Apex Legends™ Dressed to Kill Collection Event Trailer
Join the Dressed to Kill Collection Event and show the world you’re as dashing, driven, and deadly as any contract killer in the returning limited-time mode Armed and Dangerous – shotguns and snipers only!
Horizon’s Heirloom – Gravity Maw – will be yours if you unlock all 24 limited-time themed cosmetics before the event ends. It’s important to dress the part. Remember, in this event you’re not just any killer: you’re a professional.
Learn More: http://x.ea.com/76774
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Origin for PC: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/playapex.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. Includes in-game purchases.
Taqs:apex legends,apex,dressed to kill collection event,dressed to kill event,horizon apex legends,apex heirloom,gravity maw,horizon gravity maw,horizon heirloom,electronic arts,ea,battle royale,battle royale game,apex trailer,apex legends trailer
コメント (1334)
That Ash skin will be available in the event store right?
horizon is best!
sorry respawn the event is so much dissapointing and i don’t even talk about the heirloom…
aramados y peligrosos otra vez? 😡
y el nerf a seer no era necesario 😡😢
worst heirloom
They put a taper on Newcastle😭
We got a wallbounce 30 seconds in ggs boys
Exactly how I imagined Wattson’s heirloom would look like
Is the ash skin a skin in the event
It’s the no cheese, no mercy for me
She looks like lucy from despicable me
Soo cool I’m buying the heirloom😂
Now would be a REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLY good time for me to get those Heirloom shards in a pack! *cough cough*
Ok loba skin bruh 😫 n horizon heirloom tuff
bro utter garbage
loba skin smells but ong not bad everything else
did nobody noticed that the song just fits the theme
Oh wow! This is exactly what i wanted yay
Can someone explain why you need all the 24 skins to get a heirloom? Won’t all those skins cost money making it just a p2w cosmetic item over 200$? I’m new so idk
There horrendous glasses ruins everything
Where is the story from the outlands?!
Who thought to themselves “Lets give revenant hair” and more importantly who said it was a good idea 😂
That Maggie skin woulda looked dope if it weren’t for that Karen haircut
Revenant with hair isn’t real, Revenant with hair can’t hurt you. Revenant with hair:
Why does the horizon skin looks like Lucy from despicable me?!😂😂
Yes EA skins will revive the game
Bring Rhapsody into the game I miss her 😢❤
Wheres bangalore skin😭
I love how they’re embracing movement as part of their game nowadays! Skins look fire too!
So annoyed at myself, got impatient and spent my heirloom shards and of course 1 season later my main since her release gets her one
Are they ever coming out with skins for vantage? 🙁
What’s happen to apex legend mobile 😢
what about awful current ranked system and annoynig bug when u didn’t get your bonuses for kp?
Make a permanent Control Playlist
Welp, that skin confirms Revenant reborn is just him getting Fade’s kit 😅
I like how ash said the same thing as jack Cooper did in the start of the tf |2 campaign.
Me encantan las nuevas skins, de hecho creo que son de las mejores que he visto en Apex desde el lanzamiento del juego. Me encanta que vuelva el modo “Armados y Peligrosos” y por supuesto la nueva reliquia también es muy buena.
Horizon heirloom, my time has come, after so much waiting 🎉🎉🎉🎉 best event! ❤
Everything including the LTM look like fire for this event. Now if they have at least 1 event pack in the tracker I’ll be impressed 👍
Y Is her heirloom like that not what I was expecting but I believe n it. Me as a horizon main it’s cool
Another game Ea destroyed
These skins look great
These are some good looking skins! Too bad I haven’t had fun in this game in over a month! Can we get the game fixed? Every game I’ve played this week on my Xbox has been in Pc lobbies, and I’m not even playing with a Pc person…..
All these collection events no 120fps for console
It’s mace?
That heirloom is beautiful thank you apex
Why does Horizon’s skin look like Lucy from Despicable me?
Those skins definitely leave kids alone🤣🤣
Is this the first time they show the played character wall bouncing and tap strafing?
I hope it comes with a skydive emote for Horizon
dope heirloom and skin
Is the ash Skin also in the Collection Event ? It’s a big W
Sigma with a staff
Finally we can get the horizon mains out of the way
why does horizon look like that one red head from despicable me movie
Ngl I was expecting a galaxy camo type pen for horizon it only makes sense
Loba 😩
All the skins are 🔥
What a disappointment
Sigma ball on a stick
Can u give me it 4bfree?
Skin crypto!!! YEAAHHHHH😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
O ja pierdole te skiny wyglądają wykirwiscie
Where tf is the rev rework
So apart from skins what’s actually new here
My credit card is already suffering this purchase
About time, so now Horizon mains don’t cry anymore
Any Vantage skins?
One step closer to a Fuse heirloom…
Man they learned about wall bouncing and now can’t help but have it multiple times in every trailer 😂
Bro the heirloom just has Sigma OW ball on it
Crypto 💪🏽💪🏽 lets goooooo
L apex die off
Nicki Minaj loba skin hahaha
no vantage skins still
The heirloom looks kinda like sigma’s ball things for some of his skins
I love how revenant has hair
“limited time cosmetics” they’ll be in the item shop before the year ends💀
mad karen
Apex never fails to let us down
no rev rework :/ back to sleep I go 🤷
I wish I had money for dat maggie skin🤤
Better than expected but what is up with respawn giving the best skins karen cuts 😭
Is aim assist nerfed?
Ooouuuuuuuu. I also think ranked needs to be fixed. To many ratting
Lol that horizon skin looks like gru’s girlfriend lol
Should of a done a Scottish theme spacesuit skin
The maze has a Sigma ball from Overwatch
Horizon looks likes the girl from despicable me. (In a good way)
Look, another 160 they think they can swindle off me… No.
Anyone has a link to the countdown before this trailer ?
Bro no one ever plays armed and dangerous, stop recycling content and give us something new
I’m so happy that finally Horizon got her deserved heirloom (toilet brush)
Truly a Respawn moment
Oh joy. Movement controller players can’t reasonably pull off without using literal cheats.
Amazing! Something different for once.
Horizon looks like Lucy from despicable me
Brooo I just looked at the full trailer and I’m so excited for this ngl
Im so glad they gave horizon a mid heirloom
Loba finally got a different hairstyle
I feel like this event has already happened
Those skins tho! 🔥🔥🔥
I hate Broken Moon but it might actually be a good map for Armed & Dangerous 🤔 we’ll see
Can so one tell me name of the song?
Finally! A decent Newcastle skin! 🙌🏼
I understand wraith has a lot of skins but, she def wouldve been perfect for this event
Finally, horizon gets her heirloom
Revenant with metal scull… and fancy haircut? lolwut?
It looks like sigma’s black whole weapon on a stick
now that respawn is done with the star wars game they are focusing on apex and we can see that
Rainbow 6 Siege better
No way everyone likes those skins.
Remember the first ever apex event was play to win cosmetics now it’s pay to win
Yet ANOTHER Catalyst skin in this bundle- someone needs to tweet Respawn and remind that Vantage exists
Rev looks like soldier 76 from over watch
So once again another event and still Mirage ain’t part of the new event skins!! 😒
More rinse and repeat game modes, Respawn never fail to amaze me
Loba looks like Christie from DOA (favorite)
Crypto looks like Lee Chaolan from Tekken (also my favorite)
EA . . . Good move. . . Good move
Клоунские скины
The Loba skin 🤨
They always choose the coolest songs that perfectly fit with their trailers
Nah this is cleaniest skins ever in Apex legends skins nah it’s tooo good bro😭🔥🔥🔥
They turned horizon into gru’s wife
why does bloodhound never get anything
I loved the part where ash went “how disappointing” as soon as horizon’s heirloom was shown
This looks great!
