Apex Legends: Resurrection Gameplay Trailer
Death is Reborn in Apex Legends: Resurrection. Revenant has been twisted into something even more sinister and his new reign of terror has begun. Experience his killer new look and deadly new abilities as he is unlocked for all players all season long. Complete challenges to unlock him permanently.
Drop into the Death Dynasty Collection Event and unlock all 24 limited-time themed cosmetics before the event ends to receive Revenant’s new Scythe Heirloom. In this event, you’ll earn double XP in Battle Royale August 8-15 and in Mixtape August 15-22.
Learn More: http://x.ea.com/apxl/resurrection
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Origin for PC: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. Includes in-game purchases.
Taqs:apex legends,apex,apex legends trailer,apex legends season 18,apex trailer,apex legends season 18 trailer,apex legends resurrection,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,apex season 18 trailer,apex resurrection,apex season 18,apex gameplay trailer,death dynasty collection event,death dynasty event,revenant apex legends,apex heirloom,Death Grip,Revenant Scythe,Revenant Heirloom,electronic arts,ea,battle royale,battle royale game,resurrection apex
コメント (4259)
The back of auto prowler 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Yo why did 5 people walk out of the wall? Is there gonna be a game mode with 5 teammates
Rev mains rejoice !!!
I’m more hyped about disruptor rounds and the selectfire prowler than anything
No one gonne excited about new charge rifle change?
Also alternator with disruptor? Oh boy
Season 18 is gonna be sick
Looks sick, cant wait to try him out
Should have Adam Smasher skin
I’m also curious what quips will be said with rev reborn and normal rev🤔🤔
ima have to main rev again
I like the flying and slide end
So, was old Revenant able to gain control of one of the bodies? Is he being controlled rn? So many questions
So Reborn is a new legend?
Wait was that selectfire prowler?!
Full auto prowler!!
Please back mobile version game 🥲
when for fade???
Things coming in Season 18:
1)Fully automatic proweler in care package
2)New charge rifle
3)Revenant Reborn
4)Mixtape modes in Broken Moon (Control & Gun Run)
5)Battlepass (Skins –> Pathfinder, Valkryie, Mad Maggie, Octane, Caustic) – (Level 100 Skin – Eva -8)
6)Collection Event (Dynasty) – Mosty recolours
7)2XP in BR (August 8 -15)
8)2XP in Mixtape (August 15 -22)
Is nobody gonna talk about the select fire clip for the prowler in the video?????
“Tell me, what does my future hold?”
Mad Maggie’s new skin looks a lot like a cyberpunk 2077’s character😂
Please give us a new bloodhound skinnnnn
No map changes?…
This game is for 12 year old crackheads
the only thing pulling me back to this game is to see the S17 not-earned masters back to plat and gold and ranked system getting balanced
Can’t wait for this
Getting mad ultron vibes rn
Welp that trailer was cringe
The best thing in that trailer is seeing that the Prowler is getting select fire back!
The rest was great too!
Once I’m back from vacation it’s gonna be time to grind 😈
Im actually happy revenant needed a refresh
2x on a prowler.. simply terrifying
is that a charge rifle rework too
Apex is such a good game but I’m Still not over this game killing TitanFall 3 😔
Dude has been my hard main since day 1. I can’t wait for this. 😭
Selective fire???🎉
Crypto next?
Yooooo the hardest Apex trailer to date!
All we need now is better servers
Wait the prowler was full auto in that clip?
Nothing for Wattson…. Wuhu…
So the rev kit got reworked with mew tact and ult moving forward?
Still think his ult should have been the shadow power from Halloween event. 30 second ult of double speed double jump and wall running. That’s an ULT lol
I busted to this
You guys really hate Fuse, no Heirloom yet and not even a new skin for this up coming season.
I’m not crazy hyped for the new season. But this trailer was a masterpiece. Awesome job!
So like are these the Halloween skins for this season?
Imagine not using bloodhound scan or ult
Song name use in the trailer Pandora – 2WEI.
Did I just see auto back on the prowler?
Prowler full auto!! 😮💨
I’d love to check it out but you idiots permanently banned me for typing “GG” on my day 1 account with 80k kills. thanks you trash company
Rev main here, loving this trailer! 🙌🔥 Respawn, you nailed it again!
Whys is noone talking about the prowler going full auto 1:35
love the horror feel! I will miss the totem but this looks cool
Did anyone see that the prowler was full auto again??
Wait, am i the only one who noticed the prowler go from semi to full auto at 1:34 ?
Full auto prowler is backkkkkk lets gooo
Heyyyy they made the charge rifle like Titanfall 2 that’s actually a lot better 🙂
Also Pathfinder’s “here I go killing again” is a Rick and Morty reference. Love it so much.
Select fire back!?!?!
They added Select fire back ‼️‼️‼️‼️
I’m praying the alternator disrupter rounds was jus for the trailer 😭
Ummm was that prowler FULLY AUTO?!? is the select fire backkkk!!????
Extrañando Apex Legends mobile
Is no one going to mention the Prowler getting clicked over into FULL AUTO. Select fire making a come back?!
What’s gonna happen with his skins? They’re just all gonna change? Ima miss the du rag fr.
Let’s goooooooo it’s about time rev got some love
Got a chubs goin anyone else?
Those clips must have been from the team or professional ranked players in Norms . Insane gameplay
Feels good being a rev main from day 1 but this is gonna be horrible in pubs with randoms since they’re all gonna be trying to use rev🤦♂️
Full auto prowler back or am I buggin
Automatic Prowler and new charge rifle weapon changes!
Revenant’s Q is octane’s ultimate.. bro this is wack!!( Buff Octane`)
Disrupter rounds??????
honestly they’ve out done themselves with the new skin like the pathy and octane one
I’ve been a rev main since he was first introduced. I’m so ecxited to play him reborn, tho I will definitely miss the totem, rip
One of the few actually cool characters in the game. Not a diversity hire, which is most of the roster. 👍
i wish comeback…
I played ranked to get a dive trail, now I don’t see the point in ranked now your removing it..
cool were is cross progression..
2WEI & Edda Hayes – Pandora
Yeah, yeah, fix the servers
On god revanant be sounding like he thanos 😂
The charge rifle is finally working like it did in titanfall!!
Absolutely amazing trailer, great music, great editing, great voice acting. Stunning!
If they put as much effort in the game as the trailers they would have a great game
cool! but still waitin for titanfall 3
Select fire Prowler back 😤🔥🔥🔥🔥
This is one of if not the best season trailer imo plus battepas have black octane skin i don’t need any more already happy
Seems like full auto Prowler is back on the menu boys!! Charge Rifle rework also seems great.
Also, this seems to suggest that rev reborn is “only this season”, but I think they meant something else with that.
As a revenant main, I enjoy the dash because it does fall together with the same way of action. Normally when you charge you’re going’s to be silencing, then crouch sliding in. Now we can jump in and rapidly side slide the target. When avoiding someone that’s pouncing us, we would tend to instantly silence them, now we can dash aside with this. Also when running away from fire in an open area, we would normally drop the silence bomb and then run straight through it (use the silence bomb as smoke). This all ties together very well. These changes are for revenant players. Love you Apex, revenant carried me all the way through all sorts of lows. I’m happy to see revenant given some proper care and attention.
ok rev going through the cat ult with his shadow form was chefs kiss
This might be the season that brings me back, Rev finally becoming meta and keeping the funny crawl, that makes me really happy, also new charge rifle Pog
Pandora — 2WEI. Before you ask.
In the trailer the prowler was automatic?!? Are they bringing something back from the start of apex
Is selectfire for the prowler back 😳😳😳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
This trailer is SO well done. Let’s goooo.
Much better than his Old cause his old Ultimate is like support type to team, then his old tactical is just a buff with magical something which is not Pair to character Personality assassin.
Now is totally better but i guess some player will complain again in its new passive.
I totally dont get it, they complain its Over power. then why not use that Legend if you think it is OP? same if the legend is useless to you then dont use it. easy as simple a lot of Legend to be pick.
Charge rifle like in Titanfall is good but can someone tell me why they’re adding even more wallhack abilities?
Deep down rev was all our favorites and now he is op again 🤌🏻🥹I’m so happy again
I miss full auto prowler so bad now they gonna bring it back!
Charge rifle update looks like titanfall
Is the alternator gonna have disruptive rounds again 🥺
Literally nobody being excited to see broken moon
Is the prowler going full auto again? That used to be my favourite weapon.
I’m going to really enjoy this
0 bangalore skin
Select fire is back on prowler!!!! Alright Gigiddy Gigiddy!
This trailer did a great job reminding me that Revenant is still the most badass legend in Apex
This trailer vs Gears 1 Mad World trailer.
Prowler full auto! So either select fire hop up is coming back, it will be built into the gun now, or the Prowler will be a care package weapon again. Last one seems unlikely though because we also saw the alternator with disruptors and I doubt they would make disruptor rounds a hop-up again. Charge rifle rework too. Even though we’re probably not getting much map change or game mode wise this season. The changes to the guns should atcleast change things up a bit. Battlepass is looking like a big step up this season as well Pathy skin looks incredible and the epic Octane was so good that before I got a better look at it I thought it was a legendary.
That short of rev walking through the catalyst ult was fantastic
They did revenant justice with this showcase
Where’s the matchmaking update you promised? The game is still in the worst state ever in terms of matchmaking, can’t play any gamemode without facing enemies way stronger then me and I swear my teammates are always extremely less skilled then me. This problem need urgent fix or a lots of peaple will quit soon. 18 seasons and still the same method then it’s clear that it’s not working
This Trailer Give Me Assimilation Gameplay Trailer Vibe Because How Chill And Badass Revenant In Here
Bro now I’m not gonna be able to play rev cause everyone is going to use him and their gonna be trash with him
wait. automatic prowler in the beginning.
F Revenant. Is that an auto-prowler there 😮😮.
im gonna miss the silence tbh…it was so good against almost instant cast abilities, espically wraith tac
This is definitely THEE best gameplay trailer in a while👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Idk how i feel about the jumping, because as a revenant main, i have like 50 silence knockdowns, i feel they could have just buffed the damage, like make it do 25, and that would have been just fine. Idk ill have to see how it works. Also, is rev getting an heirloom recolor or prestige skin? Bc thats what it looks like.
Justice to Mirage he also needs a rework
This looks dumb revenant redone why not make a new character and not fix one who wasn’t broken and base the whole season around this one change that’s like a hot fix not a season update you guys gotta be on vacation 90 percent of the year at respawn
Charge rifle rework?
Wow! A legend rework and…and…and nothing else! No cross progression? Am I missing something you guys should be bragging about more than chance to spend money.
Dude loving the more accurate Rev and also this new charge rifle kinda has me hyped because I loved the Titanfall 2 Charge Rifle
Wow, now maybe rev won’t be literally the least picked legend in the game
Revenant will be fkn op, rember my words)) ll be nerfed on 1st patch 100%
Hunter of the Left 4 Dead 2 – FOREVER))))))))))
They killed this season honestly cant wait to play it
They brought back full auto prowler
full auto prowler yeaaahh
Full auto prowler back massive W
Mask up a bold face scam of a so called recolor heirloom with the characters new abilities ahh great job respawn
Hopefully cross progression is coming out in this season. I wanna be able to play Apex on my Pc and get back into it
che figata,anche se non ci gioco
Any body else notice full auto prowler
I Loved that part when community stopped talking about “I loved that part when he said its (Thing) time then started (thinging) everywhere” and actually talked about how epic this trailer is instead, which happens only on Revenant trailers, -because he’s the only interesting character.
Imagine we had a heirloom skin for rev instead for the collection event
mobile version 😔💔
best apex trailer, by dar
Management that is only interested in money, which does not think about users, should perish faster than anything else in this world.
Trash “recolor heirloom “ it doesnt even glow different like wraiths thats bold face scam like they did the pk collection event skin haha sad.
Finally the charge rifle is back to tf2 standards
Selectfire prowler is back 😊
I need cross progression to come out, I’m excited for this season
I’m real happy bc it looks like selectfire is back🥰
haven’t had a session this good looking since 13
Again no path in collection event sadge 😢
they made revenant look genuinely rad and terrifying IM ALL HERE FOR IT
i love when they implement movement tech on trailers that wall jump was cool
Theyre coming for our wallets
Did I see the full auto Prowler??????
No cross progression?
Respawn really do be making the best trailers
Se ve tan aburrida y sin nada como siempre gracias Apex por fin dejaré de jugar este juego
Awesome! So hyped
Want to play again. Sadly, the ps4 already been sold. Pandemic make me broke. 🤭
Looks good, but this past season was such a horrible. Idk if you can bounce back, hope you do.
Great trailer! Hope the season will be even better 🙂
Wait…. Rev can see through Catalyst wall with his passive but Maggie cant after the recent changes?! How does that make sense?
I dont see people commenting this before, so here is for those curious the Song : 2WEI & Edda Hayes – Pandora
Love the trailer and am curious to see new Rev in game. I dont like the look of his new head design, but im curious how the rework feels. Minus the head, but thats why we have skins right?
Love the trailers, all trailers this season were top quality! Amazing storytellig, music, cuts, atmosphere. Really props to whoever did that
Is that a full auto prowler :0
the average player now experiences a Freddy fazbear jumpscare when revenant jumps at them
Prowler select fire is back
Where was the wall running we were promised from rev
Unpopular opinion, im gonna miss the totem. I love blocking doors with it to get away and then popping out a 2nd door in totem form and absolutely destroying kids
Am I the only one that seen the full auto prowler👀
Full auto Prowler is back?????!!!!!!
Apex Legends is now a horror game with this Rev update
release cross progression
I just tired of the map rotation make it weekly and not seasonal the game is getting stale
Bronze level Bloodhound not scanning or tracking lol.
Would’ve been nice after 4 years to have a different finisher 😂 but this is a start
all i want to do is play my xbox account on pc
I’m gonna bust💀💀💀
Full Auto Prowler is back!?!?
this is best apex trailer i have seen till now
I think making revenant available for all players next season is kind of gonna be annoying
titanfall style charge rifle?????
This made me wet!
best cinematic you guys made so far. this is what we want. keep THIS up!
wall hacks, increased mobility and a ult where you cant die. Got it 👍
Disructor rounds is coming back babyyyy
Yo what rev doing on the ceiling is this actually possible? 0:08 He in the top right corner.
South Park ruined that word for me.😅
Revenant is my favorite character. I feel great.
Lord have Mercy disruptive round Come back again….. (Listen the sound of the alternative shooting)
No nerf to the Nemesis?!?! Games absolute trash.
Excelente trailer
This trailer was one of the best I’ve seen in a long time
Filler season pros are gonna rip them a new one
Is select fire back for prowler?
Finally our angy boi gets reworked.
Bloodhound entering a building and not pressing Q and no one communicating rev’s position. Truly an apex experience
Cool trailer though!
That looked insane!
Revenant 2.0 nueva Leyenda?
Select fire is back Bois!
Hol up…full auto prowler is back?
is that a full auto prowler i saw there?!??!
Lol imagine making a trailer out of a rework, another low effort season. Skip
Is that you Forge?
Is it just me or was that a select fire prowler
Dame that wace a game trailler
No way? 2XP in BR and Mixtape? Only 9998 more xp to go 😂
The prowler is back to full auto❤
This is fire
Looks like select fire is coming back to the prowler and havoc🥹
All good but do we still need to sit on trees to become a predator ? 😀
I guess no one heard the select fire hop up for Prowler?
my full auto prowler is back, squad wipes made easy.
this is some cringe
Apex is coming back.
Is the select fire back or is the prowler in the care package
Did anyone else notice the disrupter rounds for the alternator?😮
Literally zero comments about Titanfall charge rifle
Disruptors are coming back, Peacekeeper presumably and alternator.
Care package prowler and Reworked “frontier war” Charge rifle
Did anyone else get the chills 😂😅
Why is no one happy that the prowler is back to being full auto.
The changes to the charge rifle is actually good. It’s like from Titanfall, you need to warm it up before firing.
Did you do anything to stop all the cheaters yet?
First of all the trailer was amazing but aint no way that respawn bring the music Pandora from 2wei AINT NO WAY ITS JUST AINT NO WAY
was that select fire on the prowler? 🙏🏾😫😫😫
It’s giving horror movie tralier
As a Loba main, this season is gonna be fun. Because mostly its about Revenant and Loba (but mostly revenant) and their lore. Their storylines and game-in lines are the most funniest too. This is exciting!!
Did he just use prowler at full auto? 1:34
Song name?
apex have the best trailers of all time
벽점은 이제 공식적 기술 됐나보네
그러면 튜토리얼에서 좀 알려줘야 되지 않나;
Is nobody gonna talk about Rev using The prowler full auto??
Been off for 5 months, the time has come… for my return😈
Is a character revamp a new season 😂
As a Loba main, this season is gonna be fun. Because mostly its about Revenant and Loba (but mostly revenant) and their lore. Their storylines and game-in lines are the most funniest too. This is exciting!!
I like how bloodhound walked into a building without scanning, truly an Apex experience.
Rev trailers are sooo sick 👺
Every video or trailer about revenant are true masterpieces. Crazy good stuff and finally he suits his persona more
I got chills from this trailer. Great editing by the team! Revenant Reborn looks terrifying just like his concept design.
Full on made revenant a full on badass
He kind of remind me of the hunter zombie from l4d.
Something tells me he’s going to want to make Duardo regret this.
Wait, what happened to all the cross-progression news? Thats no longer coming?
I call BS. Giving a rework to a current available legend and passing it off as a new legend is bull. Could have really fixed the matchmaking, hit reg, audio, servers instead of this😎 .. do better Apex
Oh no, they ruined the prowler…
Rip to all Rev mains the first weeks (including me) getting their mains picked
Rev can see through Cat wall? Seer all over again. ALGS going to be Rev v Cat end zones
Reactive Mastiff: You can copy my hw but don’t make it obvious
Leave mirage alone😭🤣
Im so exited🙏🙏🙏😁😁😁
As a rev main, imma have fun with his new kit. His old kit was great. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as consistent. But this fits him as a selfish legend.
Please be a good season
Please be a good season
Please be a good season
Did I just see the automatic prowler plz don’t play with me like this I bn asking for this for ever
Noone talking about them bringing back the full auto prowler 👀
Finally apex returns to interesting lore, it’s abit late but better late then never
im really hoping we get a new finisher for rev that be the ice on this cake of a season
This is what I thought revenant was gonna be on release. REV MAINS EATING GOOD TONIGHT 🎉
Blud done quoted ultron
The editing was crazy
This looks like a movie trailer. Well done Respawn!
bro the devs are even better than me
everything is perfect.
This was a masterpiece
Selective fire for prowler is back?
Full auto PROWLER🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I loved the part where rev said “it’s totem time” and sent our wallets to the shadow realm
Fk yh he still has his climb and crouch speed 😭
rev got tired of being a low picked legend and gave himself a buff
I see this and I’m still waiting for Titanfall 3
Thank u apex for bringing back prowler on full auto I love this game sm
So they using that mobile money for good I see
Looks like the prowlers gonna be an automatic
Incoming octane jump pad distance buff. I’d assume they’re just gonna bring back the old one? Noice
Ohhh look more recolors…….
I mean, redoing Rev is cool and all, but you should’ve gave a brand new finisher too
I LOVE REVENANT. Finally my boy gets love 😭
They are not adding much at all this season
Rare apex W
Apex trailers delivering once again 🔥
My favorite Edgelord getting some major love is great to see! Looking forward to this season!
Select fire prowler is back?
Ah is that the prowler full auto or is I’m trippin?
here I go killing again 😅
I was a revenant main when he first dropped and I’ve been playing him for years but the way they changed him is just bad in my opinion like every legend isn’t supposed to play the same but he’s now a mix of octane and seer but worse and the ult may play well but it’ll never be the same how it was he’s a great solo and team legend but now they just forced him into a new wraith maybe I’m just a hater but I’m done playing not that I’ve played in months anyways
Hopefully we get olympus thats where it get wicked fr
I’m just trying to figure out why bloodhound didn’t scan
more excited about the select fire hop up.
this slooks good. pls improve ranked
finally the Prowler with select-fire is back
On todays episode of Everyone is One Shot……
Do I see select fire prowler 😮
Common Bangalore L
So his tactical is just a better Vantage jump. So indirect nerf to Vantage
also reworked charge rifle??
Finally he’s a badass like he use to be
First you need to show it’s cross progression
I haven’t liked apex in so long but this trailer low key got me hyped and I might have to come back
I hope you can actually walk through catalyst’s wall with no effects with shadow rev
Still have not fixed Controller Aim bot so having a hard time playing this snowflake game.
I think one of the most epic season trailers was Season 8s Mayhem trailer for Fuze, but Rev is just an all around amazing story, character, and every video is so well played.
No way they alterntor attachment back????
Select fire prowler back???
Will the collection event skin be able to be obtained after the event bc they are really nice but can’t get any rn so and I would really like them bc they are really nice skins
The Octane in the trailer stimmed before hitting the jump pad. Even the devs make that mistake
Thank god. Rev was always my favorite looking character, and my favorite lore, but my least favorite to actually play. Glad to know i can potentially add another main to the mix
i may have to return cause of this rev my main finnaly changed
Is that automatic prowler i see?
the music.. the sound design.. omfg so good
Oh man I’m so hyped for Rev now. He will be awesome to play. His totem was holding him back. Lore with Rev is the best. Let’s gooooooo.
how come rev couldnt see crypto through the smoke before pouncing and downing him with a melee attack. Shouldnt he have been less than 30 health if he could be taken down by a single melee strike?
still to this day i will never regret buying the rev heirloom.
To be honest I’m going to miss old revanets silence ability.
Its great to stop sweaty wraiths from phasing or octanes from stiming so you can catch them.
Plus it’s nice to throw it in front of a door so you know if a team pushes that way
Where’s Titanfall 3, is it still coming in the future?
Pathfinder channeling his inner Krombopulos Michael at 2:17.
Full Auto Prowler LETS GOOOOO
insane cinematography in this trailer, well done respawn
Pretty sick ngl. His passive is basically Maggie’s and his tactical is vantages but those mixed with that ult is dope
That’s cool. Can they fixed the ranked games now?
So basically, Season 18 is gonna be a Legend abilities rework, an update on Broken Moon and its arrival into mixtapes and a recolors collection event…
How not to be excited for the next 3 months! 😓
let us keep the old revenant skin please
Apex at it again running out of ideas
As a revenant main I approve. The only thing ima miss tho is scienceing people.
Ight let me geek out for a second months ago I quit apex cause of nothing to grind for and other reasons. After seeing this trailer seeing my favorite legend getting reworked, this trailer using one of my favorite songs and the prowler getting select fire this is almost a love letter to get me back on playing apex.
Whoever made broken moon should be fired 😊
Bro always steals the spotlight in the Apex community but me and my fellow 25 revenant mains aren’t complaining!!! (But what hurts is that it’s gonna be rougher for me to use my main now)
great trailer
Cross save ?
they finnaly did a wallbounce in a trailer idk who was playing that but good job
The animation was 3/10 compared to the last video lol
One of the best Apex trailer 🔥
120 fps en consola please
GASSSSSSS!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
No heriloom finishers
Rare W response move?
Just know if I see a rev glowing red(his ult) and blue(ballistics ult) I’m blasting off immediately. Let the lord be with you.
WAIT WAIT WAIT…. Does this mean the prowler is automatic again!? 😮 😅
*I don’t play apex anymore but these trailers genuinely make the game look fun*
1:38 old prowlers back and alternator 2
*The end was simply epic, the voice acting, the editing, the music, all perfect! Brought a single tear to my eye*
Select fire is back baby💯💯
*I feel bad for the revenant mains who won’t be able to play him for at least a week after the update*
*This trailer was AWESOME. The horror theme fit great, and glad to see ol Rev get some limelight again.*
Invest more into trailers and battle passes than making cross-progression enabled, literally wouldn’t take but a week to enable inventory states.
서버부터 어케해줘… 예전보단 나은것 같긴한디 후.. 200핑 될 때 슬퍼 그렇다고 유료 vpn 쓰면 자꾸 팅기고
so it’s like a big rework of rev basically?
Can we just start to talk about the Prowler having Selectfire and Alternator having the broken hop-up?
Oh god finally select fire prowler. My favorite gun ever.
Okay so promenade back hallways just got alot more creepy lol
Dude this song is pure fire anyone know the name?
It looks cool good job devs ! There’s still no cross progression 🫠
is it a revenant heirloom recolor because that pullout he did is new
Lets talk about that Prowler in auto mode ….
Full auto prowler 👀
I can’t be the only one who got BO3 vibes from the boot up screen
I want him carnally.
Anyone else notice the Prowler going full auto for a second?
We only care about ranked what ranked changes are there
the prowler can go full auto?!
This was hard.
I’m pumped beyond belief, favorite character revamp going to be awesome.
auto prowler coming back?? 🤔🤔
Select fire for prowler is back!
Cross Progression When?
Olalalala c’est un truc du ouf ! Faite un film sur revenant ! C’est un perso au lore de malade !
What does it mean new heirloom I don’t see anything different between this one and his old one?
Bro stop making upload on the game and invest in hardware please, we need better servers in south america, no everybody speaks portuguese, how long until you realize this? please, this game is meant to play with low ping, not the 60-100 ms usual, for god sake
So we not finna talk about the fully auto prowler?
Why blood hunt didn’t scan room after enter?!
This must be bronze ranked game
You need to do some big change like this for crypto🔥crypto supposed to be a badass legend his character don’t do his trailer justice 🤦🏻
Absolutely loved this!
Not to be that guy but they fr showed tap strafing when only mnk is able to do so ☹️
The music was like the chefs kiss. Literally gave me chills
This is gonna be an exciting Halloween Season. Can’t wait to play as my boi all revamped
spend some more money on your trailer
Anyone know the song that was playing during the live countdown and also the song that’s playing in the actual trailer
1:41 & 2:53 😝😍
120hz for console?
His rework is nice and all, but THE FULL AUTO PROWLER IS COMING BACK 😩🔥 not to mention disruptor rounds 🥹🥹🥹 just give path his original grapple cooldown and we’re SET 🫡🫡🫡
full auto prowler is back!!!!!!!
Full auto prowler!! Amazing 🤩
Forget a revamped rev when yall going to add 120fps support for console players ?
at 1:34 he switches his prowler to auto so that means selectfire is coming back!
The most broken legend on release by far 🔥🔥
Orgulloso de ser main
This was the best trailer they’ve ever ever ever had
The Prowler is automatic again? AWESOME!!!!!
Im so glad my main is getting some love!
Revenant for dead by daylight lol
Bro Select fire, i never thought id see it again.
1:40 That gave me the shills man…
It’s the same old Revanent but different abilities
when does it drop
See the full auto prowler and disrupter rounds on the alternator just reminds me of the og days
As a rev main from season 9, i think im going to love this rework. Though i will miss the silencer. It is such a niche ability in apex and i always had fun with it. Goodbye, my friend, see you on the other side 🫡
His tactical should be to stick to a wall and take his gun out.
And his ultimate should be the Shadow Royale shadows for your entire team.
Wall running, no guns etc.
Change how the shadow totem is used entirely. Make it not breakable. Because without guns it wouldn’t be OP that way.
You just have the wall running movement etc.
Able to evade and escape using the time out on the totem.
It would be so much fun!
Ain’t no one talking bout how automatic mode is back on the prowler now😭😭
i’m just glad they didn’t remove his og fastcrawl and climbing perk. love that passive to death when I’m running Rev since it makes for some sneaky flanks in ranked.
Mmmmmm the scent of disruptedr rounds is hitting me! Although EVA8 reactive really??? Didn’t we JUST have that like 3 seasons ago?
That’s it 💀
I wish his ultimate was more ‘Revenant’ but his passive and active is cool.
Bro. The automatic prowler!!!!!!
