Apex Legends: Revelry Battle Pass Trailer
Suit up for the most raging party in Outlands history with the Revelry Battle Pass! Slay your way through Daily and Weekly challenges to earn new themed rewards like Legendary skins for Crypto, Valkyrie, and the G7 Scout, plus Epic skins for Bloodhound, Mirage and Rampart, Reactive skins for the Mastiff, and more! On the path to mastery, earn a new music pack, loading screens, emotes, banner frames and weapon charms. Buy the Revelry Battle Pass now, or jump ahead with the bundle to instantly unlock the first 25 levels.
#ApexLegendsRevelry #ApexRevelry #ApexLegends
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.
Learn more about Apex Legends: Revelry http://x.ea.com/76084
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コメント (1174)
Curious,I’m not really liking them yet. Maybe A in-game view might change that.
When respawn thinks skydive emote a backflip always comes to mind
Super hype for this season!!
I f**king knew it. Garbage G7 Reactive skin. Called it.
add Mirage skydive
Bro just add Rhapsody at this point! 😤
That crypto skin is sooooo gooood
Did we really get no map changes other than voyage? Why
No new legend? Great.
Is that mirage voyage!!!
fortnite chapter 3 season 3 be like :troll face:
Did y’all roll out your new matchmaking fix in New York region yet though?
Borderlands 3 mastiff
Anyone think that crypto kinda resembles the weekend?
the game wont work when the update comes out like every other season and about half way through everyone will be complaining… they havent done anything new its all the same as past seasons so they add a new gun and game mode and all of a sudden all is forgiven? im not falling for it.
For a glimpse moment, I thought Valk was Rhapsody.
Fortnite Crypto!!!!!
dead games in their finest form
crypto is the worst champ to play why you guys so amazed?
That’s cool. Now divert staff back to Titanfall 3 😐
Maybe it’s just me, but due to lifeline being into music etc I would’ve expected a skin. Nice season though. 😅
IDK why, but so far 2023 is the year of the best game releases, and the best game updates!
Still a trash game
Apex: new skydive emotes *legends flips*
Me: watches the preview 👁 👄 👁
Best battle pass in a while
Crypto is now a ttk warlock from d1
Bro this is trash
120hz next gen?
Skin making team doesn’t deserve a paycheck
1:31 You guys are freaking teasing Rhapsody so subtly! Just add her!!
Enough with apex already gimme TF 3!!!
I love that good vibes holospray
never fail to make the ugliest skins around
When are you guys making 120fps in console?
Finally a G7 legendary skin.!!
Bring Legends from Apex Legends Mobile to Main Game if you shut them down
My G7 and Mastiff loadout I usually run are gonna look so good.
We need more skins for rev
Valkyrie is not the “party crasher” that whole video had a rhapsody vibe with no rhapsody… 🙁
Bro when are we getting a sick Mad Maggie skin 😩?!
This battlepass is cool, shame there’s nothing about cross progression so I won’t even be doing the battlepass.
Another season without a horizon skin😮💨
With apex mobile ending will they bring those two legends over
…the active reactive mastiff skin is literally a copy of the flatline from a previous battlepass. this next season is giving everyone things that should’ve been addressed and added years ago. uggh. i remember when there were far less fanboi’s littering the apex comment section with their human centipede mouths wide open.
Love the skins, I think I’ll spend this season.
Looks like crypto is fans of daft punk
Wow they took the pathfinder Daft punk skin out? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Who is the new legend going to be?
bloodhound skin? W battlepsss
Some Valk love in the BP has been rare in recent seasons…..she needs to be included more, there are so many opportunities for her….this is a good start.
If the apex battle pass was not so hard to level up i would actually buy this
I liked the part when. Truly an Apex Experience
“Your journey ends here legend” I screamed I’m so excited for this battlepass
Cross progression when?
Where’s raphsody
Bloodhound skin is so dope
Okay but Team Deathmatch is just a 6 person squad version of Arenas, no?
Crypto become a Daft Punk.
Reactive skin?
Fake or real? 🤨
What charge rifle reactive skin look like?
Because all my reactive skin, not reactive at all
Hard pass. My eyes hurt from all this color. Can we get some normal looking skins for once?
okay this is badass
Krl só skin feia
To much Colors!!!
is it just me or do some of these skins give off rhapsody vibes, the dj legend from the mobile version thats shutting down btw
Apex finally did something right
Love that the G7 skin has a tape deck for the mag, but I now realize 99% of this game’s players have probably never seen a cassette tape in their life 😆
Are they really just gonna skip over the giant bobble head balloons?? 😭😭
Thumbnail finna make me act up ngl 😩🍆
GOT RID OF MOBILE DEVS AND BROUGHT THEM TO FIX THIS GAME !!! THANK YYYOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 ABOUT TIME WE’RE SEEING IMPROVEMENT !! Fire trailer too. Haven’t been this excited about a season in a long time.
And when we can play with mouse and keyboard on console?
Es un juego de disparos y muerte o un desfile de quinceañeras? Por cosas como estas cada vez me dan menos ganas de jugar Apex…
Yes please love this crypto skin lovvveeee helmets!!!!!!
Apex Legends (any season Fortnite) battle pass trailer
Remove holosprays and charms from the game. You’re welcome.
Way to ruin TDM by making it round based. Make TDM normal. You’re welcome.
wow another octane sky dive emote must be nice to have a legend constantly getting new dive emotes
This battle pass looks great. So does the season. Good job respawn! Just don’t repeat last season…
Crypto looks like Daft punk. Awesome
Haven’t played Apex in a while but this might be the best season.
Thank you Respawn for creating more recolors we totally asked for that
G7 is terrible
Crypto reminded me of daft punk.
I really like the battle pass but i think that they should add less rare skins and put in packs or crafting metals instead.
Ok I’m gonna be honest I actually really dig that daft punk looking crypto skin.
God just give us a mirage skydive emote PLEASE
Nothing for Gibby, pass.
We need valk skydive!!!
Aaaaahm?….. NO !
At 1:39 the sound effect is used but it’s a r99 ???
“Every part needs a party crasher” *Words of a true 3rd Party Person*
I like the part where it’s taken over four years to finally talk about adding cross progression truly a RESPAWN moment
Looking good apex
Everyone’s going to land on Mirage Voyage and it’s going to be absolute chaos.
Wheres raphosody
This the most movement I’ve seen crypto do.. most times he’s in a building crouched in a corner on his drone 🤣🤣
Mastiff skin goes hard looks amazing
Still no 120fps?
Wow new Fortnite skins.
Where is the new the legend tho?
I stopped playing apex around when fuse came out, everything just started to not seem fun, I loved the game as I have been here since season zero and probably spent waaaay more money than I should on this game- but this new season looks like actual fun, and I’m glad to finally be back playing apex- I can’t wait for the new season!
Valkyrie skin looks a lot similar to rhapsody, the exclusive apex mobile legend
1:38 has anybody noticed the gun 🤔🧐
Hello Apex
Looks like a big improvement over the last 2 battlepasses. Good work
devs would change whole game but not the battlepass rewards
this aint mobile isnt it?
So they add all this, and they basically just ripped off rhapsody’s launch event from apex mobile. 😐
These skins are pretty awful.
Underwhelming as always.
STG Crypto’s holo said “Wight Girl” at first glance 😂
After a long time, they finally give a battle pass that looks worth buying
Какой ущербное говнище ,Один крипто нормальный
ehhhh b tier battle pass skins at best. dat mastiff doh is lookin SICK
if i still played this game i’d want that valk skin
Dayumm crypto, valk, mastiff and that bh skin be lookin real real nice
Опустились до фортнайта
where tf is the new legend
What’s the evolution? It looks like it just flashed blue and went back.
