Apex Legends: Uprising Collection Event Trailer
Apex Legends ends the Kill Code saga with the Uprising Collection Event! Kicking off Dec 5th, you’ll fight in the new 30v30 Revenant Uprising LTM as a Legend or as Revenant’s army. After the initial week, Revenant Uprising will be exclusive to weekends, where you’ll get an Account Level XP boost while playing the LTM! Plus, get a damage credit boost of 1.5x toward your Prestige Skin Challenges when you play any mode, during the entire Uprising Event!
Complete 4 different Weekly Rewards Tracks with cosmetics and unique Gameplay Powerups for non-ranked BR, including Health Item Vision and Reduced Ultimate Cooldowns. Don divine armaments with 24 limited-time themed cosmetics. Collect all 24 Uprising cosmetics before the event ends to get Loba’s new Prestige Skin “Apex Lycanthrope”–and prove that wolves are deadliest when cornered.
Learn More: http://x.ea.com/apxl/uprising-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/playapex.
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/playapex/.
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 19,apex legends trailer,apex uprising,apex legends kill code,apex legends uprising collection event,ignite battle pass apex,apex legends skins,loba,octane,gibraltar,revenant,lifeline,valkyrie,duardo silva,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (1039)
W Vantage skin. L Match making system. Getting a pred in a sliver lobby is wild. Fix it.
“24 inspiring cosmetics” 🙄yeah right. It would be nice if there were some cosmetics that made it feel like the characters were in a gritty sci-fi universe and not just on their way to a PRIDE parade or burning man festival
wall running!!!!
Halo 3 Infection still lives lol
I’m Team Revenant
Well… Time to get folded by movement experts 😊
I’m just wondering what’s going to happen to octane now seeing his friends betray him and his only family die in front of him might change him
Vantage getting a good skin 🥹
Yay! TF2 movement is back in Apex.
I GYAT to get that skin
In memory 🤣
Did that say hour long event?
apex been a W since post malone
no one talking bout the crazy octane skin at 1:19????????????? best cosmetic in Apex history, prove me wrong.
Octane needed a mythic skin for his father grandad too
I think this mode is a fight or fright remake
It’s just shadow fall and they should’ve done it every year.
It’s the revenant uprising!!!!!!! Love the look of this event!
make three strikes a perm and we’re good in my book
Ahhh, $200 skins.
in memory of duardo silva goes crazy
What about the Christmas event?? 😭
That torromow right
75% Abilities 25% Fighting..STOP MAKING NEW LEGENDS, This is turning into overwatch
When is it coming
As a Loba main, I cannot wait any longer.
مسيلي على نفسك يا ديفلوبر يابن المره المتناكه ابيض ياخويا 😘😘🥰🥰
can you guys give as that we can save more Random Favorite skins in this collection event why just up to 8 why not 100 or 200
Fortnite galaxy skins lol.
i felt myself levitating when revenant hit that wallride 1:03
So nothing new.
That rev tectical wall run looks just perfect
Where’s winter express!!!? 😢
I’m a loba main bro i have her heirloom… Now I NEED her prestige skin smile😅
Her finisher move reminds me of the barbatos lupus rex wolf noises with the red eyes and everything.
is this how the revenant from the other dimension became ruler of the world? have a arm or something.
1:04 I hate the fact that it looks like a wall run but it most likely isn’t
Aren’t those titan drop ships at the beginning?
Fangs… Wolves are known for their fangs
Wall running?
Bruh I swear if they give us no packs from the event for free I swear…
Seems like wall running is back which is a major w. also loba’s prestige skin looks nice. RIP silva
I love Loba
a mad maggie prestige skin would’ve been better
Wait is 20,000 apex coins enough for the whole collection event?
Muy rico ese aim assist de la loba
How is the cinematic live event only gonna b an hour!! I’m literally gonna be at work during that
1:41 hope that’s how the scream sounds for the finisher in game
Entonces Eduardo si se murio Drake
This event actually looks nice.
On an off note, it’s funny how loba wants to work together with everyone even though she wanted to keep him alive to suffer more.
We all gonna ignore the fact octanes dad was 90 YEARS OLD.
No way Duardo Silva was 90 years old
Why does this feel like the mode that 2042 should have had as their Halloween event…? 😂 More or less the same concept but it was TERRIBLY executed on 2042.
They should keep this permanently
Yes the game mode is back
drecks game seit season12 leider schade
I hope it also brings audio fix… Not being able to hear a full squad moving and a lifeline ulti drop on the ground right next to us in rank is just too bad at this point
I like how they’re making the prestige skins match the heirlooms finally
Ya paren con loba llorando por el fiambre de su papá, ya murió, haganla madurar, ni puede ser que sigan con esta mierda de lova y revenant desde la temporada 4, contraten algun guinista que no recicle tanto por el amor de dios
Still holding my red shards for Octanes prestige skin 😔
We couldn’t have this on Halloween???
Thicc ahh werepyre
This New Mode remind me of Fortnite… Looks fire tho 💪💪🔥
This event finna be lit 💯
This event might just be what gets me back into the game, not because I am a Loba main, but because of how epic this chaotic event looks!
Where is winter express
They just shamelessly added dark matter from bo3😂
What has apex become..
One and a half times more damage for prestige skins?
Are you really not even embarrassed and disguised that you introduced pay-to-win?
So it one hour only when most ppl work?
This video should have started with: Ready to spend some money?
What is the song? Fits the cinematic well!
Your telling me that Duardo was 90❗️
Why can’t we always have fun looking LTMs like this
skins are trash
Can you guys just make Titan fall 3
octane skin prestige nya kapan? 😢
bring back 3 strikes please
why they keep doing this a simple mini game with so much marketing just call it Zombie mode or infected mode_-
respawn give me titanfall 3
same battlefield 2042 event idea but ok i will give u more money sure….
Soooooo we all gonna ignore the fact he just walk run🤨
So they reskinning the first Halloween game mode…God, this game is so creatively bankrupt
Tell my why literally everyone except pathfinder is getting a prestige skin
Apex Redemption Arc?
Apex can delete the legend “wraith” many event so much legends comes again and again but wraith get lost all othe legends becomes their own wardrobe, every legend has AT LEAST twice as much to offer as Wraith
I’m a wraith main but that loba mythic skin looks awesome I can’t afford it tho I will try and buy it next time I get heirloom shards
Would be more fun if it was a pve gamemode with like, tons and tons of em running at you with super aggressive ai.
I am wondering, did this game ever do pve or only pvp events?
this game still exists?
Im mad at the lack of more Loba and Bloodhound lore. They have had interactions that wouldve tied in well here but so far just nothing.
Eminem solos apex collection events😂
I finally get to play the first Halloween event!! With titan fall movement
Woah woah woah woah wall running!?!! YES!
Yo wall running
So apex ewok hunt got it
Bring back Arenas!
