Apex Legends | Kill Code: A Life for a Life
To face the future, Loba must confront her past.
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts, Respawn Entertainment & Psyop
Sound Design/Mix: Formosa Group
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 19,apex legends trailer,apex kill code,apex legends kill code,apex legends kill code episode,ignite battle pass apex,loba,revenant,lifeline,valkyrie,battle royale,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (640)
ela trocou sua felicidade em busca de vingança. valeu a pena? 😮 que cena meus amigos
Please fix Bahrain server issue in India 🇮🇳 we are unable to play our favourite game because of high ping. Give us an Indian server or make Bahrain server great again please 🙏
as much as i want him dead i wonder what they will do to keep him in the game. will his whole entire personality change? will he be another nice robot like path?
I’m honestly depressed that Three Strikes is gone. The pinnacle of Apex fun ever and now it’s back to terrible matchmaking, dumb teammates who drop alone/run away, forced to hardtop with people who can’t aim, disconnecting teammates….
Take the cheats out of your game., you call them mechanics to keep the same teams from winning all the time but they are cheats and you need to remove them
I guess revenge stories are a lot more interesting when there’s real implications to current relationships versus letting it go. Which understandably for Loba and anyone really, is tough! But the situation calls for a decision, and they are really cooking this one.
i soooo excited for part 4 😀
A life for a life.. killed ttf3 for Apex..😢
Would b cool if they bring back his silence so I can start playing him again
Why is there a second Loba on the left hand side of the screen when she says “Let’s finish this.”
alright, enough is enough, just drop the apex legends movie, pls
Sort out getting shot when you’re running and half way round the friggin corners @Apex Legends ! It’s getting really annoying
Since season 5 they’ve been dragging this… 💀
Lore on literally any other character would be nice
on s’en fous faite nous titanfall3
Can we please have Titanfall 3 one day , thanks .
@RESPAWN I love you guys BUT PLEASE END THIS! Like what’s about Crypto’s story. I’m ready for to take down everything in his path
I’m here for when they finally stop playing games and get married 😂
Please get it back to mobile
People just equating Valk’s involvement to “love triangle” need better media literacy. Watering down Valkyrie’s helpful and caring nature just to Loba’s potential love interest is a disservice to her character and the writers
3 strike need to stay
Rick and morty did it better
I hope that got you all huffy
I’m so tired of this love story, it’s been going on for so long… every 6 months 1 new chacters… they gave up on adding guns and maps… this is terrible
This new Revnant is good as f, they gaved him a whole new something
i just came to this
Is it really revenants fault he killed her parents?
Hey so where is titanfall 3?
這遊戲有要修聲音嗎 沒有就別再繼續更新這些沒必要的東西了 反正也不會為了玩家的體驗著想
No way ! Loba finally understands that her toxicity will never help her in life and finally coming to an agreement with Revenant? I’m calling that she’ll hide the head in the end while screaming ‘it’s just a prank bro!’
Also, I’m more and more convinced that Duardo is a member of that ‘cult’ Revenant talked about to Pathfinder and that he is the key to transform him into shadow Rev’, which would explain why shadow Rev’ himself told Loba that ‘her actions led him to his power’. Rev is already getting more and more shadowy and less human either in his physical form but also in his power.
All hail shadow Rev’ !
I am so sick of revenant and loba. This plot is tired.
Once again Loba chooses Rev over loved ones. Rev had to gaslight her just snap her back to reality. “Your life or mine, which do you want more?” Simple and to the point, great line.
…”Let’s finish this…” – Season 42 – Loba still didn’t killed Rev, and Rev still didn’t killed Loba… How many times they drag this out to let it go with nothing?
Dear Respawn staff ✨ I’ve been playing Apex since Season 6 and it’s a wonderful game, but “3 simple changes” would be enough🏆 to make it even better (especially for those, like me, who play with random companions).
. Equip everyone with a p2020 pistol and 60 ammunition right from the start🔥🔫
. Score the damage inflicted in ranked games (rewarding those who shoot the most)✨
. Score ‘Ko” in ranked games (even unconfirmed ones)💫 The frustration caused by terrible loot at the start and by selfish companions who do not confirm the people who have “knock out” would be greatly reduced
The fact that Loba isn’t even surprised that Revenant is in the room anymore 😂
“Ever get the feeling you’re not alone in the room…? You’re not…”
Rev truly got black force energy
When I hit platinum there is no reason I should get silver 2s on my team that shoot spiders and push solo. Period.
I love what they are doing with revenant badass cold but also funny at times
Where’s my cross progress
I ruined her chest, which made me crazy and others crazy.. I lost it. I was enjoying it when Apex was on mobile. I used to charge a special pass to make it quiet.
R. I. P.. Apex mobile 😢💔💔
نزلوا على الجوال جالكسي
Apex is cool and all but I just titanfall 3
A trailer oh boy
Wait if Rev dies we can’t play as him any more
tanto esperar para 1 minuto????