Te pones fiestero y apex te saca un pase acorde a ello
team deathmatch better be good
Bloodhound nerf is horrible
On my life I have better skin ideas than the developers
This looks worse than the current battle pass that is pretty terrible already
13 seasons later and all they’re coming to the table with is more cosmetics…
That’s my teammate at 1:41 running out of a house into a fight with no health left
Major L – No Wattson skin! 😀
I really thought that was rhapsody for a moment
Like my comment if you think the mastiff skin is mid at best.
Apex Legends has a huge % of its fan base that are the biggest whineist cry babies even worse than fortnite kids but even there happy w this new upcoming season
Why doesnt my game look this good? I have an RTX 3090
Does the Valk skin remind anyone else of Rhapsody😂
“Your journey ends here” now where have I heard the before
Does this mean we’re getting Storm Point back!??!
I dislaked this battle pass ? Who does ?
Ddos plzzzzzz!!!!
The mastiff skin is fire
Mastif skin😍
Maybe they will redeem themselves but will the collection event be 160? The suspense is killing me
And absolutely nothing for ma beloved wattson Pain
Ojalá que no cierren el Apex legends mobile ese juego es brutal que lo sigan avanzando
Honestly it’s a bit underwhelming, I still think the battle pass should’ve been expanded as the roster grew…
Now that Valkyrie skin looks like a rapshody reference.
Finally!! A different reactive shotgun
I love the Mastiff skin
The mastiff is so bad though! Lol worst shotgun in the game now I think. No consistency at all
Apex casually releasing one good skin every 4 months and hibernating.
Devs are so scared to do anything lol.
Tudo pra ser as piores skins de todas as temporadas, o carnaval passou mas o Apex trás a carreta furacão para dentro de sua casa 😚
Terrible skins as usual
I was just hoping they were going to bring Olympus back this season
this is the first battlepass where everything looks amazing and im excited for every major tier.
Giving season6 all over again!
Horrible battle pass
First Time no new legends skin in a battle pass 😀 Mastiff réactive skins is horrible 1:03 😅 i like much S5 Lost tresor skins.
Meh not a fan of the Fortnite type skins! Too colourful for what apex is for me!!!
Why is the tier 100 so much better than the disgusting 110 one
mid skins
i called mastiff or eva-8 before i saw it
battle pass is 90th venga Boys Party Bus crazy .. maybe too much drugs XD
fuse skin in the battle pass IM BEGGING
Good battlepass keep it up
Why does horizon never get any skydive emotes
mmm that Crypto skin is so goooooood
They got crypto looking like a knockoff machine head from invincible
Can’t wait to jam out on mirage voyage once again🥳
Why keep making rares? nobody actually uses them
So Crypto is now member of Daft Punk, I see.
🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
But when will we get season 1 KC and Season 3 WE back
That mastif looks amazing
Привет хочу накопить с днюхи апекса но не знаю смогу ли
But there is no Rhapsody to be a DJ in that party
Still waiting for octane🫡
Is the next gen update in the battle pass?
Trash and it’s unfortunate considering how much money they make SMH
16 seasons later and the battle pass trailer is exactly the same as usual 😅
scrap this game and make titanfall 3
Not impressed at all, this one isn’t going to be bought either, sorry…
I legit thought it was rhapsody in the thumbnail
Why is the r-99 a alternator
theres always that one bad skin but i dont think theres one this season idk
This new season looks like a lot of fun!
One of the few times the 100 skin is better than 110
2 good items the rest is junk. Future battle passes need major rework.
i’m curious when will you actually decide that we’re worthy of getting 120fps on next-gen consoles… 😑
New engine when? This game is getting dated, this is still the tf engine
스킨 쳐돌았나 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
We need a Wattson bp skin.
My all time favourite POI is back “MIRAGE VOYAGE!!!” And on three maps, happy beautiful Birthday APEX fans🥳
Another level 100 G7?
Your journey ends here legends, the skies belong to me. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Haha yes, i’ve been using that mustache one for so long
Trash battle pass
Man the skydives have become so lazy.
1:37 who doesnt love the sound of an alternator comming out of an r99
I wish they picked someone else who didn’t get a battle pass legendary besides Valkyrie. They could have done Wattson and crypto I can’t even tell you the last time they were both in the battle pass. Also they do some more epic gunskins. They’re all rare skins nobody uses them
One of the better battlepasses in recent seasons
Meh 😑
Thought I’d have to buy the crypto skin separately, this is a great BP this season
I remember when I used to be excited for the battlepass
These skins looks really cool
That valk skin looks like garbage I’m ngl
And still no 120 really sad bro
Cmon summer is just on head and my laptop will become a toaster. It’s going to be hard for me
Dat skin for Val 😍😍😍😍💁🏼♀️💁🏼♀️💁🏼♀️🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲💦💦💦💦💦, it makes up for me missin da Valentine Day Bundle skin I missed this week becuz of my internet is cut off.
skins = 2/10 , weapons skins=🤮. I want to believe there will be something inside the pass, that will motivate you to buy a pass.
So no new legend? I think I’m fine with that, hope they stick to just reworking and remastering the game, wish other developers did this.
Am I the only one that noticed the R99 making the alternator sound
as a big pro comp fan.. 1:42.. was satisfying!! kick him out of the meta Valk!!
These party clothes would’ve been perfect with Rhapsody.
I’m more excited about the reworks and new modes. New season very Hype !
Only thing i hate about this battlepass is the Legendary Valkyrie skin because we don’t even need another one, the only person that really needed a Legendary battlepass skin and trackers was Rampart, we don’t need any battlepass Valkyrie skins with all the Valkyrie skins in the store daily while there’s hardly any Rampart content. I just hope to atleast see a rampage skydive emote or something like that.
I just see things you want to sell me, not anything fun new
Glad Rampart got something too, this season looks promising! I loved that mastiff skin. Good job to all the developers!
This season will be EPIC!
I’m actually really happy! The season is going to be awesome, can’t wait. Also when Valkyrie said “Your journey ends here, legend.” I freaked out a little. So happy to see a bunch of references to Titanfall
Crypto skin paying homage to Gohan Dragon Ball GT
Man i just want too see a new mirage sky dive emote…
Seems aight
What is the point? I cannot see the skins while im playing soo
Un 7 de 10 le doy
They need to add a solos mode
This better be good this time instead of the lack luster season called season 15
Ooh yay a mastiff reactive skin … 🙄🙄
이게 포트나이트지 에이팩스냐? 시발
more useless cosmetics and no fixes to the audio, EA is laughing in our faces. beyond a joke.
bru this season feels like season 5
Crypto look’s like Daft Punk
I like the clown theme of this skins
This game needs to go away fast. Imagine playing this game for 4 years thinking it is going to improve.
Wow! that was so meh. I would pay 10 dollars just for the Awesome Rev skin they had Last BP , for these skins, I wouldn’t pay a penny
How do the battle passes continue to get worse each season??
Ngl this season pass don’t me very hyped I’m disappointed tbh
battle passes are for suckers
The crypto skin is the best one on the pass
Rhapsody moment…
We remember everything, Respawn
recolors for more shekels
3 mediocre skins. Jesus I hope we are getting some character reworks at least
This would’ve been the perfect season to add Rhapsody to the main game since Apex Mobile is shutting down. I mean I’m glad they’re finally working on it to make it better and less stale, but I’m just saying lol. The theme is perfect.
How about cross progression
Okay, so Rhapsody IS coming to console. Nice. Gonna be so much fun
Holy that Crypto skin makes me wanna main him
Party crasher? Rowdy? Foreshadowing rhapsody ?
Can we get some skins that dont look gay?
Hey apex why hasn’t the Car SMG gotten a reactive skin yet?
who stole draft punk style.
crypto lol
decent BP ngl
well done ig
They knew what there were doing with the Valk skin
크립토 스킨 이쁘다…☺️
Where are the jokes about them stealing your money. Apex fans switch up real quick I guess lol
They look mid I’ll just say it
Well no battle pass for me.
