Apex Legends: Arsenal Gameplay Trailer
Show your caliber in Apex Legends: Arsenal. The ultimate competitor of the original Thunderdome Games, new Legend Ballistic has come out of retirement to teach the young pups some respect – though it’s a lesson few survive unhurt. Explore a healing World’s Edge, and drop in on the Apex Games Museum to venture through their history. Demonstrate your skills with your favorite weapons with new Weapon Mastery, an opportunity to earn rewards that demonstrate your skill – and inspire envy. Or ,grow your skills in the newly evolved Firing Range, now bigger and badder than ever before. Drop in on May 9 and prove you’re ready to hit your mark!
Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.
#ApexLegendsArsenal #ApexArsenal #ApexLegends
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Learn more about Apex Legends: Arsenal: http://x.ea.com/76313
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Taqs:apex legends,apex,apex legends season 17,apex legends arsenal,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,apex トレーラー,エーペックス,apex season 17 apex arsenal,apex season 17 trailer,apex legends season 17 trailer,apex gameplay trailer,arsenal trailer,arsenal apex legends,arsenal gameplay trailer,gameplay apex legends,gameplay trailer apex legends,respawn apex legends,battle royale game,battle royale
コメント (2634)
I’ve been a fan of this game since it came out however this is the worst trailer 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
теперь никто и не вспомнить что это титано падение а не фортнайт
Robin went from being a unethical medic to well a more unethical medic
Weapon mastery yum
I can’t wait for the new season to be full of fun❤️❤️❤️Thank you very much! I love APEX, so I will continue to support them🔥🔥🔥
YAYYY I love that they gave more tools for 3rd parties
No way they used movement in a trailer
Pathy just casually T-Posing at the end
HE blew wraith right down 😂😂
Вау они додумались русские субтитры сделать надеюсь он будет нормальной ориентации а не гендерно нейтральным дауном с синдромом огурца и не определенности
“Be glad you didn’t meet me in my youth” that’s all I need to hear I’m a ballistic main now
Wow pathfinder can T-pose now
Horizons heirloom announcement when?
ma che idiozia è quella torre di lancio? adesso pretendo una nuova ulti per la povera Valk
Valk mains have left the chat
Here’s the answer to your question😉
Big Narstie – What Is It Now
Very meedi ultimate ability I must say🤷🏽
Uhh balistic had 4 guns car mastiff and wingman
first season for awhile to look actually good
For anyone who didn’t catch it the end part was a Indiana jones reference
ohhh i am hyped
2:06 RIP tomy sweaty wraith TTV Mains
As for this game, 20 never lasts. Unless eternal BAN does guys such as the garbage. At first what you should do is not this.
Anyone know the song???
Apex is in its golden hour
Nadie va a hablar sobre que el personaje tanto su apariencia como las habilidades son una copia de un personaje del rogue company ? Literal esta calcado….
So no solos or ranked duos???? Sounds like another season of frustrating randoms and frustrating ranked grind. 👎👎👎👎NOPE
Ballistic is the John wick of apex (I love it) Fr I thought it said excommunicado farther 😂 0:05
Idk know If I’m tripping or something or is anyone gonna talk about T posing Pathfinder at 2:09 they better make it an emote now 💀💀💀
Audio rework, plz.
EASILY one of the best gameplay trailers, putting it up there with S3-S5 – easy S tier
That deadslide wallbounce was super relatable
Bye Valk may you R.I.P
I personally can’t wait for the new training grounds
anyone know what song it is playing in the back ground?
This is cool and all but when is cross progression. Until then i will not be playing.
Pathfinder tposing in the back killed me 😂
Let’s gooo we got pathy doing the t-pose!
aah yes trailers, the only place where the entire lobby is not shooting at you.
his voice actor sounds so badass.
Are the Apex developers fans of the Premier League or something?
This made me fall even more in love with the game??? I can’t explain it. I’m beyond excited.
Wow they actually have changed stuff… nah seriously they didn’t just nerf recon this time.
Is no one gonna talk about how pathfinder is t-posing at the end?
Pathy in the back at the end tposing caught me off guard
1:54 reactive skin for rhe car 👀
Guys T-Posing pathfinder #2:10
NEED the pathfinder T pose
portable jump towers???? pathy is officially useless
pathfinder is T posing at the end
That wraith was a solo and I bet she left as soon as she was knocked!
Dude smart pistol 😂😂
those were the worst wall bounces ive ever seen.
Pathfinder t poses now??
broken game they forgot to fix patthfinders pose
Is this game finally dead yet
Get ready to be 3rd partied even more now with those mobile jump tower balloons
Ok ea you seem to love the inco- um
I mean love the player base
But will foot steps be in this season
Why was pathfinder T-posing at the end
did ballistic just carry 3 wepons ?
Man i miss playing Apex 😫
so in love with this trailer actually
As a main Valkyrie. I’m am highly disappointed in that new portable jump tower 🤬🤬🤬🤬
The individuals or group that voted for the music of the trailer you’re invited to the cookout and family reunion.
1:19 ここユーザーの声
0:10 this new firing range is making me feel like a little kid again whose looking at a playground through the window of my mom’s car.
Reactive car. Nice. Next let’s get reactive Eva
add 120 fps for console!!!?
t posing path
That dead slide tho
Plz buff valk
The fact that they put a wall jump in the trailer speaks volumes 😂
the trailer looks badass let see if it holds up this season 🙂 we believe in you apex!!!!
wraith tryna act like the final boss
anyone gonna talk about pathfinder t-posing at the end?
This looks like it’s going to be amazing. I’m super excited for a firing range buff. Can’t wait for the warm ups there.
Man like big narstie yakna
2:11 bros forgot to animate pathfinder 💀
A cool and aggressive playstyle male character that has some campy lines and isn’t goofy…so refreshing. It’s all I wanted.
Soundtrack music?
Was that Kings Canyon or was that the firing range. Please don’t mess with my heart! I need answers! I miss Kings Canyon so much.
YESS us Watson mains are being treated well with another skin!
Smart pistol???
Nerf Aim Assist
Ballistic runs in straight line while shooting, pathy grapples in with pk. He is washed up, too ancient, cannot handle the morbidly obese pathy grapples
Looks like they are blocking any negative comments.
2:12 what path doing
I hope the audio servers work this time!
What in the fortnite
please sir, may I have some Titanfall 3?
Finally a T-pose emote🎉 2:12
lol they finally incorporated movement, lets goo
0:45 patriach mode
890 k views for 7 hours.. In my time when the game was alive we had 1 or 2 M for 5 hours… They dont fixed the servers for EU countries and the game just died… U cant focus only on NA..
The new Firing Range looks SWEET!
Press F for all the valk mains out there
W for Path T-pose
That ending was litteraly so cringy.
He sounds kinda like David Tennant
I fear no man.
But that thing…
It scares me.
*Pathfinder T posing in the background*
Only thing I hate when they do more changes are the bugs that come with it can’t wait
That wall jump tho 🔥💯
Are we all just gonna ignore pathfinder t-posing at the end
Since we already have goku crypto skin give us great saiyaman Gohan skin for mirage it fits his character
the game become boring we need 3rd person
big narstie in an apex legends trailer? a wah di bumba
The best map in Aped Lengends returns…
Im just happy wattson is getting a battlepass skin
Finally a more useful kit item! The mobile jump tower is going to be epic
Finally, a badge to show my charge rifle damage 😉
The ending reminded me of that one Indiana jones scene
Why was pathfinder T posing?😂😂😂
No ones gonna talk about t posing pathy?
So did I just see Ballistic pull out 4 DIFFERENT guns? Or am I trippin?
Valk is dead
Naah who they HIRE for movement son?!? It was basic but was way more entertaining and the FIRING RANGE is looking insane PLEASE LET IT BE TRUE!!
Imagine Bryan Cranston was the voice actor
valk useless
1:52 new gun sounds?
Anyone know about the map rotation? Im dying to know if my beloved kings canyon comes back
I love seeing such a positive response from someone really just putting something creative for all of us here to enjoy I really appreciate all of you all for being kind and appreciating art s/o to respawn and all the art team and everyone that I took to make this space a safe space for all of us !😢❤
They gave him… the smart pistol? Oh dear god
Correct me if I’m wrong but at 1:51 did bro really have 3 guns equipped?? Wingman, car then mastiff ??!?!? 😨😨😨😨
Wait hold up did this MF just pull 3 guns in his arsenal
Но это же Романов из контры, ало
I’m excited for this season
was hoping for something on Revenant getting a rework but all I saw was that the totem was still there hopefully in the patch notes he gets something
2:12 Why is he posing like that
With that portable jump tower we don’t need Valkyrie anymore
I like how no one noticed pathfinder T-posing at the end 💀
Whats the music behind this
When Pathfinder do the T-Pose it makes me laugh seeing it in the game 😆.
this doesn’t tell anything about his skills at all
so is the dual weilding passive or ult?
Just got back into Apex a couple weeks ago. This trailer was very refreshing. Wall jumps were clean lol first time seeing that in a trailer
My pc can’t run apex anymore
Still love this game tho 🙁
So wall bounce is officially acknowledged as skill issue thing now
When is Manchester city coming out? Next season?
Bro hit that wall bounce
Revenant rework, buff?👀
Nice to see wraith dead
Is pathfinder supposed to be tposing at the end there?
That Wattson skin looks coool!
It was so funny how wraith thinks shes so cool then she gets shot in the head and dies instantly😂😂😂
Can’t wait for every streamer to ruin the game by abusing the wall jumps even more now
Not them introducing walljumps in their videos now 🤦🏽♂️
2:13 pathy t-pose xd
finally a W season
Pathy asserting dominance with a T-pose😂
Allow PC to have separate input lobbies then I will play your silly game again
Is that the reactive CAR at 1:55? or a new smg?
Bro clipped the wraith in streamer building 💀
This is the best trailer EVER for apex
Me waiting in all cinematically/ apex videos to see how octane is gonna die in it😭😂
Hello?? The t posing pathfinder???
Car tier 100 skin YES
lasst den dreck weg und bringt mehr karten und legenden
dead slide on the wallbounce is the most accurate thing in the trailer
nice so I have all legendary weapon skins in game, about to get nothing besides trash trackers
Is this the end of the valkyrie meta?
Thank God Valkrie will no longer be as much of a must pick on every team in high level play.
Why is pathfinder t posing
The jump tower is a silent nerr to valk
Not the pathy t pose
How tf is noone noticing path t posing at the end
Hilarious. Someone was so adamant that the Car was going to be in the Ballistic Bundle and not the reactive weapon. well look like that idjit was wrong, because thats a reactive Car SMG
Weapon mastery is actually cool. Surly there’ll be mastery camo too
Are we going to get ashes heirloom?
Great work, can’t wait 🙌
Is no one gonna talk about the Pathfinder t-pose emote?
Danm the smart pistols back
2:12 ah yes Pathfinder is a man of culture I see
When the trailers are better than playing the game.
Are not gonna talk about pathfinder just T-posing at 2:12??????
You certainly got my attention. Bring it on..
Man, no cross progression, yet? I just want all my skins and heirlooms back 😭🫠
Too bad someone in my condition wouldn’t be able to play apex legends ever again since I can’t afford a console 😢😢😢bye bye apex legends mobile..Till we meet again in the afterlife 😢😢
iS tHaT tHe T-pOsE fRoM fOrTnItE
The Pathfinder T-Pose at the end! 😂 2:09
I loved the part when… nah, cba
Excited! Finally an interesting legend, been a while since Newcastle
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” _Walt Disney
I didn’t know pathfinder could t pose
If they do this they’ve gotta buff Valk bro, that’s ridiculous. She needs to be faster at least, if her ultimate is irrelevant now then please make her faster
Why is Pathfinder t-posing?
Was there something we missed in the alpha phase?
anyone else notice he was carrying 3 weapons?
Everyone’s mentioning the changes, or the wall jump, but not Pathfinder just T-Posing at the end
lol ballistic’s ultimate is kitsune rush
New drop tower kind of makes Valks ultimate useless, yeah it’s faster I suppose
T pose
LOL at pathfinders T stand at the end
Still not enough to have me come back. TDM was a limited event and a terrible one at that.
I like how it says Worlds Edge is healing but it’s an all out war zone.
2:09 Pathy you good bro?
2:10 the Pathfinder tho
Nice they using movement in a trailer dope ❤
The way he’s holding that wingman is a good way to lose a finger.
his ability look aim bot right its like you gonna get hit if he just look at you
I scrolled down to read funny unrelated comments. Truly an Apex experience.
What is pathy doing tho 2:10
mobile jump towers…. ohh thats hot, yeah thats hot
Pathfinder asserting dominance on wraith at the end 😂
So disapppointed there isn’t a solo permanent ai mode for new players, would love to get my friends into apex, but there is no way they gonna play if they get downed by masters in seconds
Bro had no remorse on wraith
Soooooo are we finally getting cross progression or y’all still haven’t figured it out ?
Thank you apex
whoever was playing to record these a goat
First time I’ve seen a wall bounce in a trailer so you guys do pay attention to the community you just don’t care if money isn’t involved I see
keep that watty skin unreleased
What’s with pathfinder’a pose in that last scene. Did they forget to animate him?
oh god not the smart pistol
Shoulda thrown a superglide in there.
Hey Apex you have a lot of cheaters playing the game do you plan on doing absolutely anything about it? No. I knew it.
Extra hype for T-posing Pathfinder
Music: what is it now – big narstie
This is what we like to see! Keep it up!
Why can’t Ash use her tactical while shooting?
Portable jump tower is nice but doesn’t that weaken our Valkyrie even more? They need to increase her ult like how it was back then and leave the q as is currently…
I dont really know how to feel about the wattson skin, pretty bad-a** tho
“T-posing Pathfinder isn’t real he can’t hurt you”
T-posing Pathfinder: 2:12
Path T pose emote no way
i love this and also hate it are we trying to make third party more of a thing 1:05
Thank God Rev is staying
cross progression. thanks
0:54 me too
What is pathfinder doing
fix poor L-star. gold mag means nothing for it.
Nobody gonna mention ballistic used 3 weapons in quick succession without exchanging. EA, do not get my hopes up.
Update fragment, but keep the five stack updated everything, but the building that causes the most problems people literally just loot fragment, just to run to five stack and fight. That’s all that happens and that’s why worlds edge is not fun to play because if you don’t drop there round one close your top 4 like is this game even a BR at that point just make team death match a permanent game mode and call it there
who taught the devs to wall jump
Why is pathy tposing at the end 💀
Lesss gooooo
Can balistic have 3 guns at once?
Not Pathfinder doing the T pose
so hyped to grind a gun for a banner, trackers and a badge…
No , wraith is better than the old man
Glad they made wall jumps a things. Ez pro mode
T posing pathfinder
I love the pathfinder emote at the end 😂
did I just saw Path T-Posing😂😂
0:01 Daddyofive be like
Pathfinder T-Posing 😭
2:07 what is this skin?
some guns sound different closer to TF2 😯
anybody else see pathfinder t-posing?
I Like The Firing Range Update, But It’s Still Not Enough To Make Me Wanna Download It Back… I Don’t Care About Cosmetics 🤷🏾♂️
Retired KFC daddy rocks in apex!
Pathfinder pose T is the best
Gotta love Pathy Tposing at the end
First time ever finally people like Aceu Rfaide EUlyric made this games movement we see gameplay wall jumping soon superclap superglide mentall jumps we will see as well from thinking removing the community found movements too adding them to the traliers truely changes happening even very slowely!
Can kings canyon heal 😂
2:12 Tpose
Still hoping for rev rework
Now 120 fps ps5 and xbx
I just want cross progression 😭
pathfinder t posing is kinda funny though lol
2:11 I thought pathfinder T-posing somehow actually made it into the trailer until I saw the crow💀
Hopefully the ranked changes are good!
pathy just T posing in the background like
They’re adding a T-Pose pathfinder emote 😂😂
Finally a badass Season
Pathfinder really said ” t ” at the end
Dumbest thing I have ever seen
Reactive CAR skin?! Cool
battlepass reward are trash again
RIP to Valkyrie
So when will they start showcasing controller cfg?
The T pose
Please bring back kings canyon
Still no cross progression 😢
Looks cool
The portable jump tower seems like it will be useful
Cross progression & next gen you hacks
Anyone know the name of the song playing?
Big improvements from the last new legend
2:10 Pathfinder
I think we are getting a reactive car skin
We just gonna ignore pathfinder t-posing at the end?
So Valks ultimate now has the same value as a heat shield. Wild😂. Still mad hyped though!
Did he just use three guns?
No need for valk anymore with portable ballons
Please tell me cross progression will be releasing this season
Are they putting recharging shields back in the rotating casuals yet?