That is an awesome heirloom. Congratulations Horizon mains, I thought I had it bad waiting for Wattson’s.
Skins look nice, the heirloom looks really bad
Atleast she’s got an heirloom smh
Now I need fusey’s heirloom
Why does the horizon skin look like lucy wilde from despicable me
Bro, the rev skin🔥🔥🔥
Waited over a year for horizons heirloom to receive this garbage? lol
Yeah… the heirloom is kind of a letdown 😐
Ranked system is TR4SH . Pls fix it.
Horizon’s heirloom looks like she’s a k-pop fan
Love the skins
Ooo a Mad Maggie skin, may have to just get that.
They HATE Bangalore, give her a skin please or trackers
And the horizon skin tough ashhhhhhhhelllllllllllll
This has to be one of my favorite CE’s of all time.
I’m worried about what broken moon is replacing
Wow good job on this event, even though I wish there was more content, like unique challenges. This event looks good for cosmetics
I was actually speechless and then horizon said “were you saying somethin?” This was too perfect and I’m actually excited!
fixed the ranked system instead of collection events. thank you
It’s so nice to know that Apex is finally fixing their audio .
that loba skin bout to make me bust….
Everything I main a character their heirlooms comes out on my birthday which is a w
Finally a crypto skin after so long😂
Wow no reskins, it’s about time.
Expected nothing and got disappointed. Good job Respawn
Thank God there’s not a single recolor in the event I have hope for the future of apex now
Her heirloom looks cool. I liked the fan design way more though, but hopefully the Horizon mains are happy for finally getting an heirloom.
Rev reborn coming with this patch?
REV GOT HAIR?????!!!!
Wow! didn’t notice the heirloom until I read the comments because I was so focused on how cool the skins look 😄very excited for the event! 😊
Horizon herlom
As someone who just started playing Apex I have no idea what I just watched 😂
Pretty good as least it isn’t like the threat level event which got disliked and recolour skins
Respawn you better include a penalty for “Not even trying to recover teammates banners” which is getting very annoying instead of new cosmetics. If we are getting banned when leaving the match before banner time expires, so as those must who are not even trying to recover it! Or add “Fill Teammates” in ranked leagues as well.
after 2 years of waiting we got her heirloom!!!
did they really add jhonny depp LOL
Nice skin and super nice heirloom but the price is Just ridicilous
Ou. My. God. The skins are actually FIRE. And I don’t even usually care about them since I never buy, but ths time – |WOW|
Can we have titanfall 3
so no one is gonna talk abt the loba skin huh!
Give me a heirloom for horizon plese 😂
Newcastle content is my highlight
Si está bien cu lera la reliquia de horizon. Si no tenian ganas ni lo hubieran hecho
Revenant look jus like Fade from mobile
Can we just put some respect on that Newcastle clip?!?
karen cuts all over the place
*Patiently waiting for the Fuse Heirloom*
🙂 At least it’s not another character released after haha.
When is it coming out?
Sigma called and he wants his ball back
that heirloom is fireeeee
Love the heirloom but horizon looks like Lucy from despicable Me
Try to fix the kp bug in ranked first before you bring some pointless event and prove your greed for money again.
I wasn’t thrilled about the mace concept at first, but I gotta say that the mace looks pretty cool now that I see it.
Uhhh lifeline skin ??? We help the most when team mates are down ! I want some skins for my class ughhhh help apex
Fuse heirloom next woooo
horizon heirloom reveal
ash: How disappointing ……..
When gonna arrive the next collection event with valk prestige skin? Thanks
Horizon’s heirloom reminds me of those light up party wands you can find in gift shops
Mama got some brand new swag
Where is 120fps on consoles
We want 120 fps on consoles.
We want next gen updates on consoles.
fix ranked first
We want 120fps on xbox and PS5.
Waiting for Fuse heirloom
As much as I hate Horizon and horizon players her skin/heirloom crazy
Can’t wait for event and also the octane skin that will be for special but from other event
Lets go! I quit apex for a month already, I can do two months🎉.
Loba is craftable? 😮
fix the game please 🙂
Hopefully next heirloom is fuse!
Cant get enough from Loba skins 👀 im madly in love 🔥
Crypto’s skin looks like bbno$
overwatch in apex legends
I swear apex is disappointed in catalyst because they don’t ever show her off 😭
This should have been the battle pass theme instead of wtv the current one is.
Outfits trash heirloom looks like a toy and the 15th wraith skin again
Thanks respawn I really loved the part where you’ve recycled armed and dangerous for the 20th time
change ranked
Revenant kinda got his human skin which is cool
when will it happen
After saving my heirloom shards for 2 years i can finally get my heirloom
WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT 0:41 Thats a mouse dressed as Agent 47
Horizon to skin
Did anyone else notice the No Cheese No Mercy Holo Spray looks like Agent 47
La skin de ash sera de paga o es un vistazo al siguiente evento neon.🤔
Me gastare mis meyales de fabricacion para skin de revenant cre que va muy bien con la reliquia. 👌
L looks like catalyst
Horizon looks like Lucy wilde bro, I’d still smash tho ngl
This game fell off so hard.
best part is when horizon shows her heirloom and ashe says “disappointing” … that about sums it up
Heirloom mid
le skin d’horizon on dirait celui de Lucy dans moi moche et méchant
these skins are amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!
Prices are still going to be high as usual & still cant use no legends (red) currency for anything else besides recolors that are mostly meh & buying characters.
No revenant news with the update.. what a letdown lol
mhm yes still no crossprogress
Been waiting for her heirloom for so long and of course they go with an absolute terrible design, literally looks so trash, it’s sad when fan concept art is always better than the actual game they just want their money.
Now this is a COLLECTION EVENT🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
0:18 Very true indeed
L heirloom
Those skins look so good I like horizon’s heirloom it’s getting to much hate
Ngl I really like the skins
Lucy from despicable me:
I swear crypto has the coolest looking skins
I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen a trailer utilizing wall jump movements in it. Also fire skins
I truly enjoyed the part where buying these skins fixed the everyday lag that has prevented me from playing season 17 on console at all while any other game an app works just fine, so exciting !!
Honestly gotta be the best event skins we’ve had in a long time
That rev skin is horrible everything else looks good tho
I used pray for times like this 2 years🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
trash heirloom literally a hitachi wand with spiky ends
smash i mean smash i mean cool
Horizon looks like Lucy from Despicable Me
60s look , inspired by “no one lives forever” game🤔
Wow 2 wall bounces *claps*
Shchitt’s Creek Moira Rose vibes. Not a complaint.
I felt it when ash said “how disappointing”
Dat revenant Fade skin
Ok, Revs legendary is awesome you guys did it yet again!
What is that melody
ahhh. another legend who gets a heirloom before fuse. Cool.
Nice! Now another two years before fuse gets an heirloom and vantage gets a new skin
Loba is a Karen now
admitting their game is so broken that all the so called “movement techniques” are now legit instead of just the broken coding that they really are
The skins all look pretty good, it’s a little unfortunate that the LTM is reused… again but it should be pretty fun on a different map
who’s singing in the background ? the music
Don’t get me wrong, I like grandmom’s heilroom, but why morgenstern tho? Can’t make sense to me….
yeah this is just a great time to be a horizon main haha
Mastiff skin is so good
why does crypto skin look like a bootleg ballistic
Horizon looks like lucy from desipicale me
Ash is right the heirloom is disappointing
i feel like i’ve been waiting for her heirloom foreverrrr
Nothing for caustic? Shame.
FINALLY! Some good looking skins! Great work with this one
3 things I love about this:
1- No recolors
2- Putting movement in recent trailers
Karen hair for everyone!
Why do “”rap” songs nowadays all sound “hummina-hummina-huh-huh”
If only you guys didn’t just increase the already outrageously priced apex coins or i might have considered to still support apex and buy this event, owell greed greed greed
OH NAH they turned horizon into Gru’s wife LOOL
Skins are hella dope
just why you would release heirloom that has no connection to Horizon?!?
