Apex Legends Neon Network Collection Event Trailer
Join the Neon Network Collection Event and uncover a shady plot in the Node Tracker Battle Royale takeover. You’ll earn nodes you can use to unlock cosmetics in the new Reward Shop.
Valkyrie’s Prestige “Apex Interceptor” skin will be yours if you unlock all 24 limited-time themed cosmetics before the event ends. Sometimes an assassin needs to blend in, but now is the time for you to stand out.
Learn More: http://x.ea.com/76923
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Origin for PC: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. Includes in-game purchases.
Taqs:apex legends,apex,neon network collection event,neon network event,valkyrie apex legends,apex prestige skin,Apex Interceptor,valkyrie apex interceptor,valkyrie prestige skin,electronic arts,ea,battle royale,battle royale game,apex trailer,apex legends trailer,エーペックス,apex legends neon network,apex neon network,neon network,neon network trailer,apex event,apex legends event
コメント (961)
Better 👍
YOO time to spend another $120 on the collection event
What about fixing audio? That would be great.
ok i’ll redownload
Imagine if they are baiting us with rev reborn like they did with forge in season 4 but instead of rev reborn it’s actually forge coming into the game
Where is wraith skin 8(?
Watch how none of this Event stuff will work on Day 1.
Also Nu Gundam Valk??
That caustic skin though😮
the devs are tap-strafing, WOOO
unbelievable 🤣🤣 i love it 6 events in a row and at 6 events there wasn’t a single skin for wraith, can you do an analysis of how many things come into the shops of which fiefdom, with no idea mirage or gibraltar there should be over 150 things (skin, frame etc..) and nei wraith for example 40 things if it goes well
People still play this ? Lol
I also wrote about all the other 5 events, nothing for wrait so I save money but that’s the same for 6 events in a row 😂😂😂 sad apex legends is really too sad not to play
Apex is dead 💀
Tap Strafe and Wall jump 360💀
RED PROWLER, let’s go!
Apex clue
Apex Can you Kimi and is revenant Reborn
I am the bloodhound at the end who missed all shots to a flying valk… 😄🤷♂️
This looks like it will be so fun, I’m so excited for these side missions.
It looked like valks missiles were a little different, like maybe a buff? That would be nice.
we’re waitin rework on revenant
Those outfits are crazy good!
Did a dev just…. Tap strafe?
Caustic took Kaneki’s mask
Bring arenas back
This is more than a collection event. Wow
Does anyone besides content creators frequently buys these events anymore?
Best. Game. Ever.
Few things can make me feel so hyped every time. You deserve all my monayz <3
we dont want or care about heirloom skins
Bring back arenas
Rip revenant
Best game ever next to BO3
(John 3:16,17) “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but should have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” (Romans 10:9,10) “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
The devs went crazy in this trailer tf💀😭
This game dead asl😭
0:48 Having 50k credits must be fun.
when add crossprogress?
That free Loba skin look insane
With these animations, has anyone made like a machinema type thing with apex yet?
Loba and revenant lore but yet they give valk the mythic skin?? Makes sense
0:44 RED PROWLER ???
I love the part where they just add cosmetics instead of improving the game truly and Apex experience
More money 🥱
Please Respawn for the love of BT… Give us cross progression this season 😭
bro im so hyped for rev reborn 🔥🔥🔥
Bruh yalls hope is so small just move on this game has had expectations and never met a single one
Wait. Does wattson have a CAT skin…….?
same skins over n over again atleast put some effort
Hello, Humans
Why wait for a savior, when you can save yourself?
I can’t play until they add cross progression or at least account transfer for console to PC.
No Mirage love still?
Can we get pathy skin plsss
dang got em tap strafing move
This is automatically top 5 apex events of all time
What song is this? Fire!! 🔥
Why isn’t anyone mentioning about this?
Sick Valkyrie!
Nice to see a little of the old apex event style
No lie tht finisher is a must needd
Weak and mid. Bring back arenas
LLLLLLLLLLLLLL Nothing for bloodhound mains ofc😢
It’s giving season 5 I’m excited af
Can we appreciate how they tried their best to make this amazing video for us 💖💖💖
Why pad strafing
So now we have a max steel colab crazy 😂😂❤
Fix the servers Respawn on Console, i got 200 ping on nearest! Than we can play the game
Nice! Where is the Madd Maggie love ?!??? It’s been so long since a new skin, it’s been so long since we could purchase old skins. I’m so tired of this rare skin.
Should’ve added more fun lore and gameplay instead of family abuse and love triangles, too late now, took ya almost 11 seasons
*Yes awesome trailer*
It bothers me that there’s still characters, therefore players in the playerbase, still waiting for heirlooms while other characters have heirlooms and prestiege skins
No, I still havent spent the heirloom shards I earned through playing the game
They really been showcasing movement tech in these lately trailers. Lifeline tap strafing
0:43 Aye yo, anyone else notice the Prowler being red out of that node?
Welp Time to pick up apex, main valk and give respawn all my money again 😊
rev reborn? at the end there
0:11 Don’t do that Respawn, don’t give us hope.
so…..still no pathy skin ….. I’m done
Valk and ask skin are awesome
Every skin sick, not just Valk’s. Developers smashing it
My wallet is telling me no, but my body, my body is telling me YES
Yo im throwing that 160$ for walk directly
Five days from now. i love too but i have to save my cash to pay my rent and go to the convention centre with my older brother.
Wow, finally content AND dope skins
Who else got chills from the end when revenant said “There’s still time to run” 1:24
More sides quests and new skins 😂 havent played apex in months and this is what they come with ☠️
You guys should really have crypto narrate collection events it sounds awesome
I creamed and screamed when I heard revs voice
Ash behind valk in the thumbnail makes me think she’s the next one receiving the prestige skin ❤
An event I can get behind and a finisher worthy of the decent of viper
1:10 Ah yes, my teammates that can’t shoot someone running away or at them in a straight line
Haven’t played in a while so i’m just curious and out of the loop, did the last few collection events not have LTMs? I’m seeing a lot of complaints about them not having content
No fuze heirloom sad😢😢😢
Do we finaly get some free packs?
Imaginense que el remate de valkyrie hubiera sido el del northstar prime 😯
If you need any normal standard usb charger welcome to my shop have a look😊😊
oh look another skin… imagine spending 200 hours every week just to create skins, im so happy i quit apex legends, this is just a scam at this point
no maggie skin
Too bad the game is dead
Awesome…!!!! Saludos desde Perú 🔥🔥🔥
Don’t use tap strafe, that’s a glitch.
