Meet Ballistic | Apex Legends Character Trailer
Introducing Ballistic, the ultimate competitor of the original Thunderdome Games who’s come out of retirement to teach these young pups some respect.
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.
ApexLegendsArsenal #ApexArsenal #ApexLegends
Learn more about Apex Legends: Arsenal: http://x.ea.com/76313
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Taqs:apex legends,apex,ballistic apex legends,ballistic,meet ballistic,apex legends season 17,ballistic trailer,apex legends ballistic,apex ballistic,ballistic apex trailer,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,apex legends season 17 trailer,apex season 17,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,apex legends arsenal,ballistic gameplay apex legends,ballistic abilities apex,apex arsenal,respawn apex legends,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends pc
コメント (2040)
I loved the part where the halo shield kept recharging!
I have a possible concept for a legend they can turn into reality. Let me tell you their name and their abilities.
Name; Core: Master of Vengeance.
Passive; Spartan Rage: Your melee attacks are twice as fast and are 50% stronger.
Tactical; Seismic Strike: Ground pound the area around you, damaging enemies and stunning them temporarily.
Ultimate; All for One: Launch a projectile from your fist that explodes in the direction you’re facing and deals damage to enemies over time. All for one damage ignores the effects of enemy shields.
Let me know what you guys think of my legend concept!
audiooooooooooooooo fix
Wait until the nerfs are being begged for. A tac that breaks enemy weapons and a ult that allows you team to have unlimited ammo and fast reload. The amount of buffs and nerfs is gonna be wild for ballistic
yeah , he broke Fuze… x)
is that is a uk beat
Bro he looks too op, I’m already scared to face 19 of him every match
Lame abilities but good lore
Creo que se viene nuevo main 😈
so just hi-tech sir hammerlock with self worth issues
Now were going to have all the 40 year old fuse mains go to main ballistic💀
Is it just me or does he seem a little OP. could just be me but we will see i guess
Ze healing is not rewarding as za hurting 😈
“August Brinkman, that’s who broke you.” Please tell me he says this during his finisher
Broken at launch.
Bro I hope that’s one of his finishers
Apex drill
Can you say “nerfed before s18?”
Pls tell me Wattson ult cancel the Bullet abillity😢😢
Tempest ult with vantage 😍😍😍😍
This was actually funny
what!! he is overpowered
Well, he’s gonna be op
YOOOOO APEX WITH THE TRAP BEAT???? i was freestyling then i realized its the background music to the video lool new main 😅
Can’t wait for the pathfinder ballistic dialogue
The most op q
Ballistic,revenant,seer is about to be terrifying😂 cancelrez/heals, no abilities, AND overheating weapons instant death
imperialHal will be the most player to benefit the infinite ammo for sure
Hmmmm this beat is NASTY 😤😤😤
The lore is crazy!
This isn’t fair, we only have 1 transgender legend in this super cool video game out of 24 legends, I think at least half the legends should be transgenders. Catalyst is new favorite legend because she’s hot I like being a little autistic mud monkey. Also what gender does pathfinder identify as? I think the devs should really be addressing the gender identities of the characters before fixing the dogshit gameplay and horrible character design.
There’s no way they added drill music into there intro😂W apex
So you could literally carry a third weapon just for the ultimate cause when you get it. It will be so broke and crazy
Bro the joker reference
I thought he was going to get a new hip as an ultimate
What if that’s his actual finisher.. he just pushes you down to the ground 😭
Everyone in the games is connection some way except for like one I think
I can already see Ballistic, Lifeline, Horizon meta. Yep, I said Lifeline.
Why did they stop adding attractive characters
Not the drill beat
holding hands about be at an all-time high
The Whistler is just crazy….i wonder how can i deal 30 dmge per fist lol
Seems a bit overpowered but let’s see…
Lock on ability to make your enemy not able to shoot ( at least revenant players had to aim and was just abilities you still could shoot )
3° weapon that will fully gold when ulti and fast reloads
Cheaters going to love to spam ultimates with him xD
Hold up, is his mouth going to move in his finisher? I don’t think any in game character model’s face moves
Cringe 😂😂 can’t believe they think this is a good idea lol
Totally 100% Walter White in Apex CONFIRMED.
does that mean he gets to keep that third weapon when he respawns🤔
Brooooken legend
Great, the cheap pistol, a Respawn special is back.
His passive gone get nerfed I bet
Fr good trailer
i love the fact that pathfinder gets to narrate the character abilities
I think other legends are gonna need a buff after this. Ballistic literally has 5-6 abilities
Fuse ain’t the old man no more 💪
Maybe y’all can increase the amount of players in each game I’m getting tired of finishing loosing which took 2 minutes and having 5 squads left it’s annoying now.
@Titanfall 3
Can’t wait!!
Nah this man overpowered
the drill beat is killin me.
I’d love to cosplay him
Now I know whats the reason to come back to playing Apex.
Ballistic’s a powerhouse!
nobody talking about how apex put the hardest drill beat in the background
Adding a drill beat is crazy
Man this guy looks so fun to play, I haven’t been this excited for a legend since Valk
So basically Bridgette from Overwatch.
Cans someone explain the “surge” to me. Is that new to the season?
If you think about it technically rampart and vantage carry 3 guns but they gotta wait for their ultimate so its not quite the same.
This guy should like he’s about to be lit!
Código de error: 201😡😭😢🥺
New main unlocked lol
Any battle pass vid yet?
Hoping youll add his son in the game
Bro is gonna be nerf a week after release
I give it 3 days
Unlimited ammo and fast reload times? Oof, someone’s gonna be OP and nerfed quickly
Apex on drill now 😂
I can definitely guarantee they’re going to Nerf his tactical gold when using his alt
Wish his name was Caliber still. Ballistic is cool but Caliber just fits the overall suaveness. High caliber type of legend you know 🎩
If ballistics tac actually stop me from shooting I’m going to explode
Pathfinder is now making ads 😂
Ballistic doesn’t look good as a good overall player to use IMO
Ballistic Gaming
I loved the part in the trailer where Ballistic said “Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance! But not for me.”
That beeping in the background was kinda annoying, sounded like I was put on hold
Your giving these new legends tons of abilities and pathfinder has a grapple and zip line. Like really? Stun an enemy, hold a third gun, infinite ammo buff teammates as well.
so wit octane’s stim boost on reloading time. will tempest give him an additional reload boost aswell!? 💉✨
They had drill in here 😂
Drill music for apex is crazy
Great new ability, hilarious voice lines & cool character design. Excellent addition to Apex.
If what he does to crypto and fuze are his finishers, there🔥🔥🔥
Old man is good
A gold R-99 ultimate 😅
sounds broken but lets go!
Pathfinder W
Bro this and rampart might be broken for while
I love that Path was a butler bot for him once.
The beats for this season’s trailers don’t need to go this hard lol I can’t focus on the info
Y’all don’t hear this drill beat 💀
Heisenberg vibes.
NAW this character in the text book definition of cold
Bring back our mobile game
I need to know who killed this man’s dog. ASAP!
Why would I need to reload if it’s unlimited ammo? :thinking:
they used a UK drill beat for a UK og mandem
Wow knowing now that Pathfinder was Ballistic’s butler is pretty cool and now I’m excited to hear the voicelines they got for eachother!👍✨️❤️
Love that pathfinder was his butler. Very cool energy and fun
Unlimited ammo / fast reload ? I guess
New main, who dis?
I can already see this character being OP and being complaining to Respawn to nerf him 😂
Yea he’s gonna be a problem🤦💯❗
What’s that annoying beeping sound in the background
“Unlimited ammo” Are you serious right now bro ?
I like him but let’s be honest, he’s completely broken. No business being that overpowered.
his abilities look so simple but in reality they cover the needs of someone going for a 1 v 3. infinite ammo?, the hability to have more weapons than a normal legend? (can cover all long, mid and close ranges), disable one member of a team? faster reloads to gain time in a duel? a legend made for tryhards in a way lol.
Bro that guy gonna be seer all over again
Ohh my!!! Can’t wait to see him in mobile!
ok but we not talking ab they’re casually playing ny drill in the back😭☠️
120fps para consolas 3 años despues siguen sin anunciar nada…
I can’t wait to see how players create ‘apex moments’ with Ballistic
The memes will be glorious
the drill beat tho
He’ll be OP 😂😂
He’s gonna be busted…then they gon nerf him to the ground
If they put as much effort into making the game as they did in trailer. This game would be the Goat.
Yea that ultimate definetly isn’t broken or anything
on a drill beat 🤣🤣
The music is a bop tho 💁🏾♂️🙌🏾
This could be the most op legend drop since horizon, which all who played through that remember it well
Always love the trailers where everyone is only a one shot 😂 either way I’m so so looking forward to trying the old boy out!
Old man trolling in every finisher 🤣
cant wait to quit apex for a month bc they won’t nerf a broken legend again😻
W Legend
Lord Ballistic
This is going to turn out really bad. He sounds like a meta
Pls tell me it’s his ingame theme
unlimited whattt?????
1:33 I like that finisher if it is a finisher
Man is broken
Apex legends…. the movie 😮…… or. The Legend’s….. an animated series. 🤯…… jus thinking out loud.
The Joker reference with the emote is genius lol!
dudes cracked
not going to play any EA/RESPAWN games until they fix Titanfall2 servers
The video bored me. I missed the other narrator
August Brinkman. That’s who broke you.
A alguien mas le pasa que cuando entra a jugar a los 5 minutos lo saca de la partida y cuando vuelves a entra no pasa ni un minuto y lo saca de nuevo diciendo que los servidores se cayeron?🤔🤔
We can use double charge rifle
I swear old legends have the best finishers, apex good job guys
I can already see a joker skin for ballistic
Almost like he got them “bad grandpa vibes” to him 😯👀👀
i cant even begin to imagine how overpowered the R-99 is gonna be with his Ult…😂
I see my new main
U guys are paying attention to the character but do u hear this drill beat in the background 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Mannn I love the older fellas who got time and experience on the field.. those characters have the coolest lores and best philosophies.. I’m liking this character as much as seers backstory too, he’s got alot on his mind I can’t wait to observe an analyze it..
I better see some good pathfinder trackers apex🙏
I haven’t played the last 3 seasons but this just might bring me back.
The rumors that respawn bought themselves out of EA might be true because these trailers actually have Character
Bro path seen it all 😂
This beat is so fireeeee apex needs to keep the tunes going on from here on out
The beat be fire though!!! that drill!
His personality is like Mirage if he was actually just cool
Wow an actual useful ult
Could be my new main.
So this is how he lost his medical license
type beats drill ICANT
This will be the first White Male Heterosexual in Apex Legend!
Ooo unlimited ammo full devo squad with a longbow in his sling ooo weee let’s see the life line nerfs alrdy
But will audio be fixed?
As a 54-year-old player, I approve this legend.
Three weapons!?
Oh lord, he is going to break the game into a thousand pieces
Shout out to the dude that made the sick background beat 🔥🔥🔥
Apex if your reading this be honest is there gonna be a rework to crypto passive
Sooooo was his baby the one in paths memories 👀
tank you respawn for not giving us a cringe character this season
So that’s why certain people were able to hack the game to be able to hold 2 guns at the same time they had the code in the game
he is so strong and he will destroy the balance of the game!
He can carry 3 guns and throwing something that overheat the enemies gun and his ultimate is unlimited ammo plus no reload.
He will be nerfed as soon as possible
Broooo que duró suena con ese tema de Drill de fondo! 10/10 ballistic 🥵👌🏻🤌🏻
This guy is gonna be soo brokennnn
Can’t believe anybody is hyped for this season 😂. Another trash legend, another trash season.
slinging the devotion. yall gonna know pain
its indeed truely an apex experience
uk drill type beat that’s a first
Got some Drill Trap for Ballistic well done
Pathfinder is the Johnny sins of the apex world
he’s gonna be so toxic to the meta 😂
Great now I’m a Ballistic main
old version of fuse
Why there adding this y’all need to add 120 fps and kbm on console and stop stalling
i can wait for the interactions between pathfinder and ballistic how CUTE!
The lobbies finna go crazy with his passive
Refund valk hairloom
Wait do u have to have ammo for 3rd gun
The coolest Legend ever
Can’t wait to main him.
Yooooo! Gonna love to be the guy everyone hates, rocking the Devo in the sling 🤣
with that Ultimate oh man thats going to be dangerous
Broken legend as always 😌
Nice to see my Reddit post idea got integrated. Somewhat.