Whoever is doing Loba hairstyles for the skins, they really hate her. It’s either double braids as usual or some Karen look. Otherwise the skin is clean af.
That horizon skin is AMAZING
Horizon looks like Gru’s wife from Despicable Me
Stop with the Loba skins, there are too many
Rlly hoping that ash skin is the free one🤞
no1 cares about Horizon.. We need an Vantage loom for God sake
The worst heirloom is for my main ????
The revenant skin looks like a robotic fade 😂
exited for this >>>
Why does crypto keep getting skins every time and ash as well. Give wattson some love for once
Those skins are so mid my lord.
Still no new skin for Vantage…
horizon skin reminds me of lucy from despicable me
Finally, Apex starting to feel new again
B.O.B. so they calling you BOBBBB
“New event, new game mode, get excited”, while others knew not go on blind faith. The skins are cool but it’s soo nice that they put more effort into skins you can’t see in-game than actually creating a new game mode we can play.
All these new skins yet where is that rev update we kept getting news about
Her heirloom is something alright.
Lifeline prestige when??
Sigma ball on a stick
Guys if I wanna buy the 24 event packs how much it cost ?
wait is that ash skin part of the event
Love the camera work tho!
The Karen’s have arrived
Rev looking like fade in that skin
Can we PLEASE get more finishers? It would make them more incentivizing to use and adds something new to the scene
Ash mains still eating up horizon mains
Nah cause why tf this look heat asf
The REV skin is gonna so HARD with that half human & half simulacrum look🔥
Finally Mom !!
Kinda looks like the characters have ballistic type drip
Sick trailer!! But where’s RUMBLE???
Bro who gave revenant hair💀
Why is horizon wearing willi wonka glasses?
Very good work guys!Keep releasing 160€ cosmetics!This game is perfect!Ranked work perfectly there are no bug and you have perfect servers!!!And also a big community that buy this cosmetics every time!
Ayo what did ash just say? Can any of you stuff me?😂
Fix Ranked
Gru’s wife
apex never fails at making me disappointed
Finally more good mad maggy cosmetics
as a horizon/loba/rev main, i am truly excited for this event 😭😭😭
No lifeline skin again 💔
Exactly ☠️
Did ANYONE see the bow magazine? What is that?
People still play this?
No thanks
Apex was kinda quiet all season. Thank God we got a horizon heirloom finally
better than i expected
you win this one apex
yoi win
Finally some decent skins
Thank God they didn’t buff her lol
Ohh naaa 😭🙏🙏🙏 give that to Maggie that shi terrible 💀
Song name is
the mindset – nathan bodiker
waiting for fuse’s heilroom if its not as good im definitely spending my saved shards on this.
The least deserving legend to get an heirloom
Like the ash skin out of all of them lol
150 herliomm shard var horizonun herliomu bekliyordum oh be sonunda !
Horizon looks like Gru’s wife Lucy
Truly an apex experi– wait this actually looks ok
Sheeeeeesh. They are embracing the movement aspect of Apex more & more.
Better late then never.
Oooooo ma God
Loba reminds me of the movie “Pulp Fiction”. Cool skins
Next up… Mirages heirloom skin👀
Here comes all the bad teamplay horizons to show off there toy just to fight alone.
Put the game on mobile please 😢
Geeks no packs 😢
Bye bye Apex legends 👎
Horizon looks like grus wife from despicable me.
Sweatiest horizon Skin ever 💀
The hairstyles are pretty goofy ngl but the rest of it looks pretty good
Ok this might actually get me to put some dinero on skins.
I like the skins but personally they missed on horizons heirloom
Horizon’s new skin looks like Lucy Wilde from Despicable Me 2
FINALLY! No gold involved into the skins lol
WOW!!! I’m very excited for this
As a Fuse main, I still wait for the day… One day for sure… Meyby :/
where is the umbrella heirloom???? im so sad
Crypto looks exactly like Ballistics Brother in Law
Date pls
Revenent having part of his human head is cool
Finally we have some movement in trailers!
Horizon’s skin is 🔥
these skins are actually fire after soo long man
🫡 It’s time!!🥹
Well once again not legendary bloodhound stuff ❤️🩹…
Mad Maggie Heirloom next??? 😉Skins look great 🔥
Now she can finally get nerfed. After she gets a buff that comes standard with heirlooms.
Cool, but is it really that hard to give Newcastle an event tracker?
Really? Two legendary skins for Horizon and none for Lifeline? Again?!
Those skins look clean tho
I was skeptical about a mace as an heirloom for Horizon but this looks the bomb!!
This game kinda boring atm but this is still cool to see her finally getting her heirloom
Balenciaga Collection Event
Horizon mains will be fuming this event lol. All the scrubs will be spamming her in character selection😁
Bro why is no one else talking about the revenant skin it’s so good
Hopefully this one has a few free packs to get a hand on some of the skins
Apex X Belenciaga
tekken 3?
Skins are not content 🙄fix the main things in the game!! fix Rank Syatem!
No cheese no mercy 💀
They don’t understand. Loba with short is an outrage 😭😭😭😭
Horizon’s heirloom is just Sigma’s weapon… It’s cool dough I really like it it’s just funny that Overwatch and apex are copying things from each other
i haven’t touched the game in forever i really just want to cross progression my skins
Rev looks like Project Hel, wonder if that was the inspiration.
Actually one of my favorite skin bundle, clean and slick. Amazing skins this time!
That Newcastle at the beginning having fun with those trick shots 🔥
Looks cool let’s enjoy apex again 😀🤩
Armed and dangerous!!!
Why revenant looks like fade? 😿
Nah revenant with hair 💀
why does that horizon skin remind me of that one woman from minions or something 😂
I see a valorant style theme
Catalyst deserved a skin here
Ngl I kinda hoped it would be Valk’s prestige skin but horizon’s heirloom is definetly needed and honestly looks pretty good
Make that *four* characters younger than Fuse that got their heirloom first..
She finally got her heirloom. Can’t wait for her to get nerfed again.
That crypto skin is 🔥
Does anybody know when the will add the bowcheck back to the ground
Bro… there’s GOTTA be a new mode, armed and dangerous is not that good especially after getting it for the 50th time
Space mama…🥺🥺🥺
FINALLY a new skin for Newcastle that isn’t trash!
No bangalore again i see….
Fuse mains crying till the next event
The mask on Revenant reminds me of Fade from apex mobile :O
Imo that Rev skin looks pretty cursed lol
Fire skins! Now give me Fuse’s heirloom >:)
More than 1000’days after her release
Is that Crypto?? Are you sure is not Xqc lol
I need revenant rework already
Bro horizon look like the one chick from despicable me 2😂
They really trying to bring us back huh
Who gave the mother a Mace?
Meanwhile singapore servers are having high ping and game is literally unplayable
That Horizon heirloom is cool. Suits her. Looks good.
– signed, a salty Ash main.
Her heirloom is trash 😂😂😂😂
Las skins de Apex son las mejores!!!
That revenant skin is fire 🔥
Must admit better than expected!
was not expecting an ash skin or a skydive emote, holy shi
You have to learn tap-strafe to play this game.
mid heirloom 😢 top tier skins
Game is dead nice trying
It’s kinda like they wanted to give ash and horizon an heirloom for some lore purposes
Lol everyones cosplaying as ballistic
Edit: wish I knew how to wall jump
naa they done gave loba da karen haircut bruh 💀💀💀
Why does Horizon look that one girl from despicable me 3
Now Fuse mains get to cry…the cycle continues !!!
