Apex Legends | Kill Code Part 1
Lifeline, Maggie and Loba journey to Salvo to investigate a mysterious lead surrounding Duardo Silva. Infiltrating an abandoned facility, their search for answers uncovers a more twisted secret than they imagined. Something big is happening in the Outlands, and one of their rivals is at the center of it.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts, Respawn Entertainment & Psyop
Sound Design/Mix: Formosa
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Taqs:apex legends,apex,stories from the outlands,apex legends trailer,エーペックス,apex trailer,apex legends stories from the outlands,apex トレーラー,loba apex legends,lifeline apex legends,maggie apex legends,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends pc,duardo silva,battle royale game,apex lore,apex legends lore,apex stories from the outlands
コメント (1695)
When is Apex coming back to mobile
Laar game bc
Koi marta hi nhi h
30 fps💙❤️
Y’all should give us a show on HBO 💔
Is it me or the shading feels very arcane like , would love to know if any of the 3D animators worked on this
Loba so fine bruh😭
When you put the effort into delivering 120fps on Console I’ll come back to the game. (And sort the lobby balance out)
Does this mean Crypto’s in danger? Well, more danger than he always is, anyway.
Okay…. But why?
We need an Apex animated series… I didn’t know we needed it until just now.
Kraber save the game as always 😂
Should have called this season of the rat not arsenal. For love of God fix the ranked system
No CP ?
maybe respawn should do movies instead of games
Btw. Where is crossprogression and 120 fps for console you promised this years ago fees like the devs just care about some 120$ skin
game keeps deinstall untill you fullfill what you’ve promised
The worst game EVER.
The spectre’s don’t shoot at loba when they look at her, truly an apex experience
maggie heirloom confirmed?
Cool game would have still made profit of me , instead gave me a perma ban for 1 word ingame
we need an apex show, I need an apex show
Rekin’ ballz incomin’ 😁
The whole Apex legends vs the biggest threat
don’t care. Titanfall 3 when?
Its a good day when theres some more maggie, kinda expected vantage her mom to be with her honestly
Obligated to be due to revenant lore.
Make a tv show already!
We need this but with all boy characters
Wow this Loba no glitch
Apex mobile 😢
Titanfall 2
They should make a small series about this
i thought the robot at 1:48 was a dead pilot at first
Can we appreciate how they tried their best to make this amazing video for us 💖💖💖💖
You either building or destroying. People literally don’t do things to be a part of something. Educational purposes. They literally do things for money. This mindset isn’t sustainable.
Loba got the vip sit 😂
Kraber holding the gate open really apex experience.
they’re trying to find Octanes dad nudes, that’s why its “big”
That Valk entrance was cool.
Fix the ranking system
the game has a great story, just cant invest in this game till change
instead of making series if they improved the game maybe it would be better
Titanfall 3? Plz…
All of this for Revenant Reborn guys whooo
Revenant the best scary character 🔥🔥
I really thought Jack cooper was going to show up
Are you feeling
add titans into the game. noone cares about apex anymore. we want titanfall
Ayy part 2 comes out on my birthday day!
idiots apex legends dev seer has too mush buffed
Mozambique here (lifeline voice)
The vibe is giving quads forsurrrrre
These 3 together are perfect ❤
Is revanent gonna get a remodel 😮
Man Maggie just made every thing worse
No ma apex puede ser una gran serie de televisión la verdad
I smell titans! “Sniff Sniff”
Really no one is talking about Valk wearing her father’s helmet aka Viper from Titanfall 2. Oh well 🙁
Loba is so pretty I can’t get over it !!!!! Ugh I love her so much !!!!!
it sure would have been great to… idk…
Play this as a Campaign.
why is lifelines voice so funny 😂
Bro those are some NPC robots😭😭
loba is gay?
Did maggie fall asleep while hanging on to valk From a rope😐🤣i wish i could😭😭
The only two thinks keeping this game alive is the lore and TitanFall 2.
Why didn’t they add D.O.C. in the vid description? He was an essential part, especially to help Loba escape the bots:(
Man if Apex ever started a series it would slap
Buff rev
With all due respect I think the majority of players dont care abt this, we just wish for a good ranked system the game is dying.
Was that thumb drive at the end supposed to contain revenant’s source code?
Sorry, had a poo. Was it good?
Finally some good lore??
Wow- that would have made for a great level in a one-player Apex Legends storyline video game. It’s a shame EA punishes good ideas.
Give us a series/show
Being a lifeline and loba main this made my heart happy
it got hacked
bro unban my account
Rumour has it that Spectre is after a refund on those faulty bots. Not one bullet fired.
It’s big Maggie ☠️ very big ☠️☠️☠️
Honestly Loba and Revenant have the most interesting lore in the game atp
Apex neeeds a villain
What did Lina have at the end ?
Yeah, my boy crypto is finally getting the recognition he deserves! IMO, he is such an underrated character in game and in lore.
Por qué el matchmaking es tan nefasto?
I loved the part where Maggie said “it’s cheating time” and hopped in a invincible trident.
i really want an actual movie
Feminist Propaganda.
please apex please add cross progression. PLEASE I NEED MY XBOX ACCOUNT BACK PLS MY WATTSOM SKINS
Respawn logic:
I know we have a buggy game, so to fix that, we’ll add more lore. Awesome
ok mate, come on.
I like how they make lifeline look like a agile, cool charachter while she isnt.
Crypto best legend. I wish I didn’t stop playing season 5
Please make a movie x)
movie now!
This game is driving crazy….Apex is the only king that will last in battle royale cause of their extreme creativity
no way this lady hauled 3 adults without their jump jets with her tiny jet pack
when Blisk 🙁
This might be lead to crypto’s sister
Yey game full of cheaters, hard to be banned
Another cinematic masterpiece
Tf was that, was that supposed to be a hongi
Petite question il existe des vrais joueurs manettes sur console sur ce jeu ? La Xbox est vendu avec un cronus et un clavier souris ?
someone can tell me a resume? i lost the interest after seer apears hahaha
I love Apex lore but im so terrible at the game. So I get more excited about the stories than the actual game
DOC is 10 times more useful in this than the actual game
God i love this, every second of it, also seeing the girls work together made me happy, Loba and Valk are awesome
I think apex make some movie series will be good.
What was Loba holding in her hand at the end?
Apex legends I love ur game but it dosent comes in ipad I have so much memories of this game
just make a show or a movie already😮💨 this was so peak
Love it when Maggie said it’s magging time truly a magging moment
Just make a tv show already
What is in Loba’s hand at the end?!
cant they just use lifeline face from the family business animation
Janeth Jamo is in big trouble
Its Alpha, not Apex
Life line is the worst character. She just jumps right to the point and screams we are looking for super secret bad guy lol so corny
whoa what is this a series? rather than one shot? Looking forward for it that’s for sure!
Ok this has to be one of the best apex trailers yet how wants apex so make a animated series
Stay tuned for the next one!
Cypto’s Calling Card…. I hope they dont find him😢😮😅
So do I get to log in to Xbox account from my PlayStation or nah cuz I got alotah cosmetics
AHHHHH,valk holding loba like that in the end has my heart screaming 😢❤
No one wanna talk about Halo’s magnum behind the bar !!!!????
love the non-game mechanic methods of using their equipment
Lifeline throwing the kraber like it nothing.
Part 1? PART 1??? We finally getting lore and is more than the usual???
what did Loba doooo
2:23 fool of a Took
this was a very entertaining cinematic, they always give it 100% with these
why i cant get this in play apps anymore? miss this game😢
How about balancing the game first instead of wasting time on these Overwatch wannabe cinematics
Sooo sick !! Feels amazing to watch animated shorts of apex lore, how I would love to once watch a serie of that. Brilliant job guys !
3:40 ヴァイパーのテーマ流れるのいいね!
If all the budget and work is going into making these animated shorts and not fixing the game, than just make a freaking series already😂
apex have big potential to make a netflix serial fr
Why do the spectrs not shoot them
Once again the YouTube marketing is better than the actual game.
mama Loba 😘
The characters look even uglier than in the game.
There I go, hoping to see a titan, pilot, 6-4, Briggs, maybe even cooper, but no again 🙁
what if respawn added a campaign mode, that would be super interesting
Dawg.. .Imma need a whole show…
There’s no way we can’t get a full TV series after all this
Sheeesh I’m exited for part 2 I wish it will be out when I wake up my birthday is going to be good
Hopefully the Crypto story will finally make progress. Homi has been searching for the truth for 14 seasons
The look on Maggies face when she accidentally activated the defense systems is the cake
Really looking forward to more of this
There was four legends in the video maybe they’ll announce squads in the future. Also I agree they do need to do an animated series
Apex tá na reta final, então a história tem de guinar pro lore, pra construção de uma parada mais pro Destiny, provavelmente preparando o game pro “Titanfall 3” que certamente vai ser um Apex com story mode e mechas.
This video is very good and like it and beautiful vedio…..
Tooo strong and independent!!!
Maggie nearly hit a teammate with a wrecking ball, which was pretty accurate for the game
The Revenant lore we always needed.
Uh so what’s that that loba has😂
It’s cute when they try to add plot to games that have none.
They possibly would make it into a movie, or I hope it could be.
The map looked like it was from naraka
Bro stop making a movie and fix the trident glitch
bro anyone else think mad maggie heirloom leak???!!!!
Point of this video?
Mmmm crypto
I think we should be able to fly on lifelines drone like that.
She got Revs sack, pretty sure.
loba didn’t hesitate to takes homies drink
Ayo my main boi crypto finally getting SOMETHING
Part 2, we will see the “pilots” program 😮
Lifeline should get the passive of having an assisted jump with her heal drone.
