New UPDATED TIER LIST for Season 17 – EVERY LEGEND RANKED – Apex Legends Guide


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Taqs:apex legends,apex legends guide,apex legends guides,apex legends new legends,apex legends guns tier list,apex legends tier list,apex season 16 tier list,apex legends new legends tier list,apex legends new tier list,apex legends best legends season 17,apex legends season 17 tier list,apex legends main legends,apex legends season 17,apex legends tier list season 17,apex legends tier list s17,apex legends s17 tier list,apex legends tier list legends,apex s17


  • コメント (134)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Cameron Wilda
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Octane could be a b tier tbh he can get good angles from behind etc. and rotate his team

    • Gaming Legends
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Is nobody gonna talk about octane?!?!

    • Charles Nelson
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I disagree with the pathfinder hit box being big

    • Philip Brackett
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Newcastle: always S tier, always the least picked legend

    • Manuel V.
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    As soon as I saw Mirage in D tier I started to laugh

    • Manuel V.
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Bro idk how you play, but you’re trippin balls

    • Jman .playit
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Fuse becomes an entirely different legend when paired with a Horizon. Giving him the ability to take height off the horizon Q makes his tactical so much stronger. The wombo combo of horizon ult + fuse ult kills teams and his ability to hold a lot of nades just provides the chefs kiss. Solo fuse is a bit meh, but once you attach yourself to the hip of a good horizon he can reach God tier levels.

    • aldelta19
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    What if you disagree with 90% of what this dude says?

    Lifeline needs a complete rework? Huh?

    • adrian Kelley
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I would put lifeline at b at least she has saved me and my team so many times

    • hfzl
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    if you good play gib bubble play Newcastle. he absolutely beast

    • Cordell Johnson
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    As a mirage/Gibby main I approve this video. 👍🏾

    • BallinTV
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    mirage invisible revive is clutch.. I find him being very fun to play in pubs

    • Negative72
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Mans acting like he knows what he’s talking about

    • Koi
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    can’t wait for me not to be a unique newcastle main anymore 🙁

    • lol no
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Been 1 tricking Vantage, i think shes the most underrated legend by far. The ping she gives is broken and her mobility is ridiculous. Shes a better Seer imo

    • spadesrose
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    U do know gibby is easily countered by seer now

    • PlatinumsGalaxy
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I main seer and when I saw the explanation I realized why I was doing so much better after the changes

    • Tha Finest G
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    lifeline tier D come on, useful leged, what are u talkin about

    • ChillAXE
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    next time i am buying newcastle

    • J T
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Seen Crypto placed anywhere from A tier to C tier. He’s very playstyle dependent.

    • David Phoenix
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Bloodhound is a “she” … smh

    • Franky2785
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    this was super helpful for choosing my next legend

    • WARRE7V
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Mirage doesn’t need a team lol instant sssssss tier

    • Adam Murnin
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Rampart will always be top teir in my eyes 🤣

    • Sith Shi
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I haven’t comment on these type of videos in a few seasons. But I breakdown how good a legend is from start to finish and abilities in and out of buildings.

    I’ll use my main Mirage because he’s misunderstood.

    Nothing hinders Mirage abilities in or out of buildings. Take Pathfinder abilities. Yeah he’s great web slinging outside but in a building he’s not been handicap. The opposite with Caustic.

    Another thing to think about is team interference. Crypto, Bangalore, Gibby ultimate came slow a teammate down. Bangalore and Caustic can block field of view.
    Gibby dome can block your one shot.

    There are a few factors that this video don’t talk about and over look.

