Apex Legends X Post Malone Event Trailer
The biggest partnership in Apex Legends history starts now as Post Malone squads up with Apex Legends to unleash two weeks of beautiful mayhem. The event features the debut of a brand-new Limited Time Mode Three Strikes, plus cosmetics designed in collaboration with Post Malone, and more.
Learn More: http://x.ea.com/apxl/post-malone-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. Includes in-game purchases.
Production Company: Electronic Arts, Swing Set Productions, Plural Studios, and Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Formosa Group
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 19,apex legends trailer,apex battle pass season 19,austin,austin post,post malone,apex legends post malone event,acid wraith,three strikes ltm,three strikes,3 strikes,iconic skin,iconic skin apex,apex legends xbox,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (1633)
dont actually listen to post malones music but watched him alot playing with timmy. Super chill dude actually care for the dude now 🙂
Crop top horizon is wilddddddddd
Lame 😂
Why is Apex Legends highest rank symbol the satanic logo? Are you Satanic? Can you change the logo for the highest rank, namely predator?
cant wait for itttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!
Lifeline have drip
Ah yes the good old re colours
leave it to respawn to hire some random guy no one has heard of to partner an event with.
Titanfall 3
Bring back shadowfall
Boooooo to this
why is no one talking about the AKIMBO P2020 ??????????????????????????????
It’s okay EA. I reinstall Apex
didnt know i wanted this, but i want that octane skin. octane mains unite
Мне или кажеться или действительно у 301 звук как у спидфаера😂
Thanks posty 🎉
I have a crush on apex for now?
wheres the Post Malone skin?
Почему так сложно сделать костюм Несси на Ваттсон?
Octane got the drip
Lame af, genuinely.
I’ve refused to play this game for the last 12 months, I will now reinstall this. Good job respawn
Who would imagine that the only thing we needed to save the game is Posty creating the most insane mode in APEX……
Song Used In This Trailer
Something Real From Album AUSTIN By Post Malone
Вот это трейлер)) что они точно умеют делать, так это ролики, после которых хочется поиграть в апекс
Song name?
3 strikes, 3 squads. Titanfall 3???? (I need my pills)
I like the part where their partner with Malone instead of partnering with another teams who may help the develop TF3. Truly apex experience
But what about funding your money on cheating problem EA?
How many times do I have to beg you for good loba skins or a loba specific battlepass?
Mann this songgg is colddddd
new castel babyyyyyy
If y’all weren’t here I’d be died😂😂
W post
I can’t over this game 😭😭💯🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙌🏽
Thank you respawn for apex 😪😪
can we get a Respawn Entertainment X Titanfall event?
Song name????
him calling timmy, baby boy is hilarious
That is dope
Is this why there was a 50gb update?
iiTzTimmy!!!!! My BOY! 55 HOURS: Solo Bronze – Pred!! You are THERE YOU ARE FK THERE!!!
Doesn’t matter what you do, as long as the matchmaking is trash and there’s no meaningful content like new weapons, weapon reworks and actual good quality of life changes like 120 fps for console and the ability to adjust ur mic sensitivity many people will keep leaving. Do better respawn.
Apex always had my support, never really complained about this game.
This is so cool. Super awesome to have Post Malone!!!!!
what a joke
Timmy, cringe
This trailer looks sick but it’s always embarrassing seeing gamers on commercials looking like dorks
We need tha song ASAP.🔥🔥🙏🙏
Where’s my faide?
170 for every cosmetics
wow not going to lie, you really got me there apex sell it, baby sell it
this is a cringe video
Post maloooneeeee 😍😍😍😍
imma need that Post Malone music pack
Mejor que Peso Pluma y CoD 💀
One step closer to Fortnite 😂 cg devs
Let’s go gettin pumped boys.
Don’t think I have ever smiled at an apex trailer so much
I’m going to be mad if there isn’t a free music pack that comes with this event
The comments on steam are brutal, more love on YouTube thats for sure
what is the song for this
Oh what a fun birthday I will be having! Can’t wait!!!❤
please dont tell me the lower fire-rate of the r-301 in the trailer means its gonna get nerfed
This is so dope!! GG Post Malone! Thanks for respawn for getting this going!
where aceu at?
Imagine paying Snoop Dogg, Nikki Minaj, 21 Savage MILLIONS and they don’t even play your game like Posty plays Apex..
I wish if they were showing you can change jump direction in mid air in game, controller players could do it.
Best trailer Alex has ever lit out. Bravo
Навалил кринжа
This is literally going to revive the game thank you post malone
Broooo let’s goooooo
i love you post and apex
Paying a lot to this collabs then selling recolor skin with extremely unreasonable price.
god i love apex….but sorry i will not be buying anymore things. but i will play
Absolutely one of the best trailers and upcoming events in history.
Well, yeah, cool e.t.c, but there is shadows’ battle royal?
1:28 why does lifeline have the fanatic pistols
bty can i get this BGM?
wats the song they played in this trailer if sounds dopee
Ah man that’s dope. I wish the Apex mobile never had a sunset.😢
How much for wraith skin? I want it
🖤U cra for this one Post 😊
After watching this 😂 yes this game is pretty much dead
Apex fans: that’s ok
Post Malone fans: that’s cool
Apex and Posty fans: WOOOOOOOOOOO
что за чел и в честь чего радость ? ничего интересного кроме лтм, абсолютно скучное событие с какими то реперами
Nothing will make me play this game again
this isn’t titanfall 3
Free Palpatine.
This is some stuff I can get into, and I share the same birthday.
Looks like a cash grab
Why are all sound effects different?
Imagine picking this over a new Titanfall…
Now this is fire 🔥🔥🔥
So akimbo P2020 or is it still a dream?
One crossover event in 4 years and they release it right before they break everyone’s accounts for falsely promised “cross progression.” I literally could have never imagined any company could be this terribly run and continue to make money. It’s an absolute travesty. We’re past laughably bad now.
IItztimmy “needs no intro” cold af🥶
Too bad my account is completely broken and unplayable after linking it for cross progression which was just a lie anyway and isn’t even here. Put that in the next gameplay trailer. That’s Apex.
I really thougth they were going to add a Concert in game that would be sick ngl
Imagine downing homie and it’s posty
cool now give us a time frame for cross prog waves
I’ve always heard Post Malone this and that but i never knew who he was or what he do. Honesty thought its about basketball lol. Such great singing voice.
1:29 👀👀👀is that dual wielding?
thats amazing… plss keep on this!!! pls Respawn make Apex great!!!
Amazing trailer guys
post malone やん!
That octane skin is mine
서버 좀 고쳐줘
yeah i aint watchin all that
Can we get cross progression plz
okay apex
Dam I definitely asked for this instead of arenas to come back
Respawn trying to take a leaf outta Fortnite’s book, too bad they’re far too late.
The first colab 🎉
This has to be the dropship music reward
post malone or post malone tm?
POST. Man of the people. ❤️🔥🤘❤️🔥🤘❤️🔥
Trailer with a soul. That’s the kind of thing I want to see
Alright! A day after my birthday!
I knew this was coming
Can’t wait to start showing my belly…I mean…Wraiths belly with that new skin
Great trailer! love Post Malone!!
love post malone!!! XD
I’d still wish the skins where more up there to compete with all the other royales… this looks good but almost same as all collection events
this is gonna be dope but to bad its gonna get overshadowed by fortnite OG
Utah’s biggest W
What is the name of the song frl it goes hard
anyone else noticed lifeline with dualies?
This going to be a fire event!
Love this
No one asked for this we asked for titanfall 3
love you bro lone
I know better players then him and would smash on him 😂
Is there a akimbo weapon in apex, it’s seen in the video a female apex legend holding 2 guns
1:29 LL is dual wielding…. Hmmmmmm
De verdad gracias ❤
La colaboración más basada
so, he’s not even good at the game, but because he’s famous, they just poster him on the game. cringe
A rare W trailer from Respawn X Post Malone. This was dope ngl
Would be cool if they’d actually make some stickers resembling events in apex history (e.g esports, sfto), valorant does make graffitis of their own esport memorable moments, so yeah kinda hope they’d do that
After seeing Post Malone have fun with this game over the years I can definitely say this event was long overdue
no cross progression = I aint playing
Gonna be the best 2 weeks in apex
Two of my favorite things Posty! And Apex! No way!! Dude you are seriously the GOAT! on one can touch the level your a true inspiration!
why does he look like baldur from god of wat
Where can I get the music?
Bro the best part of the whole trailer was when they introduced post by his apex name
Bro, in the only moment that I won’t be able to play (my console exploded), they launch an event like this, an event with POST MALONE💀 Why now😭
Most Palone😂❤
the amount of skins they give lifeline makes you think they care about her😂
Post Malone been working out? Dude looks fit
Finally posty and apex
Something real
F***** wild thank post malone 🤗🤗🤗🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 GG never been before
Ok this is awesome
wow nice
actually a really cool looking event
Hmmm… 🎵
this trailer is crazy man
Ohhh, my pockets they fall part
Akimbo RE-45 and P2020?!?!
If he didn’t make a music track I can use in game respawn missed the mark
0:51 Tap-Strafe Movement = Trash Game
thanks posty for making octane not the one always dying in an apex trailer!
“60k no revenue split”
Song name pls
Thats it? Thats the best you can do?
Nahhh…that soundtrack was 🔥for the gameplay. Greatest selection. “I CAN FEEL” the hype
Music pack? Yh, I know, I’m asking to much😂
are we about to have a Post Malone Concert during the games?