If all of us could just work togedhaah
What Loba does not understand is that Revenent will destroy more innocent lives under the control of Duardo if he was kept alive. She wants Revenent to suffer but it wont give her any satisfaction or benefits to her or the people on Duardo’s hitlist.
loba is being so unlikeable for no reason
When he said “What do YOU want L000buhh” I felt that
Why does it have to be loba that kills revenant?
The source code is not in her possession anymore.
Revenant can go to fuse or wraith or bloodhound there are many characters that don’t care about him and even hate him.
*SNIIIIIIFF* yall smell that? Yall smell- y–yall smell that?
*It smells like just desserts* i was waiting for those consequences to catch up to her bro.
You want to win players back reduce prices near 30 heirlooms costing £500+ it’s absolutely disgusting and criminal and stop thinking collection events with just re colours and skins is content we wait two months at a time for nothing more than shady characters tweaks that half the time aren’t needed or are in the wrong place and a new disappointing feature to ranked with maybe one good thing here or there. Since season 3 I was diamond or master in the past 2 seasons I’ve been gold cause im playing other games im bored of waiting and im not spending anymore money
no titanfall 3? for this?
ohhhhhhhhhh common
Bring back 3 strikes…
Too big?
I’ve stopped playing apex, I’ll start again only when crossprogrssion comes, now I’m playing mw3 and I’m chilling
finally this has a conclusion. these stories for this game need to be wrapped up badly. This one is from season 5
After 1 month where is my cross progration?
I have a feeling Loba will find out Rev has some past equally as sad as hers, and maybe they will reconcile? Who knows… I’m a Loba main and while their hatred towards each other is funny, it gets tiring
Ok Rev, if you don’t want to play anymore, I won’t choose you. Hopefully you will rest in peace soon
why is it short ?
It’s crazy how they do all this and still don’t fix their matchmaking system
もうギスギス関係やめてくれ、ローバ使うの辛いんだけど( ߹꒳߹ )
Titanfall community to Respawn after they dropped TItanfall 3:
She might as well let rev hit
Lifeline gon die
team loba.. I feel so bad for her I know she’s doing this for her parents..
Finally they broke up valk didn’t deserve my baby loba anyways.
Loba x Revenant is all i got from this
So loba dying n getting a new kit 😕
i like how my girlfriend talk thru the whole trailers
Surely I’m not the only that finds the Loba/Revenant storyline so stale and drawn out, right? Like give literally anyone else half the lore these people get.
Revenant is basically a master trickster of lies
You can listen to Japanese tracks.
Click on the wheel button to switch it
This is getting so repetitive and annoying. The loba and rev situation should’ve been fixed years ago. There is literally a whole roster other than them two. And this is coming from a Loba main…
Loba is not hot anymore
At least FuseHound is intact, let’s talk about their stable and healthy relationship instead
is it japanese dubbing? why is it not english?
игру почините, играл 330 часов, а теперь как скачаю у меня пк умирает полностью
она портит всёёё, а я не могу играть за любимого персонажа РЕВЕНАНТ
I like the part where loba says “lets finish this” then finishes all over the place
Truely an apex moment
if valk and loba will not be together anymore, there aint no way I will play this game ever again. Just saying XD
I think it would have been better to just reveal the trailer itself than to reveal the teaser of the trailer…
I don’t think the development team neglected to communicate with the user to produce the trailer’s teaser…You can’t tell, right?
where is mirage x wraith
I loved the part where Loba used her black market and still failed to bring cross progression to active accounts
when apex series
600 likes with 400k views is crazy 😂
If I was revenant in the room with loba 🤔👏👏👏👏👏👏
Fanfic writers are going to have. A field day since some ship kaleb cross and loba uwu
I love Revenant
No I don’t know how to play him
Voice actor kills it, audio engineers take it to the next level
Loba is just a joke of a character. Written at least
i dont need continuation. Ranked system sux, rings closing way too fast, no time for fun, mess got whole new level. nering legends, I am done wit thsi bs
Finally hope loba moves on from the revnant thing and either forgives him or atleast puts her anger towards whoever actually hired / directed revenant to her parents.
When Titenfall 3 ?
the shortest episode ever why even bother doing it ,it just finished as i started watching
EA and Respawn should work in a series like Arcane or something like that because the Apex Legends lore is very interesting 🍷
At least rev stopped his singing 😂😂😂
죽여서 끝나는 복수가 아니니…시원하게 끝낼수 없군요
Lifeline ultimate change to mobile domeshield so great😮
At 1:04 I swear revenant reborns select screen animation makes sense since it’s rumored an army of revenant take over in the new LTM coming and revenant comes in kills the revenant currently with the gun and hands the gun off to loba just like the select screen 🤷♂️
Lifeline is gonna get shot
So Revenant is gonna be the one that dies, got it, at least we’ll get to see more about Loba and her love life 😒 Seriously though, all I really care about is if he actually stays in the game or not.
