Apex Legends: Arsenal Launch Trailer
Before there were Legends, there was Ballistic. He’s back in the fray, here to show the Legends, the crowd, and himself that this old dog’s tricks stand the test of time.
Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.
#ApexLegendsArsenal #ApexArsenal #ApexLegends
Production Company: Electronic Arts, Respawn Entertainment & Psyop
Sound Design/Mix: Barking Owl
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Learn more about Apex Legends: Arsenal: http://x.ea.com/76313
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Taqs:apex legends,apex,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,apex legends season 17,apex legends season 17 trailer,apex legends arsenal,apex season 17,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,apex season 17 trailer,apex arsenal,ballistic apex legends,apex legends ballistic,ballistic apex,apex ballistic,new apex trailer,apex legends arsenal launch trailer,arsenal launch trailer,arsenal trailer,arsenal apex legends,respawn apex legends,battle royale,respawn entertainment
コメント (2565)
Did the animation team even get to sleep?
some bioshock vibes we’ve got here.
No way bro has a shock stick 💀
А починят баги, вылеты, траблы со звуками, да и в общем эту полумертвую игру? А нет, добавят скинчиков, реколоров и реликвии, увы база
I want to take a break from my Arsenal and here you go 😅😢
Remember, always fear an old man in a profession where men die young….always.
It’s gonna be the new legend everyone’s dad plays, kinda like fuse
NOW THIS IS AWESOME I F ing LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
granpa has plot armor for an ult
Who’s his son? 😊
MFs made John Wick
Scrooge McDuckuck comes to the apex games
I’m so hyped.
For the first time in Apex cinematic trailer history, Bangalore actually used her smoke launcher instead of just throwing the canister. Groundbreaking stuff here, guys.
His aon can’t hear this message caise there’s no audio in this game
Thers solo’s mode, in this game?
1:16-1:21 the average random teammates aim …. And by random teammate , I mean me
I actually think that was my favorite character trailer i have ever seen
Now that’s a real trailer.
ballistic easily gotta be one of the most badass legends to step into the apex games.
Please God let there be a canonical Ballistic, Fuze and Maggie teamup
I loved the part where all the teams are fighting and crypto is just sitting there watching with his drone. Truly an apex experience
So he’s Zane’s dad. Good to know. 😂
Is that a smart gun? Please tell me thats a smart gun
Good to see you again Herr Doktor.
breaking bad
can’t wait 😋
Respect your old man, especially a veteran. He fought and survived. He, highly possibly, still knows how to fight and survive better than you.
Old guys in video games have to be the most chill, badass character’s
I need the soundtrack for this trailer asap please.
Soldier 76 ?
I’m honored of Apex Legends to play Beyond the Sea in the background
I had immediately recognized the music they used when the tune kept repeating
absolute W trailer. Perfect voice acting, visuals, all of it.
fallout vibes
dude looks so badass
So EA killed apex mobile to get it’s animation team to pc version 🥹🥹
John wick type character
Soundtrack is crazy. Animations too. I love this guy and this amazing trailer 🥹
What song did they use?
Am i the only one who gets Fallout Gentleman Vibes with this one sick of a grandpa? also who also thought his pistol was a Smart-Pistol?
This man is the definition of smooth
They 1-up themselves every time with the music choice! Sam & Dave and now Django Reinhardt? What’s next, Aretha Franklin?
2:00 you are powerless!!
Amazing trailer horrible company. It’s such a shame
Amazing… well pleased and cant wait for Ballistic..
Dang, everything about this is so smooth ❤
Are the apex games actually happening? Or are these simulacrums and simulations? A game within a game? Are players actually being killed?
Apex trailers are the best. Always
So what’s his powers?
Give wattson a French artist skin please it must happen.
New guy looks awesome, the animation did a great job of showing him off.
Good thought Respawn to use music from launcher trailer of BioShock xd.
My team shooting, literally, cant connect one bullet to the enemy.
Whats the name of the music?
Mr white is that you?
I hope him in his night time robe becomes a skin later on.
Whoa… who is this guy!?! Dope trailer! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😁
This trailer is so high quality I think ima start playing Apex again.
The new animation gives me big Borderlands vibes
that was badass
hmmm if they rock a mullet/ mohawk .. there op
Brillante !! me encanta . ¿Dónde me puedo comprar las gafas?
would have been cool if the actual game was in these graphics/ animations
Anybody know what the music is for this launch trailer? It’s AMAZING
*sigh* Looks like it’s time to go back to apex…..
The vet. Love it
his kid is definitely gonna go through his stuff
Is that the song from Finding Nemo?
Fire trailer and all but what were there aim💀
Oh my God, Apex is doing some insane innovating. Oh, wait, just a character and slight map changes. They have been doing that since season 1.
Can’t believe that the Medic from TF2 is now an Apex character
I like that his lore fits his voice actor.
Man from the game from years ago, shows up in the new game to show how it’s done.
الحجي مولع خيو🔥🔥🔥🔥↖️↖️↖️☠️
Good trailer and great song!!!!!
Truly a work of art, along with the octane swimming then pushing in solo then dying, as usual in matches.
Nice, gives the same vibes as revenants trailer.
name music?
You can make any character you want and put them in your game and you went with another non movement character that gives infinite ammo?
Rizz marketing.
Why was the music so dang epic when Ballistic used the jump pad? Man that was awesome! Hats off to who ever arranged that music. Shout out to the animation team as well. S tier for me.
Who gave Alfred a gun?
Boooored 😴 like THIS can beat Octane n every single legend 😂 so disgusting
Such glamour.
Mans the frank sinatra of apex
bro is the Chuck Norris of the apex games
I dont even play Apex, but this was incrediable!
This trailer is so epic it made me tear up. Can’t wait!
Gotta be battle charge trailer then this for best ones
When u realize the time they deploy this new char is wen Arsenal bottle the Premier League Title
Love it but the music is too loud that i cant enjoy hearing them talking :c
I feel like he is perfect for players who like doing solos most of the time. Being able to carry a third weapon, making the enemy or enemies guns over heat. I don’t quite know his ult but yea. He looks fun
Трейлер сделанный с любовью
this Looks Amazing
Love that fist bump.
It’s the nemo song
it is a soldier 76 actualy
Boomer legend boomer legend
The new animation studio has clearly taken onboard the criticism and their new animation quality is really good
the music on this one goes hard
This is one of the best season trailers ever!!!
This was so awesome.
Baddas grandpa
Yup. That’s me saving legend tokens for ballistic instead of catalyst
This what ash felt like before she joined the games , I feel like blisk will turn into a regular legend .
Rip loba
This reminds me highly of the MCafee guy, anybody agree?
Love the song, what’s the title?
So apex mobile is dead
oh yeah this trailer it is! awsome! i love it!!!! they did a good job love how the musci grows with the trailer the personality very likeable! this will be good!
Best trailer
How many times did fuse get bodied by this guy in the trailer 😂
He reminds me Gus Gustavo in is personality
Beyond the sea was a perfect choice for this animation
Is it really an Apex trailer if Octane isn’t getting super aggressive and then gets beaten immediately
He better be the most op and broken thing ever that has happened to apex. Nerf him later fine but he better be god at release.
One of the best season trailers they’ve dropped in a while.
2:14 gramps went full Dante
All this cinematic movement just for him to be in game stiff as morning wood
W song
Ayo, it’s Colonel Sanders
Favorite trailer so far
boring and plain, hopefully the season updates are good
I want a video where Mirage takes major Ws!
Cryptos dad
I’m just saying, if one bullet can make a gun recoil that badly, this is about to be one of the most annoying characters to fight
Dang looking all those misses makes me remember my random teammate aim…
Why is this man old man dante?!
Finally a non woke PC pandering type of character, refreshing
I have no idea what is going on, but i like it xD
😂I hope you have as much luck as him in-game
thought it was howie mandel with a goatee
apex legends team is carrying the industry rn
This man has way too much style! Also possibly the first legend that I feel could reasonably fight a pilot, excluding Ash.
Love this guy already. A little bit dissapointed that we get a blue-themed season again but it’s a minor inconvinience to be honest.
Finally a clean trailer and character without any lgbtshit in.
Please don’t tell me we’re getting worlds edge this season
We getting his son!!
He s cool asf
Loool the day arsenal lose 4-1 to lose the premier league, bless up
soldier 89
Man medic got tired and completely got rid of the medicine gun
Best song choice ever
Crypto watching his squadmate get gunned down after running in for the third time that game.
Ain’t no way they used this music😂
Rare response w though
I recently got enough legend tokens to get a legend, but bc of this awesome trailer, I am not gonna buy a legend until ballistic. Great job respawn and the new animation team
Love how a few of the legends look up to how awesome he is and how some don’t think he’s all that until they catch them hands by Ballistic in style 😂
I swear to god if that ult gives infinite magazine size instead of infinite ammo to reload I’m quitting this game.
Can’t wait
the coolest old guy ever
I loved the part where Crypto watched his teammates die.
The music throughout the trailer😂
This guy is the coolest old badass ever. I’d main him, but I’m a loyal Crypto enthusiast (buff when?)
Animation never disappoints 🔥
“Before there were Legends, there was Ballistic.”
Titanfall 2 players: …
I’m fine with getting a new legend every other season. Take your time and make it good
Best trailer since revs
Top tier music choice
“When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.” _Lolly Daskal
One of the best trailers yet, can’t wait 🎉
0:20 excited to see bbno$ in the Apex games!
2:01 hold up… 💀
He doesn’t place his ult down like Watson…
Nice to have a trailer song that isn’t total garbage lol
I liked him, I really liked him. once again Apex brings me a kindred spirit that doesn’t exist, how lucky for me. Is it wrong for me to say I’d like to have four Apex character husbands? … No.
Now THIS is a character.
Ballistic: * joins apex games *
Every other legend: Alright, I’m leaving
Bring back loot boxes! Ooops wrong game😅 Badass trailer though 🤘🔥
Ok por lo que hemos visto la habilidad táctica será una especie de arma que dispara proyectiles que dejan inútiles las armas y posiblemte habilidades y la habilidad máxima munición infinita
I love apex again I will have there baby bro
OG fareal
They got British actor yay
Fade father
That song is already indelibly linked to a classic video game, should’ve picked a different one.
Bros literally my fallout new Vegas character
Passive: 3 weapons (maybe just a pistol for third?)
Ability: Shoots a bullet that forces the enemy to shoot continuously for a while
Ultimate: Ultra fast reloading?
I am disapointed he won’t be a support legend who can give ammo like the leaks but it does sound cool, can’t wait to buy him day one
tremendo amigo
Ya mejor metan el CrossSave
Him calling Ash weak tier is so funny
Simply HIMathy
Now can we please get the 27th bullet back in the c.a.r with level 3 mags to honour the introduction of Caliber 😃
This looks like a whiskey commercial 😀
Not bad though, not bad.
Thank you Respawn!!!
I loved the part when this community finally stopped saying I loved the part
GAWDDAYMN , Grandpa is schooling some kids
So is he Fuses dad?
1:59 pov random lobby aim
I like how in every legend trailer they make them look so badass and op but when another new legend drops they get dogged on
when a skid mark doesnt type an “I loved the part” comment on a Apex video. Very nice.
Balistic about to be my new main
They just straight up added the main character to apex legends.
My man Ballistic is chilling like in a life insurance commercial while everyone else is killing each other😂💀
This trailer is literally amazing especially when they used beyond the sea as the background music
such a pretty video
loooks fire cant wait but man i cannt get heirloom user Exoticvibez260 help me out
This is the most fire trailer I have ever seen
He look so icy
this gives the courier energy from new vegas. I love this
Ah finally, Solider 76
Bro I swear the animations be getting worse
I’m sorry but nothing tops Crypto’s trailer… he legit needs his own animated series
If the trailer had more of a realistic touch to it ( ballistic getting shot in the head multiple times at every angle and dying in the first fight) then it would be so much more relatable 😂
W trailer
if only they put the same amount of effort of the animation trailers on the servers…
too bad they will never do it after almost 3yrs.
I can’t wait for this 🙌🙌🙌
Classic 🎉love it
what’s his passive? i know everything else.