Big W, not about of the event, not about post malone, for u EA, you are super stingy and made a collaboration 🤣🤣🤣🤣
There is no wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Post Malone music pack?
But cant honor the skins for the eSports players lol
Nice 👍
Borren storm point
Who is this dude???
I like the part where they dont fix the game and make it worse every season
Who is this guy? Where is Jack cooper WHERE IS OUR TITANFALL 3
Bro honestly a post Malone concert in apex would be 🔥 just like how Fortnite had and or his music just lowkey playing lightly while in matches would be a vibe
Now this was great. Very genuine and partnering with an authentic and cool person like Post Malone is a perfect promotion.
Esa mmada que ???😮💨😮💨😮💨 … Saque un evento de Vicente Fernández y Juan Gabriel 😂 👌👌👌👌👌
Don’t believe he made a joke with his tour, if y’all weren’t here I’d be crying 😂😂😂
W trailer my body is READY 😂
This actually make me not want to play apex
Gotta love Posty, seems like such a chill dude.
It looks like 120fps?👀
Where Titanfall 3 at ?
The question is how good are the free stuff?
Dang, who would’ve thought that Post Malone would been the one to bring collaborative event cosmetics back to Apex❤
W collab
Skins are terrible😊
Least Post is a wholesome fella
No way.
So OW with Kpop now apex with posty 😩
Drop titan not legend
The music is so good 🔥🔥
That might be the most fire video game trailer I’ve seen in a hot minute (16 years)
Yea I’ll pass
This is actually so sick
I would be excited but it’s probably gonna cost over £50, and I don’t play this game enough to waist that money
Nahh this is fire
The first REAL Apex collab. Can’t wait
just perfect partnership someone who plays apex every day i love u post malone and i love ur songs
that wraith skin is an insta cop
whats the song ?
Fine i will play apex again
Dang been more then two months since well ye
Worst collab yall could have done.
not even posty can make me wanna play stormpoint, also nice cosmetics when is cross progress coming to apex? if yall don’t get paid yall don’t fix anything
Duel wield?? 1:29
masipa aa
Where’s my cross progression
Is there a song release for this Collab?
Well my reddit comment was read, thanks Apex Legends.
Cringe. So let’s not add a new map, no new weapon, no real changes, but here’s an event with coked out post Malone
Hey the Prowler sounded different 1:20
3000 Apex coins / skin, truly an Apex experience !
0:40 Hang on was that fuse doing a finisher with his heirloom?
Another overhype and under release they promise something huge related to post Malone an LTM and some cosmetics aren’t worth the hype
battle royals need to go extinct
he’s the new legend
I like the part where Post Malone says “This one’s for you” but what he really meant was “This one’s for your wallet” 😅🤟🏼❤️
Welp, here’s where I draw the line. Goodbye Apex Legends, it was fun. If a live service game has to resort to useless colab money grabs, it’s time pack up and find a better game to play.
Give my boi Mirage some buff pls
What a good trailer 🎉
Not a fan of his music, but really appreciate a musician who has a passion about our game
This is cool and Post Malone is cool, but cross progression…?
I die a lot too, can I design skins? JK
Now this is a calling we all wanna see the hype is real X the trailer is something new we never seen 😤
another event with… new skins!!! wow thanks respawn!!
Where my boy ACEU????
Beautiful event
Что за песня?
I better see a skin for crypto
Pretty dope event! Hope the music of his would be in the music for apex 👀 also why no love for blood hound? He gets no skins whatsoever 🥹
If am not wrong this is the first callab from apex
Sensational. (future voice)
가슴이 웅장해진다..
So did anyone else notice lifeline holding 2 pistols 👀
I love the fps Drop during the gameplay. Trully a Realistic Apex Legends Experience
Fix cross progression.
Where’s the crossprog? 💩🤡
What a surprise.. Another trailer where ballistic is non existant 😒😒 trash octane gets a new skin literally every event… Ballistic is the previous new legend and he hasn’t gotten A SINGLE THING IN 2 FULL SEASONS!!!!
Post Malone is awesome. This trailer is awful lol
i want titanfall 3
Did I just see a new weapon??
Free Palestine
This is going to be big 🤘🤘🤘
Another 5 hour update 😢
Did anyone else get goosebumps when they watched this
So it’s resurgence trios? Please tell me the map is smaller too.
I’ve never clicked uninstall on a game faster. I’m so tired of seeing this sickly looking degenerate everywhere.
So I wonder if the skins are gonna be purchasable with crafting metals or are they just gonna be in the apex shop selling for apex coins?
Twelve men teaming: Truly an Apex Experience
The fact they brought Timmy in
This is the most hype event EVER!
Is this excitement I feel in my bones ?
timmy is there too
I got love for post an all the gamers, but why are we wasting all this money in advertising when I still cant hear an enemys footsteps in the same building as me?
Post Malone is an apex predator…
That is what i call a real trailer 😮
Por fin, algo bueno.
Sure would be nice to play during this event if cross platform could roll through right about now.
This video was lit ❤❤❤ Thank you ❤ I love Post Malone and the fact that he plays Apex Legends. I hope to come across you one day in the game lol
where’s loba
Post is such a true gamer and a nerd. Can’t wait!
Wow timmy and posty!!! ❤
Thats so sad i was hyped for a post malone crossover but its just another way to advertise skin sales 😂 this isnt a posty event its just new skins and a ltm which they may or may not let us play 😂 we can all remember season 8 right how they had like 8 ltms ready to go but only like 2 of them were actually playable 😂 but the store will always be fine 😂
I hope this collab is successful so we can get more😊
Of course Bangalore with no event skin again
Alvvvvvvv eso sí es god
This is just beautiful looks like my one year apex break will be coming to an end
Awesome partnership! I started loving Post Malone when he and aceu played together, which comes to mind, why is aceu not in here? 😥
Not really a new LTM you already gave us a LTM where we had 2 respawns in the past
Love the sound…plz i just want this to be an in-game song just like how Fortnite has some good songs too, this song is good
I support this because of Posty ❤️
We need Post Malone to team up with Drake from Fortnite, that will truly be an apex experience.
You go post!!! Apex my shiiiii.
Not a fan of post malon, but the skins look cool.
Oh my god that octance skin looks amazing i have to get it!
Fortpex Lengendnite
We finally got a song
Now imagine how good Titanfall 3 would be with this kind of effort
Yet another octane skin wraith skin overrated they get all the legendary skins meanwhile mirage hardly gets any new legendary skins it’s always about who is most played and not even spreading of coming out with legendary skins for everyone so with this event after octane and wraith should not get a legendary skin with next season/event they should give more legendary skins to Wattson,mirage,vantage but will it happen not any time soon sick of them just releasing stuff for the most played legends might as well as remove the other legends if you only wanna release stuff for the most played
Quit Apex a while ago but this is DOPE!!
DUEL P20??
This is so cringe we need post malone for 5 skins an a ltm there is nothing special about this
What a random but exciting collaboration 😮
Post Malone eres muy chido ojalá me regales 2 mil pesos para una guitarra barata ded Mercado Libre ya que quiero hacer música y no tengo dinero y aparte no me quieren contratar por prieto, me caes bbien solo que tu música no.
Wait post Malone hit Predator?
Post needs to beg for wall running
What a badass announcement
Free 🇵🇸
How to make a game’s popularity sky rocket in 2 minutes:
Now there just teasing us with lifeline duel wielding guns. We need a hopup for p20 and RE that makes it so duel wielding is possible. Even if it’s only for a LTM
Now I need to download it again
Posty is such an amazing guy, lots of love to ya man! The golden boy of mtg <3
whats the skin called ozempic?
I didn’t know what to expect this was really awesome thanks post for making a change In this game
I still have no idea what the 3 strikes mode actually is…
“Something Real” by Post Malone being the Trailer Music for this video SUITS THE HYPE WELL!!!!
last year we got a posty Magic The Gathering secret lair, now an Apex event wuyyyhhhh
Still no 120 fps on console. Why?
Final some😂 free stuff on apex thanks postmalone
im back to apex from now
Hope we get music packs for free
Thank you daddy post
Octane mains eating
whats the song name
Ok Apex, i’m back
What if post Malone was in the game.
Give us Titanfall 3
I love you
This is what we got instead of TF3.
Post malone is an amazing person for giving small, up and coming games a chance❤
The collab we needed ⚡⚡⚡
Grande posty🇨🇱🇨🇱
bro made sure to keep the grill at a nice 230C for this one
If I never played apex this would be the reason I would start
Please Respawn, make the Skins purchasable individually. I don’t want a bundle, just the skin.
I am going to play so much 3 strikes. It gives me Rebirth resurgence vibes from WZ 1.0
Also those cosmetics look nice!
And just like that I’m redownloading Apex again, I gotta experience this passion project
He’s a pred! He’s not that bad!
My favorite part is when Respawn shared Post’s Gamertag and now I’ve friend requested him so we can roll on a squad together. Truly an Apex Experience!
Bro the fact that Post Malone plays Apex Legends,enjoys and likes it. EVEN BEING SPONSORED, IS JUST CRZY
The song name is Post Malone – Something real
what is the song in the background its so good
Best Event since the Start of this Game !