Rev really the best Gas Lighter around
Her eyes look off. Not because shes crying. Like…. she looks like she has a snapchat filter on.
bring back titanfall
Spending 10 or more seasons medling with Loba love life while Fuse and Bloodhound, have a simple love relationship based on trust and feelings while being build basicly on the background is, a truly… Apex experience
To be continued… again?
bye revenant such a great character
Revenant is strangely more compassionate in his personality in this scene, subtle but its there
Neta que se la están rifando con esto
Man I just wanna see my gas daddy
While other teams of apex is 🔥🔥🔥
Developer team in apex 🤮🤮🤮
Bruh this feels like I’m watching Netflix
The lore is just juicy when revenant is included or on screen
Dam how long until we finnally get pert 4
This is cool and all but i cant help but feel like nothing big will actually happen
Fix invisible squads…
whats taking so long to make our Netflix series smh easy money
when mirage lore and prestige skin ?
Please let my account cross progres
That’s the coldest line that character will ever say
Been running this story for 4 years. Dear lord.
They messed it up with that bogus love triangle. Corniest thing they could’ve done
This better be the end of this WAYYY TO LONG AND DRAGGED OUT BACKSTORY BS. The entirety of apex lore is on the back of those two and maybe cryptos. Im done with it move on already
You guys really need a series for the Apex lore
Loba is interesting character at first, then it became toxic when they drag this plot for too long.
Revenant-Andrade storyline is so tragic yet so intimidating to watch.
This storyline has the potential to make it into a tv series.
Loba brought this on her self
kinda makes you feel bad for rev, the man wants to die so bad, but his mind is too valuable because of his skills, story is kinda sad, almost like winter soldier vibes.
I have a question
If she lowkey kills revenant wouldn’t he be out of apex ? or like would the bots live and his real body die ?
Love this 🫶🏾‼️‼️‼️
Revenant has mastered the skill of standing so incredibly still that he can turn himself invisible
Bruh no joke that was like 2 seconds
EA better give me all the event items for free on my birthday
Making loba the most hated character in the verse
Games that i wouldn’t mind had TV shows/mini series:
Im excited to see how it ends, I do like loba’s storyline so far, drama after drama but how she wants a normal life is a change of mindset and I’m here for it :))
The old animation for the videos were so much better
This is getting boring with this story line
Idk why I thought the Revenant that Loba was talking too was in her head while the real one was in the other room. Thought it would’ve been a cool twist like in Black ops 1 with Victor and Mason
Loba is the bad guy in the situation!! Look how willing sweat Rev is trying to make Loba happy by any means necessary
Loba will miss Rev if he die
dont care give me titanfall 3
I’ve been following Apex legends since 2020 and the creativity of the developers surprises me
Could you guys fix cross progression though?
please fix ur game
He got so many good lines 0:24
Ain’t no way Loba broke things off with Valk, for the whole “extended suffering as revenge” trope. It’s nothing new but when they make you choose a side, it falls within the person/people who’re thinking clearly.
This would be solid if lifeline didn’t barge in like a Disney character. Just completely removing the seriousness of the scene.
i dont CARRREE about LOBA
The cancelled cult plot line with Rev seemed like a cooler concept. This current story has been going on for too long & not much has happened
All this & yet no TF3! 😔
I love the part where they said Africa would get servers
They really don’t know what to do with the story lol
Btw i unistalled the game. I reinstalled it when i saw cross save is on and unistalled while i saw that many people inlcuding my selft doesnt have access to. Keep making new events and skins!
I can’t! It makes me wanna cry, All Loba wants is to be with her parents. I feel horrible for her! I can’t wait to see the next clip! ❤
thats cool but im still waiting for my cross progression… the months almost over too.
🦀🦀🦀Loba and Valk finally broke up🦀🦀🦀
Safe to say Loba X Valk is over 😞😞😞 sad but it’s too complicated
When does the prestige skin come out?
loba x revenant
Love her 💯😩
This is starting to get boring…
Honestly, I liked loba better in season 5 when she was just, simply, a classy, badass lady. Now, because she has ruined her life just for revenge… She doesn’t seem so badass anymore 🙁
Lifelines gunna die lifeline gunna die
why can’t they let boba have a good love life
boba used to be happy
Yall could have just put the 2 videos together
Respawn you tease! What you got in store for my main?
Whats wrong with her face. She looks completley different. Has EA fallen that far in cinematic quality
Lets be frank, Loba’s petty obsessions with revenge is misplaced. Not only was Rev not even autonomous and under control at the time, Its whoever within Hammond who placed a hit on her family. Rev was merely the blade to pierce the heart, not the hands who guide the blade, It would make sense Loba would put more hatred into Hammond then just Rev himself, which honestly seems more of a victim, despite him egging her on.
I think loba and mirage should exist any one else?
No no one ok.
nice clip. fix noregs and audio please and get better servers.
We finally gonna let this dead man rest? 😞
Looking good!
“I’ll even let you pull the trigger” just tell you that rev justs wants to make it easier for loba
…. 30 second clip? Lol nice
Loba should find who hired revenant
Rev is my favorite legend
1:23 minutes that’s all we get for waiting this long 😠
This is something I’m very excited about. The next legend… will it be the first evil legend? Is there going to be an imc Titanfall villain organization?
make a series about apex legends pleas !!!