Yo we really don’t need 2 weeks of promotion for a character just drop the dude already he doesn’t even look that good
Ballistic can do all this!….Yeah but he’s still gonna catch this R 301 to the face!!!😂😂😂
This man gonna be nerfed within a week
bro tf the type best in the background goes hard
Fivio foreign type beat
Did he say unlimited ammo? Does that mean the mini gun for her ult get unlimited ammo 😧
Another ”seer season”’ = Too OP
Walter white like this video
music is 🔥
Makes me wish we had a legend voiced by Sean Connery
Can you pls buff Ash’s ultimate range
I mean I like it but they must be running out of ideas. If his moves are more guns and ammo
Ballistic really hates guns but likes guns when it’s him, hypocritical 😅
Nice another season I can’t play cause u don’t have cross progression
It’s the medic from TF2
This guy has OP written all over him
Apex tokens:check Apex coins:check crafting shards:Check now let’s see how good he is
Lookin forward to S17 ✊🏻
Ballistic and fuse need to switch names fr
Did they really put a drill beat for this man😂
Ya he gonna ruin the game for a good month
yo this guys crazy
I’m started for the ramparts and him together
Also everyone who plays Ballistic is gonna stack charge rifles as their third weapon, and we are gonna have an insane amount of people running charge rifles especially in Comp/ALGS.
Tiene pinta de magnate millonario
Aah the Chamber of Apex. He’ll be nerfed to death next season
Of course everyone will play Ballistic to start. We all wanna try him out. What determines if he becomes a popular legend for the long haul is how useful his tactical is. The ability to cause enemy guns to overheat could be tremendously Overpowered if it makes it so enemy’s can barely fire their weapons or something to that liking. You would never lose a 1 vs 1 fight if you can just cause your enemies gun to stop functioning.
yo the beat is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I hope that Ballistic theme music sounds exactly like what they are playing in the video!!! Season 17 going to be little different especially for the OGs
battlepass trailer???
Carry 3 weapons?! Oh boy….
Bring apex mobile Back please
To all the “wow, I may actually play apex again”…literally no one cares. You’ll play for the new legend, get bored, leave again. Do us a favor and just don’t come back. Don’t give EA your money.
I feel like not entirely people are talking about his finisher he does on fuse.
Bro straight up tells you who he is and it somehow kills you
That was such a good trailer
Man they using the Ice spice beat W
There’s no way Sling ISN’T GOING TO BE BROKEN
wow skill so sick
If i dont see a “im too old for this” quip I’ll go ballistic
why tf are they playing a drill type beat in the background🤣🤣
Everyone’s excited for him, but personally all I’m thinking about is how it’s gonna feel when he third parties you and overheats your weapon so you literally just can’t fight back. Like third parties weren’t bad enough.
bro come apex legend mobiile back plssssssplsssss
He sounds exactly like monkey King from dota
Whole team of Charge Rifles with unlimited ammo & fast reloads… YIKES.
Let’s go!!!!!!!
the drill is fire EA
i guess next season we’ll hear a jersey club beat
Bis ultimate is bad
my new main
The way the bullets curve when you shoot the Whistler/ Smart Pistol sideways reminds me of the movie Wanted lol
Unlimited ammo for Lstar and Devotion? 😂
This trailer is really cool, especially with Pathfinder talking
Bout time a good legend!!!!!
This guy is going to be a serious problem
Having pathfinder as the narrator is the best thing apex has done in years
British guy with a uk drill beat fits perfectly never expected apex to use a drill beat🔥🔥
Broooo I’m hyped 4 more days
What’s faster armed moved speed? Faster moving when you’re in ADS?
Finally, heterosexual
So everyones new favorite pick this season got it
Homie has mule kick
By the time I’m done with this season, no dry cleaner in world will get all the stain from my enemies out of that coat.
He will suit aggro teams and may make competitive meta since he can give you unlimited ammo for periods of times to fight. Great for those low ammo endgames
They acting like we didn’t already know this
if lifeline , wattson and ballistic became one squad they’ll never step and inch out of the house lol
But ofc hes not overpowered. Just 3 guns, stunlock, unlimited ammo, tap strafe with Nemesis is def not OP nahhh
When Ballistic enters the area
Boss music starts
Rip apex mobile. Lets take a moment
NGL this dude looks objectively fun to play. 3 Weapons, enemy disabling and faster (everything) ultimate.
Imagine seer catalyst and ballistic together 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
New main ?
Am i the only one who LOVED how path was narrating
a bald wraith will finish the job, surreeeeeellly
Mule kick on apex legends👀
best song 😍
Too elegant trailer
This new guy reminds of me this show called “ love,death and robots “ on the part 2 tab….an episode called ( snow in the desert )
Imma need that beat
sin ce they started adding characters ive been seeing all i want is a character that can carry 3 guns..well here he is n he seems superrrr dopee
I.lpve this
ok but the music went hard
Can I get a refund I spent money and didn’t get apex coins
so cool~~~~~
The beat is fire
Wraiths and Octanes will actually have to be within half a mile of their squad to get his ultimate perk lol this will be interesting
Bro he is way too OP
Is it just me, or did anyone else hear the Halo Shield sound effect at 0:26?
hes to powerful its gonna ruin the game
This legend is a bit much yall 😂
Fuse, “WTH you mad at me, grandpa?”
i like that Pathfinder is introducing him instead of the voice we all know, who does it everytime.
Another character with dumb abilities
Nerf coming in May 10th
They forgot to drop this on April fools
So, They are actually and just finally adding walter to the game, Just rally nice, LOL
Yo this man’s is a beast I love it bout time we got something cool
Point of conversation:
Ash, ballistic, and Pathfinder interaction.
Something tells me ballistic doesn’t like it when pathy calls him pal
This guy is just classy and cool 😂 I love it lol
The drill music in the background to introduce the old man 💯
Love how pathy is narrating you guys should let legends do this more
Daddy Ballistic came home with truckload of milk
I love the sound giving me Halo ptsd
The drill beat in the background 🤣
Sir reginald Hargreeves
hehe i like
Most overrated battle royale fr
Me: How OP is ballistic gonna be?
Respawn: YES
Cool vid. Bring back mobile.
No way 😫
holy shiiiiet he’s so cool!!
this is gonna be my new main for sure
Reminds me of hammerlock + claptrap
We’re gonna see triple R-99 Ballistic, arent we?
Whistlers not the best name for his tactical, considering it’s other meaning.
HE GONNA BE OP AF AND BROKEN AF, mark my words, they will nerf him in a week
Dead trash game
Apex legend mobile
Another OP legend That’s going to receive a Nerf in the following season 🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️
Bro he is lowkey broken imo
Is that drill in the background?
And here I thought Logan Roy just ran a media empire on succession.
Respawn using drill?
im curious how this is going to be inplace with the meta. Season 17 Should be a very intresting but really fun time to play apex. See yall at There🤙
Nah the drill beat in the background is funny 😭😭😭
Ballistic’s 2nd finisher joker reference?
The only legend that can go akimbo legit🎉
they just put drill in the trailer
He’s going to be so annoying to play against as rampart 😢
I thought his name is arsenal
yea sure nemesis will balanced with this ult
Very cool, definitely a meta character if I’ve ever seen one
Sounds like we got a op character coming
That finisher is awesome
Another nerf I can see xD
Ok I can’t lie I haven’t been this excited for a legend since horizon, this dude is gonna be absolutely insane!
Coolest legend ever 😎
legends keep getting older cus we the creators keep getting older lol
Instantly maiming him he looks so cool
Q new map?
The drill beat tho 😂
Cannot wait to see a 10 minutes release ballistic main got 20 bomb 4k dmg and 10,0000 total kills and yep quit as soon as he sees his character taken. 😂
Definitely not as op as people r gonna think
This isn’t fair
Found a perfect new main
August brinkman that’s who broke you 😎 that line was badass
I didnt expect the beat to be so fire 🔥😅😂
I thought pathfinder and ballistic was about to spit a freestyle 🤣🤣
And if that don’t work, use more gun.
so it is basically chamber from valorant but he iss old
love it thoush nice character
Only legend aside from fuse I actually enjoy
Lore wise, voice lines wise, personality wise, this might be my favorite legend
The drill intro….the savage quips…I can’t wait to play this legend
Wait so, is the jump tower thing not is ultimate? IS THAT LIKE A HEATSHEILD THEN? OH…
Yo is this a NY drill beat 😂😂
he’s already so badass 😭
Wraith still the best tho 🙂
The drip is real with this Legend
“let’s cause a kerfuffle” hit different
this video idea is realy good
Ballistic sounds like someone who says: a great place for a nuclear test
W trailer
Tacticals only gonna be useful if there’s a havoc and devotion meta
That’s kinda op lol
The sling weapon not being able to carry attachments (except for when he’s using his ultimate) is actually pretty balanced.
Cielos que macizo.mp4 🤪 jeje 😅😂.
Ja ja das is good
(Medic laught)
Game top 1 shoting game..very full action i like it in mobile..hmm just in pc😑😭😭mobile no more
Man. He’s gonna be a lotta fun
Legend has solid abilities. Literally every squad is going to run Ballistic🙃
He’s British. Let’s go
Ballistic looks like Skrillex 40 years from now
Wonder what will happen if you play Rampart and a LMG when the Balistic ultimate goes off.
I can’t wait any longer
So excited…..
Let’s goooo
nerf Ballistic
Think the “Tempest” movement buff applies to Rampart with “Sheila” equipped?
Sounds about balanced!
I hope theres alot of voicelines between ballistic and pathy
1:05 That sounds soo broken 🤣
1:04 looks very familiar
Okay this is completely broken. It sounds like he’s going to be OP.
Que elegancia la de francia
Ggs to all rank players lol
love that pathfinder did this trailer
Thank you for not killing Wattson 🙂
path should narrate all the legend trailers
I will be arc star sticking this legend
Drill beat for an apex trailer is crazy🔥
this gotta be the most tone down Trailer ever released
Partfinder been told us he works hard for the money…😂
In the last trailer, I thought his special was a smart-pistol from Titanfall.
Now make a character where i can actually hear footsteps.
These abilities look simultaneously deep in terms of the kinds of decisions they propose, and refreshingly simple to understand mechanically. I might be back into this game.
Oh okay Medicare 🥵🥰
The fact that he can buff the team HUGE, MASSIVE, ENORMOUS, HUMOUNGOUS, GARGANTUAN perk.
The sling gonna be really strong with something like a shotgun
What’s the annoying BEEP BEEP every few seconds in this??
I love the part when the pk hits two one taps in the trailer and can’t in pubs
hmmmm welp. just as i thought! TRASH!
The drill beat tho🕺🏾🔥
Ballistic really just said ” 4Head Just carry a 3rd gun”
1:27 “dry cleaning only” yup just how i like my 501 jeans to be handled 🔥
1:19 Okay, so why ammo count on peacekeeper not decreasing?
What’s with the mid-range beeps throughout the video? Maybe it’s just me, but it sounds like the audio track is warning me of low battery levels^^
He’s beyond OP.
The glaze is crazy
Cool legend…. now fix the matchmaking 👍
Dude thats such a op legend for no reasom
Finally something that is going to be amazing in this game
Pathy ❤❤❤❤
“Think you’ve got lord ballistic beat?” aintnoway💀💀
Found my new MAIN
Wow he looks so fun
So now we know what happened to medic after last comics
Love old legends. More of those respawn
… his ultimate is going to get nerfed through the floor quickly
Lol gonna be so broken. The little kids on the pro teams will get him nerfed
Pathfinder was so pure in this
Какой же он, сука, брутальный. Крутой дед)
They’re gonna nerf him ASAP not even like 3 weeks into the season but he’s worth to try using 😭😭😭
Imagine his ult paired with Seer when he was broken and Cat. Infinite ammo death wall.
Ty path for telling me The abilitys
I think he is kinda Dis balance
1:34 Fuse was about to call him daddy
Watch Earthlings documentary to see the suffering animals go through for meat, dairy, eggs. Eat with compassion.
Why is the Watson camping behind the amped cover where’s the rampart ?
Anyone know what drill song this is
“The answer is a gun. And if that dont work, use more guns.” – Engineer TF2
Ballistic can carry 4 guns 😳
ballistic getting sturdy with this drill music👀
Well done respawn, my jaw dropped because of how absurdly op and annoying his abilities are
Haha as if Pathfinder’s one sided relationship with Ash wasn’t enough
sounds balanced
Pathys commentary was hilarious lol
I knew he was a badarse when I heard him say “atrophy”
I am so hyped to play ballistic
Ballistic is 100% the OG Devil Hunter from Chainsaw Man
Can we just appreciate Stephen Barton’s Rchestral Drill?, absolute 🔥🔥🔥!