Anything but Titan fall 3 huh
Ya love to see it
If there’s no music pack I’m rioting
wow what a great event, can’t wait to grab my bannerframe, holospray, tracker and charm from this event XD
This is the best thing apex has ever done
That horizon Skin 🔥🔥🔥
I love how they gave us his gamer tag 🤣 & he’s a PREDATOR ?!?!
small problem i cant get in apex on my xbox anymore
This music got me hyped up!!!
Вау! Очередной кринж!
lol they coming out with the stupidest stuff for their game. Meanwhile it’s going down hill like crazy. A “new” season yet the game still is trash and more and more people are leaving it lol. Apex is a joke 😂
Instead of a Titanfall 3 announcement or an upcoming dlc to Titanfall we get this event that nobody asked for and nobody will care about (come on respawn you can do better than this)
Некрасивый поступок от пост малона, забыл про асеу
dropping an event for a season thats still broken
why not make him as a legend
This is an insane video!
best trailer so far
That’s cool Respawn
Still want Titanfall 3.
Post Malone joined itz
apex crashes right after opening animation. Anyone having similar issues after the update?
Love to see the tap strafe in the trailers but not in the ingame tutorials or in consoles.
actually sick trailer, they always do great
Actually pretty cool this event is happening.
Closest thing we’ll get to a metalcore band in a game
I’m not even a gamer and I think this is cool af 😎
some of these bouta be the hardest skins
what song is this? and post look healthy.
Took to long for a good partnership, meanwhile Fortnite partners with marvel, Nike etc… why a partnership late in the game cycle ??? L
Idc wat anyone says but I’m getting that wraith skin
Can we address Lifeline with akimo P20’s!?!?!?!
overpriced skins and nothing new. where is titanfall 3??
Atleast he plays the game, Nicki Minaj collecting them COD checks and probably never played the game.
اللعبه أاااادمان
This was actually really cool! Very happy to see them partnering up on this event and of course the little shout out to Timmy from Post
The orgs gonnnnnn be mad lol
Designed with Posty uno
will he be the voice of anouncer in game?
This game is slowly turning into fortnite
feels like a normal event
I don’t know what it is, but let’s quickly delete it from the world of Apex.
Cross play still not out tho
“Brand spanking new LTM” no it’s just Live Die Live plus an extra life, so Live Die Live Die Live
quien es post malone?
What a swell guy I love him!
Eh no thanks.
Ok… but the skins are mediocre and the event could be so much more. Fortnite had a whole in game experience for Ariana grande, Travis Scott, etc. the map changed, they were put into the game, the skins were amazing. They have so much potential, but they just fall flat every time.
Awful song. Skins look cool though
Is it really coming on Nov 7th or unknown waves?
I thought bro was gonna be a legend 😭
Release Cross Progression
I’m sorry, WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the part where Octane tap strafes off his jump pad when you can’t do that on console. Truly an Apex experience
ts is slightly goofy but go off apex
I want that Wraith skin so bad.
Perfect collab 🔥
mid asf
Önceden etkinlik sandığı veriyordunuz görevleri yaptıkça şimdi hepten paraya döktünüz işi her etkinlikte aynı terane 😒
Not interested. Been thinking of dropping the game.
Apex got Posty through his darkest times during Covid. 😢Love seeing this come full circle with a partnership now that he is in a thriving season!
I haven’t seen a Loba event skin in a while so I am hoping they just didn’t show it
Event of the year?
Dont care
Bc nor does respwan
Theyre turning into a second Ea
They just want money
me collab next i’m way worse than postie i’m sure of it
Let’s gooooo!
Oh it’s bout to be lit!!!!!
I’ve never been so excited about something respawn has dropped
Why is the TTK so quick in all their promo vids?
Bruh the game is never gonna get fixed is it
Mother of cringe. Streamers should never be hype men in music videos they literally don’t know what to do with their hands. 💀💀
Work with same energy about sound in the game instead of trailer and may it will push up apex legends again
Ya , i think im the only one doesn’t care and think is a bit cringe…
Sick about time this company does something different!
It showed worlds edge “Rats Edge”
actual goosebumps. fav artist fav game!!!!
Call of duty: Pay $60 for my new game; which is really just a season BS update
Apex: Lol no. Here’s Season 19. New OP legend. New maps. Reworked map. Oh and Post Malone. Fo free
Apex resurgence?
If you were to tell me in 2016 that cool big robot friend would lead here, I’d say, “wait, I thought the game universe was strict with it’s world cannon.” Can’t imagine what TF1 OGs are thinking right now. Another collab event, let’s see!
Не дай бог фулл донат ивент блять с всратыми наградами аля ненужный значок или скин говна
lol how did he become so skinny all of a sudden
More Titanfall!
So still no new legendary skin for crypto
nb talkin abt lifeline duel pistol?
that love timmy got was different from the rest and well earned
My fav singer collaboring with my fav game, what a dream, love you posty ❤️
There gonna be a custom skin of him I wonder
Okay but wait this trailer has a high level of production so can someone tell me why some of the in game footage looks like absolute garbage frame rates
Where’s cross progression ?
nice 🙂
I don’t listen to Post Malone but this event looks cool 👻🖤
Wow i like that wraith skin 😧
Lets get carried event? Now I’m up for that
It still 30 bucks a skin or?
Me when playing Apex : Post Alone
rip apex
Why no heirloom
Que genial video
Ay que bonito 😭
The only thing that relates to me is I die. A LOT!
Did I see lifeline dual wielding an re-45 and a p2020?
Epic! Post Malone seem like a genuine guy, Best apex trailer I have seen since season 1 no cap.
Bro what is name of this song
Thanks Apex for partnering with Post Malone 🎉❤😊
We need a post Malone fuse skin
I don’t understand. “This one’s for you”. 30€ skins.
Did anyone notice Lifeline dual wielding P2020s
I loveeeeeee this eventtttttttttttttttttttt
One of the few things I’ve been excited for in Apex in like over a year 😮💨🙏 Post Malone is my absolute favorite person outside my family and I’ve been waiting for this ever since his interview over a year ago talking about Apex.
that’s actually hype i dmed posty like 3 weeks ago asking if he wanted to play apex and now this comes out and it’s on my bday kinda cool
Should have been done with Randos, NOT Youtube/Twitch Streamers. “please revive me” “I have to revive you, else my followers will give me @#$% for ignoring you”
Ummmm… first of April is like 6 Months away…. Or this like some grinch level Christmas gift?
Why is trailer in 2 fps
Timmy’s insane
So cool that you guys made a collab with an artist that plays the game.
uhuh! I love that flower camo *o*!
Where’s Faide?! Why is he not in it? Lol jks Timmy is there.. at least one of the movement Gods are there. 🔥🔥✊🏽😤
C’est drôle de mettre des clips avec des mouvements impossible sur console
Who is schweediep13?
Am I the only one who noticed Lifeline dual-wielding p2020s? 1:28
What is the name of the song as it is so good
Years too late on these cross overs
Dude the skins r sick
Só lançar um Titanfall pra completar o ano né Respawn
Cool new event maggie no original post Malone buuu
I wasn’t sure til Post
Then need to change Apex to “Let’s third party”
Seriously? I was going to skip this season. Not any more. Better go update!
one of my Fav musician ever!!!!!!!!!
Post Malone is cannon now
i wish posty would buy apex
This is some fortnite sh.. and octane and lifeline get more skins??
when the song is released, I hope there will be some gunshot sounds like in the trailer
I’m so glad this game has been successful, titianfall 1 & 2 deserved more hype. Apex has been the only game I can count on to have a good time with for many years now.
Can’t wait Post Malone one of the best artists out rn
No Titanfall 3????
Just fix the aim assist and potato server
Absolute garbage
did apex just add resurgence to the game????
Nice nice that’s great amazing now where’s Titanfall 3
i’m a convertible now
Show posty some love
Earn rewards more like holo spray and charms and the skins = give us your money boy 😂
What’s the song?
Sorry why was there a dual weapon emote
this event is great and everything but i love how the devs are embracing movment and adding a ton of movement techniques in the trailers
there’s three skins Titanfall 3 confirmed
i need a name of the song <3
Apex players are some of the most spoiled players I’ve ever seen, they get consistent updates, a mostly balanced set of guns and legends and even though respawn is owned by ea they have managed to make it absolutely free to play, if you’re mad about skins just don’t buy them, even with a generally great game they still aren’t satisfied and choose to nitpick every little thing
Faltou aceu aí , showman apex legends
Seeing Timmy do rap hands in the background is so hilarious to me 😂
The event is awesome and all but. Because cross progression is still loading, i can’t get new items or legends. The thing what i am trying to say is.
That it would be awesome if respawn or ea can see this comment so they can fix cross progression before releasing this event. I can’t even level up or annything right now and it’s pretty anoing
Eeeerr meio bosta mas ok kk
Song is awesome
Never wouldve guessed PostM as Apex’s first celebrity cameo.
Long as we dont have to pay a million bucks for this, Im down for this.
