Apex Legends: Arsenal Battle Pass Trailer
Add some killer pieces to your wardrobe with the Arsenal Battle Pass. At level 25, electrify onlookers with Wattson’s “System Shock”, and reach new heights of style at level 50 with Horizon’s “Singularity Specialist”. Take out your mark with the “Pulse Eater” Devotion, and unlock Epic skins for Ballistic, Gibraltar and Lifeline, Reactive skins for the C.A.R. SMG and more! On the path to mastery, earn a new music pack, loading screens, emotes, banner frames and weapon charms. Buy the Arsenal Battle Pass now, or jump ahead with the bundle to instantly unlock the first 25 levels.
#ApexLegendsArsenal #ApexArsenal #ApexLegends
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.
Learn more about Apex Legends: Arsenal: http://x.ea.com/76313
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Taqs:apex legends,apex,apex legends season 17,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,apex battle pass season 17,エーペックス,apex トレーラー apex season 17,apex legends arsenal,apex legends season 17 battle pass,apex season 17 trailer,apex season 17 battle pass,apex legends battle pass,arsenal battle pass apex,battle pass trailer apex,battle royale game,apex games,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends pc,apex legends origin,respawn entertainment,electronic arts
コメント (1422)
That battle pass looks so bad. Apex your going way downhill with content
God its been almost forever since Wattson got a legendary skin in the battle pass.
Worst Battlepass ever?
the devs got the movement fr fr
Finally realized movements is the main selling point of the game, good job EA
That Wattson skin is so good 💜 I was having trouble, I thought it was Valkyrie or Catalyst
Apex Devs try not to give a legend a backflip dive emote challenge (IMPOSSIBLE).
Dang no mirage skins
I thought Wattson was Valkyrie. 😢
Cool wattson skin, but I cant say I see any part of the charcter in it. Gives off more of a Valk vibe for sure.
Vantage skin when?
That Sombra skin gonna hit hard.
What levels do we get the Wattson and Horizon skins?
Another collection of incredibly mid skins
them showing schmoovement tech in trailers makes me excited for whats next in the future
Finally a wattson skin
I like how they added a hyper jump
They be teaching apex devs all the movement tech
Whoever allowed that wattson skin should be arrested
The Red CAR is all I needed to see. And my brain was like 🤑
Maybe a good season
Who thought the devs to superjump?!?
Another garbage battle pass and they made Wattson look like Valk with that new skin.
I thought wattson was valk 💀
how do the battle passes just get worse over time
Yo who really doing all this emotes in a real lobby 😂
Another season without a vantage skin. Great.
That wall jump 👌
I guess next gen update is never coming. I gave up on cross progression in 2022.
They made Horizon as a Brit Karen
Bro what happened to cool trailers?😔come on respawn
Just when I think battle pass couldn’t be worse…
But we appreciate the movement.
if they didnt tell me i would swear that wattons skin was a valk skin lol
The dev’s are getting cracked 🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ok who taught the devs movement?
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal would like to have a word.
Horizon heirloom when apex, im saving shards for it but the heirloom isnt real
Ahh yes underwhelming
imagine they put as much effort into banning cheaters and scripts as they did making a trailer to sell skins
Valk getting beamed out of the sky after using her q, truly an apex experience
So cool how their starting to use movement tech in the trailers
Horizon skin looks like the summer catalyst one
Cross progression
This is all well and goid but did they fix the sound?
Yay I can’t play this, thanks for the random perma ban EA!!
That car skin 😩
Yo straight up that watson skin had me thinking she was Valk lol
Segundo trailer donde muestran movilidad a ver si ahora si no la quitan ni nerfean de pc y de alguna forma facilitan para que la usen en consolas, es muy molesto practicar movimientos para mejorar y que cada vez los fueran quitando.
Apex, I doubt you’ll see this, but make a biker character whose ultamate is to spawn a trident or some sort of vehicle. If you see this thank you for your consideration
They wouldn’t change that battlepass system??
Can we get Areanas back? PLEASE
Sure the movement is cool and all..
But how about a decent battle pass?
(Or maybe some Revenant love for once?)
:c no pathfinder stuff
I love that they’re including more movement tech in trailers
So… when are you guys gonna add more skydive emotes… especially for characters who haven’t had them for ages like mirage, rampart and Newcastle?
another battle pass where we get 2 skins and a bunch of rare and epic garbage
WOW….everything looks muted and plain…. well done ea for being able to design good skins.
You usually get 1 good legend skin and the rest you don’t care about because ea doesn’t care themselves.
Hey, it’s a battle pass, it’s money value so most will purchase regardless of the content.
Keep on adding more charms, stickers, recolors, emotes and holosprays. Can’t get enough of them.
Welp, they have crypto a skin last season so it’s time to wait for another 10 seasons till he gets any other battle pass content
Not a huge fan of these skins aside from Wattson, too bad I already have a great one for her
I guess I’ll pass this seasons pass (need mental help)
Yay movement in trailer! Now give us punch boost and bhop back
I wouldn’t expect that they would use zipline jump and wall bounce ! that looking crazy
Man just just bring Rasphody and Faide into the games. 😢 like come on
I bet the devs think they cool by using advanced movement tec lol
This season will wash away the hate that apex never deserved
Can we all agree that holosprays are a worthless?
Titanfall 3?
When are we getting Horizon’s heirloom. I’ve been waiting for too long now…
Sentinel reactive plz
Can they just bring back stickers for the battle pass ? Not gonna like holo sprays kinda boring …
Respawn and EA are master magicians 🎩 with the misdirection. Truly an apex experience
So Wattson and Horizon are now going to be harder to tell if they are valk at a distance? I feel like characters should have distinct silhouettes to their character, not this. We already have that issue with a Catalyst skin that makes the character look like Horizon, we really didn’t need more skins like that.
Worst pass ever??
Rip bangalore’s main
Happy to see they’re finally embracing the movement. It’s what makes this br unique
and still no cross progression
Thought I heard a new reactive sentinel for some reason and I got real happy then I found out it was the car🥲
Again nothing for bloodhound….
Wattsons armor looks bt
Brooooo we need more expensive revenant cosmetics cause I haven’t spent enough already
nah im good
I really would’ve liked if the car changed colors when switching frm heavy to light ammo
These skins are doggggf
what’s with the woke hair colors, trying to push an agenda?
Let’s go🔥🔥
Who taught apex how to double jump😯
The cheese is real.
I thought it was a Valk skin…
Why Horizon and Watson skins are looks like Valkyrie??? 😯😯😯
I love how respawn has started to embrace the movement tech and put it into the trailers
Mira que dan pena los pases de batalla
Apex Legends Mobile 😭
All I dream about is just a built-in movement tutorials and challenges inside of the new firing range, that would be so sick.
Lame legendary skins.. they dropped the ball..
Neon skins. Looks like every battlepass ever
Still no Newcastle skin 🙁
necesito la cancion necesito la cancion aqui es cuando deberian permitir poner imagenes y para poder usar la de bob esponja diciendo “la necesito”
Honestly probably one of the worst battle passes since the release of the game… kinda sad to see they still don’t care about their customer base. I hope everyone stops wasting their money on this mediocre at best garbage so they’ll actually have to work on skins instead of scamming. And this is coming from a die hard fan I’ve been playing since launch day
Pour le coût je trouve il tue sa mère, vraiment
U can clearly see, apex respects movement players
theres no way that i just saw a zipline boost in an apex trailer!!!
I love Watson
1:33 😢poor catalyst
not gonna lie its kinda wack
I mean im happy n excited but sad still no new finishers 😢
Yea but this is just my opinion but season 16 battle pass was better some of the gold skins look like purple
Last one is better
The disrespect they give Mad Maggie mains with skins is WILD.
Very nice and all the trailer but I wonder something ?, is it so difficult that on console there is also tap strafe and all the other techniques that can only be done on pc? I think it is very simple if they only put a steam-style option where you can modify the control, since on control on pc you can do everything thanks to steam and that option, Respawn do not be so lazy and give more life to the game on console, thanks. 😊 and I forgot, the new consoles have been around for years and nothing that we see the 120 FPS, please we are going to reach the other generation of consoles and you nothing at all, I really love the game but they are too slow.
All Ballistic finishers in my last short👍🏼
Did Marisha Ray voice this video?
The season end event had one of the best skins for Wattson. This is a downgrade. Not liking what I see so far.
Horizon Heirloom S17?
Somebody at respawn just discovered r/apexrollouts exist.
They tried to super glide in the beginning haha it’s cool to see movement tech being highlighted. I hope y’all do a reactive Boeck skin next season 🤞
Havoc 2 leg skin hello
Why is Horizon has a Karen hair?
wattson can really rock any style
Fix Loss
i thought that wattson skin was rapsody from apex mobile lol
Fix the servers L
Ah yes the recoiles Devotion
Yo they made Wattson into Rhapsody
L skins
now we all know that we finna get that horizon skin lol
The gameplay looks so realistic to what happens in real matches
the skin rampart blonde in the store plis
A skin of Catalyst for Wattson
I don’t like this pass 🚮
New car skin, charms and firing range are my fav new additions to the season ❤
Now they put Zipline jump to a trailer as well wow trailer wise these tiny community related details is soo touching to see.
the bp is pretty bad ngl, only 1 good skin
I liked the part where Catalyst got disintegrated. Needs to happen more often, really.
horizon is a karen now 😂
apex is the game with the worst skins in battlepass
what have you done to little cute girl wattson ? she looks like feminist activist now
we want unhoodie wattson with nessi backpack
Other than the Car reactive skin the rest arent really noteworthy
El modo tercera persona y el efecto de sonido en 3D siempre lo mismo cada tempo una leyenda bug de las leyendas o las armas o cualquier parte del mapa nerfeado a las leyendas y las armas XD jajajaja los mismo mapas 😂😂 el juego es un chiste
havent played in a while, very interesting that that show a zip jumps in trailers now
They need to clean up the silhouette of that Wattson skin. Quite a mumber of people seem to think it was a Valkyrie skin.