Amazing 🔥🔥
So basically his abilities are, passive- can have 3 guns. Tactical is a single shot smart gun that disables other legends guns. And ult auto reloads your guns for a short period of time. Could be a decent kit tbh
Soooo what’s his ability
Bruh, his friend didn’t die because he was being selfish. He died because he was using the L-star 💀
I hope this character dosent bottle the premier league
Hope he has a skin were he is young, as sick as he looks i keep seeing heisenberg
Bro this trailer was so good!
No way, ballistic is the only character that has beaten ash in a trailer.
So god trailer, I can’t wait to play the new Legend
Cool video. Really felt well put together. Music was great no cheesy cringe forced humour and the character is voiced well. But they make him look like a slick movement mobility legend when he’s probably just terrible.
So his ultimate is aim bot
I don’t even play Apex, R6S ON TOP
is he cryptos dad?
Watson went into daddy issues real quick lol
Dude must be playing in paper 4 lobbies to have 800 people shooting from 20 feet away and no one hit a shot 🤷🏼♂️
Hola y saludos hoy me mato un caustic con el skin evolutivo 😢😢😢😢😢😢
I cant stop laughing at Mirage going “that was awesome” as he gets killed by Ballistic
Did he just pull a Dante on them?
Wow, Respawn is trying now.
What is the name of the song?
Launch trailers vs the game❌
1:44 bro got dat RIZZ
Valkyrie is now canonically the only one not to die in a season launch trailer. RIP Ash
great job this is so cool
Crypto like o brother
0:44 had me rolling 😂😂
Ahh yes more cancel legends. Can’t heal, can’t use my abilities, now I won’t even be able to shoot.
Chamber X Apex legends
Wicked trailer aside, the music makes me feel like I’m 7 years old again going to get my copy of Bioshock.
The backround music in the beginning is hilarious
They though they could make a breaking bad reference without getting away lol
Old school is new school
Medic tf2
Два года в апекс не играю, подскажите, не совсем понимаю, вышло буквально пару новых легенд, Каталист была последней как я понял, но это было уже давно ведь. Что с обновами случилось?
To be fair… the guy was using a L star when he died so…..
Season 17 is going to be horrible
Is that the smart pistol from Titanfall
Okay you convinced me to start playing again next season
1:10 thats the best moment honestly, such a great detail to his personality
Everybody who grew up watching the Tunderdome games: fanboy over Ballistic
Then Newcastle: Bruh
Cross progresion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
This is the best trailer theve ever realese also in now a ballista main he ain’t out yet but he’s my main the ideo I can anke an oponenets weapon stop working is great
Ohhh great another legend
W trailer
That’s not ødegard
Notice that there no bloodhound
Dear Santa, I wish in game audio was as good as audio in this trailer.
Did I just see him holster his car like a pistols😅
Yup that’s awesome
What is the song?
The first trailer for Finding Marlin.
God, I love this trailer
Im hyped. No bad comments this time. Badass legend, good changes. I think respawn might almost have it figured it out.
1. Can’t find a game without crossplay. Seperate controller player from M+K or give a real aim assist. As it it, it doesn’t work.
2. Despite crossplay, ping is often an issue. Apex has more often and stronger lag than any other game. Pretty disappointing for such a popular game.
James Bond who Oml def maining this man
Dude this season is about to be insane
The best idiot trailer ever gj guys
Lol crypto sighing as his teamate dies trying to solo everyone is gotta be the most relatable thing ever
I searched it cuz of beyond the sea
Fun fact ballistics voice actor is the same guy who voices medic in Team Fortress 2
That music is the same one that plays on the movie Finding Nemo, the name is Beyond the Sea. Beautiful hood classic
Bro is gonna be the most broken character since vantage and ash
He’s from Titanfall 2 but nice see him back on apex
grandpa legend!!!!!!
Ash: *is a veteran pilot who obsesses over skill and perfection*
Also Ash: *can’t hit a target standing still out in the open even while she’s dumping the mag of her full-auto gun onto it*
I don’t care, fix the audio ffs
Could this be Legends Matrix?😂
That moment with Newcastle was wholesome for some reason
average british geezer
Will we going lose cuz he is too op
Looks sick
I’m so excited
James Bond is now in apex
He seems a bit boring as a character but man I am so excited to try out his abilities!!!
Octane rushed and died instantly truly the apex experience
Song name?
Octane stims out into the open and instantly dies. Yep, it’s Apex alright
That trailer was really good 👍
Thnx for using my entire screen! Love when that happens
who is his son again???
I throught we was getting francis for season 17
They should just stop making games and start making animes
Far beyond the sea is a nice touch to the trailer love classics
Una buena canción hace la diferencia
Is that the smart pistol
What is this💀
As much i hate the version of worlds edge that seer messed up i hope this is a better worlds edge even tho i want kings canyon more
I can only wish to have all that sass when I grow oid
NICE, I love this new legend already!!
Dude looks like he’s gonna be my favorite ngl
He sounds British
Ballistic is like de coronel Sanders and dante from the devil may cry series had an old son
Bro the second i heard him, aaaaaaaaaa oh my now that is a voice
Welllll, I love him, and this trailer was amazing
The cool grandpa
this trailer was fire
Is that the new character of apex legends???
I loved it, I eliminated all the legends that I don’t like, Bangalore, Loba, Ash, Lileline and Maggie and I like it even more because I didn’t eliminate my Wattson, Valk and he teams up with Newcastle and I liked how Wattson looked at him when he jumps.😃, Apex is getting the batteries
This is the great grandfather
Jesús this IS the BEST trailer that i never see
Let’s goooooo!
Refreshing breath of air, the trailer team really nailed it here.
Based VA
Prob my favourite trailer since revs tbh this was crazy good
I need this music
such a good trailer- idk what it is, but every launch trailer just hypes me up for every new season
Daaaaaaaayyyyyym. Apex is just getting better and better
So anyone else noticing this is like fallout new Vegas?
So basically, a veteran showing noobs how it’s done
bro i just need WALTER WHITE
W music choice
And the cross progression ????
He is so badass
This is giving me smart pistol PTSD
oh nah, he is him for sure
W for that guy 0:56
These trailers honest get better each season. 👏👏
mf agile for 60 yr old
Whose dad is this?
This trailer is a perfect example that not all aspects of respawn are letting us down, Remember when you hurt Respawn as a whole you’re also hurting passionate developers. – EA is a company killer.
1:12 is there raison why ballistic put his hand on newcastle fistpump?
February the 5th, that’s cool!
Can’t wait
Watch any fortnite trailer than watch this. Another reason Apex Legends is way better than Fortnite.
Sometimes, I feel like Apex is one of the biggest games if Paint ball in the world to explain why no one dies
He make it look like every other legendes are bronze and he’s smurfing
I was expecting a generic trailer and oh boy i was wrong, everything about this new legend is dope, the design the personality the voice acting, simply fantastic
I love the part when bangalores smoke bamboozled herself and loba
This will be the best Season yet
Nice trailer. Can’t wait for the new game breaking bugs that’ll come with the next update.
Colonel sanders
I don’t think I’ll even need a legendary skin, this guy’s incredible!
Awesome trailer it’s finally back to season 4 status!
i dont care care about new characters, because its just another way for them to makes more money, just nerf controller pls
About time we had an English character
i need the version of this song
By far this one is one of the best trailer i see in apex legends
Does anyone understand the meaning behind him touching Newcastle’s fist like that?
This trailer is one of the best they have made in a while
Bro’s got plot armour
Damm that trailer smacked with that Sinatra in the background 👌🏼🔥
Reminds me of TF2.
Amazing trailer. Loved Ballistic’s vibe, he is familiar with combat, and doesn’t give 2 craps.
Whoever chose beyond the sea deserves a raise.
Also, I’m giving this season a chance. If it’s horrible, Apex is done for. Please make it good, and stop shoving collection events into our mouths :/
No wonder I haven’t played in a while.
Have you fixed the audio though?
I still like the OG trailers more but this one is 🔥
They never care about horizon 🥲
my daddy issues screamin rn
Bro thinks he’s Walter white 💀
The most British thing I’ve ever seen.
He needs a “Rule Britannia” voiceline.
I don’t know Mr.white it seems pretty dangerous
ballistic looks amazing!! i’m super excited for him to be put into the game. the trailer came out so good
There’s no way Respawn was gonna use a Goodfellas dinner scene background music to make this, 10/10!
Haven’t seen this much hype since Rev
So he is going to be good with SMGs?
Самая лутьшая легенда по Лору как и октейн я считаю
The most accurate part of the trailer is the octane rushing in without his team and instantly getting clapped.
Walter White?
This was really a cool trailer
Now that I know his voice actore is same as medics in team fortess 2 I’m more exited about new season. :DD
Man y’all can’t give Octane a break can you 😭
I’m a huge Fortnite fan and don’t care at all about Apex Legends but I gotta say this trailer is way better than most of FN we ever got, hats off to the animators
Ballistic Revtane comp is gonna be brutal
For anyone wondering where you may have heard his voice before, Ballistic is voiced by Robin Atkin Downes, the voice for the Medic from Team Fortress 2.
Coolest character and amazing Trailer. I hope the game play is gonna be as good.
All I hear is the British boss from saints row 3
Some true apex moments we noticed in the trailer:
1: Ballistic sneaking up on Loba and Bangalore with 0 audio
2: Octane stimming into an enemy and immediately dying
3: Mirage immediately being picked out from his decoy
4: Crypto sitting and doing nothing while watching with his drone
5: Ash missing all of her shots from point blank range
6: Maggie’s ult doing nothing
7: a team of 3 losing to one individual
A little disappointed that it isn’t Jester but Ballistic is still cool lol
Vos cinématiques sont trop bien si vous faites un film sur apex ce serait fou
ash’s aim is worse than mine 😭 this man was standing still
Tactical Santa is a beast
Way better trailer than Catalysts trailer thats for sure. Cant wait to play Ballistic!
Sooo I’m expecting his music pack will be a bit jazzy 🤔🤔🤔
Game is still broken
A man with nothing left to lose and no F’s to give. Here comes the goat.
Who’s his son tho??
Looks like I have found my new Apex Predator.
To be honest, isnt it fitting that the legend who is said to be an old battle royale star/champion is the legend, the whole community loves?
So what’s his ult
Arsenal: Im the one who knocks
Best apex trailer to date
the thing about arsenal is they always try and walk it in
Finally someone with the STYLE to match Loba
Been a while since we had
A new legend who isn’t corny you’re cringey I’m excited
Quit adding stuff and fix the audio, no tracers and match making. You’re only breaking the game more!!!!
New lvl 100 car battlepass skin at 2:19
Wow very beautiful trailer ❤
I love him so much
Bro looks like the guy off camp Cretaceous season 2 old guy
Of course they give the old guy a Frank Sinatra song 😂😂😂 I LOVE Ballistic already!!!
Honestly this is my favorite trailer out of all of them. And his characterization feels way less forced and way more fun than a lot of others before him. It just makes me want a tv series in this style. Borderlands meets Arcane in style, almost. With the calibre of voice actors for this game? I would watch that in a heartbeat! Definitely getting back into the game because of this
Gordon Freeman join the game
Only problem I have with Ballistic is that he’s british
Always said they need to goof around a little bit
Bangalore as always giving the enemy smoke to conceal themselves in. The accuracy is unreal.
This season trailer, the seer’s trailer, loba’s trailer and the revenant’s trailer are the BEST trailers
That’s a good one. 👍
Anyone know what is the background music
Great music choice
The coat, the classiness, the relaxed mood while in the midst of combat. Hes beautiful i tell you!!!!
Breaking bad edit ahh music
New poi on Kings canyon
This was a great trailer. Best we’ve got in 2 years at least
Boys. I think this season will be it.
Has been a while since I feel chills with one of your animations. AMAZING JOB..!! I AM FEELING THE HYPE..!!
I love him
I better be able to dodge bulltes just so 😊
this guy is the drip god and has the chad energy to match
Have to say top 3 season trailers at least
wow this guy is awsome! ill be sad when he inevitibaly gets stomped in the next trailer
am I the only one who kinda wishes he was voiced by clancy brown
This dude is more graceful than Seer xD
I’m still stuck in a replicator btw
Isn’t the music from bioshock?
Good trailer, Shity Servers. Perfectly Balanced 👌❗
looked like some kind of haywire tactical that shakes aim pretty heavily, and some kind of amp ult that keeps guns topped up. Looks like he’ll have some good midfight utility that gives him advantages in more straightforward gunfights.
