CLEANEST TAP STRAFE IN APEX LEGENDS!? (my best flatline clips)
LIKE if you enjoyed! I’ll be uploading ten videos of my best clips from each of my favorite weapons. Series will include Wingman, Kraber, Bocek, R301, R99, EVA-8, Peacekeeper & more!
Series produced & edited by Swell:
Tweets by editswell
Subscribe to iiTzTimmy: https://bit.ly/2ZDcS4G
Subscribe to iiTzTimmy日本語: https://bit.ly/2RVAil7
Intro Render by theOG_Pepper:
Tweets by theog_Pepper
Follow my socials:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iitztimmy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iiTzTimmy
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Sound effects licensed via Epidemic Sound.
#iiTzTimmy #Apex #ApexLegends
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends new season,apex legends gameplay,apex,iitztimmy,iitztimmy apex,iitztimmy apex legends,itztimmy apex,itztimmy apex legends,timmy apex legends,iitztimmy highlights,iitztimmy stream highlights,nrg aceu,aceu,iitztimmy japan,itztimmy japanese,timmy apex,apex legends clips,apex clips,best apex clips,best apex shot,best apex player,apex clip,apex movement,apex legends movement,apex strafe,apex tap strafe,apex movement guide
コメント (65)
as a flatline enjoyer, this was satisfying to watch…gg
What amazes me with these clips from top players is not really the movement and shooting, that comes with grinding, grinding and more grinding and a fair bit of basic talent. What does amaze me is the ability of players to spot other players, be it hidden somewhere or miles away. I must be doing something wrong…
Flatline’s my favourite anytime!!! Even the shots sound satisfying.
The Flatline is the most underrated AR in Apex for a long time. At least it’s now viable.
Guys please Turn To Jesus give him a chance. Looking around at the world looks like time is running out. Even if you think the Bible is a fairytale, everything that Jesus said would happen in the end times is unfolding before our eyes . Turn to Jesus please
P2020 next🗿
0:25 WTF !!!
Looks like a cheater to me.
I had just discovered, and was beginning to abuse, the old Flatline hip-fire right before it took a big nerf in the nemesis patch..rip Flatline. I don’t pick it up anymore.
just path highlight
yooo how on earth did the octane in the second clip actually put damage on you? HE WAS FURTHER BACK AND FACING THE OTHER WAY LMAO
Transition at 2:40 was too clean my brain didn’t register it’s a new clip for a sec🔥🔥
Always here for a new video .
P2020 next?
Since when Timmy’s channel become ASMR?
When best melee clips?
I’m still sad they nerfed this gun
This series is fire
❤the new style of uploads.
سلاح G7 … ننتظر
Timmy sure knows how to click the hell out of people. I love it
he’s a cool pro 😤
Oh to have the old hipfire again
Yo Timmy, awesome clips of the FlatLine weapon.
I am waiting for the R99 one clips
Ahhhh yes TAP STRAFING….. The only way people can be “better” than someone else in Apex. By doing absolutely inhuman movement and gliding/ floating in 5 directions at the same spacebar tap…….. Gotta love it
Eva 8
U must not know who faide is 🤣 even extessy got better strafe on remote
Hello Timmy keep up the good work I appreciate it great content
2:39 transition clean 🔥
i miss timmy tbh
Sometimes i think timmy is aimbotting but then im like he cant be cause how can u cheat that movement
yea but controller is overpowered
Nice baby
Damn man this is fire. Keep up the great work
“Alright, I gotchu guys bags” after he calmly wiped a whole team by himself.. Timmy is seriously different
now we gotta see the G7
That was my usual hipfire in the end )) (I am plat 1 max)
Hey baby boo
Timmy is just goated
cracked 1, pushing
built dif
Love the animations at the beginning of the video and also the whole video it’s just insane 🫠
You are damn good at this game I wish I was good like you
That intro was fire
Jk ur never gonna see this
Can u play on my account im not good
The target switching go crazy
I’m so proud of you the dedication determination & motivation you have to constantly post is everything and entertain your audience at the same time especially when you are juggling multiple different platforms !!! You make it look so easy and effortless
I love how he inhales deeply after every awesome clip
Timmy’s Melee could be 25 damage and he’d still only need melees to kill me.
Timmy is just too cracked honestly. Love the content ❤
Flatline bby POG
best r-99 clips next?
i’m so early it feels weird ily timmy
Love the highlights videos ❤
Flatline or R-301
Yessir !!
Wow am I first
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