Do you know apex is a best of best of best of best game for me when i play your game i feel so funn and happy
PLEASE take Apex legends mobile back 😢
i don’t like Apex from china
, it very bad and feel like lose from original game 🤮
Goat himself in our fav game🔥
Make a crossover like this but SOMEHOW still no star wars ? Yeah keep selling skin and avoid all the problems your game have
El mejor evento
Heirloom executions all I WANT!!!!😭😭
How Low can apex Fall? ☠️ Embarrasing ist the perfect Word for this.🤢😖
That octane skin is fire bro 🔥
Get outta here. This is how fortnite ruined their game
Love that
How much did posty pay yall to have this EA? I know damm well EA aint giving him a penny
Я люблю эту игру)
yooo my man
What about cross progression
Posty, I’ll be playing again until the event finishes🫡
We need music of post malone in the game
Better servers and a more balanced could be nice too, but thanks anyway
Why post Malone
he used iiTzAusty as IGN, timmy is proud
The part where they showed off those insanely cool stickers that we love and care about 😍😍
Most hype I’ve been for an event in years
pls make it free
y’all really couldn’t wait another week to release the season and make sure everything is working correctly? so many bugs i can’t even load into a game
Another trash event and trash music
free palestine
Too bad there will be so many people that aren’t playing this due to cross progression not being out. There’s no point in playing when their accounts will be gone in a few months, or if their main is on another console that they can’t access yet.
Bad timing for an event.
where cross progresion? XD
That song is sick. This looks amazing
Best partnership i could imagine 👏👏
I would reinstall but still no 120fps on next gen, I guess Fortnite OG is getting my money instead 😂🙏
Ayo, who put Blood stains the auditorium from the hit indie game Ultrakill???
The song is tuff! 💯
Now they can’t complain ab the game not have enough money❤😂 love u post Malone ❤
has anyone actually had their account merged yet??
Apex Malone!!! Can’t wait!!!
Wheres cross progression
One day
I didn’t see ThatPunchKid. Cool event though lol
Nobody asked
looks really cringe
They partnered with post Malone for a new game mode and another event full of mid at best skins?
This shows someone who genuinely appreciate the game just as i do. Yes Apex has issues, but I’d still play as I’m not a whale gamer who crys because I spend money and the game and the devs should be kissing my axx, I’m also not a pro or content creator who plays this game for hours upon hours and then complain, complain and complain some more. The true people who appreciate the game are those who’ve played from the start and are still along for the ride. People need to form there own opinions or quit the game if its so much of a bother to them as they are the same people who make people quit the game as well. New fps games are being made and billions or maybe trillions of games are out there and you’ll definitely not be missed.
oh shiet, season saved for 2 weeks? W respawn
Wow, new style video
I love it
Music name – Something real
I like the part when they say it’s the event of the year and they use a bugged mode back in days and it’s like any other event, truly an Apex experience
Still no love for the gas daddy..
Where can we get those customized Apex jackets though
As per Apex developers new content means more skins
I think you should slowly roll out this collab in the following weeks forno reason at all
Я серьёзно задумался, удалить мне Алекс или нет
Cant wait to get teammates that didn’t get the memo and rage quit anyway
Bryson Tiller next????? 👀👀👀
Oooo I played against this guy and iitztimmy in apex a while back
Please tell me i can buy these with crafting metals.
This is for you guys. Now buy the skins.
Those skins better be earnable by playing the game, not by another dog hit collection event (700 points per pack) 💀💀💀
my friend shilling the overwatch 2 le sserafim event.
I love post
Bruh, *what is that melody*
Hope Posty’s okay
Also yay new LTM and skins!
wheres the cross progression?????????????
This is really the trailer we deserve
Brooo i knew we would get something like this 😂
it’s funny watching him barely survive and then collabing with this game 💀
Seems like they are running out of ideas
Aceu where?
Why was lifeline hold dual pistols is that a new weapon coming next season or when the even drops
So lame
Where is the emote where you can pay 1M$ on a MTG card?
Petition to release this trailer song as a music pack
New stickers wow
Please let there be a Ballistic skin
they really made a lil montage
The Post Malone partnership before Titanfall 3 announcement is mental to me, never thought a respawn game would get big enough for these types of partnerships. Congrats to the devs!
Oh ffs… Just release the song and let me fill my Spotify with its gloriousness. :/
a good wraith skin finally
they officially lost it
I feel excluded from this event based on not being in the targeted demographic
uh no post malone skin?
i love posty the best artist plays apex even BRYSON TILLERRRRRRRRRR
Events that you have to spend like $200
I love post Malone and this event already but I think they wasted a opportunity to use this as a prestige skin event
Это прекрасно❤ спасибо респавн за калаб любимой игры и любимого артиста🥰
POGGERS. Amirite, fellow kids?
i Enjoyed every part about watching this
😅 love it
Actual ltms and not just recolored skins too buy?? What in the ea
Dude this is so hype
Huh, this is a pretty cool video and post seems awesome!
games a hacker filled mess,maybe they should build a workin anticheat rather than paying a new poster boy
Give me something I can feel 🤟🤘
This trailer is pathetic but we finally got some casual and normal looking skins…
I love post Malone music and seeing this just hyped me for this event I’m definitely looking forward to this this is a huge W for both Respawn/EA and of course post Malone and his crew/friends
в игру не возможно играть, лаги жуткие после обновы…
Who is this guy ?
0:50 that tap strafe made my pp go biggah
Post Malone in Apex makes me so excited to play again!
Let´s go Post Malone!!
That wraith skin is absolute fire
Is the Octane skin going to be free? Respawn been blue balling us with the free epic (rare rlly) skins for too long now. Where are the times that free event skins were legendary?
Goat trailer
this is sooo fireeee, LOVE U POSTY I MEAN IITZAUSTY❤❤
Let’s GO!!!
Never saw a Tapstrafe in an event trailer🔥
thx for the three free stickers
Скины то реально годные 👌🏻😎
1:28 dual wield p2020??
And the skins looks great!
Mejor arreglar el Cross-Save acabo de hacer el cambio de cuenta y la perdi y sus foros no sirven de nada , tengo casi 4 anos de jugar y lo perdi todo -.-
That’s awesome, finally the game can make me wanna buy something except the battle pass
We need post Malone as an actual legend in the game
Fuuuuuuuuu** two of my favorites in one. YES! also WHERE IS ACEU??
Yeah that’s cool and all. But where’s the Newcastle heirloom? 😂
They should just bring back arena.
Austin deserves his own legend .
where is the crossprogression, we dont need this skins
What a joke! Meanwhile, i’m over here on console being forced to play with p c players in mixed tape modes and still no frame rate upgrade. Nice! Here, take more of my money as i bend over for you guys.
These people will do everything besides add a solo mode, I think it’s the last season of playing this game for me.
Шляпа какая то, серваки лучше почините, что бы зависаний после боя не было, одно чините другое ломаете!
Can you please bring back the mobile version..😢😢
Crazy how post Malone got us a goth wraith skin lol
Yoo post malone skin when???
God I wish i could work for Post.
why new things when you cant enable nvidia reflex
first fix nvidia reflex then lets talk about game
How about actually give original and older characters their heirlooms and heirloom skins.. not this cringe fest money grab event
Man it’s about time! Let’s go!
I loved the part where the game still isn’t playable on linux two days after season release
1:28 Dual pistols???
Fix Bahrain server or give us dedicated server for INDIA 🇮🇳 please 🙏 respawn
ooh me volaron las cabeza
Apex will do anything but fix their game
Its so bizarre but im lowkey down
Out on my birthday lets go !
Those skins are beautiful 🥹
Thought it came out today well there it go
We die a lot 🔥
By far the best octane skin
Bro I promise you Apex isn’t always the best game at times but the trailers always slap 🔥
just give us titanfall 3 dawg 😭😭😭
Post is so real. Absolute legend.
Cool… anyway can i stop getting preds in my lobbys
El renacer de Apex 😃😃😃😃
What song is this
Je suis déçu comme d’habitude que des skins je m’attendais à un concert dans le jeu pas juste un évent comme d’habitude
Bro I am BRICKED UP rn 🫡
When Post Malone said that he dies a lot…
“You know I’m something of a Post Malone myself.”
big respect
I like ❤
Bro the game is not opening for me on my xbox yall help me😭😭 i have switched internets, uninstalled and downloaded it, every other game opens except apex and it happened after i updated the game
Like Wraith didn’t get her new skin literally prev few weaks
This will revive the game
How does this affect titanfall’s legacy??
Y’all talking about post Malone but I’m talking about the r301 noises those sound crazy
New rarity WOW almost makes up for the massive decrease in content!
so what is this about?
DOPE 🔥🔥🔥🔥
If we don’t get this song as a music pack, I will be extremely disappointed.
Titanfall 2
I’ve never been so stoked to play Apex. I hope they have this song in the game!
This is so dope
Respect to editor, he probably really love this game. WHERE IS TF3?
Vamos a darle de una vez 😎
i miss my apex friends whom i met online in a random lobby and grinded for countless hours and one day when we never knew, was the last time we played together.😢
Thassa lotta ThReEs there respawn. HmMMMMmmmMmmmmmmMmm
whats the song at the start of the trailer?
The part where Beethoven’s 7th was playing was beautiful; you should have kept it in the entire video.
Dev make Sweetie movement and Post Malone carry !! nannnnnn am Hypeddd dudeeeeeeeeeeee !
Respawn, u know what? I just deleted your game yesterday. Because with a new system of matchmaking the game isn’t fun. I can’t enjoy it like the previous 3 years. You trying harder – and it’s not rewarded, u take a harder and harder lobbies. And it’s endless loop. U can give us more and more items in shop, u can carry casuals from the old players. But if it’s not fun – no one will play it in next few years. U just killing your game…
All solo players – I’m with u, guys. You are the best! But Respawn doesn’t think so
Are yall also tired of all the events being just new skins? It’s been something like 2 years since actual new meaningful gameplay additions to the game
finally apex gonna do smth
Yaaaaaay 👾
Ничего не понял, да и вообще не интересно
Cosmetics looks sick
No content, only skins and now rap…
Yep, worst season ever.