    • Punyr
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Caustic in A tier has gotta be a joke💀

    • Señor gato 029
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Bro, I agree with seer, everyone said this was a nerf or he was gonna be gutted by these changes, I saw 30% faster activation and a 10 second silences as changes to his tac and I knew that he was still going to be incredibly good, the ult is lightly nerfed his passive is neither better nor worse and his tac is just better imo

    • Mark Yousif
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I really disagree with you about your valk opinion. The evac tower actually complements her ult because she can use her passive scan more now and her jet back is still the best passive in game her kit is definitely A tier

    • Alex Miller
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    It’s wild cause I’ve been playing Newcastle quite a bit recently. I watched a ton of tutorials on him and worked on all the skills and he is a crazy legend when you play him well. The other night I went from Gold II to Platinum in 5 games all as Newcastle. The ability to drop cover, revive teammates in the open and just let the sniper fire hit my shield is wild.

    Only thing I want is a way to turn off the lock-on his ultimate has. Jumping to teammates is usually the worst way to play him and it’s screwed up solid cover placement on a number of occasions.

    • HoodySaintz
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    BRO…your voice sounds so clear and smooth and clear and omg.. sorry. Just all god given talent…what recording sauce you got on them vocals?! love the videos man. all the best to you! ✌️❤️

    • Bryan
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Crypto should be S

    • IsaNotTwaimz
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    As a loba main, I’ve had so much fun this season and it’s true, she has been highly effective this season

    • Mr. Vegeta
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Wraith is not S tier 😂

    • Jon jonsson
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Fuse is gold in platinum as his knuckle buster as well as maggies drill shreds baloons

    • Chris Oriola
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Man’s decided to become Eminem real quick at the end there

    • Xbox Scarlett
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Cryptos ult turns fights around, crypto ash is insane, emp then ash sword onto them

    • Creatively Bankrupt
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Wraith may be s tier, but the mindset of 90% of her players is to run away at the first sign of trouble. Seldom are the days i find a decent wraith that sticks around for a fight, or better yet uses her portal to support the team and not just dip only to get chased down via the very same portal. Just saying, if i get an octane or wraith on the team i assume disadvantage.

    • Bryce
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I’m a Maggie main and the fact u have horizon lower ur crazy her hit box when she jump strafe is broken I have never seen so many players with 4k 20bombs with less 1k kills then this character. If u disagree ur a horizon main

    • Is-RoyalCommand
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I really think Mirage needs to be higher he is very good imo

    • Imthenewclassic
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Crypto being higher than Lifeline is WILD. The lifeline disrespect goes crazy💀

    • James Nicol
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is not S tier. His revive is good, his tac is ok but it’s not big enough for cover and doesn’t really move fast enough for urgent moments and his ult is easily countered by grenades and his hit box is too big. He is either a or b. I’d rather have lifelines res shield to revive me rather than a Newcastle res me because it has infinite health and she can fight the enemies off. Also lifeline is soooo not D tier she is B. If she had the shield back, she’s a or maybe s tier. I might be hated for this but Lifeline>Newcastle😂

    • La_Win69
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Why does your voice sound like its AI generated?

    • Not Applicable
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Not gonna lie, I miss the preface within the title that specifies whether the list is for solo queueing or team play. Great list, although I didn’t find out what kind of list this was until 13 minutes in a 14 minute video

    • Amjad Tebah
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I really want arenas back😢😢

    • Peso Edison
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I been maining loba since s6.. she was always low on these types of lists but now people see her usefulness.. i dont quite understand it cuz she aint really been touched in a while she literally the same person she always been

    • Cody Taylor
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    People dont wanna sit in the same spot in the campiest season yet where placement gets you the most points. Sir that statement doesnt make sense i beg to differ people are sitting more not pushing knocks like normal

    • iksdjvan100
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    literally the worst tier list i’ve ever seen.

