The New World’s Edge Map Changes in Season 17
Apex Legends Season 17 Arsenal
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,wraith,buff,apex legends new event,aceu,caustic collection event,caustic prestige skin,apex legends aresenal,apex legends season 17,apex legends season 17 arsenal,arsenal,Ballistic,rank 1 ballistic,firing range,firing range update,apex legends ballistic,apex hacks,dark apparition,dark apparition bundle,dark apparition wraith skin,wraith skin,new skin,unlocking,unlock,new skin release,leak
コメント (209)
You only post videos from Worlds Edge, it’s embarrassing 😂. You trash when there are no ziplines
Faide I love your streams so much and I know I won’t make it to where you are but ill always be cheering you on your one of the best apex players I’ve ever watched thank you for making my days the best
wow 🎉6k
when someones balls stink
3:05 why they dropped in like they heard Optimus summon the autobots
Praying for your downfall
Hey Faide there’s a serious problem in Apex right now. I think you can help because you are a pro and people listen to you. We need to convince people to stop playing Octane….. the amount of used hypodermic needles laying around on the ground in Kings Canyon and World’s Edge poses a serious health risk to other legends.
Or you can make another Octane video 😂
Bro I went to boot camp came back and this mf got even better 😂
2:19 when faide hit that in my apex lobby music the drop timed perfectly with that hit
Bro faide you are insane keep posting video you make my day
Hi Twitch
Every time you upload Faide, I start finding small habits to work on to improve my success in fights, so thank you! You’re a big help!
The screams of faide 😂😂😂😂
Pubs lol 🤦♂️
2:20 the scream😂😂
what resolution do you play on?
youre to good
perfect 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
You make my day every time you post
A million before the end of 2023 let’s get it wooo
This guy gets so mad when anyone else uses broken guns or sweats meanwhile here he is
Bro, your lobbies are weird af, that Lifeline at 3:07 could revive her mates during your whole fight against other team’s Bangalore. I don’t get it, you playing in bot lobbies ?
587 subs??? Payday 🎉🎉
2:20 Hahahahahah nice scream
dawg my highest kill is like 5
This is madness!
I never had even 12kills in the same place omg like everyone is coming to you wtf 19kills
How can I get better at Apex
It is so many three stacks in apex now, but faide still be making them look like CLOWNS🤦🏽♂️
Bro anybody who thinks you know how to play is an idiot, you run and hide then take them unaware, you’re doing hide and seek…..and yell like a mad dog when you get shoot broo😂😂😂😂😂😂
2:30 ultimate mid off
Faide so close to 1 milly bro😮💨
i still can not understand how in the hell he gets such bad enemys, like faide can miss click 3 times and wif so hard on one enemy and this bots still will not kill him. And faide is playing way better than me but for some stupid reason ig i am one of the top 50 apex preds cus every fight i get into in the past weeks on apex there are 3 of them focusing me till death in mother clap pubs! man i cant handel this anymore…
god mode
@faide Triple jump off pad @8:47?? 😅
Default skin Wraith….. REPORT!!
2:03 to get 20 kills when there’s only 30 other people in the lobby is kind of crazy
6k with a pistol and shotty in a 3 stacking spray meta…
the GOAT
damn if you got the skull piercer you own the whole lobby
Pub 3 stacks are cringe .
Faide your so unbelievably creative with ur titles! How do u do it!?!?
Фэйд лучший❤
Tiffa at the end spamming so hot was cute
I killed 8 ppl and my teammates did less than 100dmg between the 2, of them. That happened for 8/10 matches. I’m not only done with Apex, I’m done with Respawn & EA. They killed TF2 so I can’t even play a superior game. The same dev killed CoD when they made Infinite Warfare so it doesn’t surprise me after 4yrs of Apex. Just garbage ass dev who made a game as bad as Redfall with this matchmaking. It’s THE ONLY thing killing the game, and they know how to put players together because they do it 1/10 matches to keep you playing. Garbage, disgusting Casino Magic Algorithm. And you little Streamers keep dickriding for these Billionaires. Congrats.