Legendary skins looking like rare or epic events skins yall have to step it up on your skins
W’s all around! Really excited for the CAR reactive skin, the legend skins look cool, the map rotation, ranked changes.. this is awesome!
Oh yeah this gone be a hit
Literally the only good thing in the battle pass is the weapon skin at the end, like usual.
no way at 0:05 he missed the superglide 😭
Love they use movement in the trailers now, next we need some tap strafes
Its so nice that they created playground to teach movement mechanics instead of cutting it off!
pls where are the vantage skins 😭
Not even average
These skins dont even look legendary………..
can you guys give Horizon more SKYDIVE EMOTES because she only have two and you didn’t give her different skydive emote in different collection events she needs more
Where my crypto hype tho… 😢
Good ol controller gameplay
This season is gonna be great
アリーナを返してくれー もう俺は、アリーナが帰ってくるまでapex控えるわ…
Bruh they putting movement in trailers now 😂😂🔥
Most of the skins in this game are actually trash
Finally horizon gets a cool skin without some dumb head gear spoiling the look.
Still no Newcastle trackers
Wattson is meta again
Bro this new trailer got some sauce with the movement, btw the battle pass is sick I really like it 🧐
streamer building actually looks better than the old streamer building ‼️👏🏿👏🏿
The Car reactive skin is nice to have but the color scheme looks horrendous idk if that’s just me tho
Looks horrible again
Ballistic looks like freeman from half life
That horizon skin is fire
battle pass just aren’t what they use to be
What the video is all about: skins
What players like the most: the movement
What EA understands: hmm , yeah we definitely need more skins and recolours
Can’t wait to spend $157,634 to unlock all of the new skins!!!
can’t be the only one who thought wattson was catalyst
Wattson skin and the car are so nicee
Another mediocore battle pass. Yawn.
I love apex and respawn so much bro ❤
I breath alot easier when I don’t play this. Not into trash br’s
if i decide to buy the battlepass will i actually get my coins that i payed for this time?
wow, this looks awful, other than the CAR
Have they ever advertised wall bouncing in an official apex trailer? That felt a lil unexpected lol
this map is goated
Please apex legends mobile again come back please 😢😢😢
That Watson skin isn’t my fashion so now I’m sad😭
The devs low key movement gods tho 😂
So does this mean the car will be buffed? Or are y’all gonna pull a Ubisoft and just nerf every other smg… because the car can’t even compete with the r99 or volt lol.
Cool, cool, but i really wanna again battle pass with legendary skin on wraith or skydive emote on her😢 but i very happy cause i think the new season will be great dude🎉🎉🎉
Pls gift me I really need apex coin I got none 😅 username(cmontyemacrae)
Okay but what about the part where they announced cross progression years ago at this point and we still haven’t gotten it? When’s is coming EA & Respawn?
This is the first trailer they put in movement tech. RESPAWN FINALLY EMBRACE IT!!!!!!!
now that I think about it, has Loba ever had a legendary skin for the BP?
Needs more Maggie
Lost soooo much interest in the battle pass when one of the legendary skins was revealed to b the devo
Name more boring wattson skin than this
Love seeing the movement being embraced… first wallbounces now superjumps
dat movement
So glad they added movement to the trailers
more movement tech in trailers! cant believe this is happening
pretty mid
car skin is p cool compared to other tier 100 skins
all the character skins are pretty meh
We want to plsss
for the past week ive been waiting to see horizon’s heirloom in the trailers….sigh
Thank you for Horizon skin
That gibby is for sure a roller player with all his lightning speed aim snap…
But ANOTHEE car skin Jesus Christ
the skins get a bad as the servers … GG WP Respawn
People still play this? Everything is about looks…😂
So nothing for my man Revenant???
Funny se la come🎉🎉🎉❤
mid pass
Wher is cross progression ?
You read my comment
Mid.. why can’t they release something new for every battle pass? I’m literally like at level 36 on the current battle pass cause I just don’t care about anything on it..
Age server Thik korrrr
they gonna start tap strafing in the next video
Love how the skins get worse and worse.
I’m just glad to see a new horizon skin even tho I like mine
Not Touching This Battle Pass At All, but the rest of the season i’ll be playing.
I think they hired Mokey to make these new trailers lol
I have to ask…do 9 year olds design your skins or why do i get the feeling that a unicorn vommited onto them?
Dear Respawn and EA, pls release horizon’s heirloom in this season
this is horrible 😭
Horizon got the “Heroes never die hair cut”
You guys remember stickers? Yeah I don’t think Respawn does. I love this game but the battle passes are so bad
Karen horizon skin
Cool to see more advanced movement mechanics being used in trailers
Wattson is so good. I hope Loba someday will receive a good BP skin. Look Horizon after being a bug she look good now!
Wattson, Valkyrie, catalyst 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫
You tried
mid battlepass.
Anyone else feel like the best part of the new season is gonna be the name?
The only thing is changing il new season is the number on “legends”
Every season, I watch trailers like these, I started download the game again and exactly after 15 minutes, I remembered why I uninstalled 😕 Wish the game a little bit as good as the trailers 🥲🥲 Give me back old Apex.
Por qué se esmeran tanto en sacar skins tan feas 0:25 😢
How many day left for the season to end and for the season 17 to come
when it come out?
Another garbage battle pass with half assed skins and emotes. 0 content.
These skins are classified as “Legendary” but they look like commons. Last season’s Skins and this Season’s look so bland. If I need to pay and put in hours of my life to unlock a whole season, you guys need to step up the quality.
Nothing tops season 2 3 4 7 battle pass
As a person makiing a pun about french people
As a french person i can comfirm this is a certified french Classic
cant wait to get all the blue filler skins from the pass that i 100% use…
Where is cross buy ?
I miss kings canyon
plss R-99 and R-301 plss
Basic… af
No mirage sky dive emotes? Gonna uninstall
Rip cross progression
when did battlepasses start getting their own trailer??
So no bloodhound skin 😭
왜 자동차?
Years after launch the devs at Respawn have finally learned….some Apex movement tech
Bring Arenas back
these trailers make my head hurt. this man did not just down a VALK MID AIR?!?!?!
New finishers
whats cool is that the fragment west has been recreated
I love how they finally show some movement in official apex videos
another season with no love for our friendliest legend 🙁 We need more skins for pathfinder !!
Cosmetics don’t make you a better player!
We want fixed audio.
RIP social life…once again
They gave horizon a Karen skin. Let’s goooooo. Can’t wait to get destroyed by them.
a bad trailer hiding under the mask of good movement
Bien guez
I like that
Should have spun into that Zipline guys… Also the ending was good. That character needs to be out of the game
That’s an awful reactive skin
The amount of wall jumps I’ve seen in these trailers
This is disgusting
This battlepass looks worst than season 16’s…
Seeing advanced movement tech In these trailers is actually really nice.
No thanks 😂😂
Kings Canyon?!?!?
need more black, camo and tactical skins everything is too saturated
i dont like horizon with blond hair ;-;
respawn doing an “bf4 rendezook” with these movement techs in trailers.
Yawn. Fix Titanfall |1&2
im going to get the battle pass because i have coins but not really liking it
I deadass thought Horizon was Catalyst, I’m tripping so hard.
skins look trash tbh
How are people still buying these trash battle passes from this game
So exited! Can’t wait to have numerous server issues! (you crushed my hopes and dreams)
Trash skins
Wattson went to catalyst makeup artist
is this the best they can do? disappointing
Mid battle pass, will not be buying
I want the train back
Buff Caustic schmuck
Please add bangalore trackers ;-;
Good thing that the Devotion is accurate in the trailer. Spray and pray baby.
Looks kind of weak
Apex Legends móvil ???😢😢
Bro love this but when is rev gonna get some love it’s been a hot min since maybe a new skin new emote anything is fine
They turned Rapsody into a skin 😭
The movement though
I give it about a week before people start complaining
This battle pass looks really boring, the skins don’t look like they fit the characters either. Arsenals battlepass outfit is just silly.
Wall jumps n zip line movement 10/10 that look cool, in a trailer
That is the worst Wattson skin I’ve ever seen.
Have they FINALLY added cross progression?
The pro level movement in the trailer is what did it for me
I like the legendary themes this time but I don’t play the characters so I ain’t getting it
슈점 벽점 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 시발 진짜ㅋㅋㅋ
Le dio chorro al octane
Aw yes the karen season
shoutout to apex showing movement in their trailers
Kinda mid but the rest of the season is great so I don’t mind
I might actually pass on the BP this season… Even though I’m a Wattson main
1:15 enough for octane why did you give 2 emote in this event for octane why
Day 5 asking for south African server’s
3 outta 10 TOPS
honestly sick of these battle passes they should have more skins and more content its honestly a scam seeing we only basically get 2 legendary skins 2 weapon skins and just emotes compared to other battle passes that’s a scam imo
battlepass and skins look like dogshit but 98% of the time thats the case
Every new BP is worse than the last one…. You need to improve your BP Respawn! 🙁
I can see mokeys influence in the trailers with all the advanced movement tech 🎉🎉🎉
This might be the worst one yet
Passe bosta como sempre 🙂
Most mid skins ever, specially the karen Horizon.
