APEX LEGENDS | Stories from the Outlands “For Us, Utang na Loob”
Inspired by the hero that once saved her life, Conduit trades her own future for the opportunity to become an Apex Legend and provide for her family.
Learn More: http://x.ea.com/apxl/ignite
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Origin for PC: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts, Respawn Entertainment, Psyop, & Sun Creature
Sound Design/Mix: Formosa
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 19,apex legends trailer,apex battle pass season 19,apex season 19,apex legends ignite,ignite battle pass apex,battle royale,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (3365)
bro it could have been a vanguard titan broooo😭😭😭
Halle Bailey?
Is my ears playing tricks with me or does the filipino monarch theme when it landed sounds a lot like the awesome Pacific Rim jaeger theme
Wow, nice one
The laser core is used as a laser shoulder cannon, well done ion
That was some great animation!
A Filipino monarch is a pride
I wonder who she is!!!
Jack cooper
Those giant mechs look so cool!
Give me Titanfall 3 already stop teasing me 😂😂😂
Now we have cancer on apex ✨
the only animae ill watch
Standby for Titanfall!!!!
3:45 So, Monarch’s ultimate gona be die of cancer due to radiation?
For a moment i thought the title said “Putang Ina”
PSA: if you do this you’ll just get radiation sickness and die in agony.
is she pinay?
the mech fight at the start was so cool!! imagine if they added them to the game!
Cool, needs more TITAN FALL
i liked the part that when monarch went into a doomed state he got so mad he rage quitted and ddosed the whole server, this is the real titanfall experience
Did anyone else kinda hear pacific rim music when monarch fell?
Of course it was all for Apex Legends promo, they are never going to treat Titanfall players right.
yes a filipino legend
next legend is a filipino legend thats fire
Holly the Title that one scene using Filipino language yep proud pinoy
She grabs a titan battery she gets powers, but when I grab a titan battery I get hunted and killed by the nearest battery addicted monarch player.
Why isn’t she a Vanguard btw?
How sick would it be if they took those robots and put them in a game . Idk call it titanfall or something.
Ah yes she got cancer, “the very core of our DNA”
This was truly honoring the TF2 clitch moments.
hope to see TF3 someday.
Finally Filipino legends!
aaah man i want titanfall 3
When the titan fall is the truly a titanfall experience
Gagu anlupet
Soo Monarch was the Jerry rigged version of Bt chassis by the IMC I assume the opposing titans are raiders and this is a retired pilot ?
Ah yes, I too love playing as a weaponless Ion by solely depending on my laser core, truly the Titanfall experience.
Good job Apex you made me want to play Titanfall 2 again
The next legend is a Filipino!
Mabuhay Pilipino!
Trult a Titanfall experience
No one talking about how the squirrel just got yeeted to oblivion? Truly a Baldurs Gate 3 experience.
2:10 I felt really bad for the squirrel.
I doubt their gonna take the hint, and theyre losing the original games devs as time goes by…
This Apex video is as close as your gonna get to the titanfall experience.
The Filipino wattson basically
A titanfall cameo!!!
yooo conduit is a filipino sheeeesh
wow tagalog! shout out to all proud Filipinos out here! <3
Titanfall 3 when
All of this just for them to add one new legend with no map changes or any changes at all🤣🤣
Is it only me or each story of the outland trailer the FPS get lower and lower
What is that 0.1 second lazer core
nice 1 pinoy language
ayo, Philippines mentioned 😎
No Filipino pride comment yet?
petition for apex to create their own Netflix series
Keep up stuff like that! Shops still too pricey, but this stuff’s dope!🦸
I hope they make a game with these giant robots in them! That would definitely be fun!
But why would you do that? Not very good origin story at all. And I say this as I love previous cinematics.
This is a very complicated video that requires knowledge of the Outlands Civil War as well as information about the Titans of TF2 to understand the story of this video.
But Titan was used in the Outlands Civil War? Isn’t it too much of an overkill to deploy several of them in such a rural town?
And why don’t the attacking Titans realize it’s a trap and run away? Could it be that they are all on auto-pilot? (If so, we can only say that they were lucky. Pray for silence.)
We want titanfall 3
Yooo filipinos have been summoned
Isn’t this Valkyrie’s story on repeat?
BT got some new moves
it would be cool to see a battle royale with the titans…
Drop tf3 please bro stop teasing us
Where’s my adobo there was no adobo there 😂😂😂😂
Respawn isn’t dumb, they know what they’re doing with teasing more and more titanfall content, TF3 is coming
These robots are cool, they could make a game where you can control them ^^
Nice Titanfall 3 trailer!
Its about time!
New Apex Legend – Cancer☢️ 3:46
how pitiful that a trailer, in order to be cool, needs to be about titanfall and not apex legends
0:29 Sounds like that epic Pacific Rim theme – fits well because Titans too lol
animation is sickk guys
listening to my language mixed with english is just cringe. they should have used some hard accents to make the character more relatable but to me its just another american.
Filipino moment
Ion using laser core on a grunt, truly a titanfall experience
Thought is Titanfall trailer
So conduit is a filipino
Even she speak tagalog 1:18
I will really love to play with Arab legend
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh asim
в конце насрали, зачем?
not only did i get tf2 fan service but some representation too? this is a good day
i im so proud that our country language is in my one of fav games❤️❤️ from: Philippines…
When did they add filipinos to titanfall
Yassssss gurl
Anyone else getting titanfall nostalgia from this
The Monarch’s use of laser fire to actually help the team rather than giving himself a shield is truly a border defense experience
Just give us Titanfall 3 🙈
Faute une série je vous en supplie.
Frankie’s voice works so well with Conduit in this trailer alone, I’m sure its gonna be even better in the game interacting with all the legends!
Sono venuto.
Just release the trailer tomorrow. I can’t wait till 23!
신챔프?? 인거 같은데 아닌가요?
As a Filipino I love it specially the animation was sick.
a pinoy legend is here? maybe its time to play again
I loved when they “Truly a titanfall experience”, Truly a titanfall experience
Real Life_Cancer
No way, Filipina!??!?!
Это новый перс?
She’s definitely a stim player , greedy battery chasers
everyone commenting basically the same thing on a video…truly an apex experience
Loved the pilot nuking himself instead of ejecting, it was truly a Titanfall experience.
no way apex wetn filo mode soo siickkk
That animation is at least 3 frames per second! Beautiful anime 😀
I wasn’t sure until I saw adobo and heard “Ate..?” , but as expected, nice Tagalog-speaking representation by the Legends-crafters. Hopefully in the near future, we can get a Southeast Asian legend to replace Crypto as my main. Maybe in-universe, my nation of Cambodia develops in the classic Titanpex Legendfall technocultural style. If we got Khmer voice quips, I’d truthfully switch back to the vanilla audio rather than playing in weeb-mode JP audio
Aight. time to return to Apex Legends to see where this lore gets again.
Hold up! Wasn’t Monarch an IMC variant of the militia’s Vanguard titan?
Doesn’t that makes that Monarch pilot an IMC hero? 😀
theres an ion using core for a grunt, monarch 1 v 5 and then taking their own battery to just self explode instead of nuclear ejection? and where tf is the pilot ffs…
I like how the monarch unleash ALL hes rocket salvo and doesn’t hit a single enemy. Typical high-risk high-reward ordnance . Truly a Titanfall 2 experience
So protocol 3 exe. Not found?
They’re adding a Filipino legend, my brother’s rise up!
Give me more Titanfall… please
This looks awesome!!!
Give us titanfall 3 already😭
Apex Legends a piece of sh…! Give us Titanfall3.
Lol everyone commenting about TF|2 rather than Apex Legends. Hopefully Respawn aren’t complete trolls and come up with something related more towards Titanfall soon (like idk for the TF|2 anniversary).
Great visualizations, probably the most we’ve gotten to a timeline between the Apex Games and the Frontier Wars (that looked like 20-50 years overgrown I think) though uh what’s radioactive battery superpowers or something, questioning that character development…
WAIT so EVERYONE is just gonna ignore the fact the new legend is a FILIPINO?!?! And better yet, A FILIPINO IN THE APEX/TITANFALL UNIVERSE?! Im def gonna get back to the game when this filipino legend comes out
Translations (cuz im a mr knowitall):
1:19 “nagbabantay saatin” is protecting us
2:19 “Ate?” Is Sister
Apex legends has the best game trailers 🔥
BRO annother vantage like teenage girl? Man come on give us someone cool i have had enough with theese females that are just like kids. No one is gonna play them 💀
Since it is a Monarch, he has to be from the IMC and the Ions are from the Frontier Militia. That would also explain the Grunt at the beginning. He doesnt have the standart IMC Armor. But why does the Monarch have a FM-Vangard-style colouring? And does that mean that the new legend symphatizes with the IMC and hates the FM? Really looking forward to the ingame Voicelines
Also a Titanfall 3 would be dope. A shame that we only have hints and nothing of real evidence
Thank you Respawn for once again proving that the greatest thing about Apex is Titanfall.
I just realized the caption has a word from the Philippines I love this game sm❤
I wanted to hear “Stand by for Titan Fall” so badly😭😭🔥
Was it FS1041?
I mean BT could make a such sacrifice
What do you think my fellow pilots
The only thing that opening is missing is a grunt screaming “THEY’RE TRYING TO CORNER US”
Hey, this is cool and all, but we’d appreciate it if you didn’t tease us all the time and instead just told us if 3 is coming or not.
bored to near death
The opening gave me goosebumps. Apex once again making a fire animated video
This monarchs name is BOvky (found at 0:53 on its left thigh)
I am so happy they add pilipino character in my home country like I proud apex creators and round applause to them❤❤
more characters…more trash items on the floor. this game is done 👎👎
lore accurate Monarch tbh 🤷♂
So how much goosebumps do you want to give the viewer? *EA*. Yes
Я подумал это БТ😢
Monarch’s an IMC copy of Vanguard so are you saying the IMC are the heroes?
😂im just imagining here dying from radiation poisoning
Utang na loob🙏🙏😭😭
There 2 types of people here:
Wow! Those robots are cool. I wish someone would make a game about them.
It’s like BT 7274
👎it should’ve been totanfall
컨버터 핵좀 어떻게 좀 해봐라 따로 분리를 시키든지 도대체 하는 일이 머냐…
The subtle og apex lobby music at the end gave me goosebumps.
Nuclear radiation….. Must touch
I love how the comment section is already full of “truly an apex legends moment” it truly is an apex legend moment
pilipino woah
Yo where my Filipinos at
Titanfall 3 please 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Kinda makes me feel like the only reason they brought back titanfall is to promote this new character
My favorite moment was when Monarch pulled a nukestar. But she was under a tree so the pilot didn’t survive the nuke eject 🙁
Pinoy pride ong
Tf3 ?
Mabuhay! 🇵🇭
I’m filipino so I guess I’m the target audience for this trailer. I have never played apex legends before, but after seeing this trailer, I actually don’t want to play it even more now.
Incredible to see Filipino representation. Very well done, looking forward to exploring this new legend. Thank you for including some representation around the rich culture & spirit of the Philippines 👍🏽
Touching radioactive waste is always fun!
OH my gosh. That intro monarch battle was SO EPIC!!! I miss BT
My craving for titanfall content has gotten its yearly small dopamine boost for now.
Please, for the love of God give us Titanfall 3
Reading all the comments about Titanfall experiences. Truly a Titanfall experience.
3:43 The music❤😢
Dude, keep showing Titans!!! I live for this!
Monarch was my Titan ):
Players: Can we have Neon/Zeri at home
Apex: Yes honey we have Neon/Zeri at home
Utang na loob means returning a favor
bruh just give us Titanfall 3
Where are my pinoy peeps at?
I swear to god i hear pacific rim theme
Gotta be honest, the only reason I enjoyed this trailer was because of the Titan scene. I’m still hoping for a new Titanfall game, and not another spin-off.
I love how this video taught me everything I needed to know about the new legend. Truly an Apex experience
isnt this going to give false sense of getting superpower from nuclear radiation? again?
“Trust me”
I love how th(E) comm(E)nts chang(E) from Ap(E)x to Titanfall (E)xp(E)ri(E)nc(E)! Truly an Ap(E)x (E)xp(E)ri(E)nc(E).
Respawn justifying another legend’s powers by “they can touch it but we can’t” *the bird is DEAD*
Also bro did not nuke eject. He did not eject. He just nuked.
I thought i could never hate and love a trailer more
Ya’ll should use those cool robots and make a game w them. Call it Botdrop 3…
I mean 1. Dunno why i said 3…. weird.
I will be a bit sad that its not scuff english it would be funny to hear taglish
Pretty cool to have a pinoy legend.. animation is great too.
Hopefully she’s not gonna be part of the alphabet mafia.
2:05 nerf collaboration confirmed?!?!
Drop Titan, not legends!
I saw tagalog and just had to click
Respawn will do anything but make a titanfall 3 and will make shortfilms about how cool titans were
I think I might have to quit…
Albeit indirectly and only a small reason for playing, but, well, nilalaro ko ang larong ito upang takasan ang mapoot na wikang ito~
I literately loved this I can’t wait to see the new legends abilities
What is going to happen on the 27th then, respawn?!
Neon from Valorant is a Filipino who has electric powers
Conduit from Apex is a Filipno who has electric powers
is there like a hidden connection between Filipinos and electricity? 😂
those mechs are so cool I hope they would make a game about those…
just wow ..
I don’t think the apex team knows how titans work
Dude we need titanfall 3 not a new legend and now I want a titanfall anime and from yall yall showed yall can really pull it off the fights would be crazy like FR pull a cyberpunk and make a show about Cooper or something it would go so hard
respawn you already got a gun named mozambique add a character from mozambique too and give him dreads no cap
For Tatay Apolaki! and Nanay Mayari!. Laban Pilipinas!!!
Just give us tf3 already
The Filipino Monarch Titan Pilot saying: “Putang Ina Mo” before nuking everyone, truly a SEA Server Apex Moment.
Wait, so she touched a clearly very radioactive battery that was killing everything, and just got super powers?
Give us an animated series already, PLEASE 🙏🏿😫😭
Titans I’m apex soon confirmed I hope so please Respawn or EA
1:40 ellos jugando Apex legends JAJAJA
Lore: my mums arm hurty and her job isn’t nice, need to join the games ig
I liked the part where they announced Titanfall 3 and it got game of the year
Nice job including Nintendo fans who lick and chew on game cartridges.
Cool, give us titanfall 3 please
I love the trailers but hate that they keep teasing us first in season 9 then now
Respawn. Where’s titanfall 3? It’s been 7 years, we’re all sick of waiting
Oh just stop already. I dont care anymore. Unless its a release trailer for TF3 can you kindly please refrain from using Titanfall stuff as bait? You don’t care about it, so stop pretending.
Sobrang cool! maraming salamat Apex
So if I touch a titan battery I get superpowers
Please just say you are making Titanfall 3 already…
Is my eyes playing trick on me? I see tagalog on the title.
Unless Monarch got arc rounds ion smokes monarch
Yup filipino
How does she touch a radioactive battery, get abilities, and not stage four cancer?
“So you want to join the apex games, what are your abilities?”
“I got the power of a nuclear bomb from a titan”
The story was cool until ending.. why plot so bad made often in last videos like catalyst, newcastle and now
0 information why and what that, so overall looks cool but closer to end going worse
We just want Titanfall 3 so bad
that was cringe
Just give us titan fall 3
Broo this waa Dope Asf🤝💯
dude im actually proud to be Filipino cus like seaing ur own race in game or they just mention
it in anything we would all feel special
As a Ronin main i can confirm that a Monarch can do a 1v7 against a team of all Ions then do the sickest battery nuke ever. That is truly the Titanfall Experience!!!
Not accurate pinoy representation, where is the pagpag
bro i lost it when i saw the sun emblem on the mech, lesgo pilipino
I love these cinematic but they’re kinda eh. A lot of background characters get introduced, backstory is shown but then the character is never expanded upon. Not with every character like we know octane and lifeline Bangalore and Newcastle and so on. But where is mirages brothers (or atleast 1 of them) ,vantages mentor who is in loading screens sometimes they should just do what league of legends did and make a spin off series. They clearly have a lot of ideas they want to expand upon and it all can’t be done in a game.
1:50 did anyone eles see her sad theyre?
titanfall 2 fans when they get one of the most gorgeous mouth watering animations of the titanfall world of all time but apex made it and there were slight discrepancies due to the stylistic choices of the artist
Please titanfall 3 pleeeeease
Man those giant robots are so sick!! If only there was like another FPS game where you could play as them or something
utang pinjam dulu seratus
Futuristic Philippines looks so weird in the Apex universe. I love it
The Ion who laser core a grunt is a true Titanfall2 experience and a warcrime
Dose this mean no Titian fall 3
ion using her core on one random grunt is truly a titanfall experience
apex mobile when?
respawn should really consider making a game with these giant mechs in them, they seem really cool and the devs seem to really be keen to idea of them since they try to insert them in every piece of apex lore they can
Everyone commenting about the Titans instead of talking about anything else in the short is truly a Titanfall experience.
Waiting for the “Filipino pride”
Come on everyone, it’s time to play titanfall.
if ever she gonna be a legend please add this line on her pings xD “Pogi mozambique here”
Happy for the Apex community getting a new legend but come on. These videos with titans and other Titanfall references is making us pilots crazy. PLEASE GET ON WITH TITANFALL3!
Titanfall 3
Now respawn
EA when will titanfall 3 come?
Conduit touching the extremely radioactive waste to get her powers reminded me of Adam West in Family Guy rolling in toxic waste to get powers
Neta me moje jajaja
I like how monarch was shooting and hitting 10% of the shots, truly a titanfall experience
So Monarch, an IMC/Hammond Titan, was the hero here? Against who?
i love this but 1 howd she not get like stage 18 cancer from touching that nuked battery and 2 how tf she get powers
I’m so happy to see Filipino representation on one of my favourite games. First Valorant with Neon and now Apex with Conduit.
Pilotang ina
I love the moment when the monarch said ” Upgrade core activated shield replenish! ” truly apex titan experience
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me – John 14:6. I felt led to share this with you all 🥰
When I saw the monarch nuking himself me and my friend thought of a titan kit named last stand where when doomed you do a quick nuke ejection at the cost of your life
So she just has the “super hero falls into a vat of radioactive waste” legend now?
make titanfall 3 already brah
Did anyone notice the opening scene with the ion is just the titanfall 2 banner?
a Filipino character I think…
As much as I agree with everyone else loving the Titanfall scene of this, I also recognize that Respawn paid attention to TF|2, updated it for the first time in years, and created Titanfall fan bait in the lore of this character, specifically to drum up hype for Apex. Articles reported on Titanfall coming back, the community was so excited. But we all knew this was coming. RIP old Respawn, RIP Titanfall. This was cool to see, but as all things EA are, it was just a cash grab all along.
Give us titains not legends
Proud PH! At last legend from PH. 😎
So basically we get she hulk?
Another epic trailer, they dont miss…👏
And she died of radiation poisoning 48 hours later.
Bro if all a dis was about a new legend I don’t know how to feel all I hope is we still get a Titanfall 3
Thaaaats not how radiation works xD
Bro first valkyrie is base off viper now she is going to use monarch
I just want a titanfall 3 game to come out 🥲
Патфайндер до травмы в 73ем
shameless pinoy bait
don’t you dare to ruin the Titanfall franchise!!!
she hulk huh?
Im so glad we got to see more of the cool robots since valks introduction, how cool would it be if respawn made a game focused on them instead of just for out of game Lore?
So no 3?
legend from the militia??
😂 this is neon lore from valorant on how she got her powers
Apex Legends is just really lame Titanfall fanfiction.
Ate?? Are we getting a Filipino character? If we are getting one. RRAhhhhhhhhh!
Nada melhor do que uma boa referencia ao titanfall
Yeah you making titanfall 3 aint you😁
Apex makes the best game animation on god they doo
I’m sry but those green thing remind me of caustic 🙂
Thinking about a new titanfall game with a trailer looking like this. Truly a titanfall experience.
So is this an advertisement for Titian Falls 3 ?
No new legend guys, she got cancer and died
Titan fall 3 finally?
Give South Africa servers
Standy for titanfall with a tiny little spice of pacific rim OST
Titanfall 3
Ey this just screams for a titanfall3 pls
to be honest i was shock when a single filipino word came out wow amazing
The Filipino sun decal on the Monarch is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. God bless.
unrealistic, monarchs never finish doomed titans by any way other than execution. they also always only ever run overcore because they get high on using 11 cores in one life
Lets hope the new legend isnt a new Valkyrie flop…
TF fans be like: “WHERE IS IT?”
Love how she just decides to walk into a radioactive area in hopes of getting super powers from a broken titan battery lol
Please ea don’t let this be the only reason that you are giving titanfall 2 new life please titanfall 2 needs more love apex is meh but titanfall 2 deserves another instalment don’t let us down again ea
Wait if she got superpowers from a battery why didn’t the Militia or IMC just do that instead of spending trillions on big machines and bionic enhancements
Yeah that make sense, your family have some impossible payments to do so you decide to get to a place full of radiation to get some terminal phase cancer
And then she got radiation poisoning, and died within the hour.
Best trailer I’ve seen in awhile
love that we’re getting another green color schemed legend
My family can’t afford to pay their bills, so I better expose myself to deadly amounts of radiation, that should help.
I love how all the titans fell (were destroyed) this must be a reference to when respawn abandoned their game. Truly a titanfall moment
Love how the pilot nuked himself instead of ejecting, truly an titanfall experience.
man, i love the sound effect of a titanfall, i love the entire sound and music in the video
We need Titanfall 3!!!
So touching a Battery Cell gives you super powers?
Top 10 anime battles of all time
IMC propaganda
Stephen Barton is such a f***ing G.
Monarch using the laser shot to actually help the team instead of give herself shields is truly a frontier defense experience (Monarchs are greedy af in normal TF|2)
They added Chug Jug to Apex
So cool to see the titans of Titanfall. Bring on Titanfall 3 already with modern graphics!!!!
man what a shame they wasted such a cool titanfall battle on an apex trailer
My fellow Titanfall fans, i hate to break it to you, but they are just using our hope and tinfoil talk of a Titanfall 3 as a marketing scheme for Apex.
Can we get Titanfall 3 please
I’m gonna watch this. I’m gonna love the Titan fight. But that ain’t gonna mean I like it!
(please respawn I beg of you more Titanfall)
Just titanfall hype
“Para sa amin, utang na loob”
Another masculine woman legend, truly an apex experience
Who else was surprised reading that in Filipino? 🇵🇭🤍 let’s go apex!!! So hyped !
Hahahaha a Filipino legend? They’re really Tryna hit those diversity markers. As a filo myself I did not expect that 😂. So random.
my brother in christ you’re telling me this girl touched a titan battery and got superpowers
radiation aint THAT deadly then smfh
98% of comments section is about Titanfall
2% about the new legend 💀💀
As a Filipino who plays Apex Legends, this gave me goosebumps!
Wish it was bt
if this was real life we’d probably make our monarch with jeepney parts
Titanfall animation series when?
As a Titanfall fan I am saddened
was that monarch an auto titan, i didnt see a pilot number or pilot, i hope she ends up being tais daughter, that would be so epic
Ion committing war crimes is the most lore fitting thing evef
Y para cuando titanfall 3? 😢
Respawn! Give us Titanfall 3. Dont want for a different company to give us a similar experience.
So… meh
She absorbs the power of a titan core?
I’m so confused
Why are they makiing apex content when they might release tf2?
Bring Titanfall back!!!
“It’s my turn now”
*Dies a couple hours later of radiation poisoning*
The sound of a titanfall. Brings a tear to my eye.
Monarch basically represents the Philippines’ national hero. Nice touch
We don’t need new legends just fix the audio.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Next time don’t bother hyping up titanfall fans if your just gonna further butcher the existing lore.
New league question mark
TITANFALL IS BACK but whose the voice of that new hero which my country representative btw.. MABUHAY!! putangena mo lets GO!!
