The Future of Apex Legends
The Future of Apex Legends
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🎨Thumbnail by —-⪢ Ottr
🎬Edited by —-⪢ ViewtifulSHIV
Production Music by www.epidemicsound.com
#Ottr #Apex #ApexLegends
Taqs:ottr,ottr apex,otr,otttr,aimbottr,otter,OttrOnTwitch,Apex Legends,Apex Legends PC,Apex Legends console,apex legends mobile,best apex legends,apex legends best legends,apex legends ps4,apex movement,apex legends storm point,apex mobile,time crunch,weapon masteryu,ranked,apex legends ranked,season 17
コメント (109)
Bring back the fucking arenas please
So instead of spending time fixing the actual battle royal, audio, match making and ranked system etc they are working on a completely different mode called rumble which in all honesty we could do without until the fixed the main game .
make a new emblem for masters this season? like a pink rat, instead of purple traditional one.
Then rework the system next season. That way those who grinded for it before, won’t be ashamed by those who get it now with 0 kills, and those who got it now won’t be upset but have a sick emblem instead for the time spent
The Apex community is terrible at the game. Reading the comments shows me why 90% of my teammates are restarted.
with how ea and respawn are treating the players why care for a sequel? just try a new game
me and my squad are silver 1-3 and we get consistantly placed with masters
Dude how… steam charts literally shows 2023 player numbers as being the highest of the last 3 year period. this month is the lowest been all year sure, but still beats 2022’s peak by almost 100k. and thats steam alone. Definition of zooming in on a graph just to make a null point. Ranked needs tweaks sure… but the games doing fine. its just the youtubers and pros moaning.
Respawn can easily fix their game by no longer listening to Pro Players. This is the whole reason we’re in the spot we’re in now. We’re the closest we can be to ALGS style play for casual competitive players and it doesn’t work.
Grinding ranked just won’t be the same after this season. A masters badge is literally worthless now.
You guys say apex is dying every season, yet it still is one of the most played and viewed games. Just because it’s losing players doesn’t mean it’s dying lol. Overwatch is in a much worse state and y’all are acting like it’s the end of the world.
My guess (and yes, unfortunately i have to guess because everybody involved with this game keeps their lips tight for one reason or another) is the biggest problem is the code.
Look up “TF2 source code dev notes” and you’ll see just how much of a pain in the ass the Source Engine code that this game is loosely established on, can be to work with. And that was for a comparatively simple game with significantly less variables and players than Apex had in even season 1, with extremely passionate and skilled developers behind the wheel.
Compare that to Apex where anybody who cared about the game at all left eight seasons ago, and the most prevalent issue in new game devs being poor coding/lack of experience, and suddenly you have a passion project turned multi million dollar franchise with no passion behind it. And if the game is complex enough to have severe audio issues from a single line of stray code, maybe adding things like cross progression really is a Herculean task being performed by ants.
At the end of the day, I’m very thankful that the core gameplay loop is at least good enough for us to have continued playing all this time. Even though they’ve all gone into something different, as they have done many times before, the original devs did really love this game before they left it.
I live in NZ full fiber etc. Still get unreal lag get kicked and then penalized!? We have to play in Tokyo most of the time because the Oceania servers are bad and have no players.
For me, the worst thing in Apex nowadays, besides the infestation of rats 🐀, is the matchmaking, my teammates are almost always under level 50, but my enemies are masters and predators, I am sick of this situation, I can’t enjoy my favorite game without a pre-made team, and all my friends moved to other game because Apex sucks these days <3
Apex YouTube always so pessimistic lol. Game is literally in the top 10 games with the most players on steam every single day.
Most people play this game for fun not for LP. If you think the ranked system is miserable then try not playing it.
Apex needs to die, then we need titanfall 3.
saying a game is dead based solely on steam numbers is silly. especially since I’m pretty sure majority of players are on console, or using origin, or the EA launcher.
thats like saying Marvel is Doing bad because no one on apple TV is watching..
there wouldn’t be 200,000 masters (smurfs/cheaters or not thats still people playing the game) if the game was “dying”. Its just slowed down while it finds “new direction”.
again.. much like marvel.. LOL!
