least they got Horizon and Newcastle’s hair right.
might come back to apex for an event been a while since that was the reason
Where can i download this game
at lassttt wattson skinnnnn
nice AI art fellas
This is gonna be a crazy event
I just came back to the game and I feel like the Rando😂
This Aerith will clearly buster Sephiroth
The finals > apex
Sony Playstation!!!
Where you get play ff7 remake first!
PC later.
Xbox = NO 🙅🏼
Why? Idk, go ask yo dad Phil and Square Enix.
Sorry, but with skins like these, I think Respawn doesn’t even need authorization from FF. Nobody can tell who are who if you don’t say, some skins are even horrifying and disgusting, like Tifa Wraith and Aeirth Horizon, just check the difference between in FF and in Apex. It’s almost an insult to characters in FF.
Shocked and saddened to see EA using AI art. I mean, it;s not like you pay artists very much anyways. What is there to lose except a bit of rep, right?
reminds me of Infinity Blade from Fortnite hella OP.
I’m not gonna lie if we saw Mikey or goofy would of been hilarious
Wheres mad maggie heirloom
Universal heirloom finally
thanks for making iconic beautfiul characters look hideous like all woke western game.. ive seen better FF7 art from amateurs, do u not have artist over there?
I’m looking forward to a collaboration with cyberpunk 2077 with the Adam Smasher skin for Revenant💀
Better then cs go no hack
A new music pack ?
I just read a book called “Four Wings of the Dragon Goddess” By Theodora Quinn. It had Dragons and time travel which for me is my two favorite things. I highly recommend it.🐉🐉🐉
Let’s turn this thing up fam!
super sad to see the AI art in this
Now each legend can have a potential of up to 3 short to mid range weapons with the exception of Ballistic.
36 crates lol , greedy af
Horizon couldn’t be uglier
Wow this looks horrible…🤢 But guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
I’m so SICK of constantly seeing FF7 stuff. It’s almost as if there aren’t 15 other final fantasy games not counting sequals (FF XIII-2, Lightning Returns, A Realm Reborn, x-2), and spinoffs (Tactics, Legend, Dissidia). For those who don’t know, there are 126 game entries in total, but NO we gotta get more cloud.
This is literally arriving on my birthday. He’ll yeah
skins looking cursed asf
Yo, the Moogle skin for Wattson is just adorable.
호카스 시발…
에펙 흥해라
Who else watched the the whole thing
so we gonna ignore how Wraith looks like Mikasa?!
another update. no content for caustic.
1:12 NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Ronin mains: 👁️ 👄 👁️
Repent to Jesus Christ ”Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.“
Romans 12:2 NIV
We need FadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFade
I need Fade FadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFadeFade
moogle watson is so cute
We have truly reached rock bottom
They should’ve introduced crypto heirloom skin in this
Makes me want to play again!! Especially with a FF collaboration
Who’s Seperioth though????
why does this actually look good
Another pathetic cashgrab
nobody cares, Balance the inputs
Is that supposed to be Aerith and Barrett? They look way off.
“Si se humillare mi pueblo, sobre el cual mi nombre es invocado, y oraren, y buscaren mi rostro, y se convirtieren de sus malos caminos; entonces yo oiré desde los cielos, y perdonaré sus pecados, y sanaré su tierra.”
Dile a Jesús en voz alta: Jesús, confieso que soy pecador. Yo creo que tú eres el hijo de Dios y que tú derramaste tu preciosa sangre en la cruz por mí. Perdona mis pecados. Limpia mi corazón de toda iniquidad. Te doy gracias por salvarme ahora. Amén.
Lee la Biblia y ora a diario. Congrégate cada semana en una iglesia que predique la Palabra de Dios.
Cristo viene pronto!
Visita: Centro Mundial de Avivamiento
You know when people brought up death box skins they were joking, right Respawn?
Love all the new skins for such a broken game…… fix ur game and stop worrying about skins and heirlooms
lowkey looking sick and i’m not even FF fan
free universal heirloom ?
How’s about you fix your match making instead of doing collabs no one wants.
it’s so stupind and funny at the same time, that i have no words
just another annoying game mode
Is lying is no free sword they are lying it not free
Waiting for an air Jordan crossover
Following the path of Fortnite = running out of ideas
Skins are, meh
This is gonna be….TRASH!!!
Dear Apex
I was hoping you could bring back arena. It would be very nice of you to. Cause my friend and I love to play arena.
From Ezekiel
We got FF 7 x Apex crossover before GTA 6
Of course lifeline doesnt get a new skin😂
Am I the only one thinking the segment during purple matera looking Hella sus with aim
No octane in Red XIII outfit ? what a shame !
Kings canyon &worlds edge??
Ah~ This feels great after having played the now terminated FFVII: TFS 🤩
Can’t wait!! Looks awesome!
I loved the part when Crypto never once used his Ult. Truly an Apex experience.
is this a pay to win melee item ?
Y por qué crypto 🤦🏻♂️
Time to spend more money!
Fix skill based match making and maybe I would play the game 🤷🏻♂️
さすが!APEX さん!
Another money grab by Respawn/EA this is why players are leaving and playing Finals
I can’t wait for people to start complaining about the Buster Sword because the devs actually tried something new to change the gameplay hinstead of making it just a cosmetic event.
might redownload apex
I loved the part where everyone thought the buster sword would be an heirloom recolor
Crypto is cloud????!!!
When is the release date??
No thanks.
Why aerith but not cloud?
yayyyy more cosmetics instead of 120fps for console. Thanks!
It’s universal heirloom
This dogshit game is literally dying and you guys still care about skins?
Also Fortnite is putting out crazy crossover and apex is doing a crossover final fantasy?!?! Like who tf play final dogshit fantasy
Horizon as Aerith and no skin for Loba is a crime against reality.
…I’ll probably…dip my foot in apex…one more time
Good job on this one apex 👍☺️
cant wait to not play this
I hate this garbage. We want more Final Fantasy games and Titanfall 3.
I loved the part where Newcastle did omnislash instead of throwing his mobile shield on his teammate, truly an apex moment
I use to play apex every day but it’s just bland now all the new characters are lame all the abilities are lame nothing is new I literally feel like they dont change anything
never typing comments but that’s ffs what the was needing the whole time
The only thing I am willing to throw my money at Respawn is for Titanfall 3.
The Finals is killing apex. Respawn should’ve put some of their eggs into titanfall 3
I can’t wait to see this happen but at the same time it looks weird
Ez money
Newcastle looks hard. Im still getting crypto but nc is tuff
Epic W
World’s edge and kings canyons are back in rotation?
At first glance, I thought she is Mikasa~~
@ea @apex legends
“it’s like a fantasy… a final fantasy”
Then everyone stood up and started clapping
Finally as a die hard Final Fantasy fan this puts a smile on my face 🎉
This looks awesome ! Finally a true collab !
i think i saw Yasuo ultimate on that sword
i want Barret Newcastle and Horizon Aeris so much ! <3 i love it
New male character when? to much femme.
So now we are having Gut’s sword from the anime:Berserk,in game?
I don’t know if that would be so good for every legend tho…
like for who wanna 5v5 arena 12 matchs in apex legends
_it only the begin_ i hear that milion time. well it never end until death has come
0:49 Ha ha ha ha, lol no…
It’s just the ronin animations 🥥
Very ummm okay
not my thing but fair enough
Troonpex legends X Final Cucktasy 7 Remake part 1.5 out of 15 at only 80dollars per game with 10 season pass.
So cool, my two favorite casinos together.
This is a let down
Fantasy final was a fan as I was of apex
Now yall both desperate
wraith kinda looks like mikasa
Wattsons voice is just so 😩
Buster sword wieldable by all legends? One Heirloom fits all !!!! Nice
Ronin mains creaming
its official. apex is now as cringe as fornite
This game is too much bug, please fix it
It’s just so random 😂
Another cashgrab. How community is excited paying real money on event 😂.
We Need the Split for Rank again guys…
Newcastle be ‘Busted a Buster’s shield with the Buster sword’
The only thing apex did wrong was not have a sephiroth skin 😒 yah dropped the ball with that. He was always one of the main characters
Gotta be honest, Crypto is the only one who looks good with the sword
Best Cross over ever!
Dude this looks freaking awesome!!!!!