If you aren’t sponsored yet , you should be , you’re the best man
we good, how you doing twitch? ❤
Only way I play this sht game ever again is if they bring solos back,all fps games have solos except thi garb azz game,and don’t talk about ranked ,horrible sbmm.
Faide -“Why is he here?”
Enemy- cause you shot at my teammate…
I wonder how many kids have uninstalled Apex after putting together a three man and getting dumped on by faide 😂
WInterSkys is the best apex thumbnail maker💯
this nigga be in nintendo switch lobbies lolol
Lore accurate wraith
I am sincerely sorry for all the people that ran into faide in these apex streets.. I know it hurts to know ONE person destroyed you and ya friends without breaking a sweat 😂
I used to watch you when you had like 120k subs now you’ve grown I still think your the best player in apex rn all support ❤🎉
you’re a freaking god lol
You scream like a girl
Faide’s little girl screams everytime something doesn’t work out is what I live for
Absolutely insane.
Bruh that shield play was crazy ngl 9:52 10:15
lol tiffa in chat keep saying so hot so hot so hot 😂😂
Road to a million 🎉🎉🎉
This is literally the best faide game I’ve ever seen, his aim in this video literally peaked!
Faide i love watching your videos 💕 you are so satisfying to watch!!! 🙂
The stats at the end I was just like damn… 😂
One day, my Wraith will be like yours.
how do you even play against a wild monster such as this one
600 subs btw POG
Witnesseing it live on stream hits different as well. Was super hype in chat with all the spams. Who else saw it live?
Okay but fr faide is a good player don’t get me wrong and I’d most of the time stand no chance in a duel against him, but why are his lobbies always so full of npcs or is it rather that on yt we just see those games? What I’m just saying is, is that doesn’t matter how long I play ill never have a horizon standing still in her util an octane jumping at me in a straight line or people standing still in front of doors but not blocking them.
11:36 The 2 teams were basically teaming up on you why can’t they fight the other team then you can 3rd party and and take the kills from them! those teams are cringe. also, bro keep up the great work.
My boy fade was hitting every shot with the masstiff had the same guns whole game
i know that lifeline team was screaming she tried to take a 1v1 vs rez the team lmao
Let me play the game too gudamn
Just noticed he killed that one really annoying Fuse main. Think his name was Adon or something. Dude is so annoying to fight cuz it’s so hard to hit him. Idk how he moves like that but it’s a humongous chore to actually hit him.
XX years later when Faide is dying in the bed finds his family ” why are you here…” ” No audio…”
This is cyber bullying. Demonic movement.
Hes got more shotty ammo then wingman ammo🤣
You really inspire me to be better. It’s so good to see how fast you evolve your gameplay. it’s always amazing to watch. All the best to you, Faide!!
Faides wingman aim this video is just tsssss he’s unlocking the wingman’s true potential lmaooo
HOW IN THE FUCK 😂😂 I just want a dam 4k already
Bitrate always as low
I got 1k kills
Nice Lot Bobby)
GG ❤
Give me a username plz
First trio was absolutely nuts. The way you played that was absolutely perfect. Unreal
Faide is easily one of the best wraith mains out there 🔥
The best part of the video xDDD 2:21
That first squad had to have been like “wtf just happened “ 😂 🙌
Faide is an ICON not just an apex pro player nope. an icon
Broooo the wingman levelup at the ending was a nice icing on the cake
I love that even someone like faide gets nervous for a game like this. You can hear that breath in the post-game screen.
Love your videos ❤
im so mad i almost called the dmg and kills
Bruh you cold
bro was playing aim trainer on apex legends
everyone coexists until Faide comes in to the usual lobby wipe
POV: you’re a lifeline standing on top of his teammate that faide just knocked trying to do your job as a lifeline and revive
14:19 Tiffa is so proud of her good boy🥵
If the action sequence were like this in movies Hollywood wouldn’t be dead.
click baite, its not 6500 damage
what a noob.