Wish they would stop having 1hp enemies in the trailers
Those are the skins we want! Futuristic/cyberpunk themes are majestic in Apex
Ngl these skins kinda bad
Is it me or is the Battle Pass something we just buy to have something to grind or to get crafting materials and some coins?
Basic skins for 10$ and all your free time for the next 2 months
Nothing for mirage as always
This battle pass is pretty good! Its nothing spectacular, nothing special, but its pretty good and in definitely getting if probably only really for the wattson skin
I thought it’s Rhapsody on the thumbnail for a second :’))
Yeah… nope
“Stockpile of sophisticated skins”
3 (4???) Legendary character skins
1 legendary skin and 1 reactive skin
50 blue skins
POV: you see everybody talking about how apex is using movement tech in trailers instead of talking about that the battle pass is complete garbage expect the CAR Skin
Worst trailer ever.
Lol a slightly tinted skin on the battlepass.. whoop whoop..
that CAR skin is BADASSS
The fact that they’re recognising all the different types of movement that us players do is absolutely heart warming. Thank you Respawn.
this is gonna be fire
Sick new portland watson skin dropped 🔥🔥🔥😐
car and the wattson skin look like the only good skins. Everything else is mid like the last few passes
How does it get worse every season. Seriously how
Trash pass
Those Wattson and Horizon skins look like utter dogshit. I couldn’t even tell whether it was Wattson, Valk, or Catalyst, but all I can focus on with these skins are their dogshit heads.
i noticed in most of these new vids that theyre promoting wall bounces and movement expression in general, very nice.
The BP skins are so low effort nowadays besides the lvl 100
1:24 !?
That wattson skin is dope
That car skin looks an awful like a familiar friend.
Sick as always
I thought that was Valk Tf
the horizon skin is definitely something💀
pause at 1:09 Horizon and Wattson look the same yet both simultaneously look like Valk.
bionic wonder wattson>>>>>>> this new skin of wattson
They’re using Ballistic to show some of the movement skills people developed because he’s an OG so he’s seen it all before.
Horrific Watson skin but fire car skin
Trop bien le pass de combat
Wow thats one bad battlepass GG respawn
looks like vantage, newcastle, seer, and mad maggie are forgotten about :/ im also confused on why they showed that wattson emote when it isn’t new.
i thought the wattson skin was catalyst at first. i like the skin and i think it’s really cool — they’ve never done anything like this with her hair before. she always has her bangs in some form and a hood. so the fact that she doesn’t have her hood is super cool! i hope they do that more in the future and give her some cute hairstyles.
*me viciously slamming my card on the table* take it just take it for the wattson skin that’s all I just forked over 50 bucks for the revelry event. Skin, R-99 skin and her emote now u gotta spend more. Sigh my wallet hates me right now but I NEED IT
they’re streamlining the zip jumps too?!
Where’s Bangalores thermite smoke and 2nd, Rolling Thunder wave? Hmm, where’s Bangalore????????????
dashi look like the battle pass
Superjump in an apex trailer. What a time to be alive.
When vantage skin?
I miss apex legends mobile
Not gonna lie, those skins are pretty disappointing
Give us titan fall 3
Valla pse de batalla tan feo
Ya es muy repetitivo
make more mirage skydive emotes
Gibby Looks like Jackie from Cyberpunk now.
Is it just me ?
The part where they super jumped on the zipline made my heart happy! 😭🙌❤ Season 17 is going to bee very REFRESHING. I’m getting Season 3 Vibes with all the love and care behind it all!
anybody else bothered by horizon’s Karen Haircut?
Please for the love of god change horizons hair
Not bot lobbies mode in new season? What a waste?!
Wall Jump Season
does this dlc come with the audio pack we’ve been asking for?
i thought that was Valk! crazy
I have 200 coins. It’s shameful that there’s no coin trading in Apex. Bye Bye new battle pass.
Can imagine how grateful i am that they started appreciate movement and add it to trailers. Season 17 will fire even more than 16 ❤
Not them adding movement here and there now, love it
This were apex mobile skins
the colours they went with for the car isn’t great
the movement in this trailer is wild
Step up your reactive skin design bruh they look lame now
Don’t let lamic see this Watson skin
Repawn was like, how can we make our trailers better?
Walla bounce and grapple tech… in every video!
That CAR skin is CRAAAAZY
Nothing for bangalore 😑
This the first battlepass trailer to not use this Season’s music pack as the song that plays in the background?
I feel that Bangalore is very forgotten in the battle passes😢
L patchnotes, L conpany
IDK man, im hyped for legend and firing range but battle pass is kinda meh even though respawn team did amazing job
Give us mirage skydive emotes!
Agree to disagree, anyone can have an opinion whether they like it or not. But I would only get this bp if I had enough left over coins from the last bp. Finna save my money from this one.
I didn’t like how the Wattson skin looked in the other trailer but now I’m getting a good look a it’s, it’s pretty good. I main Wattson
I can’t help but notice that my boy Octane aint got no skins in this Battlepass and he was knocked in the beginning🥲
1:00 Big recoil
I guess I might pass on this one
Can we please get a bp with a skin for some of the lesser played characters?
@ApexLegends: Please let us trade Legend tokens for crafting materials. We have tens of thousands of these useless tokens that could be used for something else!
Is there a pack /battle pass option to unlock additional legends over the starter ones? Ex 30 bucks unlocks all legends or something
1:23 was cool. Finally adapting to good movement
The last clip was Wattson taking the goth girl title from catalyst
That zip super jump
Guys,… where r the “Truly an Apex experience” comments 🤣
Gibby with the devotion using a strike pack.
As a Wattson main. I dislike her new skin. It doesn’t fit her personality nor her norm skins. As some people have stated, it seems closer to a valk, catalyst type of skin.
Cant wait to cop the fortnite battlepass
Battle trash again I ain’t see no legendary Bangalore skin🤦🏿🤷🏿♂️
No new execution why
fun fact, there is a symbol on Horizon’s outfit that says MARAUDERS with a skull. which is a reference to the Marauder corps from the Titanfall franchise.
As a wattson main im so excited for this skin 😀
Скины для детей
i was so cool that they made me a battle pass
Seen rev got hyped like he was getting spotlight maybe from the new buff/rework than he just gets one clipped.
that superjump tho
Man I remember when they added the CAR to Apex it’s the only gun I use in titanfall so I was absolutely hyped
This ain’t it
so its a watson, that look like a catalyst, but also look like valkyrie
1:29 😂
The guy who is playing Watson is a ttv 😂
Yes! Gun charms and holo sprays…
I really wish they’d make accounts universal already. I don’t have the time to play on my PS5 anymore(full-time job and just had my third child), but I have a Steam Deck. Unfortunately all my skins and other purchases are on my console. Tried doing Remote Play, but there is JUST enough lag that it’s throwing me off when on the Deck or my gaming rig.
For love of god nerf the nemi
I really Hope, that the Game work on the new Season. I cant play it at the moment. Always i get confronted with an enemy, my legend freeze and get a headshot. I hate it. How should i reach Diamond or Master if this Game have no E-Sport Performance.
I have ps5 and fibre cabel connection. I deinstalled and installed the game new. Startet ps5 and my Wlan new. Nothing help. In every Game i get, its like im the only one whobhave problems. I hate it. Maybe i try cod….
they really gave horizon a wig and said “yep, legendary battlepass skin right there”
Karen haircut Legends
as wattson main #3 im not too happy with what they did to my baby wattson but space mommy on the other hand got me forgetting how to act
We need more legendary skins and maybe even finishers for these battle passes to really be worth it
Havoc doesn’t get the love it deserves. Finally its about time they give wattson a BP skin…
Great battle pass!!!
Players : Can we get some useful stuff with the next Battle Pass please?
EA : More gun charms, holosprays and banners coming right up!
This pass looks mid. The last pass was way better.
Love when Revenant stood out in the open with no cover tunnel-visioning on Gibby then getting picked by Ballistic. Truly the apex legends experience
Apex still has the worst skins.
Oh look a new sweat horizon how wonderful 🙄
nothing on here goes with the theme “arsenal” didnt see much that excited me
Meh… well another battlepass
Why’d they give Horizon the karen cut 💀
do ppl still buy the battle pass? serious question
Bad Battlepass, but i think it will be a good season
Why’s Horizon got a Karen haircut though?
Still waiting for a new pistol
Fun fact: Patch notes are out and uhm, L-STAR in crate and uhm…
it has disruptor rounds💀
Titanfall 3 please respawn
Battle pass items have really fallen off 🤮 The Car looks great though.
you can’t call a Watson skin System Shock and not have it be a Shodan reference….
0:23 Horizon looks like a fed up mom
Finally a good horizon bp skin
建议重生出一个一局之内被举报超过5次的直接封半个小时. 超过10次直接封1个小时 , 连续3把超过10次被举报直接封一天, 这样不仅能减少挂 , 而且正常玩家被误封的伤害也不大 . 香港服务器太多ai外挂和鼠标宏了.