The characters look horrible, jesus, that aerith
Apex Legends becoming Fortnite?
Not impressed just a cash grab🙄
Мне надоело что делают скины на одних и тех же персонажей, даже не надоело меня это уже заебало, к тому же меч в апексе, это бред!
Hopefully this is gonna save the game.(it’s not)
This event is going to be fun ❤
The knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients is held in the materia. Anyone with this knowledge can freely use the powers of the Land and the Planet. That knowledge interacts between ourselves and the planet calling up magic… or so they say. For anyone who has no clue what that was
(John 3:16,17) “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but should have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” (Romans 10:9,10) “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
It’s look like Guts sword
Who is vali supposed too be
Im not playing apex till its a game mode in Fortnite
Me confused AF but just happy apex is at least trying to step up their game
I like when crypto said “it’s buster time “
Happy to see crossovers. Not a Final Fantasy fan but hope to see more things in future that everyone enjoys like Animes, Sports or other games.
Western doing Western thing
RIP OG Apex, you are missed
what a dissapointment and lost opportunity
Aerith one is scary. Like… they really could have either chose a different character/outfit or at least did something about that hair. Need some eye bleach.
Can anybody tell me who the characters are for the skins?
New Castle=Barret
Not to sure who the rest are since I only played the first disk of the original FF on ps1 😅
Korea:Cloud is Koreans
Now is the time to get back to apex
I sleep
Out of all the games FF crosses over on it had to be Apex smh I wish they went with Destiny 2 the armour sets would’ve looked amazing.
Хрень какая-то 👎))
Another cash grab lets go ea !!!!
Arenas coming back yet?
No cosplay
Should have a skin for ash where she looks like the statue of jenova that sephiroth ripped off in the nibilheim incident
No loba skin?! Hahahahahaha pass
wattson looks so cute
love her skin
When will the game return to mobile?
So like when are Crypto mains gonna finally get our prestige skin because we desperately need a real passive and a better ultimate???
Final Fantasy died a long time ago. So it doesn’t matter what they do now with the IP.
My 2 favorite games crossing over!
The skins all look off like in a creepy, unnerving way
Ending is with wattsons voiceline. 🤩😍
So sick cousin
Trash apex need to do better
So nobody is going to talk about that tonberry nessie holo spray…
*insert trauma here*
getting everything i am so ready
EA i swear, don’t ruin this
Apex please fix the bug with the On Target pose for blood hound its my fav pose and I use it every time
Watch out for cheater in ranked player ID 16045689977111121128 they are hacking right now in ranked
Question. Can Buster Sword R5 be opened with a spa lege shard?
Please reply!
Skins not craftable, and we can’t buy just the Legend skin alone, EA/Respawn you guys want to sell stuff or not?
Everyone gangsta with the sword until they get shot and have nothing to do cuz it’s just a sword.
LOL millions of people will be shooting at me with me having the sword 😂
here we go. the community finally get something new like they always beg for, then later they gonna cry to remove it from the game. rinse and repeat
The one who takes the Buster Sword be like:”Sword core activated.”
Yo bro is that granny Aerith??
I think the sword might be a crypto hierloom remake cause they showed him having it
What’s next? Nicki Minaj and Homelander?
I’m sure it’ll sell tonnes, but this is the sort of thing that drove me away from Warzone.
what is this abomination
I love FF, so weird it’s having a crossover with the most boring BR next to WZ.
Why wraith looking like mikasa-chan
I’ll say the quiet part then, ” this gonna cost an arm and a leg”
$250 for a death box. Respawn its been good but NO im done. These practices are dangerous and discusting and you are well aware of how financially dangerous these can be. See ya
This does not look right
Wow apex legends doesn’t disappoint being the worst BR game just stop making these ridiculous events and go back to your old ways maybe you’ll have a larger community 😂
Nobody plays apex anymore, make Titanfall 3 and ur fan base will be higher then ever
Shuddup and take my money. 🎉
Apex devs running out of ideas and just doing collaborations , loved this game and played it for years but it’s kinda dead now … this move is more desperate than anything else
No love for seph.
I like how Nessie just styled on Seer. Also love the skins, my favorite is Wraith Tifa.
yall really know how to make things lame af
What on God’s green earth did they do to the faces of these women!?
I like when crypto says,” This is only the beginning,” and then proceeds to raise the prices of everything
I’m actually gonna give Apex another go just because of this – FF7 was my favorite childhood game and the Remake has been even better
It’s also been about 3 seasons since I last played this game, so this should be interesting
This looks nuts bruh!!!!!! 🤙🏾
0:52 Titanfall 2 ronin block and dash lol
I hope valkyrie skin isn’t paywalled.
I’m definitely getting the horizon wraith r99 and nemesis skins
Oh, look, Wraith is getting a skin!
Reminds me of the halo sword
so any anti cheat that actually works in this event? Maybe ban #4 Pred from account sharing? No? Just more stuff that cost money. No wonder player base down 44%. Such a shame for a great game.
The scope on the Wingman is 1xHcog, I guess Wingman will return to ground drop weapon.
Maybe I should start playing apex
what the
Sorry, but the game is getting boring. No way to report a cheater on TDM, or bad servers, and the “new content” is almost the same and too expensive…
w8 isn’t wattsons skin just Yufie with extra steps or am i wrong?
These skins are so bad, with the only exception of Aerith – Horizon one
I think crypto should’ve been Vincent tbh
Crypto should’ve Vincent honestly
Bro when they going to add solos back I miss that
please fix singapore server first 😩
That moment when everyone anticipated the buster sword turning out to be a mere recolored heirloom was priceless.
What a sad excuse for a game. Hey, enjoy your event where you have the privilege to give EA money for garbage skins
에어리스 시발ㅋㅋㅋ
The added sword core to legends…I’m speechless
We have Aerith at home.
Aerith at home: 0:49
y para cuando 3 strikes???????
Sooo is it gunna be an heirloom that’s universal or just Newcastle heirloom?
Wish they would’ve had cloud, Sephiroth, or a literal magic gunslinger like Vincent as limited time playable legends
Yep gonna play this game again
EA: lets not fix the bugs but sell more skins
They REALLLLLLY MISSED the Opportunity to add a Sephiroth Cosmetic… Considering Crypto is A Rival to him, it wouldve worked well for Caustic to have it. Call it the One-Breath Angel or something.
never expected an Apex crossover with FF! i was surprised when it was announced at the VGA’23.
While I like valk as sephiroth, Rev would have made a lot more sense. Also the skin looks kinda lackluster
Japanese will pay the most for this event.
most of the skins look mediocre but my god does aeriths skin looks terrible they put aeriths skin on a grandma
Ok, I’m back.
This looks lame, not going to lie. Skins look okay, but like ehhh
The biggest problem the sword is limited time only and not guaranteed through the packs you open. Even if you unlock all them you just get a deathbox skin
Cryptos skin is insanely mid 😐
Yay more skins to a broken game!!
Basic skins 👎
Haha, get it guys? Wattson said “like a fantasy”. That’s a reference to the actual crossover! Final Fantasy!
Isn’t that…FUNNI?!
wow , only 4 payments of $499.99 for each skin and recolor!
Fix the servers
Of course Castle is Barrett 😅😂
Bro the best part is seeing worlds edge back once again
Keep punching holes in the hull. We’re all watching you guys complete sink this game into the ground. How you managed to make this game look worse than it already is, completely shocks me.
You had me after the nessie gun
By far the best apex event I’ve ever seen, the buster sword looks incredible the skins as slick and clean. I have to say respawn 10/10 you have won my excitement.
apex is finally cooking 🔥
this is dumb. period. i miss old school apex
Never play ff. But this looks great. And I normally hate the events.
Crypto strife.
this goes so hard
I’m actually excited for this 😮🎉
Yall gotta stop supporting this bofoonery 😂fix the game instead of adding cosmetics money hungry game
any of 1000 bug going be fixed or add more buggs to apex?
Well done apex, big move 👏 more of this would be a game saver and game changer. Finally do the star wars crossover??
For just 6700 apex coins you can use a sword in a gun game
You know a gun game is struggling when they add a sword as a weapon
Da faq is dis
i loved the part when players realised that the game is starting to die and trying to be saved with collabs. Surely this won’t happen again.
