Apex Legends Season 17 Arsenal
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,wraith,buff,apex legends new event,aceu,apex legends aresenal,apex legends season 17,apex legends season 17 arsenal,arsenal,firing range,firing range update,unlocking,unlock,new skin release,leak,horizon,horizon heirloom,Horizon Heirloom,Kill Collection Event,Horizon’s Gravity Maw Heirloom,Gravity Maw,collection event,gibraltar,gibraltar with movement,gibby,Gibraltar,Gibraltar movement,Gibby
コメント (236)
Faide is a demon on any legend he plays
Btw the stuttering in the first game was server connection
faidey wadey you should get a wooting
octane with movement?
So it is not only me. The audio is missing!
bro doesn’t know how to use the word cringe
Ur def the cringe one lmaooo
Damn I love you for using my main I wish I had movement as good cause I’d make him look as saucy as you do way to show out with gibi
Ya i would play all day too if I was this good. Must make the game a lot more pleasant. But then again if I did play as much as you I still would not be as good. GG man.
I watch this and go play apex and then remember that everyone i fight is using a cronus with aimbot.
Try the new movment tech with pathy
Faide could say the n word and just like not put it in
Your a god
Obtuviste ayuda de una lifenine que te tiro baterías y fénix, eso es trampa
Gordo(chunky) got movement 😭
I’ve never seen someone chock more harder then that octane 😭😂
“use your gun, not an ability”
*uses both abilities right after
lol dude cracks me up
so many default skins in his lobbies?
mirage next please!
i want the streamer perspective of Faide just gibby jumping over everyone in this game 😂
Best player in the game
i aint ever see a gibrawler do those moves before
who else has quit apex and uninstalled ?
0:28 – reminds me of the shaq meme lmao
sorry that was my brother sorry faide i love you your the best
Getting the knock on the Maggie in streamer building with her own wrecking ball is insane.
Is nice when you pick up some shield cells and the guy didn’t shot you he was helping lmao 🤣
Ik tht octane was mad after tht loss
Bro the screams when they have no audio make me laughing so hard tysm for the great content keep it up
That why i am affraid to reinstall the game
3:25 This dude has to be wallhacking… he somehow knows that a guy is all the way around a corner, without ever having sight on him prior to that…
9:23 SMH
I love that every time an enemy does something decent he says “why are you there” , “no skill” 😂
It’s like Jordan shit talking everybody on the court 💪🏼
P.S I wish I had a fairy godmother loba that sneaks up behind me to give me batts lmaooo
This was so fucking fun to watch
The cherry returns.
W skin hav the same one love the vids keep it up💪
Imagine a 500 pound gibby flying towards you I’d be terrified
Stop playing bot lobbies by making new account. Your not good if you shit on bronze players
Octane is assssss 💀💀
I can’t wait to get hit by the super gliding Mantel jumping new castle next lol
Dude jus on another lvl holy
had to check i wasn’t on 1.25 speed cuz of how fast he was
Fat boy FTW!!!!!
LETS GO BRO been waiting for a vid like this cuz it willl be funny keep up the good work bro
Why is it every single video in same zone again and again and again?
lol i wish this was titanfall i feel like yall would get crazy this game just seems to play so slow
That fucking Maggie killing herself with her ult😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭
I seen this live.
Что тут происходит😮!? Это что за быстрота то?
Did that Loba bring him batteries? lol
1st game was just a bot lobby, everyone has stock skins..
most i love if you play gibby, just diffrent like evry other dude <3
Wtf is that the hulk
Hol’ up, Gibby ain’t supposed to move like that!
You somehow killed a Maggie with her own wrecking ball, that was lit 🔥
I like watching faide gameplay on mute
really want to see faide play armed and dangerous
I’m convinced he never gets 3rd partied
That last octane was dogshit
Bro you are too OP
Hi. Everyone im his friend
Use a gun not an ability! (Uses two abilities in the next minute lol jk)
Why you so cute Faide?
No way Octane just missed a big ass target WTF !!
sens video ?