As a revenant main I see this as an absolute win. Finally something to bring me back. Ngl I’ve been on Fortnite chillin there cause to me rn Apex kinda boring after the whole Post Malone event ended
what a hack job with a prestigious skin on the forehead, unlike other prestige ones, I waited for it for so long and in the end I got more or less one phase of the skin sad very sad
im proud to say i havent played this game in 2 years, despite being a day one player and getting all of the battle passes up until horizons season i think. they know titanfall players missed the wall running and double jump, why else would they show that tiny clip of wall running? this game has devolved to another generic EA money grab.
please just give us a good game i will give anything
When are the previous prestige skins getting their dive trials???
1:03 Did Revenant just wall run!?
Would be awesome if wall running was brought into the game
Mirage prestige skin when?
Bro pulled up with a dark matter bo3 camo 😂
Hyped as a daddy rev main
Is it normal that you open 400+ packs without getting an heirloom 😃 I swear I’m gonna slander this bs game every chance I get , don’t spend money on this scam show
As someone who just got Heirloom shards from free Apex packs I’m 100% going to get Loba’s prestige skin.
Is it normal that you open 400+ packs without getting an heirloom 😃 I swear I’m gonna slander this bs game every chance I get
lag and bugg game …awesome game…………………………………………….ck
best game mode so far. literally the exact mode i dreamed of having 🥲
This annoys me Loba getting a free pass although she’s been the main cause for nearly every bad thing in the lore…
It’s the random rev jump @ minute 1:13 for me 😂😂😂😂
Wait, this is the battlefield 2042 Season 4 trailer music.
bit late for a Halloween event
1:26 What a beautiful showcase for the new prestige skin. I really hate the way these games are so aggressively monetized, but I can’t deny how great the work of the artists is. The outfit is so well designed, and the editing and sound design for the trailer is superb ❤
Life line still neglected
My *Main* gets an Event! YES 💀 BWAHAHAHAH
( ahem anyway wall running again is gonna be *killer* )
its only for an HOUR T-T
This is looking fun gotta say
nobody talking about that smooth transition
Another reminder that these scumbags removed trail rewards from ranked in order to introduce $160 trails.
Another really requested mode return – kudos.
nerf aimassist, make an anti cheat that works, make ranked great again instead of blasting the money into air with ur boomer skin trailers
I see wall slide
Skins, skins, skins and more skins. Ahhh yeahhh that’s what this game needed, more skins.
Can you make the prices reasonable for once
Mid prestige skin
Mortal Kombat finisher and left 4 dead gamemode
Dont play octane but take my money for the skin and the r99 skin
Apex legends: Age of Revenant😆
I want that loba skin so bad, but I’ll literally never be able to get it 😫
did bro just wall run?😮
Bring Arena back
Tired of Revenant things… Apex, get new lore and give pathy a prestige skin.
Please for the love of god no winter train this year!
All 14 of the Loba mains are going to be happy
R-99 skin looks cool asf
It would be better to return the old rating. Why am I playing on silver against masters and predators. And I have players in my party who give 300 damage for two for all 10 minutes of the game. When as I have 1500+
Wait.. Duardo was 90 yo?
😅He doesn’t look 90 but 55
Respawn’s really out here putting the word “Titan” in Apex trailers like a kick in every pilot’s nuts
ah so a renamed late halloween event, respawn keeps getting lazier
This is just a glorified version of shadow fall but I’m here for it
Bring all the perks from apex mobile
Why is no one talking about the WALLRUN?!?!?!
Yo they’re bringing back the best game mode from 2019???
The wall running looks like it will be fun. Especially as a titanfall fan
Titan fall vets finna eat good in this mode
If only they put this much effort into titanfall
please bring back arena mode. <3
This looks lit! the shadowfall like mode is going to be awesome. Who agrees?
That loba heirloom skin looks trash, why couldn’t they do one for Gibby or Horizon would’ve been better
Oh thank goodness they changed how lona sounds when she does her finisher 😂 But this looks fun though. Never got to play og shadowfall
😍😍😍🤗🤗😆😆😝😝✌️✌️👉👉🔥🔥🔥✅Lifeline Lifeline Lifeline ✌️✌️😆😆😝🔥🔥💟💟😍😍
IN apex after koefficient > 1.5 there 1|3 of cheaters macros users soft console pc players and other shiteaters// better make normal anticheat based on AI net by behaviour(accuracy+wh checking+reapeting many times same move without any changes)
The executions have been too mid for $160😭 Bangalores animation is CRAZY compared to these new ones
IN apex after koefficient > 1.5 there 1|3 of cheaters macros users soft console pc players and other shiteaters// better make normal anticheat based on AI net by behaviour(accuracy+wh checking+reapeting many times same move without any changes)
I’m excited for Loba’s prestige Skin. But i don’t like the look of it. :/
as a Loba main, me likey
That octane skin tho 🤑
So..besides the immensely large power vacuum that’s been opened now, does this mean blisk is returning to commission the games?
Another event with no crypto skims. Love to see it.
Giving loba a prestige skin before gibby pathy and lifeline even got one is lame
This cosmetics trailer is 🥶🥶
Wait so if we’re not able to watch the cinematic in the first hour we’ll never be able to see it? On a Tuesday morning? When everyone is at work or school?
Octane got that dark matter from black ops 3
Loba has the berserker armor
I love this trailer
That roundhouse kick is Nasty shheeesh !
so shadowfall is kinda back?
Now get this in 120 hz for console and we’ll be good to go.
Hahahaha😈 I been waiting for this day to come. Idk man should I wait for octane’s Prestige skin???
So Loba is gonna tout about being together when she kicked Valk and everyone else out for seasons? Ok.
Plz just end this story already or make them F already Respawn. I don’t Mean Rule34
Zombies for apex lookin fire.
1:04 wait, is that a wallrun???
Wait so when does winter express drop?
Rip Duardo fr he was a bad person, but he didn’t deserve to go out like that.
gives me titanfall vibes
That loba prestige skin is awful looking
description says 30v30.
lord I’m going to feast on the 5th.
Loba: “We have something he doesn’t. EACH OTHER!”
Revenant: “I have, like, thousands of me. Hundreds of thousands of me.”
cod zombie’s
so….apex got PVE before overwatch did is what I’m hearing
I was just thinking doesn’t say each other don’t say each other don’t say each others since it’s so cliché and than bam she says it.
Okay, not gonna lie. That cinematic was actually fire 🔥
Loba skin looking sick
Duardo Silva was 90 years old? Seriously? Octane is 26, so Duardo had a baby when he was 64 years old? I know it’s the future, but seriously, Respawn.
Rest In Peace Duardo 😔
Pónganle condón que se nos viene 😮😮
is revenant wallrunning?
Did they buff her bracelet cause it looked like it went farther out.
yo al ver a memoria al abuelopadre de octane Ay Drake si se murió en serio
Apex never disappoint
first time im getting hyped for a prestige skin, holy moly shut up and take my money
“in memory of Silva. Titan of industry”
Would you say the… Titan fell?
1:24 you have nothing.
Adiós Eduardo 🤧😭
Rip octanes dad 😔🙏
Bro the 2WEI music in the back is 🔥🔥🔥
Anyone else remember this music was also in the season 4 BF2042 trailer.
