How I Became The Rank #1 Solo Apex Player…
Apex Legends Season 17 Arsenal
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,wraith,buff,apex legends new event,aceu,apex legends aresenal,apex legends season 17,apex legends season 17 arsenal,arsenal,firing range,firing range update,apex hacks,new skin,unlocking,unlock,new skin release,leak,horizon,Horizon,horizon heirloom,Horizon Heirloom,horizon new heirloom,Kill Collection Event,Horizon’s Gravity Maw Heirloom,Gravity Maw,horizon’s heirloom,collection event,solo
コメント (204)
10:54 aimbot
“why are you here?!”
“You’re not real!”
bro is a schizophrenic fr
bro dont miss ONE shoot
Ma boy faide is wicked smart
dude’s cringe, but he’s good
How in the hell can anyone move that fast, it’s literally double the speed of octane with a stim
Stoped watching bro a year ago and i come back to him gettin 3x better at movment
im not gonna lie they kinda bots
Viewer count would be dope I wanna know how many people stay and spectate
At 10:39 I think u honestly was beaming the vantage so hard she thought u was cheating and left the game
You one clipped caustic so fast it delayed the “you are the champion” after final kill 😂
Just wanted to say that
Apex needs to fix their rank system. There people who don’t belong in pred and masters and about to make me delete the game
His Voice is just ugly. I swear I cringe so hard listening to him
I really want to know why the first part of the second game your sounds really weird
I guss this is a bug in the vid or something?
What is your apex level?
Computer…. Aim is to on point…
12:02 that caustic funny man
You have no idea how much I missed the nerd voice. I haven’t been hearing that voice in recent videos, but the smile it brought on my face when I heard again
i get a certain joy knowing i watched this first on twitch
so fking talented! always nice to watch
If this were lumi it would have been 30 kills, 8000 damage
So wait, how’d he get 2 kills at 10:34?? theres only 1 in the killfeed, and he didnt knock anyone before the Gibby?????
Always putting in that work Family Respect 🙏🏽
Love ur wraith skin, really enjoy watching you play 😎
Try it in ranked rookie😂
Now that you mastered many new movement techniques will you make a new movement guide video? I didn’t forget about that pole you posted about should you make it again?🤫
at 1 mil subs do a face reveal.
I love the old kings canyon game i miss kc😢
Faide can you please play catalyst?
8:50 “W aim” had me crying
why are u not in a team? i’d love see u destroy pro’s , jesus u are such a god in this game
Faide speed lord vocab – holly/ WTF/why you in here/Your not Real – repeat !!! 🙂
Faid you are the best Player for me😮
Does anyone else kind of freak out when faide is getting chased and shot at lmaaoo i get so nervous
Faide is hilarious
Man I just wish you recorded your video while streaming. it shows 1440p on YouTube but the bitrate is terrible because you pull it from the stream.
I’m sorry .. great movement… But Ur aim assist is way too sus!! Say wat u want.. all YouTubers uses some sort of cheat this day and age.. no way u can fire someone perfect that is 500-700 yards away from you
But Faide, you didn’t say a word about how you did it?!
Bot comments
ha solo dormito meglio
the freakin voice trolls lmaoooo
It’s always the same content
Teach me how to buy coin in Apex Legend plz faide 🙏🙏
Imagine being those teammates 💀
it ain’t winter but damn is Faide C O L D with it
Bro kd Is 8.0
Big fight IQ some little thing that make him better than the rest+ aim and mouvement, simple thing but hard to apply.
Three stack: (gets faide to one shot) follows faide into streamer building…
Faide(in Kiba’s voice): YOU’VE FALLEN FOR MY TRAP CARD!
Faide has the best arc star aim, that jump from up high the hill and he stuck the guy ress-ing in an odd spot at 14:52, holw cow.
Damn bro not bad, but don’t worry we all start somewhere
When did you actually make the video there’s not even r99 anymore
Faide – GG and ur movement and speeches are ridiculous . Keep it 100
Faide retired his cameraman with that pk shot
I don’t ever comment but mf was saucy this whole vid
Poor valkie 😂😂 4times he died 17:00 17:30
10:55 ?
I know you #&>t on Pubs. Can you *@;t on Rank? Would like to see that soon. GGs
This is why the game isnt that played anymore
faide if you teach me movement I will personally deliver you 3 dollars and my moms wedding ring
Wow, his sensitivity is so fucking high he can 180 instantly. And the fact that he turns so fast you can’t track the camera but he ends up right where he was meaning to aim. Crazy.
Insane mind blowing genius
13:08 what happened to hommies lol
Average without a zip to abuse
aceu better
This dude is so cheating anyine who cant see this shit is dumb.
Bro gotta have ass swamp Everytime he gets ready to upload if not bro is cheating
We need a hand can video of faide dominating
that first game had a lot of seers and bloodhounds wtf lol
I do everything you do besides aim perfectly and good wall bounces. And fast looking around. I already crouch and hide the shoot but the advancing part on teams is very difficult. You’ve got to keep moving I see. And know where to reposition. Looks so smooooooth from you
hey faide i went fishing today. this video helped me not scratch all the mosquito bites i got. thanks man
Running out of vid titles lol
this is what i want to watch man , great one
And here we see a wild wraith in her natural habitat…(soft David Attenborough voice)
I loved when he said “why are you here!” or “mocks team comms”.
Fade always faking is vid😂😂
I watch a lot of CC’s but Faide is easily the most entertaining and skilled.
We need a comp of Faide acting like a highly schizophrenic zoo animal
Fat booty bitches go crazy keep it up faide
How does he have no recoil?
