THE #1 RANKED APEX PREDATOR (Apex Legends Season 17)
#1 Apex Predator (xdwellz): https://www.twitch.tv/xdwellz
Twitch Streams: https://www.twitch.tv/jtolerance
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JTolerance (me) Playing with the #1 ranked console apex predator in apex legends season 17
Best Controller Settings in season 17
(Apex Legends Arsenal)
Family Friendly Content
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 17,apex season 17,jtolerance,apex legends #1 predator,apex legends number 1 predator,apex legends predator,apex #1 predator,apex legends #1 pred,apex number 1 predator,apex number 1 pred,apex #1 pred,apex legends console predator,apex console predator,apex legends predator rank,apex predator ranked,predator rank,apex #1 console predator,apex legends #1,apex legends #1 apex predator,#1 apex predator console,#1 predator
コメント (19)
Never in my life I could find a team like yours
Why show top 3 on console n u ain even on it. Also you’d be hard stuck at plat if I ain run it with players better than u.
Just died to you GGs
Bro why were your teammates not doing anything but talk, like they tryna have fun but at the same Time they always talking
The recoil controll is actually insane, I’m in awe.
yo tolerance how do u get your clips so clear im on ps5
This guys are kinda weird ngl
Pls do a how to play horizon video im beggin you tolerance BEGGIN YOU😭😭
Why is it so bright
Just casually slaying in a predator lobby no big deal
Si you still play on classic?
Prowler has to be one of the most OP weapons of season 17.
Tolerance is just ripping everyone with it 😳
i see jt, i click, i’m a simple man
Day 11 of asking Tolerance to 1v1 me out of pure boredom
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