I think path was the best legend in this video
Ballistic here to do so;e drillin
You will never be soldier 76
bro doesnt he look like that one cs go body skin 😂😂😂😂
Another character to ruin the game
Wait… for real… Pathfinder was Ballistics Butler? Oh these interactions are gonna be GOLD!
one day i’m sure apex will give us support players a new legend… it’s been years…
Mule kick?
Please adjustment Aim Assist…
I really really really hate PAD
Imagine unlimited ammo R99
Another broke legend is comIIINGGGGGGGGGGG
Rip Apex🕊️
Day 1: asking for south African server’s
I’m liking the drill music!!!
So that’s who’s baby path is taking care of
too based holy
So meet the Medic 2?
Male legends>>>>> female legends
He give me the Walter White vibs
Ballistic is awesome
He seems like a mix between bangalor fuse and marage
this is so busted. paired with the right legends, you might as well just leave the game cause ur gonna die anyway
DUDE a drill beat😂❤
I feel like he’s made to counter 3rd parties
So now we have more counter to rampart
the fact that apex is using a drill beat is mind blowing !!
I hope that holding the button to pull out melee is the one pop out third weapon. This would slow down his movement and balance him out since he’s looking a little too spicy 🔥🔥
Ice spice rhythm
His finisher is an old guys collar shake 😂😂😂😂😂. He’s the old dude from Denise the menace.
gold gun in the ult will definitely get nerfed at some point
I think the next legend should have a tactical called cross progression which actually lets people who change platforms play the game properly
Idky but something tells me the pros are going to be complaining alottttt 😂😂😂
lool first day nerf, incoming for ballistic
A legend that isn’t gay/trans? That’s surprising coming from Wokepex.
Guess who’s getting next seasons battle pass because he saves up the coins he gets from the bp:)
He might as well become the John wick of apex legends
And rip Apex legends mobile
ballistic is a bri ish driller confirmed where da shank at matuh
of course Pathfinder was Ballistic’s butler, he’s connected to nearly all the Legends’ past in some way.
He is the Walter white of Apex legends
This is going to be the most overpowered character in the game
mais do mesmo
The drill beat caught me off guard ngl🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥
New legend = op ….1 week later Ballistic Nerf Coming
“August Brinkman – that’s who broke you.”
Seems busted
Pathfinder mad glazing 😂
ohhhhhhh nooooo……I think I have a new main! A true gentleman is polite, respectful, and capable of asserting dominance.
So that means the baby he was looking after was his son in the pathfinder story from the outlands?!
Imagine the synergy with rampart and ballistic, bullets go brrrrrrrrrr!
Nah cause why nobody talking about that drill beat 😂😂😂
I’ll never get tired of hearing Chris Edgerly voice Pathy.
He better get a joker skin!!!!!
Not a powerful independent woman? Not a trap? Not even gay?!
Well… That a one very brave move, Respawn! Here is my huge respect to you guys.
The drill sound rrrrrr
Wingman, RE-45, Mozambique. Pistol-only John Wick.
Not apex fan/player, but this man is great character
I’m so proud of UK Drill… how tf did a drill beat make it to Apex? lool amazing!!
Devs: This character will not be very broken at all……
I want a series where Pathfinder describes every Legend and their abilities.
“This is Mirage! He’s my best boyfriend because he is a boy and he is my friend. Mirage is very funny. Sometimes I’ll be telling him a story only to realize I’ve been talking to one of his Holograms for an hour.”
He’s not too imba
I love that valk is always dying in trailers and animations by doing the hover missile launch that got viper killed 0:28
Anybody notice the ps2 opening noise at the end when he throws fuse down?
Shotguns are overpowered please fix @EA
he has potential
pathfinder the real simp
they added the smart pistol and thought we wouldn’t notice
Ballistic, Revenant, Octane… rage quit
Wait wait wait can he give rampart’s minigun unlimited ammo?
Kinda overpower legend
Looks boring.
french man from valorant atp 💀
That’s just op asf
3 days before TOTK? hopefully the bots have fun.
The nerf is gonna be bad
the more trailers we get of him, the cooler he looks
first off this dude is kind of op welcome to apex fr but his abilities are actually good for 3rd parties you know? bc if youre an agro player his ult and abilities kind of allow you to turn the tide when they show up, so poping hit ult at the right times could prove to be super beneficial you know what i mean? bc his ult is unlimited ammo thats brazy.
The posh old man in me says “boom headshot good sir”
So he does extra damage with the wingman?
can you hold a red weapon in the sling that’s the real question
شخصية مطلوبة وبقوة
i like path
Can’t wait to main him
How dare he do that to my Fuse. 😡🗿
1:37 like seriously can you guys for once stop picking on Fuse
Every trailer/gameplay trailer you show him getting shat on. What happened to mirage getting that treatment?
i cant wait to he gets a nerf in the first week 🥹
🤣🤣🤣 overcheat !!!
Most game breaking legend since seer’s release
They really put a drill beat on apex
Funny how he appears to have 3 finishers. Haven’t seen a character with 3 finishers since the release of Fuse in season 8. But then again, it might just be an emote seeing as how he didn’t really interact with that downed Wattson.
Finally an english legend
Boi is getting nerfed to the core
That Ult is wild
Imagine having your weapon overheat and you get hit by revs tactical. You can completely disable somebody.
August Brinkman, the one who knocks.
You know Ballistic is gonna be good when there is drill music
so imma run around with a nemisis, r301 and flatline????
yah yah yah here we go again new season coming up 🤞🤞
Yess. We finally got a SIGMA in apex.
A straight male character? its about time.
EA should change the name of the game to “Ability Legends – a game full of cheaters”
yoooo ballistic is Op
Nice beat ^^
Another usseles legends
Why tf are the playing drill music?😂😂😂
Is anyone here feel like this guy tact is tooo OP? Or its just me 😂 **currently shaking**
Ballistic is going to be my main from now on
Can’t wait for the charge rifle meta for this season
So he counters shield legends nice to see
Наконец то нормальный мужской персонаж! По ходу у меня новый мэйн
Wow, this legends kit is overwhelmingly boring…
Path finder never told us about ballistic he knew him but never said a word about him untill now 😢 😭 why pathfinder
I dont have a leg nd in yhe assukay class thay i like wnough to play seriously. I yhink this guy might be it.
Wraith, catalyst, ballistic, lifeline. I have my roster now.
A few hours from launch, players will say his broken or OP and gets an immediate nerf. Just watch. Apex community never fails
Thats broken
Dude this legend sounds op ASF but makes sense as he is more experienced
❤❤❤❤❤ love it!!!!!
This guy is going to be META no matter what!
Take a shot everytime there was an explosion
finally, a cool character.
Pathfinder been everywhere huh…who doesn’t he know
seer ballistic and rampart
Nerf just now
Why is this being released in may instead of august?
Wow ngl think he’s gonna break the meta
Getting Dudley vibes from him. Looks so sick.
His kit will be amazing ingame, if he can hold reds in his sling your team can hold a kraber preventing others from getting it or your team using it itself, sure it cant hold attachments but this may only imply removable ones and not permanent ones like good weapons/mystics. His ult with boost the nemesis fps to even further heights allowing your team to just shred, or with smgs as well for close quarters. And although his tactical seems a bit iffy to me I can totally see it being used to troll a team while there fighting someone else increasing the chances of them loosing the fight. This maybe a fun or horrifying time were entering. Wonder if he can drop his gold sling weapon, because thats just free fully upgraded guns. Oh boy
He’s ight
“POW! He is not” 😅 Best Ability trailer so far!!!
They typed in type drill beat for the background music 😂
There’s two ways how the Dev could balance things out with ballistic and not make him too OP towards other players
1. Buff the gold body shield and give it a feature whereby ballistic smart pistol can’t lock onto enemy player who has the shield equipment
2 When you have a gold mag equipped your weapon can’t overheat if you do get hit by ballistic smart pistol bullet
apex drill beat crazy
Looks like I’m back playing this game. New hero feels refreshing
His finishers look “FAMILY FRIENDLY” you know age has started to get the best of him🦦
New main
his abilitys reflect his growth after losing his friend
I love the songggg🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am the one who shoot
-August Ballisticberg
The man is a firing squad by himself
Please let this mean that pathy is gonna have interactions with Ballistic. I swear pathy never gets interactions
Im not sure how he would fit into the meta tbh but we will see how it go
3 guns???????
And an ult that boost his team nah this dude is definitely going to get nerfed💀
Kaz ?
They went crazy w the drill beat 😭🔥
hes giving walter white
The music yo. So good!!!!
I wonder if the gold gun he gets is temporary or not (does he get to keep it when his ult ends)
Live on our Medic, your voice will influence more people to come to The Badlands
Hmmm I’m intrigued
1:01 : This is so cute 🥹 I’m gonna play Pathfinder every time I’ll see a Ballistic in my team ❤
Welp a new main has entered my sight
the drill beat fit this so well
Super secret sling you say… 🤔
Next busted character that’s gonna get a giant nerf
Overheat the enemies gun, then use Seers cancel…RUN!
Can’t wait for him to get nerfed
Really bad tactical for the game.
Will make it bad for everyone and not fun.
Ok Apex drill beats??? I see it
every ballistic running a charge rifle will now be a serious threat, who knows what they got in there extra special pocket
that drill beat so good
Its is really cool and all don’t get me wrong but I just see loot goblins complaining they didn’t get the gold bag.
And then there’s people only using their ult with lmgs that have no ammo for it and are classy and respectable.
What happened to the placeable jumped tower balloon
Solid character and abilities. 👍🏽
i love how sturdy his intro was 🔥he ova sturdy with it yaa hearddddddddd
Just wet myself out of pure fear
He’s busted tf🔥🫡💀
I want a finisher of him cleaning his glasses then caps with his pistol
This guy seems refreshing. Does the whistler get absorbed by Pylon? If so im stickng to wattson, if not I may switch
No valk buff? 💔
such a cool trailer!!! upping their game from the last one
Pathfinder is a such a fan of this new guy.
Pure swag
Looks like apex has a new meta 🙄
Please come back mobile version please come back 😢😢😢😢
This guy seems classy. I like it.
Only legend that got a drill beat in their intro 😂
What is that weird beeping sound in the background that I keep hearing?
ngl the music kinda fire
3 Gun Style: Onigiri
Best trailer hands down.
Be interested to know if he could make a Sheila over heat and be a counter to Rampart
The drill got me 😂 Ready to main him ASAP!
MK vs DC reference 🤯🤯🤯 0:55
My new main everyone!
el man tiene estilo xD
Meet the medic
How to make anything funny:
Just put Path on scene
How long before they nerf him?😂
So a 3rd weapon, a gun jam/silence ability, and a essential weapon buffer for the team. Doesn’t sound incredibly OP but I still have a feeling he’s gonna drop DISGUSTING. That silence thing sounds pretty dope.
I’m getting Percy vibes from this character…
Oh, l guess many people will be taking main guns like r301, peacekeeper and the last – wingman…
His ult would be good with revs
Whoever did the music needs a raise
scary, wise, kind, elegant, badass, cool, family, (insert more) in one character
Ноябрь Камшотов
how long does the ult buff last? this is going to be insane.
We have the meta legend
Who might get a nerf
I like how if you get shot you just lose the match
“He is not.”
Bring back Kings Canyon
It looks like he’s gonna be so broken on day one
Call him what daddy ?! 🥵🥵🥵
This old man is a delight, I’m in love with all the class, gentlemen.(。・ω・。)ノ♡
I’m already a Ballistic main..BAMF
Vantage already had a 3rd weapon…
They better give him an Joker skin.
Tf2 medic but with a british accent
Pathfinder now has a new best friend.
Whaaa holding 3 weapons, unlimited ammo with fast reloading, and Pathfinder was a butler. It’s a official I’m definitely gonna call him Alfred for now on
Can we finally get rid of the big brother match making system so the game isn’t so terrible to play
Are we not gonna talk about how Ballistic had drill music playing for him?🔥🔥
his tactical should not do any damage man 😐
R3, wingman and guess a flatline for the sling. Ultimate loadout 😂
I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t more pathfinder lore. Always a nice surprise though.
Probably Apex coolest legend
does anyone else feel like it will be very dissatisfying to lose against an auto-aiming curves-around-barriers disarming move? esp for when ur watching ALGS? if they wana eventhe field a bit between skilled and unskilled players…. if anything i think the biggest coolest change would be if they adjusted the movement to make wall bounce andtab strafing easier to perform and thu accessible to mid level players. and not…. making a character that results in players feeling cheated.
HEISENBER… I mean August Brinkman 😂
the drill music in the background 💀
Everyone is just excited about disabling weapons and having unlimited ammo.
Wow! He sure seems balanced and im sure they wont nerf him into the ground1!!1111111!!!!!