As a ff7 ff8 and ffx fan and a semi hardstuck D player semi can make masters, this collab is insane.
I’m excited for the future of crossovers after today. At least it wasn’t like the Star Wars Croosover
U can do air combos??!!!
nerf aim assist
cant wait to bust all over my enemies with the buster sword
Give us 120 fps on ps5!
I just hope they bring back World’s Edge
can’t wait to fight preds 3staks in pubs 🙂
Regardless of how big the event
Skin still Zuck arshe
When I heard Respawn would appear in the Game Awards I thought it would finally be TF3. Glad to know it’s just some event 😁
Why are they adding content from my all time favorite game to my current favorite game. And I started as a Crypto main, super hype.
1:19 I swear I heard the foxy jumpscare bro😭
“I thoroughly enjoyed the moment when everyone anticipated the buster sword, expecting it to be a recolored heirloom. Despite not being a Final Fantasy fan, I find this special event to be an exciting way to kick off 2024 for Apex! The incorporation of the sword in gameplay has truly blown me away. I’m curious to know whether it’s going to be limited to the event or if it will be a mythic-level reward. 😀”
yay more microtransactions
This game has really lost all creativity. Just crossovers and skin events. No actual gameplay changes anymore.
Beat battle royal out there 🔥🔥🔥
great job now i want to play final fantasy instead of apex on the 20 tick rate servers XD
I really hope this game fps can same to this video
Yayyyy I have no Internet at the moment
So many other better franchises to team with 😂😂 dropped the ball AGAIN!
When’s the Verum Rex and Apex Legends Cross Over Nomura ?! ❤👑🌙
Where’s Sephiroth?
Love the skins but missed out on a Loba/Tifa
Can’t wait for the Fortnite x Apex Legends crossover … gonna be wild.
I could cry😢 i cant partake in the event since ea decided to boot me from my account and not let me fix the issue🥲
Okay but like nobody asked for this, why don’t the just listen to their player base and bring back arenas?
When 120fps on PS5 ?
ai art bruuuuuhhh
Be funny if ash had a sephiroth skin and just kills horizon in this trailer
crossovers are great but this just shows the direction i don’t want the game to go. we just ended up becoming fornite :/
We have a chance to get a free herloom!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Apex thinks they’re Fortnite 💀🙏
Could you please take the time to fix the game as well this season plz ? It has been only skin events so far with no content or problems fixed 🙏
Hope you will keep up with the good ideas
As a final fantasy fan I am stoked for this!! Only peeve is what’s up with aerith/Horizons face!? Is it just me it looks pretty off to me
watson kawaii kupoo!
Wattson voiceover 🫶🏼
dont have craftable skins? 😥
Meh. Not impressed.
Arreglen su juego , no me deja jugar , dice que equipo incompleto y no estoy en mi gun grupo , no me deja jugar desde que empezó esta temporada
Wattson looks like a dude at 1:11
So cool…too late tho I sold all my consoles lol
Dear god the people that are actually cracked might become monsters.
I like the part where I know th skins are gonna cost as much as a final fantasy game.
This is amazingly good
Truly hideous to behold
W Colab!
Not even this can make me play this game anymore
i just want the nessie gun.
What would be the icing on the cake is adding the final fantasy 7 victory fanfare for winning the game
only excited for worlds edge tbf
This looks like it may be the best event ever, bravo Respawn 👏🏼
Watson with the yuffie outfit I see
I’m having Fortnite Infinity Blade flashbacks 💀
Huge fan of both of these games, but they really dropped the ball on this one.
Loba should’ve gotten the Aerith skin, her hair would’ve made more sense, and she wouldn’t look like a thottie for once.
Wraith skin OBVIOUSLY should have been Vincent inspired.
Octane skin easily could’ve been a Shinra security guard since they don’t like showing his face.
Could’ve shown Blitz OR Fuze some love with a Cid skin.
Vantage and Echo could’ve been Cait Sith.
Then again I’m talking about the company that keeps their game alive with skins, not good ideas.
The cosmetics could’ve used a lot more thought… lol
I like how it goes through different materia colors but doesn’t show what they do
I wanna crypto and Wattson clothings
Ronin mains gonna go crazyyyyy
That barret skin……………… Speechless
This would be insane if The Landing OST were the drop music.
is the sword gonna be a thing you keep after the event?
ok, whatever.
at least kings kanyon is back.
I don’t play Apex but I will be starting the 9th FF7 my favorite game & I play Fortnite so shouldn’t be that bad
The buster sword moves kinda remind me or forge ngl
Where is 120 fps on current consoles?! I’m playing Overwatch 2 now, your game = slide show.
Why doesn’t rampart get Barrett’s gatling gun skin and Ash get sephiroth’s long katana skin?
Free to play players missing out once again
I’m loving these new themed skins but where is Revenants Sephiroth skin!? How did they not include that?
I guess I’ll come back to apex just to cop the wattson skin then dip
Już teraz wiem gdzie moja wypłata pójdzie 🤣👍
i quit playing in season 7 due to my ps4 being dog 💩, then finally in season 19 years later i got my cross progression, i miss kings canyon and world’s edge i haven’t played on them in years 😖
Such and ff fan and never thought apex would do this or get to
Needs more content that what was shown all hype not impressed
Buster and fusion sword
Ofc it’s more overpriced skins, we’ve gotten more expensive skins this season than we’ve gotten content in the past 2 years… and while every single other game gets constant new updates and balanced amounts of skins at good prices, we get $25 dollar reskins and no good balancing or barely any new content… The Finals has been out for like 2-3 weeks and already shows it’s better than Apex after 5 years.
Yuffie Kisaragi for Valkyrie and moogle for Wattson lol
Cool… where’s titanfall 3?
This continues to get dumber and dumber.
Loved the part where every comment had a “truly an apex experience” truly an apex experience
Ronin mains gonna go Brrrrrr
Bout time they added some sort of melee weapon…
what kind of disaster is this? what am I looking at here? new bugs/crashes/srv issues, MM R.I.P, toxicity… Respawn: let’s put crossover in apex and sell some s*it. BRUHHHHH
Wattson ❤
Map rotation?
Oh no here come fortnite all over again
Чёт как то не торт.😮💨
Too bad this game is horrible and unfun to play otherwise I’d be hella hyped for this event.
And of course wattson gets the worst looking skin🤣
It seems like EA is starting to understand the business. Finally interesting things in the game like the latest events instead of “more of the same”. It’s been a while since something excited me about Apex
Did anyone else see the mozam get a red hop up? That wasn’t mastika……
Didn’t see this coming!
shoulda got rev as sephiroth 🙁
I wonder if final fantasy is a game in the apex/titanfall universe and this event is like collaboration with the syndicate and a game company or something, there has to be way this would be canon
It’s a weapon???????
Not bad tbh
Can’t wait to get voice lines in the event tracker.
boring, only looks – no content, very little effort, pitiable try to bring the numbers back: you won’t
I know absolutely nothing about final fantasy, which means I’m going to be clueless about stuff but also assume that it’s similar to what would be in Apex Legends.
Bring back APEX LEGENDS MOBILE. Missing so much while we watch the related vdos
Im liking the sound of this, hopping on as soon as i get home.
Буквально геймплей за ронина
Imma just say what’s been on my mind since this first got announced, they really fumbled this by making Horizon Aerith
I’m ready to fantasize if…..
this sword doesn’t cost as much as collecting a legendary skin.
I am a simple man, I am just happy to see WE back
Nerds and final fantasy
Now apex is gonna start Fortnite-ifying?
Bravo Respawn
finally a melee weapon?
will be participating for the wattson skin
Not sold on the crossover so far. But still hope it will be fun
So basically it’s going to be like the Fortnite ice king sword?
Im sorry but adding stats to your gun to do more damage, im not here for this
I don’t play Apex anymore, but what an awesome crossover!
lol wish they put as much effort in the game as they do the trailers
This is a sad joke right ?
Fortnite 2.0?
Now this is hype
I’m just like finally content
Where is the winter express?!
They added that sword from Fortnite from 3 years ago
Add the sword as a playable character NOW!!!
Good way to start off 2024 apex
Where are Cloud and Tifa at?
bro what
Disliked. Your dropping skins before your servers and the outrageous cheating problem fixed. You think this is playable?
