Apex Legends: Resurrection Battle Pass Trailer
Terrorize your enemies with looks from the Resurrection Battle Pass. At Level 24, darkness triumphs with Mad Maggie’s “Outlawed Tech”, and new this season is the Reactive “Heart of the Divine” EVA-8 available at Level 25. Discover true horror at Level 50 with Pathfinder’s “Pathogen”. You’ll also manifest fear with the “Vortex Core” L-STAR, and unlock Epic skins for Valkyrie, Octane, and Caustic. Complete the Resurrection Battle Pass to unlock the Reactive “Heart of Brimstone” EVA-8 skin. As you creep through the shadows, earn new banner frames, emotes, weapon charms, and stickers. Buy the bundle to instantly unlock the first 25 levels.
Learn More: http://x.ea.com/apxl/resurrection
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Origin for PC: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Taqs:apex legends,apex,apex legends season 18,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,apex battle pass season 18,apex season 18,apex legends resurrection,apex legends season 18 battle pass,apex season 18 trailer,apex season 18 battle pass,apex legends battle pass,resurrection battle pass apex,battle pass trailer apex,battle royale game,apex games,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends pc,apex legends origin,respawn entertainment,エーペックス,apex トレーラー
コメント (933)
Tap strafing in a trailer? 😂
Really Eva 8 skin as the last reward??! 🤦🏻♂️ kinda disappointing tbh that gun is so bad.
What’s the skin sliding at 32 seconds before strafe? 0:32
Now a loba remake is needed.
Is this the improvement of Fortnite?
reactive at lvl 25. I love it.
Another battle pass without Crypto skins
This is the most loaded Battle pass ever and I can’t wait. Is it an anniversary season or something cause wow. They really going all out.
The Dark Arts. Very cool
gotta love all the changes to the battle pass tiers and ofc the rewards this season!
As a Maggie main, her getting skin + trackers makes my heart warm.
Respawn: We’re removing tap strafing.
Also Respawn: 0:33
Did Caustic rocket jump with is gas grenade???
Buff crypto
Eva-8 reactive skin at lvl 25????
ok where is cross progression
I hope respawn will fix the error with tabs that are closed. And I also hope for the release of Battlepass +
Cough cough where is mirage??
Come watch, APEX NATION!!!
Hey mad Maggie that’s my line @0:26
We know one thing is Aka Akasaka will be playing and doing this instead of Oshi No Ko for the next month and a half.
Am I the only one seeing Titanfall 3 references?
Rip caustic, with all these ulty cool-downs he’s the only one with a 3.5 minute cool-down.
How is a cloud of gas that does 5 damage a tick worse than air strikes, wall hack bubbles and nade spamming black holes?
Cross progression?
Why nerf mad Maggie??
Tap strafing in trailer means it aint going anywhere
They put mastiff reactive as the Eva reactive what a apex moment
Yeaaaah well after a couple days everyone will forget about Rev and then respawn might be inclined to stop caring about him
That mad maggie skin CLEAN
When do we ever get mirage skins 🙁
Sheeeesh, I’m actually gonna start using the EVA-8, that reactive skin is sick! 🔥
Nothing for Catalist?
no bangalore skin once again, why does she never get skins
they are gonna nerf aim assist soon but it’s totally ok for an octain to 180 from a jump pad like nothing… truly and apex experience
Soo its a battlepass skin not changing the base skin? You guys are a pure of Disappointment. Titanfall 2 Is already Better then this shi.
Pathfinder and Mad Maggie and Octane skin? Now i just need Fuse, well i guess heres my money.
Mad Maggie skin is sick 🔥
Not worth $10 excited for rev tho
Imagine being hit by a big storm the day before this season goes live. I love my life
I wish they’d introduce some new finishers as well .. that would be dope.
Maggie’s skin is so good
bro hit a frag boost?
now all I can think of is is caustic running the gauntlet in less than 12 seconds
❤ing the tap strafes and wall bounces in trailers. 😍
Love the movement, would love to see m and k able to either connect with a cable or Bluetooth for console like Fortnite has
Seems like more robots right after the neon event.
These skins actually look like effort was put into creating them. Thank you!
Never know they actually pul off a tap strafe in trailer
Who else thought it was a Bangalore skin not mad Maggie
Finally a Mad Maggie that looks decent.
Anyone notice the Eva 8 skin comes out on level 25?
Here we go!
New Rampart tracker ???????
And they complain about Controller.
man a battle pass with actually great looking skins! this is so sick!
only for adult
why is Loba always dying in the resurrection trailers by rev
Majority of their player base can’t tap strafe due to lack of steam configs but its in the trailer anyway 😂 nuts man
Gimme cross progression and I’ll buy a PC
Are all the skins shown and emotes in the battle pass?
These apex devs are getting really good 🥶🥶🥶
I sooo cant wait till tomorrow 😁😁😁
I’m sad because they’ve removed the mobile version 😢
Getting nothing new and people being incredibly excited about it. Every season since 14 has been lazier. We’re really pushing whole events of recolors again.
so the only good thing in the battle pass is the eva skin i gotchu cool
No way they used frag boosting in a trailer
Bruh yaw should start putting battle pass weapons and characters in the apex store or have where when it ends like a event we still will be able to have a chance to get them IMPOSSIBLE but juss a thought. and another thing the next or future update can yaw have where we can remove certain button layouts from the controls like for example grenades I don’t use grenades at all so I should be able to remove permanently like it messes me up every time I’m in a fight with a team so PLS for the next update PLS have where we can remove CERTAIN BUTTON LAYOUTS
So revenant made some of the legends look like maelstrom gang members with these new skins?
0:25 Maggie watched The Wire
Este juego esta igual o más llenos de cheetos q warzone 2
Fix the sound issues give us a break
Am i the only person who noticed the level 25 eva reactive skin??????? Insta unlocked reactive skin basically
Looks mid af
Am i tripping or does it state eva-8 reactive skin unlocked at level 25?
so we are getting the first reactive skin at lvl 25?
wow I would buy it if they had cross progression.
Yeah actual gameplay is far from these trailers. lol
the new junker queen skin looks heat
yeah yeah soooo much tap strafe pretty fun, but in console? when?
I guess newcastle and octane are next it’s official then vantage BC the newer legends get the skins and heirlooms Maggie’s heirloom next 😂
I want rev to narrate all the trailers from now on
No hope no dreams just a killing machine
Battle Royale has gone old 😒
The more controller gaming rises, the more movement in these trailers. Doesnt make any sense
Me when it doesnt affect me as i promised not to play until S20 in S14
Do we keep old rev skins?