Mom the movement god uploaded
“Catch me if you can brotha”
No way the octane sold at the end
the end…
That octane threw so hard. lol
6:34 “I’m lagging so f*cking hard”
Bruh… when?
Bro has definitely been reported for “impossible movement” at least 50 times
9:22 why didn’t they battle? LOL mans just ran away 😂😂😭
Same place same video same movement. Boring.
Interesting video
Bro: Damn what happened to you?
Me: I got sh*t on by a tap strafing Gibraltar
life line game play pls
Been waiting for another one like this
btw Faide, the “somebody help” vlog was hilarious
All you people on Faides dick are unreal. We should be shutting him down, not applauding him for making us look like noobs!
why didnt you kill the loba @9:23 ? 🤣
play rampart
Who just casually bingeing faide😂
Watched this live last night, bro is insane
Proof that faide can play the fattest character and still leave everyone with sore buttholes
6:03 holy transition 😮💨🙏🏼
insane 😵💫❤
Gets 6500 damage: “I feel like I could have farmed damage”💀
last onctane was so trash lol, shoulda went for the res….
goated as fuck as always
9:20 that enemy helping faide…
Another bloodhound with movement plz🙏🏽🙏🏽!!!!
Day in the life of Faide WITH MOVEMENT
CuMMMM to Daddy :v
Imagine enjoying your game and a gibby flies across your screen and double 88’s you with a mastiff
Can someone explain to me what is going on at 9:20?
Best player in existence ngl
Nah just imagine a gibby slide cancelling and doing zip line mechanics in match. I’d shit myself
Man the no audio issues were terrible that first game
POV: King Kong when mad
Ur content is just awesome.
I never understand why people insist on chasing people with that kind of movement. I’d be like “understandable, have a good day.”
I can’t listen to a Faide video with the audio on, the way he talks every time he sees another player and says the same shit is mad annoying. Quality on mute tho 👌
gibby but faided af
Worlds fastest Gibby
Imma be honest i love watching people get shit on but I truly hate when any content creators complain about lag nice you go from your usual 20 to 60-100 you don’t understand lag truly
Good vid as always; Revenant next please?
Can anyone help me to get my first 20bomb
Maggie hall suicide 7:55
Perfect vid for me bc I literally jus played him last night to see if movement made people panic with a big guy and it does
yo faide bro u should do newcastle next wit the same title man bet it would get hella views much love💪🏼
Idk how you do it all my movement when I try to play Gibby feels clunky even though he moves at the same speed he just feels slow asf 😂
7:28 no audio right here is actually crazy asffff 😂🤣😭
Makes sense an octane like that would throw so bad 😂
he has become a nemesis user
So we’re just going to ignore how at 9:26 a Loba shows up, drops you heals, and then runs away?
Faide + Nemesis + PK = Straight to main menu
Did anyone else see the loba that stopped shooting at him after he jumped over them at 9:22?
If Faide makes one wrong superglide onto you your smushed.
Yells “no skill” when his whole game play is line jumping
Finally I’ve been waiting for this🥲👌
hello,my apex keep crashing randomly i already cl9ose nvidia geforce and any other app that has overlay,can anybody help me with this pls
i love you faide
Can’t wait to see the streamers react to this 😂
Lets go Faide vs YolomodeTV Amerikan player vs Russian playes
Gibby in lobarland
faide can do it all 🙌🏻 great video as always!
lmao octane got humbled 😂
sometimes i think Apex needs proximity chat just so we can hear the “fuck no, wtf is that”
Thicc boy fast af
hi chat
Don’t let Chet see this
Finally, after 2 days. I’ve been catching up on your old videos.
I love when you play gibby
aint no one notice the loba drop off the meds for him lmaooo
reticle colour?
Day 2 of asking to be unbanned in twitch chat
Super Gibby and Caustic glides make Wraiths seem harmless
Were the Valkyrie movment at?
