Apex Legends Season 17 Arsenal
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,wraith,buff,apex legends new event,aceu,apex legends aresenal,apex legends season 17,apex legends season 17 arsenal,arsenal,firing range,firing range update,unlocking,unlock,new skin release,leak,horizon,horizon heirloom,Horizon Heirloom,horizon new heirloom,Kill Collection Event,Horizon’s Gravity Maw Heirloom,Gravity Maw,horizon’s heirloom,collection event,rank 1 wraith,rank #1 wraith
コメント (270)
Faide on two krabers: whataaaaaaaa
Now i understand why i’m shit in this game 😂😂
Whats ur pc specs please
@Faide – That Bangalore 8:59 was Diegosaurs
He screens like a little girl
Whys doesn’t he play ranked
This clown is hilarious. Constantly mocking people who are probably about 7 year old. Must make him feel real tough 🤦🏻♂️
Screams like he’s in the middle of his balls are dropping. Guy probably spends 20 hours a day in the dark on this game. So cool.
Popped that boi like he ah silly niggy
Pop stumping as usual
Bro the double kraber😂
If I came across someone playing like this, think I’d just go find another team to fight lol.
2:28 That one caveman trying to warn his tribe about the tiger (but language hasn’t been invented yet). (Fr though this man is insane. Crazy respect).
What in the actual fuck am i witnessing? This isn’t a person. This is a machine.
bro didn’t tell him he loved him back😭💔 17:08
Faide you are amazing❤ But what is your favorite wraith skin i think you left some hints but it would be nice to know the whole thing
I wannna learn how to mantle jump like that so bad
Say love you too bro!
I can’t…. Like….. wow
faide why don’t you use the season 5 (i think) tier 100 or 110 wingman skin? i’ve always wondered
Love your streams and I love your yt vids🩷
bruh i watch all the mled vids cause they’re amazing. Just fucking upload 2 vids instead on 1. 1 serious and one where you scream and gremlin you way through a match. $$$$$
Why won’t you teach me your ways damn you!!!!!!! Such a selfish slootsmcgee
Holy bot😂😂😂
If you believe this hack has that many kills legitimately… Then I have a bridge in San Fran that I need to sell ya.
What zipline player looks like…
bro sped it up XD
Man really thought having two Krabers would boost his power levels.
When was the last time you were outside
5:00 literally came in my pants
In faide we trust🧎🏽♀️🙏🏽
hes been on more often
You know the games gonna be good if he gets a mastiff
My Uncle plays apex and he says he has a friend who plays like that he said which im lost but your insane just doing 360s for no reason to flex whats the sensitivity your wild nice
Hey faide, question, what if you did a challenge on a diff acc grinding to 10k kills on every legend?
❤keep doing what u do best king❤
If you just put Free Bird behind your videos, you’d get so many more views
I need to know faide’s win/lose ratio
That arc star was filthy 1:44
Imma say this again how tf do these guys play this well listening to fucking music I can barley play w game audio all the way up and I can’t hear em let alone music in my ear
How many hours total do you have in apex?
faide talking normally to a rando???? so out of character……
8:40 that crypto got saved by the game, those were some nasty no regs
Next name suggestion: GrandmasLoveSeatTTV
Bruh a Vantage character carrying 2 krabers plus full ult is crazy wild
Every video he starts in the same place…bit repetitive now bro
6:12 that vantages boxes has to be some of the funniest shit i’ve seen. 😂
Hey does anyone know how to launch in the air like he does after grabbing a ledge or the rope? He literally launches super high and I need to learn that. Is that a M and K thing or can you do that on controller? (Controller player here). This is my first time watching faide actually found him because of lamic999
6:10 that double Kraber on vantage is a menace to society holy shit
Faide ALWAYS screams when he gets third partyed
Faide never disappoints when he solos a team based battleground 🔥🔥
Do u not play ranked because there are no ziplines?
I am always so impresed by your game play. Keep up the the good work
faide can you do a video with the controller a gameplay if you want,its a idea
Bot loby second monitor 🤮🤮🤮
Insane movement
The “why do I do this” and “I know why we’re losing” voice lines need to swap places. It would still make sense.
Bro sounds like a fucking monkey when someone cracks him
have i seen you somewhere
Bro how tf did you get 50k more you just got 100k
Faide likes weiners in his mouth 16:58
7:54 this made me finish. Thank you faide
Day 3 of asking faide for a hand can vid
“What is bro doi….”
(Sees two krabers on death box)
я лучше играю!
