Apex Legends Players Must Be STOPPED
Apex Legends Players Must Be STOPPED
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🎨Thumbnail by —-⪢ Ottr
🎬Edited by —-⪢ ViewtifulSHIV
Production Music by www.epidemicsound.com
#Ottr #Apex #ApexLegends
Taqs:ottr,ottr apex,otr,otttr,aimbottr,otter,OttrOnTwitch,Apex Legends,Apex Legends PC,Apex Legends console,apex legends mobile,best apex legends,apex legends best legends,apex legends ps4,apex movement,apex legends storm point,apex mobile,time crunch,weapon masteryu,ranked,apex legends ranked,season 17
コメント (100)
Bro the ratting to masters this season is ridiculous it is so frustrating I get matched with trash players I end up trying to fight entire squads alone.
was this edited by an ai lol
A ranked system isn’t about validation from others, your opinion on that is laughable. Understandable though considering the weird things EA has done to Apex.
Well on the upside Solo to Masters will be easy.
Hey masters is masters of you worked for Ty deserve it
Since there are so many bad players in ranked me and the boys are grinding out our 4k badges and 20 bombs whilst doing some trolling
The only reason I play ranked is bc they can’t leave after being downed 5 seconds after dropping xd
Personally I think they should do something with the future badge where it has your kd on the badge for this season or something
If I play only strategically I usually keep my KD to 1.5 -1.7 , and if I only play for fun and push everything 😅 I have about 0.9 😂
Im pretty oriundo of my diamond bagdge from 3 seasons ago I’m recruit 2 now ranked sucks I don’t really care bout the new high rank honestly I’m happy I made it to diamond on my own getting better 2 seasons ago
Been playing since season 2, got pred in season 4, 5 and 6 and then I stopped taking ranked seriously and was master in pretty much every season. My k/d is 5.32 right now which is pretty good, not full on sweat level kd but its pretty nice
idk my playstyle in ranked did not change since season 15 (i started playing in that time), it’s still fun for me to play ranked and gain some points, but sadly kills now almost do not matter
Finally someone that is shouting out! Ridiculous time waste in general season 17 ranked🤮 I’m now we’re near the skill of a deserving masterplayer, can’t imagine how pissed you must be! Ranked badges this season have 0 value. everyone is gonna remember this season as the RAT season! Thanks 4 speaking your mind, respect ottr👊👍
I liked fortnite for that
No badges, no levels, no kd. No one could care less.
I mean, there were levels. But no one in the game could see your stats
It IS not for the kd It IS for the psicológical Warfare
What a qoute
I honestly have no idea why people are so mad at the people ratting this season. Like ok maybe they don’t deserve the masters badge but when its this easy to get it you just want people to refrain from getting it? That’s crazy. Its not their fault ranked this season is this way, so allow them to get it. Plus purple is a really nice colour and this will be their only time to get a purple dive trail and a purple badge in the game with ought wasting their time. This will in turn motivate them to play the game more cause now they think they are sweaty and stuff. So they will start investing more money and time into the game. Respawn will benefit. Its all a part of their plan.
Im kind of split on this. I think the end game on ranked has improved alot (8 squads alive when the final ring starts to close is no exception in gold even). Ranked used to be the same as pubs and I had no fun playing solo or duo against coordinated 3 stacked students who have alot more spare time (and probably sleep). But yeah, its like a 180 degree turn now with people immediately dropping solo just to rat
Yk it’s dumb that I can get a masters badge and better abs both at the same time
Even the preds are shit this season. When I duo q inspects get paired with preds in my lobbies but they are still shot even though they are always three stacking. You can tell some of them are not the usual preds
2:56 respawn should troll everybody to give out a trashcan badge for reaching master this season. Or a rat. That would be funny
I want to get better at the game. It’s a shame that Apex doesn’t care about that.
I have to say hitting masters this season is completely useless. I would struggle in teamfights around d2-d1 back in s11 and s12’s where players would know how to snowball a teamfight, but now every time me or one of my mates down a guy, their teammates just scatter so fast and become so disoriented that it’s easy to pick them off. On the flipside, when I was duo queuing with a friend, we got a masters teammate who died simply because he failed to climb off a ledge and hop on the zipline. Idk, this season’s ranked feel so weird to play anymore.
Day 109 of asking for a mande reaction video
This is a reason which I don’t play Apex, the trash matchmaker which (also thing that Matchmaker can throw much higher ranks than you are if you are like rookie/bronze to fill up lobby instead of bots like you said)
The Game should realize if the Master badge was achieve by ratting or not and exchange it with a shiny Rat Badge next Season, this would be awesome xD
Bad take, it’s actually worth playing for those who can’t get to masters. 1 season like this makes the game bad? There’s always been rats and always will be
Ayooo man awesome. So many good videos in the last time W
As someone who doesn’t rat I was hard stuck gold all seasons bcz I just am way to aggressive but this season I’m almost diamond and I feel like I didn’t improve
my first real 20b was in ranked in s7 i was full stack pred on xbox and we got into a game of plats and diamonds so not actual bots but lets be real they were bots.