1:30 1:30 1:30 loba bracelet
Make 30 min episodes every week
man the story writing keeps getting lazier and lazier uh…
Maggie not being useful isn’t much of a surprise
only thing i care about is that loba is still thick
New Apex animated series loading….I hope
Esperaba mas de este lore :b
dumb game fix the rank
Ngl it’s getting to the point where I think apex should do a anime would be sick
Was that a mini frag?
Could octane👀👀 join them i mean octane hate his dad👀👀👀👀
To summarize it seems the syndicate is trying to get a hold of Old IMC specter factorys or depots
When is Bangalore gonna get a chance at this so called love triangle
What was in Loba’s hands
If there was something like an animated series on netflix or something, it would be a hella crazy show to watch
Revenant and Loba carrying all of the Apex lore on their backs
Valk carrying Loba 👀🤍
Way too much osetrogen
At the end the drone vision only watch other legend work and he just watching as crypto
Truely an Apex legend experience
When the plot armor is so thick the robots take ten seconds to pull the trigger. Also your characters are lifeless charachatures
I love this so much!
The leitmotivs in music are crazy in this one. Heard lifelines, loba’s and valkyries theme in there
That was awesome!
Totally pointless unoriginal boring cinematic. Everything in it is so copy paste 🤦🏻♂️
I love how all Apex Buildings, Computer, Doors or anything is made out of paper and trash so after every 1 hit everything destroys
Ballistics in the background😑
Was that revenant on the USB at the end
An Apex original series is a NEED 😫
So loba and valk are a thing now? No more Bangalore?
Wish lifeline had some of that mobility in game 🥲
Are we finally getting quad ? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
bro this lore 😆😆😆
edit: bro loba went OFF 🥶
Dang it’s sick dude
My opinion but loba and valk don’t really look like a good match for each other 😂
Slaaayyy girrrrls ^^
Y’all need to make a TV series
What is this supposed to be?
Loba getting que recharge buff. Nice
Never mind the videos fix the game vehicle hack is ridiculous
What did loba have in her hand?
I find it fascinating how in this reality, Rev is portrayed as an incredibly intimidating and dangerous character, to the point where the company that supplies him is feared by everyone. It adds an intriguing layer of suspense and anticipation to the story.
It’s about time Crypto’s story gets some progress. He’s been on the quest for truth for 14 seasons, and it’s exciting to see where his journey will lead him.
Maggie’s near misses with her teammates using Wrecking Ball is a faithful representation of the game mechanics.
1:32 俺たちのジャンドラはここで跳ね返って返って来てチームメンバーになんとも言えない目で見られる
We need more character buffs on Lifeline, Loba and Revenant It would make the game so fun. Some new maps would make it better too.
and part 2 when ?
Revenent Reborn?
We need a
Series on TV
Never could take Lifeline seriously with that voice n also with how ppl play her lol
lol that fake over exaggerated jamaican accent smh
Now this is actually cool. Would love seeing more lore like this.
That was fun, I haven’t been playing much lately though
Finally getting somewhere
Is this a new one
作風が違うとは言え、未だにEnter Lobby Digitalのファンメイドトレイラーの方がクオリティ高いの笑う
Small night what does Shiva Oba watching this Mateta😢
Maggie had to run on her speed-boosting pad, while there had to be powerful sounds from her steps. Such a video would make it even more epic. I am frustrated in this regard. But the video itself is great.
So can we get a Netflix show already??! Like this is amazing just do it already 🙏
Lifeline it’s going to have a buff, with his tactical 👀🥲😅😂
the fact loba called her gf as an escape route so cute lol
I loved the part where Maggie’s wrecking ball nearly hit her teammates. Truly an apex experience.
Bravo pour ce travail ❤❤
Imagine if you could throw your gun in apex 😂.
I’d be mad af if I got knocked when I’m one by someone throwing their gun at me.
Hello, Humans
Most humans will try to silence you, when you talk beyond comprehension. Speak your mind, regardless, of what some silly human thinks.
Might as well have not released anything at all! This had nothing important
cinematic lore video ✅
Trident Glitch fix ❌
Make Bangalore & Loba reunite , perhaps I will return for play this game once again.
“To be continued”
Me: 😐
Me: 😑
crypto 4:14
I wish youguys made maps at night/ rain weather !! Tired of the same old sunny maps
Loba up to something 🤔
Valkloba so good 😊
In the meantime, the Traditional Chinese dub was so bad. It cringed me a lot
I noticed that the melee weapon Loba chose to bring on this mission was her staff, and not the ridiculous fan. This is the 2nd cinematic where we’ve seen her fighting with it. Its a shame it didn’t end up being her heirloom. Since, you know, its literally a family heirloom.
No way, lobas head was sticking out from the rock and in game she had that bug 3:32
Yes! Season 18 4 person Valk Ult ! 😂
Can Crypto finally progress his lore and actually start finding the truth after 14 seasons 💀
Loba using her braclet into a big group of enemies was perfect.
woman 🍵
We need a TV series already!
Loba been carrying apex lore !
Why is the animation so bad😭💀
is this why there is a new revenant voice-line talking about the ringing in his ears (rev reborn)?
when is the apex movie coming out, gotta be close
God I love Loba so much
This was amazing. Nice to see Loba’s story progress. I think it’s time for me to jump back to Apex.
July 31 is my birthday 🎉🎉
so Maggie’s the Dova Kin
Get rid of all the AI bots already. Ruining every match. They have aim bot. It’s a joke
They need to make an animated series or sum this looks like it would be interesting and fun to watch as a full blown tv series. What do you guys think?
I feel like in part 2 some other legend is gonna turn on loba mags and lifeline. They got away too easy
2:59 we need that to be the new lifeline’s ability the current one can be a passive
Imagine if they put the same effort they put into these videos, into the actual game
none of that fight made sense
Wow apex stuff is coming out and hogwarts legacy too what great time for me who loves these games
I love the Apex universe!🥰
Ok but still I will only return to this game when that New Revenant come together with new map and such MUCH MORE NEEDED UPDATES like fresh new contents and lots of bug fixes especially the main ones. I have already felt dry to this game after a thousand hrs of playtime and I really yearn for refreshing stuff together with the game being NOT SO BUGGY.
This is sick.
Muito forçado essa para da loba com walk
That’s cool
“Never underestimate a good accessory” bro we want her shield back
Apex giving us great lore via cinematic 🥹🥲 Truly an Apex experience
No tf3 but I enjoy more lore
I loooooove Loba!!!!!
crypto mencioned
If only maggi’s wrecking ball actually worked like that and not bouncing back against all odds and stunning her and her entire team.
Truly and Apex experience.
Probably not going to happen but I’m just waiting for them to bring titans into the game or at least a gamemode
Typical Maggie blowing the game
HIGH KEY would watch this as a series.
Why cant they just make a Netflix series or something 😫
Maggie with the stealth skills of a bull in a China shop
i might say,.. Crypto is the one who will be the Main character of this by revealing the secrets of Apex
I hope this is the first episode of a Netflix show.
Can we get that lifeline movement as a buff?
looks like Borderlands
When Maggie stabbed the dude and loba started drinking out of his cup😂😂😂 loved that part
Fix the tridents?
anyone know what loba was holding at the end?
Krl muito pika
.25 speed 3:10 ur welcome
2:56 No one talking about the Lifeline movement buff teaser?
I clicked this vid fast than anything when I saw loba on the title 👀
Valk X Loba 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 revivió
cross progression when?
New passive for life line?
The Revenant lore we always needed. He’s been neglected quite a lot except for him siding with Bangalore to find her brother.
por favor saquen una serie en NETFLIX de apex legends esparmos
I this LifeLine drone is broken
Wow. Are the developers actually taking solid steps toward revitalizing the lore in this game? I am very excited to see what they have planned next.
Finally, some more lore to give me goosebumps. Been forever.
The hype running through my veins. That was incredibly accurate
i love this
The kraber 😢
Годный видос 👍
Seems yall forgot about the entiire male side of your franchise lol
Ha! Loba’s bracelet isn’t that accurate.
Im sure part 2 is gonna feature rev reborn cuz the other part of loba finding rev source code was gone and its that part that happened during the hammond bunker raid in this part
Always fire 🔥 kodus to team
Revernant reborn build up
Finally valkyrie
Very beautiful episode!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This video made me realize that Loba got some Mommy vibes
Loba/Valkyrie 🤗🤗 some love ❤
Lol that dude with mohawk look like Arthur Morgan 😂😂😂😂
Revenant finally gets something after over 8 seasons
Why is my girl Loba such a gangster. Bro she sturdy fr
Hey, party people. It was Loba that triggered the alarm. Seeing a lot of comments about Maggie/knife/robot.
Loba triggered the alarm.
Good to see valk back in the lore ❤❤❤
Lifeline with movement? DOC carried her upwards? BUFF👀… (Jk, but would be cool)
It’s so uncanny watching this knowing it’s also set in the titanfall universe
Who’s writing the lore? How many times are the legends gonna go to a place with secrets and stuff and some robotics are gonna come out? I mean come on,it’s getting old
they are going to go after crypto now since they saw his logo
Apex legends anime when???🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
They should have just taken crypto 🤦♂️
Hopefully this is enough to get me back into the game, gotten kinda tired of it recently
A show Needs to be on Netflix
Boring AF like allways
Ok my drilla
C’est Bon
i liked the part where apex just fudged the ranked system and all they care abt is the new players and Money and money and money
Lol Valk and Loba moments go brrr❤❤
Was that a laser sighted hemlock
Nice Trident Glitch! Invulnerability
If you make this a seriies, I”ll make my kids and everyone else’s kids watch this. Please
So I know the lore behind why Maggie and Lifeline are working together, but why are Loba and Valk with them? Aren’t they doing their own separate thing regarding Revenant?
Imagine lifeline get pulled up to higher ground with her q ,, but can’t wait Apex
what is point of this .