    • Lu Kang
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Newcastle main on the way to solo queueing to Masters, and I have to say. Even in this new season, every time I see I’m on a team with Octane, Revenant, or Wraith, I know we’re probably going out in the bottom 10. I know folks think Ocatne has a “fun” kit but it does zero for helping the squad and his users are almost always selfish reckless players that compromise team success at every turn. Meanwhile Newcastle who is a better version of Gibby is probably still the least-picked legend lol smh

    • Meticulous Tech
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Lifeline on these tier videos is always the outlier, she’s either S or F depending on the content creator, never in between

    • Michael Delgado
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Catalyst is 1000% better than Watson and caustic

    • Drazagon Zero
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    That’s crazy. Anyways…
    REV GANG ON TOP 😈😈😈😈

    • Peruviantank
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Mirage not in top tier 😛🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 id solo queue to master on 3 accts with mirage and pathfinder. Glad they’ve moved mirage to support role character

    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Disagree with lifeline being a d tier no legend gets a quicker heal than her and she fits into every team

    • YaoMean787
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I am a bronze player (when I played a lot I got to plat) and I got my PR with Newcastle with only 11 kills (been playing less than a year so it’s good for my skill level) I like him a lot. My main was Valk bu5 lately with my friends I pick him instead

    • Typical Lew BTW
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Is this account owned by hiswattson or something? 😂

    • KingScrufflez
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Hope Ash one day gets a buff to her ult, does feel a bit clunky to use and it would be nice to have an extra 20 meters added if not more, better yet let her port into the air and get shot out of it like a mini gravity canon

    • Jonathan
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    id really like crypto to be buffed and valkyrie to be able to do walljumps

    • Nivad
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I was gonna say seer I’d not as strong as he use to be and definitely not better but then you said fighting wise and I have to agree nobody is a better 1 v1 or 1v2 or just completely singling so body out

    • Deadly Beaver
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    No way bro actually said “they” for bloodhound, everyone has a gender

    • zay
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Your wrong about lifeline…

    • Aubry Ferguson
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Are you fucking serious lifeline is the best of the supports new castle should not be that high she’s atleast b tier just like new castle should be

    • Penek
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    To be honest, his is first Tier list in my life i can agree with.

    • Alexander Rheus
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    i don’t understand why people say octane is a selfish legend?
    i mean his jump pad can be literally used by everyone till the end of the game…it’s so versatile and helpful for all ur teammates especially when u have non movement legends…
    it’s helped me so many times to escape with the whole team or to push someone. i am not saying he’s S tier just that he’s better than how he said said oct is selfish.

    All the movement legends have one ability for personal use and other for the whole team..then it’s fair to say that path & wraith are selfish too

    And he’s becomes a literal speed God if u learn all the movement mechanics….

    • Doc Graal
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Why does everyone say Wraith has a get out of jail free card like she will somehow teleport back to their teams

    • Nijale Hokage
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Lifeline is literally like b to a tier 😅 trip

    • BIIG 2O2
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Crypto extremely underrated

    • TheHeavySleeper
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Clearly hasn’t seen high level bamboozlers

    • XGein
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Funfact well Lifeline pickrate still bigger than newcastle, how ever lifeline care package still good for endzone in special case you doesn’t have wall for protect from get shot, not like newcastle walls, but yeah newcastle revive was crucial indeed, still the facts was newcastle win rate was really big compare to lifeline most support pick compared loba, gibby. but not many knows also.

    • psycho 007
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Seer tactical is an arc star basically, the slow effect is super strong opponents cant even turn around

    • avalentin763
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Lifeline doesn’t fit in any team comp.

    Tell me about those clutch doubler rez vs the last team .

    • Ash’s Data Knife
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    The only tierlist that we trust

    • Travis ( Do not suscribe go to tjstwocents)
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Loba is me other main as she allows we gear up early game, and move around quickly

    • Travis ( Do not suscribe go to tjstwocents)
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I like ballistic as he allows me to play Sniper, Flatline and a Gold SMG, but been having issues quick drawing to my main weapon when gold is done and going to sniper instead of flatline

    • b
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Never realized he ripped off the whiteboy7thst intro. Cornball

    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    U don’t even know how to play crypto
    U are one of the ones who just sit in a building and fly drone

    • awakxn
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    catalyst to low but other then that good list

    • Damien Mendoza
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    As a rev main i disagree it jus how you use him forsure could be better but i dont think hes useless

    • Klaus Jr.
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I’m not Newcastle main, he’s the most annoying support character to encounter.