Revenant reborn
Wow something that actually has content. Finally
Great game! 🎉
Octane Octane
They’re trying functional content again wow
caustic looks NAH
Amazing trailer! Amazing lore! And a fire Valkyrie prestige skin! 🔥🔥🔥
When will Fuse have his time?
why did yous update tf2 then removed it like a day later
“Let’s boost valk pick with a skin”
Any one else notice the prowler was red
Looks like the prowler is gonna be a care package gun
Love that line at the end by revenant
Bruh, did I just did someone wall jump 360 pistol lmaos so sikkkks✈
i dont play valk but that skin and finisher is hard asf
I find it funny how they’re including wall jumps in the trailers now when that is clearly a game design bug lol
yeah rev finna be broken
There is still time to run
No one talking about crypto having another part in the story again
Please Bring Back APEX LEGENDS MOBILE 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
klar noch mehr skins zum rein payen werden dieses kaputte Müll Game bestimmt retten.
Anyone know the song?
Game is dead
Dawg stop giving us collection events, balance out the game, improve maps and ranked, please ANYTHING except for another collection event
Apex changing up the style of the trailers I see. Seems more like a new season style of trailer. I love it.
Where loves legendary new skin since she’s seems to be the main if not one of the main characters in this lore bit!
imagine they would put out improvement to gameplay overall patches like they do cosmetics….
Wow I don’t even play apex Nomore and I’m excited this how u do a trailer EA quick with a lot of built up hype I pray they give the game soul again
I’m being polite when i say there are two “decent” skins and rest a complete garbage, they really don’t care anymore.
They’re for real started to appreciate movement! Love it
MOney money money…no bug fixed but …MOney more money money !!! 12 seasons for a quest… you don’t know when to stop disrespecting your community….
valk thinks she’s max steel or sum
I hope I’m not the only one who sees Valkarie and Ash’s new skins and think…. MAX STEEL
There’s still time to run
lifeline tapstrafe 😂😂
It was nice, until they showed a the prestige skin
No recolors 🎉
Wait so this means Revenants next? They better make his skin look like an actual Reaper with a cloak and everything black which might be bad in darks areas but I’m sure they can fix that
Hmm will these new missions compare to season 5 missions? We’ll see
An actual event. Finally
Respawn please, all these fire ash skins are gonna make me broke
More trash just fix the game
I hope yhe cosmetics stay after the event bc some of them are really cool
STILL BOOOORING. Its the right direction, but way too less to keep friends and me hooked. Do better.
Wheres Mad Maggie
Neon skins and rampart doesn’t get one?!?
Wasted opportunity
Stop stealing our money!!!!
Yo that tap strafe
Just sad, support classes doesn’t get a tier 5 skin but skrimisher gets it second….. why not lifeline, gibby, new castle or marriage where there reives are different then the others. Sad got to wait another season to see if the developer fail to care or not.
This may be a bit out of pocket but does myboy rev get anything?
Now THIS is faboo!
Ash’s skin look cool af but I will be happy with my denizen of the deep when I will see the prixe😅
skins keep getting better…Ranked keeps getting worse
There’s still time to run.
cool but i want ranked arenas back
That Ash Skin is so0 Sick, i wish it was dark blue tho 😂
Pretty unfair that valk gets the prestige skin before a few other legends who were in apex before valk. Give wattson a prestige skin and not a legend who is Brand new
Alright you guys actually did a pretty decent thing this time
I wonder if this IS a prestige skin so you will always be able to get it or just a limited time skin that will rarely come out. because we didn’t see any tiers of it in the trailer.
That ending brooooo I’m so hyped!!! ❤❤❤❤😮😮😮😮
max steel
Trailer goes pretty hard.
Nahhh that package Loba is running towards looks awfully like a body is in there….
Respawn desperately trying to convince people that the physics bugs that they admitted they can’t fix are now actually a feature.
And still no cross progression. Pathetic.
Hammer DOWN 💥🔨
Im away during the entire event :/
Ash and Valk looking drippy as always 🤒but where is cross progression 😂
Cool so when are legends reworks happening cuz i can name few who needd it reworks.
Well Ash cut a phase tear in my wallet and took my money lol jk
Fix trash rank
just waiting on a decent 301 skin still…..
If they made skins like the Valkyrie for every character I would buy them ong!
It could’ve pathy’s mythic skin, those five valks mains must be happy.
Still no cross progression 😂
I just got more heirloom shards last week!! ^^
There still trying to run 👿
omaiga :0
Iron man infinity war finisher?
At least they add audio for the trailers
160$ for a skin really?
Add cross progression
the only thing looks cool is valks finisher the other trash is bs
Wow, it’s been a while since I was last interested in an Apex season.
Cross Progression???
0:25 HUGE tap strafe
Good ❤
The valk prestige nobody wanted
Where is the animation?
Mandalorian valkery is real guys, rgb boba fett skin !!
All I heard was gives money !!!
This is big Maggie, very big😱😱😱!!!
Finisher is like Northstar Prime finisher?
Rev Reborn and perhaps Valk buff otw?
*Sigh* im in a love/hate relationship with this game i always feel both
Why does everyone’s heirloom finisher but wraiths make sense?? Y’all could’ve gave her the phase execution from titanfall honestly. Also nice job bringing the choose your reward path from mobile while actually giving us a choice. Now can we get the skins from mobile??? Good bit of em were miles better than any of the skins for the main game.
Please just give us revs rework
The most disappointing thing I can say is make these events more like fortnite ones. Make people play for the cosmetics
So uhh is the game still consist of people jumping running on walls? 😅😅
Buying revs heirloom was the only time I spent money money on this game and it was worth it
Are we gonna ignore that they hit a tapstrafe 0:23
Man i think this will be the best collection event
I see y’all Respawn hope y’all ain’t gonna disappoint with this event 👌
Hire content creators for your trailers for more dynamic movement tech scenes
It’s been like 14 seasons already just let my bro Crypto uncover the truth already
When you’re a mirage main and finally realize how much EA bamboozles you on the reg. Mirage hasn’t gotten a decent skin in a while and still has some broken mechanics, meanwhile EA is just chilling in the background throwing content left and right for the other characters…
Yo actual content finally
im too poor to care about collection events, hopefully theres an apex pack in the reward track tho
Devs 360 wall bouncing 😭
Servers are about as stable as revenant mental health and eaids has the audacity to charge 160$ for a skin and some highlights??