Apex cooking
I wonder if someone (possibly the forst person to die) gets to play as Revenant instead of a clone as him
Loba <3
“Titan of Industry” mmh… can’t wait the Game Award for the Reveal of Titanfall 3 ( I still don’t take my pills)
WALL RUNNING !!!!!!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
How is Durado 90 years old🗿💀
….So how does this work lore wise?
Everyone things im gonna waste money. But im going to buy this at christmas ngl
I’m a Apex free person now, so NO and thank you
I want a energy handgun
And Titanfall 3
so it kind of like infected in a way
That prestige looks prestige as prestige as that 🍑
revenant technically owns the games now
That Octane skin! Oh man!
Whare is Winter express????????
As an Apex fan I played this game for too long and after 4 years (since before season 1)I uninstalled the game but now with this event I’m gonna reinstall it, its like the first Halloween event which I missed it so bad
Nice job Respawn, u never disappoint🫡
wallrunning in apex?!?!?!?!
haha great trailer, kinda awkward timing for some memorium of a old guy dying recently 🤔
fornite is best
So still no Arenas ?
if revenant dies then APEX dies for real
Loved the ending scene 🙂
Ok but like… that octane and r-99 skin??? BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
I love the part where the main characters got pushed by the whole lobby, truly an apex experience
I swear you can build a whole franchise around Revenant’s lore. He’s been the main theme for a bunch of events of this game, and would probably stand out in a single player game if they never do another Titan Fall.
Smoking that silva pack
Not even gonna spend anything on this game no more. All my 2k and 3k badges all gone all cuz they couldn’t import simple stats over. Will still play but no more money coming from me 😊
Woah this trailer gave me chills
What was that wall ride my man :0
Are you trying to introduce apex players to wall running? Keep going, prepare them for…
Great event that I may not be able to play because my game is bugged since the cross message, thanks respawn 🙂
Leeeeeettttssss Goooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Rev is taking over the Outlands!!!!
There goes my money
3 strikes mode needs to be added permanently!
One thing about Apex, they know how to make a clean trailer 😂🙌🏾
That wall run was so clean. Was that guapee?
Duardo 90?
YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS! THEY FINALLY BROUGHT BACK THE BEST GAME MODE THEY EVER WASTED!! LET’S GO! I hope they keep it this time. It should come around minimum once per month.
The narrative that apex pushes is disgusting misandrist narrative
For all the people who said shadowfall wouldn’t come back in any form 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
Team Revenant or Team Loba, I’m team Revenant
ohhh man can’t wait to play!
What a joke. Copying Fortnite to the fullest and people still invest in this game. Another collection event as well? When does the real content start? When does the cash grab end? No wonder the viewer count is dropping along with the amount of active players. This is disgusting and that’s an understatement.
Now this is what you call a collection event
Sooo… It’s a “Revenant Fleet” then?
Wheres the Last Resort when we need em.
Its so sad Duardo died of Ligma
Add cross progression
Esto debió ser el evento de halloween
I have a request can you please let the people who didn’t get the new revenant skin before season 19 start can still have a change to unlock the new revenant skin during this event but have to complete only revenant missions 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Duardo got a better treatment than forge
why arent yall doing a christmas LTM this shouldve been done during halloween bruh
Oh great, furry Loba
Shadowfall with extra step OK
1:51 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
guys are exhausted don’t give them money
More cash grabs… This game is going downhill fast…
I love the fake wall running
In memorial. I love it
He’s 90 years old! Dame, medical technologies must be amazing.
Let’s gooooo 😆😆😆
Wow this halloween event looks great.
He was 90!?
Her execution is the most disappointing
Uy esa skin de octane ❤
Like a zombie mode awesome
Titanfall 3 when
Now this is a W event if you cannot attack people but only revenants thats gonna be awesome
La mejor skin de Valkiry
Revenant must feel like a god
As a Wattson main. I’m infuriated with rage. But whatever works with the lore ig
damm too bald the mythic skin looks like dog water
YASSSSS GIMME DAT LORE-BASED GAMEPLAY. Coolest event since Broken Ghost, cannot WAIT.
OK I see you
Oh .. There goes my recent paycheck….
bring back 3 strikes
Hold on, an actual good gamemode😂
How do I play the finale ? 1:47
Did anyone else see wall running…or was that just me?
Lackluster finisher for loba but the event looks chaotic. This will be interesting
Revenant: Being human….is overrated💀💀💀
That R-99 fye
What cinematic is live for an hour? Is that supposed to be today?
Музыка великолепна
I dont get the last part 1:47 which 10 AM what day
Rip Duardo 😢
WALLRUN !?!??!?!?! 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
Actually disappointed overall in the skin and in the finisher :/
2WEI never disappoints
So no one’s gonna talk about the galaxy octane skin?
When does this come out?
This looks incredible! Unfortunately the live event is Tuesday 10 am to 11 am which is when I’m in school:(
Another cash grab event? That tracks.
Not to mention the fact that the gamemode is just the Halloween event, but during the day..
It is already in the game?
Ugh The Loba prestige 😼😻😻😻
honestly L loba skin for loba mains, kinda feel bad for them. But oh well, good I stopped playing this game a year ago after putting 1500 hours into it and not achieving anything spectacular xD
This better not delay winter express!!
I hope the wall runs are real cause that’ll make the game even better
was that… WAS THAT A WALL RUN ?!?!?!!?!
Valk top, Loba trash, it’s too valk ivent ?)
Dear Respawn staff ✨ I’ve been playing Apex since Season 6 and it’s a wonderful game, but “3 simple changes” would be enough🏆 to make it even better (especially for those, like me, who play with random companions).
. Equip everyone with a p2020 pistol and 60 ammunition right from the start🔥🔫
. Score the damage inflicted in ranked games (rewarding those who shoot the most)✨
. Score ‘Ko” in ranked games (even unconfirmed ones)💫 The frustration caused by terrible loot at the start and by selfish companions who do not confirm the people who have “knock out” would be greatly reduced
The galaxy octane skin sheesh🔥🔥🔥
Why does this feel so…. titnafall’ed
Make three strikes a permanent mode!!
when to watch this finale cinematic live?
The first Vantage legendary skin that isn’t B tier or lower
It’s like CoD zombie mode but revenant way!! This event🔥🔥
Nah dis low key hard
Okay this trailer got me Hype !
We better still get a Christmas event lol bring the train on world edge back lol
No Conduit skin… sadge
Those skins go hard.
Okay I am coming back Just play this new event.
I’ve never wanted to buy a mythic skin so bad
So does Octane inherit the whole thang now or what
That Loba Prestige finish brought back killer instinct Sabrewulf memories. Delicious.
Wall run!
I didn’t even know Duardo Silva even died 💀😭
Rip Duardo Silva
I remember back in my day u earned your cosmetics and everyone being mad about 3 dollar horse armor how low the gaming industry has fallen could be stoped if all the people would stop opening their wallets ruins it for everyone else
0:58 funny
1:04 HOLY
Revenant Killed Octane’s FATHER!!!!!!!