I loved the part where the monarch said “it’s monarchin time” and then monarched all over the other titans. Truly a titanfall experience
Respawn: Guys look how cool this cinematic about titan combat is! Anyways new Apex character
Braindead company
Glad to see that Filipino characters are built different in foreign media.
And that’s how you get cancer
You’re telling me that the Titan can reach behind itself and grab its battery, but it can’t grab a pilot that’s rodeoing on him?
If I had a coin for every Filipino character released with a power related to lightning, I’d have three. Which is weird that it happened thrice now (other 2 are Zeri from League and Neon from Valorant)
New character is came in Apex legends !!
If only it was a lv3 monarch tho
Do you still want to be white?
Yoo those giant mechs are amazing, they should make a game about those.
Bro was afk until it was a 1 v 5 in last titan standing then forgot you can’t nuke eject in LTS. Truly a titanfall experience.
Avg tondo experience 💀
I knew all of this was just a champion tease
Monarch not using its battery steal execution against a wave of Ions. Truly the titan fall experience
Hold up did they just ABSORB a titan battery!? How the f is that supposed to work?
Apex Legends continuing to print money for Respawn while Titanfall is left in the dust is truly the EA experience.
Filipinos represent!
Trying to fight multiple titans at once and taking all the shots is truly a Titanfall experience.
stunning animation!
Booo what a joke
ion jumping in 50 feet in the air and her laser core against a monarch is truly a Titanfall eperience
cross prosgression or the devs have tiny wangs
Seeing Ion and Monarch legitimately was incredible. Titans are what make the universe of Titanfall interesting to me
the part where a single grunt gets blasted by ion’s core is actually a representation of how respawn treats titanfall fans
Of course Revenant would have kid fans
If you’ve been on the internet long enough, you wouldn’t be surprised by the kind of real life monsters that 14 year olds would unironically worship
If we don’t get another Titanfall I’ll scream
L Monarch. Didn’t follow Protocol 3 just nuked everyone
There’s going to be no titanfall 3 now
How can you do this to us respawn/EA
Reviving TF|2 multiplayer, just for them to make the new Legend based on the powers of a Monarch battery, is truely a Titanfall fan experience
PLEASE PLEASE RESPAWN! Make us our own server here in the Phil, the nearest Singapore servers have too long queings. Been playing for 100+ms in tokyo eversince 😂
monarch vs al the ions gives me titanfall 2 vibes he looked so much ike bt-7274 too i just want a titanfall 3 and also if this is so much with titans imagine if a new ltm is us getting titans
All hopes of TF3 are dust at this point
As a Filipino myself, having a Filipino Legend is Hella cool
Im ashamed of myself, I thought that was BT. Then I am like wait, there’s no way he’d go down that easy, bro would wipe all them f’ers out
I even played titanfall 2😓
“its my turn now”
*Get Cancer*
God I hope all of the Titanfall stuff happening isn’t just for a new legend who isn’t even Jack.
Anyone who realized that at 0:17 when the ion used its laser towards the ground is a reference to one of the banners in tf2 is a real fan.
this trailer brings me unrepentant anger
wow a pinoy legend? apex is taking notes from valo or smth
What happened to the pilat
Loving the Filipino representation! 😁 🇵🇭
Just a little false hope for titanfall fans😅
Truly a titan fall 2 experience
So Conduit just touched a Titan battery and got superpowers? The fact there’s a opening in the fence means that other people could’ve done the same.
so what now. for titanfall. showed us titans, titanfall 3?
Grunts shooting at a titan having no effect is truly a Titanfall experience.
Yeah don’t think we’re getting Titanfall 3 guys!
ok im confused. who were the characters and robots
Don’t care…Give us Titanfall 3.
0:18 is a titan fall gamer card!
When tf3 tho?
Hey no filipinos in the comments?? I thought they will come when they are called?
If all that teasing towards titanfall from the past few weeks was for Respawn to put more titanfall content in apex i am going to scream
Batteries never were anything remarkable in Titanfall, so why is it giving her powers
Besides that, animation looks great
Monarch being a absolute unit as always
Love seeing a ordinary person touching a leaked battery and getting herself mutated. Truly a Titanfall experience.
If THIS is the Titanfall content Respawn has been hinting at this entire time it will truly be an EA experience…
Knew it so many coincidences but alas respawn hates titanfall “ it’s the core of our dna” yeah I’ll believe it when I see titanfall 3 shame respawn could make a ton of money if they do it
Titanfall 2 forever
Cancer! You got a cancer! Congrats!
Bt my man 😂 titantfall caracter finally
My Filipino heart is full and warm! This is amazing! From the narration, to the animation, to the smallest of details!
The guy at the start must have been camping with a-wall or something for the ion to use a whole laser core on him
Is she prom the Philippines? They are eating lumpia and pancit.
I don’t get it. Why aren’t there more Titans?
Me a Filipino: “Ang mamatay ng dahil Sayo”
If this is it I’m probably just gonna kills my self Ngl
Welp im not taking my schizophrenia pills anymore, TF3 is coming 0:48
I’m only here for the titans
Great. Another toxic legend…
I repeat Nuclear Eject is meta!
Man the Monarch fighting scene was a tearjerker 😢❤❤
I like the neat detail of the Philippine flag sun rays on Monarch
Men… I just uninstalled the game…. dont make me play it again
Robots going to be in new season
I feel so bad for that solider who got melted by that ion
This is the hands down coolest apex animation I’ve witnessed
Why does touching a broken titan battery give you super powers
Bro touched the radioactive battery and became monarch man
Why would the Irish get a character how racist 😂 RIP 2 white
No wonder cooper isn’t in Apex
Bro that monarch is on some amped titan stuff like bro has northstar like flight and not sure if that was a vortex Shield i saw
idk whats going on its confusing, not much of a story, its kinda dissapointing actually
Finally the Philippines being represented in games now! So sick
I love how all of these comments aren’t even abt the new legend or apex but instead are just abt titanfall
Truely a Titanfall experience
She is going to be so overpowered
Bro brought battery backup
I can’t wait for them to announce cross progression! 😀
Is she supposed to be the guy the zips everywhere like on mobile
Bruh since when do titan batteries give you superpowers?? Surely she just gets cancer
First legend with cancer wild
This is so extremely hard to stomach knowing what the real world industrial war machine is to real world people right now currently in this moment. It genuinely feels wrong.
The ending was cringe, but I loved how they showed the titans
As a veteran Pilot, I can confirm that this was actual Monarch gameplay. Wait. Why are they showing more Titans in Apex…..
Finally a Filipino Apex Legend, thank you Respawn!!
The next one should be a Russian legend or Brazilian legend that be dope
So the titan batteries have nuclear waste in them? And BT needed 3 just to function?
Can we just get an anime made already? The lore is deep and we are hungry.
Love the Filipinx Representation
remember when we would know how the legends got into the games? good times…
Uhh… I’ll be the first to say it guess. At least as far down as I scrolled… but, new legend????????
I don’t get it, so her passive must be stupidly…
The first minute of the trailer was great and then it turned into… well I’m not quite sure all I could think about was that family guy episode where the mayor rolled around in nuclear waste thinking it would give him super powers but he just gets cancer…
Stop reminding me of better games 😢
Mountin dew be hitting different
Bilibino Bride, wer are you bois!??
First 1 min truly a titanfall essence
ah yes some radioactive thing just caused my hand to glow green and be semi transparent…. im gonna touch it again
Tell me yall hear Pacific rim 00:30
This trailer… This trailer just made me want to play titan fall more lol. Have love for apex but titan fall is where my heart is
Unban me bro I sent like 50 appeals so annoying
I always thought the Sun on the weapons in Titanfall looked like the Filipino sun on the flag but does this confirm it now?? 0:39
Yuh, Conduit is Filipina!!! 🇵🇭 wonder if she has lines relating to lumpia
Titanfall 3 confirmed
Militia Pilots showing why they aew superior to the IMC pilots. Wonder what will happen if Coop3r ever comes. Also YEEEEAH Filipino Legend.
Remember this, a titanfall anime can happen due to the existence of this trailer
Nerf weapon skins would look so good pls do a colab 🔥🔥🔥
The Monarch being the only member of their team and getting tanked by five ions is truly a titanfall 2 experience
This just makes me want titanfall 3.
Came to the comments for Titanfall 2 Bros and was not disappointed
I’m tired of being toyed with.
Number 3 on trending? Titan fall 3 confirmed
Bruh what happened to protocol 3? Unless the pilot used cloaked eject.
Anyone heard the Pacific Rim theme or was it jus me😂
Does this mean… We will see BT again… Some day…
So what is this she hulk X apex legends
0:29 the people responsible for the sounds and music did an exceptional job. Really talented voice acting as well. Impressive trailer
So basically, WE ARE GONNA FIGHT A LEGEND THAT HAS MONARCH’S ABILITIES?! Wow! Sounds pretty fun right guys?!
*looks at my fellow titanfall 2 players.*
Pinay power
“It’s my turn now” Promptly touches a highly radioactive battery and dies of stage 5 cancer on the way to compete in the Apex games.
So new character saw how much of a cancer apex is and decided to touch radiation to get cancer herself
never would I thought respawn would introduce a FilAm character in Apex now this is gonna be awesome I hope more Filipinos play Apex Legends with this introduction and it would be nice to hear some tagalog language with the characters quip lines
Bruh just give us titanfall 3 now you have teased us enough 💀
Monarch must’ve had their Tier 3 Core Upgrade..
Igual o pessoal em Goiânia vendo uma luz verde brilhante
Apex be putting us on the map bb shoutouts to all my Filipinos
I didn’t expect to have a pinay character on apex
TitanFall 3
So Titanfall 3 when? You know , like Titanfall 2 but with better graphics and more story. Hey, we will even let you include all the legends from Apex.
Really dope animation and trailer but I stg if all of the leaks and everything really isn’t going to be a release about anything for tf3 imma cry
Respawn be like “look guys, titans! Now go play apex please 🙏🥺”
Not the Titan being sporting the filipino Sun too, bro was defending his adobo recipe.
i need her bad
Monarch dropping in and trying to 5v1 only to end up nuclear ejecting not even a minute later truly is the Titanfall 2 experience
Can we get more badass male legends…
Yay BT 7274
“It’s my turn” becomes wheelchair pilot
Drop titans not legends
I love that the toy guns are actually toy versions of apex weapons
Did not expect the next Legend will be Filipino. 😁
exactly it your turn now. This has turned into a remarkable and surprising.
There’s probably some sweat that somehow already has 3,000 kills with conduit
As a Titanfall veteran that’s been around since TF1 it’s hilarious to see a grunt try to shoot a titan he had better chances just hiding lol
That was Loki corny
Kk but what are her pronouns??
Please make an arab legend 🙏
I thought that it was BT
Titanfall 3 is now no longer a dream BUT A REALITY 🎉🎉🎉
Everybody’s talking about the titans instead of the actual video lol. It’s almost like it’s what the community wants.
No ions using the vertex shield is truly a titanfall experience
Ay that last cool apex got a Filipina character in the game, let’s gooo🇵🇭
So like every map in Titanfall 2 is filled with radiation
bro I miss an entire season because my dad took my playstation
Wow those mechs fighting in the air and shooting guns look AMAZING. I really wish there was a game that would dive into the lore of that and play it.
Seeing hundreds of comments simping over the big robots is truly a Titanfall experience
I’d be willing to bet that they fixed the Titanfall 2 servers just to reference the game and not get riots
Finally! A Filipino Apex Legend! The Pinoy Pride is fees good!
I don’t care if Titanfall 3 is coming anymore. I like that they’re paying attention to Titanfall at all
Filipino Legend? ❤
Y’all should really stop making changes and adding characters until you’ve fixed all the problems you’ve created the past year. The last 3 season have been terrible, so many bugs, and ranked has been broken for a long time.
As an Ion main, I disagree that it took more than 5 Ions to take on 1 Monarch. In my Ion I was able to take on 1 Monarchs at once, now that was awesome.
oh yes, it’s radioactive green thing with a dead bird near it, i definitely need to touch it
Soooo uuuuhhh titanfall 3 when?
So no protocol 3?
Her n caustic I see it nw
fix ur game dude
Give us what we deserved, give us Titanfall 3
me when battery :
goes hard
The respawn devs that work on apex legends think titanfall is in the apex universe. They are wrong. It’s the other way around
Am i the only filipino here?
where Titanfall 3
Sadly – worst origin. But animation is awesome. 🙂
Soooooo everytime in tf2 we made our titan go BOOm we left the place unable irradiated? Cool
Alternate reality: She Died Of Radiation poisoning
Me when the pilot upholds the mission or something idk
We all want a new Titanfall instead.
So like, Titanfall 3 am I right? Please….it’s been so long….🥲
Too many bots congratulating Respawn for referencing the game they abandoned and are refusing to actually put into the game
Is BT coming back as an Apex Legend?
Her passive ability is kemo therapy, her tactiacal give an enemy legend radiation cancer, and her ult turns her into the incredible hulk
As a filipino, so much appreciation to the hints of culture they put 😭😭😭
I like how the Titan and pilot were killed, ignored for 20 years as everyone pretended to be Legends, then their corpse was dug up and used for the sole purpose of making money from the APEX games.
Truly a Titanfall moment.
They messed up calling it the monarch, it’s supposed to be a vanguard class
Why can’t we just titanfall 3 Apex is literally if someone wrote fan fiction
everyone talkin bout titan fall im over here sayin tha SHES FILIPINO ?
Great short 😊
The trailer ‘For Us, Utang na Loob’ is a poignant reminder of our country’s history (Philippines), where countless heroes sacrificed their lives to gain our freedom from colonial rule. In Filipino, the phrase ‘utang na loob’ perfectly captures the sense of indebtedness we feel towards these brave men and women. It’s a debt that can never be repaid, but one that we must always remember and honor. The trailer brings tears to my eyes, much like BT’s sacrifice in Titanfall 2. Thank you, Apex Legends, for reminding us of our past and inspiring us to be better in the future.
Apex your making me play Apex again with this 😭
And why don’t we still have a story from the outlander for mirage, caustic, etc
Ayee Filipino legend, letss gooo
someone is going to have to explain to me why she didnt get absolutely melted there, some bs backstory
“Trust me.”
1:18 is so beautiful it reminds me of that Chobani Solarpunk commercial, heck even the characters look like the first Lady you see in said commercial
How tf does ur sister come home from war all cut up, and your logical conclusion is to go hike up a mountain and touch a nuclear core
Wow, that robot is crazy. It shoots rockets, it fires machine guns, and at the end, it sets off some sort of nuclear bomb. I’m sorry to the new character in the clearing, but I don’t like it.
yup a scavenger picking over a fallen titan’s corpse, yup, nailed it right on the head with that one
Inaccurate, Monarchs don’t Nuke Eject, or suicide whatever that is
They’ll just Punch Titans despite them being half health and die
Cool. TITANFALL 3 tho?
So titanfall batteries give magical powers, nuclear eject clearly doesn’t exist anymore. Smash battery go boom ha ha.
and why on earth is that titan a monarch titan when it should be a vanguard. monarch was the IMC version of the vanguard class titan and seen as the titans it was fighting were IMC therefore it should have said vanguard on the side.🤦♂
That grunt killed using the laser core is exactly how respawn is treating Titanfall lore and its fan base.😑😑😑
The most insane legend has arrived, who willingly irradiates herself
Wow it was really cool how that, I think they’re called titans? Fell from the sky. I sure wish there was a game, maybe even 3 about titans falling. Sure would be epic!
This might be the most boring thing apex has done
I cried when I saw Ion using his ability, Mornarch (very similar to BT) using nuclear ejection… I immediately remembered Titanfall 2, and it made me nostalgic…
As an Ion main. I can confirm that I’d absolutely use an Ion Core on a single grunt for no good reason other than. The grunt is right there
remember guys, going into a highly radioactive area and touching the source of the radiation is the best way to help a struggling family member! Go out there and get super!
Can you guys give us what we want quit the apex act and give us Titanfall 3, we’ve been asking for years, the only reason Titanfall 2 wasn’t as big as expected is cause y’all launched it the wrong time
What are those robots… i hope they dont come ingame.
looks awesome…. but please also adress and or fix the rest of the game 🙂
(horrendous matchmaking, bad audio, legal cheats -> cfgs, Aimassist, revert ranked to s16, nerf revenants ultimate,…)
You have a gread game here and content like this proves that you care so show us please 🙂
Bruh nobody cares about Apex, where’s Titanfall 3? You’ve shown you actually remember Titanfall exists.
Seeing titans actually referenced again proves just how INCREDIBLY cool they are!!! Titanfall fans are waiting for titanfall 3!!! We don’t want titanfall without titans like Apex is.
What people don’t understand about a titan core is that that’s a code word for mini nuclear warhead
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
I just booted up ttf2 cmon baby lets go. TAN W
Bro no way that ion super jumped and then laser cored, that better be in Titanfall 3
Truly an apex moment
Wouldn’t this mean a pilot have powers to since, they touch battery’s all the time
My God will this bring kr back to apex
Why are there so many dislikes on this video?
Bruh all im seeing in these comments is “truly a titanfall experience”
Nice animation, but when are you gonna change the game.
the filipino sun emblem on monarch looks cool!
Drop titans not legends
as a Monarch main, I can say that the portrayal of the Monarch almost immediately nuke ejecting is true to life
Essa animação se passa no Góias, do caso Césio-137
Man I can’t wait till her skin falls off due to her directly touching a radioactive nuke
Aaaand she has radiation poisoning 🤣
so its new character?
she absorb battery titan,could she a healer?
Yeah but where is Titanfall 3
Philippiness thats craY
commenters: conduit hype? ❌ Titanfall zingers and nostalgia? ✅
Philippines stand up
I haven’t been this excited for a legend since Vantage❤
Usually when I touch highly radioactive things I don’t get super powers, the only thing I get is cancer. Kinda unfair not gonna lie. -_-‘‘
why do I hear the Pacific Rim Gypsy Danger theme in this background music here. also holy cow bruh that first scene was brutal where that guy got incinerated in 1 second
How going to touch a deadly radioactive chemical waste is going to help your family? Like, really, you see your aunt struggling, and the first thing that comes to your mind is going to the most radioactive place on the town where every living being dies because of radiation. Cool animation, lazy writing?
oh wow would you look at that Respawn referencing Titanfall in Apex again…
instead of just giving us the next Titanfall, cmon man… 🙁
“It’s my turn now”
*cancer unlocked
Got us excited for tf3 and instead delivered more disappointment
ah yes, weaponized cancer
upgrade core in apex would be so hilariously unbalanced
No because I’d be fine with 1 season of “Apex Legends” with this art style and studio. 🤞😩🙏
Not going to lie… it looked and sounded like Pacific Rim
frick yeah a legend from the philippines planet
This makes no sense
3k comments? 3? Titans? Titanfall 3????!!!
Bro they been making these for four years or even longer they just don’t miss
So now she has powers bc of some titan batterie? Kinda weird
How tf that Titans can jump that high? We can’t even jump when piloting a Titan in the game itself and even BT cannot jump that high
Put Cross-Progression in the game already. I need my Xbox cosmetics on PC. Y’all have 315 people working at Respawn and can’t accomplish what Fortnite did 5 years ago. Smh.
Best trailer we’ve had in a long while, AND we’re getting a Post Malone collab too… does this mean we’ll actually get some real content after like a year?
when in debt go get radiation powers? or die
Radiation now grants superpowers, not cancer.
I imagine the ult for this champ is going to be coughing up blood due to radiation exposure.
So cool to see some Filipino representation in one of my favorite series
i just want titanfall 3 not a new legend
This in contrast to Titanfall 2’s launch trailer is laughable
Titanfall 3
Rip Tf fans.
I love the part where the entire Titanfall fanbase is torn in half by those who have lost hope and think this is it and Respawn has abandoned us yet again; and those who think there’s another surprise in store on the 28th. Truly a Titanfall experience.
😂😂😂😂 I don’t remember that being how nuclear ejection works
How to become an apex legend: Enter places you shouldn’t enter
did marvel make this
Finally a filipino legend❤
Apex Legends Netflix series when??
Drop Titans, not legends!
Titanfall 3 confirmed
Guys, this confirms there’s no Titanfall 3.
The pilot would’ve ejected.
There’s no Protocol 3 in this video.
I swear we best get a titanfall 3
I was gonna quickly skip through the video but when I saw a monarch I rewinded it back to the start
So we have another newcastle type thing. The original gets waxed and gives up so the replacement fills in
What’s the opposing factions here? IMC vs. IMC? The Monarch chassis was a redesign by the IMC based off of recovered Vangard scraps.
“Not actual gameplay.”
Mechs are popular lately
They are even in Verum Rex
Giant Robots Rule 🤖🦾🦿
I love how this is a video to promote apex, yet the entire comment section is talking about TF|2. Take note respawn
soo she straight up just tried to off herself by touching radiation. like how did she know she’d get powers 💀
one legends spews black liquid and now one green💀💀💀💀💀💀
She’s so cute
Turn apex legends into an anime pleaseeee
I will watch ❤
I’m so excited for another new character and season
I never had a chance to get into Titanfall. I take it from all these sarcastic comments it was a great game. 😂 Too bad they gave up on it. I got a laundry list of franchises I miss.
Yo, could yall give Mad Maggie the next heirloom. I just got shards and I want to hang on to them for it. I was thinking a robotic spiked baseball bat or something. I think that would be dope, I play apex almost everyday and would really love to see my main get an heirloom. ❤👌
The opening scene Made me go “DAYUMN” bro got microwaved
Oo another Asian hero ❤🥰
Hm may have titans ult?
So where is titanfall 3 ?
When she gets stage 69 skin cancer from touching a highly radioactive broken battery instead of getting superpowers
Great and all but where is my skydive trail
bro you’re gonna summon the Filipinos
This isn’t real ion would easily win against a monarch
Heh looks like they used a banner for that Ion shot
When I saw BT I was so excited
They’re just milking Titanfall 2 as much as they can now. JUST GIVE US TITANFALL 3 ALREADY!!!
Now I want to touch radioactive waste so bad, it will give me superpowers
PHILIPPINES #1 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
We’ll that was anticlimactic
Ion wasting its ult like a loser
They fly now! They fly now? They fly now.
Almost 3M views and no one still playing Apex
Are we need the drop zone? 😂
They really use r-201 against a titan man where the archer, thurnderbolt, MGL, or the charge rifle?
dang a pinoy legend
Is she gonna be a new apex legend?
the apex theme hits so hard
Looking forward to this next legend. Love Apex Legends.
I really love how the developers put so much effort into making the short a Titanfall 2 experience.
Those giant mechs look so cool! Respawn should definitely make a game where you can pilot them.
Radiation is just the bestest gift that keeps on giving. I’m going to go find some right now and become a super hero 😊
God i want TF3 so bad
“And that, kids, is why you should eat uranium”
I saw Titans. I’m satisfied.
I saw the “beta” or at least test versions of this character, and I said in the comments “hey this reminds me of monarch” and look at us now.
she filipino?
I still play titanfall 2 online lol 😂 yes surprisingly there is still people that play not a lot at times and it takes forever but it’s so worth it I wish we had a 3rd
Titanfall 3 incoming ☢️☢️☢️
At this point they’re just edging the titanfall community 💀
So, they fixed the titanfall servers, have a new updated playlist in the game, just for this? To have more lore in a game where titans don’t exist anymore? Good job, this is how to totally get fans back
It’s official we need a titanfall anime
Seeing so many fans making sarcasm of respawn freezing Titanfall just gave me a feeling of returning back into my Titan, so warm, so welcome .
I hope Respawn get to feel that too.
that many references to the number 3 and this is what we get.
Accurate monarch gameplay
yay Philippines and yay TITANS
So titan fall and apex are in the same universe?!?! Sweet!
вот так новая легенда умерла от радиации
Monarch winning a 1v5 is truly a DNA experience.
Respawn LOVES dangling the Titanfall candy in front of us. Just to tease apex legends.