This might actually be the one…
is the whole weapon thing from cod lol
Awesome work
So what are his abilities
Garbage rap music AGAIN.
he is so fine bkadvbljsnKS
Bruhh did anyone notice in every trailer ballistic has been in whenever he has a wingman in his hand it’s almost like he’s shooting explosive rounds👀🤔
Bring back tanked arenas
not pathfinder doing a T pose at the end
Path finder tpose
I call dibs
Looks sick
Revamping the firing range is making me miss King’s Canyon
Just me or do the guns look and sound different
That T-Posing pathfinder tho
Yet another legend who I’m going to main exclusively for the character. Bloodhound, Mirage, Fuse, Rampart, and now Ballistic.
Walbounce in a trailer
Pathfinder rly “T”
any octane skin?
Is that pathfinder t posing at the end
They finally used movement instead of just running!
Amazing…..cant wait!……(been playing since season 4) can I plz get some heirloom shards 😭😭😭😅.
apex showing wall jumping in a trailer?!?!?!?!
heck yaaaa
2:12 pathy just T-posing needs mor love
finally they remove those 2 garbage maps and the legendary ones return
The wall bouncing shows how unbalanced the game is between console and pc, they are even showing it in the trailer. Movement is so much easier on keyboard and mouse with the pc cheaters using macros and such. They are slowly getting closer to forced to cross play and this proves it. Man what horrible time that will be for console players.
I really like how the wraith at the end was 1 but she still pushed a 3 stack to get destroyed. True apex gameplay
If y’all didn’t notice the reactive skin is the car
Hopefully they’re bringing back capping ranked kills because ranked has been awful the last couple season high level ranked means nothing anymore since everyone dies in round 1
I like the t posing pathy at the end
So cross progression still in the backlog I guess 💀👴
Looks cool but battle pass is mid
Apex doing the things that’s always needed to be done like this firing range update we’re going in a good direction they just need to keep this up
I never thought I would need a T-Posing Pathfinder emote in my life, def buying the pass just for that
They really should make it so he switches faster from holstered to carrying a weapon if he switches to his third gun, sort of like a quick emergency weapon
Was that the c.a.r reactive skin 🤔
who taught the devs how to wall bounce? 💀
What’s the point in showing a tap strafe when the majority of players can’t perform it?
Sooo he got a shotgun, a wingman, and a CAR and his personal pistol ???
Gotta love how Ballistic is constantly a 3rd party in all of the fights. Really sums up the experience 😅
August Brinkman is the coldest name ever 😭
2:11 pathfinder 😂
Did anyone else notice around 2:11 Pathfinder is just T-Posing in the background. Idk if that was done on purpose or not lol
Did I just see Ballistic using a smart pistol 👀
Wraith brought a knife to a gunfight😂
Pathfinder T posing is amazing.
Is no one talking about pathfinder’s new emote? 2:12
New firing range is cool.
Arsenal, Newcastle.. Liverpool next?
Why was pathy t-posing in the final scene
Love the new path emote at the end 😂
So he gets a one shot smart pistol?
Love the updates but I cant lie that every season that goes by with no server and audio updates makes each update harder and harder to be happy about.
i hate the changes to world edge. Capitol will remain the only place on the maps where you can fight… or die in 5 seconds off drop for majority of casual players.
Круто, что показали прыжок от стены, не помню такого в предыдущих роликах. Крутой трейлер, молодцы!
This is Robin Atkins Downes right,love the guy
Did anyone notice the car smg reactive skin 1:55
Name track from trailer: Big Narstie — What Is It Now.
Kinda like valks ult but just cant scan enemies besides dat really looking forward 4 the new season🔥🔥😎🔥🔥
And still no 120fps option on ps5??
Now even the dev’s are learning to wall bounce…
Hearing Big Narstie on an Apex trailer, that’s craazy🙌🏾
Gotta love the aimbot kit for him, takes no skill to stun people. Truly an Apex experience
They touched fragment😢
Pathy t bag is a W
They’re putting movement mechanics in the trailers. Oh my God.
That deadslide at 1.56 truly an apex legends experience
would love to give this game another try if i could play on my lvl 500 acc :/ just because i’m that level doesnt mean i should be put against pred players, i’ve just played for a long time.
Yay since wraith is DEAD I guess I gotta use ballistic
Did anyone else see pathfinder teeposing in the background at the ene
The fact that balistic’s voice actor plays medic in tf2 makes me happy
my fellow wraith mains are about to have a PK badge R99 badge and a wingman badge 😭
That was so good I love the new legend
Looks like the ending might be the new streamer building.
Yo at 1:50 is he using Wingman, CAR, and Mastiff??
Confused as to what his passive and his ultimate are
This new survival item is a 50/50 for valk players one side means she might be useless the other side could mean all game she is flying constanly scanning people and more 3rd or even 4th parties gonna happpen it all depends on who figures out that she may be useful with that item
Bro I think i found another character to main. Also sideways wall jump?
I’m honestly glad last season focused on changing the classes of legends and then we get the new legend this season. I could get used to having it continue to alternate like that
Wth is that wall bounce @0:58 another movement tech console players wont be able to perform? seems like they deliberately included it in the video for some reason
bros got my mouth wide open 💀
Weapon mastery dub
Is no one gonna mention the T-Posing pathfinder????
give this man a john wick skin
Was that faide at the end???
lol @ the T-Pose at the end
Free movement
None of them make any sense, as they can’t prevent cheating. Empty!
The firing range update 😮💨
I’m just here for the Pathfinder highlights 🤣🔥💯
Apex trailer characters now have movement
He blew wraith back to the lobby
The tpose pathfinder says this was rushed
Let’s go they fixing ranked
Why have we only managed to get half a season without World’s Edge but gone 5 seasons+ without King’s Canyone?
0:52 weapon mastery that’s really cool
That’s a cool looking reactive car skin Apex/Respawn haw mad 🚗
Happy they finally made it reality💫
Man this would be so nice if next gen had 120 for these changes.
So y’all just gentrifying the wall jump
Love seeing the wall jumps
firing range looks crazy
0:53 – 0:54 You can really hear Kyle Crane in Mirage’s takedown this time 😂😂
Whats up with the T-posing Pathfinder at 2:11
T posing Path!!! This is what we really needed
Mid game. They’re so desperate to bring players back, and it’s still so bland and boring lol
120 fps and better severs thats we all ask for
2:12 why is pathfinder just t-posing? 😭
So…. What are his powers?
I cant wait for the Meet Ballistic| Apex Legends Character Trailer to come out! I am so excited!
After this trailer, I actually know less about the new character than I knew before.
Wow wow 😮😮 amigos esta leyenda es muy oldschool al estilo el grandioso y viejo Walter fuse , me encanta su estilo👏👏👏👍👍
did just apex add smart pistol from titanfall 2
0:48 he sounded a quite bit like medic from tf2 lol
I hear more Kyle crane in the pain
Smart pistol? Are you kidding?
Pathfinder your Is ok?
Arenas back?
Is cross progression coming this seson
Nobody is gona talk about pathfinder doing the T-Pose menacinly?
Finally fragment is no more
Ok nice, Vantage but just with a pistol, you gonna fix players getting stuck in the crafter but now? @Respawn
looks cool fr
im actually so sad that they’re keeping fragment alive. I wanted that POI to be destroyed
Bring cross progress and you will see even more returning players. I joined PC gang last year and I am upset Id have to start over with this game :/.
Ngl T posing Pathfinder sold it for me
Anyone know the name of the song?
w-was that a t-posing pathfinder at the end of the trailer?
whoever edited this trailer put in work, one of the best trailers I’ve seen
His Pistol ability is gonna have the smart pistol feature! Awesome
Okay Respawn putting in the work
That t pose tho 👌
Reactive car skin ?
Why was pathy t posing….
Wait can Ballistic carry 3 weapons
day 1,547 of asking for cross save
Just noticed the pathfinder T-posing at the end… im getting the battlepass if thats in
The fact that the devs added wall bouncing into the trailer is amazing lol.
Finally fixing the firing range. MY GOD, THANK YOU.
Bring back punch boosting
I found my main
0:59 壁ジャンプしてるけどキャラコンっていつから公式公認になったん?
This is the best season that will ever come out!
What is pathfinder doin at the end😂
Love the movement ❤
Ok nice hope it dose not lag on the first day but this looks cool
Ballistic is hot and that voice
What a song?
Nice T pose at the end!
man still no cross progression 😪
2:09 Path T pose 🙂
Bro did they take away big building from worlds edge???
1:51, So he has 3 weapons?
I’m not gonna lie, this is pretty hype
Fuse has some competition
Pathfinder be like: “T”
so valkyrie is now useless, got it
Reactive Car skin?
Plz server…..Plz….
No one is going to talk about path t-posing at the end?
2:12 I like how all Ballistic’s teammates look serious but Path just T-posing after Wraith died 😭😭😭
Does anybody know next season’s map rotation?
Path… You uh, you doin’ ok buddy?
T-Posing Pathfinder.
This seasons got me hyped up
Guys pathfinder is tposing…
Cross progression?
Um that firing range?! 🥵
I imagine wraith getting blasted at the end was fan service for all the haters
Apex reminding us walk jump can be removed as well 😅
August throwin shade at Wraith 🤣 he better watch out
Se pasaron con Apex Mobile 💔
I’m just stoked for fully haired wattson
Please tell me you can still do the 3d glitch in the firing range. Also the out of bound one.
wow, se ve que estará muy buena la temporada 17
Why’s pathfinder T posing in the background at the end 💀
Only clip of Revenant we saw he was in ult…maybe the rework is legit coming this season?
Very hyped for this season, like all the previous others. Let’s see how this will turn out 😂
the T pose for pathfinder is too awesome xD
Nobody gonna say anything about that wingman audio
I’ve seen 0 comments talking about how he has a wingman, car and mastiff
The only downside to this is that we are going to continue to drop hot on Capitol City on World’s Edge probably for eternity 😢
Pathfinder t-posing was crazy
1:47 mastiff 1:50 wingman 1:55 some energy car rifle?
I think its safe to say that ballistic is able to carry three weapons here.
Disappointing. Weapon Mastery is just a stat tracker and they sell it as a big feature. Lol it is just a number.
get this man a jinzo (from yugioh) costume !!!
Bro got Mule Kick
That boy got 4 weapons 😂😂😂😂😂😂
ah yes, divorced father
I came 3 times watching this
I’m lowkey hyped for this season ngl
The move with pathy on the jump tower will be even easier now. Cool
Gonna be interesting having a portable jump tower in my back pocket.
0:59 Are they changing something with wall jumping? It’s weird that they showcased it here.
Edit: And at 1:57 too!
did the show his ultimate ?
so the reactive skin goes to the car not the p2020?
wraith : looking for me ?
balistic : bonk
also wraith : i see them all , i see all of this coming ……
W pero muy basto w
Why is… Path doing a T-Pose?
That’s it I’ll drain my wallet again for that Pathfinder’s T pose emot
Esta bien !! Pero deben enfocarse en lo que hace famoso al APEX, los movimientos, ya mucha gente ha subido videos descubriendo nuevos movimientos… el uso del zipline y de más…. Eso es lo importante… por favor enfóquense en eso y agregar poco a poco más mecánicas geniales….
So now that everyone has valks ult… what’s the point of valk? Especially after her entire kit was nerfed because the pros cried the ult was op.
T-posing pathfinder W
Wall bouncing in the trailer is so sick. Theres gonna be a character tap strafing and super gliding in the next one.
У вас Патфайндер Ти позит
I love the part where pathfinder grapples for the 100 time
Finally firing range got an update
2:11 Pathfinder hitting that T pose 😂
I hate this game anymore 800 hrs in this game that has gotten worse with ever update not me 😢😢😢
The song is a vibe.🙌
Only using the wingman, car , and mastiff truly an apex moment
Nice trailer, but they really need to mix up the music a bit for these.
Bring back ranked arenas
soooo bro gone have 4 guns to blast us with ig
Was this the first time they feature the wall jump in a gameplay video?
Is it just me or is revenant different?
Let’s commit that the beat is lit ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Why is Pathfinder T posing at the end lol
I swear every one of these makes me want to play Apex.
It looks like the car is going to be the season reactive skin
Why is path hitting the T pose? $20 emote that’s why.
Bring arenas back please
This the season we’ve been waiting for
Take a season off and fix the game.
se bugueo el pathfinder al final del video
It would mean the world if you could have a look at my shorts and drop a sub, have a great week everyone ❤
dude about everything I wanted in this update is coming out
None gonna comment on the dominance shown by Pathfinder at the end with his T-Pose?
Gotta love the Indiana Jones reference at the end, never bring a Kunai to a gunfight
So my man really gets a smart pistol tactical. TF2 all over again
Bro path at the end😭❤❤
At 2:12 of the video Pathfinder is T posing 😂 they forgot his animation
The season looks amazing but WHY THE MOBLIE JUMPTOWERS?
Seasons going to be fire. Except for the collection events
so no cross save ?
So is no one talking about the t-posing pathfinder?
Song name?
Bro the new firing range looks phenomenal
0:54 Him saying “I hoped for more” while showing the weapon mastery rewards had to be on purpose
yo the weapon mastery is sick, hype for this season
Now THIS is the Apex I’ve been waiting for
cross progression?
Kinda cool to see wall hop confirmed as an official mechanic
Awesome gameplay trailer but ruined by this horrible music that doesn’t fit at all.
Why is it worlds edge again. Storm Point and Worlds Edge needs to go away for like two seasons.
Ranked update more cheaters yay
Crossave pls, i need my progress from my ps4 on my pc
No vas a quitarme la parca de nuevo viejo sabroso
I am so excited!
still waiting for kbm support on console
why the **** are they all wall jumping and tap strafing ??
Wall jumps!!!!😎🤟🔥
Who els saw path finder just t-posing in the background.
They always use a specific ethnic group’s music and vocal lines in these types of video presentations in mainstream social & entertainment media, because (Israel Cohen’s 1912 speech about “a plan for the twentieth century”…)
I saw the thing that will get me to play the new season. A t-posing pathfinder emote
whats the song they used for this trailer it goes so hard T_T
i like this and all but who is putting a gun on their banner
Holy gun bloader ‼️
This trailer has no business going that hard
we just gonna ignore pathfinder T-posing at the end?
As someone who spends hours in the firing range, I am beyond content with its expansion. I do hope that there is a droptower, so I can test skydive animations! 💫
Yawn another boring legend another boring season I swear
W trailer! I think I just found my new mian!!
Man ballistic seems like the perfect legend for going into ranked with randoms, he has so much self reliability and survivability that i cant wait to pick him up!
Fuse approves!
That’s be worst trailer Ive ever seen
2:11 did i just see path doing a T post
Is that a warzone copy of the portable jump tower. Also I do much enjoy the simple design of the character, this is much needed.
I think car will be the reactive skin it was in the trailer a lot and in one of the leaked pictures
Are we just going to ignore the EPIC T-pose at 2:10 jajajaja hilarious reference 🤣
Respawn finally embracing the wall jump lol
New energy smg looks pog
This has got to be one of their best in-game trailers yet! Such good editing… so stylish…🤌
I cannot WAIT for this season!!!!! It looks sooooo good
Does bangalore Just run in the wall?
bad work Respawn
So streamer building is in lava city now, interesting
i love how wraith tried to challenge ballistic and he just shoots her like (are you done)
So his passive is holding 3 weapons? or 2 Main weapons and a pistol?
What is that T posing Pathfinder at the end? 😅
2:10 why is path T-posing?
Finally the wall jumps been acknowledge we did it boys and girls
cant wait that!
FINALLY A Wattson skin
Is that big nastie? The music
His Auto Locking ability does damage….? Did the devs learn nothing from Seers Q doing damage?
Great! Now lets get that anti-cheat up and running!
Is this that one Tside skin from csgo?
I liked T-posed pathfinder, and smart pistol returning as ability
There was a wall bounce in here, now all we need is a superglide in a trailer 😂
Wraith thought she was the main character 😂
well now i cant blame them for bring nothing in this season (btw T path)
I’m just waiting on Kings Canyon to come back
That pathfinder T-pose emote goes insane
hopefully the Pathfinder Tpose comes as a emote in the BP
why is pathfinder t posing
Yay car smg reactive
We back at kings canyon yet?
Was that a wall jump !!?!?!? They added a new gun 😭😭
nothing really interesting once again
This game is lit 🔥
YOOOO Big Narstie Now im gassed!!!.
Am i the only person who thinks this guy is voiced by Rammatra from OW 2
can yall give lifeline her revive shield back
Is it me or shotgun going to be a big thing now 🫠
Reactive skin should be a reward for mastery
2:10 why was pathy t-posing
The legend gives me
“I’m you daddy” vibes
Can the private lobby have no player limit with the firing range…add the fire range
The path t pose
Look at Pathfinder at the end. Is this an editing mistake?? It’s hilarious.