Ждём коллаборацию Apex Legends & Dark Souls
I… dang okay… who is suddenly pretty excited???
Im supposed to be on nofap this year
If I had the choice between playing every new orbe or using the nessy one only , i will always choose the nessy
I really want to get this and it’s on point.
DAAAAAAAMMMMMM 😎🥳🤩💪🏾💪🏻💪🤟🏾🤟🤟🏻
wish i was into final fantasy so i had something to be excited about to come back to apex
sugoi, yabai
Wraith looks like Mikasa
I love the part where I stopped playing this game several seasons ago
Picking Horizon for that skin was a mistake for sure… you have Valk.. cmon bruh
those are the ugliest FF7 models i have ever seen. whoever is in charge with confirming the final designs needs to be fired.
Fix ranked and please band these cheaters!! Or just get rid of the band option if it isn’t going to actually work.
Too bad I have no money, cuz you guys finally made skins worth buying
Apex giving us that copium aint no way its a heirloom we all thought we was getting that r9 battlepass skin again but they handed out stars now ik im dreaming
The closest thing to having First Soldier back 🥲
mid at best lol.
Huge opportunity missed, no Sephiroth Skin?
I love the FF games. I am here for this 🤘
I’m glad Apex Legends is still relevant
Oh sh**. I already couldn’t play the game because of Laggs and now another update🗿
I love Wattson’s electricity jokes 😆
Meus parabéns.
I thought we were gonna get a Newcastle heirloom NGL.
No Tifa skin 0/10
Swords? What are you devs doing to this game? Like genuinely?
I don’t understand how a whole team of people can ruin a game this much. I guess it’s irrelevant when the brain-dead kids will pay for the skins & Battle pass. Pay checks are always there for you lazy devs.
More money😢
Making a universal heirlooms a random drop in event pacs where people spend potentially 300$ since one event pack is 10$ on top the u get a death box angel wings skin that nobody going to stare at unless they want to teabag if u buy the whole event XD this is Sooooooo EA looool😂
Finally a good event for once
happening on my birthday what perfect timing
Y’all this is awesome love the sword combo also
They need to add a map to it. It would have given it a more FF feel. The cosmetics aren’t even that good
It would be nice if Barret’s arm cannon was available as well.
Everyone thinking they are gonna get this for free dont understand that the odds will be tampered with. This isnt going to be a 1 in 10 chance of getting. Its an illusion. Most people will need to pay to get it before the event is over. Apex is just trying to draw people back from the finals. But once they realize how unobtainable and grindy this will be, people will realize and just leave again.
Respawn, EA controls too much of your decision making and I will NEVER have faith in you again. Not after the countless lies of fixing the game just to make it worse.
This is just a marketing trick to lure you back just long enough to get a few more bucks out of you. They dont care anymore.
Why should i?
Yo this is cool
This looks terrible
No thank you
Yall still going to continuously lose players 😂
Ngl as a non apex player none of this makes sense lol
a crossover that didn’t need to happen but im glad it did.
My favorite part is when they cut my savings account completely in half!
ofc new castle is barrack lol. Makes total sense. SO who is gonna be sephiroth . That is the question
As a wattson main i cant wait for the new skin
Not mad, Just disappointed tbh
Goofy Ah event
Skins skins skins skin cosmetics cosmetics cosmetics
Selling $130 heirlooms wont save your game .
As a day 1 player who played crypto for majority of apex lifespan wow
there best be a legend looking like noctis lucis caulem
my favorite part about this trailer was when wattson said “its final time” and fantasy VII’ed all over the place
Big W.
Valk Yuffie is GOATED. Universal Heirloom is even more GOATED. My Wallet, however, is not happy about this information. Sorry Wallet…
Honestly super surprised that Apex collabed with Final Fantasy before Fortnite.
The buster sword should be 2H-KO not one. Geeze, everyone watch out for the busters! 😅
So are we thinkin the sword is only usable for everybody or will it be a universal heirloom?
123k views, barely 11k likes, yikes lol
Really? Why not star wars?
Shiny shing shing
That tonberry Nessie holo looked badass.
Wow, this is the dumbest, illogical crossover I’ve ever seen.
This trailer was done pretty well. I think I’m gonna really like this event.
Who is Valkyrie?
its always the shity horizon getting new skins SMH
fqu yo mum EA for banning my account for literally no reason
I hope EA goes bankrupt
Ahoy main Wattson brothers!
No Sephirot’s sword and theme, no return
Underwhelming as usual
Is that Newcastle’s heirloom or Crypto’s new heirloom
I felt it when Wattson said:
“What? We some kinda…Final Fantasy? “
define chase mythic in cosmetic terms. if we hold it and win a game we get it as an heirloom right? surely?
If I get the sword, will I be happy?
And better servers when?
Please just tell me this means final fantasy 7 will come to fortnite too this is a good collab but I’ve never played apex in my life
Ps5 fps 120😤
Yooo that Nessie tho!!!!!!🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢
Dog 💩 event
We want chocobos for ride 😉
Everyone liked this*
It’s just overpriced skins😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The Finals is really making Apex sweat huh. Will this bring back players? ehh maybe. I just wanna use the sword.
The best shooter collabing with one of the best RPGs ever? Count me in
To you OG Apex players:
As a Ch1 Season 3 Player from Fortnite that has experienced the Infinity Blade….*GOOD LUCK*
Good to see Crypto in the spotlight 🙂
Seprioth as ash?
I’m legit playing apex 4 the 1st time since it came out for this event 😂
Missed opportunity to have loba wear the Tifa skin
Aerith looks so bad oh my god
…the Dragonball Fortnite event any day over this nonsense
Nooo there are some things that are not meant to mix. Separate I love them both. This looks horrible
“So much power… it’s like… a Fantasy! a Final Fantasy!”
Sickest Event and crossover in Apex History!
FFVII Skins:
Wraith = Tifa/Vincent
Crypto = Cloud
Horizon = Aerith
Valk = Yuffie
Wattson = Moogle
That sword reminds me of the Halo sword that lunges and brings death.
I really liked the part when Newcastle pulled out the Buster sword, said “it’s BUSTIN’ TIME” and proceeded to bust all over everyone in the area
Es todo lo que esta bien
Sooooo really just an opportunity to sell cosmetics with an LTM that will probably last a week or 2 then we are left with…the same stuff. Nothing tangible like map changes, balance changes or the like. Just add “materia” to the ground that adds already used assets like the attack Nessie.
Why isn’t Catalyst Sephiroth?
FF7 being my favourite game of all time and apex which I play every day since launch, this is the crossover I needed
Does respawn still care about this game
Bout time we got some the finals and Fortnite been pooping on us frfr
wattson mains keep winning, that moogle themed skin is SO cute and i think i will need to get it and learn wattson tech just to use it
I loved the part where everything was mid and costs £100+ for a £15 worth cosmetic 😂😂
Time to abuse the sword
i hate wattsons accent with a passion
I am watching Apex turning more and more into Fortnite as the days pass.
Tava na hora! Vamo ver se assim o jogo nao morre
The buster sword is just people getting their hands on ronin lol
If they ever do Star Wars, I’m getting ‘‘em all.
Little late, Respawn. You can’t start trying to finally add content this many years after release.
they completely failed with the tifa/wraith skin. i dont get how they manged to make such a simple yet iconic look be this boring. i think ill rather buy voidwalker then this 🙁
Trash. Lol
i hate they did aerith so wrongly
EA spending money on another failed game for a partnership is the end of the game 😂😂😂😂
my heart have a double-heart-attack
So glad to see Apex doing something new!! I might actually hop on Jan 9th
disappointed :/ the event may be the only worth while thing and even that is overwhelmingly disappointing
Seeing the 1st person pov it takes me back to playing as ronin online on titanfall 2.
Glad worlds edge is back k
WHAT CAN I SAY EXPECT Buster Sword here.
Loba woulda been a better Aerith.
Worlds Edge and Kings Canyon. I am excited for this!
EA: That’s gonna be $500 for the buster sword thank you, have a nice day. 💀
Just throwing in my two cents. I have only heard of Final Fantasy, haven’t played any of the games. Thus this event is not for me, but can someone tell why this intellectual property was chosen over something else. FF does not seem to have much connection to Apex, not in style, or developer, or culture. So why this, is my question. But I don’t mind if this sets a precedent for future collaborations. I am waiting for a Star Wars one.