I think it’s a way better design, need a bit of adjustment but basically people think that ranked should be like a pub game, what is different here is that emphasis on tactics is way bigger and on killing is way less important. That is what ranked should be about. That ALGS feel where you look for a circle placement and try to survive among all the other teams that stay close to each other in final circles. I don’t find fun at all in previous seasons, people jump down just so that they die and restart the game. Now with my teammates we find proper setup for particular map, scan circles, try to figure out where other teams are and find final spot where you can defend against oncoming late teams that were too stupid to rotate. So I disagree – it’s a way better season and more fun. If you want to kill players go to pubs, if you want to execute tactical skills go to ranked. Reason people rat is because they drop with random idiots that think they’re in pubs and die instantly so the last man alive has to rat to get any points because was trying to get a placement but got people that can’t go to deathmatch to get kills and try to do that in ranked instead.
And if you think badges in first seasons meant anything lol, I know a guy who got pred in some of the first seasons and right now he is an absolute garbage, practically got it killing total bots back then, now jumps into fights and dies instantly and then shouts at everybody else. Currently in this season can’t get to silver. So no, this isn’t a garbage season and a bad rank.
To the whole master series i am normaly a aggressive pubs player and this season ranked is something much different than my pubs exp. or my old ranked exp. it is not bad or so but just confusing, sometimes no one dies until 3 zone and there is still 13 squads left or people just die quick and you can also play aggressive. Ranked is not bad but needs some changes. I am usualy not a hard stuck and i actually dont play ranked that often so i cant really talk to it but just to say that everybody is ratting to masters is wrong i think. I like that its actually skillbased and not ranked based. And overall its a good ranked system, yes ratting is a problem but nothing is perfect right? Last seasons i had so many hackers and stuff im ranked and pubs but this season no not in ranked only in pubs lmao. Overall i played my way, as usual, to masters and yea.
yeah I really like this vid because it shows that badges means nothing if you cheese them. Also this game has legit gotten worse since it came out
Masters badges pulled a game stop stock
While I agree on the “no worth” masters rank… I just wanna have a dive trail. That’s it. It looks nice. I like it. Even if it means nothing. I don’t care for the rank. If there would be a way to grind specifically for a trail, I would.
I am a wattson main and badges are honestly pointless you can go online and find websites to pay a pro to get you a 20 bomb or 4k for like 20 dollars. I just run the event nessie badges because badges are pointless
If I’m gonna be target practice for masters/pred in my low level lobbies, I might as well get a masters badge… that way, I can at least answer the question of “why are there so many masters/preds in these lobbies?”.. then I’ll see my badge and say “oh, that’s why”
Can I ask you guys which badge is worth less? The Season 3 dashboard Pred badge or this new Season 17 Rat Pred badge? There are dozens of rats in Pred across all platforms right now dropping solo and ratting the entire game as we watch this video. These guys aren’t Apex Predators, they’re players desperate to abuse a system for a rank and badge they know they can never achieve through individual skill. The value of Master and even Apex Pred is at an all time low. Why play ranked and deal with ratters and busted SBMM when you can just play TDM and Control and have an infinitely better time on the game?
Also the 20 bomb thing is true. I’ve only dropped 1 legit 20 bomb when the opportunity presented itself. Most 20 bombs are done in bot/ new player lobbies by dropping in and dying 8-10 times to tank your mmr. That’s the truth.
LOL I will say my biggest Flex is my 1-month badge😂😂😂😅
Not to flex but I haven’t played apex for 4 days.
Me proud of my 0.8 kd 😎
*Starts describing people trying hard to get kills and win in premade stacks and good communication, proper teamwork and enough game sense to avoid death*
If that’s not a description of a true battle royale skill, then what is?
The problem with ranked is that you get third parties almost every time you start a fight
Many people in gold or platinum already act like they’re much better at the game than people with bronze or silver. They have the misconception that we’re all bots, then they get downed and leave. This forces you to 2v3 or 1v3
It sucks that this is the first season I got masters because it was the first season I actually had a 3 stack pretty consistently, and we were all playing normally 🫠
Most of the rats are people that have nothing better to do with their lives, believe me during quarantine I was on the same timing, but at least I wasn’t ratting. Now that I’m busy and actually a productive human being since quarantine and I graduated high school to college trust me don’t nobody gaf about you being Pred. You ain’t gonna get no cooch, no bag, and you’re still introverted cuz All this energy is being put into a game you won’t play in another 5 years. I get my 2-3 wins with my 2.5 Kd and I’m off for the day.
I keep flexing that im s13 split1-2 master so i guess ill keep doing that lol! that time there is no cheese at all
I played apex for the first time ever, and I find it’s an incredibly hard game to learn. Even setting the button layout is very difficult. Recoil control is not easy too. I uninstalled it and went back to playing assassins creed. New console player experience of apex.