Meta is wingman as his 3rd gun cause of the three tap cause its the wingman plus it gets skull splitter
Path was his butler? They’re just making stuff up as they go
Seer, Ash, Ballistic together could possibly become meta. I could divulge on this more but just think about all of their passive, tactical, and ultimate abilities combined. Ash needs a faster wider snare though.
Make Jack Cooper a legend
The music for this upcoming season has been top tier esp the last vid
Hear me out , the background drill is smth else.
But can you also fix the game?!
So what was the flying thing he did in the trailer weeks ago ?
Que vuelva el Apex Legends Mobile 🥺
I love his music pack
All ya cheaters are going to love this guy
is he based on Josh Brolin?
Pretty lame you don’t even have to aim the smart bullet. What’s next a homing seer Q hmm?
I hope they update some of the older legends kits to compete with this. His kit looks pretty strong, especially in comp. Hopefully the cooldown on that Q is long.
Playing as or with him is gonna be awesome, going up against him is gonna be pure pain
Now question is can his smart pistol overheat rampart while she has sheila out?
That’s a cool legend
see, its so much better when you don’t do political lbqtq nonsense
oh no! balistic ult with spitfire 💀
Please take away the smartpistol feature from his Tactical or make him not using it while his weapon is out. Im afraid this tactical will be not fun to go against and everyone will be mad when they loose a fight because of this. (saw that happening in Titanfall a few times before the servers got overrun by hackers). Its like a rev silencer for your gun but the other person dont have to aim.
I’m very scared and excited at the same time.
Are they using pathfinder cause the OG voice actor for theese trailers left? They used a different voice in the gameplay trailer too i think.
🥺🥺 i hope not 🙏
he got the nyc drill beat going on
I can now tack 3 speedfier
Crazy late game ultimate with tha infinite ammo!
How has no one mentioned the beat in the background? 🔥🔥🔥
I know they did not put a DRILL beat in the background🤣🔥
i gonna only say it once.
The Drill beat goes hard 🔥🤧
Daddy Ballistic 🥵
the passive is the only good one
I like the Joker reference
Charge rifle + Ballistic ult☠☠
why everythang look a lil … tilted
Idk why they made his q lock on..
why they got ballistic getting sturdy
In the Pathfinder’s Quest book, there no record of him being a butler for Ballistic.
The first three jobs he mentioned were there though.
0:07 ‘masseuse’ punches octane 😂😂🤣
No sound, true Apex experience
This dude seems very strong, and matched with Revenants ability to disable other people’s abilities, it’s very strong, no abilities and their guns are overloaded and can’t shoot, give them a support to either mark out enemies so they can plan their attack, it’s game over
Never thought the word kerfuffle could sound badass
Can’t wait to play as Luxord from kingdom hearts in Apex Legends now
This changes the game and I love it❤
Can’t wait to play as The Boss from Saints Row 3 in Apex Legends now
man the part ab cross progression was crazy af
Ballistic is about to take Full Sending a squad to the next level!
This guy is well received very few Grandpa 👴🏻 haters
Now I think about it ballistic plus rampart with A devotion and a spitfire would be kind of nuts.
If we assume that the ult boosts reloads for the team by 25%,
Rampart’s passive boosts LMG reload speeds by 25% as well,
and it stacks with the paintball guns from her Maude, which is also a 25% boost.
If you’re a Rampart who found a Paintball Rampage and are fighting alongside a Ballistic using his ult, you can full reload that badboy in 1 second.
He executed fuze with emotional damage
Not bulets, emotional damege
Beat goes so hard bruh
Gonna get a nerf 2 weeks in for sure lol
Sir gentlemen mhmm yessir 🧐
it will quite literally impossible to 1v1 this guy. You simply cannot.
Sick trailer. Great editing, music, pacing, just so well made. Congrats
soldier 76 tired of ow
Not going to lie… is kit is going to be really strong for a while, and he is going to be nerfed really fast too.
This character actually sounds super fun to play and will probably be pretty good
player: cheater.
apex : legal cheater(ballistic).
Anyone else keep thinking that a missile was locking on to them throughout this trailer?
can’t wait to get disarmed by him and get hit by Rev’s silence at the same time
A rampart a ballistic duo is going to be menacing
Now we can convert any weapon into golden weapon using billistic ultimate 😍🤯
a third rendition of the smart pistol that everyone is going to hate.
Wasn’t expecting apex and drill ☠️ bangs icl
Ballistic looks way more hype than the last 5 legends that were released
Drill Music!
No Money for more voicelines ? 😂
Regardless if I liked the trailer or NOT.. I’ll still try him out.
The medic from TF2 is looking a bit different
W path 🤣🤣
Pathfinder has seen it all….he was in literally almost all of the legends lives before they joined the games.
mans curving his bullet like wanted lol😂 that’s nice
“Tell me hes gonna be broken without telling me hes broken”
Worst abilities
It’s going to be rough trying to 1v3 fights lol
I thought he was going to hit a freestyle !!! THAT INSTRUMENTAL SLAPS 😮💨🚀
How long does the gold weapon last for?
If ballistic doesn’t have a skin before he shaved ima he angy
Pathy needs to do all Character trailers from now on
Is there a single character Pathfinder hasn’t interacted with at some point?
can we get arenas back respawn ?
Few words and a slight shove is a perfect finisher. Against these legends 📼
Fantastic, another old man for Path to annoy, this is all I wanted
Could they not afford the Ballistic voice actor for his own trailer?
His ult with a Rev and Ash ult would be so annoying.
My new main, can’t wait for him to come out and I’ll start playing apex again 😂
will his Ult give Sheila unlimited ammo?
Umbrella academy vibes
Pathfinder is so good in all of his jobs
Fix the crafter
Was waiting to see pathfinder get sturdy sigh missed opportunity 😂
literally the best legend in the game
Would it be funny if they made a joker skin version? For him? 🫠
Drill beat🔥🔥🔥🔥
never thought i would be hearing a drill beat in an apex trailer
Lets be honest those Pathfinder mains are gonna wreck Ballstic when he finally launches 😂
That’s crazy
Dang that drill beat in the back is cold
@apexlegends hit us with a drill beat 🔥😮💨
I’m currently a door to door sales bot 😭
that ballistic first line was reference to gandalf meme, i think.
i instantly thought of ardee – oliver twist as soon as the trailer started
I’m going ballistic this season
Ok decent character. I’m giving A- for too much complement
buff lifeline!
Wow so they kept the 3rd gun. Honestly. Idek why I’m watching this trailer. I’ve already quit the game
Bro got legal cheats
New main?
Never did they use a drill beat for a apex Character this dudes a MENACE!!!!!!
Can’t wait to have another character that lowers the required brain cell amount to play, thanks Respawn!
Cant wait to carry three spitfires with gold mags.
not overpowered at all guys!!! just like every legend at launch
As odd as Drill is here, it kinda fits.
Apex should never do dialog. It is just so cringey
He reminds me of Albert whisker I’m definitely mailing him
He looks like Howie Mandel
Broooooo!!!! I can’t waiiiit!!!
Why tf would they give a character free gold weapon ????????
That finisher with crypto Is crazy
Its the agent from CSGO
Every solo players dream
Nerf or change his tactical, everyone should be able to shoot, and not have some bs like that. Imagine losing a 1v1 cuz of that bs
Unlimited ammo is a way to go in competitive
ya aburrió tu juego, esta season que termina fue mi ultima, es una pena pero el juego al menos en Latinoamérica sur ya esta muerto, es una pena que no hicieran nada con los bugs, con los “pro” players glitcheando lobbys en rankeds, que el matchmacking este tan mal, que el aimassist este tan desbalanceado, etc etc etc porque podría hacer un texto super largo de la cantidad de cosas a mejorar o corregir. Aguanté, y desde mi punto de vista demasiado tiempo a que mejoraran algo..lo que sea, o que agregaran algo que incitara a jugar, pero no, solo mas y mas recolores de skins, reliquias que sin dinero es una utopía lograr obtener (y lo digo desde mi punto de vista que gaste por demas dinero en este juego y aun asi solo tengo 1) fue un buen juego, pero se volvio un mal juego..una lastima y aun asi les deseo el mejor de los exitos en el futuro
Наконец-то годный трейлер очень понравилось
the beat was crazy
Pathfinder is definitely someone that would serve him
The overheat noise sounds like halo shields
I think I found my new main.
Top tier male in apex Fuze and Ballistic
We work in the dark to serve the light we are panda
The girl who commented on the trailers was fired ? LOL
Every trailer this season is awesome
Who let Amado in APEX
Every other legend: wait the two guns wasn’t a rule???
This might me my next favourite after mirage, for some reason
Why did I keep thinking I was hearing the “low shields” sound from Halo
Pathfinder narrating the whole video and explaining ballistic’s abilities is perfect
This will break the game
Devo for the sling about to go brrrrrrrrr
Can you just make the game playable again? Game used to run beautifully but now it’s a glitchy laggy mess
This guy looks awesome don’t get me wrong. But an aged fighter returning?? Come oooon, shoulda been Cooper
If I still played Apex, this dude would be my new main
Wait is rev rework still happening?
Probably my least favorite legend
I would like to see 👀 Ballistic at 120fps on Console [PS5]😔
What is this fire soundtrack? ❤
Overheat my weapon and he gives unlimited ammo to his teammates? Great, thanks for making my casual gameplay more unplayable 😂
funcionara con la ulti de rampage ? la habilidad de neutralizar las armas ?
Can’t wait…. Oo wait my battle pass is not complete yet
Wow❤ hope titanfall 3 will be soon
Low key tribute to pop smoke
Him and rampart and wattson on the same team would be maniacal
Ultimate gives unlimited ammo and faster reload…. Jesus christ
This is the true medic gaming
Sickest character trailer after long time
where can we find beat ?
What a chad.
Fattest W Apex has had for a character hands down.
Did my guy just pull out a JOKER pistol
I believe he’s gonna break the meta.
The best thing is pathfinder being his butler 🙂
bro bought himself a mulekick before entering the games again
Another old dude. Disappointing…
unlimited ammo and overheat weapons yeah them sweats smiling right now its finna be alot of people running him lol🤣
what are these npc comments
“Greatly fear and respect the old men in a profession where most die young”
“August Brinkman. That’s who broke you.”
I love that line.
Petition for pathfinder to be our official announcer in the game 😅
Another 🥚 to scramble
They fr got drill in apex now💀
I’m also packing a weapon in my super secret sling 😉
mf from the bronx w that background music
Can’t wait to use rempart’s ult with ballistic ult
yeah can’t wait to get sniped by vantage and this guy, sounds fun
Ah cracked one he is that old fella
Wont be playing for the first 15 days until his pick rates go down.
not me buying the battlepass thinking my friends and I were goin to grind this game again💀
(we played a few days at the start)
I’m gonna shoot him with S.H.E.I.L.A. too! 😂No exceptions!
A legend that’s not overly op , gotta love the OG
Unlimited ammo with a devotion with turbocharger 😂 i can already see the ballistic mains now
Apex Mobile when?
Different characters who tie into their lore like pathy should always narrate the character trailer.
The last finisher😭😭😭
Ballistic is the cooler fuse
Fino señores
Mobile users crying in corner
In a profession were you die young, fear the elderly man
new favorite legend right here
anyone else?
Can’t wait to use the ultimate them drop the gold weapon on the ground for a teamate to pick up and stay gold forever.
He has the most disrespectful finisher😂🤣🤣
He’s gonna be OP
Bro is that pop smoke playing in the background 😂😂😂
I. Finna. BUSS with this character. He too OP
Oh it’s purring!
Was hype for the season but not knowing his abilities im now not. Nothing like giving a character the ability to make you have to punch only or you’ll take damage. Or i infinite ammo for those lmg mains. Or a third weapon so one can have mid/long/close range all in one kit. Some say, oh no theres no movement in his kit, well guess what, his ult increases armed movement speed which can shake up gunfights as he wont have yo holster his weapon.
I can’t believe they put the Kurzgesagt narrator in the game 🤌😫🤌.
All i see when i hear “balistic” is witty from fnf, i dont know why.
Apex is trash
This UK Drill Beat was kinda 🥶💯
This will change the META I know who Im choosing I will forever main pathfinder (since day 1) but ballistic will be my new fav
Imma need the legends to freestyle on that beat
I’m running tipple 99’s. THREE 99’s, infinite ammo, increased reload speed???????!!!! Yes please
Door to door salesbot got me
This looks so cool!
Why are his lips so big right at the end 😂
And RE45 is back on the floor… this season is gonna be chaos 😈
UK grime hitting hard
Whats the song? Give a link pls!!
I thought my headset was dying throughout the video.. “beep, beep…..beep, beep” Thanks Apex Legends!