Bloodhound and fuse best couple
I love the animation in this video. This is what Apex should always look like.
Please. For the love of everything holy END THE LOBA STORY ALREADY. It’s been the main focus of the lore for over three years at this point
Loba just needs to die waste of 5 seasons listening to her cry
Que maravilla!!!!
Loba and Rev need to settle their beef with a twerk off
Okay… So here’s what I think is going to happen, our revenant will get what he wants however – “Shadow Revenant” will take his place somehow 🤔.
Side note… Who is pathfinders kid??
Valkyr was still trying to just TALK to her even after loba was READY TO PULL A GUN ON HER?!?!
Loba was already a horrible person but this just shows how much restraint valkyr has and that unlike loba, valkyr actually cares about the people she likes. Valkyr has my respect because after all of the bs from loba i would have been gone at that point.
Are they gonna update loba from thief to dps?
Anyone else think loba is still a child that needs to grow up like yesterday?
I liked the part where lifeline came in when she wasn’t needed but not when she was. Truly an Apex experience.
Feels like a conversation between Rspawn and Titanfall 3. “I hope it was worth it “
Pa esa wea no subían nada mejor
‘you destroyed your life to make sure I keep suffering, hope it was worth it’ this line hits HARD.
I like when Revenant shows glimpses of humanity. I almost wonder if he is toying with Loba in a way that will convince her to give up
why does lifeline sound like shes looking for lucky charms?
I like how all this stuff is happening and then you look at someone like mirage and gibby who have no clue what’s going on
I can’t buy apex coin with my credit card
Let. My. Man. DIE.
wheres cross progression
💩 game. Pub matchmaking still broken since season 18
Great season so far 👏🏻
I still don’t get why she doesn’t realize he was against his will when all of that happened
Revenant Reborn Reborn
I waited a month js to see “to be continued” 🧍🏽♀️
these comments are frying my brain 😭 god forbid the legends be multifaceted
Revs voice actor is having a blast
Amugy majdnem olyan mintha revenant szerelmes lenne lobaba loba meg kedveli revenantot
I loved the part where Mirage popped up and said “Give me a trailer, it will make you so much money!” and continued to Mirage all over the place. Truly an Apex experience.
Well there goes that relationship..maybe she’ll give Seer a chance 😂
I love loba hopefully this means the whole final battle thing ✨🤌🏽
cant look him the same after hearing him sing
she’s mad because of Valk betrayed her but why would Valk betray Loba?
This should be longer than that, the story will probably take a decade at this rate
This isn’t Titanfall 3
Apex lore is crimuinally underrated
Feels more emotional and deep than fortnite lore tbh
Make good lore again that isn’t a glorified reality show
This lore about Loba and Revenant its like ZzZzZzZzzZ…………
Corny. If y’all don’t stop and make a show already 🙄 everybody’s story is on hold just to draw out Loba & Rev’s dried up beef!? Rampart? Horizon & Ash? The Big Sister? Blisk? C’mon Respawn! Stop getting bullied by EA for a dollar 😑
EA should really start a series of Apex legends in netflix.With this animation and everything I bet it will be a huge hit
Where’s my crossprogression? Xd it’s a joke
I almost miss this
Where is my cross progression???
We need an apex series
I love the to be continued
Revenant is the best, most important character of this game. He had his data leaked, the dev team pulled an entire misdirection campaign to reveal him, he was the focus of the 4th season, he was strongly featured in 5th, he had an entire rebirth in another season dedicated solely to him in 18th and the only story thread this game follows revolves around him.
Loba and Revenant are broken peapol… They build Revenant for bad things and he suffered like 300 years… Loba is want to revenge her family but Revenant was in control. They gonna change. Rev will be a good guy, Loba will be not angdy annyimore.😊(happy ending)
Sooo ig octane isn’t getting a upgrade😢
I hope loba gets shot
okeyyy this gave me a lil too much goosebumps
Or she could just… Y’know, go after the people at Hammond that controlled Rev at the time too. Pretty sure he wouldnt mind.
I’m not even playing Apex Legends anymore but the lore is so good I’m still watching these
I understand why people are mad at Boba but you have got to understand where she is coming from if you had lost your parents to a monster and you find out the only way you could get revenge is to keep him alive then you would if you say you wouldn’t your a liar! Yes it turned out bad but how was Lola supposed to know that would happen if you were in her position you wouldn’t either
Serie de nexflix ya¡
Les joueur de revenant qui se demandent juste si ils vont pas perdre leur personnage
You can’t make me wait seven days just for a chance to hear revenant sing again XD
Wow this was lame.
I LOVE how they are finally doing my boy Rev justice. Nowadays he actually feels dark and threatening, the way he was always supposed to be.
va de ahi , dame mi cross progresion
Has anyone else had their game crash after closing out of the match result screen?
I keep having to watch the rest of them because they come out so infrequently I forget what happened.