I hit the best clips in apexs history since day 1 and i think the ranked system is much better than previous season, solo playing feels doable now
On your points:
Ranked this season makes me think the people in charge heard everyone complain about “all we play is master/pred stacks in pubs its BS. Fix MM”. So instead they pulled an Oprah and EVERYONE gets masters/pred if they time dump. I only solo-q and was hard stuck plat but this is ridiculous.
People who flex their K/D are usually the ones who exactly who you said. High level players who 3-stack and pub stomp. Of course your K/D is insane if you have the 3 best players in the lobby all on the same team. I recently saw a pro (like hal or sweet, forgot which but one that only plays ranked or scrims) and their k/ds were like 4.5-5.0. If you got 25k/d youre just pub stomping and its sad tbh. Play for fun and just try weird stuff. Stop treating every session like ALGS.
I’m just a competitive player and like setting really hard goals for myself to hit
Respawn smoking that ZAAAA. ppl ratting in ranked for masters, ppl ratting in pubs for weapon mastery, game was designed by geniuses but is now managed by idiots.
boy oooh boy i love you ottr for finally making a vid talking about how cringe it can be to evaluate certain badge as part of your skillset. hopefully this video can find its way to all the rats playing ranked games right now
In Season 11 My kd was .23 and now its a cool 1kd
So I’m happy
My kd is like a .5 jus cus I never leave no one behind idec
Running out of video ideas?
I had way more fun playing in bronze arena while my account was suspended
really good video! you’ve opened my eyes
I played with #8 on ps4 and bro was a loba bot
when heard that there were over 200k people in masters I was like it might be just better to have fun with very annoying legends and play it like a pubs match 🙂
to late im already Master like the Last 4 Season
getting achievements feel good, its like the old days of xbox when it pops up. It gives unironically some sense of growth
Tbh i don’t think anybody cares about the badges u can have a masters badge or a 20bomb etc, but unless you prove it in the match, they don’t mean nothing i have the 4k and the 20bomb and people don’t believe me untile i start playing
I hit masters for the first time this season and I usually never really grind ranked or even attempt to get out of d4. I hit masters in 2 weeks and got through diamond in 3 days. Despite masters being a goal for me since I realized ranked was a thing (I love purple) I feel absolutely nothing in “earning” this badge. Can’t even call it a waste of time it took no time or effort at all.
ottr maybe you should play the game before you continue talking about it all your videos are just others pov
why should we care about what you say
the only think i find worth grinding for is winning the game
I’m in silver 1 and my teammates will push a team as a solo then costing my team the game its so tilting I literally got off because I was so mad and I don’t get mad at videos games ever, I also got ddosed in silver lobbies in the same night
Leaving before you are knocked does not result in a death. Season 15 changed it so leaving when knocked does count as a death
Man I used to love your content. Lately the videos has been a lot of whining about the game and nitpicking just to have a hot take. You used to provide cool tips and good gameplay videos. Unsubscibing.
Literally just opinions
wait i dont get it, if you dont care about ranked then why does this topic even matter? just let the grinder be happy this season
I wish I had friends that paly apex with me so i don’t had to paly rank solo
just let ppl play the game were not tryna impress strangers and if you are in the first place thats whack
I’m a Platinum player at best i can always keep my KD above 1.0. I got to Diamond this season my KD is a 0.83 this season has been a struggle fest for me but I got there lol n yes I’ve ratted I’m gonna say like 50 games out of the 300+ games I’ve played and NO I haven’t been playing shitty on purpose it’s just better players killing me
IMO if they wanted ranked to have incentive to it, at the end of the season they should award heirloom shards just like how you can earn competitive points in overwatch to unlock a gold weapon
No one cares about any of your badges, your skins, rank, none of it.
No one gives a sh*t.
Cry more
let me guess majority of people dont deserve all the things the game is making it easier for them to
New masters able to reach faster and higher than previous multiple masters or preds . Those who complain are either butt hurt or cant appreciate the consistency
i literally met few times literal kids ratting for badges and they admitted it .. ofc i proceded to insult them and tell them badge is worthless if your skill dont reflect it and you dies to the first team
i believe that they changed it awhile ago so that leaving a game counts as a death knocked or not. Cant be certain tho.
Its actually this reason I’m glad they haven’t added badges or trackers to mixtape yet, it’s value is in that it’s a casual game mode
In my opinion they should make a different rank above master and below pred. Or maybe between diamond and masters.
This guy assumes that people don’t have fun grinding for high ranks.
Ranked was so boring this season man its so sad
36th like
I want them to stop the damn smurf acocunts…hate dropping in a zone and then being tap strafed and lasered down by some sweaty asshole.
They need to start showing what season a badge was obtained in. Maybe then they will have more value.
Ara ara ottr daddy
This guy speaks nothing but facts💯
grumpy ottr GRR
Hey my girlfriends impressed with my apex achievements lol
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