Solo Ballistic with 3 R99s & 5000 DAMAGE in Apex Legends
i just cant stop shooting all these R99s
Taqs:apex legends,zylbrad,funny,legendary,skin,ballistic,season 17,r99,gameplay,satire,parody,new,items,smart pistol
コメント (65)
this is heaven
Try to get a triple triple badge with triple triple takes(the energy sniper)
Get 3 devos
yo can you gift me the battle pass?
i wish i can play solo 🙁 i just start to play for 2 weeks
Love the content Keep it up!
I think re-45 is the best sling weapon because it’s a light gun so you can also use r-99 and r-301 or r-301/r99 and a shotgun with the re-45 being a nice last resort weapon and getting the hammer point rounds, faster reloads which is really nice with its fire rate during his ult which is super satisfying
If you can see an enemy through a glass window you can lock on to them and hit them.
Did anybody notice at like 1:20 where he had 3 arms? Just me?
Honestly, I’m not sure about this. Is the video prerecorded? Are you just reacting? Watch the channel for years, btw love your face.❤
How are these people so fucking bad, every single one of them…
Idk man, I’m honestly getting a lil tired of r9 pk videos
You should play more sea of thieves
Idk how you do that but my matches became harder
Like, that hard that I am bronze and the enemies are masters
11:34 I will have my revenge
You are a mad man this is so mutch fun to watch
At 5:04 in the video bros name was really NPC
Man what are these lobbies where the enemies would just stay still and don’t shoot. Still good content though
The solo adventures of a 68 year old British man
Even training dummies are better than these bots
Another aim both streamer
cant wait to see the re45 video
hi zibblebrad 😃
6x on a Longbow from Close Range is dummy lol. Man makes it work though.
The ending was sooooo goood bro
You got red armor… Mama???😂😂😂
RE45 probably wrecks shop
Flatline got a buff it slaps
That was crazy at the end
I love you keep up the good work zylbrad ❤
New character reminds me of that one BL2 guy. Its loads of fun
triple triple take when
I was just waiting for it
I’m a fan but that longbow shot at 7:17 is sus asf
Clutch of the century
Day 5 of asking zylbrad to gift me an heirloom
What a freaking clutch at the end
Barry mc barry
Hi Mr. Zylbrad
I am axel form the Philippines Everyday And Every Night I watch your Videos you really really Change my game play in Apex Legends. Because of your Tactics and action ability I was inspire and by your played in your game I wish you have more video to uploaded.
If only I could get teammates 1/3 as good a zylbrad I could win a lot more
Nice to see
There is no way those weren’t paid actors 😂😂😂
Damn i didn’t know you were the champion
This is how you make the lobby rage quit 😂
brad hey, thanks again for the upload. Been going thru it lately and the constant uploads although I’m sure it’s a tole on you but I do appreciate it✌🏼
The “blblblblblblbl” at the end was the best part😂
Oh yeahh
wow there are so many r99s in this video like at least 2
Are you playing on indonesia servers for content?
Loved the videos man keep up the good work. I loved your cat video yesterday. Chester is adorable. I hope we will see him again in the future.
brad is the goat disagree = wrong
Keep going with videos it’s great !
nice i saw this vid coming when i saw the firing range vid
damn im finally early, hello people
i need 4
4 vids???
So cool i love your vids❤❤❤❤
I’m so glad I found this video, it’s amazing!🍓