Loba is in the wrong here. Before I agree that keeping him alive to make him suffer was good but now it could affect innocent people due to a corrupt company creating an army of killing machines
I love that fact ever since rev was introduced he’s been causing loba to go slowly insane as time goes on and it really shows now how much of her mentality is draining fr fr she about to turn into a pre order wraith
Loba just getting annoying at this point. Apex has some incredible characters but this storyline needs to be done already.
I do believe Loba is turning more into a villain than Revenant
They’re really milking this story all they can huh? Walking in circles to never get solved. Come on wrap it up, this been old 5 seasons ago
Bro, let the man die already istg. He’s been through enough.
Like, if she does some petty stuff and not let him die after all of this, she’ll somehow be even MORE unlikable 😂
single player story mod
God that was pretty cool just forget about the whole loba and valk thing it’s a mess loba needs to be single or be with seer period lol but this time I hope they’re all on good terms
Like this comment if new REVVY and CONDUIT are CRINGE AF! This is what happens when too many OG devs leave! Dumb abilities made for BOTS.
always down for some new apex lore🔥I would love to see more on Ash and Horizon, Wraith, and even Vantage👀
Man I hate Loba with all my heart, she was fine before but all these recent cinematics made me despise her. I hope she just dies or something and we can get more lore for the other legends
How to play it pls help
How to play it? Pls help
Loba i revenant is bff
As a Loba main I’m hating her
starting to feel bad for loba now
Valk is such a hypocrite. She joined the games to get revenge for her father but judges loba for wanting to get revenge for the death of BOTH her parents.
REV is guidance councillor LOL
I feel like Revenant is enjoying watching Loba sabotage her life which is probably why he hasn’t brought up the people who created the bounty against her father just yet.
Revenant can teleport😳😂
Loba is definitely the worst character in Apex. Her motivations and actions are those of a child
Love me some Revenant
I think Revenant is gonna fight Loba in part 4 that is my bet I think he should have won in season 7 but now after he was Reborn he NEEDS TO WIN if they have a fight hoping he gets revenge
i dont want my girls to fight anymore 😭
I’m so tired of all the Loba lore, pathfinder deserves more lore and has more potential
Sure do love me some Loba x Rev lore… Valk can go away now pls 🙏
That was…too short 😢
Soo this is a reveal of a reveal of a trailer for the next part
Revenant is getting better and better in each of these episodes. I love what Apex are doing with him
I like the part where Revenant showed up without any audio. Truly, an Apex Legends experience.
At first I thought Revenant wasn’t real. I thought Loba was going crazy and talking to a figment of her imagination. That’s why I thought Lifeline was confused
Why dont apex make like 5 8 minute long shi bruh ion wait this long for it to last so short 😭
I hope this free game dies
Revenant <3
Ngm aguenta essa novela mais pqp
Please make Titanfall 3, you KNOW it’s a good idea! 😅
At least one department can deliver.
While we wait for the others to “roll out” cross progression for the rest of us…
Yoooo Uwu!!!
At this point it’s Revenants gamble loba has 0 power
It’s been over 20 days and I still haven’t gotten cross progression.
0:13 when my teammates are looting the same building as me
Dragging it
I can’t tell if revenant is actually there or if he’s just in Lobas mind?
why is she even mad at revenant he had no choice as he was being mind controlled, Loba should be mad at the people who ordered the assasination 😂
a trailer to tease a trailer
I’m beginning to believe that Loba is obsess with Rev.
Ok apex, this story is getting dragged
Right when Loba goes to “Finish It”, the server lags and she gets booted back to lobby…….the end
Revenant speaking straight up facts!
Not actual gameplay
What an interesting video?! I like how Apex keeps the story going and alive. I’m finding it really interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing the next part!! 😁
Pls for the love of everything stop dragging loba story out and start expanding on other characters who’s names are not loba and revenant I honestly don’t care for them anymore
I’m down bad for Rev ngl
Bro, we get it, loba is angsty and upset, but why care about this when only those who don’t need cross progression are getting it 🤔???
“I hope that it was worth it” what a badass line by Rev.
Sp tired of how rev gets dragged out and is always just under uses
Still waiting for this game to end so titanfall 3 can commence
Make the Three strikes gamemode a permanent one, the fast pace is so much more fun than normal br mode.
Loba has the most cliche lore
Loba got so messed up even Revenant tried to do therapy on her👹🤒
“Lets finish this” lol no you won’t
I simply love the evil of Revenant. That’s it.
Im so tired of loba yapping nonsense but i love revenants trolling
Where is Mirage’s story from the outlands? Wattsons? Caustics? Gibby’s? I want their stories elaborated more. We have stories unfinished and yall are dragging this one.
This is the beginning of an end, and i cant wait to see it
Remember when Wraith was supposed to be the main character? Better times…
All this and still no cross progression
At this point the game should be called Lobas Legends
Idk whether rev is manipulating her or not. Yeah the dude wants to die from his suffering but i mean, he’s kinda the real reason why she’s like this.
Revenant is too Kind for us
I want an apex movie bro fr
can’t wait for loba drama to be over..