Monark is my Titan favorite. I’m going to play Titanfall again because of this video. nostalgia 😂❤
Ion obliterating everything in its class is the most titanfall thing ive seen since 2016
0:28 pacific rim vibes
“the power of a titan in the palm of my hands” sun zu or something
As a Filipino this is shocking bro
I didn’t care about the rest of the trailer I just came to watch Titans
Repping the filipino culture!! Thank you Apex <3
Whoa! Can’t believe they dropped a Titanfall 3 trailer this early! I thought they were going to wait until the 7th year anniversary of Titanfall 2 to announce this on October 27th! Truly a great Titanfall experience in the Titanfall universe!!!
You already know we want Titanfall 3. I can’t stand the anticipation or the taunting. Dx
Titanfall 3
What are they waiting for to make Apex a animated series ?????
Drop TF3!
Best Apex trailer
He died because he didn’t use “Energy Thief”, something every Monarch main should always have 🗿
rip bt🥲😥😥😥😢😭😭
Wait she looks around the age of 10-16 in this footage and if I am not mistaken the frontier war should be over by now. So why are they still using titans weren’t they decomissioned?(assuming I am not missing anything)
She is going to be MONARCH inspired legend !
I don’t believe that all the TF|2 stuff and updates was just for a new legend.. I still have hope
A Filipino character that whatsup
Im sorry did a 40 TONNE TITAN JUST JUMP 60ft IN THE AIR????
Wow Pinoy Character
Make titanfall 3, quit using it to keep your trash br relevant
Im pretty sure that’s not how radiation works
My battery acid doesn’t do that 🙁
remember kids, if you wander into a radioactive death zone, you’ll get super powers!
The part where the single grunt got obliterated was a practical use of the laser core.
Remember the Pilots
i just want titanfall 3 🙁
So she just touched a radioactive core and didnt die of severe cancer?
Titanfall 2 reference i Cant wait to Titanfall 3
“Pilot we are Outnumbert nuklear eject is our only option.”
Guys, there are titans, this must mean titanfall 3 is being shadow dropped on the 27th. I will not take my pills.
Yasss girl new legend is gon be overpowered
theres no way thats not BT-7274 in new body
Monarch taking down itself other than 5 other titans to take it down is pretty accurate
I think it says a lot that most of these comments are about titanfall
I’m still holding out for my dream of Titanfall 3 in the same launcher as Apex.
Is that a titanfall reference I see?
New legend is basically Bruce Banner.
Time to downvote the trailer if you just want titanfall 3
that last line sealed the deal. tgey have just been stringing us along, apex is saying “its my turn now” and they are going to full cancel any future tf3. i’m past hopium and copium and am now full jaded doomer. i mean look at the “revolution” minecraft had that spread to titanfall.
“drop titans not legends” more “drop your expectations” 😔
F apex give us titanfall 3
Soooo the new legend has radiation poisoning?
DEVS just make TV series already with sick titanfall action, then next arc could be apex. Thanks
what happened to protocol 3
Monarch Titan my baby ❤😍 Yeah Apex exist thank to Titanfall Baby 😛😛😛
When she went into a highly radioactive zone just to get acute radiation poisoning and say “it’s my turn now.” Made me cringe so incredibly hard 😐😬
This is the most hyped I’ve been for a character since maybe revenant. Hope we don’t get let down she looks badass
Hol up how come the Ion’s don’t have splitter rifles?
This brought back the Titanfall memories 🥲🖤
why am i hearing kiriko from overwatch
While I’m always glad to see Titanfall spring up, why did nobody clean up the spot where the Titan’s battery was? Fine, leave the Monarch there as a memorial or something, but there’s literally a spot constantly leaking radiation, someone ahould really do something about that. Also, are you suggesting just touching an exposed Titan battery somehow gave her superpowers?
Is that nameless grunt one of Mirages dead brothers?!?!?!
Seeing a Titanfall Titanfall in a Apex video alone the best thing ever.
Anyone 3ls get some pacific rim vibes off this trailer?
So no titanfall3😢
Bro first time I’m seeing Filipino characters 🇵🇭
I swear that for a moment the soundtrack want to includes the main theme of pacific rim
Goes after titan’s power
Gets cancer instead
Truly a forge story from the outlands experience.
put titans on apeeeex
You guys should make a game with those mechs, possibly with some cool movement mechanics to give human sized players a chance.
Female Caustic goes crazy
Titanfall 3 Battle Royal, finally!!!!
Stand By For Titanfall!!!
So this proves a theory that titan batteries are really just nuclear batteries. Lets just hope cooper can join real soon
By Christ there had better be a Titanfall 3 announcement on 27th October!
Fightin’ Tall
Titanfall 3 please
And then she died a few weeks later due to severe radiation poisoning. The end
Plz give us Titanfall 3! We need it!
Anyone else kind of thrown off by how fast the titans are in the flashback??? If the copium is to be believed and Titanfall 3 is coming I do hope they maintain the slow and tanky elements of titans. Maybe the anime-esque super jumps and spontaneous laser cores are just part of the child-like imagination of traumatic events? Idk. Its nitpicky but it really threw me off as titans are supposed to be hulking goliaths to counteract the lightning-fast speed of pilots.
sooooo no Titanfall 3….???
Whyd she go to thd battery? To help her sister with bills by going in the games???? Howd the radiation not off her 💀💀💀💀
notice at 1:00 the 3 marks on the monarch tag (right shoulder of the titan) the titanfall copium hits hard
As a (non) Monarch main, I can confirm we 1v5 titans all the time.
Cancer 😟
Lastmosa Armory ftw!
monarc blasting the grunts with the discharge as a shield was truly amazing. i wish you could’ve done that to pilots for a quick invulnerability
Mejor un Titanfall 3
As a filipino it’s so cool to see a story that revolves around Philippines 🇵🇭
It would be funny if she just dies instead of getting powers from the radiation. It would be a plot twist like Revenant killing Forge.
Me seeing the filipino sun…ayo
I hope fade (apex legends mobile legend) comes soon.
whoaaa haven’t been this excited since maggie. whee!
I liked where Catalyst said: “I’m always angry” and turned green. Truly an Apex experience
3:35 She sould die be cuz its toxic😂😂😂 nvm i she a alien and he can control the toxic
Tendi foi nada po
Sees radiation LETS TOUCH IT
Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Another weak skin bag
Can’t wait for the titanfall fixes to lead to more apex content
So you tease all of these things inside Titanfall 2 and its just an Apex character? Listen I love Titanfall and Apex but using a game where most people are not into Apex to market an apex character is beyond scummy and disappointing, give something to the Titanfall franchise! Out of spite I’m not unlocking this character even though I have 100k legand tokens lol
I don’t care about Apex, give us more Titanfall!
All hail to the IMC
This is my favorite story from the outlands ever not just because of TF2 titans but also animation is amazing and well done
At this point I understand Titanfall players. We know Apex is in THE Titanfall universe. But what’s the point if it’s just gonna be backstory of the times “When Heroes fell from the skies. When the word Pilot meant something” – We are told but no longer allowed to live said moments again.
New legend
Don’t do drugs kids. Radiation? Suuure why not! 😂
“Its my turn now” (*gives self radiation poisoning*)
If you’re going to build up to a new legend, don’t do it by leading the Titanfall community on like this. I guarantee that now that this is released, Titanfall’s gonna stop getting attention. Like seriously this is just disrespectful at this point. Most of us knew that this was coming, but it was still disappointing.
Titanfall is the core of their DNA….as long as it allows them to keep using its ideas and the hype from its fanbase for their other game.
Yep, time for another titanfall 2 replay.
Bring TF2 back…
So, she decides to stick her hand and absorb an insane amount of deadly radiation. Sounds legit – can’t wait to see her in action.
Don’t touch radioactive goo IRL, please
Another female character? I don’t have a problem with that, but they also have to add some variety, right?
finally what we all wanted, a legend with radiation poisoning.
Monarch was imc replica of the vanguard class titan, meaning the imc saved them?
Thesquirrel 🥲🥲🥲
I miss titanfall so much:,( I could cry
Spoiler: she died of cancer
you have cancer andy
Respawn and EA please make titanfall 3. There is a need for it! Just check out the community!!!!!
If only pilot pressed Ejection burron
That robot it seemed like bt there were orange stripes it relly looksime bt
The return to Titanfall centric lore is the right move.
but…but my hopes for titanfall 3?….was all the hopium for nothing?
I love how much more realistic this one is for the character itself. Especially her simple motive for becoming one
Ok…ok….now plz release titanfall 3 🤩
Titanfall BR would be nuts
Bro was on superior chasis most definitely with nuke eject lolll
I can’t believe my eyes, they showed us TITANS!
Salamt apex legends 🇵🇭
Where is titanfall 3
Cool trailer.
I’m literally going to Jump off a bridge if this is the sole reason respawn has updated titanfall.
Dude a titanfall animated series would go hard
Getting laser cored by an ion main, A true Titanfall Experience
How is anyone seeing this and not thinking “Free Palestine!”
Just give us Titanfall 3 please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah Titanfall so much better than shitpex. Respawn release 3. Let this ship sink already.
No way that was bt7274
Why the caption is pinoy words I’m curious?
Couldn’t just give us gates or any other 64 pilot gave us a random war victim with radiation poisoning give us real content not skins and bring the prices down if an heirloom was £50 there’d be double the sales first season since S3 where I’ve not completed a BP or got a higher rank than diamond cause I’m so bored of waiting 2 months at a time for one small change and a load of over priced junk
I could easily watch a tv show like this 😊
Was expecting the monarch to nuke eject but the battery explosion was crazy
Monarch getting filipino rep in Apex W
*Titan pulled the nuke eject (collapsed the battery)*
Pilot: “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”
Monarch:”Copy that pilot.”
I wish Arena come back
I’m gonna kms if we don’t get titan mobility like that in tf3
If those are militia titans during the war they should be Vanguard class not Monarch
If they give us this cinematic without bringing back titans in some form ima see this as insulting.
1:24 ha dying light will they just make Titan fall 3 already
Bro I don’t care about the new legend. I need tf3 I need BT
I’m getting her day one no doubt
Oh great so the entire thing was just an Apex bait how unbelievable just take the entire Ip and milk it why not “Titanfall is core to our DNA” moment
They should make a game about those cool looking mechs id bet it would do well
please make Titanfall 3 please please please
Respawn, just give us story mode for apex already!!
Titanfall 3 when
So no Octane and lifeline Child Nooooooo
the amount of salt in this comment section for titain fall 2/3 is hilarious
Yep I’m hype😂
Seeing the titans fight again made me want to replay titan fall 😢😢
Gosh I love titanfall! Never played apex tho
Really wish there was a game that had these weird robot things and you could play as them
See people think this is what all the titanfall hype has lead up to but you’d be wrong were still getting stuff it seems tf3 is still viable
Your journey ends here pilot, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
I would’ve soloed that 1v5 (im a legion main)
I just recently went back into Titanfall 2 and 100% the game for the second time, first being back on Xbox and this time on Steam. I truly do hope the rumors are true about Titanfall 3 potentially being a thing
Protocol 5: reject the pills
about time we see some Filipino in Action 🔥🔥
This was fun to watch
I like when she says “hoy” to the younger girl, this went kind of missed but my mom who’s Filipino says that sometimes, nice touch
it its like saying “hey” if your wondering
Oh boy another nostalgiaslop trailer for another nothingburger character. Titanfall 3 when
Dislike this video for Titanfall 3
I like how that one Titan had to fight the whole enemy team while their teammates were nowhere in sight. Truly a Titanfall moment.
Bro should have gone for superior chassis 👎💀👉🚪
Is it just me or did she just giver herself super cancer?
BT 😭😔
The first legend to use radiation poisoning as abilities
Then she got cancer and painfully died two weeks later.
Legendary video
Ostias chaval Titanfal 3 🤯
Speaking of just the video itself I think the 2d animation is gorgeous and is very well done I hope we get more 2d animations for apex in the future
Why does she touch it????
“I need to save my family. Pretty sure if I go to the radioactive site where a bomb went off and find the left over radioactive bomb, it will give me superpowers so I can fight in the Apex games.”
No way, the new character will have turbo cancer
Soooo ahhhhhhh no one cares about this October 27th is titan fall 3 day
this is sick LETS GOOOOOO
That was amazing. Titanfall 3 please🙏🏽
tagalog translation
1:18 it’s still there (guarding us) nagbabantay sa atin
1:32 some lumpia, sisig i think, tuyo, tinolang manok, pancit
2:18 big sister(Ate)
I guess there’s no hope for titanfall 3
I just wish Titanfall 3 was real
If it’s not Titanfall 3 you can go home
Monarch being shown as a protector instead of the battery snorting addict she is is surreal…
When do we get jack cooper as legend?😢
Titanfall 3 confirmed! 😅
Is this our next legend? If so I’m getting her
Why didn’t the girl die of radiation poisoning? How would she have just began glowing without any apparent side effects? Unrealistic, think it would of made more sense if she died on the spot
Could have drop a Legion
Yep Titanfall 3 is definitely coming
The music in th beginning reminds me of pacific rim truly amazing!
This video being a titan fall experience is definitely a Titan fall experience
0:31 MY BABY
Come on respawn lets make titanfall 3!
Man is running energy transfer wide impact shield mod and no criticals from the looks of how much fire he ate his titan kit might be nuke and hej ust didnt eject or he went for extra dash monarch kit def not energy thief so who knows.
I loved the part where they finally revealed titanfall 3. Ive been waiting for so long….
My meds ran out months ago…
Monarch ❤
Dang. Can you imagine if they made a game where you could play as one those big robot things?? That would be so sick!
Especially if it was actually set in the Apex universe and not some cheap knockoff that messed up the lore.
bro what???? so they combining Oppenheimer with ben 10 now ?
If this is a mecha user Champion then it’s gonna be a blast 😍
She blasted herself with a lethal ammount of radiation to get an heirloom. Truly an Apex experience of all time
thats why i always main monarch,its ma fav titan,miss those 3 v 1 against me core 3 with the salvo rockets
Wouldn’t It be funny If instead of getting hella lucky and getting super powers she just got cancer and put the family in even more Financial debt?
I need BT and cooper
these animations are so good, whole series like Arcane would be awesome
Bro, how powerful are those batteries? One single battery made that place completely radioactive for several years. And why did she touch it?
Now Imagine the ions used there sheild that reflects the bullets would have been over in 2 seconds
At 0:39 reminds me partially of a insignia from Titanfall 1
Ion >>>> monarch
Alternate ending: ‘Congrats you have stage 4 cancer.’
“Nagbabantay sa atin” 🇵🇭🥰 (⊙ _ ⊙ )
the first part is palestine and the robots are isreal idf
Anyone who has played Titanfall 2 knows you go after the Monarchs first. You don’t want them to level up at all.
This wasn’t actually a nuke eject. The titan pulled out his own battery and smashed it, which caused the different style of explosion
Eyyy new character and a female again nice!! Love that rev had a fan. Can’t wait till the new season comes out
Respawn fix your server lags
Eating chips is truly a titanfall experience
That is definitely not how radioactive material works lol
If you guys like Titanfall so much, maybe just give us Titanfall instead of using it to promote the next battle pass for your BR.
i find it hilarious that the ion wasted their core on grunts lol
I might be a conduit main. This story was amazing. Currently a wattson main. Time to see who’s better.
The first Champion to have cancer canonically
Apparently you get powers from a battery now makes complete sense
Not titanfall 3? *sigh*
Phillipines ❤
Dawg titanfall 3 looks weird, can’t wait to play it tho
Female Caustic let’s gooo 🎉
Woah The Legend Of Korra be learning electric bending or something now
and then she died of radiation poisoning, the end
So… she got cancer now or what?
Everyone like the comment about respawn abandoning tf2
All the crazy animation, can’t tell me no movie or series is not being made??
Imma be so mad if all the tf2 and teasers are just an apex thing
Seeing titans again gave me chills 😢
I thought it was BT but it said monarch Vanguard Titan but how is the battery so active that’s nuke eject maybe she was meant to be chosen by the monarch it’s called Vanguard maybe there is some hints like Titans coming to Apex change or it means that alive and he’s coming back in TITANFALL 3 maybe is a hit to something you guys tell me what you think of this
Mexicans , puerto ricans and Cubans get 0 LOVE FROM APEX SMH
Why can’t they give us TF3?
Apex Legends : The cash cow ugh
Lookin good
Are we getting titans in apex 😮
Monarch confirmed to return in Titanfall 3
“Hey guys, remember your favorite shooter Titanfall? Play this other one instead that’s nothing like it. Please?”
*Dies from cancer
This leaves me hope for Titanfall 3
Penoise!!!Mag inggay!!
Where’s the balut
Yes Filipino Character 😍😍😍
What are her abilities
I loved the part when conduit said it’s my turn and then proceeded to touch the extremly radioactive waste giving her stage 5 skin cancer immediately
truly an apex legends moment of time
New tactical ability: chemo
3:33 this is the moment she dies and just imagines everything afterwards, how she is in the apex games and everything.
Que entre la china
When that Titan dropped I almost cried…
apex legends taught me that i should go to chernobyl and touch anything glowing there! i might get powers!
Wait monarch titan was a reversed engineered vangard titan by the imc and those titans are attacing what looks to be civs and non imc(cant spell today) so is that a vanguard titan name monarch or an imc titan dealing whith an imc problem. Cuz the imc would absolutely do a false flag operation.
Its crazy that im genuinely crying bcuz of the titanfall scene. The emotional connection you can have to a video game is absolutely insane. Titanfall saved me in a way, cuz i got into it at the lowest point in my life, and felt at least some sense of satisfaction and happiness when i played it. Its always been my refuge when im in a dark place.
They keep on Teasing Titanfall….
How much more proof do you need that titanfall 3 is getting made
TITANFALL 3 please Respawn i beg you
Ate? No way, a Filipina legend?
I swear they gotta stop using Titanfall references in Apex promotion if there’s no Titanfall 3 coming…
I’m so glad I got into this game only a short while ago, getting exciting..
Why do you have to keep showing Titans when you’re not making Titanfall 3 ya breaking muh heart
I want a story of the outlands for my man Mirage 😎
What was that battery squish explosion. Should’ve lit up like a lightbulb and nuked while the Pilot was ejected. Also she should be dead in a day from this. Not get super powers, this is dumb for a game with a head in a jar controlling an army of robots
Love her
Ok I can’t be the only one who shouted BT when that monarch appeared. Oh and that monarch getting in a 1v5 just to self destruct was truly a Titan fall moment
TF3 needs THAT Nuclear Ejection
Proud filipina moment here overall! <3
cool Titanfall 3
A filipino character!? LFG! Guess i found a new main
so her ultimate ability is chernobyl, i see.
New legend leak
I know Apex makes y’all money and I know Titanfall 2 is just perfect with little to improve on… But come on…
As someone who played hours of the first and second game, I have so much more fun playing Titanfall than I ever do with Apex-so much infact I just uninstalled and never looked back sorry.
Put a legit barrier between me and one friend who plays Apex on a daily.
I think I (and so many of the community) put so much strain on a third Titanfall because.. Honestly? It was the BEST game to come out of the eighth generation of consoles? No joke, every other game that came out for PS4/Xbox One has been either mid or (in cases like Rainbow) started off great and then degraded over time. I haven’t been excited for a multiplayer game SINCE Titanfall 2 and I’m a Halo fan! (No, I will never play Halo Infinite, I want Halo 3.1.) The only game I was hyped for since Titanfall 2 was Cyberpunk 2077 and you know what happened AND that is a single player game. They really don’t make multiplayer games like the used to. Titanfall is the best thing to have happened in the 8th gen consoles and that is both an honor on Respawn’s part and a pathetic truth to everyone else. (Battlefield 1 was pretty dope, not gonna lie)
alright titanfall fans back to our padded rooms
at this point if we don’t get titanfall 3 i’m actually gonna break down sobbing man i need this
Love how the pilot nuked himself instead of ejecting, truly an titanfall experience.
The idea of titans using rockets to leap & close distances instead of dashing is extremely terrifying
I like how in the beginning you can see one of the call sign art cards brought to life of a inon class Vaporizing a solider
I love seeing more of perspective of the titan wars. Rip monarch pilot that died to defend the frontier.
Maybe they ejected but that didn’t look like a standard nuke eject
Yes, let me touch the strange material that is most likely harmful to me
that grunt getting laser cored is on the same level of a scorch flame coring a single grunt
Is it necessary? No
Do people do it anyway? Yes
but like does she not care about getting cancer
Monarch getting gunned by the entire lobby is truely a titanfall experience.
I want titanfall 3
Buddy got obliterated 🙄🙄
I swear, if all of this titanfall hype was all because of a new apex legend, i would be mad more than dissapointed, i want to think that this is a way of approaching apex players to the titanfall saga, in fact it has no sense trying to recruit players from Tf2 using this kind of content because the impact on apex would be minimum imo .
*dies from radiation poisoning.
I hope indonesian VA can joint apex game
he said im taking you all with me boom!
Cool sooo we getting titanfall 3 or just keep making dumb apex seasons 🙂
filo’s represent!! LFG!
They can’t keep playing with us Titanfall fans feelings like this 😭
filo represent more and more games are introducing filo people
Anyone else notice how they were playing apex on the tv? So apex legends is cannon in apex legends 💀
Was that guy in the very beginning one of mirage’s brothers?
the mothers smile always fades away into sadness because she misses her husband and is struggling to carry on.
Are we getting bt
The music gave me huge pacific rim vibe
Is her ult giving the enemy stage 5 cancer or sum?
Yes I will replay the first 1:12 of the video over and over and over because Titanfall is sick asf and pilots were dope.
Apex is Garbage
so dis chick finna use the power of a nuke eject to absolutely demolish valk bc she can… got it
ION AND MONARCH PLUS LAZER CORES!!!!! Also I love how realistic a monarch trying to to solo a whole team just to end up using nuke eject is. Truly a titanfall moment.
I wonder from what perspective this is from becuase if memory serves me right monarch is the attempt from the IMC to copy the vanguard class titan from the militia. Food for thought.
Fake. Monarch didn’t steal a single battery during that fight.
What a tasty re introduction to the Titans!!! Titanfall 3 is getting closer
So basically if this is the new legend then they probably are having an hallucination about joining the apex games
Can you believe there are some people who have never even heard of titanfall seeing this for the first time not knowing how important titans are in this world?
Caramba, é o incidente de Goiânia tudo denovo
I just want Titanfall 3 man….
She really did just kinda poke a very very radioactive battery expecting to get superpowers and it probably worked
I’m happy to see monarch. I played him extensively in Titian Fall 2. He’s a mad underrated titan
Catching onto and subsequently regurgitating a meme format? Truely a YouTube commenting experience.
I don’t know y but I scream bt when monarch shows up 😂
That grunt trying to fight ion with the R201 🤣
Make titanfall 3 already respawn, you know you cant satisfy your OG fans with a BR
what is this, this isn’t very cash money of respawn
İts like a : spider bite me ı want a spiderman power
Tf3 confirmed
bütün diller de altyazılar var ama türkçe desteklemiyorsunuz utanın birazcık ya yemin ediyorum varya
A monarch doing that well against all those ions is gameplay accurate
I guess there’s gonna be a mech coming soon
Filipino Legend 🇵🇭 ❤
truely titan fall, laser coring a grunt and and civilian house, then the monarch nuke ejecting that 1 titan
Like just because TITANS 🎉
ah the retcons
Did anyone noticed the similarity with this 0:28 and the Pacicfic Rim OST? It kinda felt like the pacific rim theme was about to start
Wow i am speechless. As a filipino it is really rare for a game to introduce philipines and even hear our own language in a video game trailer. I’m really happy about it😊
Btw ıon using his first laser core It was a pose from the Titanfall 2 calling card
0:29 idk is it made up from me, but i hear the starting notes from the Pacific Rim themes when monarch falling from the sky
Anyways I never knew until now that I so desperately needed a titanfall anime until now!
Also one would think that after touching some radioactive goop and ur hand straight up just starts glowing that you’d freak out and immediately seek help but I guess not huh?
In all my time playing titan fall 2 I dont think I have ever used a laser core to finish a grunt
All titan fall lover will love this one
Why does 00:35 sound like it from AC3
So based on what we see Monarch should be between Lifeline/Octanes and Wattson’s age. Probably closer to Wattson since Monarch only remembers little of the war. My guess is older than Rampart cuz I doubt a 2/3 year old remembers much if anything. And the outlands civil war didn’t have titans as far as I’m aware. Based on this Monarch has to be between 26-24.