Truly one of the most apex moments of all time
Song name?
This is an event! An event together with an actual story line. ❤🎉 Apex is changing for the better. + lifeline and valkyrie going solo to a 3 stack, I could say, a truly Apex experience. Thankfully they survived and not the other way around. Hahahaha!
1:06 that arc transition was soo dope and creative. As a valkyrie main i am soo hyped.
Gyattt event
would have liked a stealth ninja mirage skin
Love that her finisher is like the execution done by prime northstar in titanfall2
Wait. You can “unlock” all the rewards to get the Valkyrie prestige? Like… for free? Or am I not understanding how this event works lol.
Anybody notice the red prowler sitting on the floor at 0:45 , possible care package gun again
Revenant reborn confirmed lol.
To the people in the comment section that are stating or basically mocking (no offense) the Apex Creators by saying “I love the part where this legend says that”, bla bla bla, if you dont like the game and the decisions Respawn does for us, just go back to Fortnite you swines, how do we Apex Gamers suspect for the people who work for respawn to make money? Aoex is a free game on all platforms, they have to have some way to be able to make money to improve the game, peace out legends!
Ждём трассеры для всех престижных скинов
Rare Big Apex W I see? I’m dreaming surely
Yo, an event that has actual, y’ know, CONTENT besides cosmetics? Cool
Wooo more skins lets go. The last 20 skin events weren’t enough
Esta chingon todo 😻
Valck tiene una skin chingona, todos tienen una skin hermosa
Simplemente es perfecto 😌
Man ! I’m so glad apex isn’t fixing my every game crash …
one love
Actually a big W
At Least BUFF VALK a little..you murdered her with nerfs..
This tap-strafe was fire. And this time wall bounce looks really good
Tell me Valkyrie get a rework pls cause I got a heirloom on this mf 😭😭😭
Valks prestige skin last version with helmet looks like Reinhardt lol
Heard Crypto but never saw him 🫤
Revenat reborn is real 😮😮
mannnnn wheres the wattson skin
I love how with the lore it’s basically rev is degrading but is getting upgraded and becoming even more powerful and deadly
ok ok…. no bad
I hear Crypto, but I don’t see him 🤨 Crypto mains where are y’all at?! Finally getting some lore!
Seer needs new stuff please
I wish they would update ultimate accelerate device so it’s not just a spinning circle.
The fact that the skin comes with a dive trail is so sick and that finisher is bananas
Track pls
What’s with the red prowler from the loot tick🤔🤔🤔
Just when i uninstalled apex, they released actual good content
Some of these apex cosmetics are so nice
We just gonna ignore that heirloom prowler drop from the loot tick?
of course,lifeline has to get the generic suit smh
I like your style.
looks like the Respawn Devs found out their intern knows how to tap strafe and wall bounce hahahah
i don t understand, revenent will be reworked? or what is happening guys, please explain to me
Yooo its so cool to play the game as a story mode game cuz the last time they did this was in season 5
Did they just put tap strafing in a trailer 😭
Cuando van a salir las skins de Mass effect😮
Thank God I quit this game a few weeks ago, looks like another boring event with a mid mythic. My valk skin is more fun too wear then that💀 Hope u apex players have fun tho, no hate✌🏿
This is the Worst prestige skin in the entire game
Way more excited to see movement tech in an official trailer than for the cosmetics, as beautiful as they are.
I hate how expensive these skins are but honestly the monetization model in this game is fantastic compared to Overwatch. Valk skin looks ok but I almost like the recent ‘aviator?’ skin that came out better. We’ll see what it looks like when properly visible in game though
I like the subtle recent mythic taking out the 1st released mythic skin lol. Also I think it’s messed up Valk got her skin before many of the OG legneds.
that tap strafe tho 🤩
no we got tapstrafe there u go
Lifeline skin looks fuego!!!!❤️👄❤️
The truth is you are wasting your money on stuff you physically hold in your hands
Ash is bumble 😊
Do skin are contents??help
Theres still time to run EA, you don’t HAVE to finish rev rework and CAN give us a better update
Y para cuándo la reliquia de Fuze?
Valk mains Rise
Какой же трейлер крутой, наконец наняли топового человека клепать трейлеры
Are those event packs you can buy with nodes?
Are we getting a TV show🤔
My main’s rework being teased I am so hyped we Rev mains will rise
wouldn’t it be nice if the legend for almost 9 seasons got an heirloom? no? another prestige skin?
the best event since a long time
All the girls from the earlier trailer get skins, EXCEPT MAGGIE. BRUH. Come ONNNNN.
Why was there a red ter prowler
So cool to use lore to promote your new cosmetics! So what, Crypto’s gonna hack into our bank account?
why does caustic look skinny? lol
Are they hinting a revenant reborn
No surprise… another $200 event with the same boring trailer/gameplay with NOTHING to offer… the game will be dead by 2024.
One thing i like about dive trails is that’s is merit based and now they are selling it to now. Super trash decision.
It looks like is gonna be a w updated
Nothing speaks better Loba & Revenant lore event than a Valk prestige skin. *chef kiss*
This looks wild
What’s the song playing
Same release date as remnant 2
Those outfits are crazy good! Valks mythical skin is by far the best so far. As a Loba main I am very happy with the skin that she gets
So rev chan is coming soon right?
Am I the only one who noticed the Care Package Prowler
That looks amazing 😮❤️🔥❤️🔥
Always dope to see the movement tech used in trailers! Don’t play Apex anymore, but I can appreciate their cinematography
I hope there is a Balistic skin
Awesome I love it😂😮
The viper skin is much more of a prestige skin so don’t waste you money
God, I wish this wasn’t so cool.
I can’t afford for it to be this cool
Are we just not gonna talk about lifeline tap strafing inside of a trailer
Trailer is great! And THANK YOU RESPAWN FOR BEING SMART WITH THE REWARDS, IT FEELS AMAZING TO UNLOCK THINGS BY PLAYING..! (yes, we had Prize Trackers, but overall this looks better in my opinion because you have to be more involved 🤓)
The screen at 00:49 shows 50101 Apex Coins and just 1800 Legend Tokens ? … That makes no sense… generally is the other way around.