We gotta get Mirage to sort these losers out.
this year going to be long .. 27 months .. UFF
we waited a whole month to see loba say lets finish this?
okay i can wait another month
Everytime I saw Loba, she was crying like a failure. WHY did Respawn keep making Loba like a little girl whose parents teared into pieces.
The new trailer comes out on my birthday cool it’ll be like a present from apex lol
Before I watch this, I’m guessing freaking loba going to ruin everything again? Because I swear their mission would be much shorter if loba didn’t ruin everything
Edit: so okay I didn’t know that this is a trailer for the actual animation so I must wait. And her lets finish this is kinda sus
Where is my apex show?!
This is so powerful. Loba gets scared when coming face to face with Revenant for the first time. This is the first time she has ran out of tricks to pull towards him. She’s losing her grip on everything she’s been known for. Knowing she’ll have a prestige skin, I can’t wait to see how she rebounds.
You know what I am more upset about the cross over event I think your daily challenge in that event is bugged it wasn’t enough for me to finish it up. wasn’t it supposed to go from amount of play 2/2 to 2/5?? or something like that?
They are my mains please tell they are not going to die
I don’t care anymore
I feel like loba doesn’t even hate him anymore. She just to scared of letting go
I love rev, his such a badass <3
kinda feel bad for revenant. he just wants it to end yet loba is destroying her life trying to stop revenant from attaining peace. guess we will have to see, since it seems hes talking to loba more and if anyone would get her to listen it would be him. also hes only the hitman, who was already being controlled and that glass piece in his neck is what set him free
How lob@ and rev carry the story of Apex on their shores
I appreciate the lore but at the same time, it’s devoid of all stakes because you know nothing will ever happen to any of these characters, none of them will ever die, making the Revenant part of the plot especially extra meaningless.
Cool, but I dont know how anyone can care about this storyline. Rev cant die since you cant remove a character.
This is like what, the fourth time we’ve tried killing him?
Loba may be fine asf but shes getting a bit boring cant we get a Origin trailer for mirage
Jesus how long are they gonna milk this arc
P2020이 아니라 윙맨으로 쐇어야지 로바야 아이고…
Ohhhh respawn you like to play hard to get I see! Just make a tv series out of this instead!
This is why Loba has the worst character personality but good abilities
woooo valk is on the market baby!🙌🏾
pls back The Mill studios(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Dying game
Let’s go!!! 🎉🎉
The animation is on point 👌!
good for you valkyrie, loba became such bad love-life partner jeez
I think the reason why Loba is keeping Revenant alive is because since the system covered up the tragedy of her parents dying, Revenant is the only living evidence of her parents’ existence. ☹️🗿
Yea this is cool n stuff but make sure bring back 3 strikes mode
Iam waiting serial of apex legends
just give me cross progression😭😭😭
was this a trailer… for a trailer?
guys like, seriously?
No rev my sweet
Apex mobile fan😢❤
When will the next wave of cross progression come? I can’t wait to finally play on my account
Rev a demon fr
where is Titanfall 3
Didn’t know there was a 23th month.
15 seasons for a revenge that not gonna happen 😂😂 they gonna pull up an Ellie on us .
If only this revenant lore instead of loba lore.
Loba so cool !
Woah! I forgot this game existed at this point. I’m too busy playing OG Fortnite to care about anything that happens in Apex. The only thing that will make me care again is Titanfall 3.
I hate how people really think that Loba is the only wrong one in the situation
Neither her or Revenant are right
They both are handling this terribly, and remember who started it
I think most of this can be blamed on Hammond Robotics
Please Bring Back Apex Legends MOBILE … 😢 … No Fun In Mobile FPS After it’s Shutdown … PLEASE EA …
Loba being a failure, part 69
That’s it?…
Apex debería de crear una serie 😅
so , basically the last of us part 2 , but apex style ? , would it end with Loba leaving rev alone in the end , after all that she has done ….mmmm
guys pls do a mini series
To be honest, I don’t know why she’s still going after rev, She literally has a good life going, I know he was the one that killed her parents, but then it was a job that was sent to a ghost in the shell literally she’s been hunting a ghost her entire life she’s throwing everything away just to get to him.
That first one was love.
Bien pero BIEEENNN ENANORADAAA!!!😍😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤❤
Loba messy mascara skin coming soon confirmed
the storyline is the only thing interesting in this game. nothing else seems interesting
It would be nice to to see Loba fall in love with Rev 😂😂😂😂
Just give me a single player campaign PLEASE!
Nobody talks about the horrible person that Lifeline is, poor Octane, I don’t even want to imagine his reaction when he finds out the truth.
Respawn, STOP with this relationship bs.
His new design is still goofy but the voice acting is superb man
Revenants story is the most unique villain in a LONG TIME
rev army incoming
Valki: Todas son iguales
Meanwhile, waiting for Titanfall 3
I think I can guess what will happen… eventually they succeed in destroying the head… only for there to be new AI version of the head to be used instead of the organic one… they can’t just get rid of Rev after all…
Yall need to leave my girl alone. She needs grief counseling. I feel like she never got it and is afraid of letting go of this revenge/hatred she has for revenge. Get my girl so counseling!!