Ok now add cross progression/ account merging 😊😊
I love how cross-progression is being added after 2 years of it being announced
Can we talk about the beat that’s slapping, why is no one talking about the beat that slapping?
That T post🫠
Heh 2:10 path T pose
Portable jump tower could end valk meta in comp!
1:50 can Ballistic carry 3 weapons? Here he used the CAR, Mastiff and Wingman
What was that T pose at the ebd😂
Wow! Great editing, great choice in music on top of that, PLUS they even featured wall bouncing. Its details like this that show your audience you really care about the ‘true Apex Experience.’
This trailer makes me somewhat happy about the game
Oooooh stylé
T pose pathfinder
I stop playing the game about halfway through season 10, I played a little bit of season 13, and I forget what the season was when cataclysm was added, but this just makes me want to play again
Does he have bottle as a weapon?
Just saying that wraith moment was just to show a returning skin…..like she was gonna 1v3 anyway
Bro is British
Apex legends is actually good again!?!
Not playing until the servers get a Upgrade
120 fps ps5?😅
I’m sorry I just notice pathfinder T posing
T-posing pathfinder
Just straight up shoots Wraith…. What a chad
T pose lol
Please update the tick rate for the servers. Yall fellas at respawn really want to get out done by Among Us?
So nobody gonna talk about pathfinder doing the T-pose at 2:12 😂😂
Where tf is Kings Canyon
Ballistic gaming
Wish I could play apex man 😭I don’t have a console
The T pose did it for me
Poor wraith 😂
Wait wall dashing is official!!
so finally valcry is getting replaced
Loved the part where Kazihura Miller disconnected from the ranked match.
Whats the song they sampled? Sounds like Killer Mike?
What does he do? 😂
Pathfinder really doing the T-pose to assert dominance
Btw im talking about the SMG that he used on the roof. At the end
Nice T Pose from pathfinder 😂😂😂 I already love it
Gotta admit the fact they’re wall bouncing is kinda legit
2:06 Balistic: ja ☕☕
Is it phnatic or car can have enegy ammo
And Wraith Rage Quit Like Lifeless Coward
So what about the new weapon?
the matchmaking of this game is ridiculous, you can’t play with random players
This trailer sounds so good
survival kit items lookin mad ode . *in my rampart voice*
Anyone else notice the gun that was an energy smg im gueasing the volt but im hoping the gemini
Why does this game feel more boring and normie-centric every update?
Ballistic is my grandfather I cant lie
W trailer🤩🤩
You guys should put fade into the actual game so that mobile isn’t totally forgotten
I’m sorry but I couldn’t hear anything , still no audio.
i don’t know how you can introduce a weapon mastery system and have no weapon skin included in it at all…
Why is no one talking about the new emote of pathfinder of him t posing?!? I neeeeeed it
My Xbox One is going to love running this!
Where is 120fps for series x and ps5.
You liers
Weapon lvling doesn’t look too promising, (doesn’t sound worth the grind) but I will hold my opinion for the actual drop. Haven’t been playing as much Apex as usual. Apex is probably the most fun game on the market imo but not as rewarding to play after nearly 15k total games
Not that I’m fiending for new content but working towards something other than a temporary dive trail and a badge that no one cares about would be less disheartening.
Great trailer otherwise which has me somewhat excited to play. New character looks strong (new meta incoming?)
HAHAHA pathfinder tposing had me dead
Why is pathfinder T posing at the end 😂
В чем прикол позы пасфайдера в конце? И ворон на нем сидит
apex legends reviveeeeeeeee
Preparem-se nova temporada com mais bugs é cada vez pior o game
T pose
Whoever is involved in making this video are legends!
Those wall bounce plays were lit
The select fire hop up better comeback
watching the sweat wraith faide fan getting dropped on 1 shot is lore accurate
so… revenant rework… WHERE!!!
Bye bye Valk
Nice thumb or finger or whatever it is 0:23
Bro completely obliterated that solo wraith 😭
How does everyone feel about ballistics tactical? On paper this sounds truly annoying and likely to turn every 3v3 into a 2v3. Thoughts?
Pathy hitting the T pose 🤣
2:12 T pose pathfinder
With wall bouncing being shown in the trailer I’m think either they’re acknowledging it or that there are going to be some tweaking with mobility in general. Also heard that in the new firing range there is a speed course for training your mobility. All in all hella excited but please do something about the servers DX
is this the first trailer that they did movement techs? cause sheeeeshhh
Ok haha why was that so lit
So this guy’s basically Fuse 2.0
Wraith 0-1 irl
Love the T-posing pathy!
So why was Pathfinder just T-Posing? XD
It’s about time we had an Englishman I’m hyped
Oh yea smart pistol back
No mirage,Not epic
wow they actually added wall bounce 🤡
Wraith has left the game
Before they finished her
Pathfinder t-posing after a job well done. 2:11
if that pathfinder emote is in the battle pass im gonna be so happy
Why is path t posing 😭😭😭😭😭
I believe in T pose Pathfinder supremacy
Wait Devs are now wall bouncing in trailers now😮🤝
those were the wraith mains that died at the end and all the tryhards
So they’ve moved construction site/zipline building to lava city. When Wraith jumps at the end you can see the shell of Dome.
Anyone else notice Pathfinder in the “T” pose at the end. New emote? Lol
Something about wall bounces on the trailers makes it so much more satisfying good job Respawn! This trailer is actually hype
We need a new ash heirloom
And sky emots
🥺 please PC player Can You Request Respawn To Not Close Apex Legends Mobile.
They are Closing Mobile Version In 5-6 Hours.
Also I don’t Have PC to Play PC Version.😢
Is it ironic when they show the weapon mastery he says “I hoped for more” like even he was let down by the fact we won’t get weapon mastery skins
like a joke
Is this the first time Apex has ever used any movement techs in a trailer? I was like oh wow they wall bounced twice in a trailer. Lol
No one
Pathfidnder: T
Looks good but I can’t play it for a month cuz I have college and I live in another city
I’m sorry everything looks great but you guys really fumbled the weapon mastery system. You don’t get a unique skin for the last tier at least? It’s kinda pointless
All I care for is the parhfinder t pose emote at the end
Is no one talking about how they’re publicly acknowledging wall bounce and super glide ?? I think this is the first time ever they did this in an official trailer
love that Apex is finally acknowledging movement tech for all players. makes sense since they are making the Movement Arena in the firing range.
Finally bringing some more titanfall into the game with wall runs 🎉 at least I hope so.
So what exactly are his abilities?
His Q locks on? Hopefully not
The music for the trailer is PERFECT!!
Siiiiiick!!! Cant wait
1:55 about time the CAR gets a good skin – that reactive skin looks fire
как же похорошел Киркоров
more excited with the fire range change❤
They really tryna make Valk obsolete
Walter white!? 😅
Игры, это бесполезная трата времени! А касаемо этой игры, так она одна из худших в своём жанре. Да и вообще в целом мягко говоря игра так себе.
The gun at 1:55. Is that his ult?
My favorite part was when they added more content to try and blind us from the fact that this is going to be another dry season for apex. Truly an apex moment
Loved the part where there was no update about cross progression
What I’m more hyped about Ballistic is that Robin Atkin Downes (who is well known for his legendary voice acting of Medic in Team Fortress 2) is actually his voice acting this character… i wonder who else didn’t know that till they heard his voice carefully
can we get just lifetime kills overall as a stat tracker plz, all legends combined..
It is unfortunate that they unbalance the game with many modifications, that a single battle can only last 5 seconds, because there are no weapons or loot, that the number of players has increased that they use devices and software to cheat in the game and have not done anything about it, that it is shown in other battleroyal games that those who use them the most are stremers, youtubers andI used normalize in order to promote the game, I’ve been playing since season 2 and they don’t fix the sound of footsteps, the walls no longer serve as covers, and the exaggerated damage from weapons, I’m disappointedI have thought of abandoning the game for others that allow a more balanced combat and that do justice to the most faithful players, that earning money at any cost will only make the game die
Why is Path T-posin tho
What song? This second
Car Skin Réactive🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Basically Valkyrie is useless since the jump tower deployable is comin but it would’ve made a lot more sense if the jump tower is half of the regular jump tower
nope take out weapon mastering until u got skins for the gun that we are mastering for only worth is the apex pack should fire the guy with the idea
A lower TTK (like often depicted in these trailer vids) would be pretty cool.
Amado on Apex game
Right any chance ps5 series x – S having 120 fps plus the cross progression because I ain’t playing this game thill they add it
can apex do a collab with john wick pls, i want to play as john wick lol
0:48 is pure Kazuhira “if it aint white – it’s dying tonight” Miller
He doesn’t look op
Y’all dropped the ball on the weapon mastery rewards we wanted cool skins literally don’t care about a badge banner trackers or charms for it
cod 2.0
Pathy T pose
Since when do they have MOVEMENT in the trailers? They’re supposed to move like bots at 1hp but they were wall bouncin all over.
So the gun skin is the car nice
No way they slipped in the John wick “ex communicanao 😂
Apex players every season trailer: “I am so hyped, this is going to be the best season ever”…I give it 30-days before everyone is back to complaining and playing Pathfinder, Octane, and Horizon.
Bro no way the second wall jump was dead slide
Can someone find the name of the song used
no one is pointing out the pathfinder T pose emote
Луче бы токая графа в игре была а не в мультике!!!
Жду больше чем День победы !
Does he voice ramatra too?
Will they ever take storm point out of rotation. KC WE and olympus get taken out of rotation every season
2:13 pathfinder battery died
Gg valk 1:03
FINALLY, I’ve been waiting for the CAR to get its reactive skin 😫
its realy cool to see apex them sefls involve a movement tech that the comunity created “wall hopping”
wow watson 😮
Please! Put this song as a reward. sensational!
Fix console by taking mobile out of the crafter every day pred teams are boosting to maintain rp but you guys only care for the cry baby pc streamers.
Pathfinder T-posing in the end is a clear reference to the XP bots we find daily on BR and Mixtape matches. Nice touch.
Im so jealous about Apex Pc player from today😢😢😢😢
T pose pafy
Ballistic was the cause of the double gun hack XD
Did not expect big narstie😂
Can we not get broken moon and storm point in the rotataion thanks
two sick trailers back to back
Is bro packing a Mozamblam ? 💀
No way they did put wall bouncing in the trailer🔥🔥🔥
Bro why is the Pathfinder T posing in the end 😂😂
100 110 is the car rip 🤡
Abi karakterin ultisini niye bok gibi yaptınız ya
Oh my god it’s like they actually care
Pathfinder t-posing at the end
did they improve wall bouncing? showcased it a lot here
Mobile jumptower? Bye valk
Crazy shot done by pathfinder 0:42
“Truly an apex experience” 🤓🤖
Ok imma have to get that watty skin and add it to my collection that’s clean
2:12 T-POSE
He’ll yeah, Stand By For Tita… aww nevermind.😢
Did wraith bogus ash y’all know that’s not how us wraith mains get down😂😂
Weapon Mastery ❤
Smart pistol????
Silly old minecraft death sound☠️ 1:59
Wooah they showed wall jumping?? Dope
Valk bye bye hello portable balloons
i’m so excited for this season
0:59 I really didn’t expect the wall jump (a mechanic figured out by the player base) would be adopted and shown in the trailer as if it is a real thing that a legend will do during combat.
Still have no idea what Ballistic does, but a good trailer all the same.
But what is his ultimate?
Can’t wait to find out what new bugs are in the game
Ight, this looks sick. It’s weird feeling excited for a game again
You’re taking too many screenshots, Matthias.
Pathfinder T pose!!!!!
First time the comments weren’t filled with “truly an apex experience”
Am I the only one saw that mobile jump tower
banner for mastery ? could be better
did they make changes to wall bouncing too?
Hopefully the ranked changes are no more farming bots on dead servers. Predator is pointless ever since everyone counts as the same RP. Legit half the predators I know farm Sao Paulo, or OCE. Pointless to grind top 750 if they didn’t change that. Why fight pro stacks all day on NA for hard earned RP when there’s 4k badge bots that never get past 15000 RP on NA farming golds on OCE.
I love the season 17 😈
Who notice new pathfinder T-Pose emote?
its cool that ea banned me with no warnings just as the new season started bro i said the n word once and its perma ban xD
Please make the next thing man City
mobile jump tower. will Valk’s pick rate finally go down in ALGS?????
They showed wall bounce in a trailer
Still waiting for season 16 legend.
We see Ballistic use his tactical which we know messes with your weapon but you can also see a target show up on the enemy when you looks at their direction.
So guess its still a smart pistol at the end of the day
They’ve done well😂
Anyone want to play ranked firing range?
-5 speed wall bounce lol true dev moment
yay +1 dopamine
“I hoped for more.”
When showing the Mastery Weapon rewards is just perfect.
Respawn, I love you and your game, and I’m incredibly excited for this Season, but please, just give us Mastery SKINS. They don’t have to be that convoluted, just a challenge to grind for. No one really wants a C.A.R SMG tracker on their profile…
Why is pathfinder tposing at the end?
Why path in T pose in end 😭😭😭
Someone on the dev team finally learned to wall bounce nice
Pathfinder with the cyberpunk cosplay
1:56, am I crazy or is that a new weapon?
Because I have never heard or seen that weapon model playing the game, it definitely doesn’t sound like a volt.
Csnt wait for insta lock ballistic… wait a min.
🙏🏾🙏🏾 for the love of everything gaming may us humble savages I’m Africa please get a server
Pathy T posing
Path T-pose XDD
Wow, i guess developers finally learned how the wall bouncing works. Cool trailer. Looking forward to see tap strafing in next trailer.
2:10 the t-posing pathy is absolutely golden
Pathfinder doing the t-pose 😹
Nothing on revenant 😢
Looking good so far. Just don’t make the next chapter of Apex lore be about who’s sleeping with who.
Wall 🧱 🅱️ouncing
No cross progression?
I love the wattson skin already😍😍
First he can hold 3 guns
Second notice how they didn’t show revenant outside the shadow form
Third pathy is T posing
I love how Pathy is just *T-posing* in the last scene. 🤣
That Wattson skin 💞💞💞💞
That’s crazy that they showed a wall bounce talk about embracing the fire
I hope the weapon mastery is grandfathered
Apex legends is back 😭
More auto aim ah ??
Yeah but what about cross progression lol
I thought I recognised that voice, the legend Robin Atkin Downes has returned
Can apex fix their laggy packet loss server?
titanfall players; SMART PISTAL :insert puke emoji here:
Best best))
Casually sees a pathfinder t-posing
I’m excited about the changes to the firing range! Looks cool and looks like there can be more opportunities to get some actual dynamic training done before a match! Gonna be fun to try it!
Since when did Respawn incorporate Movement Techniques in their gameplay footage?
everyone’s talking about the wall bounce but no one’s talking about the tap strafe at 1:51
Once again you did nothing to solve tha actual game problems. Apex is dieing and publish new events every week for more “content”. Pure dissapointment
2:10 sneaky pathfinder emote
I hope there are more changes to worlds edge than just like 2 new buildings in fragment, because it really didnt look all that different
2:11 what da dog doin
Random wall bouncing, third parties, and a wraith trying to 1v3 they really do know their fan base. I cant wait to see the actual breakdown of his abilities though he seems fun.
So ur telling me wall bouncing is gonna be a lil easier?
Apparently the wingman has no recoil in cinematic scene
Bro about to say “empty the compartments of your pantloons” while one taping you wit a PK
T posing pathy let’s gooooooooooo
I don’t play firing range.. I just 3rd party people and leave.. Better to fix the audio issue rather than firing range.. Its been 3 years.. Nobody goes there unless he is pro or sweaty player
0:58 There should be an update where the movement of so many PC players and Console players is balanced, so that the same movements can also be made, that’s all we ask EA
Pathy tpose
Pathy tpose
Wraith is joke now?
Jaja estupida wraith
Thats your average wraith main at the end
Pathfinder just t-posing like:🤖
I m calling it right now! IF! Those redeploy balloons can be placed close to each other. Movement player will go absolutely nuts, jumping from one to another.
So not a fan of Valk, but… doesn’t that survival kit make her ult a bit useless? I don’t support having items do things that legend kits can do.
No way bro dead slid
Why is no one talking about the pathfinder tposing lol
WHERE İS CROSS PROGRESSİON ?_?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
wow they still need to work on some 3rd person animations here, bros not even holding the gun at 0:36 but man im excited for this update also that deadslide into wall jump is too real
чет я не понял ?? он что может 3 оружия таскать ?? на второй минуте он стреляет с вингмана потом с кара а затем с мастифа !!?!??!