Vincent plz
Those three four APEX’s musical notes are SO legendary!
Outnumbered 4 to 1. Focus. Plan. Attack. 🔥🔥🔥
“Finally” showing some love to Watson. 😎😎😎
Is that newcastles heirloom?
wow, this actually looks pretty cool and also fun
Please can you ajout the mod 1vs1 on all maps no ranked like 2V2 and 3V3 cause im 1VS3 all games its verry boring i love your game but i need the 1V1 mode for or enjoy it
Finalmente um evento achei que o Apex ia morrer só falta lança modo solo agora
So basically ruining the game got it😂
Now this is a good cross over event!! The wraith skin is 🔥
missed opportunity to make Ash as Jenova
Ngl just looks like another dead event 😐
I give a few days after the event till the community is back at “Apex is boring “ why doesn’t resoawn care yada yada yada. 😂 it’s always “Is this the start of apex making a comeback to bringing to community back to nah we still hate you.”
fix conduit please
i want them to do a colab with street fighter now. let us do dragon punches, hadoukens, and spinning pile drivers for finishers.
Respawn could fail us, but Square Enix never could
This is great but the ranking system…
The only form that Rebirth is coming to Xbox
I need more to be excited
What a spit in our face that we get paid comsetics when the game servers are broke, the audio is broke, no 120fps for consoles, aim assist issues, cheaters in pro scene, rewasd, ETC ETC.
I know i’m asking for much but this is the part where they use the Wraith lore portals or something like that and make Cloud a playable character 🥺🤞
The fact this only has 78K views in 2 hours shows how far Apex has fallen. People saying you have to buy 36 cosmetics to get the buster sword heirloom… Respawns greed knows no bounds.
No sephiroth skin is insane
Very well done!
I’ll be honest the skins look bad. But I hope people have fun in this event at least
Fix the game, we dont care about more cosmetics
I know this is final fantasy, but new castle was giving blade vibes 😂
Buster Sword usable by all legends in place of fist/heirloom! Drop chance in each pack you open “Plus, collect 36 Event items including a new Death Box and the Mythic Buster Sword R5 Melee cosmetic—equippable by any Legend, in any mode. Unlike a Collection Event, there’s a chance to get the Buster Sword R5 in every Event pack you open”
Wait so this sword is going to be available for all legends to pick up and use in the LTM. However is this also the new castle heirloom that only he will be able to use outside the LTM ?
I loved the part when they said they were going to fix the matchmaking and add a solo mode! 10/10 ign
No Apex… don’t become Fortnite.
green materia healed when i played final fantasy
You dont need to get all 36 event items to get the buster sword, it has a chance to drop from any event pack, although most of us wont get until the last one anyways
That gobshyte doesn’t deserve clouds clothes 😂😂😂 but the rest looks good
Olympus re mapped to one of the plates of midgar would of been awesome
My heart can’t take this amount of happiness I am feeling
fix your mmr
Looks dead tbh 😂
Fix Matchmaking and Ranked ! GIVE US SOLOS
unpopular opinion but I actually find the aerith skin to be good for horizon regardless of the hate she’s getting
God, this is dope!
So unexpected!😭
Mejor arreglen el error del cross progression en xbox ya 2 meses sin jugar y ninguna solución de su parte 😅
Red materia summoning a Nessie.
oh no that sword reminds me of how fortnite weapons were busted
Okay. This is pretty cool
I…I…🤦🏾♂️, I’m not coming back to Apex for this..Sorry not Sorry.
Now a star wars collab with lifeline as princess leia. Revenant as Dart Vader, Bloodhound as Chewbacca, Gibby as Jabba the Hut, Pathfinder as General Grievous, Bloodhound as general Akbar, Fuse as Han Solo, Ballistic as Obi wan, caustic as Palpatine and Octane as Luke Skywalker.
meh :/
ruin my eye
I truelly hate it….make a new map, increase players per match, make solo fun, bring in a new weapons, create destructible environment… upgrade the servers…..but no
Perhaps they want to increase cod’s player base…I’m not even sure anymore….
How many Apex players actually played final fantasy
Does the event fix any of the core issues tho…? Whoever falls for this is an idiot.
Wow we’re back!!! 🔥🥂 don’t hold back now respawn. Let them developers loose
A wattson skin for a wattson main about time , but words edge an kings canyon thats what im talking about
Хорошо, что фф7 не западные разрабы делали. Там бы у всех такие ебла были 😂
Definitely would have enjoyed star wars way more! This was not a good crossover
AMAZING! Keep hittin’ the community with the new content Devs. Thanks agin. APEX4EVER
Erm Fortnite already had a sword 6years ago 🤓
People still play this trash?
Where is the sound? Fix that idiots!
Can you fix the matchmaking, add actual content, and make it so that it doesn’t give you a matchmaking suspension when the game crashes? Looks cool tho
Respawn have been sellouts for a while now … 🙂
Stinky poopy
Apex Legend players are so bad at hitting people with guns that they gave you guys a sword finally lol. Reminds me of a legend they were thinking of releasing that could melee people for extra damage as one of his passives 😂 (forge)
Other games than Fortnite can do crossovers too?😲
Boooo! Hiss
AAAAHHHHHHH this is even better than I had anticipated, the Materia effects are such an awesome idea! I love you Apex <3
ash or revenant should have been sephiroth😂
wow es horrible y sin chiste!
Sorry you fell off 🎉❤
Only Apex could make FF7 skins look bad smh
Why is the skins look so weird on crypto and wraith
Still don’t get it I’ll see when it drops💀
Final fantasy apex collab is something i never thought i would see! 😱 this explains why i love apex sm
this is actually so sick
Aerith should be wattson since crypto is cloud y do you guys hate these to so much space mommy makes aerith look horrible loba should be tifa new castle as barett is spot on Damm this game And its miss match characters
So when this stuff coming titanfall 2, it a part of your dna right
No helping you guys lol
When Fortnite X Apex Legends
A Wattson é a melhor lenda sem dúvidas❤⚡
wow i might actually return to apex after a year !!! ?
I had a cousin who would have enjoyed this event
Materia???? Wow
It was time for them to wake up, right?
I liked the part when they said they would change the ranked system
Every single event is a showcase for new skins that they want you to buy.
No tifa?
Never thought i see a Newcastle combo a wattson before😭
Prolly the messiest trailer yet, but one of the most hype ones cause they are doing an actual collab
Wait but can we craft the skins? I want the Wattson one so bad
When Newcastle heirloom coming?
Ronin mains rise up
Every tf2 player nightmere 0:31
Not having a Tifa skin in a FF7 event is INSANE
Surprised Watson wasn’t Aerith or Jessie. Horizon has more that Madam M vibe.
Best Watson skin ever, being able to remove the hood would be incredible
i mean, this aint gonna change anything, roller players still gonna be able to one clip every time and theres still cheaters in every ranked game wooo
Si asi es como respawn trata de seducirme para regresar a apex… Pues si funciono 😊
Oh wow it isnt a heirloom recolor lol. Well overall ig it looks cool
$25 per skin and $500 for the heirloom take it or leave it.
Why’d crypto look baked while holding the Busta sword ☠️
what does the nessie gun have to do with ff? EA really throwing in random items and calling it an event
As someone who never played final fanatasy you guys should do a better job explaining the orbs
Thats the only good think u can do is your events and skins 😂
Buff Crypto Plsss
Aerith without japanese skincare
fortnite 2.0 :'(
I love the fact that bc Apex is Dying. Yes albeit slowly. But still- now theyre relying on collabs to try stay relevant
Great now can you please add skydive trails to the exsiting prestige skins that dont have it
sooo hype
The materia is such a great idea, can’t wait to get randomly knocked in 3 bullets by an r99
The sword attack is giving me Ronin vibes
Ok…. Color me way more impressed than I was from the teaser. Surprised they incorporated so many FF things into the gameplay, adding materia was freaking genius. I will say I’m not as hyped as I wanted to be for the character skins. BUT, they went HARD ASF on the some of the gun skins 👀. The Car, Nemesis and Havoc look sick.
I could’ve seen FF anywhere but Apex….