And when are you starting to revive a certain couple games again?
Good job
season with 0 content, only new mictrotransactions, GG EA im skipping apex for 3 months
Did anyone see pathfinder? 😳
how about better servers
make it free please
so good so good
Absolutely LOVE IT!
Wow this it doesn’t look as bad as butterfly Horizon BP but man is it close
valk is the great value brand visual of rhapsody 🤣
Massive W for crypto
0:37 wish my enemies aim was that bad
epic skins look like KAKA
Ehhhh at least the gameplay looks good
Crypto skin looks like that villain from invincible
Apex still to this day having the Worst BP out there 😂
Expl0ited minecraft intro i hear ?
Bleh cosmetics. How about them gameplay adjustments?
This is shaping to be the best Season for Apex. Being so fresh. Thank you Respawn team!
Hands down the worst battle pass I’ve ever seen. 🤦♂️
honestly battle pass skins trash
Reactive Mastiff skin lets goooo! 🔥🔥
I really want new finishers for all legends man
Well, it seems I’ll be wasting my money on foods again.
I need horizon skydive emotess whennnn? Don’t care if they are the old ones. I’ve been playing horizon for 7 months and no skydive emote in the store
I need that Crypto skin immediately
why are there predators in my silver lobbies
Hey Apex, think it’s time you add more stuff for Fuse like that emote you always use in trailers along side maggie.
Oh and of course he needs more skins, banner frames, poses
Hmmm crypto skin looks very Fortnite season 5 looking 😂😂😂
That valk skin copied off of the one legend on mobile
No new legend ?
Crypto skin looks amazing and Wraith is just the default one with small stars
Nah they went crazy with this 1 🔥
Now this is what we call an Apex moment.
My man crypto just looking like he joined daft punk
Not dispointed we got an all black Watson skin
Why is it always so hard to find the patch notes? Drop the link man
After a long time I played apex and there were such skins from battlepass
When I don’t play and I don’t have money right now, this immediately appeared
Do us a favor and remove useless emotes and stickers , no one cares about em nor uses em
Never notice that the front hand on the Scout holds the mag not the foregrip lol
( ・ω・)b
This battle pass looks clean
one of the best battlepasses yet, W
The skins in this battlepass are so bad. I m not buying this one.
120 fps?
Why does mobile gets better content than this
Rank is going to be lame this season; and i don’t plan on playing any other map but Worlds Edge in rank
Dear Respawn can we have rhapsody?
Respawn: no we have rhapsody at home.
Rhapsody at home:
This season seems like a perfect fit for Rhapsody to be added (I understand if they won’t be because mobile had different devs) but I’m glad they focused more on fixing the game itself rather than pushing a new legend of something
You really made an effort to create ugliest skins you could possibly make. Worst BP ever. Not gonna buy it.
Daft punk <3
Love how revenant got long finished twice in one trailer
I dont like any of these skins 💀
That Valk skin makes her look a lot like Rhapsody… 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Valkyries getting Nerf to the ground and they give her a battle pass skin😭😭
yup, two seconds in and im buying it
Battlepass skins just keep getting worse and worse each season
No wraith skin? What a miracle.
on my way to spend my cash on EA
But whose the rivalry between with?
Rip apex
Valk skin not too hot, but everything else looks great
Thought that was the apex mobile girl but i remembered that game flopped and is shutting down.
Whare New legend
I haven’t received the level 110 legendary weapon skin rewards for Season 14 and 15 yet, so I’m hesitant to pay for this season. 🙁
your journey ends here legend has to be the best voice line in the game
everything is good and all but….. holosprays should be removed from the game
Crypto skin 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
All this is great right right. But I realize something and I know it’s not all about but where is some new skydive emote I swear I haven’t seen any since 1982 bro 🤣🤣🤣 just putting that there since I only have 1 🥲
Baraonda profonda peepepeprepeppe
1:39 alternative r99?
Cómo les gusta hacer un battlepass culerisimo cada temporada me cae 🙁
I was so excited for a Crypto legendary skin. Just to figure out it had a helmet.
Im so glad that Respawn did away with battlepass exlusive skins a couple seasons ago. Now you can either get a few legendary skins for 10 bucks or you can buy them later on separately for 20 bucks a piece. What a consumer friendly practice. 25 dollar reskins are also super cool, no new work creating models, just the texture map that goes over them.
“making an exit” i see what you did there
As a day one player I’m so proud of respawn for this season. They listened and are adding so much of what we wanted and pulled an r6 to fix the game instead of releasing a new legends.
1:37 Im not sure if I like or dislike this reference…
They are seriously doing a season without a new legend🤬🤬🤬
What about a new legend?!
Im so hyped🗣️🔥
Mientras arreglen los servidores, todo bien
They buffed up Valkyrie cheeks😂
This is a good battle pass ♥ Love it! Good job guys!
Crypto finally got his battlepass skin after 13 seasons.
I’m so happy.
Again, Why more skins for crypto? he’s a useless legend.
Vaya puta basura
Didn’t know Daft Punk is coming into the game
Ain’t gonna lie looks pretty mid.
Wow you know it’s a good trailer when the top comments are fun of excitement and not the tired “truly an apex legends experience” jokes.
Cross progression is supposed to come out in season 50
Looks really good but the 7 holos is to much unless they’re just in the free rewards replacing the terrible seasonal trackers nobody wants.
That Daft Punk crypto look’s reealy crazy
Я надеюсь вы не облажаетесь
Daft Punk skin is too fire. Too bad it’s on crypto
Just want a caustic air emote 🤦🏾♂️
Crypto still trash
EA: time to ruin relationships.
How do you fail at a mobile game
no normal person would pay real money for such a garbage battlepass, and in relation to old players, this is a spit in the face
This has got to be one of the best battle passes I’ve seen tbh
Where is Olympus nobody wants world’s edge again, please can’t we have at least one season on Olympus
Rare Apex W
Valk es la bichota 🤣
crypto skin is 🔥
Anyone think the crypto helmet looks like halo 3’s cqb helmet? Not complaining
Is it just me or was that a good bp?
Bro crypto just became the newest member of daft punk 💀
Hate the theme but there is clearly more effort then other seasons
King canyon
I don’t really like the Battlepass Theme
Why not every character gets a legendary skin?😂😂 this is SUUUUCH a important event
we cant keep letting them do this man
Harder better faster stronger
Still want the little side quests in, instead of the comic
That Daft Punk/Crypto skin was 🔥
Apex, new season! Oh yeah and theres a new weapon or smtng idk :v
Crypto: “I’m always watching.”
Everyone: “That’s literally all you do!”
Player : Mom, I want Rhapsody
Mom : We have Rhapsody at home.
Rhapsody at home : 0:48
I wish the game had a few minor changes like altering the way the guns look and sound, Recoloring the maps, & updating the in-game sounds. It’ll make everything seem kind of new.
I swear that valk skin is the best bp skin i ever seen in bp fr 🔥🔥🔥
Im digging the EDM theme of the coming season.
“Show out”? Tf?
Is it true that there will be no Aim-Assist changes in Season 16?
CANCEL Broken Moon!
so mid
i have a feeling that respawn purposefully made s15 so trash, that we’re looking at this s16 and it is FIIIIIIIIRE!!!!!!!
that mastif skin goes hard
Me encanta apex cabron!
Is Rhapsody the next legend?
For so reason I feel like I want to play and I like this theme
It’s about time they release a legendary Mastiff skin… I jumped out of my chair when I saw how good it looked
did anyone else notice the alternator sounded different? 😶 should we be scared?