What a wild ride.
Good jjjjob
Just one more video before i sleep(continues to watch 5 more because of how fire the content is 🔥)
POV you witnessed this live
5:51 That arc stuck, and then it looks like it falls off but still does damage 😆
Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne it’s honestly impressive how goofy he makes some of these very special in the head gamers look
Faide should I get wraith recolor or regular thoughts?
literally the face of apex legends..
🤣🤣 @ Tiffa spamming SO HOT at the end
The aim with the wingman goes crazy
Watching him Batman off the zips will always be my favorite thing from him
No I’m not going crazy, but lately my head and my heart
Seem to be at least a million miles apart
was here live for this stream the donations that day went crazy
U should make a how to 20 bomb 4K in a game video
In the Scottish Gaelic Dead Language, Faide Spells Wraith.. 🤔 Interesting..🤙
2:16 How did that miss?
75k more 🫡
Many uploads😊
If I was in his situation I would have got clapped by all of those three stacks
ty so much for inspire me to play the game again bro. you re a insane player
I’ve been watching your content for a while Faide and I really hope I can get as good as you some day. I’m starting to get some of the movement down but not quite there, Ive also started to stream on occasion because of you! All the love man
Straight gas 🔥
8:32 watch 0.25 speed, what is this
I remember the days when faide used to struggle to go over his daily subs, now it’s quick asf for him lol
good boy!
hit em with the 6k
ultra God!!!!!
Do you have training video or shoot practice advice?
Faide always get me back into apex ngl been away most this season
Watched this live lmao
Pushing with no health should be bannable. Just like Hunting down a solo player in the middle of a fight as a full squad.
Satisfying gameplay icl
who can out play this man? NOO ONE!
U ARE PLAYING WITH BOTS !! i will try to play on your lobby and i will see
Who’d know a person who plays this game a lot would be this good
Teach me sensei now you’re the only one who can do it
Lets goi fadie DADDYY ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ PLS KISS
holy shit vro
Watched live ❤️❤️
faide makes apex seem easy 😭goat fr
Faide on top
Claim your in (1 hour ticket) here 🙂
imagine if he played titanfall
Just got out of your stream your the goat!🐐
Haven’t played apex in a minute but Faide is refreshing to watch
Yoo u tha goat man 🐐🐐
Faide is the 007 of apex 👍
Faide, just wanna say that your gameplay is the best and wish you the best in your streaming career, may not be able to move like you, yet… but Imma try to lmao. Anyway love the content and keep it up man!!
Nobody can challenge Faide he’s just to damn good 👑🖤
The amount of Three stacks you can find in a pub match in Apex is actually pretty crazy, and yeah, if u watch Faide’s streams u will notice how true is that afirmation lol
It’s 4 am in Korean time, but I was still awake to watch this video.
Just a min ago. I was just going to sleep now going to sleep after watching this ❤❤❤
One day you shall fear the name scoop😈🩵
Keep up the amazing content ( im the first to watch)
Nice play brow,brasil show 🫶🏻
أنت الافضل دائما❤
First faide the best for sure
first pls pin
bro is literally him
amazing video as always
first viewer!!
Great vid keep it up. 600 subs in one stream
This mf a god💀💀💀
this why faide da goat fr nobody do it like him
primer comentario
I know its a little cringe but first! (And i have a dad)
this goes hard
Insane games dude
First because of the noti OPEN the noti guys
Nice 🎉
Daddy is working.
I just got an heirloom but my ps broke 😢
First one here
first ez
Love vids
1st comment
Love ya Faide 🤍
Yo, Nice vid, and first
How are you so good😭
what the fak
wake up faide posted
Faide 🥵💦💦💦
The lobby 💀