Is it me or Rev’s looking like Fade..
leave the children alone !
dude that revenant skin is so fire
What is up with Ash’s pant
Wow 🫰🏼🔥
did new castle just double jump from a wall bounce?
por fin mi mamacita de Horizon tendrá su reliquia :’)
Hayley Williams
Animan ahh Newcastle skin
I think this is the first recent heirloom that looks really amazing
Horizon’s new skin looks like that women from the Despicable me (Gru’s Fiance)
Horizon herllom finally clean skins
Bro as a loba main this kinda hurts me why all the other skins look really clean and then there’s loba
That’s such a lame heirloom, I was going to throw my money at it once it came out cause I love horizon but seeing this imma go for paths gloves and return to my days as spider king
Did I miss it or is there no new content
why does crypto look like macro doing a bit?
Well, horizon heirloom, good… some nice skin… a track reward, and wait… IS THAT THE RETURN OF ARMED AND DANGEROUS ?!? FINALLY !!!!!!!!!
Another revenant skin W, as always.
I dont like the heirloom from Horizon 🫤 the leaks looked better
These might be the best collection event skins I’ve seen
This game is trash no actual fixes
Finally no recolors
The revenent skin is a 10/10 like Always.. finally we get a human revenent… But Horizon heirloom …
No mirage skin?😢😢
I think everyone is forgetting what happened to seer when his heirloom came out. Expect a huge nerf with horizon probably getting pulled from the Meta in a few weeks
+60% Apex coin price 😁😁😁😁😁😁
Wow… look at all the new “content”
Ash and horizon 24/7 pathetic skins, honestly ballistic just came out and not even a new skin for him
let hope they give 2 free loot box as they USED TO DO
Mad Maggie skins is just lazy,sad.
The endless same skins for these worthless characters
The loba skin is MINEEEE
no bangalore skin again
*Karen mad maggie*
these skins are all S-tier
Oh sh… 😔👌
Free rewards terrible as always
…… why? why did crypto add this mustache
These skinsssss
…. EA’s bout to rob me.
Haven’t bought from the last 3 events. Am I losing love for the game? 😭
guez l’héritage non ?
They legit added macro as a skin fpr crypto bruh
A mace heirloom? So dopeeee
Horizon looks like that girl from minions
Octane is never safe in these videos.
bring back season 0 kings canyon i love u EA
How come crypto gets to look like Dante?
[The return of Armed & Dangerous]: Finally!!!
You’re going to realize how valuable helmet’s are in this game mode.
Nothing for octane as always
Finally no recolors
Best Apex event trailer I’ve seen in a long time
Milk money from skins event
Nahhh these skins are so clean imo and her heirloom looks pretty good too
The one good collection event and I miss the season it’s in 😭😭
Imagine the 19 on ash’s face is a count of how many kills you have in the match
Claire dearing
Do y’all get tired of giving Ash so much attention every event?😂
More skins.
sigman overwatch ??????????????
Bro the horizon skin looks like Lucy from despicable me😂
Time to add another Ash skin to the collection baby
Does anyone know the background song?
skins r goofy icl
No Wattson skin :'(
0:09 Bro for real thought Octane was doing something else
Horizon’s skin reminds me of Lucy from despicable me 2
limited time cosmetics till the next split or season when theyre re-released into the shop
Rev skin be bussing, definitely a cop ,
they are finally showing off movement in their trailers now. love to see it!
Mad Maggie is Mad Karen now I guess🤔
Seer ult looks pretty big there, patch notes : 15m
So will it be changed or nah?
Are we getting the solo mode?
Mirage & Octane barley get any new skins what’s up?
Love it so much! ♥
Bruh bh skin 😐
Am I the only one who thinks Horizon’s skin looks like Lucy from Despicable Me
i was just thinking about armed and dangerous yesterday
Skin Taylus for Cryto? JAJA
Common Respawn L, we’re not getting Revenant Reborn in this collection event
stop selling RESKINS for Wraith and other top legends, its not good for your business, I used to buy Wraiths akins but not anymore, make decent skins and prob buy it even tho its not worth 20$
Where the heck is Revenant Reborn?
Nice skins, nice heirloom. Still waiting for a good Seer skin and some ranked changes.
blud got a sigma ball as her heirloom 💀
So revenant reborn must be coming after this event over. Haven’t played aped in over 2 weeks
Lol these skins be like “Balenciaga”
Meh, we’ll see if i decide to come back, did they fix ranked yet ?
Mom Lock the doors. I’m scared
Wall Jumps in Trailers 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto low key be looking like bbno$
her ult just got my F!!! wallet 😢😂
why is rampart always left out
Why is the Loba skin in the trailer but not in the actual event?
Can’t wait for the new audio bugs skin, no cross progression skin, bad ranked system skin and awful matchmaking skin to come out
another $167 heirloom event and still no acknowledgement that ranked is in the worst state it’s been since season 12, still no acknowledgement about various server issues and audio issues either. Can we give apex the COD treatment and boycott???
why the horizon looks like lucy from despicable me 2
revert the ranked changes
Sick heirloom. Looks like that thing will turn you into a black hole. Nice skins this time, too. I want that Ash one.
Overall great looking skins, for once they look distinctive and not bound by the characters base design, but what about the patch notes?
Oh boy, do I love the part where Seer became a better silencer then Revenant. Let’s give Seer a more active silence gimmick that was suppose to be Revenant’s entire gimmick, and throw Rev Reborn out the window.
And why is Revenant now either wearing someone head or human? 0:08
Skins are tuff
Horizon looks like Lucy Wilde from Despicable Me 2 XDDD
I hope their will be a vantage heirloom or prestige skin next season I am one of the few vantage mains give us love please apex 🥲
why you hate horizon so much
Ima need that heirloom
I would pay more for you guys to show Vantage some love, why do you guys keep forgetting she exists???
I’m glad horizon’s heirloom isnt massive and annoyingly big
Nooooo broken moon is back???
Seer rip 💀
Finally an event with actually good skins
That revenant skin is so goood like who is this gentleman???
Trash heirloom it’s like they took one of the designs from ashes heirloom. I just took off one of the nunchucks and put a ball with spikes. Literally no thought process was put into this.
Imagine they teased her heirloom with this trailer and then release revenant reborn as an heirloom skin
About time 😂 horizon heirloom
I like that Horizon Quip when she bopped ash with her? “black hole mace???”
These skins are weird
They could have brought Revenant skin and human Ash…
Horizon mains rejoice
Apex has the ugliest characters bust most fun gameplay. whyy
Horizon looks like the girl from despicable me and loba looks like nicki minaj with the hair 😂
what’s the music called?
Imagine a lightsaber
Now just need the crossave😢
yall waited 10 seasons to give horizon an heirloom and thats what u came up with?
So excited for the new season! I just got to figure out which legends we’ll be playing for the 100K tournament in less than 5 days ahhhhhH!!!
Wheres Loba?
They boutta make hella money. All the new horizon mains bricked up for a $500 heirloom lol.
Finally a cyberpunk theme. That rocks!
They didn’t even added Mirage on this trailer
If DSP made a in game store… “it’s once again, time to open your wallets….”
Loba is Nicki Minag? )
Is it just me or did they straighten everyones hair?
thanks for the ash skin apex i will buy it
Nice we wait forever for a horizon heirloom and it’s mid if not terrible I haven’t decided
Yoo,is so cool
Bring back rp rank 😭
I knew that they gonna add this kind of Revenant skin, I FRICKIN LOVE IT
Love being a Loba main 🔥🔥🔥😂
Still no new skin for Vantage since the last 37 events. But they make new skins on Loba, Revenant and Crypto even if they already have 80 legendary one
EA ☕️
still no mirage skydive? bruh
everyone got bobs
my thoughts about the heirloom : 0:20
Cross prog where ?