Wish they add more weapons, it gets boring using the same weapons.
See you tomorrow
Tap strafe??
Grenade jump???
That’s sick
They make the trailer in Worlds Edge except that we don’t have him next season. 😂😂😂
I wish I still enjoyed this game like I used too.
Yay more holosprays 😑
1:13 WTHELL??? Granade boost?
Yo so that his old OG skin or what I’m confusion
Saw that Eva and suddenly hope they add a dragons breath hop up for Eva and mastiff
Embrace the SHMOOV
This battle pass actually looks good
The long awaited bloodhound dive emote!
lets gooooooooooooo
Plz tell me these legend skins in the battle pass 💀
The first Reactive Eva-8 skin unlocks at level 25? Well that’s new
So the first reactive skins are available at 25 now??
The battle pass is very good
Why in every trailer legends are one shot knocks but when i play its like they dropped with a red evo?
Cross progression needs to come sooner
Is the all black octane skin BP or event unlocked?
Going to be a little disappointed if there isn’t a new finisher
Looks like a good battle pass for a change, and a dope trailer too, keep it up Rspwn
Hold up, did Caustic just grenade jump?
What time does this go live at the 8th?
Apex Devs: No tap strafing
Also Apex Devs: Let’s use it in the Battlepass trailer and encourage it more 🙂
Ah yes tap strafing. A PC only movement tech that shouldn’t have been in the game in the first place. 👎🏻
another season of shotguns =) now it has become boring to play because everyone only runs with shotguns and some with two =)
Anything about cross progression yet
no one talking about caustic grenade boosting?
Is that an eva 8 or a kraber ? 😂
Eva-8 skin at tier 25 instead pf 100– EPIC!
since when did they use movement
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Honestly glad to see they’ve finally changed the charge rifle. It can be super annoying so I hope the change will be better
that lookes awesome! but again,nothing for mirage 😮💨
Yo at 1:14 how tf did caustic leap out that hole like that😭
Looks cool, only time I’ll stop buying battlepasses is if they have no music packs in them
Respawn has better movement than me😢☠️
Is it more has apex gotten lazy in these trailers withl3gends saying the same voice line in each one
Metan el tap strafe en consolas!!
Are we getting quads in br now?
Just Nerf Horizon
FINALLY good battlepass skins! Thank God
so a battlepass all about rev with no loba skins? makes sense.
Hello, I know its a weird question, but can I buy Apex Coins with a Xbox Gift Card? Please help me and thank you.
Battlepass continues to disappoint
Not surprised that the battlepass is underwhelming, we literally have 24 playable legends and only get 5 skins (3 forgettable ones at the start and 2 legendaries). We need more detailed legend and weapon skins at least every 10 tiers to actually give us an incentive to grind it out
wait you can grenade jump on caustic now thats so cool
Tap strafe on console inbound? 👀
You guys need to hire someone new to do your trailer. It’s always the same style of trailer.
I liked when cuastic hit a grenade that make him fly and then hits a shot
Add squads!
They forgot the eva´s magazine in the recharging animation lol
My boi Octane looking clean as always
Am I crazy but when it shows the reactive skin after mad magpies skin it says the reactive is unlocked at lvl 25 , can anyone else see this 0:27
So excited to wait 40 days just to see 2 skins of 1 gun which can only be obtained by getting 110 level on battle pass and the rest battle pass is useless as always smh
Showing tap strafe that you can only do on PC, yet most of the community is on console. Nice 🙃
По моему релик на Валькирию выглядит хуже, чем БП скин
This game is on the decline. It only caters to the same people who haven’t quit playing it. Sad.
Did they just nade hop?
Everyone is chilling in the open with 1 HP
So the big battle pass change that was talked about was that they were essentially copying Overwatch. Sick.
this looks beyond lame
The movement is almost getting out of hand in these. Who actually does nadeboosting regularly?
How do I do what octane did on 0:34? I’ve never seen that before😮.
Why is the colorful Eva 8 reactive skin unlocked at level 25?
Well rip to my wallet 😂
Lol revenant calling out the loot goblins 😂
I hope they fix the game crashing constantly. Can’t even play it as of right now
BUFF caustic
Waiting for a mantle jump next.
No cross-save/progression yet? How many years has it been since it was announced?
All these pc kids rejoicing over the movement exploits being used in trailers lol… yeah because THAT is what’s the priority in this dying game…
Metal Gear Rising Mad Maggie
why no one talking about pathy skin, looks sick!! at least for me cus i have no legendary pathy skin (uncultured i know 😔)
Imo revenant’s old default skin was better
i really interested how many hour devs trying to learn how to do all movement stuff just to show technics for 2-3 sec on trailer. I have spend amount of hours to learn how to 180 on jumppad
Imagine EA disrespecting their players so much that they put mecanics in their trailer that console players can’t do
Still no thing for Bangalore 😑
Wall bounce to Tap Strafe to Nade Boost 1:12 Apex Trailer Quality has come a long LONG way.
I love how they ,,resurrected” the scene at 1:11 from the first trailer
am I the only one who hate the game but still play it everyday cause idk what other games i can play ? 😭
0:33 how do you even do that on console? You cant 😭
the movement in this game is so stiff and slow, what is respawn doing
this new rev go so hard
Horde mode please!
Love that we get the reactive skin at lvl 25 now definitely no longer stressed about hitting lvl 100
battle passes are so corny
Can’t wait for the new mirage skydive emote! Oh wait, Where’s the titanfall medication
Its the Tapstrafe for me lol
We want Apex mobile 😢 !
I’m gonna be honest I’m not a fan of this new battle pass, looks way less interesting than the other ones
Wait, it says that the reactive Eva 8 skin in unlocked at level 25 at 0:27, is that a mistake?
Woot Maggie skin that is not as trash as last event! Lol
Better then last battle pass
I didnt see anywone in comments noticed that reactive skin is now on lvl 25 (0:28)
When will they learn that stimming into the pad doesn’t do anything. It makes a very cool shot but sweet baby Jesus.😊
When will I get my heirloom, been playing since 2019 and still no cigar, maybe because I never spent a dime but still
This almost looks as good as the dive trails you’re taking away. Dive trails should be battle pass themed and reactive based on the rank hit and PERMANENT.
No map changes ? L.
NGL my favorite part of this trailer is that octane skin
Really like the maggy skin, it reminds me of the frogs from Mgs4
1:20 ???