Disrupter on the alt brought a smile to my face, very excited for next season! Look forward to giving Rev another shot
Left 4 dead 2 making rev the hunter
Wouldn’t be surprised if they added Revenant into Dead By Daylight, with that trailer he’d fit right in.
Have disrupter rounds been back in the game?
save pc player
Hammer point is back 😮
Let’s gooo
rev bout to get nerfed a week after the rework
Will classic rev still be playable?
1:55 公式映像で壁ジャンプって前からしてたっけ??
Bro from my opinion apex did good with this season’s reveal it’s like you get that spooky Halloween season feel because Halloween is coming up and it’ll be good to have a fight or fright event for this fall so idk but it’s still fantastic👌🏽💯
Once again no wattson skin, and even if there was a wattson skin they would’ve made it look trash like in the battle pass rn
As a revenant main…I’m so excited for this…can’t wait ❤❤
I’ve been maining rev for so long and have said he desperately need a rework forever this is so much better
I like it how he killed Crypto in the last one, and now they brought it back into this one
This is what I was missing from Apex. An interesting story, the villains, the cinematics. This gave me literal chills, I’m so excited!! ;D
as a rev main I can say they did a good job here I just hope I still do the rare totem animation
Respawn, you’re doing all brilliant things but please.. we want King’s Canyon, World’s Edge & Olympus.
Broken Moon & Storm point are really really bad.
Cómo siempre, Revenant siendo el mejor personaje del juego
“Death Dynasty” why not just called it “A Bunch of DEAD Re-Colors”
So a rework, and that’s it for the whole season???? I’m so disappointed
Trailer was more than amazing! 🎉
Did Christopher Nolan direct this trailer?!
Anyone else think that alternator sounded a lil funny 🤔😅
I’m already feeling this year’s fight or fright event it’s going to be epic🔥🔥🔥
Sooo. We just gonna ignore the prowler with full auto and the alternator with disruptor rounds? Im hyped
Where is the transfer account ?
Anyone notice the automatic prowler
The last bit should of had the crypto disappear half way through the finisher for added authenticity
DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THE SEASON 4 battle pass wraith recolor 😭😭NOOOO I HAD IT OG
Ima make fuse get his getback
This feels like a Halloween event trailer but it’s literally just Revenant being terrifying as always 😂
I don’t understand, I mean, is he a new revenant? Or is it a new legend, that is, does the old revenant with the abilities of the totem continue or no longer?
I’m happy with rev. I got so scared and to top it off my wishes have been granted and they finally made the prowler a full auto again!!!!!
Rev is valid
Give the editor a raise right now
2WEI & Edda Hayes – Pandora
All smoke and mirrors but in reality we get nothing new this season. A reworked legend and weapon, and mixtape mode comes to broken moon. What a joke 😂😂
Love the movement they use in the trailer only took them a couple of years
This got me sooo hyped
Bring arenas back 🙏🙏
This might be the best season yet
“Here I go killing again”
Is that a rick and morty reference
aside from Rev Reborn… Did I just see Prowler’s full auto mode return? And Alternator with Disruptor Rounds???
Nothing crazy. Gonna be another fun season for the 1st week then bored
are they bringing select fire back????
Please bring back arenas
может с новым патчем изиантичит перестанет ругаться и я смогу поиграть в апекс🥲🤔
Had to watch this trailer twice 😂
I like the part where Bangalore gets no audio on a full team right behind her. So realistic!
We not gonna talk about how prowler was full auto? Or am I just trippin? Don’t tell me select fire is back 😈😈
Did anyone else notice when the prowler switch to full auto!?
Beautiful trailer, got me so hype for season 18🦾💯
Reworked charge rifle? This season is gonna be good
The krombopulous Michael quote by path lol
Dude, he’s about to break the game, they gave him movement and damage resistance, our boy Rev is about to become a true monster 💯
Rev Walking Through The Ferro Wall Has No Reason To Go So Hard
Select fire and disruptors are back!?!?
so are we just ignoring that selectfire is back on the prowler?
Full auto prowler at 1:35??!!
holy mother of god this is insane af
Was that the full auto prowler 👀👀
Song goes hard. Anyone know the name?
Prowler full auto is back ?
Clean asf. I like it 😮💨
This was bananas good googley ❤🔥
We all know Revenant is a badass but I’m curious to see what they did for his other skins and how/if they changed it to match this rework
Quiero que salga Fade y Raphsody como en Apex mobile tráiganse esas 2 leyendas en las próximas seasons
Now this is how my goat should’ve been treated from the start😤
Dope trailer
That octane skin🥵🥵🥵
Wait the he’s using the full auto prowler….. ARE WE GETTING IT BACK?!!??!!?!!
And him saying you’re not in control while finishing crypto was just personal
Why is everything revenant relayed theyre absolute best work🙌🏼 bravo apex
I deleted apex but I might have to hop back on rev looking sick with the new abilities
The team who edit this should be proud man.
a master piece of a video
Bro did that pathfinder just say a Rick and morty reference
Full auto prowler?!?!!!
Nice video, but nothing for boodhound again.
Hope he gets an mcu ultron skin🔥
So Rev goes from being broken bad to broken OP…
Disraptor Rounds and Selectfire Receiver yooooo
This doesn’t do it for me
Boutta become a new rev main tbh
rev is going to be the best character in the game hands down
Am I the only one that noticed the prowler went to full auto there, pleeeease tell me the select fire is coming back 🤞🏻
Fully automatic prowler and disruptor rounds are back!?
Respawn has had its ups downs and have lost a couple notable figures/team in the company. Im glad yall are grateful and not complaining.
The trailer is fire and the Revenant rework is fantastic!! But why is no one talking about the prowler select fire?!?!
did no one else notice the prowler is going full auto @ 1:35????!!
I remember I bought his heirloom on accident, guess it wasn’t a waste after all
I’ve played rev since he came out. I got 1700 kills and his heirloom and I’m so excited for this change. Revenant has been a lower tier legend for a while now and I feel like this rework will make him high up in the ranking. Everyone else picking him will be a little annoying tho.
This trailer is so accurate! There is no foot step audio.
2:04People who buy the pass will hardly use rare skins, please do a better job with rare skins or don’t put them in the battle pass
So Awesome 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Rorschach imaging was sick to depict revenants shattered psyche
There goes my boy crypto dead again
I became a Rev main not too long ago. I’m happy for this
Love thisss
Prowler fill auto again? I’m coming back
The prowler is getting its select fire back❤❤
Rev doesn’t miss in trailers
This is the best battlepass in awhile
3v3 arena??????
What about cross progression tho
Wait so they completely reworked revenant? I liked the way he was before….
The first apex trailer I’ve seen when the comments aren’t just trolls saying “a true apex experience”.. That aside, THE NEW CHARGE RIFLE!! FULL AUTO PROWLER???
Another day thanking God for what they did to Revenant, props for the dev team.
Doesn’t this leave catalyst useless
Nerf horizon
Bah. More recycled content and mechanics. How many of those “new” collection even skins are recolors? When will we get the bow back on the floor?
bringing back select fire????
Everyone talking about rev, I’m more excited for the prowler with select fire coming back.
Distributor rounds??!?
Now you guys can’t complain anymore
Okay but this trailer was absolutely sick tho
0:21:Do you know
Yo they gave Rev the left 4 dead jump
Goosebumps all over.🥶🥶
Revenant always cooks in the trailers.
Rev is like the only chracters who can get me hype for this game’s lore. I think the devs feel the same.
I wish there was a way to play old Revenant and Reborn too because I’m basically maining a whole new character now. Wish they would’ve asked more input from revenant mains
So… a revenant rework… avaliable only for this season… and no new characters… no map changes… just a rework that won’t even stay in the game? What?
why do we need more scanning
So no more death rotten WHAT
Everyone’s talking about the prowler but nobody’s talking about the alternator finally it gets its hop up back
Alternator disruptor rounds are back!!!??
I’ve been playing Revenant for so long. I’ve been playing since season 1 and been mostly played Pathfinder then when he came out I thought the trailer and stuff was cool and I played him he was alright but I played Pathfinder more then they buffed him more so I played him a lot in season 5 & 6. And even though he was ranked low because people don’t like his playstyle I always liked the preplanning especially since I had and octane teammates and we would always do that push even before the whole “Revtane” was a thing. This rework seems to please the other people who don’t like him but I kinda wish they got more input from people who actually play him. Definitely still dope and can’t wait to play it tho, but kinda wish there was an option to play the old revenant and reborn too
Wait this revenant is taking the original rev place or it’s the same rev but in his own space like a different legend.
How is nobody talking about the full auto prowler? If it’s true this season gunna be 🔥
revenant and his lore carrying this game soo hard
OG titan fall 2 charge rifle
Y’all talking about rev’s new abilities I’m excited for what looks like select fire and possibly disruptor rounds coming back 🤧 truly reminding me of season 2
First character in a while that didn’t make me roll my eyes.
Ah yes
Another scan ability that goes through the ultimate that’s suppsed to block scan abilities
Game design
this gave me chills, perfect editing and what a perfect matching song, what is the name of it?
has the charge rifle been changed? or the way that revenant can use it been changed?
So is this a story mode like in season 5?
Ngl rev main ??
Now they did rev correctly now I’m scared of him 😂😂😂😂
Disrupter rounds and SELECT FIRE!?
Personally I prefer his old design
yoooo auto prowler is back in game babyyyy !
where cross progression at tho😂
For sure the best Apex trailer in my opinion
No 120 fps in console yet? Weak.
Why does mirage never get any decent skins?
silence will b missed
Resurrection is gonna be awesome ❤️
Apex was at its peak when the revenant reveal video came out
funny, the scariest thing in the trailer was alternator + disruptor rounds
Its called resurrection because this trash game died cod better
1:34 selectfire prowler?????
Love how bloodhound could’ve scanned but instead let his teammates die to revenant. Truly an Apex experience
I liked the old Revenant more
The silence was good
One of the best trailers in a long time. Easily top 3
prowler automaticcccccc??????
I don’t know how you guys keep doing it. Gave me chills!
I know this trailer is about rev, but I’m out here celebrating the select fire prowler coming back 🎉
New charge rifel
Yoo, this trailer is so sick, also full auto prolwer is back in care package and a bunch more exciting changes, can’t wait. Only thing I wish was different was the recolor for Rev’s heirloom, like you can tell there is a difference but it’s not a huge one
The selecte fire is coming back lets gooo
i’m happy because i’ve been a rev man since the beginning but sad because now i gotta worry about other people playing him
1:30 the prowler is getting fire select for full auto!
Automatic prowler say less
1:34 Is this full-auto prowler 🥶
Full auto prowler back????
Also, bring back arena
Esto es cine
Bro he better get another finisher. He 2 are mid af.
bro’s become winton overwatch with this rework
# Bring back Arenas
Holy düdü, this might pull me back this season.
So yeah hes my new main..
Oh boi only thing that I saw was auto prowler back!!
a wallbounce in the gameplay trailer….respawn may not be so antimovement as i thought :p
Prowler select fire 😍
Ngl when I heard the “Do you know…” part, I really was anticipating the next words to be “the muffin man”
they put everything they had in this… AND IM A FAN OF IT
yo that wraith skin,ive been waiting forrrrrrr
Guaco will be happy
No one talking about the charge rifle changed?
Ok this looks fire
Genuinely amazing trailer. Love that alternate fire is finally back. Love the concept of the season. Super excited.
the heirloom at the end looks different and has different animations the blade looks like shadows i wonder if they’re gonna change his heirloom or if it’s a recolor
Se me pararon las tetukas viendo esto 🥹😍😍😍😍 la próxima season será tan divertida, Oh Dios!!! No puedo esperar 🥰🥰🥰
cross progression please???? same ea account, but on p.c im level 5 and have none of my stuff from xbox.
dope, more wallhacks, much needed….
No one talking about select fire prowler is back again
Yay more re-colors just what everyone wanted for event skins. Not something new yay….
not bad 😮💨
Still no 120fps L
Ok I’m officially excited now. REV MAINS UNITE! 🔥🔥
Rev turned into a xenomorph
Crazy how they nerfed him so bad they had to re release him
Let’s be honest..Rev needs his own Netflix show
bring back arenas
I don’t understand why bloodhound didn’t scan in the beginning he would have known who was in there lol 😂 great trailer thi
So…automatic prowler right?
Can’t believe Ballistic instantly got bodied
This trailer was sick!
Little disappointed with his new design but it’s ok
i can’t wait to use select fire of Prowler again
Guys, octane didn’t get rocked in a trailer. This means that they are making him invincible next season
This was amazing imo
Nerf aim assist, seer q, nemesis and dont remove dive trails just so u can sell them with the prestige skins AND why cant i see what ranks my teammates or the champion is?? DONT FIX IT IF AINT BROKE!! !no1 was complaining about that people could see their ranks??
prowler is back to a full auto weapon 😍
Amazing ballistic rounds and select fire and a sick legend love it
Wait, full auto prowler and disruptor is back? 😮
So is this like a new character? Do they share skins with the normal Rev?
No Cross progression?
Dope trailer not sure I like the look of the new Rev though. The old design was way better
What a disappointment of a season . Nothing has changed basically just revenant rework bruh they are running out of ideas more quickly than I can say I quit lol😂😂
Rev looks OP
Did nobody notice the scene where Rev switched the prowler from burst to automatic 😮 hopefully its a sign
Yo Guapee where u at ?
I’m glad EA learnt from they’re mistakes from last season
Congrats rev mains
The Ink Blot intro screen looks sick
My goat
Did i just see the full auto prowler???😭 im hyped af
Why is no one saying anything about the disruptor rounds making a return to the Alternator!?
ok i’ll be maining rev until vantage gets a good skin
Music : 2WEI & Edda Hayes – Pandora
This was one of the best trailers from apex imo👏
Charge rifle change? Looks neat
Prowler SMG is getting select fire back 😮😮😮
Love the part where revenant killed someone
To be honest the new Q skill will be garbage!
Cool trailer, and the new Revenant looks fun, but then you remember it’s the same game with the same terrible matchmaking.
I really hope the map rotations are better than the second half of this season 🤦🏽♀️ they had the dream rotation at the beginning & I hope they fix the tanked system otherwise hella people are gonna switch to pubs and make it really sweaty 🤦🏽♀️
Disruptor rounds coming back?
Feeling those Season 2 vibes fr. Prowler select fire and alternator disruptor, how I’ve missed you. 🥲
I would like a colaboration with warframe
I’m glad I have a reason to hop back on revenant, but LETS NOT OVERLOOK THE CHARGE RIFLE REWORK😩😩😩
Prowler full auto baby!!!!!!!!!
Rare Apex W
Amazing trailer!! Rev looks awesome!!!
nobody talking about the fact they sneaky brought back alternator’s hop up
Wait so octane tap strafes on his pad so is tap strafing a bug or a feature?
Oh snap they bringing back the selectfire for the prowler. Auto Prowler is back baby
Still waiting for revenant to get a 3rd finisher
Don’t see a lot of people talking ab the full auto prowler 👀
More wallhacks! YAY! I love it
I think it owuld be better to have 2 versions of Revenant, OG and Resurrection
Prowler full auto?? 😮
lastima por el orbe era lo que mas servia contra los tryhards y su movilidad asquerosa
Assimilation was my first season of Apex Legends, so Revenant holds a special place in my heart. Loving his rework.
Please put mirage skydive emotes in store for once. Y’all keep putting the same ones in
Now can they buff Loba and give her 3 tacticals to throw back to back? 😍
Olympus is back!!!!
When the camera flicks to black, the background is actually transparent and not black. If you have a transparent tab you are actually able to see through the video.
Nah is that full auto prowler I hear??? 1:36
I know exactly who edited this! Great job!
Full auto prowler? care package?
Prowler is going back full auto
Not the first event of the season being all recolors again
I want a Dark demonic version of each map in rotation… and not have so few rotations. Make map rotation every 3 hours.
Also those skins looks pretty weak but i love the theme.
Like Revenant, Apex never dies
So is that new look for rev just his new common skin or is it a future bundle or even prestige?
Full auto prowler, reworked charge rifle and the coolest trailer for a legend so far? Im pogging
Am I tripping or does the alternator have disrupter rounds?
I hope revenant will also be first one to get a second heirloom
The octane stimming before the jump pad is such an apex bruh moment, it should at least make you go farther if they are putting it in trailers😂
Was that a full auto prowler I saw 👀.Select fire coming back 🤔
Ofcourse the Bloodhounds didn’t scan
Did Pathfinder just quote Krum Krumbopulous Michael?
Now this… this is the content apex has long been awaiting for. And I’m here for it
This is how you revive a character
Select fire Prowler is back
seeing the prowler auto firing, are we gonna get the select fire hop up back? And plus Revenant’s own season again is gonna be exciting and cool.
Ressurrect the audio
Revenant will not be stopped
As a rev main, I feel like I’m on top of the world right now
Another season of the same meta bs.. I love apex for the good times but the community is lame and game hasn’t made any real progress for awhile.. I don’t miss it and I wish the best for yall😂
Rev mains rise up
I REALLY want to know if the amazing effort and free Rev reborn is a result of a poor resulting season 17 or EA splitting giving Respawn more room to do what they want. All I’m saying is that what they are doing know WILL likely bring more players and a lot of old players back to the game
new overpriced skins for rev is tight
People still play this game?!
No one’s talking about how THE PROWLER CAN GO AUTO AGAIN
Nice to see 2H scythe necromancer getting the attention it desevres in Apex 😂
I wonder if Revenant will be switched to the Skirmisher class after these changes
A lot of potential
I saw that full auto prowler
Bring back areas
revenant is finally the selfish aggressor instead of the enchanter support that he was before for some reason
I wanted an apex trailer not a horror movie
This one is good
They really outdid themselves with this seasons trailer that was just wow
Full auto prowler is back! Let’s go
They actually showcased movement tech. Huge W!
The fpv or rev pouncing give me hunter from left for dead vibes
As an og rev main im so hyped
Select fire is back. LETS GOOOOOOOOOO
best trailer made so far
This season better be fire because season 17 was mid
That pathfinder bp skin tho 😩
Full auto prowler is back
Bro this is giving me major season 4 vibes and that was my favorite season so i bet i will enjoy this one. especially since i main rev
All of these comments and nobody talked about the fire selector on the prowler again. Season 3 player here who knows how deadly that gun is. Now, if they have made ranked the old season 13 way, this will be a great season.
Gonna miss old rev ngl, trailer is sick tho
how dare yall do loba like that
0:11 can he stick on walls now?
I need that song 😩
This looks dope 💥🔥
This has to be one of the best trailers ever, I suppose!! Love everything about it❤❤
Full auto prowler ? I almost had a heart attack 52 seconds in 🤣🤣🤣
cant wait for this rev downgrade
Auto prowler is back interesting
Full auto prowler= best sounding gun in the game 😩
I just want titanfall3 😭
1:42 greatest clip they’ve ever done 🤩😍
I don’t care all I want is Titanfall 3 can you stop stalling and just give me Titanfall
Being a rev main since day 1, mastering all his tech, god Im so happy for this.
Prowler going full auto!!
The 2nd time Rev has done the neck snap finisher on Crypto in a trailer 😂😂
Revinent trailers 🔛🔝
1:23 移動早い
It’s almost season 18 now and still there’s barely any new finishers
Great video, the edits were cool and the music was awesome.
found my new main i guess
Did the Octane tap strafe? I‘d be so proud of the dev team finally figuring out movement haha
Such a badass scene
All I see is select fire prowler
I am officially excited
Love the rework, makes me hungry for more of them with caustic and crypto chief among them.
Crypto’s passive could give you the drone’s spotting capabilities (at a reduced reach while the drone’s inactive) and alert you like wraith’s passive.
Wraith’s passive in turn could provide a small CDR and a little ult charge when alerting teammates.
Caustic could maybe get a movement speed boost when running through nox gas.
I love how truly an apex experience
Disruptor Alternator, Og charge rifle, Selectfire Prowler, and a better version of Vantage’s Q on revenant. Never thought Id see the day
Jesus loves you and may God bless yall..
That heirloom recolor was absolutely pathetic
Selectfire on the prowler
Revenant is a certified badass through and through
Im playing again after a big vacation from the game and it actually feels fine on the matchmaking side, not many hackers and overall nice experience
so what map updates are there
I’ma have to main rev shiii
Cross progression when???
Prowler select fire?!?!
When you hear that full auto prowler for the first time… in a long time…😋🫠🤗
For anyone who’s interested: The song is called “2WEI & Edda Hayes – Pandora”
one of the best gaming trailers I’ve seen so far… huge work EA!!!!
Vuelve la prowler automático 😭😭 estoy llorando
so revtane is back
Rev fan
s18 look so firee
So the prowler has a fully automatic switch now
Man I’m going to miss silencing wraiths who try to run.
haven’t been this exited for an apex season in a while. alternator having disruptor rounds again, select fire back. the whole horror themed is amazing
Anyone else see the full auto prowler
I don’t know why, but at 0:21 I thought he was gonna say, do you know the muffin man 😂
Prowler with select fire back?? Also, they could really make Rev into a horror movie lol this looks GREAT!
Am I the only one noticing Select fire returning?
Not the Kraboulious Micheal 😂😂😂
I just got revs heirloom and now you make a better looking one?!?!?
My boi finally getting an upgrade 🥹🥹🥹proud of ya ! 😂😂😂😂
We all gonna ignore rev using a full auto prowler 👀
So nobodys gonna talk about select fire coming back to the Prowler?
Even the trailers have movement in it
Olympus Back?!
Reyna ult 😂
is that a reactive eva 8 skin?
We’ve still got a solid 8 weeks before we can even start entertaining the idea of a Halloween event… Chill Respawn.
no new character? start to recycle legends? I’ll wait some more season passes b4 I return
🔥🔥Best trailer Ive seen so far!🔥🔥
its killing me that no one is talking about the prowler being full auto again!!!!!!!!!
1:38 The best edit. We know Rev won’t see through Cata’s veil. But not showing us will start the conversation. My 2 cents😉: Remember to zig and then zag. Only rats move linear.
New heirloom animations?
Can’t wait to feel like a hunter from Left 4 Dead jumping on fools. 😂
Fire. Bye Vantage tac!
Game of the year and it’s been out for years.
Never thought I’d be a Rev main but here were are now.
Bro i aint gonna use anything but prowler this season 🙂
120 fps for next gen yet or no?
If the rank system is “resurrected” too, this could be a promising season.
Love this trailer! Love fan video like trailer. Looks amazing, watched this 2x!
Where is crossprogression @Apex Legends ???
No one talking about automatic prowler making a return 🥹🥹
full auto prowler?
the auto prowler is back
I always have high how’d for this game but stay disappointed
So Revenant is just a Hunter from Left 4 Dead
just fire❤🔥❤🔥
There better be some changes to ranked 🤬
Finally some gospel music
at this scene 2:37 it really gave me chills that revenant was the one left standing from a transition of other characters and it gave him a really badass evil character
When respawn actually listens to the players
Prowler with auto fire ? Oh yup I’m hyped for this season 🔥
This definitely should’ve been done around Halloween smh
1:36 is that full auto prowler mod returning ?
Did octane just tapstrafe after Maggie hit a wall bounce?
Bring back Apex M.
Mid ahh trailer
Corny intro
So one more character that can see through bangalore smoke. nice going devs.
Forget new revenant. Full auto prowler is back 0:57
I havent seen anyone comment it but that looks like the full auto prowler is coming and that scares me the most
Did you notice the Rick and Morty reference?
wait select fire prowler????
Sunrise apex mobile
1:33..Prowler select fire, prowler selECT FIRE, PROWLER SELECT FIRE, PROWLER SELE
“Tell me, what does MY future hold” 😈
His tactical is literally Hunter from L4D
Gotta give props where it’s due, that trailer was masterfully done, great job
the gasp I let out for auto prowler 😩
gotta be one of the best seasonsss
Breathes in full auto prowler
No arenas return is soup shattering 😢
Finally they bring the og titan weapon back to it’s prime
Collection event right after one just ends????
“There are no strings on me.” Apex Legends: Age of Revenant
Honestly, I don’t really care about rev rework cuz I’m rev one trick. All my attention now go to full-auto prowler and new cringe rifle
As cool as it looks, they haven’t done anything major for the game except for two new maps for Mixtape and slightly improving Ranked. We need a new gamemode, map updates, actual nerfs/buffs that can benefit the game, not reworks/reskins/collection events.
Idk if I’m seeing things but the prowler just got a hop up so did the alternator
Cross save ?
Nah bro became op onfire broken ☠️
Prowler coming back with the full auto mod is gonna sick
This is the best trailer in awhile
No new guns or map changes. Hooray
Give us the apex show already please we need live action apex show stop playing
what’s the song
Nm the songs name is 2wei pandora
Full auto prowler!!
Wait, did they change the charge rifle into a instant beam ?
2:01 Disruptor rounds alternator is back???
this was actually sick, good job respawn
For those who ain’t notice, full auto prowler coming back.
come back apex mobile 😢😢😢
Can’t believe this is happening to my favorite character so hype !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would be nice if the resurrected the matchmaking and servers
I like the krombopullus Michael reference by pathy
“Oh boy, here I go killing again”
So no one peep the charge rifle
This new killer for dead by daylight looks pretty cool
PROWLER Fire Mode changer is back! BEST ATTACHMENT!!!
yeah no i had way too much anticipation for Rev but i was kinda disappointed
Trailers music sounds like horror movie music
getting some outlast vibes from this moving Rorschach tests, very cool.
Can’t wait for my Rev to full send into a 3 stack with new ult.
Yes the hop up to make the prowler full auto
Select fire 🔥 is back
Struggling with that charge rifle 😅
Ah ça pour faire un joli trailer y a du monde…mais pour régler les problèmes de son (présents depuis la saison 1) et le matchmaking degueulasse, là y a plus personne
Pathy skin looks great!!
prowler fire select? 0:55
Loba mains really thinking things over about now
Was that prowler on full auto?😮
hm .. it´s okay
now where are all those bozos saying rev is bad , one of the only couple fun legends to play
Is cross progression releasing? 😂
This felt like it’ll break into the Succession theme at the end.
out of all the comments I’ve read everyone’s failed to mention the SELECT FIRE is back for the prowler including the DISRUPTER ROUNDS for the alternator!
Wait.. Tell me this isn’t ANOTHER Heirloom re-skin that costs money..
quit this game last december best decision I ever made
Took a few years, but I think I’m finally thankful we got Revenant instead of Forge. 🤣
So also looks like Select Fire and Disruptor Rounds are gonna return.
Will this also mean that Revenant will be as a newish character replacing his old revenant? Or will this allow 2 different revenants? Would be cool, the Original Silencer and then the Reborn Shadow.
TF2 charge rifle is back?
When did they add selector back for the prowler? I thought it’d never come back
So we not talking about the full auto prowler🤔
Finally revenant going to have good abilities again
Olympus is back!
Whenever Revenant is involved makes the season better and the lore more interesting.
such trash🤢
Respawn is so lazy…..
These trailers get better and better
I literally might download the game again just for this
This actually makes rev look fun
Select fire is back on prowler and im definitely gonna play no fill all season long now
His passive will be strong for soloQ. Not as good with comms. Seems like a cool rework overall
not just Revenant, look at this prowler and dharge rifle rework!
I didn’t realize the prowler had a hopup! Now I wanna use it
This trailer was well done.
Respawn, you never fail to deliver. This is EPIC!!
Let’s hope that Ash will be reworked too later on
2:18 is that Pathy voiceline a reference to Krombopulos Michael? 🤣
No one else going to mention the full auto prowler
Pathfinders “here I go killing again” has gotta be from Rick and morty
Select Fire coming back!?
And Titanfall charge rifle!!!!!??? Yes daddy.
Oooo bringing back the full-auto Prowler was a MISTAKE..
“You’re all dead.. 💀 “
Season 4 was the first season I went HARD into the hours put in, looks like I’ll be doing the same this season. I told my buddy he’s gotta play ballistic to beef me up more, tanky with extra mobility and unlimited ammo during ballistics ult.. Goodnight.