I can’t wait to not be able to shoot in the shooting game while my enemy shoots in the shooting game better in every single way. This is truly the Respawn experience.
Чембер в апекс)))
I see the Respawn has equipped their character with Ballistic too.
As we say in spanish:
Viejo sabroso
Heavens!!! That personality is cool 😎👌
His abilities seem kinda weak honestly.
Why do I keep hearing the low health noise from halo
Yup. Best character yet. Lol
“August Brinkman…that’s who broke you!”
Why does that line go so hard!?
Finally a character that gives u ammo HAL gone love this ahahhaa
viejo saboroso 😈
The way Respawn ties the lore into these characters, trailers, and presentations are top-tier. Pathfinder as the narrator, chef’s kiss!
Ayo yall had me feelin sturdy 🤣
if my gun stops shooting mid gunfight someone is going to end up getting swatted
has to be the coolest legend till date.
The 3 weapons is kinda not needed there’s not instance where I thought “dang I could have won if I had 3 weapons.”
In this mouvement meta this legend is gonna be C tier at best.
Carry up to three(3) weapons (passive)
Disable weapons (tactical)
Unlimited ammo + fast reload (ultimate)
Is anyone really gonna use this character in ranked?
He kinda remind me of Yondu from Guardian of the Galaxy
His finisher is just picking you up and throwing you down just pretend he killed you😂😂
Pure bronken
The music Oliver Twist vibe
i always recognise Robin Atkin Downes
This guy is going to be broken
so Three finishers interesting
medic gaming
He looks like he’s going to be a mid tier legend… Nothing about him says game changing abilities besides faster reload time for your teammate’s that’s in close range. And how often is that lol.
Sounds like Jack the Ripper from Record of Ragnarok
How come Fuse and Newcastles accesories are designed with skins meanwhile Ash, Rampart and Vantage or even Lifeline arent?
1v1 against him is good be difficult
bro why is the song an ice spice beat
Apex should send me the Beat let me drop some heat for the S seventeen opening song 🎶
Watch this legend get bodied by the next legend in like season 20
Nah he disrespected crypto💀
I can’t believe that the trailer used the word pillock 😂
Those finishers ice cold
Ngl, having a wing man on the side with no attatchments sounds dope
let me just say, the advertising team stepped up their game with this one!
This guys gonna be unstoppable 🤦🏻♂️ he’ll be nurfed before you know it
Looks like there’s a new old man in town.
I love Pathfinder.
I just wanna hear pathy flirt with loba just once
This ability insane, new meta legend❤
the drill beat is crazy
Will this finally be there character to mess the game up and make it
Unplayable ?
Smart Pistol-like Tactical eh? Oh Respawn.
fix the servers
I really like his passive ability : Never lose ur glasses in battle
Qué lindo abrigó
That ult seems a little bit too strong no? Maybe I’m just sensitive
Okay, weapon overheating, he won’t often (hopefully) do that.
Ult cool, more team play.
Additional gun in backpack? I think it’s very cool. Because sometimes you want to have guns for all occasions …
I would like to know which characters he belongs to, if he belongs to those who carry more ammunition, it wiil be old killing machine.
this guy seems OP
I guess I’m switching from Octane to a new legend this season after 3 years
I feel like the meta will be Lifeline or maggy, Seer and Ballistic as you can do ballistic ult and tactical, maggy drill (if they are hiding) or if someone goes down lifeline revive then if they are still hiding and took damage or if you can’t find them seer tactical/ult/passive it would be very OP plus with his tactical (ballistic) they can’t shoot back (one of the enemy’s anyway)
Imagine running into a squad with 7 spitfire with unlimited ammo and fast reload
The drill beat went hard
looks cool but only playing once they add cross progression
that looks like a REALLY long finisher
No wonder he was 1 of the top legends. He has unlimited ammo and quick reload also an aimbot gun. Woooooow
This character introduction with the drill beat in the back was cold 🥶
I really hope that pathfinder and ballistic have a actually kinda friendship instead of it being one sided
Disarm in BR think I’m delete game after this😂😅
Hmmmmmmmm new main?????
Crazy how they want to go away from op legends and scan meta when I really to other way around. Let’s make a legends that has literal aim boy with his q,unlimited ammo, and increase speed. Basically stopping people from doing anything with his q that is literal aim bot. Nice job respawn does not sound op at all.
bomba fantastic bomba ballastic
Der typ isch cool
What what the heck why would respawn make such a OP Legend want a go before he gets NERFed
Bro is the main character
My Man use Mule Kick from Call of Duty Zombies
Nope Nope Nope
That is broken AF
(still cool though)
People gonna be saying he’s op only because he’s new. Can’t wait to hear the cries and taste the salt from streamers.
Pathy is great. 😂
Such a gentleman
Man lookin like Soldier 76
Apex using drill beats in a trailer is insane to me
they really added pete from pete and bas to apex
I really hope one of his skins is like a outlaw or cowboy which i think would suit him
His kit sounds broken
oh sheesh drill beat in apex trailer🔥🔥
I’m hyped
Truly one of the legends of all time
pathfinder glazing will not be tolerated
i’m glad they’re back to adding lore legends
hes going to be so op, cant wait
You know what they say ; “Fear the old man in a profession where men die young.”
Then again you can just be spawned back in so…
uh oh
He sounds like a crossover between deadshot and Walterwhite
Pathfinder is always sumn
I wonder, can he access his inventory and put any of the weapons he has to his sling slot? That way you can ult to get a gold weapon depending on the situation? Like a sentinel for long range, smg, shotty etc. If you can it’s interesting, but the thing is the 3rd weapon can’t have attachments on it
People still play this trash ?
He gives off such big pp energy.
Why does the robot run like a Lego movie character
Daddy 🥺🥺🥺
Finally, I like a character more than Seer
Lol he getting nerfed the next day he drops 😂😭💯
I will absolutely love playing as “MEEDIIIIC!!!!”
Ballistic is gonna be fun to use in Mixtape
Beat goes dumb hard.
why did i focus on the drill beat 😂
America 🇺🇸
I loved him already, but he won’t be enough to replace my main legend, Mirage.
4 guns?? I love it!
His skins are going to be sick.
i can hear a bit of tf2’s medic in his voice still. <3
They got drill playing in the background caught me off guard
Pathfinder should do this for every legend
The whistler reminds me of yondus whistle
His supermove is gonna b a OP. Infinite ammo. I wonder how long that last
Yes 120fps on console!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Path the best narrator change my mind
Cant wait for new ranked with ballistic
British Walter white
Can’t wait to not shoot my weapon in a battle royale.
I don’t like you why you close apex mobile 😭
Ok this is badass
I thought not being able to use my abilities were annoying, guess it wasnt annoying enough
these comments are paid lol but i like this incoming update so far it looks pretty cool
Forced to reload almost all the time this season, so now cheaters will overheat my gun all the time. What a great idea.
Plot twist he’s killed by rev reborn before coming out
Hes so busted!
Bro better have like a proper agent suit
Pathfinder is using those old door to door sales skills to sell the newest legend to the people in the apex games. Path’s persona has to be on the top 5 list for robots/AI out of all video games and movies! Respawn is quite good at that, look at BT from Titan Fall 2
He actually looks pretty dang sick
😂😂😂😂 the most op character yet
1:00 “ mi compa” Lol
All new Legends seem OP until you play with them… Dont know how Ballistic will let me down 🤔
This seems… Busted. Jesus.
I dread when the pro level players use him 😅. I’m as casual a player a casual gets..
Mane that over heat shii gonna be annoying 🤣😭😭😭
Can you fix issue where game is kicking me out alegedly cause of usb device being connected to my pc!
this is inarguably the best legend trailer of all time
He s op
He took the phrase “More gun” from his friend in the other game personally lol
another OP legend … someone have to be fired
Apex going crazy rn. this is so so so good.
hes gonna be OP if he just gets free gold guns and THREE weapons at all times.
Ability to hold three weapons, so it’s like Vantage but has a freed ultimate slot and does not require a charging time
He’s cracked
3rd weapon already makes him top tier
Nerf this guy already OP passive,aimbot tactical, OP ult
The drill and the drip in this trailer goes hard
Ballistic’s Ultimate in a 3 stack team is a definite nightmare for solo queue players 😂😂
awesome trailers, from this season. GJ
EA, fix your serwers, please.
We Need Apex Legends Mobile 🥺
Sounds busted af but then again I haven’t played in so long I wouldn’t know was meta defining in the game anymore
Infinit Armo and faster Realod sound like even more 3ed Partying
a alguien mas no le carga el juego???
I need a fuse heirloom this season
Yeah…. ight imagine getting hit with tempest by 3 teams in a fight
He’s so 🗿🍷
He’s op tbh
op op op
it breath of fresh air getting a badass and cool character. the last few characters that were added are BORING AND UNINTERESTING.
he seems pretty balanced
하위 랭크에 등장할 재앙이다
ummmmmmm the overheat mechanic sounds awful. i really do not want to play against that. gonna hold off on buying the battlepass for a week or so to see if this is another Seer situation.
Rev 2.0 but better
Wonderful, legend😍🔥
If the ult make sheila unlimited let just say I’ll be playing apex a lot more
I hope that’s a little nod to Yondu with the Whistler.
they gonna nerf it, right?
Ballistic is trying so hard to maintain some semblance of courtesy while viciously tearing apart the enemy team. That’s the impression I get from him anyway, what’s everyone else’s opinion on him?
far too cool to even exist.
He’s gonna be annoying to play against.
Cant wait for the ever present but slighty variable audio bugs. And the character looks cool too.
We needed this!! 😤😤
Chelsea fans dont like this season because of the name 😂
Soooo…. why do I have infinite loading screen on may 4?
I like everything except the tactical. In a game they’ve said is about guns not abilities, having an ability that can stop gunplay seems bad, especially when that ability is auto lock on and can fire around cover. Still, really cool character and I love the passive.
Also, another legend that can use their tactical whilst shooting, why can’t Ash?
The Whistler is like Yondu’s head arrow
Bro is broken
Man of class 🍷
this beat is tough.🔥
drill beat😎
I just hope they fix the points bug in the new patch. Always saw 0 points calculated after the game. And I even got suddenly demoted back to Copper after just reaching Gold. Can only reach Silver now so I guess I’ll start with Copper again next season.
Also is it really that hard to add “Contact Support” button in game or am I blind for not finding one?
Yassss granpa that pose fire as f😅😂😂
New main
The finisher at 1:35 is awesome
من اكثر الشخصيات الي متحمس لها
Bro that last line got to be a finisher
the music made me keep thinking my headphones were dying
thats josh brolin
time for update
Me like🔥🔥
I love pathfinder as a commentary person ❤❤😂😂
That ultimate !!!!!!!
Doesn’t he have 4 guns not 3 this is not gonna be fun
dude not gonna lie I might main Ballistic
😮😮😮😮😮 una leyenda después del viejo fuse ,con gran estilo , a esto lo llamo vieja escuela 😈😈😈
Weird way to say medic tf2
Where is Rev rework/Buff
Mf looks like he is the real villian
he got that kay-o ultimate animation
Sigma Legend W
Drill beat in apex?!?
they fr put a drill beat on this
Time for an update!
Atleast he dosnt have recon abilities
But which button for the third gun on PC?
Sounds OP af 😅
Bruh him, Maggi and octane (or the boi path) is the new aggressive team comp. Magi with her displacement abilities and the speed boost her ult gives combined with ballistic ult is evil. Thro a pad for the initial push and it’s go time👀
be ready to game-breaking new bugs tooo. most surely 10000%
Can’t wait to play as Walter White!
Imagine coming across a squad with ballistic, ash and revenant. Your going to get tethered, locked out of your abilities, and your weapon is going to over heat😂
I swear pathfinder has been everywhere 😂
This mf is broken
Whooooo was in the studio lol because this drill beat was crazy lol. Thought pop smoke was bout to come back from the dead
Sounds Overpowered then a MF 😂😂but we’ll see ig
Kirkio’s dad
Where is Blisk?
That alt is definitely will be op its funny that they nerf blood hound ult from extending with kills and they give it to ballistic and his kills can extend it for teamates they have unlimited ammo with 30seconds why would they need to extend ult further imagin a pro or any powerful player using ballistic in random match making I can tell this legend is going to be wild 😂😂😂 can’t wait
Dont care if you add new content. Fix the servers that i can play without Loss lol. Its just Apex which has Problems
now thats badass
Might play Apex again.
진짜 미친 캐릭터입니다 그는 나의 남편입니다
So you’re going to buff Rampart a little bit, too, right??….. RIGHT?
Well. I think I just found my Apex main.