Why show tap strafe if rollers can’t even do it, man I wish we could i would do some amazing moves 😢🦘
Controller players have aim assist
Meanwhile pc players be tap straifing like theres no tomorrow 😂😐
Valk stomping out valk at 0:16 such an apex moment
i would love to see “behind the scenes” of making these trailers
Nice work!!!
Great, they’re adding more come Voicelines… didn’t get annoying at all with wraith
Even the trailer shows how this game is a totally different game on PC compared to console the ability to tap strafe is literally game breaking
its weird that one reactive skin is at tier 25 lol
Best Trailer Since Season 8!!!
Revenant season
No rev items in the battlepass ._.
same old boring battle pass, its the same thing every season… 2 character skins, a couple gun skins and a reactive skin
I love rev so much. Hes such an awesome character
he is not the villain in this story. he does what he does because there is no choice.
wonder what they have at level 100, because the reactive weapon unlock at level 25
Wooo 1st week hype! Then reality sets in
How about add cross progression, PS5/Series X versions and 120fps on console like you promised a year and a half ago
more like Apex Legends Cyberpunk 2077 Battle pass
Can we appreciate the tap strafe for a second!! I‘m impressed, devs!
Bruh Respawn and tap strafing have been in every trailer so far like come on. Us console players 😢😢😢😢why can’t we
cool we’re is cross progression
The path skin looks like the character of ultrakill
The Eva skin is 🔥
they need to remove tap strap comon respawn !
why is no one talking about the fact that the eva reactive skin is gonna be available at level 25? Looks like their revamping the BP a little.
These skins r all a**
Tap strafing is cheese
I have a feeling they’re trying to implement tap strafing on all platforms, while simultaneously trying to deal with the balancing of aim assist
Eva reactive at lvl 25?
So all we get this season are skins & a rev rework? No map, no legend, no gun? May skip this season tbh.
Need rampart buffs
皮膚買起來 給殺你的人看得~ 第一人稱~看屁阿XD
What’s gunna be the level 100 skin if you get the other Eva 8 skin at level 25?
Take care in battle guys❤
ale guwno👍👍👍👍
finally a good skin in the battle pass
worst gaming company to exist
the movement usage is amazing
that jump pad tap strafe gives me hope for the future
i love when the shareholders went “fine, improve the game. profit margins are down” and respawn improved their game. truly NOT an apex legends experience
Caustic grenade boosted!
The grenade boosts and tap strafes?😮
Más skin de pagoooo siiiuuuuu
You know what would be cool if I could have my Xbox stuff on pc. I’d probably spend money on your game again but no you guys seem to not care much for your community
Pls delete broke moon returns olympus kings canion
Pathfinder skinhead ils a Nice ultrakill reference
This skins very bad zzz
When Mirage prestige skin
I like how Mad Maggie used a variation of Omar’s line from the Wire “Come at the king, you best not miss”
Nothing is cringier than showcasing worthless stuff like holosprays
Respawn qui assumes enfin le tap strafe
1:33 did caustic just use a grenade to double jump 😨
Catalys??? Nada??
tap strafing off a jumpad, grenade boosting… i love the trailer’s direction
So no cross save announcement yet.. you are a really useless company.. 4 years later and people are still waiting for it 👏🏻👏🏻
Yo these BP skins are FIRE
Otra skin para Pathfinder ? Es una broma
The TTK should be how it is in these trailers…
im confused u unlock it at level 24? 0:25
I havent looked too deep into it. But are they not putting in dive trails for the other prestige skins?
The fact the reactive skin is on level 25
Poor local the disrespect 😢
Just read the patch notes 🙁
I think I’ll leave this game… Still no cross progression, what a shame… You promised in February, you’ll do everything to improve the game, but as I see you still don’t care about players who had to move on new platform. This is all for money ofc. , players who tend to play on 2 diff. platforms have to pay for stuffs on both, congrats for that “amazing” marketing method. I hope this game will sink to zero!
Why can’t we tap strafe on console?
Anyone else peep the first eva reactive skin is unlocked at level 25?
Делать сезон с нов.персом:Ныееэт
Делать второй сезон с железным петухом:Дыаыэф
Did nobody notice that the first reactive skin is unlocked at level 25?!!?
Revenant finishing loba at the end was cold 🥶
Mad Maggie has a Crisis suit no ?
The way Respawn full-on embraces movement techniques like tap-strafing and mantle jumping and uses them for the trailer really helps it stay consistent to the actual game
Some of the worst battlepass cosmetics I’ve ever seen, personally.
That Eva eight skin looks fire af
It said that the mad Maggie skin was tier 24 and the reactive skins were levels 25 and 110. What’s level 100?
What’s with the trailers getting cooler and cooler?
ANOTHER Seer skydive emote? Bruh what is that now, like 6??
Can y’all actually listen to your fan base for once
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:03 🤖 Character introduction: A remorseless, deadly killer seeking vengeance.
00:40 🛡️ Emphasis on brutality and enjoyment of killing.
01:15 💼 Viewing the world through the character’s eyes brings fear.
Made with HARPA AI
Los pase de apex son una basura, pero esta bien mientras este el nuevo Revenant
1:14 can someone explain to me
Is this the season we get more then 2 legendary legends skins?
Respawn: Tap strafing wasn’t even meant to be in the game, and we might take it out.
Respawn a couple seasons later:
Lady’s and gentlemen I’m not impressed 😒
Hey remember a skydive emote for Mirage (last one was from season 3) thank you!
How are respawn gonna put tap strafing in the trailer when only pc players can do it
So was up with arenas ?
Mid at best battle pass meh.
Is arenas returning ?
0:28 is this a mistake? level 25 for reactive eva8 skin???
0:12 This is the best moments in this trailer
Bro when are we getting a wraith sky dive emote??, its been forever since ive seen one
Is the purple+blue eva 8 really at level 25??? Not 100?
Better be good season trash apex
first reactive skin is at level 25 now? and second at 110. wonder what you get a tier 100 now then? 🤔
An actual good Maggie skin!
Seeing that casutic getting grenade bounce imagine doing same with rev in his ult. Thats gonna be cool with lil reprcusions
You’re one shot!
Your one shot!
Everybody is one shot!!!
Octane üst kata atladığında eva ile ikinci vurduğu karakterde neden kan çıkmadı 😱
The tap strafe was 🔥🔥🔥
Did that caustic just nade jump? O-o
That evo skin🤌
0:26 u mean level 100…
Okay. But what about console players?
So no one’s gonna mention the level 25 evolving Eva?
Is they on pc?
0:27 First reactive to unlock at lvl25??