Edit: In addition to that, have an Ash very extra hunting gameplay, seer for the silence he lost, or pathfinder, valk, octane for just extra movement. Valk isn’t really needed cause jumptowers but it would allow you to not rely on those.
Did anybody notice that select fire is back?
Who plays the game for these cold shots🥶🥶 like when he had his heirloom inspection in front of crypto
finally something out of rainbows.
Ummm 1:35 select fire is back on the prowler baby LETS GOOOO
They brought back the full auto Prowler? Can’t wait to use it again.
I need to try this game
That’s just insane…good job respawn!
will it keep my rev stats and my stuff like skins
Still no cross save… WOOOOOOOW! 😢
Mirage 💔
So the select fire is back for the prowler!?
Music: 2wei Pandora
Btw, extraordinary song wasted on a trailer for a game being held together only by expensive cosmetics.
Wow, this looks interesting! Still can’t believe this is Titanfall universe!
is that selectfire prowler????
They keep making the same ring mistake and reverse it a season later… *Nobody likes to be killed by the ring especially after winning a 3v3* IT’S WORSE THAN FALL DAMAGE DEATH
Prowler is getting hop up back, alternator also… And charge rifle changes the way of use apparently… Old school again
I don’t like how they changed the look of Revenant. He went from charismatic daddy to default ninja. I liked the new gameplay, but the new look kills the desire to play it.
I liked the image of an uncle beaten by life, who has emptiness in his eyes, and now I see just a ninja with a bad smile.
You can’t lie. He has the best meet the legends yet.
yoooooo apex cookin, lowkey getting excited.
Best gameplay trailer ever?
Rev movement, railgun, select fire prowler, new mixtape maps, battle pass skins that actually look as good as bundles. This looks like a massive W
pathfinder looking like V1 from ULTRAKILL
So this is Samuel Hayden if he became Doom Slayer…
Is the new charge rifle rework this next season too?
Soo its a revenant rework?
😮😮😮awsome dude
Meh it’s alright just worried about the map rotations 😴
Select fire hop up is back ? 1:37
Prowler back with auto selection and alternator with disruptor rounds !!!
I’ve never been happier for an Apex update!!! Love to see my main getting the love he deserves with this god like rework, amazing job apex!!! 😊
I’m sorry but this is the most badass apex legends trailer I have ever seen just the shots alone make it visually stunning. Props to the team!
Revenant is one of the most badass Apex characters.
Deep down, a lot of people kind of wish to be as badass as him.
Shout out to respawn editors because this trailer was absolutely😢 god tier 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
No wall running is a shame
Full auto Prowler is back?! I can’t believe no one has mentioned this?!?!
They weren’t joking about apex going downhill, i was expecting some kind of good news but this is more of the same, tools for pro players not for the community, the game is about to be less fun to play.
Now blud do a jumpscare with the tactical?💀☠️
Devs and Engineers at Apex are doing a great job. This trailer is insanely awesome Revenants voice and background music just go so well. Keep it up respawn.
I like seeing my main getting some love
Why am I not seeing anyone talk about the alternator in the trailer? Did you not hear those shots they sound like the shots when it had the hop up which tells me either their bringing the hop up back or their putting the alternator in the supply drop there for making it a red there for giving it the hop up like they did in the past.
Is that a Maggie skin in the battle pass??? Finally can stop wearing the default skin
Best rework I’ve ever seen
Holey Moley out done yourself this time compared to season 17 🔥
No cross progression again. I’m not interested
не ну трейлер крутой ниче не скажешь
Wow the Trailer get more realistic every time 0:56 they put desync in the trailer amazing xD
Not a fan of ‘recolor heirlooms’ , it’s lazy just like the event , it’s all a bunch of reskins.
Respawn just dropped the most badass season trailer and thought we wouldn’t notice
Where’s cross-progression?
Are they putting select fire on the prowler again ????
Bring back mobile version 💔
New maps is a better alternative over completely changing weapons.
bring back arenas bro holy
Me atraparon, es cine 🚬
Amo lo que hace respawn con este juego tan precioso 🎉🎉🎉🎉 gracias!!!
Am I the only one who noticed the automatic prowler?
Bring back arenas
yea new revenant is scary, but the EA logo will always make me scream out of fright
Im more hyped for full auto prowler!!! 😅
“Sniff sniff you will be a skeleton now” and the prowler will be full auto again 😁1:35
Did I just see a fully auto prowler
Rev really carries the story in Apex
so Rev gets wallhacks, a jumpad, and invulnerability, and can still crouch walk fast and climb walls fast. such a terrible game this has become. I still never want to play this game again. WASTE of 5000 hours of my life.
As far as lore goes revenant is the best thing that’s happened to Apex
one of the best gameplay trailers sick Ea
Ok im confused, as someone who has stopped playing for a year, what is this?
Is revenant getting a rework or is that just for a new mode ?
I really hope thats not the new revenant heirloom recolor. It looks exactly the same but with particle effects.
I reinstalled Apex bed of Ballistic, and Respawn further continues to make me happy!
Great to see it!
Y’all really outdid yourselves on this BP🙏
prowler is full auto again?
I hope they are bringing back select fire, that prowler was auto fire instead of burst 😮
This is cool because I’m a Revenant Main, so I’m Excited
How about you rather fix matchmaking balance you broke last season?
Select fire prowler is back !!!!! Lets goo!!!
revengeful is gonna be so happy brahhh
He looks a lot like his concept art version now
Это просто шикарно..
full auto prowler
I love how Octane stims before using his jump pad which makes no difference to the distance jumped. Truly an Apex experience
Yoooo yall didn’t see the full auto prowler
Please don’t tell me the disruptor rounds are back
my wallet reborn at lvl 1 stats,
Overpowered much
This traielr was absolutely phenomonal
Even the Devs mess up with Octane stimming before using his jump pad, it makes no difference to the distance lol (I’m an Octane main for 8 seasons and I do this every single time)
only legend that makes me come back
Look how they massacred my boy. Rest in peace silence. Now I have to deal with everyones escape abilities again.
Full auto prowler back
Yeah nothing here screams reinstall the game this season… I’m good…
Wait so it’s a new legend or a rework? I don’t get it
Respawn going all out on the Revenant hype! I’ma go feral if rev is top tier! Something rev mains never get to experience.
Apex constantly drops the best gameplay trailers
Did I just see a dev wall jump? 🤣
you didnt credit the singer whos singing
As a revenant main I have mixed feelings about his new abilities but so far they look fantastic!
Please bring back Titan fall 3
Bro, seeing selecfire prowler Back hypes me Up the most from this fantastic trailer
Is my PROWLER fully auto again
Man, amazing trailer. Too bad I cannot play this anymore, just couldn’t fix the BSODs after the last patch 🙁 🙁 :(. Only game where I get this, I’m super sad.
Is this a collection event full of recolors???
I hope rev kills Silva, I think it would be well deserved
Having only played Revenant for the last 2 years, this will certainly be an interesting challenge to break habits.
The community: How do we fix this trash character?
Respawn: Scan legend with high mobility and then once people complain about him, we’re going to him into the ground
OK! Selective fire back on the Prowler!
They should of just gave us the choice between this Rev, and the OG Rev. That would of been sick. We can choose to play as the new one or change it to the OG. Just like we choose skins we should have had this choice instead of just changing him.
The charge rifle sounds and looks mint.
I know y’all didn’t just bring back automatic prowler❤❤❤❤❤
Wait, so the collection event will come out same day as the new season?
No 120fps not playing
New hero? New weapon? Map changes?
No, but revenant changes, that all folks.
Why are they bringing a recolor of the season 4 wraith skin 😐😐😐😐😐
How to counter his ult if it block the damage he takes
Truly best game ever, best battle royale.
no audio t. bloodhound
This is insane
Is no one gonna talk about the select fire coming back and the new railgun being a better charge rifle??
Love it. 😀
As someone who has been a rev main their entire life this looks amazing
Disruptor rounds ARE BACK!!!!!
man I love that voice
Not only are we getting full-auto prowler back, BUT WAS THAT DISRUPTOR ROUNDS ON THE ALTERNATOR 2:00
The prowler with select fire returning is HUGE!
Had no reason to go this hard
Rev heirloom reskin is literally just make it black
ok but what song is this?
prolly one of the best gameplay trailers released! Holds up to the earlier seasons!
At this point they Ccould have named it Apex Legends Season Revenant!! 😂 im all for it tho
I’m just gonna say it… Stop with the copy paste skins!!! Please!!!! Best BR IMO, worst skins EVER. Only good ones locked behind a paywall.
This is what I was wishing for rev to be on release.
Me boutta 1 clip all the wannabe rev mains in their pounce with an r99
Now I have to compete with every wannabe twitch streamer wraith main for my goofy wall run character
Ehh, worth.
This trailer is amazing oh my god
I loved working on this!
Did I here the distrusted ammo
This rev rework is AMAZING 😦‼️
Pro is the prowler getting auto back
Alternator sounds like it has disruptor rounds on it again 👀
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there a skin that was released some events or seasons ago that looks like the new revenant? I’m almost certain we’ve gotten a similar skin before
Dope trailer,shoutout to the team that put it together 👌🏽
The apex animation team(s) are the real legends. Since season one.
F.I.L.L.E.R – D.E.A.D – S.E.A.S.O.N
Revenant’s new abilities look interesting to use, much more geared towards aggression when the time is right for it. I’ll miss the Silence Bomb ability, though.
all imma say is L broken moon in rotation
no areans though
Prowler going full auto
Nananan hufffff que bello es esto
Zero Point is back!!!!
Did Rev drop an F Bomb at 2:53 ???
I must be the only one who hates these changes. His tactical is effectively the same as Pathfinder’s, and his Ult sounds like a worse version of Mirage’s. Oh cool, I can crouch walker faster. Not like that wasn’t already apart of his toolset or anything.
Glad they nerfed the charge rifle!
Definitely not a fan of another heirloom recolor instead of something original, but I do agree that the recolor is in my favorite colors, oh well, I will have to own both now.
Terrifying, NEW…… Battle pass.
just give rev a movie at this point 🔥
That’s actually a really unique ultimate
did i miss halloween ?
The only heirloom I have is Revenant’s. Time to sharpen the blade *shing*
SELECT FIRE PROWLER BACK BABY(i hope to god its coming back)
full auto prowler🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Felt like I was just watching a collection event trailer nothing really big 😬🤫
Everyone so focused on rev they didnt notice the FULL AUTO PROWLER IS BACK
It sounds like disruptor rounds are back.
These are pretty good changes sad no more death totem for team play and suppressing enemies but these changes make revenant more of a flanking legend and I like this a lot. Also a prowler full auto is this coming back as a mod or a select fire?
auto prowler is back! also charge rifle changed??!
when is crossprogression comming outtttttttttttttt
We can receive this for rev. Now let’s receive this for CRYPTO..
Wait. Did they make the prowler select fire again???
Gaww damm
Octane frl stimmed before using the pad what a trashcan
so anyway ranked?
Finally Octane didn’t die for once
Can you brighten up the heirloom recolor for revenants scythe to fit his hood more? Its too dark imo and would hold me back from buying it. If it fits the hood of the new revenant look like on 3:09 i would instantly buy it!
revenant is their best character, in many games you get to play as a villain, but in none of those i have played feel like a real pure evil villain like revenant, he has no greater purpose, he had no tragic past we know of, he has nothing but the killing, he is really a monster.
He jumps like a hunter from L4D
One of the best trailers we’ve had recently
same old
Welcome back full auto Prowler!!! ❤
not sure how I feel about hyper realistic fuse wrinkles 0:25
This is beautiful but why is no one talking about the full auto prowler coming back 😭?
God I’m so happy that my boy is getting all this attention
Still no cross save.
Will I have to repurchase revenant? Or will I be able to play him day one?
Rev mains eating!!! Full-auto prowler is back
the choreography/cinematography is insane for this trailer. well done
Yawn………filler season at best
This is the most overhyped nerf of all time… For Reverent…he is now IRRELEVANT!
Well… i skip that battlpass
Broken Moon is no more.
How many seasons do you use it?
No cross progression 🙁
Great trailer, well done to the team putting this together
After this people will say he needs a nerf
Who teach the dev how to wallbounce
Only one bloodhound skin in the past what, FIVE events? WHERE ARE THE BLOODHOUND SKINS????
The 13 revenant mains before this update are gonna be sad people are gonna take him
Make a bangalore skin in collection event just for once. I am tired of horizon, octane and other stuff make some for BANGALORE!!!!
Now all yall finna go My main 🤦🏽♂️
I don’t care about revenant, they brought back select-fire to prowler!
this season about to be a W!
Bro lets go i alr have his heirloom
I want something for Lifeline 😭
Been waiting since season 4 😈
Broooo 🔥🔥🔥
i call this season : Guapee moment
okay but like where’s titanfall 3
Just one thing, I feel like the old look was really good
are we not gonna talk abouit the full auto prowler?
… seems not so good
selectfire prowler baby
Is that the og charge rifle?
Did any notice that the prowler auto hop-up is back !
This is making me want ot play Apex again…. lets hope ranked is good again!
Wonder if we will ever reach a point in the story where Rev finally dies
Auto prowler back auto prowler back auto prowler back
disruptor rounds are back thas fye
does anyone know the song or singer?
Gungs but no teeth 😂
Hes approaching… menacingly
The black octane skin is fiiiire asf
Still can’t believe this guy also voices big wholesome German man with big hammer
Cool, they made Catalyst’s ult even worse. She was very helpful before (NO)🤧🤧
I thought Apex Legends was a TEAM PLAY. I’m not against such characters, but then maybe it’s worth making a SOLO mode?
Put king canyons back in rotation
This is one of the best apex trailers. So cool. The music and the footage mixes so well. Definitely what we need after a stale dry season.
That “strings on me” line kinda sounded like James Spader’s Ultron. Absolutely chilling performance from Darin De Paul as always. Revenant is best boy.
The hunter from left for dead
So many paid comments. This company is a joke. How about perma banning cheaters? Nope can’t do that. It’ll hurt the player numbers. Money hungry wastes
WAIT, WAIT WAIT WAIT A MINUTE. I know everyone is talking about the new Revevy, but…
The guns. We saw our boy rev used a “Project “Railgun” and… a toggle full auto prowler.
I just know I’ll be in a somewhat darkish building with someone playing revenant watching me
Ya se les acabaron las ideas?????
not my boy fusyyy
Ok but can anyone tell me why they changed revenants abilities? Are his new abilities gonna stay only until duardo controls him or is it permanent ?
Getting rid of his silence was a mistake
*They made me a killer machine* – Revenant
1:59 How to keep new players into stimming before pad lol
Select fire 🔥🔥
If anyones wondering about the OST – its Pandora by 2WEI
to all upcoming rev main wannabes: if you couldn’t handle him at his worst, you don’t deserve him at his best
us loyalists will show you how it’s done
Oh boy, here I go killing again
– Krombopulos Michael
Was that a prowler on auto just now…
This finna be lit
I can’t get over the fact that the full auto prowler hop up is returning!
Wow a Kraber reactive
Honestly old rev was better.
Folk Hero Mirage
This is by far the best season trailer I’ve seen, genuine chills and genuine excitement to play this game again
Said it before but i know the Hunter from L4D animation when I see it
Was that a full auto prowler ?!?!?!
Let’s wait another whole season for a BH heirloom rework
wait selectfire is making a comeback??????????
As a Revenant main I hate the idea of people maining him after his rework saying “oh Revenant is good!” But hes been good since before his rework you just got to know how to use him effectively and have good comms with your team.
I genuinely got chills from this trailer. I might have to redownload apex just because of how badass this was.
Ah Nice! a Perfect Season to Slip!
Auto Prowler and Rev Refresh?
“Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.”
Disruptor Rounds coming back?
Best Legend Lore wise, Love him
Revenant always with the best trailers and thats a fact
Update for edgy robot kid, nice
These trailers are insane
Select fire back on prowler
This is why I play apex
Did I just saw auto Prowler ?? 😃
Full auto Prowler Meta again? xD
0:40 what is the name of the song?
It does appear i wont have to stop maining rev cause he looks sicker than ever!!
Iv been waiting for this for 14 seasons thank you respawn for finally reworking revenant…. ❤❤❤ balance aim assist next please
Arenas is just never coming back smh
Ready to clap some cheeks with the prowler. 😁
Is rev reborn going to be free?
Did I just hear disruptor rounds on the alternator?!
we can NEVER get a bloodhound skin…
Ive got both xbox and playstation, but i have all my cosmetics on xbox. Hoping cross progression actually becomes a thing so i can transfer everything.
0:56 select receiver back. Let’s go
DEAD APEX😢😢👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
I’m personally a Rev main just because when I started his character visually and his audio lines were my favorite and the totem was a good way to learn approaching fights, but this Rev looks insanely good with movement which has me excited I just hope he keeps his totem spawn hand gestures which it looks like he will, just not looking forward to everyone picking him next season
“All season long?” So is rev reborn here just for this season and he will revert back to old rev after or is he free for just this season?
Awesome absolutely the best trailer
It’s a full cinematic masterpiece, the editing, the shots, the music. Wow just wow.
fun fact, cronus zen 100% win
Prowler having a full auto
Select fire prowler is back baby
“Tell me, do you bleeed??!!”
This new season looks boring
20:10 Is it just me or this Pathfinder moves are a season 3 trailer cameo?
Octane using stim before jumpad?
Rookie mistake
Absolutely hate recolored heirlooms,just update old ones like if I want heirloom animation in banner and a heirloom banner frame I have to buy two exact same looking heirlooms for 160 bucks each like are you kidding me!!
I love the charge rifle rework
yo, wait, his new abilities are nothing like what was leaked. and I gotta say, this is way better than the “leaked” ones
I’m stoked about the prowler having auto again and it’s cool to see a character reworked but.. ANY NEW CONTENT?!?! How bought new sections of maps like mirage voyage or that bloodhound mountain on worlds edge.
the new revenant looks is so bad but well rework
As much as I want a Titanfall 3, this is extremely good.
Yes! We getting select fire back
No one’s talking about the select fire for the prowler coming back???
Not the “here i go killing again”😂
Between Seer and Rev. I’m not touching any other Legend for a while
The one time I feel like spending on apex
0:55 full auto prowler, yum!
Rev now has satanic vibe
I haven’t played in almost a year and I’m a rev main, and I’m coming back just so I can lunge at people like a spider monkey
I never expected to hear Revenant drop an F bomb in a gameplay trailer
( timestamp is 2:53 )
these pathy skins all look the same
most unrealistic part of this trailer was the bloodhound at the beginning not spamming Q.
So rev got re-worked?
Does that mean i lose all my rare skins!
whens there gonna be cross progression 😭 i got like 3 accounts across 3 platforms with countless hours on all three
1:52 Here’s when your ball bunches on your teammates and stuns you lol
They all cool. Tú I like the current rev
finally, charge rifle now like titanfall charge rifle
What about storm point?
Full auto prowler and disruptor rounds are back hallelujah!
Cant top the first rev trailer ever
Revenant has always been that ……
Rev going crazy
That octane skin is so tuff 🔥
apex outdid themselves with this new rev trailer that rev skill slide is awesome
Probably the best gameplay trailer I’ve ever seen from apex
I am now a Revenant main again
I hope cross progression arrives in the next months.
Full auto prowler is back ???
full auto prowler is back?😏
Been waiting for the full auto prowler to come back for 4 years
i hope that this will ressurect my interest in the game
Anyone else see the full auto prowler? It’s about time
i understand that all of this is cool and all, but 2:01 is a LOT more concerning and shouldn’t be overlooked (really hoping they just messed up the sound design on it)
Anybody known the song used in the trailor?
Ok so you can go crazy with mb now
Is the fully auto prowler back????!
Was that a new heirloom?
Cool Rev trailer but yall…. WE GET SELECT FIRE PROWLER AGAIN
Where’s Fuse’s heirloom dawg
My God they just made him more cancer to play against
I need the source of this audio
He’s tuff
Kinda funny he have new body/skin? but still have the same Finisher animation.
I wouldn’t surprise bug/glitch that still not fix yet is still not fixing yet.
So good luck to newblood dealing whatever problem come to you, cuz I’m not coming to give feedback/suggestion/critic than enjoy the game again.
revenant remontada
No one gonna talk about the full auto prowler
This looks like something they’d drop for Halloween and I love it
Pathfinder watches Rick and Morty? “Here I go killing again” haha what a reference (unless it’s just sheer coincidence in which…I’m sticking with my theory. Pathy would so watch Rick and Morty haha)
Cruel but happy
As a Loba main, this season is gonna be fun. Because mostly its about Revenant and Loba (but mostly revenant) and their lore. Their storylines and game-in lines are the most funniest too. This is exciting!!
whats the music?
Game will be boring trash as always ?
это шедевр!
Where’s crossplay?
The developers should add an alternative character selection for dual ability characters such as revenant. You can play as the old or new revenant. Instead of just scrapping the last one.
Этот трейлер -шедевр!!! Пожалуй лучший за всю историю Апекса!)
The new season promises to be interesting
They should’ve made his jump have an aoe around him so if he jumps at someone they take one melee attack damage since it would be funny and well, he is pouncing at his prey with his hands out.
Select fire prowler back!?!?
Feelsbad I’m getting paid tomorrow
Who williss silince or death totem?
the trailer so good!
what is the song in the trailer???
crypto remake
Just amazing apex yall have done a amazing job
Top 3 launch trailer
Ahhh more recolor skins once again, gotta love it…
Me and the 5 other rev mains are currently rejoicing
Remember everyone. Jack can clap everyone here.
1:35 is that full auto prowler?
I think this gonna be best battle pass
Select fire has finally returned to the prowler
What about crossprogression?
Everything looked great except for another scan. We don’t need more scanning.
Please cross progression 🙏🙏
They brought back the select fire let’s go
Okay rev reborn or whatever but did u see that prowler select fire😮👀
Oh great full auto prowler
remember the leader of this team calls f2p users freeloaders dont waste your time or money
Now everyone bout to playing as rev like they were any good with him before😂😂
whoa was that full auto prowler? we getting select fire back??
Now everyone fixing to play Revenant
select fire is back on the prowler at least and the alternator is going to the care package
So basically October event
This lore-accurate Rev redesign is crazy. Too bad the old Rev is gone. I honestly dig the idea that instead of Respawn creating new legends, they start releasing alternate kits for each Legend. Imagine not knowing whether you’re going up against a totem Rev or Juggernaut Rev.
I wonder how all the money I spent on revenant won’t be a waste…
When the $30 Shinobi revenant skin pays off
Haven’t enjoyed a game play trailer this much since s4, revenant carry
I swear if you clowns didn’t get rid of storm point and broken moon this season y’all are genuinely trolling.
Select fire is back??? We ballin
Due to how my ping is.. 55 to 60 to 135 to 155 i will hqve to skip playing online multiplayer
The only thing I dont like about his rework is that he gives nothing to the team. Except maybe his passive with the scans but everything else is only good for solo pushing. Kinda weird since its supposed to be a team game
When arenas coming back
Select Fire*
holy shi I’m finna cry this is awesome🥲
I can see many players messing up with the pounce ability and falling off the map to their deaths; myself included
Unreal….just beautiful, the reactive eva, the revenant heirloom and everything else. This season is going to be nuts.
Nobody is talking about the new charge rifle rework and select fire coming back for the prowler?
Did anyone notice that prowler was full auto at the start
Se a gameplay fosse da mesma qualidade que os trailers, esse jogo seria bom
Honestly, Rev was a good legend in my opinion. The wall climbing is good in certain situations, the silence wasn’t the best, but it could be really good depending on which legend you throw it on. And the totem was just okay.. but, Rev reborn looks like he’s gonna be OP. But that’s just my opinion.
They did tease that the plower was gonna go back in the care package when the last event trialer was released, but whats got me surprised is that the altinater has disrupter rounds
Excited for the charger rifle!!! Almost looks like the havoc with selec fire
Just woooow 😮
full auto prowler is back on the menu boys!
editor needs a rais tbh
dear dev, pls fix console server, thank you ❤
Fix the game
Filler season
ngl guy responsible for trailers doing a good work
you know WHAT!?
0:56 and with “select fire” 1:33
Charged mechanicm of “charge rifle” from the OG Titan Fall
alternator with disruptor rounds is BACK
– full auto prowler
– reworked charge rifle
– disruptive rounds alternator
– update on Olympus
– reworked Rev
Man this will be the best season ever
Rip death totem animations
I hope you will change the ranked System too
WOW! What a trailer! Music, fearness.. everything AMAZING!
2:15 Am I the only one that was immediately reminded of Krombopulos Michael with that Pathy voice line?!
Im still mad we dont have barrel stabilizers on smgs. At least give us a choice between lasers and barrel stabilizers. Please? Make the stats the same i dont care.
OGs know The select fire on the prowler is the star here 😭
에이펙스 너무 멋있어요 시즌 18이 너무나도 기다려지는데요! 이번 시즌에야 말로 존버충들이 사라지는 멋있는 에이펙스. 랭크 18시즌이면 좋겠어요
Rip old rev
Battlepass looks awesome. Are we getting cross-progression, and will it have account merging or should I not buy it cause I’ll lose those cosmetics anyway.
Og titanfall charge rifle???
Apex is cringe af
Please delete broken moon
yooooooo disrupter round alternator
Yeeees, the best prowler coming Back YEEEEEESSSSSS
U can say whatever u want about the gameplay, but the trailers are always crazy
The first trailer in many seasons that got me excited.
rhis new update (season)is something else
also the trailer it’s one of the best ones 😮🔥🔥
bye bye silence(((
the new pathfinder skin kinda looks like V1 from ultrakill
Alt fire prowler? Charge rife changes?
Can we get arenas back?
full auto prowler
Apex has some of the most realistic in their trailers “gameplay” in their trailers
The charge rifle nerf I’m so happy
Rev main rise up ❤
Wait hold on, did I see an automatic Prowler as well as an Alternator with Disruptor Rounds? Not to mention, a re-work on Revenant? This is awesome 👍
his assassin scan passive skill work on himself only right?
Nah😭😭😭maining bro again
Nice little shout out to Rick and Morty!
Select fire receiver is back woooooo🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Is rev reborn going to be a a new legend or just a rework to the of rev also the new charge rifle looks good
Add arenas to the mixtape playlist
This trailer is so good I can’t wait for the new season 😭
How is nobody talking about the full auto prowler? Icing on the cake for the new season.
So Revenant trailer #1 is the best introduction trailer, and now Revenant Reborn is #1 best re/introduction trailer
he can’t be stopped 🔥💀🔥
No one is talking about full auto prowler or disrupt or rounds alternator
About time my main got a new body
Finalmente el rifle de carga de Titan fall 2!!🎉🎉
Selectfire Prowler is back – HYPE!!!
What maps are in rotation??
full auto prowler 🤤
2:17 with the Krombompulus Line from Rick and Morty 🤣😂🤣
Bloodhound no
Love the new rev, going to miss the charge rifle though
I live the new tactical, feels like Hunter ability from L4D. I feel like this alone will make me play Revenant more now.
I honestly never liked playing Rev because of his play style. But now it honestly sounds like he’s gonna be fun.
1:37 We getting back full auto prowler? Lets go!!!
finally, the charge rifle from Titanfall 2
select fire on prowler is finally Back <3333
I’m sorry for everyone who just bought the Valk prestige skin, but that’s a even the recolor is much better than any of the prestige skins combined
Could we just this season play during the night time? This will fit Revenant well.
whose that one with a ponytail thats a nice skin !!
I can’t tell what the new ultimate is doing
Advertising 2xp? This seasons already boring
Forget Rev. Prowler gets Select Fire again LETS GO! 1:37
I love these revenant changes but please respawn look at ash and crypto pleeeeeease
Nobody gonna talk abt full auto prowler
i like old rev 🤷🏾♂️
Can’t wait for arenas to come back on day😢
Gun meta gonna be off the ⛓️ this season
Fully automatic Prowler I see
good job
Lifeline be getting no love recently.
hold up, do we see:
– select fire on the prowler back?