Is that crypto skin tier 25
This BP looks God awful
Okay those Mastiff Skin’s look pretty dope!!
I love it
Where is my kings cayon?
After i saw this trailer I realized i can be a better man . I threw away my Xbox 5 and started working out everyday.I’m now jacked and own 14 banks around the world. I stopped world hunger and stoped every war. I met god and Jesus came back and then fought the devil. I have 44 wives from different country’s and a mansion in every country. I’m also a pro race card driver and have a base on mars and the moon. Im currently on my rocket (witch i built myself with scraps) on my way too Jupiter too enslave the people there and take it over.
sexiest Valkyrie skin so far 😍Thanks Apex 👍
As a Valkyrie main, that skin in fantastic and I need it, but the nerf they put on her ult (that she can’t scan enemy teams during relaunch)I feel was unnecessary unless they fully took of her in flight scan ability from everything(dropship and balloon towers).
If they keep giving back atleast a fraction to the community this game will thrive for a long time
Everyone: “I wonder what the new legend changes, game modes, and game changes there will be”
is G7 have new shooting sound?
Vaporwave themed pass 😳
Does crypto not know how to use the foregrip on the G7?
party boat in storm point
I honestly wouldn’t mind if they took a break from releasing a new legend for the whole year. I’d much rather have them focus on fixing the game and adding more game play content.
Now you learn what we want exactly
Firm Handshakes
Still filling the battle pass with useless junk like epic banners and emotes 🙈
Everyone is always one shot 😅
where tf is cross progress
As a day 1 apex player I have never played valk even though I have played almost everyday since apex released I just dont like her
Better nerf aimassist, fix matchmaking, Solo Q system also in squad erveryone is solo and not 3er pro stack stomping plat players and buy a anti cheat, your easy cheat programm is useless
Please bring back Olympus pleeeeeeeeease
Great bp!! If @Respawn @PlayApex want to improve the revenue of the game and make happy the new players, they should include the option to buy old battle passes without Apex coins rewards in a reasonable price, like 30 for each one. That would make everyone happy.
They putting mobile skins in the original game 😭
I have finally committed to maining Mirage and soo happy about the rework 😂
Quit aim Assist on Pc. Please
I can’t believe it. A season that I’m looking forward to
Trash…..L game ….L Devs ….they loose out on alot of money because they focus to much on cosmetics….
fix you fuken game mahn… I’m so glad I’m not playing anymore
Where’s the 120 fps for console???
That mastiff reactive is so fugly. 🤢🤮 I think I’ll just stick with the Athena’s Grace skin.
Not buying the battle pass
Looks good! My wallet will be empty.
Cant wait to see what good stuff is in the free version of the battle pass
The reactive Mastif skin and the legendary Crypto and Valk skins are 10/10!!!!
Crypto useless
이제 게임 없앨라고 그러는건가 스톰포인트랑 브로큰문이랑 같이 다음시즌에 나온다는거 자체가 할맘이 싹 사라지네 신챔도 없고 이건 뭐 게임 이해도가 제일 딸리는건 운영진인듯 운영진이 이해도가 제일 좋아야 되는거 아닌가 플레이하는 유저는 뭐가 문제인지 알고있는게 그걸 운영진이 모르고 있네
colors are so bad
No one has shields in trailers and go down in like 2 shots..
Crypto looks like that one draft punk guy
The skins for this battle pass looks so garbage but I’m looking forward to the reactive skin.
If horizon doesn’t get heirloom I’m quitting
hmmmm…. how many skins will they re-release this season?
hmm finally a skin nicer than the gundam titan tested
Other than boring back flip skydive emotes, this battle pass looks amazing!!
Honestly, the Crypto skin is about the only good one. That and the G7.
The crypto skin reminds me a bit of Daft Punk
Loba only gets a sky dive emote I’m good
That Crypto skin is unironically my favorite Crypto skin so far, compared to ALL his other skins.
theres 2-3 unregistered bullets on bangalore at 1:19 ?
So Rhapsody is coming!!!!
Crypto skin looks sick!
These trailers look like they were made by AI at this point.
Everything looks like Rhapsody should have been the new legend.
These are so much better compared to the season 14 and 15 battle pass skins
Nah they got to release Rhapsody. This is literally her theme and everything.
Ain’t gon lie whoever did that finisher at the end when beat had drop for velk boy yu too cold cuz that was hard😂😂🔥
1:39 I beg your pardon, did that R9 just shoot like its an alternator ?
Dude, yes! I’ve been loving the Mastiff and really wanting a unique skin. Right on time.
Another big L
First time I´m not buying battle pass! Horrible skins and I can´t play shotguns…
i didn’t see olympus 😢
Cryto 10/10 but valkyrie sadly it just 4/10 on my opinion
FINALLY a good crypto skin
What’s this party theme about?
Great a Crypto Skin for his 2 mains
I’m surprised by how many people are excited for this season 💀 let’s see how long that lasts
The legend says when you select the new Crypto skin, “Get Lucky” start to play in the background
I can’t wait to get that valk skin ❤❤
I feel like I’m gonna love season 16
The best battle pass trailer for sure!!! RESPAWN are making progress 💪
Stuff’s good but the server need some help
I don’t understand, where is the new legend??😮
Crypto trying to be Guy-Manuel
soooooo, that black octane skin is gonna cost money….
Daft Punk Crypto
Лучше бы починили вечно лагающие серваки, не регает урон, вылеты . А не рисовали не нужные скины
Wait a sec, isn’t this Apex Mobile Season 2?
Lets goo 🔥🔥
looking good
I would have preferred a legendary skin for the r-301
min 1:29
In this video the “skydive emotes” look amazing!
It’s a real shame that it doesn’t look like that in the game.
I think since season 10 when you see your character in 3rd person it is highlighted 🙁
Give back mobile version!
So Crypto’s skin is just Shaka from One piece
Reactive skin in battle pass? Finally.
top 10 worst bp in apex history the mastiff is caring it
Crypto looks like he’s about to mix a few beats, do nothing for 8 years and then retire
Good for Crypto mains, he finally gets season pass love, ALSO what a missed opportunity to bring Rhapsody
I still want rampart with a Battle pass skin 🤦🏾♂️ but looks 🔥🔥🔥
this theme is perfect for Rhapsody. The legends from mobile
When they said, “Single player game canceled,” that was truly an apex moment.
Revenant has officially become the new legend that dies in every trailer
How bout fixing Olympus!?
i do feel like wraith could have gotten a better skin :V but i am really excited for this new season, it should turn things around for the game.
I think Raphaody from ApexM will come to ApexPC soon
Valkyrie 😍
Bro why does revenant have to die In almost every cinematic and gameplay trailer?
Hey mom can we get rhapsody in apex legends?
We have rhapsody at home already. Lol.
But honestly can we stop giving legends the dumb backflip dive emote.
“Your journey ends here, legends” gives me flashbacks
Respawn, can we get Rhapsody?
Respawn: No, we have Rhapsody at home.
Rhapsody at home:
I like how they use the alternator sound for the r99 at 1:39
That mastiff looks like season 7 cosmetic😂😂
Im actually excited for this season LETS GO APEX!
I’m actually really into the battle pass and stuff this upcoming season! I haven’t purchased the premium battle pass in a couple of seasons but this one, I definitely will.
How about some rampart trackers. As a rampart main, she doesn’t get any love.
The crypto skin looks nice but I’m just not a fan of all the vibrant colors. It’s hard to finish bps when you just don’t care for any of the rewards except one.
Looks good actually, been there seen worse
Another trailer where everyone has 25 hp left
that G7 skin 🥶
You can’t tell me they didn’t steal Crypto’s skin from the DJ skin in Fortnite lol
Not hyped at all
Horrible xD
How many gun charms do we need? They are just dumb at this point.
crypto skin is so sick!