❤ I love the fur of the wolf
It’s a sigma ball on a stick…
where revenant rework
Why does horizon look like Lucy gru
I remember the time that heirlooms used to mean something to the legend now their just what looks cool in the legends hands
Grus wife
Ash be swaggin with the sweats
Yes Apex, this is what we are talking about. Be more creative with your skins. No more recolors
Cant believe they stole Sigma’s weapons from overwatch
They really gave rev hair 💀
Cry’s in fuse
Why didn’t Wraith get a third heirloom???
All these skins are nice but actually i got 3 good legendary skins on every champs / weapon so…
These skins weak af tbh. They can’t compare to other events skins and I’m disappointed as usual. Heirlooms tight fs though
Im getting all that. I see no bad skins.
bro that crypto skin is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I am actually disappointed in the heirloom…… Even mirage’s heirloom is better
lol exactly like ash said:” HOW DISAPOINTING”
Horizon looks like the mom from _Despicable me_
Nah y’all are insane, that horizon heirloom looks TERRIBLE. I waited so long just for that thing 🙁 apex blue balled me
Horizon ou Rita Lee?
They forgot vantage again 🗿 this gonna be the longest ongoing joke ever
Meh. Dafuq does Ash have more screen time than Horizon with her actual heirloom?… Weak trailer
Ty for Loba <3
Ded game 💀
I like that the crypto skin looks like ballistics old fella
Why do I see nobody talking about rev reborn 0:10
Horizon reminds me of Cate Blanchett
Skins are good, nice work.
But the heirloom… this is nightmare.
Those skins look neat! I barely even recognized some of the characters. Hopefully future skins will be as unique as these.
What about make the game fun again changing ranked?
I’m getting this collection event my favorite event ever
That Crypto skin is CLEAN 🤌🏼
Bro say goodbye to seer💀💀💀
Seer = New revenant
Take my money!!!!😎
Cleaned Mastiff skin ever
Fuse mains:
actually amazing skins
That revenant skin looks fire 🔥 😍
스킨 진짜 잘뽑혔다.. 왠일인가 리스폰…
Fire skins.. great job. even im thinking of skins for legends i dont play now @:)
Are we at least getting cross progression
Horizon looks like Lucy from despicable me 2 😂
Wow nice skins. I’m still waiting for some badass skin for Mad Maggie but ok I’ll grab this one “like Tekken” for now.
thank god its not a recolor event 🙏
bro that revenant skin is wild
RIP seer
Love how they including movements such as the wall jump in the trailer.
The event actually looks good the skins look really good
And let’s go! My main Ash once again takes host! 😂
Love how respawn puts the goofiest holospray in the free road track instead of event packs, truly an apex Legends experience
Without Crypto would be better!! ….
Finally all these skins looks good ngl
finaly they drooping some legit skins
are we gonna ignore this what’s that 😮😮😮 is that what I think it is 0:40
revenant skin looks like fade from apex mobile
It actually looks cool
horizons skin looks like that 1 tall girl from despicable me 2
No pathy skin 😭
brother seer is useless now
Go spend more money in a dying game
Rev skin looks likes he’s Fade. 😢 Memories from ApexM
All skins are cool, but Loba 🙁 sadly
Pretty sure Crypto references Kit Phua, Horizion – Lucy Wilde, Newcastle – A-Train, Revenant has the same hair as his human form, and I’m not sure what the ash skin is from.
Why that horizon skin look that one lady from despicable me 2
i want that ash skin but i don’t have money and materials
Definitely cant complain about Armed and Dangerous… but dang, I was looking forward to the new solo game mode
I guess respawn hates Vantage.
Fix game didnt care about skin stop
That crypto skin reminds me of the payday outfits just without the mask
Can someone tell me when they’re bringing back the epic chests back to the event track? I’ve been sorely missing them
Leaving out pathfinder again
Wow horizon heirloom only took 1 unsextillion years!!!!
mb gang i ws talkin shi ngl
I CALLED IT! I TOTALLY CALLED IT! I had a feeling Horizon’s heirloom would be a Scottish mace!
finally gonna get a good nemesis legendaryyyy
That’s a garbage heirloom
Rev new skins is really resemble fade from apex mobile, did they just told us that rev reborn new skills set is…..
What frustrates me is that they never give Vantage much legendary skins. They need to show her more love.
what was that seer nerf exactly?
No path skin Sadge
Skins ATE left no crumbs
0:18 This is how everyone who was expecting a cool blade or a sword feels about the new heirloom
More heirlooms? 💀
I waited 10 seasons for this garbage heirloom 😐😐😐
Is the ash skin apex coins only ?
About time we get some new skins I was getting tired of seeing recolors 😮
I like it btw Cryto look like Johnny.🖤 good job respawn
Edit:y’all see that Loba skin 😭😫😫😫😫🫳🏾💵
That shi go hard ngl
Apex met gala
Horizon mains must be shedding tears of joy after waiting so long.
Still no Rev Reborn? Really?
valks prestige skin is nect heirloom
yessss mummy is getting her heirloom it looks so beautiful can’t wait 🤯
Looks like rev gets the faide skin
Song name pls it’s soooooo gooood
bro almost all the skins are bangers
Слава яйцам это не реколоры!!!11
that ash line after horizons heirloom is so real
bruh i hate the big clunky heirlooms they look horrible
I loved the part where Ash missed her wall jump at 0:48, truly an apex experience.
yessirr im hyped for that revenant so much detail from his lore trailer im HYPED
I love how they’re embracing movement as part of their game nowadays! Skins look fire too!
I have waited 10 seasons for that? Where is my notebook with pencil so I can bitchslap my enemies with it?
Her Pen/Mace interaction was 🤌🏾 and Loba looking like 🔥!!!!
Loba skin looks like Ela from R6
i like yesss
Yo these Skins are🔥
the heirloom is actually good
they added hayley williams from paramore into the game
this is good
Loba, crypto, horizon good skins
Respawn going crazy with that Movement. Finally our beloved Horizon got her heirloom ❤️
I’m actually glad it’s better than most of the fan made ones and I’m especially glad it’s not some galaxy pen that people thought it’d be
It would be 10/10 event but no mirage skin
trailers with fantastic movement get better and better ☺
No Watson skins , I’m sad
😭 no caustic skin. And just give us all day gun run.
Well maybe I have finally found an heirloom worth my chards. Being hold out for 6 months, can’t choose. Lol
No way they’ve made a Ryuichi Sakamoto skin for crypto
we finally got the human/ cyborg revenant, couldnt look any better, its so awesomeeeee
where’s titanfall 3
I stopped playing apex like 2 years ago and im still not interested
isnt the Skin for horizon the woman from the minions or are im wrong?
Lets go the heirloom looks great
Please return Broken Moon, it’s the cleanest map. Poi are so easy to navigate and remember
I’m surprised ashes ult didn’t phase tear to horizons ult ..am I right 😂
All we need now is fuses herloom!
the caleb cross outfitttt brooooooooooooo i love his hairrrrr im hypeddd
As soon as I saw the collection event name I knew it had to have a crypto skin
Also W horizon heirloom
Next clean heirloom when?
Yes siiiiir
Kinda dodo
아니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ우리 태준이 머선129 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Horizon got the Lucy from despicable me skin!
am copping that loba skin
That Crypto drip tho.
horizon advertising her playstation move controller
pls don’t return the broken moon. Pls don’t
These skins cold. Especially horizon
Quiero q regrese el apex mobile.. 😢 cmo yo no tengo PC me toca ver los Stremer de los demás. ..? Q sad.
0:02 Is that FL4K?
I actually for once look forward to a collection event
NewCastle! T.T nice skin
All these skins are actually so clean. I was worried about horizons heirloom given the leaks but it actually looks pretty good as well.