Solider 76???????
*Octane dies in a trailer*
My real reaction:
This trailer made me really hyped for next season. Very exciting.
Here’s what im quessing ballistic gonna have
First of all
the tactical is obviously the electric pistol that disable guns it seems.
Second is the passive can be holding 3 weapons(as the part where he was using CAR first and then wingman and last one was p2020 which would make sense why he could’ve shoot mirage as he will be mostly disarmed and needed to use his fist if he couldnt hold p2020).
And last one ultimate seems to be some sort of auto reload im quessing?. Welp we will se in few days 🙂
I love how Mirage’s last words were commenting on how badass his killer was.
Okayyy… I see you, it’s not kinda cool or anything…
I wonder the disbelief is what we are to be seeing when we see this guy in action. Can’t wait for those videos.
Ballistic, no dude is more Bombastic. And i like where crypto is like: (ugh mirage, again?) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ash displayed perfectly how the spitfire really works
My favorite character in the apex universe, and I haven’t even played him yet
God I love Colonel Sanders
So, can we get an explanation of why the legends revive? Cuz Ballistic is worried about losing his son on the games, but all the legends are still alive, so It seems its pretty safe, so, the point of ballistic joining is so random and doesnt make sense.
old chamber from valorant
Best trailer yet 🙌🏻
bro he’s so cool
everything about his trailer slaps, i already love ballistic and the music over it so fitting its great, and the part where newcastle goes to give him a fist bump but he is an old bloke so he just grabs his hand is great. Everything about this trailer is great.
grandaddy 😩🔥
Do the people from the Apex Team read the comments?
Honestly this is my favorite trailer out of all of them. And his characterization feels way less forced and way more fun than a lot of others before him. It just makes me want a tv series in this style. Borderlands meets Arcane in style, almost. With the calibre of voice actors for this game? I would watch that in a heartbeat! Definitely getting back into the game because of this
Very good trailer 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 I was waiting for one like this
“I dont always participate in Games, but when i do… A Forgotten Legend will return… with class.”
hes a gangster
this is pretty cool buuuut duviri paradox just released on warframe 🤷
Trailer: most hyped up character in gaming universe
Actual play: spawn die, spawn die, SPAWN DIE!!!
Amazing but why’d it have to be some geezer?
Can’t wait to play him!
Ah yes Maggie’s wrecking ball not exploding when it’s near someone truly and Apex experience
Octane rushes in and gets killed, Bangalore’s smoke only helps the enemy, Mirage’s ‘boozle doesn’t fool anyone, Crypto is miles away from the action, Ash stands perfectly still and fails to hit an unmoving target… the list goes on. Truly the Apex experience.
Got Ashe out here missing shots like she a storm trooper
no mobility, only aggression, he can be a really good offense, but other than that you better have a good mobility character to make the best of him.
The animation finally picked up, the music is fitted amazingly, this trailer is amazing
okay okay, the animation is pretty crisp and not doll like. I am into it!
Yeah but what’s the song playing in the background?
Норм дилф, спасибо респавн
Solder: 76 ?
Coldest MF ever added to this game
Kingsman Legends….
They should have posted the beginning that this was actual gameplay cuz there’s a 90% chance everything you saw in the video is about to happen
I mean this trailer is great but I still dont understand his abilities. What is he supposed to be?
Delete this game it s trash
If Walter White was British I think he would actually be Ballistic.
Man this was hilarious, loved it alot.
Ayo, Welcome to the clan you old timing legend.
Can’t wait to see how the gameplay goes, And when the season launches…
Love the trailer!
Can’t wait to get old and be this awesome grandpa 😊
do legends ever die or is it one big sim?
1:13 He doesn’t know how to respond to fist bump just like a real gramp.
allahu akbar peace be upon the smart pistol,i mean nerfs wait i mean nerfs!!!
Lol fortnite better
What is the name of music
Man, havent seen a trailer this good since revenants
very cool!
Awesome trailer, but i really hope there isnt some hidden meaning to ‘having a little bit of fun before the curtain drops
John wick vibes
ok i’m really angry at y’all for the broken game but equally excited for the new character lol
I loved the part where all the teams are fighting and crypto is just sitting there watching with his drone. Truly an apex experience
Tremenda canción de fondo
How my dad describes the road he had to take to go to school
When dad joins the apex legends.
Esta chido
KFC man
this character was definitely given love unlike the last 3 characters that felt like it was written by a teenager. The last 3 legends felt like they were one dimensional and were literally mashed up trends in one. It was sort of pandering even. Ballistic definitely feels like he’d have great voicelines and has a strong theme, I could imagine just thinking about playing as him you could get the feeling of being an old dog showing everyone your tricks
finally, a gigachad of the games
So what’s his powers?
He hasn’t taken out a revenant 😊
best since revy. this might be the best character in the game, i already love his personality.
Nice! Excited to try this guy out. Seems awesome.
octane being sus
Other than his name being super on the Nose Bal is Dope.
Dude talks about having fun before he passes but he’ll be around for more than a decade and still be 63
Unless he dies in a major game update and Duardo Silva makes him into a Simulacrum
I kinda feel like they will bring his friend back
This is as actually dope ❤
that was legendary, man 🔥🫡
Taking a break from all the It morbin time and greedy EA apex jokes. The animation team looks like they had a field say the least.
Kings canyon coming back
love the creative team from respawn and hope the game finally becomes better in the near future
Great, another character with the same haircut as the rest – that song was so out of place. Fix Titanfall |1&2!
Yup now i know how bald wraith players think they look like running solo againts full squads.
finally, Apex legends has Boomer representation.
That was insane 🎉
My main
Best season trailer everrrrrrr
bas ulan parayı baaaaaaaasss
Walter White 🤍 as legend, after 14 season good job Respawn.
Bro, really disrespected everyone with his slick moves
I love taking months off of Apex just to find something to bring me back. Everything about this character looks fantastic, excited to see him in action. And what a trailer! respect to the creative teams at Respawn.
Apex making the hottest characters smash
this is so good
Finally it’s Apex Legends
I love how half the characters are just so awestruck by how cool Ballistic is, they don’t even care they he’s murdering them.
good skin. in story i like how. apex do this stuff
Is it called Arsenal because they might win the Prem this year? 🤔
Revenant meta about to go crazy
GigaChad Legend
How sick would jump pad emotes be? Hit a jump pad , Emote, dodge bullets and double jump into the action!
I love the way bangalore smokes ballistic and octane runs in and dies. Truely and apex experience
How in the world do I hate this man and love him at the same time?!?!?
Only me that’s happy there’s an English character?
FRANK SINATRA!!!!! Yes!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
So respawn..
You wanna make a series based on this guy or what?
probably one of the best launch trailers this one was amazing
Finally not gay
Old dog, new tricks?
Viejo sabroso
This part was awesome
Not bad
The new legend’s design is sick I think I already figured out his abilities
What’s exactly is his ultimate? I saw the shoulder thingies pop up but I don’t understand what it was.
Finally a character to look forward too, the last interesting character was New Castle IMO with the next two being so boring character wise.
Oh okay I’m here losing 80 points in a rank game and the entry cost is 40 for my rank how about fixing that issue
I gotta be honest he looks super bland and the abilities are not comp viable. Fun for pub stomping i guess.
They are beating a dead horse
Might have to cop him
Lol nerf incoming
Someone at respawn likes Fallout New Vegas
As a wise old man wonce said. “SUCH ELEGANCE!
Bro thinks he’s Walter White💀💀💀
i flarking love this character already .
i think i’m gonna switch my main , sorry Fuse , lol.
i like his vibe
They did not use Beyond the Sea. THAT’S EPIC
Season is out?
Sooooo cool..but you literally banned me for no reason, even the support didn’t answer me
His swag makes me want to main him regardless of his viability.
Another disappointment from Respawn… Game is becoming LESS and LESS interesting
glad they finally added my man colonel sanders
Why they always gotta do my boy octane like that 😐
Jessy, we need to go to the Apex games
so passive he gets 3 guns, tac is a dart, and ulti reloads all guns. think im close?
new main here i come
Never thought i would hear “beyond the sea” in a game trailer, since Bioshock and I couldn’t be more happy 🙂
Kevin Spacey’s Beyond The Sea?!? Don’t little boys play this game? Interesting choice of artist…
rebuilt worlds edge finally respawn
Did Newcastle say bruh to him?
Bioshock trailer vibes
Awesome 😍😍😍
What a badass
Haven’t played Apex in years. This trailer made me instantly want to come back!
This was so perfectly made my god
Old bones still got it
Rare respawn W. Excellent work with this trailer
похож на старые трейлеры и этим он и хорош
Medic Gaming!
Viejo sabroso😈
the good trailers are back
0:56 lobaaaaaaa! 😣
and thats how he lost his medical license
i really like the choice of music
Can’t wait to clap the colonel from Kentucky fried chicken with my revenant lol
Finally, a good excuse to get back into the arena!
Mans just casually beats Ash…Ash….dudes already a badass
I live the old song to tie in with the old experienced man character
0:51 so… will grenades disperse smokes like CS2?
En efecto, es cine 🍷🚬
ahahhaha EPIC
Hopefully revs rework comes out because the ballistic tactical is silence but better
Can’t get hyped unless it’s a trailer about improved servers and bug fixes
Bro doesn’t need to reload 💀
That’s going to be me see you player’s in combat 💥
Can someone telle who his son is?
ngl but i can already tell he solos revenant
Uffffffffff tremendo !
Love the animation in this trailer! Kudos to the entire Apex team for putting this together and DEVS for the upcoming season. We APPRECIATE you and don’t you ever forget that!
All we see is an old man, but imagine him back in his prime, had he not had such an inflated ego he would’ve been the legend that gave “legends” the name
This trailer. 🤌🏻🤌🏻
Very cool character!
Yoo walter white in apex!?
Bro what is ashes aim😂
In my opinion they haven’t dropped a good trailer since Fuse. I got into the game during season 5. And I haven’t been so hyped for a character since Fuse release. I’ve been having a hard time getting back into apex cause I beem so bored of it. So I’m hoping this guy can spark my love for the game again like Fuse.
Iam defo maiming ballistic when he comes out
Lástima que el de mobile lo vayan a cerrar
I thought I would be hearing a whole lot more Medic than I thought I would
For those who don’t know the guy who voices ballistic voices the Medic from TF2
add audio
Walter White be looking sick! 😎
This is too much of a trailer for a useless legends
This is so great to see after they utterly dropped the ball on the season 15 SftO and LC.
Him Fuse and Maggie would be basicly old dogs squada in the best way possible
There better be a legendary walter white skin somewhere in the battle pass.
@1:25 CoD shock stick meet Apex Legends
that electric smartpistol look good
Colonel Sanders joins the games
Haven’t played in a while
What’s this “Arsenal” thing
New game mode?
Hope they beat Man City today 🙏
He looks awesome
Man I love him already
Error black reference?!
I loved the part where the Bangalore smoke disappeared after exploding a grenade, truly a Counter Strike 2 experience
Awesome vibes
Ну такое
This is the best season opener since Revenant!!!
This trailer is definitely how it feels for me to empty a mag missing every shot then getting beamed by the opponent instantly 😅
Bro looking a bit too much like one of the terrorists in CS
no way we got an old Chamber from Valorant 😭
Boooo fix the game
did they seriously give bro a smart pistol?
This man is tge living embodiment of an Apex Legend!!! Great taste in music too!!!
all this means nothing if we just see cheaters , bad servers , buggy matches
Man if only all apex players stood still like that.
“Don’t ever – EVER – go through my things” Best dad voiceline in the game.
I gotta say this is a really good trailer I would say it’s pretty up their with season 3 and cyrpto. very impressive.
0:50 I loved the part where ballistic walked up behind loba and Bangalore with no audio to be heard, truly an apex experience
It’s good but revenant trailer still the greatest
He just took out a whole trio with his ult
Octance represent each octane player in apex legends 😂e😂
These trailers have gotten significantly better since they started having songs in the background
Expected some Titanfall references for some reason…. ouh well
Dude this looks amazing, now hopefully cross progression comes so I can bring my stuff and play again
When TF3?