Please reduce aim assist and make this game like $5 please so we don’t get as many hackers 🙂
Yup octane skin on preorder 🤧
Ooooohhhhhhh my god!!!!
That was insane!!!!!!❤
Now this looks like a good event. Just cuz it’s connected with the story. The lore it’s always the best part for me
Is it December or is it October?
The beginning of trailer feels dark 🌑🕶️
Loba is gonna blackmarking my wallet 😅
What was that galaxy skin
머야 이거 pve? 개꿀잼이겠다 레버넌트 옴닉 사태 ㄷㄷ
Loba skin 😮😮😮😮😮
age of ultron event
Aw yes how could I forget the wolf’s fames claws cause that’s what there known for not there canines but claws
Just give us Titanfall 3 for the advanced movement again.
Rip to that 1 guy innit
I like how they use soundtrack Simillar to battlefield
Yeah the same intro as DCS AH-64D.
ah yes, power of friendship…..wow. Apex sliding down the hill again not even sliding they started punch boosting
Now this looks like fun it’s almost like the Shadow Royale
in the early time of Apex
They just added titanfall wallrunning..cool
RIP Duardo; You weren’t too much of a Good grandpa to Octavio but at least you remembered his birthday and was celebrating it. Too bad Kaleb came along.
I’m pretty sure people don’t want to spend any more money on your trash game😂
와 미쳤다
The trailer is great! Developers, do you have plans to add a 120 frame mode on the current generation of consoles?
brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo waiting this af
bring back three strikes cowards
Bro tell me this doesn’t not give you season 3 vibes bro they are pushing out content THANK YOU DEVS
I remember the days when lore was an active part of the game. Glad it’s coming back
Ea handing out W lately
I like how this trailer filmed like a marvel movie
When can we play this? What does it mean at the end “live for 1 hour”?
If only i had a PC i would be playing this so much
Interesting but can’t play because of the “Party not ready” bug. Reinstalled game and did everything i found on internet, nothing worked on Series X🤷♂️
Getting this Loba prestige skin before a Story from the Outlands special intro animation skin is ridiculous.
1:03 бег по стенам? 😍🤤
I’m loving the BO3 dark matter skin on octane, looking forward to play 👌
Лоба :безумно можно быть первым. Безумно можно через стены 🐺🐺ауууффф
That wallrun by Rev was clean!🔥
I hope Octane gets revenge for his father 💚🙏
Can’t be only me that saw the wall run rii 👀
Nah they went crazy I can’t lie
Is nobody going to talk about that Rev tactical into wallrun !!!???
Man if that’s not a sign for a Titanfall return, I don’t see what would be.
I feel like this was a poorly shot/edited trailer.
Death stalks the ignorant, intelligence will guide us to survival.
Loba: “…we have something he doesn’t…each other”🙄
Meanwhile Revenant has more “each others” than he’s ever had. 🤦🏻♂️
1:50 he deserves it
Can you play live today or is it just dec 5?
bro ima not try in this gamemode, i wanna be rev, you know why?
this season is definitely one of the best ones until now 🔥
This looks fun but I see a lot of players leaving when their squad is wiped.
Honestly, L for the loba prestige skin.
A revenant apocalipsis will be so scary xdd
Придёт серенький волчок и укусит за бочок
A bit disapointed in the loba prestige finisher, just wish it had more like the others, but overall a good event it looks like
more revenant updates instead of adding next gen or fixing the servers
Plz change the map to old maps plz i hate your map plz change plzzzz👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
I have not played this game in a while, but this looks really cool.
LTM is just the 1st installment of the Halloween LTM from back in the day. 😂
I could never make and do what these devs do. They get all of my respect. Their creativity and imagination though needs some work. They can’t help but recycle content. 🤷♂️
Oh my goddddd this looks amazing!!!
HEHEHEHEHE, Nice trailer. XD
Titanfall 3 confirmed
I get the plot of revenge and keeping rev in apex, but holy heck Loba is an idiota. So many opportunities to just get rid of her parents’ killer and decides to keep him alive.
Guys, play this mode as much as possible. Pump those numbers up so we can show them that we want shadow royal back
I was sad this Halloween we didn’t get shadow royale/fall but now that I understood why I’m happy
Not that great of a loba finisher tbh
Oh hey Valkyr from Warframe is in apex
Finally something with a story line.. actually a decent one too, love the Loba finisher, the skin is “ok” the Valk skin is pretty nice too.
Lookslike the shadows event re-named… but we will see.
So he’s not killing his head so he wants to be alive?
You guys know that loba bracelet to the evac ship thing is not going to work right?
Ooh nice, introduction of green screen skins, old ltm with a twist, and not to forget amazing details of the progression skin lessgoo….also is the new mode solos?? (Sounded and felt that way)
W Respawn! ❤❤
Такое событие, я фанат ревенанта и на днях апекч решил перестать работать ноомально на моем пк😢
We got Wall Running FINALLY !!!
Still need titanfall 3 bro
We Need titanfall 3
I am for once actualy hyped cuz i upgraded my pc and its gonna be a lot of chaos
yo yo yo hold up let me get my breath back , what a trailer 😲
Finally, new event and new game mode!
Lowkey that R99 skin looks awesome
need terminator cross over?
“We take care of each other…” Loba didn’t say that before, she just used them to get what she wanted.
But now and only now does she want the rest to support her? ha ha ha. Respawn is making Loba look even more pathetic xD
This mode is going to be uuufff <3 <3
EA u obosralis, close your small indy company
Ngl it reminds me of Battlefield 2042 Season 4 trailer vibe ❤️✨☀️👍
1:38 is that a new gun!??
🤨 that doesn’t look like a christmas event to me
Okay but an Apex Live Event would go CRAZY, right??!
Horde mode? Pve?
is duardo really died or it was just a fake death
So duardo is 90?
Finally we get a boss battle in Apex Legends
1:25 またゴキブリがパイロットの特権ウォールランを行使し始めやがった
Noooo green screen skins are coming to apex 🙁
Play it when exactly like what day
I miss old Reve … With the Silencer and Death-Totem 😢😢 wish they bring him back (OG Rev Main)
Best event ever!
Games that charge 60$ in game for items are silly. Apex is silly.
WELP guess Loba became Guts with that prestige skin
Loba:”We have something he doesn’t ”
Me:”A furry”
wall running?
TITAN of the industry?!?!?!?!?!
So technically does this mean revenant is the weakest legend in universe since all the other legends are gonna win?
1:03 this is it.
The only thing about the prestige skin I don’t like is the final form still has the braids. They should have just not have had the hair sticking out of the helmet at all.
duuude they just added mann vs machine in apex!
I wonder who they are gonna have replace el dwardo maybe lifelines mom since she does business with him?
Ееее переделка хелуинского ивента и кринжовая во всех смыслах лоба юху
Silva’s 90, bro aged gracefully
Can we talk about that 99 skin tho? Thats absolute FIRE over there!
Win, Rev, Win!
Is this how Revenant takes over the Apex Games? Like his Shadow counterpart
Took yall long enough to drop shadow fall again.