5 out of 10…………17 seasons and still no cross-progression. MASSIVE L
I know Chris Edgerly was cringing at the voice lines they forced him to say😂😂
Apex is falling off lol what even is this. Literally making it easier for noobs. A third weapon. Ult is basically perks with a gold weapon and he can stop you from shooting. Literally made for bots.
NAo nos decepcione, ea…
Servers for South Africa? Never, we are the only continent in the world without dedicated Servers
His tactical is going to be so OP. There’s surely going to be a nerf
NOW THIS IS GOING TO BE A GOOD LEGEND!! i definitely see big meta changes coming
Wsp w the drill beat😭😭😭
He’s kinda OP…
His finishers look so badass and the last one though, amazing!
He’s definitely getting nerfed💀
These abilities are really gonna shake up the meta.
His ult is going to be insane with devotion
He’s truly belong in the Arena with that executions. A true entertainer.
At least we know he likes drill music
Love this character man!
Please nerf him already!
Can his passive & tactical guarantee you to win all your 1v1 fights at least? Seems like it. Imagine being left with one gun fighting someone with three, you need aimbot & one clip him. Imagine gun run too with his tactical lol. Must be my new main. 🖒
Can’t wait for season 17! Ballistic is just such an awesome character with a really good backstory for why he’s in such a bloodsport
I love path
Nah too op
“You know what’s better than 2 guns? 3 guns!” – Ballistic
The older the legend, the more badass they are.
Crazy that pathfinder was his butler!
the Drillstic
Pathfinder has indeed been there, done that…
Pathy sins😂
Apex with a drill beat? I’m with that !
That’s a bit terrifying ngl
Was the ult adjusted to just affect teammates now can someone clarify?
Пойду посру
completly busted character
His finishers look so badass and the last one though, amazing!
Yea he’s lowkey gonna be insane
combine with revenan
Wait but you have unlimited ammo why would you bother need to reload? That ultimate doesn’t make much sense. Unlimited ammo to me means you dont EVER have to reload
He sorta looks like fuse’s dad or something
Hey Respawn, why can Ballistic have an offhand tactical that deals 20-50 damage and can’t miss, meanwhile Ash still can’t ADS with her’s, it easily misses, and deals only 10-20 damage?
He is so strong and savage that they needed to present him over a drill beat and in third person.
Yeah watch this legends ultimate getting a nerf next season 😂😂😂
“Ballistic once told me he can carry a third gun in his super-secret Sling”
The sling 😏
rapart and bastic is going to be one-killing combo.
Not apex getting sturdy 😂🕺🏾
This character is going to be a nightmare to fight against.
Huge W for this character
“Switching to Secondary weapon is always better than reloading” – Mahatma Gandhi
Time flies , now its “Tertiary”
The way he says peasant, makes me feel like an actual peasant.
Ok so i saw the gun, thought it was a smart pistol, then saw it wasn’t, now it appears it is. I love being messed around by my own brain
😮 he is more of a pilot than legend.
stEAl published games are seriously despicable.
That beat 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Oru kelavanuku enna bandha kaatraanga paaru
medic gaming!
I can’t tell if I just saw 3 finishers for ballistic? or just 2
So, what about rampart turret during that ult 😀
He’s gonna get nerfed in the next event im 100% sure
And then he’ll get nerfed to oblivion
Next season is gonna be a truly Apex Legends experience
Is gonna be broken and after nerf to the ground
Can’t wait for the interaction voice lines between him and Pathy
Ballistic has the “Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young.” vibe written all over him.
Any news on Cross Progression? 😢
Bro aint gone lie but that legends looks kinda dope
I love when Ballistic trickshots my wallet. Trully an Apex Experience
this is Malcolm(unreal tournament) cousin
Bro his finishers are insanely funny
That last finisher hits hard 🔥🔥🔥
Pathfinder glazing the whole trailer
Music had me getting sturdy
I really hope he’s not too OP because it’s pretty much unusable as a legend for solo players
Ok but when “Meet Fade” or “Meet Rhapsody”
Best legends in this game 🔥😭
Literally me
Epic character! He’s gonna be OP!
Here we go again Welcome to “microtransactions ” get ready for empty pockets
bring back apex mobile pls…
Already better then fuse
The ultimate support character
holly OP
I cant wait for his interactions with pathfinder mid-game😂
Daddy is coming…
Bro there is no way they put a drill beat in the background 😭🫡🙌🏾
my mother simps for ballistic 💀😭
nah delete this Legend he should stay in the Legends Stories
Loving him already
Woah i really like the trailer like this way, u didnt have to read, u just have to listen path explaining.. that’s become more easy to understand XD
But yeah that old man was amazing, and more cooler than fuze XD his skill can make u rush with also supporting, u can do solo or u can do party rush, u can do both! his, skill.. his tactical, his passive was impresive.
They just HAVE to show everyone how this new legend counters rampart everytime.
Looking forward for some Ballistic.exe videos
Silver Fox vibes and elegance!!!
It that pop smoke in the background 😅
Those faster reloads are either gonna be useless or shockingly powerful, get ready y’all
A Joker and Batman reference in both his finishers… nice
the most broken legend ever made for real bro what is this XD
Yo this beat fire fr
bruh who added a drill beat into the trailer
New to the game, when does this guy get his own heirloom?
damm hes so cool
Are we gonna ignore the fact that the servers are currently down ?
12 second debuff?? I gotta see how it plays but that sounds way too strong. Love his concept though, I wonder if his ult works with care package weapons?
That’s cool and all but did they play a trap beat in a trailer.
I love old UK men
Apex trash! more bugs more cheaters more glitch! <3
i cannot stop picturing medic from tf2 in my head
The UK drill beat make this video more hype
That ultimate seems terrifying.
he was a butler. is that… repeat after me… LORE I SMELLL
1:32 Love this finisher, only the second finisher after Loba where the legend speaks I believe.
Now give me old badass Jack Cooper and I can die happy
Grandpa got the best drip in the entire game.
The KFC Colonel looks so good🍗 Cant wait for my First Chicken Dinner on wendesday 🐓
Can’t wait to Knockdown TTV wrath and use this 1:33
Imagine a Bloodhound on beast mode, charged by ballistic’s abilities with a Rev ult
The drill music got me all in
It’s gonna be so bad to use with randoms, it’s abilities require timing and coordination, it’s a hit or miss kit really for solo players
Having a 3rd weapon is gonna be so op
badass old man
wow daddy
Tempest in closed area with all teamate using r99.
all u can do is pray.
I want a faceoff between Fuze and Ballistic culminating in an all out arms war between GUNS AND BOMBS BABY!
His abilities are so cool
Old man with rizz
He dosen’t look strong honestly
He’s definitely gonna change the meta next season.
Bro, I really hope it gives you unlimited mythic ammo as well, imagine.
😂so he’s a drill artist as well cause that background music is literally a basic drill beat
EA App dose not work right now?
Can i have a refund ? Yall closed the game in mobile and running aways with our money! I spend more than 1700$ 🖕
That ult is gonna be hectic.
*tears you apart you politely*
oh no r34
They really used a drill beat for this trailer 😂
disabled – yes, different genders – yes, different leather collars – yes, forgot something… exactly! ageism!!!!!!!
No way pathfinder worked as ballistics butler!
wait this guy is so cool!
Can’t wait to play Balistic this game! Oh… he’s already picked…🫨
Drill beat because he is British? 😂
Finally a British legend. Now we need a Southern/Country legend
What he say to fuse🤨🤨
who cooked that beat
Honestly don’t look too powerful the overhead is only thing useful it seems
hes going to be a problem. Unlimited ammo and he gets to take out your weapons? imagine him and revenant taking all your abilities to fight away.
The smart pistol is back
Meet unlimited loading screen
That drill beat hitting
He GigaChad
When he said that’s who broke you he is referring to the game being broken
Will this drill beat come as a Theme Song to apex?
Classic Fire 🤗
New secondary main unlocked 🏆
All of you are bots!
is that a drill beat in the backround????
I like the part where Ballistic said “It’s morbin’ time” and pulled out his third weapon. Looking forward to him in s17.
Beware of the old man where men die young.
The Medic VA is fireeeeee bro
OP character I see 😂
appealing to an ol’ man like myself. goood
Hes going to get nerfed so quick…
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I absolute adore Pathfinder since day 1.
He sounds good but gonna take a while to get use too for me
Just give us Titanfall 3.
You think his ult gives infinite ammo to care package weapons
This character in combination with Robin Atkin Downes’s voice acting will make me want to play Apex again. Now the only thing left to do is add cross progression. WHY HAVENT YOU MADE THE GAME CROSS PROGRESION YET RESPAWN?
The name August Brinkman is so cold… “August Brinkman. That’s who broke you.”
Already broken from the trailer.
Bro insulted his enemy to death
Seems op
In my lobbies the shoot me just saying
This character is busted
“August Brinkman, that’s who broke you” what a cold line sheeeesh 1:33
cant wait
You gotta love pathy ❤😂
So we can now actually have a pocket kraber?
oh boy i cant wait to get killed by a master 3 stack while completely unable to shoot back
Remember when Respawn claimed they want to move away from Legends that have a connection to other Legends?
Yeah me neither.
No one:
**Me Spamming Finisher:** August Brinkman-August Brinkm-August Bri-August-August-Aug
Really makes you think . should you a shot gun as a 3rd weapon or a energy weapon
This is Ballistic ft Pathfinder Drill
I can already imagine the hilarious clips we’re going to get with Ballistic
I think he is op
That’s it I’ma main him, it’s official
Revenant cancels abilities
Seer cancels healing, revives.
Catalyst cancels vision.
Balistic cancels your gun.
I’m not sure i like this
Gotta love pathfinder… ballistic’s cool too.
Infinite Ammo was enough.
One Ballistic ult and das a
gg in a team fight
What about Fuse??? Day 9,999,999,999 oof asking for something cool for my guy Fuse!
Bro imagine rampart ultimate combo with his ult
This is actually kinda insane definitely gonna be wayyyyy too many Ballistics in each and every lobby
naw the abilities are actually crazy
A nice breath of fresh air from that creature Catalyst
Pathfinder was a secretary, masseuse and salesbot.
Ballistic was a chemistry teacher.
Seems a bit OP but Ill wait until i play against it
Yeah I’m definitely gonna play again, he looks so badass
In conclusion;
*more gun*
*no gun*
*better gun*
Bros him
The voice line between ballistic and pathy are sure to be hilarious
I loved it when pathfinder found the path all over them and said its pathfinding time
Fuse 2.0 everybody
This game is dying.
found my new main
Everyone saying how cool this guy is knowing full well they gonna drop playing him in a week
This mf was bullied when he was a kid I can tell
Dude probably has the best finishers already
Bow down for Lord Ballistic!
Seems op
Finale a legend that fit my play style very well, good bye Ash and hallo Ballistic
It’s gonna be crazy paring him with Bangalore’s double time
Seems to be OP to me
I thought unlimited ammo meant unlimited magazine :v
that drill beat tho
& no 120fps😂
Eva 8 with infinite amo and a purple bolt
I love this new finisher first day buy all finishers and make a 📹 video let’s Go
He sounds wayyy too overpowered
33 mins early
Everyone has beef with fuse
nice character, nothing ground breaking
Not to throw shade at the more recent legends but this has to be the first character to grab my interest in a long time.
Been wanting a polite English gentleman character for a while.
this cross progression announcement trailer is awesome! oh wait
It’ll be nice running 3 R99s
Ballistic already needs a nerf
Maybe one day me Austin and Aidan and Liam will come back to this game man I miss season 2
Please for the love of gaming do something about the XIMs on console. Sheeeeeeeeesh
Cool legened when controller nerf coming
Walter White 😂
Bro just did the joker finisher
is that Fuze’s dad?
The r99, wingman, pk combo is gonna go crazy
Natalie Portman = Wraith
Ryan Reynolds = Mirage
Hugh Jackman = Fuse
Dwayne Johnson = Gibraltar
Jada Smith = Bangalore
Will Smith = Newcastle
Rhianna = Lifeline
Liam Neeson = Ballistic
Ellen Page = Catalyst
Mickey Rourke = Caustic
Ruby Rose = Mad Maggie
Karen Gillan = Horizon
Rey Mysterio = Octane
unlimited ammo? the Rampot without Roba:☺
Yo Jesse Pinkman and Walter White in one yes beach
Ballistics: Three weapons, Overheat, Unlimited Ammo. With, Class
Dey gave bro a drill beat😭😭
Ballistic probably isn’t going to be ‘Meta’ because he lacks any movement or defensive abilities, but man does he look fun!
Animated mouth!?
10k likes in 30 mins is crazy
In the immortal words of one engineer, ” use a gun, and if that ain’t enough… use more gun.”
