101 Apex Legends Tips and Tricks – LEARN EVERYTHING
In this video I compiled over 100 Tips & Tricks in Apex Legends so you be the best player possible!
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Taqs:esidi,esidi apex,apex,apex legends,apex tips,apex legends tips,apex legends tips and tricks,100 apex tips,100 apex legends tips,best apex tips,best apex legends tips,improve,improve apex,improve apex legends,how to improve,how to get better,how to get better at apex,how to get better at apex legends,apex legends secret tips
コメント (184)
What’s your highest damage game so far in Apex Legends?
When I was playing with random, pinging the enemies just simply make them go rage😂
the main tip “play on control”
For #92 I think they changed it because in the clip your damage never went up
70% sure you shouldn’t jitter aim by tensing your arm unless you want long term problems
I have question, if use low sensitivity, is that will hard to turn around with low sensitivity? I look on another channel youtube that he use high sensitivity
Nerf Fuse
Oh so if we’re on console we have 0 movement?
Buff fuse
Thx for the vid
Buff fuse
Buff fuse
I’ve learned when solo queuing that if you have a mic but your teammates don’t it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still talk. I’ll make casual callouts bc I know they’re listening. Sometimes ppl just don’t want to talk but they do listen. Ask for weapons, callous enemies, etc.
16:19 or you can go to setings
coming from a multi diamond-pred i ain’t know some of these ngl 😭
Joe Biden lol
Buff fuse
So funny a soft cheater controller tells me to master my aim.
Been an ash main for like a bit over a year and a half, happy to see a tip on her ult that I never knew about, I appreciate it and love seeing stuff on ash 🙏🏻
hey it was a really great video , I just have to add one if u don’t mind… Train your eyes to see every bit of cover in every situation… even when youre not in a fight move around by covers (cover to cover) this will improve your game trust me
Buff Fuse (Don’t do it Apex)
This man really said buff fuse. Hes a sleeper pick and hes great.
Something I don’t think was mentioned is that if you and an enemy are opening a box at the same time, the person that opens the box will always pick up the items after the person waiting. Not sure why this is a thing but it used to always affect me but now I always win those
Buff fuse
Buff fuze
end of the vid : “let me know, if u learned anything new” me : ” i ‘ve learned 100 new things” lol
Man U brought back a memory talking a bout weapon mastery system n pulled up a bo2 pic of the camo grind . Good o days
Buff Fuze ❤
I already knew many things (I’m still trash at the game)
Nice. Theres atleast less than 10 that i dont know about. Few things about horizon is that you can get on the lift 2 to 4 times depending on how you are gonna juke them and make it to your advantage. And you can walk through the q for a few seconds after just “touching” the lift and get through doors. Situational👌🏻
Buff Fuse
Your tips are like , when you see a tiger run
Buff mirage forget fuse lol
buff fuse
Buff Fuse
Buff Fuss!
the teaming up with the new play thing is definitely a good point as when I was doing a orientation match with a new friend I got to cocky and went off on my own and died fighting the bots, at least I was kill leader for most of the time.
buff fuse
i dont understand why a path should not scan the carepackage.. didn’t get the point. can someone explain please?
13:50, you can hold the ping button, and go with it to find the item, the line will also move so its much easier
I feel like a good buff for fuse would be able to shot his knuckle cluster, while shooting your gun or while aiming. Like the same thing you can do with mad Maggie.
you can literally turn 3rd person on in the shooting range settings
Ngl I started playing fuse last year he’s actually really good just gotta know how to use his abilities
buff fuse great video this will really help esidi
buff fuse
Buff fuse
This was great, but you’re missing one tip! When shooting at flyers, instead of dumping an entire mag into them, hit them ONCE, wait for their wings to flap THREE times and shoot them ONE more time and the box will drop! There’s no need to dump mags and make so much noise! I’ve been using this one for forever and teach all of my friends it.
This video was excellent, well done!