Bruh just add wall running it makes sense lore wise and everyone would love to try it in a ltm
“You need to hit the range more”
Why Bangalore gotta do Loba like that. ❌
Cross progression when?
the coolest trailer i’ve ever seen..
Pathfinder T-posing at the end 😂😂😂
Jesus is god alone
The T pose pathfinder
They got gramps with the movement
2:10 pathfinder t posing
“Beware the old man in a profession where men die young.
0:54 level 2 with max C.A.R mastery badge, truly cheater experience.
Anyway, good vibe trailer. This man with april fool’s red glasses looks badass
Faide rn looking at worlds edge fragmentt: nah he aint all that🤣
WATTSON SKIN😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
matchmaking ?
Fix your matchmaking then we’ll talk no reason Casual players need to be constantly going up against apex players
Cross progression where?
I just wanna give a HUGE SHOUTOUT to everyone who worked in the Choreography of the background legends fighting. The Ults and Weapons going off were so amazingly synced and well done. Had to have taken multiple tries! Hats off to you guys. Really Impressed!
That portable jump tower is gonna make valk so useless
2:09 pathfinder’s pose lol
This is a good time to call yourself arsenal.
When the devs didn’t feel like animating pathfinder so they made him t pose and called it a day
That wraith skin is old isn’t it?
Мне кажется достойный соперник это один – Faide, работай 🥵
that wraith moment! daily apex experience.
😭😭even firing range evolving😭😭
after that much nerf seems like better valk
Where is the 120fps update you liars
2:13 pathfinder t Posing
People are still gonna hot drop fragment
for once in forever, this looks like a solid season
Вот это эпик 😍💥кайф.
If that wraith was me at the end at least 2 of them getting knocked idk abouttt allll that
solo wraith reference and pathfinder’s stance..lolol
why pathfinder is doing the tpose
T posing pathy lets gooooooooooo
Pathfinder in T pose🤣
Sound super 😎💥💥💥
Cheats wow 3rd gun
Really enjoying the marketing cycle for this season, game play and legend trailer reminiscent of bo2-bo3 era trailers!
Rip apex legend mobile….
Wow finally some actual movement on apex trailers! I thought controller aim was all it had!
the T pose, LOL
1:51 The trailer wingman sounds like a Deagle! Sounds so good I want it in game
Can we get Kings Canyon again, best map in my opinion, well balanced and not too big!
Yooooo Balloon as a new Survival Item! Let’s gooo!!! Now we gotta have one pack a balloon, a beacon, and heat shields.
If only they would bring cross progression. I switched to PC and I don’t want to start over again and lose all my data
Excommunicated, old and coming out of retirement, and holding a pistol forward in two hands to take down a bunch of younger people trying to take him out and underestimating his skills… Introducing…
John Wick! I mean… Ballistic!
Sorry for wraith.
So his special is that he can dual wield? Cool…
apex really just cant adapt, its just the same stuff as all the other seasons
I hope the canyon map is returned
We not gonna talk about pathfinder T posing at the end? Obviously a teaser for the upcoming onslaught of bugs.
He has the Smart Pistol.
Speaking of Titanfall, it is now playable again. The server attacks have just recently stopped.
Console next gen update when
LOL way to make valkaryie alittle useless now ;-;
love the way ballistic watches a wraith wallbounce and just says “good grief”
so blackjack from b03 comes to apex
So he has 3 weapons?
car reactive????
Bro thinks he’s him
Ill carry 3 wingmans
wall jumping in worlds edge O.o they know what we like ?
I got yall, SONG MUSIC
What is it Now – Big Narstie
What was that songs name
bruh does faide do this trtailer 🤣
This dude is giving me major John Wick vibes
they just hit valk with the path finder treatment now she is useless well done respawn
no rev reborn?
Was really going to by the Character until he shot Wraith😢😢
Why’d everyone say it was the p2020 reactive smfh glad it’s not. The car needed it.
Phatfinder T Pose
Welcome to Apex Soldier 76
I am so excited for the rank updates, please purge the hackers!!!
How many people notice that Pathfinder was T-posing in the end of this video
who are we declaring the new john wick of apex crypto or this guy
Nice. Still no 120 FPS for next gen consoles.
Rev buffs or reworks??
They actually used wall bouncing in two viable situations and not just for fancy kills. That was refreshing to see! It will be fun seeing everyone try that now.
Pathfinder t posing is the best part
Pathfinder T pose 🗿
Lets hope ill be able to play without terrible lag because respawn hasnt put african servers in the game yet
T posing pathfinder
That Wraith had ttv in their name trying to solo a full team in the first 10 seconds of the game, blames their team and leaves. Seen it all too often
I reconise this is better trailer than Season 13 gameplay trailer 😊 if you remember.
This has brought me back to this game
Bring kings back
Jump tower is a indirect nerf to valk?
ttv wraith with heirloom got destroyed by a old man with a mozambique
please add 120 fps on console and cross progression
I say this a lot but this looks promising
Season looks mid at best, but these Apex trailer songs be slappin. Also the trailer quality showing players getting clipped and wallbounces feels real
Why was pathfinder T posing in the end?
He didn’t have to do wraith like that 😭
Get ready, they showed wall bouncing in the trailer. Probably gonna make a dedicated input for it. Or patch it out.
Bro, pathy with his T-Pose XD
T poss pathfinder
mmm juicy new firing range
Pathy out here t-posing on wraith 😭
I can’t wait to drop fragment !
.. did I just see a team bagging emote for Loba 😱😮💨🩵
Also… a TITLE for gun kills?! P2020 & I are ready for that baby.
Lol the wall jumping
I hope this is a smooth season. This current season is terrible especially with that ranked map rotation. I stopped playing at the split
Ayo why Pathfinder Tposing at the end like Jesus?
Is kings canyon finally coming back????
I rink their is something wrong with pathfinder at the end
Why the max quality of this trailer is 480p? 💀
The fact they showed wall bouncing off a few times throughout the trailer leads me to believe they possibly streamlined the movement to make it more accessible for lower rank individuals and console players.
What’s the rank changes?
Pathfinder t-posing in the last sene is so funny. I hope it’s a taunt, and not just the animation team messing up
Are we getting KC back yes or no?
2:09 and nobody says about the pathfinder t pose
Trash bare minimum update as usual
Okay this is cool and all but WHERE IS HORIZONS HERILOOM??
I got exited when I seen pathfinder t posing
Is it weird that I’m more excited for the training grounds change than literally anything else?
He looks like Colonel Sanders 😅😅😅
Deployable jump tower
miss those good old days when i used to play apex.😭😢
2:10 oh this pose must be new path’s emote, I feel so nostalgic
Where was the gameplay exactly? Lol it was more of a showcase for the season
finally, true apex legends experience trailer
We will miss the old firing range.
حماس الشايب مو هين
Imagine doing weapon mastery system and rewards are badges, trackers and banners XDDDDDDDDDDDD
R.I.P Apex Legends MOBILE
Woah they finally mastered the wall jump cool now gotta learn super glides and so on also what did you guys do to my poor wattspm that skin looks like a mad Maggie skin
That wraith was an annoying faide that ballistic took down 🙏 thank you for that.
This looks promising
So basically Riot nerfed Chamber so bad that he quit Valorant and joined the Apex games under a new name
I gotta dis like this because of the trash weapon mastery
SONG NAME: “What Is It Now” by Big Narstie.
pathfinder in the T pose at the end… LOL
A sweaty wraith with an heirloom showing up solo and immediately losing a 1 vs 3 is the most accurate thing about this trailer XD
New firing range???
Not the pathfinder in the end t posing
Hey! That’s not the revenant rework
😢 rip apex legends mobile
Someone saw Path doing the T-pose 😂
best agent…
Pathfinder at the end though
Fix the server, then bringt new content L
So his Ultimate is the same as valkyrie’s but worse
Hes just another Valk lol
Is nobody going to talk about how pathfinder just t-poses and the end there? Is a glitch or is it going to be an actual emote?😂
Amazing.. Still no news on next gen update 🤥
Nerf Horizon movement. Is broken and not fair. Why she can heal on top of the Q and then fall down with 0 audio and full hp to instakill me hipfiring and bunny hopping around?
Bro, that’s T-POSE XDD
Did i just see the smart gun auto lock on enemies??
Pathfinder just T-posing in the background while Wraith is dying 💀
I love that all the fights this new legend got into were third parties then complains about not having a worthy opponent. Truly the most Apex of experiences
Mannnn I havent been hype for Apex in years lest hope it’s as good as it looks
Please fix old gen frames so I can play this. I couldn’t play all season cause I’m on 30 fps
That portable jumptower seems like making valk ult useless
Ok but when will we get the original season 1 KC back
1:03 this where valk becomes useless
Man this is the most exciting character since Valk. So excited
Mobile Jump Tower ? Bruh, Valkry Ult gonna useless
Now this is what I’m talking about apex. Let’s gooo 🔥’
This trailer was really, really good. The music is 🔥🔥
Man, I can’t believe Respawn went so far as to give Ballistic the actual pistol shooting stance of a modern competitive shooter. The perfect isosceles stance and thumbs forward grip(yes, even on a revolver) feels like home
Very hyped boiiììiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 🎉🎉🎉 cant wait
Here hoping I find time to actually enjoy the Apex Museum, cause those exhibits looks neat
what his ability? i didn’t notice
So there’s a gonna be a lot of wall bouncing this season?
The old player is a bit bored now, it needs a new feeling, full graphics changes and updates, that’s just my opinion
Good stuff as always!
Because apex needs another legend that disables enemies… because that’s enjoyable to go up against 🤦
Fragment changes… eh… Can we not just get rid of, or at least properly segment that area now… it’s so unhealthy for the game.
Lava City is now becoming a mini fragment with the god awful construction building, but it at least gains the really good Capital City construction area (at least a small version of it)
Mobile redeploys which are both good and bad. Good because they indirectly nerf Valk and the reliance on her for rotations, bad because they are going to dramatically increase 3rd partying potential.
All of this is pointless though if the issues already present in the game aren’t addressed though.
ohhh boii can’t wait for T Pose emote for Pathfinder
All the video resume in one thing,Pathfinder T-pose Emote
Don’t let the battle pass be lackluster
why is pathfinder t posing
Lol ttv building is not gone 😂😂
They EMBRACED “movement”!
Por fin un campo de tiro decente.
Can you separate playing with aim assist into their own category, so that maybe I won’t get aim botted through walls anymore? oh wait no? sweet
Pathfinder T-posing at the end 😂
Мало кто знает, но “Полёт валькирии” (1:30) отсылается на то, что новый персонаж из чвк Вагнер
Apex experiences from the player community during a new trailer. Truly an Apex Experience
Love it!
felling like they gonna make wall bounce more simple mechanic now, implemented with one button instead of something you need to learn
They showed wall bouncing in the trailer. But it’s because Fortnite’s next update will have wall running. Respawn is now behind on the movement they created like 10 years ago 😢. Season still looks great though ❤🎉
Wraith: Looking for me? here I am
Ballistic: well that was easy, didn’t even have to search for her
Pathfinder: T
T posing Pathfinder isn’t real it can’t hurt you. T posing Pathfinder:
so ballistic is a skirmisher legend right?
This was actually fire 🔥 😅
Looking forward to this season looks like I’ll be playing more apex
Haven’t loved a gameplay trailer this much in such a long time.
Pathy stuck in the T pose 🤨 2:10
Was that on purpose?
They finally added wall bouncing les gooooooo
Thanks Respawn for killing Valk
Pathy doin the t-pose lol
and still no crossplay progresion :[
What’s the ranked changes ?
T-pose Pathfinder
0:25 Ballistic and Bangs look so intimidating while my boy Path is having the fun of his life :’)
I feel like those movements were shots fired at warzone lol
How is NO ONE talking about how Ballistic is using a Smart Pistol from Titanfall as his ability?
Why is Wattson’s head shaved 😭😭
Now lets hope they fix the audio
Interesting that there are wall jumps in the trailer.
I bounce of walls, I’m movment Wraith main player gee golly. 🤓
This looks absolutely amazing! 🔥🔥🔥
Does Pathfinder just have a T-pose in the end? 😂 Looks weird
Time to add some dollars to those respawn employees checks especially if this new season feels and play as good as it looks
What i know here is that even dev has better movement that me :<
Why did they touch worlds edge
Y’all better fix the crashing issue with the new season or it’s gonna cost you players and money big time. A game 4 years in should not be crashing every other match
T pose 😂
The end with the T pose pathfinder xD
Still nothing for fuse😢
interesting seeing a mobile jump tower
this makes certain comps viable without requiring a valk for one member
but would have to rely on loot RNG
pick your poison i guess
aside from team comps, could definitely see this used early game to catch up to the ring
wall jump into the portal is wild😭
Path T-pose
need that song…
CROSSPROGRESSIOn PLS! i have been waiting 2 seasons now after finally getting a pc
Love that Indiana Jones reference :3
2:03 Faide?
1:57 deadslide
Same game different season …
120hz x consola ? nunca no ?
No cross progression it seems
is the sound track an original written for Apex?
I’m still dying to know what the ranked changes are gonna be. I know it’s a ladder system but more details will be nice.
that was amazing!!!
2:02 How it FEELS to play against Wraith in Apex Legends
T pose lol
Is this a gameplay trailer or new season trailer. Make up your mind
t posing pathy is threating
Steven Siegal, Mr. freeman –
2:14 the pathfinder tpose tho
i love how they added the wall bounce to the trailer,maybe they decided to add that knowing that balistic is a veteran
Where is the revenant rework
Bad music choice honestly rock would suit it better
All these changes look great. But I wish we got cross-progression.
so did they make wall jumping easier or what? lol I’ve never seen a trailer utilize it before
Bro give just thé cross progression no ?
Rest in Peace Apex Mobile
New season gameplay trailer just dropped and I’m already hyped. Truly an Apex experience.
Rip Apex Legend Mobile 🥺
Bro they just made call obsolete w the deployable zip, also love how they added wall bouncing in the trailer
Where is thé cross progression ea ?
Be glad you didn’t meet me in my youth *gives me chills * this guy more badass then mad maggie tbh
I would love to see some Legends “forgotten icons” op ability for some change.
Can we all take a moment and talk about that portable jump tower, cause that is a game changer!!
17 seosons later, Devs discover wall jump, S34 Devs discover tap strafing
Pathfinder is my favorite part of the trailer at 2:13
Anyone know the song in background? Big Nastie but which one? Please and thank you
Wraith brought a knife to a gunfight 😂
Skin legendaria para wattson
Una nueva leyenda que si está buena y no como la bandage o como se llame
Y una actualización al mapa
Creo que volveré a jugarlo
Keep it up respawn 😮
How has nobody commented on pathfinder at 2:10??
finally a jet car ) I’ve been waiting for so many seasons
Uh oh hes excommuniacado we all know how that ends
Pathfinder hitting the T pose in the background had me dying
Looks like we’re getting another Skirimisher.
That’s a really cool Wraith skin at the end. I wonder if it’s part of the battle pass.
Pathfinder just hitting the fattest T-Pose of all time at the very end
song name ?
I Feel like it was a reference to Faide at the end surely 😂
wait! does he have the smart pistol as his tactical?
DID THEY REWORK WRAITH? I’m probably just lost but. The instant teleport and the “not today” line? Never seen that before.
are they gonna buff the r99 and nerf the lmgs again? while they are at it why not buff the charge rifle only 3 weapons need to be viable am I right?
Yay a new Watson skin
we have to talke about waht Gameplay means
Wait, pathfinder just did a T-pose?
Ok so valks ult is completely useless now 😐
Cool! New ranked changes, now i can lose ranked matches in a whole new way!
Firing range update, ranked update, smart pistol from Titanfall, Pathfinder T posing emote! Now Im excited
I’d love to give this game more of my money but they banned my acc when it got hacked by someone
2:10 pathfinder doin’ that t-pose
Truly an apex experience
patch T
wall running when
Here waiting for cross progression 🧐
need 120fps ps5
1:56 walljumping ballistic😲😲😲😯😯😯
The “I hoped for more” comments when they show the weapon mastery rewards and all you get is dogshit little rewards and not even a gun skin really was something
A fellow wingman individual I like Ballistic already.
why is pathfinder T posing at the end
T pose pathfinder
Bring ranked arenas back
They better be doing more then what’s in this trailer cause Seer don’t care how many ReDeploy balloons, New POI’s, A 3rd gun, or even a new system he still going to “open up his heart” and ruin my apex experience
Pathfinder t-posing got me dying 😂😂
So another legend which is only going to be picked for 1st week only 😂
I’m so pumped it’s insane. THEYRE EMBRACING THE MOVEMENT!!!!
