Apex Legends: Resurrection Launch Trailer | Kill Code – Part 2
Crypto hacks into a discarded fragment of Revenant to investigate some disturbing changes. Revenant is losing control of himself – but to who?
Learn More: http://x.ea.com/apxl/resurrection
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Origin for PC: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts, Respawn Entertainment & Psyop
Sound Design/Mix: Formosa
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
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コメント (2115)
Everything envolves revenant is interesting.
I’ve never witnessed such awesome editing as this one. You have the absolute power to rise above any situation or struggle and transform yourself into the strongest and most beautiful version of yourself ever. The secret to happiness is doing what you love and learning to love what you have to do to get it. Congratulations and best of luck for your promising future. Keep doing the best work. Great job, you are amazing, you are important, you are special, you are unique, and you are valuable! Never give up, go ahead, fight for your dreams, everything will get better for you, I wish you good luck. I truly love your channel. You have my full supportt.
How many times are they going to revive revenant lol
Where was Pathfinder?
Rev and loba lore carrying this game forever
ok i will say it. i prefer the old face design for revenant.
is this in Japanese dubbing or i just heard wrong?
More Simulacrum lore, neat!
Grandma what big teeth you have
I wonder if they’re going to replace the current revenant with the new one, or just make it a new legend all together. Because MAN revenent needed this rework
Nice cinematic story but i still wont play your game too mnay hackers
Regards : SEA server
This sorts of explains Rev’s intention in hunting down Hammond robotics, which is also the main twist of his or its core character conflict: an immortal being, filled with blood and chaos, all he ever wanted is to finally die. (Loba: I will never let you die; I will let you suffer from yourself.”). Rev hated himself just as much as how much Loba hated him.
Petition for respawn to make a series
I hope they will launch the mobile version again :’)
Your evolving and remembering that’s what happening
I love how they basically made Revenant’s ult not working canon.
Doom slayer energy at the end
Nice going ,you guys just let crypto get caught welp
btw can nerf aim assist?
So what happened to jamie
I hope hes op in some way change up the meta
Old skin is better
Has it ever been explained why the legends can literally die in the trailers/videos or during battles in the arena in general without actually die canonically??
Oh so that’s why Revenant had a glitch when you choose a legend to play
It wpuld be cool if you can put your eye like in the trailer somewhere a d then see people😂😂😂
nah they dont gotta go this hard with the lore holy fk
Hey…. bring back apex mobile..!!!
на самом деле какой бы ревенант небыл жесток и злобен но мне его жаль я испытываю неподдельную симпатию к этому персонажу
rev rework incoming
Bring on the Titans 😮
2:20 That Yoinky Sploinky
Come back Apex Mobile 🥺👎
Hey guys, what about the mobile version? Will it come back or not 😞 We are waiting
1:34 it’s naruto
Please, if possible, do something about Smurf accounts and reverse boosting to get into lower level lobbies.
The report feature has under the cheating category: Smurfing, and impossible recoil (strike packs). By your own definition this is cheating, but it continues to go on unchecked. This is why I rarely play Apex, and when I do it’s only Control, or sometimes TDM.
enfin le véritable Lore que tout le monde attend REVENANT.
1:44 if only revs eye was looking a lil more top right😔
Typical Crypto, too busy in his drone and gets snuck up on
Bro for the first time i feel bad for revenant
YO WE MAKING OUT THE GAMES WITH THIS ONE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Story is intresting aa reborn revenant but already have revenant why again he sneak around with no audio which is same season still audio issue so next season still horrible audio
Pretty cool. But, too bad the game isn’t fun anymore.
This is like the first trailer revenant is doing good
I feel bad for revenant, ngl
Seriously love the animation team, you guys are doing absolutely amazing!
finally they killed Crypto.
new revenent skin?
Seeing Revanant scared and confused is a first. Little bit scary not gonna lie lol
Im living under a rock. Don’t know anything about this, but it looks interesting. Is it? 😁❤
this is so interesting 😂
Hm, not bad)
I am a youtuber
Mere vlogging channel hai 🎉mere channel se aapko help mil sakti hai
Nice video🎉🎉
Hah one character who can use drone and couldnt be attacked from back – was attacked from back)))
edwardo silva the real villain . mfkr fkd rev up
rev old look >>>>>>>>>>>>>
How about Ash tho? Ash also a killing machine like Revenant
I understand that, of course. But what about the design, the rigging of the models? You’ve done better in the past.
3:44 Loba has folds in a strange place when walking (not sexism). Yes, and the design of the face of the Revenant is controversial… 🤔I liked the old design better many times over. Although on the other hand it’s cool that you’re continuing the storyline and redesigning the character in such an interesting way.
Meh… Mixed emotions
yall should drop a show
cripto : 에이씨
So when he kills the legends…that’s it? Like are the legends…do they…respawn?
From being a day one player here, this looks cool! wish there were more maps added
still love rev since s4
bro why does he have such a big forehead 💀
desperately need a campaign version
Basically just revenant but with a Durag on sweet
I’m so glad the revenant is getting a rework because he’s one of my favourite characters personality wise
Anyone thought about what will happen to our skins if revenant has a new default look?
“what asset is so important” *loba front and center*
Love the Naruto hand signs lol
Revenant Doesnt look as cool as he used to 🤨 but its a sick storyline he’s got.
nobody cares about the story just fix the million problems with your game
Ревенант, как всегда делает сюжет для Апекса, люблю его
Respawn, do you at least have plans for Titanfall 3 down the road?
so that’s rework for revenant ?
レヴ…めっちゃ可愛そう えて可愛い…
Nice smile, nice teeth rev!
rework revenant?
I…. Can’t….. control…. Rev is my favorite main character his changed new look reborn I feel bad rev trying get his head
Watched it a few times and have to say an amazing job on this trailer respawn as always. Hands down the best cinimatics in gaming for me.
do you have any fix on apex legends force closing on BR ? especially on ranked games?
You Killed. Titanfall. For This.
where tf is cross progression
cross progression
i love that they keep making loba so bad and they know it , but cant give us want we really want
So what? We’re just gonna have to grind some points to get a limited-edition Revenant skin?
Did they make him Look less skull Like to please the Chinese tencent over Lords
I need a killer robot
Delete Seer.
i love the small details from the live game , like how Rev was calling his ALT and making different hand gestures (In game Easter egg) which makes you think if the idea of different dimensions still in lore because of how Rev kept seeing other games in other Revs body
Just make the game about rev I don´t give a f about any other champs
kinda looks like cayde6 from destiny
Bro everyone is going to be revenant while I have been him since s4
Espero que ésto no se malinterprete pero, sin ánimos de quedar como un hater, digo: porque en vez de pensar en estas historias y gastar recursos en este tipo de videos más vale no le ponen el foco 100% a arreglar errores que vienen desde varias temporadas? Espero que lo tomen como una crítica constructiva, juego Apex desde la temporada 0
i hate horizon so much
Now optimize the game more
My boy! CRYPTO!!!
Forge is dead….
Now we need to hope that big guy with cyberhand named Forge won’t suddenly appear and crush Rev’s head 😮
P.S Revy reminds me Hel from Ghostrunner. Creepy murdabot that hates everyone and just wants to spill blood as much as he can before he could finally spill his.
Revenant actually needing *and asking* for help for the first time ever? That’s a turn of events I wasn’t ready for.
Love how they perfectly encapsulated majority of octane randoms
Why do they change his face 😢
Can’t wait for revenant reborn
120fps on consoles? Cross save?
I stopped playing apex 2 years ago. But finally seeing revenant being important again will make me download it again 🤩
If Respawn had working brain cells they would release the reborn version as a separate legend just call em Revenant v2 and keep current Revenant on the roster for people who actually like his kit. But alas we all know their brains run on pennies.
And the cross save???
best trailer 🔥🔥
Plot twist revenant is actually octane father
We were so close below to this greatness
So next legend will be Crypto Reborn ???
Hello, Humans
Night time brings relief and tons of suffering. If you are mentally strong, things won’t bring you down, nothing can.
Ooooh I might have to play the new season the new rev update looks good
NO se que pasa, pero si tiene que evr con loba, me gusta y mucho
Really loved it how they showed him as the stalking deadly killer that we know.
Also feel kinda bad that he is getting ‘experimented’ with and is losing control.
And btw was that shot of Loba beating him that lore-piece of them arguing and fighting from like 1-2years ago? If so, really nice of them to put those stores is full animation.
what is going on
Crypto I see respond 😅.
01:15 aww <3
Game so played out 18+ seasons of same content
Hey Team ! Any Updates for Apex Mobile 🥺
I cant believe im feeling sorry for revenant
Finally excited for something in apex after so long
I haven’t been this excited about the lore since the season 5 quests, this is awesome!! More of this, please!!!
Hope they buff how fast he can climb
they had so many chances with loba but just didnt finish it💀
If Apex can come with a movie, then it would be a massive hit will the legends they have.
WELL DONE ON THIS TRAILER! THIS WAS AWESOME! Had me on the edge of my seat lol
this is the best cinematic trailer they’ve put out in years. the quality of the last few has been questionable
I thought it was the resurrection of the mobile version that’s why I clicked the video but it appears not…..
Mein crypto reporting
Poor octane
Its amazing, but my game still cant connect the server i dont know why, it just keep loading the circle over and over angin. Already try connect another wifi, reinstall and checks files still the same.
Now let’s fix ranked so plat bots aren’t able to camp their way into masters and make the rank not even worth getting.
Чо так жутко 😮
Crypto is so hot 🥵 ❤️
I need to see more
Okay so basically in my eyes, everything since season 5 isn’t canon, and this is the story finally picking back up.
I love mad maggie
Why do all the characters look like they failed out of liberal arts school?
i feel bad for rev, i don’t think he wants to live anymore and by the sound of this trailer he wasn’t even the one doing the killing he was j controlled by hammond? anyways i think it would be sick if they changed him back to his original self where he can actually die bc it looked like that’s the only thing he wants
Z chęcią bym wrócił do gry ale nie mam jak bo wciąż nie ma cross progression
Ofc he goes for crypto
they should do a Netflix series on apex, the stories are interesting
Bring back arenas!!
na not them ripping outlast trails reborn screen at the end
0:27 why is there a laser when zoomed with the 3x? We cant have those attachments together..yet?👀
It still looks like Revenant will keep his passive abilities, while the tactical and ultimate abilities change.
I loved when he said “What is happening to me” and then proceeded to What is happening to me all over the place
You know what let’s just an official movie 🎥 🍿 in theaters please 🙏
Finalmente hacen buen lore
Poor rev it seems like it’s happening against his own will
Dang. Crypto’s drone did not help at all.
Now can you remove aim assist in comp? k thnx bye.
I hate that I love revenant the way he is
Revenant looks SO CoOL
Revenant with the No-Totem-Jutsu
this is so sick!! we need more!!
I play a lot on revenant. i listen to all his quips some all about death and remorse but hear fear from him :what is happing to me :first time hear him scared
Crypto is gonna get the Forge treatment
Why 8.3.23
Season 19 please do an Aquarium theme!
Why would they change revenants appearance though? Is that going to affect all the legendary skins?
That shadow movement is god tier
R.I.P. Crypto 😂
Is octane Gibraltar and Bangalore available next season it seems they got killed by revenant?
No hay nueva leyenda, pero si mucho lore.
La season
Daily apex vlog with the homies
Mannnn I want a show on rev
You caan hear revenant crawling while they are leaving the room.
my guess is revenant asking for help
Stop killing my boy Octane in every trailer. 🥲🥲
Are we getting good apex lore finally? cuase previous stories were awful
not my boi crypto
tiger, boar, dog, dragon.
All this but the game will never actually be fun to play, ever again. 😂😂
The most weird thing i saw in the trailer is that revenant uses his finger to slingshot his shadow ball
Bro its a perfect horror movie and game at the same time IM SO SCARED TO REVENANT NOW
Gohan this game
Please buff crypto
The thing that hit me the most was the way Revnant slamming his fists after his head disappears, like a desperate child tantrum and honestly I felt really bad for him. Just let him die. Loba’s determination to keep him alive has only ever been self destructive and has caused tension with her relationships, and Valkyrie clearly sees that. Loba’s hatred is only consuming her, she appears to hate him more than she loves valkyrie and the friends she’s made. So it would be best for everyone that he dies.
When is arenas coming back ?
love this as a revenant fan
My boy crypto being useful
It’s crazy how they didn’t even hear him coming through the vent so aggressively, truly an Apex moment
Mad maggie too bad to be this nice and reasonable
Crazy how I can wake up at 5 am to watch a trailer but can’t wake up for anything
I feel so bad for Revenant he’s one of the main ones that have one of the most traumatizing lifes
Buff him and before him THANK you
Can we just get Titanfall 3 already?
all ik is that szn 18 better have a harder ranked system
Anyone else think that Crypto needs more of his story. He needs some love man!