Please tell me why Horizon looks like Lucy from Despicable Me 2…😮
Horizon se parece a lucy de mi villano favorito jjaja
Horizon lookin like Lucy from Despicable me 2😭😭😭
Rev’s skin is insane.
well…. where’s our wraith skin guys!?😐
Thankfully the heirloom looks awesome, and nothing like the community renders lol
Still cant believe they gave wraith an heirloom twice before they gave horizon one
everyone waiting for heirloom i will be waiting for loba s skin
With the free finisher🤡☠️☠️🤣🤣🤣
Alright I was a bit concerned when I heard it was a mace but that’s not too bad the animations better be spectacular tho
Rev lookin like Fade with the mask and human scalp!
Hoziron’s heirloom isn’t a pen? Unplayable
R99 craft
Only for 150$ and more !!
Bruhs heirloom looks like sigmas weapon from overwatch
Soo nice
Why Vantage can’t get a limited skin!
idc about the heirloom but that loba skin omgomgomg
Good looking skins.
Crossplay toggle when? Server change when? Matchmaking changes? No?
Oh right. You only care about selling your 180 dollars “event”.
That loba skin 🫦
Dress to waste money*
My favorite part was when Horizon said “wanna see my singularity?”and released her own heirloom for $150. Truly a Respawn Entertainment moment
Lucy from despicable me 2 got a new gig huh
why does horizons skin looks like Lucy Wilde from Despicable Me-
Not sure how I feel about revenant with hair
I actually love these skins and horizons heirloom looks dope and I don’t even play her
“how disappointing” welp Ash said it not me
Horizon with pubg glasses 🤣
Okay they 100000% brought in some of those apex mobile devs. Wow that Ashe skin may be the best skin in the game.
Loba has a hot haircut
How disappointning indeed
so how about fuse’s heirloom
These trailers do be getting shorter as seasons go by
Horizon mains up
That rev skin got me sweating for real
They gave her Sigma’s ball on a stick and called it a hierloom 😹
Why does rev looks like fade for apex mobile
Hopefully those horizon mains are finally satisfied now so they can touch some grass
Why does horizon look like gru’s girlfriend in despicable me lol😂😂
Apex needs custom loadouts, permanent no shields TDM, Titanfall 1 & 2 maps, and mechs (TF3 basically)
Ngl, Probably my favorite horizon skin
Why revenant looks like fade
Finally now i dont got to hear horizon mains complaining where her heirloom
bro that wraith skin lowkey looks like gru’s wife from minions
The movement in this 🔥🔥
Looks like the Karen & Ken skin event 🚮🚮🚮🚮 let’s not forget those terrible wall jumps 🤣🤣🤣 laughable video that’s all it is tbh
Wow im sorry horizon mains but that heirloom is dogshit
Rev looks clean 🙏🏾
naasama povighada neegha
That newcastle skin 😮💨🔥
punch is going to be poor after this wave of rat content
That Horizon and Loba Skins are 💥💥
I feel bad for horizon mains 😂
mastiff and horizon skins look fire dont know how I feel about the heirloom tho
Anyone noticed they putting wall jumping in the trailers now. Thats so cool.
lol what a trash heirloom horaison have. Better if respawn make fan concept umbrella lol. rev skin is good
Apex really flexin the movement in this one!
Mom credit card finna go crazy 💳
We finally get a “human” rev skin!!
Awesome skins, nice heirloom but no new gamemode, still looks good
You see, what’s actually being collected is our money.
Everyone that hit masters already this season like this comment
Only LTM that I’m okay with coming back almost every season is Armed and Dangerous
Again with free trash
I dont know what to say about a new Loba skin,its good and bad at the same time
Maggie got the Karen haircut
Where is Valkarie prestige set!? 😯😯😯
I wanna see a game mode where all legends abilities were randomized with other legends
Finally a “event” (because skins and reused game mode is not an actual event) that isn’t just recolors
YALL DIDNT HAVE TO GO THAT HARD LETS GOO !!! First that heirloom is crazy good , along with the loba and horizon skin 🔥🔥
The rev and Loba skin are 🔥…
“How disappointing” Well, Atleast they’re self aware
God imagine having Titanfall 3 instead of this micro transaction led video game.
Horizen mains rejois cuz you finally have something to look forward too
me getting her heirloom with only 100 kills on her. 🙂
No brand new ltm….. Again…..
Apex valenciaga
wow so much ***new*** cOnTeNt for us cashcows
Still waiting for Revenant Reborn once that comes out I’ll finally come back to apex after 2 seasons my main needs an upgrade🤘
A human body part for rev??? Crazyyyy
what is that heirloom exactly? happy for the horizon mains. i’ll be avoiding the game for a bit 😂
The heirloom looks better than I thought.
So early that all the people who wanted horizon to get a knife didnt even comment yet
After years of waiting about time horizon is getting her heirloom!
Props to Respawn *FINALLY* acknowledging the fact that movement tech DOES belong in APEX
Give us back the arenas game
That Loba skin is looking like a whole meal.
OG assist me, I can refrain myself from buying anything from the shop but Loba’s skins. Loba is too much for my sinful heart.
I’m sorry i really don’t wanna complain but seeing Horizons heirloom did they even try with Ash like even if she still had nun chuck blades they could’ve attempted to make them look cooler
Wow all of them beautiful skins But horizon ❤❤
well. the skins are not that bad, but wrong legends. Horizon loom – looks bad ngl.
Finally no recolors and horizon heirloom!!!!
LOBA: thick thighs save lives.
her heirloom looks too like idk insignificant?
Even Ash got heirloom before Fuse.
Why ?
Revs skin is so nasty 🔥
W heirloom
Skins look awesome
When are we gonna get a new vantage skin, yall always forget her
I love the part when they show the horizon heirloom and ash sais “How disappointing”. Truly an apex legends moment
it has arrived…
Revenant cant stop taking Ls
Thicc thighs Ash skin to rival thicc thighs Pathfinder skin
This looks so wild. Capture artists & trailer team killed it again
These patch notes are fire
W crypto skin finally
Finally some decent movement in the trailer. Buying the loom just because they put effort this time.
Я не пойму ушел топовый дизайнер прошлых реликвий? Уже 2 полное дерьмо
Horizon looking like Lucy from despicable me 😂
That’s a pen?
I got my heirloom shards so i am gonna get it for free
Finally a good looking collection event
era oraaaaaa
A&D is an L. Should’ve been Rumble Solos
OK YOU CAN WALL JUMP, WE GET IT! I’ll just have to make do with the heirloom…
Thoughts on heirloom? 10/10??🤔
Wow that seer nerf though
Who is really open I would do the prestige again first or the recolor First currently unemployed and drowning so it’s gonna be really sad when I can’t get this loom
Skins are so nice but the heirloom looks ugleeee
Can I get the heirloom shards before the event is the question…
Bro, that Rev skin is 🔥🔥🔥
Aw man i thought it was gonna be lightsaber. Oh well still looks good
0:18 even ash finds the horizen heirloom disappointing
Don’t care for those I just want to know when cryptos prestige skin comes out
Still felt like a parasol would’ve fit her better but this one has cultural background into it so it works too!
Now these are skins 😮💨
Interesting rev skin but sadly no rework but you’ll give Seer his tactical with 10s…
A good heirloom with great animations. If you hate on it, you hate because you dont got the money to buy it or you just hate horizon heirlooms.
&&&&&& if u were to get it through a pack you would be DRIDING it.
Newcastle looks like he’s gonna put some new forgis on the jeep
U know they are bugs the ranking system is broken and alot of problems but I have news apex is saved baby a new collection event is here to take the money straight from ur cards
wait wow the skins are nuts
Crypto gets a Johnny Depp skin? 😂
What’s Diane Morgan from Cunk on Earth doing here?