Will there ever be hope for another Wattson/Wraith skydive emote, Respawn?
the tap strafe tho 🥶
Boooooooo no cross progression
But where is my PS5 version with 120FPS 😭😭😭
Mad Maggie’s skin looks super cool! reminds me a bit of Prophet’s nano suit from the Crysis games.
Please just let kings canyon, Olympus and World’s edge come back into rotation. I’m tired of the other garbage maps😭
Yall banned me for nothing so i cant play this seems fun but yk my account is gone with heirloom. TeenyWeener
0:32 who is “him”
Movement but now it’s on controller with aim assist on your pc
is the update up ?because if yes i think ill downlod this game
Apex battle pass
1:22 best thing in the game
Bring apex mobile back
That Maggie skin reminds of that Bangalore skin that came out recently
Was that a tap jump in a trailer 😮
Yet no good Crypto skin in the Battle Pass. Us Crypto main’s been waiting an eternity.
Is Cross-Progression confirmed for this season?
Trash game im getting the new mw3
I’ve been playing this game since it’s release and I’m now just starting to get down some movement. The learning curve of this game amazes me lol. I’m glad I’m now starting to get movement down 😅
nothing impressive
Can’t wait for tomorrow 😂🎉❤
Alright, I just got a PC, but all of my skins and stuff are on my playstation. Should I get the battle pass on my pc or playstation? Will they transfer and combine, or do I play it safe and have it on the playstation?
Respawn please add replay mod :O
First reactive skin at lvl 25?
As a console player i wanna tapstrafe
So valk and octane are epic skins? They’re so sick. I have very high expectations for this battlepass
Not sure about others but the epic skin of octane looks more like a legendary-ish skin. Cant wait to get my hands on that
The Caustic Nadejump was sick!!
No bloodhound skin? :((
What’s with Apex Legends and Dead By Daylight always dropping big updates on the same day? It’s gonna be, like, 4th time
The BP is sick tho, you can finally have at least one skydive emote on Bloodhound if you only buy BPs and started after the season 2
worlds edge broken moon olympus
Didnt valk just get a prestige skin?
Finally the BP got better. Now we just need the servers to improve.
Respawn didn’t know there was tap strafe before once they noticed that it exists now they are also using it.
Biggest takeaway is that Octane turnaround jump
Not enough Mirage 👎
Octane better stop stimming before the jump pad
This I going to be the worst season ever, and I’m ready to uninstall.
Awesome rewards this time – even the epic skins for Caustic, Valkyrie and Octane are looking great!
They seriously made Pathfinder look like V1 from Ultrakill
There’s no way all these cool skins are actually in the battle pass, right?
Wait. If the Reactive Skin is unlocked at level 25 what do we get for level 100?
Finally a skin for mad Maggie
Yawn 🥱
I don’t see the point of battle pass trailers
Did they do a grenade jump as caustic… or are they just giving every legend a double jump now 😂
what did caustic do at the end of the video? was it a double jump?
But where is peacekeeper 😢
so, 4 person squads confirmed?
I like how bangalore wasn’t in the trailer at all
Seriously what’s with game companies releasing their updates midweek instead of the weekend when most people have free time?
I dont like this battle pass 😅. How many times we get Eva 8 skins ?
Wait wait. So caustic’s ult does explosive damage now? 👀👀👀
Eso quiere decir que ya podré hacer tap strafe en consola?
A skydive emote atlast for blood hound. And looks like we getting one reactive early and the best for the last at 110
The amount of people exctied for this game amaze me i swear some of yall must have just the most optimistic outlooks on life me however i drop and keep count of how many times i die lol then again even in the pro legeue they like thirding
Bloodhound skydive emote in a BP?? Imposible. Since season 2 we havent got a free skydive emote for him
just got permanently banned for something that isnt that worse, than something, someone else did and only got a temporal ban
Yay right in my birthday the new season arrives 🎉
please remove tap strafing – pretty unfair youre advertising that movement with octane and controllers cant do that without mods
Is quads going to be available?
dude that reve voice actor is sooo good
I hate the fact respawn removed trails from ranked rewards dude that’s a big foul
Love how unrealistic the trailers are to the actual gameplay bc last I checked if someone picked up an L-star they would’ve dropped it
is “Heart of the Divine” eva 8 reactive actually at level 25 or is that a mistake 0:28 … the other one shows 110
Rest in peace our beloved narator 😞 (probably get killed by the newborn)
Did enyone notice at I think 28 seconds the Eva reactive says level 25
Please add moments.. we don’t care about winning !! We care about FUN !! Fun is on moments ❤❤
Devs really hate crypto 🙁
Devs the real Tryhards y’all seen that tap strafe they did with octane ?😭
Everyone keeps talking about how clean the movement looks in every trailer I just wanna know you behind the sticks/m&k and I still think they’re taking shots at CODs movement lol
i wanted them to add aome stuff for wraith they havent in a while so to me its not that interesting
ya ni se curran los pases otra temporada aburrida apex decallendo cada vez mas
Octane giving me some hunk vibes
Reactive skin at lvl 25??
A tap strafe in the trailer? Man they love spitting in our faces
MAN i love that Octane skin And banner and Bloodhound sky dive Emote
is this quake ?
This cool and all but why does the Rev skin make it look like he got that Terrifier/Art the clown hood on
ok, so we are back to shotguns, right?
Ok anyone else noticed there are more than 3 people running past rev in this trailer and on the other one showing rev there’s more than 3 people there who go through the the wall are we getting new game mode were there’s more than 3 in squad like maybe 30 Vs 30 ?
TBO, not really excited
First reactive skin at lvl 25?? 🤔
I’m still not a fan of new rev’s face, but this is lokking like a good season
The OG Tap Strafe making a return???
Técnicamente ese movimiento es un bug :v
Level 25 Eva reactive?
Still no bloodhound skin
4 player squads when??
Bro… some deep words there man.
someone pls explain how caustic just starting levitating
No way bro tap strafed
Revenant’s voice actor is certainly having fun all this spotlight
The update its tomorrow?
2/10 ??
Newcastle still get no love, can he get some skins.
That Valkyrie skin not too good 😢
That one moment when everyone is 1 shot. Truely an Apex Experience
I’m not buying anything
No one paying attention to the levels here? Maggie at 24 and the evolving Eva at 25? So what’s at 100?
finally they use tap strafing properly
Can’t wait for tomorrow going too be awesome won’t be getting the battle pass though because last time I got some apex coins I didn’t get them luckily I got a refund but I won’t be buying this battle pass
No olympus in ranked, huge L As always
They refuse to give Catalyst a new skin
Wait caustic used the grenade to jump? 😂😂😮
0:15 hmmmm 4🫨
will kings canyon come back?