I loved the part where EA was like “ITS LORE TIME” And then dropped a 170$ event for a skin and finisher truly an apex moment.
Real lore finally
Man all of those games deserve series and more lore, Valorant, Apex and League of Legends (probably more than those) but the universes they bring to life are just sick and honestly way better than a bunch of netflix series
Finally some good lore
please hire me I want to make these 🥹
Anyone know enough to fill me in on what’s going on here haven’t played for a couple of seasons
Now we need an entire netflix series dedicated to the lore and maybe even some events/cutaways that happen before games.
Fix damage badges so we can earn them again. As well as the 20 bomb badge. We could use 120fps on console too please
Make a movie
Whens the M.Bison intro cape toss coming?
Could we just get titanfall 3 already?
Why was the fighting so poorly done like a slight punch one shots a specter
They need a show at this point
This would be a good trailer, but Mad Maggie is in it so immediately F tier trailer.
Outlands Birds of Prey ❤
Maybe, this videos shows revenant rework 😮
Cash grab instead of quality of life updates.
only in theses animations you can see specter with apex stuffs
or the big loot build on the bad map (didnt remember the name)
If only they could make a game as correct as their kinematics, apex would be game number 1
We need a apex show
Lifeline and the drone jump should be added 😭😭💯
anyone else want an apex movie now?
Squads coming to apex next season ❤?
This took so long to get good I am kinda over it and moved on
you guys literally could create a money printer with Titanfall 3 or by just fixing titanfall 2’s cheaters
Seeing Loba throw the jumpdrive 1:35 to open makes me wish Apex Legends had a story game like Titanfall
Lifeline has a a buff can be like vantage ???
Knowing that Lifeline is from Mozambique is cool
Why has there not been a heist with Loba since Loba came out? There are so many evil characters and it would be cool if they just robbed a syndicate base or something
*One thing Apex has been missing for a very long time. Lore.*
1:34 – *Loba lands on her first Q*
2:41 – *Loba lands on her second Q*
3:13 – *Loba uses her third Q*
*All three Qs’ usage are more than 30 seconds apart, this cinematic is consistent with her Q cooldown, good job*
*Valk New Passive : Carry 4 people in ult when loba is in team.*
*Revenant and Loba carrying all of the Apex lore on their backs.*
*Hope Crypto finally gets his story progressed. Homie’s been looking for the truth for 14 seasons*
The game is dieeng, be carefull EA
We need a 30 min versions of these. This was so well made 👏
I drone actually follow players that would be AWESOME!
*This is why apex needs to make an animated series*
3:26 aww doc is so cute
F revenant….
lifeline’s drone need a update in game after seeing this
Quads incoming?
This would be such a cool Series on Netflix
ngl i would watch if this was a netflix series
Finally more lore!!!!
This “lore” is looking more like a fanfic of the og one, just to see who wants to date with who, apex no longer has a good story to follow.
So sick ! Massive W
I know I ain’t the only one who wants a tv show
I think all of this about the new revenant reborn
Proof that you can have female characters lead. It’s all about good writing, delivery, and fun scenes.
When animated series?
Seriously, where is our Apex show?!
Everyone on that default skin except Valk!
Give us a series already 😬
Maggie heirloom???😮
valK carring loba awnnnnnnnnnnn
Apex Netflix show when?
This actually was pretty crazy!🔥🔥
It’d be crazy if it all leads to Titanfall 3
if only loba could do this much with her bracelet while fighting 🙁
One of the best clip ever
*Simulacrum or MRVN’s involved or Industrial building, “Loba: I don’t like this place”
As a Loba main, being able to escape safely with enemies chasing you is a truely Apex experience. 🎉😂❤
Loba be lookin’ thicc thicc
Where the secret Nintendo switch message that the game won’t run at 2 fps
Really great lore finally👍
They need to make like an animated Netflix series or something because this was amazing
Know what would have been even cooler then this lore. BEING ABKE TO DO IT IN GAME. JUST LIKE WHEN WE BUILT ASH. But nah that would take to much coding and time to do. Plus we wouldn’t make money from it blah blah blah.
This looks more like a tv show
Всё слишком сложно, мой мозг ща взорвётся от такого полученного размера информации
We need a very big apex movie❤
Revenant rework
Finally some apex lore on YouTube
we will have teams of 4 people?
Why is rev the only legend that gets the best lore and the best cutscenes
I need more rev loreeeee
Part 1? PART 1??? We finally getting lore and is more than the usual???
Time for Revenant to get some juicy lore! Best part is it’s only the first part!
Finally we get to see a bond with Loba, Maggie, Lifeline, AND Valkyrie.
Edit: Hopefully we can see all the women unite and finish this.
1:34 – Loba lands on her first Q
2:41 – Loba lands on her second Q
3:13 – Loba uses her third Q
All three Qs’ usage are more than 30 seconds apart, this cinematic is consistent with her Q cooldown, good job
The Revenant lore we always needed. He’s been neglected quite a lot except for him siding with Bangalore to find her brother.
More! more! more! more!
This is why apex needs to make an animated series
Revenant and Loba carrying all of the Apex lore on their backs.
Hope Crypto finally gets his story progressed. Homie’s been looking for the truth for 14 seasons
Maggie almost hitting her teammates with her Wrecking Ball is very accurate to the game
Finally some lore but this leaker dudes ruined anything
Loba lore is what makes me so interested in apex, they really need to make this a series🙏🏽
Probably the least accurate gameplay portrayal in this video is the fact the server didn’t lag them out of existence.
We need an apex legends series on Netflix with this graphics
Lifeline is so cute and beautiful in the new trailers 😀
I feel once all the legends complete there role in the lore this is when itll be time for titanfall3
Those poor spectres theyve put up with so much
Why couldn’t they have just gotten Crypto to put his drone in💀
Woulda been much easier
They found crypto and now they are going after him
Girls night out. Honestly this was soooo good
Old CGI from season 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc was MUCH better then that one
Nee Lore👀
Bring back Control mode please
crypto usb
What Hacker labels their USB sticks when stealing information?? Especially when their logo is known to the ENTIRE OUTLANDS
Valkyrie taking sweep you off your feet literally 😏
Give lifeline her shield back
The end 🔥 crypto 🔥🔥🔥
Congratulations apex for releasing the BEST cinematic since voidwalker. Monumental
What a good team up for a cinematic loba lifeline and maggie 3 completely different people working together
Lifeline has the best voice actor.
Remember guys, likes on these kind of videos gives us even more of this!
July 31st
Then what ?
I just don’t even care anymore
im excited 😀
Is it going to have an apex legends mobile 2.0 i really want it
Loba neet u never seen her in a thing since hers came out
Hopefully crypto he gets more progress in the story line
Yeah but what happens when loba throws her bracelet into a blender?
anyone else wants this to be a netflix series
круто!самый крутой мульт за 3 года !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:48 – 4 player squads confirmed??😮
it shouldn’t bother me that loba doesn’t have her bracelet on her model right after her Sassy one liner.
Apex lore is back!!!! That’s what I’ve been missing. Loba’s jump drive actually being used in a video. I don’t think I’ve seen that but I frickin love it
They NEED to make a series !!!
Girl Power: The Movie
Thats crazy
I need an animation series 😫 These are so amazing not to be made into something in the future.
They owe crypto after this the usb had his insignia on it
Imagine how good a story based version of this game would be if the millions of dollars EA farms off skins was actually put to use. It’s almost like we’ve been scammed and are pretty much forced to settle for this and more skins- oh wait…
Okay but when are we getting that Lifeline buff where she can LITERALLY FLY?
Did this man just spit on my lifeline? 😱
Woke cringe lore
Oh we eating eating
I’m surprised at how much of the community actually enjoys following the lore.
Specters still so weak, that can’t be lore accurate
Jesus this whole lore is just simping over females 🤡
Valkyrie made me think that the Titans are back.
Fool of a took!
I hope this is some big lore come back🔥🔥🔥
Is this rev reborn?
First teaser for rev reborn silvas scared of something and with the the legemds having thee trust issues silvas gonna use revenent for protection
Les gars c un film ouuuuu ?
Idk why but love this trio
do they explain anywhere exactly how Loba’s bracelet works? is it just magic?
We need more wraith lore isn’t she currently looking for someone that knew her from the past and called her by her first name
They really need to make this into a tv show. Quality is top-notch 👌
girl power lol. so uninteresting, just give me a new map
My birthday is 07.31
Hahaha she took the drink
Loved the reference to the same guy that maggie burned in the “good as gold” stories from the outlands about fuse
Any news about 120hz update on Console Finally?
Me, just wanting Titanfall 3
Idk why but I think that eye might belong to Revenant… maybe it’s teasing something a bit change of some kind.
If lifeline had drone ability to take high places wouldn’t it be good
Finally some advance with Crypto!! This is going great. ✨
I love this, please respawn, just give us more of these cause one every 6 seasons is kinda rough
13 more days of seer q Great
Crypto – professional hacker. His logo on the flash drive? SERIOUSLY???
oh wow all women yeaah nice whooo
Animation is top tier! Can’t wait for Crypto in pt. 2 ❤
none of the robots are shooting at loba lol
Loba and Valk are SO CUTE
Love Loba ❤
So this is why I can’t find a single Kraber in game.
2:21 her face bro I love her so much 😂
Me pausing at every millisecond to see if there are any Easter eggs pointing to a Titanfall 3
Huh. Girls really do get it done.
No Jack cooper L
So we gonna get an all men one too?
By far one of the best ones made well done respawn!
Cliche, badass hacker on the run draws his logo on a flash drive to make it easier to identify
Man they got to quit this little story with loba and Valkyrie there is no need for it😑
So why Maggie throws a knife to a spectre. Is she dumb or what?
stop i loved that valk showed up 😭😭
that was cool, cant wait for more
Finally some good food
I really want more stuff like this. Seeing interactions between the different characters and the general lore of Apex and what’s become of the Titanfall mythos is interesting to me.