Basically a zombie mode. Cool!!
Im here for bangalore skin…
This event may be a remake of the original Halloween event and could be decent for a few games. But nothing will top 3 strikes, bring that back and let us have the option to have fun and not stuck with the same game modes for 3 seasons..
Event is Fire the skins are sick don’t let this game die it’s the best of all time it’s are future
duaro silvia has 90 but still looks max 60
Thats what i want it
Why can’t it be a Christmas theme event
Is Bangalores skin a call back to a traditional Zulu hat? Fam this might be the first time I spent actual money on a skin.
Oh cool i know this song
So we getting a Left for Dead kind of thing?
Nerf aim assist 👀
The octane and r99 skin all I want
0:13 Wakanda Forever
Here comes all the ” TRULY AN APEX EXPERIENCE ” comments 🙄 so annoying 😒😒😒
Please make the older prestige finishers available with each tier. Its unfair that only 2 have it and the others dont. It adds alot more worth and value to the prestige skins!
Loba Mythic skin Lewts goooo
Wall running *LETS GOOOOO*
honestly i like the bloodhound skin the best
Definitely my favourite prestige skin design, and Rev army seems like nightmare fuel, but im ready xD
Is that the fortnite r-99 and octane bundle? A must-have 😂
Bascially shadowfall but without the night time maps and every ”shadow” is a Revenant frame.
I want YOU, to join the Revenant army. Rev wearing an uncle sam outfit
Looks like Shadowfall but with Revenants instead of shadows
According to some other people, that wasn’t even him. That was octanes grandpa, so who knows where the real one is
Respawn you guys should make a defensive legend with an ultimate with mini tornados 🌪 three of them at a time spinning the opponent doing some damage while in it. A tactical that’s a wind push knocking them back an passive that allows them to run almost as fast as octane
Remeber when shadow revenant said that loba wanting revenge is exactly what caused his rise to power in that realm? yeah now were seeing it in this realm…
Nice another dogshit event instead of fix bug and deal normal anticheat system
Duardo Silva is dead it’s so sad, anyway wall run
halloween event LETSGOOOO
Wow another collection event. I wonder when cross progression is coming.
Look how easy they incorporate walk running 😭 wish it was a normal thing instead of just for the event
Notification 🔔 squad
Is the same mode in battlefield 2042 hahahahaha you are sooo creative😅😅😅
Pssssssssssst, Respawn, halloween was a month ago
Winter express when?
Recuerden: todas la leyendas de defensa y la nueva, y pathfinder serán muy útiles para defender y escapar
wallrun huh
u parasites keep feasting on the legacy of your elder brother don’t you
That Valk skin with the wings
zombie mode spin off???? halloween spooky style trailer??? a little late but better than never
why i feel like Duardo is still alive , somehow
Wish I had 150 bucks for this 🙁
Looks like I’m playing Apex Legends again
Does anyone else think that Bangalore skin is awful?
0:24 they knew what they were doing😏😏😏
I like when (A) did (B). Truly an apex experience
A: Character name
B: Generic wallet joke or actual apex experience
Was that a wall run?
Oh my gosh, that revenant tactical into a wall run was just such a beautiful way of telling us there will be wall running in this event and i am all for it
Wall running!
Her finisher is mid asf 🤦♂️
1:21 galaxy weapon skin like fortnite…
Her other skins look way better than this metallic furry fit they’re calling a prestige skin. Magenta militant is easily the best loba skin
Cool but when is custom games gonna be good? Still waiting for them to let us fill in slots with bots or smth
This is so epic I am not even lying
that was actually cool
this is nostalgic game mode.. you let people make there way to top 20 and last 20 players teamed up to get to the escape route.
Where’s the octane reskin
Duardo dead, is it mean revenant going back to hammond?… Whose gonna make hes new body if all of revenant army that he bring destroyed…? The only thing left is only hes head …
That octane skin is fire
was that Dark Matter from BO3😮😧😧
I just dont like the fact octane hets another nice skin
I’m just here for the absolutely cleanest valk skin ever.
What does it mean play the cinematic trailer?
Revenant is full on wall-running at 1:00
Okay, that Loba mythic skin is actually incredible
Nice Event but you forgot the part were you add Three Strikes permanent
Apex Evolving
Мечты сбываются
They still suckin revenant i see smh
they are trying the valorant nebula skin thing
That immortality stim didn’t help him?! It kept him that young at 90 years old!
No way he’s dead.
for the first time in a while, im excited for an event. i want that octane skin.
LETS GOOOOO. It seems like apex may be cooking another W event.
Hope they buff loba for once
What’s more surprising is that duardo silva WAS 90!
“Being human is overrated”💀
revenant gang
wallrunning and duardo silvas death thing saying titan of industry, EA just give us titanfall 3 please
cant wait to get the skin!
Octane’s dad was 90 years old????
is that dark matter r99?
Something tells me I won’t be affording all those lovely skins 😢 but yay revenant ❤
No titans? Dont care
How much does it cost to get the prestige skins? Roughly the same as heirloom? (Assuming using crafting mats for like 2 epic skins)
Rev killed loba father mom new upcoming legend and the apex legends ceo truly the best lore character soo far
ouch 🐺💔💀
Gotta admit the Loba prestige finisher is super underwhelming compared to the others😕
who needs each other when you are the whole (REV) army. ?
finally a good vantage skin
Halloween 2.0 ft christmas
Is that a new Vantage skin?
Caaaaaaaaraca!! Muito foda essa Skin da Loba❤❤🫨🫨
Wait, Duardo Silva Create Titan?
prestige skins are so trash and this is no exception. why is a skin that you can’t even see when you play valued the same as an heirloom that you see all the time
They brought back the very first halloween game mode. Finally. It was the best they ever made.
Though I hope they did something about the leaver problem this time around
Well done developers! The plot between Loba and Revenant was played out interestingly. I hope the other characters will also see some light in the plot.
This looks so coool
yea the game mode is cool but
*octane galaxy skin*
Fortnite halloween 2020 lol
kinda got me a lil bit of chub goin on, this looks sick. It’s refreshing to be excited about Apex again.
So .. how much need to spent to get the prestige skin ?
gyatdamn new loba content
Apex really hasn’t stopped with the fire events
The trick or treat event, then Three Strikes and now the uprising, all of them have been so good
Revenant Ultron
Are all these revs artificially controlled or player controlled? I dont really get that
1:05 wait, wall run is back???
wait, its back. the best game mode ever but story wise =D
looks like I am about to play rev a bit more now that you can wallrun
wall running? uh oh
1:16 this line for some reason made me laugh uncontrollably and for an uncomfortable amount of time
Another cash grab event!?
Sooo cool
wait a minute, is it me or was Revenant running on walls like in TitanFall 2
what is this on the end of the video is it like gamemode only avaible for 1 hour or what?
Воллран лол
Once again, Pathfinder gets forgotten.