Still not gonna buy it
I like how they made a daft punk style skin with a daft punk style music in this trailer 👏👏👏
Finally a battle pass worth buying plus no legendary wraith skin for once !
Valk has a caramel dancin holospray??
Tell the people in charge to stop trying to fortnite 24/7 and make a titan fall like game? They just cancel yet another project
you know the devs are really trying when they don’t give wraith a new skin!
valkyrie straight out of toy story franchise 💀💀💀💀💀
What about stickers? Huh !!!
Does any of this will fix all the crashes ? The cheaters ? The DDos ? Will it gives back ou skins and charms… Oh wait you’ll put them on the shop without giving back to us… A true EA experience
wow! new season: don’t miss the opportunity to look gay! wow
Crypto skin is so good
No mira las temporadas que me pierdo y todo por que me robaron la play 😭
Love that crypto skin so much
this is hidious
Can we talk about the fact that rampart has Over 300 bullets for the l star lol
And new legend no?
Fix your matchmaking
1:35 *Respawn you good? * 👀👀
People are easily satisfied
Finally a new Fortnite shop! … Out of inspiration ? You really had to copy this childish game ? Oh yeah 640€ for all your seasonal events…? Are you mad or something’s wrong in your heads ?
So no new hero?
i want valkyrie to peg me
Yet another octane skydive, while mirage hadn’t had one for 11 seasons. Fun.
Bro Turner into daft-punk 😂
Rev skin better be next
bro another valk legendary skin that wasnt long ago at all couldnt they give one to like new castle or wattson
Honestly they never disappoint with the valk skins
please add proximity chat and solos like warzone 2
I love this part with not actual good skins in battlepass, truly an apex experience.
This is trash it’s disappointing lack of effort
Hold on this looks awesome!
yes! a new pay to win mastiff skin
Única skin legal do Crypton, de resto tudo é meio paia
Valk skin looks suspiciously like rhapsody
I hope that there will be a sky dive for Bloodhound.
Crypto got the CQB Spartan helmet
Who is going to be the next legend
I loved how Respawn didn’t rushed for a new legend this season but made some changes that i am highly anticipating.
so octane gets his like 15th skydive emote, while mirage over here has like 2 in total
The season itself looks incredible. But this battlePass is Underwhelming besides the crypto skin.
Finally a good battle pass since season 3
Add 3rd person again to make these skins actually worth buying I don’t just want to see my weapon skin
Fire g7 and mastiff
All these zoomers excited for skins but what I really want is an audio fix and DLCs that are worth paying for.
Can you give horizon an heirloom please . I waited two years
So what am I supposed to do with all the Legend Tokens I have since a new legend isnt dropping?
I hope you give Horizon more skydive emotes, she only has 2 meanwhile octane has like 10 already ….
Will we ever get new stickers????
Ну не служить же Они туда пришли, а выжить под гнетом капитализма! И Нас с Вами избавить от этой вагханальи! На халяву ни кто не кормит, а это не приемлемо, вот они и противодействуют! Цель развал забуржуйной философии демократии и капитализма, которое привело Нас с Вами в это состояние! Возврат исконного управления! И Я верю ребятам, они каждый день противодействуют любой модернизации и рационализму, как если бы это было в последний раз, вот что значит… герои нашего времени. Если Вы думаете, что это прихоть кого то одного, нет это система, цель, принципы! Это воспитание и много лет совершенствования процессов в противовес узурпированию которое выстраивалось почти целый век! Губительнейшего времени для менталитета простого человека! Развитие ещё никогда не приносило столько проблем, как в прошлом веке! А технологии ещё ни когда не отнимали столько хлеба. Вот, как сможем отстоять, тогда и заживем! А пока можно и потерпеть, сами видите!
Is it bad that the thing im most exited about for this battle pass is the valk voiceline “ you’re journey ends here legend”
Drop season 16 already 😩
E a dublagem nada né?
No Loba skin in BP😢😢
Apex legends please return mirage folk hero skin
cross progression
They really buffed valk’s assets 😏
Probably the best update ever.
they finally did something really good (since 4 season)
I love the part where crypto said “I’m always watching” as he watch his teammates get annihilated in 2v3 without contributing to a single bullet to the fight, truly an apex experience.
that looked amazing can’t wait good Job RESPAWN 👏 this season looks like going to be the best season
tsm winning the playoffs and the new season actually looking really good means apex is finally back in a good place
Can’t believe there’s no new legend. I’m glad, so they can focus on the current legends and their stories
Apex will be taking all of my money this season….and ive become okay with that
no stories from the outlands this season? :c
You guys are shutting down apex so who cares am i right
Finally some good looking skins. Good Job Apex team.
1:27 Caramelldansen!
That Crypto skin is enough to make me switch mains
where is a gold skin on wraith 😭
RGB one love❤❤❤❤the whole BP is reactive❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
I haven’t been this hyped for a while. Looks fun
actually decent. good job!
I so tired of the backflip skydive emotes. So lazy
1:28 bro there ain’t no way they got valk doing the caramelldansen bruh🤣
Freakin finally crypto gets a legendary skin.
Dear – जो कोई भी इस समय मेरी टिप्पणी को पढ़ रहा है, भगवान उसके माता-पिता को हमेशा खुशी दें ❤❤💞💞
I love it when notifications comes that” someone liked your comment ” and ”you have a new subscriber ”❤💞❤💞
They really should start mixing these battle passes up. Like every season is the same, 2 legendary skins, blue skins, Holograms????(who tf uses them).
Crypto with the legendary skin 🔥🔥🔥
Whose carrying 400 energy ammo lol
Finally a clear battlepass trailer, good job!
Apex Legends and respawn entertainment. I would happily remove all the battlepass rewards and pay the battlepass price to play this game at 120hz mode on my PS5. Please make it happen!
We not gonna talk abt the map rotation?
pls remove the rare weapons skins that nobody will ever use and add more crafting mats/Tokens/
They giving me hope boysss
did you get a license for the blatant daft punk rip offs or are you costing on the fact that the group no longer exists so that someone wont sue you
Ain’t this bloodhound skin the Halloween one. A recolor I mean
mid.. only thing actually good imo is the g7 skin, cute balloons tho
For the love of god buff revenant 💀
~Day one solo player
You’d think they’d put a legendary skin for the new gun in there.
shut up and take my money respawn!💸💸💸
Cut it out why the flips
yet again wraith gets nothing good DX
Buff revenant
so much trash
Trash skins all around they don’t look legendary they look like blue rare skins
I love u RESPAWN<3
Why is nobody talking about mirage doing the mirage on top of his voyage 😭
Fix the audio!!!
R99 audio at 1:38 is hella weird
Of course they release a g7 skin in the BP right after I buy one for 2400 crafting materials 💀
“Journey ends here legends”
Dont tease me like this respawn i cant take it
Боевой пропуск при поддержке Daft Punk =)))
Finally a crypto battle pass skin 🍊👍
Apex design their skins with Paint.exe
Apex:”With a Variety of Skins”
Me: Bro they all purple same color scheme and patterns lol
Buff Revenant. 😐🔪
just hyping up the skins where you can only use a skin 1 time in the end… no exciting things this season… just a filler
Ya ok. Who is the new character of this season?
Eh. Zoomers gotta zoom I guess
Feels good to be a Valk main right now. 😌 Also loving the mastiff reactives
Music theme, but no Rhapsody?
buying all the tings
I have high hopes for music packs this season
if console doesn’t get 120 fps i think ill keep this game deleted
Everything was going so good with content, I thought they’d improve battlepass too but I guess not
Daft punk Crypto
You’ll got to do better with these battles passes
Can anyone tell me why the R9 sounded like the alternator?
Daft Punk didn’t disband, one of them just decided to join the Apex games
if thats all coming in one battlepass, then its the most amazing battlepass ever 😀
Can we expect server fixes with this glorious update?