Just make a show already
So Maggie just pulled a Pippen?
I reckon they could pull off an apex movie in this art style and stuff
I haven’t even played this game in months. I’m just happy to see valk and lifeline getting some use even if it’s just for lore purposes
What does this gotta do wit crypto???????
Ok the three brownies let’s gooo 🔥
girls get it done
“Transfer incomplete”
F-ing A
The tables turned so many Times I’m confused 😂
It’d be cool to see Apex Legends VR, where you could move like that with the legends’ abilites and stuff.
Time for some Titans
Lifeline drone DoC following teammates, new buff confirmed 👀
Lore also crypto? 👀
my goat will get hia rework
I think they are going to go after crypto family.
3:41 I love how the theme here is the same theme that plays when Viper jumps out of his ship and saves Valk in her Stories from the Outlands.
love me some gay legends
We need a show of apex
Whats that thing that Loba was holding in her hand at the end??
Of course the kraber didnt broke
snooze fest
Farlight 84 is apex if apex wasn’t woke.
1:04 Funny how Loba is this high-class socialite and yet drinks Salvo IPA lol
А что русские скажут?
They shutting down the games
Soo all them robots have gun but not orogrammed to shoot….
I wish they create animation movie with good story
As a 1st time master here, from the current season I have some pull now.
This is awesome. Just another reason to love this game.
Things r getting more interesting 🤔
Hello, Seems everyone is doing well. May I ask what is taking you all so long to fix the game? Ranked is dead, everyone is abusing the flaming trident of death and yet, here you all are more focused on this movie than the game…
Yo that fire
W lore fr
Need an amine bruh 🤦🏿♂️
they should seriously consider making a series
Titanfall 🙁
Valk’s coppin’ a feel.. ..jealous.. ^^
I’d watch an apex movie
I cant be the only one who thinks they need to make a movie
VALK BUFF MAYBE? she can carry 3 people now for some reason 😂
We need a series
So what’s going to cost us money and can we expect to hear audio like this in game?
The way Lifelines little drone just assisting everyone is simply amazing. 🎉🥰
last part wasn’t needed
Lifeline: big, maggie, very big
Me: mmmmmmmmmmm
Bring arenas back 😢
Godly animation the reason i play this game (also lifeline 💘)
Ok can someone tell me what loba had in her hand at the end
Not really a fan of this one tbh.
It was all fine until the “action” sequence.
Feels kinda like the whole, “girl power” thing is forced with Lifeline even bein here. Loba not gettin shot when completely surrounded is unlikely, the fact not one of the three brought a weapon, not even the “master” thief is odd. And Deus ex machina Valkirey. It is a good thing to see more lore for this game but, why for such lame characters? At least it’s not more Wraith lore she’s had enough. And Horizion should never get anythin good ever for how unfun she can make this game.
And before ya start to hate me for my opinion, just know I don’t care and truthfully can’t be bothered to deal with the Lobe simps, Lifeline fans, and Maggie enthusiasts.
They need to hurry up and make a actuall show er sumthin for apex, this animation style is amazing
apex merecia uma série animada… top demais
Why does lifeline sound so off
Doblaje en español latino cuando?
Nice Disney tier trailer
LOBA!! WOOOOO! hahahaha this is amazing! Man Apex is really staying alive
Oh they need to update lobras bracelet 2:40 YOU KNOW HOW GOOD THAT LOOKS?
Them spectres really out here not shooting any bullets for the first 3 minutes.
respawn using their resources to make animation like this instead of actually making the game better
Let’s go, finally some Apex lore so hypppppeeee 🔥❤
I want more stories
Lit 🙂
Sooo good! 🔥 Happy to see more lore finally!
New maggie heirloom Darts/Knife
Yeaahhh Goood Lore It’s back!
I saw a video where you’re playing as loba and you find Revenant’s head is missing. How and where do you access that?
love the lore, hate the game
i’m so glad to see maggie get some lore
I believe an Apex Legends’ Arcane would have a great success.
give us a show at this point pls
The new lifeline passive. Fly on doc
Apex legends 2 please yes
Apex can make a movie and make millions but their trolling us and don’t for whatever reason
Crypto lore finally?
@Apex Legends can we make footsteps audio better ?! players literally teleporting behind me getting free kills, also improve the matchmaking, solo + randoms is not fun, and its hard to find good players too play with
I know we are all thinking it. Where’s the animated series of this! the lore has so mush potential. Its an easy bag for apex if they do it
why big maggy has no muscles ??
Quads confirmed
lowkey first cinematic where im legit excited for what we see next! also yall needa make a series
Yesssss lore and actual amazing one in fact
News about season 18?
It would be great if they turned these into the season 5 like missions for next season
Dog stop with this strong women sh**, like crypto, ballistic, and loba would’ve been so much better, AND PLEASE 🙏 bring an old experienced Jack Cooper to the game u teased it in Titan Fall 2 and then didn’t do sh**
“Fool of a Maggie, Throw yourself in next time, and then you will be no further nuisance.”
wow confirming themselves how useless lifeline is. no revive. no healing, all she did was talk and do movement that you can even do with her in the game. bruh
Sofia Vergara voice for Loba? 😅
Para cuándo el mirage stories from the outlands?
Using lifelines drone to reach higher places would be sooo clutch
New patch notes:
-Lifeline can fly with her drone
-Loba can use her Q with her drone
-Valk can carry 4 people when Loba is in her team
I wonder if Apex should make a campaign 🤔
Trash, you guys are ruining the lore of Titan Fall.
Very cool, Respawn. I’m still keeping the game Uninstalled though.
make a tv show make a tv show make a tv show make a tv show
Canon event
The lore on Apex Legends is one of my favorite things about the game. I love the different interactions and storylines between legends. It really makes the playing game that much more fun. This was🔥
Great lore trailer 🫶🫶🫶🫶
Apex Legends: Civil War
Wait is this a new animation 😮😮🔥🔥
A full on animated series for this game and or TF would be so goooood
If there won’t be Apex animated series, WE RIOT!!!
shoot at intruders ❎ Charge at intuders ☑
I want more!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭
sheesh japanse dub sick.
This is genuinely such a cool animation
so what’s the relationship between Loba and Gibraltar? there a chance they’ll interact with each other?
This cool and all but it just seems like fan service. Since when are all three of these characters some kind of spy/assassin/CIA agents.
nice stuff shame your game is broken af
hello valk buff
The day Netflix makes this a multiple season show is the day Netflix ends and wins the Streaming Wars.
Idk why the beginning reminded me of the under-city from arcane the series
The lore on Apex Legends is one of my favorite things about the game. I love the different interactions and storylines between legends. It really makes the playing game that much more fun. This was🔥
Тут мы наглядно видим что крабер годится для всего кроме стрельбы
Oh wow you’re actually Building Story to your game besides settling 70000 skins
That was good until valk showed up
Still a completely unbearable character
Man’s man’s built diffrent
I could watch an entire show with all these characters
Sigh… No Revenant reborn appearance
Loba using that staff tho 😮🔥
I’m just saying we need a Apex legends Netflix show
I am living for this video. Wow! Way to go EA!
@eavideos Give us a TV series , it would be to die for.
Bruh not another Spider Man across the spider verse cliff hanger 😡
Rev buff and bring arenas back???
This is actually really cool
I love how they got Loba throwing her bracelet through the tiny opening above the door. I do that with windows all the time😂
Felt like I watched half an episode, that was good!
Ofc loba 4the win
They really hate Straight white males.
Is this hooded jabawaki skin coming to the game?
How does this affect Lebron’s legacy?
I guess Loba didn’t get her have it look yet in this timeline
For the love of the god respawn may a well make a Apex Legends Netflix series atp lol
What’s Loba holding at 4:07 and what’s the significance?
It’s been 4 seasons. Thank you for finally dropping new lore 🙏🙏
Been gone for a while, have they upgraded the servers yet?
Can u guys put back the Aim Assist, I literally can’t play anymore, my shots are all over the place lately,
Feminism. Yeahhhh
Who cares, bring us cross progression and new gen to consoles
This game deserve a whole series
hacía tiempo que no sacaban un trailer con algo de acción
Margaret Kōhere
I prefer this over eps
Girl Power 😴
If they’re going to show us stories like this they might as well make Apex legends have a campaign co-op story mode so you can play with your friends online every character should have a story mode and explain their story
Crypto slapping a logo on everything he used is actually going to get him killed
tf did i just watch
КАК КЛАССНО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DID Maggie just go to sleep on a rope 😭 I would fall plsss 😭
They should’ve just used an evac tower 💀
ugliest trailer
If you guys can make a movie, that’ll be great
En 2023 et encore des no reg… Rick fait un super boulot mdr 🤣
We need an Apex TV series
Pogging Ball
pov me while watching this: “YOOOOOO”
Confirmed lifeline new movement tech.
Woah new Lifeline Passive: DOC has a flashlight….
Merci pour les cheaters sur console respawn. Entre les cronus xim et s pack merci de cette réactivité pour les bannir…
We are all sinners and because of sin we are separated from God. But by God grace he sent his son Jesus Christ who lived a sinless life to die on the cross for our sins so that we may not perish but receive eternal life. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior to receive salvation.
Life line hover update?
Yall just won’t take the apex animation series serious just teasing us 😤 some real punks
Loba throwing her bracelet and teleporting into the map geometry, getting stuck until the ring closes in, truly an Apex experience.
They cant land a single shot after they saw Loba “good accessory” while she in a middle of the fight.
If they came out with monthly 30 minute lore specials on this game I think it could do wonders for its health. Also help generate new ideas for legends, maps, reworks, all of it.