Well you know he dead
My boy getting some answers 🎉🎉🎉
Very nostalgic with the totem not properly placing in the intended spots 😂😂😂
Can wait for new season and changes to revanent
He looks dope. Hope his kit is actually good, and not boring
that was a 10/10 cinematic, well dome
This was pretty gripping man id watch a movie about revenant.
Other legends’ lore:
Revenant’s lore: “Bro, I just wanna die already 😭😭💀”
1 Chronicles 16:11
Search for the LORD and for his strength; continually seek him.
Psalm 145:18
The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth.
Psalms 62:8
O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge. Interlude
2 Corinthuans 6:2
For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.
Psalm 84:10
A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.
John 15:9
“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love.
I am not so sure how I feel about the new design for Revenant. With the old one, the body design was fantastic in my opinion because there was a lot you could do to make it unsettling. This new one seems to keep that body, however I am just not sure about the mask. The old one was fine in my opinion, nothing extraordinary but it did what it was supposed to, which was create to a creepy character. But to me the new one just looks weird, like its too angular. Idk I can’t figure it out. Anyone else got an opinion?
His revenant form cringed to death after watching the trailer but they brought him back to life. Now’s he’s a double revenant.
And then when you play tis game no footsteps like warzone no derectinal audio very sweaty 3 stacks like notig is fun about this
best story arc in the game
Can someone explain how octaines dies like 6 times
that fake Jamaican accent makes me cringe so badly smh
Bro eso fue increible, si logro trasmitir los escalofríos
I believe you have swapped manufacturers my guy.
front cover be like:😁
what makes no sense is revanant is totally fine if you play the game right now
That vent scene us actually horrifying if you look at hiw fast he is moving through it
that cliffhanger was CRAZY icl
Some said jack copper is in this
Im remember revenant S4 his chrouch no sound at all and can move faster. Definition sillence assassin
fix ranked thanks
ah so this is why rev ult never works
Revenent playing the new season day 1
Apex show when?
The leaks were tru
What is happening to him?
Desde que salió el juego ,no han podido hacer nada sobre el but cuando uno dispara en medio de los disparos el personaje da un golpe en ocasiones
Actualización es hasta de 25 gigas y no han podido con el but ,
Solo voy a decir una
Incompetentes ,ese But ya me tiene harto .
Doesn’t it make sense why Revenant went to find Crypto? Maybe Rev thinks Crypto can help him explain everything, I mean he is after all an expert in technology?
Bring back Forge as well and i wanna see Rev and him square off for good. We all know the person who died in the interview was a clone due to his eyes being a different color and missing the scar.
I think Revenant Reborn should be its own Legend so those who like how Revenant plays without the changes can continue to enjoy it.
This is why Rev is the main character
This is amazing, a logical storyline is exactly what we needed ! We want more !! Thanks !
apex is alive, yay
I saw Rev vent
(I’m sorry)
I am a YouTube Mera ak teech channel h 🎉🎉🎉🎉 nice video 🎉🎉🎉🎉😢 Mera channel se apko help mil sakti h
This is why all Crypto player hate teammates who don’t cover others.☹
poor cryto
Iam a YouTubeer Mera ak channel h❤❤😂😂 nice video
This is amazing, a logical storyline is exactly what we needed ! We want more !! Thanks !
Best trailer ever
Who remembers the golden ages of apex. If you do, do you feel like its one of those trailer because i do and i love it.❤
Rev has one of the best storylines in the game, glad its getting some love again.
Trailer was amazing!! Now dont mess this rework up Respawn! We are all counting on you to make our murderous simulacron buddy the best he can be.
Me alegra que estos trailer generen emocion y ganas de la nueva temporada
Папирус вырос?
if a scary death robot doesnt want to say thank you..
still 0 audio on that gyad dayummm
Poor octane, goes through a smoke in past trailer and comes out flat on his face dead. Here he escapes ramparts minigun only to get his neck broken. Poor guy, all that adrenaline form rampart but still can’t catch a break.
Can we actually get a series of Apex already? ;_;
Help my boy Revenant
I didn’t know Naruto hand signs were canon for robots in Titanfall universe. Pretty cool
Not sure how I’m liking the new model shown at the end.
1:34 Summoning Justu: Reanimation!
WoW !!!!!
Loved the part where my revenant went to 1v3 said “what is happening to me” and than disconnects from my game 💯
nice so season of “reworks” after the season of recolors thanks. i see you guys just pushing boundaries its honestly impressive how creative you guys are keeps it up 🙂
The nod to Oppenheimer “Death becomes me” chef’s kiss 👌🏼
He looks like male ash : D
The crawling through the vents 😱
We should sign a petition for respawn to make apex a movie or a series
And there it is, my reason to come back to this game. When revenant is involved a lot of people listen
If apex make a movie animated like that they would destroyed internet
Smash loba
Should’ve put a sticker on it, webcam style.
That explain why he always kills Octane first
“What is happening to Apex?!?”
Bro thinks hes from fnaf
Can’t wait for this to be another dissatisfying season…..
i mean i knew his origin is tragic but i didn’t like him still. now, i actually feel so bad for him. i don’t hate him anymore.
Nahhh, he didn’t get a rework. He just went bald 😂
Rip crypto
they really are hoping for this game to resurrect
I wonder what shadow revedent reacts to revedent reborn.
apex videos are so corny😂
So every time we use an ult that’s a Rev that dies? That’s some Rick and Morty stuff.
120 htz on console Ill come back.
I’m new to this apex lore but is there an explanation on how the legends keep coming back? I mean we see them die but they keep coming back aside from game logic
Cool af🔥
As a revenant main, i have literally no words
Let’s go apex!! I believe!!
I still don’t understand how rev kills the legends but still are alive
You guys ruined Apex with the circle change.
respawn needs to stop playing and release an animated series!!!
خويا مت موعد تنزيل ابيكس ليجوند
Nothing better than a revenant crawling through your vents
I’ll actually start playing apex again
😮this is the best one yet
This was so awesome to watch I’m so excited I can’t wait this is amazing thank you to all who is apart of apex🎉
Best movie in awhile. They just need to go ahead and release a show
im slowly gettting used to revenants mouth
“What is happening to meeeeeeee?” Truly an apex experience.
I really don’t get what’s going on, can someone help ? 😅
Will we be able to keep his old skin?
crypto: no audio , GG
so is he being held against his will?? being forced to mill??
We all know it.
People from the future.
We always knew Apex would be an amazing steaming show IP
Why haven’t they made a full movie yet 😫😫 anybody else wonder why or jus me the movie would be sickkkk in these graphicssss
Dude rev got that Frontier WiFi lag 💀
Cant wait for revenant reborn
We fr waited 8 seasons for a revenant buff all because they wanted to make a little movie out of it. Good golly this company is so mismanaged I swear bro.
I just hope the wall climb still is in his passive
Right Someone clarify, is rev reborn gonna be a new character or replacing rev, still don’t really understand it
Okay on the animations and lore and stuff well done apex team love to see something huge pls don’t disappoint us on the ranked system with so much hype❤
I hope all of this doesn’t end being just an expensive skin for revenant in a cosmetics event as usual
Will u guys move this game to source 2 or unreal so i can reinstall
Death becomes me, bro thinks he’s Oppenheimer😭
I like how they pretend revenant was a force to be reckoned with
Isnt he a cutie?🥰
I feel like the new season is going to be trash. We’ll see.
How nonsensical does the trailer have to be ?
Apex devs : yes
If only crypto got audio on revenant
Bro I can’t wait for his rework. I’ve been playing crypto bc I can’t main rev like before but god this was well needed to hype be up to main him again. I love this dide
The work on his new model goes hard
I haven’t watched one of these in a while. This was great! It’s obvious a lot of time and passion went into making this. As much as I try to stay away fro Apex, I keep getting pulled back in.
Just blowed my load in public can’t believe my totem glitching out is canon
Well… It’s cool, but he does not look as scary as his actual form…
Pathfinder and revenant have some amazing lore
finally real lore is back again, if we getting a new Rev i could see a new Ash perhaps?
3:26 and 3:54 do a really good job of showing off Rev’s new smoky form
I hope his resurrection jutsu hand signs don’t get removed that got me so hyped when in a fight
I feel like revenant is having a bad case of main-character syndrome
let’s gooo
So with rev reborn. Will we be getting the rev reborn skin for free? Will there be new legendary skins for the reborn version?
Love the use of the ingame sound effects of the abilities in these trailers. Gonna miss his silence, but looking forward to the rework
Imagine all of that being actually an elaborate advertising just to sell a new Revenant skin bundle next Season? 🤔
Bro is actually revenant know
This is badass
Revenant mains REJOICE! For too long we starved and clawed in the shadow realm. The drought is over AT LAST!
yoo I was about to eat my doretos HELLO???
sick animation
Death is reborn pretty cool
Watch everyone become rev mains all of a sudden 😂
Honestly they should make a animated show for apex
Revenant is going through it!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I wish they made this a movie 🍿 🎥 😩😭😭😭😩😩😩
Inevitable 🔥💀
Loba getting a battlepass skin would only make sense
Sick Cinematic
As a rev main I CANT WAIT😍😍
Not only do they keep placing the eye looking at everything important but it’s where revenant process sight AND audio?
This buildup is so hype, but it feels like misdirection..
I kinda feel bad for revanet
lola so bad
The edo tensei hand signs😭🙏🏽
At this point we need a Netflix series already😑
1:35 he is making the Edo tensei
I’ve been flicking between octane and revenant as my mains recently and with this new rev coming in S18 I’m so hyped to try him out
Personally, I think his old design is perfect and this one makes him looks like a Decepticon, but hopefully this is just a skin.
This game’s lore gets better and better this is so mysterious
can we get more season story lore this season be broken too also announce the name of maggie fuze heirlooms and the new map name plz
Now I want Apex legands as a single player story based game 💀
oh a countdown to your advertisment. Enjoy your dislike and block <3
At the last scene, where Rev is holding Crypto at choke point, I think he is asking Crypto for help to help him control his glitches and bugs. I don’t know if Crypto can help Rev Reborn. Let me know.
It’s the demon’s eye and…. Part of his ear I guess? 😂
his totem not working was a feature 💀💀
Wow, I don’t like this new skin
If revenant is involved with story, 10/10. Otherwise, I could care less lol
Is he going to get racist voicelines now
as a rev main since season 18, I am most definitely hyped to get a new legend known as Kaleb “Revenant” Cross!! From what I can see he is really evil and menacing
Can we all just give the Devs credit for showing the Edo Tensei
Why do all these comments sound like bots?
0:29 Revenant : potato server ?
1:35 Revenant : cheating ?
1:39 Revenant : potato server ?
2:20 Revenant : ddos ?
4:02 Revenant : ??????????????
Rest in peace Crypto 🙏
Old Revenant better.
Every killing machine has a weakness.
Their own mind.
Love how rightnow revs icon is glitching in the character select screen, if they did a series it would be awesome
Y cant they make a show
Why isn’t apex a show???
Respawn needs to make an anime in the style of Arcane but with these stories. They are way too amazing to be fragmented and left as short random videos like this.
I believe ” death become me” could be a reference to Oppenheimer’s “I am become death”
if i dont like revs new kit, ill be justifiably upset… i got his heirloom and everything, and i like his kit, so i very much hope his new rework doesnt spoil the character for me, or itll be lifeline all over again for everyone who was very justifiably upset at her losing what made her special…
thats pretty cool
1:34 no more resurrections,sir
Rip Crypto 💀
getting killed by a horizon riding a Gravity Lift, Truly an Apex moment.
Gaste 100 dólares y aún no tengo una reliquia, estafa
You dont understand how happy I am that this video is 21:9. Thank You Respawm!!!
Rev and Loba carrying the Lore 🔥
The redesign looks sick
Revenent’s totem bugged, and crypto didn’t hear him coming up behind up because of the audio. Truly an-
I just hope that when they do the rework to revenat he doesn’t lose his animation referring to naruto
Really i hate us Respawn specially to ea
Massive W trailer
Average rev game for revengeful
Curiosa sobre esse novo revenant
Apex should step away from the game and make an Anime cuz this is more fire then the game will ever be. And I love APEX LEGENDS!
God this would be so good if they cared about the game…
Revenant and Loba carrying the games lore on their backs rn 🤣
Great video! Reminds me of the heyday of Apex Legends! Doubt it’s enough to bring back all it’s players though
They gave Rev bug eyes 😭😭😭😂
the ending doesn’t seem to show revenant killing crypto, which is really bizarre
looking forward to the rework!