Because the super cool season will be unplayable with current 60 to 100% packet loss.
This is the best season to buy a battle pass
I’m loving the look of this season, I just wish Horizon got a fall emote, she has only 2, where the legends who getting fall emotes in this battle pass already have multiple, and both of Horizons are battle pass ones, so you can never get them anymore
Кроме скина на Крипто и мастиф всё уродливое и филерное.
One of if not the best crypto skin I’ve seen.
I would spend mad $$$ on skydive emotes
Finally actual content
Where si King canyons?
Who else thought the G7 Scout was the reactive skin
Another trash skin for kiddos. Hey Respawn, this game is playing by older players too.
1:27 i wish they actually make Valk caramelldansen dance emote
They cancel apex mobile and nerf de valk in console, and later they gif us a skin of rhapsody on the usless valk, jajajajaja this temp is a bad joke.
I swear rampart never gets anything except epic skins
this season is perfect for rapsody
there’s nothing really for octane any more
The reactive skin I’ve been waiting since season 5….
Every skin was garbage
dj lama..?
Crypto is daftpunk
I dont play crypto that much but that skin is AWESOME! I wonder if they took inspiration from daft punk
Y’all gonna update the foot steps to y’all game
This battle pass is actually good! Thank you respawn for hearing us
Crypto looking like Shaka from One Piece
캬 ㅋㅋ
My angel Kairi has never looked more adorable and pretty <3
Why does everything look like rhapsody from the mobile game? Might as well drop her in the main game
Fortnite changed so hard☠️☠️☠️
Egirl watson and now Egirl valk. I’m there
still no 120hz for next gen after how many years ?
im tired of 60 its disgusting
i just want a vantage skin 🙁
That Crypto skin 😩i dont even play him bro but I might have to
You’d think they would learn to change up their battle pass this many seasons in. Why are we still only doing 2 legendary skins
You need 3rd person mode 😅😅😅😅 to buy skins
Buff spitfire
Woh, the narrator’s voice is clearly Rhapsody’s
I’m getting some Fortnite vibes with the colors and the legend balloons
no new legends?
it’s like they all did drugs and went to a rave…
Valkyrie needs an abs buff in that skin
I’ve been waiting on a reactive mastiff skin.
watching this video without sound makes me realize this battlepass is only decent, i miss battlepasses like in season 7
Please don’t close Apex Legends Mobile because my favorite game is Apex Legends Mobile, if it’s quiet I’ll take a long matchmarking but as long as I play fast anyway, the problem with cheaters can be banned, my account doesn’t have to be closed Apex Legends Mobile!!!! If you have problems with Tencent, it’s better to use other real engines, right? Developers!
The Crypto and Pathfinder skins are so sweet! The Duo Daft Punk 🥺❤️
Well I’m glad I left then.
Level 110 mastiff lets gooooo
“your journey ends here legend” As a titanfall 2 player, it hits me right in the heart and I’m gonna be using this one with my birtright skin
TRASH. So so bad. You would think after 4 years they would actually give us something good in the battle pass worth earning for the players who have been playing from the start and stuck w this game through all the good and the bad times.
Finally a good reactive
feel like daft punk🎉
Oh my god…….. 0:40 *Valkyrie mimic from Rhapsody Apex legends mobile version* LOOOOK!!!!!
lol i love how in the fighting scenes the opponents are one tap but jump directly at the main character pov
Can you guys please buff or rework crypto please the only buff you gave him is his drone goes out 20 matters and when hits Wall turns around
3 semi original skins the rest recolors Lazyspawn back at it again with their mediocre battlepass adding useless features like voice lines and holos, why not add character intros different executions…. OH WAIT they won’t because it means investing money into the game
It feels like this event was made for Rhapsody add her to game now
Isn’t that Bloodhound skin from Apex Legends Mobile?
As much as I do love these new battlepass skins (especially the crypto one) I still feel like it needs 1 more legendary skin tucked between 80-100. Usually your just getting voicelines/banner frames. These skins are a step in the right direction 👏 leave the wraith skins for events
no legends new ?
I would call it decent, sorry
13 seasons later and Crypto finally got a legendary battle pass skin
Why do all your guys’ skins look like gaudy neon messes? Get a theme that doesn’t involve characters looking like they moonlight as clowns for hire, for once. Please.
No love for Wattson?! 🙁 Skins look really cool!
Change Ranked system.
The battle pass skins look so bland and terrible.
Rhapsody at home:
Meh battle-pass…
Still waiting for a military camo themed battle-pass.
I prefer the goth Wattson skin I’m not buying this
the green decal ash skin she had in the gameplay trailer shoulda been on this BP
That epic mirage skin is pretty clean
i never use the mastiff that skin will probably be wasted w me
FINALLY A VALKYRIE SKIN!! Gonna cop this for suree
Where’s New legend???
Bro they put the mf alternator sound for the r9
They removing pathfinder from the game or what ?
my boi didn’t even make it to the trailer
These Trailers are getting better & better. Lets go!! now we are talking.
Future seems promising.
i am getting it
I paid like 20 bucks for that bloodhound skin and now it’s in a battlepass? What are u smoking respawn.
The last time I was actually excited about apex was back when loba was introduced and we had pve in the game as well as when rampart came out by far my favorite seasons now this actually looks fun
Yo I have been playin since day 1 and to see this game go far its amazing say Man this is The #1 BR keep it going and keep it coming Great Work.
Man, the skins are getting worse with every season. Like, what the F was that scout rifle skin? This might be my inner boomer talking, but I wouldn’t say I like the art direction of the last few seasons. I hope that other people like that stuff.
All rhapsody type skins
This battlepass already looks miles better than season 14
Wait!!! Is the Mirage Voyage coming to Storm Point???? Yes pleeeeeease!
mega cool la skin de valk y la mastif y la skin de cripto goddddddddddddddddd
Please just give us cross platform accounts, please, I switched platforms and now have nothing I haven’t even been playing tbh, but if I had my stuff back I’ll go back to apex since there’s nothing else good atm
0:05 I love how mirage skips 2 and goes straight to “Mirage À III”
This pass is a 💩💩
I’m so excited 🔥
Fun fact: this is first trailer in many seasons to actually cover a level 1 legendary weapon skin
Please cross progresion
I thought that fuse/octane transition was actually interactive skydive emotes for a sec and thought that was dope lol
Crypto looks nice with that CQB helmet
I loved it when the Valkyrie ulted our team into the middle of a fight where we all got decimated. Truly an Apex experience
Looks like Fortnite.
I’m so excited 🔥
Jackal skin for Crypto Nice. Since apex Mobile is death, can You add the two exclusive Legends here?
great googly moogly look at that valk and crypto
Where path? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I like this battle pass
Daft Crypto punk 💪
We take a reactive Mastiff for ourselves, all the other skins are in the trash, although the skin on Kripto is good, but since he himself, as a character, is in the trash, his skin will also be there
Did I just see a full auto hemlok?
Yay another backflip emote
in memory of rhapsody from apex mobile
Nothing special ngl….
im wondering why caustic is missing in this entire season trailer
Need better vantage skins
This might be the best battle pass
Finally my favorite shotgun gets the reactive skin this time 🔥🔥
That mastiff reactive skin tho 🔥🔥🔥
NEVER spending another dollar on respawn/EA content. Playing their broken ranked/matchmaking system dying to cheaters and ddosers. Never again will they see my money
Still no emote in the air for bloodhound in a battlepass since season 1
ufff crypto skins looks so cool
im ready to partying in this season because it’s party?
Battle Passes still dont look great really. What a shame, luckily the new content and changes do.