Ballistic seems hella op, especially that third weapon
Finally a legend with an actual good reason to be in a blood sport💀 Rather then just promoting a community for clout.
I can’t wait to hear the interactions between Pathfinder and Ballistic. I don’t know if they’ll be friends or a one-sided friendship
1:01 faster armed move speed? wasn’t unarmed move speed? ( in the website about ballistic it was unarmed move speed)
Congrats to CDawgVA for landing this role. Well deserved! 🎉
As an Englishman, I approve of this.
Wow zaaa pla ka pong mak mak 😁😁😁
Hardest Legend trailer ever o_O!
path as the butler is crazy
his tactical is DEF gonna cause a lot of rage 🤣
“August Brinkman, that’s who broke you.”
Why did you have to make my man Fuse look like a scared child when Ballistic gripped him like that?
drill beat?!!??!
Can’t wait for Doom Guy with his 8 Guns
I wonder if his Ultimate works with Care Package Weapons. That would probably be too OP though.
hopefully this makes aceu come back…
Me acting surprised and excited every time path explains the abilities even tho i heard about the leaks last week
The music in this trailer is so good
YOOOOOOO this beat in the background😭😭😭😭
Now that’s a badass old man.
Honestly a third gun is rather pointless with how fast reloads already are and gun fights raaarely come down to “wish i had a third gun”
so tactical works like regular auto aim on controller, nice
too overpower IMO
Apex never fails in Character Design. This guy just looks soo cool
This is how you personify being the 🐐
I feel like any moment he’ll scream “Raus! Raus!”
Yo paths job is a service robot
ballistic is cool and all, definitely gonna play him BUT CONSTRUCTION BUILDING Still exists!! (moved to lava city)
why is there a type beat 💀
why are they using a drill beat under the introduction
I can’t wait to go Ballistic 😎 Get it? ☺⚡
Now I REALLY want TitanFall Legends.
Cool grandpa
That tactical is either gonna be fine or the most annoying thing ever added to the game
He sounds the VA to jack the ripper on RoR dub🤣❤️
I looks like my Crafting Materials are going to Ballistic
all that and still 20hz servers
nah bro this guy is op
i loved the part where ballistic balled all over the arena Truly An Apex Legends Moment.
“Beware the old man in a profession where men die young.”
Someone need to give pathfinders voice actor a raise
Can’t wait for him to explore his sexuality and find out he’s actually gay.
I thought he was gonna get sturdy for a minute 😭
I can already see people running charge rifles, shotty and smg/rifle with this guy. The ult really makes this Ballistic a brawler!
Ballistic gonna have a 2.3% pick rate in 4 months lololol
This is one of the coolest Character trailer in apex history
Please add 120 fps in next gen consoles 🥲
love it.
Good lot of UK music being used. Big narstie in the first trailer, now some drill. Yessir
esta roto, ni modo rota nerf a wraith
The soundtrack reminds me of ice spice 😂
0:29 Path got me laughing on this one
One of his legendary skins better have a trench coat
I LOVE Pathys voice!!!!
imagine rev + octane + ballistic ult at the same time
Good thing is his tactical is magical flying aimbot otherwise if u miss the aim new legend will be useless 😂
the fact he’s coming in to some drill beats, let’s me know he’s bout to be 🔥
I swear, sometimes I believe Pathfinder is fully aware and not as oblivious as he seems😂.
bro is OP and CANNOT be balanced
He seams a little overpowered to me, we’ll have to see. But the ranked changes is promising!
so the server down because this? well fair enough
いやサイコーすぎるやろ パスファインダー操作してる人もちゃんと上手い
Ballistic is gonna be soooo OP in 1vs
Nice job EA , servers are not available
All firepower team:
nah the music sounds like UK drill💀
i love his personality and voice and accent he sounds so trust worthy
So basically Ballistic can hold up to 4 weapons: main and sub guns, sling gun and also a smart pistol. Seems fun and balanced.
Pathfinder is the ultimate hype man.
wow this is amazing
Yeah actual juice
so he can make you have infinite ammo and faster reload speed. so whats the point of faster reload speed if you have infinite ammo?
“Dryclean only robot!” 🤖 😅
we gon talk abt the drill playin in the back
Cross save when? 🙁
Supersecret hint for an upcoming supersecret ash buff?
Welp, guess this is my new main
Do i hear Robin Atkin Downes?
Not the drill beat 😂
Yes 3 finishers..Man they need to add more finishers for every legend ngl
This is the greatest trailer ever. Pathfinder is 10/10
Please let Ballistic respect Pathfinder, bruv needs other legends that actively like him
최고의 어른이날 선물🎉
Why Ballistic can use Q when he’s shooting but Ash can’t
Looks like Josh Brolin 😂
3 guns to miss every shot love it
Ballistic and loba is a good duo
id rather yall fix them servers!!
This is probably the only legend I wouldn’t get mad at if I got killed by, he’s so cool and badass.
He needs a nerf and he hasnt even came out yet 😂
Apex, you made another straight white male character. I’m feeling especially represented today. Thank you, Respawn. I can finally see myself in gaming.
His voice sounds so familiar.
Yeah I can sew the new direction this game is going with these abilitys. Still no rev buff ah.
How can you win a 1v1 against him? Smh i can smell a nerf after everyone complains
почините сервера!
Can’t even sort there servers out 🤯
say what you want im maining him because hes got a posh british accent
He is gonna examine enemies arsenal just like a certain german doctor.
i am having infinite loading screen
0:25 “he can carry a third gun” *AHEM AHEM*. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Server die again….
He adjusts the jacket so often, you just know it’s like 30 years old and he barely fits in it
oh, endless video loading
This is gonna be an annoying season…
I already see a nerf coming
What is this DRILL sound looool Wapex
So when are you guys going to bring in forge as the new legend?
Bros passive is mule kick
Time to bind you
I get the feeling havoc and devotions are about to be popular again
Man really is the main character
distinguished gentleman
wondering where is rev 🙂
Cool but not touching this game until I can move my Xbox unlocks to pc
People gonna complain about his ult for sure
Did you plan on releasing this video while your GARBAGE servers are down?
Ballistic is probably gonna be my next new legend
I’m intrigued
Режим соло рейтинг и погнали
Its gonna be annoying to fight him in a 1 vs 1, what’s his counterplay ?
that Q too op
I’m going Ballistic!
Fix the servers first bruh
where’s kings canyon 😭
When will apex legends mobile release
Tis is so opy
uk drill beat in background…
Does his tact overheat shiela?
Mr August has my Heart 😍😘
Wait wait, I thought he would be an explosives expert like fuse. Also, his ult sounds extremely good
I’m Def going for top console ballistic
So path was a salesbot…interesting
Yo it’s mistah White!
Can Ash please throw her tactical while having her weapon equipped simultaneously, like almost every other aggressive legend? Ash’s single-handed tac release is terribly slow for a fast paced game, and unfair in comparison to other legend abilities timewise
Imagine his ult w a Devo
His tactical is seems OP
I feel like they are headed in the right direction with this. Now just fix your audio please.
He gonna be a demon
ballistic doesn’t offer any movement, but way stronger in close combat. while in algs positioning and defensive gameplay are dominant, ballistic might not be a favorite. but nonetheless, so excited to see more aggressive gameplay.
No your computer is not beeping/ prompting at you.. it’s a weird part of the beat that makes you question it ….. everytime….
The Pathy lines are gonna be so fun!
المووت واضح انه قوي مرررة
Not stoked about where apex is headed, camping pros for sure this season
díganos algo que no sabíamos
Alr pathfinder the glazing getting outta hand
Love that Pathfinder was his butler. Such a cool character. Very fun energy
респавны изверги разлобчьте аккаунт
I love the drill beat 😂😂
I like that they made a little skit for pathfinder going around his jobs
So when can we favorite more than 8 items?
Will audio be FIXED in season 17? Let’s pray!!!!
The drill beat was the highlight of this introduction😄
Yea this guy gonna be a problem!
hes gonna be my next main
best created character in a long time, so excited for Ballistic
Op can’t wait to use him.
Best new character since Fuse
Decent but doubt he will be fun to play compared to other legends
have a feeling the player base is gonna get irritated with him pretty quickly from the damage his Q ability does and they’ll nerf or get rid of the initial damage it does before overheating much like they did with seer’s q when he was even more broken than he is now
Respawns played last season of Fortnite?
cringe!) They even have bugs on this video!
Cool Legend, but seems like gameplay is gunna get annoying this season with your gun overheating all the time
No they didn’t slap a New York drill beat for this man intro😂
The music 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Cross prog? No I guess
Honestly it’s the accent and classy attitude for me
I miss the original announcer 🙁
Broken out the box
Bro this dude is literally about to be the most broken character in the game.
All of his abilities are broken. To render your gun useless by making it shoot all of its ammo uncontrollably. The ability to instantly upgrade to a gold gun and give your teammates faster reloads?
August Brinkman. That’s who i main now.
Excited! Tactical may seem a bit OP though, but we will see how it works in the game.
Thank god he doesn’t have a smart pistol as an ability
sheesh that Overload weapon stuff is waaaaay to strong…
Man from Fuse to this all characters all cool looking and badass
I love how pathfinder is saying it instead f the announcer it’s amazing
Bro fix the game I can’t even log in rn
The last finisher is perfect
dont care fix the audio
what do the developers have against Pathfinder man 😂 First no passive, now he used to be a butler 😅
This drill beat is something else
Did anyone else keep hearing the halo no shield sound in that vid?
thank god we got an alpha male character, not some weird trans and gay stuff
Some of Pathfinders other jobs include:
. Drug mule
. Sleeper agent
. Brain surgeon
. IED defused
. Dentist
. Pirate
. Professional race car driver
And was the 34th richest robot in the galaxy (although that’s not saying much considering the robot in first place merely found a 50 dollar bill in the street)
Finally new pathfinder lore
Oh man i love his voice
Pathfinder is Ballistic’s dog
your EA app is down, please fix it ok?
His ultimate is gunna come in clutch in the later rounds on ranked 🔥👌🏽
Nice video, but please fix the server connection.
Pathy doing the narration 🗿
Ballistic gameplay 🗿
with the drill beat 😂😂
No way this isn’t more op than Seer drop
So is his name is Arsenal or Ballistic ?
I would love it if that everything you use his finisher he just utters that line
Not vibin him tbh
server down at this moment, come on apex !
Do you guys know these two British old guys who rap ??? He is just like them
eww infinite ammo?
that move to stop, others shooting, is not good ,for gameplay. and breaks the skill gap.
Absolutely love this new character. Not my cup of tea of abilities, but man, having The Medic from TF2 voice this guy is amazing.
Can we get more Pathfinder explaining new things please.
That last finisher is craaaazzzyyyy
you guys hear that beep beep sound?
That beat is fire😊
Yay good boi Pathy narrating 👌👌
*cries in Rampart main @ **0:48**s*
Kinda cringe ngl
Second finisher where legend speaks? No way!
Oh man, is so cool
Is like a better version of wraith?
Y’all not talkin ab that clean af beat drop at 0:48 with the sentinel
the pathy narration was a nice toutch
I’m assuming his ultimate only temporarily upgrades his sling weapon to gold?
One of his finishers is a joker reference i think
He hella classy
He’s about to break the game 💀
Why am I not excited for this character or season😂
Bro I’ve been waiting for this trailer for a week now
This is gonna be so OP
Can’t wait to use that Whistler on a Rampart using Sheila
imagine a 3 spitfires harassing you in fragment
Looks like my new main
Definitely not a meta legend.
Thanks for making the SFX louder than the voice audio, another braindead decision by you guys.
Bro is about to be cracked. 80 percent win rate at the least.
i cant see how he wont be broken yet they nerf seer every update🙉
We’re all gonna be Ballistic’s butler for a duration in this season.
The nest legend seems broken I have never thought that before unlimited ammo sonds nuts
Intro done by pathy its amazing
Why is it one of the Ts from CSGO!!!!
his tactical would be sorta garbage if it only disable 1 gun.
He looks very strong
Can u fix ur server pls i want to play rn
Wow I haven’t been this excited for a season in a long time
That finisher is an absolute violation
Unlimited krabur?
What a daddy
So if an enemy is behind cover like ramparts do you have to technically guide the bullet? Like you can’t just lock on and shoot so you’ll have to curve the bullet based on where ur aiming??
“august brinkman, thats who broke you”
ngl that hits diff
Cant wait to not see him anywhere after the first 24hours, back to seer valk ZzZZzz…
A white staight male Legend. Finally I can install Apex again and play. Thank you.
would be a nice idea if his whistler also disabled rampart shields
Fuse and him his friend ?😊
yea still wanna see him pull up on a defensive team think he only meant for quick up close fights thats all
Looking good!