建议重生出一个一局之内被举报超过5次的直接封半个小时. 超过10次直接封1个小时 , 连续3把超过10次被举报直接封一天, 这样不仅能减少挂正常玩家误封伤害也不大 . 香港服务器太多ai外挂和鼠标宏了.
No body uses holosprays 😢
Alright who taught the devs to super jump??
why does the Horizon skin have shoulder-mounted missile launchers ?
Yo! We are finally getting Rhapsody in the main game let’s go. Oh, wait a sec.
Pretty bad ngl
I’m officially ready for a Mozambique reactive skin.
they just needa learn how to do superglides and tap strafes and theyre all set
Hopefully horizon is getting a heirloom that season
I’m seeing more people talk about the gameplay than the battle pass itself 💀
“The Apex Games require speed, […]” on 20 tick servers. Can’t wait.
perhaps its finally time to get back to gaming
i like it picaso but where tf is bloodhound sky emote like men comon
Nothing for Mad Maggie
So lame skins. One of the worst. Watson’s skin is decent, but one that are part of the event rewards right now is waaaay better
The only good skin in the whole trailer was the car skin.
I just hope this season is actually worth playing but Ballistic makes me think it wont be
bruh they did wattson so dirtxy
advertising holos and charms is such a cringefest
Gears of war armour
So once again they’ve forgotten Octane 😔
Off course there’s no new VANTAGE skin …
Might be the first trailer where wattson is the badass fighter
Am I the only one that’s wondering what ever happened to stickers? They dropped them for 2 weeks and were like nahhh
Still no Anti-cheat news? Then no money for the Battlepass, that easy.
One big meh, as usual
Skins look like playdough or clay lol colorful buns
You know you could have just continued with the stickers but just put them in the battle pass.
but no revenant reborn?
I wish they would add more dive emotes in the battle pass, that aren’t just a backflip 😑. And the character skins are kinda mid this season, especially the Gibs one. And release some more good skins for my boy fuse (and his heirloom in season 18🤞🤞🤞🤣).
Love to see you guys embracing the movement tec
horizon heirloom when
Best battle pass in the last 3 seasons
This battle pass looks nice <3
😀 awesome 👍
car skins hot
За столько лет наконец то нарисовали нормальный скин на Ватсон
WATTSON MY GIRL getting some love from Respawn
My girl my main!
So proud🥺
It looks SICK
wow 1:24 they really stepped up there game
Looks like a lackluster battle pass again to me imo
You mfs lol tricking us with the p2020 😂😂
Bring back arenas or a secondary ranked mode
I have a feeling that they are not going to be in Kings Canyon, what is the hatred for the map?
Why do both the Wattson and Horizon skins look like Valk ? Especially Horizon’s, do they not understand shape language or what?
ah good all new paid content no new maps no new modes just a new character… come on where are the modes with titans, brings us back some titanfall content lore, give us all attrition and pilots vs pilots maps on team deathmatch on apex. this is how u have success.
Who is gunna play ranked?
wattsons running animation with a weapon to cute
1:25 how it jump like that ??
When it comes again?
why is wattson dressed in a rhapsody skin
Wattson my beloved <3
Its actually nice they use movement tech in their trailers now
nothing new same old monetization 😢
Not sure why wall jumping is shown (so often) but I guess it’s possible more easier now?
Car reactive. Wattson and Horizon skin😍🔥
0:53 new octane throwback emote??!!
Oooph that Watson skin looks like valkarie that’s going to be annoying haha
So excited for season 17
They’re really starting to embrace movement
top !!!!!!!!!!!
for when a re skin
wattson looks way too much like valk with that skin
Bro they hired mokeysniper for this trailer lol, wall bounce and zipline superjumps
I hope to get heirloom shards for octane
With so much of the ‘Karen’ haircut, I couldn’t tell who’s Wattson, who’s Horizon and who’s Catalyst.
Is there anything about weapon buffs or nerfs yet? I enjoy the Nemesis, I realize it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I’m wondering if it gets a nerf this season.
The first thing that came to my mind when i heard arsenal was ROBLOS????
Apex really embracing movement techs now! Love to see it.
Ballistic Revtane goes brrrrr
The car reactive skin looks just like the prowler
They showcasing how to jump off the wall …. A lot this season 🤨
That’s awesome. I wish in my region I got more than just Olympus and broken moon, on my battle royales trio maps selection, rotation 👍, in Cali. It’d be fantastic if we got 4 new maps? Maybe a map from titanfall 2?
Rapsody reference?
I can’t wait for this update! Gg guys! 🫡
Please no I was hoping the Museum wasnt on the map 😭 I wanted to look around peacefully LOLL
nahh they added movement in the trailer they wildin fr
I’ll be getting the battle pass tomorrow!
that wattson skin makes her look like valkerie
Wattson looking straight out of the Mobile game (RIP) 😅
I want Revenant skin
Make últs change color with the skin like wattson últ
Apex skins have gone down the drain I remember they used to put more effort in the rare and legendary skins
I would love for you to remove emotes and holosprays. No one needs those in the apex packs or battle pass.
Yes yes, add more movement into trailers and and gameplay previews
You forgot to mention new sound bugs and server performance issues- ghosts pulling my hair back.. YKIYK.
so the evolutive weapon is the car ?
Revenant is always getting killed in these new trailer
Super jumps are now confirmed canon lol
Where is a new bangalore skin???
Don’t Wattson and Horizon have 3 battlepass skins each? Why not Vantage, Bangalore, Newcastle, Maggie, Catalyst, Lifeline or Pathfinder?
Look, I understand the crypto is the least picked legend, but for the love of God, can you please show him some love in the battle pass rewards?!
Will we get any better stuff in the free version of the battle pass?
The devs are so proud they finally figured out how to wall bounce.
Horizon second BP Skin other Legends Zero BP Skins … :'(
At least change the Devo iron sights
man i really wish they would put this theme down and pick up Titanfall again
Car skins are terrible. And another devotion skin??? I do like Watson and horizons skins though.
Matar en cada trailer a Rev ya se a vuelto una tradición 😂😂
Im surprised that know one notice the Marauder Corps logo on their skins.
add cross progression and 120 fps on console
I hate machine gun skins
Did they announce horizon mythic ? And wattson skin is sickkkkkk
Wattson looks like she can’t decide if she gonna cosplay Valkyre or Catalyst
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content 😀
Wow man this is soooooo coool man
Todo el tiempo pensé esa skin era de Valkyrie o Catalyst, no me imaginé era Wattson
mid battle pass W season
Superglide next 🙏
id buy it if my acc didnt get hacked
That tier 110 CAR skin looks so good so I guess I’m grinding out the pass this season
Soooooo kings canyon doesn’t exist anymore or what?
Lifeline reactive skin please
Bring Back Arenas.
Everyone got Valkryries rockets
We need 120 fps on ps5
Are they ever going to give Rev the love he derves, his special is garbage. He’s a selfish legend why is his ult team oriented.
I’m digging the Wattson content
0:35 ディボーションを無反動で撃つジブラルタル
It’s starting to get old that not only do you need to pay for the battle pass. You also have to play for hours on end to finish it. And then they just throw basic skins as legendarys. So next weeks store will have better skins then the ones you can earn. Just getting old is all
“They added movement in a trailer!”-🤖
Get that 2x off the car
Why you made Wattson skin so bad
Nice trailer. Sad still no revenant buffs/changes this season
Horizon heirloom
This is how they put rapsody into apex
Love it when gibby doesnt stop shooting the devo, truly an apex experience
wattson lookinga a little too like sombra
devs with movements gahh daymmmmmmmmmm
0:06 expected to superglide right there …
Since when do developers know movement ?
The BP is really bad, the only good skin is the reactive CAR…
1:30 RULE 34 COMING !!! XD
No fcking way horizon looks so good
de las peores skins de wattson , la de la temporada 4 la deja sobrada
Wattson? Thought that was Valk lol
i just wanna show my appreciation to Apex, their battle pass skins are always the best and they give u the money back to buy next battle pass, unlike a game like valorant who in my opinion only put failed skin designs in the battle pass.
kinda dogshit legend skins ngl
Did they fixed the servers?
I ask for my grandma.
The base movement speed in apex is 7.4m/s (384.8hu/s [hammer units per seccond]), and holding a weapon reduces it to 6.438m/s (334.776hu/s[13% decrease]) Since mad Maggie’s passive makes Mad Maggie get a 13% speed boost while holding a shotgun (0.962m/s [50.024hu/s] increase, making her movement speed the same as base movement speed [7.4m/s {384.8hu/s}]) and ballistics ultimate gives you a 13% speed boost while holding a weapon, would your speed boosts stack, and give you a total speed of 8.362m/s (434.824hu/s)? If so, while balistics ultimate is active, then mad Maggie will gain a 13% faster speed then if you were holstering your shotgun (32.5% slower then octane stim).
(I did all of these calculations myself, if I messed up feel free to correct me.)
two valkyrie skins 😅
Cyberpunked Wattson skin is still the best 😛
Kiaskito de skins U.U
I’m so glad they fully embraced the movment techs in-game now. The showcase of wallbounces and zipjumps makes this so much cooler.
