The New World’s Edge Map Changes in Season 17
Apex Legends Season 17 Arsenal
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Tweets by WlnterSkys
#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,wraith,buff,apex legends new event,aceu,Apex legends veiled collection event,caustic collection event,caustic prestige,caustic prestige skin,apex legends aresenal,apex legends season 17,apex legends season 17 arsenal,ballistic 20 kill,arsenal,Ballistic,rank 1 ballistic,firing range,firing range update,apex legends ballistic,speed hacking,hacking,hack,apex hacks,apex hack,solo vs squad
コメント (151)
im back from vacation
Playing on Chinese servers now smh
That voice at 10:17 “waw waw waw” i can’t 😂
Are the anti-smoking ads manually put on your vids? I only ever get them on your channel. Theyre unskippable and make me want to not finish the video
I just notice that faide dont superglide, like never
do a vid where you and your Gf are a team?
8:42 thats me in chat peepoClap
Faide missing movement 🤯 he gotta be playing with his feet. Faide never misses movement
play whit me bro my name is callastus in apex legend pleaz
5:29 this time u can’t blame the audio 🙂
The big PK skins look so cool when he uses them but then I can’t buy a shot with it lol
what npc servers are you playing on
upload more at faide’s highlight channel
15:28 guys, help me. What Faide said?
“my two mentally disabled teammates”
Dies first from ego chal😭
you should do grey shield only all match solo queue i would be stoked, if you win that is.
That mantle jump tap strafe on the Octane at the beginning was just dirty 😂
Faide I just wanted to thank you for helping me inspire to get better at movement also hope you had a good vacation
“feel like i have no oppertunity to kill anyone bruh” -Faide with 19 kills
This is why I feel bad for those who play on console
Ah yes, the feeling of hopelessness of someone just shredding the whole lobby and you as the first one
that thumbail is sooo fire!!
9:30 довыёбывался 😅
Great video 👊
Филигранное передвижение, постоянно на кипише
Glad to see you back bro love the vids
Teach me da way
Faide the movement god of all time 💪🏻😤
Faide❤,I advice you to go on vacation again because we want to get a win too 😂
Me and the homies got shitted on by faide today when he was using bloodhound , lifes good, I’m very honored
Can we get a settings video
Sheeshhhhhhhh 😮
Bot loby 🤮🤮🤮
He’s baaaaaaaack!
This comment for the algorithm
anyone else just come to these to hear him scream bc it’s funny af when he does
The goat
Never been this early
Here from the twitch stream🖤👑
Does anyone know why he plays on Japanese servers? I’m Japanese and I wouldn’t play on American servers because I see no benefit on top of higher ping. Genuinely curious if it’s more enjoyable or something
only bot lobby
Who else wants Faide to get an eye tracker?
Surely you can like, get one that doesn’t show you what it’s registering live and you can just replay afterwards, right? I’d totally understand not wanting it if the shit is visible on screen while playing OMFGCOPTER!!!11WONDERWOMANLOL
Even though i quit apex,i still enjoy watching faide
12:00 faide’s inner fear manifest
8:40 bro faide pick up the epic knockdown shield 💀💀
We are tired of watching this main building land and zip jumping…. people need to see changed content…
“What’s with the Hostility?”🤓😂
I Love When The Dead One Say Your Ass!!! Like Uhhhh Yur #Dead #Ggzz
11:59 that should be in a “Faide best 2023 clips” doesn’t it?
Faide man, ur the craziest warrior and the funniest waffler in Apex, keep it that way
I’d like to see you in ranked, I think you’d get to predator in a day 😊
You really do aspire me and others to chase it and make it happen. All respect and love my man! Thank you for the top notch entertainment brother, you the man.
The most tragic part of this vid is faide saying that his fries got cold and no one likes cold fries
5 days is way too long i needed this gameplay 😩 . Love the content bro keep up the good work 🫡
guys is auto sprint better than manual?
Faide being Faide after fading. What a Faide.
any advice to reach 4k damage or the 20 kill badge?
Faide is as cracked as he is jacked, that they even made a chacater about him back in the old days of the apex mobile yhack.
I been tryna learn to move like faide on console💀❤
welp.. just one of those nights watching faide on the toilet🙃
Needed this
Welcome back Father
Im tired af but yet I still watched this whole video I had to click it’s an instinct 🔥🔥👀
Faide a better man than me cause I would on sighted that dude In the first game 😭😭
Yo I’m here
12:00 “WHAAA🦅🦅🦅 WHAA🦅🦅🦅🦅 WHAA🦅” 😭
We making out of bronze with that one
Faide makes my day so much better
BRO FINALLY IVE BEEN WAITING(edit just saw u was on vacation hope u had fun g)
The fact that not only is bros skill god like, he’s actually entertaining and has emotions. W content
Yayyy missed you
Great video as always
lets gooooo gotta love the late night uploads. new faide video is an instant cure to boredom.
i was waiting for new upload <3
Yo Faide what should my Tinder bio be?
What the no audio motherducker😂
Faide your peanut head ahhhh. Thanks for the upload!
W gameplay W movement W chat
Early asf
First 10 min gang 🎉🎉
Mom wake up faide just dropped a vid
Best Apex player 😊
faide, use a p2020 only and win a game
only reason I play apex is because of faide. Ily <3
I hit like the moment the video started ❤
I love your videos, keep up the great work! I can’t wait for more videos, hopefully soon
love you videos. cant wait for more
Hello Faide I love your content today I took out the 4k I switched to wraith and this month I got a heirloom Keep doing your thing <3
you’re the goat !!!
we love youuu faide and welcome back❤🎉
say hbd to me faide
Here for you papi gamer man faidey boy❤
Goat in every context!
unoriginal and cringe comment, I accept it, but I need to make the joke.
“I dont need an entire squad, i am, The squad”
Hi faide
2 minutes late. Shit!
Faide ur insane
love your vids
your the best keep the grind coming faideeeeeeee
W faide upload
Love your content bro, ure amazing
The movement king u are the goat faide
Goat posted 😮
One question cause I’m so early , why do you always Change your gamer tag ?
Thanks faide I needed a banger to end off the night!!
Faide be outplaying his own subs more than he outplays in game with his uploads and I’m here for it
damn man i love the content and always will, im tryna get like u, you made your dream your reality and not alot of people have the power to do that, so kudos to you. and you’re really good at it as well LOL, anyways thanks for the always entertaining videos.
One man army would be a cool ability for a future legend. “You can pick up all of your teammates gear and give it back to them once respawned.”
Faide dropping before gts is like watching a bedtime story . 😭
Faide your a g lovin your content always brodie
hello fade your movement is so good bro
Goat 🙏
Get some sleep God
Faide would you ever play apex on controller?
ballin but at what cost
t amo
I’m the first comment yay. Hi faide plz let me 1v1 for content
Idk its legit me
Goated rfaide
What a Gamer!
Yo faide u should do more nerd voice trolling vids 😭😭😭
Uff you are insane broo❤
Ur insane
The legend has posted
Lea goo
Great vid
W faide
Love your videos! ❤
Yo faide
I got my 2k
Wassup faide
Hi Faide