Imagine Faide is in the trailer somewhere
Отлично, а что с кросспрогрессом ???
It feels live a big Family
Apex got more trash
Let Post be in charge of designing all skins for the game this point forward. All these are crazy 🔥🔥
Bruh 😢😂 this is gonna be a sick season 😂
Holy cow this is such a W
I guess it’s Apex’s turn to become Fortnite.
Best event ever 😂 only took 3 years
Love post Malone but not the cry babies streamers lol
Meh lol
Finally Respawn doing something right. Partnership with Post Malone probably the best thing that has ever happened in apex.
This about to go crazy!! 🔥🔥Beautiful song❤️🥲
Makes me wonder if I’ve ever played a match with him or someone else well known, and never knew 🤔
Hey Post, MommasGotAGun3 🔥🙃
Ok so this is something respawn finally doing somthing recognizable
Did anyone see Lifeline duel-pistoling? O.o o.O 1:28
As usual, there are no free rewards. And participation in the lottery is not available in most countries. Thanks EA
The way everyone getting killed and lifeline is doing the boogy in the back had my dying
The wraith skin 🔥
no entendi?
Yeh, that’s cool
Akimbo RE45!!!
E-P-I-C even better than new season trailer
hagan una leyenda de Malone
eu esperei 5 anos por isso
Apex he needs to voice a character fr
He’s so hot
Wraith and octane skin look 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Naw what
Some youtuber said that we will get shadowfall , I Swear to God I will find him for the hope that he gave me 😑😑😑
If only my teammates picked me up. “Down, need some help!”
Lifeline [standing right above me]: (-.-)
Sick 🎉🎉🎉
Everything aside, first fix ur game!!
Fix this so-called Cross Progression! Fix ur matchmaking system!
Very compatible with the lore of the game (no)
thx u!!!! apex legend
I don’t want to listen to pathetic pill popping music, I’m tryna play apex bro bro take your pills somewhere else.
Post Malone Getting carried everyday huh?
Album: Austin, Song: Something real
Using Timmy is just so cringe
Not y’all forgetting ab loba this season 😭yall love octane this season 😭😭💔
No way
Where is aceu???
Favorite game and musician combo 😍
Damm. These skin 🤯🫣
oooo i see tap strafe~
Por no le dieron una leyenda 😊
I hope they drop him like Forge
But can we get rid of control and have more gun run now?….
Everyones tryna be fortnite now?
Way better then fortnite
Why did i get chills 👌👌
no name
My name a post melon
Eh, not my type of music.
we need octmalone skin and also need Pathtimmy skin
Cringe asf
i knew this day would come
Oh no, I killed… Who are you again? Never mind, I don’t care. 😎
Ok , but where crossprogression , guys?
This game is only spenders and influencers, rest are nerfed.
Hoping this opens the door for more collabs in the future
I just lost my entire account after being prompted to login and you idiots are still promoting this trash. Glad to see these are high on the list of priorities. I dont care if this department has nothing to do with cross progression and linking accounts. I just lost thousands of dollars after a mere update and login prompt and was reset to level 1.
Finally a good colab
Most random thing ever
I guess we have to pay 20 clean ones per skin again? or is it the type of event where you have to spend 7bucks for 1 pack? 🙂
Apex 終於有歌了 有點感動 感謝Post Malone
pls cool it with the wraith legendaries. More legends need the spotlight with skins
Nice tap strage respawn xD
$50 skins bois get excited!!!!!
Ok this is OK as a one time thing but I hope this doesn’t turn into call of duty where they make a ton of celebrity skins and bring cheesy celebs into the picture if they do that I quit
now sounds very cool but maybe bring arenas back as an ltm and forget to remove it
5 years and they couldn’t activate the crossprogression of one? This seems like a joke to the community.
who is this guy
and ? u give me ingame events to buy recolor skins for 20$ and this is the event i need to buy a skin and i have the event finish
Best event of the year 2023 😭💗
Idk man I really don’t know if I wanna rant about fuse or how sear gets more event skins than him
Love how much of a fellow nerd Posty is.
Cringe song and dancing
Blud did a tap strafe
Lo triste es saber que hay muchos eventos chidos y los de Mobile se los están perdiendo
Song name??
0:51 did we just witness a tapstrafe in a trailer???
I was watching this with zero volume and it looks awkward
Fix apex for console
Yet no Crossave
Litty 🔥🔥🔥
Where’s aceu?
put a raising canes in game please
Sure…get post malone…but ffs dont worry about FOOTSTEP AUDIO! 19 seasons of not being able to hear when a team runs up on you! Game is PURE MONEY GRABBING TRASH!
Prowler got a new sound?
Its amazing how even celebrities who act cool and talk about anti governemnt and corporations but he’ll advertise for one of the scummiest Companies to exist.
Ayo i know that Asian man
This video only got a thumbs up because of Post Malone.
bRUH! you hype us up for a month with titanfall 3 and give us a post malon skin and call it the event of the year?!
Anything free?😅
Fix cross progration 🤬🤬🤬
So nice of Post Malone to do this for free!
apex spent all their marketing budget on new woke characters and heirlooms 😀
nice work partnering with a TRUE player of the game 🤝
I won’t say it a lot, but this trailer was a W for Apex Legends. But you can’t really go wrong with Post Malone. Let’s hope this event is just the beginning of cool collaborations like this.
Did they fix the Season 18 MM changes yet? I have no interest in getting trolled by way better players for 3 hours straight every night when I am supposed to be chilling and having fun. None of our Discord group plays Apex any more since season 18 ruined the game for mid players.
I like the part where Octane used his stim in mid air, essentially giving him 0 speed boost until he lands
respawn fell so low
Same thing as always, but they got a guy promoting it this time… yay??
I’m going straight for the octane, I’ll toss the rest to the side.
Couldn’t have picked a better artist!!! Next time lets get ghostmane for next halloween!!
Who is it? Кто это?
To be honest, it’s cringe
i love him SO much, ty apex for doing this with my favorite human
Very cringe
Where did this come from
Man I haven’t touched apex like in a year and I’m in the last semester of the uni, buuuut I just can’t miss this.
would have been cool to add a character voiced by Post Malone or based on him
Yea that ash skin is mine baby
fix cross progression
woo posty
Awesome honestly
I dont play apex anymore but im still subscribed to their channel for the lore videos. This event makes me want to play apex again. I love posty ❤
Truly, an Apex experience.
About time you’ve done something fun like this! Win!
dude i still bet a wraith main is gonna back out from being knocked and not down
double p2020 huh
Missed opportunity we could have had a in game concert 😢
I am crying… The mood about dying in Apex…
W another mid event🎉🎉🎉
Yeah respawn, give me something I can feel xD
Apex is back ladies and gentlemen
It’s not Titanfall 3, but ok, posty makes it all good
Posty 🐐 🔥
I Like Apex, I Like Post Malone, let’s go !
So basically, you are giving us skins to buy from you. And you are repurposing old mode of squad dying, so nothing new.
Q paia
wow que cool un evento de post malone en apex legend
And still no Titanfall 3.
I cringed so hard that I love it.
Espero no me decepciones
Let’s go Post 🔥
🔥 🔥 🔥
Here for “apex experience” comments
Games broken. Shield cheat is too much. Land on a purple jump of the map. Respawn with 2 purples.
2 expectations, No.1, a new music pack, No. 2, a skin that i can get by doing quests instead of moneying
Loved Posty well before Apex became my “obsession” and know he’s such a through and through great guy who does what he loves and loves what he does – and I’m here for ALL of it! Lesssgoooo!!! 🙌
So lame.
A new trailer for Titanfall 3? Oh boy!
Wait a second…
This looks 🔥
Cringe event
Finally good movement in an APEX trailer
just when i thought this game couldnt get anymore cringe and gay
yeah okay ahahah
Yo respawn… what about those jackets though! 🤑
So nothing changed, cringe.
Need that song on Repeat while Im popping off or dying off drop idc. This is FIREEE
please APEX LEGENDS , update the OLD PRESTIGE SKINS WITH especial Dive trails , and plz someone in the manegement put on them stats trackers
Mano é de arrepiar!!! 😢❤
Can we get events that make the skins earnable in packs or craftable after the event is over again.
i mean i guess…
lets go Apex Legends X good move
Posty has to do make song for apex! And let him do some announcements!
bro that vibe is so amazing. Thx post malone for this event, love u
Who bats in the open while there’s a fight going on right in front of you, randoms. Truly an Apex experience.
why am i not in this trailer?.
nah jk, im trash 💀
Sigo sin entender por que mayormente no aparece Mirage en los eventos.
Their first ever collab
Yo this is crazy dood yeeyee
I need that octane skin
I see a mid-air tap strafe in an Apex trailer and I am not even shocked lol
Fuse Posty skin plz
Hoping we get more collab events like this in the future, this looks promising.
So respawn is paying crackheads to advertise their game, that’s all bad. Had to watch this wit the noise off cuz of how garbage the music was.
Now for this im reinstalling
They release event’s and the servers are 🗑️😂😂😂😂
Crosssaveeee ???????
cringe as always, respawn
1:27 lifeline is dual wielding p2020’s?!?!