Ending the trailer with Rev doing a finisher on Loba is disrespectful 💀
Hmmm wonder what we unlock at tier 100 since the reactive skins are at tiers 25 and 110.
I always thought mad Maggie would be a fan of Omar
Wait so is the first Eva 8 reactive at tier 25? Cause that is what I thought it said? Anyone care to clarify?
Good now that Tap strafing is in the trailer. How do we do it respawn???
Embraces movement but ignores an actual garbage fire of a rank system that has no integrity. Trash devs
Все-таки убил лобу
increase the revenant’s damage from the hand!!
Good One piece episode!
Amazing tap strafe!
Was that a tease for QUAD Games?
The Maggie voice line in reference to The Wire! RIP Omar!
Love the look of revs new abilities but think his new design is really generic and not as freaky looking 🙁
Where cross progression at?💀
You know movements good when you got trailer octanes doing 180s into your face
That’s smart to do the first reactive skin at 25. That way you can play the season with it. 👍
Good trailer but the battle pass lacks so much after 17 seasons it’s crazy
Кайф 😍💥
Imagine adding tap strafing into your trailer but not allowing console players to do it.
It’s the exact same reactive as the mastiff smh
the battle pass doesn’t make sense
Looking at nerfing aim assist but pc players can have these crazy tap strafes like 0:35 seconds. Playing on controller will be absolutely pointless.
pretty meh skins huh
2400hrs in Apex and I hope they just move onto Titanfall 3 at this point. I’ve tried playing it after I “retired” from the game early this year and it’s still just a mess. And here they are pushing more cash grabs. What happened Respawn? Wasn’t Respawn created to make passionate, high quality games and not cash grab for a corporate overlord? Many of Respawn came from Infinity Ward, Treyarch, old cod devs from 2007-2012 and they make stellar games from MW2 (2009) to Titanfall 2 and even Apex for a bit. It’s a shame how EA put their grimy hands all over these dev studios and games……again
I dont know why people keep hating. Its the best shooter out there
I like how bloodhound in this trailer with no new stuff either WTH EA/Respawn
Better aim assist included in battlepass ?
Revenant is cold🥶
Decent battlepass
bro the nemi skin is legendary?
excellent, weapon skin that nobody uses.
Sweet another valk skin in the bp
i really felt it when rev said no dream just a killing machine
You can tapstrafe in the trailer, but they still havent added an option to do it on console
Using gernade boost tech. 🥲good lord its titanfall
Mid mid mid
As a rev main you have no idea how satisfying it is to see rev execute loba
Sheeshhhh that 180 tap strafe, sheeshhhhhgg
Shut up and take my money!
Crypto out here getting no love flexing the default skin. Deserved
Are we officially down to one new character every two seasons then?
0:27 is that a glitch or is the evolvable eva skin unlocked at level 25 and not 100?
I love Rev’s dialog so much. Great voice acting
tbh battle pass looks pretty mid, i mean giving the reactive skin to an eva..? cmon now and a legendary L-star? Also terrible atleast give us skins for guns we actually use
what about cross progression ?!
gotta love how everyones always one shot in these trailers rofl
No wraith skin? Pass
This looks really good. I wish they had a different view like Fortnite.
Did see the mistake the tier 100 skin they wrote unlock at tier 25 I think
That’s looks good but why Horizon didn’t get a sky dive emote 😔😔 because Horizon only have two and different legends gets more sky dive emotes then Horizon why😐
what a trailer
Why is no one talking about how you get the Eva skin at level 25
Any new content right?… where are the map updates??? The new legends?? New weapons?? Apex is worse and worse. Cmn we are expecting more. 3 year playing this game and you gave us this?…. disapointing
4 player team ?
rev is hot
That 110 is sick!!! And bout Time the hound got another skydive emote
So what happens to the revenant skins you had
no valk buff
You guys all missed the detail that the eva-8 reactive get’s unlocked at lv 25???
Make the coolest reactive for the worst weapon.
is cross porgress coming :pray:
Where the dive trails y’all supposed to be selling. Don’t give af about the trash battle pass skins.
That one moment when everyone is 1 shot. Truely an Apex Experience
This battle pass actually has me more excited than the last one. Revents story progressing so much makes me happy as well. This is so cool.
Yo the reactive Eva is lit
is caustic getting a doubble jump? wth was that when he threw his ult
Bruh just tanked a grenade while using it as a jump boost
For when tap strafe in console? Isn’t that already part of the mobility of the game? That is unfair, considering that I already get games against PC people even if I play with console friends
finally bloodhound skydive in BP it was ages since last one in season 2
Pathfinder skin looks clean
Nerf Horizon nerf Seer buff MIRAGE PLEASE
شكلو السيزون هذا مولللعع🔥🔥
Why i should mess with settings while you can tap strafing, respawn?
レベル25でマッドマギーが持ってるEVAが手に入ってレベル100でオクタンが持ってるEVAが手に入るってことになるよね? 今まで通り100と110で良いような気がするが
Heart of the divine unlocked at level 25?!! that’s just great!
No new map or character and the Battle Pass didn’t get any better. Cash shop is the only content they care about and it hasn’t improved for mutliple seasons.
Revenant so badass bro 🥷🔥🔥
New ejeccution of crypto 🎊🎉🎊🎉
What will happen to the Suffering In Silence emote? Since that includes a Silence Bomb, Revenant’s to-be former tactical (as of tomorrow)
We get the best skins for the worst guns lately
We need more R9 skins dude
So legendaries and reactive skin unlocking earlier in the BP?
so if the first skin reactive of eva8 is on level 25 and the other one 110 what’s about level 100?
I wish console players could tap strafe.
That octane strafe was SICK!! 0:33
Really missing the mobile version 🥺🥺 please push the mobile version back for us.. the game was going to get a lot of love from the players and they announced to shut down the game.. 🥺 Man I really loved this game even more than PUBG.. ❤️❤️ but unfortunately the unwanted thing happened with the players 🥲🥺
“Go ahead, grab everything you can.
In the end, it’ll be buried with you.”
Grenade jump. Noice
Eva 8 reactive? L. Another filler season.
they did Tap-stafe finally
Bloodhound skydive emote it’s only been 16 seasons
the octane actually tapstrafed in the trailer dayum
they should kept eva 8 with disrupter round instead of PK. No one gona use eva if PK got buffed
0:50 殺し屋えぐ
Is no one mentioning how we’re getting the reactive skins at level 25?! That’s insane!