Theory…Duardo is trying to implant his own sons memories, persona, etc into Revenant. Really want to see Ash and Rev meet up sometime now
There would be very good sci-fi movie series for Revo and Wraith
I can’t wait for rev’s new body!
biggest adrenaline rush I’ve gotten from a game trailer/lore trailer in a WHILE, this looks so SICK!!!! keep up the awesome work Respawn!!!
What’s your name? I have to know.
As a Revenant main, I am well fed.
that was crazy
They can do this but they can’t do Titanfall 3
Oof the existential crisis of a symbiotic being existing against their will and evolving from pure hatred. Juicy
Ps I love how rampat completely missed half the Sheila shots at first 😂
Honestly crypto better be next. He is WAY too cool not to be a better legend.
Hmm. Sorry even for the revenant
I just need to know, since he looks kinda different😅will all the skins ive got for revenat still work on his new model or no??
Can’t wait for the reveal of Forge as the next legend
every Revenant main is so happy
but so mad they’ll have to share their main
I love the vhs approach in this trailer
Bro, this was just wow……..simply amazing. Im loving these, the ogs will remember apex used to do stuff like this alot. Im glad they are getting back to this. Hopefully his rework will live up to the hype that this is creating.
Revenant is so cool
well this trailer was craZy 10/10
Man, poor Kaleb. 😂
1:36 looked like ssome uchiha clan hand sign
i figured out we need to wait 552 years and the new legend will be Aru
Ревенант наверное в реквием попал как и Дьяволо из Jjba
The Loba and Rev story is definitely the best! But they really downgraded his new look here man 😭
Finally revenant is an actual threat in the trailer
Crypto dead?
1:35 the fact that he actually tries to do the naruto hand signs lol! As a revenant player I’ve never been more hype for Apex and this animation is one of their best imo
carzy how the killer robot is more interesting story telling than the most of the games events. i love him, but i dont use him
That was the dopest trailer seen in a minute.
0:28 This moment is unintentionally funny af just because it feels like a shitpost
I started playing the game because of reveme many and might actually come back because of this, glad my boy is getting some love.
Octane and it’s 1000 ways he can be killed. 🤭🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️
I think we need a full animated apex legends tv show
Why is it always octane first to die in every Launch trailers?
Really cool!!!! Now, can we have Mila as the next legend plssssss?
Thats are crazy
3:55 Apex asking Respawn what have they do to them.
Mannnn I hope they keep up with the revenant story line
It’s so freaking good man, just don’t ruin it lol
Best story yet
Look at da forehead 😨💀
looks like crypto getting a rework too soon!
Dude tried to use the Edo tensei. And failed
August 3rd…. A perfect day to see more of this situation.
Pllz change this garbage map rotation
No audio smh my head
Ref going thru it😭
If only the current Revenant was as good as he is in this trailer
Is it just me or does revenant kinda lookin like cayde-6?
3:44 i’m sorry but GYUAT
I want a rev skin were he is human in the suit
thats why you get an anti virus
Why rev do my boy crypto like that😭
Awesome! Can’t wait to play Rev again
The only times I was hyped for a new character was when Revenant first came out and when we found out Valkyrie was Viper’s daughter. This got me hyped so much
honestly world class storytelling here, and its not just the story but its how its shown is amazing
Apex legends isn’t just a game😂
Looks cool would love to play It. But I refuse to play this game till cross save becomes a thing. I’m going on years now. My original account had almost every single legendary item in the entire game. And I didn’t spend a penny.
Still can’t believe you killed titanfall for this cringe dogshit
Hey, let’s buff Revenant!
I hope it’s gonna be a good season I’m worried about all my skins I had for rev I had a lot of skins for him😢
I back to apex if revenant season is happened
As lonh as I have silence idc
I want rev reborn badly. But I can’t help but feel they are going to troll us again and this is not what we think.
select fire hopup is back yayy
I like the reborn design alot, lowkey looks like a legendary skin. Also man crypto had to suffer first😂
“I hat is happening to me” I think this signals change to his kit
Gotta love how the story only ever gets interesting when its based on stuff from Titanfall
I wonder how loba is gonna react to finding out that valk is trying to help Rev find his head all in order to protect her also I hope we get that new Rev design as a skin it looks sick
Bro the made the bugs in apex part of the lore no way
So are they remaking Revenant?
I just love seeing Loba be Loba ❤
they made revenant look good
Bro we finally got a trailer where Rev isn’t getting absolutely dogged on by every single legend 😭
This was so epic to watch. Revenant is such a cool character. But I must say, I felt kind of bad for him. All these memories and him not even getting his own head. Not sure If I misunderstood. But does he have the memory of every Revenant ever? Seeing what they saw. Same with the eye that Loba found. We really need an Apex movie or series..
Not This is revenant for me
I just want it to not lag so much on console, but it’s been better overall honestly. It’s so bad though.
Finally Rev getting the love he deserves
Lorewise the most interesting character in the game
I just want cross progression
rev needs to be great to play, hes like the only menace in the whole roster
Guys I have an idea what if ea try’s to make a tv show like riot did with arcane I think that would be so cool
Revenant lore just goes brrr
im so glad the visuals of this new studio are finally finding their footing instead of looking slightly offputting
lol the others are lucky they left
Why is octane always bullied in these trailers 😭😭😭
As a revenant main i go every match with him and I really hope hé is not getting A rework I know A lot will disagree and I know it is going to happen but I still hope not but i do like revanant got some attention and new lore
Nothing like the Bangalore getting no audio from the rev climbing behind, truly an apex experience
why is cayde-6 in apex legends
It’s amazing! Good storyline
I like this, very much. But still don’t undestand why reworking him.
Lore accurate rev destroys every legend
Por favor no maten a Crypto en mi main
I hope we gonna saw Ash vs The new revenant that would be sick
This is bro’s villain arc
my dude !!!!! waiting
rev contorting was scary cool
My man crypto getting bodied
watching revenant rapidly running towards the other legends without them realising was kinda terrifying
Revenant is my favorite solely because of how they first had him during a Halloween event and then adding him as a surprise 💀
Goated franchise
This is so cool cant wait
3:59 ここのレヴナントホントに辛い、見た感じストーカーはありそうだね、ダクト進む足音に気付いて無いみたいだし、アビリティとウルトが変化するのかな、パッシブは変わらずか、それに追加の能力つけてるかのどちらかだと思う
Is it just me, or seeing Rev snap Octane’s neck was actually pretty dark 😦😄
I feel bad for him
Finally ❤️🔥
Revenant 2
Where jack cooper
As a Rev main I really hope he is a new character which I doubt because I don’t want to lose all my skins or any stats on rev because I have played him since he was released
1:43, 3:43-3:46 best timecodes for gentlemans
Am I the only one who didn’t like the revenant jaw?
This is where the fun begins
No one cares about Rev being a new legend and fix your matchmaking
This is insane the story involving rev and also seeing the legends like this I dig it amazing job respawn
So out of curiosity, if I have skins for reverent now do I get to continue using those skins or no ?
Finally! My main gets representation!
The new season is coming with a great story, so it means we can actually get a “god” season again after years?
Also 1 thing would be really good: Cross Progression with Account merge. Cmon’ Respawn create finally a perfect season…
Anyone else find the vid confusing?
Rev’s totem not activating wasn’t a glitch, it’s part of the lore!
He crawled through that vent so quick imagine doing that in apex maps
this is actually so cool. rev getting a new look?! might have to log back to apex. looking forward to more of this lore 😀
I love it when the focus is revenant
Oh so crypto is done for
good get rid of crypto, hes the worst legend
ZzZz still no cross-progression
They better make the ultimate cool because idk how to feel about his tactical being the same as ashes
the 23rd ?? that’s practically a month from now!! Cmon!! Give it to us now! We need something new to take our minds away from this painful Ranked season 😂😂
راح كريبتو راح 😭
We don’t need new legends. Fix the audio
3:16- 3:30 this part makes him look like a monster from a horror movie
bro is litteraly Diavolo from jjba
This was an awesome trailer! And finally, a trailer where Revenant actually does something badass rather than get shot right off the bat!
Is it too late to remove mad maggie from the lore? she is so dumb and I get physically sick when I see her in game and in the trailers
Even though I like the stories around Revenant, I do’nt want it to be reworked so hard, I really enjoy his actual playstyle
bro remove rev out of the game school shooter vibes
I like that you did good apex
i love apex!!!
That was good
bro if you call this man rev reborn goofy
As an og main revenant I’m so upset about this as revenant is
cool. i been waiting since 1775 for cross progression we’re is it.
Revenant 2: Reborn Boogaloo
poor rev had it worst
imagine rn if rev mains ULTing but their ult just disappears like in the trailer💀
Poor octane
I’m so excited about the new development but also I’m gonna miss the old Rev
Summoning jutsu failed mid fight.
lol revenant tried to do a ninjutsu thinking he in shippudden
Naw Chapter 2 is gonna be wild
That’s some bs right there, Revanent has a 1-shot melee attack
Can someone explain to me what happens to the charakters who die in the Apex game like Gibraltar did cause in the lore he is still alive. I never understood that
i just hope that with this next season, loba and kairi can wrap up their conflict in the end. i love them both, but them arguing about rev is getting repetitive, and i want to see them thrive together. 🙁
Revenant carrying apex lore once again.
death is coming again!!!
the only code I’m interest is in the cross-progression coding
WHERE IS IT FFS ????????
apex you guys really did an amazing job on this event it brings the fun back to apex keep it up!
sussy revenant venting
Lobas parents and loba are at fault for what happened to them , but they play victim and ppl feel bad for them. trully apex experience
You know that the story is gonna be good when Octane, Wraith and Revenant are in it. Unfortunately, Octane is never in the story, even though his Dad is literally the main Villain.
Ayo cayde 6?
What will happen to all the old revenant legendary skins ?
3:20 Lifeline calling out Loba on the whole lone wolf thing was honestly chefs kiss 😂
I’m hard as a rock 🪨
apex audio be like….no footsteps🥶
people still follow the lore?
they used the secret animation when revenant deployed his little doohickey
They really just need to make an apex anime
I’m finally resurrected 😎
Rev mains in bot lobbies
At 0:37 you can spot his assasin killstreak: Andrade, Andrade, Lowell, McCormick, Nesbitt, Willis
1:34 orochimaru edo tensie jutsu cool 🔥
So Gibrater and Bangalor dead?
Why octane always dying in the first 10 seconds of each trailer
Love the reanimation, Jitsu animation
Just noticed Crypto has a Nessie on his desk, that’s cute
Respond stay killing it with the trailers I was excited then and now I’m even more excited now
They’ve filled out the roster and now they’re finally giving the reworks some legends desperately need.
Revnant 2: You’re still not getting your Level 200 Charm boohoo
That last line was so powerful. Props to the V.A, jeez.
Can’t wait for this season gonna be trash like the last 10+ gg apex still capping next gen console to 120
Rather play cod or overwatch for the cleaner gameplay your game is shambles sort it out nonces
Make a campaign or something. Apex is so boring. I don’t even play anymore
Crypto should know how to use a VPN smh
I like how the totem glitches and dissapears like it does in game
I do like that my boy is getting love again but I like his old design more
Rev mains rejoiceeee🎉
Ngl rev reborn skin looks so as*
This should be a movie!!
I like how a random Horizon comes and third parties Revenant after he wipes a squad. Truly an apex experience
Rev when he absolutely destroys Octanes neck. Never gonna be a real finisher sadly.
Sooo… not only are they rebooting Rev… they’re also killing off Crypto? 🤣
Finally a rework to my main, love this tbh
They are really adding Apex things into the lore! Such as: “No Audio”, which can be shown by how Crypto and the others didn’t hear Revenant in the vent.
Man Im hyped, this season was so garbage but Im gonna start playing again with Rev with the upcoming one, this seems really good. Pls Respawn bring good changes and save your game!
Crypto getting rocked again 😂
I hope Rev gets his freedom.
I love how revenant can’t place his totem right, truly an apex experience
The game is brocken but these cinematics are making me crazy
octane dies again
When I look on new Rev i only see a cat skin…
Why is there no dubbing for Brazil? 😢
So we ain’t gonna talk about how sus Valkyrie was in part 1 and how Loba felt weird about it and how Valkyrie is working with Revenant behind her back? I love this lore. Anyways.. please fixed ranked point system, sick of rat season
I hope we get a human Revvy skin!!! I have always talked about wanting to play him as his human self instead of his robotic self. This is awsome.
this game is trash the devs are washed
This brings back season 4 vibes and seeing rev go ballistic on them guards was just 😗🤌 cant wait to see the new rev in action
Why do they keep focusing on loba🙄
what is this face
1:44 nice fan service
Rev getting PKed by a Horizon in her Q is so real
Dude was performing Edo tensei technique looooool 1:35
i cant wait for this man
This is crazy. The story really getting good.