Sadly I didn’t grind last seasons battlepass lol I only got lvl 89
yet another bland set of skins as usual
Not worth it, thanks.
Absolute dogwater
OOOOHhhh my girl wattson❤❤❤
I would cool if wattson pylon actually had the same skin when you put it down instead of default skin
They integrated wall jumps and zip jumpies to make the trailer reasonable in todays real gameplay but if they wanna make it accurate they need to have a hacker in their trailers beaming the whole team
Playing since season 1 and still have no heirloom. Fix this first and then make more skins.
This car is sick
One glass of revenant reborn please
Yoooo wattson vaporised that guy at the end
Horizon looks like she gonna ask to talk to your manager
wattson skin looks like valk and catalyst at the same time. also giving judy alvarez vibes
Should someone tell respawn we don’t care about holo sprays 😅
Finally, wattson hair
Skins are awful. Another pointless BP
Loved when Horizon hit her gravity lift and hip fired the nemesis and missed every shot. Truly an Apex experience.
Dat CAR though
My thing is they’re showing all this movement why not make it easier for controller players
The new car skin looks absolutely phantastic but honestly, not a fan of Wattson skin. Couldn’t even say if that was Wattson or not. Plus, Im still waiting for the Wattson Neasy suit skin!
It’s been a month and i still haven’t gotten the Apex coins i bought in my account 😭 what’s going on with EA help
This game is so good!!! i got banned for swearing!!! <3333 xd??
nothin new for octane? not gettin it
FUZE needs a “FUZE has left the building” voice line with that Elvis skin.
W battlepass in a long time 😊
The aesthetic of apex cosmetics are so gross, I’m sorry.
They really showing off movement this upcoming season
only female. Where are the sigma warriors
they better teach us how to do wall jumps
When the comment section is embracing the movement tech being integrated into trailer than the actually battle pass content itself. Ohhh respawn what have you done.
season 30 : how to super glide and mantle jump
Horizon with Wattson hair style and Wattson with a catalyst hair style…
no bug please~
People still play this game💀
HUGE spray transfer by gibi
👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻🥱🥱🥱🥱 skins
Badass Wattson Skin, also like the Horizon one
Está horrible 😂
Revenant is the best
So Revenant isn’t reworked ?
Same garbage battle pass.
Newcastle got outplayed with zipline movement
wow Wattson got a Valk skin!😅
just if you could make the game as pure looking as this
actual dogshit, only cool thing is car skin
Click here if you’re the Classiest Controller
Who else thought that was a valk skin not Watson 😂
And another weak battle pass
finally good animaten skin
They should include stickers in the BP
Finally apex is respecting one of the main things that makes this game great, the movement
O pior passe de batalha que ja existiu!!!
These skins are trash
Are any other long time Apex players just not impressed by this battlepass compared to others? Fortnite and OW have just a ton of more unique looking skins for the characters and feel like Apex needs to invest more in the BP, I know many will argue you get your money back so doesn’t matter either way but many other BP do that plus give you unique options
The second Battle Pass in the entire series I’m not excited for.
Watsom com cosplay de Valk
Why a wattson legendary? The only game mode we ever see controller legends played is control point, a temporary rotating playlist. Who genuinely wants to sit around waiting for ring closings?
Oh Noo they turn horizon into a Karen noooooo. What is up with respawn making legends have blond hair recently. Also it’s good to see them implementing movement tech 1:22 they used to hate having it but now they are embracing it. All they have to do is remove seasonal legend trackers and add finishers for legends since the old ones are boring and well old
1:29 My favorite part of the trailer.
Let me guess that Ocatane ran in and went down , truly an apex experience!!
I love when say that there’ll be new emotes they show Wattson doing an emote that isn’t even in the battle pass
These skins are low-key all copy pasted and terrible
song ?
looks great
What happened to the healing item stickers?
Kind of mid bp.
솔랭개선좀 해줘..
Is there a name for movement tech at 1:24 when they jump over the zipline like that?
Thank goodness they’re leaving catalyst alone for what feels like the first time since her launch (I know she isn’t in the current one either). yet another event without a vantage skin tho
I feel like wattson is going to confuse me with valk
next season trailers will include tapstrafe and superglide for sure
Who else thought that wattson skin was a Valk skin
Catalyst gets blonde hair and then horizon wow
The skins are really good but why so many devotion legendaries
Well…. That Watson skin will be obtained! Lol Thanks Respawn! Specially for getting rid of storm point and broken moon! 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 No need to bring them back either
Cool hopefully they nerf the nemesis
The car and Watson skin are dope but everything else is mediocre
Love how they are implementing movement techniques on their trailers
That car skin looks nuts
Give us a new support legend
legendary skins looking like season 3 Rare skins
Why the trailer got better movement than me😢
I didn’t even recognize that was Wattson, now that’s a legendary skin…
Even just from the trailers you can tell they are starting to accept movement
Can someone teach me to walk bounce on Xbox 😩😩😩😩
The battlepass skins look so mid
Bring Verdansk back
that zip cancel tho
no rampart again after 4 seasons
why Controller class got no changes? it’s the most boring perk ever.
That super jump tho
They made Horizon look like Karen 😂😂
這次影片加入遊戲的身法 非常好啊APEX
I couldn’t tell If that was Watson, catalyst or valk anyone else?
I misread the title I thought it said “Arsenal Bottle Pass” 😭 (Premier League viewers know)
How come every season or even events, “Mirage never get a new clean skin like all the other legends!!” I really think this is unfair for a person like me that loves to play Mirage!!
Why does the script for this trailer feel like something from ChatGPT? They’ve never mention specific characters skins or gun skins (outside of reactive skins) or holos (since release).
next trailer: Mantleultrasuperdonkeyhypermonkeygigasigmatapstrafewallbounce jump
Hmm…doesn’t Apex Legends intend to outsource the skin production team?
Honestly, this battle pass 25,50 skin is the worst…
The skin quality seems to be getting lower and lower.
no wraith stuff?
Alternator needs justice
and youre gonna use AI to finally be rid of the hackers this season too right guiz? right? no? yeah maybe next season tho right guiz? no? surely the one after tho right guiz?!? i mean youll get rid of the hackers for everyone thats not a streamer… right? guiz? hello? where ya goin? its raining, better take a jacket…. bye.
Step towards right direction. Keep this up please. Fixing Seer & the broken guns next.
Guess who’s getting next seasons battle pass because he saves up the coins he gets from the bp 🙂
Wattson? pensé que era Valkyria
Worst battle passes in the business
متحمس للموسم الجديد
I saw that failed superglide
Apex is finally using movement in the trailers. Common Apex W.
Looks kinda mid not gonna lie. 😅 Where’s revenants legendary skin??
This pass reminds me of Season 4’s pass with how the skins look cybernetic and bionic, and I love that style so I’m hyped 💯
Make an economy like csgo with cases and a market place and then maybe I’ll come back
Car skin cool, everything else meh
need speed , comming and deadly?
I dont like this battlepass 🫠🫥
controller gameplay
wall bounces and zipline super jumps, movement player getting some love in these trailers
1:23 no way valk hit that Mande 💀💀
The Wattson skin is terrible
Still nothing for FUSE 😢
So the zipline super jump that’s on console right?
thank god i quit this game lol this looks so bad, if anyone wants to buy a ps4/5 account with 2 prestige skins 5 or 6 heirlooms + heirloom shards lemme know
The red CAR looks so sick! they are doing something different with the 110 skin!
I really thought at the start Watson was valkrie and horizons skin dosnt look anything like her
that C.A.R. is $EX
Still no cross play data transfer guess I’ll be back next season ✌🏻
Oh it’s Wattson. Took me a long time to recognize lol
A sign that i only have today to finish my pass
蹬牆跳跟繩跳在預告? 我沒了
Soooo where is my Crypto love at?? Nowhere yet again… It’s a sad day.
0:06 Quality keeps dipping to 360p.
00:35 highest sens controller player
Oh my beautiful Horizon!
i’m tired of placeholder skins,they are terrible,and its not worth to get battle pass anymore
Finally, a battle pass with skins that look epic or legendary 🙏🏼
im not the only one who heard THE “OOOFFF” sound effect on seconds 35-39, am i ?
If I get one more flip fly emotion in battle pass, I will immediately die
the watson skin looks like Rhapsody from apex mobile
Karen Horizon skin???
Apex the community listener
plz give me that skydive skin
very bad
Thank goodness is isn’t the P20 skin as reactive like it was leaked
bro the devs are geting good at the game i’m am going to be afraid of them😨
when will there be skins for playable weapons? is devoushen serious?
not gonna lie, looks like another mid season with a really poor looking battlepass
the car skin is crazyy but in overall y’all could’ve done better
Finally battlepass that does not look like s***
Those legend skins are the definition of mid.
The Car skin looks fire ngl
El supersalto, se vio ufff
Единственное что интересно это харайзен остальное нет.
devs embracing movement finally??? its almost like they made this game from titanfall 2 ..
Rip no buff to revenant well he’ll be dead entirely for s17 and beyond
Who taught the dev to super jump the zip 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Love to see movements in trailers ❤
What’s the title of the background music?
Passe fraco, skin da car bem fraca pra uma skin de lvl 100
These might be the most lazy and boring skins I’ve seen yet. Where’s the creativity?
Lifeline pushes solo and gets knocked. A true Apex experience..