    • iitzKilo
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Crypto is low A teir

    • Kyle Vanderwolf
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I usually try to play loba for versatility but for some reason I always do my highest games as wattson

    • Tylerman2400
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Really sucks to see Valk fall this far. Evac tower really ruined her tbh

    • Ruthless KMT Owner
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Main crypto i never understood how he always in such a low solo que rating

    • The Anime Shack
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Personally idk why we haven’t seen revenant in the meta with the buff to wraiths portal. Honestly it gets you from point a to b real fast and gets you a long distance it’s basically a better revtain combo and if you want to make sure no one comes through that portal you can use a control legend like wattson or catalyst to trap and slow down t he enemies who are dumb enough to try and take the portal

    • F0RZGaming
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I’ve been maining Lifeline since S5 and she’s been absolutely shitt since they took her res sheild cause people were crying about it.

    • Gumbolian
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    The real reason Bang has grown in popularity is because of her smokes removing aim assist. Before people picked up on it she was mid to low tier, and nothing about her kit had changed really aside from a small buff to her Ult.

    • Puzoni
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I main Ash and I understand why you put her at B. Imo, her passive is insane whether using it to 3rd party or stay away from teams or just general intel (and the data knife mark helps quickly knowing whether you’re safe to loot or not) and the snare stop bangs, paths and octanes from jumping away after losing a fight, I love the ult too, but I agree that placing it is very…. ‘strange’ sometimes XD

    • Carson Krause
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Life line is gas and has the best voice lines in the game. #islandgirlsdoitbetter

    • Joshua Kerimo
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Is vantage hitbox actually big? I saw on the Internet that she’s just a medium hitbox, like 90% of the cast. Is that wrong?

    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Crypto is 1000% secretly broken🤣 idk how many times teams thought just deathballing my building would work and if i wasnt playing crypto i wouldve died. I agree with most of the list but not cryptos placement

    • FastLifeTv
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I call him will smith but i dont play with any of the new legends like that because its too overwhelming, I have five heirlooms, 101 unopened apex packs…and i will probally purchase horizons heirloom tomorrow…but i play with wraith and valk and sometimes ill mess with another legend but mainly Renee or Kairi 🧚

    • itsZaque
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    All I’m saying is Loba better be S tier

    • Jimmy Tingle
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Lifeline and Octane that low is a huge miss. I would put both in A, certainly above the control legends.

    • Rehu
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    What about octanes jump pad for rotational purposes? or even to get you the advantage on a fight

    • Addi on Acid
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Catalyst and horizon are both s

    • Nakajx
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Valkyrie should definitely be A tier! The number of times I was able safely rotate my team over tall mountains is crazy

    • Toto
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Oh great now there are gonna be more loba users to stop me from using her 😭😭

    • Concept Dom
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    As a bang main I’m so happy to see her really making her way into the higher tier !

    • Derick Dodson
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I think a Mirage should clone teammates and himself for ult. I have 10,000. My main before Maggie. Chaos

    • Thegamingdragon
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    i use rev and i dominate by using mastiff and r-301

    • Nighthawk Viper
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    1:14 Another thing why are you mupps talking about Revenant Reborn when that’s more than likely a Halloween Skin/Mythic/Heirloom Microtransaction Event coming in late October? 😂

    • Nighthawk Viper
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Valk, Path, Horizon, Newcastle, And Crypto can be considered S-Tier for this Split due to Broken Moon and Storm Point being on rotation. Prowler, Flatline, Nemesis, Bocek, and Kraber are S-Tier Weapons on this split too.

    You can make any legend work, but this season’s SBMM is as bad as it’s ever been so I’d say any random on Solo Q who can display minimal efforts with teamwork will make ANY legend S-Tier.

    • Logan Michael
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Siv in that Bangalore clip was probably crying to teammates for help when his health was low🤣

    • Tyrell Turner
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    This is the worst Teir list I’ve seen in a long time

    This guy put BLOODHOUND in the same Tier as Catalyst and Horizon?