– disruptor rounds back on alternator/r45?
– power up Charge rifle?
anything else?
When is horde mode coming? I just want to shoot the dinosaurs, robots and birds.
So cat wall useless again lolololol
Yay…more recolors for the collection😒
1:34 is that what I think it is?!!! Fully auto Prowler will be back?!!! After all these years… could it be?
Gun changes i saw:
Charge Rifle: Reworked to the titanfall version 1:15
EVA-8: Reactive Skin 1:53 (pointed out by @blehbushka9940)
Alternator/RE45: Disrupter Rounds are back! 1:59
OKOKOK what happens when you snare Revenant during his dash mid air????????????????
Everyone one shot in the trailers
select fire on prowler and disrupters on alty .. gonna be good to have them back
am I the only one who’s laughing?
full auto prowler? 😮
Yea, Revenant is one of the coolest original characters I’ve seen in a game. His design, lore and VA are perfect and could work as a villain in numerous rpgs. One I can think of instantly is Mass Effect
nice nice nice!! I love the Rev trailers
There is no way!!! Select fire prowler and disruptor rounds alternator are BACK!!! Only the og players would know.
Revanant mains about to leap up from the shadows and destroy everything
I can’t conform this but I believe that spect fire has returned or that the prowler is just gonna have a full auto mode
Finally some skin that are worth buying
Disrupter rounds and full out prowler😁
Finally rev get a useful and scary kit
I actually do know what its like to be torn apart and be stitched back together, mentally and emotionally
soooo am i the only one who noticed the prowler had the ‘select-fire’ mod that was previously vaulted from like, season 4…?
RIOT games music??
Wait the prowler ammo indicator switches to infinite right before he walks through the catalyst wall. Is that new or jus a mod devs use for trailers? 1:38
Not real game play you’re not being gunned down quickly and players aren’t spazing around
where is the cross progression? I wanna come back to the game but I’m on a different platform now.
Rev just came back like Randy Orton the legend killer 🔥🔥🔥
Too little movement
Nobody is talking about how the automatic prowler is back
Prowler returns to full auto?
Everyone talking about revenant but nobody saw t hat full auto prowler!!!??? 0:56 Been how many seasons?
Ngl this is the best apex trailer yet
That quick dash is insane….
The fact that all these legends have like 8 abilities and legends like Bangalore have only 3. Respawn has no idea what the word balance means. It’s a foreign term for them.
He’s now become a Melee (SSB) type of character and I love this! This is going to be a healthy change for him.
wall bouncing, in a gameplay trailer? alright
no nemesis nerf would be a massive L
Bangalore with her 3 abilities. Going up against all 8 characters with scan abilities. And digital sites that can anti Bangalore. Bangalore needs a buff if they’re gonna keep bringing scan characters out.
I don’t understand the ult
“How many times did you watch this trailer?”
Me: Yes
apex out did themselves on this one..rev always gets the best trailers.
Cool and all, but please fix the server and afk scripting in death matches!!!
Shadow rev was right, loba’s quest to make him suffer made him the ultimate killing machine, also finally, I can use the heirloom again with NEW ANIMATIONS AND A NEW REWORK what a time to be a rev main
Please, Let this game die so we can get Titanfall 3 EA
Why didn’t the bloodhound just scan
everybody once hated this man, now they love him and want to play him? NAH I see how it is
This is season four all over again I was excited then for rev and now I’m excited for him again
Game has fallen off hard. Zzzzz
Okay, not gonna lie, Revenants new scythe looks pretty cool, I still don’t like how he has teeth or that he’s a skirmisher
I see an automatic prowler
Did ya’ll peep the charge rifle change as well?
The lineup of the collection event only to show Rev in the center while everyone was knocked and crawling was a pretty little sick detail.
i love that they added the Titanfall 2 charge rifle sfx to the charge rifle rework
Did y’all not notice the full auto prowler, I’m finna cry
Y el croos??????
That was really cool yeesh
wait he can have infinite ammo in his form?????????
hey guys, delete broken moon pls (the most annoying map)…and storm point
great looks like the prowler is going to be broken
umm y’all heard the disruption rounds on the ulti right?????
Can he still wall climb? That was my favorite
So I guess the death dynasty collection is part recolor part finally a second good crypto skin
Octain main here but revs rework looks sick , still stay with octane but I’ll be keeping my eyes open. (My legs are ready to go some assembly required)😂
So Apex is officially a horror game right?
Very good 👍
Was that a full auto prowler??
Im so burned out of BR. Just make titanfall 3. Or at the very least FINALLY ADD CROSS PROGRESSION. i won’t play until you do. I stopped like 5 seasons back
one of the best trailers
So I’m guessing people are switching to Rev main
Full auto prowler??
Also I’m loving the story if Rev fighting for control is a new plot point for him I’m looking forward to seeing. He’s had no control for a long time and I like them moving it from Loba because her obsessions is getting really draining so Rev actually taking action is awesome.
Whats the song?
FINALLY, ive been a rev main since s5 and also got his heirloom so long back. He deserves this, thank you apex ❤
Select fire coming back for the prowler??
Disrupter rounds coming back full auto prowler coming back Rev op this about to be a long season 🥲 r9 and wraith recolor dope tho
So… a darker narrative, new locations, more nails for the Cross, and I’m sorry, his new ultimate is WHAT Shadows??~
Love when Rev said “its resurrection time” and then proceeded to resurrect all over the place. Truly a moment in Apex Legends history.
They better do a bomb Halloween event
0:57 for a second there I though Respawn started giving shields to the legends in the cinematic. Ah well
Why is nobody talking about select fire!!!
nothing for bloodhound…..again…..
that pounce tactical is terrifying
“Here I go killing again”
Cryptos passive should be ultimate charge for a finish or a big percent recharge, his first finisher has him taking the bottom chip for an ultimate accelerant so let the legend with the longest recharge rates gets some type of break
1:38 the Prowler can be switched to automatic now 😱😱😱😱
Is nobody going crazy that disruptor rounds are coming back for the alternator???
Nobody is talking about bringing back the FULLY AUTO PROWLER
I don’t even care about Revs change I’m more concerned about the Prowler being fully auto again.
Bring *Fade and Rhapsody* into the Main game PLEASE🙏🏽☹️
Trailer was realy well directed!
Kinda disappointed that he doesn’t have the wall run that the leaks claimed he would have, I never trusted the leaks cuz, duh, but it still would’ve been cool
Seeing the Charge Rifle back to how it was brings a smile to this old TF|2 Vets face…
Ni para hacer un recolor de reliquia se esmeran 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎temporada de recolores= relleno
wait he gets a complete rework ?
I’m gonna main rev now all because of that tactical 💀
Select fire prowler? Disrupter rounds alternator? New charge rifle? Might actually be a good season
New controller legends trailer dropped.
Full auto prowler yes my baby’s coming home
Automatic Prowler lfg
Имба… Вот хотел же купить косу на Ревенанта… Но купил ножик на октана ( Реваа (
Ah singing girl with reverb. real original music choice
I love how I only care for the music. Lol What’s the song?
Alive game
Is charge rifle finally will be nerfed? Because in the trailer there are no initial beam
seeing respawn using 2wei’s music made me hyped up bro, definitely gon play 24/7 in this season
I didn’t see any comments but did anyone notice the prowler had auto. I’m guessing it’s CP and they gave it full auto.
So the reactive skin is a Eva 8 and I like it
Nah The way Rev walks through Catalyst is menacing LOVE IT
Cross progression would be cool so I can play my main on my pc.
Ele some com o Crypto pela 2⁰ vez no final de seus trailers.
Auto Prowler is back baby. Lets Gooooooooooo
The prowler gets to be a automatic gun again
Tbh i was hoping he wouldn’t want to die anymore, theres still a small chance but 😑
Anyway other than that this looks amazing
I played revenant before it was cool
Prowler full auto? Was i the only one who saw that? YESSSSS
Revenant sounding like Rocket Raccoon
dd game
Not bad respawn you actually did some actually changes which we actually like, good attempt.Don’t forget to change seer’s Q and beloved nemisis
ITS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the prowler full autoooooo
Full auto prowler back ahhhhhh
select fire on the prowler is back?
“Age of rev has come”
Literal chills throughout the whole trailer
This looks amazing!
Hmm.. no new legend.. no new gun.. no new map…
What about mirage?
Okay probably the selectfire is back and its going to be crazy with recent prowler. And disruptor too? Dang
This new revenant looks so cool, but i Hope devs Will allora to use his old style of someone want
This game felt dead for 2 years now. Used to be MILLIONS of ppl now it’s just a handful it seems. Just money grab. Remember when it first came out n everything was just fun? Idk could be me HAVENT really played it in months cuz it’s SO repetitive.
Can’t wait to see how they ruin the game this season
Cross progression when?
Another season of me asking for reactive sentinel. Bet
Dope trailer btw, hype to see the reactions to new Rev
I don’t know if you guys noticed but it almost looks like the prowler might be getting the select fire hop up back
Please make his hitbox smaller
But I am upset the collect event is just recolors again 😢
Is no one gonna talk about the fact that the prowler is back to full auto, sweet baby Jesus
Full auto prowler 😍😍
Give us indian server
I’ve never even played Apex, but i remember seeing Revenant when he released and considering picking up the game, but i ultimately didn’t.
Now I’m seeing this, and… Yeah I think I’ma pick up the game cuz Rev looks fun af.
I need song name!!!
Woooow the automatic prowler is coming back?? Love it
I know it’s revenant but I do not like the demonic references, he’s my main but it feels off trying to have fun while he’s snapping necks with his finisher. There’s something about the game that makes people quit aggressively
Tbh imagine they made a rev horror movie
the charge rifle gets a rework, the prowler gets a full auto mode/hopup, life’s good 😀
cool asf w season
Please tell me they brought back full auto prowler.
Is his takedown at 3:08 a reference to Insidious demon? 😮
Select fire is back baby!!!
Stop giving valk battle pass skins
Incoming another mid season! Yay!
Never played Rev, night dabble with him, but honestly sooo excited for this next season
Hi Apex! Will you please gift me heirloom shards I’ve played on different accounts and haven’t got 1 heirloom if you wanna donate me some shards on my account which is sahugani
I can smell the Guapee already😩
So I’m assuming the skin that he’s seen in is free?
Rev’s pick rate will pick up I know I’ll surely play him.
He got a vantage buff, I think it’s cool.
Prowlers select fire is back as well the Alternator’s disruptive rounds…super excited to play and still no server in Africa. Maybe next season.
Disrupter rounds on the alternator and select fire on prowler this finna be the best season if not too 5
I love how at 0:56 you can see Rev shooting and Get no reg😂😂 Gotta love Respawn
Revenant has been my favourite character and main for the longest time. I can’t stress enough just how giddy I was watching this. He looks so much more menacing, the music was fantastic, and him menacingly emerging from Catalyst’s wall??????? G o o s e b u m p s.
His pounce looks so unbelievably satisfying, especially since I love movement abilities and traversal in games. Baring down on a helpless enemy, or jumping away to reposition and attack from another angle?? His entire kit sounds so fun to play.
Unfortunately with him being temporarily unlocked it’ll be difficult to try him out consistently for awhile, but I’m so glad Respawn gave one of, if not THE, most badass character in this game such an amazing glow up after so long.
Fellow Revenant mains; WE EATING GOOD!!!
are we getting the full auto prowler back tho??
I kinda wish loba had a skin in the battle pass, tbh it would just make sense, yk
I got goosebumps
Hey Apex fans should the devs fix the game NOOOOOO should they atleast do more to stop cheaters NOOOOOO. then what do you want? Dumb gimmicks and more micro transactions
Prowler full auto 👌🏻
I know I did not just hear the disruptor rounds
He’s op
1:47 ultrakill????
So basically Rev is Rocket Raccoon but edgier
fullly automatic prowler!!!
there’s no way the battle pass has that many skins
I’m so sad there still isn’t a finisher for heirlooms
Are you guys blind or something???????? that’s the prowler with select fire
Wait is that an automatic Prowler I see 0:56 😮
Alright FINE I’ll come back for the 90th time after quitting 😂
Amazing.! Can’t wait to play❤
Absolutely cringe, you still have time to delete it
This might make me to play apex again,
Fully auto Prowler, yesssssir !
Select fire prowler as an heirloom weapon!?
Please tell me that’s a rework of his old scythe and not a new one entirely
Not a fan of invulnerability…
not a single wattson skin yet again
When rev started that Ult all I thought about was Crysis 2 😂
Ok but that bp Pathfinder skin is fire tho…
I’m proud to be a Rev main
They might’ve saved apex
Select fire back for prowler and Disrupter Rounds for alternator
I am going to miss old revenant because I had some good unlockables on him😢
Ya’ll need to understand It’s going to feel like season 4 again, they’re bringing back prowler select fire AND disruptor rounds
Now if you excuse me, I am now going to knock myself into a 5 day coma so I no longer have to wait.
select fire prowler is back 👀🤔
No need to download cheats, just play as revenant 💀
This Is new season or Is a event?
So, they added a character that can sneak up to you, in a game with 0.00 directional audio. Sounds fun…………. Smh.
Did I just saw a full auto prowler?! I miss that so much.
Is it just me or is the charge rifle kinda different?
What’s the song called?
Wut about lifeline? 😱😱
It’s basically Reyna from valorant but only gives shields not heal
I wish we had servers in my country! 🙁
finally select fire back on prowler!
*Optimus Prime voice* Rev mains this our time…..our time of resurrection a time to show them who we are. They laughed at us , we were the outcast the UNWANTED *intense rev music* THEY SHALL RUE THE DAY THEY MOCKED US…NOW RISE !!!!! ALL REVERBOTS ASSEMBLE AND TEAR THEIR SOULS APART!!!
Imagine if they added a mode where someone plays as revenant and then a squad has to make it out alive. Kind of like DBD but Rev
Can we have one FULL season without 💩Point ? Then it will be the greatest season ever
what is that soundtrack?
¡¡I love it!! Rev is god 😍
3:05 Crypto looks more scary than freaking Revenant in this shot
That collection event looks like a bunch of recolors 🙂🙂
No arenas again. 😔😔😔😭😭😭
I’m not the only one who saw the alternator having Disruptor rounds back am I
The prowler hop-up is back let’s go.
this trailer hit🔥🔥 cant wait to not be able get a chance to play as rev everyone going to choose him
1:13 literally my sleep paralysis demon.
Finally my boy gets a good skin
Ok ok not bad not bad. The revive of this new hero makes the new meta. Ok let’s go.
any1 else wanna talk about the prowler switching to full auto or am I the only one to get hyped that it’s coming back
Who ever made the trailer needs a raise and a vacation. 🔥
I’m not playing rank anyway. I only played for dive trails they going to remove it from rewards.
am i trippin or was the prowler full auto in the video????????
Is that the Heirloom recolor or did they remake the scythe too?😂
where is cross progression??
select fire????
Finally prowler with select fire baby lest go
Bring back Apex Legend Mobile 🥺
Collection event ❌
Recolor event ✅
Which hierloom is coming this time ?
Eva-8 reactive skin looks kinda cool actually
This trailer was 🔥 🔥 🔥 but why bloodhound ain’t Scan 😂😂😂 typical player on your team 🤦🏽♂️
whoever makes these trailers, just want to let you know that i love you
Is the prowler full auto again?????
Just nutted
Select Fire is back babyyyyy
Prowler back to full auto been waiting a minute on that🤩 although it’s carepackage
Electronic Farts
I need herliom 😢😢kingfarbod1383
Is it just me or does look like his heirloom recolour is black and gold
Im excited
FULL AUTO PROWLER, hopefully not as carepackage :'(
They changed the charge rifle to work like it works on Titanfall 2. It means : you will have to hold the shoot button until it fully load. All titanfall vets already know how to charge it and maintain a full charge until they want to shoot. I know how this weapon looks toxic in the community but as a competitive titanfall 2 player, im happy of this change
Revenant might be the most badass legend in the game.
Alright fine, you changed my mind. Let’s hope the gameplay lives up to it.
2X XP EVENT?! I see it for first time in Apex.
Did i see automatic prowler coming back….1.38, cant wait
Still no cross progression
Automatic prowler is back man is over 💯💯💯💯
All I’m hearing is Bangalore counter…. Passive making the smoke a bit pointless (most bangs use it to run away)
Tactical to just leap out of the artillery strike……
Okay seriously, did anything happen in Respawn? Movement tech in every trailer, Revenant remade, a lot of great vibes. I feel that this is a great step forward for Apex. Totally coming back to check out Rev. 😮
The gameplay in the trailer Is the Exact Opposite of me when I play
Wow!! It’s very good movie =]
Did no one else notice the prowler being shot in full auto? 1:35
Hes like a vampire now. 10x times worse
Bro the prowler in full auto
Awesome season trailer, only one thing thats missing and that is TO REVERT THE RANKED RP SYSTEM. WHY DO I LOSE RP WHILE HAVING OVER 15 KILLSSSSS
I love it when Rev said ” your wallets will to live is fading ” and then reborned all over our money
Can’t wait to pounce into a 3v1 and die in 2 seconds like Octane mains!
prowler slectr fire
full auto prowler?
best season is coming?!
Respawn casually dropping the hardest Rev mixtape ever thinking we wouldn’t notice
Oohhhh, rev mains will have revenge for those years of suffering
anyone hear disruptor rounds?
Trailers always amazing, actual game not so much with dead servers haha
I play at session 2 and lhavent herliom kingfarbod1383
smg barrel mods are back???
That charge rifle looks fire 🔥 So eager to use it !!!
All of that movement tech and gunplay in a game that rewards you very little for doing anything..who cares about reworks unless they rework the ranked system
they really outdid themselves in this gameplay trailer, both in showcasing abilities interactions, cinematics and even movement
This was badasssss
Im just hyped about that select fire prowler coming back
Full Auto Prowler is back LFGGG
Give me herlion shars kingfarbod1383 pls
Looks like select fire Prowler is back!!
But where are the new guns? Where is the new map changes?
Where are gameplay changes making the same at all different from every other season that we have had since the launch of the game?
Where is the lifeline rework from seasons ago?
Where is the new character?
Why does a character change fron a roster of over 15 characters have to be the selling point for a whole season?
That was probably the best trailer yall have ever made. And it was properly righteous for Rev.
Great video, well done!
So nobody cares about the full auto prowler??… casuals.
Yooo they actually re-worked him??? Wow I might have to come back just to try it.
Wait why y’all kinda eat with this one?🤭
Is he getting a new base skin model too?
First few seconds looked like a new Mode where someone is Revenant and 3 other people are survivors
Him “What dose my future hold”. Me “nerfs a lot of nerfs”
Ok so prowler is getting select fire. That’s good
FULL AUTO PROWLEEER!! My beloved! I missed you so muchhhhhhhhh
ooooooooooo rev looking spicy!!!
Rev Reborn & Select fire on the prowler ! I might actually play this season 🤯
“Do you know what its like to be torn apart?”, Revenant says to the man with one arm, one eye and seven toes.
Love the trailer and all and hyped but why isn’t Anyone talking about the prowler getting the select fire back??? It’s gonna be so OP again !
New map?
Revenant was s4 = revenant reborn s18 = s4 flatline skin recolour / reborn TRUST WE HAVE TO BELIEVE
The skins look absolutely amazing I can’t wait to play
They really recolored like 15 skins and called it a collection event 🤡😂🤡😂😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂
Thanks for bringing back the select fire for the prowler 🔥🔥🔥
I like the look of this but the fact they’re adding movement in the trailers baffles me 🤣 i still can’t wall bounce
2:36 Those skins remind me of Mortal Kombat 10 when a few characters had revenant versions of themselves
wow this is broken, i love it
Disruptor rounds on alternator again? I’m assuming it’s gonna be going into the crafter there’s no way that’s gonna be ground loot
Did the prowler just go from burst to automatic or am I crazy ?
Cool am I gonna be playing broken moon all season no audio and 3 stackers
A classic apex experience
Disappointed there’s no new character or weapon this season.
Nice rat-helmet.
But seriously, very excited for full-auto prowler to come back.
yo full auto prowler let’s go
what horizon skin is that??? 2:22
finally good music
this HAS to be the best trailer ever made by apex
prowler auto altenator hopup new gun wth
Charge Rifle finally became a Charge Rifle
ouuuuu… PROWLER select Fire is coming back baby!!
Season 18 looking fire😮
Prowler and Alternator buff!!!! Let’s Go! Looks promising next season let’s just hope they can fix the ranked system.
another goated trailer 🔥
Yoooo! Did anyone else notice the Full Auto Prowler is coming back!?
dude what the heck
Yknow after seeing a full event of just recolours? Goodbye apex, your FuseHound will not keep me in the fandom
look how they upgraded my boy 😊
too fun and pretty…. But when are they going to remove aim assist from PC lobbies?
all i saw was select fire prowler
Did I just see a full auto prowler?? 😂
Automatic prowler 😭😭😭 dreams come true(maybe I’m late to the party)
Disrupor and alternador? season 2 is that you?
It’s cool and all but revenant is still missing something.
If only he could assassinate his enemies once he is behind them 😢
Reminds me of the old cod trailers Respawn are so good at them
Time to become a rev main I guess
The videos r always better then when the actual szn drops😂
Same usual suspects for event skin..u could’ve jus scrapped rev..n gave us someone else..
So no actual new character? Yikes….
This re work might be the best thing to happen for the game
It’s like watching a movie production. I’m really looking forward to it! Can’t wait ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Prowler select fire, Alternator disruptor rounds 👀👀
man start with the power modifiers skins its been 4 years…
Yup, I think they’re going to nerf it, because he now is broken 🤙
Did anyone notice that you can make the prowler fully automatic now?😊
Finally this looks good def gonna try it out
Select fire prowler, charge rifle now like titanfall, and disruptor round alternator… this season should be fun
for Revenant, Death is not an escape, Upgrading him only made him better at finding you…
So no new map, no new weapon, no new legend. Kewl…
120 fps
The charge rifle looks usable now
everything is cool but we all probably have some questions about charge rifle rework, right?
this actually fits the character.
Was wondering when they were going to start introducing legend reworks.
Was thinking they would swap out t he different legend ability reworks per season like they do hopups
Prowler with select fire! I already love this season!!!
Show Tap Strafing which console players can’t do…. Cool.
Also where is cross progression?
I need someone to explain apex lore to me or refer me to a video that does
Do we have olympus back????
Rev has always been one of my favorite legends in Apex. I don’t play him but his story is amazing.
Maggie did a wall jump and Path was Bunny-Hopping, they are getting better
Ok but why do y’all keep remaking the same heirlooms?
1:55 dat wall jump doe
This one of the coldest trailers they’ve made
I’m sad they got rid of his silence ability
i herd disrupter rounds on the alternator. dear god help us all
Should’ve had a scythe finisher
Finally my Main is being given the love he deserves
i played at this game from the season 2 . this trailer is the most incredible i have seen in all your trailer . you did a nice work respawn .
This honestly looks sick!!
A Season Du Revenannnnnnnnnnnnn 🌚
Just that ???? Just a collection event and skins ??? Lol dead season
What is the collection event reward
I’m genuinely happy to know nothing much other then revs base skin and abilitys are being changed I’m glad to know his scythe is staying
Guess i gotta put my top hat back on..
I mean, i have the revenants heirloom/mythic. So yesh😂
All the hype for this? Glad I deleted this game
Full auto prowler and disrupter rounds back??
Wait a hop up for the alt????
make a new game already, apex is dead
Will my rev skins still work?
as someone who lovs rev the only thing missing for me is cross progression
the prowler can be auto…
this means…
1:37 bro so op he got a select fire on his prowler 😂😂😂
Am I the only one that caught the FULL AUTO PROWLER!!
Ikkkkkkk yall peeped the select fire on prowler at 1:35
It started out looking like a Nightmare On Elm Street trailer!.!.! Never thought I’d be saying this but Rev looks dope & as a Mad Margaret I look forward to having him in my squad!
Nah this shi is tuff
No new finisher??? Oh cmon
Yeahhhh I’m definitely a revenant main now
Select fire prowler and disruptor rounds alternator gang rise up😤
Apex is game #1 right now👌🏽🦍
This is the best trailer you guys have done since Season 3.
Rev rework looks incredible.
But most of all, AUTO PROWLER IS BACK
EA looks to be getting there act together so there’s no more “truly an Apex moment” comments 😂
Music choice for the trailer is good 👍but still didn’t see anything for cross progression I’m waiting for patch notes now.
Respawn wants is to be scared of revenent. But all we are scared of is horizons.
Heirloom recolor has the black and red switch with more golden accents, not the biggest change but one that fits and still looks good. Kinda hard to see too but the blade even has a new pattered designed as well as being a darker metal. I’m sure once we see it in the shop the differences will be more noticable but it looks pretty slick and as someone who owns the original, that one handed summon he does is new (he does have an animation where he does a more animated two handed version) so hopefully this means we got a few new animations here and there and here’s hoping the mythic emote and banner look just as good, my shards are ready
this is my new favorite gameplay trailer NO CONTEST
Everyone is about to run the PROWLER! Full auto is back! 😊
Is that the TF2 charge rifle??
When Rev said “do you know…” all I could hear was “the muffin man?” 😂😂😂
Please bring back revenants tactical please
anyone know the song they used?
Sadly no arenas
Me and the other 5 rev mains are super hyped for this season
As a rev main myself all the way from his launch i am so excited to play next season with new skills
Dont see how this is different from every other season, love this game but recycling olds modes and just placing them in br maps is not content. Do some of yall feel that way?
Last shot of “collection event” with all the skins then into every1 BUT rev knocked was 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Is no one going to talk about the full auto prowler. Like if that is true then this game might be broken forever
When your in Rank and you see your Teammates.
Sounds like select fire prowler, and disrupter rounds for the alternator
Select fire prowler let’s go!
path saying the thing from rick and morty’s ”
Here I Go Killing Again” was funnily casual
Ppl simping over the video and what not but im just happy prowler is auto again😍😍😍😍
Disrupters and select fire prowler
Both of Rev’s Launch trailers have been absolute bangers
Finally the prowler gets full auto back
Im more interested in the prowler being full auto again
Auto prowler make me smile!
I’m hyped! I just feel like this season is gonna stay relevant far shorter than season 17. I just don’t feel like we’re getting enough stuff for a full season.
Reworked Rev: 😴
Alternator with Disruptors: 😳
All 4 rev mains are hyped 🔥
This season guna be good
They created a monster of an already monster.
Does he have new finishers?
Full auto Prowler isn’t real and it can’t hu… oh no…
His leap ability will be op for escaping or rushing through fuses fireball, caustics gas, horizons dark matter bomb, and cryptos emp.
Zylbrad’s aeeeeeeerial shotgun at 2:12
Will the heirloom get new animations because of the recolor that’s coming out
disruptor rounds are back holyyy
Yo was the prowler full auto again, and were disrupter rounds back for alternator?
Genuinely wonderful trailer and as a rev main I’m excited to be useful
Nerf horizon hit box
You guys out done yourselves with this 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I’m so proud . Just for that apex I’m gonna go buy some apex tokens
So does confirm the select fire is coming back for the prowler????
Pathfinder green skin looks good
they should give you a discount for when you already own the rev heirloom for the recolor ngl.
This video give us 2 changes
1: charge rifle is now just charge projectile
2: prowler is now in care package with a select fire hop up
did anyone notice the alternator with disruptor rounds ?????
weeee, hasta se me puso la piel chinita de los escalofríos que me dieron por la emoción de jugarlo yaaaa 😍
Can’t wait for revs new heirloom animations
One of the best trailers! 😯
love the Hunter Pounce from Left 4 Dead
crypto got his neck cracked again in another trailer lmaoao he catching strays out here in the outlands😂
Lol they turned revenant into scorpion from mortal Kombat
You know your the main villain when there are two seasons dedicated to you.
not excited about this at all, fix the game please.