Very cool to see Titans fighting again in the newer stuff. However how she gets powers is pretty lame. They really are making it seem like anybody can just get powers now…
Bro this was awesome.
jumped out of my chair cus I thought that was BT😭
this one cinematic is better than all of the previous cinematics combined. And its all because of the titanfall 2 fan service
Now I just want more animated titans..
Bravo Tango-7274 o7
She got her powers from a radiation core that was sitting there for years that no one touched? Niceee 🙄
1:07 bro killed everyone in a 1 mile radius💀
Okaay… Okaaaay
Did all the men die in battle? Another boss girl ratio Apex experience.
Can I please have tf3 🙏
make tf3
Titanfall 3🤔
Love the SolarPunk aesthetics of the town.
you already know they’re gonna do the cliche “only her body was able to adapt to the new cuuuuoooooraaaazzzzyyyy pOoowwaaa” 👻. So cringe I wish this game along with woke culture will just die already
Upgrade core!!!
DROP TITAN NOT LEGENDS !!!!! WE WANT TITANFALL 3 !!!!! (I haven’t take my meds today)
Stop killing Titanfall to prop up Apex
It’s already dead
“Utang na Loob” means “Debt of Gratitude” in English… google says it’s thankyou, I’m hoping the developers have a Filipino representing the character.
0:29 is actually Pacific Rim theme music
Apex devs design an attractive female character challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Aight the Filipino hints are loose
Can people stop saying she’s octanes and lifelines daughter NOW. Here is the clear proof she’s not
Seeing all these fake titanfall fans hopping on trend of people “missing” a game they never played.. truly a apex player moment 😅
Aw sweet Titanfall content. Oh nope, just an OC that somehow flawlessly gets powers from the hazardous waste of a titan. Pass.
Too many Filipino women in games at least make her Vietnamese, Thai, Singaporean, or Indonesian.
So does she go through the old comic book trope of getting powers from radioactive goo? Or what’s going on.
Why did none of those Ions consider using a vortex shield
naaaaaa que nostalgia con titanfall
Why are people disliking so much, I love that Titanfall was included finally
Least irradiated monarch main
for the love of god just give us titanfall 3 please
I’ve played titanfall ever since it got announced in 2014 then TF2 in 2016 and I was the #1 player in the world, till apex legends came out and I gave it a try and then I started to feel that I wasn’t the player I thought I was, but after seeing all this references of back in the time when titans fall from the skies and hearing “Stand by for titanfall” it’s just so inspiring that it’s telling me to come back in action and win 🎮🏆
1:36 watching TSM win like:
My name is, something
And I was bitten by a radioactive titan,
I’m pretty sure you know the rest
Her Ultimate will be exploding to third parties
Getting blasted by ion is truly a titanfall 2 experience
Nahh that intro alone with the Titans had me SCREAMING my lungs out
Ion my baby is that you
baited with titanfall 3 again…
who needs rodeo when you can rip out your own battery 🔋 ps bad positioning from the monarch , play a better titan
At this point it feels like Titanfall fans are becoming the new HL3 fans with their theories, except they seem more possible than HL3
Monarch using the laser shot to actually help the team instead of give herself shields is truly a frontier defense experience (Monarchs are greedy af in normal TF|2)
Give us back our baby
Titanfall Players UNITE ✊
Caustic’s rework should be similar to scorch
Ok… this isn’t fan service or lore accurate. It’s an attempt of making an apology.
That was a Monarch the IMC attempt of trying replicate the Militia’s newest generation of titans, the Vanguard.
So ya I can see the Militia still stealing titans steal some monarchs and giving them the SRS paint scheme of the Vanguard to make enemy pilots think they up against a Vanguard and not one of their weaker monarchs.
But if that was a vanguard it would not have fallen or collapsed entirely. Like that. Monarchs would have been melted by that many Ion type of the Atlas class titans. Also the batteries, though yes are radioactive, do not cause miniature nuclear explosions. The titans can but the battery. And the range isn’t that big.
I would love to see a apex legends series
Filipino Legend wow
ah yes touch shiny radioactive thing get powers where have i Hurd this before
All this did was make me want titanfall 3, but that is never going to happen. Thanks, apex.
.New legend is Filipino! 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
Imaging maining monarch AND nuke eject
The most un-titanfall part here is a Monarch destroying the battery.
This one really made me miss Titanfall series
Please don’t let this be all that the titanfall 3 rumors lead to! I too remember when heroes fell from the sky
Asymmetrical gameplay. 1 to 6 titan pilots in their titans vs a whole server of Apex legends. Pls.
New legend?
“For us, pass the loob”
She was bitten by a radioactive monarch
Empty story but nice animation… Can you work on the game as much as you do for those shortcuts ?
Titanjumping is getting added im calling it
And that kids is how I got stage 5 cancer
Wait is catalyst gonna be one of the few legends with actual superpowers? Because that’s kinda epic.
Something tells me we arnt getting titanfall 3
lazercore on a solder be mad goofy
Do you think her sister is the person who attacked Rampart?
love to see that no one’s talking about the apex part of the trailer, just the titans, hey respawn, what does this say about the fans wishes?
Drop titans not legends
The ions are truly terrifying.
As a man ion I’m fully happy right now
I love how everyone agrees on that no one actually want apex legends, they really should stop beating the dead horse and just make Titanfall 3 and drop apex.
Minha vez de ter cancer😂
You Filipino here! Proud that our country, The Philippines, now has an Apex legends representative. Mabuhay!
Is this what all the titanfall buildup was for?
they have the means. Y not make a titan minigame within apex? Maybe they have 👀
I still wish there was a tv show of apex, like arcade
Titanfall anime when?
they haven’t forgot about titanfall boys! we got a chance for a crossover between the two games!
Shortly after this video she died from radiation poisoning.
so.. Conduit is dead by radiation poisoning…. than… who is the new champ?
Isn’t that the exact paint job that BT had in his second chassis? Or is it just standard issue Monarch camo?
Хватит высасывать все соки из Titanfall!
arent those batteries nuclear
Why is a Monarch, an IMC titan, fighting Ions, also IMC titans?
Loved this animation! ❤ Especially the beginning, that shjt was epic🍿🎬
I feel like the titans were a little bit too static, except for the weird jumps they pulled
this makes me want to play titanfall 2 again
Who’s that legend?
Respawn fr blue balling
My fellow Pinoys kaway kaway dyan👋👋👋👋
amazing how they know how ion works. ion definitely uses their core in tiny bursts and uses a chain gun. not an energy rifle or shield. definitely not
I love how they’re bringing Titanfall back to relevance
respawn stop teasing the titanfall players, just give us something real. we love your game and want it to do well, so just help us. please
still not tf|3 tho
We’re never getting titanfall 3
I’m glad they made a Filipino Nurse in the game. I can finally fulfill my parents dream ahahha
*T H I S A G E N T B O U T A B E C R A Z Y Y Y Y*
Yall better give us titanfall 3. All These teasers in tf2 are making the community go nuts
Hearing the sound of a titanfall after so long gave me goosebumps
Conduit’s origin story: “So I went uphill to the titan graveyard and got cancer.”
I liked the part where monarch was the only titan on the field because everyone else go flattened. Truly a titanfall experience.
De Titanfall 3?
Ok as cool as it was I wanna be that party pooper rn
Can we just agree that it’s incredibly dumb that she went to a nuclear site and touch that stuff bare handed
My favourite moment was when the Titan Fall , truly the core of Respawn DNA 10/10
90% of this was pretty good, then the Legend purposefully getting cancer was dumb
Interesting. That was a Monarch titan. Not a vanguard. The Ion pilots, the ones attacking, were Militia.
IMC tried reverse engineering a Vanguard chassis but created a Monarch titan instead.
This is an Overwatch trailer
This was garbage. They are letting literally anyone join the apex games now. I’m pretty sure my cat Henry is the season 20 legend.
Why would they show this story on a sad young girl exposing herself to a radiological source and irradiating herself? Surely she will die from the radiation poisoning. Very sad.
girl its radiation not superpowers
i would like to personally inform respawn that due to their cataclysmic mistake of not announcing titanfall 3 that i have uninstalled apex, and will not be playing it again until they do so.
imagine if instead of getting wtv power she got she just got radiation poisoning and died
What does utang na loob mean? Anyone know?
Eletronic Arte, be ashamed of yourself, you have one of the biggest franchises of all time on your hands and you could invest in a video with cinematic quality, because there is plenty of history, but you prefer to entertain consumers with videos of mediocre quality that only impoverish the franchise.
They prefer to be earning their millions, ripping off their consumers with absurdly priced cosmetics.
Is this how you intend to maintain your fan base?
And you, Vincente Zampella, abandoned your greatest offspring, to support another franchise that can’t even sustain itself, instead of taking care of your greatest treasure, which catapulted you to stardom.
Siphon based legend
Okay but like.. Realistically, she dies instantly right? Like, Super Powers. Just crumbles..
we want titanfall
I’ve loved this game, the characters’ stories and the entire setting since the first season, but I don’t feel any fun playing this season at all. In every game I encounter swets with master/predator. I don’t see the point in playing and losing every game because I meet semi-pro players. Few seasons ago i played ranked arena, having platinium i played with players who got gold or silver againts players with pred. I hope it will be fixed in some time.
А можно пожалуйста уже titanfall 3
you are killing this game,why dont listen to the players advice,apex could be the best FPS game in the world,why you just change everything you want and never hear from players?Im gonna quit this game next session .if this game have none play oneday ,you deserve it ,its all your fault !
Are we gonna have another octane like legend? If I am not wrong this liquid is what octane uses
Respawn realized it’s been too long since kids thought it was cool to play with radiation to get powers.
Monach mains mentioned AHHHHHHHHHHHH 🫡🫡🫡😎😎😎⚡️⚡️⚡️🗿🗿🗿⚠️⚠️⚠️
Dont spend your money in this game, they are banning for no reason….
The most unrealistic part about this cinematic is the monarch using energy transfer
We’re so back
I thought it was bt I miss my boy 😢
broh i love tf so much, but i dk its such a waste at same time, this animation was really great btw
The starting looks like the bastion trailer
Finally a new legend
Hold out, pilots. 8-9 more days until we discover the truth. (I haven’t taken my pills in months)
I’m a simple man, I see Mecha, I hit 👍
What’s her abilities??
Electricity legends are the best!!
Cool give me a titanfall 3
FINALLY a Filipino legend!
Is anyone else having an heirloom glitch that prevents them from spinning it while running?
I want to play the cool robot game not this br game. Give us Titanfall 3
1:09 NERF THIS *giggle*
I wonder how did she get her abilities. Were batteries making such things with a human body for the whole time or… why is it even working?
Bruh people being salty for micro transactions is crazy. The game is free y’all and its not like pay to win . People work to make this game, they get paid on these micro transactions. Don’t pay if you feel like its a money grab.
Imagine being buried by bills and taxes only for your relative to go fiddle with a heavily radiated battery for god knows what reason.
xd so they WERE building all this hype up just for some Titanfall nostalgia bait after all
So like what, actual super hero origin stories now? Was great to see the titans tho
This time, it’s amazing and cool, just like the movie! I’m looking forward to the new season and new characters! ! ! I can’t wait! ! ! I will do my best to clear the Revenant challenge as well! ! ! ! Thank you very much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Titanfall 3 is coming out that’s why they did this
I think her ability is going to be related to shields, purely because of her seeming to “absorb” power from the battery, which, in Titanfall, gave Titans shields. Perhaps like Watson’s ultimate but mobile and with no interceptor. Or maybe it’s even a tactical, where she just casts shields at allies.
Um mano em 1987 em Goiania fez a msm coisa desse vídeo aí e hj é mono wraith
My god something actrally cool from the apex trailers the ions and the mornarch was just on point
I’m wondering respawn so Reviving Titanfall was just a stunt to get a new Legend I hope not
So excited
Don’t tell me that’s old Bish 1:35!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That food looks top tier
I legit don’t think that I have ever, in my life, been presented a less compelling and gripping story than this. Was this written by a five year old?
Did anyone hear the music from Pacific Rim in their head when the titan dropped? No? Just me? Huh 😂
The animation on this is so freaking good!!!!
arent monarch titans IMC? They sure are trying to paint them as good guys which seems weird considering what they did in tf1 and 2
Dope video. Cross progression when?
1:37 they playing while im cursing on the background
Ion wasting his OP ability, which last few second on a single grunt is the true Titanfall experience
I glad respawn is keep Apex tided down and not just letting there best game just die like that, hopefully we do get another game for titanfall and I can start spending money on something worthwhile
Man I still want titans in apex is it just me?
I wanted to make a comment about the Titanfall reference, but I can’t because I’m just wayyy too focused on my culture having representation in one of my favorite games ever 😭😭😭🇵🇭
Nah cause this was the best trailer yet
Bro has radiation poisoning now
A filipina legend, lfg!! 🇵🇭🇵🇭
This reminds me of The Iron Giant. Wow. just wow…. This is one of the best SFTO they’ve done.
That’s very controversial to me, childish stories, military giant mechs in the year 2500 are one thing, but we are getting to the writting levels of marvel heroes at this point… touching a radioactive battery. Will she get cancer? no she is going to get superpowers, GREAT message you are sending Respawn, today when we need more of nuclear power you go and perform the oldest cliché of the superheroes origins.
is this the longest 2d nimated trailer apex has ever done? idk but it shure is the coolest
Is cooper the new legend or someone else
Really like how Apex is keeping linked with Titanfall. Really loved the theme of it and the lore they put into it and others they’ve also did too.
It will be very interesting if we get all characters backstories that linked to the Titanfall 2 universe. Like how Mirage developed his technology about holo-graph. Or more of catalyst lore too
Oh? What that Tagalog i heard???
isn’t monarch an IMC attempt at manufacturing the Militias own vanguard class titan. Why does it have monarch on its hull if its a militia titan?
this could seriously be such a successful animated series – as money hungry as EA is, not sure what they haven’t jumped at this opportunity
anybody else seeing her ending up as a nuke ingame 😂
i hope she is hetero)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Another legend to milk titanfall franshise again
No TF3
Should’ve taken my pills
So when are they gonna add titans to apex legends
can you guys please make a show
The OG Apex theme song 3:44
I want titanfall 3 sooo badly
The part where the monarch absolutely refused to die and managed to keep fighting is truly a Titanfall experience.
Apex butchering lore again. Lastimosa armory doesn’t make titans, especially the monarch chassis, which is a Militia design, and Lastimosa Armory would have never even heard of this design. Thanks respawn.
Let this be a lesson kids: always touch radioactive waste
Now I’m confused, bc Monarch was made by the IMC. So who tf they portraying as bad here???
If only the game what same good as trailers
What she want to get, cancer?
laser core on a grunt was the most accurate thing they’ve shown us to date😂😂😂
I don’t think that radiation works like that
Octane’s TRANS?
Seeing a Titan in an Apex trailer cant be a good sign for Titanfall 3
TitanFall BT 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💙💙
Look around ea these people are cheering just from the sight of titans. Make there dream come true and give Titanfall some justice
I finished Titanfall 2 for the first time recently and I LOVED ITT!!!!
I bet their name will be Monarch calling it now
And now she has radiation poisoning
Like for TITAN FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is kind of like jumping into a nuclear reactor trying to become superhuman and it only happens because you have a sad backstory
Story for us, wait what titan fall 👁👁
Local child gains radiation sickness to support her older sister.
Boo, Boo Apex Legends Boo. Gib Titanfall 3.
New champ this season?
Karai nunca irão lançar a história da Wattson?!
Use to be such a good game… sad the state it is in.
I hope a 3rd titan fall is being teased but most likely a new legend
The titan fight was realy nice i liked the part of monarch just 1 v 5s like a chad ı just wish that it was a vanguard class instead of a monarch
Militia monarch? Nuke ejecting by crushing the battery? Unlimited laser core? Do… do they play their own games?
Bro what even is that thought process? I’m broke so I’ll go touch radioactive material? Like bruh
Everything was cool until she touched the leaking radiating battery like it’ll give her super powers 💀
So that was a monarch titan, not a vanguard. We can also assume it was militia related because of the grunt we see not wearing imc gear and the fact that they were defending civilians. So after Titanfall 2, did the militia switch from giving their SRS pilots vanguard class titans to monarchs? Because if so, that seems like a major downgrade. The whole strength of Vanguards is that they were extremely adaptable, able to use every titan loadout and switch between them on the fly. Trading all of that off for energy siphon and the ability to upgrade yourself kinda seems like a big trade off. Of course maybe this wasn’t an SRS pilot and just a regular militia pilot with a monarch
recycled catalysts story lol
Titanfall 3 pls
As I get older I’m less and less excited to celebrate my birthday, but this year has so many good things coming in October, it actually feels like a birthday month when I was younger. Apex doing this on the 23rd is really cool to me
This has been the best one so far.
“Titanfall ready to deploy”
I don’t get it, her sister broke her arm so she then had to go touch something radioactive? for what exactly? how did her sister even get hurt and what does it have to do with the green stuff?
Give her the name “Monarch”!
So apex is the universe of titanfall right?
I swear to god if they only went back to titanfall just for this one video….
Ngl, genuanlly really excited for this new legend
0:03- not actual gameplay shows.
0:08- 3 broken buildings
0:30- titanfall
0:39- 3 full sun waves
1:29- 3 bladed wind turbine
1:33- 3 pieces of silverware
2:02- 3 friends
2:57- 3 warning logos
3:00- she crosses the fence and cuts herself
3:08- 3 broken down titans
Nice apex propaganda still aint downloading it
So she’s a human monarch titan,
Bro that ion did not just use a core ON A GRUNT
Titanfall 3 PLEASE
Wow you guys remembered Titans existed in Apex’s universe
i love this universe.
Anyone want to take a guess on what to is legends abilities is gonna be ?
Is something interesting going to come out?
just put a titan mode into apex legends with wall running.
Awesome video!
Going across the entire map for a singular Titan battery is definitely a Titanfall experience.
yo a legend with actualt powers??????? I guess Wraith is gonna have a new friend
Thats titans fall
-New MAP?
-No, new cosplayer
So awesome battle with the titans and I liked the kids playing Apex Legends but her power is radiation poisoning?
0:30 Pacific Rim music sting should absolutely play after every titian fall
I’m maining her
Monarch is the best!
Seeing titans in an Apex trailer is giving me goosebumps
I guess that’s one way of nuclear ejecting
any filo here?
les goo some Filipino representation 🇵🇭
I’m sure the Titanfall reddit will be “happy”
Ayoooo I’m actually excited for the new season
I love how pilots/titans are still an inspiration, even if small, in Apex Legends. God i miss Titanfall 😢
Apex, if all this Titan Fall baiting was just for this legend. You better count your days
teasing us with more titanfall stuff
Ion mains using laser core on that pesky grunt hiding behind cover
Умеют же черти делать.. ИГРУ блин почините!
I see even Respawn has forgotten how the Titans work
almost heard a pacific rim there
All I can say is “Tang’na na this, it’s about to go down..”
So another catalyst? Yawn
Bruh.🎉 applause to the the team for a great video!
That’s the stupidest one so far.
Also since when Titans can jump so high, I understand Northstars or Vanguards even but come on 💀💀💀💀
Why new Apex Legends Season always come when my school is open
Remember Titan fall is in our dna…thanks to the Northstar client
New Titanfall references let’s gooooo
It’s titanfall turn now, come on
“Hey titanfall fans remember titanfall” – Apex Legends
This reminds of legend of Kora so much lol.
sending a single monarch to deal with like 10 ions we finna win this fight 💯
Every day we are further and further from God…
Wow, what an amazing trailer.
There should be a game where we use these giant robots that fall from the skies.
Good job but why are the titans jumping
10/10 Trailer 🔥
When Titanfall 3
Kinda meh. Not sure what this is.
If you haven’t played titanfall 2, play it now
yo when Titanfall 3
The Titan battery in Titanfall 2 is a fictional energy source, so we don’t have specific technical details or measurements for it. However, we can make some educated guesses based on real-world batteries.
In reality, batteries can have a wide range of capacities, but let’s assume the Titan battery is a high-tech, advanced power source. A typical modern smartphone battery has a capacity of around 3,000 to 4,000 milliampere-hours (mAh) at 3.7 volts. A high-end electric car battery might have a capacity measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
Now, Titans are massive machines, and they likely require a considerable amount of power. Let’s speculate that the Titan battery has a capacity in the range of several hundred kilowatt-hours, given the scale and energy demands of a giant robotic suit.
Assuming the Titan battery outputs its power over a period of one hour (as kilowatt-hours), we can estimate the power in watts using the formula:
Power (Watts)=Capacity (kWh)×1000Power (Watts)=Capacity (kWh)×1000
So, if we assume a Titan battery capacity of 500 kilowatt-hours:
Power (Watts)=500 kWh×1000=500,000 WattsPower (Watts)=500kWh×1000=500,000Watts
This is a purely speculative and theoretical estimation, and the actual power output of the Titan battery in Titanfall 2 is not specified in the game. It’s all in good fun to imagine the power requirements of these futuristic machines!
Based on this we can declare a estimated chance of survival to be very low when touching the exposed internals of a battery. So based on that there is a slight chance that the “legend” is “unresponsive” and that would make this the 3rd legend that was anounced but then didnt make it the 1st one being forge the 2nd being the son of Balistic and the 3rd this legend.
3 “legends” couldnt make it this is a direct refrance to titanfall 3, the titan used in this cinimatic is monarch similar desing to BT-7274 but not exactly perhaps after BT died Jack Cooper wanted something similar to BT so he chose a Monarch, Based on that after the (estimated) death of the legend this will trigger a soul sacrifice that will bring Jack Cooper AND the titan back alive so this means that titanfall 3 is real
(i will be making a video on my channel soon where i go even more in depth about this subject but this is not a promotion to my channel just if someone wants to learn more about the soul sacrifice resurrection)
(sorry for bad English)
A Philippine collab inspired by EA? Wow, a game truly meant for evryone. Thanks EA, we pinoys dont give up. We hold the line!
This is the third electric Filipina in esports games (League of Legends, Valorant, Apex Legends) please never stop
🌟Mirage 🌟
Apex lore is the craziest blend of whack and dope. Mad.
Are you suggesting titans for the next season? 🤩🤩🤩
I loved the beginning with the cool Titan fight! It’s the most Titan action we’ve seen in years! I just don’t like the ending though. Why does every character ever created go touch something radioactive expecting to get super powers instead of just getting radiation sickness? By what logic did you think that would work? It’s cliché and it annoys me.
Zeri coming to Apex Legends?!?!
Mga kapwa ko Pilipino, SALUDO!!!
Seeing the monarch drop down made my nuts quake with joy and excitement
Hey Respawn, big thanks to this video and character background. Being FilAm hit hard for this one. The food (that chicken inasal over garlic rice sheeeh), the “hoy”, and the responsibility…if you’re hella pinoy you get the details.
She absorbed too much radiation and has died before entering the Apex games
Where’s titanfall 3!!!😢
Awesome video tho👌🏽
I like how her first thought was that maybe this radioactive battery will give me powers.
They’re gonna keep stringing us pilots along by adding Titans to more animations aren’t they?
If this is what the teasers in Titanfall 2 were teasing about I’m just gonna uninstall ea launcher
So now we’re getting people with radiation-based superpowers as well, on top of Wraith and her interdimension stuff.
Just make Wraith a phaseshift pilot skin.
So.. the cosplayer got bitten by a radioactive titan.
I’m actually excited for a new legend finally
I know some may already be doing it, but I am inclined to go frame by frame, checking all titans if one of them as the BT-7274 tag. No real reason. But my inner fan boi wants to know.
0:29 did I just hear a remix of the Pacific Rim music?
Filipino Language?
1:26 she pulled out the wingman on her kids
Dont think the people of the frontier would be too fond of the apex predators
First guy was litteraly using a phoenix kit 😂😂😂
Titanfall 3 please…..