Idk who post Malone is, but ig im a fan now😅
Post Malone Concert Event, like Travis Scott x Fortnite, but make it more Awesome
Chills literal chills 😍😍
Let’s goooo👏👏👏
“It’s the event of the year”…. sure looks like every other event of the year. New LTM could be fun but isn’t game changing. And 90% of the event’s content, will be locked behind the store. Cool idea Respawn, but don’t act like this is a big deal, when its the same event you’ve been doing every month plus a song.
I hope post put a small detail for lil peep.
Skins and trailer looks better than the BP trailer!
no thanks.
Where is ma boy aceu
So dose this mean we get to dual weild p20s now was that just a emote or smth
masterclass absolue
1:28 okay give us akimbo pistols already
Lifeline Dual wielding? 👀
I love how the trailers are now including tap strafes and wall bounces. It puts a smile on my face even if I can’t tap strafe anymore since I’m on console
I’m proud to say that I was here for this WE MOVE🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯💯❤❤❤❤❤
Awesome. Love his music
timmy is here but where is ACUE ?????
I dont care abt it if it aint 120fps for console
Ok ,and Cross ????
Song name?
Name of this song! Quick! I’ll wait!
wooooo~~~~ yeeeehh~~~~~~
How about you FIX RANKED, never seen a game butchered so hard. There is nothing ranked about the ranked leagues, not a single thing.
let them make a nicki minaj or travis scott event n watch how everyone cry about the “woke mobb” infiltrating apex lol
because this sounds like a farewell to me
Hey Posty, can you ask Respawn to buff Octane? Thanks.
Ngl, this song slaps🔥🔥
hold on… did i just feel the urge to play apex legends .I gotta get myself checked
Normally i dislike when games collab with random celebrities, but i know he actually loves this game, so im all good with this
atleast he is better musician than designer
Something real music pack would be sick
They shouldve made post malone as a legend
pero que mierrrrdaaaa es esto
too early to find the guy who is “Not a fan of Post Malone’s music but thinks he is a wholesome and chill dude”
We need a solo mode, so a team doesn’t have to suffer for how bad I am.
This song it’s beautiful, all around this events it’s beautiful
Dayum the octrain be drippin’!
I love this guy.
Мммм….. Ху-е-та..!
I love how it’s showing actual movement like wall bounces in this trailer.
Love it everything postmalone and Timmy, but putting stickers in a trailer is shameless. Also akimbo p20 ???
Don’t show me Akimbo 2020’s unless You’re gonna let us use Akimbo 2020’s
About time love apex best Game ever
I want to tap strafe on console
Yeah but like what about cross progression 😂
Need a music pack now!
Yo this actually goes hard HYPED for this, the skins and everything looks so cool cant wait
such a mid event
Can’t wait for Apex X Jhoe Roham collab!
Dear EA, please let Respawn do their thing because they will make the game better not your money. You do not deserve thanks until you give them the support they need.
Apex con música de Lol 😅
Y algo para Watson pa cuando ??? 🤔
Song now please
Man number 3 am I right guys
Let’s DO IT
it’s all downhill from here, apex is gonna turn into MTX corporate garbage like Warzone and Fortnut
aaaaaand I’m back to Apex
He wouldn’t die as much if the matchmaking was fair.
Lol y tho
In last Trailer Post Malone dying alone and no one revive hin, SO WE HOPED SO MUCH FOR A SINGLE PLAYER MODUS 🤤
and now in this 2nd trailer????
There are a lot of team mates . . .
my hope for Single Player is that what is dying 🫥
Wow so no new ress legend
Lifeline had dual p20🤑🤑
The trailer was well made 👀
love the brotherhood between timmy and post
So a bunch of millionaires want to thank us by giving us more fake stuff to spend real money on?
I’d rather you just deposit 100 apex coins in everyone’s wallets and thank us that way. I’m not buying your $30 sticker pack 😂
Where is faide ?
Crazy w event
Post Malone is the GOAT.
Stoppen playing apex but this is so dope!
Sooo we just gonna ignore that the game mode is just team death match with extra steps?
Still nothing on cross progression
Wow… ya’ll peaked Halloween year 1.
An event ill finally enjoy
Give us heirloom shards post malone 🙂
i just love seeing @iiTzTimmy having fun w his bro
Such a believers most of you… Post malone isn’t here cos of u,he’s here cos been paid for this! That’s all! Something new that’s sure but still rip off most of the stuff even if I love this game…
I think the skins from this event will be ones of the best skins from the entire game BY FAR. Thanks Sir Malone & Respawn
Yo how’s is the bearded dude with glasses had some swagger moves and Timmy in a corner no dance moves just stalking!!!!!!
Too bad the meta is the worst it’s been In a long time. L stars, snipers and spitfires is all we can use now
Okay this was dope AF
So no one is talking about lifeline with the 2 p2020’s
Post Malone in Pokemon and now Apex Legends,
Hatdayumn man is a man of culture!
Man who would’ve thought Apex could make good looking skins. Leave it to a good rap artist to actually have them do so
What does it have to do with post Malone?
Died from CRINGE 😂
Can we just get Titanfall 3?
It’s all leaked online already and the cost is a joke as usual. EA stuff
закрываете свои дырки в разрабкоте за счёт здовроья и нервово играков. горите в аду
why wasnt aceu in there?
Bro plss we need rockstar as a skydive music pack plsss
i dont really play Apex, but i can respect this Collab, its not just a paycheck to Posty, its a game and community hes passionate about, openly ill add.
event of the year
teaming up with post is awesome
Post Malone is so cool! Hope he stays healthy…
Oh my god.
Between this and kpop overwatch, this is more my taste
I so much love Posty ! I’m happy to see him playing this game and doing event with Apex. Thanks man
It was cool until I realized there was a bunch of simpy apex no lifers dancing in the background 😂
So far (I know there have been bugs/issues) but season 19 has been great! Love the changes to the map, new legend is a great addition, and this event looks awesome! Anyone else agree
Apex is dying slow
Cool event where cross progression tho
Ozempic Legends
Fine ill redownload the game for the event, hopefully its not in the same spot it was when i left it because the movement is perfect
thanks respawn, didnt know u were chill like that
Love the part where Respawn had to zoom in so you actually noticed the heal stickers, truly an apex experience.
Posty rock like always ❤
This is fkin cool!! Props to PM and Apex for the collab!
Mano……que sensação maravilhosa que eu estou sentindo…….🎉🎉🎉🎉
I love post malone if he can think that this is for for a certain reason I will understand
Just fix the in game audio
Just make titanfall 3 a single player game, and put some exclusive skin for apex in the game at full price.
cmon respawn, you can make money and give players what they want
Its cool to have post Malone in the picture but sadly I can just expect a regular event with a new game mode and some cosmetics.
That’ll be $240…
Did they record the gameplay footage on Xbox 360?
dear god tell me theres akimbo pistolw
where is justin bieber
I swear the three strikes mode is another similar mode from the mobile version but its been a while now so id have to go back and look it up hut it seems familiar.
W trailer as always
I don’t listen to Malone songs, so I’m not excited.
where aceu ??????
Akimbo pistol?
Apexやりながらpost malone聴いてる俺、歓喜
Still a horrible game no matter what cosmetic garbage you add
Post Malone out here making events for us!
Esperaba algo mejor…
This song better be in a music pack! IT’S AWESOME.
He ain’t a predator!
I’ve seen this cat play!
Lifeline was dual wielding pistols?
hello respawn, could you release the skin in the post, since it raises the flag and defends our beloved game
It might not be what the game actually needs but gta admit this is pretty sick!
one more event without fixing their servers
Welp there goes my paycheck ❤️ totally worth it!
Cool now where’s titanfall 3
this game is getting worse by the second
We still want Titanfall content TF3
Gonna be ruined by the matchmaking the new event
league of legends – new jeans
overwatch – le sserafim
apex legend – post malone
what this situation
Again high price bundles , shame
This is sick, wish we got a collab with the Apex esports teams as well
Thank god post Malone needed his collab no cross progression tho love it respawn
This is hype afffff
what a pathetic group of people
Very cool!
i might actually buy some things in the collection event lol
I just want titanfall 3.
I love the part where respawn actually made a Good partnership and is actually bringing W content! Can’t wait for this event and hopefully they add his music in!!!
Octane main with a whole lotta money does a octane skin
Finally they are taking the game in the right direction
Thank u Drake 🗿
Nice crossover! I’m just happy itztimmy is in the trailer lol.
Lettssss goooooooo
The skins are alright not my style but i do love post as a person
Maybe this could be a start for apex to have more collaborations, with unique stuff they can bring out , not just some random skins thrown out in events
3 STRIKES? 3 SQUAD LIVES? guys its confirmed titanfall 3
the weather…
its not cloudy
no rainy
ahh…. nvermind
This ones is for EAs Wallet
this is fire
Dallas Cowboys, Raising Cane’s, and now Apex. Posty is truly a man after my heart.
all this baloney and no TF3 what is wrong with y’all
We lost TF3 for this btw
Haha cant wait for this
“this one’s for you” for the small price of 199.99, truly an apex experience
Fortnite is best😅
Post Malone – Something Real (Official Live Performance) – Song (leave a like <3)
This is hype but I think this video had max 15 fps
Is he actually a Pred?
Bro when apex mobile come back I’m waiting
сука почините кроспрогрессию
if theres no music pack this is an L
maybe this will revive this dead dogshit game
Someone please tell me what this song is called
Where is the Post Malone concert though?