What u think is better og or recolour faide
2:28 new scream unlocked 🔑
Now why was that vantage running around with 2 krabers 😭😭😭
8:51 how ????? just how ???
Two days you posted, that you have 110,000 and now you have 150,000 😮🙏
bro drop a killing twitch streamers that is so fun to watch pls
actually unreal ggs
also tell me what is your favorite AR, and Shotgun
that movement speed👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Bro, faide you are a fickin demigon in Apex every time I watch you I feel like i do the entire lobby like how you do
i love u💔
Failed chil
Some more motivation for me to go die 10000 times 😂
faide is just goated tho ngl
i never manage to learn the mantle jump, feeling dumb
Almost 1M!
faide you still inspiring me after 2 years, crazy how you’re still improving🫶
this guy is absolutely cracked 🤓
watches fiade play then hopes on Apex hoping for a 5 kill win 0-o 😀
Not gonna lie its like you’re posting the same video over and over again. Same locations, same movement, same kills. Too reptitive and boring now to finish the video.
Nah you actually keep getting better and the start of this video just proves it not one mistake made 😭
My fav part is when faide said “faidin time” and he faided all those nubs. Truly a apex moment.😮
I’ve had a team play caustic/catalyst, wattson just sitting in monument not moving AT ALL before I don’t get how ppl play like that
Movement is crazy
Before the class update I was a scout player with pathfinder as my main the only assault legend I played was octane and I have 250,000 kills with him while my pathfinder has 570,000
Is this Tokyo server?
Dont let that caustic get the best of you lol
Not the way he said “ew” about the guy playing the zip the exact same way he does 😭😭
🆕 legend name Conduit is coming in next season 🎉
You clapping that drone up in the beginning made me laugh so hard w
Hey faide I just started playing apex recently and i am AMAZED by this gnarly movement of yours.. Can you release a video soon on your movement maybe a trick and tips vid?
Faide you ok?
Playing too much apex, wink if they make you play it
16:14 the inspect tho
Dude, thanks for inspiring me to play apex again
and then there is me with like 2.5k kills overall
no way this guy plays on the same zipline for months and call caustic players cringe lmao
We need faide scream compilation
someone knows faide’s reticle color?
bro i just went to your channel to watch more vids and it unsubscribed me
You sound so annoying 😂 sorry not sorry
Bruh how you hit that Bang through smoke? No visuals. Just direct 90 dmg through smoke. Make sense please
“EWW THIRD PARTY EW”….. only him and one squad 😂😭👍🏽
that vantage was on a mission
That first crypto didn’t “see” that coming 😂🤣
How the hell you know where to hit the enemy in the smoke. I can’t even see 8:52
What happend when You not play this… Male the BEST player… All games
I’m Japanese、Ilike Faide👍
I love how the player who left at 0:37 is called disconnected player.
Touch grass
*loots deathbox* finds 2 krabers
Faide : WHAT THE
That Caustic kill was so satisfying 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌
You can show all your settings?
You are number #1 in Apex! With Love from Honolulu 😅😊
I just started watching you and you made me wanna play apex more so thanks and keep grinding apex❤️
best solo player ever🗣️🗣️
C’est incroyable je m’en lasse jamais 💥💪
Faide!! pls do double Pk vid!! ur insane btw, keep it up)
Obvious wingman & mastif, choice weapons for aimbot.
Faide made any lobby look easy 💀
Is he playing on stretch res? it looks very slight especially where squads remaining and kills show in the top right corner
This is just unfair
You know I’m surprised that the Pathfinder stuck around
Lifeline not ressing was typical 😂
Love u vids Faide I’m a big fan..ur movement is very satisfying❤❤❤#Movementgod
A vantage with 2 krabers is such a vantage thing to see
EA need not nerf guns or Apex legends but Faide but they can’t . GG
Love to see how your channel has grown, big ups to you, faide🎉
Can u put a clip of you dying? Beacause I feel like your death is a pray to rngesus event
3 kraber’s in one game, that’s honestly insane
I wanna see more ranked games…you definitely be locked in then…
I can already see him surpassing Kisara777(current #1 Wraith with 200k plus kills)
It felt like I just watched your 110k video a week ago ur literally the unit
that squad wipe at the beginning was so insane gave me a headache tryin to keep up with the movement i can only imagine how they felt 😂😂😂
How you do the last shot? 😮 Love the kraber shots ❤
He is not insane he is him
you are incomparable! You are my favorite apex players ! I can watch your videos for 24 hours
How does blud have 2 krabers?