What is this song? I need it! Also great trailer, I’m hype af
Really loved the moment when Ballistic lost his medical license. Truly an Apex experience.
lvl 2 Ballistic with 563 Lifetime kills gave me chills : 0
Para cuando el baneo de strikepak y cronus en consolas?
Let’s not fix the tick rate of the server or the audio, but let’s remake the firing range.
Great trailer but you know what we really need? Cross platform progression…. fr
what a dogshit trailer
Mobile jump towers? Valk mains are crying rn
2:10 So we’re just gonna ignore pathfinder T-posing 💀
Anybody catch how pathy was just T posing at the end of the trailer?
The devs have better movement then half the players💀
バリスティックも良かったけど もっと驚いたのはトレーラーの 途中で壁ジャンをしているのが
You guys are getting a little out of hand with this like HE CAN PLACE A JUMP TOWER.
Love ballistic ❤❤❤
Looking for me?
I’m phasing!
Ranked update : more RP to enter but even more no matchmaking so you will still face pred / smurf lvl 10 with real rookie in your team, truly an apex experience
pathy really hit the T pose
It’s cool we got another non human (British) legend
Him and Val is a perfect combo
T pose Pathfinder? BEST SEASON EVER!
Only took them 4+ years to do a good range. Truly an Apex experience.
path t posing Is the best
Yes wattson I didn’t expect to see you on the battle pass BUT I AM GLAD I DID.
I’m so upset that the car was made the new reactive only because I’m missing most of the season 😭😭
pathfinder really asserted dominance on that wraith in the end
i am hyped!
So is no one gonna talk about the T-posing Pathfinder at the end?
2:12 pathfinder 😂
Mobile jump towers…. Hahahaha😂
A terrible game designer came up with that.
Wraith finally gets what she deserves:
A bullet to the face. Glorious!!!
Love how they put so much movement tech in the trailer.
Finally 120fps on console!!!!!
Glad to see Wraith got her head blown at the end and not Crypto
Idk why but I always felt like s17 was gonna be lit
And I’m congratulating ballistic on joining us wraith haters welcome sir ballistic
Did anyone notice Pathfinder T posing at the end 😂
That car skin though🔥😳
I say pathfinder T posing
Talbot vs Nate
Is no one going to talk about pathfinder just t-posing at the end
t-pose path
What song is that? It’s really good.
Hope they dont bottle it like Arsenal
Wraith : Come fight me.. (Show her kunai)
Bommm~ (Ballistic shot with his wingman)
Wraith : EXCUSE ME!?
as usally I hope the gameplay some how match in game xd
I’m excited about the changes to the firing range! Looks cool and looks like there can be more opportunities to get some actual dynamic training done before a match! Gonna be fun to try it!
Can’t wait until he dies in every other trailer
World’s Trash… We want KC.
So no weapon skins for mastery 👎🏾
So when is the Nemesis getting nerfed? When will getting instantly beamed miles across the map from it end? Y’all are ridiculous.
Lolz, Pathfinder t-posing at the end 2:10
Nah no way I predicted in season 4 that someone would have a jump tower ult.
Is it running on walls or is it the skill of this character?
Thank god worlds edge is healing
Goofy ahh wall jump
apex is healing kinda
The T pose tho
love the t-posing pathfinder
A walljump? IN A APEX TRAILER?
I truely hope this is the season that brings back the joy to play this game
(new Legend, World’s Edge rework, new Firing Range, deployable jump tower, other new stuff): looks interesting, but ehh, I’ve got other stuff to play…
(T-posing Pathfinder): that’s it, I’m coming back this season
Everyone gagster in till path starts to t-pose
I think I’m ready for a new commentating voice for these trailers.
Maaaan the effort going into these trailers are insane
Pathfinder t-posing
0:59 what’s was that!? WALLRUN?? 😮😮
What are the ranked changes. ?? They’re not in the patch notes
Finally an update we wanted since season 1 😂 I would say better late than never, but EA no rizz + L
Love how wraith said looking for me here I am, then gets blasted afterwards, W passive fr.
Cross progression please
No cross progression yet? 😢
This is what you call a rework , best season ever
I love how Ballistic third parties everyone and gets away with it. Truly an Apex experience
Wraith got sent to the shadow realm
They released more information about the new systems being implemented, so here’s a brief summary.
A. *Ballistic*
Passive: *Sling*
Third Slot for Weapons, cannot be equipped with Attachments.
Heat Round.
Causes Heat buildup on hit enemy players whenever they fire, dealing damage if high enough.
(Sounds like it may function depending on Weapon held? R-99 may cause immediate burning. Spitfire counter. Questionanable.)
Ultimate: *Auto-reloader*
Infinte Ammo, Increased unarmed movement speed, forced switch to sling weapon with it being upgraded to gold.
Affections nearby Teammates.
(Sounds Strong, but may be infinite reserve. Not Magazine.)
Map Changes:
Stacks added and Fragment turning into Capital again.
Stacks replaced town at Eastern part of the Map.
Capital has fixed most of the damage dealt. Removed massive center building, shown in Trailer.
Gun Mastery:
Added XP gain for dealing damage, and getting kills with certain weapons. Rewards cosmetics.😂
I can’t believe on how late I was to find out y’all were on mobile.
Did he just change direction with the recoil of the smart pistol? Or was that the second jump from the pad
I hope kings canyon gets put back in rotation
I’m he people in the trailer have 100% upped their movement
I might come back this season after my unexpected hiatus. However, I wish Fragments East and West got more of the SkullTown treatment and got sunk beneath lava. Now they’re both rebuilt and reforged. Oh, well.
2:10 Bruh path is laggy xD
If Balistics smart pistol locka faster then wraith man logging off aftet downed I think ita gonna be a good season
This trailer is really good. One of the better one
Disgraced? Madam look at that distinguished gentleman’s fit. He’s what comes up when you look up tacticool.
Can’t wait to try out this new season!
I’m still confused as to what Ballistic can do, someone explain pls
whats the song name ?
Am I the only one dancing here lol
Back to back og season
Man like big narstie! Great trailer
“Looking for me?” …. OFC been looking for the Rat solo Wraith
Car smg next reactivate skin??
Pathfinder t-posing in the end is pretty funny
Where is cross progression?
Path T posing at the end is the comic relief I needed today lol see ya next season boys
Apex is really redeeming itself after a few disappointing seasons!
Looks awesome
Cross progresion please
Still no cross progression
Please bring back apex legend mobile
Still after 2 years of waiting, no cross-progression
This game is dead
T Pose
ok as crypto/valk/lifeline/vantage main. i better see some buff for 3 of them, cause that trailer got me worried now
all coments are fake, apex is dead.
soo no cross-progression? ok
So they made Valk more useless? They need to give us back holding unto knocked teammates during flight
you know what would sweeten this deal? if the train was running again
Did they just show that we are going to be able to hold 3 weapons? He’s holding the mastiff, the wingman, and the Carr smg at the end….. is that just for him or will everyone be able to hold 3?
Really cool moment when pathfinder pushed a squad with white evo shield alone and died. Truly an apex experience
1:00 That is wall jump?
Wow EA adopt feature of apex legend movement
Pathfinder T-posing is the S tier of all in this trailer HAHAHAHAHA
Зачем прыжок от стены показали😢😢
After 2 boring seasons, now this got me hyped, and I’m just glad the smart pistol is become ballistic skill, not an actual weapon in the game
PATHFINDE T-posing at the end is so funny to me i dont know why!!
they added the kfc guy no way
2:13 – Pathfinder T-Pose lol
where is cross progression as someone who swapped from console to pc it makes me not want to play on pc as i do not have all of the cosmetics from my account
Ayy better firing range! Also weapon badges or whatever…
Can’t wait to see his heirloom before horizons
wraith with a kunai portals solo to full squad and dies instantly
truly an apex momento
What is this new wall bouncing mechanic? never seen that before
Noone gona talk about the fact that they casually made valks ult useles? Like is that an item or his Ult, the portable baloon. Where is my portable Zipline??
Why did pathfinder t-pose at the end?
Valk ultimate makes sad face
since when apex gameplay trailers became so epic
cries in Valkyrie
Paused the video to say: YO THE WALL BOUNCE!!!!
2:10 what the pathfinder doing?
i’m so mad that the weapon mastery system isn’t actual cool gold skins but instead it’s just trackers banners and a banner frame. the banner frame is ok but i’d still rather have a skin
Still have no clue how this guy works
pulled a dead slide the struggle is real
The one time where movement isn’t hold w in trailers
yep. another wraith skin
Ranked changes 👀
Was that an Indiana Jones reference with wraith at the end?
Are console getting 120 after 3 years of next gen
Hate the wall bounce “tech” be honestly
even in the trailer they get deadslides
2:09 Pathfinder T-Posting, that’s it
Weapon mastery looks underwhelming I was hoping for a unique legendary/ or a reactive recolor to be like the final reward for reaching the highest mastery with a weapon.
Dose the wingman sound different?
i love the part where bangalore runs straight towards a grenade. truly an apex experience
Buff seer back to season 10 start
Only EA could mess up a weapon mastery system.
Path’s T emote is just…
Why is pathfinder t posing at the end of the trailer 😭
For anyone confused, dropping a portable jump tower is not an ability for Ballistic, but is a survival kit item.
So hyped for this new season, balistic loks interesting and the frag/firing ranges changes are super exciting
The middest trailer but the content could easily be good
so did you actually figure something out when it comes to the xim, converters, servers, ddos, cheats? cuz without any significant countermeasures to those, these fancy changes are really, just nothing
God job for the weapon mastery 🤙🏻
Love that Respawn introduced wall jumps into the game, as if they didnt exist already. Truly an Apex experience
Why is nobody talking about the T-Posing Pathy at the end?? 😂
alr nobodys gonna talk about the pathfinder T-pose at the end? 😭
imagine season 17 is coming and you still can’t do cross progression and 120 fps 😄
Did he just use three weapons? 1:49
Loved watching wraith thinking she could 1v3 and dies immediately. Truly an apex experience
bringing the wall bounce into the trailer is a bit troublesome when they don’t have an in-game tutorial for that type of movement.
I always said they should make a legend that could throw down a balloon, awesome stuff
movement in a trailer!!!!
Season 17..but with movement!
even dev can use wall bounce 10/10
me -1/10
Who spotted the mistake in the end 😂
Bro you’re not talking about the football team ? i was so excited 😭
Hahahahahahaahahahaahahahaha PATHFINDER IN THE END EPIC
I loved when catalyst wall was completely useless truly an apex experience 😂😂😂😂
Are we getting ranked system changes though?
Big Narstie on the soundtrack!!!👌👌👌
Why Ballistic have three weapons?
Was that a t pose at the end
Was that a mobile jump tower? They really trying to nerf my baby valk to the ground
When are they bringing back Kings Canyon?
Let’s update firing range instead of matchmaking👎
1:57 this catalyst got violated 💀
why is nobody talking about the t-posing pathinder at the end?
new crypto passive? Off the pickrates? they dont even use him in trailers , loool.
T pose pathfinder 😭
They added the smart pistol, getting ptsd
did the graphics get better this season or i’m bugging?
CSGO 100%
Waiting for thousand MLG montages with that old boii
Как же хорошо, даже воллбаунс стараются делать, ухх. Баги тоже уберите, чтобы не портить впечатление(
Pathfinder t-pose
So now thermites are useless
Why is Pathfinder T-posing bro
капец чё с капитолием☠☠☠
I love when pathfinder said “It’s pathfiner time” and then he proceeded to Pathfinder everything
Pathfinder T-pose!
wallbouncing into a solo ttv wraith getting one shot makes this the best trailer of all time
Please come back kings canyon
Pathy do be demonstrating his dominance with that S-tier t-pose 2:09
so wall jumping is not a bug anymore since its been recognized as a thing now
Next season bouta be fire
Do something about the Indian servers we Indians wanna play Apex legends too 😢
Now Remove Catalyst and we’re fine
If T pose pathy is real ima have to get it for my nephew
I hyped for that seasson…MOG..
Man, I can’t believe Respawn went so far as to give Ballistic the actual pistol shooting stance of a modern competitive shooter. The perfect isosceles stance and thumbs forward grip(yes, even on a revolver) feels like home
This season and last are Huge for this game. Exactly what it needed for a health update, Now only if we can have cross pro 🙂
Streamer Building got corrected.
YOU HAVE TO FIX MATCHMAKING YOU FACKING IDIOTS! I am a low skill player ad every pubs lobby i ends up with master and pred. In ranked match the same. Gold 2 with random. I found an actual pred trio (number 88, 374 and 400). Shame on you respawn! Your game is totally broken! The worst matchmaking of history!
So there’s still no 120hz on console?
Still no cross progression. But at least poeple get to enjoy more overpriced events this season amiright guys
No one is talking about the T posing Pathfinder emote ? 💀
garbage trash
Does anyone know the song for this trailer?
Better be kings canyon
The WALLJUMP in the TRAILER let’s go! That’s what I’m talking about Apex!
Ok , 5 stack is gone , but what’s that new building 🧐
looks like were getting more garbage epic skins
wall jumping gonna be a normal mechanic?? 👀
PLZ FIX ASIA SERVER FIRST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is actually really dope. hope to see more movement techs in future trailers!
bro the t posing pathy is gold
Pathfinder just t-posing at the end
Does this mean it’s easier and more viable to Wall Bounce or were some dev sweats jus flexing while they were making this trailer?😂
Pathfinder t pose is amazing
Is that mobile jump tower exploding after 3rd player or is it destructable. If it’s after 3rd player it’s sweet so at least they can’t follow. If it’s destructable, well… shucks.
If there are other players climbing in the mean time do they fall? 🙂
T posing Path finder at the end tho 😂
That ending was satisfying😂
1:04 this is literally what I said they needed to rework valks ult to be. Instead they gave her 18 different nerfs to her passive and missiles while she still stayed meta in comp because of her ultimate. Smh
He holds 3 weapons? Or am I just way too high rn
Im not really sure about this wall jumping
I don’t wanna get my hopes up
So is revenant stiil going to have the same abilities
Still waiting for cross progression, i don’t really care about the gane without my account
Mobile jump tower… Nice
Can’t wait for superglides to appear in official apex trailers
If pathfinder t-posing is in the battle pass then I will finally give this game some money
I saw that reactive car skin 😂, that thing looks fire 1:56
Ultimate jump tower?
Ballistic is gonna be impossible to 1v1 with that tactical ability 💀
1:31 raid of the Valkyrie
I hope we get to see ballistic abilities
Are they tryna tell us wall bouncing will be a normal movement now?!? Please 🙏🏽 i pray thats what they’re saying
Since when does Respawn use movement tech in their gameplay trailers?? Awesome trailer and really, *really* excited for the new firing range update.
The T-Posing pathfinder is the real star here
New season means audio will finally be fixed after years right ??😃……… right ?
SOUNDTRACK What Is It Now – Big Narstie
finally we have a valk alternative.
Was tht a🖕🏾 solo wraiths 😂
1:53 car reactive skin?
SICK! *except the mobile jump tower
Bottlejobs trailer
1:57 that wall jump is actually hype. I love that Respawn is embracing wall bouncing as a fundamental movement tech
Rev reborn? 1:21
Fix the dang audio please because ain’t no way somebody should be rite next to me and I can’t hear them. Plz fix the audio this season and the prowlers still bugged .
Now we just need to ban xim
Thordan smash was wrong again, there is no turret
the trailer is so amazing 😫😫😻
british legend and pathfinder t pose very nice
They used a wall bounce in the trailer wooo!
Big up
Big narstie
That trailer quality is above average, very well done.
They domesticated Fracture!
pathy t-posing in the back was the only entertaining thing
опять этот кашера…
Why tf didn’t they show horizon’s legendary skin
The wall bounces made me so happy.
those wall jumps were clean🥶🥶🥶
That wraith skin is actually sooo clean, I hope that’s in the battle pass
The wall jump 💀💀
Look fun but please fix the matchmaking. It is so frustrated for casual players. It’s not fun when you have 1.3 k/d and you have to fight full stack masters in pub. My k/d in ss 16 drop significantly. Pub in ss16 is just a playground for streamers. It feels like there’s no place for normal working man to have fun in this game anymore. All of my friend quit Apex this SS because of the broken matchmaking. I just dont want to give up yet , barely though.
Why the mad Maggie heirloom😢
Les trailers deviennent vraiment incr par contre
Look at that sick movement tech!