Wow silxnse thnx for the great guide
1:10 for me
Buff Fusee
Now i wanna play with you teach me senpai 😂
Tip one 1) broken roller aim assist
I remeber swing that loba bm tip and I show it to my friend who is also a loba main and he was shock about it cause he never knew u can do that and now me and him use it a lot to find out attachements
buff fuse
Buff fuse
Any tips for playing on high ping? Here in South Africa we don’t have local server and have to play on EU with 180 – 200+ ms
The flatline/301 single fire tip is inaccurate. You can 100% fire fasting in semi than full auto if your trigger finger is good enough. It’s just impractical in most cases.
Esidi that’s a cool name bro where’s that from originally?
this dude is single handedly ruining controller players’ careers
Buff Fuse
Why did you have to give up the tree spots on kings canyon 😩
What legend should i main
Buff Fuse please
Buff fuse!
3:09 also you can do it with Vantage Ult
🔥 video
buff fuse
I hate fuse so i will not say buff fuse
I used to be a fuse main, moved to rampart, then vantage. Fuse’s tac is really good, his passive is okay, but it feels lackluster since stacking grenades used to be a base feature, and his ult never works, half the roster has some kind of movement ability to get them or their whole team out, another thing is the noise and notification play before the ult lands, giving you time to escape, and if it hits you while it’s falling, you only take like 5 damage.
Buff Fuse
Buff fuse
buff fuse
I wouldnt recommend tip 20. Cause u cant Tap Strafe/Jump. And u absolutely need it!
Where’s the guy to put time stamps
I agree with everything you say about one thing, fuse is definitely 1ofthebestlegends…
Tip 30: I’ve used max alc sens 500 500 for nearly 2 years now and a couple of months ago i switched to 4 3 linear. All I can say is that feeling smoother, being able to look around faster, and having good movement means absolutely nothing when compared to aim. My aiming got a lot better, consistent, and required less effort to put in the same damage and I’ve dropped a lot of 4k and 5k/18 kill games this season
actually you can toogle 3rd personne mode from the settings of the firing range
Buff fuse
Is anyone having trouble getting Kills / damage this season. Ranked is fucked, I’ve hit masters without ratting, but it still felt too easy, I really don’t belong in masters. Pubs is so boring and hard to get damage because everyone dies so quickly,
9:20 bro not cool ea banned me for 7 days
Buff fuse
Great tips
You can go 3 person in the arena settings
Am i the only one who use crouch with toggle?
Can u make a horizon guide
u can turn on 3rd person in the reange setts
a fuse main here, appreciated the ‘buff fuse’. he really needs to be acknowledged by how annoying his grenades can be
Actually love the vid and the aspect that you’re taking m/k and controller into consideration. But I feel like binding scroll wheel to interact will just eliminate so much movement abilities like tapstrafing and/or bunnyhopping zipline super jumps etc
Buff fuse
All of these are actually so useful good shi
Buff fuse
The pathfinder one as a path main it’s annoying wen teamates look at care package
16:19 there is a 3rd person option built into the firing range settings now
buff fuse
3rd person loba
Dont bind interact on scrollwheel, and also pathfinder can put his ult little bit higher on the baloon and you will fly instantly
you can go into third person mode in range settings
tip 1: play controller
Get a life and go outside nerd
Tip#1:learn how to play on controller, outro.
I don’t know if he said this, but, if your a lifeline you can give your teammate a little more protection by throwing a grenade on them while they are being revived.
Is it really necessary to BUFF FUSE tho
The only tips is using controller
Solid video man. Thanks!
Amazing video, great tips!
Not sure if anyone else said this, but as of like a few days ago, you can use 3rd person mode in settings ( to toggle on and off ) and its eaiser than #97, although #97 still works
Buff Fuse
14:20 #85 ballistic ult only improves the *armed* movement speed (the octane isnt armed) and last time i checked it did not stack with octane q.
buff mirage
9:51 we’ll that explains why I can’t hit sniper shots 😅
3:54 if ur on mnk DO NOT do this! Bind scroll with up to the second forward input so u can tap strafe and bind scroll down do jump so super jumps are easier
you need one tip… dont play this game.