Man this has to be the best battle pass idea yet. Give us the first reactive skin at level 25 and the second at 110! I don’t even use the Eva-8 but I will now lol
eva8 cool!
Can Revenant narrate every trailer?
He incites chaos and violence. We need more of that in Apex.
so now movement exploits that “lack readability” (devs word) are now official?
I’ve been playing this game since it’s release and I’m now just starting to get down some movement. The learning curve of this game amazes me lol. I’m glad I’m now starting to get movement down 😅
Make strafing easier to do pls
If only Rev gets a passive that increase his melee damage, even from just behind.
Reactive EVA at level 25???
The closest we’ll get to a pathfinder FLCL lord canti skin
A reactive gun skin unlocked at lvl 25????
Everyone is one shot, they should make a third party trailer where everyone full sends it, octane runs in get one tapped by PK, lifeline gets triple beamed by a sweat pred squad in a gold lobby lol, these are the things that makes Apex….. Legend! 😂
When’s the official apex legends movement guide, we’ve had wallbounces, 180 tap strafes, super jumps, nade jumps in the recent trailers.
Respawn better be cooking up that guide.
And cue the same repetitive comments…
Such an amazing job! Really excited to start playing
Apex : Tapstrafing is unnatural and should be removed.
Also Apex : Adds tapsstrafe in a trailer.. 😅
nerf burst weapons nerf horizon remove wraith from the game and remove ban from leaving pub matches thanks
Yoo…octane is doing some illegal movement there and I can’t even do that on my little console 🙁 xD
I hope i get my coins this season
tap strafe now 100% legal XD
L Trailer, another let down of a season
Finally a good BP trailer. I really hope the rank system is different
When there is Cross Progression, let me know.
Eva – 8 is at level 25 then what is the level 100 reward ?
Nah cause why console can’t air strafe but y’all puttin it in the trailer🤦🏾♂️
They’re calling it resurrection because the games dead asf
Can mirage get some love respawn
Encore une saison pour les cheater sur console. Rongée bien vos cronus et xim les nullités… sans ça vous avez rien…
One of the EVA-8’s reactive skins is unlocked at level 25? That’s honestly insane
0:49 3 seconds later
I’ve been down!
I love those BP skins and that BH skydive emote❤ love to see it
we gonna ignore how the reactive skin is level 25?
Interesting to see that they’re switching between the rewards for different tiers, I think it’s gonna be interesting! Not sure about everything this season, but it’s a great time to play Maggie (I’m saying this as a Loba main). 🙃
So quick question, r they removing the old revenant n replacing it with the new 1, or r they keeping both of the versions of him, n if we already have him unlocked but he’s removed now do we get the new one for free or do we have to grind again n buy the new one, also why is revenant reborn a thing i mean its cool but what happened to the first revenant like was there an issue or something players didn’t like, like why is he gettin replaced?
Is that new sky emote for bloodhound?
Bruhhh the octain skin should be a legendary that is sick
Such an amazing job! Really excited to start playing
so glad they chose to make the original cute revenant pirate swabby skin and turned him into mew2kings receding hairline. really shows how much apex has grown over the years. also eww.
Lemme hear about that cross progression
Revenant amazing🤩
Caustic grenade jump was so sick
Apex players should the devs fix rank? NOOOO ok apex players should the devs do more to stop cheating?NOOOO then what should the devs do? More cheap gimmicks and more micro transactions
here we go again; another season means more overpriced cosmetics, reskins that are literally generic, and more problems 🙂
I’m just really happy to have the first reactive skin unlock at level 25
Hope we get Kings Canyon and Olympus maps
So is the octane skin not in the battle pass then cos I’ve seen it in like 3 trailers and I want
wait, reactive skin at lvl 25 what ?
Funny how a Tap Strafe is meanwhile in the trailer but its still a resticted movement tech only possible on MnK or with some configs for roller on Pc
The content in this update looks great but those balance changes, man do they look rough. This might be one of the most frustrating seasons to play yet.
and every one was using controller with scripts. a true apex experience.
Such a shame that I’m not gonna play until they fix their servers
Cool, rework the way we get reactive skins… Dope… But a lil unfair to show off tap strafing while only pc can do that
Okay so seeing movement in the trailer is great, but see tap strafes in the trailer while they’re basically impossible on most platforms makes no sense to me.
1:20 Ah yes the teaming issue on ranked on the next season, truly an Apex moment 🤣
fix the audio
Battle pass is as bad as ever les goo
Worst trailer because they put storm point in the gameplay. Bring back season 3 world’s edge. Season 1 – 7 (Legendary Seasons)
Lstar & Eva legendarys ?? Garb..
Finally a Mad Maggie legendary skin
loonking good respawn!!! <3
Anyone else notice that the heart of the divine skin for the Eva says unlocked at lvl 25
Eva and L star skins.. 😒
man i really thought pathfinder just punched bloodhound in the sky 0:56
Dayum reactive at level 25?! This is so good!
I love Rev’s dialog so much. Great voice acting
All that movement in the trailer!
Also, reactive eva on lvl 25 YOO
They got a movement player to help them make the trailer.
I dont like revenant reborn and new abilities 😢
devs out here tap strafing now💀
If they’re going to include movement tech in trailers are they going to allow console players to perform them?
At this rate of movement its not long till we see Respawn at ALGS 😂
Does this mean Olympus is coming back?
this season looks horrible
I live revenant, I die revenant, I love revenant, I laugh revenant
new voice mod sounds good
Loving those battle pass skins, can’t wait to get home and grind this season out xD
No way Revenant grabbed Loba’s tiddy like that💀 1:20
zzz con el afán de ofender
Bruh is one of the reactive skin unlockable at level 25 ?!?!? It is mentioned so
Did they change the audio ?
Guns sound different
So no one talking bout how this the first season to ever have the first reactive at level 25 instead of level 100???🤔🤔
These bp have been lacking the past couple of seasons. The one with Ash & Rev skin was ok.
This is better then all the battle basses of all time
reactive skin at level 25?
this is the first battle pass in a while that looks like it has more than a few good things in it
I thought we were getting a wattson town takeover
Ok that’s cool and all, but can we please get Fuse’s heirloom this season????
120 fps option for console please 🙏
eva reactive skin
at level 25 huh?
No changes to Lifeline again and support characters are not getting love by current devs as usual.
Guess another season to skip again thanks Respawn.
i really felt it when rev said no dream just a killing machine
What will be Tier 100 then?
Are we just gonna ignore that the base reactive skin is unlocked a Tier 25?
EVA 8 reactive skin looks siiickkkk
Finally a bloodhound skydive emote
Are they bringing 120fps to console or not ?