This game is the 6th most played game on steam, how is it dead or dying💀💀
There needs to be a grand master league OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!
but hey, no can replace apex, atleast foe now
Bro I’m in ROOKIE and I get matched with 3-stack predator trios.
My man ottr probably must’ve edited the rank season 17 rat guide and how it’s undeserving videos without hesitation lmao
as a play for kills player i honestly am in silver and get 12 kill games with around 2400 dmg every 2 to 3 games and i dont rank up cus killing dont matter
Exactly i stopped playing for almost a month now and i was a diehard apex player 20k kills on loba 12k kills valk 2x master third with this stupid season i just unistalled the game days ago
Dude really? 1:45 that clip of shiv is from years ago, it’s not even relevant to today ranked. Do some actual research before just putting shit in your videos, makes it seem unprofessional af. Even to be used as a joke.
don’t worry it’s not dying as fast as overwatch 2 😂
the community is still strong, and the creators are still getting views and constructive comments somehow.
at least we as players and creators of apex, we are not getting scammed or baited & switch like overwatch who promised full fledge pve and then they canceled it. as creator of this game is still better, unlike overwatch creators that has to deal with “whole game is a scam, no pve for overwatch 2. this game is only cashgrab for R*pist (iykwim). please change game.” comment.
be proud, our game still thrived.
about this new rank problems, I sense a conspiracy here. this new rank system is just a “tool” to reset those RP farmers that on 100.000+ RPs that almost untouched by rank split. by this new rank system, even its broken, it resets that farmer back to zero. at least it does something.
That’s a lot of maybes my guy! Hope you’re right, this can not go on much longer😢
It’s already Dead I don’t play Rank because bunch of hackers and wasting my god damned time…
imao if an online game is fun and complex enough players will come back because of the core game play not matter how many patches have passed
some apex players are like crying children compared to siege players
Hope they still got the Titanfall 3 files laying around
At least Respawn isn’t Daybreak 😆
You gotta love those Lifeline bots lmao. On the rank side of things, making it solo queue might actually improve it since duos and 3 stacks are more likely the ones screwing the matchmaking in most of the cases.
You forgot to mention that recent maps Storm Point and Broken Moon are horrible. Esoecially in Broken moon you have to drop in the first 30 seconds otherwise you cant find anyone to fight for the first 10 min or more.
Making it solo only would kill ranked for me. The best part of team based shooters is building teamwork with your squadmates.
TBH, it’s already late for this season. All those hard works and people see themselves equal to noobs getting master badges and the question comes to mind why I tried all these years for a badge which is useless now?
Solution: Make current season badge different, put a rat picture aside it(salt) and consult to actual good players (not pros) before tweaking ranked which on the paper a kid could figure it out would end as a disaster.
Apex just copy valo rank system pls
And no aim assist nerf
The biggest APEX flop is releasing the fight arena on Olympus and not creating a melee only game event for it
Just revert the rank system points back cuz is trash rn
Ranked keeps getting worse and worse after Season 12.
Im a proud Gold Ranked player. At least a legit one
Make a new rank above pred. Or two. It’s a pretty easy fix with that as long as you update the points system.
WarzoneRankedIsWayMoreFunThenApexRanked. I quit apex back in early season 16 the game is rigged to make you lose unless you 3 stack constantly. Apex has good gameplay and some movement but there are too many issues to make it something worth playing. Im actually getting teammates on warzone unlike apex where they feed me 2 ai’s to carry. I do get the occasional bad ones on warzone though.
The fact yall care so much about masters is hilarious 😂
Agree., solo queue rank. Tired of watching full stack pro killing solos is not fun to watch and not to play also.
Who cares how many people get masters.. I’ll tell you what.. if you are really a pro.. you reach masters easy and puts more easy kills in your lobbys.. the goal has always to get to pred which most of those players that are ratting or camping won’t. Masters badge is still just second place!