Yes finally 120fps on console!!!!!
is the disrupter rounds back?
loved the ending
Maybe best season so far?
Revenant Reborn will a SKIRIMISHER LEGEND!!!
And that Pathfinder BP skin is like an overpriced limited skin. Too great as a BP skim.
New charge rifle 😮
Titanfall 2 charge Rifle?
Bring back old rev
Anybody else catch at 2:16 Pathfinder uses the same voiceline as Krombopolous Michael from Rick and Morty?? They need to drop a skin that would be badass
Brutal 😮
Oooooooo yess😆😆😆😆
Now what about cross progression 😏
prowler gon have modes now ?
Pathfinder: “Here i go killing again”, same voice quip he used when season 4 was introduced, the season revenant was released
0:44 Venom!?
Se ve increible el nuevo revenant y sus nuevas habilidades combinan muy bien con el personaje
this tuff ash
“Do you know the muffin man?”
This …jesus I feel like I need to drown my self in holy water
Just releazs titanfall 3 already
As much as I love Rev an want to come back to this
You seriously need to fix your match making. The amount of times I’ve gone to play an can tell I’m playing with some questionable teams – completely underleved – or top tier preds it leads to the game just being unfun in the end when your either being randomly sniped from walls , babysitting or bullied by hightiers…so yeah please?
Revenant stole rocket raccoons line…
Rev about to be one of the best entry fragger legend in the game plus his mobility buff is gonna make him apart of the meta
Absolutely beautiful. pls don’t disappoint us wth the rank system!
0:34 underrated shot
This trailer was giving me age of ultron trailer vibes, lol.
I love when bloodhound didn’t use his scan before entering a building like my teammates is truly an apex experience
What song is this?
Rev goes perfect with my username👍
for the one who wants the music is 2WEI & Edda Hayes: Pandora
Revenant seasons gotta have one of the best trailers
see when a when a character is not based on Alphabets, that character gonna be cool.
This actually gave me chills, this trailer is unreal, so hyped for this
Rev rework looks cool but NGL the season itself doesn’t seem any different than 18. A bit disappointing that 19 will feel stale.
I can’t wait for this season
Do you know… the muffin man?
Anyone else here think this is a Riot Entertainment trailer ? 🤣
This season seems fire
pk with disruptors is gonna be crazyyyyy
About time they started doing their jobs. Now everyone play, so they can make money and start giving us no content again.
Great now, Revenant turned into Ultron
This is amazing and all but like can I please get cross progression bro? :l
i thought we were going to have zombie mode
PK now takes disruptor rounds. As if sweaty PK Horizon players wasn’t annoying enough
Hopefully the new model doesn’t have to be purchased.
aliens reference with the visuals in the beginning?
Apex for the love of god make specific maps for mixtape, stop rehashing maps out of existing poi’s
If ian grind so much with loba id main him now but REV MAINS RISE UP, its yall time now also eva 8 reactive looks fire
Pathfinder quoting krombopulos michael.
“Here I go killing again”
Now that was a trailer 🔥🔥 hyped hyped hyped 🍿📺🎮🙋
full auto
Did rev just dash and ignore the crypto emp?! No way he’s gets i-frames in his dash
That is great and all but when will there be cross save in Apex?
Selectfire making a comeback?!
As a Crypto main, I’m once again saddened by the fact that my boi gets killed in yet another Apex trailer.
The new charge rifle looks so cool 🔥
But what about the new legend? 😢
I’m surprise that he surprised bloodhound who is a known tracker
You know ur bipolar when ur a rev and path main 😈😃
So, Rev gets like 10 passives while Crypto has ZERO?!? come on now, Rev LITERALLY gets Crypto’s passive too.
Edit: If u call letting ur team see ur scans and ACTUAL passive.
That was scary when he was walking out the Catalyst’s ult
Rev lore is hype
THIS NEW Revenant fits the old design of him not the new one at all
I can imagine everyone who bought reverant before his rework
A battle pass with two skins in it, give me a break.
will we got dive trail when season 18 came for the reward from ranked season 17 or the dive trail gone for season 18 gone?
1:34 the return of the Prowler select fire hop-up
Why do these trailers always treat everybody as being ‘one-shot’? Everybody just jumping around downing everyone with a single shot or burst. So unrealistic. The higher TTK is one of the things that makes Apex what it is…. why deny that?
Looks good I just hope it isn’t boring in 2 weeks lol
everyone cares about revenant but nobody cares that pathfinder referenced krombopulous michael
This trailer so coooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:55 Eva 8 effective gun ??? the colors is cool is seems
Alternator getting disrupter rounds?
Pathfinder watches Rick and Morty?
I can’t tell what is more exciting, Revenant getting a rework, a new weapon variant of the charge rifle, or the auto prowler returning. This is gonna be a blast
Gotta love disruptive rounds on the altinator poggg
Song Name please 😊
Kick back.hahahaha. you can’t sneak up on bloodhound.. ..
Care package prowler is going to be nuts. I missed the select fire so much
This is the best season trailer I’ve ever seen !
Please make a mini-series or an anime of this game Respawn-!! 😭
So no head?
song name?
This is cool, but what about titanfall 3?
Dude i got serious goosebumps from this trailer
So the charge rifle will now have a charge up time and I’m all for it
So it’s a dead by daylight game now?
Also surprise charge rifle rework off the bat? I like it.
This is a masterpiece
2:36 Almost all the skins here are just recolors……………
rev buff🫠
Best trailer ever.
Hope the changes to Rev remain after the season ends. I love how the devs are taking their time reworking legends and adding new stuff to the game
Best trailer in a long time
charge rifle rework ??? actually charges now ?
One of the best trailers I’ve ever seen
This looks freaking insane!
Prowler op
As a rev main I’m so excited for this
I only care about cross progression.
I love when Revenant said “You can’t escape!” and brought another recolor event. Truly an Apex experience.
Tell me one reason why anyone will play any other legend? The guy has octane ult as his tac , has horizon tac as his passive has Watson and lifeline passive and tack as ult ! Rev reborn about to be OP ❤
New alternator sound? New Charged riffle? New revenant wow. Fix the sounds and everything will be there.
They fixed him!!! My god they finally fixed him!!
This is what Rev is SUPPOSED to be… absolutely terrifying
Why there is no finisher with the heirloom??
Olympus is back let’s go my favorite map
song: 2WEI & Edda Hayes – Pandora
Revvy boy got what he deserved as an assasin. His new kit is good and frustrating at same time, I mean the free wall hack below a certain percent health of the virtual enemy is outrageous . From 1:13 to 1:15 he looks freaky.
they just made him warwick
Love this update. Also love the tears from the community.
prowler full auto fire poooh
Finally the coolest character getting some recognition, i still prefer the old design tho, why you had to give him teeths.
Brutal, simplemente B R U T A L!
I will miss his Totem😭
And all of this means nothing when the matchmaking is so horrendous, plus hotfixes only get released mid season. Why wait for some arbitrary money grab event to introduce fixes for the game?
молодцы хороший проэкт
Charge rifle is finally balanced!
Omfg they brought back the laser hop up
Ded game, love from cambodia🇰🇭
Waiting for news about cross save.. be careful Respawn..
weapons changes i noticed:
charge rifle is a single big shot
alternator has disruptor rounds
full auto prowler
Select fire is back!!!
Nahh all the rev scene was like a horror movie
en efecto, esto es cine amigos
they change the Charged Rifle too?
I’m really hoping that select fire is back
ok, this rev rework, is actually good, I thought they were gonna butcher him, only thing ima miss is his old tact, being able to stop players abilities was good
I really wish they’d get rid of Control. It’s such a trash mode.
By far the best trailer apex has put out yet. Queue timthetatman saying anyone else just get chills.
This looks like 🔥🔥
Anyone else getting SpringTrap vibes or just me?
Why is it that when I’m not at home, the afigen season comes out
Rev now plays like he should’ve when he was first revealed in the Assimilation trailer and it looks sick.
Finally humiliating the females
reskin look cool but i personaly love more old because its more serios end dont realy complain like new hope in game whe will have choise what skin wear
okay….so we can all agree that revenant is scary again?
Apex is hella boring
AYO! Straight up CHILLS! Revenant deserve this rework so bad , a hype season coming ahead
Shoutout to all the revenant main who stayed playing him.
NOW, we need a Caustic buff.
I hope they don’t delete the edo tensei animation when he does the ulti
Bro, the remade tactical ability of Revenant gives me The Hunter vibes from Left 4 Dead 2…
Heirloom recolour 🤔
Absolutely terrifying I love it
Far Cry 3-style symmetries are back in style? I’m all for it
Revenant OP complaints in 3…2…1…
I am convinced all these comments are bot accounts.. this is going to be broken and awful, the next 10 patch notes will be revenant nerfs and prowler damage nerfs. Also change these awful maps, broken moon is literally a walking sim to last zone.
They bringing disrupter rounds for the alternator back?
How all – say, Rev walk at catalyst ult it’s juts crazy stylish
No one talking about alternator! It sounds like it got a buff have they done the same with p2020 and re45? , forgot the name of the hop-up.
prowler automatical 0_o
The most epic way to rework a character I’ve seen thus far
so instead of a new legend a rework hmmm
As a rev main I can confirm this change is going to be legendary
The bloodhound in the hallway seeing the boxes reminded me of MGS1 when Solid Snake walks in the hallway and sees the bodies Gray Fox left behind
Prowler select fire back!!??
Bro they should add an LTM taking place in North nd South promenade where you gotta get 3 wattson gens but gotta stay safe from Rev reborn
Ok fine I’ll play apex again
Can we get silemce on pounce
cool already a recolor event in the trailer lov it 🙄🙄
Revivió Apex señores 😎pero por cuanto tiempo? 🙁
Menuda decepción las sombras era lo mejor que él tenía 👎👎
SELECT FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you guys make the first part of the trailer a little darker. I think is way to bright!!!!
Why did the alternator that octane was using sound like a volt?
revenant really out done himself 😮
Jojo reference
I just wanna said I hate Broken Moon map.
Oh gawd😫 the Titanfall charge rifle sound. Why didn’t they do this in the first place
Okay, okay. I’ll play Apex again.
best trailer since season 4
honestly got chills for the first time since like ages
cross progression please please please
Cross progression?
Finally the dev did something about this legends and im happy for it
0:20 – Бладхаунд, прожми способность, ебнрт
Best in the Best! Go Reva!
This was amazing
1:55 eva reactive skin ?
Crazy auto aim
I might redownload just to play rev
Is this a rework?
Holy f
The Shadow pounce looks like a hunter pounce animation from left 4 dead 2 too that’s awesome!
games dead anyway, make titanfall 3 thank me later
Disrupters on the alternator like that’s fire
I bought the battle pass last time rev was released im going to buy this time again
Gave me the chills 🔥🔥🔥 Revenant mains rise up!!
Another boring season it looks like
0:21 THE MUFFIN MAN!!!! 😂😂😂😂
Me who directly reckognized the song in the backround
Average octane bot stimming before a pad 1:59
Stop Nerfing Mnk Players, NERF SEER
Yoooo the bringing back automatic fire on the prowler let’s gooo
So this collection event is a reskin for revenants heirloom that’s kinda kool
Revenant becomes bloodhound & Octane for this season lol
No CrossProgression no money 😴
New rev in hallowen 💀
Anybody else loaded up the game right after watching this? Nah? Ok… Only me then? Cool.
Poor fuse hasn’t been touched for a Long time
Still wondering bout the skins we already own
Cool trailer, and what a nice song, i love it.
UPD: Searched for the song, it’s called: 2WEI & Edda Hayes – Pandora
uhhhhhh full auto prowler???
Filler season
Looks like a decent season but. Is the Eva 8 going to be the lvl 100 skin
“Some skin bag out there thinks they’re in control. Control? I’ll rip it from their cold, dead hands.” Literal chills.
still no cross progression
or 120 fps
Disruptor rounds and auto prowler
Select fire prowler is back 🥵🤩 that’s the highlight of this trailer hands down
Apex Legends Mobile got shut down is most ironic things that happened, its truly best game on mobile ever. But mobile market is weird, quality is not always win there
So is this revenant staying in game or just for the season?
Alternators hopup is back. Let’s go.
Looks like prowler is getting the full auto hop up again and a change to the charge rifle
Bruh this the hardest gameplay trailer Apex Legends ever released 😆
My new main is rev
He’s like Ultron now. Istg if he has a voice line saying “I have no strings so now I’m *FREE”* in the singing tune Ultron sang it, I’d physically nut
Rev looking pretty good now
그래 ^^ㅣ발년들아 할 수 있잖아 왜 진작 안해!!!!!!!!!!
R.I.P old rev, we will definately miss you.
best character in the game EVER!
Cross progression ?
Rev looks cool
Questions I have after seeing this: Olympus coming back? Any new legends or was that filled by rev? Prowler update? What is the new ranked structure?
these trailers are always so aids, seeing how “enemies” only ever stand in one place or run in the most predictable way. respawn and EA do NOT KNOW their own players and their own game.
so basically he is now the Hunter from Left 4 Dead
That may have been the best trailer since the original rev one.
Dunno why they showed off his “claws” and him leaping at balistic as if his lunge does damage-
Dont take it wrong, i love the trailer but it was funny to me
damm, new movement legend?!
Anyone know the song?
They change Revenant skills??????????
Old hop ups coming back?
Us Rev mains are finally gonna get some respect.
trailer is cool and all but where is cross progression
When the collection event?
I stayed a revenant main from season 5 i am glad my boi got the recognition he deserves
Prowler getting select fire again?
I just bought revenant for this event and it’s saying he’s coming to all players, so likeee did I waste credits?
“I’m not done with you yet..” that was ice cold
When will i see a meirage skin in a event
WAIT WAIT WAIT, the prowler is back select fire?!?!?!?!?!?!
Ya va de baja este juego
Fully auto prowler back?
Are we talking about how the trailer it’s always better than the actual game
Garbage game. Fix rank you bums.
season 4 or season 18?
This is what we’ve been waiting for!
Prowler enjoyers rise up!
Why respawn?
I just hope revenant reborn is a separate legend or a variant so I can continue using the old revenant with his old abilities like the totem or the silence 😢
FINALLY! The best more character gets some love
Интересно , когда они поймут ,что в апекс давно уже никто не играет ?
This is the best trailer the ever made
And this looks amazing can’t wait for the new season and try out new Revenant
Is that charge rifle rework or just skin?
Look different
Prowler Full Auto New Meta Lets Go! GG👌
Why do we have another Valkyrie BP skin??? Last one was Season 16.
Dont grab my Rev !!! Thats miiinee!!!!!!
Who are some new rev mains whos with me
Revenant looks great, but I hope we one day get the mobile legends back. Gonna love the next season
The coolest character in the game no cap
is that a rev heirloom recolor?
Sweet. Love everything about it aside from his face design. Should have just kept the old one
Fell bad for fuse another season with no love
Am I blind or did I actually see ultrakill pathfinder skin? 1:47
Is that my favorite gun with the selectfire? I might come back to the game now.
This game must really be dying if they’re desperately trying to recapture S4 Apex, cool trailer though.
RESPAWN can you guys make that we can save more Random Favorite skin up to 100 please 😢
One a season, when everyone in the trailer only got 1 HP.
It’s just a time for revenant to be revamped. The repetitiveness of all the tacticals and ults, the scans, tactical locks… and the most useless static short range short time ult
prowler will be auto again guys!
Rev is my second main I won’t be able to play him for like 2 weeks 😭
this trailer is gas
It’s really cool what they’re doing giving free 20 bombs and 4ks to all revenant mains this season (really hope they nerf him mid season he’s gonna be the most insane legend in the history of apex IMO)
Average bloodhound teammate. Not a single scan and then they get aped.
Mejor ya saquen el titan fall 3 en lugar de esta cosa
…were those disruptor rounds I heard
rick and morty
ok, now resurrect my cross save progression
Why is everyone hype for select fire back on prowler? Burst has higher dps and they gave it back to us stock like that?
Him walking through the catty ult was nuts
Imagine apex made a movie or tv show
Best trailer ever made
Brooo Revenants heirloom recolor looks sick af 🔥
Season 4 announcement trailer
Please let them be two different characters, I love Revs old tactical and ult and design 🛐
One of my fav characters gets his well deserved upgrade im so pumped
Красиво и эпично, будем играть
Rev look nice
Best trailer award goes to Apex. I’m sorry 😭
does revs new ability not just make vantages ability obsolete ?
Imagine a horror game ltm 1 rev vs 5 other legenda
So ya’ll just going to exclude Wattson from getting a skin again but crypto keeps getting one all the time despite being one of the most least used legends? Yeah okay
1:01 bloodseeker. hahahahahahaha
i just hope for an aim assist rework as an mnk player it has gotten very stale. I hope respawn is realizing that having such powerful aim assist is just bad for increasing the player base,i think it’s a huge reason why more and more people turn away from apex and leave it forever.
The security of the game is a joke so another big JOKE of season again
Halloween is gonna be crazy
Bring back arenas
I thought its new game, but… i still miss titanfall 2
SO many cool angles and shots, very very good trailer! Excited for this darker/spookier theme and season in general, hopefully. However, if you want to make more money and actually reach your objectives, you already know what we think of Collection Events that are 100% full of Recolors……. Kisses 💖
I’m ngl I thought the mad Maggie skin was Bangalore for a second
Why does Pathfinder look like the mc of Ultrakill?
That Eva is beautiful be nice if it was buffed
Nice to see Rev on the front page once more
Ok this actually looks cool ngl…
*So how’s ranked?*
Best trailer they ever released
So now that you’re all about showing off movement tech in your fancy trailers, could you return bunny hopping and line bouncing back to us?
Thought I would hate it. Now I’m switching back to Rev 😂😂😂
Still being lousy with another recolour collection event
Is this a rework for just this season or forever?
Por qué siempre matan a Ash en los trailers 😡
Design reminds me of overwatch reaper, voice reminds me of League jhin
new octane skin is goated, plus the disruptor attachment is back for alternator
His teeth’s are looking goofy
yeeee buddy!!!
I can already hear my little brother rage quitting and chucking my controller in the multiverse
The first trailer in a long time that I absolutely didn’t like! The dynamics are so slow, I almost fell asleep. Is this something for Valorant players?
I love how everyone is literally 1 shot 😂😂
3 years have passed and no 120 fps for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S
Revenant is the apex legends trailer god. He has the best lore in the game. And the best character introductions.
Olympus 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
When will loba finally be in a battle pass or something again i really just want trackers for her and you cant craft any
ابيكس ابدعت بتطوير رفننت
Cross progression.?
Titanfall charge rifle is now in
use ur Q Bloodhound
Select fire is back?
hows every legend get a collection event skin except mirage
Fix you’re audio to preseason that’s when it was good
But so this new Revenant is going to be only for this season??
anjing keren kali trailernya
It’s so coll
Put more finishers in the game, one for each legend. Its not fair some have 3 and all of them are old and boring in every video
cross progression?
Finally us rev main are back
Need octane prestige skin
bruh they nerfed the design on rev, now is like anime
Every game ive had people go AFK, quit as soon as theyre downed, or get disconnected. Leaving a two person team and the other team mate usually leaves right after that.
Still no cross progression so won’t fing touch the game
very dope trailer! looks amazing.
rev kit is actually not bad, but ppl look at me with strange eyes if i pick him
Apex Legends > Call of Duty
Is the collection event for his heirloom recolor? Does it even look different lol?
rev been eating this is the second best trailer in the entire game, right after the first rev trailer 😂❤🎉
Ok but does the shadow pounce damage if you were to hit someone with it?
Next season Lifeline rework plz – also am I dreaming or did I see full auto Prowler and Alternator with Disruptor rounds?
Anyone know if kings canyon coming back
select fire making its return, been waiting for this for 10 seasons lfg
Select fire on prowler, new charge rifle change, and maybe disruptor rounds on alternator? alredy looking better than S17
Prowler full auto?
The fire select is back on the prowler?!?! And disruptor rounds on the alt?!?
he he heh e he he hehe heh eh revenant
Downloading Apex Legends…
wow the pathfinder skin
Finally after been decades auto prowler is back and is that a new adjusment to cringe oh sorry i mean charge rifle
all of these abilities will definitely enhance gameplay for rev mains who solo queue. i’ll miss the silence for blocking doors and the intel, but this new pounce combined with the improved crouch/crawl movement will be huge. this trailer is goosebumps.
Broken moon now looks promising
This trailer was so sick and the battle pass looks amazing this season
Selectfire Prowler ❤
so we’re just not gonna talk abt selectfire prowler?
Did arenas come back?
I sleep
I don’t even care about the changes, Full Auto Prowler is back baby!!!!!
Please bring back arena’s
Waiting for forge reforged to appear.
yeah yall outdid yourselves with this one
guess i’m a rev main now
They couldn’t throw mirage a new skin smh
New Charge rifle, I like it
Select fire one the prowler uuuffff cant wait!!!
Am I the only one who thinks that apex Legends is getting better
the eva 8 skin look quite sick
no crossave…
I’m confused, is this a whole different legend or just a revenant rework cause I really like his moves and would hate for them to change 😕
Finally the charge rifle gets a justified rework. Tired of the beaming in ranked.
Thats sick they gave Pathy the Krombopulous Michael line
Prowler no longer bursting and the new charge rifle?! I am thoroughly looking forward to this season! As a Loba main I am extremely happy that they did such a magnificent job on Revenant
Cool how the Charge Rifle actually works like a Charge Rifle now
wow the Prowler is automatic now
Will ranked be fixed?
not bad but now its less creepy :_(
Time to become rev main ig
how crossprogress ps45 & pc????
I’m scared
full auto coming back ?
If you already have his heirloom does it carry over?
*Yawn* when is Apex Legends 2? No 120fps on next gen and now yall trying to spark this lames story again. It’s boring……game is a cosmetic sim at this point 😂
This trailer deserves some type of award my god 🔥
Charge rifle is different. Prowler select fire is back!
Fullauto prowler??
Do you know…? The Muffin Man?
The revenant’s skins are getting a remodel
Still feel weird to see actual movement in a trailer
So what is the new collection reward? A revenant prestige skin?
tf the new revenant is 🔥🔥🔥💀
Wait, does that mean Rev’s passive works even on Catalyst wall?
When I picture a cold robot assassin this is the trailer to pop in my mind
Anyone know the name of the song in the trailer??
What if he could execute like in cod if he gets behind them while their standing still
So only rev gets rerelease? Kinda unfair isnt it? 😂
Actualy, best of all season gameplay trailers.
I had strings, but now I’m free
What is the soundtrack?
Apex Legends the horror game 😂
So no new map changes
That’s how you do a Trailer
Soo select fire is back? I hope your teammates brings you back so I can find you again. Rev🔥
That’s twice now that Rev has the best trailer. Dude is just so badass all around
Nobody gonna notice the select fire prowler 👀
Full auto Prowler is back!?
This trailer is simply insane
Where is the cross save?
Not gonna lie I was kinda getting burnt out, this trailer perked me back up again. I am hyped for this season🔥🔥🔥
Y’all really couldn’t just let us keep the skin huh. But cool trailer
cross progression ?
Idk if this is the same for everyone else, but this feels more like the revenant they were trying to make in the beginning. This definitely feels more like the season 4 rev from the trailer.
Day 207 of asking for 120fps
Nawl revenant looks tuff
So the next season reactive is Eva-8. Also Pathy and Maggie look dope. Im definitely gon get this season pass
Also is that a Krombopulos Michael Rick and Morty reference by Pathfinder “Here I go killin again”
Full auto prowler is back? 😮
Nerf rev reborn😂
What’s in the collection event? Like heirloom shards!
rare respawn w
Please allow us to still use og revenant
EVA REACTIVE??!!!!!!!!!!!
No one talking about the charge rifle change 🤧
Bro I can’t wait for next season it looks fire🔥🔥
Why do they hate lifeline so much! 😢
The Prowler Was shooting like its on Auto (Select Fire Back)
Alternator and the Disruption Rounds or what ohhh nah this season Broken Broken
I’ve been maining rev since launch and now since he got reworked everyone be playing him kinda bs 💀
Finally, Olympus has finally returned
2:55 this was so clean
We are back
Was that an Auto Prowler…… That weapon was OP back in the Day…
IM SO HAPPY THE SELECTFIRE IS BACK!!!!!!! I MISSED THE FULL AUTO PROWLER!!!!! 😭plz dont have it where the prowler is back in the care package (nvm my heart is broken its gonna be a care package weapon im sad again)
Make Titanfall 3 pls
That reactive Eva looks sick
Collection event: lets make just recolors
first W
Select fire prowler returns baby if yall thought alternator disruptions was broke oh boy yall in for another rude awakening
Add FFA instead gun run! and please remove the weapons restriction ;-;
And then Silva made a miscalculation ending revenant run wild and goes for his head, And find a better body that silva’s manufacturing.. Just like age of ultron maybe..
Holy moly! this is how you make a good trailer!
Let’s be real, no one will play like this in actual gameplay.
This game looks so frikkin beautiful. OLED + High Settings + Constant 240fps = Great time
Except it’ll cost a lot 😂
The prowler is going in the care package, but that means either we are getting another care package weapon, or it’s season 2 all over again.
Rev always has the best trailers. The voice acting is so on point! “Tell me… what does my future hold?” Chills
I’m sorry but catalysts wall still not doing its job of blocking scans
What an trailer!!!
This trailer has no place looking this sick
Edit- Charge Rifle and Prowler (select fire) rework/ care packaged….
That ultimate looks broken
I feel like no one noticed full auto prowler
The only way to unlock him permanently is by doing quest or challenges (I rather perfer quest). Also i haven’t been playing for a while did they fix the lobbies and cross play?
Cant believe they made a whole season to making not interesting or fun
Rev: Do you know the muffin man
these game trailers by apex are dropping in qua;lity of animation everytime
Pretty excited!
Now just need a new finisher
Automatic prowler 🥵
this might be my best favorite season. rage everywhere my dearest REV!
PROWLER select is back?!
I love how blood hound didn’t scan.
Aight time to main rev
Double xp is game changing
Where is the cross progression??
I was listening to this song like an hour ago lol
Full auto prowler!
Antes amaba a Revenant, ahora lo amo el triple
he is litreally him
Hop up’d alternator!? I’m boutta busss, best cp weapon
La pire saison depuis le début en terme de contenue je vous le dis ..
Loving the new titanfall trailer! It’s taken a little bit of a different angle than I expected but it looks fun!
Full auto prowler, alternator hop up, a change to the charge rifle – very cool! Hopefully the Nemesis will be adjusted, then the weapons will look great again.
There’s only one thing missing – FINALLY bring us 120hz support to the current gen consoles. Then nothing can stop me and Apex will be played 24/7 😀
Cool. But where is Cross Progression???
Bro the walk through the ult was crazy
1:55 interesting reactive eva skin
Prowler auto
My fav character in Apex got remade? *Hope back into Apex*
I think now the charge rifle is gonna work like the Titanfall one,
like it fully charges than it shoots
0:51 💀 the gun
The audacity to show a recolor collection event in this epic trailer 💀
Huh, that’s a fun one. He’s*literally* not finished with the trailer yet.
I am going to miss the animations for activating the totem the Enchantress and Naruto will always be my favorite animations
Rev is the main character of Apex. The guy just has that epic aurora.
So no one is gonna talk about the PROWLER !?
I got to say the rev ninja skin is worth buying
I remember when rev was announced way back in the day and I thought nothing could top the launch but here we go years later for something great
Big W
i still cant beleive they created a herpies infested legend like catalyste
This had to be the best gameplay trailer they put out
Rip Silenced enemies lol
Stuff I noticed
1:Seems like Broken Moon,Storm Point,and probably Olympus are going to be in rotation.