    He put Wraith above Seer?

    Octain above Lifeline?

    I feel like we aren’t even playing the same game

    • Zero Seven Forty Seven Sixty Nine
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I disagree with ur list. lifeline in the last tier.. bro what are you smoking? parsley?

    • CaptainGuigz
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Really good tierlist overall. As usual, great job dude. +1 for magie and newcastle, totally on the same page.
    But (there is always a but) i would put lifleline above octane because who wants an octane on his team ? Who wants a lifeline ? Ez answer.
    Seer is not “secretly” op, just op 😂, and wraith i dont understand why people still put her in s-tier when u litteraly have 10 people on earth who uses her decently, the rest is dogshit with this legend because her kit is (in my opinion of course) totally outdated and most of the time useless

    • Scott Shannon
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Maggie is nuts

    • Fatkidgames
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I can say I been maining some lifeline for good while (when I do play and if I don’t get shoved maggie instead) … she at least a C if you play her right because dam the amount of times I’m pulling off revives under some dumbasses nose after one my teammates send it a little too hard (after the mid season at least) is insane and I’ve definitely seen some bounce back moments.

    Kit definitely do need some sweet sweet lovin given to it because yeah its dam hard running around every 5s trying pick people up and defending them I wish Newcastle didn’t basically steal her sheild. yes removed way before but the combat revive from Newcastle is basically the old old revive where she got the shield but it wasn’t from D.O.C revive you were still manually reviving but D.O.C provided a sheild

    • Tobbles
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Do you like HisWattson?

    • WaxedEarth
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Been main’ing Newcastle since S14. His explosive play potential is what makes him so fun. He just needs a couple more gas skins.

    Also noticing more people picking him lately 👍

    • Knight Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    This was excellent. I never agree with every placement in these types of videos (I’d put lifeline a bit higher), but in this case, you nailed it.

    • shocker_103
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Horizon still needs a nerf

    • Hunter Miller
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Pretty decent tier list. 👍

    • Jay Blanco
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Idc at this point Lifeline needs her fast item use back..🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

    • capybara441
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    nnot trying to hate or sum but this tier list is rather bad than good

    • Watch With Me
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    You shouldn’t be talking on behalf of console players as a pc guy 😂

    • LeekoShootin-
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Gibby In A tier is crazy. I think I see more revs than him now days 🤣🤣🤣

    • Brian F, It
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Is this soofar

    • Kristian Chipchev
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Good to see people giving Maggie recognition. She’s like a more aggressive Bangalore. Don’t know why her playrate is so low.

    • AUTKai
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    tell me you dont know what you are talking about without telling me you dont know what you are talking about

    • рост和平
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Lifeline and crypto is underrated af

    • PyresPT
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is the best legend in the game, change my opinion

    • Barn Owl
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    I just play wattson she is my s tier legend.

    • AtticAnarchy
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Finally someone puts Newcastle in a spot where he belongs

    • Trey Thompson
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    when did catalyst only get two door blocks???

    • JasonAderson Wedion
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Funny cause I never EVER see Newcastle in Apex maybe 🤔 he is good on pc but on console he is nonexistent

    • JasonAderson Wedion
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Seer feels more like an assault legend
    Lifeline is easily B
    Revenant tactical is so good
    Mirage is the best legend when you 1vs1 almost all the time people will fall for decoys

    • E. Nigma
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Ill never understand certain legends being over and under rated…Bloodhound is awful now and Fuse is massively underrated

    • Steam
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    As a newcastle main, I approve

    • K1NG_of_ReVeNGe
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Pathfinder is my main in this season and thats for a reason. Never really played him much because he got overshadowed imo but after the buff last (?) Season, bro is amazing

    • Ed
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm


    • Chrismin
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Is the secretly broken tier an A+ tier or no

    • Stu Wilkins
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    nar lifeline still so good to have on a team

    • Winterzz お
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm


    • Taha Altamro
    • 2023年 7月 03日 8:45pm

    Love the content man