That wraith skin is sick
Thank you posty!!!! Your the man!!! Good luck out there legends
Posty the goat always show up for apex
Man, I personally don’t like post Malone, but my mom loves this guy and admires him a lot, so I kinda like this dude because of it lol
I unliked the video so I can like it again
que clipe foda. a musica ficou perfeita, Post malone é brabo
This event is going to get wild from this one! ☝
The part where Beethoven’s 7th was playing was beautiful; you should have kept it in the entire video.
The collaboration with post malone is too good!🎉🎉🎉
Post Malone, your the true legend!
Rasings Canes and now Apex ❤
Lol reskins on me reskins on three 123 reskins 😭
Nothing against Post Malone, but why?😂 Is this just bc Fortnite does music colabs?
His tattoos look awful lol
grandioso post malone representando mejor que respawn. Ojalá tenerlo más veces por aquí.
Skins are terribly tasteless
this is gross, the whole problem with fortnite is the cringe collabs.
We need this song released as a music pack in game for the event!
24 items. Without a reward for bying them all?
What a “nice” thought-out “event” from respawn! Event when you basically give them money for nothing!
Disappointing, but not suprising.
The collaboration we couldn’t even think to wish for. Austin is just such a cool dude! 👏🏼😮💨
Why does 3 strikes just sound like normal br
release this song please
Holy mother of god! Post malone we love you ❤
if they dont add a music pack with post malone in the game then this is event is pointless
lets go baby
what a bunch of nerds that no one cares about
I love apex and posty this couldn’t be better
High tier MID….
Pero ponran los mapas buenos no la basura de Punto Tormenta y Luna Rota
We want Titanfall 3
I was skeptical at first but this trailer was very well done
Not really a post Malone fan, but I am excited for this event
Sheeeh itztimmy on it 🔥
Okay… I’ll admit, that trailer was dope, but honestly only because of POSTY.
Вот это борададыч
Where is cross progression??!!
No aceu
tears of happyness fr fr
So Post Malone got his own trailer for apex that’s crazy
Posty is here😮😊
Dat song is so good
Aeeeeeee Agora quero um casaco com meu nick tbm ¬¬
We Fortnite now, boys.
Tad cheesy but I like it
after the season 19 update the games won’t open and 3 days have passed and still not. when will this be fixed?? I play Xbox series s
Image he made a soundtrack for the event that would be badass
Oh my god an actually cool event
Song : ” Something Real “
Best trailer Apex ever had
Half of this is cringe
No!! Let me guess you have to pay 5584848$ to get the skin :DDDD
El Evento es con la Persona Indicada, solo espero que sea un Gran evento y no únicamente que agreguen alguna musica y Skins, a Apex le hace mucha Falta Grandes Eventos que cambien un poco la rutina por unos dias y no sea siempre lo mismo temporada tras temporada
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
I feel like Posty is not just talking about the Apex games, or to the fans of the game.
Love you, Posty! Thank you for the music and this awesome collab. Looking forward to this event!
운영이나 잘해 ㅅㅂ
How come all the dope people play apex on PC. We console only’s don’t have anyone..
luv u bro!
Biggest W for Apex.
1:29 Akimbo?
i just gonna back to apex only for my boy posty <3
Yayyyy more $30 skins 😃
Put his music pack in the game PLEASEEEE
the YT video quality is literally 0
The song is “Something real” for those wondering
2- cool for Timmy.
3 &”brand spanking new”? I’ve been defending some of the things that get approved and launched in the game as “come on guys, they obv thought about it and know what theyre doing”
brand spanking new getting approved and pushed out the gate proves people were right. *facepalm *
love this guy
Yeah yeah, cool post malone but cross progress?
Rare W 🗿
Anyone noticed that under timmy’s name it just says “needs no intro” 😀
Will free Liqun included?
No one talking about the Octane doing a tap strafe off his jumppad in an apex trailer.
Ok, fine. I’ll be back on apex. Goodbye overwatch 😂
Posting Melons x Aproximate Heroes? Sick
don’t like the guy but the skins are cool so whatever
Yea yea nice but where is the cross progression
That’s now official, apex legends has become a mix of Fortnite and Call of duty…
(we knew it already, but now that’s official)
You just have to love Posty! <3
This is sick!!! 🔥 🔥 🔥
Where is Cross Progression?
I mean they have time to Develop this masive Event, but they Choke with Cross Progression. Show me one Person that has been able to merge his Account since the Release of the season.
Warzone en sueur ! vive Apex Legends !
Become a Legend Post Malone I need to hear your voicelines in game
Might be the first time i get every skin from an event 💀
Apex is the game that no matter how bad it gets the moment a trailer drops you instantly want to get back in
tap strafe — check
wall jump — check
best aim — uncheck
Make titanfall 3
We actually excited for this? :l
Ojalá agreguen una forma de hacer el tap strafe en consola, porque hasta en los trailers nos están mostrando las ventajas de pc sobre consola
Pls colab with apex cross progression plsplspls😀
The movement was insane. A wall bounce AND a jump pad tap strafe???? 🔥🔥
I need this sony
Meh. TRULY an apex experience
estya bonito
Im not going to lie but this update is fire 🔥
I really apex mobile 😿😿😿😿
Ok but where is cross progression
you all can still turn to Christ God bless yall
Where’s titanfall 3?
Cadê o diálogo de personagem em português br?
That’s it?? No in-game event or nothing??
They starting to tap strafe in the trailers now lol
I loved the part where Wraith was solo pushing only to get instantly knocked down. Truly a realistic Apex Legends experience.
I think you should slowly roll out this collab in the following weeks forno reason at all
The amount of people who don’t know that Post Malone really enjoys Apex is surprising.
бля,а где кирилл импульс
Timmy babyboy 😭😭
Itztimmy NOICE
wraith skin NOICE
Post malone NOICE
Who are the others? 🤔
love post Malone but hate the game. blaaahhhh 👍🏾
Bro for a second i thought fuse got new finisher 😭😭😭😭
Now this is a smart partnership. A genuine wholesome musician who happens to love to play this game with the friends he’s got through the Apex community.
This is how you do a collab, COD take notes.
Yeah, and still no 120hz in console, FOH.
Apex is officially dead! there involving rappers now like fortnite….R.I.P Apex it was nice😢 Uninstalling now….
I think we all didn’t expect that…
Best apex Trailer since release
Bro I love this
Thanks respawn for finally dropping Tf3
What happened to the cross progression?
Who is tf is that? Hate collabs in games, Always with the awful millennial music too😂 cringe af. Nice story but ehh not 4 me
3200 coins the skin, ain’t no way Respawn and EA are gonna sell some Post Malone skin withou a bundle in it.
que clipe foda. a musica ficou perfeita, Post malone é brabo
So xD how about I finally get my playstation account on the pc respawn
Best Trailer ever. Thx Posty!
why gibraltar is bad skin
nice skins and all but a bit of a letdown! would’ve been much more appreciative if there was a Posty special gun skin or something that would stay in the game for a long time as Post Malone theme!
We just want Titanfall 3
Cool cant wait to buy these skins and be able to use them on xbox and PC thanks to cross progression
For only 300 dollars
Beethoven Symphony no. 7 in the beginning was dope af
Señores de apex regalad algo a la comunidad que no regaláis ni los buenos dias
Gonna be a no for me dog
ok but now do one for titanfall and make it really titanfall :)))
Event “Post Malone” very cool! Best!
I love the part where post malone said “it’s posting time” and then posted all over them, truly an apex experience
ok maybe this is a gateway to more collabs
Fanatic Pistols? 1:27
You know this is nothing, right?
Fine, I reinstall apex again
Post said something that hit me. WE DIE A LOT. That contributes to be that be in the game or in real life events. 🔥
So this is the first collab right?
1.35 we all saw the foV hope that coming out !
Why don’t they use these gun FX in game? The guns in the trailers sound so clean 0:50
Give us Titanfall 3, we want it and we’ll buy it
Sadly is a collection event.. so i won’t be able to buy it, but whatever right?
So whoever has the most ranked points at the end of the event gets Posty’s 1/1 The One Ring from MTG, right?
post malone ape the stairway with me
collaboration of the year
I’m coming back for the octane skin
Lov u post malone
So no one asked
And when we get new titanfall?
will this concert announce tf|3
This is truly an Apex experience of all time.
Im Hyped!!
Ok but why?
Cross progression fix when?
Post Malone always entertains
Why is this a thing?
Had this song on repeat over the last few weeks so it’s nice to see it here ha
Double p20???
Honestly this event seems awesome. It’s great that Post is a big fan of Apex. It makes the event even more special knowing he’s a fan of the game as well
I might start playing again.
Now if they could just fix the actual problems in game, that’d be great
I really hope they don’t force this event to be one of those “if you want the good rewards drop 200”.
respawn has not been able to do crossprogression since the first day of the launch of season 19, failing company
Look at how much Apex has done for iitztimmy yet he plays valorant
The new gun sounds are hella cool
He’s STONEY album is my personal favorite
I got to see Wraith’s abs. 😃
Who’s buying the event
Hoping to get more collabs
baby boy😆
Man that is sooo cooool, I really hope there is Posty music in game
Now finally something new and nice
Amd with Austyy
This is seriously what apex needs rn
Actually insane collab. Let’s go!
absolute gas,
Unfortunately can’t afford any of the skins but I’m still hyped up for a music pack
I was surprised that Post Malone would be joining the event.