Cross progresion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why’d they give Wattson that disgu- uncharacteristic haircut? I thought she was Valk until the announcer said something.
Pls update for the matchmaking, i am 21 level player, and I find predator and masters in my lobby, pls update che matchmaking, in public games
Hyped for this season🔥
говно преподносят как конфетку…
So cool !
Once again no new bloodhound again but can’t wait for next season
Nat looks hot af
Terrible skins, except for the CAR
Atleast try to make legend buffs
That Wattson Finisher at the end was NASTY
A 1v1 duel gamemode would be nice
Nah Tbh, this season battle pass is mid
The zipline superjump is funny, tap strafe in the next trailer??
That Wattson skin is gas🖤. Looking forward to tomorrow.
жесть банихоп они убрали как баг, разгон при спуске при помощи удара рукой то же убрали…. а walljump у них теперь фича….. я же правильно понимаю он то же был как баг ?? или я ошибся и его спецом добавили ??
Love the Titanfall themed battlepass
I got a surgery that cause 2.5 and need help, by subbing over to my …… are any other way you can, I appreciate it
Literally thought Wattson was Valkyrie and so did with Horizon’s skin not like this Respawn
Horizon skin looks like “Space Karen”. Still gonna rock it though. 😆
Can we stop adding holos and charms 💯💯
Those skins are trash af
They finally learnt about movement
Let’s go! Red reactive CAR skin 😀
People acting all amazed that wall bouncing is in the trailer when its widely known, intentional and been in the game since day 1
The battle pass is the only L of the season in my opinion, except the car skin that looks really cool
Peep what she says @0:41 😏
Not entirely sure what happened to Apex from the time I’ve stopped playing but from the past few seasons I’ve seen nothing but some of the ugliest skins in any game. So disappointing
What a garbage battle pass
Car looks fire glad it’s not the p20
Are we agree that Horizon’s skin is uber tier ?
the horizon skin looks like anya from gears of war
now we can have arsenal vs newcastle on apex as well
This season battlepass ulgy af😭😭😭
Smh Valkyrie nd Horizon get another seasonsl legendary.
1:21 did they change wattsons running animation?
Love that they are implementing wall bounces and Zipline jumps in the trailers.
where is Horizon’s Heirloom ????
I’m excited for use the new character! Are you ready for see the team discus for select the new character? 😂
Let’s goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
That wattson skin tho
MY GOD 🔥🔥🔥
Когда сезон?
So finally them approved movement in apex legend, Before they were removing tap strafe blah blah blah😂
Bring certain movement techs to console.
absolutely 10/10 pass
Dude, I thought that was Valkarie
Why no revenant rework man…
Yay another reactive I will never see :/
But I seen in the website that Horizons hair was white and little bit of blue in a holosprays
Give us ur money 😉❤️
al fin desde la temp 4 no habia nada para wattson en el battle pass
L battle pass not buying but new season looks dope
That video quality🔥
Geh a bad wattson skin, good thing i have the 3 best skins already.
Kawaii kitty
The france hat skin from fighting dome event.
And the conqistadore
But…where is sliding down hill?!
They did a super jump! I love the movement that they are adding into the trailers
Thought wattson was valk for a second that skin looks awesome
Wattson skin yessssssss let’s gooooooo
I loved the part where Watson went for a finishing move in the open while being 5th partied, Truly an Apex experiance !!!
The fact that 80% of the applause here is for including movement in the trailer as opposed to the whats actually in it the battle pass says a lot about Apex.
Already tired of playing against ballistic.
Just another cheesy character nobody wanted. Last good character without BS were Valkyrie and Horizon.
Nothing for Mad maggie again?
Horizon becomes more older and older 😭
Can’t wait to be violated by a walljumping wattson so cool
I like the theme of the skins for the legends
Wattson looks like Rhapsody. Ugh. Bring back my main.
not feelin that one
Need more titan fall movement elements already, at least wall running. Give us wall running if we’re not getting titan fall
0:35 Вау, вот это разброс! Ну серьёзно, что это. В игре, особенно на высоких рангах, от слова “клавиатура” только смеются, так ещё и трейлеры как-будто специально намекают на то, чтобы оставались только геймпады.
cmt ça pas mal les bzez apex
Man apex trailer really peaked for season 2, nothing about this trailer hyped me up to play again
At 1:17 you can hear that Gibby’s emote has music I think
Them using wall jumps in the latest trailers are like parents trying to act and say cool words to fit in with kids, just to make it lame😂
this is definitely a battle pass
if lifeline superglide there she would survive
Nice movements but failed the super glide tho 0:06
Loved this!
Would really be awesome next time to hear Justine Huxley, Mela Lee, or Elle Newlands do a few line reads. You have some amazing talent in the VAs!
I just hope this season don’t get stale after 3 weeks like all the others
I love it when games have trailers for their micro-transactions
So Frustrated that Bangalore doesn’t get Anything man🤦🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️
The horizon skin🔥🔥🔥
Wattson out here looking a bit like Sombra 😂looks cool
W horizon skin
Please remove holographic legendarys and make them epic max no one wants to get legendary trash holo sprays
Thats such a bad wattson skin, couldn’t tell the character by its silhouette
Will they fix the sound this season lol?
What did they give Horizon such a bad wig
worst bp ever forever CIMBOM GS ŞAMPİ
fire 🔥
Love how they are showing some representation for movement in these trailers
Is Ballistic voiced by Robin Atkin Downes?
They couldn’t of had a legendary Nemesis wrap huh?
I HATE GAMEPAD PLAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I the only one who thinks that Horizon has too many good skins? Perhaps you should pay more attention to others?
The music 😔
I’m sorry but there are 24 legends in the game the and the battle pass is still giving us 5 skins ( 2 legendary and 3 meh skins) compared to Overwatch’s this is garbage
Como siempre solamente vale la pena una Skin del pase jaja
Classic EA greed
Cool trailer, but… characters skins… pretty dissapointing.
What a joke of a battle pass. And they were always pretty bad anyways
The Red CAR Version and Wattson’s skin are a W
All is well but what about fixing your servers?
Literally 0 vantage skin again. Never Vantage Skins in events or Battle Passes.
Pass looks mid not gonna lie
wattson butty <3
skins are trash
The car skin 🔥🔥🔥
I want some stickers man
This is impressive
Loved it when Respawn said that gun skins won’t have pay-to-win iron sights and the reactive car has pay-to-win iron sights. Truly an apex experience
Just cosmetics?, well, this is why this game never gonna increase his players. Stop focus on cosmetics and fix the servers and crosshairs.
Why does Watson look like Valk
They had to have Wattson finish Catalyst at the end to confirm they are sharing hairstyles.
so much good thingsand ideas, but the saddest thing the game is unplayable
Y los stickers? Nomás están de adorno
I need to play With mobile
Come back game in Mobile
Wattson Skin looks pretty cool
Опять сборище неформалов
Takes 17 seasons to embrace movement tech
Ils on vraiment drop des superglides, wall jump et jump sur une zip dans le trailer ? xD je suis mort
looks like dogshit
When are you gonna stop the cheaters?
this is just random colors mixed together…
Probably the first time I’m more excited for the firing range than the battle pass.
NEVER INCLUDE VALKIE‼️‼️‼️‼️ smh 🤦♂️
Wattson skin was shocking. I thought it’s a Valk skin.
Wattson looks like she’s part of the fortified bunch
I thought that wattson skin was valk💀💀💀
so basically a cyberpunk theme battlepass… nice
horizon face = 😑
All Wattson needs is the pylon on her back to act as a jetpack and she’s got Valks powers too. 😂
Has anyone else noticed the upgrade to pathfinder ultimate?? It has a range bubble on it
they really incorporating more movement into the trailers and im all here for it
How do you zip jump?
Yooooo can’t wait to play as colonel sanders this season!
I dont play apex legend anymore but i still like to see new legend coming to apex
Terrible battle pass, ok looking season.
Wait, there’s a new legend? I barely noticed because Wattson was the TRUE star of this Trailer 😍
Yep… getting that wattson skin
Everything has been great and im looking forward to the new season!
But i haven’t spent a dollar on skins or the battle pass because I haven’t seen any that i actually wanted
А че все такое топовое ?
Dogwater skins like always ^^ keep em coming! Thanks Apex!
Tf is that wattson skin
Am I the only one who taught there won’t be a Battle Pass cuz they didn’t drop it exactly 17:00😅
Give some free bp 😢
Bruh they need to stop putting this holospray , no one use them
Watson with the smoovement
Mid skins in my opinion
Still no Newcastle Tracker sets?
Cant wait!
I wonder if Respawn will actually capitalize on the movement capabilities of this game. Nothing crazy like wall running, but making wall jumps an official movement option.
Rhapsody at home:
my only question is are we goin to have 120hz
Another battle pass not worth spending my money on .. come on infinite ideas for skins ….. !!!!!
Kinda mid
Character skins are TRASH
I loved the part where all of the comments don’t talk about the battlepass because it’s mediocre, and instead get their rocks off at a character bouncing off walls, truly an apex experience.
rhapsody looking ahh.
Boring, every season looks same.
When will we be able to have more than 3 people in the firing range I think that is a long overdue change especially with the new redesign
0:51 Did I just hear the Roblox “oof” sound when Valkyrie got knocked😂💀
Wattson became mike pence the electric fence at the end
At least its good to know there won’t be a season called Spurs
I thought wattson was valk lol
When I saw that the new tab said new updates coming with arsenal instead of just patch notes I knew I was going to be disappointed.