Где новая легенда? где новая карта? ладно, это все фигня! пофиксите игру, лагает в замесах только APEX и самое главное улучшите защиту, одна читерня играет, невозможно играть
Mad Maggie lookin like she stepped outta “Cyber Punk 2077”
Good to see tap-strafing on it!
Reactive skin is lvl 100-110 people. Maggi skin is lvl 25
120Hz when
Trash battle pass.
love how rev mains who already have his heriloom have to pay for an
other colour style
the eva skin almost looks like the mastiff level 110 reactive skin…
‘I’m always watching’ -Crypto
Finaly a pathy legendary
That octane strafe was SICK!! 0:33
The new mad Maggie skin and the Eva skin. Mad maggie skin looks nice. She got holster on her side the exo suit design. Best skin yet ngl
I refuse to believe there are actually still people who care about the battle pass in this game
Thumbs up if you want to see a Working anticheat this new season!!!!
no map changes….
One of the best battlepass trailers i’ve seen
0:32 that was insane tf
Fix the skill based matchmaking, so the game is actually playable say goodbye to the player base 😂
Lol 4 man teams? Is this a teaser of some sort?
One of the worst gameplay trailer
Is it me or did it say Eva skin Heart of the divine level 25 or was it a mistake? And the mad Maggie skin level 24 😅
Skins getting worse and worse
Weak Battlepass 🤷♂️
Ps5 120fps update?
I am glad they showed rev stabbing loba
one more battlepass without a legendary crypto skin
Are we going to talk about Forge merch in the apex shop that just appeared
Could this mean something hmmmmmm (I hope it does)
But of course amazing trailer and battlepass like always I love it
they just made a perfect Trailer only with gameplay
Bruh octane skin looks like crysis🔥
Why Valk skin?? She got a a legendary one in S16.
Does Bloodhound finally get another sky dive emote? I swear for being one of the original characters they have like some of the least smh
Wait, you unlock the reactive skin at level 25 ?
Octane skin so good
wheres cross progression
Black and gold Eva 😍
Do the guns sound more muffled in this trailer than they do in game?
“This is cannon”.
Yay battlepass can’t wait to spend more money
Did i read that right?! The reactive skin at lvl 25?!
Goodbye apex
Unlimited battle pass strat: SAVE YOUR DANG COINS
Apex legends >>>>>>> Destiny aka the Tencent of FOMO
Season 18 is about to be garbage just like season 17 rip 🪦 apex
very Good Battle Pass
No dream, just a killing machine ❤
This was disappointing to watch , weapons skins don’t even match the new revenant change , which would be cool . At least mad Maggie get a decent skin finally 😂 . Other than that it was trash
It’s funny how there’s no Revenant skin in Revenant season battle pass.
Maybe I should get back into apex.
rev looks like a baboon 🧍🏻♀️
ok.. and the free weapons??
That octane’s strafe was clean
Respawn: Showcases some of the most powerful uses of tap-strafing in an official trailer.
Also Respawn: It’S nOt AcCeSsIbLe EnOuGh (while they are the ones who made it unavailable on console xD)
Battle pass looking real nice 👍 thanks respawn
احلى باتل باس😮😮😮
That octane tap strafe… Woooow
Love it here 🎉
If they were smart this would be the Halloween theme but what do I know…
Caustic grenade jump was so sick
might actually buy this one
They’ve done robo skins a couple times now but have yet to top Season 4
What unlocks at level 100 then ?
Каустик смачно пернул
this was their worst trailer yet
Did i just see a team 4 ???
No love for Lifeline 😭
For those who’ve played Apex on an ultra wide monitor (21:9) can you tell me if the experience is good or bad ?? I’m considering of buying one
whats on lv100?
I haven’t been excited for a new season in so long. But I don’t know why this one got me hyped.
West Coast servers demon hrs 12am to 3am, cheaters are crazy. Fix that ish. Masters and predators are weak sauce with that aimbot bs. Your parents raised a ___tch. .
Maggie becomes a Malstrom
Eva reactive at lv 25? What?
lagy severs …………………………t game
Dude add it that u can play with keyboard and mouse on consoles plsss
Maggie skin WOWZERS
0:33 how?!
I can’t wait beta and new season is fire
This seasons battlepass looks weak af lol
Shout out to Omar from the greatest TV show ever The Wire. “Aye lesson here Bey, you come at the king, you best not miss”
Kuurwa doobre
Did it just say that the blue and purple Eva 8 skin will be on lvl 25
Its almost like Respawn is acknowledging movement tech now😂
Fire update
eva 8 why? we just did mastiff the season before this one let’s do the nemesis or something
EVA reactive skin at lvl 25?
1:11 Grenade Jump??
Quads? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Trash skins, yet again.
Where is Jack cooper? The only reason I would actually commit to playing would be his addition to the game.
Surprisingly every skin looked really good, have to admit it but this battle pass is a must have. Just hope the new Rev look/model is just a skin and not a permanent look/model for him
People talking about the movement more than the battlepass really shows how mid this battlepass is
What was that caustic jump at 1:12
Big tr4sh
Wait you can now unlock legendary reactive skin on level 25??
that octane movements, THAT CAUSTIC GRENADE!!1
Did anyone saw as well that you unlock the first reactive skin for the Eva 8 at LEVEL 25 !!!!!
The Caustic Grenade jump was wild
Can’t wait for Octane Gimp lore, sooo good!
Didn’t you already showed the trailer again but with little more detail
Love how the new EVA-9 reactive skin looks!!! +u+
0:32 devs haven’t learned about stimming before pad looks like
Reactive skin on lvl before 100??? That’s sick!
I love that everyone is 1 shot in apex trailers
Third time when I like lvl 100 skin more
00:58 epic Nemesis skin W
?? Reactive eva 8 unlocked at level 25?
Wait so we get the 1st Eva Reactive skin at level 25 but the 2nd one at level 110? Interesting
It says the reactive skin is on tier 25 instead of 100 lol
First reactive Eva 8 skin at level 25. What?
We get reactive skin at 25th level?
Just wow
I kinda thought there would be a Loba skin
Finally a Bloodhound skydive emote. Feels like an eternity.
Respawn really went from announcing they were going to remove tap strafing, to putting it in their trailers and I’m here for it.
Revenant looks a bit angry
Olympus lets goo! 😈
I’m a simple man I see movement tech I like.
Any improvements for matchmaking since it was supposed to of been changed this season. Well done on giving us randoms that die off drop and can’t even knock a single soul during almost every match. Having to carry both teammates consistently when solo queue is just ridiculous.