We lost titanfall 3, for this…
Respawn trying to be the next marvel 😂
This is probably the most lore that apex has going for it than any other legend
I see several people saying Apex should be a series, i fully support this notion!
Thank god Loba finally got rid of valk. Now maybe she could find someone new like, say…… me?
Es enserio? Tanta vaina para una estupidez, pero valio la pena, pongan una serie de Netflix y ya esta. Que opinan ustedes
I hope Loba not comeback to Valk.
what that’s it🫨
Eso fue todo? Jajaja
I like how this chassis/body allow him to close and move his eyes.
Wait. It’s not enough. I need more.
I love that Rev called Loba out on her bs.
Hold up, a trailer or the ending? Cause good lord just give us the entire story already 😒
They have been milking this lore teet DRY ever since season 5!
Put the schizhoprhrenic titanfall 3 comment here
Loba’s hot like if you agree
Loba said the most painful yet makes sense sentence that’ll change her life for better or for worse.
Very Good video
The fact that Loba dedicated her entire life to chase down the killer of her parents and NOT the perpetrator of the bounty is so dumb
Nerf Mozambique.
where’s titanfall 3
titan fall 3
give us titanfall 3
I love the part where the invisible Valkyrie comes out of the room. Real experience in fighting cheaters in Apex.
Are we finally gonna see what those voice lines in the game were saying
How slowly they draw these videos.
Apex needs an anime esque show like seriously there’s so much lore you could make 15 final seasons just like AOT
What a nice guy revenant is
Its hinting to Lobas Prestige Skin 😈🐺
i like the part where revenant said “its a me!! mario!!!” absolute chills.
My dream: a apex BLockbuster
So Loba is schizophrenic, good to know.
please remove valkyrie she’s a disgrace to viper
I really wanna see more of the other characters in the storyline!! It makes it more unique if more legends were actually included in the relevant storyine
She did not finish this. But seriously DONT DRAG THIS OUT ANY LONGER THAN IT SHOULD
Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him plz Don’t hurt him
Still no crosssave
Revenant has given her so many chances to end this and shes being a brat about it…. you only get so many chances before your last chance
Calling it now, revenant and loba start dating by the end.
“Hey honey, hows my favorite skin bag?” 😂
Why is Rev in the corner
Still waiting for my cross-progression to go through.
He’s going to become like the Rev from the Beta 1 Universe isn’t he? Get his source code, free himself only to become more
Bro, how is this even a trailer it had nothing even in it.
I love revenant lol. He’s so cool.
Does dis meen Titanfall 3 ?
If Valk is smart, she’ll stay away from the head case Loba!
“I’ll even let you pull the trigger” oooo chills.
Bro Mommy Loba is literally tweaking does she have a love crush on Revenant because that’s a very question why haven’t you killed this man now she pushed away mommy Valkyrie like at some point Loba gotta let it go tho I know she is traumatize from her childhood but at some point Loba gotta move on and stop pushing all the apex legends family away from her because all Valkyrie is trying to do is protecting her 😢
Oh thank god. I thought Loba was going to run off and be a villian in the story 💀💀💀
THIS looks cool and all but wheres titanfall 3
This kinda melted me,seeing Revenant care for Loba,even if it was for his own sake
Loba being lame as always
Lobs is more like revenant than she thinks
So no Titanfall 3?
Veremos qué pasará con ésto
I can’t wait to hear the new voice lines when playing Loba and Valk in a team
What I only want, is happiness for my little murderbot 🙏
I wasnt expecting this today lol
I still don’t get it why almost everyone loves Loba…
Claim your tickets here
So when u actually gonna let us cross progression new season has been out for how long not yet still can’t do it?
Can you guys stop teasing and make a show for a platform already? Please ?
Y’all gotta stop hating on loba but if somebody killed your parents would you just let the guy go 🤔
Yet another piece with no kind of real clues at all & a bunch of lame drama. Y’all ain’t even exciting nobody at this point. Mediocre performance.
This got posted right after my game
I hope Electronic Arts will hear the fans and allocate a budget for a series of quality like Arcane. It will pay off in full. The visual animations are amazing and there is so much to tell within this universe
Three Strikes is the best ltm in a long time, make it permanent. I hope the new Revenant army game mode will be like Shadow Fall.
I like how I never cared about any of this then the game died
He actually broke her😨
Loba ain’t got no business being this fine
Loba literally keeps self sabotaging herself and then has the audacity to get mad every single time. 🤡 logic
Rev is just… man he’s the only reason why I even watch these stories form outlands,
otherwise these stories are as 6ay as the characters in these games
The End Begins!!!
Wait so you made a teaser for a reveal of a trailer…for something? I am confusion, what does “trailer reveal” mean😂
not the cliffhanger brooooooooooooooooo
they’ve been dragging this story line out for almost three years now. there are so many other characters with 0 lore that they could be using smh
Loba is so insufferable in the lore my godddd
Man a full mouth we have to wait
Revenant Best waifu ❤
I’m waiting to see how this ends after the Uprising collection event. 🙃
A trailer for a trailer for part 4???