Why isn’t the bracelet bugged in this cinematic as in the game, not a true apex experience
Crypto is so dumb xD why put his logo that he is currently using in the apex games
Please make an animated show already
they couldve just asked cypto for the data (nicely) only if people enknowledges us cpytos
Anybody else start quoting Gandalf when Mags drops that bot?
“Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us all of your stupidity!
I beg you for some more Ash
What is Valk up to? 🤔
so much dumb game
please do series. i want so much
The way loba looked at valks thing does she know about her deal with rev?
The first few seconds gives me some Arcane vibes
great use of kraber since the nerf
Best ladies’s night out ever.
Typical girls night out
This plot armour is crazy
RevvyReborn confirmed??????
Are they working on Rev 2.0?
Wait new season?
Somebody said Crypto been looking for the truth for 14 seasons😂
Arena coming back🎉
My boy Octane needs some love man!!!!
This is what we need a story to watch this game got slot of potential
What does loba and Valkyrie have going on🙃🧐!…..
The fighting is always so creative I love it
Loba is traitor ?
I really hope that knifes not going to be Maggie’s Heirloom. We don’t need another knife heirloom
I miss Apex mobile
Жду Аниме по Апексу 👉👈
LoBA always beautiful and powerful
Loba slaps in this trailer
i want a film, moovie – apex legends
she used a Kraber to block the door😢.
this video is full of nothing …
Apex needs a series like arcane
Hyped up for just some 4 minute video 😭
And the cross save???? 😢
Give Loba more cosmetics. So much potential there. I’m a Loba main pls this is me crying for help
Mad Maggie ADHD reveal??
So….. Wraith is just not a character anymore? I thought she was supposed to be like one of the biggest ones?
This is fire
Lore team and trailer team carrying fr
I think we can all agree we need an Apex animated series.
I still wanna know what the heck was going on on Olympus… and what happened to Crypto’s sisters
Real ones know Dee Bradley Baker when they hear him. 😈
Maybe theres a loba buff coming making the animation quicker when you land her bracelet
Lifeline buff confirmed, use her drone to grapple 😂
meh. very mid. anyone could have written and storyboarded this. uncreative, poor music quality
Finally crypto will maybe got more LORE !!! Please we want to see him more !!!!
love it
Please make Titanfall 3. Please?
Maggie being a badass as always😈,loba being a boss as always😎 and lifeline is just lifeline😅
Oooh crypto getting blackmailed by duardo for his sister ?????
Teaser for squads????
I have no idea what is going on, but I love it!
This was made for my girl
I love how they showcased loba hooking her ring to lifelines drone and then teleporting to it and they also show lifeline grips on her drone and flys like vantages echo. I really hope they add this in game.
4:07 What does it mean!?!?
Sick trailer I want to see more!
WOW 😮😮
Wow porfin se pusieron las pilas
What, did all the robots forget they had guns and could shoot them at point blank range? Dumbest trailer so far.
Sooooooo good, cant wait for the next part. Wish the team who does these got to do a Apex movie or series.
What was Lina holding
Could that charm in her hand at the end possibly be something that could be used to store someone’s memory to it like how those people did to rev while making him 4:07
I was expecting Loba to get glitch stuck into a wall with that first bracelet throw
I’ll call it… What Lifeline said about ‘very big’ thing is a new map. I hope.
Way too late Respawn. Too little too late.
Lifeline brings a gun but dont use it…..
And this is why Apex is so much better than other BR’s. They actually have a story behind it and behind the legends. Great job Apex.
Hopefully we see pathy finally getting be reunited with his lost son
At this point, I need a open world rpg campaign.
20+ spectres and non of them can shoot. I guess they are getting rusty since Titanfall.
We want Apex Legends Mobile Back Relaunch it please 😭😭
Revenant was not satisfied by destroying people int he Apex games, he wanted to slash through your USB drive needs as well……
Oh some good series, tired of the game
I love this
nice musik and animmations
We are finally eating good with the lore, I cannot wait
Where the cross progression lore at????????
I wonder how bangalore will do when valkyrie does plus loba
Maggie isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed
I swear they need to make a tv show they got some good people working on these animations
i. LOVE. Loba 🤍
This is hard
Love this, looks great!
0:38 Halo 5 pistol
When is Gibby going to get some love?
I’m playing the game since day one and i still don’t get the story lol
Why does crypto put his logo on everything he makes? Does he want to be found 😂
I’m just happy my girl Valk is getting some screen time. Hope she’ll be in the next one though
I wish they would make an Apex TV series because this is too good
Can they just give us a full animated show with the Legends and their lore.
I mean Arcane and Edgerunners did it and did them justice come on Respawn
Loba is so bad oml 😭😭😭
Part two in 890 days = 8 or 9 seasons
I still think the old animation in season 1-8 is better than what they changed it to
Why not take Crypto on a hacking mission?
Valk secured the bag
Make life life good again
It’s surprising that there are no server lags. Very nice animation though.
lol, I had no idea what was going on at any point in that video.
Would of been better to see Valk in her mythic skin not that generic trash 😎🔥
Why is there no APEX TV Show already??
Flying drone lifeline would be cool 👀
Loved this soo much ❤❤
Thowing the kraber from across the room to keep the door open? I know its a video game but come on…..why not just give them literal superpowers at this point.
Apex Legends needs to make an animated series
Was that robot eye Loba was holding at the end? or something else?
You would think that at some point they realize that the p2020 is not the best picket gun when you have alternatives like the wingman
Just give us a show already.
This was refreshing. When the lore is progressed this way and done right it makes me wanna play the game. Hope they keep this up it was definitely amazing work.
Using ExpressJs, MongoDB and FrameWork React Js ..thats it
Imagine if Lifeline could utilize D.O.C. as a movement ability as well like in this trailer
Фем тусовка против деда
Maybe they’re trying to build a backstory for how revenants ult might change next season
Loba new survive skill : call valk and use evac
The spectres weren’t even trying
This was honestly the biggest waste of 4 minutes It shows nothing important and does all the same basic stuff as all other trailers but worse and also the fact it’s a part 1 makes it even worse why not show it all in one go instead of making me wait forever to see a part two, just my opinion though😂
Never seen a 2-part SftO before. This ought to be good.
Love seeing maggie in the wild
Ok more of this please , that was epic
Apex show coming when now?
Another season I’m skipping unless it comes with cross-progress.
They are getting ready to make a TV show I swear 😂
This animated lore is better than overwatch “anime”. Apex legends is always my 4th favorite game. Love how they bring lore now we need more.
Man I’ve forgotten how good apex lore is considering that we haven’t had anything substantial in forever. We’ve been getting a lot of filler lately with the in-game treasure packs and this season’s packs didn’t have anything at all. I do wish all their lore related stuff was posted on YouTube rather than have it split between different apps
Apex needs a horde mode.
Anime plz
Apex Animated series would be insane!! It’s soo good to watch our characters chit chat and have some actions sequences
RR for season 18 confirmed
At least now they can check off the girl power cringe
Bro I need an actual show of Apex Legends after watching this. This is incredible work right here!
Lifeline is going to be meta next season with the new movement from the healing drone.
Who tf at EA told yall to cancel the animated series….id actually pay to see it
Animation was so much better before they changed studios
When the lifeline threw the Kraber and it stopped the door,nah that was clean
Well that was mid, pretty much just a rehash of Lobas season 5 trailer. Hopefully seeing Revenant Reborn will be more interesting.
They should just make apex legends a movie at this point 😂
BRO CRYPTOS A PART OF THIS?! This is actually crazy can’t wait for part 2.
Bro This could be a movie
Add a new legend like wraith these new legends are trash
Ok yeah the whole ending got me hyped for sure
they been using the cheats that prevented enemyes from shooting 😂
I thought it was enough cringe in the same marvel’s avengers female scene, but…
Btw teach the specters how pull the trigger
How about working on the gameplay for once ?
Fire 🔥🔥🔥
For some reason I feel like when the robot fell into the pit it was a poppy playtime reference
maggie sleeping while hanging on a rope off of valk is AMAZING 😂😂😂
So where are all the dudes?
Woo more animated lore! More please!
Will we ever get another stories from the outlands?
awe, girls night out.
Just give us a show already, please???
wheres the invincible trident?
Havent played apex in a little bit, but this looks fantastic
Comments some 2 days old vid says it’s only out for an hour how tf
Crypto watching Valk and Loba have lore since their introduction while his storyline was scrapped 👁️👄👁️
abex legging
It was definitely one of the shorts they’ve done. The way the characters were there and had lines was noticeable. Furthermore, the story was presented in a way.
How this will help the issues with the game itself is that it will aim to fix and more importantly it will also address the .
2:16 that so cursed
Anything loba is an instant like from me
Para cuando la serie de Apex legends? Sin duda alguna con esta animación sería más que perfecta
I’m gonna need lifeline to be able to float with her drone like that
Yeeeeeah that’s a Revenant eyeball in her hand, I think.
3:45 valk buff 4 people??
Early gang here 👍
I was hoping for titans on the field as enemies not something players ride, the big bulky ones that shoot missiles, and more ai enemies on the field.
Lol girl power=cringe
I think the forgot to turn safety off on theese bots
I love this and all the stunts, but what’s with the jump kits if ya ain’t gonna use them.
First 3 seconds gave me strong Army of Two vibes and I became distracted and couldn’t recover…
Yes LORE and crypto is involved bro needs his story progressed and the loba dev feud is still alive love to see it
Bro can they just make a show
Crypto let’s gooo
I love how you bettter the animation
Why isn’t Loba’s heirloom her black market staff? 😒
The animation and model quality improved a great deal. The story is amazing too, hope it’s becomes consistent
worth nothing as always. thx respawn
Just reinstalled apex
Love how suddenly Revenant and Loba drive the entire lore of Apex
Amazing! More more more!!!
i love women
Was there a point to any of that
I hate cliffhangers!
lets just forget that Valkyrie has a Titan on standby….