NOOOO not crypto 😭
This new character remodel is going to die in like 2 weeks of playing him 😂
is apex still that bad ? just wondering – i quit a long time ago
Definitely needs a series
thats cool but wheres jack cooper
Why they gotta do my boy Gibby like that😅
I’m really hoping revs old default skin will still be playable, I think it’s genuinely one of the coolest character designs in the game.
Is this a rework on Rev?
This was really good cant wait for more ❤
Rev being the best lore character
If only the game was haf as good as the trailers
All those scene’s with rev are so cool, but I kinda feel bad for him he sound and looks like he’s in pain
what did my mans crypto do
best lore in the game and the only thing that is interesting in this game lol
Yo who is making these trailers recently? They’ve been fire 🔥
Ohhh this ate
Revenant Reborn is coming and he looks badass. Love this lore.
So does Octane, Gibby, and Bangalore canonically die?
I was reborn as the herald of death
How much trailers lost in quality. First trailers 1-5 seasons was much better than it.
Love seeing Maggie with more screen time (give her the next heirloom)
They need a tv series
Noo, Octane 😫😫😫😫
They should have added in a “You got BAMBOOZLED” voice quip when Rev went to grab his old head
dont tell me they are gonna change his face, dont put a smile on it…
Alfredo es gay
We better get both versions.
fix ranked
crypto not paying attention to his surroundings is lore accurate
I like how crypto says he is a genius then chokes. Embodies everyone who plays this game – the Apex experience.
These comments got me weak coming from a main rev
So Eduardo is the reason we get server errors ?
My girl lifeline needs a rework years ago
So is apex every gonna explain the dying part on here like thats a question ive been having for years.
I can’t believe Apex is finally including things that actually happen in real gameplay in its cinematics! The glitch where Rev’s totem doesn’t work properly is a blast from the past. Bravo Apex team!
I just want to see more of revenant actually being scary and killing like in his s4 reveal trailer and with the guards here
ALWAYS A HORIZON PLAYER BRUH. All you horerizon mains need to get vored by a black hole
Revenant is so badass, my fav character and lore
We still keeping the heirloom?
Actually really good lore now
apex Legends mobile Play Store Deutschland Spiel 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪👀🤨🤨🤔🤔🤔👍👍👍📱📱????????
блин, клевый трейлер
3:43 I feel like that shot wasn’t accidental…
The last scene seems like Rev need cryptos help to get duardo out of him. But I don’t like how Rev reborn looks like
Still can’t believe he shares a voice actor with Reinhardt 😂 he’s amazing
I actually felt bad for rev watching this bro finna be a demon
I’m a little confused what all the flashing perspectives were, was he seeing every time he died or just another Revenant’s point of view
Rev is getting Re-Added to the roster and crypto is disappearing 😢😂
I’ve been playing apex for years but Rev always scares me, he’s still so scary to me
1:34 Revenant just straight up tried to ise Jujitsu
Devs found a way to make revenants totem suddenly disappearing as part of the lore
Im excited for the fun to come, Rev has always been my fav. Time for some bloodshed
Oh my god! It’s finally happening everyone! Stay calm!
Finally a good reason to come back to apex I can’t wait to play the new revenant 🏴☠️
greatest trailer of apex honestly❤️
This new design is so bad.
I dont understand what happened in this
Easily best video they’ve made.
i want to see a rev crypto team up
why always octane to be dead ☠️
Revenant is just better
Can’t wait for the update to be too little too late again, and for them to focus on dropping more collection events for cash instead of keeping up with the game, truly an apex experience
Oh my god they’re actually making Revenant cool again. Easily the best trailer yet, hats off to the people behind this, it was so well done.
The new lore is too good. I love how they show revenant as an actual killing machine instead of some bot like they do in trailers. Given that he’s been murdering everything in sight in the outlands for 315 years with no sign of slowing down, he deserves to be shown as the most terrifying thing in the universe.
Identity crisis Revenant
Rev is gonna REV his new body
I’ve never played revenant but I’ll change that when the new update comes out.
Oooh boy gotta love when Hammond is involved, brings me back to the good ‘ol days of the Frontier
👏🏾 this is why I fell in love with apex to begin with!
What happens if real AI sees this…….
Love this story and glad that rev is getting more attention than being a punching bag. Now can you bring back my house on kings cannon
Apex know what they do whit loba🤨
It doesn’t matter what apex introduces at this point. Unless they’re willing to take risks and make some changes to the game, like fixing the broken ranked system, constantly changing the loot pool, keeping the players interested by adding more fun game modes, the game will fall into irrelevancy.
Anyone else completely forgot this game existed?
I’m back they’ve brought back the lord missions and stuff. Makes the story thrive and feel alive
Crypto have a Nessie ❤
Revenant’s Bizarre Adventure Part 2
Finally a fkn epic launch trailer since idk how many seasons
Crypto didn’t have his drone out in a good position and got snuck up on. A true Apex Legends experience
Okay I’m actually gonna get back into apex this looks very exciting
1:44 y’all know exactly what you did 💀💀
Shiver me Timbers
This is insane I’m so hyped
Horizon sneaking up on Revenant (the character that’s supposed to do the sneaking-up) with no audio is truly the Apex Experience.
I like how Revenant sneaks behind Crypto without any audio on the footsteps like the real game! Truly an apex experience!
So yall didn’t see Valk basically making a deal with Rev??? Yall missed it?
Crypto clueless out of the drone as usual. Caught sleeping. Lol
Bring back arenas
I’m gonna miss old rev
Finalmente un trailer que te deja con ganas y no de esas 😳
2:44 ButtersideDown revenant:
I like how Revenant sneaks behind Crypto without any audio on the footsteps like the real game! Truly an apex experience!
So Valkyrie and loba is canon
Hopefully that final shot WASNT his new design but this trailer was soooo good
Why octane is a victim in apex trailers 😢😢
Poor rev 😢
I love how the octane is launched alone with his ulti and dies instantly, truly the Apex Experience.
I love how cyber security man Crypto can’t/doesn’t even cop that the eye is actively monitoring, recording and transmitting……………………………
I Wanna see his human form as a skin
im happy but kinda sad cause now everyone is going to pic rev and i wont get a chance to use my main 🙁 unless im first pick
Finally some good Revenant content!
Rev mains let’s goooooooooo!!!!
Best rev trailer ever im mind blown
Please dont change his look!!!!!! This new one seems sooo bad!!!
Get rid of that forehead 😭🙏
Honestly caint wait to see the rest
It would be hilarious if revenants abilities just didn’t work for the next week
Apex a revealing a game accurate revenant is quite saddening coming from a rev main.
God y’all gotta make a series on apex this is so entertaining
Sarpao hermano
that’s crazy 🔥🔥
This trailer makes rev look terrifying
The revenant eye just had good views all time Looking loba from behind 😅
Of course the first thing to happen is octane dying
1:43 GYATT
Next crypto reborn
This should be a Netflix’s serie
Finally the Rev Rework!
Please don’t hurt my baby boy crypto this next season pleeeeease! God this vid was awesome 🔥🔥
I like how rev struggles with his dog water ultimate, truly the apex experience.
I like how Crypto has a nessie, I think we all know who put it there.
I’m just excited for a rev rework
Revenant is the sickest legend
Goes so hard, rev is lore accurate
They really spit in the face of the original artist.
I need someone to catch me up on what has happened in the lore so far – why are these legends together? I remember something about Maggie and Lifeline forging a pact, but idk how Valk and Loba are with them. And what was that between Valk and Rev?? I need to know
reaper voice line
This this brings a smile to my face
Bro. Rev gonna go on a rampage.
Bring back APEX MOBILE😢😢
This video showed me the importance of learning how to speak Japanese
“Ugh what’s happening”
Loba : *This is R E Q U I E M*
Now how did we go from titanfall 2 to this…
So revs updated skin is a reskin of his samurai skin, “smacks lips” nice
Does that mean the servers will be fix
Please change his ultimate. This is all a waste with trash abilitied
120 fps on consol
As a rev main, I’m actually so exited for his rework
After all these years, we find out why revenant totem sometimes doesn’t work. it wasn’t a bug it was Lore accurate.
What happens to those who already have rev? I just bought him last night lol I’m upset
SICK, i just hope they dont change out revenants voice actor or voice lines when he gets “reborn”
this was so fast pased it felt like a fever dream.
I’m very love Apex Mobile Need Comback
dang this trailer is nice i might redownload this game again
come on man why downgrade revenant , he was great as he was , dont like the look of him rn
This was actually a really cool cinematic
Sad to see rev can’t get his “totem” up😢
Do you have to buy him again?
That reanimation jutsu hand seal by rev 😮💨😤
By far the coolest teaser they’ve ever done
Crypto got rizz
Octane jumping to his dead trying to escape from another squad, truly the Apex Experience
maybe flatline in battlepass like s4? ;(
Bro really said “I am become death”
only if they put this much effort into the game as they put into vids we wouldnt need a rework
There it is. Octane dying ahain
More than likely Duardo is attempting to isolate how revenant’s system functions so that he can then create a more refined and perfected version for his actual son to use. Revenant is merely a piece of tech to be referenced and improved upon.
Abusing audio with horizon and 3stacking preds in pubs must end now. Do it or you’ll lose so many players this time
Revivió Apex señores¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Like how Revenant popped his ult but still ended up dying for it. Truly an Apex Experience.
And the Crypto rework?? 😢
Still there were days when we were playing apex mobile 😑
Not rev having ED with his totem
Rev reminds me of Cayde now
Revenant beast every time when watch his trailer
Revenant looks not bad actually. But why bullying Crypto first 😢😂
Looks like rev got an upgrade to google instead of Microsoft edge
Things are getting spicy 😮😎
So is rev gonna look different. If so what if they decide to like give redesigns to other legends base look too
So glad they got the old animations for these back
is there a YouTube channel that reads through the comics? I want to catch up on the lore.
Revanant, stop snapping everyone’s neck!😡😠👿
Man is being remade while conscious. It’s like having surgery on your whole body while awake
do you guys see that rev in his true shadow form in the last ? yeah that is his new tactical ability
Bring back apex mobile
Trailer god respow give us more of the story of the game.
Poor crypto😭
Cant wait to mop the floor with you guys 🥰
TITANFALL deserves a resurrection also Respawn. “Why’d you have to go and Let It Die?” Dave Grohl
Dude gotta get a better Wi-Fi connection
Give me forge plz
If it takes a lot of legends to try to find whatever Revenant is becoming, you know it is about to go down. Revenant mains, RISE!
“this whole lone wolf thing ain’t cute”
Why was this so funny 😂
So, did Revenant go to Crypto in hopes Crypto could help him provide answers? Is this the most we’ve ever seen Revenant actually admit he needs help but in a violent way lol
“What’s happening “ not your ult no more bucko
Me too reborn ?
The best part was when Revenant got out of the vent, said “IT’S REVING TIME!” and started revenating all over the place.
As a Revenant main since season 4, i am PUMPED to see what he becomes later.
so excited for revenant reborn!
This trailer has the cyberpunk vibe and I love it.
Why do they do this for rev but nothing for Mirage
Season 18 aka Season 17 version 2.0… poor Respawn… poor
Just start an Apex series already😭🔥
Apex needs to go through and give everyone secondary ults kinda like destiny and you chose the one a the loading screen that you want to use that way it adds depth to the game. So in this instance rev reborn born is how he get a glitched/new ult.
This is what Apex needs, actual good lore!
Rev might be my favorite alluvasudden.
No clue why.
Yo Revenant is getting a new look, new targets and new intentions. Duardo Silva and Hammond controlling revenant. I love revenants new look as well and can’t wait to see his prestige skin, if he has one next season. But honestly this lore about revenant is going deeper than we thought and I absolutely love it.
ok, but when is Forge being released?
1:35 さり気なく印結んでるしw
i can see why crypto was asked by revenant which was pretty understandable. wondering once crypto helps revenant out their would be 2 playable characters in the future. one as his robot self and his human self
I like when revenant was creepy and not made fun of every voice line
Bros getting cybercycosis
Hearing rev being more aggressive/panicked sends chills down my spine. I’m an ash main but I have revenant as my side main so I’m hyped for season 18!!
How can he hear with his eye?
The new model is fine, it’s nothing spectacular but it’s also not a downgrade. HOWEVER! Those Mater teeth looking bits are probably the worst part of it, makes his whole sinister/creepy look mute when all you can focus on is those giant squares.
Apex has some of the most uninteresting lore ever. Just give us good gameplay and a good ranked system.
Thank god this man has a hood and not just a bald head
Oh ya bro lol his new voice sounds clean! 🔥
I hope Rev mains will be happy and haven even more fun with him.
innocent revnant
Is Revenants skins going to be changing as well?
This trailer screams desparation for battllepass money
They even have horizon q-ing up next to rev without audio!