Bro fragment still goin the same sh!t c’mon respawm
Fuse finally getting another skydive emote!? The air guitar was getting old.
triple take,charge rifle,mastiff,last 3 B.P. i mean
why them mfs always 2hp bro
Meh, again, too much filler
Hey the new havok inspect animation is here!
where is new legend?
That valk skin looks sick and that mastiff skin looks something from valorant kinda
Looks like apex mobile season 2 version
The hardest thing to do for apex in the last few seasons is good skydive emotes
anybody catch the legendary gun that goes at the beginning of the bp?
Daft Punk Crypto Skin.
Ngl the battle pass looks like the worst thing season.
For the love of God, make crypto better!
How about adding cross save, I would love to play on my switch account on Xbox.
I’m so glad there’s no “ they want our wallets” jokes or anything like that. We’ve needed this positivity
Fix the matchmaking.
1:20 From here everything is filler garbage that nobody uses
W battle pass as well. God Job Respawn!! <3
Crypto got the only good skin. That’s above average.
Whoever you guys hired to make these trailers, they deserve all the money that they are getting.
Ainnnn que delícia apexzinhuuuuuuu
That valk skin looks so good
No Newcastle or Fuse cosmetics?
Valk had a legendary season 10 why not a new octane skin? I don’t like how much respawn hates octane and the new crypto skin is good for the 5 people that still play him.
What happened to stickers?
I like the caramel dance for Valk holo spray
ok but did you guys give bloodhound a new dive emote
Im ready to suit up for this game
This looks BORING AF. I’ll stick to Fortnite and WZ2
Nobody gonna talk about olympus?
So you butcher my boy bloodhound and give him a dog💩 epic skin
this is the beginning of the decline for apex’s artstyle
One of the worst looking reactive BP skin.
I thought they were getting rid of fragment
I love that Valk skin. Definitely gonna have to use Crypto more when I get his skin too
Is it just me or did the r-99 sound like a alternator
nothing to wraith?!
I’m legitimately excited for this season! 🔥 don’t let us down!
Skins as mid as usual
Battlepass is looking mid yet again unfortunately. Crypto skin is good, legendary weapon skins are fine, but I’m not feeling the Valk skin (something about it just looks awkward on her) and everything else is basically fodder. Expected, but disappointing nonetheless.
Basically, Valkyrie just got a skin that looks like it should belong to Rhapsody
very shiny skins, great money milking ea, let’s hope this year the crossplay will actually work and lobby preloading is fixed so we can play the game
1:40 I think they missed r9 sound with alternator
this music theme for the skin looks so good and the mastiff and crypto skins are just amazing
Entra e sai temporada e apex continua uma merda
1:11 MegaChad 😎
No thanks. It is never worth it after a week. Don’t fall for this EA BS
I’m not sure, but what is that weapon? 1:40
The Crypto skin is so sick 🔥
How about some new voicelines?
1:39 when the R99 got that alternator fire rate, truly an apex experience
Looks fun. Really looking forward to the future of Apex, it’s looking pretty bright.
Fortnite’s better
That mastiff reactive skin tho 🔥🔥🔥
14 seasons and still no crossave 🙁
Where is the new legend
I thought this was Rhapsody for a second 😭
lol i love how in the fighting scenes the opponents are one tap but jump directly at the main character pov
Carameldansen detected
That valk, mastiff , and scout 🤝🔥
Crypto skin is great if not amazing, Valk is so-so, the rest are pretty forgettable; a lot of pink and cyan with no distinguishable shape.
mid skins
Anyone else noticed the r99 doing alternator sounds?
Poxa EA nada realmente atrativo de novo , decepcionante
Even tho it’s basic, loving another Loba skydive emote
120hz for consoles when?
Just got a reactive charge rifle skin. Now get a blue, possibly purple rarity basik skin in the paid battle pass. Lovely
Huge Spectrum Camo vibes from CoD Ghosts on that mastiff! Looks like I got a new favorite skin, lol.
blizard please take note and actually fill your battle passes with stuf people actually want to use. instead of 2 good items and 98% filler
where is rahpsody?
1:39 the R99 shoots with the sound of the alternator
.У меня чуть эпилепсия не началась от переизбытка фиолетового розового и красного .Какие безвкусные скины , я ебал . ЛГБТ скины .Взяли палитру в paint и просто не смешивая цвета перекрасили ). Просто ужас . Никакого стиля . Их за километр будет видно . А это все таки игра со стилем геймплея голодных игр .Нет чего то крутое придумать .
am i the only one thats finds the mastiff skin looks like the the flatline skin that was in the battle pass
No músic packs ?
Looks like it’s gonna be the best season since Olympus came out
1:36 the best item in the battlepass! Everything is trash for me.
I like it
Where is the epic car smg with the wraith skin???
I wonder if that yell bloodhound did at the start of the trailer is a new finisher or emote.
Back to being a crypto main i go next season lol
I’d love to play if they didn’t unrightfully ban my account for getting hacked
battlepass w
Maggis coming for all of you
bad as i expected
I swear, over half of the time Bloodhound is shown, the line “we will slaughter our enemies” is used
Flamingo hits harder then all of these other skins.
The drip is crazy good this season.
New Havoc inspect animation, I wonder if they put any other animations into this season
everything music and party themed but no rhapsody
still no wattson skin
this music theme for the skin looks so good and the mastiff and crypto skins are just amazing
“your journey ends here legend” As a titanfall 2 player, it hits me right in the heart and I’m gonna be using this one with my birtright skin
okay sooooooo what changed??
These skins are love
New legend where???
Same garbage
Crypto: I am now daft punk
Solo.mode.respawn E.A iriotas
Incredibly hyped for this.
I hope rampart got a tracker, she only has 1
Wattson need a new legendary skin ngl
Did they change the sound of the guns
Ofcourse valkyrie gets her 50th skin
Did everyone else hear the r99 make the alternator firing sound at 1:39
Finally made a good mastiff skin
Haven’t spent a single dollar for 4 years, and this bp won’t change that
i loved the moment when respawn said “its fixing time” and then proceeded to fix all over the place
Still no bloodhound skydive emote in the battle pass, last one in a battle pass was season 2 😀
People still buy these?
Crypto its now harder, better, faster, stronger
Aiiiii Crypto 🤤
All me favorite legends are getting a nice skin, God save respawn!
OvErwAtch this is how you do a battle pass ……. Blizzard pay attention
Best battle pass ever
Same thing different month
Finally crypto is getting a legendary skin in the battle pass so happy to see that
Ya dejaron olvidado a mi bloodjuan 🙁
NO! I just spent crafting metals on a legendary Valkyrie skin and now there is one coming out in the battle pass!
Dos is gone?
Worst battlepass skins ever.EVER
Rhapsody themed battle pass because Apex Mobile getting shut down? sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh thats kinda cold apex
How they gonna give crypto the best skin when hes so lame
honestly looks dope af
The mastiff iron sight look perfect
We need objectives in game. Thinks we unlock threw progression. Like gold badges for weapon masteries. Things like this.
not buying. yall need to learn how to fix the game before you get my cash.
about time legendary crypto skin thx respawn
The thing about apex legends is that you can stop playing for a year and come back, and nothing changed. Its like youre playing on the same patch.
New legend???
Hot take: Crypto is the best legend in game when played right. Useful and deadly
i loved the moment when respawn said “its fixing time” and then proceeded to fix all over the place
even with the reactive skins not working on xbox that mastiff skin looks like a #1 mastiff skin
the bloodhound is an epic skin? wow that looks good
Valk always gets the skin
New Havoc inspect animation, I wonder if they put any other animations into this season
1:10 Daddy Mirage 😂😂😂
Who will be the new legend for this season
Storm Point is >
Hopefully the reactive mastiff has better animations than the reactive charge rifle.