Bruh Titanfall……
We really need a netflix show or something!!
Am I the only one confused as to how the battery still has charge when it blew up?🧐
New legend has cancer amazing and rip bt
i cant wait too try the new legend in apex:)
Buff aim assist.
Are this the hint we are getting titanfall 3?
GIVE US TITANFALL 3 please I’ve been a fanboy since the first one ;-;
a nuclear eject not destroying the titan nor ejecting a pilot, truly a titanfall 2 experience
0:28 for a second I thought pacific rim music was gonna kick in.
This just proves a Titanfall anime would be fantastic
i like it
Nice the trailer launches on my birthday
Who ever drew the food deserves a BIG raise ! looks amazing 🤤
Perfect story pitch for Titanfall 3 but it’s for Apex instead
Pls make titanfall 3
Bro Monarch players are not Heroes.
More Titanfall teasers? C’mon man, just announce TF3 already
when will titans come back!!!??? 😭😭😭
fr i miss so much playing titanfall… 🙁
Man I almost cried when I tought that monarc was BT😭😭😭
cancer acquired
New apex hero?
Filipino representation!!!! Let’s gooooooo
Where’s the spider bite? I don’t get it.
pinoy mode <3
titan fall 3 trailer???
We want titanfall 3🗣️
apex yall better make titanfall 3 real and not an extra character to the cast
I may have completely given up and abandoned the game by I will forever be here for the lore
I don’t play Apex Legends however this was super cool! Loved the animation, the music, and the story! Awesome work team!
Finally back with the 2D animated trailers 🙏🙏🙏
Titanfall 3 trailer next
Lame story
ION and MONARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as a Titanfall vet this makes me very happy.
Trop Titans not Legends!
Monarch? That’s IMC, those Ions were Militia then
I’m still waiting to see the correlation to apex.. I feel like I just watched an episode of naruto
My favorite part was when the Monarch felt from the sky and said “it’s Monarch time” a proceeds to last longer than a Legion and wipe out the entire enemy team, truly a Titanfall’s experience
Just saw monarch got me good memory’s
Titanfall is the game, sadly Apex is more popular, we need to return to the roots.
I want Titans now
Titanfall 3 ???
oh no…..
this isn’t what al the titanfall 2 stuff was for right, right? RIGHT?!?!? OH GOD NO
I think during Ignite we’ll be getting a New Legend. What her powers will be i still TBD, but let’s hope she’s not too broken and OP.
I’m impressed negl
Not as many people are into this game as they use to, probably went to play Titanfall 2
I love seeing titans
Please just make titanfall 3 already. I’d gladly trade apex for that
I saw the Monarch Titan and immediately thought that it was BT
Wow those big mechs were so cool! I wish there was a game about them that hasnt been left behind by the company that made it…
titanfall 3 plz
Que interesante de que reguion será está nueva leyenda
Оно даже не выглядит как полная залупа + ещё и титаны есть, это вин я считаю
Not respawn not knowing anything about titans
This must be a Titanfall 3 teaser
As a Titanfall 2 player, this is beautiful
Battery….super powers?
touch the leaking radioactive titan battery that left the whole zone irradiated, what could go wrong ?
A bit Coustic vibe from that thing who touch it.
Drop Tittans Not Legends
That whole titanfall clip just gave me chills
The animation team at apex are awesome, but I hope the devs and executives at respawn fix the problems with the game.
Apex could legit make a series out of the lore. Animation was A1.
Саундтрек похож из тихоокеанского рубежа
I dont know if it got explained in the titanfall story, but the battery remids me allot of something radioaktive
“Trust me”
-BT 7274
Kind of weird seeing how a gruesome, terrifying and very violent blood sport is celebrated as a “fun for the whole family” experience. lol.
Also, Respawn showing even a glimpse of new titans battling each other in any context, is just salt on the wounds for those hoping for a new proper Titanfall game.
What is this back story supposed to even be? Im fillipeno and now i can magically absorb radiation and be a top tier bloodsport fighter?
Radiation does not give you super powers but gives you something far more real…cancer
And now she has stage 3 cancer and radiation poisoning
This is very cool and all. Now cut the life support from Apex and release Titanfall 3
The new legend’s super power, cancer.
don’t do touching radioactive waste kids.
So if this is a teaser for the next legend i bet she will have organic matter type of abilities and if so all the leaks that have been out are just a cover up
Obviously Apex is half-dead already. And if they won’t draw a line from it to Titanfall 3 at some point and won’t make a smooth transition from Apex to T3 multiplayer, it will be the biggest epic fail I have ever seen.
foi de cesio-137
Titanfall’s spin-off has good animation’s I’ll give it that. Would love to see a trailer for the next mainline Titanfall game like this
Ion supremacy
told you it would be another season 9 and not titanfall 3 this is valkyrae all over again unoriginal respawn
So much titan content yet still no titans🥱🥱🥱
bro used laser core against grunts, gotta be a new player
Just casually watching bloodsports as a family
i though it was bt for a sec, but a monarch fighting more then 1 ion and not dying in 30sec? yeah sure
Wattson: I created the ring and KC is my home.
Crypto: syndicate took my sister and I’m on the run.
Revenant: hundreds of year old assassin turned Robot.
This new legend: cosplayer.
Monarch winning a 5v1 is truly a Titanfall moment
tagalog gang
Mulan-type story? But I’m here for it since it’s pinoy rep no doubt.
did I hear the pacific rim theme for a sec?
its good to see so many titanfall fans on the top comments
wheres the part where they steal their 160$?
As a titanfall fan this makes me so hyped, but I have been taking my pills… so I unfortunately understand that the only reason titanfall has been updated so they can release more apex content and trailers😢
Rip dude at 0:15, he never had a chance
This animation is very choppy and has a low FPS, and the characters that appear are increasingly bizarre and unattractive. Truly an Apex experience
Bro just give us titan fall 3 😭😭😭
Wow, so crazy to see these new big robots in my battle Royal game, i wonder if they’ll ever make use of that part of their ip ever again
Touching radiation gives her power? Only in fiction 😂
I know very little about Apex, but I’ve watched every character trailer that has a titan in it.
This was absolutely beautiful.
Was that a Titan battery she absorbed??
Tf she about to do? Get Rad Poisoning and die?
Titanfall 3???
I thought we were actually going to get Jack in Apex but no. Baited again
And… stage 4 cancer in 3…2…1
I love the part when i stop playing this game because now this game is bad
10/10 lumpia looked delicious
Just. Give. Us. Titan. Fall. 3.
Been waiting for “Upgrade Core 3 Online” honestly
Average monarch player forgetting Vortex shield and using nuclear eject.
this post was made by LASER CORE ONLINE SUPREMACY group
*Pinoy Pride Intensifies*
Oh joy, here comes the pinoy flood
They should have added “don’t try this at home” for any kid watching this so they don’t go touch any radioactive green liquid which will defiantly harm your body.
*next day dies of radiation poisoning
Bro did not follow protocol three
Monarch had battery core no wounder why it lived that long.
For anyone wondering what are the foods in 1:33
These are in order from top left downward sequence.
– Sisig
– Lumpia (Lumpiang Shanghai – a deep fried roll wrapped with minced meat)
– Fried Tuyo or Galunggong
– No idea what food has lime/calamansi with egg that is cooked, based on the color of the soup, with coconut milk
– The hotpot soup is either Sinigang or Nilaga.
– Fried Chicken with fried rice
– Cassava Cake
– Pancit Canton
– I don’t know if that is a dessert or what
These are some of the Filipino foods presented to the animation. Mainly, our MC is a Filipino.
Those out of shot foods can’t be determined but I’m guessing the one on the top left can be Menudo, Afritada, Mechado or Calderata.
By definition of the title “For Us, Utang na loob” is like saying “I’m in your debt.”
As the MC’s “Ate” (Ah-Te; Filipino) or Big Sister (English) got home and got injured in her line of work and also so that she has overdue payment, the MC took over the role and the rest is history.
Our MC thinks that she has been in-debt of her Ate, working always for them as the MC watches over the kids.
NOTE: Ate is not only defined as Big Sister. It can be used to call a female stranger that you don’t the name. Example: Ate, pabili po ng kendi. (TL: Big sis, I want to buy a candy.)
By the way, the fried rice. 6/10 for me, not enough garlic.
Lets goo a filipina legend
Another female legend 🤦🏽♂️
When that monarch dropped I thought it was BT for a second and my heart jumped. RESPAWN Please give us TifanFall 3
0:50 ボトムズかな?
this video near the end reminds me of when we use to eat battery’s as kids AM I RIGHT ?
Titanfall 3 when ?
10/23/23 Stand by for Titanfall 3 Maybe ?
Ah yep my new main
Respawn make more titanfall scenes
i want lifeline and octane daughter
Weres the Anime at 😫😫😫😫😫
As a Filipino, it’s cool having a Filipino legend. But what my heart desires is Titanfall 3.
I’m not empress, I’m depress cant sleep waiting for the release 😂😂😂😂😂
Very interesting Titanfall 2 backstory trailer of the new legend character for APEX Legends Season 19. Also, this month will be the seven year anniversary since the APEX Legends backstory FPS game, Titanfall 2 came out on PC, PS4 and XBOX one consoles in October 28, 2016… 🤔
So where is Titanfall 3?
Is she a voice actor or Kindred lamb?
Pinoy characters just keeps getting some kind of electricity powers
The monarch titan is clearly a reference to BT being alive (I’m totally not delusional)
Never in my time of playing apex, would I think we’d get a FILIPINO LEGEND. Thanks apex 🥹
It’ll be funny if she was just getting cancer from that battery
Monarch heirloom $160. Truly the Apex experience.
We’re is my Titanfall 3 Respawn
Coisa linda conhecer melhor a conduit e o ISO do outro FPS
Ansioso pra jogar com eles.
Pacific Rim music hahaha
awesome trailer but made me sad seeing all the Titanfall stuff
filipinos represent🙌🇵🇭
Finally some accurate pilot depiction
ion mains be like
я не могу больше воспринимать это дерьмо в серьез
But…where is TF3?
new legend with unique ability to develop tumors every zone and porgres stage of previous
they thought they would get away using the pacific rim theme
I am just dispointed you guys are focusing on this instead of content we actually want. And it’s not fair you tease us titans and don’t deliver
Respawn giving us another titan flashback to keep reminding us when they made good games.
you mean to tell me I’ve been giving batteries to my team mates when I could of used them as pocket nukes?
Hey! Give us titanfall 3!
i will be very down for a mode in apex to have titans.
I thought this was Titanfall 3. I was wrong.
Unfortunately fortnite will be making a come back in November so don’t expect this season to pop too much
So were gonna get a legend with cancer powers? Neat
Seeing titans like that again was amazing
Just release a Titanfall Game mode already!! Casuals, Ranked, LTM & Titanfall!!
Was is Respawn’s problem? Just announce Titanfall 3.
The pilot could have ejected 😂
Give us Titanfall 3 or we riot.
can’t wait for see more nimble Titan movement. Titanfall 3’s shaping up to be great
* muffled “putang ina” in thr distance *
Titanfall fans about to commit a crime over the fact they called it a monarch class titan instead of a vanguard
Bro if she says sana all, i’m dead
If they add Titans then maybe we will finally hear some footsteps
Moradores de Goiânia a uns anos atrás
She gave herself cancer.😂💀💀💀
Wow Filipino representation?
Another great video.
if all the titanfall updates and teases were just for apex im killing myself
I want an apex anime
I have noticed a few things if the pilot ejected himself where did the pilot go,
Who would be the pilot,
How does she get to absorb the radiaton part
Filipinos represent! 🇵🇭
So I guess we’re back to getting people with little to no combat experience getting into the games and competing against trained soldiers (Bangalore, revenant, mad Maggie, ballistic)
It’s gonna be again a dying game season or we will get real promises like next gen console upgrade 120hz or cross progression or just one new legend and a skins factory with bugs like every seasons ?
i don’t get it. what field is she a legend in?
the game is called apex legends because it pitted THE legends from all spectrum of life againts each other.
octane : daredevil legend
lifeline : medic legend
caustic : science(chemist) legend
so again. what’s her field?
What a disappointment for titanfall fans man 😕
Titanfall 2 players are frothing at the mouth right now
titanfall 4?
Zero creativity,
Anybody else think that the animation for the Apex logo at the end was kinda cool? 😎 😎
Alguien más escucha la orquesta de TIRANTES DEL PACÍFICO?❤
Pinche animación toda hermosa
Titanfall 3 or I never play apex again
Esperando o vídeo de comentário do pokiz
thats cool and all, but when titanfall 3?
So she got her powers by touching a radioactive core
This is the most cancerous legend yet
Titans are back?
She dropped dead from radiation sickness 10 minutes later
Monarch my main Titan boy is good to see you back in action
That monarch was the first time ive seen nuke eject be useful
Her power is radiation poisoning
Monarch and Ion can fly now?
I love seeing titans in a game whit no titans, true experience there.
It’s my turn now *explodes*
*Nice man, Titanfall 3 looking good*
what legend is she? or just random ahh story?
2:17 I have a weird felling that she has radiation burns on her hand
Animated series, realistic movie/series GIVE IT TO US!!!
So this must mean titanfall 3
What n I got 12,000 I’m buying her
Bugs? No no no,New season ,skins
Respawn never fails with putting on an absolutely spectacular show when it comes to these videos. Now fix the audio in the game and were good 😂.
titanfall hope that comes back
was that her mom that got her arm wrecked? and if so, whats her job?
BT is back less go
This is so heavy to watch at a time like this…
So she’s the next Legend? I dig it.
Is this illari? Cause I’ve seen this before.
Vanguard titans like BT are the better
confused asf
Having some Filipino lore is pretty nuts. Pinoy pride🎉🎉🎉
The Titan.. BT 😫
Someone explain how she absorbed the power of a titan battery
This is what Titanfall feels like
Looks like we about to get a Legend with Starfire abilities
ohhh Filipino legend,Interesting…
For the srs
Beautiful representation for my Bahamian ppl. 🙏🏿
When the anime will come 😭😭😭
Announce Titanfall 3 plz~~~~~😭
I don’t really know how they will make the story make sense. Some girl just tresspasses into an area with fatal radiation levels to make money somehow and again somehow gets powers from a damaged titan core that kills anything with radiation poisoning
Does this mean that TF3 is confirmed not to come
Guys why doesn’t my Monarch do that?
Is this freakin x man show now
Lezgo pinoy bait 😅.
apex really dont know what they’re missing out of so much money animation shows or series or maybe even movies from the first around of legends then next movies 3 new legends telling back stories other then milking the community on money heavy 😒
Titanfall player go yipi ya yei
Having a super power legend is actually a really cool. All I could really think of is wraith and Revenant being the only with legit powers.
This was awesome. Good work to the team who made it.
Should I go to Chernobyl then :/
Let me guess, its the shield legend that was leaked.
Monarch had a weapon that granted a chunk of shields back. Then there’s the battery, which fuelled the shields
Bruh next legend is gonna be She Hulk
Ay kbron 😱😱😱😱
I love the animatrix vibe
Still waiting for octane story of the outlands
Stop baiting titanfall 2 players respawn. L Apex.
The music is heavily similar to Pacific Rim and I love it.
*dies of radiation
Give us titanfall 3
Monarch did not equip nuke eject. Had to improvise
Jesus christ
And then that battery unalived her from whatever it was made out of. definitely not healthy to absorb whatever that was.
She’s dead. The radiation level near the titan core is greater than the radiation level of the “bucket of death” or “elephant’s foot” at Chernobyl. She’s got no protective gear, and she’s sticking her hand in there. As someone who knows a little physics, I realize that sticking your hand in a radiation source like that will only lead to extensive burns, radiation sickness, cancer, and eventually death.
If anyone still hasnt noticed, the language they speak seems to be the same one as richter from titanfall 2. trully amazing referencences
yo tagalog coming in
L Apex
Tbh if respawn did a full on titanfall animated series it would be amazing
she so avesome 😍
Pretty sur ethe militia only operated in vanguards, so the ions are IMC, but the monarch is also an IMC Titan based on the vanguard. Getting more confusing every apex cinematic.
This is cool for us Filipino players to have something to represent us.
Lastimosa is the last name of one of the weapons designer in in Titanfall who is Filipino American from Chula Vista California. If you played titan fall and ADS.d a weapon, you will see it says “Lastimosa Armory, Chula Vista” and the Sun that was shown painted on the Monarch titan in the trailer
BT !!!!
The ppl yearn for titanfall
Bro touched the Ooze
Remove Lifeline from game
Is she strong?
Listen bud
She’s got radioactive blood
Can she sends shocks?
Take a look overhead
Hey, there
There goes the Conduit.
Filipino Pride 🇵🇭
Titans that’s all I gotta say
120 fps??
Moral of the story:
Touch nuclear radioactive waste
I had to stop washing dishes to see what I’m seeing is true. A freaking FILIPINO LEGEND, LET’S GOOOO 🔥🔥🔥
Ain’t no way she got powers from a double A battery
This could easily be a “sneak pick” of what the anime of Apex Legends is going to be/look like.
Monarch the best titan
this titanfall 3 trailer is looking epic
I can’t help but feel taunted
This Monarch Titan should be a Vanguard Class instead, Monarch is a cheaper, almost identical model to Vanguards made by the IMC to replicate Vanguards on a mass production line. Feel free to correct me If I’m wrong!
She just gave herself cancer!a 😂 she had to have shortened her lifespan by absorbing that power
ion using laser core on grunts, truly a titanfall experience
sheeesh even the kids in the trailer get the Rev original SKIN and we DONT.
Having a filipino join makes my heart melt!
the way i SHOUTED when i knew they were in the philippines 😂😂😂
did they steal the music sting from kung fu panda
Respawn just give us titan fall 3 already
It’s been forever sense I’ve actually been hype about a character
To bad it’s apex
This is sick, but apex I neeeeed me a Native American / First Nations legend!!!!!!
Drop titans not legends
just give us tf3
Wow, this was awesome and really makes me feel for Conduit.
y murió, buena historia
Sweet. I wonder how useful she’ll be in team comps.
Respawn loves adding stuff about titanfall 2, only to never touch the game.
Im very proud another filipino character introduced in a very popular game❤❤
YOOO!! Filipinos represeeeent!!!!
That pilot should have did a little slide, self evacuated and blew up the rest
Monarch pilot🫡🫡🫡
Kinda weird how radiation always gives the protagonist powers when really it’d just give you the Big C
Wow, beautiful titans fight
Utang ng loob sounds like Philippines reference???????
Wouldn’t a kid dressing up like Revenant be like a kid dressing up like the Unabomber??? 💀💀💀
no fallan con sus animaciones y presentaciones de personajes ♥️♥️♥️ son los mejores!!!
Titanfall 3?
I love finally getting a Filipino legend and it looks like she might be the best one in a while
I thought she was gonna become the Hulk after touching the battery.
“It’s my turn now” and then she proceeds to get cancer due to a high radiation dose.
yesss filipino represent !!🇵🇭
This is awesome!! Well done again Respawn. Excited for the next season
Give us Titanfall 3
Is that green glowy stuff “Petrusite” from the Killzone franchise?
the titans fighting part was very good and i very much enjoyed it after that it went really down hill…
Finally, lore accurate titan memes.
Fr though it was really cool seeing titans with extreme mobility, not something I expected.
Good to know they haven’t forgotten Titanfall, they just don’t care about it anymore.
All I ever got from standing by a nuclear ejection was death, this girl gets super powers tho?
Some people have all the luck.
Weakest monarch main be like
Titanfall 3 confirmed?
True Filipino Representation!!!
Monarch being cornered as always, truly a titanfall experience
Y’all it’s gonna be a Mech 👀‼️‼️‼️
A filipina legend! Lets goooo! 🇵🇭
Respawn, talking for all the community, please, give us Titanfall 3 or at least, bring new content for TitanFall 2 , dont trick us with this kind of hype for a apex event 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Isn’t the monarch titan based on a reverse engineered version of the militia’s vanguard titan? Does that mean the monarch in this trailer is actually working for the IMC?
monarch got a bit too hungry for those batteries huh…
Titanfall anime when?
to us who main ION on titanfall
Yo this overwatch trailer is craazyyyyy
Now, only if they added some new content in the game, instead of making Netflix trailers, that would be great.
Seeing Ion and Monarch legitimately was incredible. Titans are what make the universe of Titanfall interesting to me.
That was pretty freaking cool❤
This wasn’t an apex trailer, nah this was a Titanfall 3 sneak peek
Titanfall 4?
она просто потрогала радиоактивную батарейку и получила рак крови…
Can’t believe we had all of these titanfall 3 teasers for THIS
“Trust me”
– BT 7274
now add cross progression
Waiting for the Filipinos to come.
Philippines mentioned RAHHH 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭📣📣🇵🇭📣🇵🇭📣🇵🇭🇵🇭
the only energy source that is that small is nuclear
she just basically chernobyled herself
That first shot with the monarch in it made my heart skip a beat, I thought it was BT for a second
🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 Representtt
Wow they really butchered titanfall lore for this one
Who else thought that monarch was bt
Where it BT13
Disgusting trailer, what a strange girl and the purpose of her way to the INFECTED zone is unclear.
What was she even going to do there?
For what?
Go to work and help your sister with money, no
Go to the contaminated zone for who knows what, yes.
In general, the dislike is 100% not engaging with the story at all.
BUT, the first minute of the video are definitely the most delicious.
The game about Titans we deserve.
Here I can put as many as 100 likes.
As a result
Girl with problems => no
Epic battles with Titans =>yes
Chills fr
That’s cool and all but still no cross-progression… :/
So she touches a reactor and becomes a superhero? What are we supposed to learn from this? What in the Overwatch Legends
Huh, a Filipino legend, who would’ve thought.
New legend has the ability to give cancer
Is that bt 7274
Holy titanfall reference. Monarch can fly? And when did batteries cause nuke ejects? When were they nukes at all? Cool legend reveal though.
Philippines represent!!!
Let’s goooo 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
Wow, now we have a Spiderman in Apex! Truly an Apex experience
OHHH boy danmmm
Vietnam War in Future… LOL
well 2 think 0:15 titanfall 2 campain in nutshel and second kids remember go and toutch radio active weists to get superpowers
Why she kinda bad tho
If her ult is a self-destruct nuke, that would be interesting
Every day my hope dwindles, please respawn, even if it releases in 2+ years, Just give me tf3
Apex devs dont know ttf2 mechanics.
Didnt know that 1 old used battery from titan can be comp-v from boys.
Apex devs dont know their own technologies. Again…
Looks like theyll do it like Fortnite: Bringing machines to the game and make it annoying
Lets goooooooooooo!!
Never thought I would see Filipino representation in Apex!!! 🇵🇭💪🏽
I think Respawn wants a Titanfall 3, they keep bringing it up when they have next to no reason to do so.
Apex paying for fake comments and likes. Ive never seen a more obvious A.I robot generated comments. pathetic game dying
whats the next one? Scorch?
Don’t touch that! What are you thinking??
Gets cancer and dies
No way they just killed cooper like that, it must be another pilot in a similar titan 🙁
is this new legend filipina?
Give us South African server
Holy wow, whatever studio animated this did an incredible job! The 2D stylisation of the 3D animations look so good!
Make TF3 already you can’t keep teasing us
So she died from cancer due to the radiation I guess
Props to the Pilot who Leeroy Jenkins-ed into the 12 on one battle and actually pulled a draw.
Also don’t touch radioactive stuff, it give you painful death instead of cool superpower.
I love how EA kept adding TItans to their trailer (or any Titanfall material) and not giving us Titanfall 3. (I know Apex is in the same universe with Titanfall I’m just saying)
Love the Filipino representation
Titanfall reference rahhhhhhh🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
F apex
BT IS Back!!!
release titanfall 3 already
L legend
And then she died of acute radiation poisoning. Don’t go near high levels of radiation kids. You won’t get super powers. Just radiation burns.