Can’t wait to join the Revenant army 😍This is going to be awesome 💯
They copy cod warzone zombie outbreak
I think i just cried a little im so happy
I loved the original halloween event, but if this is replacing the Holiday Express mode this year, I am honestly baffled at their timing. This really feels like something that should have happened last season.
“But we have something he doesn’t: each other”
I mean, rev got himself, a LOT of himself, Id say thats enough xD
Like Main Loba, I NEED THAT SKIN
I dont care about collection events siphoning $160 from people. Make Apex fun again. 3 strikes was awesome should’ve been permanent.
Dark matter camo??
I hope three strikes type mode comees back
It’s better to cross-cross normally done. All my skins disappeared after the accants were merged. But they gave me 10.500 currencies that I didn’t need. It’s better to return the skins to me!!!
Loba dragging Rev as per
I liked the part where the Revenants wallrun, just like our dashing dreams of Titanfall 3 running away from us 😢❤😂😂
We’re so back
I didn’t see a date. When is this
didnt they just made master trail a heirloom think?
when we should expect a diamond trail xd?
This looks so fun
So we all going to ignore that wall running from Titan fall???
Bro did anyone else notice the wall running? I hope they actually add that to apex 1:04
so is there extra AI revs too? cus that was a boatload of revs LOL
I don’t get it, what happens at 10AM PT for 1 hour?
I dont care I’m joining Rev’s side he’s been my main since season 4
Tho it would’ve been cool for Loba to have a Rev/wolf like skin for her mythical it still looks great nonetheless! 👍
this is the first update I’m actually excited to play in a while
1:03 Titanfall vibes 🥺
too little, too late. the game’s just not enjoyable anymore. no matter what they add.
FINALYYYYY!!!!!!! us loba mains get something we actually wanted!!!! super excited!!
respawn cooked 2 LTMs back to back can we make it 3
Nice skin, nice game mode! But the only thing I can think is that Duardo silva is 90 years old
I think it’s looks like an infected game mode cuz they said you escape revenant or join him
Looks cool, but galaxy skin got stolen😂
This seems like shadowfall but with more players, and IM ALL FOR IT!
Wait. Was that…. wall running?? 😮
La skin de octane es que buenisima
Loba ate that fr
Wait are they using this game mode to test out wall running? I peeped that with the rev pov switch
Zombie mode kinda?
Nice. So lazy to make your music that u getting it from Undertale fan animation. Not other 2Wei compositions but from Glitchtale.
Bravo, EA. Applause and rejoice. 👏👏👏
1:03 wait you can wall run/ride there?
RIP Duardo, you were murdered amazingly
Ik most are sick of it, but i wish winter express was also in this event
Toujours pas de nouvelles Watson super !!! C’est ironique
5 days is too long to wait!!!
Yes a completely different game mode can’t wait to see how this one gonna plays out
Loba Prestige Skin looks 🔥 but I’m mainly here for the finisher!
I feel truly blessed for the shards y’all gave me in Szn (4 & 19) ❤️🔥
love it
Loba looks so sick in this trailer!! ❤
Who was that at the end with the red power in her hands?
Still waiting for Pathfinders mythic
Apex finally added Galaxy skins!
The Hype come back!!!!!… the mode is god!!! and back!
🙂 1:04, thank you.
No one talking bout how Silva was a 90 year old human who looks 50 with a son at only 26?
fortnite are u ?
this is the reason why Apex ist the best battleroyal. You get new Modis and a awesome story
No way did Revenant just wall run like that 😦
I….., might actually risk it all for this skin.
Wait, is the event only live for an HOUR today?
Yo is that the music from battlefield 2042 season 4 trailer?(Well that’s the same game editor lol)
Time to team up 🔫🐺😎
Duardo dead 💀????
Tought he was vampire or something.
Who’s going concor the apex games?
Look’s good
woah hang a sec rev can wall running??? really or just trailer??
Dude, WokePex legends looks great 🤮, can we have titan fall 3 now
So the new revenant mode is just a reskin of the OG shadow royal
PvE mode?
Now where have I heard Uprising in the title before… never mind, do not care.
Seeing as this is a PvP mode, and not a PvE, should be interesting to try out.
money money money, but no one does anything about performance or server issue. LOL
I like the part where loba puts her ult down for the enemies, truly an apex experience
Apex stop doing collection events and start doing actual events in game
stop expecting people to pay for all the skins and items you are too greedy
I swear I’ve heard this music from one of the Battlefield 2042 trailers
So good sooo goood
They really boutta beat Revenant with the power of friendship 💀
This could be interesting
120 fps on next gen plz? Hello?
Cinematic for an hour???
Wow this was a bad trailer, the cinematography and choreography was awful. Loba Skin and finisher left much to be desired. Her outfit and finisher feels too connected to Revenant and too on the nose. I expect high class fashion with small sense of danger, at least they could’ve had her finisher tied to her black market or something similar.
Finally shadowfall returns
Did I just watch Rev wall-walking like Titanfall, did they add that movement mechanic to Apex?
Yes!!! Finally 120fps on console!!!
pls add more skins for revenant
“Titan of the industry”
I see what you did there Respawn…
90 years??!!
Not hating but why does loba look like a a power ranger
OG Shadowfall mechanics!!!!
Hear me out. Duardo Simulacrum!
Bring back arenas
We pay for Respawn’s mortgage with these events.
W theme
Pls end this Loba & Revenant storyline. Going along for way too long.
Could of gave Loba a better finisher than that lol what a waste
Apex Legends: Infinity war
Okay…this event has enticed me to play Apex after a 6 months hiatus and I think I need that R99 skin 👀👀
Love how this is just an updated version of shadowfall. I never got to play it though so happy we have this. Respawn, if you see this, please consider bringing shadowfall back as a Halloween mode but with these mechanics
Wait I didn’t get it, there is a final cinematic that will only be live for 1 hour ? At 10 today or on the 5th ?
gosh this LTM looks cool
This looks hella fun okay I’m hyped for once.
Uprising cheaters 🤣
That octane skin is the only good thing I’ve seen
I wonder if you can use the loba’s prestige finisher on tier 1 or 2 or even different skins
Titan of the industry? What a tease 😭
I just want Octanes prestige skin smh
Hol up what itean by play for 1 hour exactly
Just waiting for all the unfunny, overused, cringe “truly an apex legends experience” comments
They should showcase the skins better in these trailers, you can barely catch them
So is no one going to point out that revenant just wall ran
fix the ser
Remember wen loba was trash I do who can say they were playing her then
ашалеть кайф!!
I loved it when Loba said we’ve got something he doesn’t have…eachother, wait 😟
Titanfall ahhh movement💀 can we get a tf3 already?
Anyone else see rev wall running
Esto va estar de lujo 👏🏻 voy por esa skin prestigio 😍 de mi Main lobita
Won’t be buying anything this collection event cuz it’s all mid skins for mid Legends 👍
Can we get more horizon skins please thank you
I’m 👏so 👏in👏love👏with👏this👏!