Guys the ranked system is good, the players are just really good 😮
please let apex die and make titan fall 3.
they literally killed off seer too. im out man that was the last straw
Dude. Your videos are getting worse and worse. You had Apex 2 thumbnail without mentioning it all. Only time Respawn will update ranked is if it impacts player numbers. Seeing as they tweeted that people should not take masters ranked numbers as totally accurate. There is something they know about Ranked that we don’t. For me I know that Respawn took the most broken part of Arenas, the ranked mode. They flipped the point awarded and point taken away and renamed placement matches. Voila “new” ranked mode.
Apex Vocal community likes to shout opinions without much factual back up. Incomplete picture can still give a wrong impression. If you are going to present problems be prepared to provide solutions. Otherwise you are just another CC that is making sure to keep up with the current click bait. For example we got people saying that Seer is getting a nerf or a buff. Seer did not get a nerf, he got a rewark. What Respawn took away they replaced with something that can be more powerful. Besides I am sure all of you will be eagerly buying next week’s collection event. Giving EA more money will certainly teach them a lesson.
The only true sign of Apex decline is when EA starts lowering prices. Until then everything else is just FUD.
new rank will be added i think
I don’t care if the game is dying I’m still gonna play it.
Tbh the idea of taking 3 stacks out of ranked is such a bad thing for the game. Gaming is all about gaming with friends. Making friends and playing together to win the game at the highest level. That’s why WOW was so successful
Season 12 ranked was the best version by far IMO. It had the perfect balance between kills and placement and the endgames were consistently chaotic and full of action. If you played ranked around that time you’ll remember being in round 5 with 10 teams still alive. It’s biggest problem was the looser penalties, you could climb a tier and then get dropped back 2 ranks in the same gaming session. It also pushed people to play smarter which in turn discouraged hot dropping and left early game to be quite boring. If they just tweaked that system to be a little more forgiving, it would’ve been perfect
If this ship gonna go down, EA just gonna help to make this ship go down faster.
Get me inside respawn i am an industry vet they have no idea what they are doing this is anthem all over again please EA our past aside if any one is watching this communicate with me come on!
Was vibing with the video until the solo queue ranked concept. I don’t know about that one og.
Most incompetent team in existence when originally, I thought they were the best (Titan Fall)… Now they change the game for only the wrong reasons.
I hope they change the S17 Masters badge to a massive RAT and anyone who is Platinum 1 (the most rare) gets 150 Hierloom Shards 😅💯🙌🏻
They’ve already ruined Rumble by taking out Legend abilities… Now all that matters is hit box, which means everyone is Wraith… Well done Respawn, you’ve ruined another LTM and will blame Solos…
Make ranked solos is not the move
bru how about the passives will they be disabled for the solos mode or will i be able to abuse horizons passive
So bronze is the new masters?
solo mode hurts player retention bc duo 3 stacks are so fragile that they can’t deal with actually being trash.
Bro the pros play ranked together bc usually that’s their team they do tournaments or play algs with and they make their money off of those things bro
The best way to fix the ranked stuff I think is to just go back to the way ranked was before season 17 at the start of next season
Amazing vid even though views are low keep ur head high
its crazy hoe we dont have cross progression yet
If they put me in charge apex wud be the greatest game ever. Also I hate the rumble mode idea, everyone wants solo with regular gameplay not this dumb idea that feels like a slap in the face
I gotta be honest I hate these dumb ass youtuber dramatic clickbait videos. Apex is not even close to dying people still play it it’s still mainstream, it’s probably got at least another 2 years.
5:36 *bombastic side eye from Apex Mobile players*
im telling you as someone who was in the overwatch community back in the day, forced solo queue is not the solution, people dont wanna play a game they cant play with their friends. pro stacks back in the day werent really laughed off because everyone knew they needed practice more than anyone, it just felt bad to play against them. but its not inherently bad for good players to play together
yall pros want placement, its bad
yall pros want kills, itd bad..
nothing makes u happy makeup ur mind and stop nagging
Apex illuminatti ☠️
they would never make it solo que they already said, team based game.