I’m really looking forward to it
Return Apex mobile
jesus christ the gameplay segment fps is horrible to watch lol
Imagine a System Like Music packs in Counter Strike implemented in APEX but as Lobby, Picking, Dive, and Champion music.
seing wraith with ABS is crazy! 1:30
We need ALGS official theme song in every year!!
Who is this guy ? Playing apex since first week. First time hearing name post malone 😅
Music packs respawn please
Don’t care just give me titanfall 3.
how about you rbing us TItanfall 3 people come on
this is literally the craziest trailer respawn has ever dropped
What no live event whatttttt?
Y ese we quien es? Aburrido! Ya hagan otra cosa
Release cross progression first you money hungry gits
my boi Timmy don’t let down nobody
Now this is how you advertise!
thank you post malon
Lifeline was holding too guns!!! Akimbo coming to the game?????
I love the part when Respawn said “it’s event time” and locked weapons skins behind the bundles. Truly the Apex moment.
I have no clue who post Malone is. I retired from apex years ago but I’ll come back to see what this is
Fix game audio 🙅♂️
Post Malone collab 💁
Okay now we talking Respawn you on the right path
Pero esta cool el evento me gusta
Jesus, stop dropping that ‘social activity and cosmetics’ updates. Just give us mode where we’re able to choose map to play and stay away counting millions of active players on your servers
The skins are amazing, good job Posty.
YESS BRO. Also peep the tour name 😂
I just hope cross progression will be arriving by those weeks of the event, so I can transfer my apex coins from my ps4 account to pc
Am I the only one who saw lifeline with the dual p20s ?
finally respawn did something for US
Its so fire🔥
Yo no quiero mas eventos, yo quiero que arreglen el audio del juego y el K.D
Definitely grabbing that Octane skin
Skins for cucktrane, wraipe, and Whorizon.
Bro bro bro bro iam Hyped
If this song is in the game I’m getting it straight away ❤❤❤❤
We need post Malone music packs
fake gameplay
I love that posty kept mentioning he dies, truly an apex experience.
1:29 we getting duel p2020 hop up?
We need Posty to convince EA/Respawn to make Titanfall 3
Everyone spam his accounts
Apexs fiest proper collab
Finally a strong collab!
Do neidaaaaa caraca
I mean at least it’s not another anime collab.
Cool cosmetics but I don’t play these legends sadly
It’ll be fun to get the rewards from this event… Oh wait my account is bugged like half of the playerbase and we can’t track progress:) cool
Maybe you actually give us a thematic pack?
i love post malone and i am so happy hes doing a collab but it doesnt change the fact that they ONLY released this now because the new garbage legend has broken the game take conduit out already!
What is this garbage?
Just like mad maggie’s games back in season 8
muy caliente jajaja
Así es esto esperamos
I was hoping for a Post Malone concert in-game.
Just give us Titanfall 3
This almost made me forget that the matchmaking is ruined.
We need more collabs
nahh im going back 2 apex now
Your my ride or die baby boy 💀
Song name❓
Unbelieveable man💯
Yo the stomach O_O also wish they added like a button where post malone shows up and sang on stage or something
Ok I’m excited ya got me💀just let us have that song in the lobby
It’s a problematic game from start to finish.
who is that lol
It’s cool for people who know him, but no idea of who he is.
Well, at least we got that gamemode from like 2 years ago that we couldn’t play due to bugs.
U gonna add 120hz or
where js cross prog
Bro, this is actually sick. Here’s to hoping there a Post Malone music track!
I just saw a jump pad tap strafe being done in an apex trailer. I’ve seen everything.
La verdad post Malone siempre a jugado apex se nota que le gusta el juego e visto algún directo o live por ahí y la verdad si es un gran fan así que gracias por esto don Malone se agradece
at least we have GET malone now
This is gonna be fun
Out of anyone to do a crossover with Apex Legends, Post Malone was the last person I’d expect. That being said this event looks incredible
lets goooo looks sick
Thank you posty but we don’t trust Respawn anymore 😢
what heirloom?
Fortnite had Marshmello.
Apex Legends will have Post Malone!
Thats a w collab & trailer
First ever celebrity collab ❤ apex going places
The collaboration we didn’t know we needed
Wow an actually apex collab
crazy not ganna lie
What a joke. This is so pathetic and embarrassing….
Collab we didnt know we need
W, now buff crypto and give us cross progression fr this time
oh god it’s turning into fortnite
Literal Goosebumps!
1:29 dual p20s ?!!!?!
I need a posty concert in apex
First collection event in a while that i’m excited for ngl
this event looks crazy its like rebirth for apex which i like
Bro We literally had this event 2 times already💀
This collab is fire
Is this the first time they’ve used a tap-strafe in a trailer?
Ta boneto❤
Hope We Got Post Malone Music Pack In Game
Lifeline holding dual pistols …hmmmm
Wraith skin looking great
Still can’t believe that this is real
What is Octane carrying at 1:27 when he jumps off the zipline?
We love you post
Wow, this is so wholesome! Post Malone is so wholesome, ya’ll!
i dont usually complain about the game but bro really all this hype for skins and an ltm? 👎🏽
Nobody cares about stickers 🗿
EA thiks what I say: “shut up and my money”?
We love you posty
on my birthday too ~ ❤🎉
So this mode is made for him so he doesnt have to see lobby that much ?
This was random, what the
Ok but were cross progress
Not buying anything till I get my cross progression pop up
what a cringe
Давай, велком фортнайт, скоро в это не возможно будет играть. Вообще.
Actual hype
Trailer is really good imo;) Can’t wait.
I like the part where post tell us that he keep dying. TRULY an apex experience
Say what you want about Respawn and EA but the trailer was very cool and Post Malone is such a great guy!
Post “Legend” Malone!!!! lets Go apex!!!
Well, this is quite something.
If only the servers worked
Can we do Meshuggah next?..
That Octane skin is straight up 🔥🔥🔥 also will we get a music pack with Posty music?!
Cross progression??
Nah this gave me goosebumps
Ngl post should’ve had his own prestige skin but either way this skin look alright
This trailer is so cringe and the event just brings more skins to rob our wallets.
This was sickest trailer ever so hyped
Cool now how bout our cross progression waves coming out
Now let’s see those prices.
Este es el comentario en español que buscas!
We Bleeding Holywood with this one bois
tell them to turn on cross progression
apeepee melon. nice.
This is beautiful honestly
Thought it was going to be a live event sad
make more colabs like this man
Post Malone is such a wholesome guy
Literally When my homies pull up on your block
They make that thing go grra-ta-ta-ta
All we needed was Post Malone so that we can get some awesome skins??!!
🤣 other event, of skins to 10-20 usd🤣
포말 콜라보는 레전드네 ㄷㄷㄷ
Bro is just a homie
this about to save the whole world
The goat
Genuinely can’t wait for this event.
let’s go more stickers
I’m excited the skins look great
Fortnite got juice wrld apex got post Malone on the same days ,,,,,, now this is interesting
Fix the game
OG fortnite, apex x post malone, gamers of both communities eating good today ngl
Nah can’t wait
Was here before a 1000 views
Octane best skin 💯
this will for sure be the event of the year.
This is seems like it’s going to be a fire event!!!!!
Fortnite got Travis Scott and apex gets post malone😭😭
0:52 these deve’s evolving with that tap strafe
Post Malone x apex legends is crazy
Good collab but it ain’t fixing the problems in this game LP is still awful
Apex legends saved his life 🔥💯🙏🏻😌
wow wow its been a while apex didnt give me goosebumps
Post Malone playing the game and getting a collab? Nice!
Absolute. Legend.
Is this a store event? If not what will be the heirloom your item 🤔
Normally I’d be judgey about these kinda events but the skins are just so sleek I ain’t even mad
Looks sick! ❤
I liked him before he was famous. Pre-Malone
This’ll be interesting
so Apex x Post and Fortnite x Juice ? ts is crazy
Posty !!!!!
Everything is good but where is cross-progression? 🤔
Even Timmy couldn’t save this from being mad cringe
It’s Fortnite now
nothing for wattson? k
From playing with Timmy to getting a collab, he really suprised us 😂
We need this song released as a music pack in game for the event!
Cross Progression
Let Post be in charge of Apex
I love the part where they didn’t add cross progression on season release day 🙏🏿😧Truly a Apex Experience
fortnite live event!!!!
Octane clearly has highest pick rate in the dev team his pad is in every trailer 😂
That’s pretty cool
i was here.
Tf is this
Love Posty, rez me!
too bad i don’t have friends to play with
pls make console support mouse and keyboard in apex pls we are asking for this soo long
Cool but the skins for ALGS teams? This was free for Post Malone? ahah
I forgot about this💀
Add cross progression
o boy my wallet is crying
This is awsome
crazy. drop cross progression
W collab!
Nobody cares about this game anymore…
My favorite part is when apex said they’ll add cross progression, then cross progressed everywhere
This is like what fortnite did lol
this shii is trash do better apex bring more content in the game
Post Malone Hype!
I won life
Three strikes is gonna be fire
They’ll do anything to save this game 😂
Most Palome
I’m so excited for this!! <3
“Cuz I died a lot….” Real. Lol
The collab we needed
aika huono
Where tf is cross progression
Give us Titanfall 3 plz I need to see BT again
Where’s cross progression 🫠
Post lol
Thats crazy
Lets go!
This gonna be CRAZY!
the octane is a must have