FAST OCTANE with DUAL MASTIFF is OP in Apex Legends
man octane reallly loves his mastiffs and randoms
StormRNG: https://www.twitch.tv/stormrng
Taqs:apex legends,zylbrad,funny,double mastiff,fast,octane,best,moments,gameplay,satire,parody,new,items,legendary,skin,heirloom,highlights
コメント (51)
anybody love the dungeon?
I miss TruNoom…
yay i love Storm sm❤❤ hey Bradley and welcome back to Apex Legends
i wanna be the next zombie killer
“Take all the speed you can kids” – Zlbrad 2023 0:14
Zombie killer is living my dream
brad when you started yelling “LET ME GET HIM, I WANT HIM” i dieeddd🤣🤣
omg you kept him!!!
brad and storm are platonic soulmates i swear they’re so hilarious together every time
You had a microscope in your butt and mouth??!? I hope it was the mouth first ?!
Lucky guy haha I would love that
Brad where is max????!!!!
I would be genuinely interested in hearing you talk about Barry, maybe do a Toddyboya vid?
Storm really nice guy
I miss the old title. Tons a fun. New one has BRAD 😢
Day 15 of asking zylbrad to gift me an heirloom
All I know is your better then skurual I love u man keep going
More ZombieKiller content please
As a proud member of the Ragg Tagg Army I would never teabag a fallen Gawd lol it was respect especially since I know it wasn’t my Watermeloo
I do
Brad watches Barry. Swag.
what’s a dungeon?
we STAN Zombie Killer
Petition to make Zombie part of the crew <3 i wanna see him more!
That first guy is living out my dreams of being randomly teamed with Zylbrad. 😢 Then he steals the show at the end! 😮 J’accuse! 🤨🥺😢😂
Amazing video as always, love your energy and enthusiasm. Keep up the amazing work. I hope to be as good as you one day.
Brad is always doing little tap strafing on the low 😆
I love howdelivers aggressive positivity to get the message across everyone, to do something good for those who need it
Tip:invite the number 1 player of india and put it in the title
When using a shotgun in apex you’re really roiling the dice for dmg 😂 9 or 11 or 45 to 100
Always take the dirt road
double mastiff is a w
Like the video guys !!!!!
I know it’s gonna be a good day when zylbrad uploads a vid
Hi zylbrad I’m back again
My Meat 🍖 hurts papa
we all luv the dungeon
its the brad
Vid just came out
Yet its still cool
Haven’t played
me commenting first gives me a special kind of satisfaction
The dungeon is very creative
I feel stunning💞
I would loooooove to be in YOUR DunGEon
I luv ur vid i am a pthfinder main too
Zylbrad with the goated vids😁