2:The new charge rifle will probably have to be fully charged up to actually shoot it
3:Prowler was given the selectfire hop up back,probably means it’s going into the care package especially with the last collection event trailer showing it was a red weapon.
4:Alternator seemed to have its shield disrupter,or maybe I’m just tripping
This gotta be the best Trailer in Apex.
Did Respawn just take a creepy character and make him creepier?
0:22 “Do you know the Muffin Man?”💀
Seeing the prowler comeback as fully automatic gave me joy and fear at same time. I’m more hyped about that then revenant honestly!
Best trailer! Awsome vibes. Love the new kit tbh
Idk but just in case the music they used is Pandora from 2we
Auto prowler is back
Great Auto prowler is back
wow finally something good from this game
Plz, give us Arena back, pleeaase
Revengeful is gonna love this.
I thought he’s gonna be like the Hunter from L4D for a sec.
wow the new season dedicated to the revenant cool.
rev reborn is cool, but i have never been so excited to see the charge rifle being changed
Skins are lit!
As a Rev main, this whole trailer was perfection
I thought he was gonna say, “Do you know the muffin man?”
Ah yes another recolor event
I’m gonna miss old revenant, I hope we have the option to choose between
Bring back the arena 3vs3 😢
and all of a sudden a love rev
Halloween rev is canon.
We chose the bad ending?
Full auto Prowler 🙌
Where is the dive trails y’all about to start selling? I don’t care about Mr. mechanical Boogie man. I want to see the dive trails with skins y’all rumored to be putting into the shop. And what about dive trails for Mythic skins?
Movement being changed ? 👀
The returns of King Canyon ? 😂
Another season another money making scam puppeteering Titanfalls bloated rotten corpse
They better fix rank. A filler season aint it and the game is already on the slide
Why is no one talking about the charge rifle rework that’s such a good change
cant wait to spend my money!
Mad maggies skin looks good
Im a revenant main, however i dont like this rework on him, i prefer the old one
I feel like rev should’ve kept his silencer
Far cry 3 into eeee
Revenent is just turning into a DBD character at this point
hermano me moje 😳😳
Ok… but where is the cross progression? So I can finally play the game
Hunter left for dead tactical
That pathfinder skin was sick! Revenant looks great as well
This might be my bias kicking in as a Revenant main but I FREAKING LOVE THIS I think it’s going to be one of Apex’s best seasons yet
Do we get automatic prowler back?
Absolutely amazing trailer per usual! I love the charge rifle rework, you charge it up…and it shoots like a rifle… brilliant!
cross progression and i put 1000$ in the game
That EA intro is like COD BO3, holy moly
Selectfire ? 🎉
Everytime I watch gameplay of this game I remember how much I hate it and never want to play it again 😂😂😂
so does that mean 2xp for weapons also?
The song was phenomenal,
Welcome back to the big leagues rev
And welcome back hop up for smg and charge rifle literally being charged
0:30 Is straight out of penelope
This is probably the best new season trailer
cant wait for blood seer rev meta scan for days😂😂
Been a rev main since 2020 this is insane for us
Wish they mentioned some rework map for Broken Moon, map its just bad in any kind of mode. Rev looks sick tho
He said the thing from Rick and morty 😅
W season so far
When revenant mentioned strings did anyone think of Ultron? 0:06
Yeah. Drop Star Wars, Respawn should do an FPS thriller for sure.
Bro he’s about to be meta
Just when you thought Rev could not get anymore badass!!!!
Finally feels good to say I am exited for the next season❤
Apex… Rev is your most Valuable asset treat him with respect. He is generating so much hype for the game
0:56 Prowler full auto is back?!! 🥹😳
story of other legends kinda childish, but REVENANT uhhh…. its amazing like always i like when game have some heat up with some seriosly moments
ah shet , the prowler is going to crazy if roller player picks it up.
I like how the legends in the trailers have gotten better at the games, seeing Maggie and Octane have more complicated movements with it not seeming like a tutorial anymore is kind of cool 1:51
Season Long?? He isn’t permanent?
Once again banglore smoke has no purpose in this game
Can’t believe they added the hunter from l4d into the game
Pathfinder absolutely would be Krombopulous Michael
Also, disruptor round confirmed?
“here i go killing again” Rick and Morty Reference? sick
0:56 Select fire back in game? And charge is now old Havoc with select fire nice
So far season 18 is looking promising now will it live up to the hype or end up like season 17 remain to be seen i just hope the Halloween event is just as amazing as this trailer and not an afterthought
the leap trick by over ash can just be done by console players 🤣🤣🤣
For a moment I thought it’s apex mobile. All hopes destroyed 😶🌫️🤧🤧🫠
So, Prowler full auto is back and the Charge Rifle now works like in Titanfall 2
How can you be sneaky when the climbing is as loud as a jumppad?
Wraith had a recolor to her heirloom effect and base skin. Rev recolor just gets a new base color. What about the effects Lspawn?
Bloodhound not using scan – such an apex moment
Ok actually a dope AF trailer.
Revenant new look is such a killer
Fire trailer
The Prowler going to shred this season can’t believe they brought back the select fire😂😂
Select fire prowler AND disruptor rounds are back?!
This is 🔥
This was the best gameplay trailer ever . Keep up the good work new staff !
Did anyone else see the titanfall version of the charge rifle at 1:17
Its a good mechanic from back in the days….hope it aligns well with apex as well.
What an amazing Pandora track they choose from this.
120 FPS for Next-Gen consoles PLEASEEEEE
Okay maybe its bcs im an idiot but am i the only one who perhaps thinks MAYBE just MAYBE resurrected revenant might be put out as a separate legend and not just a rev rework.
As a rev main we eating good
Guapee fynna go crazy
I miss apex mobile it was actually fun😅
oh no . i see aldous
better rev trailer than older one
Aight bois prowler meta is back
Select fire is back
So revenants getting rework?
Respawn makes the best trailers in the industry. It’s not even close.
2:37 literally Ultraman skins
Looks dope, but why more wall hacks in the game?
I just hope that you can swap between the original and new revenant outfit
Yes automatic prowler is back ❤
octane jump pad and rev reborns pounce gonna be a nice combo 😀
yo finally ea doing some fire work cant wait for the new season
Reminds me of early concepts of reaper from overwatch, meant to be the scary hunter, dude is going to be causing fear, if you are low health just know that he knows where you are, and he’s coming
Rev at the end of this season is gonna be saying ultron quotes “once i had strings but now I’m free…there are no strings on me”
Crypto mains waiting for and update/rework will be a glorious day
Disruptor rounds? Full auto prowler? no wonder smgs are getting nerfed this season no one is gonna pick up ARs just smgs and shotguns and i’m all for it!!!
glad I got that revy heirloom back when it came out time to put it to use
i hope they fix the crash issue
Was that a titanfall 2 charge rifle? Cause that looked like a titanfall 2 charge rifle 👀
hands down one of the best trailers.
Name of the song
I’ve been binging Vigor Mortis recently and so Revenant’s current story disturbs me greatly.
-rev can see through catalyst ult
-selectfire for prowler is back
-destruptor rounds are back for alternator
-charge rifle reworked
Finally I can dust off his heirloom
But guys, you forgot about the best part of a New Season: Map changes 🙁 , why have you teased us a change on stormpoint?
No more edo tensei again😢
Prowler select fire and Alternator with hammerpoints back? wowow, revenant was what got me into the lore and I’m so happy to be excited for apex again! Quality over quantity respawn, keep up the recent good work! ♥
He was fine the way he was. If you couldn’t do good with him you just didn’t know how to use him. You could even hide in his orbs a bit, gonna miss it so much. That highlight when low is cheesy af too
Prowler will be in care package?? can burst and auto……
1:56 🤮 movement players
For anyone wondering, the song used is:
Pandora – 2WEI & Edda Hayes.
Now that is a trailer! Well done! I look forward to the new season
Its all nice and stuff, however what about fixing the rank system, bugs, glitches and so much more guys…
so nobody gonna talk about the prowler going back to full auto ?
Revenent must hate crypto he killed him in like 2 or 3 trailers
This actually looks cool
charge rifle rework seems interesting
So i don’t know if this is new info or not but im pretty sure that charge rifle behaved a bit, differently…
Pls no storm point
Pandora From 2Weiz yeaaaaaaah love that song
🔥🔥🔥fix ranked and this season will be dope
What is this song? 1:33 its fokin fire
Brooooo 1:55 Eva-8 is so going to be broken this next season looks so clean , also it sounds like alternator going back to the care package 📦
This is what rev should have been from the beginning.
Revenant & Octane the most iconics visuals of Apex ♥️🙌
yall need better quip lines that been not heard millions of times
prowler full auto finna go crazzyyyyyyyy
Now if you brought tru next gen update with 120fps and cross progression this season will be the best season in a very long time
gg prowler
select fire again
On paper his kit seems a bit op.
Passive: in the right situation it can turn Bangalore’s tactical and any ability that obscures vision against its user. Very nice
Tactical: mobility and getting high ground are really useful for pushing, escaping, and getting advantage. Really good
Ultimate: damage reduction or medigation sounds OP but will have to see timer on it to tell how op. Potential super OP
Full auto prowler? I’m bricked up aha 🥴
Prowler auto fire has come back, Eva 8 reactive skin, alternator with hammer points. I see. I see.
Prowler full auto:)
do we get the new reborn skin too or no
I’m actually so happy and mad as a rev main cause now I can’t solo que cause everyone’s gonna want to use him
So what about the skins
They killed revenant, the new diagnosis is horrible the even the ultimate design is disgusting the capacities are trash, this was the worse idea ever
Revenant mains your time has finally come!!! Rip the world apart
Fix the tank bruh
So no one’s gonna talk about the Titanfall style charge rifle and full auto prowler?
Im truly excited for next season 😁🤜🤛
Man the voice actor 🔥
Prowler full auto is back?!
Bro they bringing back full auto Prowler!!!
Absolutely awesome trailer 🤟⚡️🔥
other trailers by respawn =
revenant trailers by respawn = 🥶
That trailer was amazing I’m glad they did a entrie re work on a legend that needed it most.
Rev mains rejoice
Checking the comments have no one noticed this yet? Prowler is going to get the attachment to full auto back.
fixed th ranked yet? 😅
Feel bad for all the rev mains getting all there skins stolen
This trailer was so sick! Love it! ♥
Select fire in the prawler 🤤
music title anyone?
Is it just me or is the full auto prowler coming back @0:56
So basically rev’s ult will make him immune to damage 😦
Disrupter rounds are back!
So whens the revenant tv show coming out
so do we get a refund for revenant if we spent points and dont want this garbage remake of him?
The new charge rifle looks sick and finally its back ,selectfire prowler
well, time to wait again the crossave 😀
I like how they slipped the collection event in at the end 2 try and hide the fact its not a CE and just a skin sale 💀 wheres the event part??? double xp is not an event I get that from playing with someone else who owns the battlepass
only thing i care about is the fact the prowler has automatic fire again, rev is mid
Oh boy it’s time to use those heirloom shards💀🔥🔥🔥
selectfire prowler? titanfall’s charge rifle? my oh my
So is Rev reworked now? Idk because I retired from Apex.
Thanks for giving me a reason to come back and play this game, more money out of my pocket 🤑👍
Full auto prowler is back!
Bring back arenas smh
Revenant town takeover??
add on 30-30
SelectFire and original charge rifle mechanics!!! I’m so excited
Is the BGM called Pandora?
Looks AWESOME!!!!!
Oh oh select fire back
burst tips
Next legend will have legal aimbot
Guys insane job on trailer, new skins look amazing, revenent looks better than ever, I like how you changet him and I cant wait to try him in season 18. Letsss Gooo!
new maps for mixtape nice 🙂
So the halloween themed season isn’t on halloween
from the barrel
auto prowler is back boys!!! leets gooooo!! this halloween season is going to be fun!!!
Dope rework. This rework is how Rev should have been presented from the beginning. I actually want to play him now
I want him to say “turn off the lights.” Sooo bad. Sing to me Revvy Rev 😆
I’m so tired of these hi tec skins
add on 30-30 burst tips
what song is playing in the background 🥹
DId they fix the ranking system???
Biggest W revenant has gotten in awhile im very excited to play as the new version also do i get him right away since I already have normal revenant or do I still have to do the challenges
Just when I thought I’m done with Apex, it gets more exciting than ever, truly a resurrection! Dibs rev every game btw and thanks respawn!
Still think revenant is trash. You can’t even buff or nerf your legends with standards.
Select fire is back
Looks great. Just hope I can still use Rev’s OG look still.
This was actually a sick trailer! the score, the cinematics actually hyped!
I loved the moment when Revenant jumped out of Krypto’s EMP and slapped the scythe in his face. That’s worth living for.
Rev reborn turn is done let’s see how Loba’s new look will be ?
My boy Rev finally getting what he deserves!
Seems like someone found a way to give Rev an upgrade my lord… Haven’t seen Rev so terrifying in years
Select fire is back, overhaul charge rifle, rev looks epic but seriously no one cares about mixtape 😂
It is called no fill
That Maggie skin was dope
Did anybody notice the full auto prowler😳
Ah yes finally I can embrace being a revenant main again
My fellow Revenant mains we’re gonna be eating real good soon
Path and Maggie skin looks clean, but that blacka nd red octane skin ia 🔥🔥🔥. It looks so dope. I can’t wait for it
Path and Maggie skin looks clean, but that blacka nd red octane skin ia 🔥🔥🔥. It looks so dope. I can’t wait for it
He always gets the best skins 😅
So basically no new weapon/map/legend/ltm…
I am going to miss silence grenades, they were so useful against wraiths
the most important part of this trailer is select fireis back
>Revenant Rework
>Prowler selectfire
>R99 back to ground loot
>Interesting Charge Rifle rework
>Olympus back after being bugged for half a season and gone for a full
yeah, this is epic
Please tell me select fire prowler is back, and disruptor rounds
Woah new revenant heirloom recolor less go 130 straight to yo hands
So like where is the mirage skins cause these been a lot of wraith skins
this is cool, but please stop with the collection events ):
For how incredible Apex is the core gameplay keeps people interested and this is key because ever since the start of seasons years ago the content updates are just so light legends left untouched for season upon seasons new weapons are rare and map updates are minimal or small at best idk if the core gameplay wasn’t so great i think this game would be i trouble and it’s not going to change because for years seasons have been like this just feels like wasted potential and i think this is hands down the best BR.
yeah yeah but is olympus coming back
WWOOOOOO!!! 💀👍🏽💯
Is that the “select fire” Prowler coming back???? Please let the Havoc have it too
Whoever made this trailer needs to make all of the trailers moving forward.
Idk about the gibby shield
The part where he says some skinbag out there thinks thay are in control control? I will rip it from their cold dead hands gave me chills. Am so excited for the new season
this the best trailer yet imo
Battle pass skins?
prowler auto is back bby
Would love for Ballistic to get some buffs so he could have value in rank. Simple fix…
Increase Ult time
Increase movement speed
Shorten range for team (so they have to play together)
Increase time duration like 5%-8%
Increase smart pistol radius & time on floor
His concept is so cool. Oh and give him a Gun Devil like skin from CSM for Halloween!!! He’s just not valuable in ranked but with some tweaks I can see his pick rate trend up.
Select fire is back!?
Revenant alter?
Finally they made revenant a badass trailer
deez nutz
wait this is great
FORGEd shadows. Hmmm
Ooooo that gave me chills. I’m excited to try the new Rev. Is he still sneaky? Looks like he’s still go this walk climb, but I really liked that he could crouch and still have walk speed and sneaky quiet.
Why remake an
existing legend instead of adding a new? I don’t think the game is over saturated with legends yet. What’s the reason?
Prowler auto, let’s go!!!
What a trailer, this is the best so far for me ..
and the death dynasty sets looooks so sick
The best Apex trailer ever hands down.
full auto prowler, disruptor rounds, reworked charge rifle, wow a lot to take in
So which one is better playing apex PC or PS5
Disrupter rounds on alternator
Does someone know what the song in this trailer is called?
Why did they have to bring back the disruptor rounds
Select fire prowler, and charge rifle is now the spartan laser from halo. Nice!
Revenants Voice acting is just beautiful
Nahhhhhh this is my new op My streams are going to love this! ROGUE_ENCHANTRESS IS BACK! IN NEW COLORS!
When skin for bloodhound y wraith 😢
i want to learn more about lore!!! what happens to revenant is not clear, I hope that the voice lines will healp
“Here I go killing again” reminds me of that episode on Rick and morty! 😂
They’ll show tap strafing in promotional trailers, but not make it accessible to consoles
Halloween season came early 😅
we just need cross progression fr
2:59 They 100% got this shot by accident. So glad they did, though. It’s so cool.
Did y’all see the select fire on the prowler??? And the disruptors on the alternator?? Okay apex!!!
Why Revenant events always hypes the people? I love him
That looks like a charge rifle rework, it fires like it does in titanfall
Ok but what about all my skins
Looking forward to auto prowler. been missing that.
Man so excited for the full auto prowler to be back
Base model with a different head. Nice skin design derpspawn…
So he became a real cockroach
A little worried about it saying “all season long”
Like that sorta implies it’ll go away?
as a day one rev main we are so back
No new tdm map?
Як завжди топовий брутальний РЕВЕНАНТ!!! ЕЕЕеее Хе-ХЕ-ХЕ -ХЕ-хе ….
Recolors. Awesome
Disruptor rounds are back, o god.
somebody tell me what the song in this trailer was its so good
i think they might have buffed revenant
Wow nice. I don’t have revenant unlocked yet, fairly new player. I’m really excited for the new mixtape Maps😁
Game needs to die so titan fall can return
And people who just dont wanna play rev?
L no wall run L
1:49 wait is this a 6 man party ?
Prowler select fire, finally 🔥
finally ,wraith skin perfect soldier recolor 🙂
Wait did I just hear a disruptor rounds alternater and see a selectfire prowler?
2:00 is that an alternator with disruptor rounds?
Lets gooo baby the auto prowler and disruptor round alternater is back
Bruhhh auto prowler?
auto prowler is back
Did they give the alternator a hop up again? Sounds different when the octane shoots it. 🤔
Music pleas
The eva 8 for réal ☠️
Love the krombopulus michael line loo
chargrifle ?!!!
They gave Guapee a movement legend to main. Oh no.
The Shadow Pounce gives me goosebumps, and suddenly I hear the Left 4 Dead Hunter scream in my head the first time I saw it. Now I can’t see it without hearing it *and I LOVE IT*
I LOVE his new voice modulation! 🥵
They should’ve used someone else other than bloodhound in the beginning. How y’all gonna make him sneak up so easily on a legend that tracks and scans 😂😂😂
I may not be a Rev main (more his nemesis) but he looks great 😄 The timing is everything with Halloween coming up 😆 and this trailer was on POINT they just keep getting better and better 😆
Three words. Cross progression when?
“gameplay trailer”
proceeds to show skins and battle pass
Cross save
I am so glad they brought back the full clip on the prowler
stealing bloodhounds thunder.
Shame we lose his silence but also o.g charge rifle pog
The battle pass skins looks goated
Revenant finna be poppin, cant wait to try him out
All this hype for a filler season with another recolor event. Only good thing is the double EP. 😂🤣🤣
That Passive Will be great on comps
Love it when a company admits something needs reworked and then they take advantage of it to make a great new event/season. This season is going to be awesome
Here’s an idea release a battle pass based off of phobias and which legend matches it the most
Cross progresion where ????
Auto prowler lets go
So Basically the Only Thing That’s Coming this Season is a Single Legend Update , not Even any Map Changes ?
Guys, I didn’t understand something, will the new revenant be added only for this season or what?
Revenant not beeing able to be scanned by any other legend, would really fit his character as an assasine. I would love to see this in the future.
Amazing trailer! Finally showing the true gameplay with not just one shot with Wingman, Revenant looks super fun, excited to spam his lines 🔥🔥
The scariest part about this is the fact that select fire prowler is back 😧
Did you notice the heavey ammo smg in automode and the new way the charge rife fires
0:55 bro hit all his shots but didn’t do any damage 🤣
Prowler with select fire😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮 we back baby
Not sure if it’s a newer voice line or just something I missed, but the highlight of this trailer for me is Pathfinder’s cheerful, “Here I go killing again!”
That transition at 00:38 was so smooth and really cool!
They buff my main im going back to apex
0:17 Apex Season 17 Ranked in a nutshell
Increasing crouch speed would make rev looks weird but scary at the same time
he is literally me . <3
This is FIREEEEEE, and the BP looks INSANEEEE
Why do you only get 2 xp in battle royale, that seems very little
Okay let’s do it again
Prowler: now has full auto mode
Charge rifle: now its tf2 version
Revenant: From a push character to a mobility one
What song is that ?
Looks Like revenant goes to overpowered legend of all legends
This rework on Revenant hella OP, from the literal aimbot to pouncing like a Hunter from L4D, kinda hyped tho and I stopped playing 2 seasons ago.
This by far the best 1 yet
2:00 old alternator back???
Trash. Skins for sale legends.
Useless update, i prefer to silence enemy abilities than dashing into enemy
Selectfire for prowler!!!
Does this mean that cross progression is finally coming? JK That’s why I don’t play this anymore
oohhh boi
Disruptor alternator??
WoW full auto prowler is back
Hey Respawn, Crypto needs a buffer, or re-tech…whatever ya call it…make him strongererer. – His Best Pal Mirage
The recolor is better than the normal heirloom
Full auto prowler is back???
Not a big fan of this remodel skin, the shoulder spikes just makes it look like that one anime skin he has
No one talking bout that automatic prowler 😭😭👀
Looks like prowler select fire is back
Oh no, not the fully auto Prowler again 🥲
soundtrack ❤🔥🔥
So disappointed that they haven’t added wallrunning. They could have added it in his passive or even better, when he activates his ult and goes into shadow form he could be able to wallrun for the duration of his ult.
Whenever a new battle pass drops I get so excited for the new skins and that Eva 8 skin is sick, is distruster rounds coming back for the alternator
The artstyle, the music, the shots(especially where Rev leans through Cat ult) are so well put together.
Full auto prowler???
This is DARK I love it
Who tf have the idea to put this recolor skin for loba 💀🤨
This looks fire 🔥
Revenant in the intro- “I’m super spooky, you can’t find me”
Bloodhound- “… So anyway, I started scanning”
Okay this is awesome but are we gonna finally get cross progression?
Select fire prowler is back and I’m happy
Rev got the best trailer twice
Full auto Prowler is back on the menu boys.
Seletfire is back
Ахуеть просто ахуеть, не ужели что то нормальное я в шоке, трейлер прям списали с геймплея
All i want is a hemlock Full Auto
Let it come for mobile soon
Revenant got that Hunter leap from L4D
Disruptor rounds back on alternator I can’t wait 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
not wallrunning but its good anyways👍
bread approves
im so excited i used to main rev but i mained someone else and now im going to main him again
so his ult is useless now thx
Scawy robo man
S18 here we come
I saw that select fire prowler and immediately got so pumped, ive missed my baby
Edge teams will now be rev horizon and seer
Look at all those skin bags they don’t stand a chance in season 18 hahaha 🤣
Still no stats tracking for the multiplayer?
Why is Valk getting another battle pass skin after getting one a season ago
Full Auto Prowler? Can it be true?
I don’t play apex anymore but these trailers genuinely make the game look fun
It feels great to have birthday on August 8th 🙂
Hopefully next season they fixes the game, it’s actually annoying always crashed mid game with no error message
Select fire, new charge rifle and disruptors? Looks like a lot of fan favorites are coming back.
Now they just need to add solos back, every battle royale has it, it’s honestly total BS that Apex still doesn’t have it
Theres a shot where we can the prowler on full auto, so they will return the full auto hopup?
yes new content for discord mods
Revanant is cool and all but is that A FULL AUTO PROWLER?
Was that a full auto prowler?!
My new acc is RevenantIsMine, lol
c’est très bien
Did anyone else notice the charge rifle change? Seems like it got changed as well!
ok cool~so when u will fix the server and game crashing??😂😂
Was looking forward to finding out about the last couple of legends from that big datamine (Jester and Scryer),but seeing new Rev in action this season is just as great.
Prowler full auto 😀
L recolor event
Oh boy, here I go killing again!
arenas when…
We gonna talk about that full auto prowler?
Full auto prowler again.
Wdym he is unlocked for all 🫥 hard earned 12k wasted
I understood a lot about Apex Legends via its mobile version. Wish they would bring it back! 🥹 Apex Legends
Revenant finishing Crypto is a nice reference to the time where the new legend used to finish the prior legend in the trailer.
Great trailer, Is that select fire on the prowler? :O
Man, Only if Pounce can Pinned if direct contact or something.
that Climbing is hella scary and Cool tho.
I’m really anticipating this rework.
Respawn is straight scared to make Vantage fortified 💯
0:06 did revenant just become ultron?
…Guess we’ll see 🤷🏻♂️
His reworked ult functions how I imagined it would from his reveal trailer. It’d make sense he activated it while facing off with the goons to get that overshield in that s4 cinematic.
They have basically made him a solo legend. His previous kit (tactical / ult) had scope for team synergy. With this new rework, he is all on his own
Pathy and his skin reminds me of Caboose and Tucker 🤣
Terrifying!! Revenant looking incredible! Awesome revamp!!
Disruptor and selectfire is back yeah baby
As a revenant main im happy that we got new abilities but also sad cause i wont be able to play him for 2 weeks
ah yes, og charge rifle from titanfall is back
Did someone saw the auto prawler🥶
Hope this doesnt make too many new Rev mains. Always been nice to have no trouble at all picking him
is the ranked system fixed tho?
Lore revenant
Finally since good BP skins
Time to Redownload!
Looks like the select fire hop up will return. Love me a full auto prowler!
Resurrect the rank system pls 😉
Favorite part of this trailer is the automatic prowler is back baby!!
this was a movie trailer if i ever saw one
Another heirloom recolor..
charge rifle kinda cool, is that a full auto prowler? holy
sheesh man, trailer gave me chills! awesome editing!
I hope this coming season will be good current season is too boring.
Looks like a decent season
Music name please😮❤
Rip charge rifle 😢
Me being a rev main I am not happy that there’s a heirloom re skin and I just got shards to get his heir look 😢
are we not gonna talk about full auto prowler coming back?? I love it
wow this was a good one 10/10
مازالت تحتاج مزيدا من التحسين ارجو لكم التوفيق
Full-Auto Prowler? 🤩
Переключатель режимов на ищейку🎉🎉🎉🎉уииииииииии
Seems like Prowler Selectfire and Alternator Disruptor Rounds are coming back. That’s all I’m excited (and dreading) for 👍
Is noone gonna talk about the alternator firing disruptor rounds… 2:01
Revenant mains eating good next season
Cool. Still boring.
This is how Rev should’ve felt on first release. Man this is gonna be dope to see in game
so sombra passive and moira fade. creative.
Revenant is now officially Hunter Left 4 Dead 2.
that wall bounce 360 from bangalore tho
so thats a nerf.
looks like apex is releasing thier movie soon in theatres
revenant should be spiderman basically. stay stuck in walls or ceiling being able to shoot or use shields and meds.
Rework Revenant kit makes him even more terrifying. Best for initiative tactics like ambushing and charging in.
Was that a fully automatic prowler ????
Rev walking through the Catalyst wall like it was nothing was utterly fantastic & easily the highlight of the trailer. Revenant continues to have the best trailers my god
Hold up we’re those disrupters on the alternator?!
Best gameplay trailer ever, really, this trailer was a masterpiece!
Pls drop storm point
Finally. A LORE accurate Revenant.
Will this bring back the seer catalyst scan meta to ALGS? Because I think this will affect it especially when he could easily jump ABOVE the catalyst ult if you stack it with a pad.