Nembe yo quiero de vuelta el modo del tren
Familiest man of them all
Dive Trails for old Prestige Skins ?
we just want 3 strikes back!!! please make apex great again
We have each ottr
(I’m off my meds help)
Bro is 95 years old
So no Christmas event this year
I’ve been wanting to a play this mode for soo long
Is this finally the return of Shadowfall?!?!
Infected….in apex, it’s official…every single video game today is stuck on ideas so all we get is ideas from other games… just bring back arenas…
Wall running as rev 😍😍😍 FINALLY!!!
Here’s another down payment on a house, respawn, take it. Take it all
This octan skin it’s a copi of velican skin on cod
I might play again only for this
Bring back 3 strikes for good!!!
when loba said “Together we are FNAF “… This propably prop was the best moment in apex history
That’s one way to increase revenant’s pick rate.
I can’t believe it Divardo is really dead after a very long life
Hopefully earning the badges for this event won’t be as strict, or that it’s impossible to earn all of the rewards. As fun as the Three Strikes LTM was, the way the event was handled was just terrible.
Ok, this is more like it.
Consider adding this as a permanent mode.
The devs have been good recently 🥺
yo EA how much events with recolored heirlooms for 160$ do you need to upgrade the apex servers?
I am seeking assistance here. I’ve been hacked and wrongfully banned. Never used hacks, been playing since season 2. Desperate for help. A 24/7 support for such issues would be great. Lost all my skins and the one heirloom with this Id. Please address this. 😢
So this is like call of duty zombies but different?
Sooooo we not gonna talk about how Octains old man was 90 and looked 40 ?
The fact that the battle pass holospray already teased a skin in this event is crazy
aint no way wall running is coming to apex .
rest in peace duardo silva
why aint nobody talking about that rev wall running? did i miss something?
The first Halloween event is BACK and BETTER than ever before
30v30 LTM is the BF we always craved
Duardo should come back as a simulacrum
Yay, things I’ll never be able to buy
Truly an apex experience
Seems good,but can i buy this in Russia,of course not
Apex is now 1000% more Fun to Play
1:02 wow titanfall strafe
mom boom ea
fix asia sever
Why didn’t lifeline get a skin 🙄 or Maggie. Should’ve given skins to the main characters of the event
“Não revenant, você não entendeu, o verdadeiro Apex Legends são os amigos que fizemos pelo caminho”
after the misery of 3 strikes this will be a treat
And i see many truly an Apex Legend Experience
Furry Loba skin
This is actually a badass trailer though.
I like the part where Revenant uses his jump and dies. Truly an Apex experience.
In memoriam are truly lol
We have something he doesn’t.
The power of friendship! ⭐️
Finaly, shadowfall is back!!
Yo it would be dope if you guys like, introduced the Halo 2-Reach matchmaking system for pubs
Finally a good for casuals who only wants to shoot guns
Loba flexing that Revenant doesn’t have what she has: Two girlfriends 😳😂
Where’s Winter Express?😢
Soooo, no octane update again, well no apex this week
Loved the part where Rev is shadow pouncing for our wallets. Truly an Apex experience.
Rip silva
give me 1 million coins please
ya know if loba didnt toss his head across the galaxy and let him die, octanes familia would still be alive
Is Loba dead or something?
I’m confused are we getting a live event 1:46
I’m joining the revenant uprising, dude this is going to be so good of an event, from revenant that controls the world to revenant controlling his clones. This is going to be so good and to you revenant mains, let us join the revenant uprising together!!!
So it’s like the frontier defense of apex? Frontier escape?
Loba look like that one Fortnite skin
2042 trailer music 😫
A moment of silence for Duardo. A loving grandfather, an innovator, and owner of the apex games.
WALL RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They use the BF2042 season 4 soundtrack
now this is a character development! from being a little lonely child to a grown full woman wich cares of his owns
F Duardo
I can’t wait
Man Octane better get some love soon
A zagram sobie
great work apex.
1:03 was that a WALLRUN?
Glitchtale: Last Hope
So when is cinematic dropping? And its gonna be in game think or youtube premier?
“Также вы будете наносить в 1,5 раза больше урона при использовании престижных обликов, играя в любой режим во время события «Восстание»!”
Ясно, pay2win помойка очередная
I wanna play so bad but i just can’t with those servers bro
(Также вы будете наносить в 1,5 раза больше урона при использовании престижных обликов, играя в любой режим во время события «Восстание»! ) норм пей ту вин вводят
finally, a collection event that isn’t just cosmetics.
@1:30 she should’ve said family, and gibby would become vin diesel, with a fast and furious colab 🙁
DUARDO WAS 90?!?!?
COD ZOMBIEN 4.0 improved final version
the fact that they made in memory of duardo silva is is weird but kind of hoping hes going to come back somehow as a simulacrum to be a new rival to revenant.
was that dark matter from black ops 3
Team revenant vs team simp loba
1:51 There’s no way octane’s grandfather was 90 years old! HE DOESN’T EVEN LOOK 90 HELLO!?
서버나 좀 ..
I hope Loba realizes and even acknowledges how horrible of a mistake she made. She should have never allowed Revenant to stay alive. She could’ve ended Rev before he got so powerful… now he’s been significantly upgraded, and has literal control over an army of upgraded Revenants. He is now quite literally the most powerful being in all of the outlands.
sure, not only Remnant army may be still out there, but now Revenant has his own army. Fricking great!
That finisher is so lazy. Y’all still have time to fix it 😭
where is 120 fps to console
R99 looking like a dark matter camo from bo3😂
this is how i don’t wanna spend my christmas apex
So its just a reskin of the halloween mode essentially…….
This is literally just the Halloween even recycled to fit the story 🤦🏽 y’all thought we wouldn’t notice. Cmon respawn
Did rev just wall ride?!
Pls do more chaotic and fun ltms I would love to see apec lean into its most chaotic side more gameplay wisr
Loving 2WEI’s music
I liked the part where Loba said this wolf still brought her claws and snatched my wallet. Truly an apex experience
From Nepal 🇳🇵
A bit disapointed in the loba prestige finisher, just wish it had more like the others, but overall a good event it looks like
Bangalore The Queen Of Wakanda, Wakanda Forever
Me seeing Loba’s helmet: ooooh LOBO!
“We have something he doesn’t – each other”
Girlie he have thousands of “each other” and probably many more to come 💀
When tf is Wattson getting a skin in these events, its been MONTHS
After all this time, shadowfall is finally back and better than ever
1:30 I love this camera work
First ones here >>>
I’m not seeing winter express….and I refuse to drop money on this game anymore
wall run😩😫
the octane skin and r99 pure fireee
i like it when Loba said ,,We have something that demonio doesn’t have and it’s the power of friendship” truly an Apex Legends experience
возвращние 3 сезона
“Revenent wont stop coming”
I think, i prefer join to Revenat team
Got heirloom shards last night thanks apex just in time for a wolf skin and my gamertag has wolf in it 😮
imagine if it was pve, it would be actually good
Im excited for Revenant having a massive W, part of me honestly hoped to see loba die though
why tf vantage there?
They gave what all the rev mains wanted… wall running
This event will be the best event ever!