The best part is at 3:44 without a doubt
Обожаю ревенанта, с одной стороны безжалостный убийца, с другой пешка Хамонта, и во втором случаи его жалко, ведь он считай страдает хуже чем в аду из-за невозможности умереть и полностью контролировать себя он не может. В лучшем случаи он просто бы умер, либо, имея полный контроль над своим телом, мог бы не участвовать в сражениях, а просто уйти на покой, либо продолжать карьеру убийцы.
Animation really downgraded hub
Wow it’s very good we wait the part 3
All my money on him
You’re still traaaaash
I haven’t played apex in a while but this actually hypes me up
Old look is much better, his face now is partly like some toy. Old one’s appearance was just about hitbox, hopefully if they had him some mobile abilities, sound and camera movement should be enhanced especially due to his theme as a machine, not like the wallrun leak of Rev, the smoothness really kills the vibe. Overall a bit disappoited but I’m glad they kept his unique voice
This looks like they are trying to make Revenant a good guy to reason an upcoming arc enemy.
Also this reasoning by “every wicked action is based on misunderstanding” is getting really boring and bland.🤮
I just hope they keep Revenant wicked and don’t try to appeal him with salvation.
Finally my crypto is back to the lore
Rev really is the robot devil from Futurama lol he’s more goofy than scary
I think revenant should be able crawl on all fours as part of his update🙂
When I saw the thumbnail I immediately thought “CAYDE!?”
Rev got no audioed by Horizon lol.
Forge gets revealed but this time revenant reborn kills forge💀
Watch they’re gonna do the same thing again
All you loba mains we up 2 we created a life experience for you ya parents out the way 👀jk jk
Don’t hurt my Crypto 😢 !
Spicy pt2
As a rev main am not excited because I’m not gonna get to play him next season ahaha he’s gonna be to op. Apex has never made this big off an effort over a character befote
So fantastic!!
Fix the matchmaking for god sake
Give some audio to horizon fpr god sake
Remove lava siphon control or disable Wattson for god sake
Revenant help crypto
hope to also ee rework on Mirage and Crypto
I want more 😢
oh my god that was awesome, now that is revenant
Rev really Carries this game so freaking hard
Very rare apex W
nemesis needs nerfed
Finally are seeing a lore accurate Rev
Best part of the trailer 3:44 prove me wrong.
Best trailer we have had in a very, very long time
So cute
bring back apex mobile button>>>>
Typical. Not being able to use a rev ult 😂
So Rev hears from his eyes?
I love these game
And thats how crypto became a skinbag
alright where’s the rest of the movie
This season is taking so freaking long man
Is this the first time Loba has ever said “Revenant” instead of Demonio?
i feel bad for rev all he wants is to die but silva won’t stop using him
Lol. Ambushed by a sweaty and soundless Horizon. A true apex experience
The animation team were cooking with gas for this one.
When part 3 realise rev reborn too will😊
I really like how he looks but wht about adding like a little mask over his mouth and nose like they wear in Iraq
when its not only strong female protagnonist, then the story is interesting. Buff crypto
I might go back to maining revenant
NOO….my boy crypto 😭
Forge just pulls up and kills revenant
i loved this animation, its sooooo goood
We need Jack Cooper in APEX: LEGENDS!
they’re so real for adding the part when revs totem doesnt work and disappears hehe (actual past gameplay)
He’s actually my main right now. I hated him at the beginning but now I’m quite good with Rev. Will miss him! Nice trailer, love it!
Not crypto
I might main him again now
редизайн полное дерьмо
I’m actually excited when the legends team up and work together
They made Revs totem not working canon
FREE CRYPTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the fact Revenant actually did the naruto hand signs
So when we buffing crypto
That finisher of revenant really makes me feel goosebumps , poor octane
This is easily the best and maybe only good thing to come out of season 17 😮
W apex
I like how they are sorta explaining why he’s been dying so easily in the trailers up to him glitching at important moments
8 march is a long time ago 😆
I wish they got crypto’s pronunciation of Korean to be more accurate.
i am gona miss the original look of Rev , that hood was awsome
Fix the server first.
if crypto dies i’m going to start a riot.
The revenant story is beautiful 💯
Wait, so youre telling me were getting death is reborn on the 8th of march 2023? Dating backwards? Huh?? 😭
Apex needs a full campaing mode
So what village rev from? Doing signs before his totem gotta be canon now 😂
Dope and all but when r they gonna fix the tanked issues.
Revenant’s going through puberty for the second time…
The hype is real!
Finally few seconds of good animations
It was such a great time…….season 5
Rip old revenant, you will be missed dearly
Wow insanely awesome trailer man jesus these people are talented
Give us an apex legends show plz
Not going to lie this just made revenant my favorite character because of story alone
Best part of the trailer 3:43
Revenant is an awesome villain, he just screams dread and menace every time he appears.
1:43 gyatt
I can’t control bro that line was so amazing!!!! I love it how they did all his memories and his transformation to revenant reborn and the usb for the files
I love how the next event will be revenant reborn’s heirloom. The same exact one. A true apex experience.
Death becomes me🤣
That was awesome
Is 3v3 back ?
0:16 what the dog doin⁉️
Bro vented
No audio on the enemy right behind you. Truly an apex legends experience.
the animators are low key “cultured men”
so revenent getting revamped no longer new legends all legends will get new ability and will be revamped
Revanent buff and new ultimate, I guess.
Wait those are actual naruto hand signs-
Me wondering if a have to buy revenant again as a low level and get all of my skins back
1:33 please let this animation stay in the game
It’s strange that no one thinks that the Respawns will not add a new character again, like, this has already happened, but there were no such cool teasers just for the rework. It seems that the whole new season will revolve around this. Glad to be wrong.
aim assist broken pls nerf
Why this is not a tv series the animation good story good dont get it
Its crazy that revenant has a 4k camera and mic in his eye😂
Nooo cryptooo 😭😭
we need Indian server like valorant
3:50 no audio
Revenant Trailers always the BEST!
Rev is king!
……. that was boring
1:43 they knew what they were doing with that angle
Feels like a good day to be a revenant main
1:45 What happened to that poor Nessie? looks like ._.
Pls apex add arenas
I stand by Rev could easily beat Loba in a 1v1 lore wise how did she beat him in the lore vid a while back??😂
Anyway this was amazing can’t wait for Rev Reborn😈🔥
or maybe Hammond robotics teleported the head to planet to planet and give it to Eduardo silver
Apex legends lore is literally just loba
I like how Rev’s ult is completely useless everytime he tries to place it, truly and apex experience.
Netflix <<<
OH my god, this revenant Is so good😃
Leave Tae out of this 😢
Finally my boy Revenant is getting some love.
BROOOOO IM SO EXCITED FOR HIM!!! I’m a revenant main and I’m literally jumping off walls!!!
If you make revenant have the bad 1v1 ability you will ruin him. Completely
Revenent is so me 😂❤
Really gonna miss the old revenant😔❤🎮.
Bro is this so COLD
At 3:43 Loba ended the rivalry with revenant, she knew what she was doing with that walk
Hes going through puberty guys
hope they don’t change his abilities just because the community keeps crying and complaining that they can’t play with him, please be just a skin
Finally they goin 2 remove crypto, tired of having random crypto as teamate who scanning just to watch us 2v3 againts 3 stacked from 600 miles away
Lib Code
this is the only trailer i watched many times until now
His head doesn’t look right 😂
I don’t like the skin
Revenant looks like reaper now lezgooo
I like how rev ultimate never works truly an apex experience
As a struggling Rev main, I’m sort of excited for this.
The flashback’s old art style was wayyyy better, less cartoony and more grounded
Amazing story
Revenant needs a melee damage boost
So… What is happening to him? Is he vibe or something?
1:35 yoooo they just recreated that time when rev ult bugged out in Captain po’s Revenant.exe at 3 am video
As a Crypto main, WHAT.
Bro did rev cast hand signs to call totem 😂😂😂😂
Just make the Apex TV series already lol
Why does every season of this lore get so exciting?
That what the h killed me I feel that had to many times where the ulit would just break 😂 old news but funny
seriously lit trailer
Add finisher while standing up
My boy just want to die.
Watching Revenant tryna destroy his own head and getting furious. Feels bad
Im so excited for thiss
Man, what a time to be a Revenant fan
Rip crypto
Never realised that Revenant’s tactical is a slingshot.
Revenant look like an offbrand revenants😂
This is one skin or rework ?
I like how they added the rare animation for summoning the totem
The different focus points and blurs really bring this one to life, I love it
NOOOOOO revenant 😭😭 i miss you
“I won’t have anyone else getting hurt” – Loba
Purposely leaves a killer robot to live even when she could have killed him – Also Loba
Okay can we just get a netflix series already
Bow when ur gonna do a rework on crypto
Devs don’t remove my silence please
Revenant be like 😁
頼むから シアよりも強くあってくれよ…
vou poder usar a skin classica dele??? não curti muito a nova
Japanese is crazy man
Looking dope, hope they scrap the totem idea,(his a selfish character) and give him an selfish ability 💀
Revenant without his bandana looks pretty sweet.
bros cold asl
dude, we really just need an apex animated series at this point
I love the animation leveling up, and this is a pretty good trailer in general. Let’s GOOOOOOO
It only took them 3 years to finally finish the story between loba and revenant🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
His new design is kinda bit weird. I don’t like his new face, it doesn’t give a cold expression as the old one
But still this will be excited
Time to… REBORN
sublime le trailer ! merci !
I’ve been waiting for a Revenant story for years, it’s finally happening
Revenant rework 😈
Woooow 🎉
What is happen in to me?
Disconnect: connection to server timeout
Revenant looks like a beast now I like his new look
I am so happy that rev is finally getting some respect
Crypto hates his life at end of this video 😅
I love revenant I’m glad they have reworked him and gave him a part in the lore
No man I don’t want the reborn man I’m too used to his current abilities
I do love this new design, but i hope you can still use his previous design as a skin or such. I really like the skull mask
1:10 what do you guys think valk is trying to “make happen”?
just add cross progression we dont need anything more
A story mode would be a great idea🤷🏼♂️😊
Now, if only they actually put that much budget into fixing their ranked system that’ll be great!
It’s Real.
Finally some good lore
Very creepy how he’s almost running through the vents and we see his point of view. I’m very excited to see how revenant is going to work in the new season and how the rest of the lore is fleshed out. One of my favorite legends getting a whole rework is bittersweet in a way
Love it
Thx to whoever had the idea
Guys is cross save coming to apex this season ?
Finally a good apex trailer
I’m so glad they are doing lore for revenant again. We all remember that S4 trailer. He has the best lore
rev in the vents is very fnaf
They are actually finishing storylines they started seasons ago. Nice
please add pve to play with your friends
Get ’em, Rev.
I feel like apex has gone nowhere with their story
All I can say is…. HOLY SH** 😍
fix revenant walljump pleaseeeee
Bro Rev is finally getting a rework
Oh wow more lore that everyone still cares so much about
Is this lore might gonna connect in new Titanfall? Especially about revenant? Since his a Simulacrum but better than normal simulacrum
Please don’t get rid revenants Tactical.
wild af
Bro who did the sound mix? Can barely hear anything coherent 😂😂
Absolutely my favorite one yet
Anyone notice where Valk told Rev to “if you can play your stupied game with loba, I can make it happen”.-reffering to him wanting to die.
That was amazing I loved watching it
Finally lore accurate revenant
I am having some weird dilemma where I am happy my main Rev is getring a rework but also a bit anxious that everyone now gonna start playing him 🙃
apex Legends have Best lore what free fire
Yeah this looks good and all, but I’m not coming back to the game. Make a Netflix show or something.
Oh THAT’S how he throws his Q??
Your just getting reworked. And the plot wants you to suffer in the mean time
Crypto got stream sniped fr 😂
Why tf the octane is so dumb at all trailer 😭😭😂
As a revenant only player since season 4… I’m so excited
That was great!! 🙂
This is gonna be sick
Best trailer ever! Top prodution!
fix your games crashing and freezing issue
At this point they should really just make a tv show – this animation and story telling is sweet, and could easily be stretched further into more detailed storys
his new desing is much worse tbh.
you guys are so lame for releasing these in parts
Actual apex W?
This one’s gonna get goosebumps and revenant is something else
I like how different this trailer is compared to the others cinematically, love how it shows the perspective of rev’d eye!!!
nag they reworking crypto as well 😭😭
U cant feel good for rev man, he cant have his peace, lived over 1000 years of trauma amd was puppet until a realization
Why is new Revy looking so goofy i hope thats not how he will look in the game. oof…
I would be excited but i know the next season will have the same bugs and nothing will be fixed
Ninjitsu?! What is this!
no way rev dancing 2:20
woooooooo !
revenant is the best
wanna point something out in the beggining no one was on a team future solos mode foreshadowing?