Noo wayyy they added stan lee to apex.😮
This is the moment Ballisticberg was born
Ash should not be losing to the newcomers. She been thru it all
Fuse 2.0
love it
This is Chuck Norris
I loved the part where everyone admired this video without irony. Truly, a rare experience of all times.
Good job animation team! Ballistic has a stellar VO as well.
Finally they added walter white to the game
Nah if he has a tactical that stops an enemy from shooting… that’s just awful game design
Опять анонс персонажа с моим кин-типажом.
Что-ж, ждем.
Why an old man wants his son to be a better man but doesn’t let him to go through his things?
1 Billion TB of Child Po
Another season I’m not playing
this is the greatest launch trailer we’ve had in a while. cinema
En efecto esto si es desarrollo de personaje 🚬
Наконец-то интересный персонаж
Robin Atkin Downes is great
ver esto llena de emocion
Bro thinks he’s Walter white 💀
Yo getting Percey Vibes from CR on this new Legend!
The most Gentlemen in Apex area.
Definitely an upgrade this season better be the best yet
Mirage gets destroyed someway in every trailer😔
I love when he got 3rd partied by a 3 stack pred team with zero audio while both the randoms died of drop bc the matchmaking is trash TeeHee 👌🏼
Je suis trop hypé pour la venue de cette légende.
I loved the part where Truly an apex experience
The part where Octave charges into the fight and gets instantly disconnected. Truly an apex experience
Alguien mas piensa que es stan lee
Fuse got another win in the apex trailer he has past mirage at this point
My new main 🔥🫡
0:28 *_This pic goes so hard feel free to screenshot_*
Батя в здании)
Trailer is nice! Not sold on this new legend though (ability wise not personality). Hopefully he makes more of an impact on the meta than Mad Maggie and Vantage did.
why is gibby walking like that
Cant wait to see him interact with horizon
No more lame battle passes.
My toys when a new toy is added to the collection and they have to fight it.
What is the name of this song!?! This is probably the best one in a while. Good job guys
Bros the main character
Buff revenant
W trailer
Most realistic part of this trailer is ash missing every single hip shot with the spitty from 5 feet away.
My man staring at the drone, Just crypto things.
Dear lord the marketing team always kills it
one of the best trailers
the most badass character just dropped into the games, this about to be lit, and i am hoping kings canyon comes back
There ain’t no wayyyy that they have put beyond the sea as the background song. Best season trailer ever😂
I want a full version of this song
when ballistic said “I love you son” i felt that
Imagine if Ballistic’s Son becomes a legend in the future and there will be a special finisher interaction from Ballistic saying “ARE YOU WINNING SON?”
Probably the most yt thing you could do is open hand a black guys dap 👊🏾 😂 1:14 soldier 76 probably didn’t have black friends back in his time
شكله حماس الموسم القادم
the sweatys are gonna have fun with this guy
Lessgoo my favourite song being used for this trailer! Song title: Beyond the Sea sung by Bobby Darrin.
Bro absolutely decimated EVERYONE
1:09 типичный Крипто, пока тиммейты получают пизды, Крипто чилит в своем дроне)
the trailer music NEEDS to be in some music pack this season!
Grandpa did a whole lot of nothing
Was I the only one who initially thought this was Crypto’s dad? LoL 😅
Best character they’ve released in years
At the end, bro put his gun in his prison pocket 💀
Sickest trailer after long time
why is it comeing may 9
I loved the part where Mirage isnt get a bamboozled. Truly an apex experiencie.
the fact Ballistic put his hand on Newcastle’s hand instead of fistbumping him is a nice detail. considering he’s got those metal knuckles, he’d probably break Newcastle’s hand if he had fistbumped him
Giving John wick merged with Liam Neeson
Welp. Found my new main. If we could get jazz music packs, I’m all in on the game again.
Bro is literally Dante without sparda
The legends shoot like stormtroopers in this trailer 😂
Gramps is stylin’ on these noobs. 360 no scopes n all
This game is old news
Lowkey one of the best legends character wise in quite a while
So autoloader will be his third weapon. Interesting
He can know real mirrage 😮😮😮😮😮
As mirage main this man is awsome
I wanna play him ❤🎉
Ok now hear me out fallout new Vegas crossover where he’s a ncr ranger
night and day difference from the catalyst trailer, God that one was awful.
I feel like him and Fuse would make amazing friends
This trailer got some fallout new Vegas vibes
These comments saying “best trailer in a very long time” you guys have clearly missed a lot of trailers
The best of all trailers
apex is back?
uncle KFC join battle royal
Animation Team you Are Fantastic and pls Someone give Me the Name of This music
What a great trailer
Also is that British Rick? Let’s get schwifty.
Who would’ve thought the most agressive legend in the game would be a grandpa
Chuck Norris of Apex !
Hail Crypto
Looks kings nothing not gonna 🧢 I’ll still to my vantage
Most hype legend since Octane.
Heisenberg left the game after Jesse died. But now that he is back out retirement, he has become the one who knocks.
Ура! Классный персонаж
I haven’t gotten goose bumps like that since the season 7 trailer 👌👌👍
Dudes a sigma male
Wow he better have some kind of dodging ability
Medic gaming.
Giga chad be like:
It seems some are to wait for queue to play as ballistic for while
NIce graphics nice animation hope this gets implemented in the upcoming season
Cryptos expression is mine when I have to play with randoms and they rush in thinking they can 1v3 and die.
waiting for the Man City trailer next.
That baby is definitely octane.
Apex season 18 will January
I like that his lore fits his voice actor.
Man from the game from years ago, shows up in the new game to show how it’s done.
CTM personaje ql weno!
Where is my apex legends netflix series?
I love how they presents his ultimate!
if you listen closly you can hear ohio’s theme at the background
The guy’s got invincible plot armor to survive what we just observed.
now maybe all the racist/sexist apex fans will shut up now that they have their usual boring fps mary-sue old white soldier guy to lap up 💀
This is much, much better than Catalyst and Vantage’s trailers
2:07 Love the fact that even in the trailers maggies ball doesn’t work properly
The decision to use an oldie for this was just to be expected , grumpy yet sassy , old yet dangerous , Wrinkly yet Agile , truly beautifully done
The way octane stimmed into the smoke leaving his teammates and immediately died….truly am apex experience
i want to see his face when a no audio grenade blows him up
I ll be right back after 10 minutes 👁️👄👁️
Looks like a cool character and all but gotta say, imo, worst gameplay trailer out of all. Just didn’t feel like an Apex trailer to me, not fast paced and crazy enough. Don’t hate me, I get to put my opinion out there like anyone else
Now if they can just fix all the bulshit problems. They might even bring back half of their audience holyshit
When I think of this character… This video is exactly how I picture him.
This is giving heist vibes
Beautiful 😢😢😢
I loved the part where Octane left his cover, stimmed up, ran blindly into the smoke, then died. Truly an Apex experience
That fist bump took me out. 🙂
Welcome John Wick
Mr. White?
Its natural that the friend died, the guy was using the Lstar worst weapon in the game
awesome trailer and music
Im surprised respawn didn’t do more woke bs for that ESG money
The fact that he’s voiced by the medic from tf2 is absolutely amazing
Best trailer ever 😮😮
smart pistol gonna b so op
Lo miro muy pero muy fantasioso lo como lo ponen no miro nada interesante está leyenda
Give Apex a Netflix series
Man’s just out here dropping bodies and enjoying his youth.
New main material am i right?
What does the Auto-Loader even do?
The 007 of apex legends 😂😭 trailers looking hella clean
This guy is definitely going to be my new favorite legend I just know it. One of the best launch trailers since revenant
Yup, new favorite legend 💀
Best trailer from the new studio so far
wattson and wraith are so cute
What’s this Music?
THIS GUY. I LIKE THIS GUY. THESE ARE THE CHARACTERS WE NEED IN APEX. I’m tired of these characters seeking justice or revenge or retribution. I want characters who want FAME AND FORTUNE AND BLOOD
walter white clutches once again.
Ballistic is most wellcoming addition in long time to the game. So hyped for new season and battlepass! LET’S GOOOOO!! 🤩🤩😎😎🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I played apex from launch until about season 7 and this is the first time in forever i felt a genuine draw to come back! Excellent trailer.
Ahhhh worlds edge coming back hype (dies in fragment west)
Heisenberg skin is MANDATORY.
I think I found possible new main. Hope his toolkit fits my style
I love him already
where the solo game scammers balabola
Someone, give me the name of the song pls!
Great character, love the subtle humor. That bullet flourish was ace.
Ебать ахуенно 😮😮😮😮
That’s was pretty epic
Song: beyond The sea 🙂
Old School
Best school it seems
We will have to see what the tactical is like.. taking agency away from the player in not being able to fire their weapon might not be a good gameplay decision. It probably will be fine with one character, but if future legends start having a similar ability, they could run into a problem with too many stuns like Overwatch.
That aside, I really love this character so far. He really seems like a badass from a previous era with a sense of class. Though, he’s been out of the game for so long he doesn’t understand modern social norms as seen with the newcastle fist bump.. I think I’m gonna be playing him a lot.
bobby darin srsly…
Can we just playing broken moon and storm point please
Lol the devs said fine, let the straights have a turn 😂 I’m here for it, Arsenal seems badass!
I love the part where Bangalore smokes the enemy giving them complete concealment while her team gets wiped. Truly an apex experience
This is how you do animation!
Ah finally back to interesting characters
I’m just waiting for gooflol now
PADRE DEL AÑO. ESTA MUY BUENO, la música, el diseño, me encanto. 👍
Finally I can retire fuse and main this legend 😎
Yet another trailer where octane dies
Cool trailer and all but can we admire his rise and fall of him being a fighter to father to fighting father.
I wish you could dodge Maggie wrecking ball sometimes I get hit by it and I’m far from it ballistic makes it look easy
By far my favorite seasonal trailer ever
0:21 Crypto’s actual dad?????
I love Beyond The Sea by Bobby Darin. And hearing this in my favourite game… I buy this lad in a second after he releases
0:45 true octane main right there
I loved the part where Bangalores smoke was actually helpful and didn’t lead to the whole team getting killed. Truly an Apex experience.
He has the exaggerated swagger of a white senior
I haven’t seen a single negative comment about this trailer, and it’s understandable, the voice acting, the music, the way it all fits in with Ballistic’s style, it’s brilliant, you can see all the effort the apex team put into this masterpiece, well done to all of you at apex that worked on this, it’s truly a work of art
Arsenal better not win the league
Man, this is amazing. I love it.
Guess I just found my new main 😎
balistics just too cool
Best Apex Legends trailer. I love the animation, character, history, music…. Pure perfection….
These old heads must be stopped
already my favourite character
I like how this trailer is the apex experience
He stylish wit it
Apex is finally starting to die off makes me sad man
Yo how did Howie Mandel get into Apex?! is this Covid related? Where’s Neil?
Loved the trailer, with that said please fix the crafter glitch on Xbox
they add gigachad
Can’t wait to see what the old vet can do, it’s gonna be a good time! 😊
Now we wait for the fan art and memes can’t wait that’s for sure
Loved the part where Wattson didn’t set up any fences and proceeded to not shoot at the enemy. Certainly one of the Apex moments of All Time
As much as we want to see the new legend eat, we also want to see our favorite legends actually DO something not just stand around shooting at nothing. This is why the trailers are no good anymore and seasons 3s is peak.
This guy must have a really really small hit box
Octane just runs in and dies, and mirage doesn’t bamboozle anyone. Truly an apex experience.
Waltuh white
Why is this so cool
Ok I like this guy 😂 also the song fits perfectly
best trailer, and best song ever… beyond the seaaaaa, somewheree waiting for meeee.
john wick is so cool
Hot take but this is lowkey better then revenants trailer
This is a vibe
Listen i think his ult actually is like soldier76 in ow it give aimbot?
Octane always dies
“Beyond the sea” never sounded better
He better be op like the nemesis
1:11 no one’s gonna talk about how Grandpa ballistic “holds” newcastle’s arm not knowing what to do and smiles🤣🤣
What a Mary Sue of a character 😂
Man U > Arsenal
What is his kit I still don’t know he has a special bullet who shoots or sumn and his ultimate I’m totally lost on
Its crazy that this is the same studio that made the S11 Launch trailer, its really cool to see how much their visuals have improved since
only people allowed to play the new legend are us old folk over 30… sorry young guns
A new player I actually want to play. Nice.