Bro! his finishers look so sick.
I like this guys abilities. He can disarm an opponent while he and his team can protect against being disarmed. The abilities compliment each other well.
Lord ballistic.
Cant wait to play ballistic, pathfinder and crypto in a team and listen to the both of them roast the poor robot
I can’t believe ringo roadagain is coming to apex
Trailer up but not servers
Am I crazy or the sfx give me shield break Halo PTSD
beware of the r99 + wingman + pk meta
cant play apex, did you just make your server down to upload this video or what??
Fix error 110 pls
He’s gonna be so busted ffs
I really hope the finisher at the end was cut short and hope he didn’t just pick someone up then talk to them and push them away
hard drill beat
Ok, I’m genuinely excited again! I can’t wait to try the new ranked system and i can already tell Ballistic is gonna be my new main!
cant wait to get 100 finishers with him
I can already see this becoming hated
everyone going to call him “Ball” for sort
Did they actually just use a drill beat 😂
Respawn once again creating characters that need a nerf before they’re even released. Can’t wait to get auto aimed stunned and unable to shoot back in literally every fight this season. This also means less snipers and ranged weapons since everybody will run double r99s/cars/volts so that you still have an SMG when your first gun is inevitably jammed.
EDIT: IF it works, be prepared to stow your weapon in the middle of fights being the new meta so that the tactical doesn’t jam either gun.
boring asf
Balistic ult : infinite ammo, Loba mains : 😨
Nah, the fake gun finisher is gonna be bm
I already know I’m not gonna have a chance to play him in BR everybody and they mamas gonna play him 🥺
drill jangan tak drill!!
WHY CANT YOU FIX OLD GEN? I haven’t played since season 16 dropped cause y’all put us on 30 frames
Beat goes hard
If fuse and ballistic don’t have interactive voice lines in season 17, I will be disappointed
gameplay with drill ?? ok, next time add hardstyle/phonk :)))
Meet the Medic
medic gaming
I kinda want to hear what Ballistic would say to Fuse/Mirage since they seem kinda simular
That is so broken
У меня одного бесконечная загрузка в арех?
Bros got swag
I hope it will feel like titanfall again with the 3rd weapon and the smart pistol.
wow the whole one legend’s ult is like a big buff for the charge raifle
Over power parah..
is there problem in apex servers ? don’t work for me!!!
0:42 I like how they just took Yondu’s (guardians of the galaxy) whistler tactic lol well played Apex well played 👏🏾👏🏾
having a straight man get a gay silver fox panic over here
cool cool cool
He gonna be soo good
Apex as an indian apel legends player pls give us a server
Uk 🇬🇧 drill beat for ballistic
his tactical is kinda OP , esp in 3 stack fight
I’m gonna tear you apart…. politely
Trash character😂
May the 4th be with you
That smart pistol is gonna cause some rage for some people 😂😂 amazing trailer good work
This character is GIVING Main Character Energy
Bro what if they changed wattson ult to be like ballistics like you ult and you block bases and you heal sheilds
who already a ballistic main ?
UK drill beat
Чините сервера
He actually looks like a better legend than the last 3
Pathfinder is just the best butler
0:55 sounds like a Joker reference to me.
Also the Whistler sounds like something Yondu is using.
The biggest reveal is the mobile jump tower is going to be available for everyone
No no no no no. They keep going in weird directions that end up breaking the game. I feel like this is going to affect the main core of the game. Ballistic is just going to be apart of the core game with the Speed ult for weapons. So basically it’s like only duos now since Ballistic does all that extra stuff that shouldn’t be a character. Those abilities that he has should of been more of a supply like heat shields. Yeah everyone has their own character they like but I’m talking about the competitive side. The side that doesn’t care about lore or characters, just what they can do and optimize the game mechanics. Hopefully that speed ult isn’t as crazy as I’m thinking.
Joker crossover skin when 👀
Yet wheres revenant? I mean the devs hate him and he still hasn’t been beaten up by the new legend…….hmm interesting
That first finisher is so clean
What is the battle pass?
😂😂😂 ok this is good.😅
Sounds more broken than when Seer fist came out
Dand that was slick with the kerfukle line
The finisher at the end is badass
I love pathy being the narrator in this one it’s so cute
i found my perm main
Pag i love this
Someone gonna rage on his passive lol
I’ve never been so hype
Rad character then I remember they’ll put me on a team with two Bronzes against teams of diamonds and I don’t need to reinstall. Skill based matchmaking please, Respawn.
Wait, they don’t care and never have.
He finishers are so cool I barely laugh 😂
Ayyy that’s my pathfinder main skin
So ballistic is gonna be broken on launch day just a hunch
So the emote is The Joker, The Third Gun is Chamber from Valorant. interesting can’t think of anything with the overheat
ur server downs stop posting vids fix it HAHAHHA
ballistic out here getting sturdy with 3 weapons and infinite ammo
can u pls finx the servers thank u
“Jesse Pinkman, that’s who broke you 😈.”
Talk about those executions💓👌
So he’s BROKE BROKE the Meta I love it
Am I trippin or do I hear drill in apex?
I know pathfinder was his butler so that’s why he is talking here but i want him to do the talking for future character trailers.
What is this beat 👀🔥🔥
I love the part when valk says i go flying and get insta to the lobbie
Awesome design, awesome character, awesome abilities. I sure cant wait for whistler to be immediately nerfed
I think this is the coolest legend at first glance so far
As an pathfinder main it’s crazy that he was an butler
they got the drill music playing, imagine if pathfinder went of rappin xD
Q Skill will be nerf
Viejo sabroso 🥵
crazy drill beat
Broken asf
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content !!!!
Lemme get this straight an ability that prevents u from shooting has a lock on?
Switching to pistol is always faster then reloading
By Gaz from Cod 4
He’s going to be OP 😊
Yo, his mouth moved when he talked…
MK.R (from Farlight84) passive on steroids is his ult 😂
0:35 i swear to god he is right 😂
Mfs using drill beats😭😭😭
overheating enemy energy weapons is kinda niche and not really that good. sling is dope tho
Pathfinder as a narrator is awesome.
Repair servers ❤
Hes gonna be a pain in the hands of sweats 😪😪
I want a show about pathfinders past jobs
Pathfinder is a guy who knows a guy 😅.
The fact I’m gonna come back to apex just to get this dude says something
I thought Vantage was bad
Game is dope don’t care what anyone says
I loved the part where the current apex server won’t let anyone login. Truly an apex experience
Because 3rd parties werent bad enough yet
I love when balistic said august wilson thats who broke your wallet truly an apex experience
Ngl, Ballistic is a very cool- and in a way a refreshing legend imo, his personality and quips are quite likable.
He’s going to be so annoying
This legend is okish.
“You know what’s better than 2 guns? 3 guns!” – Ballistic
Why so many ppl told about Ballistic and Revenant? It’s some lor from Titanfall?
I feel like he is going to be way OP
This character is the new king of apex
I love that we finally get another voice finisher like loba’s
They used a drill bear because ballistic is representing his london heritage
The older the legend, the more badass they are
The finisher at The end!😵
Man is hella slick
when are we going to get some revenant leaks
Сегодня на баллистика
God the tactical is scary😢
What a gentleman
This game fell of harder than fortnite
Never a thought I’d get back into this game but Ballistic sold me on it.
yea they are gonna nerf him in under a week. but i like him and the drill music in the back
So its a Broken Legend… And After a few weeks they are gonna nerf him to the ground….. RIP Ballistic xoxo
Va a ser épico ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉
I like how in the recent meet the legends its other legends explaining the abilities and not just the female commmentator
Ok best season yet. This legend is gunna be everyone’s fave by the end😂 what a beast
The drill beats are fire🔥
Not gonna lie kinda mid
I say this every time a legend comes out, but I think I found my new main 🤩
Gentle Criminal from mha vibes
My man is broken
They really outdo themselves with these though memes aside
Let’s see if I play apex again.
haha meet ball
cross progression when??
I love all of his abilities but I think the Smart Pistol should NOT be a lock-on (despite its name).
At least then it would be a skill-issue if one was to get hit by it
why are old people always the most badass characters?
I don’t know but this smells like a future nerf
pub stomping champion
Kid named nerfed within a week
Ballistic calling people pillocks 😂
Man gonna be so good ( watch me get proved wrongs at release )
Apex making drill beats ???
We needed a cool old man
pathy talked more than he did 😭
that joker style finisher is nice
New legend, new season, lets go!!!
His finishers look so badass and the last one though, amazing!
Ong this best season
Apex going crazy with those music they choose💀
nobody talking bout the drill beat
He’s truly belong in the Arena with that executions. A true entertainer.
Am rocking daddy ballistic this season 👑
Havent played in many months , might come back now
Really good finishers
gimme heriloom
Drill beat on a legend trailer? W
finally being able to hold three guns is insane
Can we have pathfinder narrate every trailer?
И никого не казнил !)
i claim great pride in the fact that i share the same name as him
Bro he is just too cool xD he is like a Old Man John Wick xD
Insane now please fix the servers <3
Ballistic is about to have a high pick rate from the jump
Every new legend seems op on paper, but let’s see how well this plays out in a real game
He’s digshit ngl. But cool asf
Its Balling Time
Pathfinder as a butler is something I don’t hear every day
fix server
This character might actually get me back into Apex
At least he has 3 finishers
SRVN MRVN Lore finally explained
Meta changing character inboud. I for one, welcome lord Ballistic.
Well, s**t. Here we go again…
That finisher with the pistol looks fire bro 🔥
i love that finisher lol. wait but does he have three?
Can we appreciate that they’re using drill beats ? 😂
My favorite part is the part that’s my favorite part
Man’s too op 😭
Where is cross progression?
ballistic is sooooo gonna get nerfed but i love this mans kit
W legend frrr
No originality.
Absolutely filthy! 👏
apex using drill music in the background fro ballistic is pretty amusing
Love him already
Interesting character but Loba betta
Guys I’m not sure if I have to pay to watch these trailers now EA be wildin recently…
lowkey broken
Impressive 🔥🔥🔥
oh no…
I want to see his interaction with Revenant.
He sounds really good
New main anyone?
Pathfinder is everywhere
Ima luv dis character fo sho
Van y’all stop dropping overpowered legends😡😡
Does his tactical have lock-on?
Thats what it looks like to me.
nahhh the weapon interruption is too crazy
I can’t get in apex cuz servers seems to down but hey new charecter trailer droped. 😀
He looks Good tbh
nah the joker finisher is crazy
Pathfinder>>>>>any other legend
Path is SOOO funny😂😂😂 hahahahah excited for this !!!
W legend
Can’t wait for season 17! Ballistic is just such an awesome character with a really good backstory for why he’s in such a bloodsport
lowkey just fuze’s grandad
wait his tactical is auto lock? 😂
Meta Breaking Legend. So excited
лучший дед
Thsi is so hype
Nahh respawn crazy for putting this beat on this 🤣💀
Edit: Fire tho ngl 🔥
thats pretty strong, hope he’s not another counter to sheila
game dead fr
Ball stick
so sever are broken on purpose lol
Apex on that sturdy grind 🫡
Se vi joy ma ek gan stukkie brood koep
This gotta be one of the best apex trailers 💯
My new main 😂
Broken already
UK drill ahh beat 💀
They using a drill beat 😂
Apex servers are down
These abilities are really gnna shake up the meta.
apex wit da drill beat okayyyyy
when audio fix?
This mf is BADASS
Just bring apex mobile back, tsek!
Ballistic is our collective new dad, 40 yr old fuse mains got a new legend 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bro that’s dope
poll for maid pathfinder skin?
This is truly one of the Apex Legends of all time
Can’t wait
Cool and Classy 😎
So basically Ballistic passive is Mule Kick
Pathfinder is Johhny sins fr fr
Holy cow
Wait… so Path was Ballistic’s butler!? Dang…
lest go
I am speed
So this is both Ballistics Trailer and Pathfinder Lore
love this character man
Let’s go 🔥
Crazy that pathfinder was his butler
first brothers
1st 😉
Door to door sales bot 😂
1 view interesting
What a great Star Wars day gift
Ooh look pathfinder was the butler for Ballistic
Love you vids apex
Ехууу большое спасибо за видео! А мне 40 лет, к сожалению у меня дочка с ограниченными возможностями.. Я тоже создала канал, и пытаюсь как то двигаться в этом направлении, правда пока мало что получается((
Пишу этот комментарий, просто что бы пожелать вам хорошего настроения.) Главное не унывайте, всё будет хорошо! Всем удачи!)
2nd lol