Bro Horizon lookin’ like that lucy frol despecable me 2
Skins: 8/10
LTM: 4/10
Track Items: 7/10
Heirloom: 9/10
Overall: 7/10
Horizon lookin like she’s about to attract Gru and his minions
Is that revenant with a zoomer hair cut?…
corona virus heirloom
Should’ve been ballistic
и где скин на рейв ?
Loba skin is fire 🔥
More movement in trailer pls😊
oh I’m getting that Loba skin.
It’s not what i expected but I think it still looks cool
Grabbing for Crypto and Mad Maggie brb
Maggie and Loba look so awesome, the only thing is the hair, but other than that, great skin design.
Finally the horizon heirloom is here
You guys drop a decent looking collection event during the worst season where player count is reaching an extreme low. You haven’t said anything about ranked changes but here’s some cosmetics…? I’m not even gonna bother touching this. Skins look good though
Love this content, so much more than fortnite
apex legends elite
whoever gave Loba a bob and revenant hair needs jailtime asap
What’s everyone’s thoughts on the Horizon Heirloom?? 👀
Finally 😍
Also customer support completely abandoned my case. 2 years worth of content gone and my money getting diverted to some other account. Thanks again for that.
New Skins. No recolours?? am i seeing that right!
Finally a Maggie skin
That horizon skin looks like the women from dispicable me 😂
Pause at 0:54, thats so sick
Does crypto look like salt bae
Heirloom looks like trash! So bad!
Fix ranked
As usual, song not credited. Anyone know it?
They showcased broken moon, so is it back in rotation for this event only or for good?
Fix rank please
Bangalore has been overlooked for SO LONG😔😔
0:17 Ash took the words right out of my mouth
no valk skin?
Revenant got that Fade skin 💀
Loba = edna 💀
Porfin una reliquia que vale la pena
0:22 Is that Lucy Wilde from Despicable Me 2? 😂
are the free tracker skins epics this time?
Nice stuff 🎉
But tell me….
What in gods name happened to lobas hair 🫣
What’s this song??!!! TIA
That Rev skin is dope.
It’s still weird to see movement in the trailers 😀
nice pride month event
Yea & give Wattson the worst skin on earth, thanks.
Yes! Now the Horizon mains can shut up about her heirloom lol
Top espero que tire os rack das partidas
Did she just having a sigma ball😂
I’ve seen this skin in the movie, charlie and chocolate factory 😂😂
Why is everyone one shot
You keep making crypto skin like he’s the most played character
La skin de ash 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Horizon heirloom concepts were much cooler but this is still good
I need that volt skin
💳 🥲😭😭
Ash skin reminds me of ghostrunner
Finally she gets the love she deserves and gets her heirloom finally
Everybody hypin on this event these skins are straight trash and the heirloom made me throw up in my mouth
Наконец-то реликвия на хорайзон! Думал не дождусь
Ok wow those skins are amazing. So sad that I can t buy them. Gg though
Dude why there’s no octane skin!
Crypto looks so clean I’d buy it but I’ve barely touched this game since the seasons came out
Man I love apex legends. Look at all these skins, it’s almost like an excuse for content! And the heirloom look so cool when I have to use a credit card to pay for it which will surely take all my money for living expenses. Truly an apex experience.
Crypto 🔥🔥🔥
sheeeesh lets goo
How much is this gonna cost me?????
I’m here for that Loba skin
No way y’all horizon mains waited 10 seasons for that 💀💀
Loba ambatubas
Revenant with hair
Revenant with hair
Dang I thought that was Catalyst but it was Maggie
Идеально 💥💥💥
Ngl, these have to be the worst collection event skins I think I’ve seen.
Waited this long to use my heirloom shards and get this trash…..
Please not armed and dangerous 😭😭😭
No cross progression 😢
Everything looks good so far but still no cross progression 😢
ASH SKIN!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
valorant team deathmatch
Loba looking thicker than a bowl of oatmeal ngl. 🥵
Wow! New skins! Not Reskins!!! Truly not apex experience.
Que herança mais pobre hein Respawn? Tantos designs com mais personalidade poderiam ser feitos AFF! Mas ta né, vou estar decepcionada mas com a herança na mão pelo menos
Seer will be played completely different now, those changes are massive.
I wish they’d actually reuse some of the more interesting LTMs, I loved healing domes, ring respawning, and ring flares. The last few they’ve introduced are more just changes to internal numbers.
Still looks like I’m breaking the wallet this event tho lol
This bouta be crazy
Bro that revi skin looks amazing! Second only to the top hat
not pornstache crypto 🙁
Loba look loba look like nicki manaj 😂😂😂😂😂
Broken Moon 😢😢 it’s BACK
You fell off
Tbh the skins aren’t that impressive. But horizon finally has heirloom!!!
So expensive skins and a reused mode? Sounds like Apex…
Finally im going to spend heirloom craft material I got back in 2020
armed and dangerous making it’s triumphant return for the 20th time let’s go
Horizon is like Lucy in dispicable me with iron mace
Love how the game is unplayable because the matchmaking is completely broken, servers are terrible, and this new season had barely any new content… but hey we get yet another $150+ event for a broken legend used by no life ttv kids so I guess that’s “content” huh.
I dont believe what im seeing!!!
I want bloodhound heirloom recolor 😢
Heirloom looks amazing love it
Loba with short hair 🥵
Wait a min is this a Resident Evil Crossover Event?! ❤🎉😅
recolors truly an apex legend moment
клевые скины!🎉
That ash skin looks way too dope
First good skins this game’s ever seen.
NOOOO the sweaty stupit legend is geting a heirloom uhg cant wait to die bey sweety kids again
Horizon lookin like Gru’s wife
I actually like the look of these skins, might try and nab them even though i dont give to fs about horizon
People who wanted a gravity knife( a baby knife) for Horizon are in shambles rn
This might actually get me back into playing Apex LOLLL Been away since the season started
how disappointing
horizon skin lookin like lucy from despicable me 💀
Another money grab bruh- fix game Plz
loved the part where it said “introducing cross progression… lol JK” truly an apex experience
I personally like the heirloom
Horizon about to ask if King Arthur came a lot
Horizon me recuerda a la esposa de Gru en Mi villano favorito. Esta hermosa
im still waiting for a LOBA Cat-Woman inspired skin..
Horizon skin look like lucy from dispicable me
“How disappointing” while showing Ash’s heirloom is unfortunate 🤭
Day 1 of asking Respawn for arenas back
the one from Minions
That’s a sick horizon skin
Apex legends is not available in India anymore in one year later Apex legends shutdown server in India last time pubg ban, pubg lite ban,free fire ban, battle ground mobile India ban and now this 😅🇮🇳
Adam smasher revenant
Looks like Lucy from dispicable me 2
Hm… Looks bad.
Wrong champ. It must be fuse or newcastle
I love $160 heirlooms. Glad i wasted 3200 hours on this game.
Broken moon is an L
That’s weird I didn’t see any recolors?
Why didn’t y’all just give her a gravity knife it made the most sense 💀
another day, another event with no mirage skin
Finally horizon heirloom
how am i the only one here thinking this heirloom is by far the ugliest i’ve seen (no offense imma horizon main too)
I’m so excited for a free bloodhound skin and bocek skin that both look like complete garbage💀
Can I believe my eyes? Maggie actually got just a legendary skin, but a GOOD legendary skin???
Crypto skin looks like Leon S Kennedy
Atleast bring new game mode
It sure would be nice if we got new content in these events anymore.
Shut up and take my money!
i’ve been waiting for this for years
cool skins but an old game mode again? really?
Ok these costumes are SIIICK
I expected the relic to be an umbrella, not a mace(((
yooo this heirloom is better than I thought but I’m not judging it until I the sprint + span inspect animation
looks like a good heirloom
newcastle ballin skin????
Let’s goooooooo
Apex x Balenciaga event
still no content
Y’all gotta look at Rev tho 😳😈
How disappointing
Overwatch sigma’s black hole ball on a stick 💀
Looool so cool
Cross ProgressioN?