Most definitely best trailer they put out there
This is the greatest apex cinematic trailer we’ve gotten in the past 2 years. Can’t wait to play ballistic
Autoloader? Very interesting
That dude is cool and hot
I will draw him,if other artists don’t do this….or even they did it i will draw him…
new daddy new daddy new daddy 🤤
Congrats Respawn, looks like you nailed this one. The “anti-sweat” legend should be awesome 🙂
This is my favorite season launch trailer so far
love the part where there was no audio, and plenty lag
I loved the part where ballistic slid right under a Maggie ball and it didn’t explode leading to the death of her team. Truly an Apex experience.
a graceful battle angel😂
I like the choice of music
From a militia rifleman/pilot to a old badass …ash just can’t catch a break
Robin Atkin downes continues to be one of my favorite voice actors of all time
This was easily the best apex trailer we’ve gotten yet, actual chills
My birthdays may 9th 🎉
now that’s a trailer!
Holy moly the animation studio really stepped up their game, great job to the team! Also, this guy is a gentleman, excited to play as him on the new season!
Finally, they did not put forced inclusion like Disney. (Catalist and bloodhound)
enough nonsense this trailer and caption are amazing
why does this remind me of fallout new vegas trailer?
I love the part where Wattson was watching in amazement while her teammate went off and solo’d the other team, truly an Apex experience
Already got my legend tokens ready to buy him lol
Finally something in apex that looks cool, but how long will this last? Probably not even the whole season
Trailer is aight. Did they add 4 player squads yet?
I loved the part where he was finishing the team on broken moon, only to be immediately third partied. A true apex experience.
I loved the part where mirage was immediately recognized from his decoy, truly an apex experience
Bro is classy
W legend they definitely did something here
Ballistic ult is auto-aim 😂😂
трейлер просто восхитительный в синематеке перса показали мега охренительно
Poor Ash, she wasnt a controller player
as expected of ex pilot
God I may not love the game but the trailers are always a treat no matter what TwT
Fix Titanfall
Definitely one of the best trailers in a while
Already love this returning Legend
Wow ballistic has such a main character vibe going on
This is absolutely incredible. By far the best apex trailer. So good and cinematic. Makes the characters look outstanding, along with their abilities.
thinking of using R99 with his ult, you will need unlimited amount of ammo
i shed a tear 🥲
That’s gotta be the most calmest old man in the apex. No doubt he’ll show how professional are made
Awesome job respawn
Modern James Bond
I loved the part where ballistic used his ultimate and said “Its time to go ballistic mode” truly an apex experience.
2:11 bro thinks he is dante with gunslinger
WOW! Best trailer I have seen in a long time well done team at Respawn!
I don’t play this anymore but this trailer almost made me emotional. Long live old people!
Kinda boring ngl.
Finally, a REAL game play trailer, not some Woke bs. An finally, a father son story, been waiting.
What’s the songs name?
I can’t wait I just finished saving up for the new legend and I love how apex just make there trailer just so beautiful and stunning I can’t for the new season
This trailer makes me wanna get back into Apex…
Damm this launch trailer is so awesome the animation is amazing gotta give props to the animators
Man these comments never change do they
Probably the best Apex trailer for me. I’m looking forward to this character.
Bioshock feels
Pretty much a Fallout reference video, especially at 1:37
Ballistic gets the hype but TTV s need movement. He gets 4% after 1 month.
Sure first videos are : „HES OP“ but after a month he stay @4% 😉
meu deus esse trailer ta MUITO perfeito
Viejo sabroso
this is awesome, cant wait to try him
Tiene ese estilo , es old school , del buen fuse , suena a tiroteos locos y destructivo me encanta ese sugeto
So he’s basically a smurf
No way new sigma character
cant wait to have a nemo skin for him
so the reactive skin is car?
octane is accurate representation
New legends, new problems. Fix the game.
So nobody’s paying attention to the fact that this might actually be horizons son, Newton?
I loved the part where Octane ran into a fight just to be killed a few moments later. Truly an Apex experience.
That my new main
I didn’t play apex for long time and I might hop on back
I wish he would have just punched maggie’s ball back to her
One of their best season trailers
Лучший Трейлер Из Всех Сезонов !
I’ve never commented on a trailer for apex but this, this right here is story telling and a great character introduction.
The fact jingle jangle played threw me off so much lol.
Old man is majestic
Meet the Ballistic😂😂 Tf2 vibes
The “So if your watching I’m dead” part in the start reminds me of techno blade 😢
Wattson is too cute for the game man 😍
I thought I watch a kurgesatz video
he thinks he’s Thomas Shelby 💀
absolutely adore the animation in this one ngl
Someone said John wick vibes
The best apex trailer yet
This looks awesome!
I gonna say it with octane voice ” THAT WAS AWESOME “
Amazing trailer! Great animations! We need a series with this quality
Wow, am I watching the trailer of Fallout New Vegas?
He reminds me of Walter White
Can’t wait for him to get nerfed
The octane dying was a me reference
Yayyyy finding nemo credits😃😃😂
Alright I’ll come back to apex again😅😩
A badass classy man that’s what I’m talking about
I loved the part when Mad Maggies ball did absolutely nothing truly and Apex Experience 2:07
They better have kings canyon in rotation
I absolutely love this man XD
Cool design, solid personality as of now, I really can’t wait for him to release!
Now I gotta play this season and character. Especially when they play one of my favorite songs of all time!!
Definitely one of my favorite trailers for an apex character. Love his everything, man ❤
Mirage looking handsome and serving hugging bear energy as usual. Liked.
It comes with everything this season
Loved this part 1:58
This is so well done. Wow.
Narrator Voice: But his son did, in fact, go through his things.
where can we get a copy of the “beyond the sea” mix in the vid cuz holy that is good
One for the boomer gamers
So this is where all our money is going?
Music so loud I couldn’t make out half of what was said.
I loved the part where mirage uses the decoy to sneak up on ballistic but gets clapped instead. Truly an apex experience.
Viejo sabroso!!😍
Surprise Frank Sinatra song.
Holy cow, I don’t even know how to describe what I just watched but it was incredible
Who’s dad is this
Ballistic IS HIM.
he reminds me of Reginald Hargreaves from umbrella academy lol
Finally a character that doesn’t have some sort of mental illness
Best trailer since season 3
Ok, he’s cool af
I guess this will be my new main! 😮
CA trailer de piça
I love Colonel Sanders
Wait so is that Kryptos dad?
Pretty nice!
I love that song 😂😂😂 great jod splendid
За что деды воевали?
Thought thats Old man Fuse
Does his ultimate make his weapon unlimited ammo?
Eitaaa porraaa
Wooow! Insane trailer, music choice was 👌
Es cine 🚬.
Bruh tell me his tactical isnt just shock sticks from cod 😂😂😂😂
THIS OLDMen…. Is my father trust me
So, the trailers are back to being great?
Perfect song choice
Just seeing this I hope his tactical has at least twi bars to use.
Now that’s a GILF
shii im bout to play apex again
nerf ballistic
Love the character. The more and more I watch these trailers about him
A) I realize how much of a badass he is
B) Love the voice acting
C) How annoying his tactical is going to be. Seer will cancel out your healing and skills, Ballistic will cancel out your gun. I’m praying this combo doesn’t work out.
I’ve seen all the launch trailers. And they have all been good. This one is the best one I have ever seen. The animators should be proud about this masterpiece.
daddy chill
1:30 That disrespect towards Ash….LOVE it <3
El mejor trailer que vi de apex❤
Being hyped is an understatement
Nice to see a great trailer, very hyped for the new character
Meet the Caliber
God this is good.
1:09 Lore accrute of exactly what every Crypto does.
hes the john wick of the apex games
Season 16 was by far my favorite season of apex so hopefully this season will be just as good if not better 🥂
His Passive is Plot armor
Okay what does he say to ash is that newt?
Finally… It’s getting back to how it used to be..
Ballistic a Chad tbh
This a Daddy all ajjajaa
Great song ❤
Fuses dad
W trailer
Badass I think I got a new main coming my way
I love the part where there was enemy audio and the server worked fine…. not a true apex experience
1:12 bro I hate guys like this…
S Tier trailer
What title music ???
Loved the trailer, but it’s confusing how Ash was released as returning to correct her imperfections, but now being humiliated
Mirage got outcocked somehow
Who knows what kind of music is playing? I really liked it
Breaking bad in Apex Legends
In other words John Wick 😂😂😂 when mirage got hit by him the only thing that ran in my mind is ” Its been a great honor to fight you Mr. Wick.”
Crypto reaction was so funny
Chad legends
Asian servers are like garbage
bruh all i think of when i hear this song is FALLOUT NEW VEGAS BABY WHOOO WHERE MY DANG PLAITNUM CHIP AT!?!?!?!?!
So 2 different bullet types for tactical?
1: Jamming the weapon, 2: uncontrollable?
Наконец-то нормальный белый персонаж натурал, да ещё и заботливый отец-одиночка
This Trailer gives me chills. Love the music choice!
I lost count of how many times I’ve watched it, but everything about this trailer and character is perfect.
I like the part where they played the launch trailer
Michael Bublé so early in the year??
Bro got that mine character plot armor
Tf is my grandpa doing there
Trailers like these are cool. But they always make me laugh. You have all of these expert marksman and hired guns competing in this competition but none of their bullets connect with the new character. They all conveniently miss as they nonchalantly walk around. It’s a little much for my suspension of disbelief.
I recognize Robin Atkins Downes’ voice whenver I hear it.
Why do I already love this guy?! Even the other legends are in complete awe and disbelief.
Love when Maggie threw her wrecking ball down a narrow bridge with a huge gap in it when she so clearly knew none of her teammates could have taken advantage of any of its speed boosting or enemy stunning purposes. Truly the apex legends experience.
優雅 太優雅了!!!!!
Im def maining ballistic when he comes outt
I have been getting burnt out from Apex and this looks like the season to jump in and have fun
I cant wait to see how him, Fuse and Maggie all interact. He looks freaking awesome
Everything about this was legendary! I haven’t played in months but I used to play every day for 3 years straight and this makes me want to go back. The music, the personality, the style, just perfect
I loved the part when Ash was missing 100% of her shots while the rest of her team is nowhere to be found. Truly an Apex experience.
he reminds me of my dad
what version of somewhere beyond the sea is it in the trailer?
No way they added Soldier:76 to Apex Legends!
so is he crypto’s dad?
Everyone just forgot how to aim in this trailer
Finally a cool guy after a long time
That was so dope
Actually quite impressive character backstory, make more like this.
Who would willing play as a old guy😂
Season named Arsenal, guaranteed to be a disappointment
Don’t care where titanfall 3
This trailer is glorious. Crypto’s reaction to Mirage instantly getting taken out is hilarious. 😂
Finally, cisgender old man, who wasn’t propagandising something
ok overwatch 2 old guy
Amazing song choice
I’ll be honest, it wasnt an impressiv video compared to the pne 2 days ago ! It was so slow idk. Still excited for new season
Respawn looked at Master Roshi and said, “what if he used guns?”
This trailer hit dumb hard.
Really hoping that worlds edge is back to normal.
The animation team did outstanding job. Seriously, what a treat to our eyes. Thank you!!!!!!
This is who respawn and Apex legends needed a long time waiting.
I loved the part where comments stop saying “I loved the part”
that was amazing best trailer in awhile
1:12 hahahhahahaha
It’s so good to see that people are finally appreciating a trailer instead of typing those braindead “i loved the part” type comments. Not only respawn, but huge props to the whole creative team working on this. Music, voice lines, animation, everything was so good! Truly deserved all the compliments!
Collat wingman
Now this is legit
Octane rushing to danger is the most truly Apex Legends expensive
idare eder
He is so badass.
Great gatsby+ James bond vibess
Ballistic is badass on his own, but being voiced by MEDIC from TF2 is even better. Ballistic gaming moment.
alright this guy is so cool i just might stop playing fuse and play him
I love the part where the only footsteps you can actually hear are octanes, truly an Apex experience
disliking it BTW
I don’t like this part, I’m out. No more Apex experience!