Please being us titanfall 3 soon EA
L character
I missed bt tho that chasis still reminds me of bt may he rest in peace
Ion killing a grunt with laser core and the monarch just refusing to die: you can tell the animators were true titanfall 2 players
Ion war crime moment LETS GOOOOOo
trust me
I died of cringe watching this
Bro I swear apex is just a big “ F u” to people who want titanfall 3
That was dog water backstory
A big congratulations to the team who animated this. Beautiful work.
Seeing that Monarch titan got me feeling a certain way
Please make the series
New legend, let’s Go
Can we have at least one op male legend that’s in the top 3 🤦♂️
Nice story, but the servers are nearly a giant pile of …., for south eu there is none, hope you gonna put one, in a day in the near future… 😅😅
The Monarch class Titan yeeeees!!!!
I love you BT😭😭😭❤❤❤!!!!
Oooo is she gonna spread radiation 😮 in game that would be crazy .
Give us Titanfall 3
Titanfall 3 please
Titan fall 3 announcement? 🤔
*rampart wins the match on tv*
Me: ok so.. me and the other 3 rampart mains can hold a party to celebrate that maybe we might get an actually good battle pass skin this season
Also… Titanfall 2 got updates and now this.. interesting
One monarch versus all does ions should not have ended well for it one laser core and its gone
Man I need a whole series plzzzz
i think she is a new legend
Where titanfall 3?
2D animations>>>
Here we goooooo 🇵🇭
I had a dream of playing titanium fall 9 make that dream true or else
I really really REALLYYYYY want a legend thst gets a mech suite for thier ult!! I hope this trailer might be a foreshadowing of that for a future legend!
Please fix the bug that goes out to the lobby quickly when you match the game.
Love how people are more focused on the Titanfall details of the video than actually the next (apex) legend.
Please just give me Titanfall 3 man
Is that the voice of kiriko??
AAAAAH se viene nuevo mapa y nueva champ
lore for new character?
Gang gang 🇵🇭
all i can see is small hitbox
Why is it another female legend like i dont really care but y
New support legends? 🧐
This makes me proud to be a Filipino!
Titanfall 2> apex legends
cooper called, he wants Titanfall 3
So, in apex, pilots are able to be killed by grunts, but titans are actually Goku? What?
new legend?
Are octanes stims full of mass gainers now? cause that kid aint sprinting to nowhere but the fridge
2:06 average octane main
When a grunt takes shots at me while playing ion.
Radiation give me super powers? Shiet, gotta go full Chernobyl
I wonder what gender and sexuality this one will be? Maybe we will have our 1st straight legend…
Give us Titanfall 3
This better not be what all the Titanfall hype has been leading toward. Good grief, I just want Titanfall 3
(I still love Apex too but please Respawn give us Titanfall 3 I beg you)
TFPH requests for TF|3
with this many titanfall references there has to be titanfall 3 (im not going insane i swear)
New legends?
Even after playing this game since the very beginning, it’s truly something special. Between the movement, Legends and all their background stories, it’s just a vibe 🔥
That’s bt’s brother
who is she ?
Ah yes, the caos of the nuclear ejection. A trully Titanfall 2 experience.
@themacroshow kinda cosplay
Apex legends keep it up
Where my titanfall 3 respawn?
Her backstory is, radiation poisoning? lol
first legend to have superpowers??? what
So all the titanfall 3 easter eggs have been leading to this?
Another gay legend ? Hope not
Mfw being last titan standing in frontier defense hard/expert after everyone else succumbed + their titans’ destroyed
I know nothing about titanfall, but that injured dude getting super-smash-brothers-ultimate-intro’ed made my day
Also: New character is spiderman lets goooo
Sheshhh 🇵🇭🇵🇭
Soo the new Legend has cancer And superpowers?
🇵🇭I would to gib glory to god for letting us have bilbeano in apex title 😁
Anything that ties to Titanfall is a peak cinematic.
Dies from radiation
Cool to see respawn still knows what titans are
0:31 ya, there definitively bringing back titanfall
This reminds me of the current situation happening in Gaza….
pls respawn give us titanfall 3 gosh dang it…
So her powers are a walking taking cancer
Man shoulda gotten energy thief kit the executions keep u alive. That and using the upgrade core and chaining your abilities to cooldown combos
The design is very similar to Zeri from league, they’re both filipinas too
Is this a teaser to the next legend?
BT! just amazing !
Why does that titan look like bt🤔🤔
Kids don’t try this at home
Hear me out
bruh new legend have power of battery
Ninja turtle
So what, is her power going to be having turbo cancer?
Literally 0 filipino pros in ALGS, majority of SEA players are Singaporeans, Indonesian or Malaysia. Why make one for Philliphines? No offence but I’d want to know the reason
When will be Titans in Apex???
Cant wait to see Monarch’s fighting Northstars
Goosebumps ! they introduce Titans now ! rampart is my main but as a Filipino she’s my new support main legend now
Man, respawn writing lore telling kids to play with nuclear waste— good job!
Filipinos in apex
0:14 bro really used his ultimate on a grunt
Why this look like a stinking anime? please feed the animators
Since when did laser core work like that
Not getting credit for a lot of this seasons challenges and it not being addressed is concerning and I will not be partaking in the new seasons content. As the consumers it’s time to demand a working product that we pay for.
Killed 3 ions not including the eject 3= titanfall 3🎉
Plot twist she gets cancer from the radiation leaking from the battery 🔋💀
Thanks ❤
Was her plan to give herself radiation poisoning to save her financially struggling mother???
Anyone else noticed the only SFTO with ‘APEX LEGENDS’ in caps in title
The Rev cosplay😂
What the thats Filipino!
a new filipino champion? this is gonna be good
that was COLDDD
when’s titanfall 3 coming out
And then she died of cancer
Titans let’s go!!!
*dies because of radiation sickness*
Ok new hero cool but where are my nuclear batteries in titan fall?? ☹️☹️☹️☹️
I shouldn’t be surprised if this is the titanfall stuff they teased
Promote your game by referencing a much better game that you’re incapable of developing. Cool, I guess.
“my turn now…”
**Dies from deadly radiation**
Just make Titanfall 3 already !
aint no way the Ion laser cored a grunt what a menace lololol
Ok this is cool and all, but usually radiation kills people, this is more like fantastic fuor origin story
Ion mains teaming up just to get a single Monarch titan is truly a Titanfall experience
Remember when these stories were good?
03:35 ben ten omnitrix😂
just askin’ is there anyway to get the soundtrack for this?
You started copying valorant storytelling 😂😂😂
How did she not die from the radiation but gets powers from it?
Meh, these trailers have slowly been declining in quality for awhile now. Still glad there’s a new legend though.
0:43 Almost missed the monarch teammate siphon
🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 Conduit (?)
Hey guys, here’s yet another legend that nobody asked for. Why don’t you all obsess over this for now whilst we keep bumping up our prices and overcharging wherever possible? We won’t take into account anything said in the surveys sent out and we will literally never put our player base first! Thanks guys!🤩
Hey look, titans. The most badass mechanized heroes there are.
well well
Yooooooooo this was 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I loved this I can’t wait
aaaah full lenght animated apex series when 🥲
I swear if all this Titan stuff ends in this or an event and not tf3 I’ll end myself
Remember kids, don’t go around touching radioactive material like it’s nothing, it won’t give you powers 😂
I swear to god if all this stuff respawn is doing with titanfall (fixing the servers, various references to the number 3) is just to announce a new legend I will commit a war crime
Make anime already🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥
Now Titanfall 3 right?
Good lord my 5 years old cousin writes better plots then this.
its like the writer just wanted to get done with writing the story seriously Respawn if this is what you have to offer no wonder why player count is declining
Conduit ?
“It’s a Vanguard class titan, might be SRS.”
“All Vanguards are SRS you idiot!”
Respawn and ea using Titanfall bait to promote apex again is truly the respawn move of all time
Love this so much. ❤
bringing arenas back shortly definitely happen
I like this game’s lore but this origin story has got to be the dumbest one yet, like “oh no we need money, guess i’ll go to chernobyl in hopes of getting powers from the elephant foot to then go play in a glorified game show”
Seeing titan fall references in apex cinematics makes me happy
Please make TV Series
Thank you for showing Titans again even if it is just for a flashback. Dream of TF3 lives on.
Can someone please explain what is going on. Im not a titanfall fan
When are we getting a series like Arcane?
Best video ever!!! “Heroes fall from the sky.” Oorah!!! Thanks, APEX. I found the most genuine ppl thru your game platform, and as a Combat Veteran, it hits me deeply because I know that when they are on game, they are safe and cozy. That’s what I fought for.
Does she transform into Post Malone?
Season 1 legends:
TechTribe Person, Dude with a shield, Medic, Robot, Soldier, Chemist and a super mysterious portal-girl
New legends:
Metal mage, Kid, Boomer, Radiation mage-kid
Is that radioactive waste or Octane Stim, cuz she either got cancer or super speed
Who the mf pilot that made that ion titan jump that high!?
So she saw the radiation and was like “I’m gonna be spider man”
[Pacific Rim 3: time to shine] On 10.23.23
They need to add cooper as a new legend, we need Titanfall back!
Loved this! It is nice to see that she is a fan! I am sure her voice lines will be her fangirling over her teammates! I bet her and mirage will get along the best! Uh oh I see Mirage having a new best friend in the games! WELCOME CONDUIT! I can’t wait to play her!
Nice. And the game keeps in beta version with a bunch of problems. lol
Just give me titanfall 3 and fix the hacking.
how the heckers are the titans flying like a northstar
We are getting a Filipino Legend and I’m all ears for what’s to come. 🙌
The squirrel is going to be the next villain for sure after that shot!
All the leaks, all the references and instead of Titanfall 3 we get this… I get you fixed Titanfall 2 servers respawn but really?
new legendary skins for octane and revenant are amazing
Wait I’ve seen this before… Lilo and Stitch?
Yeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss bonkers
“F” Monarch
Wow nice animation the story is good i cant wait to see more ..
All wraith mains get ready to have the running scared again 👿👿👿
I think it’d be cool to see Jack Cooper in one of these future animations as a little Easter egg
just give us titan fall 3 PLEASE
No one cares about apex ,we want TITAN FALL 3
So shes gonna gain some powers from a Titan battery? Okaaayyy.
Releasing Conduit, with her ability being radiation poisoning and possession of an small reactor
She Is not valk💀💀😭
Wait, titans can jump over hundreds of feet now ??
Ah yes, huffing a nuclear battery
This looks like it was part of the Outlands Civil War and not the Frontier War which is cool, nice to see that they had Titans in that war too and that Ion is the most cost efficient Titan out there
Is there anyone who played Titanfall who still works at Respawn? I think the fact that this video was posted on the Internet is a good proof that no one in this company from the grassroots to the leadership has developed or even played Titanfall.
НУ если новый сезон назфывается зажигание . то МОЖЕТ ВЫ СДЕЛАЕТЕ ТИТАНОПАД УЖЕ ? ПЛИИИИИИИИИИИЗ
Ultra: Summon a titan and make it explode. Create an radiation area.
Kinda weird that the IMC were the ones protecting the outlands. idk much about apex lore but i know a lot about titanfall’s. aren’t the outlands on the frontier?
i really wish titanfall will come back
Green lantern?
Al fin nueva leyenda!!! Espero que le pongan con el lore 🥺 por qué abandonan mucho los lore de las otras leyendas y potenciales personajes como Big Sister que podrían ser grandes leyendas 🥺
I saw titanfall and it made my entire day
real monarch gameplay taking on the other team
was that the pacific rim theme music remix
Just give us tf3 already
If getting superpowers is as easy as just touching some radioactive trash, why doesnt everyone have them?
Why isnt that a well known fact in the universe that every faction uses?
And that’s how she got cancer.
So…. her superpower is cancer?
Titan fall 3 confirmed
Lol this is so filipino
I’d really dig if she could copy a dead legend’s passive or ult by scanning the death box 😀
Maybe the new mode is a test? *wink wink wonk*
Ngl I am interested also I like the monarch titan so W
Please focusing on the game and not sexualizing the kids that play your game.
Is she trying to turn into a ghoul? 😂
titanfall anime when?
Does “core part of your dna” mean misrepresent basicly every aspect of the Titans and use them for some cheap nostalgia bait?
As a monarch main back in tf2, I heavily appreciate this one (also who knew my main source of food could give me super powers. Neat.)
Ayo cross progression?
真的是 被遊戲耽誤的動畫公司
the part where a single grunt gets blasted by ion’s core is actually a representation of how respawn treats titanfall fans
Inaccurate, anyone who plays TF2 will know monarch wouldnt leave a battery half eaten like that
Sooo how long does she have left to live?? Cus she hella exposed herself to radiation in exchange for a few shield regens 😂
Cant wait to watch all the apex players who never played titanfall do mental gymnastics trying to figure out what just happened in that trailer
Reminds me of valorant anomation
When I saw titans I was happy. But when I realized it was probably a new apex character I frowned
Bhahah this new legends literally just did the thing from Simpsons and rolled in toxic goo for powers 😂
Man I hate cliffhangers
My best guess is she’ll be a mix of octane and caustic and make Gibraltar obsolete and also heal teamates and track enemy players and her ultimate will be an explosion that creates a mini storm with round 3 damage
“It’s my turn now” *dies of radiation poisoning*
Filipino legend?
is that BT ?
Okay so she’s getting the kraven treatment
These last 2 stories dont make any sense at all
3:45 Me and my friends sneaking into Chernobyl to touch the Elephant’s Foot
Some sort of radiation style legend is coming!!!!!!!!
And then girl died because of radiation.Truly apex experience
That monarch solo taking everyone on is just a 3 core monarch in game lol.
When Octane focused lore?
Filipinos rise. We got our first representation of our culture
Titan fight was nothing but full on goosebumps.! Wish there was an anime of titan fall
a filipino agent? LEZZZZZZGGOOOOO!!!!
Stand by for Titanfall!!!
??????? Batterys are super powers now? Nice job at crushing the titanfall lore apex
Give us Titanfall 3!!! Please
Imagine being bitten by radioactive battery and becoming a titan
Now this is too much. they should stop releasing new legends so often. They should wait for an year or 3 seasons
Seeing Titans fighting again was so cool. Glad to see they haven’t been forgotten
i’m hyped
Were are my Monarch mains at? 😁
Nessie spotted at 1:36!
Monarch was designed by the IMC (bad guys) from scavenged parts of a vanguard class titan (like BT) so that means the militia (good guys) either stole the design and made a worse version of a titan they already had or the milita where the ones in ion titans slaughtering the innocent people.
hold on, in the TF universe monarch titans are militia not IMC, everyone in the apex games is IMC, is that implying that conduit is an advocate for the militia?
Finally a Filipino Legend!!!
Ah shes half titan
Please don’t tell me that I was the only one who had to rewind after hearing that Tagalog voice line in the video?
She had her Spiderman moment
WOAH shout out to my felow filipino ill main this legend
So epic. There should be a longer series and each season covers a different legend and their backstory.
ION, MONARCH! TF3 will drop
That’s right baby, finally some love for the MONARCH. Best Titan IMO.
Reveal trailer on my birthday?! Let’s goooo
We getting a new legend next season
Las animaciones de Apex Legends son buenisimas
UNCOMMON FILIPINO W WE MADE IT INTO THE GAME MGA KABAYAN (outside of Lastimosa armory references)
And u know the writers are really Filipino when they even get the economic hardships in the character’s backstory 💯 🇵🇭 🙌🙌🙌 truly an Apex Legends moment
This is giving me strong legend of korra vibes wow!!
как насчет того что бы сделать сериал по Titanfall 2 и Apex в 2D как в этой истории внешних земель?
Monarch getting gunned by the entire lobby is truely a titanfall experience.
Skill issue on that pilots end for not having an anti titan weapon
Wait filipino Legend? For real?
“Its my turn now” Epic…
I miss titans
Battery is love, battery is life 🔋
don’t care, give us titanfall 3
I couldn’t care much for apex but the implications are the IMC are the heroes in this cinematic as the monarch class titan is made by the IMC And we see the hero titan is a monarch
Very cool animation to see, but man i would love a new titan fall game
Can’t wait to see her at rule34
oh the nostalgia pours in
Sees broken glowing radioactive titan battery. “Hmmm, I MUST CONSUME”
So now Apex will add a Filipino Legend, LETS GOO APEX
I knew you won’t let us down
Respawn if you’re gonna use titans to promote your lore you better be using them for games in the perceived future.
Honestly this legend seems interesting. Might give Apex another shot.
so this is what the “titanfall 3” teasers were about… Still cool
I love the part where respawn makes titanfall 3 (Im on lethal levels of hopium)
I kinda wish they pull a forge and have her die to radiation cancer, and then perhaps a family member actually handles the battery properly to actually harness it’s energy and use parts of the monach to use their abilities
3:34 Congratulations, you now have cancer 👍
Time to back to Apex
So instead of radiation poisoning, she got magic powers? I guess the pilots should have just been drinking battery juice instead of putting them in titans.
the animation is insane holy, THANKS RESPAWN BIGGEST W
Despawn reusing Titans again and continue support shitexLegends
TF3 plz
Gets cancer, then dies.
Holy schnitzel 1:08 reawakened something inside of me something buried deep since I last played Titanfall
Wait, what’s touching the battery going to do? That’s a little confusing.
Well that TITAN really stood by the Filipino moto “NO RETREAT NO SURRENDER”
Find a solution for the cheaters thank’s we don’t need new legends when 80% of the players use scripts and Cronus and buy cheats
Loved the visual style of this story, and think it’s awesome to introduce a Filipino character during Filipino American History Month!
the animation on this one is next level
Moral of the story: if you want superpowers, expose yourself to deadly radiation
Monarch with the PH Sun Logo Lesss gooooo
Ion using its core on a grunt is truly a titanfall experience
Now that’s quite a lot of Titanfall fanservice
Filipino’s make some noise!!! 🎉
Monarch requiring like 5 titans to take down is very accurate
Yes but when’s titanfall 3?
you absolutely must make a TV series or a series of films about the Titanfall and Apex universe
Please do not touch radiation waste, you will get cancer :v
Sooo when do we get a titanfall anime??
I love that it takes place in my country, Mabuhay Pilipinas 🇵🇭
Monarch main momen
Love the fact that someone on the animation team mains Ion and knows the funny of useing a Laser Core on some grunt that shot you with a Mozambique
if its Jack cooper thn Ill b greatful
time for some Apex Nerf guns
Ngl that monarch would have died from that 1 ion.
yes, pinoy character soon
tang ina lets go! hahaha
That outro tho… 😮
Do Apex players really eat this up? Jesus, it feels like not only everyone at Respawn from TF2 days left, but everyone who stayed/joined never actually played TF2
Bro she got cancer not super powers
Proof that being a Monarch main was cannon.
fix the match making and servers trash
So when does Apex turn into titanfall 3
Do we just don’t know how radiation works now, she goes into a highly radioactive zone with no proper gear and comes into contact with highly radioactive material and instrad of loosing her hair and becoming weak she gets powers?! Well that’s cool🤣
Dunno if all this titanfall lore in apex is respawn doing their best to please the titanfall fans while EA forbids titanfall 3 or they simply just dont care about us…
Please make a serie about the apex lore because this stuff looks fire!!!!
If we don’t get tf|3 at least titanfall 2 is playable again. This is pretty sick i’ll give it that
Everyone’s talking about the rev and octane but peep ash’s fan
Caustic but woman
one more woman for a mans game
ion! Monarch! Welcome back!
I wonder when the day will come when you guys can fly again?
For any Titanfall 2 fans/players on here, Titanfall 2 servers have been fixed and it has received several updates with new modes, a mixtape rotation, new colosseum content. I saw no news or announcement. I just randomly checked it and boom, it has come back to life.
Comments section: Truly an cringe experience
Finally! A Filipino Legend! Buti naman, di lang Valorant! 🇵🇭
Nice to see the Monarch type pop up
Nah why did gibby dress up as octane
the monarch giving up the battery is the most unrealistic part of this
Titanfall fans are crying rn😢
Cool where’s Titan Fall 3 lil nga ?
this is a bit cringe
this is the most filipino trailer i’ve seen and it makes me happy!
Imagine take out battery from YOUR titan while using Monarch
Today Respawn dangles greatness infront of our faces again, where all my Monarch mains at
“Of all the things i’ve seen on the battlefields of the frontier…”
that intro is definitely one of the best animation that apex produced
I know it’s Science Fiction but the radiation killed birds but our girl just chillin’ In its glow like a rad ghoul 😂
The kids dressed up as the legends is so cute!
the sound effect of titanfall brings me joy!!!!!
I’m from Russia, but even we don’t go here to touch radiation waste when our loved ones get slightly injured
Villian origin story 😂
That poor sqwirl
“It’s my turn now”
*Dies of radiation poisoning*
We need an apex anime
Utang na loob sounds like something a sim would say
My man really died with his titan instead of nuclear ejecting smh
Kids gonna have to trade in his rev gear now
Later that evening she died of extreme radiation poisoning.
lit a titanfall side story
The pancit and lumpianlooks good though!
Stop selling skins, release TITANFALL 3!
A new toxic character😂😂😂
The new legend is inspired Oppenheimer right?
While she thought touching that titan core would be a good idea and grant her powers, all it did was grant her cancer.
She later died of radiation poisoning.
The titan combat is exaggerated, but it brings me back
It’s my turn now [to die of radiation sickness]
Man this really makes want to play titanfall. Good thing we can again and you should too uninstall apex it take too much space anyways.
“it’s my turn now ! ” so i will touch a high radioactive substance and probably die instant XD
legend from Phillipine is coming in?!
where tf3 doe
I’m so excited to play her, she seems so cool !
nuke eject is for losers
lore accurate Ion, giving civilians the unmatched power of the sun
3:42 “now.. its my turn” To what? get radiation posioning?
Okay, who at Respawn said Titanfall anime was a good idea? I want to hug them
Octane 100 KG
Philippines here
This is all the titanfall2 hype has been for… we arent going to get tf3… its joever…
Bruh, imagine new legend that died before arriving to apex games cause of cancer…
At first I thought it was a new BT-7274.
And now let me tell you why it’s not logical:
1. Directive number 3 – protect the pilot (Titan would not let himself be blown up with the pilot inside as it goes against the program)
2. Titan completely explodes and only giblets remain from it. how could a battery survive a nuclear catapult?
Was it really impossible to simply see how titan and its program work before writing such a script for this animation
Green lantern?
Give me tf3 or give me death!
Glad that filipinos are getting more attention and representing the country through gaming
We need a TV show!
Just make anime
We want Titanfall 3
Conduit? wasn’t that the name of one of the legends from that leak of legends’ name during the beginning of apex legends existance
We need a titanfall 3 😭
So excited to play the cancer girl next week
wait so she just touches a nuclear rod ?
Unacurate, monarch only cares about their batteries and the would never spend it to save even a entire planet
are we going to ignore the girl prob has cancer now? no ?
Plot twist: she got ionizing radiation poisoning and dies of cancer 3 days later
The only thing hype about this game anymore is the story animations
keeps on creating new legends and map but server still trash
0:50 bro use strafe don’t stand still
Here’s another piece of the lore….. why would one singular titan go into battle
The Philippines now has
Neon from valo
Neon from league
and now
Neon from Apex XD
No matter how many attempts are made to change the perspective
Improvement of fundamental bugs.
If you leave out the garbage that comes with modifying controllers, converters and CFGs to enjoy cheating, serious people will stop playing soon.
SO the Metahuman gene exists in Apex bcus she’s the second person to get powers after catalyst without experimentation
any Pinoy fans here, are u excited about the new legends?
Are those captured Militia ION’s ? Beacose the Monarch is a IMC copy of the Vanguard
0:18 They’re trying to corner us! We can’t stay here. MOVE MOVE MOVE.
The Japanese theme, the titans fighting, and the mountain remembering me the anime “Your name”, just perfect, my new favourite apex legends trailer <3
“Breaking news, a local woman has suffered severe radiation poisoning and is now in hospital, in critical condition.”
– А разве радиация не убивает?
