Every New Legend In Apex Legends!
Every New Legend In Apex Legends!
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Taqs:apex,modded apex,apex legends,modded apex legends,shorts,youtube shorts,clips,apex clips,apex shorts,apex legends clips,new legend,apex legends news,apex legends leaks,every new legend,new legends,leaked legend,apex leaks,apex legends conduit,apex legends jester,apex legends scryer,apex legends uplink,apex legends phantom,apex legends fade,rhapsody,fade,new legend scryer,new legend uplink,new legend gameplay,rev reborn,revenant reborn,viral
コメント (91)
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The gaming super app https://r.zleague.gg/bobz Find friends, play games and win prizes alongside a community of gamers like you.
Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won’t get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)
was disappointed with cataylst not looking like the model shown; regardless of trans or not :/
Honestly all I care about is any legend that can dash in every direction and and can hold jump mid air to float
Basically just a movement based legend
Bassically Jett from valorant
Uplink sounds more like lifeline reborn…..just……..maybe 👀
I am very upset jester was scrapped
Is conduit wattsons sister or something?
I feel like fade will not come to the main game. His abilities feel just thrown together and fit in a mobile game but not well thought out. Shit seems hella fun but like a movespeed boost after sliding will inherently unbalanced cus u just get to be octane but no health hit, the time rewind is also inherently op as fuck cus its old wraith q which they reworked specifically to remove her “get out of jail free” card. That had a massive cd i dont remember exactly but before her s5 rework it had like 30-45 sec cooldown cus it was that good. His ult seems good tho i feel like that could work but the rest of him would have to go. That seems like respawn agrees cus if the leaks are right they were gonna take fades ult for rev reborn which was his only ability that made sense in the main game
There’s no way they would release uplink like that it would just be stupid nobody even likes support 3 stacks anyways it’s cringe asf they would lose all the good players
revenant does NOT need a fking rework; he needs buffs. All those ideas they keep talking about a rewoke SHOULD be a new legend. Its absolutely stupid to change a character that much.
Uplink is the one I’m looking forward to most! He’s so damn handsome and I love using support legends ❤️
Fade will be awsome
Plot twist: Rev Reborn is to throw us off the track of Forge.
I know that catalyst and rhapsodies ults are similar but rhapsodies covers way less ground and has no stunning effects (I was masters on mobile and i’m praying i can have my main back 🙏) 7:01
Still waiting for a flamethrower legend
There’s another “legend pair” you missed on, and that’s the most recent one: Ballistic and his son, Nathaniel. A recent comic shows Nathaniel’s side of Ballistic’s story, revealing that he’s furious at his dad for taking his place in the games. Now, there are a lot of ways him entering the games could play out. We know that Torres is no stranger to deceit, so who knows when and if he’ll break his promise to August and allow Nathaniel into the games regardless. Which of the leaked legends Nathaniel would be? That’s a big dice roll, since we know nothing about what he does or can do. But because Ballistic is in the game so that Nathaniel wouldn’t get killed, I have a hunch he’ll end being Uplink. With his ultimate being the no-kill zone, he’ll prove his dad that he has what it takes.
uplink has a WTF ult lmao
I want conduit to come out so bad. I enjoyed playing wattson for a bit before catalyst came out but I really like the idea of a high sustain character that can buff their team at the cost of their resources. I love everything about their kit even the passive
Pls bring Jester into the game Im killing for another strange niche legend pick due to ranked being…well u know
Jester I believe os Big Sister. All three abilities of Jester were shown on Ramparts trailer being used by Big Sister
Good mustt have abilities were grenades give him no damage but instead launches him away 😂
Apex in 20 years… I’ll be 39 😭
Phantom was more likely a new legend in the works but they decided to cannibalize the kit instead; the Ult went to that mobile legend (and that came out WAY before Revenant rework leaks started) and they apparently decided to test his other abilities with the Revenant rework..
Edit: I’d be surprised if we don’t see the double jump on a new/reworked legend at some point
Could have just given revenant the Uplink ult and tweaked it a bit and he would be perfect. The whole issue with rev is his ult. Just fix that and he’s done
What if the forge t-shirts signal revenant reborn.
Rhapsody’s passive should also make your squad quieter for enemies and your enemies slightly louder.
Rhapsody’s ult shouldn’t block scans and allow two way shots. So it only blinds one way. However it would also play loud music therefore drowning out other sounds
That’s my ideas.
What are the chances that Scryer is Big Sister? Their abilities have to do with sight and big sister runs an organization that sees everything. On top of that Scryers picture also has a scar on their eye. I know the character is male in the leak but they have changed things like that before
I wanted Jester
Vantage’s Mom and Crypto’s Sister would be interesting
Have always said there should be a small female pathfinder
Fun fact: fades tactical was a boost in Titanfall
You finally made a long form video
I like how there’s 2 uplinks in the thumbnail that both look completely different
Why are there 2 Uplinks in the thumbnail
Uplink: if they keep his ultimate, I for see a HUGE magi meta push.