I understand Loba’s hate for Rev, it is completely justifiable, but man… I pity the “guy”, it is difficult to say where the man ends and the muderbot starts, and by the looks of it not even Rev understands what he really is.
😂 even when I win there is no joy in this game. The next new character should be deep sea diver, it would make navigating the ocean of sweat way easier.
Revenaut in lore ☠️ vs in game 👻
Самый трагичный персонаж игры
crypto where is your droid video camera man ? your crypto and you cant see rev coming . typical
Man I hate it when you find Jesus and lose access to your death totem!
Okay ….how can I eyeball have ears,???
Good trailer. Always bringing good stories 😀 But I would like Mirage to also have a bit of inclusion in the trailers and that it not only cause a bit of grace but that it take center stage and show a bit of seriousness in a situation and that it would be epic to see Mirage using his tactics to make a good impression and not show mockery he is a character loved by me and he should also have that fame he is looking for.
Rip crypto
The face is a pretty bad downgrade. I hope he gets some good skins, cause he looks like he has no teeth and like he’s from some cartoon
Not as spooky as he used to be to me.
So that’s the season where Loba and Valk will break up cuz she’ll eventually find out that Valkyrie was hiding something from her…
Bro the last scene gave me chills
Rev on that ZaZa
Thank you for the interesting news. I am notified that your work was sent to a safe city in the Ukrainian post office.
In game rev:😁
Lore rev:💀
Revenant is the bitter sweet character we need in Apex, and I say this as a Loba main.
Also Respawn just give us an Apex animated series, you’ve proved you can do it, just give it to us.
Enable Keyboard and Mouse on Consoles for crossplay only atleast!
Put more effort in this than ranked s17
Is there more lore that I’m missing about Valkyrie?
Or is the mystery that she offered to help Rev if he stopped messing with Loba? And when they sync up again V makes a comment about how she expected L to be somewhere else. She’s got secrets!
Please don’t change his climbing passive, it’s so good and makes him fun to play!
ok this was cool
Please stop telling the same jokes in the comments
Lore people. Explain. And in as much detail as possible. Thanks
Not octane and loba
Look how they massacred my boy
If only Rev could’ve popped Cryptos head like a grape at 4:02 😢
Imagine Rev actually being this op
Question: is rev reborn a rework of rev or a brand new legend alongside rev?
I demand a full-fledged animated series based on Apex legends. I think he will be perfect.
i don’t like new face. look like the female version
“Death is Reborn” actually kinda hard
Not apex some what caring about the game rather than money I thought it would never see the light of day lol
Cool Trailer but game is still terrible 📉
Seing Crypto and revenant is SO COOL !!! Please do more !
Finally they are focusing on revenant, i wasn’t playing the game for about half a year now so i hope there will be something worth coming back for
I love how all of us are essentially excited for his misery. Think about it. He’s had these same abilities for several centuries in the lore. Imagine having the same abilities for that long, only to have them be changed and not know it. I would be upset too!
The concept of a literal death machine freaking out just sends chills, like hearing Rev say “What is happening to me!!??” like he’s calling out for help or something is just, wow
Plot twist: revenant ult not working is actually what we can expect in season 18. They just made a very extensive trailer and quests to find out about it.
I think it would be cool if Revenant ends up teaming up with the other legends
Why cant my boy octane live😭😭
I might have to play apex again
I LOOOVE Revenant Lore
When Titanfall 3?
They should include Ash… she knows a lot about the Simulacrum projects. Plus I wanna see an Ash vs. Revenant storyline👀
1:30 oh yeah
3:44 oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Wow I’m loving what their doing with my boy Rev
It’s kinda insane how they do multiple cinematics just for a rework of a single character.
I’ll stay tuned!
that was cool af
Rev sneaking behind crypto while in his drone was legendary. What an Apex experience!
i like how Revs ult bugged in a sticky situation. Truly the Apex experience
Rev on the brink of going insane with his rebirth, I love it
Rev mains when their ult keeps breaking right after being placed
I like how they make totem bug becomes lore canon, truly an apex experience
This is the coolest way to show a rework, from losing his ult, all the way to a new body.
Glad to see *Crypton* in these, its been so long!
This whole time we just believe the Jaime loba friend thrown the head in the FaZe runner and it got teleported to gridiron but now we know but we did Jaime do we did he put the head
No why the cliffhanger 😭
Crypto Reborn?
“find duardo, start punching, ask questions later”
Well that probably the best idea
I’d pay premium to watch an Apex movie in the cinema
Gotta rework Crypto now, too. He dead
Poor Crypto
How crypto get caught lacking like that ? Ain’t he mr. Paranoid I don’t lack ???
My Favorite Legend🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
im happy and sad at the same time about revenant hopefully he will be even better than before Awesome video
*”They made me a killing machine” – Revenant*
Bro 3 days I’m not leaving my game at all
Story is getting exciting, cant wait to see whats next
no ty, not gonna play anymore
Nice haircut, bro….
I felt so bad for revenant he be struggling I’m starting to use him I like his personality
Sometimes i wish there was at least one legend where rev isnt as aggressive and cold to, someone who actually opens up to, at least one friend, dude needs it
If apex would make a movie or an netflix series i would 100% watch it. They could make millions of of something like that.
Can we get the fix on why my Xbox keeps crashing everytime I load up the game? Deleted and reinstalled nothing.
Please help thx 🫰
It’s nice how revenant is extremely confused on what’s happening to him and immediately went to crypto.
I love how crypto drones on and on about being prepared in his in-game dialogue. Even calling unprepared people idiots. Then in this trailer he gets snuck up on. 🤣
Season 4 is still the best season apex ever had can’t change my mind. So lets hope this season can feel like season 4 again
Love that they used the Reaper Death seal secret animation in the trailer ❤
Good if the game looked anything like this
Revs just going through his emo phase that’s all
the way rev flicks his q is amazing
Anyone else notice that rev has a super creepy smile on his new model?
oh shiiiiiiii
What gun was horizon using on rev one shot and electric shot
Go Revenant, GO!
Imagine this was all fake and they end up releasing forge and scrap everything about revenant reborn
When Rev placed his ultimate and got killed instantly, truly an apex moment
Did anyone nothice when did snipers and AR gor laser sights?😮
Is this the first true rework of any Apex Legends champion?
1:34 didn’t know Revenant knew Ninjutsu
please more lore its all i neeeeeed
Bros tryna Restrict Revenant 💀 bro is Vengeance
@primenith ждемс реакцию)
Olala lalala 😮😍😎✌️
Loba looks iconic as ever. Lone Wolf Queen
My ps4 now got damaged so no apex for me next season 😢
I love how they show that revenant is tweaking, Like my teammates that use revenant.
Revenant pake nanya 😂
Goofy looking
I feel like we barely see Rev in Apex trailers
Such good jobs on trailers but will never the audio or do cross progression
Apex lore is sooooo good. I m in love
Gg respawn
Puberty that’s what’s happening😂
Animation ruined it bring old style back
Leave her alone 🤓
This new face though. 😢
If rev reborn lives up to the hype they’re giving him, I might come back to this game. -Rev main
Yo crypto low key cute at the ending facecam
Apex trailers are masterpieces…
Can’t wait for the 8th of Мarch, 2023.
This is gonna be so fun!
Rev reborn looks so interesting
But sick at the same time
his new design look cool Af
wait, so they can not throw away old revenant because of the skins… so there is going to be 2 revenants?
Cmon now Revenant the coldest villainous dude on the block, bro’s season 4 trailer is what made me want to try this game out
I like how Rampart totally missed an enemy with Sheila. Truly an Apex experience.
So was rev killer or something lore wise? Howd they get the eye?
Нихера себе
I Love When Everyone Leaving Crypto Alone When He Was on His drone mode Then Got Killed, Truly Apex Moment
Revenant glitching out just like how apex legends servers glitch out – truly a realistic gaming experience by respawn
120 fps on ps5, plz
Ale oro
excited to see what skins they release for revenant reborn to milk more money
Seeing them mess with my boy Rev 👺👺👺👺 hopefully it’s all worth it though his new design looks sick though.
Revenant glitching out is just a normal day for people with bad internet.
0:32 was truly a wth moment
crypto nooooo
Awesome so far but Idk if i like the new look🤔
1:33 ” Reanimation Jutsu”
Rev third partied Crypto
Ну ок, посмотрим.
They better not just have rev reborn as the “new legend” this season… this game getting way too stale
i love how rev looks so cool but if you see one ingame you know its bot already
Y’all got stop bullying my man crypto
I want a Netflix series of Apex Legends. Who else agrees?
Imagine if they do a series, I mean look at their animations are always amazing
Turn off the aim assist for controller ! thanks
Bro they turned him to the 💀
I got a soft spot for everyone’s favourite TsundeRevenant. Can’t wait to see how they rework him. Trying to stay away from dataminers and I actually enjoyed a story trailer for once.
Revenant has a new body? That’s pretty sick
My boy rev having performance issues. You hate to see it
Why you always gotta do octane like that😭 right off the bat my man’s is getting his neck snapped😭
HYPE 100
Finally revenant has been overlooked for so long
Wattson ain’t gonna having it
This one cool af not gonna lie. Make game cool too 🙂
Imagine they added that to rev in game😂 that’d be funny
1:35 bro really tried to get off his Justu
fix matchmaking.
Well done
Erm what
This is the first time I’m hyped for a new season since season 11
Can’t believe they’re resurrecting Cayde 6
The trailer was all good until the reveal of the new cringy revenant skin, I literally burst out of laugh when his face showed up. Shows how cool and terrifying the original design is.
this is so boring no one care about
as a rev main. holy 💥
He looks like the jerma smiling meme, amazing.
poor Rev 🙁 he just wants to die!
Crypto ash and revenant team up
They really weren’t lying when they said that they’d bring back new lore with revenants rework. I almost feel bad for him now.
Holy this is so good
He’s having trouble getting his “death totem” up
Dear EA can you please respond to this comment and yes i do understand that u get a lot of comments. Can u please fix the ranked season to make it harder to get up, because in every ranked game someone leaves their team to find a rat spot just for placement. People that are bad at the game rat to masters please fix this season and thank u for responding if u do
Can’t wait for the new season such a good storyline
Why is this trailer much better made than the game itself, I wonder?
I am Happy to see naruto jutsu reference in apex
And what did valk promise revenant?
I can’t wait to see his new interactions with the legends. I hope his charming personality is the same
Bro what I didn’t understand one singular thing that just happened in this trailer
Apex never disappoints us, he’s an incredible Content Creator and always creates masterpieces. His content is amazing.
Dear Revenant
You are so cute
3:53 He might get a informative answer out of Crypto if he STOPS CHOKING HIM!!!
And what about the new legend? 😢
It’s amazing
Rev mains rise up!
What does Junker Queen is doing in Apex legends
Seems like the big corporations are trying to use him once again for his murderous talents. I wonder if he’s gonna start working with crypto and the others to find his head and regain control of his own body.
im still not a fan of the head. anyone else? it was as good as it should be.
I just decoded a message from one of the text screens in the trailer when Revenant is glitching. Its a hexadecimal code:
Any ideas what it could be alluding to?
Original code:
8 5 1 18 20 2 18 5 1 11 6 5 5 12 19 7 15 15 4 9 14 1 16 12 1 3 5 12 9 11 5 20 8 9 19
I feel bad for revenant bc he is being kept alive and used as a weapon against his will and he tryin to free himself
How about you fix this awful ranking system. It’s pointless when 60% of players are in masters
When Crypto’s teammates leave him to die, truly the Apex experience.
Can’t wait to play revenant campaign, doing assassination towards loba’s parents
I thought it was springtrap when I saw revenant crawl through the vents 💀
Well is he gonna get a buff or not
Apex season 0-9 >>>>>> actualy Apex
Ah, yes. My body reacts the same way when hit with an enemy’s explosive causing me to go full exorcist. Truly an Apex Experience. 2:15
Should have had his drone up
I love how Revenant’s totem just randomly disappear just cuz the surface is a tad too uneven. Truly an apex experience.
still 30hz servers
Poor Revenant…
Skill issue
My favourite part was when revenants totem did literally nothing. Truly an apex moment
What’s the bet hes really over powered or underpowered also might change to recon cause of the eye
My boy looking fire 🔥 I’m definitely coming back to Apex been to long Revenant too long🤘
As a Crypto main I’m so glad to see him as a part of the main plot but the last shot was something. 💀✨
Can’t wait to see fully what happens.
We need in mobile back
We need a remix of Jekyll and Hyde for the gameplay trailer like a throwback to the season 4 trailer
What IS happening to him
APEX no footsteps
2:52 how to basic moment xD
Rev as one of my main and favorite legend , sad to see his silence tactical ability gone which was one of the best ability in the game
This made me hyped to play rev! They always do such an awesome job with his trailers, stories and LTMs.