BIG BOY GIBBY back at it again 😍
octane in the end💀
cole this shit is so hard
That chrome gibby skin is peak quality
I was there pog
Damn a flying gibby is so scary lol that lifeline was invincible
Hi twitch chat
I know Faide mains wraith, but in reality we all know he is a gibby main inside. ❤
I would pay to watch the twitch streamers reaction on gibby mantel jumping 🤣
I met a Pathfinder playing pubs and he said you mentored him. You’re very good and since I watched your videos all crazy game. Wish I can get mentored too
Faide = gold and diamond Together
Faide man love the vids man keep it up ❤
That’s so cool and refreshing to see you playing different characters. I wish you would do it more and WITH MOVEMENT like Treeree
I feel like I could of farmed damage he says with 6.5k
I’ve been waiting on this video!
Almost to the end why did he do loba like that 😂😂😂😂
everybody gangsta until see a fat gibraltar with movement
Please play newcastle again 😭🩷. Ps love your videos man. Much much love from Finland 🙏🩷
Love from India Faide <3
Imagine being in game and a gibby mantles above ur head and kills you with a Mozambique
4,500 views in 15 minutes. Shiiii 😮
When Apex releases Faide legend… this will be his voice lines
No brain cells
Can’t move, can I move?
Can’t slide
Shot in my Q, nice
Why, why
What aaaaa
So lucky
So talented
Why run in the open
Why you reach out
I miss
Why are you here
Through the door?
Holy ****
Not looking good
This nigga make me feel like I can play any legend😂
finally an updated version of the classic “gibby with movement” video
We had enough with the Caustic butt now Gibraltar
It would be terrifying having a thicc Gibby glide over your head 😂
Imagine ya the opponent and see a gibby, supposedly an easy target to hit have movements like this?! I’d be terrified and impressed but mostly terrified
Whenever I hear “you are now listening to a bobby johnson beat”, my heart smiles. I love your videos so much bro and it’s been crazy to see the growth you’ve had recently. Well done, and keep it up ❤ much love from Australia
Lebron James of Apex Legends.
The way he knows how to trap enemies underneath them on a zip and reset is surreal. You’re aspiring many Faide, that’s what I appreciate most from your videos, thanks ✌️.
bro how do u dot it man
Its not everyday you see flying stones
Play a match without using zip lines.
Saw this live
0:50 bro needs to lose some weight first
with my long distance girlfriend and still here within 15 mins ong
Now this the character I’ve been waiting to see how you play with lol
you can play whit me
Bro is the gibby guardian
it’s like a bear super gliding to kill you
This is kinda random but does anyone know when final sunset will return?
I like your movement sirr 🤩
Is R301 not Meta?
I never thought I would see a god movement gibby😂😂
Fear of seeing a Gibralter super glide at you and one clip you
Insane video💯(totally didn’t comment before watching)💀🗿
i would lose it if i saw a gibby mantle jumping to me, good stuff bro keep up the grind
Overweight guy moving like a ninja
@FAIDE your a monster at this game and the only thing holding it together as of now keep it up GG!!
I woke up to my favorite YouTuber posting, today is the best day already 🙂
The goat 🐐
i nearly watched a video of piers morgan interviewing a vegan but then you posted… thank you Faide you have saved me
Too good
The Goat🐐
Another Banger of a video🗿 from the one and only movement King himself🏆
Faide is the one and only king in this game ❤
papi faide on the girthy gibler
Inspirational , love the content
When gibby out movements horizon, you know your better
I would be terrified if I saw a gibby mantle jumping and super gliding over me ngl
Sheeesh dam son a sertified hood classic
Les Go Faide
Faide finds a way to outclass everyone ❤😂😂
What da???
That skin is the best
Gibraltar with movement=rolling boulder
Good boy
Proof fat man can do something
Can I 1v1 for a pc
Letsss goooooooooo
The goat🐐🐐
Will never understand how one can make gibs move like that
Dam the movement
Nice kills
FIrst, Actually first damm
22 seconds ago????
Nice , now you just made me wanna play this old character