Fix the servers
Bro I swear to god wattson doesn’t get as much love, like she gets a skin every 3-5 collection events while ash over here getting one every time😐
No way this the the valk prestige skin 🤢🤢🤮🫵(i honestly expected something better than this 💩
Just got paid today: Yooooooo!
Respawn announces new collection event thats coming out in 5 days: Noooooo!
That’s more like it, they need to slowly embrace these movement techs instead of trying to patch everything!
The loba bracelet jump cut to broken moon was fireee
This is actually the best event the past 2 years
Gotta love the skilless tap game play 😂
I miss apex mobile
Maggie: is in cinematic
Also Maggie: doesn’t get a new skin
Like seeing that movement in the gameplay.
I loved the part where revenant took out this event and said”It won’t cost you..” Then paused, giggled and said “Much”
Very interesting, thank you respawn!!!
why do people freak out at MoVeMeNt iN tHe TrAiLeR?
“There is still time to run”
the finisher is amazing
This event looks pretty good but the lore stuff looks hype too👍✨️❤️
An event that actually looks good yoo
Почините сервера😅
Weres cross progression
Now *THIS* is the type of collection event we’ve wanted Respawn 👍🏼
Revvy Rework definitely incoming
Why is too strange to get new skins for path in all the events?
The subtle nod to the rumor that Revenant is getting a rebirth. Can’t wait for him to get fixed. And to see the new nightmare that has been unleashed in the arena.
Love the part when revenant said “There’s always more to buy” and released 24 mediocre skins, truly an apex experience
From removing tap strafing to implementing it in trailers. Love it
Go turbo 😎
There is still time to Run! REVENANT REBORN is Coming baby!
They should’ve done a throwback to Northstar Prime by using the rocket pods in the finisher instead of those weird spikes. It’d make sense as her dad did use a Northstar.
I love when revenant said “There’s still time to run for broke”
actual content this is insane
sky dive trails for older prestige skins when
the whole event is suppose to be about revenant and we get a height crutch skin crazy
that crypto skin went hard!
I like that fact that they showed more loba than valk in the trailer , truly an apex experience
This season went by fast man
Nahhh wall jump on n trailer
And I just got bloodhounds heirloom skin 😭😭🔥🥲
Sponsored by the SHADOW GOVERMENT
Anyone else notice the red prowler dropped by the loot tick? Looks like is going into the carepackage
Been saving my crafting material for a good Valkyrie skin, thought finally! EA: Nope.
In 2077 what makes someone a criminal?
No wattson skin again😪
I loved the part when Valkyrie said “you can have the ground, I own your wallets” and then continued to charge everyone $160 for a skin. Truly an Apex experience
The revenant at the end💀🔥🔥🔥🔥
That ending was the best part of this trailer
Esta chingon todo 😻
Valck tiene una skin chingona, todos tienen una skin hermosa
Simplemente es perfecto 😌
Wow we get one story mission that is just walking a lot. And then a some loot tics to hunt down in game. Gotta love all this content. Truly changes the game up. You know not like a new game mode would have been nice in the most stale season of all time.
too bad valk is useless
I wish controller players could do this movement…
I loved the part where matchmaking still wasn’t fixed, truly an apex experience.
With all of this crypto lore, there better be a buff coming. Hands down the most underserved legend.
L event no wraith skin
Give us Lifeline skin next
Dev learn some move like they can tap strave and i can’t 😢
Who else got chills from the ending when Revenant said. “Their’s still time to run”
This kinda reminds me of the Unshackled event, and the gamemode is new! So definitely worth.
Thordan Smash scams people
I Like to see there are Cliffs in this Facility that Players have to Jump Over!
But is this Really In Game or Just a Teaser for Something Later?
Have they gotten cross progression implemented yet, I haven’t played in almost year waiting for it?
The valk skin reminds me of max steel
no thematic huh? so disapointed. Battlefield 2042 seasonal event is best than this.
Those outfits are crazy good! Valks mythical skin is by far the best so far. As a Loba main I am very happy with the skin that she gets
Cross save?????
rev rework yes
Bro, I love playing as revenant every single time and now I’m picking it looks different now, but I got to say this event is amazing. I’m more excited about revenant because I was plasm. I wonder what he looks like right now.
valk mains goes siiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Love how this is a revenant focused even but we are getting another heirloom for Valkyrie already.
cross progression now
Yo the trailer to short though
$150+ for a skin. Foh Apex 😂
It’s too late respawn everyone already gave up, this ranked season stunt you pulled ain’t making it any better either
“Neon wallet colection event trailer”
Otro Evento Sin Skin Para Pathfinder :c
This trailer was HEAT! Finally!!!! Let’s goooo!!
Valk Relic set?
Dope! They used my song!
I spent a long time waiting for this. It’s finally here
On god bro the valkyrie skin is so fire even the base prestige skin in fire and the other skins as well along side the tracker plus the leeks this is gonna be a good event
Liked the trailer and I’m excited for Valk’s prestige skin. Definitely ready for an event and this season to end
i need this automatically i need the heirloom my valk set would be complete
ugh still no pathfinder
The lifeline skin is insane ❤❤
The way you treasure your loved ones is incredible.
movement king
that valk skin looks like a valorant phantom skin
trailer players got better aim than me
I loved the part where Loba said, “It’s Lobin time.” And Lobed all over everyone.
Very well done trailer ❤❤
At this point. Let console have binds so we can tap strafe too or are yall scared it’ll be too much movement?????
The prestige skin looks like max steel lol
lifeline going crazy with that wallbounce
‘0m6 mOvmeNT iN tRaiLer!’ I be more impressed if you figured how to move on controllers while looting.
0:26 tap strafe on console ?
This looks awesome! Apex is making the comeback of the century!
An actual hype event, WHAT!
Yahll paying they bills
fix ya servers ya dogs
Wall bouncing is canon now?
EARNING things rather than paying? SIGN MY HOMELESS AS UP
The best prestige skin ever!!
Remember when games used to focus on content and not your wallet
I’m not Valk main, but it’s safe to say she has the coolest finisher in the game now 🤔
Rap 🤢🤮
Yoo that tap strafe
how high can we count until the servers are fixed 😀
Bro the movement the added in that is ceazy
I love it how Valkyrie finisher is like prime north star one
I don’t like how boring the valk prestige skin color is. Too Mid
Stop making cash grab collection events please. And guys stop supporting these things I’d rather they actually put effort in maintaining a good game than only care about cosmetics because the fans eat them up
Please let every event be like this one, whole lore and cosmetics as well, please respawn
Cyberpunk 2077 et apex legend
stop putting purple hair on straight dudes, you just ruined that skin with woke appeal.