New cool main i guess
Nice emp shot ,and has an unlimited clip for his ult , can’t go wrong with that
The apex aesthetic looking good. I gotta learn how to texture like that
This man is so cool, senior power here we go!!!
that ash has the same precision as me
The music is awesome, where can I listen to it?
They used my favorite song in this trailer def trying ballistic
whats that song lol
W Father man, he went into a blood sport just for his son, love his character
Dude pulled a Dante from DMC at 2:12 😅
We need a young ballistic skin
john wick 4 throwback
So, is Ballistic Newt? They share a similar hair color and style (in his younger days). The timing of all of this may be off too much for it to make sense, but it’s interesting to consider nonetheless.
prophetic legend release on day of Arsenal’s biggest game in years. COYG
SSG Arsenal?
Josh Brolin in apex….love it!🤘😎
1:12 took me out 😂
I’ll never get tired of mirage fan boying
The music is from that one TikTok trend
Robin was a perfect choice
bro i need a movie about him plz
Auto loader?!? Infinite ammo untamite?!
People still playing this?
Naaahhhh what’s auto loader 💀💀💀
For me the season 3 gameplay trailer still is the best!
Newcastle fist bump😢
Ahhh Wattson my beloved
Thats great and all, but i really want audio to be fixed
This is epic
new main ngl
grandfather forgot to take his pills
Definitely the best legend trailer imo the bro is just going off and the background song is an absolute vibe
This is actually my favorite apex trailer that we’ve had at least since viper, Ya’know I haven’t played this game in a little bit but after this I might pick it up again
This trailer was absolutely outstanding!
Finna main tf outta him
Лучший момент с забеганием в собственный дым 😂
I loved the moment where octane runs in, dies, complains, and leaves in less than 5 seconds. Truly an Apex Moment
Bro thinks he Walter white
i m commin i m litrealltnjfshlf commingg
Finding Ballistic
I know he lost his friend and that’s one of his driving motivation not to be in the Apex game but this man was using the Lstar that’s the real reason he died
Ash finally got destroyed in the trailer.
World’s Edge: *gets a new update with multiple changes to the map*
Olympus: The favorite child
Stormpoint: The middle child
Broken Moon: The youngest child
Kings Canyon: Missed and never forgotten. :,(
A old chamber
I am loving this old man and his style
This is a prediction that arsenal win the league 😂
jeez this video is so groovy xD
They really did not have to go so hard with this but I’m here for it
I loved how Mirage was too obvious with his clone. Truly an Apex experience
He’s gonna be mid just kidding maybe good
Whoa! This old dude is the G.O.A.T!
That was cool af
Time to plug in a roller and a Xim and let aim assist take the wheel. Truly an apex experience.
No way they seriusly used beyond the sea for this trailer…
Just to let you know the Voice Actor for Ballistic is the MEDIC from TF2. I suppose he could propose you a second opinion. ❤
0:28 0:46
0:22 i learned that is do NOT take Lstar
Such a W
So his abilities might be:
Passive: Carry one more gun
Tactical: Smart Gun
Ultimate: No reloads
This character is basically the embodiment of Elegance and i love it
Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young
can’t wait arsenal vs newcastle
Apex will always have a special place in my heart. I remember 3 years ago we saw a huge leak and this guy was there. And here we are now.
Does anybody know what time we get the gameplay trailer for season I do know it is on a Saturday but what time though
Definitely one of the best videos so far
This is exactly what Apex needed. A geezer. And I’m here for it.
what a badass.
I kind of wish they just put whatever music was playing regardless of if it wasn’t licensed. It’s just useful to be able to find the song that was credited without looking through the comments.
Isn’t there something you have to do before starting a new season?
This is the most buggy content ever!
In addition, you, EA and the management are not aware that you are making users feel uncomfortable?😡🤬😡
It’s the KFC guy XD
Hands down the worse trailer, don’t know own who this guy is and don’t care for him, there was nothing hyped not even his abilities or ult, ya fumbled this one heavy
Fuse really is when mom says we got ballistic at home
Apex may anger me beyon absolute belief. but also absolutely LOVE the lore and stories from the outlands
The age rating is T for team fortress 2
i most confess this trailer was one of the best ones for sure even probably the best one
The way the music ramps up and fades out at 1:20 is so awesome! Insane trailer.
Nooo, don’t change my homeeee
This man is Fuze’s “Old man teaching the younglings how it’s done” but cranked up to 11 and I’m here for it
Bru his Q is literally a shock stick from MW 2
The look at the camera before taking down mirage IS CRAZY
Didnt Need to make grandpa so badass
still mid
Revenant to Ash : ” And you tell me I need a malfunction review ” what about you ” rrgh 😏 1:23
2:00 what your teammates are doing when you push a fight
Lore accurate crypto just sitting awat from the action
Imagine if that bullet ability is the same as those hackers? It Empties your gun instead so its balanced
An old dude on a Bittersweet task to make his son not repeat the mistakes he did. Finally something simple and effective imo
I oddly feel like his son will not obey
Who else just loved this
The first adequate serious man 7/7
Love the part where Wraith says. “I’ve seen this all before”. Then does nothing.
Finally a white straight man, it’s like a breath of fresh air
the besto legend i really would like main him….
…..this is the first time I’m simping for an old man……😶
The KFC guy changed
I sense a nerf coming 2 weeks in…
Getting lots of fallout vibes
What song is in this trailer
You cannot be that old to know what isn’t a fist bump sir, either way, I friggin love you, sir lol
When new character’s ultimate is already an item in a game (Golden Magazines), truly an apex experience.
This is officially my favorite trailer for the song alone, this season gonna be fire
Finding Nemo: Ballistic Strikes Back
carajo que hermoso trailer, la musica 10/10
Good ❤🎉😮
Atleast the trailers have audio
im starting to like his chrecter
Finally a badass straight white male
It should be call Apex legends Comedy 😂 not lunch trailer
Fuse and Ballistic now that will be an interesting team
The OG
I swear. Ballistic is gonna be the only legend I keep the OG skin equip. He’s just so cool man.
Hahaha Imagine watching the trailer for the next season while only being BP level 70 haha could never be me😅😅 why is their so little time😭😭😭
So he has aimbot?
Oh, this dude is like a villain of a movie. I love him already. Finally, I’m hyped for Apex again.
He can force you to dump your mag? Badass
Need to fix the game of hackers and cheaters
Animation’s great. Sadly, it’s kinda hard to find the new guy cool when all of the legends miss shots from 5 meters away while he’s standing still and refuse to shoot him when they have a clean shot.
Please, Respawn, make trailers where we see our new legend being competent, not our old ones being incompetent.
Also, as a Mirage main, thanks for making Mirage’s ability literally useless as the new guy just sees through it. Feels great.
I love that they had a message at the end saying show your caliber. This was obviously a little nod to his original leaked name. Also love the tf2 medic VA playing ballistic
This goofy ah game still getting updated
getting hit by that weapon disable is gonna be rage inducing lol
how come a pilot like ash got nerfed so bad she turn into Stormtrooper
Sooooooo this sums up nothing 😁
I loved the part where ash missed all of her shots when ballistic was standing right there. Truly a apex experience
Finally revenant not getting bullied in an apex trailer 😂
Honestly I feel he is going to be a real problem xD
This is real gameplay bcuz nobody hitting their shot but the Pred guy
I love the music choice it just fits 😂
Hmmmmm i think i’m gonna guess the this legend abilities, so first the passive its like have 3 weapon slot. for his tactical its a flashbang flash enemies eyes with white blank screen, for Ult its a pistol that stuns enemies and they cant control themself. And this is just a made up thing on my mind so yeah.
This character is really being hyped up to be the ultimate carry character
Перевод сложно что-ли было сделать….
Walter white?
Дедушка отлично выглядит! Спасибо Respawn Entertainment за труды!
The titles of the new season💀
Become 1 rank Ballistic
When movement player use Ballistic
Dont get pregnant someone for accident son
1:02 dad I think u drank to much
The choice of music is just 👌
Wow, I might be returning this season. Love the character.
A new legend for middle aged dads who just finished their 9-5 to play as. Fuze mains rejoice, you have another option! (Fuze and this guy are pretty badass, new disrespect lol)
God i love mirage
wow, probably my next favourite legend. loved this trailer
Man city next
Like always the animation team nails it right on the head
My man looks like he’s having the time of his life.
All this trailer proved is that this character will be O.P at launch and nurf with in the following week if not days
Grandpa didn’t get tricked by mirage decoy. Truly and apex experience.
Best trailer by far
Respawn stepping up the animation but not the audio 🙂
Nice, New season on my birthday. A worthy gift from EA/REspawn
You see how good the game flows without movement mechanics? Lol
I knew it! I made a comment saying this man is coming in to swag on everyone. This man is the definition of “Let me show you how its done”
1:13 10/10😂😂😂😂😂
I loved the part when Crypto just see the fight with his drone truly apex moment
I like the shock (no pun intended) on Wattson and Octane’s faces
I feel like ballistic is going to be unreasonably annoying to play against…
Ash is just like me fr, fr 😔
I feel like ballistic and Rev would make a good duo ngl
I think I found my new favorite legend.
Balistic is majecstic
The music for these always bangs so hard
before there was Ballistic, there was Jack Cooper. add him to the game or give us titanfall 3
Man this was cool
Never fails to give me the chills
I love him!!!!
I want a rev reboot where is it
this grandpa is so cool
Why did you shut down the mobile version man.
That’s too bad of you
Most epic trailer ever
Best legend reveal trailer by a long shot.
Remember times when Apex trailers were so dynamic and blasting? I’m already forgot it
Yeah this is what we want not some weird legends thank you!
We all know… when he come out patch will be broken af again
Wow apex can really do something when they can skip a season. Great job 👏👏👏. Best trailer by far in a while. Really wants me to play ballistic
1:21 my aim is already trash, and if this does what I think it does… then I’ve already posted my last apex video 💀
Another S tier trailer.. I’m blown away.. No words, congratulations everyone involved
This. I’ve been waiting for soneyhong like this to get me back into apex
I really hope apex servers were as good as the animation in the trailers
Hopefully this update will bring out updates that we REALLY WANT AND ASK FOR such as cross progression and 120 fps on console, not just a new legend and a bunch of skins
Soldier 76 X Chamber noice
Best Song Ever ❤️❤️
is my main about to change 😮
Is he british cool really
I loved the part where Crypto was standing up there watching everyone die just to be killed a few moments later. Truly an Apex experience.
oh god…
That Great moment🎉🎉
Showboating and having something to prove got my friend killed.
*entire trailer of him showboating and having something to prove*
1:26 F for ash
I loved when wraith tap strafed off the map through the tiny hole, truely an apex experience
Probably it is the best legend in past 3 seasons. I mean… He looks kinda cool
After watching this trailer I’m definitely going thru his things.
ok that was pretty dope ngl
Ballistic is a scrub he’s playing on roller which is why he can wipe out full squads.
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… I know who i’m getting after Maggie
0:26 ليش تذكر fallout New Vegas😂
I love the part where an Apex legends Character can be a normal person without any Anti-moral agendas behind/attached to them. Truly an Apex experience.
Борис хрен попадёшь
Cant wait for the next season to come out it’s going to be a blast
This is definitely Top 5 best trailers from Apex.
Welcome Overwatch soldier76 join Apex Legends
Can someone tell me the name of the song ?
Apex Legends season 17: Retirement
loving the 2 seconds of crypto screentime
Another Apex Legends Great Trailer
The music, the swagger, heck yes!!!
What song is that?
the song in combination with the trailer goes so hard
Ash remind me my aim
This was SUCH A VIBE! Loved it! 🙂
I’m hooked. This dude is sick af
I like how he just aimbotting all legends like he’s playing on controller … truly an Apex experience
I wanna be half as cool as him
How wraith and octane mains thinks it will be like when push a whole squad alone
А потом дедушка проснулся и понял что он уже на пенсии
Aktkin downes never ceases to amaze, and the music fits the character really well.
New legend in trailer God, in game bruh moment
It a nice Trailer and the music sounds very relaxing like he took the match like it was not tomorrow 😂
Medicare never looked so good!!!!!!!!
cool character and all, but the quality of these apex trailers have went down the drain. what happened to the old studio? until the season 6 launch trailer? they were some of the best ones imo
season starts on my birthday so I deserve some apex coins respawn 🥺
Bro is the the definition of “an old man still got old tricks”
Loved the new take on the elegant calm graphics and music really clean
Thought this was George from zombies
Anyone else have no idea what his ult does
I want uplink
This is definitely one of my favorite trailers byfar
Beware an old man in a profession where most die young.