Is it me or is there 3 legendary skins for the Battle pass ? Maggie, Path and Valk ?
so basically revenant went from a team-based legend to a solo-legend ….. i mean the rework is good, it just feels like every legend is movnig towards solo-based abilities
I also like the slowmo shots to take a screen shot for wallpaper backgrounds. Very cool
Disruptor alternater, Disruptor l-star, select-fire prowler…..
This gon’ a fuunnn season
I prefer the previous ult.
It is cine
Halloween comes early it seems.
120hz for console please
New animations for my heirloom let’s go.
the old revenant was better
My revenant mains rise up
they made revenant cold asf
Does it mean Olympus is back? or we stuck with all the bad maps again?
Revenant snapped hard
I’m excited to play Rev again.
One of the best trailer for a video games
full auto prowler?
I love the part where Respawn said “It’s Resurrection time” and brought back 10 recolors for an heirloom recolor.
Truly a Respawn moment
did any one notice the prowler switch from semi auto to full auto?!?!?!?!
and olympus is back
Só volto a jogar esse lixo quando disponibilizarem um modo solo!
The same BH at the beginning, not using his skill. A true apex experience.
select fire prowler going back, lets go
Prowler full auto hopup
Im an OG rev main. All this time Ive been forced to main Crypto, Fuse, Caustic and Loba. I can finally return to my baby ❤
Randoms: Let’s pick rev
Rev Mains: Finally a worthy
Our Battle Will Be LEGENDARY
Bp is lit af🔥
Cant wait for everyone to argue over revanent only to *not actually push with his aggressive abilities*
Ypee prowler full auto🤭
Charge rifle is the same as tf2 now🙂
I’m hearing disruptor on alternator and the prowler switching from semi auto to auto 😁
Did rev just switch a prowler to full auto or an I trippin?
I cant wait to see Rev heirloom recolor
Finally charge rifle is now the same as it was in titanfall 2
Is it my imagination or does that prowler have a fire selector
what was the problem with old revenant´s kit?
The most badass legend just got EVEN BETTER
EA and Respawn fix the game and stop scamming deleting account and banning OG accounts unfairly just to make more money, Apex is not dying EA and Respawn are killing it!!!
Wait is the full auto prowler back?
I like titanfall ver charg rifle 1:18
the charge rifle change looks sick
If anyone wants to know the song, It is Pandora by 2WEI and Edda Hayes.
full auto prowler is back
Apex needs to have a horror movie of revenant now.
The prawler with select fire is back 💪🔥
Looks like they reworked the charge rifle and the selectfire is back fo ra full auto prowler
nobody cares
Anyone know what song that is playing?
I honestly very excited for this season and even the rev heirloom recolor too!! All of the skins look amazing for being recolors.
2:56 Does anyone else think the way the Revenant pronounces “control” is just an earful?
Charge rifle rework is very decent.
0:57 prowler in full auto 😬😬😬😬
super cool trailer
Anyone else boutta become a rev main?
Select fire prowler back W!
I can’t wait for the Charge Rifle change it seems more like the TitanFall version and I was amazing with that version of the Charge Rifle.
1:41 👏
As someone who has only ever played revenant, dreading having to pick him after getting him everytime for years.
кросспрогрессию увидят видимо мои внуки
And this is why apex is dying
Is that a full auto prowler?
I loved when mirage said “bamboozles for the foozle” and proceeded to fool me into thinking that I’d actually have a fun time playing this game.
The best trailers the worst servers ea games we love you ❤️
Solo 7 palabras, E S E N C I A
What’s the collection event reward?
I can see it.
so a seer with insane movement and a brig ult.Great.
Auto select fire Prowler, Disruptor rounds Alternator, Chargeable charge rifle, Revenant Reborn. Sounds like the beginning of Season 5.
I love how they started putting actual movement in trailers. Waiting for mantle jump.
1:15 ガチのゴ〇ブリみたくて普通にぞわっとしたわ
La voz de Revenant uff
Alternator with hammer point come back ??
no one commenting on the fact the prowler is gonna be back to full auto?
S0 meta here we come
That was sick trailer I love rev can’t wait to play the new version
Delete apex and release Titanfall 3
I didn’t see anything for cross progression does that mean it’s not coming out?
Whats that song called
So bangalore useless now?😢
Bring back arenas please
Can’t wait for my teammate Revenant to jump and climb the whole building then asking me where is backup when he got knocked down.
Nah the cinematography for the gameplay trailer is insane. Good job on this one RSPN.
An actual good trailer
These videos used to make me happy.
Full auto prowler ???!!!!
I wonder if we can keep our skins on him or if he gets new ones, will they like replace the ones we already own for free?
As a revenant main who switxhed to pc this is cool and all but whens cross progression coming
no one gonna talk about the full auto prowler ?
i love that his entire character was reworked, even his default skin was changed.
I am now a rev main
Wait a minute. Nothing about storm point? Is there even a map update to it? What about the map teases and stuff?
I loved it but for the people that had the old revenant are they gonna loose him after the season and get back the legend tokens?
Everyone in the comments talking about reworked revenant but not about SELECTFIRE returning for prowler
first time in a long while that an apex gameplay trailer actually got me hyped. hopefully the actual season delivers as well
What is a mixtape?
This is prolly the best trailer they’ve released so far
Here i go killin again is definitely a reference to rick and morty trust me
Na this trailer was official, unadulterated, all-inclusive hype af. Those changes seem juicyyyyy too. The way they choreograph these trailers is really just a joy. Bravo — well put together.
역대급 트레일러
Thanks respawn I am more scared of him
Ayyy They brought the Titanfall 2 Charge Rifle! Cool!
NGL that was pretty epic
Auto Fire Prowler has me hypeddd
Did anyone notice which gun is reactive battlepass level 100/110 this season?
MM not fixed, Audio not fixed, very little real content for the core game. My wallet is staying shut.
Looks like full auto prowler hop up back during the ability showing
Where is Cross Progression???
Revenant pick rate about to go flying
EA presents new Bandai action Lego revnant now with all new less interesting character model and all new abilities new rev toy comes with everything u see here batteries and other characters sold separately 😂😂😂😂
God this design is bad lol
Loved it when apex took one of the most unique characters in the game and made him the most boring generic character of all time
Excited for the automatic Prowler SMG. Might not be as godly as the first time but still fun to have the option. Looks like the Alternator had disrupter rounds as well when the Octane was in the air.
Lots of things to unpack here:
– Disruptor rounds are back on the Alternator!
– Prowler’s select fire is back!
– Olympus!
– Reworked charge rifle.
– And of course: Rev reborn. I think he’s going to be a lot of fun in pubs, but in ranked….. well… we’ll see 😀
Did I just see a fully automatic prowler?
if you a rev main with an hierloom like me show the love 😈
So nobody gonna talk about the fact that selectfire is back after three years?
everyone talking about how sick revenant is, and he surely is, but nobody talking about the select fire coming back on prowler.
again event recolors
Is that Revenant’s heirloom recolour?
a full auto prowler
Did anyone see the new herlom recolor for revenant ? 2:46
Trailer was meh ..still gonna play it tho
Prowler with select fire
The Eva skin lookin cool
and the full auto is back to prawler’
revnants finisher should just be him copying the legend who he is killings’ finisher
Everyone talkinf about Revenant’s new Abilities and how cool he is now.
Meanwhile im here Drooling at the New Charge Rifle Rework.
did 120 fps came out on ps5?
Pls pls pls pls <3 , what is BEAUTIFUL music ??? :)
Full auto prowlers back !! 😭
Wattson was afk
YO select fire is back for the prowler.
automatic Prowler is back!
So hyped
Can we talk about pathfinder being krombopulas Michael from R&M
that double xp event better work on gun progression or ima scream
Bring back mobile please
Selectfire is back….
i’m still thinking about what’s the point of teasing map changes on storm point if it’s to do nothing, we keep playing on the same mapes without changes…
It was hard for me to tell what was actually in the collection event. As far as the heirloom goes
if im not mistaken but is the prowler automatic again?
Cross progession? Pls
Am i crazy or was that prowler swapped full auto?
0:52 ain’t now way they snuck in the griddy and thought we wouldn’t notice
Yall really into letting people know where enemies are after getting shot 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ will miss my Q on Horizon/ wraith mains and disable their Q tò run away
Either the prowler can be switched to auto or the select fire is back! Either way it’s going to be 🔥
Okay now this got me excited for Apex all over again!
Amazing trailer! Great execution 🖤
Sooo… the rework is not permament?
Rev go Yeet. Prowler go Brrrrr.
The best Apex Trailer ever
Prowler select fire may be making a return 👀 watch out folks
finally auto prowler
As a Rev Main, Lets see
Ooooo that look cool can you guys make Cripto better with the drone always out doing something for you like giving you Intel behind your back since he so burnerable
Bloodhound walking, only to find his teammates death boxes, is a true apex experience
Most badass reveals since revenants original release
Shouldve kept silence on the pounce landing.
Idk about you guys, but I think I heard that alternator shoot disruptor rounds at 2:01.
wrath and octane are pined to taskbar to get skin on every collection event
That’s amazing! I think the best season in apex history is coming… Especially because of charge rifle rework. And Rev rework of course
А зачем тизеры на месте бури были?
Uhm.. Revenant heirloon recolor?
Revenant mains are finally winning. I thought I would never see the day.
Now that they have done this, go ahead and fully rework seer, wraith, fuze, and maggie. That’s just my opinion because honestly their ults are useless now days. I only say this cause most people act clueless.
This is the juiciest trailer i’ve ever seen from apex. Rev reborn is huge and deliciously scary. Glad you took opportunity to make this legend legendary, looking forward to see it in game
work of trailer and motion design teams are wonderful
I loved when revenant literally referenced ultron with the strings bit
Who cares about revi. I here for the full auto prowler😮🎉
Full auto prowler is back
“There I go killing again” okay, Krombopulos Michael.
Me watching this for the first 5 seconds: 😮 “this is sick.”
revenant then proceeded to turn the game into a horror game: 💀
Charge rifle changes and Prowler on full auto
the trailer is amazing! I’m glad that they used one of 2WEI’s songs again.
So. Are there 2 revenants now. Or is this just a revenant Rework?
anyone know the music’s name?
We need an apex horror game. This trailer is fantastic! Please make more!
bro said its “matchmaking time” and died to a pred in pubs
The music is hitting me so hard <3
yoooo Prowler SMG Auto fire select is back???
They should have made revs pounce auto finisher on very low health enemies
passive is. O.P
Looks amazing but still does not have cross Progression I just want to move my main account to pc
Well then I may play Rev now
Revenant still being the best, coolest and by far the most interesting character 3 years after his release shows how well designed he was…
Just wish they would add cross progression already
Wow they gave us so much this time!! Collection event, character rework, cool battle pass, more mixtape events, woww!!
Duuuude this is insaaane!
The most terrifying thing in this trailer isn’t Revenant, it’s the full-auto Prowler
Edit: Why is my boy Crypto getting the short end of the stick AGAIN?!
0:56 Someone tell me im not dreaming and that is a prowler full auto?
full auto prowler. New charge rifle. Insane rework to make this perhaps the most insane fragger legend???
Was that Disruptor Rounds on the Alternator at 2:00?
Best legend
That Magge skin be looking cracked
Revenant is too OP now. And LOVE the trailer. Gives off old vibes <3
Season 18 is going to be fun !!
Disrupter rounds!!!!
Best part is the fully auto prowler 👀
I feel like everyone is ignoring full-auto Prowler.
So are they going to do anything with Maggie’s highlight ability?
They should of kept both revs just to do it
Yup, they did it, they fixed my man Rev, now I really feel like coming back to the game.
Guapee and Revengeful should be way ahead of the pack. Especially Guapee who has mastered Rev wall running. It’s gonna be insane to watch what they can do with him now!
2:56 this part gave me goosebumps lol
God this trailer is insane, the editors went off on this one
bro literally turned into the hunter from left 4 dead
Does this make revenant a skirmisher now? And hopefully they nerf seers tactical its ruining the game ngl
Forget budget Ultron, SELECTFIRE IS BACK
Song is Pandora by 2WEI
zero map changes what do the devs do all day?
What about Stormpoint though? You teased a storm for weeks now. And now nothing is happening??
What is the track playing ??
Big Shout-out to new Revy-boi
1:35 full auto prowler is back!
Anyone else catch the disruptor rounds on the alternator?
these updates are just getting lazier and lazier, jesus christ.
The select-fire being back is more terrifying than Revenant Reborn.
Selectfire is back 😊
That charge rifle rework is lit
Ummmm select-fire prowler back?
they do be love Halloween in the mid of summer
Full auto prowler
We are done for
This is one of the most badass trailers I’ve ever seen
Trailer Song : Pandora – 2WEI & Edda Hayes
i want to play this game so badly but it doesnt have cross progression yet
Y el Cross save 😢?
rev gets a recolor ? interesting
Another season with no content is crazy hope yall lose more money now for sure
So no other new legend?
collection skin gross -_-
Where map changes?
proceeds to use the worst music imaginable for a trailer … but cant wait!!! looks dope !
Best Apex gameplay trailer yet?
Full auto prowler, hammerpoint alternator, Double Xp, ranked is reworked and will be fixed. Fire colour schemes for skins for collection event. They will peak in player agains I’m calling it
Nice did anyone else catch the auto prowler and charged up charge rifle?
Selectfire returns 🥲
Select fire back???
i love the pathfinder skin
of course revenant got buffed, they’re selling his heirloom recolor lol, predicatable, boring.
The end was simply epic, the voice acting, the editing, the music, all perfect! Brought a single tear to my eye
Charge Rifle rework, Revenant Heirloom recolor and Selectfire return. LET’S GO BOIS!!!!!
select fire on prowler is back 🔥
I’ve been playing Revenant since season 4, but I bought an heirloom for Octane because it looked nice, now I regret it.😭😭😭
sooooo, nothing??
lets go select fire on prowler and alternator carepack?
1:40 this is the best part… deep, meaningful, intimidating…
new slide reload hop up on 2:49?
Still no titans or wall running come give unbound from the ground respawn i don’t care in play testing if 90% of player can’t handle it. They’ll learn to fly or sink and die like the rest.
When i seriously think about quiting Apex ..it pulls me back with my Main…so bad its going to take another season to quit Apex
Select fire is back for the prowler 💯💯 Let’s go
Sure there’s the select fire prowler and the titanfall charge rifle, but is no one gonna talk about 2:01 ????
Anyone else excited for the selectfire attachment being back on the prowler?
finally a good maggie skin
Charge rifle nerf and select fire prowler return???
I heard disruptor rounds on the alternator and my PTSD is back
So basically:
– TWO passives (his wallhack for when players are low + his wall crawling)
– a movement tactical better than Path or Loba
– an Ult that literally makes him invincible????
Sounds balanced 🗿
Prowler with fire selector? 👀
lets go guys they actively just made revenent less interesting and unique
This looks sick, but another scan ability? Really? Because people expressed so much love for Seer?
Revenant (In Brazil, affectionately, we call him “cramunhão.” ) could star in a horror movie. His looks and skills against a small trained squad in a deserted city, would be sick!
Wait are those disruptor rounds? 😃It’s been awhile,reactive eva wasn’t expected but dope non the less,the skins look good too,no map rework?no new map? no new gun? Maybe mid season…
Why does this actually make revenant scary though
Time to see some changes from those sweaty wraith mains to Sweaty defendant mains 😂
Please just tell me Select fire is ACTUALLY coming back for the Prowler man pleaseeeeeee
This was BY FAR the best trailer yet! Loved every second of it and can’t wait to use those disruptor rounds again!!!
That Maggie skin is baller (literally)
I like the part where Pathfinder said “your going to become a skeliton now.” 💀
Dude this is sick
This is the greatest most phenomenal trailer I have ever seen for a reworked character in any game absolutely beautiful
Always loved rev, and now he’s even scarier. Another reason to crush the enemy with my scythe.
Yall who saw the new heirloom animation and heirloom look? Wondering how tha will work
Revenant mains, ARISE!!
R.I.P. Revenant Mains, was fun while it lasted
1:34 respawn bringing back select fire for the prowler?
put the arena back
put the arena back
I love how the season is named Resurrection because it’s the resurrection of Revenant’s pick rate (hopefully)
Why is noone commenting that the prowler he uses in the trailer is automatic
Hunting all the noobs next season, I’m excited 😈
Prowler full auto again!?!? Hype
Fix his hit box 😢 too
Surprised no one is talking about the what looked like charge rifle change and also prowler select fire to full auto.
ea unban me pls , i dont get why i get ban from nothing
did i just see prowler full auto toggle? is it back?
How about fixing footsteps sound?
His passive shouldn’t allow him to see through catalyst
Do we keep our heirlooms for him
I was feeling the trailer until it got to 2:37 n I saw that up coming Death Dynasty collection event filled with just recolors. A tru Apex moment right there.
Respawn just don’t listen 🤦🏽♂️ RECOLORS for original skins bad FOR MARKETING💰 FOR A COLLECTION EVENT 👎🏽 🚮
I hope heirlooms get special finishers 😢
2:54 “SOME F…” ?
Fully auto Prowler?? 😳
since when they started to make gameplay trailers look so epic
I’m in love with demon robot
“Do you know-” The muffin man yes he lives on Drury lane
This trailer is dope
love the part where respawn said “its death dynasty time” and recoolor evented all over the place
It’s Revin Time
Jeezus Christ
again the skin on the Valkyrie and Pathfinder ??? what’s next? Skin on Watson or Wraith? got it!!!☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Apex trailers will always be unmatched.
Anyone else also excited for the storm point changes?
This is sick
bro, this trailer looks like a movie trailer 😂😂
Sounds like they brought back the prowler attachment to make it automatic again 🤔
So the Alternator has a hop up the prowler finally has auto fire back and the Eva is the gun for this season
Apex is back
That new charge rifle tho 👀 1:18
Meh… I’d rather have his current tactical Silence over the new leap frog ability that makes me vulnerable lol🤷♂️
So we’re just not going to talk about that full auto prowler?
As a Season 4-6 Rev Main I have to revisit Apex tonight cause geez.
big EA win 2x exp lets go
Everyone is talking about the gameplay but can we take a second to appreciate Darin De Paul’s performance as Revenant there is no one that could play the character as well as him
1:42 Bro finished his Villain Arc fr 💀
Love the new abilities but fix Singapore servers pls.
Cool update, great rev rework
but bruh, Rev heirloom recolor? you kiddin?
Tomorrows my birthday!
3:00 is it just me ore the heirloom looks different?
Hears disrupter rounds instant PTSD
i dont get something straight
Prowler auto or am I trippin?tripping? Also I like the way the charge rifle works now, like how it was in titan fall
L4d2 hunter
Did they just give Pathfinder, Mr. krombopulos’s “Oh boy, here I go killing again” 😅
REVENANT UNDONE and no updated pois another L update especially if they dnt fix ranked 😮😅😢
Wait is the prowler select fire back?
Love that they gave vantage a new skin!
Revenant as he was supposed to be from the start
Oh man, we got the full auto prowler back
that was really cool, loved the music.
I really hope I don’t lose any of my revenant stuff 😭
prowler selectfire here we goo!!!!!!!!!!
One of the best gameplay trailers, gg
prowler select fire???
Auto prowler is back 😍😍😍😍😍😍
My boy rev ❤️
Where is the map update 😅
ohh im loving that entire recolour roster labeled as ‘new skins’ with the event <3
Loved it when revenant said “It’s resurrection time” and resurrected all the overpriced micro transactions
This is the best trailer I have ever seen from Apex well done ✅
Best trailer that apex had so far
Its been a while since a apex trailer has given me goosebumps 😎
Where is cross progression?😢
charge rigle change prowler select fire and disruptor rounds
I will still miss old revenant hope this will be good as well
No me gusta sus nuevas habilidades, prefiero el totem
Love the part where revenant shadow pounced toward my wallet and took 160$ to spend on revenant’s recoloured heirloom. Truly an Apex experience.
Revenant’s kit now flows so much better. You can now use shadow dash to jump to a distant wall and climb to the top instantly. And the ultimate is basically the same as before except for the annoying interruption being sent back. Now it’s just a 75 health shield instead of 100. So much more useful.
I swear if people don’t start speaking out on how TERRIBLE, these seasons are getting… Then this game will never change. The only update’s in this season, based on this trailer are, AND I QUOTE, A Revamped Legend, New Battlepass, And new Collection Event. This will officially be the worst season of Apex history.
Apex season 1 yes
No new legend?
I love the horror esthetic this trailer brings because that’s what he’s supposed to be.
Still isn’t getting me to download this dogshit game lol.
Pathfinder finally getting a skin after 11 seasons 🙏
This is my favorite trailer so far, watched this 5 times in a row how cool this trailer was
Que merda
Select fire on Prowler 1:34 👀👀👀
Best trailer ever! 10 outta 10! 😈👍
We are getting the full auto mod again. Neat
Fully automatic prowler
Bro he sombra 😂 from his passive
So no map updates?
La edición del tráiler es brutal 🤯 subanle el sueldo a ese editor… Pero sin más, lo mismo de siempre en Apex Legends🥱, pero aquí seguiremos fiel al mejor BR ✊🏾
Anyone know what the song is in the background?
rev mains about to go crazyy wth movements🗣️🗣️
I’m just happy for disrupter rounds coming to the Alternator again.
Full Auto Prowler?!
Finally I waited many years for this like a Main Revenant!. Old revenant are so bad! this should be the original revenant
This the best character rework in any game ever
No map changes? Gay!
2:36 Oh look, Recolor Dynasty collection event
Select fire is back
This hits deep
this is actually great. death totem used to give sheilds to the teammates, which is opposite of revenant’s charecter(selfish and deadly), this new kit is awesome, 2:59 – 3:10 part woas cool
full-auto prowler, new charge rifle, and alternator with disruptor rounds, hmmmmm.
1:38 is it selectfire???
Select fire has been resurrected!
nice prowler SMG back to normal
Automatic prowler 🤩
this season finna be fire 🔥
1:25 Best part of the trailer
This is a good rework and trailer !
My guy took 4 year to get an update. Did he was on windows xp ??
Showing the no regs in trailers now lol so mid
I miss Arena 🙁
I might start maining revenant after this trailer
So, i assume this skin will be his new base skin
Shoutout to pathfinder mains and Rick And Morty’s series fans 👌
Alternator with hammer points?????
please bring cross progression i wanna play so bad
Wild Wild Wild
Love to see the prowler is now full auto again
I dont like the rev changes
Lets go
The best gamplay trailer since february 2019.
Awesome 💥
Titanfall 3 died for this?
This might unironically be the coolest gameplay trailer I’ve ever seen. From the movement tech used to the badass voicelines and visuals, this is great.
Prowler full auto
Alternator disruptor rounds
ля а где саундтрек достать ахахахахах
Full auto prowler is back let’s go
Hat’s this feeling….? Is it Apex hype? Haven’t felt this since season 10
These recolor events are getting old man.
Is that the revenant recolor heirloom ¿
I saw a full auto prowler 😶 guess thats back lol
The best character in the game gets some attention and love. I love the way they connected this rework to the lore. Can’t wait to see how it will unfold.
Best Trailer ive ever seen
so rev isnt getting a new finisher? boo
Full auto prowler returns??
Revs passive works through Cat wall? We may actually see some attempts of rev in comp play
Music name ?
EA execs are hilarious. They complain about how S17 didnt meet financial expectations. Which is due to the game becoming stale and all the issues that have plagued the game for seasons, so what do they do?
Introduce nothing new but a rework, and address zero of the issues, if anything only creating an issue for rev mains like myself…
Great job respawn/EA maybe I’ll see you in s19
Im shaking bro, full auto prowler is back.
I left up Rev for Ash, maybe it’s time to come back to Rev now…
Man forget revenant anyone else excited the selectfire prowler is back😂
Wow trailer quility are getting better and better i think
Did I just see full auto prowler
He can see through cat wall. Welcome to the meta rev
The Revenant rework looks good, but the trailer is too weak, all this music, colors, atmosphere, an attempt to catch up with suspense from horror films, all this does not work in the apex, we know perfectly well what kind of game it is and what emotions it gives. This trailer would only work as an event trailer and represent some kind of temporary Halloween event mode
So his tactical is the same as vantage’s 🙄
I’m happy to see the select fire is back for the prowler😮
Add mouse and keyboard for console
Select fire on the prowler is back!!!!!!!!! Tinally
Thanks Apex/ respaw, almost 😅 cry
wait, prowler selective fire ??? 😮
Wait did revenant just pounce on that crpyto?!😮
Are we not gonna talk about the full auto prowler coming back and about time we got the rev reborn been leaked since 2021
I’m really excited for the new voice lines for revenant, loba, and Valkyrie
I love the fact that they used the song “Pandora” by 2WEI and Edda Hayes it fits Revenant so well!
Now THAT’s how you promo a new season. Really looking forward to it.
Lets goooo prowler full auto is back❣️
Lv 100 skin is eva 8
i’m liking the heirloom recolor
What more scarier than new revenant is prowler full auto.
As a Revenant main, this puts such joy into my heart
it looks amazing but where is cross progression, i’d like to use my rev heirloom on pc by now
funny how in the collection event 2:36 there is only recolors even the heirloom is a recolor ea never learn
What happens to the rev skins people have??
Prowler is finally back to being automatic
What is the trailer song pls ?
Aycabron se ve buenísima la próxima temporada 🙀🙀
0:56 was that full auto prowler ?
Pathfinder voiceline “Here I go killing again!” it’s Krombopulos Michael!
So do already existing players that have him unlocked have to get him again or is it just for new players who don’t have Rev?
Absolutely loved the vibe, awesome trailer
I swear if they remove the best mixtape game mode of all time, Gun Run: Estates, I will do unspeakable acts to the development team.
No gibby?? Or even a new skin lol
recolors lol
Autoprowler? Again?
Cool now give lifeline her reviving shield back
So is Octane getting a new prestige skin with different finishers or just placed a dying ash right in front of his new emote? It’s probably the emote one tbh
The pathfinder skin feels so og for titanfall 2 players just like,
Ronin Titan
Im not a revenant main and this got me hyped af
Prowler full auto again!!! Hyped!
Prowler select fire?
dude is it just me or has prowler gone automatic from semi burst now
Are we gonna talk about the charge rifle Reborn? That thing’s going to be reverted to it’s original form from 2016
Was that a Rev heirloom color? I actually couldn’t tell, and that’s not good
Lol next broken change, after month get nerf to ground 😂
This soundtrack cold!
Is anyone else having mixed feelings about this?
i want a revenant tv show
The select fire is back on the prowler lovely
My favourite part was when they showed off finishers (one of the coolest parts of the game) that were made YEARS ago
FULL AUTO Magic prowler
Wo wo wo Prwoler automática ahora asi nice
So is this like a reverent buff or why did all his abilities, tact and ult change?
nice job respawn no new map, weapon and now legends, only cosmetics nice job your greed gone too far.
What a boring season
Did anyone notice disrupter rounds on the alternator 😳
Sneak peak that the prowler gets full auto back!
cross progression please:(
i guess i will have to be back to apex again
Cross progression when???
I haven’t played Apex in about a year or 2 but this trailer is 🔥
I cannot play anymore, there’s an infinite loading screen what to do??? Dev
Apex is a last gen game with last Gen hardware
Am I the only one that noticed the select fire prowler?
New recolor event SHEEEEESH 🤡🤡🤡
Yaaaas death is back to apex legends 😂.
Awesome Trailer
My sufferings as a rev main were heard
Blood hound is yet again left out of the battlemm by pass, truely an apex legend experience
So the charge rifle is back to its TF2 state
1:38 He didn’t reload.
this trailer doesnt do the actual TTK justice
i guess all that talk bout it being a faide ult for his ult was for nothing
the reason I played Apex was revenant video where 9 apex predator fighting cheaters in the lobby and 9 of them use totem, then proceed to push, that was amazing.
and also, whoever did the trailer, especially the music, you did great for bringing back the revenant aura. thank you.