Don’t end mobile 😢
I didn’t see any changes for rev
Pathfinder T posing has got to become a new banner pose
APEX mobile sunsets today
Big Narstie’s music backing it up is 🔥
Them wall bounces tho
Why is pathfinder T posing? 2:11
OH MY GOD- this is amazing! Did ya all see the wall jumps?!- that was sick! That moment when Bangalore and the new guy wall jumped it really gived me to titanfall vibes!^^
They removed the construction building yessir!
2:10 the T pose, he’s menacing
Good bye Apex legends mobile 😭 01 May.. Good bye Rapshody and Fade youre missing us.
Respawn: I need the player to do some wall bounce.
Editor: How many do you need?
Respawn: Yes.
Season of no reloads!
Pak agus brinkman.
1:49 昔フォトナで愛用してたフリントノックピストルみたいでクソかっけえ
2:10 T-pose for dominance
Not playing this game until theres cross progression imh. Tired of waiting.
😂😂😂😂😂 ballistic what a joke
Was hoping the weapon mastery would have had skins
That English accent from Ballistic is 🥵 Can’t wait to main him 😩
Loved the ending when Ballistic shot the wannabe faide/ aceu Wraith player on the sweatiest building on the map.
was that an indiana jones reference at the end?
2:08 indiana jones reference
Goodbye Apex Legends Mobile, opps wrong channel 😅😅😅
Wow this trailer is awesome
Need ukrainian language
pathfinder in the end just doing the T-pose
2:12 now they selling the T-pose as an emote. lol. I WANT IT FOR ALL LEGENDS! plz.
Did anyone notice if the train is running again??
What about Kings Canyon? Please bring back KC
Bro is that an animation mistake or does pathfinder have a t-posing emote at the end of the trailer
Pathfinder T posing at the end killed me😂
About time we’re back to gameplay trailers with fire music
Path finder has a t pose
Yes cant wait for the new season def gonna start maining ballistic when je comes out
Excited for the next season!
Another tactical like revenant that I can’t use while aiming with the controller because I use my index finger to aim
Which makes me rage quit the legend and never use it again
Bro thinks he faide 💀
I was hoping that wraith got downed then quits.
BRUH THE LAST PART WITH PATHFINDER JUST T POSING XD. plus this seems to be a very positive looking season hope it holds in 😛
I love this game but Too many Cheater’s right now isn’t fun already to play.
Nice pathfinder T-posing at the end lol
The t posing pathfinder really made me chuckle😂
We not gonna talk about T-posing Pathfinder?
So does his ability somehow involve a 3rd gun? He pads to the roof, uses a wingman, then pulls a CAR out, then wall bounces and uses a mastiff. Or maybe just inconsistencies with a hype video.
pathfinder t-pose 😭
Weapon mastery? I wonder what that’s gonna be like
goodbye valk, you will (not) be missed🥲
We’re getting badges over skins for mastery? Really?
It’s like the devs just found out you can wall bounce 😂
brave of them to clip his fingers right through the wingman at the 20 second mark.
1:56 Reactive Car SMG Skin?
Delete russian subtitle
are they making the wall bounce easier or something? please dont
I swear to god if they recycle the Twitch prime wraith skin ima cry. It’s the only “rare” skin I have left 😢
Big nastie 🎉
What a game this is 👌🏻🏆
I hope the weapon kills trackers track weapon kills from before this season
Cross progression yet?
There is so much I just witnessed idk where to start
Finally by by Valc from meta with this transportable balloons
If u think about it valk kinda gets a nerf
No rev reborn 😢
Incl. 120 FPS Mode on consoles?
2:12 T POSE
2:10 パスのTポーズ草
I’m so happy and feeling cool if you select champion music start at 2:03.
did the wingman’s sound have been changed? Feels a little different than always
The real question is…….kings canyon…….are we getting it back
he can hold 3 guns?
Oh yes
WHAAAAAT wall bouncing in the trailer?!?!?… who you got gaming over there respawn lol… cannot wait for the new season!!
Chamber in the next 50 years:
y nobody talkin’ bout path T-posing at 2:10 😭😭😭
T-posing pathfinder emote 2:14
Time to John Wick these youngsters
Too bad the rest of the map seem not changed. other than lava city getting the “streamer” building and the new fragment. hopefully the rest of the map will be played on more. now improve olympus.
No one gonna talk about T posing Pathfinder?
2:12 Pathfinder, are you ok?
We gonna be ballistic for the new season
Hold up, Big Nastie on the backing track 🤣 UK legend!
Pathfinder T pose emote
Pathfinder T pose emote
Pathfinder T pose emote
They really be wallbouncing
bro the pathfinder says T
Pathfinder T poses 😭🤣
Revenant buff?
Can’t wait to rock my charge rifle badge just to bring out the toxicity from others. 🙃
Fr W
path T pose is makin the scene funny as it shouldn’t be lol
wall bouncing in a trailer is crazy😭
2:10 best part is pathfinder t-posing
my boy pathfinder T-posing 🔥🔥
Yo you can set up your own disposable balloons!??!?!? :O Who needs Valk anymore!
2:13 pathfinder T-pose 💀
The wall bounce is just so satisfactory
Is automatic movement also being added cause no casual moving like that
Lol pathfinder just T posing at the end💀💀
Titanfall 2 players when they see the wall jump :
Also the trailer looks cool af ngl
Nah they got pathfinder t-posing at the end after wraith got shot 😂
Pathfinder T Pose emote? 2:12
*Based old man*
Using UK grime music for this trailer was the best decision they made for this.
Is he the one who knocks?
Indiana Jones reference was nice
Can we please get Kings Canyon back in the rotation?
Where’s Saka?? 😂
wow 🤩 thank you for not changing anything about Revenant. looking forward to playing new season
that beat is fire
Just throwing this out there, the voice actor who voices Ballistic is also the guy who voiced the Archon in Darksiders 2. Have a nice day!
2:10 pathfinder doing tpose
Add cross save
🔥🔥🔥 🧍♂🔥🔥🔥
so this old guy is here but not cooper
Yo I cant wait bro this is going to be insane and the movement in this video is *chef kiss*
this may be the best season ever expect season 7
Si, si y si con las skins que le estan sacando a wattson 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I love how at 1:57 they try a wall jump but looks more like a deadslide
Truly an apex experience
I hope the Apex pack for mastering a gun is a skin for the gun
No weapon skins for Weapon Mastery!! .. Such a lost opportunity. 😮💨
im actually excited for once this looks promising lets see if this actually delivers fingers crossed
Cant wait for the new tpose
Time for nothing good for the 12th time in a row. Glad they just made this game a casual fest
The best item in the battlepass is Loba’s tea emote.
The pathfinder at the end 💀
Love those T pose
Just looking 👀 for any clues of 120FPS update for PS5🎮?, nothing?, Okey, next season maybe 😔
this was the best transition ever in trailers
Movement in a trailer 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Apex lagends has made this season into whole new level can’t wait to play it 🤯👍🎮
Cross progression?
Woohoo! This Gameplay Trailer is awesome!! I’m so looking forward to this next Season! It’s going to be awesome!! 😁
Can’t believe they named a whole football team after an Apex season.
Ballidtic: Bad Add
Pathfinder: T Pose with a crow
Truly an apex experience
Pathy with that T pose💀
No cross progression 0/10 already
Love it, Apex is evolving into something extrodinair 😮❤😍
killing the purple ttv wraith on top of the ttv building at the end. nice little nod 🙂
Kings canyon back ? 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Now there’s arsenal and Newcastle who’s next Manchester United 🤷♂️
His tactical is the smart pistol… rip titanfall
2:10 T pose 😮
0:58 A wall bounce in a Apex trailer? Holy, these guys are evolving.
2:09 bro Path really said 😐
nice finally a map update which doesnt just add some nonsense location on the edge of the map no one will land on after a week and wait is his ult basically a more flexible valkyrie ult?
Looks like we got a dad-model for Mirage.
I want my T posing pathfinder.
Fix potato server and block cheater 🔥 🔥 🔥
Now that i do wall bounce mid fight, i liked the wall bounce into portal part
Why is Pathfinder T-posing at the end 💀
Pathfinder T-posing
Why they suddenly wall bouncing in trailers? 😭 Its so strange man.
Anyone know the song name?
the T pose on pathfinder 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Pathfinder t posing at the end? Another buff? 😂
A mobile jump tower? This could be massive for ranked
I dont think people are giving a better firing range proper thought. This would make the game more beginner friendly since the bots would move and they could train in more realistic scenarios that you would come across in a game
These past 2 seasonal updates have been so good, too bad they can’t back it up with quality in their mid season updates
와 ㅋㅋ 개재밌겠네
Thank God the reactive skin for the P2020 was not true 😅
Lol pathfinder t posing at the end
Pathfinder Doing T pose bro
Same s**t, nothing changed. Fragment remains whole. Either demolish this place or remove World Edge from rotation for good!!!
bro why they do wraith like that
Glad to see Ballistic getting some “no regs” in early gameplay too…..welcome to the club bub.
Wait…is wall jump a noted game mechanic now ?
Vantage missing 🙁 …. Otherwise exciting!
“Supercalifragilistic when we drop we go ballistic!”
Overseer – Velocity Shift
what was that pathfinder T-pose at the end💀
Just fix the server please…..
i like the part where catalyst heard balistic come in from behind him and killed him and tbagged him
please give blisk a bald skin, where he still has his beard
Bruh T pose pathy lol this what we need
Hardly touched this season but I’m actually kinda hyped for this one.
لازم وضروري وضع طور السولو
Pathfinder Tposing is something I never knew I needed till this day
Did ballistic put out 3 guns?
best trailer far so ever, azaming!
I love that pathfinder just t-posing in the end😂
New firing range is great! Now i can have more fun before i stuck in infinite loading cycle and close the game.
2:12 That Pathfinder’s post is fire
What the Path doin??? 2:10
وين مرحلة السولو
This video showed us respawn devs learned movement tech.
Finally a really good battle pass trailer 👏👏👏👏
Is this the first time a wall bounce has been in a trailer????
The deadslide at 1:56 almost made me puke.
The T pose at the end was funny
Nope, not coming back
Does anyone know the name of the song?
Respawn clearly nerfing the Valk main meta this next season. Interesting to see how it changes comp. More diverse. Less focus on needing a player to help you rotate into zone. I like it, tbh.
The best part about this trailer was when it said cross progression.. oh wait
Yes new rev emote
Please just a crumb of audio i beg of you
Wraith pushing a team solo… yeah that checks out
Im an Literal day 1 player…They took a dump on Solo queue Ranked players starting in season 13 ..if these changes are more fair i might comeback after a year of playing other games.
Let there be Kings Canyon next season 👍.
that wall bounce was clean af
They better buff Valkyrie again man because that mobile jump tower is going to make her ultimate useless so they better buff her back to how she was before they nerfed her to the ground I mean they had to nerf her for lobs to be her gf but still bro buff Valkyrie to how she was back in season 14-15
The CAR is so goodd
I’m sorry, did anyone else notice the T-posing Pathfinder at 2:14?
ok elon musk
now that there is a deployable jump tower, valkyrie has become useless
Pathfinder hittin the T-pose has me dying at the end
Rip apex legends mobile 😢
Imagine that pathfinder T pose animation wasn’t intentional and they made it an emote to hide it
They showed us wall jump instead of slidin…
Maybe the CAR is not the reactive but the weapon mastery rewards.
looks like another boring season
Pathfinder T-posing in the back😂😂😂
Didnt thought car would get its skin that fast
Are they making wall jumping stronger or they just think theyre cool all the sudden?
What is the song?
So many comments are bots theze days
I was hoping the weapon masteries were going to be skins not wall papers and charms. Kinda disappointing but what’s new
That’s how he lost his Medical license
Guns mistery ❤❤
The pathfinder T-pose at the end I cant 😂
firing range looks awesome
Im really not a fan of the portable jump tower thing
That solo wraith dumb for pullin up on a T posing pathfinder
Looks good but i wont come back to apex if i have to regrind my 15 legends from another platform. Ad crossprogression
My man pathfinder giving it all 2:10
We see later if this changes are good or not but we dont forgiven EA and Reaspawn for their action. 😮
Dude why is pathfinder t posing 😂😂😂 2:12
No revenant rework…
you can add as much stuff to the game as you want it won’t bring my money back from the dead
The T posing Pathfinder, hah love it 2:09
another good reactive skin and the pathfinder emote is so good
I hope they aren’t bringing back forgotten in the void. It’s my proud and joy 😢
1:00 Did they just do Wall jump 😳
path T-posing is something
IS that C.A.R reactive ?? i thought its P2020
They have replaced valks ult with a new survival item, as a valk main i think valk is nerfed AGAIN, i think valk needs a rework, as far as I am concerned, valk basically does not have an ult, 1:02-1:12, other than that, looking forward to new season, looks amazing.
Gotta love how Ballistic is constantly a 3rd party in all of the fights. Really sums up the experience 😅
I need that T posing pathfinder pose NOWWWWWW
Pathy Casually T Posing to Assert Dominance
Who needs a valk now with that disposable jump tower now😅
Deployable jump tower 😮
The year is 2023. The current generation of consoles is in its 3rd year – are we finally getting the 120FPS that every other major shooter offers???
The deployable redeploy… as someone who doesn’t have a movement legend on the team, oh my god yes
Bring back ranked arenas
Wait did I see the smart pistol from Titanfall 2 in Ballistic’s hand?
Looks sick but trackers for the weapon mastery… really?
What is that wattson skin😭😭
This looks cool
Pathy t posing😂🧍🏻♂️
Bro just shot wraith🤣🤣
oooo car reactive skin
Wraith just getting her head blown off is so funny to me 😂
Dude had 4 guns
Why is there a t-posing pathy at the end?
That t posing pathy tho 🙂
Who else was caught off guard when they showed wall bouncing since all we’ve seen is sliding and jump pads for along time now
2:10 pathfinder T-Pose haha
music and animation is sick af
If you’re not a down hill rusher, dont play this guy! You’ll get eaten alive and banned by your own team😂😂
valk’s pick rate gonna go down with deployable ballon ?
Finally. I can have my grenade kills tracker?
Like!, for killing the wraith mainer at the end
giant W
reactive car skin lets gooooooooooooo
Ain’t going questioning the t-posing pathfinder
Pathfinder in a T-pose is something I thought I never need but now I do🧀
Path T pose best parte of trailer
The new animation team is killing it
Apex mobile is setting down in future is Apex mobile move💔😭
Can somebody please buy me a console so I can play this? I’m starving out here. This here looks scrumptious. 😢
The real question is when can we favorite more than 8 items?
If it didnt go woke, id be playing ad many others. Rather play Battlefield or COD. Respawn you failed.
0:41 why did loba sound like Tom screaming 😭😭😭💀💀
pathfinder T poesing😂
Best Apex season is coming !!
I loved when ballistic had to fight the sweaty wraith while his teammates did nothing and watched, truly an apex moment
Thr day they are closing the mobile app.. they are releasing another legend on the PC..
I feel this would be an awesome map to roll out a titan on.
The lava ravines and “covered” bridges restrict movement they could add barriers like they did for tridents.
I would enjoy it for duos only. Escaping a Titan and his friend if you don’t down him first. A good challange
What’s up with that wingman? 0:20
Hmm, sure words edge was the best map in apex hope it stays the best map
new gun sounds or?
Can’t wait
Pathfinder just T-posing at the end of the video
Need that pathfinder T pose
Those CAR trackers go nuts, definitely something worth grinding up
Path is broken in the end
Wait they actually acknowledged wall bouncing as an actual tech in the game?
😲Mi cara cuando vi la Ultimate de la nueva leyenda.
reactive skin on car?
The Pathfinder doing T-pose xddd the cutest thing i have ever seen LOL
The change to fragment we’ve all been waiting for🙏
wow such rivieting movement gameplay
T pose!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Ayeee old man got the wall hops
can we do finishers on dummies now ??
the fact they put 2 wall bounces in the trailer. what a move
Снова награды БП сплошные реколоры…
Is no one going to mention T-posing pathfinder at the end????
Best gameplay trailer Apex has gotten yet, so much stuff like wall running and new gun range? Seems like this season is gonna be great and probably will bring players back in.
is he able to equip 3 weapons?
Muchas referencias al walljump
still 20HZ servers lol
Love when they put the wall bouncing in the trailer its like “wow respawn knows about wall bouncing ” 🤣🤣 of course they know but its kool to see it acknowledged ❤❤❤
Bro ballistic is gonna be THAT guy in Apex. That’s really HIM !! So excited 👏🏽👏🏽
Does respawn know what “excomunicated” means? I don’t think you can excommunicate you’re own parents from being your parents. I mean, maybe if you’re the pope or something. Is Nathaniel the pope? Nathaniel is the pope confirmed 2023.