Phantom: just sounds like a fade rework.
Conduit: WILL be the new w key legend should it be anything like you’re describing.
Scryer: uh… why.. ? Lol
Big sister is definitely for catalyst, as I am pretty sure lore wise Rampart is there for Mirage lore.
and we cant forget about the messy love triangle(s) that are crypto, wattson, caustic. as well as the wraith, bango, valk stuff hasnt been cleared up..
I’m reaching here but putting 2 and 2 together Rev reborn is gonna be Forge out to get Rev.
Scryer’s passive is situationally nuts!! You essentially wouldn’t want to finish a downed scryer if you’re still fighting the rest of his team!!
Conduit will make Wattson useless so don’t think they’ll add them if they don’t change wattsons passive and buff her ult
The fuck happened to husaria??? the girl with the shotgun strapped to her leg
Hear me out maybe they would make jester pathfinders child and like father like son they both like mirage and so jester would fit between the two somehow to show that in some way its just a hypothesis but wouldnt that be something lol
tbh, the wording of scryer’s tactical (ie, “reveal,” and how that’s used in the wording of other recon legends’ kits) makes it sound like it would be more of turning the affected enemy into an unwilling crypto drone, tagging enemies in their fov for the duration. which would be an absolutely hilarious ability that i’d love to see in game, negl.
Tbh rhapsody’s ultimate wasnt that broken. You could just move to the side or slide in front
Top 3 I wanna see:
1. uplink is really just lifeline but 3x better
2. conduit is like cool mobile shield healer
3. fade is just cool
bonus: pathfinder’s son
Guys think about it almost every legend does what the other one does they need something different now and new almost every legend is a blood hound like when are we going to see something new and different
Wraith’s phase also lets her look into different dimensions, so it could be possible Forge from another dimension makes it into the games.
They said forge wouldn’t work as he is a melee character in a shooter. He also had about 100 abilities and passives 😂
Love longer vids from u
No Porque Porque ellos ellos tenían que quedarse exclusivos Maldito EA pará que crea leyendas exclusivas si le va a quitar la exclusividad no tiene sentido
Its kinda strange to see a 9 minutes video on bobz’ channel
If uplinks tac is gonna end up like a mobile lifeline drone I’ll stop playin the game istg
Thanks for the video, i’ve been waiting for an update for ages!
Remove Catalyst! Add Rhapsody
Can we get an ability that fixes sbmm in pubs and you get into fair lobbies?
bobz: Uplink 2.0
I just want jack cooper.
at this rate, apex will have more characters than overwatch.
Rhapsody ult can be destroyed 300dmg
Rhapsody Uplink 💀
Scryer is the only legend I am hoping to play as he is SOO COOL LOOKING same with fade and jester
Kinda wish jester wasen’t scrapped, loved the look of his kit, specifically his passive.
How does pathfinder have a kid but Loba doesn’t ?
The amount of videos apex content creators have made on the same legend leaks over and over again is actually nauseating.
Fade is the only legend that actually seems playable out of this list
How about new movement legend but the movement is (example: vertical octane’s jumpad) object which throws u 70-100m forward at your chosen direction. kinda like a slingshot.
Another idea: i will become insta-main if Devs make a legend who can SUMMON REPLICATOR. LITERALY.
And passive: Double any metals which u collected when your summon replicator. Imagine the possibilities..
Ammo, medkits/bats/shields, banners or any purple stuff.. 😩👌
Did Bobz mention Forge, but not Jester?
Can’t wait for bigchungus to come in and start hood irony walking towards the nearest kitchen and start cooking
That would really be one of the apex moments of all time
Forge’ll come. He is so good that he gives us to get used to idea of him. Just wait
The uplink ultimate is literally what revenant would need as a re work to make him somewhat good again!!
I thought Uplink tactical recharged shields
Slow content huh?
Uplink getting revenants current ultimate
Seer getting revenants tactical
I wonder will revenant reborn keep the current passive? Would be an insane movement legend
That pronunciation of simulacrum killed me more than Revenant killed Forge
fun fact: rhapsody’s passive is a setting in Fortnite
Rev reborn needs his old passive along with wall running and rubble jump
I think uplink’s ult will take rev’s kinda since he is getting a new one for rev reborn
nice vid as always
What if respawn just released Titanfall 3 ? I think EA would make way more money releasing a new Titanfall game then heirlooms
bobz makes new content challenge
A Long Video From bobz? what in the Mozambique is this
again, ill say this everytime i see him
uplink is not good for the game (with his current abilitys), scryer is also not good for the game, for pro play and even for ranked, its just stream sniping-
conduit looks amazing can’t wait for that release
I can’t wait til uplink comes!! He seems like he would be a good legend
Hope they add Vladimir poutin. His tactical is bear attack , ultimate is nuclear power
Cool to kown
I want more new legends