I thought there’s not much to learn for someone who has 4000 hours in the game. But there is so much value in here. Thanks for compacting it into 16 minutes!
Esidi, my friend has you added . Is there a tiny possibility we can play? His user is gyroTRIPPIN16. LOVE YOUR VIDS BTW
11:41 😂
For third person mode, there’s a option for it in the firing range settings
For 3rd person mode there is a option idk if it’s on mnk but on controller there is
I think my game sense and movement is great, i just need good aim
As someone with over 5000 hours game time I can confirm that these are some very good tips. Nice job!
Buff fuse
you don’t need no tips man, just buy yourself a used ps4 controller, plug that in and let it rip, you instantly hit masters in like a week
For #97 with the latest update they made it to where you can turn on 3rd person mode from the firing range customization settings
may sound stupid but how do you control the r99 and volt that good? gotta relearn it becuase had a issue with my hand
buff fuse
16:17 or just enable 3rd person in range settings
I hit subscribe … with tips like that im hoping you can teach me how to aim.
A fuse buff would be nice
Thanks for the tip
I never actually play the game but might be usefull when i want to give tip for friend that play
3:08 Vantage’s ult can open doors too
top tip—-> get a roller and u will get aimbot.
Tips 102 don’t use MnK, just use f*king controller.
good stuff g
It was fuck fuse you said I should type in the comments right 😂
Use a controller. You’re weclome. Literally none of the other tips matter, just cheat like everyone else 🙂
I found that taking a break for a while and playing different game actually made me better
I really appreciate taking your time and give new players (me included) over 100 tips and tricks. Thank you Esidi
right to the point.
liked + subbed.
Buff fuse
Buff fuse
97: There’s an option in the firing range to go into third person now
They really must buff fuse bc if his q stock on you all what you have to do is run and it will get out of you
79 you need streamer mode to see
#91 has killed me more than any other tip. Always assume people will make the dumbest decisions because they, when in doubt, will.
Bonus points for if your teammates also make stupid decisions that get you killed
Tip #1: Use a controller.
How about a tip to not get dorks on a team
The most important feature, just buy a controller.
you talk about aim when you use aim assist does not make any sense
And extra advice, You can reduce the wraith portal whit the octane pad too
Another tips
1 buy next gen consoles
2 strike packs
3 always play with friends ( matchmaking is cancer)
4 delete the game let’s face it it’s trash now and respawn gave up
I actually have only 100 kills with Ash ( I’m getting all Legends to 1k for no reason) and was just about to start her grind, so that early tip on how to destroy my portal is an into nugget imma tuck away for later. The only other tip I didn’t know was blocking a Gibby ULT with ballon, the rest I knew.
Buff fuse
Fun fact (and I still think that this is funny)
The Mozambique is Fully automatic, so think of it as a funky full auto wingman
*this is further proven during the trial 2 Mozambique challenge, the name of the challenge is call “It’s Full auto!?”*
Buff fuse
Buff fuse
8:15 lmao you killed texcalon
Buff fuse 🎩
why would you set interact to scroll wheel? that will remove your ability to tapstrafe
when they are what Mr. Esidi?? 11:27
buff fuse
Buff Fuse, nerf wraith
Pick up items to scroll wheel?
How can I do movement now
This helped trying to improve fast Ty BUFF FUSE
this is awesome man.
Buff fuse there I said it😂
buff fuse
Great ✨✨ ♫♪♫♪
Buff fuse 👌👌
I knew all of them so i think I’m at least doing the right thing
Fyi there’s a 3rd person view option in your firing range settings..
Buff Fuse?
Ayeeee Esidi, love your vids.
I was thrilled to see a new 100 tips video about Apex since all the new changes/updates
Thanks for the video) I’ve been playing this game for a long time but I didn’t know some things from this video
istg I’m hoppin in back in like a pro 😭😭
Thanks very much !! I will try all this tomorrow
This helped a lot man, ty 🔥
Yes sure compadre!