Pathfinder in T-pose is the funnyest thing ever 😂😂😂
Poor wraith i bet he insta quit😂
Finally some good seasons is coming
biggest season ever
No final weapon mastery skins… finger well off the pulse Respawn.
Pathfinder’s petrifying T pose
Do you think they’ll finally fix the numerous bugs this game has?
the pathfinder T pose is alpha af
The devs can wall bounce….
he gon be in C/D tier
Deployable jump towers are about to make Valk worthless. 😢
Why they showing wall bounce soo much?
Any chance for kings canyon ?!😢
The caliber of this update is on a whole other level.
“ranked changes” did you forget to include that part? or do you not even know what they are?
Do t worry, Kings canyon your time will come again…..
no one is talking about pathy tposing at 2:12
Huge changes can’t wait to play this!🤟🏾
Cross progression please
Reactive skin?
had hoped for some better weapon mastery rewards ;-;
No cross progression? No gyro?
The old man’s got three weapons in his arsenal
Pathfinder T-Pose 2:11 🤣
I’m confuse and hyped at the same time
2:10 Pathy gotta assert his dominance
2:10 That’s not a new emote, Respawn accidentally forgot to code in an animation with the model.
No “Truly an Apex experience” comments. This is a great sign!
Travis Touchdown wants to climb to the top of the ranks in another line of work.
I have actual hype
weapon mastery reminded me of Warface, where they had weapon challenges ❤️
Hope they will add his son in the game
Nobody talking about pathfinder Tposing?
Watching Wraith get domed made my day… so excited for this season!!
Looks amazing icl but when is cross progression coming out???
So your saying we are getting a CAR reactive skin? Just shut up and take my money!
Hopefully we can go into the firing range with more than just 2 friends now that it is revamped
Any guess what the size might be on playstation?
Hoping it’s nothing crazy
anyone noticed revenant. 1:21
map crazy 🔥
The Wraith at the end ego pushes alone and then disconnects.
I had a near heart attack when I saw T-posing pathy 😭
Players – please fix the bugs and glitches ffs
Devs – we’ve updated the firing range 🤷
Wall bouncing in the trailer? Cool that they’re acknowledging the existence of this mechanic that was probably wasn’t planned to be in the game in the first place.
That battlepass Watsson skin is amazing! Very wellcoming changes overall in game. I hope they fix soon audio and other issues also… Ballistic looks cool af. This battlepass is SMASH for me. Goodbye money. Huge Res W! 🤑😎💯
weapon mastery was such a good idea
I think is the first time that the walljump appears in a trailer. Awesome.
1:55 Reactive Car??
Oh, my God ballistic wall jumped
Imma need that Pathy emote
LOL The ending on old streamer with the sigh then clapping the wraith was priceless whoever made that give em a pay raise.
Showing actual movement tech in a trailer, dope!!
I’m hoping his ultimate slowly reloads your weapons when not firing
Was that a reactive car?
I’m excited for firing range YESSSS THEY FINALLY GIVING IT SOME LOVE 😮💨😮💨💕
The 2 wall bounces are the most epic thing in the trailer.
Pathfinder t posing in 2:13 💀💀
Titanfall parkour??????
So…..no one will mention the T-posing Pathfinder at the end?
Finally gameplay with actual apex mechanics for the first time? ❤
IS THE ULTIMATE A JUMP TOWER?!?!?!? MOVEMENT GOD TEAM: Ballistick, Valkyrie, Path or Octane😱
8 more days 😭😭 this season better be as amazing as it looks
I need titanfall
best season yet so far!!! holy so much
ballistic carries three guns. he summons jump tower so maybe skirmisher. smart pistol tactical. has jojo reference. pathfinder t posing asserting dominance
Nice season introduction, but isn’t it time for 120 FPS to arrive?
I’m so happy they are embracing the movement
pathfinder t-Pose is all I needed
the new champ looks boring af
The pathy t pose at the end
So no rev rework ?
Min 2:07 love
So wall jump and an updated firing range. I am hyped.
The season looks so good 🤯
Been playing this game for a while now, I still love it like I just started
i want that t pose for pathfinder in game
trailerteam discovered wallbounce
Truly an apex experience
they better be fixing rank plays because bronze lobby is now filled with diamond smurfs.
Love Apex!! They’re at it again fulfilling the needs of our limbic systems…. hahahah excited for this season
if we have a mobile jump tower, movement legends will be nerfed with that
I’m dead.😇
you too?
They kept the one building i was hoping theyd get rid of ssmmhhh
can’t wait for new game breaking bugs
2:03 Never bring a knife to a gun fight
Path hitting the T poses
Dude….is Pathfinder getting a jump tower??
the jump tower guy
Looks awesome! Can’t wait to play Walter white 🙂
I hope we aren’t getting another Gibby + lifeline tracker set…..
Really hoping for exclusive weapon skins for the masteries!!!!
Why was Pathfinder t-posing in the end-
Is no one talking about Pathfinder T-posing ?!?!😭
2:11 path with the T pose hahaha
This is better than all the other trailers
What did valk do 😭😭😭😭😭
Loved the wall bounces in 0:59
Didn t see the reactive weapon of season
This season looks amazing! I hope they give some compensation to movement legends like Octane, Valkyrie for the release of the new mobile jump tower
the first trailer with some crispy movement, I hope the next trailer will be even better
i loved the part how wraith just phased to let gibby get killed from behind without any footsteps being heard, truly an apex experience
Češi a Slováci???
Wow ballistic as a deployable balloon. He will be valk broke I bet you on release
I will enjoy this season!!
I hope…
Never thought I’d hear Big Narstie in an Apex Legends trailer. Mad.🔥
we need a madness combat colab with a jebus skin man!
t posing pathfinder goes hard
I am Wowed at apex taking a huge step and giving us an update on TWO maps at once.
Brooo this an accurate gameplay I’m excited
Wraith pushing 3 ppl solo and dying instantly. A true apex experience
Pathy in T-pose >>>>>>>>>>>>>
you guys already know people are gonna become gods in the fireing range 🙂 <3
Best gameplay trailer yet🔥
They should’ve said excommunicado instead of excommunicated, would be so dope
Hyped ⬇️
Yes…just yes
No weapon progress skins? huh
Portable junk towers = HUGE Valkyrie nerf! 😂
Dude you firing range?! This season is going to be sick!
Car reactive skin ?? 0:36
I can’t the Pathfinder T-pose
Cross progress?
Uy uy uy uy !!!!! Que cosa he visto!!!!
Pathfinder T-Pose
So is the wall jumping just a nod to the community that they’re embracing movement mechanics like it or…
Are they actually making it easier to perform? Maybe even an in-game tutorial?
Apex just keeps getting better and better baby!! Wooooohh ‼️‼️👏🏿👏🏿
At the end I see paty t pose
Apex doing the things that’s always needed to be done like this firing range update we’re going in a good direction they just need to keep this up
Finally. a firing range with DOORS.
“Someone’s got a shot on me, pretty sure”
I’m more excited for the firing range update. 🤷♀️
I don’t like how Ballistic’s ultimate (the ballon probably) is basically like a Valkyrie ultimate but kinda better . It will make Valkyrie worse and lower her pick rate
Pathfinder tposing is legendary
Reactive car skin
2:10 is path ok?
I love the T-Pose Pathfinder at the end. So much quality.
Anyone else think apex is dead now?
The wall jumps are everything
@0:04 I was expecting an “Excommunicado” and some people writing the target reward price on a chalkboard.
What was he’s ultimate?
the way pathfinder is t-posing in the end tho
What is Ballistics Ult? Didnt quite catch it in the video. Im assuming passive is to carry 3 guns, Tactical is the smart pistol and then not sure what the Ult is. Guessing the mobile deploy balloon is available for everyone?
Another cash grab from EA. Great.
Ballistic is excommunicado 😱 y’all gotta put a john wick skin or somethin in there(i know it’s a bit of a reach 😅)
C.A.R réactif skin
I love mirage
Bruh like 2 months into S17 everyone will probably be over it & back to complaining
Why did they act like wraith was the final boss of the trailer only to get smoked 3 seconds later?😭
Cross Progress when?
Please have Kings Canyon this season, I miss it so much
Is that BIG NARSTY? I love this game ❤
smart pistol?
I actually thought that pathfinder t-posing was an error. But when i saw the raven i realized it was an emote
This looks like one of the best seasons in a long time
2:12 New Pathfinder passive?!?
hey fellas, whaddup with the cringe zoomer tick tock music?
oh right, advertise for kids, get them of fortnut with new dancing emotes and get them to spend their parents money on 150 euro cosmetics. big iQ right there ea
So in the new season you can play as the czech president, great
Pathfinder T-posing is something i didn’t know i wanted
2:09 Indiana Jones reference???
1:56 that deadslide
The dead slide in the trailer is golden
Really loved the moment when Wraith thought she could solo a 1v3, but still got killed anyways. Truly an Apex experience.
2:03 Best part 😂😂😂
Rampart missing every shot with sheila. Truly an apex experience
Best update in a while fr
Oh my God, he will jump
im only interested in the t posing pathfinder
gandpa Chamber from Valo
Why did Wraith just stand there at the end? 😂 Like… ok?
The T pose is crazy😂😂
fix apex
Pathfinder t pose of dominance
as wattson main, that skin look sick!
Nerf Watson please
2:03 lol wow Indiana Jones reference
Ballistic sounds like Travis Touchdown/Talbot from Uncharted. Aka Robert Atkin Downes lol.
Anybody spot Pathfinder t posing in the back at the end of the trailer?
I’ve been waiting for a reactive Car skin!
Valk ult in a survival slot
I loved the part where Wraith had no weapons but a kunai, challenged ballistic, and died instantly in the process before she could disconnect. Truly an Apex experience.
Did they just wall bounce in an apex trailer
When the devs finally figure out the movement tech ppl have been using for years (wall bounce) and add it as a feature 🤔
bro the pathfinder T pose😭
I didnt understand his ult
Crazy how all the evil characters in this game are straight white males 😂 blatant sexism & racism.
The wall bounce into the portal was clean 🧼💯
2:11 yo why path stanced up like that lol
-His passive is right,it can stack more weapon into third weapon slot
-His tatical is aimlock single enemy to heatup and increase recoil,also damage if they continue to shoot
-Ult is turn into infinite reload make you want to shoot all your bullet if you like,also can make your third weapon into gold weapon,i not sure infinite can impact teammate…
Weapon mastery looks so good, and it will be something fun to grind for.
Dude the firing range changes is awesome. the warm ups are gonna be great and you dont need to lose a bunch of games to get in the groove
Reporting hackers for dual wielding will now have the follow up question: “Are you sure you wasn’t wrecked by a ballistic?”
What’s the last weapon of the battle pass
Golden guns, reactive car t posing path so much going on, love it def gonna waste money kudos respawn
2:10 and after the firing range A-Pose bug, we have the Pathfinder T-Pose, glad to know that is Canon 😂 (i guess i have another reason to be a Pathfinder main)
Ballistic’s tactical seems busted already, you can shock someone and you can use it while shooting? Seems impossible to lose fights with that
they done put aceu in the apex trailers why are they walljumping
t pose emote for pathy is lit
Insane update
They canceled titan fall 3 for this 💀
Who else running a Mastiff banner this season?
the best part of this trailer is just seeing wraith get shot in the face fr
anyone talking about Pathfinder T-Posing??
3 weapon loadout…deployable jump towers…nah…T-posing Pathfinder! Pog!
The T-Pose pathfinder 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
At least they know they have to give the new character rotation to be used😂😂
No I wanted the rev reboot😢😢
I feel like people saying Valk ult is dead dont realize that with the mobile jump tower, the enemy squads chasing you will be able to chase you using the same jump tower. But with valk ult they cant unless they have their own valk. But hopefully this makes respawn buff Valk ult back to how it originally was ❤ Mirage main btw. Need mirage to be in support class, ty
that look like a skin from csgo cross over
fix ya servers
I love how they made the wall tech like a technique that ballistic came up with and is showing us like it’s something new
After fighting the movement players for the best part of 4 years they actually show two wall bounces in a trailer. I love the new firing range, that’s probably what I’m most hyped about. I wonder about what changes they may make to Valkyrie with the mobile balloon item now in play.
Hurry up and Release Cross Save, theres a whole community waiting for cross save so they can get back into the game
It’s the CAR reactive skin for me 😍
we still haven’t gotten a clear look at his ultimate. and we didn’t see any finishers either
Now, this is a season to look forward to!
Bro why is Pathfinder T posing at the end🤣🤣
I like that wattson skin
1:55 Car turbocharger 🤨
This part made me laugh way too hard
Is that Robin Atkin Downes? (It is)
Pathfinder’s T post is just genius
Legends say that wraith in the end left after being killed in 0.001 seconds
Wall Jumping in an Apex Trailer?
let’s see when they do this with Tap-strafing after mantle-jumping and recognize it as a legit strat
Apex finally climbing back up to number 1
Did bro just tea pose
Be glad that u didnt meet me when i was young …that gave me chills
Looks like I am more hyped for the firing range than the legend
I can’t get the medic from tf2 out of my head every time Ballistic speaks
Dawg got that valk ult
Rev reborn when?
2:10 T posing pathy is the best 😂
bro hittin the juicy wall jumps 💀
2:14 pathfinder T pose
Who’s wall jumping for them at Respawn
respawn w
please don’t mess this up respawn please
can;t wait to t-posing the enemy
hahaha pathfinder just T-posing at the end.
1:56 is that a REACTIVE CAR SKIN ?
Deployable ziplines that explode after using
They showed walljump in trailer, its cool. Are Respawn finally accepted movement in their own game?
Where is the rank detail?
W changes
1:27 war thunder
Fix audio.
Can we all agree how ballistic disrespected wraith so hard at the end?
Como van a poner a loba con revenant en equipo loba revenant te va a tirar muchas indirectas
is that Faide 2:04
Wall bouncing in an Apex trailer??? I didn’t know Respawn was chill like that 🤙
That wall jump tho! Game changer fo sho!
Ballistic is a badass, World’s Edge doesn’t look like agony anymore… Maybe this season will be fun. I’ve been honing my aim with Overwatch, too, so maybe I’ll do pretty good for once!
You couldn’t show us more of ballistics abilities
That firing range update is insaneeee
So arsenal is old chamber without his ult?
Path T-posing on your deathbox to assert dominance
2:11 My boy path menacingly T-posing
aint no one gonna mention that they wall bounced on a trailer
Buff caustic
oszt audió mikor lesz?!
I love new path T-poseing emote.
Way apex abimiz yine döktürmüş
Two wall bounces, noice
Another mid update
Apex mobile 😢😢😢😢😢 bye bye
The t posing pathy 🤣🤣
he can use his tac in an offhand but ash cant? Crazy.
Pathfinder: T
I’m sorry… I must have spilt my tea for a second, I could have sworn they showed what actually looked like a short wallrun-
valk passive they give to everyone and now her ultimate . please delete her and refund me her heirloom
Lol the t posing pathfinder emote at the end
Как обычно. Нихуя не понятно, но очень интересно
T posing Pathfinder , truly menacing
wait was that ending suppose to be a slight towards the ttv wraiths that uses that building alot because theyre getting rid of it’?
I just want King’s Canyon back😢
using wall jumps in trailer is cool
what about Revenant Rework?
Path T pose
Wraith twitch prime skin? Hmmmm
Bout time the CAR gets a reactive skin 😊
Somebody get these lames. We shooting ballistic bullets this season
Really surprised to see wallblouncing appear in this trailer. I hope tap strafing is removed, but I don’t mind wallbouncing
Wattson!!!!!!! excited for this battle pass wooh
Is Ballistic the new sweaty legend?
more bugs and cheater coming! cant wait to see that
This weapon mastery thing better have exclusive skins for the weapons
Was that a wall jump and a tap strafe in the trailer? Pretty cool for them to finally have more than barebones movement ngl
Why are you closing the mobile version 🥺😭😭😭😭
LOL T pose pathfinder at the end
Valk mains crying rn
а резве выходил реактивный скин на кар?
T posing Path!
They reworked lava fcity ?
I love how apex characters do wall bounces
This comment section… it’s all positive. This is the apex I’ve been waiting for again. 🙂
Like for T-pose pathfindef 😹😹
yo why are the hands clipping trough the gun model? didn’t you had this down in titanfall?
Yoooooo 3:54 was that a reactive CAR SKIN????????
First time there’s ever been a wall bounce in a trailer!! 🎉
that car skin is sick
Is this the first time we got movement in the trailer?
This is the first time I’ve seen wall jumping in a apex trailer lol.
I hope they fixed their servers.