Okay everything look sick tho why does the horizon give me full on black widow vibes
ok the skin is actually sick
The heirloom looks like a toilet brush.😅
The horizon and Ash skins are sick!!!
Armed and Dangerous let’s go
Por fin horizon!!!!
Now those are some skins! I didn’t even recognize some of the characters with how different the skins are compared to the normal skins. Not saying that I am a fan of the skins, but I certainly can appreciate the effort that went into it!
These skins are absolute cringe
The Loba skin!!!! Fire!!!
Revenant look like Fade!!! Haha now give me his abilities!! These skins look sick!
She got an heirloom so look out for a nerf
It’s here guys! The money collection event! Poggers
dumb and boring
гавно переделывай, где моя банга? Я за шо вам доначу по тыще монет, я ваш инвестор, если бы не я, вы бы обанкротились
Wow of course horizon got her heirloom before fuse smh 🙁
We truly live in an age of wonders- Craig, from apple
How many times are they gonna bring back Armed and Dangerous?
Respawn: Yes
What is that Loba skin 💀
Yessssssssss 😂😂😂🥹 she finally got her heirloom I’m happy that I’ve mained horizon since her release
Finally now all horizon mains can stop crying
0:34 is that reb reborn ?
Bueno, a gastar los metales azules porq ya hay reliquia
Be nice if we could get cross progression on all platforms.
W seer changes
Thank you respawn!!!
Destroy loney reverence? Opinum😮😮😮
Eu achando q ia vir a Hairloom do Fuse garanhão 😢
Thanks for putting back the same recycled game mode, we were all eager to play it again (sarcasm)
Blud really put sigmas weapon on an heirloom 🤦🏾♂️
me when no new blooudhound skin…
Armed & Dangerous!! Lets goooo. Been waiting for this for a realllly long time.
Cross progression
Fix skill based matchmaking
Fix your bugs
Make the game fun again
Then I’ll consider playing the game again
New collection let’s goooo
DanceDanceRevolution Font
Why not a Claymore instead ? Its a Scottish Sword would have been better.
Its good crypto is getting more love
That Ash skin looks FIRE
Still no Bangalore skin
Not armed and dangerous AGAIN
ABOUT TIME…now im complete 😈
That heirloom is not it 😭😭😭
Horizon heirlooommm let’s goooooo
aint to early for the trailer? Is freakin 8am (México) lol
That Loba skin go wild 😳😳
Truely saying, This time Maggie & Loba got awesome Skins
Bro where’s cross progression?
Dude a mace is dope. Give Fuse a grenade flail
No reskins, nice looking loom. Can’t complain about this one!
That horizon skin reminds me of this women in the minion what was her name? I forgot
Horizon Mains ASSEMBLE 🎉
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content❤️
im about to go broke smh
наконец то нам дают ёршик для унитаза, этой помойке его как раз не хватало
the horizon heirloom and skin goes hard
Okay this event actually looks good, the skins actually looks good
Dope. But F Mirage again! Lol
Can’t wait to use my new toilet brush
loba skin is hot, horizon skin is a let down, crypto, skin and revenant skin fire
0:18 when we all saw horizons heirloom
lame event again, once i rat to masters im done with this game for a while
Hay demasiados en nivel maestro pero sigue muy bueno y vivo el juego
Dale caña apex
Te mamaste está vez Apex Legend 😮😮😮
skins are so fire
I’m sad that the horizon heirloom is a mace because I wanted fuse heirloom to be a a mace with a grenade at its end
Revenant is kinda… Overwatched Soldier
Heirloom trash 😂
No way
Why does Maggie have the karen haircut
They are so goofy at making heirlooms now
The next heirloom is going to be for Fuse right?
Ash speaking fax about that heirloom it truly is disappointing
Def copping that crypto skin
An ash skin 10/10 event
Skins look sick, W
Danggg loba looks really good
ayy armed and dangerous for the THIRD time
No Broken moon PLZ, I dont wanna go back to Fortnite!
Комментарий на будущее
why horizon look like Lucy from despicable me 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Heirloom fire ngl 🔥🔥
Let’s go! Horizon heirloom looks amazing!!!
Already better than the previous one
That horizon skin tho🥵
I miss the old apex 🥲
The Loba skin 🥵😫
lobas bob are
Let’s go!! Time to buy the heirloom!!
Lets goooo another recycled LTM. Truly an Apex experience.
Воу! Вот это скины, я уж думал этот сезон будет отстойным
that heirloom looks like the stupidest thing ever
Mano, a Horizon tá parecendo aquelas vilãs donas de empresa de série norte americana.
Why Broken Moon tho?
Where solos at ?
Stop lobas hair 😂
Am I the only one that thinks that heirloom looks so bad that it’s funny
Claim your “Here within 1 hour” badge here! 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇
Horizon is literally Lucy from despicable me
Finally mommy get a bonk weapon😂
Yesssss horizon heirloom finally I’ve been waiting for it for so long
Where next gen update?
Lessss goooooooo!!!
Plz horizon heirloom
Bro gave us a lightbulb
The Horizon heirloom? Meh. The Horizon skin? Dope.
But that Loba skin thooo 🥵🥵
❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Finaly
You can conquer the outlands with the help of Balenciaga
A mace…. I mean I kinda dig it!
Oh look! Another useless money grab event
Loba looks like lady Gaga❤️
Loba & Crypto skin 😍
Yeah no
Okay that maggie skin is hot asf 😮💨
It would be good if you fixed the game first before releasing overpriced cosmetics
Horizon mains I feel bad for u
New Castle went crazy
That rev skin is littt!!
I’m so excited for armed and dangerous even though it came out like 100 times already these new 24 cosmetics greatly impact how fun the game is overall 🤷♂️
Finally horizon heirloom
Horizon looks like the girl from minions
So cringe
Loved the part where Octane jump padded into a four team fight by himself and got shredded, truly an apex experience.
Where’s Valk’s prestige??
L collection event
Everyone 1 shot again in the trailer 😂
А я думал будет член….
This heirloom is mid
Love me more expensive re-skins!
Amazing heirloom horizon mains rejoice
Nullll 💸💸
Looks like Revenant was able to find where his human hair was hidden after becoming a simulacrum
Whoever designed the Horizon heirloom needs to be fired
The Black hole orb reminds me of Sigmas orbs. Still, good collection event and I might actually get this one
An early birthday present for me. The day before my birthday. Hooray 🎉🎉
Finally A Heirloom For Horizon
That heirloom horizon her pickrate
W heirloom
😅 paia esse evento
🤦🏻♂️ just add fuse heirloom already who cares about horizon
Bro is sooo good
Bro just learned how to wall jump
About time horizon gets her heirloom!!
I just love how skins are considered content
Bruh the switchblade would have been better ngl
Coolcool… so wheres cross progression?
Horizon heirloom looks sick especially with that new skin
Fix ranked
Armed and dangerous for 100x time. 👎👎👎
Good one
L heirloom
Can’t wait for the horizon nerf
Very nice❤️.
She finally gets her heirloom let’s go baby
bro Wdf I swear I seen horizon heirloom in my dream and my dream was me getting it
I cant even buy these skins bc my coins are -9999
Oh the poor Horizon Mains 😂
FIX RANKED PLEASE (commenting before I even watch)
fidget spinner
Skins Skins Skins, that’s all I see
Finally a good event
so when is the next update?
Bloodhound recolor when?
Nah whats rev cut
A Good Collection Event 😂
The perfect horizon heirloom for the annoying fans always crying in these comments
Horizon heirloooooooom
Horizon heirloom
let’s gooo W update
Yes another useless event every month😂
So it IS Horizon’s heirloom
Let’s go baby
I’m first
Maggie skin??????
Gugu gaga