Booo wheres the 120 fps??? No 120 fps but give us 160$ to get a loba skin
First halloween event but now its revenants let go !
Dang.. i really want Winter Express…
Loba with that Fortnite ahhhh skin
It’s Xmas. Where is the choo choo train?
0:53 using jumpdrve!
The whole point of his rework was for this??? Kinda lame ngl
Titan of The industry it’s like they are edging us 😊
“Titan of industry” hmmmmmmm
Always trust lobas and rev to make apex Great again
Love how the new rev uprising game mode reminds me of shadowfall glad something similar to it is here
1:14 making me feel like this is a movie trailer
Lets admit it. We all know Duardo isnt dead. If Rev can live forever by transferring consciousness why wouldnt he do the same?
titanfall better, this wallrunning doesn’t compare at all
Have to hop on this a play it. 🎉
R.I.P Duardo Silva
so like when are you guys adding the dive trails for old prestige skins????
I guess Loba and Octane have something in common now 💀
Bye bye pops
Duardo was 90 years old yet he’s looking like he’s in his 40’s.
I love the free Octane Skin :3
WOW, LOOK MOM, they actually made some good skins!
cosmetics dont matter yet theres so many. sound, performance, stability and balance matter and yet theres so few changes to the better and always a few more to the worse…
Crypto buff when?
gives me OG halloween mode vibes lol but we will see that in gameplay when it will release
This “in memory ” got me giggling
this event looking juicy, skin-bags.
Yea as a revenant main im just gona say it i will never try to win on the legend team and will always be on the rev team and go crazy
Only like it because of Loba.
The same thrash ❤😂
No way duardo is 90 years old
Need more maggie skins respawn and her Heirloom!!
shadowfall is back baby!
valk without her jetpack at 0:28
I am pretty sure we are getting something titanfall related after this. The wall running and the Silva “Titan of Industry” really scream something titanfall is on the way
Apex it’s a request plz fix the game and servers,every other game I face packet loss,high ping randomly.I love Apex,but losing to this made me rage
Bruh only one hour
pretty bad imo
Finally, original Shadow Fall is back
Yo voy por equipo de revenan
Can’t wait to see Mokey do crazy movements again
I hope durado represented EA and they break away eventually
Fix Your Rank Match-Making System!
Loved to see a bit of wallrunning @ 1:03
lookin pretty fun to me
Duartos dead?!
No Patch notes….
Apex making their version of zombies work. It’d be nice if it was permanent with some more lore as you play on.
please tell me itll be like shadowfall
I actually really like the gamemode but they have to stop it with the prestige skins and just put out normal heirlooms like no ones gonna buy a $150 loba skin
Still no 120 fps for current gen 😡😡😡😡😡😡
RIP Duardo silva
Great cant wait to have to watch the finale on YouTube
Shadow Fall is back bois!!!
Shadowfall reskin and that game was the best!
I’m hyped for this one
finally a “zombies” type of mode on APEX (yeah i know shadowfall exists) in where i CAN SEE THE FREAKING MAP!!!!!!!
F night time maps!
I’m gonna be screaming at this event
bruh i was the 1st view but not the 1st comment 🙁
Wow!!! 😮😮😮😮😮😮
Yo was Rev wall running?
This brings me back to the year 1 Halloween event where it was every man for himself. Wish they did this for Halloween but this actually looks like an event worth hyping up
Yep… I’m calling it now; this one’s going to be as chaotic as Three Strikes…
Dude not only is loba prestige skin finisher good but the fact that octane’s dad died is actually crazy the lore now is incredible because he was a legend of apex as the master so now who will run apex
You know none of this would have happened if she didn’t keep him alive in the first place.😅
It has been a long time since I was hype for something new in apex
Ok, ngl that was dopee
1:04 Wall running!???
Besoin un retour du mode 3 chance âpre event de collection .❤
Was that a live event teaser at the end?!
Love and hate being a loba main, now they taking my money again
Fix the matchmaking, game is unplayable now
Faltou a dublagem
Nah because in loving memory is crazy
So pretty much dive trails are meaningless now 😂😂
Yes i love that respawn ❤❤
YEAHH!! The OG Fight or Fright mechanic is back.
Ngl, it was really fun so I’m glad.
So is there a 1 hour live LTM and the Escape Rev LTM or just one LTM?
finally a mode that actually looks good.
You don’t have to be a lone wolf and face the darkness by yourself Loba. I’ll be by your side. As long as you carry me!
Like this comment and you will get heirloom shards out of your next Apex pack
Finally!!!! Loba!!!!!!
wall running!?!
There cooking with these game modes god I wish we can keep this mode just for wall running
My favorite part it when loba said ” we have something they don’t, wallets” and then spent $50 on a skin
Why is Loba grey tf?
This is basically the first fight or fright game mode but better and I love it
The finisher look so boring
finally finally shadow fall is backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Shadow royale of wish
Fix ranked
That octane and R9 skin 👀👀👀👀
ngl loba skin is gonna be badass
Wait was that the wall run !!! 😮
Was hyped until I realized it’s a reskin of the OG gamemode of the first Halloween update, but hey more skins, lol
RIP Duardo Silva
My wallet after watching this trailer: “My time has come”
I like the spinning hook but the rest of her finisher seems idk like “revenant”
No way they adding a wallrun
5 min Gang– >
So it’s just the Halloween event and season 5 quests mixed together?
Great event can’t wait to play it and also RIP Duardo silva
No one cares.
Who’s heirloom is next?
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Mid watching this someone was making a g*n threat at my school and we went in lockdown
very rad
So when are you going to deal with cheaters? For real
Bro shadow fall 2.0
This gave me chills
Hey Apex fam <3
They introduced Dark Matter from CoD on Apex with that R-99 and Octane skin?!? 😅
This is great and all but how about you sort my Battle Pass which was deactivated and reset after the account merge?
Apex= We Want Money
Me= No Im saving
My main is wraith and yours?
cinema 🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬
Valkyrie with the best skin in the entire game
Lets go I love Rev stuff
Octane skin is so cool
can we talk about the octane skin ?
RESPAWN! PLZ! My Wallet can take so much!
Good work great video🎇♀️🐺
I want wall run for all legends
So…. The new LTM is basically the infection mode from CoD.
this was a trailer that existed
The fact that you didn’t make Fuse have a Odin or Tyr skin is a crime itself
Looks awesome
My favourite part was whenever Revenant said ‘It’s reving time’ and reved all over the place. Truly an Apex moment.
Collection event “Good ranked system with no glitches/cheaters” when???
I really need to play Apex again
like this if apex legends is one of the video games of all time
Shadow Fall was underrated and I wished they brought it back for Halloween. But this seems to be JUST as good!
This is 🔥
First time in a while I’ve been excited for this game.
pls give me a free heirloom
Loba Mains Hype! Prestige Skin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
no wattson skin again
ayyy nice trailer mates
Looks amazing
It’s scary to see Revenants attacking in droves, but it’s actually a treat for Revenant fans. Looks like it’s going to be a very chaotic event 👍
первый нах
This actually seems to be pretty cool! 😀
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