Ranked had been gatekept by 3 stackers for far too long..not saying that this ranked system is good by no means..but in reality ..unless you’re really, really cracked at the game you wont hit masters/pred. Its been out of reach even for solocuers with the skillset to achieve those ranks. Ive seen many diamond players just as good or even better than masters players but theyre not masters simply because of matchmaking and not wanting to put the cringey long grind in.
As someone who just started playing its crazy to hear people say the game is dying yet there are hundreds of thousands of players that have played enough to hit masters lmao
my idea for ranked: travel distance should give bonus points
not like that running around in 100m circles gives u insane points but rather poi wise
and a 1 kill requirement to not lose lp so that u have to fight enemies
And let’s make ranked games ONLY for SOLO games, then we will subtract 150 points per match (so that even if you take first place without 30 kills, you go into the red). Let’s make shadow bans like in CoD, so that ONLY pro players and no one else can play ranked, so that 3 ordinary friends can’t get enough of a ranked game, so that they can only play in public
bro i cant even play apex on my native resolution
Friends please don’t late it dye like apex legends mubile. 🙏 It’s my final request 😢😢
I have just joined the undeserving masters last night.
Solo ranked should be plat and above
otter ya callate
I wouldn’t say it’s because apex doesn’t frown upon 3 stacking teams it’s more that the community just accepts it
“Apex is dying” bro they literally have more viewers than warzone on twitch rn. Not a 100% surefire way of saying, but calling it dead is fucking ridiculous. Leave it to the swedes to have the shittiest and most braindead takes lol
Thor came out today and said that they implemented a system where their system can detect rats and they wont get bonus and people who actually fight get bonus. Supposed to come in the next patch.
Soo much speculation.
Biggest issue I have personally is for a game that is focused on team play, trying to introduce friends to the game is close to impossible as it will always match make us with people similar to my stats and not factor in my two level 1 friends I am trying to introduce to the game
I stopped playing as much because of how EA treated the pro players and content creators with the skin thing on top of the audio issues and the skin prices. There’s no reason the skins need to be the price they are same for heirlooms especially. Character balance taking place seemingly only when they can make money off of it pushed me away especially after the multiple Horizon nerfs and them wanting to buff Revenant so they can sell more of his skins. Sure she’s still good but its annoying having this character go fairly unchanged and then a content creator goes ” x character op” then the character pick rate doubles and they get nerfed when realistically they’re not op and have been the same for months and seasons with no problems. Then character is nerfed and people stop using them because “they’re bad now” People are sheep but that doesn’t justify nerfing characters over pick rates. Also this game is really just a third party simulator and it gets old after playing and starting a fight then getting third partied by the third party that also got third partied in the one fight. Gun audio map wide needs to be nerfed.
I believe the ranked system wouldn’t have been so ratty if it weren’t for people like NRG Sweet advertising the rattyness to the whole community. If NRG Sweet wouldn’t have streamed his solo to pred with no Damage I’m almost positive the ranked system woudnt be as ratty. The pros should deal with things like this professionally and not exploit and show the entire community what is wrong with the system and how to exploit it. Why not just go to devs and explain instead of advertising all the issues to the whole community making the issue just that much more prominent and problematic.
Because most pros rely on stacking to look good. A very handful of pro/strmrs who soloq are goats
They need to add a solo mode, at the very least as an LTM. Would bring back a lot of players since they wouldn’t have to deal with randoms. I mean, rumble is a cool idea and all, but come on, just give us a regular mode!
i tried coming back a couple days ago. I am rusty obviously but getting one shot while servers are completely stuttering for me. audio bug too of course
so i did quit yes ….
apex need a new engine and better servers asap
I think live service games as a whole are just dying. Mostly because the greed is real and the lack of quality is unreal.
300K MASTERS is crazy
Apex needs to find away to make a mode that is, you know. CASUAL FRIENDLY
Super early and love the videos.
w video
Why those kids spamming first whilst i was actually the first??
Less than 1 minute
26 seconds ago let’s go!!
First like
Love ottr
Pray for apex legends