-Только тех кто её не любит
Bruh, really? 💀
Titanfall fans are crying rn
Not her trying have the same scar as wattson , as a wattson main some knock off lol but i feel threatened 😑
Even in lore monarch is op
I want titanfall 3😢😢
1:37 nothing pass me that’s a hemlocks nice choice
ion using laser core on a solo grunt is exactly what I wanted to see
The robot, the myth, the LEGEND! BT!
Just goes to show that even Respawn know how OP Monarch is 😂
Stop edging titanfall fans and start updating it again
0/10 the Monarch never stole a battery
titanfall 3 hype
animated series when?
So this just proves that Titan batteries are magic. No wonder BT was up and running after the beating he took in the opening with just a couple of fresh batteries.
Rev trailer >>>>>>>
But this one is good
For the love of god just make TitanFall 3 at this point
Nobody talking about the first scenes? Monarch looking mighty fine
Her smile reminds me of a meatcanyon animation
I swear If this is it. All the build up, all the copium, all the madness. It’s a titanfall themed apex season? I’m gonna bomb respawn
so touch the radioactive fuel to get superpowers is the msg of this vid or something? xd
I need some Titans in Apex!
Isn’t nice to see a monarch it reminds me of BT-7274
as cool as this is it better not be all there is for all this teasing
another titan based skill legends? im in
Amazing work of art.
We need TitanFall 3 !
Hoy. Pilipino? ….. Ahhhh Pilipinooooo!!
Vangard Class Titan, belongs to the Militia. Designed for survival and support, this truly gives a respect to the Phillipines and struggles of the the people. The decisions to make this a filipino character and tie this to Monarch is very honorable. Truly well done.
OK EA More hints on Titanfall 3. Thank you 😏
Blasted that squirrel
Titan fall 3????
Well, I think this trailer is the only reason, why they begane to restore Titanfall 2 servers. If this is true, I’m really gonna laugh so much on this🤣🤣🤣🤣 (I’m the fan on Titanfall😁)
So the next legends is a walking cancer Ray?
Apex Fans: Robots fighting, nice
Titanfall fans: “you’re as beautiful as the day I lost you”
Well what did we learn?? Always go to radioactive places to get your superpowers kids!! They only put up fences and warning singes so we don’t get super powers see!!
I recognize Rev and Octane, but who are the other two kids supposed to be?
TITANFALL vibes…..most underated game ever
Apex was probably the last game I thought would represent Filipino culture and im so proud right now
Monarch titan is a big mention
It’s a Ben 10 Ometrix watch😂
Is this two girls are sister???
why tease us with Titans when there is no TitanFall 3
You think this is why they fixed titanfall 2?
Can i just have titanfall 3 please???
why didn’t the pilot eject tho?
I love how the animation gets way better every trailer. PLEASE MAKE A TITANFALL SHOW
The story of conduit
Pls dont be bt
Big dub for out Philippino/a peeps!!!
The language, is it filipino?
Common Monarch W
guys, watch this trailer in Japanese.
It’s better!
I wanted Nathaniel, do i gotta wait even more months? If so sure
Nice to see cancer beeing the new legend in the game, but i’m afraid a nerf wave is coming for him since he wins the grat majority of his battles
Soo another filipina character in a game ok
TF3 dream dies again.
Even respawn is giving up hope on what we want
I just wish her voice actor uses the Filipino accent 😁😁😁 but based from this video I think it’s not.
So what did we learn kids? Open up batteries and touch the funny liquid to become AN APEX CHAMPION😀
And then she died of irradiation.
feels like the first episode of attack on titan 😮
Utang? Pinjam dulu seratus
I too remember when my Titan fell out of the sky. Still do, but I used to, as well, because I don’t play Apex and just play Titanfall 2 instead.
So she gave herself cancer. 10/10
cancer time baby
They really teasing titanfall fans huh.
All this trailer did is make me want Titanfall 3 even more
and then she was diagnosed with cancer
whats with filipino and lighting hahaha. still cant wait for the next legend. GO PUSO
l’esy go titanfall 3
Ok Apex ill give you credit, this was actually pretty great.
I’m srry what? 3:46
Uhhhhhh okay…..
how is no one talking about that wicked titanfall opening scene 🔥🔥🔥
Monarch 1 vs 10. Truly a Titanfall 2 moment
Mga kababayan mag ingay! Filipino represent
Monarch falled with upgrade core 3 stage.
as a titan fall 2 and apex player i absolutely love seeing titans for this, but I just had a question, Where’s BT-7274? I wish he came back. Protocol Three, Protect the Pilot 😭🫡
Did sahe just touch a nuke? Is she the hulk now?
캐릭터들 ㅅㅂ 진짜 볼맛안나노
Release 120fps on next gen already the 60fps feels like trash compared to other hard locked 60fps games…
Haven’t had lore this good since Newcastle
The ion popping his core to obliterate that one guy was too funny to me
Either titans will be in Apex or Titanfall 3 will happen. I BELIEVE.
If you’re just gonna keep giving me titanfall animations and revive TF2 then just give me TF3 already
Respawn always cooking with the origin stories, still sad there’s no animated series
love seeing the titans
The jeepney coaster was a nice touch😅
is this catalysts friend?
Whenever y’all are ready to make Titanfall 3, I’m ready to spend a lot of money in it. Just sayin’.
I like the part where gibby said “it’s gibby time !” And proceeded to charged everyone’s credit cards
Seeing a titan in a trailer after so long gives me some deep joy that i cant explain…..
Conduits gonna be sick fellas
Please give us Titans please!!! 🙏🙏🥺
Yoooo my new main has such a cool voice 😂
i hope apex legend have titan gameplay
any filipino fans here?
The titans sequence is NOT a coincidence,
Also that its the third SFTO of this year and the fact that its out for 33 minutes now
Also the fact that she decided to break in exactly in 3:00 minute
There were 3 kids playing with her
Is the next legends ability cancer?
Yep definitely not Zeri and Neon
Plot ela tem câncer
well , gibby wearing octane costume
Since that is a monarch Titan unique to the IMC, that means that this is/was IMC controlled space. Meaning that most likely all of Ions in this trailer are part of the militia trying to take control of this planet from the IMC. In Titanfall 2 the Militia are portrayed as the “good guys” yet we see here just how terrifying it is to be a civilian on the other end.
Only respawn can respond to this:
Please bring back cooper and bt as a future legend and have bt as an auto titan or make cooper a future legends mentor
Another character? What about audio
“A girl broke into the Chernobyl power plant and touched the melted core.”
Story: She get super power.
Reality: She dead….on her way.
Just gets extreme radiation sickness and dies
The legend of cora
Filipino players let us rise!!
Imagen titanfall 3 having more advensed movement and a new play steyle for Titans.
The monarch doing a 1 v 5 just to end up nuke ejecting is truly a Titanfall experience
Some part look a lot like ‘Dear Alice’ the short animation from The Line
This truley was the season of revenant, he got lore updates, a rework, a second heirloom, a prestige skin and at the end of it all… canon fans
A really well done story/lore video, great job Respawn! 💯💯👏👏👏
That ION must’ve had the Grand Cannon titan kit
this shi crazy thanks to apex legends my family has never been happeir
W apex
Titanfall 3 when?
Shout out the monarch titan tho most versatile titan
The Filipino representation 🥲
Tienes cáncer Andy
This was awesome!
Titanfall 3 yet?
When are we going to get an octane story
The inclusion of 5 ion titans and a srs vanguard class titan is amazing, this is by far one of my favorite apex trailers
So she has radiation cancer as her power, typical pinoy.
0:17 truly a titanfall experience
Oh boy, TF| mention, the fan will go insane.
valorant has a filipino too. when games want SEA representation they go straight to the Philippines lol
Next legend’s abilities is giving her opponents cancer
Ion 🙂
Monarch 🙁
So touching titan batterys gives u super powers ?
People want titanfall 3
So why IMC Ions fighting IMC Monarch?
The monarch in the beginning did not infact use protocol 3
Pacific Rim music !
Where is titanfall3?
Conduit: touches the juice
Also Conduit: Cancer
putang inang lupet
Alternate ending; “It’s my turn now” as she touches the unknown to her radiation thing and just dies
There’s no way she doesn’t have a special pickup animation for the nemesis, right?
My favourite moment was when the monarch contributed more to the fight by nuke ejecting than by fighting, truly a titanfall 2 experience
Anya Taylor joy is that you 👀
Monarch… When you hear the thunder… When the storm comes for you… Remember me..
I’m legitimately impressed by this one. Very cool. Might even make me re-install apex. “might”
Either forget about titanfall at all or stop referencing it with so many mistakes
I hope this isn’t just what all those titanfall updates were about
this is so great,can see titan in apex again.
Alabestia se hizo Fallout de golpe.
They haven’t forgotten about us pilots!!!
If I got a nickel everytime there was a Filipino girl with electric powers
I would get 3 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s it happened three times
Someone tell me what titan mod that Ion had to pop that laser core that many times 😂
Now that’s what I like to see! The Frontier war! Along with Titans doing what they do best! Great to see a Vanguard class!
a new filipina legend coming on apex legends !!!!!!
That’s when she was rushed to the hospital for touching radioactive waste
Practically an anime fight with the freakin agility of the Titans. But oh my god…Titans, real titans in Apex Cinematics again. I’m so happy to see my Mains clash, Monarch and Ion. Looking forward to seeing what happens next season
They had revived titanfall 2 only for this?! Only for easter egg in trailer?
The background of the champion just too simple. Touch radiant bottle and get some super power without any reason.
She really said “The power of the Titan, in the palm of my hand”
I guess this finally explained what happened to all the pilots.
They all died of ultra cancer
Pilot legend?
It’s gonna be tough when they need to give her an heirloom and 2 sticks is already taken by lifeline
She should have a voiceline that speaks for all filipinos which is “Mga BOBO”
“Pilot, you are outnumbered five to one”
0:29 I can’t be the only one who thought the Pacific Rim theme was about to play
Did I hear some Pacific Rim story beats when the Monarch dropped? Instant memories to Rim and Titanfall.
Truly a Pinoy moment
кто делает анимацию по апексу – снимайте полноценные мультфильмы! их хочется смотреть бесконечно!))
I can’t tell if this is like just riding off titanfall hopes and dreams. I really do hope there is a new game coming would be awesome.
Youre telling me…..that all these titanfall teaser were probaby for THIS???`???? Respawn please let this be a joke…….
Monarch without battery thief perk, noobie pilot
Bro, she’s thinkin’ she’s Hulk💀
Octanes new supplier
Anyone know who animated this? Looks like it was done by The Line. The same company that made that Dear Alice commercial
So this is what all the titanfall hype is for?
This better not be the titanfall bait for it to actually be some apex stuff
This only gave me more copeium for titanfall 3. 😭
Lochness Monster AKA Nessie spotted 1:35 well done
Apex getting worser and worser
She even have nerf car 😂
never knew i needed this till i saw it
She just like me fr
As a die hard apex fan from the Philippines I’ll play again just for this characters launch proud pinoy here! ❤
gotta say, rlly cool animation and love seeing Monarch, my only nitpick with the animation is that the pilot didnt got ejected from what basically was a nuclear self destruction, sure it makes for a very dramatic scene, but titan protocols are a thing
Crying because this probably means they weren’t actually working on Titanfall, they’re just hyping up Apex again
apex, please just make a show already i love these videos
Titanfall 3!?????
Surprised we have a Filipino cinematic on apex legends. Lets gow! Mabuhay mga Pilipino!
Finaly good trailer
Rise Filipinoes
How did she know she wouldn’t die from going near a radioactive capsule? 🗿
Yea something close to war orphans
Glad that titans where in this
the feeling when you see vanguard titan chassi get exited and after that see the monarch logo and it is just IMC 🙁
If the new legend ends up eating batteries like a Monarch I would be terrified…
A legend with cancer, that’s inclusive
Standby for Titanfall?
“滴水之恩,湧泉相報” means:U silysily me, I whoalawhoala U.
They are finally doing titans justice!!!
that shed a tear in my eye . we made it. !!
I swear, if this is what all the teasers were, and we get just another legend instead of Tf3
Filipino pride incoming 🇵🇭
Yes yes yes Titan……….aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa🎉
An now she got cancer ._.
I like the part with the titans
I read the title and said no way the next legend we get is fillipino, and sure enough! My fiancee is a fillipina and I will 100% show her this character when it launches. Love the phillipines!
Who is ready for another trash season???
Hopefully they put as much effort into next season as they did with this animation
next legend??
cross prog when ?
A next filipino legend huh
A filipino legend that’s dope
Sees monarch:👁️👄👁️ neuron activated
Is that the Pacific rim soundtrack I hear in the back????
As a Filipino, I freaked out so hard when she called her sister “Ate.”
Stop reminding me titanfall was a thing! Be nice to get a sequel.
so the next legend is a filipino
If the new Legend Code Name is “Monarch”, by the name alone, I’m looking forward to Main her
Bro shoulda used nuke eject
if only that pilot picked nuclear ejection 💀💀
ofcourse a monarch user has nuclear ejection
pinoy ang next legend? 😅
Boring af
I can hear Titanfall 2 fans are screaming right now, me neither.
As a titanfall veteran seeing ion and monarch and just the titans fighting was truly nostalgic and the best thing ever. I’m so happy titanfall is back. Truly a masterpiece of a game
Why is it in this anime lookin art style ew💩
Bro how do you not know you have a child
tf3 pls
Loved the first minute and 12 seconds
Поставил лайк чисто за титанов 😀
finally another healer legend nice
So anyone can get powers by touching a core??
Kinda dumb tbh
Pinoy legend! Ganda🇵🇭
Em Goiânia esse rolê com césio não deu muito certo.
So it was Titans that we haven’t seen for a while
Did she know she could just absorb radiation???
So there is a deadly radiation and she just touches it. Makes sense.
Didn’t expect to see that they released a Filipino Legend in Apex Legends.
🇵🇭 seeing that Filipino star on the robot gave me chicken skin
Literally NOT a death run touching an exposed titan core….kinda cringe
“dies from radiation poisoning”
I know they are Filipino because Ate is a medic. lol
Utang inang
That monarch could had won if he pressed the energy siphon button and finisher
And then she died from radiation poisoning. The end.
Quit with this apex legends stuff. We want titanfall 3 NOW!!!
if this is what those 3s in Titanfall were for I’m killing myself
LET’S FREAKING GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🥳🥳🥳
We need Titanfall 3
more titan baiting
Congratulations lady, you beat all stages of cancer and became immune
No this is titanfall
frett not, more is coming pilots. don’t take your pills.
Fix your ranked system and nerf the aim assist.
Title got me all like “Shaloob!” :/
Titanfall be like💀
first legend with cancer
walks up to ominous green light coming from 10 year old detonated titan. Could have developed space cancer but she got powers? Good for her.
WE NEED TITANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im so excited for the new legend
EYYY REPRESENT! Been waiting years for this.
“Its my turn now” 😈
*dies from a super agressive cancer 5 months later
Just give us Titanfall 3 and stop teasing
i always wanted to have a shapeshifter in a game like Apex where whenever you land you get random abilities but when you get you Ult you become them kinda like Echo from OW. kinda glad to see the latest gamemode we have kinda give you random abilities
Okay, music from Pacific Rim, I’m so glad. Thanks Apex legends
Filipino legend?
Why don’t we have Titanfall 3 yet?😢😢
Finally an understandable reason to join the Apex games: Being poor
Dreaming of Titans you can’t have. A true Apex experience.
like wraith and wattson (for apex standards)
not too old, or g4γ or tr4ηs (i hope), or too N-word or visually disgusting 🎉🎉🎉🎉
finally… a normal person
(i don’t read crybabies, i dont care your opinion, and if you don’t care about mine then don’t bother answering me ¯_(ツ)_/¯)
Need Titanfall 3
Its nice that Respawn continounly shows how prevelent the Titan wars where. Hopefully this teailer inspires people to play Titanfall 2.
The thing is they keep linking it to titanfall but they trashed titanfall so I don’t see the point unless they are going to do something
I didn’t watch it… what happened?
Nah bruh, the story writing/character lore is on another low and lazy af. Are u telling me the battery was there activated all of this time (presumably many years since she is much older now) and guarded with a normal fence and no actual guards? Are u telling me that the authorities had time and money to make a whole fence surrounding the battery instead of just removing/moving the battery? And the funniest part is that Conduit just randomly thinks “oh my mom is hurt and i need to get out of this poor life style, oooohi should climb on that mountain and touch that battery (that is radioactive af, says on the sign) and maybe i will not get cancer and die from the radiation and instead get super powers. The writers are as lazy as the devs them selves. Bravo
Cancer legends Lets go
Please release a filipino character 🙏🙏🙏
Tought that monarch was bt
But bt still stuck on a time travel limbo
hold on, where is the overpriced skin ad?
So she’s the first legend to actually have super powers?
Finally, a unique legend, with a somewhat unique story
Man you know a pilot was in there right?
I’m not sure how radiation poisoning would help solve your financial struggles, but go off I guess.
As a 38-year old Filipino guy having 7,000+ hours on Apex Legends and my little girls (8 and 12) being fans of the game, this representation brought tears to my eyes. Thank you Respawn.
Finally! Great job Respawn! Hope to see more stories about Titanfall 🥳
Cool story but…
*give us Titanfall 3.*
Pilipinas! 🇵🇭
I love Titanfall and seeing a Monarch/Pilot be a bada*s is really cool. I’d appreciate if you guys gave us Titanfall fans more than just nostalgia bait.
Now THIS is how you tell a story, kudos to the artists/animators/writers, etc.
i thought it was BT
There is still hope that titanfall 3 is coming we just have to hope pls
They perfectly captured a ion player with laser core available and when someone is doomed for a millisecond
its BT 7274
filipino legend just made me come back to apex
The First Filipino Apex Legend!!! MABUHAY!!!
The intro with the titans was so sick!!! Pilots to the end!!!!
I love seeing how the general public react to the games, they are blood sport with more safety nets, but the legends are “playing characters” so people would see them differently depending on their reception.
So she has cancer now?
can’t wait for this
i guess the Rev fan didnt play Season 18
Her Ult better be a nuke
Titanfall 3 confirmed
My girl go to the radioactive zone and somehow instead of getting killed by radiation she recieve superpowers like its some kind of marvel spinoff lol
her ultimate will be stage 3 cancer
Respawn and EA you can’t keep getting away with this….
free Palestine 🇵🇸
Unrealistic: Monarch mains would never sacrifice a battery
AAAAnd she dies from radiation lol
Ion and monarch representation amazing.
Monarch mains rejoice one of your kind went MIA for a good cause.
titanfall refrence?
NGL They ate down with one!!!! 👏
Radiation powers? Ok I’m interested
Utang ena ise Optimum Pride pori eang eno Optimum Pride RAWUH”ÜŘ ÜŘ Æ Æ Æ Æ
The Nostalgia bait is real
1:05 _ Protocol 3 / protect pilot 😢
after all this time shes reallll
Imma go to my nearest nuke site and touch the brightest glowing thing i find now
so no tf3? figures
average depiction of a monarch player entering a titan brawl
Apex please don’t die
Then you hear out of nowhere
Welcome back pilot
and she threw up blood for the next 3 days straight while her skin peeled off and died from the radiation poisoning ( ‾ 3‾)🚬 ( ‾ 3‾)💨
We need Titan… BACK!!!❤
BT!!!😩🥲 IMY!!
Tfw deadly radiation gives you super powers. Didn’t know we were using fallout logic.
I’m quarter filipino. Nice
Bad story👎
That ION just WAISTED his laser core on those grunts and got killed by monarch, truly an titanfall experience
yo titanfall 3 confirmed
This was kinda like Newcastle story from the Outlands. Just without the evil thugs
Please I just need titanfall 3
Just think, none of this would’ve happened if he’d nuke ejected
they’re so brave, touching a radioactive battery and passing away 1 week later 💔
I was gonna ask why that Pilot didn’t nuke eject, then I realised he was surrounded by Ions.
He was dead either way xD
tanginamo monarch wala ka sa MERALCO
А есть объяснение, что случилось с сестрой девочки, почему она пришла вся в бинтах и остальное
Monarch is Pathfinder hits the gym
Wait can anyone just get powers from battery leaks then? Wouldn’t there be a colossal number of enhanced pilots running around?
These stories are starting to be really similar with the earned “abilities”
haven’t played Apex for a long time now mainly cuz of lag and server issues. Are there titans in it now?
As a Filipino a had major goosebumps just by watching this ♥️
Neon tabi 😂
ibneler 21 altyazı dili koymuşsunuz Türkçe mi fazla geldi.
Oh no, my family member is crippled. Imma go touch that super radioactive titan battery on top of the hill. That definitely wont result in an excruciating 80 day painful death. I already hate this characters lore
PH Bagong legend
New legends looks interesting but lets hope they add some more features to the game instead of just pumping more content, Cross prog or 120fps for Xbox and ps5??
Looks exciting but I didn’t understand what happened to her after she touched the titan’s battery
Hold on what if she’s a legend who can bring titans to the map?
did the music between 0:30 – 0:45 give the same vibes as pacific rim? What an amazing trailer!
Next trailer, she died of horrible radiation and the next legend is actually the aunt.
hahahaha yawaa oy
Ion using a whole laser core on infantry is accurate af lol
i guess the batteries give superpowers now lol
Worst battle royale
Nah, average Monarch main would just farm off those batteries from all that Ions unless they don’t run Energy Thief.
This would be shocking, if leakers didnt spoil this on my newsfeed. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Yo that poor squirrel 🐿️ 💔
Any pinoys here
Aren’t those a knock-off Vanguard made by the IMC using captured vanguard parts? Is that the frontier militia destroying a world? Or has it been re-re-captured?
I love this trailer. My 3 rd favorite.
Sooo good
Cosplayers in apex lore is cannon
Best Add of Titanfall
If you continue to show all this titanfall content without making a 3rd game i’m gonna lose it.
Man i love seeing my Titans ngl
Rev having fans is great
yes a Filipino legend. <3
So the point of the story is to go to Chernobyl and become a hero so you can pay the bills
why is the next legend a teenage girl with cancer
So basically, her Ultimate will be NUKE herself.
Armored Core is cool… But Like, We really need a new Titanfall experience, I wish more players still played TF2.
Honestly, one of my favorite shorts so far! Well done!
0:40 isn’t it supposed to be a Vanguard instead of monarch?
wish they would bring in titans if we are not getting a titanfall 3. At least have a separate mode or something. I wonder what this character will be like.
more titanfall please!!!!
Where my Filipino Predators at?
titanfall reference you edge me respawn
20 Minutes Ago.
it’s a big step from sci-fi to dumb superhero cliches unless she dies from acute radiation poisoning
Just give us titanfall 3 not this garbage
Zzzzzz no hype
Its nice how yall make things related to titanfall, but you make so many mistakes. Ion only uses the laser as an ultimate, and carries a rifle, which all IONs here just ditched for some reason (laser is supposed to be red btw). A monarch jumped into the sky somehow, and crushed a battery causing a nuke explosion which in titanfall has NEVER been heard of. You also kinda changed how titans fight entierly if you compare with actual titanfall trailers, cinematics and gameplay. Titanfall fans appreciate titanfall stuff, but we just want it to also look accurate to the lore, and what Titanfall actually is
0:15 bro needs a bandage, he will be alright.
So she got like max steel’s turbo action or something??
Big spit in the face of Titanfall fans showing you what they could have done
A Filipino Legend!?!?!? I got to come back. Filipino’s Unite
Titanfall lore!!
insert “Philippines Mentioned” meme
Back to back bangers, first the new Agent Trailer from both Respawn and Epic Games.
is she a chinese or what asian girl,he looks like an asian.
Here me out… What if she is poison resistant, so she can breath in caustic gas?
cant wait awesome trailer!!
all that ******* TEASE FOR THIS? where is our tf3?
Les gooooo!!!
Well…well…well… if that aint titanfall copium…
The monarch was fighting three titans at once Titanfall 3 confirmed!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT IN PINAYNATION!? PUTANGINA LETSGO!!!! basta pinay character kuryente yan
Green powers yes polaris
Avg apex W
Filipino Legend?
the sakuga is unreal. Holy
new character with radioactive effects?
Hyped for whats to come. Great Video Respawn i look forward for the next Season.