can u unban me on twitch man
That octane 😂😂
On another level
14:16 now i can tell that i can play like faide
Whaat Tha !!! 🤯🤯
Need another killing twitch streamers
Man.. I’m a newbie, but you’ve already taught me a lot. Even though I’m still a noob, your advice always helps me. I try your tricks on my streams and all these things make the game much more fun. Huge THANKS for everything! <3
Hey man i don’t know you well but from what I’ve seen you look like a good guy. Just wanted to say I look up to you as a person and hope you succeed in life, thanks for entertaining us faide 🙂
Bro what fov are going
The uploads are so consistent
wen 4k60fps
5:24 this fight was absolutely scuffed from beginning to end lmfao
Ive been playing sense season 0 and i only have 6100+ kills on wraith and shes my main ☠️☠️ just shows what dedication can get you i barely play apex but still a pred so its not cause i dont drop kills my kd is 1.8 im just not as dedicated as faide 😭 i can fathom having even 50k kills
Perfect video to watch at 4 in the morning now ima sleep good 🖤
Nah that Vantage with the two Krabers idk what she was thinking😂
I luv faide i inspire to be like him
absolutely demolishes 3 squads and fourth third parties
faide“ WHY ARE YOU THERE!!!!”
Faide is a GOD of movement! THANK YOU
I think it’s surprising how everytime faide plays with teammates they always end up leaving because they died💀
bro wasn’t you on 110k kills 5 days ago 💀?
Bro’s really playing 24/7
The best apex player after aceu
love from india, keep doing the work………. <3
Your sleep schedule might be as bad as mine my dude. Love the swag.
I don’t know what I’m doing at 3 in the morning, I already know being happy watching videos of faide <3
My dungarees get tight every time Faide uploads
Bro I was just about to go to sleep then faide uploaded
F in chat fr his little brother
just got finished wit vid it nice very nice keep it up
Faide do you ever smell your toe nails juices
watching faide slap kids instead of doing work at work is tight
Daddy Faide
when your apart of the 150,000
3:02 ommggg
Bro was born to be a movement player
didnt bro have 100000 kills a month ago
6:11 bro really had two krabers plus vantage ult sniper lol
Am i the only one who noticed the guy named “the knights of the ku klux klan” in the killfeed at 10:00 ?
favorite apex streamer
How do you get 40k kills more in 5 days😂
The guy with two krabers took me out 😂😂
5:44 bro didn’t tell grimace happy birthday
i screamed with him when he tried to pop that bat and fall down 🤣🤣
You good boy 🤓
I need help breaking 2k kills on horizon how do you do this bru
Can you do a pathfinder video fam 🙏
do u edit your own videos?
3:38 is a absolute cinematic masterpiece🫣
god damn as soon as i make my coffee a new faide upload like it was timed
Omg 🎉
Dang so this isn’t a fave reveal
Why is he up 5 in the morning? 😂Seriously tho love ur content man keep up the good work.❤️
There is a skinless body behind the dominos I work at.
I was literally watching a old faide video from 3 years ago right before he uploaded this, man the difference in the movement is HUGE, also damn he’s BEEN loyal to that final sunset skin 😂
Early gang
I haven’t even watched it yet I know it’s a banger?!
Bro it’s 3:00 am, plz stop. I can’t keep up with these vids
good boy!
Love your videos” WHY ARE YOU THEREEEE
I will never get bored watching this legend’s videos
Faiiiiideee all i do is play apex watch you and work give me your attention sir
How you get 50k more kills in 2 months 😭 your actually insane 😭🙏🏾
Love u bro !
Faide yppoooo
Bro is cracked at apex
ew 150,000 kills. bro chill
Love watching faide literally dominate the lobby 💪🏾
Wraith on the intro tried to change her mind💀
nice video
u were saying u had 110,000 kills 5 days ago how u already got +40k more🤣
El oh el
Daddy hiiii say hiiii son back or ima come to your house 👽
Love the content Faide the videos is already a banger and I’m watching the ads rn 😂 still want that 1v1 though 👀
W pin am I right? 🙃
bro on his grind posting at 5 am👌🏽
My boi Faide
First one here
The 👑 of movement 🔥
Yeppp im first !
Omg first I’m here!!!!!
Daily uploads go crazy ✅
So unique movement
Get to a million subs already
I quit apex a while ago
I am the first
Just made a coffee to start the day. And faide uploads. Perfect start to my morning
wg bro how you doing
Does the goat 🐐 respond?
wake up babe, faide just dropped
W faide 🐐
like my comment faide
Love you Faide, you’re just on another level!
The best of the best
The king