Wow another week….
First the introduction of evac towers and now this? Poor Valk..
Dam the game mad rev to be evil but he actually cool ash and this shows
Rev>>> the whole apex universe
at this point i’m bored with the storyline….
I kinda don’t like how they try to paint Loba as the hero of the story when she’s just selfish and hurts people close to her
0:46 きたきた
I am very proud to know that Loba is Brazilian. ♥
Would’ve been cool if Revenant was slowly crawling on the ceiling as he was talking to Loba.
cant wait for us to finally get cross progression. finna be the only reason i’ll play the game again
as long as there is no set date for crossprogression, it is a failure of apex, even in the 20th season there will be players who will not have crossprogression

poor Valk ;(
“Your life or mine? Which do you want more?”
Has got to be the most impactful line in the entire franchise. This dance of revenge is coming to an end finally and its message is incredibly well done.
I can’t wait to see what happens next with Loba and Revenant
I like how Revenant was standing in the dark whole time
Bro just drop it all 🗿
She says let’s finish this it could have ended like 3 seasons ago haha
Please be the end of Loba’s lore 🙏 please be the end of Loba’s lore 🙏 please be the end of Loba’s lore 🙏….
loba rework
EA. Please. The community want Titanfall 3 more than ever. Apex won’t die. Just listen to your community like Epic Games did. They have had a massive success recently. And you can too. The secret to it just doesn’t lie within Apex. Titanfall 3 would save you.
f apex lore man, its always loba the most dogshit boring story, i feel like anyone else would be better than this dog water
Use to play more when comic in the game actually had dialogue and story to it. Now it’s literally just pictures of stuff we’ve already seen in the trailers for the game. The lore really fell off in this game.
Ok respawn 😒
I love the part where Loba said “let’s finish this” then possibly be the reason they fail again!
Released this on my birthday
loba is NOT in the right
Respawn, we NEED an apex legends series like arcane to survive!
is it just me i cant get any info form this epo
Woww making us wait another week
Just make a TV show already!
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 😴😴😴😴😴
Buff Wattson
I really love the drama and intrigue but it’s definitely hurt by the fact that it’s connected to a live service game and no one is going to really die. Or at least no one we can play as.
lol, he aint going anywhere xD
im still waiting for a proper summer themed skin loba.
Oh boy
“Let’s finish this” – we all know she ain’t gonna do anything
I love the part where revenant says “Titanfall 3 is coming out” truly a great guy!
They need a show
🔴🔴I want the “Old Rev” back … Silencer and Totem 😢😢🔴🔴
Ngl rev lookin sounds like jigsaw
If Loba just sits on my face I can make her forget all about her parents
Well, at least Loba finally stopped being a crybaby about keeping a dumb revenge over her life.
She cares more about a robot killer than her actual friends.
0:58 The first guitar chord from Loba’s theme. I appreciate that callback, Stephen Barton.
Respawn was finally listen to revenant and now he has a new story with a rework
Cross progression when
Where’s the cross progression????
Their cooking so good
How many videos of lobas love life is there?
Mozambique here!
This is were revanant and loba fall in love eventually 💀
Hi freinds
Buff AyyeDub
I’ll even let u pull the trigger
Bruh, early
A minute???
A life for a life i tell ya
Lame 👇
Lobas story is so dry now , just continue story of other legends
You remember bunkers from s5? Crypto been searching for ‘the truth’ for 10 + seasons now
It’s not even 2 minutes and now we have to wait about a month for the other few seconds. What’s the point?
Please wrap this story up. Single handedly prevented lore for other characters for like 3 years at this point.
It’s been 84 years…
Let Revenant die do Loba can move on already!
f loba dies in the stoty dose that mean that w cant play her in the game same with rev
How is this series still better than black clover
It’s backkk
I dont get it
next video they gonna have less than a minute cause that’s how this stuff is going atp
Where titanfall
Give Us Titanfall 3
1.23 minutes, thats a waste of
Loba: “I’m friends with a monster that’s under my bed”
Rev: Instead, you destroyed your life to make sure i Keep suffering. It’s hurt hard 💔
First 🎉
Revenant ends up singing opra btw
Rev is such a devious character dude hes absolutely badass
Revenant casually roasts Loba, such siblings behavior
Let’s finish this 27th November 😅😅
Did Loba and Valk just BREAK UP!
I hate Loba so much
yep the lore is a drag now
there is a new invisibility glitch (for those who want I have a clip on my channel) . it needs to be corrected
Loved the part where Revenant revved his nant all over the place!
1 hour gang—->
Apex lore doesn’t like any of its legends being happy
Alex Peggings
I got banned today
Buff wattson
one of the firsts
Ain’t no way Apex trying to paint Loba as right
Aw im not first
Surprise 🎉?
Swear to god if Apex drags out Loba’s love life one more time…
Olv primer latino
Here first
Ape Leg
Oh cool