Apex is good without final fantasy
Wattson looks so cute
Sword is overpower? similiar sword fortnite? Lol
Take my monies
Revivan el Apex Porfavor
The skins still looks like them n there really nothing new other than the blade… hope they actually bring in game skins that look like the event they are displaying…. This just looks like another crossover to me like the post Malone one it dint have anything post Malone there other than new skins that look the same
This is sweet!
Finally Titanfall just doesn’t have Apex crossover but FF.
When Titanfall 3?
Awesome 😎
Anime crossover, exactly what the playerbase has been asking for! Thanks Respawn
Damn…I might have to break the bank for Cloud , Aerith & Tifa theme skins… Moogle too! hahah! too Awesome! My Favorit game of all time meets my fav BR….too awesome! This will help time pass for FF7Rebirth!!!
This looks exciting and fun. I was thinking mirage would have a Cid skin.
Será una reliquia gratuita
FF7 is the best game ever made.
I’ve never dropped money on a collection event…..might have to this time
its not free keeps dreaming noobs
Max, you got to try this now dood !
Who tfk plays apex in 2024
Quien en su sano juicio pensó que era buena idea usar a horizon
RIP Apex legend.
This is the first actual collable apex has made
Did blud just get jumped by a nessy
Just in time to catch up on the Crypto lore…
This looks awesome ❤
they used stable diffusion ai filters….
Worlds Edge thanks
Nul à chier. Sauf pour le mode de jeu faut voir. Mais franchement faire une collab avec FF quelle grosse erreur. Genre cette event va parler au fan de FF ( ET ENCORE ! vu la gueule des skins…..pas certain).
this is so me when the fantasy is final
ya.. im done with apex. like. its just so stale now.
Looks C R I N G E
☝🏻😮…… 🤣
Finally a cool collaboration
What in the aim bot was that r301 part? Lol immediately switched enemies
At 01:28, my jaw dropped when Wattson said it’s like a fantasy. Okay. Now she is breaking the fourth wall with this APEX Legends X FF7 Remake crossover. Imagine if Dissidia Final Fantasy / FF5 boss, Ex-Death said this line. Is this like a mirage? Oh wait. That name sounds like one of those legend characters in APEX characters right? 🤔
Lookin’ gooooood!
As a note of feedback, I could not read the effects for the first two Materia as they stayed on screen for too short of a time.
If crypto has the cloud-like skin why tf it isnt his heirloom…?
So how do you unlcok the heirloom for free
worlds edge coming back is all i needed to see
Wow that looks amazing can’t wait
So how does one get the buster sword?
Finally no more broken moon
I miss apex legends mobile 😢😢😢
фу блять упал во чтото
Вот это просто пушка 😍💥скин на Ньюкасл просто супер. Безумно жду.
Vuelvo al juego🗿
Not buying anything, horizon looks more like A man than catalyst does😢
Boring 🥱🥱🥱😴😴
Ash Sephiroth when?
This looks kinda cool🤨
Omni slash in apex legends XD
en verdad la gente pidió esto?????
Wow… This is wayyy better than what I imagined.
Ну скин на хорайзон топ остальное фигня
мммм ху3та. Каждый раз одно и тоже только бренд другой и реколоры. Ещё пару месяцев без этой игры пожалуй
The industry is dead
Yeah Take the great final fantasy in the dirt…..idiots
People still play this garbage ?
Aerith skin is CURSED!
game is officially dead boys,its time to move on.
can’t wait to get 20 code leafs and 3/5 games with serversided packet loss how is titanfall 2 an 8y old game have better servers than apex lol
Finally new content
This is so lit! WE ARE SO BACK
the barret newcastle skin is so perfect 😭
I was getting bored with the cosmetics. Apex needs to release skins more often.-Nobody
Can’t wait to get destroyed by 3 stack preds with swords. Truly an apex experience
It’ll be crazy if bloodhound uses a buster sword
Ok I think I’ll be back on Apex now finally
Crypto as Cloud, Newcastle as Barrett and the Buster Swird being an item you can get like the Infinity Sword in Fortnite
I’m sold
Newcastle finally gets a good skin
1:08 i can’t belived they used Ai generate art style
Can someone gift me the Wattson skin por favor?
Lets go baby
how the buster sword and how it works would be great for a Ashe ultimate rework
At 01:28, my jaw dropped when Wattson said it’s like a fantasy. Okay. Now she is breaking the fourth wall with this APEX Legends X FF7 Remake crossover. Imagine if Dissidia Final Fantasy / FF5 boss, Ex-Death said this line. Is this like a mirage? Oh wait. That name sounds like one of those legend characters in APEX characters right? 🤔
It’s looks fine but I feel like aeirth shoulda either been Watson or conduit
Yuffie watson is the best watson skin
I didn’t want apex to tarnish my favorite Final Fantasy VII…
I feel as bad as if I am having a nightmare.
To begin with, the costumes of the characters in File Fantasy VII are not even close to the apex characters, and it’s a disservice to the fascinating characters in File Fantasy VII.
BUSTER SWORD giving me fortnite mythic sword flash backs 😵💫
its enough to make a grown man cry, and holy Christ that sword looks dangerous
game is dead and these devs are posting $20 skin events 💀
lower the prices
ok this looks good
Hope this event is the start for Apex making a comeback really don’t want this game to die
I better skip this ff season
I am absolutely getting that Newcastle skin.
I’m really hoping their will be some legend tweaks to make the game feel fresh, and change the meta🤞
I love both games.
But the theme just doesn’t seem to fit well in apex characters.
So Apex finally decided to stop ripping off franchises and actually do an official collab for once.
One word
As Ash main I really hope this sword is a test for new Ash ult. Basically Ronin kit
Yo an Apex comments section not just talking about monetisation?
People must actually be excited 😂
Good job, Respawn 👏
ついに来たかJAPAN LOVE WOTAKU 歓喜 最高❤
Revenant as sephiroth
We are so frickin baby!!!
For those asking: if you unlock all 36 cosmetics you get the Buster Sword R5 as a Cosmetic Melee Weapon. This can be equipped on any legend and it replaces your fists or heirloom.
It only has added gameplay benefits if found in the special game mode. After the event it’s just a melee weapon with some inspect animations.
It WONT be going to the mythic store after the event. This is your only chance to get it, as of right now.
Nessie.. bomb’s..nice
Apex trying to look like Fortnite but it’s doesn’t look good 🤣
This is the worst decision you could have made for this game maybe the first real cross over should have been when you lied about alien and predator skins
slowly turning into fortnite
It looks amazing! I’m hyped for playing it !
man no body cares, fix mming
Please fix the game and stop overpricing things like this.
horizon wraith & wattson look incredibly cute
Finally dropping Crossover events! 😭 thats good n all but hopefully yall start focusing on what people really want. A balanced game starting with AA being taken out the meta 💀
0:41 Can we aggre this transition is smooth as silk ?
must buy valk, wattson skin.
I haven’t played Apex since the first few months.
But you know I’m about to install and drop my wallet on this
new year, same old OLD Apex
Ok cool now nerf aim assist, get rid of configs/scripts, and change ranked. These cosmetic events won’t save your game Respawn.
meh this event typical skins again
i like how there is a hop up probably thrown by a player in this spot . Truly an apex experience
Man this turned into fortnite REAL quick lol.
Community: *wants Titanfall 3*
I just hope that this is gonna be a fun LTM and not weird Revenant thing again.
Apex comeback???
I love the part where they fix the matchmaking
I love it, beautyfull.
Where is hot tifa skin
SEE. THIS IS WHAT WE WANT, EVENTS WITH CARE,SOUL, AND LOVE IN IT (and Wattson in it) but Happy New Years, I really do hope for the best for this year and the games life
Finally some content 😮😮😮
Amazing game <3
Why noone talks about how bad key art is?
Can you do non Anime events. I could care less about japanes pirates and this BS
It’s insane that they made some of the best looking designs ever look so bad for this crossover. Tifa and Aerith skins look horrendous, I don’t even know if I want them.
Hope they bring something new in anniversary event 😅 not just recycle content
Holy moly
Tifa Wraithhart corn is about to go crazy
Fun Fact: the series is called Final Fantasy because the development studio, SquareSoft, was as risk of bankruptcy so they put all their efforts into this one title as a *Final Fantasy* to get the studio back up and running.