Dope gramps lol
Mirage is going to have to wait Ballistic if who im using my legend tokens on bro looks OP
Трейлер супер . Було б супер , якщо добавете українські субтитри . Дякую ))
I love the part where Maggie’s ultimate does absolutely nothing, truly an apex experience
I love the trailer and all but why Octane always getting disrespected 😂😂😢😢
2:13 My face when I find out that Ballistic’s voice actor is the Medic from TF2 :O
After the theory video of Ballistic being old Newton, watching this…. Hmmm, the colour schemes, the tea references, the fact that Dr Summers is not in the Video! I swear I’m seeing the dots!
Question what song is this?
Crytpo AFK on a roof, truly an Apex experience
Man if the voice actor is really Robin I have to say well done
Новый перс крутой
some where
belong the sea
With how garbage their servers, that’s the only thing I’m gonna enjoy watching, I’ve quit this game since they ain’t gonna even just consider do anything in order to fix the game servers.
This new legend remind me of Borderland 3 character you can play as even has his bravado too and I like that 😁
A True Gentleman🧐🍷
Bruh, This was the greatest character trailer I have ever seen for a game. The cinematic and the music feel soo good. Love it❤
Cool, what about the Cheater- Problem? How about you talk about this….guess what…nobody play Ranked anymore. Q-Times says everything, at least for EU.
So my guess is his first kit is silence you cant shoot. ult is no reload mode always in fight with no reload. Passive is extra gun or pistol i think
nah bro who turned the dude from kfc into a legend
This is the best cinematic since Revenant’s reveal. Finally, someone with style and a presence on the field.
Ballistic hasnt even released yet and I already like him.
is that the KFC man?!?!?!?
Beyond the sea by Bobby Darin is a hit
BIG shout out to APEX for having a South African legend!! Lekker bru!
Old man’s still got tricks
Classic octane moments
Bro looks like deathstroke with 2 eyes 😂
Wattson’s face at 2:13 is just too godly to be part of us!
Reminds of her season 2 surprised finisher emotion 😄
I love the part where Watson came out ..
Can’t wait to play for a month then leave till next season.
At least his tatical make single enemy heat up weapon and lost recoil when shoot,or sometime it cannot shoot
“Manners Maketh Man” APEX version
Finally!!! A new legend whose voice lines won’t drive me insane!
He is so cool!!!!!
I hope this is a sign to Arsenal winning today vs city
Why is Ballistic showing off his combat finesse in the same manner I feel when I hit that jumppad and try to drop the whole squad before I hit the ground only to be murderlized into a death box dropping onto the ground 🤦🏽♂️ dope video and choreography tho.
ok waiting for gameplay trailer
Rip apex mobile
Arsenal!! Arsenal!! Arsenal!! COYG!!
casual grandpa
new daddy alert
Classy and beautiful. Apex bourbon on the rocks!
Ballistic in this trailer makes me feel like i’m watching an apex predator smurfing in a bronze lobby
So good, the music, the animatics, the old school theme on the new legend like in animes, where they become OP the older they get, dang you drop a hot trailer here.
Make Apex great again 🤣
Ballistic seems like a interesting legend.
La voz del tipo es una gozada, y quedó perfecto con la música, mis felicitaciones al chef 🥴👌
My guy really just put a Medic Pose
so he’s single firing a car?
he don’t even move and they miss him l how did apex find my team ?
I rlly liked this trailer
okay papa
Micheal Douglas lookalike
Get Out Movie Reference?
I loved the part where grandpa simps for wraith and starts shooting octane. Truly an apex legends experience.
Good Trailer. Finally a good Legend again. Still missing the old animation team tho, was way better
Waiting for him in the game. In my opinion, he’s definitely one of the best characters in the roster so far.
W dad
Bro i seriously respect apex for using « beyond the sea » as their game trailer huge W right here🍷🗿and also 1:13 this clip was something else between ballestic and Newcastle two dads😂
That must be the best trailer they have released so far
The best trailer I have ever seen
I think the dudes passive will be regeneration of ammo or something like that, who’s with me 😅
끝내주네 아주 끝내줘
He probally gonna get some aimbot ultimate😂🫡
who is bros opps
Elegance and badass-ness, beautiful
Well well the old man rock
He’s soooo cool and elegant
Fuze is going to have competition in the 40 y/o player market
Medic been looking different after leaving the merks
14 temporadas que han sido mierda espero que esta valga la pena
Movie Nobody🎉
I love how in the begining there was like 6 dudes shooting at him, it’s a reference to teaming in comp, truly an apex experience right there
Their Arsenal 💪🏼
My Arsenal 💀
Bruh im hotboxing while watching this and after the music ends the mall im at still has Under the Sea actually playing 😂
Bring us fade
Он как добрый дедушка, который веселится со своими внуками. Супер крутой персонаж!
Back bunker
I love that he shakes Newcastle’s fist bump
Fuse mains are about to make a switch 💀
what an absolute unit
The best season trailer since the 3rd one, a masterpiece
0:27 aint no way they actually played the music
This man’s the main character
0:57 mirage continues to be my favorite character. Ballistic is also now my favorite character…I can have both…don’t make me choose
The dude is magestic
His voice ❤
Kinda cool if they added his son in the game, hoping season 18
New Challenger: Typical OP Ojisan
So i guess we’re done with the emo phase and now we’re rocking the old man in anime trope?
oke this is very cool
“Ah… I don’t think ve brought enough body-bags…”
i like him
first newcastle then arsenal what’s next Chelsea?
Such a cool character
One of the best trailers they have released in a while
Yes! They are hitting the mark again with the characters, can’t wait!
Robin Atkin Downes is always a win!
Dramatic granpa
everyones grandpa before they had kids
I am in love with his personality and design! I will definetly be checking him out on launch day!
what a classy trailer with a extra classy character! i already love Ballistic. a charming old devil.
This is the best character reveal trailer ever! Dare I say possible new main?
I can’t wait for this guy to shred my entire squad with a volt without reloading once
Tactical = Smart pistol, one bullet, blocks enemie’s gun.
Passive = he can Carrie 3 guns.
Ultimate = infinite reload
By far the greatest apex trailer
Ballistic pulled a walter white confession in the beginning
After how mid Catalyst was, this a jumpstart for my dopamine.
Meh 🥱😴
É assim que se apresenta uma lenda 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
I love how old he is😫. He got more personality than the last three characters. Also the music choice perfect. Gave me ptsd of rapture tho😭
Fortnite MeatRiders spamming L in the live chat is wild
When i saw that date, my brain froze for 2 minutes. dd/mm/yyyy please, are you insane 😀
Kind of Chamber in Apex??
This has got to be my favourite trailer ever, the music mixed with the choreography is just beautiful!
super excited to try this legend out!
those 3 seconds of crypto made me very happy
AND the situation is also real, thats me, ready to save some banners, watching my mates run into a 1v3
Honestly horizon is my main and everything…. but this was by far the best legend trailer I’ve seen yet and I might be changing my main simply because this legend is cool AF
Revenant tan sonra tarzını sevebileceğim bir karakter daha geldi. 😀
crypto sitting on his drone watching his teammate dying is pretty accurate, now to grab his banner
So people die in Apex? I’m confused
Best music choice for a trailer by far
Atleast he’s a regular straight white male this time. Thanks.
Changed his ult?
Welcome, Soldier 76
All they need to do is make him date gibby
Finally we got a masculine legend! He looks really cool.
So cool right? Next season or two their gonna make him die like 3x
What’s the song?
this is it, this is the best Apex Legends trailer of all time!
have to admit…that was cool
Uncle Trailer… Like 18bc trailers
Well at least my aim is better than the characters in the ad lol.
The song is epic….the name is Beyond the Sea by Bobby Darin, if anyone is looking for it
Best trailer by far
What does this have to do with Arsenal FC?
Just give us an Apex Netflix series already
man he’s cool,
anyw auto loader means everygun turn into lstar?
I hope Apex mobile cancel close server😢😢😢😢
😮 i can’t wait
this trailer is the worst so far
Este trailer es horriiiiible
best season trailer
It appears Apex fans like any trailer they drop these days. This was so average
Just the badass version of Soldier 76.
Okay. So. Let’s review. Passive ability: Extra weapon slot. Tactical Ability: Some kind of Haywire Pistol. Ultimate: Auto-Loader.
Ballistic is rizz .😅😎
Watchmen vibe
oh dude i love it when a funny clip with octane in a new trailer comes
I love the music. NV vibes, and it just feels right for him to have this kind of song
Ok no matter what, if it’s not a pilot I’m not changing revenant
I think I’ll start playing Apex again just for this
Bro bamboozled mirage
Come on your gunners
My favorite part was when ash proceeded to miss and entire spitfire mag on a stationary target, and die
Ok fine, I’ll redownload apex for the 417th time
Well well well , we got John Wick legend on the arena boyss . Kinda like feeling the John Wick Vibe I guess .
hab ich nicht verstanden
This guy’s a certified gentleman, badass with Frank Sinatra-esque music… I love him already
0:48 yooo why my dude Octane came out like that
So could his son be the next legend? 👀
The characters are decent enough and the story is pretty well thought out but the d*ckriding in the comments never ceases to amaze me. Let’s keep buying cosmetics and leaving the game ruined
Welcome to the team medic ❤
I knew he was Walter White all along. He got the glasses, he got the beard and he got the Heisenberg vs fly meme song.
Maybe we’ll get cross progression…
Dude soldier 76 in apex??😂😂
Aight this is actually gass. Haven’t seen a season trailer this cool…. in a long while.
I think this guy is most definitely my main lol he’s basically caring gold clips in his backpack lol😂
oml so cool
Never have I been this excited for a character since Mirage
WOW, just wow
Oh my god, the choice of music is 10/10
Tactical is prob gonna be the ability to hold 3 guns
1:06 Mirage is a lil fruity hehe
Ballistic avenged revenant by killing ash, since in the ash trailer she kills revenant lol
As always
Well, well, well. Looks like we’re going old school, ppl!
Meh the game is still broken
Day 1 player here.
This season and last season were the 2 most boring seasons for me.
Didn’t buy BP for season 15.
I am not even bothered to finish the BP this season.
My be Ballistic is what will bring me back.
fire fire fire
Soy main octane y confirmo todo lo que vi sobre octane en este video
I think this is the truly hyped I been for a season for a while
One thing for sure Apex’s trailers are the best one in the gaming industry🙌🏾🙂🔥🔥
mom, John wick at home looking a bit…. different
this has to be the BEST launcher trailer yet
They followed the anime rules, the old dudes in anime really be cracked
Found my new main
For some reason it has Fallout vibes
Bro that song goes hard af with the trailer, and the fact is that the video ballistic makes is intended for his son not to go snooping
I loved the part where a full squad of Golds gets demolished by a single predator-rank player. Truly an Apex experience
So are we not going to make Cornell Sanders jokes for the new Legend or naw?
These trailers are soooo good at blending these songs with epic music 🥹
Apex players dont be missing like that these days ngl😭
0:21 – I don’t mean to be cruel, but he picked an LStar for endgame? Man earned that outcome 💀
how come every launch trailer ever has octane stim into the fight and insta die😂
Nobody gonna talk about Crypto at 1:08 scanning for his team instead of fighting and getting no credit for it anyway? 😂😭
OK that was awesome
First time seeing ash gets taken down like that
and we thought only lobba can make us feel exciting.
The music is very very fitting for his old school
1:26 I knew ash was killable
I have this problem about 1v2s/1v3s where the last person is one shot and me and the last guy are having a reload race and i lose. Having a 3rd gun or unlimited ammo might change things up,hopfully in my favor.
Arsenal is my club ❤
1:16 I like how Ash had the clearest shot ever and still potatoed her shots. Truly an apex experience
is this football team where London?
song reminds me of New Vegas and Bioshock
Lets hope this season can bring back apex from the ground
This is probably the best animation trailer I’ve seen for this game dayum
Man the voice acting is phenomenal. I get chills out of 2:40 minutes of trailer.