The Rev part was actually really cool
Wattson where?
Do you need loba for the new stuff?
EA know who to target. Roller mains with their unhealthy spending habits.
Hope everyone ditches this trash, might as well change the name to call of duty. They don’t get rid of cheater, the tweeked the guns for pro player only, and copied call of duty cause they didn’t have an original thought.
YES, please include Pathfinder movement in your next clips!
Classic EA putting the most F2P important and exciting part of the update in single frame
Actually decent skins, new game mode, new system for unlocking cosmetics, not a bad event.
Only thing I cared about were the revenant teasers the cosmetics are fine ig
It still time to run 😈😈😈
when does that event get released?
Respawn I want to ask is the Dive Trail will be with just on VALKYRIES PRESTIGE skin Because that will make sense that Valkyrie have a prestige skin and a dive Trail it is just with that prestige skin that you cannot equip it on any other Legends because if you can put this dive trail on different legends then what’s the point of putting the Ranked dive trails 😕
Why not mirage but Valkyrie get a Prestige skins
I havent played since last year that looks good ngl
W event
The valk finisher feels like a reference to the prime northstar termination, cool
Fire! And I’m Ready for that Ash skin 😭🥰
one question – the preview Prestige skines wil be update?, because they cost 160 € each and i think the correct way its having the same love of the new ones
still overpirce garbo
Yall creamin your pants cause they have movement “tech” that you see ingame anytime you fight a wraith like wow i dont care
Why valkyrie of all people gets a prestige skin? I thought it was gonna be original legends first then new legends
The final thing you could earn in apex, a dive trail, finally being monitized. We asked for trails for algs. Teams. Pro league. Algs challengers finals. Gold trail for num 1 pred. But naw. They know all the people who cant hit diamond or master/pred (i feel like thats impossible this season) will fork out the money so they can think they are cool
And about 120fps console ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I loved the part when Horizon said “just need a wee pick me up” and then lifted all the money out of our wallets. Truly an apex experience
Didn’t valk just get an heirloom???
it was just OK for me till i hear rev’s voice at the end.. now waiting for smth about him
Apex está aburrido más de lo mismo
Wsp wit the wall bounce nd tap strafe bro who’s playing😂
That Valk cosmetic looks so fire
TSM lost in ALGS😂
fix apex crashing issues please 🙂
I wish I can play this game again.
Thanks guy for working so hard this whole season and totally not leaving us in the dark for a majority of it. 👍
I love the part where bh scanned and said “allfather give me their walkets” truly an u forgettable apex experience
The fact that the skin comes with a dive trail is so sick and that finisher is bananas
That valk skin has a freedom gundam easter egg, I die!!!😮
For a moment I thought that was a heart beat sensor. I already got PTSD from Cod Warzon and Release Seer…
0:45 is that a heirloom prowler?
Can I just get one cool new Vantage set?
I haven’t seen the store update yet but if I see the lifeline skin as a bundle I’m buying the event
make new weapons not new skins
ok but gimme wattson prestige already bruh
I loved the moment when Loba said “A Thief’s Intuition” and then looted everyone’s paychecks for $150 skins. Truly an Apex Experience.
Where is the pathy skins mann
apex is finish
Adventure time yeahhhhh🎉
seer never gets any love!!! no skins nothing, always!
patent up respawn.
This game will never die if Respawn keeps this new amazing work up!
Wait a second… Why was the prowler red? Care package weapon maybe?
oOOOOOoOooOOoo okaaaay i see Respawn tryin again niiiiiiiiiiice
Wait? An actual content??
Who else got chills from the ending when Revenant said. “Their’s still time to run”
10 seasons later and they finally added new side quests. Don’t spoil us too much now Respawn.
Valkyrie is getting a PRESTIGE SKIN 😀that skin looks amazing and the funny part is that I was wondering what kind of PRESTIGE skin VALKYRIE would get and I just think Respawn was like you are wondering what kind of PRESTIGE skin she will get let as show you and first Ballistic legendary skin and is mid not that impressive😐
They put more work into the trailer than they do into the skins.
Man every event there’s a new ash skin. Great for ash mains I guess, even if they kinda all look the same
me getting bored with the neo collection trailer
apex legends put revenant in last second 1:22 make me goosebump
apex got cringier than fornite
Daaam did you see it ?????????
Yeah nothing… but comestic only… the fun lore of titanfall is dead.
No vantage skin… again…
Rev Reborn babeh!
Trailer is great! And THANK YOU RESPAWN FOR BEING SMART WITH THE REWARDS, IT FEELS AMAZING TO UNLOCK THINGS BY PLAYING..! (yes, we had Prize Trackers, but overall this looks better in my opinion because you have to be more involved 🤓)
My favorite part is when Mirage said “No thanks needed, I do take bribes though” and proceeded to empty my wallet. Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where everyone complained about the optional content. Truly an… you know what? I can’t do it . Its way too overused even for a parody.
Can you renew your servers
“Every prestige skin will get the trail” but the catch is you gotta have the same trail as valk…. And you have to buy her skin to get it.
Pure joke
I have never bought out an event best is crafting 2-3 skins but valk event i got 10k crafting material and gonna craft all the purples a buddy is gonna help me buy the event since i bought him something and rest i’m buying myself i think i’m only gonna need to spend 50 bucks at least
HOL UP whoever owns that account has 50k coins
Love that her finisher is like the execution done by prime northstar in titanfall2
No LTM, again?!
Hope they give us a event pack
Its sad that Apex has started giving out heirloom rarity stuff based on the play rate of the charecter rather than release date
enough of the truly an apex experience comments dawg like 😭 if you wanna complain about everything just don’t buy any cosmetics or just don’t play at all
Valkyrie with the dollar store Northstar premium finisher
The first unique story collection event we get in years happens when I’m away for 5 weeks ._.
Headed the right direction Apex
A w collection event trailer fr
where is fuse skin ?
fuse heirloom?
As a Valk main i am so happy with this event already! That Lifeline skin alone is worth it! Caustic skin is fire too! ooo i cant wait! Event starts the day before my birthday too! Thank you so much!