I can’t wait for the new firing range 😍
Nah pathfinder be t-posing at the end now that got me
there was a lot going on in that trailer
Respawn just found out about wall bouncing apparently. They used it twice in this trailer
rev rework plz?
why is pathfinder t-posing at 2:09
Bro did the car just use energy ammo? 0:50
Sooo CAR reactive lets gooo
Bro the Indians Jones references with him and wraith 😂
Ufff me volvió el hype
Valk is now irrelevant if that was a deployable balloon tower. I’m so happy
That song🔥🔥
I think Geriatrix would be better name than Ballistic…
I will play apex again when u nerf controller aim assist, go to war zone instead
Nice Nice Nice!
The fact that apex showed wall bouncing into the game which makes it so epic
This is the moment where Ballistic became August Brinkman.
1:55 The reactive CAR skin?
I never thought that I’d be this exited and emotional for a new apex season!
1:55, Reactive CAR, sweet!
So I guess no one wants to talk about the t-posing pathfinder 🤣
T-pose on Pathfinder 💀
the final boss always a wraith hahah
Everything is boom, boom and more BOOM!
1:02 this will ruin the game how much we betting?
(Includes Randoms Items)
The randoms items: White White Blue
No ballistic finishers?
honestly i’m not too surprised… what more updates are you doing to ranked? besides pairing silvers with plat when you can’t fill it😅
Wow they actually used wall bouncing and the C.A.R. is the new reactive! So excited for the new changes!
They had A.I enemies to fight for years and finally we can use that to train, I’m so excited.
Mobile jump tower 🎉
Bro this trailer was crazy😦
R.I.P Valkyrie 1:04
0:33 Construction building is still on the map but moved
I am actually excited but I am still concerned. Yes all the new changes are nice but what about the constant issue of server connections? I adore the video, I wanna give S17 the hype but I am…..questioning.
Nothing special
At 1:26, we’re they just wall running?????!?!
Whaaat wall-jump as an actual game mechanic and not as an exploit? oh my gooood
Hopefully they can RESPAWN this season and not EA everything up, eh?
What is the evolved skin in the battle pass ??
Does any of this matter if the Matchmaking & Audio are still broken?
First legend I’ve been hyped for in a while.
please add solo queues or duos comp
reactive car smg
No need for fire ranging update😅
No way they added smart taser on this game
That wattson skin 🔥
The walljumps go crazy fr
Several WALL JUMPS featured here 👀
It’s still not enough to bring me back but hope you all enjoy and have fun! And for those who can’t hit your shots – Enjoy the smart pistol ability lol
1:15 Wait that was wattson? I thought it was catalyst…
it diddnt really show the reactive car skin….
I really hope the weapon kills tracker are tracked already, that would be pretty cool
4:12 path T-posing in 2023?!? What a chad
3 GUNS. Illegal but acceptable 👍 – Kyoto_Shrine.
This pathfinder skin is from prime gaming and coming into apex battle pass? Truly an apex legends experience.
really hope they prioritize for bug and audio fixes cause that is what keeping apex down currently.
looking forwards this szn as always!
Firing range
Are they working on wall running?
Bruh. 😮
what was that??? literally all his skills look passive
It’s great
Dropped Apex for 2 season’s because of Respawn management with game bugs. I might pick it up again this season. Overwatch 2 is awesome! I forgotten what it’s like to have footsteps audio cues and competent devs.
Schmovement in a apex trailer? (Kinda)
Honestly I felt like mirage in the previous trailer I wouldn’t mind going down by a smart pistol in APEX
Wattson skin Cyberpunk 2077?
Revenant rework?
Firing range updates?!?! Wow respawn you guys outdone yourselves, l love it!!
pathfinder t-pose XDD
we tell them to add something from Titanfall and those MFs choose the smart pistol
Can wait for them battle pass videos now
Don’t know what’s the nerf for some legends
Wraith: looking for me
Ballistic: I would rather sell my estate for a worthy opponent
That was ballistically cold
Dude is apex’s version of the drifter
use less hai itni saari power ke aage 😂👻 miss u apax legend mobile
Hola persona que lee esto
The soundtrack giving chills, so freaking nostalgic
still no cross progression 👌👌👌🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Wall jumping in the trailer is nuts
Could they be any less creative with his ult
I can wait for the new apex season
Wall jumps in a trailer is crazyyyyyyy
Uuhm pathfinder T pose?
My favorite part was when Wraith portaled in and got instantly killed by Ballistic. Truly an Apex experience.
This beat slaps
That was badass! Stoked for next season!
As a pathfinder main I can confirm that’s the exact way you pose after killing solo wraith
my guy pathfinder is t posing on them
Path was for real t posing 😂
yet again no cross progression
Pathfinder tposing😭😂
As a season 0 player, that homage to the original 8 felt so nostalgic..
Can’t believe they put ringo roadagain into apex legends
People thinking walljump is new 😂
This was a terrible apex trailer..
so, we gonna talk about pathfinder t posing at the end there?
W trailer
Pathfinder on T pose in the end hahaha
Wraith phasing into reality in front of the enemies, truly an Apex Legends moment.
why is pathfinder t-posing at the end 💀
Wraith getting wreaked!
Let’s freakin’ go!!! 🥲
add cross progression
Aight T pose path made me more exited about this. 😀
That T posing pathy better be a emote
Indiana Jones reference?
Pathfinder T-posing lol
Ok ok now you have me
valk heavy shadow nerf
What the Pathfinder doin?
Oh yea! We still dropping fragment baby 🔥🔥
rip valk
ok that was sick… I give it to them
I’m coming
Is pathfinder t posing 😂
This going be fire
Wraith really just stood there to get wingmaned 😂
What the pathfinder doin
so… no revenant rework huh…..
Wall jumps everywhere🤣
You cant deny how epic the movement was in this trailer
Alpha T pose
They adding a T posing pathfinder emote💀💀💀💀💀
W premier
Good, kings canyon is back
Nothing for Bangalore… AGAIN
Oooo I can’t wait till nexx week 😀😀😀☺️
So still no rev rework 😢😢
first apex W in years
Pathy t posing at the end 😂😂
Fire 🔥🔥🔥
So he uses weapon amp from titanfall
Pathfinder t pose
Valkyrie : a walking jump tower
Ballistic : can summon one-use jump tower
Looks insane
Bro what the weapon mastery?!?!?
Wow it finally arrived😊
Yeeeees, a legendary Wattson skin in the Battle Pass!!!💜
Let’s go new wattson skin
kay bye
I like the part when there was sound in the trailer but not the game.
Still no 120fps on currently gen consoles 😂
how about add more interesting and fun to fight in buildings and more than 3 types of buildings with them not being annoying to get around or on?
This beat is fire 🔥
Mirage prestige skin plss make it like zed in league of legends the finisher part make it like zed
I’m sad for Apex mobile
I cant wait for the new ranked changes
Season could have some potential if you fix the footstep audio. Dying repeatedly to someone climbing up 2 steps behind with zero audio is making the game unplayable
This better be good
I love how much chills you get while listening to the OG Apex soundtrack
So hype for this can’t wait for this season to come out I’m gonna miss the hot drops tho
After getting such an amazing presentation of Ballistic – I can wait to return to Apex! Thank you for giving me hope!
King Canyon, Ocarina of Time remake, and the original Star Wars Trilogy remastered… Three things we’ll never see but everyone wants.
Amogus. Mogus. Amongus.
I hope the ranked gets better, not like the state its in right now
Get back to work Will
new rev let’s gooo
I’m sitting in class right now
Ballistic better go Ballistic in this trailer 😂 I’ll see myself out
Join my crew
been waiting all morning 🥰
Buff lifeline
I wonder what’s going to be in the trailer 😉
lets goooo
Love it how everybody in the chat always makes demands instead of just enjoying the game
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Rest in piece Streamer building 2, you will be missed
I loved the part where ballistic says “welcome to the true mans world”
Use me as a “Here before the trailer comes out” button
hope there is next gen support on this season
я чурка
Espero que no pongan Storm Point en esta temporada, harto me tiene ese mapa!!!!
So hyped for the new legend
Praying for King’s Canyon to be in rotation (Olympus staying would be nice too). Just leave it out of the Ranked rotation and that way everyone is happy
This new season is gonna be EPIC! LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!
I’m genuinely hyped for this season.Ballistic is looking like a badass,the new changes to World’s Edge look amazing(from what we’ve seen so far),and just everything overall looks great. Kudos to Respawn.
Everyone’s being very optimistic in assuming that anything they put in the comments is gonna be seen by anyone at respawn
Have they released the general notes for the next update yet?
i aint playing this game till they fix my boy revenant, my man is like a refrigerator during a blackout
Buff Revenant, Please
This season battle pass was str8 Garbauge
Left handed legend plss
Let’s see what you guys have for us in the new season!
The skinwalker
Hurry up
bout to main this man wsith some cool voicelines
50 minutes 💀💀💀
i really hope they added 120hz
120 hz next gen !!!!
единственный русский комментарий
(👁️_👁️)yea anyday now…
will apex legends mobile shut down or not
No skins for mastery weapons, no stats added when playing rumble mode, sounds like another awful season to me
ok this trailer will have players with 30 health and Ballistic going 20 Bomb and 5K Damage goin with some finishers
Thanks for all the hard work, excited to see what season 17 brings!
Twitch: Therealmoneybyfriday
I literally can’t wait for the weapon mastery and the new season that is causing so much hype oh and ballistic can’t forget about that😁
Make the gaame good
I’m sorry but I still think it’s gonna be a new revenant, has really good kit but as soon as the season ends completely forgotten about and nerfed to bits
I will be back in 2082
@The Gaming Merchant pun city 😂
new legend seems very cool
2 hours to go!!!!
I just want the patch note
Ranked changes are genuinely exciting me for next season. I love this game but ranked is pretty average right now
Can’t wait for ballistic to come out.
New season looking good👍🏼
Hoping for a revenant rework🙏
Fallow me on twitch TV I streamer day to day Apex legends! 🎉
I quit apex like 2 seasons ago best decision of my life
I swear if we get p2020 reactive I’m uninstalling like seriously how often would anyone even get to the first level
Waiting I’m going crazyyy
Can’t wait for those new recolored skins 😢🎉
Gonna attempt to be the number 1 PlayStation ballistic id say I could do it if I put in the time
Only 3 more hours everyone yay
Wat his gun do? Turn off audio for enemy player?
Lifeline Mains foaming at the mouth for a buff😂
Arsenal fans in Apex rn:😁
Arsenal fans in prem rn: 😑
I hope the gift shop brings back perfect soldier
More Mixtape Content please!
respawn listen to us, don’t worry if your current fans are not experienced with the world of titanfall, right NOW is the best time to develop titanfall 3 which is what apex should have been from the beginning but here we are.
If we keep going with the genre of battle royals we will all get tired and therefore it would be smarter to adapt to a new genre which you already attempted to do with titanfall 2 and 1 “multiplayer”. Respawn please listen to your fans and release the wanted sequel to one of the best games.
The hype feels like season one all over again…..I hope it’s all that & a bag of chips…
Apex is really fun and addicted Game 🎮
Is the bp trailer gonna drop today aswell?
Hyped ❤❤❤
When the new season
I am waiting😊
Hmm 🤔 I’m not sure how I’m supposed to do something
Arsenal FC
I hope they bring back KC, i’m thinking they are since Caustic is getting a prestige skin, he has a town take over there? that would be great
Looking forward and excited for the new legend 😁
Chicken nuggies 😃🙃🙂😐😦🤓😐😐😐😐😐😑😫 WHERE’S MY NUGGIES!?!?!😡🤬🤬😡😠😤🥺🥺🥺😐…hi
Ballistic r34
Nice way to troll ARSENAL for loosing Their top spot in premiere league 😂👀🌚 jkjk
I cannot express my wait for this season. Gonna be epic
Yet you guys are shutting down mobile :/
Rework Revenant
He’ll, I’m buying ballistic when he comes out tomorrow.
Actually i might be awake
Its a shame I’ll be asleep when the livestream starts😢 but all I know is that ballistic is gonna kick everyone’s ASH get it?🎉🎉🎉
the thing about Arsenal Gameplay Trailers is, they always try to walk it in.
new season lezgoo
Another season of collection events and overpriced skins. Truly an apex experience. 😊
Please do something about Rev’s ult
Maybe yall should spend some time on mirage and his bugs along with his heirloom
Hm seems like this season is gonna be really good so I can’t wait for this Arsenal Gameplay Tralier and alright seeing T posing Path has got me in lol but seriously though really good gameplay tralier and I can’t wait for this Season!👍✨️💙
Newcastle, Arsenal what’s Next Manchester United
Que emociónnnnnnnnn
This game needs to die my god
New season new battle pass more addictive game
The best apex Legends youtubers coment here so im here😂😂
Buff my boy Revenant and i will buy all your stuff EA 👀
love the sound and matchmaking, true apex legends experience
add cross progression
I love getting frozen inside of the crafting machine and come back dead and lose 400 RP, truly and apex experience.
They are ruining every good POI just so less ppl land there, so sad
Love Ballistic carrying 3 charge rifles and killing my team from 300 meters away. Truly an apex experience.
Taking so long
I’m looking forward to the season cus of RANKED 🎉
I haven’t played Apex In a good 5 months, hopefully this season is good enough it will bring me back to start playing again
Cant wait!
My favorite game of all time I miss season 0 kc hope we can go back to it sometime with old lighting and everything I wanna experience it one more time
It’s about time 😌👍
arsenal 4-1
I genuinely hope we get a reactive p2020
Daaam, even Arsenal got their season at ApexLegends
I’m expecting 0 audio improvements, louder ambient noises, fragments to become more populated, seer to still be seer and ash’s tactical to still be bugged.
it is a great shame for you as a company not to be able to do cross progression for 17 seasons
Please bring 120fps
Praying for cross progression
Guys remember to mass report any account with explicit name & pfp on them since they are bots trying to scam you
I thought the trailer comes out today
Give us free coins
If I have to wait any longer I swear, my next explosive outburst will be ballistic! 🔥😤🔥
will they add cross progression tho?
Honestly this season was good, no new legend to shake up the meta or playstyles but overall ranked and legend changes were good. Hoping for some key map changes along with the new legend
I love men
Bro…. FIX OLD GEN I can’t even get into the main lobby. And when I do my frames are at 30 I hate EA
Lets go baby!!
me when i finna go ballistic:
This difficult and wonderful FPS doesn’t notice the plethora of enemies around you until they appear in front of you.
This season needs to be THE season!! Gotta surpass that legendary season 3. 🔥
Good 1
I’m sitting here without standing up for the next 20 hours
With the “gradual” Audio fix roadmap, Only if we could get Seer “Balanced” Apex would be in a way better place then now.
Reactive C.A.R. pls
cruisingmaster is trash in apex
I’m excited for the new season let’s go!
As an arsenal fan this premier league season.
The name for this apex legends season couldn’t have come at a worse time for me
Anyone else not even playing the game anymore because the amount of bots in pub lobbies?
Calladonia went ballistic and beat Falkirk 3 nil
Really hoping this season feels more like fun because 16 was just me playing to keep my movement in good working order not much fun though.
No cross prog?
Can’t wait to see which song I’m about to add to my workout playlist.
my body is ready
Reactive car skin this season i hope
PLS we need better serveur, stop spam event skin, fix bug & hack tool, upgrade “club” for find player and real teamplay.
Time to go full ballistic on this season
Waiting for Apex season release video, truly an experience
Love to see it.
Add apex mobile 2
Barely played this season and last season, hopefully this is the season where it gets my hyped
Iv been waiting for a reactive sentinel for soo long i think there like 4 or 5 og weapons that hasnt have a reactive weapon yet so it could be any one of them i could be wrong tho im curious about ballistic gamplay and the new fragment update
The funny thing is I have enough Apex coins to buy the battle pass but I just haven’t bought the last couple of our past because they not catching my eye
“GO ARSENALS!” – Ballistic
We want train back plz
Can’t wait for the new firing range and the new world’s edge updated map.
Apex legends game will be closed
Loving the sound design in this game. Truly an apex legends experience
May 1st is Kenyan Labor day but Ballistic is on duty, I love it
Help me
looking like a w this season.
RIP Forge!
But do you think Arsenal wil win the premiere league?
Am looking forward to this season, we’re getting a few things we wanted, not everything but a few, and a couple things that we didn’t expect but I welcome them
Season: Worst club in the world
why can’t y’all just post these on weekends man
[insert hype here]
I love having sound in a game. Truly an apex experience
No way arsenal roblox apex legends colab!!!!!
Коммент для будущего меня
just not reactive p2020 pls!!!
Choo choo train please 🚂
The waiting time for this new season is driving me ballistic
Wish this season would be very good
I (hate) loved the part where we all loved the part where we loved the part. Truly an apex experience.