I got hyped for nothing.
Plz Cross progression
imagine this is a teaser for Titanfall 3
“It’s big Maggie, very big”
I absolutely hate what they’ve done to Stalkers in every Apex animation. They just stand there, do nothing and wait to be taken out.
Add Solo Mode + Solo Ranked
Idk what happened
as a loba main. daym just daym 🔥🔥🔥
Add arenas back
What a dope thief. Even I forgot she steals stuff for a second
I love LOBA 😳
Hope for more team up videos
why does all the good lore always involve Rev and Loba?
Loba girlfriend came to the rescue and flew them out the getaway flyer
Love this
I love that Maggie got some more air time 😀
If only maggi’s wrecking ball actually worked like that and not bouncing back against all odds and stunning her and her entire team.
Truly and Apex experience.
won’t tell this is leading up to the event that will come late this season and an online missions that will come during the event which will tease revenant Reborn
I love it when maggie say it’s Maggin time and then she maggs all over the place
Nice episode
The end is making me think lifeline is a bad guy?
No way a teammate that actually knows maggie is throwing her ball
Valk holding loba a lil tight
They turning this into a TV show and I like it
Loba and valk so sweet 🥰
My love for loba is unreal
This is so great. We need a tv show, or a stand alone single player game or something. So much great potential here.
Cool, this showed us… Nothing… Cant wait for part 2
imagine respawn makes a netflix series like riot games did
1:34 – Loba lands on her first Q
2:41 – Loba lands on her second Q
3:13 – Loba uses her third Q
All three Qs’ usage are more than 30 seconds apart, this cinematic is consistent with her Q cooldown, good job
Aw thats interesting
Better than the actual game
Seems like pve content? Or new legend?
The first time in months i havent cringed at apex lore!! Nice!!
Next part when?
Loba is the best character no cap
What was Loba holding? An eye of Rev?
goat advertise to capture tiger. ha hah ah (=}
I would watch this every week if this was a thing. Please make this an animated series. We all love the voice actors already.
Gotta love the spectres not firing a single shot the whole time.
power too da wamen
Будет круто, если нарисуют полнометражный фильм по вселенной TITANFALL/Apex legends
I definitely haven’t seen anything related to what happens after this cinematic 🗿
I need a whole tv show of this pls
This is amazing
Her mother ⛑️
Maggie “who are you looking at” *throws knife*
Security system *turns on*
Maggie “I thought that would turn out better”
Girl’s night out be like:
What about revenant?
Turned my brightness up for this
il y aurais une serie comme ça se serais le feu j’adore
lifeline almost let the bad thought win
Like real game lifeline,none of her ability is useful
I thought Loba and Valk broke up….
Y’know, it’s kinda sloppy for Crypto to put his logo on-… Anything, really.
Meh, just female lore seems bland.
Where are the men!!!!! We want to see our bois!!!
Be nice if the game was actually good and they finally got 120 fps. But nah focus on lore.
Finally some more crypto lore
Apex fin?
Fix the game already
Make an tv serie
Just make a show already
Thought the Valk ult was teasing quads
I like how lore accurate it is as just like in storm point loba can teleport and camp in small spots 😮
Is cross progression in the game? If so, I’ll be coming back.
What ? Wow, wouldn’t it be more family friendly?
Seriously tho, ngl I love the part in the game where it crashes after every 15 mins . God I love apex .
I learned nothing…
Wooow that animation quality is superb, really wish Loba could use the staff as a melee weapon similar to the heirloom
Just drop the Netflix series already 😩
Im on my knees for Loba
Wow what a great story trailer I think at the end that symbol they zoomed on the drive it had cryptos symbol on it witch means crypto is in trouble could be indicating part 2 telling more on crypto and the others sense they got caught that’s my predictions I could be wrong tho any ways it was a great story trailer can’t wait for part 2 🙂
1:19 missed opportunity to have lifeline draw a mozambique
Quality just like skins in game 💀💀
I enjoyed every second of this 😭👑❤️🔥💕✨
Give us an apex animated series pleaseeee
02:08 and 04:13 thats what she said
Loved every second of this. So good
U might wanna hop that ahh on the firing range
new patch: loba is now being held in the arms during a valk ult
A little too well animated I thought I was on the hub
Loba valkyrie realationship confirmed
Random “Duardo Dies” in the beggining. (I know it was meant to spell Lies, it’s just tocurly to be random)
2:48 Loba entering the Matrix mode
Thats allí???
What a trash😊
It’s like I’m watching a 4+year old cartoon show
Great audio
nothing more to say but W
Bring rampart into the story
I wish we see Newcastle fight revenant to the death in part 2 or something
I hope Ballistic joins Duardo Silva’s Side and try to stop the other legends
Love how the spectres forgot how to shoot
Please Respawn, we beg you. Make a series out of it, Apex Legends has the potential for it 😭🙏🏻🤞🏻
Okay so the fact of Lifeline being able to get some extra air from the doc drone would be amazing movement tech, imagine it. also if true darkness is added where you need flashlights I think doc and newt having build in flashlights would be cool.
Surprised they couldn’t knock one of them when they were Valk ulting
If we’re only able to live through every game we love!!!! ❤❤❤
Was that a eye ball?
If only we ghad stuff like this instead of comics uhh
A playable story game would be crazy… maybe a 3rd Titanfall?
SIGUE_TRANDO añadan para darle un rato banda ❤
What’s in lobs hand at the end?
We need an Apex movie???
We need a movie or a tv show
Lifeline needs to be able to ride Doc up to roof tops now.
Valkyrie princess carrying loba makes the valk x loba ship interesting
Current season and this video have too much in common, only half of what we wanted
Crypto could’ve just hacked into the system and got all the information😴
I feel like enemies of the legends in these shorts are so dumb, those spectres would turn these 3 into red mush if they properly fired their guns.
Bruh I haven’t played Apex since s15 what’s happening 😂❤
I like the part where Valkyrie’s Alt was actually useful.
Truly an Apex Experience
Ugh you called Valkyrie to save the day and not Mirage?
I refuse to believe that the flying isn’t them teasing quads
What is that thing loba stole?
Day 87514153 and no Mirage stories from the Outlands 🫤
No Banga lore
so, why are they punching robots made out of metal with their bare hand instead of using guns ?
Big question is this 2 weeks?
This is a hint for a new 4-player squads mode with a new shared passive for Valk and Loba
apex needs an animated series
120 fps on ps5, plz…..
Hopefully Valkyrie carrying all 3 is hinting at squads
Cyber punk x apex
oh my grecious crypto finally getting more lore 😏🥵
Apex will be fun again if LIFELINE could ever move that way 😅
I Love Maggie
The quality of this trailer is dope! Keep lore like this coming 🔥
Most unrealistic thing about this trailer is lobas burglar best friend fitting through a peephole.
Not gonna lie lifeline is a badass in this video and her drone is so capable of doing more things then healing
For those who don’t know, it’s a new Revenant being built. And his abilities are insane
Ea is sexist, there isn’t a scene where two males characters talk to each other
As a Revenant main I’m getting more and more excited for this new season 🤘
This is actually awesome, Cant wait for part 2!
… severs hırrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
That was not a short that was a movie
Does anyone know where I can read all of the past apex lore? I never read the treasure pack stories and this video got me so confused.
The animation has improved leaps and bounds since the s11 trailer
So just some girl power nonsense
Wait!! I have been using the Kraber wrong this whole time?!!
Мы в истории
And they said lifeline is the most useless support legend🤦🏾♂️
Okay, so the leaked video shows us how Loba got that eyeball. I guess that’ll officially be part two of this.
can you revert the ranked system back to how it was last season
The fact they’re not using guns is a teaser for a new game mode 🤣
Any clue wat was in lobas hand
So when is Titanfall 3
Fully expected Loba’s bracelet not to work.
mad maggie getting her heirloom 2:13
Bro that was sick, good job to the animators and writers!
This is fun to watch more pls 🔥🔥
animated cinema movie, please!
Tbh I thought it was mid
Better than catalyst lore video
El dia que valkirie pueda traer 4 leyendas en su ultimate 🍿🐧
T I T A N F A L L 3
Crazy cool
Where is rev😫
i think the franchise needs to make story mode ingame. i dont get why its not in the game from the start, the map assets is too good to not be made into story/ lore mode because players are too busy to appreciate the map art. fast looting and moving around takes the priority
Si what is happening ?
Lol Maggie is literally the Pippin of the Apex Legends universe
u finally start to push to main story ain’t u???
I haven’t played apex cuz it gets boring but man now i wanna play it again
Может я уже совсем ебнулся, но почему я здесь вижу повесточку. Хоть одним мужским персонажем разбавили бы лор, пусть даже геем.
A show 🤯
I just hope Revenant get his sidewall running, and keep his silencer, Seer is so annoying now
Was that Rev’s eye?
Can we please get some Gibraltar action on this videos? 🙁
this is some heat eh
no one is talking about how might of just seen the maggie heirloom…
Look good
Where is Rev🤡
I was sitting here like WHY is Crypto not the person to call when hacking into a facility and stealing drives…welp…😂 He’s steps ahead
They’re going to come after Crypto and he’s going to have to make some sacrifices/betrayals to save someone
I wish Luba would be with a man 😢😊
I love this concept of reality where Rev is so scary and dangerous that whatever company supplies him has everyone terrified
Made for 12 year olds
Неужели сюжет будет
New mobility for Lifeline confirmed?
Arcane level quality of lore. Please Respawn, give us more!
Now now, Loba, snooping around spectre factories are we?
Crypto next Episode ooooo
This was Mid
love maggies wrecking ball casually not knocking her teammates off
Wait! So is crypto in on this too??