Season 10 and 11 BP clears by a milestone.
Worst BP ever?
That car skin is sweet
who taught the apex devs how to wall jump
That new Horizon skin is…oh my lord, as a Horizon main, I think I’m in love xD
Cool, my game looks and runs like a 360 game and I have next gen
Bro the movement😫😫😫idk how to do any of that. I can only wall jump when im not fighting but its so cool to see it done in the trailers
I had a hard time telling the difference between horizon and Watson in this trailer, they new skins look so similar.
Another L pass..
Say it with me everybody
How about fixing the audio
that car tier 110 is FIRE🔥🔥🔥
The refusal of Respawn to give The Alternator or p2020 the reactive skin is getting a little annoying
Nothing special except the car skin
not a fan of the cosmetics this battlepass, but absolutely love the red CAR reactive skin.
The apex games require what now?
Dude the super jump…. I was not ready, threw me of guard
Why’d they do my girl wattson like that :,)
Cosmetics are the weakest link in this game. It’s like they don’t like the money.
Is it just my thought that they start using movement tech in trailer
Hope there’s some more skins than these in the pass, besides the Wattson one they’re kind of weak… And though the wattson one is nice, it’s not really recognizable as wattson, which I think is an issue when identifying your opponent’s character to anticipate their possible strategies is important.
Love to see our real and cute girl Wattson finishing that cringe thing character called Catalyst. Now things are going straight
Wattson looks like Rhapsody
This Season of horizon
Thanks for the ending!!!! that is satisfying ❤
Yall fixed the audio yet?😂
Wattson skin is super mid 😢
Give me my heirloom pls
octane is not dead in this one, i am impressed!
much love to the devs and creators.
Wait that’s Wattson? Thought it was Valk on first glance lol
00:04 lifeline is SUPER GLIDING??
Y’all really ruined wattson 😭
Love how everyone drops with a few bullets
finally fragment is no more
It’s also nice to see that after years they’re promoting skilled movement tech
I fr thought that was Valk. That’s quite a confusing Watts skin.
So much of wattson hmm is this a sign that she’ll get an heirloom this season?
Wattson! (^.^)/❤
Pretty mid ain’t it
Hope they fix the bug on this new update. Suddenly sending me back to copper 1 day after after struggling to reach gold is pretty brutal
Well at least Ballistic looks interesting. It’s a shame that the battle pass had to be so pathetic but I guess they’re still working on their design skills this far into the seasons.
Why does no one have a shield?? And why is everyone 1 hp?! I get red shield preds in my lobby
Finally some movement!!!!!
Complete Dog 💩
Another Apex Trailer where revenant gets absolutely clowned on
I love how they wall jumped in the trailer & it was sick 😂
So excited
none of them look good
I like how they showed how bad the nemesis hip fire actually is in 0:30
they are showing wall jump and super jump… Are they gonna rework that or…
The CAR skin is a W the legend skins are a L
I like it already
Me encanta que ahora usen la movilidad en los trailers
when is mad maggie hairloom?
First Newcastle, now Arsenal. Trying to build a Premier League in Apex?
0:53 i thought they made a “Buss it down Octiana” emote. 😂😂👏
Kings canyon please
내생각에는 이놈들은 스킨으로 돈벌생각이 없어서 저러는게 아닐가 싶어
That wattson skin looks like valkyrie
thought that horizen skin was catalyst
they done it again with the wall bounce
why does Wattson’s skin kinda look like Sombra
I can’t wait for not having a good looking vantage skin once again
When is bloodhound getting a new skin and w vid
Can we get a Man City battlepass?
That Wattson skin is an abomination.
This game is about to become “Movement Legends”
Bro I feel like in the next trailer someone’s gonna start super gliding
Instead of making battle passes persistent (level anytime, regardless of season, since you paid for it), you and other BR games continue to use FOMO tactics (play daily or you lose your battle pass rewards) to push people to play your game. The battle passes are designed in a way where they do not allow someone to invest in multiple games, if they wanted to. Anyway, I have cut out any game that pulls these tactics, and have stuck with games without battle passes or at least somewhat fair battle passes. You should trust your core gameplay to be fun enough to not rely on FOMO tactics.
I remember when apex used to be fun, truly an apex experience
they gave Wattson a Valk skin lol
Since they are going all in with mobility tricks, maybe its time to ad tutorials ingame on how to do it?
thing about arsenal is they always try and walk it in
Oh a battle pass with halfway decent skins coocoo
hey i have a question… can we get Kings Canyon back?
Did they let *Faide* play the Wattson in the trailer?
There is now movement techs in apex’s trailers like superjump (0:48 / 1:23) and walljump 1:03
we need bangalore skin
Typical respawn. Cross progression is not gonna give them money so why add it. I have 2 accounts and it’s the worst. why would i want to progress twice makes no sense to me. They add a gifting system in the shop but cant add CP? what a slap in the face. Why cant i just gift all my cosemtics to an account i actually use instead il let my hundreds of dollars spent go to waste on my dead account. Thanks respawn we love you NOT ☠️
Wattson looks like Valc
sure would be nice to get titanfall 3 right about now…..
Horizon looks extremely old in this trailer
Really bad skins
finally after 16 seasons we got some movement content
I totally mistook that Horizon to be a Valkyrie, and the Wattson for a Catalyst. I think at this point they must add an option that disables skins in-game (shows all characters with their default skin). This is too much.
That thumnail is a skin for valk or Catalyst???😂😂
weakest BP yet in my opinion but the rest of the season looks promising
This is like literally the best battle pass I have ever seen
Ranked better be good respawn.
Horizon skin is so bad
we need more tick tock dances as emotes, come on, how else are you going to get more money from kids ?
These trailers are always the same
how many bugs do EA make??
maybe, 5or6??
blud think they arsenal fc
I honestly thought wattson was valk
That Car skin sexier than a mug 😍
Movement in trailers ? Now all we need is for the legends to have shields when they shoot and we will have a true to game trailer 🤣
Super glide next trailer CONFIRMED! They cold RN!
How do they manage to make every single battle pass mid, skins are genuinely so tacky every time take some notes from r6/OW
fine ill play apex again
We can all thank Mokey for them including and embracing movement in Apex😂
The skins are a letdown for me, especially the reactive CAR. Sadge. :/ Hopefully the rest of Ballistic’s Legendary skins will look good. I dislike the pink and white one so far but Crypto’s was sick last time. Imagine one of the worst Legends having the most swag. Shame.
Can’t wait for my teammates to call out an enemy Valk or Catalyst, who turned out to be a Wattson
I’m not saying the skins look bad, I just find it odd how they went through this whole phase of clasical music with wording like elegant and beauty and then the skins are a complete opposite of that narritive, I thought it would’ve been fun if a bunch of the skins for this season were dresses and tuxedos to match their earlier trailers.
I like how they’re integrating movement tech into official trailers, pretty cool that they’re doing that now!
I just want kings canyon back!
can I play this game via steam? There is still infinity loading screen. Fix it plz
reactive mid
These skins are like… kinda bad
I swear they have to be paying sum no life for those movements in the trailers 😭
I swear I only buy these for the reactive. Everything else is so trash
No mirage again
That red car skin 😍👌
Watson skin makes her look like Valkyrie
This battle pass is trash as expected wattsons skin is 🔥
Yes!!!! 120fps on console!!!! 🙏🏿
lol they use zipline jumps in the trailler now
That new Horizon skin is…oh my lord, as a Horizon main, I think I’m in love xD
After 16 seasons, they finally learned some movement, im so happy
Woah a zip jump in a trailer
Another season without a wraith skydive emote
Any update on cross-progression?????
No no zajebiście wygląda
0:49 Did they really just zip-jump in a trailer?
1:25 Oh my sweet jesus they just did it again
Battlepass 6 out of 10. Only car skins nice
Rip apex mobile it will never be forgotten
add new useless legends when there is already 15+ in the game ✅ fix the shi laggy servers ❌
Looks great, let’s nerf valk
That Wattson skin looks amazing. I love how it ends with her finishing off Catalyst, because she basically nailed her style
Why devotion
Now wattson looks like Rhapsody 🥲
yeah thats nice and all but until you add cross progression im not buying
Everyone in the chat caring about walljumps and not the fact the skins are complete trash
african servers?working servers? audio fixes ? cross progression?
Catalyst at the end was like:
“ guess ill die 😐 “
no rev skin ;-;
love the wattson and lifeline skin tho
hi jake
Skin Wattson❤
Karen horizon
Where is 129FPS for next gen console????
for a moment i thought that horizon skin was valkyrie
pls aceu come back
Still no new horizon skydive emote 🙁
0:53 ayO what octane gettin up to
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em… *proceeds to wall-bounce and super jump*
since when is purple hair considered classy?
Where did my wattson goes…. 🙁
1:25 I love how Respawn embraces the zipline jump tactic
No octane skin?? Broo i was hoping for a good octane skin
Wattsons skin looks horrible
I’m I the only one who mistaken Wattson skin for a Valkyrie skin?
the movement techs in the video doin the community proud
Wattson looks a lot like Valkyrie
It’s embarrassing knowing next gen console haven’t 120 FPS. Warzone, OW, Fortnite all do and have for years.
the trailer movement is better than mine. 😭😭🤾♂🤾♂🤾♂
Did lamic999 get credit for wattson or just apex moments😂😂
I thought it wasI thought that was Valkyrie
Lol, I thought Wattson’s skin was Valkyrie.