They succeeded.
The disrespect to sephiroth lol.
You had one job and you let us all down
Game currently has 20hz servers, no audio and a completely broken ranked system so let’s release a collection event
The buster sword animations are perfect
seria bueno que arreglen sus sv de brasil y dsps siguen sacando plata ……….
Awesome 😎😎😎
Mikasa is that you ?!!
Nobody is hitting a shot on newcastle while he pops that finisher lol
I want Mirage skin…
I mean, it’s aight
Modo solo
I noticed no Tifa cosplay skin.
Bruh Apex is so desperate huh … haven’t been playing in months and now this 😂
As a final fantasy fan and crypt
main I’m going to cop the cloud skin. Also materia being included wish there were summons though.
this game is so bad.
please changing rank system
I see they’ve finally found a use for the datamined ‘pilot’ sword files from Titanfall 2, good on them.
Payez bande de pigeon vous ne deviendrez pas meilleur mais au moins le PDG de EA pourra partir en vacances à dubai
So basicaly we get the infinity blade
please give us 120 fps on console even fortnite has it 😭🙏
I wasn’t expecting wattson to be moogle but hey she look REAL GOOD + they made it fit her well & Valk as yuffie OH YEAH BABY, last is NC as barret is on point.
My wallet may suffer for these 3 cuz I don’t think I can afford more…
Edit: the materia is something I wasn’t expecting them to go the extra mile for it but look really interesting
Bravo,I wonder if we can get a better server
Yo FFVII hype is real. Lets go APEX x FFVII 🔥🤩
EA needs to learn that skins are Not “Content”
*People Who are Wasting their time and money on this (Controller Only ) game* – 💀
holy shiet
A real content?
not just overprice and recolor skin?
is this real chat?
Where is Newcastle heirloom :)))))))))))))))))))))
it would be even better if we got a better anti cheat and better audio, along w that working cross progression. And a better ranked mode. :”>
Besides the post malone event this is the first apex event to make me feel hyped in a while
looks like they really scrapped the bottom of the barrel huh.
fix the bugs and the matchmaking!
I can think of two reasons why Loba should have been Tifa.
I truly think this is the best thing apex has done from the beginning lol
Still waiting for Mad Maggie heirloom !!!
1. I really WANT and NEED that crypto skin rn.
2. I don’t ever play Wattson but that skin is so adorable for her.
Now everyone can use cloud’s weapon heirloom!✨☀️🌟❤️
I love the part where Crypto picked up the buster sword and deltarune music started blasting
The Apex Developers Clearly Hate Mad Maggie!
This is awesome & amazing i love it ❤❤❤❤
Don’t be like fortnite, please.
Everyone exept newcastle looks awful
Finally as a die hard Final Fantasy fan this puts a smile on my face 🎉
This event really can save apex
Fun fact: Lego fortnite has more concurrent players than this game
I’m confused…so is the buster blade not an heirloom? Its a wieldable item? So what exactly is a Chase Mythic?
im sad theres no wattson sephiroth
No conduit skin? 😢
No Honey Bee Inn Crypto,no buy
Crypto x wattson canon carajoooo
Rule of thumb, every masculine testosterone filled muscular gym rat male has to grind for that wattson skin, no discussion. It just be like that yknow
Honestly witht he collaboration being official i think they really dropped the ball with the skins.
Yall really couldn’t have given us winter express tho?
Just happy we can finally use the Nessie gun again
Rare apex w
I never thought apex would crossover with anything. This is wild
Épico! Astronômico! Estupendo!
Wattson skin looks fye
All this time for this??
Wraith look like character from AOT anime
Where is Apex Legend Mobile?
Wattson is such a cutie 💖
there gotta be a catch you lot NEVER do stuff this good
I remember in the game awards everyone though it was a Titanfall event.
Still mad till this day.
Couldn’t care less about FF all im hyped for is Kings canyon and Worlds edge!!
When they shut down First Soldier and sell some of those assets to a competitor. Gotta make that money, eh, Square? XD
Titanfall 3?
And after that Newcastle’s Heirloom
Yoo apex finna make the biggest comeback of 2024 watch 😎‼️‼️
This is hype.
Is wattson … clussy??
Jebie redditem
This is the weirdest timeline…
The Wattson skin though and the tonberry ness emote apex about to get so much of my money.
Ngl, quite excited to use the buster sword, never played a final fantasy game before but I like the look of the event
aaahhh yes, I love another regular event which each skin will cost 25$
Hope that sword Is not pay to win
Game dead
Its Fortniting time
This actually looks sick
Obviously us old heads love FF7 but I’m curious if younger gamers know or care about that game. It came out 25 years ago
– never going to the mythic store
– 36 event items (return of thematic pack???)
– the R5 Buster Sword (heirloom) is in the packs, you dont have to buy the whole event
– equippable by anyone anywhere
Bad choice of characters, fun mode.
But to be honest, Apex has been boring these days.
So did the r301 give the guy aimbot
Newcastle hitting more combos then I ever could
Yuffie Watson, yuffie watson!
I can’t wait to install and uninstall in the same day…
Am i only say this the worse collab?
Only Characters that look good is Newcastle and Crypto, I guess watsons skin is cute.
Yo adding materia to apex gonna go hard
So the big sword from fortnite.
I was playing a final fantasy game a couple weeks ago, this is very ironic lol.
Its official. Apex is becoming fortnite with all this crossovers. Can’t wait for them to add building
I don’t wanna be that guy, the event looks Great but, Where is Sepiroth?!!!
I find it weird how the cloud crypto skin isn’t Blond but the Goku one they have is 😂
A event we don’t need. How about try and fix the game with the current problems it has rather than always giving up event just to get a dollar
Oh no, they made an infinite air punch combo into a feature of event.
1:07 AI art?
That sword melee atack looks soo op.
I love it!!!
I hope it turns into a legend ability, maybe a ash rework?
WOW, Apex, you popped OFF with those weapon skins. HOLY, the skins for the havoc, car, nemesis & dmr are the best weapons skin to ever release!!!
For a second i though the sword was an Universal hairloom for every legends
watson <3
Wait so the sword will be available randomly in event packs ! But what about countries where packs and lootboxes are forbidden by law and thus non existent ?
The first time being excited for this game
No Sephiroth???
Que bosta
worlds edge???🤗🤗🤗🤗
Finally, an heirloom that is equippable by any legend 🔥🔥🔥
Was a horrible crossover… so many difference crossovers to pick from and they chose this… apex is dead and will die out this year.
WE ❤
Stormpoint trash 🤬
Pass dont like the skins
Pubs is ranked at this point.
will we can craft this??
So, are the skins purchasable online by money or can I craft them?
Cool sword I like the additions made here but please don’t become fortnite 2.0 with all the crossovers
Whoelse thinks the newcastle skin looks like the fortnite meme were the default skin is really close up
This looks really epic! They incorporated more than I thought for this event
Praying pleading honestly BEGGING they dress Caustic as the black mage and Revenant as Kefka
respawn being a dub fr
Crypto Vs Wattson at the end👀, we might be getting some more lore between them
Where titanfall 3?
Favorite game of all time would be the one thing bringing me back to Apex
Thats Yuffie/Wattson skin is too good
Gonna be sick 🔥🔥
I’m more hyped for the return of KC and WE than anything else
So what does the materia do?
Love final fantasy, slowing down on Apex. Still optimistic
I will never take off the Barrett Newcastle skin
At this point i’m convinced they will never do a good crossover
So worried about money instead of releasing 120FPS for consoles and fixing the trash servers. Game is dying if not already dead.
Hard to be excited when my favorite legend is left out of the collab with one my favorite jrpgs series
give mirage something sheesh a story of the outlands and skin something
could of literally gave him the Vincent Valentine skin but chose wraith who isn’t even the same gender when Yuffie skin would of been so much better for her.
no surprise you all dropped the ball with one continue to make this the most underwhelming season in apex history
good pass for me
Crypto my GOAT💯🐐🖤🤧
Did I just watch a Nessie put down Seer?
So no Caustic skin?