Imagine a lobby full of faides
2:06 lmao
Proceeds to cut to him using cell. Nice edit
Every time I watch this man I think this mf ain’t human he a alien playing open no way a human Is this good at a mouse call him a alien 😂
I know you won’t see this I wanna see 3x20kills make longer vids pls I be at work an it will definitely keep me entertained until I get home 😭
Bro how does ur R99 shoots like that? 🥹
A Man So Quick—He’s Even Fast⏩ —Asleep 🤣
yesterday i won my first ever solo match i used all i learned in your videos it helped me a lot bc i’m a wraith main, thanks for the classes faide
up and down ziplines amazinnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg😵💤💤💤💤💤💤💤
We all know aceu is the number 1 solo player ever humble yo self
Ah some prowler gameplay final-
Ok he swapped it for a shotgun. Alright it’s r99 shotgun again today.
enemy: existing
faide: not real
Can you please try to land somewhere else?
Sniper at the end probably just sat back and enjoyed the show, then said let me try to hit a trick shot and forfeit if I miss. xD
I’m just slightly worse then w Ella so
you best
Take a shot every time he says you’re not real
Loving the original never seen b4 content. Wow amazing
I want a measurement on how fast he flicks his mouse
don’t lie to me you’ve always been the #1 wraith
That octane on that second game sounded just like faide💀
the first game got to be one of the goofiest Ive ever seen
i already miss r9 fuck man…
hi twitch chat
This guy is so good, I can’t even be mad if I lost to this guy 3v1
I love sitting in the firing range for hours tryna get deaf wraith just for faide to have such good movement it happens naturally.
did this dudes teamates just disappear at 13:10 wtf 🤣
What the!
17:00 it’s crazy they have 17iq but it almost works because it’s aim assist legends
Hello 😳😳👀👀👀😍😍💟💟👉👉👉🔥🔥🔥🗿🗿💯💯💯😍😍💟💟legto Goo APEX LEGENDS NEXT YOUTUBE AYO
Bruh this an old video. But good content
how many times did the horizon dropped?
6:58 when they both jump down thinking Faide will follow XD
Faide isn’t in labor but dang he works hard.
actually crazy how hes just a yt game machine
I must admit, I was genuinely concerned about Faide’s survival in Season 17. Despite the criticisms surrounding the elo system and placement points, they have undeniably transformed the game for the better. The intense battles in Silver’s top 5 are an absolute thrill. However, Faide has once again demonstrated that he operates on a completely different level. Having been an FPS player for over a decade, I can confidently say that Faide embodies the purest form of digital combat.
Ever looked at a “Where’s Waldo” page? This game is the animated version, but instead of Waldo it’s Faide and they’re dead before they can ever find him 😂
0:34 lol
Hey faide are you ever gonna do an updated movement guide
can i get your snap pls
14:39 is craaaaazy
Are my clips trash????
What tha! Why they running as a team? Bro your hilarious.
W Faide
Faide now is the best player of all time
ambasing play
u know its content when Faide doesnt have batts
U da goat😂😮🥸😈
I was the 330th like
The skill to verbalize an opponent’s mental state is insane.
This was such an amazing video to watch just like the rest of them. I feel like I learn something new every video 😂 keep up the amazing work I love watching your YouTube videos they are good to learn from and filled with insane and amazing content that you can’t get anywhere else. I love that your always so funny and kind and that you love to makes peoples day better. You do such an good job with all your YouTube videos and twitch streams keep up the good work. You have insane skill and your such a one of a kind player. It’s insane how much I have learned from you just by watching u play. Keep up the amazing work with everything your a true GOAT. KEEP BELIEVING IN UR DREAMS 🩵
Next milestone is 1Million subs🫡💛
We have to get this man to 1 million subscribers ASAP!
Cause you’re cute and boosted the only way you win
W faide vid as usual keep up the great content bro
here before 1 mil
Man ur just a devil… Unbelivble skill bro🌷🌷🎉
What R99 skin is that?
Hmm seems to me like your using a Time Machine bc I don’t see the R99 on the ground anymore
i love faide ❤
Sir Faide your reaction speed is faster then how ya brain processes what happens in game its unreal, in a good way
Дефолт, у меня каждая такая катка
Keep up the grind! Almost to 1 million is CRAZY! Love you bro.
uwu for me?
wagwan bagwan fade u stink
Broo love you video🔥🔥🔥🔥king
bro how are u still getting the r-99 its been like a week in the crafting station 🙁
gamma settings please
love u bb
Nc bro
yoooooo i’m never this early i just wanted to say you truly inspired me in this game man i watch ever single one of your videos and when you’re taking breaks i go back and watch old videos, i’m a controller player but even so i feel like you have been the biggest inspiration for my play style to date, so thank you also ur goated
Happy Sunday Faide keep up the videos 🔥🔥😎👍
You saved my life❤
Faide the apex aim God
the goat posted
Your monkey screams crack me uuuup😂
Faide your awesome 😁
#1 player
Shit said 39 seconds ago I said bet😂
The goat
W vid
we all start somewhere
Faide isn’t pregnant but never fails to deliver
you got the dad pfp
The secret of Faide that make his movement the best is screaming and yelling every time he finds a team.
It works 4/5 of the time lol
The best end to a hard day❤
Faide is good mirage movement pt 3?
Love the vids faide pray I could get my first heirloom 🙏
God of apex
First does the movement goat answers
Yeoooo. Finna be a great vid no lie
W Faide
We all knew that the goat would become number 1
How do you get so good
He is so good
You are amazing ❤