I know they’re just rare skins but for a premium battle pass, it shouldn’t be there. For the free rewards? Sure. But I just feel if you’re paying for a “premium” battle bass, there should be all epics and legendary.
13 mins ago-
Les skins sont tous moches, le g7 est joli, le Mastiff no recolor est OK tier, le recolor est moche. 4/10 ce BattlePass mais je vais quand même l’acheter pour les pièces et les matières premières et parceque je suis un énorme pigeon.
Crypto rocking that Halo CQB
1:40 why does that r-99 sound like a alternator
Crypto skin look like the season 5 fornite skin
Give us Wraith players a new Skydive emote please respawn
I’ve worked my whole life to get this crypto skin. A DJ skin and also a sci/cyberpunk/techwear skin is what I have been praying for and hoping to get.
Man I can’t wait to not play 1/3 of the season because of Storm Point 👌
And who’s the new legend?
is the new mastiff skin p2w ???
cool battlepass, cant wait to be disappointed by all of the bugs and issues
Daft punk and D. Va skin
S16 comeback doesn’t look good
The narrator sounds like Lore Lady from smite
컨셉이 나쁘진 않은데… 그 색조합이 좀;;;;
Can’t wait!!!!!!!!
around the world
Hopefully the reactive mastiff has better animations than the reactive charge rifle.
so much pink, it’s not for me.
last battlepass was better!
Season 7 and 8 battlepass were build different :/
TAKE MY MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huh I actually like that valkyrie skin, also heard ash is getting her heirloom this season.
Fraco, fraquinho demais!
De fato o passe 15° foi meu último.
i got finished 2/3 times why respawn
Still no new executions?
Oooolleeeee! Let’s go
Besides the S tear crypto and G7 skins this battle pass already looks pretty bad
NGL I am little bit Hyped fo S16.
Pathfinder mains need more skins …
Im just here for Mirage Voyage lol glad we fished it out of arenas.
That Master might be paid to win
Lo mismo de siempre 😞😞😞
Просто шикарно 💥
ACTUALLY GOOD RARE SKINS???????? thats a first
music theme but no rhapsody
Whate about new legend who
wow the g7 is very beautiful
Lo mismo, sólo que sin leyenda nueva.
Revenant, Crypto, and Wraith got the best skins
R99 sounds like alternater
valk voice lines hit different 🤩🤩🤩
i like beach map
this season is absolutely amazing, keep up the good work respawn!
ps: stop stealing peoples money plz
Good enough for me, I think it’s worth buying the bp again.
Valk fine ash
Love when that R99 was shooting with an alternator firing sound.
We have rhapsody at home…
Buff crypto
💗 This battlepass is amazing! 💖
😘😘😘¡¡¡I love crypto Skin!!!😍😍😍
Spot the wrong weapon sound effect in an Apex Legends trailer mini game: 1:39 r99 uses alternator sounds
Middest battle pass ever
This actually got me hyped up a little bit.
Fortnite battlepass 🎶
I’m so excited 🔥
does anyone know the background song? it’s so good
Those skins are perfect
Good job respawn❤
“I love this battlepass” – oops, did I say it that loud? Nvm.
Apex is coming with bangers this year 🤘
The Crypto skin is so sick 🔥
1:10 they literally buffed mirage 💀
I hope there’s new voicelines, have them voice actors completely start over
finally some good fking food
wheres cross-save
No new legend no problem
Only Valk and Crypto are true skins, the others are just different colors of the base skin, same thing with most of the BP weapons “skins”.
Crypto main here. IL OVE THAT DRAFT PUNK SKIN😭
I love how apex promised cross progression in late 2022 but instead got delayed so now I can’t use my ps4 account but now only use steam one which has nothing for now. Truly an apex experience.
i like the valkyrie skin, though how is the mastiff skin reactive, it looks boring, respawn should fix that.
Where is the new legend
I like the daft punk crypto skin
That valk, mastiff , and scout 🤝🔥
Аче без новой легенды будем?
Meh I’ll probably just stick with the tombstick.
Que emoción!!! Y hasta actualizaron el apex mobile que ya va a morir pero igual lo actualizaron con nuevo mapa y estrenando a horizon
That crypto skin 🥵🥵
16 seasons and we still get only 2 legendary skins for legends 👎
13 seasons later and Crypto finally got a legendary battle pass skin
The hardest thing to do for apex in the last few seasons is good skydive emotes
Love the daft punk cryptp
G7 linda demais, que bom que ela voltou pro chão 🙂
Make a new mirage skydive emote
Daft Punk Crypto!!!
Again bangalore rejected 😮💨😮💨😮💨
Early enough for the annoying comments to not be here yet
no new legend 🤔
honestly looks dope af
Dang that Valk skin looks sick!
Doesn’t valk look like the legend form mobile in this skin
E.a, why you going to shut down apex mobile?
Honestly this is the best battle pass in a long time for apex! That g7 scout and mastiff skin do be bUssin
Still feels kinda sad with no new legend
Nothing for revenant 😩😩
I don’t want a good battle pass I want a good game
All this and the game will still be trash
mastiff looks like good old metal flatline skin
Why is crypto literally daft punk
Stoked af for this
Daft Punk Crypto is one of the best skins in a while
Draft Punk Crypto is looking fresh
1:39 since when did the r-99 sound like an alternator😂
3 min late
Who is the legend?
What’s with the r9 changing it’s gun sound around 1:40
oh yeah
Give next gen 120 fps
Please leave apex mobile up n stop being money hungry expecting a game that just come out to be as big as pubg that’s been put n updated for years cause they listen to there community
Cool Skins but im not a Fan of the Color combinations
Does bloodhound skydive ever exist again????? please make it come back
Letz go apex pleas next battle pas mor loba items th
This reminded me to complete the battle pass( I’m on their 7)
Dope valk skin!! 🔥
Show pathfinder some love
Am a be honest i wanted arenas to stay.
the fact this is worth only 950 apex coins is wild
Crypto skin is daft punk
Crypto look like he from daft punk🔥🔥🙀
W valk skin
Cripto parece que quiere ser un tercer miembro de Daft punk 😂
Is this the last trailer
Drip Drip Lord aka Crypto 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I’m glad his is the case, I really want people to enjoy this game as much as i do
I love Daft Punk Crypto
Mid as usual
As a wattson main we need more wattson skins on the battle oass
Crypto carrying the Battle Paas🤷♂️
First BP skins that look good in a while
R99 like Alternator… WHAT?!
Fortnite season :(((
Typical of all this battle pass: The least used items, legends or weapons are the ones with the best skins in the entire game.
Mirage Voyage has returned! Lets goooooo
Only Skin Skin Skin Skin Skin fix the Game
Crypto built like a god dayum dude from that get lucky song
Mirage 🔥
Daft punk?!?!?
The Crypto skin is the best skin i’ve ever seen for Crypto
and fix olympus plzzzzzz
Nah I ain’t emptying my wallet for this LOL
Crypto Around the World’s Edge
Скин на крипто из боевого пропуска, один из самых лучших
Esse Crypto tá lindo de mais
This is epex mobile or playstation
W Skins
wayy too many colors
Crypto getting some love with a pretty sick Legendary, and I’m all for it!!
fix the lags
Rhapsody would be perfect for this season
this music theme for the skin looks so good and the mastiff and crypto skins are just amazing
Ah well here we go again
therers no reason why overwatch 2s sp cant be this good
Apex legends best
11 less goo I can’t wait for the new ason
yay another battlepass skin for the chick whos entire personality revolves around her dead daddy and alcoholic jokes
very dry
Mirage will always be the best legend
New apex let’s gooooooo 🔥🔥
L battle pass fr
Looks sick fr
Hot take crypto has the best skins in the game🤔
Around the Drone
Around the Drone
APEX IS LOVE S2 player here
Yoooo that sick
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content ^_^.