The,, what is happening to me,, gave me chills
S-tier trailer as always. Probably my favorite one, absolutely amazing g. So many intricate details. Bravo respawn, can’t wait!
This is amazing af
Classic octane 😂
This was so good
i will panic don’t do anything to crypto
all these sheep in the comments, loving a game with terrible servers, ranked mode, and just poor gameplay in general. now, if you’ll excuse me, i need to get back to playing PUBG on my Switch.
It’s sad how rev genuinely asked crypto what’s happening and genuinely sounded scared
When the servers keep getting dedos and your a streamer
Rip crypto 😂
Actually kinda feeling bad for the guy
nice one crypto letting surveillance device watching them whole time.
Did anyone notice gibbys beautiful lips😭
It’s kind of annoying to see every legend get destroyed unless they have lore that season
And so, he and crypto become best bud
hunting the truth together
Big ahh forehead
Season 18 and they still have audio issues and now ppl are getting stuck on the start up screen. How does this game even have players…..
That lil trailer was oretty good i love rev we needed an upgrade with him ngl
now it’s time for Crypto reborn
How does this make me feel bad for revenant
It’s funny how when rev drop back in season 4 it was huge with him and the game now he’s getting “reborn” it’ll be the same thing lol as a rev main I can’t wait for him
To live in a world where time travel and dimensional shifting isn’t only real but not even uncommon you think they would know not to point a literal eye ball at conversations.
Mermão … Esse de longe foi o trailer mais sinistro de Apex
Por qué me apareció este video si ni juego apex…
I love that Respawn arent scared to bring a massive rework to a legend in order to progress the lore behind the legend. A lot of other companies would be scared to make a change to a character because its been how its always been. Especially the companies that have lore behind their games, theyll just stop developing the lore for a character because they never take the risk of altering something about the charcter
0:29 First time experiencing lag?
Man so much lore, it would be great if we could follow up this lore with a titanfall 3 game right respawn!… Respawn?
that was very good
Вау, лучший трейлер который я смотрел 10/10
bring arenas back
Revenant coolest character in Apex hands down
I am so pumped it going to happen on my birthday august 3rd.
Rev mains rise up!!!!
Respawning over and over again.
Blud thinks he’s emesis blue💀
revenant esta furioso y frustrado jajajajaja
Best trailer yet and please let Crypto be ok 🙂
Бедный Ревенант, что стало?🥺
Rev has one of the best storylines in the game, glad its getting some love again.
This video feels like I took LSD
So along with his new design and abilities he will also probably get a new animation intro
Revenant: it’s longer than you think. It’s eternity in there
When is Jack Cooper going to crash the Apex games?
Крипто стал кпоп мальчиком
Fun Fact this video can also be heard in Japanese, Rev voice sounds sick imo!
A few months ago respawn said they’ll add a legend that explains rev death totem
Kept saying for years that they should make a whole movie for Revenant, like 1 hour or something. His lore has si much potential
Is it strange that I love to see him killing
I like revenant he is the only reason i played apex legends on season 4 my first game apex I don’t have a fitting character on season 4 i find best character to me is revenant
It’s crazy how they didn’t even hear him coming through the vent so aggressively, truly an Apex moment
I can’t wait for rev reborn
The way Loba puts the eye on a high shelf so it can watch their whole conversation
It wasn’t Cryppy, it was Mirage’s decoy all along.
Cryptos excuse for getting caught to revenant
Someone destroyed my drone
It takes a team great work to everyone that worked on this
That last scene: your team going Rambo, leaving you behind, truly the Apex experience.
If ever they made an Apex series. It would be epic. This got me so hyped for such a short video. Very dope.
Goodbye Silence, I really liked you
Congratulations respawn for finally doing something interesting again. An actual fun collection event and an actually interesting lore development. How long has it been since you last did anything cool with this wonderful lore you own
When Can you play apex on 120 fps for the ps5 ????? Cmon
I love how rev dies to sweaty horizon using the best ability in the game, truly an apex experience
My poor Revenant 🥺
Always nice to see crypto in more lore
The first part of the bud where revs Ult never works for him is very relatable in game rn😅
Новый рев какой-то урод
I love the part where Revenant sneaks up on Crypto and makes noise 1m behind him but Crypto doesn’t hear him. Truly an Apex experience!
why is octane always dying tho
Esperemos que la siguiente temporada este mas currada llevamos como unas 7 bastante aburridas
revenant alone has more rizz then every character combine in this game
Like how every season is a resurrection of the game. True apex experience
RIP 🙏 Rev 1.0 will be missed, especially by mains used to his abilities, yet I’m hella excited for the rework‼️
0:34 Horizon coming with no audio, truly the Apex Experience.
Hammond’s 3 remaining employees are truly carrying Revanant right now
It’s Revenin time
This is basically a 2nd revenant release trailer
Only Apex can replicate the excitement I got as a kid when call of duty used to drop teasers these are dope😂
Why not rev reborn
Espero que no le cambies las habilidades
Kinda hope we get big reworks for some other legends cuz this is amazing more revenant stuff is the best
If rev can’t wall run ima be disappointed
these lores are just the main reason I still playing around
This is the episode?
Imagine if this wasn’t leaked. It would be hype.
Its beautyfull
Rip octane
Honestly they should just make tv series or something the game just don’t feel the same anymore..
Just knew they would remodel revenant. Didnt think it would be much better than I imagined
octanes dead. again. rip
My boy Rev just wanted to continue winning games but he was changed without permission 😢
All I’m seeing is the legends are dying due to lack of audio. Truly the apex experience
As a revenant main im excited for the next one
just let the poor man die
Revenant is the coolest legend in the game & lore and its not even close
every trailer w rev is automatically top tier
this might make me reinstall apex
100000 times better than part 1
Anytime rev is involved in the story The story is actually interesting and good
So much head in this video 😂😂😂
Imagine if Forge is finally healed up and ready to come back and revenant stabs him again
Great trailer, but cmon I would think my boy crypto of all people would have better security through every port of the building😂
You will be in my thumbnail Revenant
Imma miss revenants kit..
god the HORROR ELEMENTS, it’s so *chef kiss* rev finally getting the love he deserves, it’s a rev season baby!
As a rev main for 3 years (season 8), I am extremely happy
It was a very powerful image.highest
Someone please help me. Are they making this Revenant reborn a new character entirely different from Revenant or are they gonna completely replace Revenant with this new character.
I Liked the part where Respawn removed free legendaries from collection events thinking no one would notice.
Этот трейлер подтвердил моё мнение. Ревенант сильнейший персонаж в игре.
rev’s new voice sounds sick!
also glad they’re finally portraying him as a threat and not just a joke
OK, so I just finished watching this. This is more like a scary movie
this was so creepy and cool at the same time. His redesign is badass
Can’t wait
Hope I Didn’t die
1v1 ult or revenant gets the same barber as ash
Revenent looking crazy ngl
Rev gonna get a mythic armor set and finisher? 👀
Will this be his prestige skin? Cause I like the way Rev currently looks haha
Old season 6 Vives man, GOOD OLD DAYssss
Any forge mains out there?
whats happening?
youre finally getting a high pick rate revy thats whats happening 😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
ngl, revenant feels like Mrs. Potato when looking through his DISCONNECTED eye
We gonna have new legend?
Revenant bugging out is just a normal bad internet day for the players
Me and the three crypto mains out there don’t appreciate the ending of this trailer ☠️
The real awesomeness begins!! Finally our day, Rev mains 😀
So is Valk working with Rev???
We rev mains eaten good this season
0:09how it use his finger to throw stuff is sooooooooo cool😂
3:47 tase me with your EMP daddy 🥹😍🥵
“I wonder if Octane will actually survi- never mind”
New Revenant Look Awesome !
L trailer
Apex gameplay: trash
Love this new season already
será que um dia vão dublar para português do Brasil?
next video:crypto remake
Nerf Wattson PLS ⚡
OK I just started watching this and you’re telling me this man got shot into a whole different body
Cockroach rework let’s go
These neck snaps are amazing.
I’ll admit it…this really brought a smile to my face seeing revenant work. Those POVs of summoning the totem were great, just when I was thinking, imagine they use the ninja summon animation then boom they show it. I will miss my silence but I’m excited now
As a part of the Crypto main community Iam happy to see him more, could we now please get an emp grenade to use if the drone is destroyed, a follow mode for the drone or an actual passive?
наконец то реборн сука
I hope we see futa Wraith farting in the next video
What ???? This will be his new look ? Please, for God’s sake.. NO !
finally got a view of loba’s 🍑🍑
Where is futa Wraith?
”Lava there, why don’t you dive in… see if it burns”
Rev vented. Sussy imposter confirmed.
what happened to Valkyries face
What colour is new trackers
w trailer
hopefully the matchmaking will finally be fixed and deliver the promised crossprogression.
That is why simulacrum always gives me a creep, both in appearance and behavior.
It’s always octane getting killed in these
Holy cow
Cant wait tor revi reborn
I feel like this reveal has been dragging on forever now. Excited to see what else is to come for the new season!
We got our first official peak at Rev Reborn
Crypto is dead, massive W
RIP Crypto unless revenant keep him alive
im late i was in a match
Finally some good animation for my boy 🥹
I love the attention rev is getting
Respawn: A nerd of Rev.
when cross progression
Me vengooooo aaaaa
AWESOME REVEAL and it had me so tense, reborn revenant is something new and scary
Bruh!!! The new rev skin ?!?!?!?! So Sick !! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY
I should start making apex content
Not my main getting absolutely bodied in the first 3 seconds 😭😭😭💀💀
Didn’t expect to see revenant breaking people’s necks and stabs people in the beginning 😂
So there’s not going to be a new legend rather a update for a single legend…. Okay. And this took how long to make? We could gotten this years ago and they finally are now concluding the revenant and loba story.
Not being able to use that totem was doing him a favor lol
Should’ve called Mirage, he’s quite a good tech expert
How it looks is what I was hoping. That he still has the same personality but is just way more angry
Regent is badass not gonna lie hopefully revenge comes
maaaan i thought its going to be about bt
Revenant will be powered up and will be a nightmare for the Legend.
I cant wait for season 18, I hope the time passes soon.
Gonna be honest, the new rev looks WAY worse when it comes to design. The only thing wrong with the original model was that his pupils were too big…
I hope thats not the final version of the new original skin, its not as threatening and the old one, i am very excited for the rework tho, cant wait to see what they did
make valk and loba ✂ = I spend money on this game
Please let him keep the original skin!
2:07 目なのに会話が聞こえてるの何故
dumb game due to dumb rank
This is the biggest lore covered content i’ve ever seen in Apex…
We need that Gamer Chair @3:56
A bit disappointing
he has a hood like oo i cant beilive they finally did it
It’s interesting to see how Revenant does what he do in Apex Lore context, how his abilities work without the gameplay simplification magic. They made his abilities much like “ohhh that’s how it works”
We even got the teaser for his new skin
No hype because it will be a 20$ skin
crypto cant hear the footsteps. Truly apex experience
Revenant is really creepy af
Sad day my poor boy suffers more then he needs to
Who else hated the moment when they all left crypto alone 😑
Someone slipped a perc 30 in Rev’s soda!!!!!
Oh it’s beautiful
When he was going to attack Bangalore I knew he would make his hand into a blade and stab her. I love Revenant.
Also when Loba goes “I’m not thanking you demon” and Revenant goes “You think you’re the victim? What about me? What about what _I_ lost?” I think at this point Revenant is a victim too, an asset tossed around with no regard of his personality. It seems like he’ll eventually get his freedom, I’m glad
Dont do nothink to my boy cryto brooooooooooo pls
its real
the rev model finally i am not onna lie he looks awsome what is happening to me like oo theres a part 3 APEX BRO YOU GET ME SO HYPED im SHAKING TO SEE GAMEPLAY oo
What did valk try to” make it happen” to revenent?
Clearly Crypto isn’t always watching
Rev mains gonna be eating good this season
The game feels like a movie game play kinda nice everything is linking up cant wait for the nxt season
this is so exciting, i love all this lore.
Revenant looks less scary
Its sad that they removed the fear that makes him scary
Those girls left my Crypto all alone?!?!
Anyone else bored watching like a min in? I’m usually excited for these trailers but this seemed like filler kinda like next season lol😂
Badass trailer
That’s so good ❤❤❤
Finally, he is taking some W’s after taking so many L’s. Rise Rev mains, we are eating good.
I feel so bad for rev i dont know why
En efecto Nerf Akali!
Rev reborn abilities need to be wall run and the tactical stay the same but ult get rework
I like how revs ult breaks when he puts it down in certain places true apex experience
I had to leave my room and take a breather
you know what gonna happen to crypto on every video right?