So the eva-8 reactive skin at lvl 25 & 110 its really weird because normally is 100 & 110.
And i expect that maggie skin lvl 50 but its 25 and pathy 50.
This is an actually good battle pass
POV the devs start learning movement
That octane skin goes hard🥶
All that movement in the trailer!
Also, reactive eva on lvl 25 YOO
no new legend, no map updates, aim assist still broken asf, garbage 20 tick servers, nice
Awfully neat reactive skins… can i get my xbox reactives on my pc yet?
Didn’t we just get a shotgun teir 100 can’t we get the sentinel plsss
Finally an animation for bloodhound in the pass 😭
What was that Caustic jump at 1:12 🤔🤔 Was that due to the nade?
One of the best battle passes ever! You sold me on the pathfinder skin
Mid battle pass like last season only car reactive skin was good
i wonder if the new revenant’s appearence will be a separate skin to buy within a bundle
Wattson never gets love it’s been how many seasons without her getting buffed but all of these legends that I would consider balanced or at a decent spot Respectfully respectfully steady getting re works or buffs . This rev re work makes him a complete new legend , imagine wattson being able to throw her fences down instead of wasting time and being vulnerable in a fight or running with her pylon or numerous buffs that she could potentially get but no, let’s buff rev even more, I hope they didn’t mess with his no audio even more now 😂
love that they’ve just fully embraced the shmovement techs now
Sad seeing tap strafing in a trailer. You should be removing it from the game rather than encouraging exploits.
REVENANT mains, Assemble!
now only the rank system has to be good in actuel play and we got us a good season
wait why did it says the reactive skin is lvl 25?
Anyone else notice the reactive skin is at level 25 not 100? Wonder what the level 100 skin will be
Loba at the end
Anyone else notice it showed the first Eva 8 reactive is unlocked at lvl 25
Eva 8 skin at level 25 only??
I haven’t landed in capital building since the update
The fact they changed up the Reactive skin reward level from 100 to 25 is kinda like bruh.. how or why?😊
Apex battlepasses are the worse ou there.
seems like it’s gonna be the same season with more skins
that tap strafe 👌
this trailer soundtrack is sick tbh
What is bp+?
Did they just add a Bloodhound skydive emote. It s the only legend where I never got one. Nice
EVA-8 Reactive Skin is unlocked at Level 25? Am i seeing things or wat
1:12 what was that caustic jump?
So we get one of the reactive skins at lvl 25 this season?
if fuse doesnt get the heirloom i will have to be put on suicide watch
wow they even added tap strafing to the trailers😂
Reactive at lvl 25 ????
so the eva is getting the same skins the mastiff did in s16. Nice lol.
Respawn really went from announcing they were going to remove tap strafing, to putting it in their trailers and I’m here for it
Poor Loba 😢
The octane skins is in the Battle pass ?
Gonna hop back on apex for a video🔥🔥
Octane got tye shmoovement
Забавно наблюдать за тем как люди хвалят то как были сняты трейлеры а не то что было показано в них
Rev the coldest character
How many cyberpunk skins do we need
god i love revs voice it makes my spine tingle
0:15 Focus on Revenant Teeth.. You’re welcome..
Boring game
Finally bloudhand skydive emote first time ever on batlle pass i waited for so long🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Looks super okay!
i am gona miss the old model sooooo much
Lets go!
Dang that Jump Pad tap-strafe goin crazy!
Let’s gooo
caustic just casually grenade-jumping lol
We making it out the grave with this one
I think the messed up the Eva 8 reactive skin claims you get it At tier 25 but it’s the tier 100 skin
No way the devs are getting better then Faide
Okay, this might be the best battle pass only because of the EVA-8 and some other stuff. I guess Respawn had a lot of pressure because of the bad season and reduced revenue haha
First time seeing a tap strafe in an official video release from the devs. Thats nice
want spend my money NOW!! cant wait
Pls bring back apex mobile
The Caustic Grenade jump was wild
It’s official, they encourage tap strafing.
Bro what, in the trailer it says that the first variant of the eva 8 unlocks att level 25 ? Am i missin something ?
😅 Pls bring back apex mobile
The movement usage is crazy 🔥🔥🔥
1:12 Caustic Grenade Jumped!!!
This is gonna be lit
Thank you Apex, very cool
I love it already ❤
I thought MM will be hairloom
Празднуем всей планетой
What ab revenants old skins tho
The octane skin😫
Did i read that right? Level 25 unlocks a Reactive EV8 skin?
I just love listening to revenant talk 😂
Us controller players at the tap strafe in the trailer 👁️ 👄 👁️
I’m getting worried, the devs are tapstrafing now
Might be a typo but it says the legendary reactive eva unlocks at level 25 not 100. Unless???
so at 0:27 it says we get the first reactive skin at lvl 25? either they are changing how battlepasses are done, or a typo has appeared, hopefully the former
I love how revenant said “they turned me into a killing machine” and killed all of out wallets
Hello I will watch
The movement is crazy
Just gotta put it our there, using Titanfalls gun sounds into every apex trailer is cringe.. change it ingame aswell then.
Level 25 Reactives???
tap strafe lol
Se les están acabando las ideas…..
That’s hot asf
cross progression ?????????
Wait what you mean that the first reactive skin is unlocked at lvl 25
First good battle pass in a while. Might actually buy it this time
The movement gets better every trailer
Season 4 V.2
When does it start
Whoever edited this needs a raise
“I wanna watch the life drain out of your eyes” 🥶🥶🥶🥶
Can’t wait to play!
Just a killing machine/killing things w/ a destroying king
That octane strafe was SICK!! 0:33
looks awesome
Donate again
Such a wonderful trailer.
the cinematical intensity really touches. super excited 🔥🎉
Possibly the best pathy skin in the whole game 🤤
Octane tap strafing is wild
Reactive skin at level 25 excuse me?
Pathy skin is fire
0:32 that Stormen? 😅
Now they did *tapstrafe* in trailer! I’m so excited!
Revenant looks soo sick I cannot wait to play him
Finally a new pathfinder skin long awaited
Looks 🔥🔥🔥
Start the timer for how fast they nerf disruptor pk
Looks awesome
I loved the part where Revenant said no no dreams but when I woke up I still saw 160$ prestige Skins
can’t wait for my game to crash after every 15 mins
Crazy tap strafe
this is probs gonna be a same old same old season
Tap strafe octane in trailer! You love to see it
Great video keep up the good work!☝️
This looks sick! Cant wait to play
Let Us Go!!!!!!
Hello there