Series would be more than epic
Thi season has been so light on lore. But if its because they were working on this it seems like it might be worth it.
Can’t wait for revenent to annihilate everyone as in every lore all legends mess with him
Loba’s sas is to die for. Love her sm
Delete the game and just make cinematics
now i’m re-installing apex legends
I like when the Loba bracelet actually works too 3:24
God i love this, every second of it, also seeing the girls work together made me happy, Loba and Valk are awesome
Really wish that apex had an animated show
Extremely good and full of mystery simply super
I don’t think people realize how long it would take for an animated show to get made. Arcane, for example, was in production for 6 or 7 years. I would love an Apex show, but it would take them so long to do. The game might be nonexistent at that point.
lifelines voice actor seems to deteriorate in quality every time she records something new
Finally more appreciation for Loba’s skills! ❤️
Imagine a limited time PVE campaign 👀
Destroy Storm Point
Let’s see this
I’m excited to see Revenant get some lore. He’s one of the coolest legends in the game and it’s upsetting that he always seems to get killed off in every trailer. Hopefully this will change that
Girl Power 😀
Are we finally gonna get some lines of dialogue between these four?
This is so cringe I dunno why
Maggie triggering an alarm, almost killing her own tm8 with a wrecking ball and almost getting everyone locked in a facility is so Maggie
As a maggie main, it was great to see her get some screen time. Also can we fly around with D.O.C like that in the main game please🙏🏽🥹 (halfway joking of course)
Maggie’s va is the best
I can only wonder what info crypto searching for rn…
confirm lifeline defense drone? squads?
Maggies the best legend bro
Wait a minute its’n that the bas where the head of Revenant was keep?
I know it Revenant is so important for the lore
Loba calling mags a lady 😩👀
An Apex TV show would change the world
Am i the only one thinking that cypto could also be involved bcs of the usb symbol and green cctv?
Why do they fight against the spectre? They ain’t even shooting back lol
if caustic doesnt appear in the next part i will….
its good , i see crypto there , finaly he can do someworks XD
this Trailer is so good especially valk holding loba
Love how lobas getaway plan was her gf
Crypto is getting caught, but I think he could’ve helped more than lifline
I will do anything for respawn devs to make watty lore
Maggie is a double agent. Heard it here first 💯
I always love these cinemetics
I was promised revenant, what are you doing here? (Looks at Lifeline and Maggie)
Quads maybe in the future 😮
I don’t even play Apex any more but I’ll never miss a cinematic
This is miles better than the Overwatch 2 anime!
Fix the game and stop posting lore no one cares about
AJ was ready to clear the bar 😂
This means that now Valk can carry 3 people?
We happy few revenant mains
Well we see the powerfully girl team in action. Well the woke is hear
Rev mains rejoice! Finally some love.
Can’t wait for revenant 2.0
A movie?
Apex legends needs to be an animated series. It’s high time
I’m just saying Loba………..
who still care about apex lore
Rev Lore gonna change apex 🙂 – excited? scared? Bring it on!
This is proof we need a Apex Legends SHOW!!!
What was the last little ball Roba had?
Imagen if lifeline could fly like that with her drone
So, just to be fair…
They just busted into a heavily armored headquarters with a drone (D.o.c) , a staff, and a wrecking ball… while supposedly getting shot at…
AND use a Kraber as a tool and not a gun… 😅
Yep, sorry Wraith, Octane does make a better spy 😂 (if anyone played S4)
I missed something, how does this video relate to revenant?
Revenant and Loba carrying all of the Apex lore on their backs.
Now this is what I call representation! Automatons did not land a single bullet in extremely close proximity with the target on a straight lane ♥ I feel seen.
I liked the part when mad maggie said “oi no more cross merging yea you’re gonna lose your other account”
What’s happening, finally some lore who it is not around sexuality
Safe to say I will NOT be playing season 18
Pand driver its crypto
Need quads
🔥 🔥 🔥
i can t wait for apex to create a netflix series its gonna be lit when they create it
I’ve been away from apex. Can someone explain???
This video is proof that they should make an apex legends tv show.
This is what we want, we love the characters, give us more lore!
I think its obvious Eduardo is manufacturing his own kind of revenant making the perfect model to either a make an army of his own to keep the legends preoccupied
Why do we gotta wait so long for part two😢
I love how they just abandoned the wraith storyline….
YEEEESSS Rev about to get the 🍆 install! Don’t drop the soap legends
So Valk, crypto, loba, Maggie, and lifeline are in this together. I could’ve swore ash might have been part of this too with some of the unique voicelines between ash and crypto talking about syndicate plans.
J’espère quil y aura une serie Apex ça serait très stylé
Can’t believe they finally buffed revenant by giving him invisibility, you can’t even see him in this trailer.
Finally we get to see a bond with Loba, Maggie, Lifeline, AND Valkyrie.
Edit: Hopefully we can see all the women unite and finish this.
Lol, would’ve been more true to life if the wrecking ball actually hit her teammate!😂
make a film or series
we need more story telling like this
Girls get it done
Yes Rev is so useless let’s just rebuild the guy
Love this game! ❤
3:01 new lifeline buff?
cross progression when
This was all a big pile of nothing
Hope Crypto finally gets his story progressed. Homie’s been looking for the truth for 14 seasons
Thumbs down
they should have used evac tower instead of valk . valk is trash now
I love these lore episodes this is so awesome to see
Ура что-то не про геев
So will this come season 17 or 18? Cuz i been waitin on the day we did a storyline that has something to do with loba
I cant wait to explore the facility in game. That is where loba goes and gets the eye according to leaks
Can’t wait for revenant reborn to finally come out
They’re going to Crypto to hack the info. Loba has a secret plan. Betrayal coming up , she’s After revenant.
Every time someone does something crypto gets more pulled into the mess😂 mostly joking. Happy for rev lore tho!
Imagine they only made this just to fix loba’s tactical
When well the arena will return!?
Sunset battle royale and make something fun like Control.
buff crypto xD
Uff Loba ❤
Stopped playing the game because its just so bad with mmr. Apex needs a tv show. I’d pay to watch it. The game I no longer love but the world and lore in apex is top tier.
Fr this could be a movie
Was this the trailer for the trailer? Nothing happened!
Ojala sea tan bueno como aparenta lo que se viene! 🔥
Maggie almost hitting her teammates with her Wrecking Ball is very accurate to the game
They need to give us a tv show already, I hardly play Apex anymore but would definitely watch a show of Apex
can someone put me up to date with the lore? i feel like im missing out a lot of stuff 👀
i haven’t been following the lore since Catalyst season if im not wrong
Apex needs a TV show
rev reborn is gonna be like adam smasher edge runners level
incomplete transfer -_- !!!!!
They really need to make a TV show. How did this? Do you have me sold?
Bread 🍞
Finally bruh been waiting for something like this for a long time 😭
Apex animated series when? I would love it
I wish they would make an Apex TV series because this is too good
These are the stories from the outlands I’m all about!!!
Very lackluster. It looks like it was cut to reduce costs.
Part 1 – 4 minutes
Part 2 – 5 minutes?
Gone are the days of a 20 min animation.
revenants eye is the only lore i need 😂heh
Hahahah she’s got some revenant
doc 🥹❤
I see a titan?
Nice. Really good lore.
waiting this long for this??? 😂😂😂
Bring back Arenas please 🙏
valk carrying loba is so cute
seeing Loba throw her bracelet and immediately attacking ( oh how I wish )
Surely they arent doing all of this just to rework a character to increase their pickrate for a week so that they can fall off yet again *clueless*
Stop teasing us we want to see him!!
Wow they gonna leave us on a cliffhanger
This is like the first time revenant was revealed same chills and all
Valk New Passive : Carry 4 people in ult when loba is in team
They finally giving our boy Rev some more love, and I couldn’t be more gassed!
Absolutely nothing about rev😢
That’s it ?!
Apex needs to make a movie😂
Y’all didn’t notice the crypto reference and maybe his sister too…😮
Yooo lets go!
Wow just wow 👀
Oh snaaaapppp
I love this women trio team up in the beginning hehe
REBORN REVENANT… this looks amazing
they put a usb in a computer and left the building, see you in 2 weeks
Maggie has saved the day, as always.
Thanks, Maggie and her magnificent wrecking ball !
One thing Apex has been missing for a very long time. Lore.
Rev mains crying tears of joy rn
Liked at the end you see revenants old eye
when’s part 2, apex?
L maggie
Respawn, this is good.
Keep them coming.
I see the animation is getting better and more lore and story, that’s good.
Keep up the great work !
Loba was so good
L trailer
I’m guessing that Mila was the one who was looking through the cameras
YEAH! talk about girls night am I right?
These always leave me confused…. I wish they’d just make a tv show already
Oh yeah spectre time 😏
Wow that was a good scene
That was 🔥 can’t wait for the next part
It would be funny if there was no revenant lore
If the only thing I’m curious is about is what ash has to do with this
This is why apex needs to make an animated series
I haven’t played this season but still enjoy these vids
Let’s gooooo
Apex is dead
2 parts???
Rev aimt reborning cuz of me buck
Sympa tous ces cheaters sur console. Merci respawn de rien faire contre les cronus xim s pack.
Revenant reborn?
Nothing but respect for Revenant mains rn but I’d like to pour one out for the Fuse mains. Rip, sorry Fuse has been ignored again mates
Are they going to reveal a new legend
Quiten el lenguaje inclusivo de la voz de bloodhound en español solo están arruinando al personaje.
Apex legends mobile when ?
Rev lore?
Give my boy some love already JUSTICE FOR REVENANT!!!!!!
sorry my brother got a hold of my phone
W trailer already
These voice lines are going to be so cool
can’t wait for another overpriced skin event in 2 weeks
Can we please get a full show if of course the VA’s and animators want to
Loba, Lifeline AND MAGGIE
boys us rampart mains eating good tonight (rampart mains like playing Maggie.)