The skins are gonna be on store only ? Or u can craft em with materials
the only FANTASY here is your wallet, and we shall be the FINAL witness -Clive final fantasy 16
No heirloom recolor, no crypto buff
EA mentality
Ranked changes S20 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
mais do mesmo skins feias
Bring back three strikes
letsf gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
brings back fortnite season 7 with the sword
With this you’ll be sure i am back in the game
No bloodhound skin😡🤬🤬
Yeah nah, nightmare from Fortnite infinity sword pass
Is actually apex getting something new and fun to play?!?, that’s crazy and something i never expected to see, and finally we also see something new
love this idea, but can absolutely already see the “pulse” meta being even more abusive/oppressive here. the Conduit + Rev combo is going to be absolutely devastating with a buster sword in Rev’s hands while being ulti’d/shield charged. still happy to see something new/interesting, though.
Random crits are fair and balanced.
Apex is the new team fortress
Might be time to retire wattson’s cyberpunk skin:)
Cuando le hagan una skin buena a wattson el mundo se va partir en dos
apex did not want everyone switching to the finals xdd
This shows the slow death of this once great BR.
I’m looking forward to a collaboration with cyberpunk 2077 with the Adam Smasher skin for Revenant💀
Add all the old map
I loved the part where they were trying really hard to save this game from oblivion.
Soooo when is Conduit getting a new skin?
Ofc nothing for octane again 😢
Looks insane!!!! But Crypto’s skin is sooo bad!!!
Pls we need PvE story missions every seasons 😢
I love the part where they cleary lied about console 120 fps “coming soon”
Please 🥺 take the moon out
Wattson skin is pure juice
$30 for a skin…..
i like the part where the heirloom is overpriced, not true to final fantasy 7 experience
Cloud sword amazing!!
bring back solo’s
Wait so can you buy the buster sword separately
That’s a cute wattson skin😭😍
Okay, the fact that the Buster Sword is actually usable looks very fun.
They added random crits to the game, they learned nothing from Team Fortress 2
I can’t wait for this
Materia is such a great idea. Loving it
This is going to be do good hfs
No sephiroth skin?
yeah ok
Maximillian_Dood stream incoming.. maybe 😂
I love that part, where they ruind apex
only good thing about this is wraith’s thighs
Apex is back!!! Let’s goooooo
wraith never getting left behind with skins.
Why crypto isn’t blonde bruh?? I thought yuffie’s hair is black not silver?
Another event that has more overpriced skins.
I would care about this event if I liked and played Final Fantasy. Does it look cool tho? Sure
I hope that those who do like FF will enjoy this crossover event.
costumes look too different they are barely recognisable.
Looks like they created these as more of those discount ripoff skins but then reused them after getting the actual offical crossover
So no sephiroth…
omega missed opportunity for revenant sephiroth
Boring. Want solos.
Definitely buying that Wattson skin…
This is a moment in history
Finalmente un evento que no depende de skins míticas o reliquias, evento ENFOCADO en el evento
Yo, the Moogle skin for Wattson is just adorable.
Poooouurraaaa demoro hein
Sadly not a collection event…
Alex’s first crossover and they choose….this?
Respawn could ship me bricks of solid gold right on my doorstep and I still wouldn’t return to Apex. I’ll just play the Final Fantasy games.
Fr thought it was gonna be a new heirloom for crypto
0:53 CHECKMATE 🔥🔥🔥
I won’t lie this looms pretty sick.
That is the best Watson skin ever released. I need it now as she is my main 😊
I love the way my boy crypto was wielding the sword!!!!
skins seem trash, but that sword will indeed be fun
Nice i thought buster sword was the replacement skin for crypto but nope it’s an event item
Just….. What?
Buster sword is a great trial run for an Ash rework. It looks fun.
Now Apex is becoming Fortnite?
is crypto supposed to be noctis or am i trippin
KC back in rotation. Massive W
where is bh heirloom recolor
Bro the dragon slayer sword looks fire
I’m sorry is Wattson a Kupo?? Interesting
I have never played one second of Final Fantasy. I don’t know what any of this means.
The downfall of Apex
APEX this is what you NEEDED!! Spice the game up. Fortnite got big when they added a giant sword in the game but it took you guys 3 years longer to think of this. I hope you make an uprising cause thsi is def a needed event to try and keep the game alive
To see this be real thing officially now it’s wierd
Could not be gayer
Remember when the director of Chappie wanted him to be in the game, and the developers toyed with the idea but ultimately said no because it wouldn’t make sense with the lore?
Well how do you explain this 😂
ok fine i’ll boot up apex again.
Ahh yes. A random overpowered weapon giving the first person to get it a huge advantage in fights and changing gunfights. Definitely haven’t seen this backfire before.
I wonder if you can break through the same window they did with the sword??? 🤔
This is discusting, Put the actual characters in the game not their clothes not their skins.
Genji:- mada mada
Yup apex must been dieing so bring a crossover
Reply if you got banned for doing nothing 👇
Yay, I can still get destroyed by preds after work for the two hours I get to play each day!!! In lobbies I don’t belong in…
Ah yes more skins, Apex is coming back from the dead fr💀
Bad collab 🥹
Loved the part where they fix the game
A Final Fantasy collab and the skins look as awful as that .. woah that’s a new one respawn
i think if apex keeps this up this may bring their game back
That’s arguably the best Watson skin ever released
I want likes
Crypto looks more like wraith than an actual charector 😂😂😂
As a crypto main the only skin I’m interested in is crypto’s and I’m worried about the buster sword gameplay I’m hoping it won’t be OP
They really always come back and H I T us with something we LOVE
No thanks
Хороший год для апекса
Nothing special just money grab things as always.
Pretty much what I expected. Wish the outfits would look a bit more like the actual outfits in FF7 though. Well, babysteps. At least we are finally getting actual collabs.
Fortnite Sword the sequel
Most unexpected collab
A sword like this… now that will really help me cut the power. Get it⚡️
Every LTM is worse than the one before
I mean the sword animation are taken from the Ronin titan in TF2
For what a legendary skin of whattson??
That looks sooo bad on horizon 😅😅😂😂 should of given it to loba 😅
Again useless event for ret*rded on a deadgames full of cheaters.
More 160$ skins and recolors will bring players back trust me guys
Wake up apex you’re dying
Loved the part where they gave free skins and loved the community and appreciated it
Algo me dice que la espada será nerfeada 1 día después del comienzo del evento.
Watch every last 2 squads is gonna have a buster sword fight lol
Im coming back to apex
Final Fantasy collaboration before a Titanfall one. Yikes.
Link in description is broken 😢
Знаменательный момент
This looks awesome ! Finally a true collab !
The next crossover is with Peppa pig I’m calling it
I loved the part where everyone thought the buster sword would be an heirloom recolor
This is so great!! I’m glad my man Crypto is getting the Cloud makeover 🖤✨
Why did they deadass make newcastle look like a monkey?
Yuffie valk and moogle wattson kinda hard, fix the game 💀
“That’s a big sword, for big boys only.”
Valk es yuffie ctmmm
Cut the power 😂😑
did Nessie just attack someone?
Im gonna be honest with you Chief, I dont this this will revive Apex
Sword feels like that one old Fortnite season with the infinity blade. Except it’s only first person mode
“it’s like a fantasy… a final fantasy”
Then everyone stood up and started clapping
Fortnite been real silent.
The thing I don’t like is horizon as aerith,
But can we summon meteor?
This is the coolest thing ever! I love FF.
LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ay mi respawngod donde estas ven
final fantasy ah event
Nice, now tell us about Titanfall 3
Buster sword already broken. 😂
If you didn’t like the trailer like this comment.
Hay mucha gente usando chetos mejor chequen eso y dejen de sacar eventos basuras
Ain’t no way, final fantasy collab !!
Why yall steal pyramid heads blade
Oh wow
Yeeees finally
Cool events ahah but u do that only for money, stop pls, make the game better
Apex done got infected with the fortninte collab disease😭But I’m all for it💪🏾
wait what
Finally, some overpriced skins for the anime kids
Been waiting since tga for this
New content not just skins perchance???
Aí eu me obrigo a voltar a jogar esse lixo de jogo ! 😂😂😂😂😂
no updates can save this game if it still has cheaters in every match
never thought there gonna be ff and apex crossover
First, i love it amazing
im here
How many of use wraith?
id rather Play The Finals
Nobody wanted this
Game is dying badly, hope this raises up something
I loved the part where everyone loved the part