ALGS Year 3 Split 2 Day 9 NA | Apex Legends
ALGS Year 3 Pro League – Split 2 Match Day 9 – NA – Groups B & C
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コメント (20)
CEO barely makes it this split. The New final bosses are XSET and FURIA. LG are the coffin makers and TSM are a good team i guess 😏
Onset and Gaskin are the dynamic duo.
Finally Glitter is back and the boys, thank you! So much better.
Casters are way better but the choice of viewpoint is still all over the place. In the first match we just watch Darkzero sitting on a rock for 5 minutes while half the lobby gets eliminated.
Glad in the 1st match while like 10 teams got eliminated we were just listening to darkzero comms
Where’s its Timmy?
so regional playoffs is the last day for teams to qualify for the split 2 playoffs?
TSM makes it ahaha let’s go
yesssssss gaskin and the boys
Valerie Is so bad for rotation in Comp. . Lots of them camping , so it’s hard to land anywhere bc it’s not safe
No Nickmercs for MVP???? Rigged 3:26:54
tsm is done playing so e8 can breathe at wall💀💀
I like this commentary team a lot more, this was much more pleasant to watch than last week. GGs
Why does everyone only have 2 syringes? Can’t they hold 4???
Onset and gaskin pog
Game 1 25:38
Game 2 54:44
Game 3 1:22:16
Game 4 1:57:04
Game 5 2:31:23
Game 6 2:59:51
Extesyy solo>>>TSM
This year is domination of Fire Beavers
TSM > Nickmercs > Tripods > Everyone > ME > NRG