Finally I can get a new skin for my boo vantage
Nah pass some of these skins like valks just aint worth it
They stay making valkaryie badass
Come back to mobile😢
Wish i could afford to get this, Valk Skin goes so hard
The revenant reborn teasers are soooo amazing,
This game has unstable servers but top notch great talented lore writers.
Can’t wait for rev reborn (too bad the silence will be gone…)
These people are really hinging it all on Revenant. They really took his voiceline “This is what I was built for” to another level
Revenant reborn teaser at the end ???
Hopefully a BUFF FOR VALK coming along with this event as well
Cold 🥶
It’s so nice to have content again, after such a long drought
I’ll be playing different games 😂
All that had already leaked 😂
0:45 red prowler??
Oh yeah baby, rev reborn is almost here
Quest mission? Awesome!!!!!!
The Lifeline shooting the Horizon twice with a P2020 and downing them means the Horizon must’ve been on very low health
Still trash game with horrible servers, trash audio, horrible balance and most of time content droughts. 1 event isn’t going to change much.
Rast of this movie, Revenant is saying something but he doesn’t know he die soon because of roba.
ADD keyboard and mouse + 120 fps on console
There is a CP prowler in the first bot they broke 😮😮
IM counting the days to see who shall take revenants place
Pless km bak apxe le gande mobile 😢😢
Rev reborn gonna go crazy 1:22
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy valk!!
“Theres still time to run” Revenant reborn
Finally revenant rework coming and Valk got some ❤
Sick creative trailer in a long time
Do i hear DUBSTEP???
Give us Rev reborn pls
Jogo podre, ainda bem que eu nao jogo esse lix0 da EA a anos 👍😉👍
cool rev teaser at the end
Bruh that finisher is SOOOOO EPIC
Hyper for the lore
they gonna nerf valk after you all buy her prestige skin
Man yall took this long to have more than just cosmetics in a “event”
Thats kinda sad
Ну вроде заебись
Give a Indian server update tooo
I loved the part when Valkyrie said “you can have the ground, I own your wallets” and then continued to charge everyone $160 for a skin. Truly an Apex experience
Ah my Ash finally decent skin
This is the Apex I fell in love with, keep it up devs!
hey respawn this is cool and all but like where is titanfall 3. It’s kinda been awhile and you keep focusing on this fatigued gamemode and killed off the previous one because you didnt support it and released it at a bad time.
01:20 dont skip this 👹
0:26 THIS MIGHT BE FAIDE ‼️‼️⁉️‼️‼️⁉️🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
Loved the part when maggie said : “hold your wallets ladies , im about to start a collection event”
Finally some more Revenant lore and inclusion
No.. i think I saw the mythic prowler.. its happening guys
As a rev main, im so hype!!!
fix ranked
nerf aim assist
bring back kings canyon
0:25 broooo that’s so cold movement with tap-strafe and wall jump’s when respawn developers using a movement 🥶🥶🥶🥶
Max steel wants his suit back
Buff wraith for the love of god💀
Give us indian server 💀
I like it !
I loved the part when wraith said “we made the right choice this time” after draining everyone’s bank accounts for 160. Truly an apex experience
Toxic I’ll be hunting you down Higgs
That Lifeline skin is such a badie!!!
If there is some new revenant lore I want it
An actually good collection event with new skins, new game mechanics, and in game lore? More of this please. Less recolour and recycling.
no way they made lifeline tapstrafe on a trailer
Love the part where lifeline says “this good fi yoh” then charges you 160 for a cosmetics skin. Truly an Apex experience
Actual content not just skins?
This event actually looks so sick well done apex team❤
Is it me , or does Ash get the best skins : )
the lit skin of valk
No new mode? No ltm? Boring
Also If u do enough nodes, is the valk skin free??
I’m guessing you can only use the finisher you PAY for on the final skin again?? Dumb!!! What if you prefer one of the earlier levels?
So you’re telling me we’re actually getting an event that involves actual new content besides cosmetics? Where is Respawn, and what have you done with them?
Yep more skins
I’m about to rock tf out of that prestige skin with the heirloom
Thank you Apex for consistently pushing out weak cosmetics, my wallet appreciates it a lot 😁
Never mind me just here to unsub to stop getting notifications since I stopped playing over a year ago and it’s one of the best things I ever did.
0:36 Apex doing Wall Jumps!? 👀
took them over 10 seasons to give us more side quests
Theres no wraith?
My headphones aren’t working no sound
So glad i didn’t pay attention to the thumbnail
Still waiting for fuse heirloom
Valk went all Bahamut at the end there. Me likey.
“There is still time to RUN” – Rev Reborn
I loved the part when Horizon said “just need a wee pick me up” and then lifted all the money out of our wallets. Truly an apex experience
Her finisher is Hard 😤
I’ve held out for so long not buying any skins. But as a Valkyrie main, this is it. You’ve won Apex happy now?
loba got the worst
If yall give smgs fall off damage ur gonna slowly make all the guns just so unfun to use
So are we ever getting Rumble Royal ?
😯 That’s Valk’s prestige skin
I love the part where crypto said “The truth can only remain hidden for so long, I took 160 dollars out of your bank account”
Truly an Apex experience
Respawn: No tap strafe!!!
Also respawn:(tap strafing in their videos)
Revenant rework nice 👍
This tap-strafe was fire. And this time wall bounce looks really good
Add punch boosting back
“Will you find it?” Probably not
do all prestige skins get a dive trail with this event or just Valkyrie
Apex casually giving the character they nerfed so hard that no one plays her, a prestige skin
I’m feeling a comeback from apex can this game get good again?
0:26 ???
1:02 OMFG this Valk transition is the BEST skin showcase so far.
Also the skin looks SICK. the best Mythic skin so far, by a long shot.
Mfs be complaining about how a skin is 160 dollars. You have the option to not pay, it only took years of my life to get my heirloom 😊
Men no more “Truely an Apex experience” comments 😂
Apex Trailers…. in all fairness, get me goinggggg… the music slapsss
Oh cmon a prestige skin for Valk when not even octane has one
Where’s valk buffs 😐
nice trailer ruined by Generic Rap music 🤮
So valk gets both her prestige skin and her heirloom before Fuse gets anything. Huh
actually tap strafing in the trailer! surely that means it wont get removed since its now part of the trailers xD
revenant leak 🔥
Way more excited to see movement tech in an official trailer than for the cosmetics, as beautiful as they are.