Revenant Demon time bois 😤😈
Chat is this real?
Crypto better be apart of this some how.
Now lets see what Mr Silva is up to with Revenant why would he need his head for?
Im nuttin
Rev revborn?
Ohhh Yeehhhhh >.<
Please give me Mad Maggie’s cute clothes♡
The music at the end is so 🥴
We better have a storyline like back in season 5!
theres part 2
guess what theres ANOTHER PART OOOOOoooo 0_0
Loba ❤❤❤❤
Is it possible cross progression could be coming in this?
all we need is a series on apex, as beautiful as this teaser and of the same quality as the arkane from Riot game. And good servers 🙂
Yoo lifeline looking for the cross progression patch??(haven’t played this since s10)
Who love apex?
I love so much apex!
Sigo molesto y decepcionado por lo de Apex Mobile 🥺👎
Ballin but at what cost?
Rev lore😫💜
As a revenant main with 10,000 kills am ready for this
The Revenant lore we always needed. He’s been neglected quite a lot except for him siding with Bangalore to find her brother.
Rev reborn
ready 4 revenant
Nerf seer😊
Maybe s18 respawn will release crossprogression or account merging. Or they wait till s20 at their 4 yr anniversary.
apex tv show anyone
Are y’all serious with this bs lore? WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS
Apex Lore?!
i want my stuff back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just leak it already
Who else think that Duardo silva will be eventually like professor snape from Harry Potter
Let’s go
Let’s go
Rev is my main he needs a rework and this is hinting at that with loba
My boy Kaleb Cross coming back to claim his rightful place at the top of the food chain 🦾
hm more loba lore?
Were Kuben ?
Who is the guy with the Mohawk and why isn’t he my main yet?
Apex series?
Something tells me Rev is finally getting Tylenol for his headache
As much as I loved this game and try to keep loving it… They almost lost their game and it can happen again! They need to start caring about the game again or it will lose more than players. Starting with trailers I can look at!
Think it’s going to be something tied into the nodes we will be collecting for event stuff etc.
Q the cheap graphics, cheap lore and cheap devs!
Bro lore?! Hopefully we get a new legend too!
Pochiniti servera suk, lagaet pzdc. Odni skini rekoloriti, zaerbali
Fade is coming
Finally, Rev might be viable!
Modo solo
Solo mode
Hey lore, what a concept!
Forgot this game existed
Apex Lore is back, let’s gooooo……….Revenant Reborn Hype!
Any new scripts ?
lord i cannot wait
que emoción que emoción que emoción
I haven’t played this game for years I have left my gaming phase and I am right now in my K-pop phase and the only reason I clicked on the video is because of loba
cant waittt
please get back our apex legend mobile 🤧🥺
The 2 revenant mains are rejoicing rn😂
Add animation heirloom bloodhound pls
yukaF go
Definitely not something related to Revenant, right guys?? 👀
Wow that was definitely a pretty good cinematic and I can’t wait for part 2 to this!👍✨️❤️
Esperons avoir quelque chose de bien pour une fois mais je ne pense pas😂on verra meme si jadore apex legends
RIP Revenant 😢
Add apex back to iphone
Gentlemen, synchronise your clocks new Apex lore is dropping.
Why is rev the only legend that gets the best lore and the best cutscenes
Lore goddd❤❤❤
Ayo, I’m already betting that this could actually be the finale of the 1st Chapter of Apex Legends…
Revenant will die, and get power stronger than before
Looks promising so far 👀
Octane better show up
You have been marked for death 💀
Rev Reborn? 👁🗨
The YouTube community is probably the nicest out of their social medias. Everywhere else, I just see hate on top of hate. I’m sorry you don’t hear this enough team, but thank you for all you do.
Hmm loba lore many revtidt😮😮😮😮
12 temporadas tuvieron que pasar para revivir el lore, ojala sea igual o mejor que el de la temporada 5
Time for Revenant to get some juicy lore! Best part is it’s only the first part!
Apex needs a TV show
Revant reborn?
Octane if he was waiting:comon amigos let’s start it already: lifeline:hold your car cause
Tbh Apex dying! Its not even fun anymore and ive been her since season 0
Sooooo whats loba goin to steal this time????
Offline mode?
Dang apex really trying to compete with overwatch
If this mentions anything bout rev reborn I’m wildin
Can somebody explain to me what this is about? I’m confused.
Graphics on prewiev scene looks like GOW on the PSP, i really hope that this is just a bad preview
So much hype!!!
huh? What’s up? Actual lore? This must be a really late April fools joke
Loba? Yup, definitely has to do with Revenant Reborn.
i wonder what this might be…
Revenant prestige skin next?
All this lore and hype and care brings back the season 4 days, can’t wait for the tall killing machines new design and kit
Can someone explain what’s happening
Respawn devs are clowns
More Loba? Ok, I’m interested in what this is, slightly.
Quite a nice jump in storytelling method, I imagine part two is coming near the end of ss17
Won’t change the fact that it’s a boring game doesn’t have anything new, not fun to play anymore, nobody streaming this game these days because when people used to tell them to add more contents, they were busy milking the skins for minority of teens instead of improving the gameplay.
Rev mains, we are crying tears of joy rn
Rev reborn teaser???
We get hype on this game ???🪩🪩🪩
watch next season also be disappointing lol
Coming soon😊
We revenant mains, our time has come
Don’t disappoint us🙏
Revenat rewort
Salut 😉
Pve missions return?
Give Loba her prestige skin please and make the skin some mission impossible, GI Joe, James Bond look. That would be awesome!
This might turn out to the best part of apex
Please include a mission like season 5 🙏
What is this?
Rev Reborn
What up
yaaaaaaas ❤
It was cool to see Loba go in and Loba it all up.
Finally, it’s here
Fix the game be for you drop content the hacking has got to the point u need a Cronus zen for the game to be playable
This game has great Lore, but when is a Series for that said lore coming?
Let’s be honest, the best and only really interesting lore in the game is that of Loba and Revenant. I’m glad they’re continuing after 3 years. I would be happy if they cared more about the stories.
Hopefully they got my guy Crypto on this too—he’s BEEN tryna take down the syndicate and whoever framed him. I truly want him to get the happy ending he deserves (and not get nerfed story wise)
Revreborn maybe?
Loba lore incoming ??????
The monster is coming, a new rev reborn
Masters is dogshit… No damage in the trident
If this doesn’t all but confirm Revenant Reborn…
add the bow back
If this doesn’t all but confirm Revenant Reborn…
Part 1? PART 1??? We finally getting lore and is more than the usual???
Oh yeah let’s see if Mirage actually has more impact on the plot
(Btw this trailer releases on my Birthday!)
Looks like the leak is real
New Season?
Pretty excited ngl
Get rid of storm point ASAP
Revenant finally gets something after over 8 seasons
Nearly time for Rev Reborn 🙂 😈
With loba’s lore, she should be able to steal the next prestige skin 🥰
Ooh this is interesting
How will octane be fine with this
When part 2?
Finally some good lore
I really miss you Apex legends mobile
Apex legends mobile 😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭 come back plc
Finally, my first real lore since i started in s13!
Im so excited to find out more about Duardo Silva. After what Lifeline and Octane uncovered about Duardo in a previous seasons lore chapters, I’m curious to find out more.
Matpat should make video about this game
Loba discovering revenant reborn 👀
Let’s pretend we don’t know what’s next 😊
Yayy Lore lets pray that the quality is good
빨리 싸움없는 메타를 해결해라!!!!
I’m gonna miss climbing high as rev
Part 1?????
Arreglad el sistema de puntuación en competitivo. Y ajustad el daño a los pilotos de trident que cada partida parece una carrera de wipeout con pilotos casi inmortales
Give us revenant rework he deserves it the most
I’ve never been excited for a season like this since season 4 ( yah i’m a rev main )
Mommy loba
As a crypto main I see this as nothing
If this doesn’t all but confirm Revenant Reborn…
Oh we getting a whole movie?! This is my avengers infinity war/endgame
Rev reborn is here all rev mains our time has come!!
I see loba, I’m thinking rev
Hello @Thegamingmerchant 😅
His “Rebirth” is soon to come!
I see loba, I’m thinking rev
Bruh what’s that. Give us cross progression already
Rev reborn is here all rev mains our time has come!!
Revenant: “I’m Back Bi%*hes”
Release apex quests
Loba season??
Give us revenant rework he deserves it the most
You are perfect just the way you are.
Rev reborn is here all rev mains our time has come!!
Oh my god if she kills Revenant then rev reborn is true
More apex lore= More good
Revenant mains rise
please we want mad maggie heirloom 🙁
🇧🇷 cadê os brasileiros hypado?
Rev 2.0 ?
The Dark Secret: EA does not care about Apex Legends and is just milking it for money
Everyone talking bout revenant reborn, but where’s the reborn ranked system?
This is interesting
Just saw this being announced from twitch algs lol
Oh my god if she kills Revenant then rev reborn is true
0 spoilers
i see the best female support legend on the thumbnail 😍
His “Rebirth” is soon to come!
bad theorie: revenant reborn is the son of pathfinder
The Dark Secret: EA does not care about Apex Legends and is just milking it for money
This is interesting
Can’t wait to watch this on my birthday😁
It’ll be nice to get some lore finally
bad theorie: revenant reborn is the son of pathfinder
Lifeline in action
This is interesting
Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba Loba
Oh we getting a whole movie?! This is my avengers infinity war/endgame
This is loba??
If this doesn’t all but confirm Revenant Reborn…
Loba my girl😍
Finally, we are getting closer to the “Reborn”
So early no one will see this, I’m gay
Finally some good lore?? 👀
This is interesting
i see the best female support legend on the thumbnail 😍