I saw full auto Prowler and heard hammer points on Alternator….
Full auto prowler is back
They turned revenant into what we thought he would look like at release
Pretty sure that selectfire is only on the packaged prowler… Is that the heirloom recolor?
Alright, no need to make him this OP, I mean c’mon! This season is going to be sick! And full of rev mains.
Toughest apex trailer Ong
How do you unlock him permanently?
No way selectfire and disrupter are coming back
superb trailer.
Octane movement +Gibby shield+Improved wall climbing = ultimate solo pusher🔥
That’s a whole different revenant heirloom.
S4 trailer vibes 🥵
select fire prowler is back?
Their is a world i comeback to apex for try Revenant’s rework, hope they nerfed the hitbox of my boy
For the first time since season 4 Apex has finally given me the chills or was it Revenant lol this makes me happy I’m a Revenant main🤘🔥
One of the Best trailer ever
This is how revenant should feel, a monster made of metal, capable of wiping out anyone and anything that gets in his way.
Now hear me out? What if just like prestige skins? The heirloom weapons had a finer that involved the weapon? Thoughts??
Is that “here we are don’t turn away now” vibes song? (Warriors – Imagine Dragons from Worlds 2014 – League of Legends)
Whoever is the team behind Apex, May God bless you for constantly putting great stuff out here likeee……RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh, this is WICKEDDDDD
Poor loba
Why is rev suddenly my new fav character 😭
We need LARGE patch notes.
loool still wont resurrect the game for me 🙂
Revenat mains its time to raise
I honestly don’t think the tactical is going to be as useful as everyone’s hyping it. It looks like you have to charge it to gain any real distance and even then, it doesn’t look hard to track. Apex is a game where you constantly need to be moving, anything that slows you down is not a good thing.
That freeze frame at I think 2:59 was kinda 🔥
Hmm did they change the charge rifle or am I blind
Where’s some new POIs to get hyped about?? Havnt had a town takeover in forever!
reject the killer robot become to cockroach robot
This is going to be a great season
The haters can say what they want, but this season is looking like a W so far
That charge rifle rework though 😎
Love how’s it’s called resurrection because there having to bring this game back from the dead. 🫠
bruh where is wall running?!?
Y’know, i like the new character and all, but i liked the old rev more, why not just let us have both?? It’s so upsetting i hate this
Did I see a fully auto prowler?!?!?!?!
That was a gnu heirloom pull out animation.
Not that impressed actually. Apex just ain’t hitten like it used to 😢
Isn’t the point of her wall so you can’t be scammed or seen through it? Why would they make revenant be able to have wall hacks on it
Man this is flame
Anyone else notices that Select Fire is back
the select fire hop up is back
im confused by the phrasing “all season long”. Is the character revenant changed forever now, or just for this season?
Mid season
The prowler is back to select fire🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
One of the best trailers of Apex 👏👏
Prowler auto
Bro the “ I’m not done yet”
i rly wish to keep the old model , maybe as a skin or something
Bru I got chills when he ” I will rip it from your cold dead hands
I’d love him to have his silence ability when he leaps directly on an enemy
Fire selector on prowler come back 😍😍😍
Is kings canyon and Olympus coming back we need a good map rotation after last season
i love how they put revs heirloom in the trailer so we buy it truly a apex move
Gave me the chills 🔥🔥🔥 Revenant mains rise up!!
Select fire is back boys and gals!!
I don’t understand why they recreate revenant, what do you think guys?
That pathfinder skin fire 🥹
I bought an apex coin pack and got Rev and someone else. My heart sunk when I saw he’s available for everyone. But it’s just for the season, so it’s all good.
Beginning of the trailer seemed like a horror game lol
Be prepared for vantages, horizonts and revenants jumping at your location on rankeds
selectfire back on the prowler lets gooooooo
No new legend?
Remastered Revenant looks interesting..
Eh idk… not the rework I would have hoped for. Passive change is decent, tactical change is great and looks fun. His ult isn’t fun at all though. Why not let him actually turn into his shadow form for a short time? But overall he’s probably at least better with the changes.
This character receives too much love from respwan
From all the Gameplay Trailers we had so far, is this my favorite one by far. The dark atmosphere from Revenant and visuals to the music everything fits perfect. I fcking love it
Select fire back for the prowler?!?!
Incredible work on the video and re-work EA very nicely done!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
A genuine Grim Reaper.
His new outfit looks SOOO much better in game than i thought it would. They really landed him
Filler season once again 😢
Time to go afk and grind Masters
soooo… disruptor rounds on the ground??? i wonder if that’s a good idea.
Аж вспомнится четвёртый сезон🥰 там и боевой пропуск один из лучших был❤
man im gassed for this icl. revenent about be haunting my nightmares
Does pathfinder have an ultrakill skin?
the MUSIC goes so hard
I love revenant so much the voice lines the lore! And this reworked is amazing but I hope we get a 3rd new finisher on revenant that’s the only thing I need
auto prowler back wahoo
This is 100% apex best trailer yet
Filler season
Filler season then
Cool trailer but based on the changes to the season this might be the most underwhelming season we’ll get of Apex
pro Gamer Moment…
did i see an auto prowler and acc rounds on the alternator ?
chat is this real
Still no cross progression, sadge
Everyone’s talking about the Revenant rework and I’m just here like, oh boy, how badly is Valk getting nerfed this patch?
2:02 disrupter rounds is back!
Wait so whos the legend of season 18 and will revenant look like that?
Full auto prowler is back that’s crazy
I wonder how skins will work with rev reborn… Is that his new default skin? Is it a limited-time legendary skin? Will there be new skins that take his new body into account? we’ll see.
Prowler with the select fire again!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
You can hear a shift in his personality or tone, before he was careless and just messing around, now he’s just locked in.
This premiere was amazing for the rework
New charge rifle
Am i the only one who saw a full auto prowler???
Og tf2 charge rifle and full auto prowler!? This season is going to be great.
Dat evil Pathfinder smiley coming out of the shadows tho. Chef’s kiss.
It’s truly an Apex experience when at 0:56 respawn showcased no reg as a feature ❤
Переключатель режимов, пробивные, энерговинтовка из второго титанопада, Реворкнутый Рева…
Это лучший сезон
Меня никто не переубедит, даже если он объективно будет д*рьмо
Coolest gameplay video in a while
its been a while, welcome back APEX LEGENDS
more scan abilities and recolors… oh gee what will they think up next?!
This might be a horror game not apex😂
they really know how to make a game play trailer now
I’m highly scared to admit that the Alternator doesn’t have that sound when it fires, it’s the Disruptor 😦
I am seeing ACEU using this and doing 1v6 plays. that Ulti-refreshing damage block is just what Blood-hungry player wants.
Ngl this has to be one of the best Apex trailers of all time
wow they made revenants kit suit his character now
The full auto pwalr is back
They’ve heard the jokes about Apex the horror game and went with it, I see
sigh no update on cross progression
all they did was change rev and the charge rifle? get real respawn.
Full auto prowler, disruptor rounds on the alternator and a reworked charge rifle? Maybe all in airdrops? Can’t waaaaaait, feeling like the original Apex again
That rip u apart stitch u back together part sounds like it was taken straight from FNAF
This season looks low on content
“Here I go killing again!” bro pathy is a treasure.
Battle pass skins look lit
Disrupters back? And cp select fire prowler? And a more titanfall like charge rifle? Loving the weapon changes. Now just nerf the nemesis into the ground and Ill be happy.
Select fire bk
Cross progression?
I’m not playing until cross-progresion I want to move to pc from playstation
La prowler volvera a ser automatica si lo habilitas😮
That shot of Rev walking through the Catalyst ult was fantastic
Again this is sick
Favorite trailer since season 4. I wonder why?
Season looks insane!!!!
1:41, that gave chills, so sick 🖤
That Heirloom sprint animation is new, or at least faster than it was originally
No map changes?
1:42 TELL ME,,,,,DO YOU BLEED??YOU WILL – batman
Nicely executed
Watch Every1 Claim That They Are A Rev Main
charge rifle intriguing
Looks like the ‘Select fire’ and ‘Distruptor’ hopups are coming in Season 18. Thank you Respawn.
L4D The Hunter
Left 4 dead 2 hunter’s special attack 🫡
Did I just spy Prowler selectfire…. I missed her so much….
I love everything new about him but im not gonna lie imma miss silence everyone abilities 😢
Look at these skinsuits in comments 😈
This could be the greatest season of all time if they bring back shadowfall
Got Maggie looking CLEANNNN
why is he able to see through catalyst wall that should be the one thing countering his passive
Патфайндер это V1?
Pathfinder is V1?
Not going to lie, that recolor didn’t even look like a recolor.
The charge rifle has changed?
Nah we need some anime for this game. Like for real, something similar to Arcane
The story telling is amazing
select fire my beloved is back
Death has come and some skin bag thinks they can control it. Hahaha! Time. To. Prove. Them. Wrong
-Revenant Reborn
Select fire is back let’s goooo
So is rev keeping all his legendary skins?
This has so much hype and it’s kinda mid
A lot of words in caps but no content at all.
rest in peace Silence, i will miss you
I feel like I won’t be able to play revenant at all now since everybody will pick him, he is the only legend that I have unlocked apart from the starter ones😑
This trailer actually goes so hard
This trailer was AWESOME. The horror theme fit great, and glad to see ol Rev get some limelight again.
2:20 me to that guy on discord
Not bad, but still would want a new character then a rework that could had happened during the season ngl. Hopefully they add cross progression this season tho
Ok, but is select fire back on havoc?
This gave me goosebumps, one of the best trailers so far
Eva 8 reactive skins 😂 1:54
Anyone else notice that chargrifle 😮?
Bruh I swear that select fire prowler better be real. I miss my baby so much.
I’m here
Now get ready to see some flying revenant
“Are you scared, ilove the closer look”
Put your fav legend mine rev
Daddy chill
Wait is alt a energy weapon now
The best trailer apex legends has ever made
Prowler: Being the strongest weapon in the game
Respawn: let’s add select fire and make it stornger 🔥😶
Reee color again 😴😴😴😴
I don’t think he’s going to be as good as they advertised tbh 💁🏾♂️
Commit your fav legend
Disruptor rounds are back Oh Lawd !
What do you guys have against crypto let him live his life and play his game 🙏😂
thank god for the charge rifle rework not to mention the full auto prowler plus olympus back in rotation. this update looks like it’s actually gonna be good.
Let go🎉
Are those recolors respawn?
cool more scans. just what apex needed.
Fun fact: Revenants finisher at the end was on Crypto, alluding back to the end of his original release trailer all the way back in season 4
They stay doing finishers on Crypto😭
Easily the best Gameplay Trailer of Apex Legends. WE REVENANT MAINS WILL TAKE OVER!
time to enter the shadows
Selectfire Prowler and Disrupters Altenator??? YES PLEASE. LETS GOOOO. This Season will be one of the best for sure!
Now THAT is a ravenous beast hungry for death. Not what we had before.
They nerfed tf out the charge rifle. It’s no longer a laser 😢
no cross progression big let down
The Revenant Rework looks interesting, he will no longer be a goof it seems.
I saw the charge rifle and went oh no but thank god its like titanfall 2
Revenant is nothing short of General Grievous but if Grievous was actually trying. 🔥💀🔥
Once again another season with nothing for mirage😢😢
Cackling at the Krombopulous Michael “Here I go killing again” line from Rick and Morty 😭😂
Only thing I’m disappointed about is that us actual OG Rev mains are going to struggle to get our hands on him. But other than that I’m excited.
Darrin de Paul is such an amazing voice actor. He did a wonderful job as Revenant’s voice.
Ok im impaitent give me this season right now 🔥🔥🔥😤
Revivió Apex
Now this is how you rework a character. God I love Rev 💖💞💕💞💕💞
ufff me recontra encanto !
That was class
We getting back the Selct Fire Hop Up for Prowler?
new face looks goofy
Wow just Wow…
1:42 hold up, does this mean Rev’s passive & ultimate counters Cat’s wall? It looks like his “scan” works through the wall and the ultimate may negate the blurry vision effect?
Start of season 18 everybody is using revenant
Revenant looks so fun now
Good development
This trailer actually goes so hard
Ehm I didn’t see cross platform progression?
Love the jumpy revenant
Full auto Prowler,,, I’ve missed you so much
Boi time to main revenant again! <3
Recolour collection event L 🙁
Inaccurate that BH couldn’t find him first unless he’s now immune to scans
I’m loving the new revenant
Full auto prowlers back?
Game changer
New rev heirloom animations,sweet
Now: Ranked s18 Ratting with new Revenant 🙇♂️
Guess I’m a Rev main now.
Another filler season….
Yo the here I go killing again line, cleannnnnnnn
Fix the sound
of course there can not be an apex trailer without bloodhound dying.
Finally rev actually plays like his reveal trailer
charge rifle enjoyers like button
All my titanfall vets, where you at?
I just wish old Rev wasn’t getting deleted. He was my main and idk about this new set he has
The select fire prowler is back!!!!
Best gameplay trailer yet.
Buff Crypto
k now wheres the map change
Revenant really made this game into horror one
w trailer
if they still have Broken Moon and Storm Point in rotation i’m literally not playing
Revs passive better not work through Catalyst wall. The literal point of it is to block scans.
Was the revenant heirloom a different color?
Fr they better change the ranked system
So can he finally stay on walls like spiderman or not? What about the ceilings?
I love it when Respawn sells us recolors of skins we already bought.
So cool
Loved when bloodhounds team got bodied and he still didn’t use scan. A true apex experience
The the new skins just recolor tho. Like whole new even but just recolored skins?
Ooohhh boiii!!! That was awesome!!! I can’t wait!!!
That was the best video ever made
New favorite trailer hands down
pink cheese green goes
that was freaking sick
Same day as jjk comes to fortnite wont be there till later 😢
Cross Progression?
W by respawn now fix the Bugs please bois
That is the best trailer ong
Recolour event again???
One of the coolest gameplay trailers yet
He better get a prestige skin as well.
Any other rev mains got hard just now
I love the pathfinder skin ❤️
Massive w
That was a literal horror movie trailer
Seriously one of the best trailers we have ever received for Apex. Well done Respawn.
Please be troll. No way there’s no new map changes new legend or new weapon. There’s no new content.
😢😢😢 wow
Delite moon pls
Now I want a horror game with Revenant
Noooo reveranta nerf
anybody notice how his ult is called “FORGED shadows?” 👀👀
Music slap hard
Charge rifle reworked
Revenant finally getting the respect he deserves
Finally the charge rifle is like the titanfall one!!!
Was that select fire for prowler??
select fire baby!!!!
The only game mod revenant would be over power on is solo
Oh i heard this song before it was in this trailer
Also this trailer is a nice bit of 2019-2020
Ngl rev would fit dead by daylight 🤔😲
Select fire aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Auto prowler
Full auto prowler let’s gooo
Why he look like that
I drop Apex for war thunder and now im happy
Love form Kenya 🇰🇪 ❤❤
Hahahaha I can hardly wait
lets go
I was here
I been playing this game since day one
❤️➕🇮🇹 Chi è già main revenant come me e un chad
rip, old rev, i liked his emo mood
As a crypto main since S3 I am Now a revenant main
Cross progression pls
We need Cross Save finally, pleasee!
Yo the old rev ability vids gonna go crazy in the nostalgia feels in one year time
Revenant 🥰❤️
Love the song
Revenant go à run on us 🥲⚔️
Revenant mains be eating good
Loved it when revenant said it’s time to be reborn and then bought back all the bugs and then an 150€ skin and apex think we’ll pay for it truly an apex experience 🫶
I’m so excited to pop Rev’s new ult to full send a 3 stack and just throw my teammates games
These have easily been my favorite season hype trailers. Everything is at its best when Revenant is in the spotlight.
30 seconds
Dead by daylight vibes
remix rev music pack
SHUT UP !!! ❤😊
One minute
Lets goo!!🔥🔥🔥
Gaming Merchant. If you ever see this, please make a vid where you play all supports and controller legends aggressively thx 🙏
I hope that my revenant skins are still there, it would be a shame to lose them 🙁
Rev looks menacing
I loved the part when reversing spawned in and said “it’s revin’ time” and proceeded to rev everywhere. Truly an apex experience
nerf seer please
It would be funny if instead of a gameplay trailer they shove rampart in a blender
It is starting
Let’s Go
It’s 11
It’s 10:00
I have been a rev main for the longest time then I droped the game for close to a year but this might bring me back
Bro i am a seer main
Yo let’s get this on gg
I loved it when revenant said “i am death” and then he turned into a death box.
Death revives I pray that “that word will come true”
Cross progression?
I just loved when revenant said “it’s time to leap” and sat on my face truly an apex experience
Poopy kaka
Buff crypto
1 minuto de silencio para nuestro antiguo revenant
This season, the scythe returns ☠️☠️☠️
Revenant is gonna go so hard
Hßjhdvjsgwwgwhhqh HAPAG Ahab ab Hans gab süß handhaben
I loved the part where Revenant came on screen and said “It’s resurrectionin’ time” and resurrected all over, truly and Apex experience.
Gogga gogga
Finally Revenant mains, our time has come.
Apex is better than Fortnite
Man my favorite part was how they showed how he actually got nerfed hard with the update and given to everyone with 1000 apex coins for free.
I feel like revenant going dominate this season
the rebirth is here
Rev Mains Let’s Gooooooo !!!!!!!!!!
me and the other 12 rev mains eating good this season!
Lets make Bahrain server active on apex
My little cockroach getting a redo, good for him.
Apex Legends: Let’s add the hunter from L4D2
Revenant nerf incoming give it 2 weeks
Revenant is gonna come back.. But not how you think… He will………… Cause horrible server lag AND make vantage mains angy. But, besides all the jokes I love apex and I am so excited for the new season!!
Come on Cross Save, i really really really wanna get back into apex!
Dont look for sympathy. . . . You wont find it.
Woooooo!!!! Let’sa GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
متحمس بفارغ الصبر
Revenant: Even me refactored. One hope… may be there but the issue still going on.
Ooooooooo weeeeee
Rev mains rejoice tis the season in which we shall eat good
Hi apex legends wraith main’s
Vantage tactical buff please
Nerf evrityng 😂😂😂😂
I hope by S20 y’all plan to bring Fade and Rhapsody and the 6 other Mobile Exclusive legends that y’all had planned in mobile version and pls make Signature weapon here too
ОБОЖАЮ APEX! Первое: Лор… Я ни в одной онлайн-игре не видел такого обширного лора… Даже в некоторых open-world-games он не так проработан… 2. Геймплей: Способности персонажей очень разбавляют геймплей, давая очень много классных возможностей в стратегии! 3. Паркур. В Королевской Игре есть ПАРКУР!!!
man apex you always come up with awsome names for these seasons and reallly there all great
last chance for cross progress or devs don’t respect players
As Ash main i don’t care to much for reve but still I think its gonna be a blast for his mains
Im rev main but i love abilities but he looks bad😢
We shall see what happens..
Going in as a Premade so I can play Rev all I want. 😅
Thank you respawn 🖤 I speak for us 10 rev mains that this makes us unbelievable happy 🥹 thank you 🖤
Im up. Goodmorning/ or afternoon or night my good apex people 😅
Guys ready
I cant wait
cross progression or let’s leave the game
I will miss your old abilites, my old friend
This should have been ash’s thing and the story should have been tied in with titan fall.
I wonder how much of this season will be apex focusing on the store more than the game updates 😢
Bro I hope they add cross progression soon I played on Xbox but switched to PlayStation and have to start for scratch please respawn
I main revanent so it is a cool update
Just a small knockdown shield sized res shield for lifeline… It’s all I’m asking for…
The only legend that keeps plot interesting
3 HOURS?!??!
*Revenant 3.0*
Revenant is resurrected… Again.
Been playing Rev for so long now and I can only pray his new kit doesn’t get him nerfed to oblivion again 🥲
I loved the part were they said they were bringing back solos as a permanent mode and bringing back lifeline res shield
Don’t ever buy no gas station from the gas station y’all
Revenant was a hollow xD
I hope they will fix ranked
Wow that Revenant unique ‘vent’ animation is cool!
Do i get a special gift for having the Rev heirloom lol
This might be out of topic but who do you main
No puedo aguantar más de la emoción nesecito ver el trailer locoooooo😢
and after 3 years, the revenant finally has a lore and I hope that the creators of Apex will not break it and the revenant will be better and more efficient than the old revenant
I still can’t forget the revenant’s phrase “WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME”
Coopers gonna be here
Loba mains there is no stopping whats coming but we have to try as hard as our power
Here before it started 🔥 started paying in season 14 but im already lv 270, really hyped to see a rework for him because somehow i got 4 legendary skins for him
So excited
this season need cross progression or this game is die
I can’t wait for the new season🎉
Ну, выскажу своё мнение по поводу реворка. Старый ревенант был в разы лучше, новый же будет Вентедж с другой ультой
Revenant hitting the griddy.
I can’t wait
NERF controllers aimbot
You guys reallly outdid yourselves! Can’t wait to play revenant in his true form.
Yo resurrect BT!!!✊ Titans!!✊ Titans!!✊
Haven’t played this game in years, since when was their lore?
If you want Octane in your Battle Pass, gather around!
Im scared when they rework rav movement get hands on it o it’s game over no where to go but hide😢
Better have 120hz next gen
It’s REV time 🔥🔥
We finna eat good this season
Looking forward to it but what happens to the old revs skins? Will they be adapted to the new rev look?
Loved part when crypto says its drone time and gets ignored by entire apex community
i playing this game since 3 season and never gets old 🙂
Love revs lore and this is just lore accurate rev
Buff wraiths tactical
Can’t wait to hear some streamers complain about rav reborn
انا افتخر في لغتي العربية
Is this like a dlc? O new game?
will the Revenant be released today?
Please come back to the store The emote OCTANE RUNING CIRCLEEEE PLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!!!!!!🎮💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💵💵💵💴💶💷💷💶💵💸💸💵💴💷💳💷💴💵💸💸💵💶💷💳💳🪙🪙💸🪙🪙🪙🪙💸💵💵💵💴💶💷💳
Come on 😤😤😤😤😤😤
I love Apex and all but the game is so hard to enjoy sometimes. Hopefully this makes it more enjoyable or something idk
Let’s go!
A lo Riber
bro apex legends is the best game i ever played
Bro this new season is gonna be sick!!!!!!
My phone bill is due tomorrow
Who wanna play with me while we wait
This is big for apex and awsome! But if they bring back forge mabey with mote mechanical stuff it would be so hype!
I really hope I can keep my legendary skin and all of my stuff I grinded for with revenant or else I’ll just go back to being caustic
Cant wait for another season with 3 bad maps cause we all know kc and olympus aren’t coming back
yeee can’t wait to play another season where Ranks is 10 time more easy than pubs 🙂
NEWCASTLE FANS RISE UP🥵 “🤥oh wrong season oops revenant”
I am expecting to see something about crossprogression. If I don’t I’ll be continued with disappointment 😕😔
I’ll also be expecting to see another great battlepass that tops S17 Arsenal Battlepass. Season Arsenal its going to be hard to top the level 110 variant of the C.A.R reactive skin.
Good luck legends I’ll see you in the apex games
Can’t wait.
Idk why y’all killed the mobile version?
will they resurrect the servers then?
This is at 8:00 at night right
Let’s go new season!
In the middle of my exam phase, every. single. year.
Crossave ? Crossave ?Crossave ? Crossave ? Crossave ? Crossave ? Crossave ? Crossave ? Crossave ?
Finally rework for REV, but I think new model look too futuristic. His old model just better in my opinion.
Plz cross save😢🙏🙏🙏
Sear Really Took Revenants Purpose 😴❗️
It’s called resurrection cause the game is dead
Can’t wait
Is anyone going to ask who is that dude that got that apex card in the very first trailer
let us see if ill main rev again 😀
God the power creep in this game has gotten unreal in the last couple years. I hope my REV mains will not be dissapointed by his new kit.
What about Titanfall Resurrection ?
Revenant is finally getting his glory time
hopefully new animation for his heirloom too
Apex Legend Resurrection F Gameplay trailer
its gonna take a week to enjoy the new season if theyre pulling storm point on the rotation
The devil hath reawakened! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I live for this…. I need to touch grass
bro y’all didn’t have to do all this goofy shii with Revenant just give him a legit wall running passive to simulate titanfall movement. I do like the shadow pounce though. That would be sick, WITH WALL RUNNING
I would love Apex Legends in single player. The one with Loba was fun!
Time to stop maining Horizon and start maining revenant
Reactive RE-45 Plz!
Edit: Reactive Eva-8 looks alright…
I just wanna play with my ps4 account, Ive been waiting for 2 years 🙁
No cross progression next season? Truly an Apex Experience
I really hope that the update will be normal
I better see some in game rain
Nerf Seer, Fuse and Revenant!!!
Revenant, Seer and Fuse should be nerfed!!
Revenants gonna flood worlds edge
is this game gonna die soon ?
This is gonna be Legendary 💥💥
I played Apex from day 1 and stopped like a week in but then I came back when I saw Revenants season 4 trailer. He’s the reason I got back into this game. Hopefully everyone starts to put more time into playing him with this update
As a revenant main. I’m excited
us rev mains eating good next season
The new revenant design looks so good
i hope his abilities are good as well
My favorite part was when he said it’s Revving time and revved his engine to zoom away
I’m so excited I hope they reveal Revenant’s preferred gender pronouns!!
*Bots have entered the chat*
Ravenant main rise up
I can’t find The Gaming Merchant comment , where is he ? 😂❤😅
Buff steering wheels and pedals!!!
I can’t wait
All Hail APEX
we are living in end times
I really don’t wanna see forge, be more creative and rev be lookin kinda dumb with his new look
Rev mains rise up
who else hyped for season 18
It’s revin time
please let it be revenant wall run
Revenant rises once again. I can’t be more excited about this, even if it is a filler season, it will be my favorite for sure!
Like and Use me as WE WANT CROSS PROGRESSION !!!!!!button.
20 revenants in each match I guarantee it
Where are my rev mains at?
If cartoon bluebirds were real, a couple of ’em would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now.
Shout out to all my season 4 homies. We have grinded Rev through nerfs and bugs, weve enjoyed being the spooky shadow on the wall and now we get to be the demon in their nightmares!
Queue the gaming merchant: “can’t wait to see Forge as the next legend!” 😐
Guys what will happen if I couldn’t complete the challenge now?
I hope they aren’t “still working on cross progression”. At this point it seems like a cheap excuse
Loved it when revenant said “Its resurrection time” and proceed to resurrect all the Apex bugs and server lag
I miss arenas.
If @Thegamingmerchent sees this comment, comment the word “resurrecting.”
Finally, Revenant feels like a threat
Cross progression?
Revenant is about to resurrect apex
I feel bad for the revenant mains who won’t be able to play him for at least a week after the update
Ah yes, the season where we got a new rev skin and a charge rifle rework
Truly one of the seasons of all time
Can’t wait to see if rev is gonna be a lore accurate assassin
Cross progression pls
Rev death totem into my wallet to empty it. Truly an apex experience.
If Revenant’s Pickrate doesnt rise after this, its over for him!
Two weeks later: Eh, it was fun while it lasted
honestly hope nothing but the worst for respawn and anyone who works for them. wish them nothing but pain and suffering in life, praying for their downfall and demise.
Can’t wait to see forge decapitating revenant
resurrection cause apex is dead rn
Fix ranked you bums
Time to buy Scythe!
Loved it when revenant said “Its resurrection time” and proceed to resurrect all the Apex bugs and server lag
Cant wait to see “u gotta pay for crosd progresion”
Новый сезон уже скоро 🎉🥳🎉
ждём всей комнатой
Revenant (resurrected and reborn): guess whose back. Back again. Rev is back, tell a friend
Please don’t be another filler season 🙏
Finally, Revenant feels like a threat
Queue the gaming merchant: “can’t wait to see Forge as the next legend!” 😐