I loved the part when Horizon said “just need a wee pick me up” and then lifted all the money out of our wallets. Truly an apex experience
when will it drop
Best part was the revenant tease at the end
I’m so happy that more movement is being involved in trailers
Buff sim assist
This Event Looks 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Love the Lore being included in game.
i love how the ash skin and valk skin look very, *very* similar but valk is $160
Let me guess, another event where vantage gets no love. Can we get some skins for her please!!
That’s cool and all but where’s the cross progression I’m not playing until I can get my acc back lol
Tapstrafe in a trailer was cool tho
Actual content? They haven’t fixed pub MM though, I’m not spending until they do.
Games been crashing since horizon heirloom update respawn please fix
here an idea, since tap strafing gonna be a thing, maybe respawn could make the thruster packs react when doing them it make it make sense. Maybe even wall bouncing could do that to I think it be a cool ascetic.
Fix the ranked 🫠
1:23 My Dawg Revenant😭😭😭
What is that sensor a wall jump booster?
Did I just see lifeline tap strafe?
Now everyone should bind their W key with wheel.
Nothing Catalyst? I’ll be skipping this event completely
Yeah, there’s rev reborn teaser!
I liked the part where they showed actual content
Name of the Song?
I loved the part where Wattson says “that’s an expensive fence” then proceeds to tase you and steal 160 from your wallet to buy a skin. Truly an apex experience
Valk heriloom skin looks dope
There’s still time to run
Ain’t no way the devs tap-stafe a genade 💀
Finally a good event!
That’s what apex need!
It would be nice if they had catalyst skin. It’s always the same legends that get work on. It’s starting to be annoying
This tap-strafe was fire. And this time wall bounce looks really good
this looks very cool, ngl!!!
Hahaha confirmed Revenant rework on skills and look.
That movement just upset me ..on console you can not move like that 😢
This event actually looks so sick well done apex team❤
Imagine if they gave call the Northstar finisher from tf2
they really hyped up Revenant reborn huh
Wow, the first stage of the skin looks cooler than the later ones. How convenient !
ur game CRASH like every 10 minutes !!!!!!!
Tbh i wish they went harder on the prestige skin finisher
The kick is so lazy, looks like her default finisher at the start
From gold tick to red tick.
Also dropped loot is a Red-Tier Prowler.
Wonder if there’s going to be a shuffle of red tier guns. Also excited for full-auto prowler <3
Ngl this is probably the worst prestige skin so far. The colour scheme is so bland
1:06 that arc transition was soo dope and creative. As a valkyrie main i am soo hyped.
2 late. Idc
Hey! I can’t do that movement-tech on console. False advertisement.
Wha? Content? In my collection event?! 😮
Ивент давно уже слили лол
“There’s still time to run” it’s like the entirety of next season would be dedicated to revenant
Cross progression will NOT come with this collection event.. calling it now
It’s been 2 months since the release of arsenal. And no new season…
Finally something I’ll play
took them over 10 seasons to give us more side quests
Lowkey the skins are fire. Guess the design team from mobile is hard at work
Why? PathFinder?😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I like that fact that they showed more loba than valk in the trailer , truly an apex experience
Fix Loba’s Lunar Wolf Skin.
0:25 lifeline is tap strafing. This “bug” is officially accepted.
Что то годное, неужели, надеюсь не обосрутся
Tap strafing in the trailer yet they won’t give it to controller players?
“They made me a killing machine. Who am I argue with programming?!”
SHIIII, that new ballistic skin fire
Ok i hope they do this more often for collection events and for some reason during the scene when lifeline gets the apex pack loot the prowler is a mythic weapon hmmm select fire on the prowler next season in the care package
Oh man, my Valk… and No money to buy it
Y le de arreglar al juego se la saben?
Looks like dogshit
1:24 pause u can see his face
finally, an update with content
Absolutely loved the part when Rev said “theres no where run, I have your credit card info”. Truly the apex legends experience
that moment when Path, Ash, Valk and Loba go on a double date, truly an apex experience!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuse Heirloom WHEN
😂😂I can’t, valkyrie did the finisher on bloodhound wearing prestige skin. Its like devs also hate bloodhound’s prestige skin
No cross data yet I guess I’ll be back next time then
Love that they’re adding movement tech in these trailers!
too bad Im poor 🙂
1:13 this guy has my grandma’s aiming skill 😂
Hoping for a Valk buff with this new skin coming out. Evac towers make her kit so bad now 😡
“This is big Maggie, very big!”
You naughties.
Nice valk skin but too bad y’all made her pointless lol
Loved the part where revenant said “you can still run, save your money” and then proceeds to rip 160 from our wallets. Truly an incredible apex experience
Been playing since 2020, I swear I understand nothing about this game’s lore.
we need more balance changes
Rev reborn looks like more corrupted than before 🔥🔥
Dang I should’ve known that skin was too fire to be legendary 😢😢😢😢
I’m am actually so glad and have hope for the rest of apex rn
I’m saving my heirloom shards that I finally acquired after 4 years. Gonna cop that Revenant scythe once he’s good again.
I loved the part when Valkyrie said “I swore I would never waste my money on a 160$ cosmetic again” before proceeding to pull out her savings account for the Prestige Skin. Truly an Apex experience.
looks absolutely dogshit once again!!! THANKYOU 🙂
Wait she’s getting a evo skin!!!??
Octane it’s the best ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
is it just me or every gameplay trailer they do they add more movement mechanics in the gameplay lol
its been so long since we had an actual lore event im excited, and YES LOBA LOVE BABY LETS GOOOO
00:24 Was that a Tap-Strafe ??? IN AN APEX TRAILER ?
The end of the video got me hyped for the Revenant Rework!!
Do the other prestige skins get dive trials tho with this they better
Is it just me or does Apex love Ash A little too much?
(She is getting skin constantly one after another).
Lifeline hit a tap strafe 😭😭
oof no free legendary skins
another epic event, i wish we could use the nodes to also unlock the skins in the event
Finally, a W event
Ngl this looks good
Ah so still nothing good for me to want to play again nice
W, adding some teasers and content love to see it!
Rev & Loba’s backs breaking due to carrying all the good lore of Apex.
full auto prowler ???!!!!
