The Most Satisfying Movement in Apex Legends
Satisfying Movement Games
Apex Legends Season 17 Arsenal
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Tweets by WlnterSkys
#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,wraith,buff,apex legends new event,aceu,apex legends aresenal,apex legends season 17,apex legends season 17 arsenal,arsenal,firing range,firing range update,unlocking,unlock,new skin release,leak,horizon,horizon heirloom,Horizon Heirloom,horizon new heirloom,Kill Collection Event,Horizon’s Gravity Maw Heirloom,horizon’s heirloom,collection event,rank 1 wraith,rank #1 wraith,satisfying
コメント (153)
9:05 Pathfinder jumpscare
Can you do a sentinel match for us love to see you rock a sniper for a whole match
faide broooo i love u god dammnneeeddd
Goat Apex ☠️
Cuando juegas un duo con aceu???
faide can I get a unban on twitch I said hi in chat and then a few seconds later I was banned from you chat pls
I know I complaina bout the video quality a lot but I am absolutely loving the daily uploads
I feel so blessed to have seen the 2nd gameplay live on his twitch cuz getting that kraber clip FTW as NICE (deadii – 19:01)
GOD I miss Faide’s shenanigans in construction. It’s just a different class of aim and movement.
I was more focused on the people in chat talking about chip flavors😂
Faide basically taught me not to chase after ppl on a zip bc i refuse to be somebody’s clip 🤣🤣🤣
AiM aSsIsT iS tOo Op zzzzzz
Bro you so good at apex you might need this last piece of land grass more than me
Today I got into a bot&controller lobby and my teammates called me cheater for the way I moved… The classes with Faide are working. 🙂
Hey Faide, I’d love a tutorial on mantle jump. I know there’s tons online already but I can’t seem to find one that explains it really clearly, I’m not consistent yet :).
Yess Show chat more, I like reading the comments 😙
Daddy faide
Faide on a zip line your death meat
you crazy guy you
pk or masstif ?????🤔
1M subs guys let’s go!!!
faide u well on ur way to 1mil u deserve it king👑👑💯💯
I think we all would love to see another movement guide, your techniques have evolved a lot since the last one.
What PK skin is that?
false really bullied that last team 😭😭
16:16 hilarious 😂😂😂
The second best player I ever saw 💪🏼💪🏼
Every night, you end it off with a banger.
I will say after this seer buff somebody in the dev team gotta be drug tested
Yo faide is a god 🤣🤣🤣 the intro was awesome
unironically my favorite thing is faide calling people weird when this guy is literally flying legally.
You lowered you sens? Or the tracking just getting smoother
The chatter saying “I take back and apologize for everything I said” immediately after the wall bounce hip fire shot for the W 😂😂😂😂
Faide do you sleep? Every time I check Id there’s a video . There is always one
Yooo daily faide post making the world go around
i wanna see a vid with you, itemps and soxfar in trios… would be a dream
Nah bro I’d be mad as hell if I was that caustic 💀😂 placed all them traps for nun to go off
Lemme go to sleep Faide😭😭
Enemy: exists
The seer buff is so dumb.
this guy has no chill
use kraber like a peacekeaper
we all heckin love faide fr
Day 1 of asking faide to use Bangalore
Heree you goooo
16:15 i thinki see what he means lol
Hey bro love the game plays almost at Mill ❤
Faide why don’t you compete in tournaments?
The kraber shot are insane bro
The apex legend
Beware. This flying cockroach kidnap people 😂
elite gaming
*911 what’s your emergency? “Hi, yes, I just witnessed a kidnapping.”
If I was half as good as fade I might actually enjoy the game 😅 gg man always love seeing and upload from you I know I’m always gonna be in for a banger!
imagine faide on some pre work out
Title: most satisfying movement
ME: hmm makes sense.
Love it.
The pk shots at the beginning was so so nasty
So clean
Faide making it look easy is why I strive to get better
The way you did that horizon at 5:48 😫😫😫
Is this the new epic wraith skin from the event? (In the first clip)
How can I send you a clip faide , you taught me well with wraith
4:38 that jump was amazing how in tf do you do that??
Love it when I can’t sleep and faide posts 🎉❤
faide you are so insipiring to me im about to start posting and streaming on my new pc if you can keep this up ill make it in no time.
Hey bro just gotta say sorry for my team killing you when you were crafting you were shitting on us in streamer building the other day and we 3 2 1 you on crafter once I saw jawcrusher i knew it was you lmao these videos don’t do you justice you are fucking cracked
Faide next time you play with tiff u should troll her
I’m not idolizing you man, but your gameplay is never boring. We are blessed
Yo faide we need a handcam vid pls
I remember when this game was gonna be about Titanfall
I Can’t Watch Anyone Else Anymore 🫀⏩
Faide always being a W🔥
U are Not real
Not playing Apex but like watching Faide 😁
You Know Ima Be Here For The Content As Always, Insane Movement As Usual, I Cant Wait Till You Scream You’re Way Into 1M Subs 😭🙏🏽
у меня фпс под 300 но плавсноти как у него нету ,как ее сделать то
faide is just on another lvl and its crazy
i love faide
I ❤ faide
too many comments ارحبو يالعرب
4:10 So they really haven’t fixed the bug of wraith getting damage in tactical phase…
fav youtuber
Faide the best player in apex legends love u fade
bros just god tier
Faide putting in more work than a single father of 3
this is such a banger video bro!(i barely clicked on it)
Tha goat💯💯🐐🐐
Just got my knife for wraith tonight was pumped gonna watch this then go die 100 times 🫡
Faide to end the night
Movement going crazy 😩
Love faide videos 🇱🇰
Babe wake up, faide posted
bro thinks he’s Faide🫵🏽💀
Love the grind, bro Is uploading while streaming
Can you give me tio on how to play like you
I think we can all unanimously agree that when faide uploads, it’s gonna be a banger🔥✨
Thanks for uploading I had nothing to watch.
only apex player i watch only playstyle thats watchable lmao
Hi faide
Let go
And what’s the secret of this amazing player to have the best movement out there?
A. Practicing 12 hours per day?
B. Watching tutorials on youtube
C. Screaming and yelling every time he encounters a team.
Ur answer right below fellas
Faide really kidnapped that player 💀
Just in time daddy 🐐
His movement makes me bust
🐐 X ♾️
Godly movement
Shbloogely doobloody
You crazy
Faide = Movement
this shits crazy
Bro faide is the movement
We love you keep up the great work
Thanks for pushing content and being insane❤
miss you baby
once again the goat uploads
can’t stop saying it, but faide actually makes me excited to play the game, and when i play it, i die instantly and quit game ☺️.
Another common W upload by the goat
w vid
1st also w content
Up for a 1v1 Faide promise I’m not good 👀 also this vid is gonna be great already know 😂👍🏾
Faide how long would it take to play like faide🤓 asking for a friend
Gunna be fire 🔥
You can go to sleep lil bro…
Me first wow
First!! Wohoo
Im first Luvvvvv faiddd❤❤❤❤❤❤
First 👿
Faide is the kind of guy you want to be, but never will be.
Fuck yes