Ayooo octane was throwing back
that is the worst legendary skin wattson got so far. it’s shame cuz this season seem to be really good.
No Wraith Skin I’m not surprised 🤦♂️
yea buddy
Plz buff catalyst
My manz Octane throwing it back at 0:55 is wild bruh 💀
Yeah yeah, that’s all fine and dandy but when do we get Horizon’s heirloom?
wattson skin yo
Superjump on zipline wtffffd
Dude teach me
0:06 ここスーパーグライドしようとしてる?
Finally some futuristic skins
Bruh wattsons skin looks like velk
Reactive CAR looks dope.
oh boy, can’t wait to play with my friends. oh wait, the lobbies don’t load and I’m stuck on preloading since you added crossplay. great job guys
where is the patch notes?
Where stickers
Battle pass is trash yet again this season
I love how even with all the amazing Revenant skins, they still gave him the basic equipped one. Truly a Apex Legends experience
24 hours
I think it will be amazing
I guess I’m a Wattson main now
Not the best battle pass
Finally a Legendary Battle pass wattson skin
the bps are just getting worse
The Wattson skin reminds me of sombra
Anyone else think the skins really aren’t that amazing?
That Wattson skin is amazing!!
cool movement but nerf controller
Unlockable pronouns
Movement tech is official now.
ofc no vantage skin
A.K.A a new worst battle pass
worst Battlepass
Love the car but really nothing else seems cool yeat. skin wise
Que basura de pase
Who taught the devs movement tech????? Love to see it
horrible BP
Who taught the devs to wallbounce
FAKE! This is not the original Apex trailer. Octane or Mirage did not die. 🤣🤣🤣
wall jumps and zipline? it’s so cool they use it in the trailers truly apex experience 😀
Nah man these wall jumps 0:12
Where can i find the patch notes
The legends and weapons skins not really impressive BUT I’m sure the changes will be impressive: map changes, nerfs and buffs for legends and weapons, the firing range and the new legend himself
skins look wack but new season woooooo
Trailer is insane with wall jump and zip Line super jump ! Next Step i want to see tap strafe lol !
Nah bro battle pass skins are fire this season tbh
If no Mirage dive emote again im not buying it
like si son team fesbak
the money the power man
Who on the dev team is into blondes,they made a cataylst skin with blonde hair now horizon
oh ! here we go, cyberpunk season, jackie welles is not dead, he”s gibraltar now.
I wonder how buggy the game is going to be after tomorrow’s update lol
Can the Horizon’s and Watson’s shoulders shoot missiles. Asking for a friend 😂
Horrible skins 😅😅😅
Would be cool if we got finishers in the battle pass at some point
1:19 the gibby emote made a music
Horizon “Karen” skin. I’m dead :3
why are these skins so doodoo
Worst battle pass
Alright now who taught the devs how to super jump
The super jump is so cool!
did they just zip super jump in a trailer? that is so awesome to see
That Newcastle at the end got destroyed
Oh god another wattson skin i hate it looks like valk had a weird cousin :/
Horizon do be looking like catalyst swi suit skin
I really can’t wait to play this 🔥
The Wattson and Horizon skins look so good.
I loved the part where Mirage hasn’t gotten a skydive emote in over 12 seasons, truly an Apex Experience.
I didn’t even realize that was Wattson. I thought that was Catalyst 😂
That car skin looks so paid to win
That Wattson skin looks amazing. I love how it ends with her finishing off Catalyst, because she basically nailed her style
It’s car smg thank God who even uses the p2020
I love the use of actual in game movement mechanics in the trailers
Watson should never look this edgy
Is the rev emote in the battle pass or in the legends store?
Missing apex legends mobile 😢
Where is the heirloom
Arenas ?
yoooo, horizon skin kinda looks good tho
i actually cannot wait for this season it looks like a blast
i loved
truely an apex
Disappointing as usual. How is it that battle pass rewards seem to be getting worse as time goes on?
For a sec i thought Watson was Valkyrie 😅
Elvis Fuse?? Sign me up
space mommmieeee!!!!!
seens like a good season 😀
Noooo now horizon is a Karen
Why does the wattson skin look like raphsody from apex mobilw?
Bro who that wattson had mad skill at the end
I thought that first skin was for Valk 😅
The Best Horizon skins in the game. I dont like Horizon skins battle pass S10 😨.
finally horizon gets something 😩
why do they keep making horizon blonde 😭
Poppy battle pass
Genuinely couldn’t tell whether Wattson was Wattson, Valk or Catalyst for a good while longer than what it should have been
One of the best bp trailers hands down
Pov: even the team behind editing these knows better movement than you 😭
i love how they implement movement techniques like wall jumps and zipline super jumps into their trailers 😀
Crazy super zip jump😮
I like when bloodhound say oey mate where my cookies truly apex experience
wow I am so pleased to this 🎮
That Wattson skin is so out of character, it does not even look like Wattson, it seems they made a weird inside joke by making a Wattson’s “Valkirie” skin and vice versa…
Please Respawn,bring back the solo battleroyale mode !! 😊❤
Yeah baby! This season looks so good!!!!!
Lets be honest Apex has the worst battlepasses
They’re a lot.
still no stickers?
Denle skin de prestigio al patas locas
I thought wattson was valkyrie
I’m so hyped up for this 🔥🔥🔥🔥
It’s so crazy to see movement in Apex trailers now.
Wattson skin is awesome and the season 17 gonna be a truly experience.
Repainted skins – a truly Apex experience
No stickers for weapons in the BP? Well, they are useless now
Боевой пропуск
After 2 or so years they finally released a legendary horizon battle pass skin.
“Cyberpunk worked the first time it’ll work the second”-guy who pitched the wattson bp skin
Why did they give Wattson the Valkyire Skin?
Is it just me or did I just see a 4x on a pk
Trash skin tbh
BP looking like a huge W
Devotion looks cool, rest is kinda poopoo :/
CAR skin looks nice
glad that they made the CAR the reactive this season. would’ve been a missed opportunity with Ballistic’s lore
Lol a 4×10 sentinel at close range
Why wattson look like valkyrie
Speed and what else did I think I heard?
I’m not a Watson main but that skin looks 🔥💥💥💥💥
Honestly love how every trailer theres WALLBOUNCES ON MFS LOLLLL
Nice battle pass
I love when EA make holosprays that look like every other holospray in the game, truly an apex experience.
Ain’t no way they hit a walljump AND zip super jump in the same trailer
where cross progression 🙂
Oh .. BABY this is going to be good
Awful at all
I honestly think it’s been long overdue for an Alternater Reactive skin.
The movement tech in these trailers are sending me rn😅
Superjump in trailer oh my gosh?
mid ahh bp
Another battle pass that forgets that stickers are a thing in the game
when they said “the skins are all you should care about” i really felt that’s what Apex Legends is all about
I see they have been leaning heavily into the movement side of Apex in the last few trailers.
That car skin looking noice
Idc give my boy pathy a passive
Please bring back APEX LEGENDS MOBILE 😢😢😢! Please we want to experience it again😢
WAIT A New animation ZIPLINE ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Speed coming? What do you mean by that
No way they did a superjump 🗿
Them putting movement in the trailers is kinda poggers
Apex turning in to emo hairstyle
bad music choise
Shock mommy space mommy 😫😫😫😫😫
Finally, another wattson legendary skin in the battle pass! It’s been so long
mid mid and more mid 😢
Bro I have been waiting for far to long for a fuse emote
That CAR skin is so fire (literally)
They got all the movement techs in here💀
Fresh ahh comments
Its actually so cool that they now use wall bounces and zipline super jumps in the trailers.
For half of the video, I kept thinking it was a freaking Valkyrie skin
Really pushing movement this season huh?
Great, not a single good skin. Wonderful! Exciting!
Thank god there is Mixtape where you can do all the trash weapon Challanges.
Missing these trailers for apex legends mobile RIP😢❤
se ve otra season aburrida y otro pase lamentable en fin
Wallbounce and superjump on the same trailer? Impressive
This is so incredibly MID
Apex embracing wall jumps and zip line super jumps is awesome to see.
Next we need tap strafing in gameplay trailers.
looks awesome ngl
0:27 that nose bruh💀
Me encanta que por fin aprendieron a jugar su juego XD
this car 2 hot
1:24 did they just do a super jump in an apex trailer?
Bro, how are all the new trailers filled with movement tech and also WHY ARE YOU GUYS DELETING GOOD MOVEMENT TECHS IF YOU ARE SO FOND OF IT
1:25 that was cool!
The car is juicy
*They hired a movement player to do the trailer*
😂 why did I think Watson was Catalyst
smooth movements, i like it
Ballistic is so cold
cheeky zip hop
Nice can’t wait
이노메 새키들은 최근에 스킨 이쁘게 뽑더니 다시 괴수를 만들려고 하네
I love this season so far
Really excited for this firing range update!
Lived when said ” the apex games require your money, time and life”
i love when octane ran into a full team and then died, truly an apex experience.
im pretty sure ive got like 6 of these lifeline skins, come on
the rest looks sick tho
We LOVE a colorful battle pass
So cool
well well well hello