Amazing trailer, the Titan battle was awesome to watch, and I love how we’re introduced to actual similar problems of real life. Can’t wait to see how this develops in the Launch trailer! 🙃
Finally a filipino legend! i’m hoping the area where Conduit is at is a new map, i’m very excited!
Sooo she’s a mutant??
woman goes to junkyard and dies from radiation poisoning
Zero males exist in Apex universe.
Pinoy!! Mag ingaaaaaay!!!!!!
Someone stole your battery, truly a Titanfall experience
Filipinos we up! rah!
We want Titanfall 3, not this fantasy trash.
I’m excited for conduit.
People in real life: *dies of radiation poisoning*
Her: *supa paowes*
I love titanfall
Wattson 2 😐
Chat whose voice is that? Our new legend sounds like Anya Taylor-Joy
“nagbabantay sa akin” naiiyak ako 1:18
Thought we were getting Titanfall for a second and then reality came back.
Titanfall 3 confirmed (I am breathing copium)
Why do i feel like watching pacific rim?
Ngl seeing titans in this trailer brings hope about TF3
I now need a 2d animated titan fall show this looks amazing
So I’m assuming that makes two apex legends with cancer.
Also, what language is that, sounds south Asian. Thai? Tagale?
Give as Titanfall 3
I hate Monarchs, though should admit this pilot’s bravery. True hero of the Frontier. F
Nah is that bt from titanfall2???
i heard shes a seer fan i expect a ship
So? What’s really the story? Deadly radiation but she is immune? And she just touch the thingy and bam new legend?
3:21 Is the tree where the titan is a reference to the balete trees which supposedly in some filipino myths was the home of fae
cant wait for cancer powers
istg if all the titanfall hype has led up to this imma lose it
This might be Conduit ??!
titanfall 3 confirmed (copium)
Monarch surviving this long was very accurate
Efectivamente… Apex ya no sabe hacer historias
Monarch? Isn’t that tai lastimossa titan?
Okay, this was awesome, up until the very end. Since when do Titan batteries, which may I remind you aren’t even exclusive to Titans and are used aboard spaceships too, give people powers? It’s literally like eating a lithium battery and suddenly being powered up.
gamplay accurate monarch lore
Apex without the apex
And from this point on, titans can super-jump into the air like the anime protagonists they are
Why can’t we just get an Apex animated series already
Titanfall fans wya?
Then sho got cancer💀
Istg if they don’t drop a Titanfall 3 announcement soon I’m going to throw hands
Apex, Apex, Apex, APEX. No shot you got your core character, vetern apex predator pilot under the foot of an apex fangirl who touched a radioactive titan battery right?
that’s philippines language for sure
seeing the titans felt so good man we need titanfall 3
The animation for this has greatly improved! I’m glad that my fellow Filipino players are finally having their own representation.
Im fairly certain when ion cremates that grunt it mimics a banner card from titanfall 2..
0:33 Just give us Titanfall 3 already ya jerks!
New legend ignite
her story is giving me Mulan vibes
Finally a good freaking backstory
Ion using Laser core on a grunt is truly the Titanfall experience
Пояснительную бригаду по поводу персонажа в конце.
Respawn be like: Uh the uh new legend uh has cancer… that’s… her while kit.
Went from being good to bad.
She sounds like Anya Taylor Joy 👀
Pov: ion mains after a grunt shoots a rocket at them
yoooooooo BT-7274
Just to make sure you guys understand Monarch titans are IMC designed after the Militia’s Vanguard class (BT’s class)
“Its my turn now”
_Gets hyper cancer_
Titanfall inbound
Monarch shoulda had nuclear ejection equipped and then that pilot coulda lived
Another one “this is not how radiation works”
woman hulk the beginning
*leaves site with cancer and not super powers*
Ash and octane and revenant from the dollar store 2:05 😂😂
i was never so happy to see IF not BT then atleast a titan !!!!
пиздец, вуман гений ваще. пойду ка хапну супер сил! нажрусь радиации!!!
im gonna cryb if this is what all the tf3 stuff means
Am i the only one who got pacific rim vibes when monarch landed😂
My jaw dropped when I saw titan’s in the video. exited for the future!
Is the New legend ?
Wattson 2.0
Squirrels get no love lol first baldur’s gate 3 and now apex geez
Filipino Legened? sure why not we’ll take it ahahaha
As a titanfall fan: i want to cry 😭
No one gonna talk about the BT lookalike??
Monarch for the W!!!
IMC pilots being Competent (that’s a new one).
For who doesnt understand: Monarch titan’s are reverse engineered implementations of the vanguard class titans made by the IMC and Vinson Dynamics
Lets go!!
That Monarch was clearly running superior chassis and doing numbers on the IMC titans might I add
These stories from the outlands…..makes me want to watch apex legends series…..
A Monarch so greedy that she took her own battery 🔋
i thought that was BT for a few seconds
i think her ultimate might be a titan. (im 30 seconds in idk if they show)
I know this is a video game but, touching a highly radioactive container probably would’ve just melted her right ?
This is the most laughable story by far. “Getting powers from touching a used nuke eject battery”. This is dumb beyond belief
probobly not…
i didnt get it .. can anyone plz explain !!??
I love children watching bloodsports.
cmon just give us TF3
Oh man, that Titanfall reference really hit home 🙁
Drop titans not legends‼️‼️
0:00-1:13 Imagine if we had fully armed and operational AI Titans rampaging across the map though?
More than half the apex players never played titanfall so they don’t know who Monarch is 😂
They made titans jump shame respawn
Not monarch using Nuke Eject.
Okay the Apex outro gotta be the sickest we ever head
Yo conduit
1:00 protocol 3 protect the pilot
let’s go, bagong legend!
New Caustic’s bestfriend
shouldve been a vanguard not a monarch titan
I was hoping Conduit would just have cool gadgets and not superpowers, but if they’re a good support like Lifeline I can let it slide.
The only thing that doesn’t make sense to me is why she would touch (or even get near) something extremely radioactive. Perhaps she wasn’t educated on that.
Isn’t her legend name Conduit
as a titanfall fan i creamed at that fight also POV: 3 core monarch be like
Babangon Tayo !
– Nescafe Originals
Pinoy Pride!
Oh yeahh finally a mirage rework, now he will be a usefu-…
Well not this time:( for the 19. th time
Ion players, the greatest villain in the Titanfall universe
Ok that was cool
Best story yet 🥲 much love for my Philipino community 💪🏽
Just joined the Apex scene very recently, and I’m so in love with the lore! Amazing addition to the story, very excitedly looking forward to more! ❤
Nada do Cross Progression. Absurdo!!
Nuclear eject in TF2
I did not expect a Filipino legend, amazing. I wonder what the radiation has done to her
Will she be meta though?
She just keeps eating titan batteries. She says she’s not eating them then we go to the doctor, the doctor says, “yeah we found a titan battery in there.”
When do we get a Revenant origin?
So her skills are Wattson 2.0 and her appearance is lifeline 2.0?
ahh yes let me go and touch the glowing nuclear AAA battery to get my powers
Let’s go!!! Filipino Legend!!!!
Peilipinooo pelipinooo 😎
Ugh stop using TF stuff to sell Apex
The titan fight gave me chills
So excited to have a second legend with cancer🎉🎉🎉
titanfall 3 confirmed?
i really wanna say they added cancer
dont know if i should… welp too late
The Titanfall fans are crying right now
Please Respsawn give us TitanFall 3 😭
Pretty dumb way to get powers, how has no one else touched the glowing goo in the titan wars.
So many references to Filipino culture! It’s crazy to see my people represented in my favorite game 🙂
Titanfall references and a new legend?
Two cakes! 😮😲😍
they made the philippines canon in apex/titanfall
Her backstory already want me to main her😭
Hey guys look! titans from that game we made. Titanfall from the apex universe.
Wich nationality / ethnicity is she?
This trailer was just proof this needs an animated series.
OK that was pretty cool
brooo she has lightning?
intersting hope they will put more content
Okay you guys went crazy on that one, that was so cool
How to get several deseases, in apex legends
Tagalog ncccccc
Cancer speedrun?
Man what a common super hero radioactive waste cliche.
Я словил огромную дозу настольгии, прощай Апекс и снова привет титанопад 2! 😍
Conduit looks like a baddy.
remember kids radiation gives superpower.
BT about to be the mecks from Fortnite
im feeling bit emotional on this one
Man the intrigue is real let’s go
Idea: make an Irish legend and give them a leprechaun skin
So she’s basically just giving people cancer
The first minute of the video SLAPS HARD ngl, that was some action-packed Titan fight🔥
Bro slurped the Titan juice and is now on they cancer ark 🙏
Least fun titanfall fight
Any one who thought this was good idea, hope yall gets cancer. Because this is garbage and no body wants apex. We want peak we want Titanfall we dont care about some charakters. We need better game that has story with some but explains everything. Not game with 30 charakters and Mid story
God please stop with this teaser and just give me titanfall 3
Amo esta cinemática ❤❤❤
Another Asian, how many do we need
for filipino apex players
damage by radiation is overrated
Missed opportunity to give us titanfall series.
She’s barely here and already doesn’t make sense. Gotta love respawns writing
Wow that was really well done!
New Champ Filipino!!!
This is fire 🔥🔥🔥
hmmm shes filipina she spoke tagalog and of course her sister is a medic or a nurse
So the legends passive is cancer? Cause thats what happens when you touch a radioactive Titan Core
This is amazing. Im a fan of titanfall and just a bit salty that TF3 isn’t going to be a thing for a bit. But i am very happy knowing that Apex keeps the hype of titanfall in its stories. Amazing
Why can Monarch and Ion jump like that?
“It’s my turn now”
**proceeds to get terminal cancer**
As a titanfall OG. I was extatic to see the titans again. I loved everything that was titanfall but unfortunately the release date was horrible timing and unfortunately the game is now a hidden gem.
I’d like that thank apex legends with respawn for keeping the titan fall series alive through back story of the new apex legends. Absolutely love it ❤❤❤❤
A better electric legend FINNALY
I’m not trying to, he mean, but this seems like some of the weakest lore we’ve had.
And I date the archetype of gets powers but didn’t deserve them just handed to her in a silver platter.
Ah yes, become the Radioactive Legend by touching deadly radioactive batteries, really proves how smart the Apex devs are 💀
Titan batteries are that strong? Just squeeze it with alot of force and BOOM?
Thats really cool actually, and makes sense why it would not have been done more bc it would have been wasting the batteries.
Wait maybe this is even how we have titans be able to go nuclear in titanfall 2?
Wow exelent 😢
oh may gahd pinoy pride intensifies
I really like your trailers 😀🖐
aren’t the legends supposed to be the best of the best?
Still no titanfall3?
PASSIVE: Each round of the zone is a new stage of cancer
she is now a walking demon core?
LETS GO TITANFALL! The titanfall 2 servers are still fighting! We’re still fighting pilots!
“Dear kids, radiation poisoning is real, do not touch anything glowing thats green.”
Stories from the outlands killed it as always ✔️🔥
titanfall is so dope
was she speaking Tagalog?
Wow that was actually pretty amazing 👀
They couldn’t even afford a real vanguard class titan
its like Jeagers of the Pasific Rim movie
That Nuclear Ejection came in clutch
Love this the cosplays are so cool WAIT is the event all to test her abiltys?! To copy and cosplay different legends?! The copy legends I have been looking for Years potentially
so hot girl les goooooooooooooooooooooooo
Filipino legend?
deadass been wanting a Filipino character for so long and for it to be the most connected to titanfall lore is like hitting 2 birds with one stome
titanfall 3???
I hate to be a critic, but why is she not Lifeline and Octanes daughter from the future??
Y le dio cancer por tanta radiacion 🐧
I think the community has a higher interest in her abilities. This was kinda a let down
The story didn’t make sense
Lets touch something radioactive yayy and become a superhero
so doope the robots fights
That whole Titan fight sequence gave me life (I live on military-grade Titanfall Copium)
Since when could monarchs and ions jump up into the air like they’re northstars
So is this conduit?
Ah classic respawn dangling titanfall like keys for a baby
shes gonna have one thing in commen with caustic, cancer
Seeing titans in apex trailers gives me hope for the future of apex and titanfall
she got zaza in her veins at the end
Nice, like the visual and voice, need to know her Ultimate in more detail but I’m liking the new Legend. Hope her Legendary skins are cool and I’m skeptical on her finisher but at least she is a healer. Let’s goooooo~
Bueno quien tiene hambre
Heh touch the green stuff.
I like this one. 😂
(Spoilers below)
As amazing as this video was… she just got powers by touching a leaking titan battery?
so I just need to come into contact with some deadly radiation and i can be a legend too.
Ngl , I really didn’t care for this reveal. I just want Titanfall 3 now.
Cancer legend
I like the part where she said “it’s my turn now” and proceeded to charge everyone 160 dollars for an heirloom. Truly an apex experience.
They gon show us Titans and then drop some cosmetics 😂
Time to shine indeed
…and then she died from radioactive poisoning
its good
Did she turn into the hulk at the end there?
So, she got intoxicated from radiation and died?
That nuclear ejection went hard
Plot twist: *she dies from literal radiation*
Monarch based character OwO?
Ion murdering civilians seems fitting tbh
Welcome Conduit
yum radioactive substances pure delish
Apex Legeds: Drink the battery acid
Don’t drink the battery fluid
It’s our turn now! ⚡️
Garbage trailer.
It’s BT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why did her mom/sister come injured??
Every time that Apex theme music kicks in during these trailers, Man!
Respawn, this was incredible.
Get the feeling she would be dying a slow and painful death, getting that close to an exposed titan battery
Seeing a terrified grunt getting creamted by the unmatched power of the sun and instantly vanishing brought warmth in my nostalgic heart
TITANFALL 3 ??????????????????????
TF was that ending
So a radioactive titan gave her lightning powers. Can’t get anymore Titanfall than that!
Give us titanfall 3!!
Wow, they have butchered the lore so much in this one trailer
Well that was garbage
remember kids: you can’t get superpowers from radiation
As if the Philippines would still exist by that time lul
That. Doesn’t make sense.
So a meta human legend .. ok 👍🏽
Oo look at this cool battery that is leaking highly radioactive fluid *touch*
Amazing, so excited to play her!
giviong kidna caustic vibes
Opa… Lenda nova
New legend ability: cancer
A supportive defensive legend. Looks like we have a new Watson. Or something like that.
girlie just irradiated herself!
So they adding magic now orr…..?
Soo is the mailstrum going to be the new weapon that’ll look like the monarch 16mm
conduit mukhang puwit
Yoooooo les goooooo 😎😎😎😎😎💥💥💥
Tines cancer andy
Conduit 🔥🔥🔥
Mid tbh
The new ledgen 😮😮
March to middle east to end war Robot, right now ! it’s an order !
Titans center stage? TF3 baby!!
Pinoy pala yan!
Naw me personally I would’ve solod them robots 😭
New gun?🤔🧐
Bt show
i loved the moment where it showed a pack opening of grey, blue, grey in that order after 50 other packs exactly like it, truly an apex experience.
Хочу мочить роботов
A girl
I swear the soundtrack here looks really cool, (it also gave me goosebumps)
No way
Stop camping apex community
Today I get back into apex
3,4K alors que sa débute que 😮
Lastimosa is that u?
Where macro
Let’s go!
Bring arenas back
The fact that there’s a child cosplaying as revenant (who has canonically killed children) is hilarious
Filipino rep, FINALLY !!!
Where are all my fellow Filipinos at???
я был тут до примьеры
Hi punch
That Rev fan is my man/woman.
Delet apex
Arena is my life please
Mixtape should earn arena badges
arena is my life
arena is my life
arena is my lifearena is my li
arena is my life
arena is my life
arena is my life
arena is my life
arena is my life
arena is my life
I can’t wait but its so cute there are kids playing rev and octane ❤❤❤❤
Nueva legenda ??😅
Aquí andamos, porque acá fue donde nos puso la vida
Play the video
En latam estan caidos los servers de EA… PERO TENGO UNA CINEMATICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 🙂
oh is this gonna be conduit?
I’ve waiting for 3-4 years for a Filipino Apex Legend and it’s all coming true. This is huge representation of our culture and possibly Filipino humor along their voice lines!!
Una skin para loba espero que este la necesito 😢
octane fans are mid
Trash DEV does not rework or buff BANGALORE! Respawn is hate Bangalore 👎
Apex never fix ranked yet??? Truly an apex experience
I have a feeling that it is a octane or lifeline or rampart fan is
Another cringe animated video
Fire 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
H 0:00
I see this as an absolute win
It’s great to have another asian legends in the roster
Ура ждём
Octane + 100 KG
Keep the gold nessies!!!!for the future of apex
imagine revenant finding his fans.
Wow! 2 New legends in one season?
Truly a new apex experience!
“Never meet ur idols” is gonna a hundred percent apply to this rev fan 💀
Man i just want titanfall 3
I love rev so much
Extra large octane 😂😂😂
Im filipino. I main valk the japanese legend, cant wait to main this filipina legend, and also the stormpoint update fits the legend and its culture, beautiful beaches and islands of the Philippines, what a coincidence ❤
it’s gonna be Josie Rizal
Finally cross progression is in coming
Wait shouldn’t revenant reborn have a hammend symbol and if not did someone else made that body for revenant?
What in the world
‼️‼️‼️👋👋APEX PLS, MAKE MIRAGE ABLE TO DEPLOY 2 DECOYS INSTEAD OF 2‼️ I THINK IT WOULD BE A GOOD CHANGE FOR HIM‼️‼️👋👋👋 I think he should get a speed boost when he does his ultimate too‼️
Can’t wait
Conduits quip: PUTANG INA MOOO!!
Titanfall 3?
TF3 plz
Drop the titanfall 3 trailer already!
Plot twist we’re getting forge 😂
Nah cuz who tf actually cosplays Rev☠️
octane y revenant latinos xd
Can the devs please fix ranked, add a leaderboard, separate console and PC players again. Stop prioritising poor quality content for short term monetary gain over long term health of the game. The player base is half of last year’s numbers and dwindling. Actual action needs to be done to help Apex be what it was and can be.
The art looks amazing
good job to whoever made it
New art style? Interesting
Is the story the same: there’s still no cross-progression?
Conduit incoming
W Apex
Octane and rev having fans is dope asf💯
Please tell me it includes Titanfall 2 or maybe a Titanfall 3?
Octane really let himself go
The next legend is from the Philippines!!!
Mila should be the new legend 😭
i thought the octane cosplayer was vantage
Rev is lovable even if he’s a maniac (and a cutie)
If the boy that made his prostetics inspired by Octane and cosplayed as him to show how inspiring was Octane to him, isn’t here not even as an Easter Egg, I will cry.
Filipino/Filipina Legend 🇵🇭
Why does this look like all of my random octane teammates??
Lastimosa would’ve wanted a titanfall 3
I don’t know an edgy robot Will have fans
Conduit gonna make me act up 😭
Cospley pat cute❤
Based rev fan
Ned and Zendeya cosplaying the legends 💀
when titanfall 3
This game is dying
Look it’s chunky kid Mirage and Nomad XD
let’s goooooooooo
Bet one of those kids will be the next legend
Oh come on i have finals tomorrow 😭
A little old to trick or treat 😂
New map?
This thumbnail is cursed
Dont get me excited
The new map in the background looks 🥹😍🤯
where is our apex legends single player experience 🥺 where is our apex legends TV show 😭 where is titan fall… nvm about that one where is apex legends 2 😂
Rev history is about to be flipped upside down!
On my b day to
Add cross-progress please
why did you decide that these are fans, maybe it’s lore Rev
Yeah that octane can’t run a centimeter
Nobody cares give titanfall 3
Oh my god, my friend and I were just talking the other day about how cute it would be if Revenant has fans that are mostly kids who like him because: “Spooky, cool looking robot!” and they send him fanmail with doodles of him. I don’t think they would move him too much but I imagine he would keep them somewhere.
Wild that Apex pretty much made that canon with this lol
What yall waiting for 💀 it starts in 24h
Best healer incoming: Filipino Nurse
where is forge at?
😩 this looks better than the others, finally actually lore
Where did these likes come from 🤯
ITS TIME FELLAS…been waiting for this one…loba’s step sis finally enters the games huh…welcome Conduit 😎😎
Filipino legend? Lol
THIS IS NOT BACKSTORY, this is about people watching the apex games and THATS how there’s octane and rev cosplay.
If it was backstory then there would be no octane cosplay.
YO freaking fire Rev cosplay! Love that the serial killer has fans bro.
Kids edition? I like the idea
I loved the part where rev said it’s revin time and revved all ove- oh wait I forgot that’s not funny anymore
Hopefully the next legend is a fan boy of all the legends can’t wait to see them go crazy meeting the legends in game lol
Apex legends is the best game ever made
That revenant’s fan has the things rev hates, childs and B..lack people
Is this Titanfall 3?
Apex’s map’s and all the Legends+abilities are taking up too much space in my brain😂
My eyes are breathtaking.
Octane has put on a bit of weight.
Revenant have got a fanbase. Good.
Bring back Fade
Your eyes are breathtaking.
Where is Titanfall 3
is it just me or does the building to left behind the octane cosplayer look odly similar to those in Ash’s dome in titanfall 2? and also that one 1v1 map
이겜은 쉬발 좀 예쁜애들은 1도없는게 유일한단점임
Loba is hot
We need that PK skin frfr
Philippines Mentioned Letsgooo!
Bruh he is octen😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Congratulations Jolibee
Fatboy octane
Better be titanfall 3 soon
Can’t wait to see some brain dead, “It’s truely an Apex experience” comments. 🍿
No TF3 announcement but i guess this will do
What in apex is this?? Looks like a fan made, nothing wrong with it though just caught me by surprise
Next Legends: Copycat any legends look and skills
apex at home be like:
Apex legends 2 confirmed
Imagine next Legend is a Mimic that can steal other Legend’s ability.. oh wait
NO WAY i thought i was the only one in the universe who is a fan/main of revenant
Woulda been cool if they snuck conduits abilities in as a copycat kit to tease her.
Who else wants a mirage sfto
Waiting for titanfall 3
APEX: *summons the Filipino community*
map new 😊
I’m actually really excited for this. Much more then I’ve been for the past few legends.
Boy, you have to update the cosplay
Not the Revenant- How could they make him mexican-
Stories of broken matchmaking making me not play Apex any more.
Conduit main since season 12
I hope forge is in this one.
octane and revenant, when they were kids, Truly an apex experience
Potentially a Pinoy legend.
Octane and Revenant from wish…:
You know if Rev can get fans do you think Caustic can too? I mean do we even have a good understanding about what the general public knows about the legends?
Rev (sees Rev fan): i have a skinbag fanbase?!
Loba: HUH?! 💀
Pls tell me that this are not the legends bcs i want mila
Looks like we’re getting a Filipino Legend!! Finally! I might come back to this game after all…
Happy Halloween
Why does this remind me of that one scene from one piece where there were fake straw hats???
If you know you know.
We are the evil apex legends, like human revenant, “Humans are awsome”. And lets not forget evil octane, “I move passivly take damage and my stim slows me down while healing me.
“We have apex at home” Apex at home:
Wait, revenant has fans? no way
Conduit next Legend?
I swear this better not be the story of Kaleb . As a grown man, I will cry.
Plz stop the dark map 🙏
Giving me Naruto vibes
This game
Is just
Cosplayer is the next Legend. Truly an Apex experience
(I still love you and want you to keep updating Apex)
People probably confused what I would want is a fully fledged titanfall 3 with campaign and multiplayer and for them to continue with apex
Gaza Apex……..
Rev having fans is freaking adorable
I can’t wait for the titanfall 7 1/2 announcement!
What a thumbnail. I love skinsuits.
Cosplayers. this is kinda cute!
Octane looking a tad different
From what im seeing this better be the release of the devs childhood and how they despise making a good rank system
me when titanfall 3 titanfall’d all over the place and said “titanfall 3? I barely even know her!”
titanfall 3
This is cursed….
What a thumbnail. I love skinsuits.
kid versions of the legends. great choice of something different
А это кто?