Is this where I beg for Titanfall 3…
I’m so confused. Maybe a new remodel for revenant, or a glitched counterpart. Perhaps we will get a whole storyline related to revenant and that is a prestige skin
I really though Crypto was about to get forged!! 💀.
Crypto: “Off the grid is the only safe way to be.”
Also Crypto: lets 5 different people into his workspace and bring in a camera pointed at his face that is under the control of at least two malicious entities
Rev was legit scared. Even in his own way that was him begging Crypto for an answer.
Cross progression or we’re going on STRIKE!!!!
I am turned on
This waas SO GOOD
Rev looks fire but his head seems so big😭
I cant be the only one who thinks his new look is kinda goofy
New rev who dis
New rev looks cool
I love the idea of his abilities and his rework but I still don’t know why he doesn’t keep his wall crawl ability, he literally did it in the trailer rn.
4:02 Revenant new look thank me later
finally some lore accurate Revenant
Rip Crypto
Ma che ca
Been waiting for Rev changes for years now! Can’t wait to see what they’ve been working on.
Revenant looks so cool rev mains be eating good this year
“We need that head” is gonna haunt me forever now
I gotta give Respawn credits, this trailer looks fire!
Man I’m so excited for rev reborn this trailer was awesome
3 more days for new stuff 😫
That was crazy sick I can’t wait for 8/3
I Love When Revenant Always Put His Ultimate Totem But Always Canceled, Truly Apex Moment
This made all Loba mains feel confused about Revenant
Kasian anjir crypto
I’m so happy I main him, his new form looks tuff
4:02 play it in slow motion
What is happening to me!
Devs: were just remaking you so that more players will get interested from you
Why he chocking my boy crypto like that? 😤😭
Rare Revenant W.
Wow just wow
What did they do to rev.. no more totem :’(
Rev was popping off at the beginning ngl
Yooooo its so cool seeing revanant actually being a compatant killer like weve been told
Best trailer since season 7
Poor rev
Oh so the reveal is Crpyto dies like Forge and is reborn as a Simulacrum
THAT WAS 🔥🔥🔥🔥.
Full on horror film
Wow what a trailer
Bruh, I knew taking the remnant eye was a terrible mistake. Never take the robotic eye ever.
Genuinely interested to see what they do with him
Revenant’s free will is being taken over
That was CRAZY
Is macro in the chat?
New revenant looks hot ngl hehe…..what?
The way Revenant just choke Crypto and said “What is happening to me!!!”
Another tbc 😂
That was intense!
Well that was awesome
I can’t wait to see this
Now that’s revenant in full glory,well done
И всё?
That was beautiful 😢
I’m literally so confused
Wait soo revenant is the victim?
I feel so bad for Revenant he’s one of the main ones that have one of the most traumatizing lifes
Well dame
that was good
Rev reborn is confirmed
Did loba just say Revenant ?
Revenant started suffering from skill issue ngl
Me every time I tried to use my totem but it gets immediately shot out
Revenant Reborn is coming
Demonio’s Eye
Red dead renetion trailer
Rating before the start like in ranked
Remember that number
I suspect a code. To 0:00 to around 1:50
3 2 1
peter griffin update???!?!?!?
I am revenant main 😅❤
Hopefully it’s someone actually good
Can’t wait
No way a rework is what you call content. If there’s no new legend or weapon y’all better not say it’s a good season/game.
i hope we get to play as silva one of these days
Let’s gooo
Не выпала вторая реликвия,
Дизлайк отписька
1 звезда за 140 ящиков
Im gay for rev
Cross progression please 🙏🙏
not longgg
Let’s gooooooo
Yes it is
wild we here lets goooooooo
Am playing apex and watching
Plot twist you have to buy rev reborn it’s all an elaborate scheme to get ea more money
“Look at all these skinsuits they don’t stand a chance.” – Revenant
New revenant
Can’t wait for no server updates
Yo anybody there
Assimilation 2 ?
Rev reborn let’s go boiiiiiiii
hopefully the rev rework turns out to be good and just not a new kit of abilities without any effort put in
we need a new recon legend i feel they are outnumbered by the other classes
This is gonna be good
Would you rather: actual nak*d loba skin or cross progression
Were all just waiting that 28 mins to watch rev reborn go ham
Fra è cattivo
I really want revenant reborn, but I really like what he can do now
Apex Lorefest!!! 😍
1h left
יש פה מישהו ישראלי
יש פה ישראלי
All I want is a R99 buff
I’ve been waiting for this day as a rev main I believe the only thing that could be a potential buff in the future is when he dashed towards you if your like up close n personal you will be silenced for 20 or 15 seconds
Neat was just playing some games was about to quit for a bit but now I’m gonna play till this starts :3
ball is thicc
nerf seer 🙂
I hope they actually show us rev reborns model atleast
I can’t wait for the revenant rework
Hyped 🎉
what do you mean
I stayed up all night waiting for this
Wake up people it’s almost time for the reveal
Farewell Kaleb Cross. You were the best legend for me to play. Rest in Peace dude, you deserve it 😢
With dlc missions
Can respawn entertainment ad a campaign to the game
Can’t wait to see THIS!!!!!!!! use as a REBORN READY BUTTON
Don’t be afraid of the shadows
I cant wait to see Revenant Rebirth!
is dis da new trailer for season 18
3hours left
Excited bro😂
Ohhh yeahh
they are obviously resurecting revenant and the rank system
The resurrection of Titanfall?
game is dead not worth playing
Bro it’s 2:50am for me on July 31 just waiting for it
Were about to become unstoppable
Good morning my fellow rev mains
Revenant is reborn
now we just have to hope it doesnt cost 500$ to play the event…
we need also new survival item jet pack and missile launcher
Let’s go boys we gonna make fortnite down and apex up apex legend the best game in the world
I can’t wait
I’m not going to make it quick that will spoil all the fun
If you’re wondering about the afterlife there is none
One slice stands discern they all spill out
whats going to happen
They need to bring back Lifeline healthrevife shield back
Revenant rework no “new” legend that’s my guess
How many parts are going to have that is my question
I’m so excited to see the rest of rev reborn and his abilities. This season is going to be huge!
agh man thought it was already up *
I busted to loba
Expect less so you wont be disappointed!
Respawn entertainment you going to shut down soon
Take notes by the master of me
Jeez in the Apex ingame news it was written Apex Legends Reborn launch trailer I got fooled
This image mimics the Ashes to Ash stream image, which was just Ash’s eye booting up
Жду скин, голая лоба больше чем реворк этого чубрика
The apex story line gets better every season
Apex legends is the best I am hyped for getting my pred trail
I hope to see revenant drop bodies
RIP forge 🙏
you are too beautiful for this storm point
Sorry I can’t hear the video. Maybe they are just paying tribute to the real apex experience.
It’s my birthday🐸
Claim your “here before start” ticket here
this is gonna be AWSOME
Fuse heirloom when?
But if you think about it they only have lore for rev and loba so it could mean that when valk gets a rework on her ultimate it could add lore games to play who knows they might be add other characters in the future but let’s see what happens keep up the work Ea and respawn
Finally apex releasing content that’s not just cosmetics
No where to run no where to hide
Every one should watch the season 4 trailer before rev reborn comes out
Maggie heirloom
Can’t wait to be reborn 😈😈😈
Change is like a holiday
I wonder if apex will EVER fix some of the bugs that plague their game, like the Xbox controller not being detected on apex but working fine in Xbox menu.
You’ve ruined this game with neglect and greed.
Kindly go down as one of the best games ruined by executive boards and incompetence.
Revenants alt is vary concerning if the leaks are true downing your enemy to generate health and sheilds it will never work if i can destoy lifeline and Watson together there noway you will servive a fight with rev if lifeline or Watson couldnt theres noway rev going to not get shredded or beamed now i think they may make it that he gets instant health/sheilds but most casual player base or new comer isnt going to get muti knocks to get that ult benifit this will make Revenants ult really hard to use as players that can get five or more kills a game can benfit his ult that being said newplayers or casual players arnt going to have fun playing revs ult but i think revs tactical will be a new favorite tho since it gives him some form of mobility so i could be wrong tho respawn maybe targeting a higher skill ceiling for rev which is good i could be wrong with all of this XD sorry for making this loong
Apex legends never coming back 😭😭😭😭
sooo 5 nodes per day right??? after 1 node i reach my max…..what constitutes ‘day’ what timezone? server? apex central? first ‘day’ i wwas only able to get 3, then a few ACTUAL days of 5, now a day of 1????
Apex legend mobile please please😢😢😢😢😢😢
что ж, ждём 🤷♀
Wonder what’s coming now
So hyped for rev reborn I hope we get to see the new model! 😅
What if split personality like ash but with Kaleb Cross and Duardo Silva?
Let’s go part 2
That eye looks like Unicron.
Hi 👋
I’m calling it rev has his memory wiped and becomes the remorseless Murderbot he used to be
I can’t wait for the video to crash in the middle of the battle, just like it happens in the game 😍 real apex experience
I hope we get a season 4 launch trailer vibe for revenant reborn
Can’t wait
subscribe to apex legends the game deserves it
I can’t wait for this next part to come out, what’s really got me hyped is the storm “the darks pierces through” as a catalyst main I enjoy this type of weather
No way a fixed match making 😂😂😂
“Standby for Titanfall” the voices still echo
now u need do some with Legends tokens change for craaftting metals actually the tokens are so ussles
Can’t wait
Pretty keen on the release of Fade… oh an a reworked rev-dog… 🇦🇺
Lets gooooo!
Apex legends trash
Fortunato legend he died by weapon
Who plays Apex Auto YouTubers support group has or fake they’re not real to feed her hackles they are there are losses
Apex is going to die soon
Jack Cooper pls
Someone leak this asap
This is freddy fazbear 💀
*Buff* steering wheels! 😡
APEX Thanks to the devs for trying to fix rank and the other problems thank you so much for this great game you are the true legends
Dear devs: Fix the PC/Console players in the same lobby for Mixtape. Sincerely a casual player tired of the sweat 20/4K tap strafe exploit players
Can’t wait for another season of horizon q simulator, everyone being d4 and only getting to play 98% of the communities favourite maps (olympus KC) for probably a month untill the remove it again 💪
Bro I’m so glad there bringing back the lore missions.
Dude it’s the same day I get unsuspended on xbox
Going rev mode
Лоба и Ревенант – два персонажа, которые тащат Апекс
верните арены твари!!!!
I’m just glad to see story quests again, and not just comics. Seems like they’re actually finally putting more effort into making the game exciting!
It’s Forge’in Time
Just saw the third one and this is apex leeeeeeeeeegens
can’t wait
I love You ❤
Give us Titanfall 3 or fix the servers on titanfall 2
I really hope they don’t go through with his leaked totem ult. It honestly sounds so bad and underpowered and the other leaked ult, the void grenade, sounds so much better.
I’m happy they’re brining back these little lore missions
it really makes apex feel fun again
Anything for the goat crypto
Mila will be a nice addition to the games
valk needs new ult after evac towers
You’re someone’s reason to smile.
Is that revenants eye ?
Boring story, bad game I don’t expect anything new from this too
valk needs new ult after evac towers
Mila will be a nice addition to the games
I’m just hoping this Rev Reborn doesn’t disappoint , and that those leaked models of him aren’t his official design.
Edit: Phew , so glad this redesign wasn’t the leaked one.
Forge gets revived and made into a robot
коммент на будущее
All I’m saying, they better have updated his Reborn model, that leaked one looks so bad. But I’m so hyped for his new moves, I think they’ll be much better than his current setup
Crossave Please
can’t wait to see the reveal of Forge as the next legend
im autistic
That may be revenant’s new eye
Rev mains it’s finally happening
Rev mains it’s finally happening
Dying game
¿47 horas? Madre mía. Ya que estoy aquí esperando. Apex se las da muy progres inclusives poniendo personajes lgbt pero no es muy inclusivo con los hispanohablantes que el único español que tienen es el castellano ¿que hay de los latinos, para cuando un doblaje latino para disfrutar este juego como se merece? Que encima si quiero el castellano tengo que cambiar de idioma la consola entera. Porque si tengo la consola en latino el juego está en ingles. En fin, igual para escuchar a BloodHound hablando con la E mejor escucharla en inglés.
Manifesting another lore mission 👀
Manifesting another lore mission 👀
im autistic
That may be revenant’s new eye
Manifesting another lore mission 👀
they got the mans eye ball
How cross progress ps4/5 & pc?
Cant wait for silvas son to be put into revs body
Какие же скучные эти Киллкоды
How cross progress ps4/5 & pc?
Я люблю Никиту
I will miss the old revenant
Dying game
can’t wait to see the reveal of Forge as the next legend
Какие же скучные эти Киллкоды
I stoped playing apex i fell like it is died
Is that revenants eye ?
Manifesting another lore mission 👀
Я люблю Никиту
Is that revenants eye ?
Я люблю Никиту