Just me waiting on Maggie content :(. (I know she got a skin last event but it wasn’t even good.) I guess I’ll never use these heirloom shards 😢
a prestige skin for a character made useless by the devs , my favorite
“There’s still time time to run” was kinda fire not gonna lie
hearing Revenant at the end made my heart beat faster
Sigue siendo Batlefield?
L event, no wattson skin🥱
Love how they always include movement tech in the trailers now
Does anyone know the song name?
Wait actual lore in Apex!?!?
0:26 Tap strafing 👀
Quiero jugar de nuevo en la versión mobile. .? 😢
finally some in-game lores to discover
Now this is apex experience. Lobbies not loading but we have overpriced skins
Yo the Revenant glitch at the end.
I really love 0/24 skins of the event, besides the Valk skin. And its not worth more then 30 Bucks.
This was a sick trailer. 😧 Just look the details and framing of shots…
Yikes they give Valkyrie a Prestige skin but not Mirage? Why?
Kairi has been nerfed so badly and her Missiles definitely don’t do as much damage as they did in the reborn trailer.
Trash valk skin. Looks like common skin
W trailer
I loved the part where Revenant says “There is still time to run” just like everyone does in ranked mode, running away till top 10.
Truly an Apex Experience
lets go what a skin for my girl valk
finally an event that’s more than just skins
Ayoo people are about to go broke this event
That ending got me hyped!
No wraith skin😒
Rev lets go
So wait how do we do it
Pls recolor the horizon heirloom to a fully blacked out with the black hole being red🙏🏾🙏🏾
Yoo revenant reborn confirmed
They learned they couldn’t get rid of tap-strafing, so they just accepted it.
Valk looks epic!
Valk has a relic skin before Fuse has a relic (he is from a season before her)😐
The next thing will be Valk’s towntake over
ª one more
I’m so happy that more movement is being involved in trailers
у меня встал
This is the best cosmetic event trailer yet
Fix chat on ps4 ⚠️
oh great a trail where you have to spend £150 on instead of grinding for a masters diamond or predator badge. cool!😁
I like a prestige skin, doesnt make sense if its not evolving mid game
Can we stop putting masks on the characters? Covid is over
It’s been confirmed.. Big Maggie is Very Big!!
Apex continues to empty our wallets but now with style
Where Crypto skin 😭😭😭
REV REBORN! Caustic Terminator skin looks sick
finally some in-game lores to discover
Hit by 6 missiles close range… Very excessive! But legit asf! Lol
This feels like a very lobo event why does she have the recolor? 😢
We got the movement now all we need is the controller player smg beam
Beautiful Northstar finisher Valk.
ash skin is the best
I haven’t had this kind of experience since season 5
The revi teaser at the end!😊
1:22 revenant reborn confirmed? Perhaps? Maybe?
I was saving Legend Tokens for this occasion
Revenant reborn is coming
The revenant reborn teasers are soooo amazing,
This game has unstable servers but top notch great talented lore writers.
Can’t wait for rev reborn (too bad the silence will be gone…)
did they just give valk the best skin ever in apex history?
No rampart skin ):
I love the part where lifeline said: “this is big EA, very big”, and proceeded to charge us 160$ yet again for a skin
Truly an apex moment
The best part is where revenant
Let’s hope this is a dope drop
tap strafe w
Idk but I need the ash skin 😢
Massive step in the right direction
“The truth can only remain hidden for long”
Yeah totally bro, no you still haven’t found your truth for over 14 seasons.
Does anyone know what gamemode will be coming back??
Wow an amazing skin for the most useless character in apex
all revenant mains unite!
I know your secreeeet
Верните бесплатные контейнеры!
Song name?
valk def has the best finisher in the game
This would have been surpresing… if it wasnt already leaked months ago
I haven’t seen the store update yet but if I see the lifeline skin as a bundle I’m buying the event
wait did lifeline just tap strafe on her 1st clip? niceee
This season had so many cash grabs already my god
Well people dying to death boxes, getting DCed in LAN, abusing trident bug so lets release 160$ skin to fix that!
Tap strafe in a trailer???? And a wall bounce???? Mokey will be proud 😂
발키리 스킨 진짜 잘나왔네….. 램파트도 얼굴가린 스킨좀 내달라!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Are they finally adding the little story missions again?
they can now tapstrafe!!!!!!!!
Wattson never gon eat bro😫😪
Love that her finisher is like the execution done by prime northstar in titanfall2
Try to make a good vantage skin. Challenge impossible
How’s about fix the constant crashes. Been happening ever since the last update.
dislike already
Still no update for console getting 120 fps?? We still at 60 fps after being promised like over a year ago 😂
The revi teaser at the end!😊
Why are we reusing unique skins and recoloring them for other legends? ie Wattson’s Cyber Punked for Lifeline?
I love how 7 people think they were first
Valkyrie over everyone else
That Valkyrie skydive is legit awesome! But surely it will be locked out as part of the heirloom.
nerf lobas thighs
looks ight
Was that revenant reborn at end
Loved the part where revenant said “you can still run, save your money” and then proceeds to rip 160 from our wallets. Truly an incredible apex experience
Gotta love lifeline supergliding
the best event since a long time
bro its happening
No wattson?come on
Revenant!!!!! My boi
They only know how to do collection event$$$$ , because the rest is TRASH 🥱
her skin looks like the knight dude from overwatch, am I the only one seeing this?
Another Respawn moment of them being out of touch with their own player base
No bloodhound skin again😭 this game is so unserious
Including more subtle movement techs in the trailers is a nice touch
I’m early 😱
This tap-strafe was fire. And this time wall bounce looks really good
finally revenant mains have something to live for
Lifeline with the tap strafe lol
اشتقت لها 💔🗿
the finisher is amazing
Oh boy revenant rework is coming
I see a Titanfall reference in the Valk finisher there 😉
I saw loba and I had to creame
Ahora que hiciste loba
5 minute team.
Yo, an event that has actual, y’ know, CONTENT besides cosmetics? Cool
You always make such funny videos, I love to listen and watch, keep up the good work👌🏾👌🏾
Ash looking like bumblebee
FINALLY SOMETHING NEW BESIDES SKINS 😂😂😂😂😂😂for like what the second time this year?????
yEP nice one respawn
First Comment. Not gonna lie helping crypto with node trackers is pretty decent
Here first
I loved the part when Valkyrie said “you can have the ground, I own your wallets” and then continued to charge everyone $160 for a skin. Truly an Apex experience