Dude respect.
First apex trailer in awhile that has actually given me Goosebumps
They actually made a Legend this time around
I love how Crypto chilled with his drone and watched his whole team die from a distance. Truly an Apex experience
I love the trailer and I am really excited but im also super sceptical about his tactical. Messing with an enemies gun/aim seems like a terrible mechanic
This trailer be like:
Fuse: It is good day to be not dead!
Ballistic: Pow! You are dead!
Fuse: I am dead!
i am soo glad my IRL dad is NOT like him
Love the music choice they gave for him and everything about him. He’s a mix of John wick and Ringo roadagain
The coolest character of all Apex, and certainly the best legend since Mad Maggie
Why do I have a feeling like this guy would have an overwhelming amount of cologne on?
Deaths in the trailer:
Balistic’s Friend 0:21
Fuse 0:37
Octane 0:48
Bangalore and Loba 0:56
Mirage 1:03 – 1:10
Ash 1:35
Crypto and New Castle 1:37
Fuse (again) 1:45
Pathfinder, Mad Maggie, and
Lifeline 2:16
Ballistic is that one pred smurf in silver lobbies fr my man was just chilling
I really happy to watch the New castle(united) vs Arsenal (FC)
Is it premier league football much right?
MEDIC GAMING(just joke)
this is awesome🔥🔥🔥
Watch Earthlings documentary to see the suffering animals go through for meat, eggs, dairy. Eat with compassion.
How about fix the game 🥱
This is gonna be cool next season I can tell
Since when did Silver Rayleigh join Apex Legends? The way he shot the real Mirage. His observation haki is on point, he didn’t age a bit.
Boring trailer
This is the greatest apex cinematic trailer we’ve gotten in the past 2 years. Can’t wait to play ballistic
I love cheaters getting more aimbot, that will be fun😅 but honestly he seems to be a cool addition
This is phenomenal
he is HIM
Since Ash we finally get a badass Legend that’s not cringe af
You know as a day one player and following most of the lore, I still don’t understand if the players are actually dying in the games or not lol
Tier B leagend
So his alt is a gun
The music, the voice, the outfit. I can’t wait to show Gen Z how it’s done. Best legend reveal yet.
Dude has no Powers ! ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 besides ammo dump
So he the step dad?
gameplay accurate Crypto. just watching his team die with his drone.
Another season of level 29 smurfs in plat rank
With a report button that does nothing
Leading other players to smurf too to get decent games
This man has class scratch the fist bump thing
so elegant❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I loved the part where Crypto is nowhere near the action while Mirage got downed. Truly an Apex experience.
ya know i think it’s about time I come back to apex legends, fitting it’s for a character that’s returning from retirement. It’s time
Hopefully my account linking is fixed before next season. I WANT to buy the battle pass because I love this gsme, but my money gets diverted to God knows where when I purchase coins through PSN and customer service has been abysmal in helping me find out what the problem is. Someone help me fix this.
Finally, a legend that is actually a badass again
i hope this doesn’t mean an explosive wingman.
If ash was an apex predator then how did she miss all her shots
I nearly screamed hearing the line “somewhere…”
But still, wow.
Hermoso ❤❤❤😭😭😭
Es cine 🍷🍷🍷🍷🦆🐧🐴🦙
Cool character. Fix audio please.
New daddy!!
2:08 is that a new weapon? Or is it a car skin?
You are doing injustice to the mobile players. I curse you that this game of yours becomes dead.
His quiet persona is giving me sensei vibes.
Bro is so cool
CringePex Legends.
For those are searching the song Is “Beyond the sea- Bobby Darin”.
His voice is soo similar too Frank Sinatra’s mood. It’s match soo well with this trailer, love it.
this is such a cool trailer
Music gold❤
2:09 Octane came himself
Dude turned into Dante at the end when he was twirling in the air while shooting the bad guys
octane: stims, runs and dies
pretty sure this is an actual gameplay
I love that “beyond the sea” playing in this trailer
new main 🫡
Best Launch Trailer in a few years! I’d dare say this is on par with Season 3!
You know it would be curious that some time later your son joins the games as in the past with later legends
He needs to have a “I am too old for this “ line
The referral to new Vegas Is Amazing
Why maggie die in ALL apex trailers?
finally a non forced woke character
Team mates star gazing from a distance whilst Balistic pushes alone. Truly an apex experience.
i like how the ash main had bad aim, very accurate to the actual game
Have to admit, the new animating style’s finally started lookin awsome af, same with the season in general too.
Loved the part when ballistic used auto aim hacks to one clip a team of 3, truly an apex experience.
Idk I’m not really feeling it from the trailer
Didn’t get me pumped or anything for a new season. Hopefully the character is fun! Trailer was just boring imo
ooops, octane after coming out of that smoke
1:44 Bro got that Light Skin stare 💀
“Dont ever EVER go through my things” truly a gamer moment.
Бегу играть за деда!!
Can’t wait to get pummeled by sweats next season who are playing ballistic
Finally good music
Ballistic’s whole personality is just the coolest thing ever.
Ballistic’s voice actor is the same as Medic’s from TF2 btw 😀
Looks like I’ve got a new main, we had a great run Walter, but there’s a new cool dude in the block
This is giving me some Guardian of the Galaxy vibe
this might be the best trailer in apex history
Wow, this is one of the best cinematics of the games life time, just 1 thing, please bring cross progression quicker
I think I’m in love with an old man again guys
1:20 SmartPistol? really.- for my tf2 boyz & galz
But I thought people didn’t die in the apex games? So how was his friend killed?
А вот и мой новый мэйн
I need this music track for apex
he looks like malcolm from Unreal tournament
Hermoso tráiler
Also fun fact,
The Voice Actor for Ballistic is Robin Atkin Downes, known from his absolutely insane VAing as THE MEDIC FROM TEAM FORTRESS 2.
Best trailer yet imo
I loved the part where all the teams are fighting and crypto is just sitting there watching with his drone. Truly an apex experience
Man, Ballistics probably one of the coolest of the new legends, 1:36 cool guys don’t look at explosions 😎
0:33 「えっ何…」
I Like apex`s stan lee
I love the part where everyone kept continuously commenting “truly an apex experience”
Professor Snow Type Vibes Lol
The music was good for this
I’m the only one who thinks his voice sounds like a spy from Team Fortress 2?
This must be how a predator feels in a bronze lobby.
I can’t man anyone know the song of this trailer???
Octane always the first one being BODIED
Constant ammo use for his ult??? That’s Amazing!!!! And his tactical?? It’s like the shock stick from cod. Im so gonna main ballistic
I loved the part where crypto just watched his team get murdered. Truly an Apex experience.
coolest character in a while
Ta amo mucho APEX ❤️❤️❤️
Wait…his ult is soldier 76 ult? Aim botting and auto reload?
Ballistic is so cool. I didn’t know he was chill like that.
Passive : Being Cool
Elegant !
Wattson 👁👄👁
Rare respawn W
The average Octane player:
Bro Ballistic is such a chill grandpa
Another trailer where Mirage dies. Truly an Apex moment
robert atkin downes my beloved
Why he’s so cool 😭
Tf2 sfm’s are better
“Beyond the sea” by Bobby Darin if anyone is a trailer music freak
The songggg, ughhhh Franklin Sinatra
ITS DA FALLOUT SONG!!1!11!!1!1@!!!!!!
Bro are we gonna talk about how Ballistic shot Real Mirage? That WAS Awesome!
cani have music plz of the vid
Now this is the definition of BADASS
“Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young.”
And it’s all moot because Respawn refuses to give us skill-based matchmaking.
Gonna have a whole bunch of people screaming “Oh grandpa”.
Ah yes the bioshock singin
Makes me wanna come back to apex 🥲
1:13 is so strangely wholesome
Bro is him
Finally a god legend, catalyst was a disappointment but Ballistic … is a legend
He looks badass ngl
I love the fact that Mirage did nothing but died immediately. Truly an apex experience.
Dan ganas de volver al apex
0:51 reminds me of CSGO 2 smoke
Ballistic Abilities
Tactica:l 1:17
Ultimate: 1:59
Edit – Passive: He had a CAR SMG, Wingman, and P2020 at the start
Can’t wait to play as Walter White
That Warith saying ‘ what the…’ really reminds me of Faide 😂
Of all the Apex trailers i’ve ever seen, this one was so well done! Reminds me of the Kingsman and i love it
ufff genial
car buff incoming ?
Reminds me of those Breaking Bad tiktoks
cross-save when?
Wattson literally said 😮
Literalmente eu
Someone please tell me the name of this music it’s surprisingly catchy.
Now you CAN blame your aim on the game XD
why do i fell he has the smart pistol as his ult.
Apex getting better trailers fr
This is one of my favourite trailers from you guys. What an awesome production
I actually cant wait for ballistic definitely maining this man for sure probably going to be one of the best legends out there
2 second crypto screentime and im here for it lol
These trailers be looking more and more like a mobile game, so cringe
Bro so elegant
So we get another badass, gun expert, white old man who left his days of pure chaos and action behind only to join the Apex games for his families sake…. awesome
Another Trailer where Mirage dies
This is a great trailer. The music. The voice acting. Ahhhh.
Imagine an Apex movie 🎬
Yesss finally a BRIT
Robin Atkin Downes <3
Why this reminds me of Sisu O_O
I hope he has a bald head Heisenberg skin that’s all 😂
With Octane getting a Jessie skin lol.
Everyone’s trying their heart out, and the old man is just vibing.
Hard to get excited about new seasons in this game when it’s so so bad right now, and getting worse every season. fix it. break every hot landing area, add 10 squads to each lobby. allow this game to breath. it’s not TDM.
Cant wait to play him ^^
Honestly this is my favorite trailer out of all of them. And his characterization feels way less forced and way more fun than a lot of others before him. It just makes me want a tv series in this style. Borderlands meets Arcane in style, almost. With the calibre of voice actors for this game? I would watch that in a heartbeat! Definitely getting back into the game because of this
Best Trailer i have ever seen 👍
Apoco si muy vrg
Ballistic is such a cool character. If only the game was enjoyable to the point where it’d actually be worth playing
ash avg. controller player from far range
Haven’t played him yet but his character says it all
is grandpa talking to his son JOHN WICK?
‘Legends never die’
When you try too hard to make a chatecter look cool in a trailer
A wonderful Father, indeed!
0:45 he’s just like me frfr… octane I mean
old person update????
finally a good character
Kfc uncle come to apex
What an amazing trailer 😅🙌🏻🔥
We stills need jack cooper in the games
The real Apex Legend
The music goes hard
Another classic Apex Dub
If only the game was as fun as this trailer makes it out to be
그…총을 무력화시키면….
This just makes me wish there was a full on web series or on netflix.. expand the lore more!
Beyond the sea良いねぇ…
He did not get touched a single time bro is op
OK but still no cross save.
Diving through the air might break his hip
3 weapons, 1 bullet that cancel enemy weapons, and the ult hyper charged weapon? LOL
Its crazy that this is the same studio that made the S11 Launch trailer, its really cool to see how much their visuals have improved since
Hmm tactical looks like a bullet that will disable a enemy’s gun for a sec. Ult looks like a you can shoot without reloading. Other suggestions?
Welcom to the apex games howie mandel
Classic Octance runs in and dies
2:13 😍
Remember son, delete my history if i die.
-Ballistic lore
Singlehandedly the coldest character in APEX already !
Chamber 2.0
ballistics were installed
Какой же пафосный дед
that was the best apex trailer ive seen 6 seasons
Is it just me or this whole comment section is being sarcastic 💀💀💀
Más les vale sacar punto de tormenta y poner Cañón de Reyes o dejar Luna Rota
It is better for them to take a storm point and put Kings Canyon or leave broken Moon
he is the defenition of graceful yet devestating
I think I found a new Main 0.0!!!
That was crazy good!
Guys he said “man” soooo he’s normal not mentally ill… yahhooooo🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Bro Wattson was flabbergasted
I love the part where people forgot how to use the ‘apex experience’ meme, and just complain about small things. Truly an Apex experience.
This is years ahead in term of character building and revealing that this Catalyst trash.
Respawn you always amaze me despite EA’s worst management
I want more Story not new characters…..
Ngl this looks sick
Beware of old folk in a place where men die young
Bruhh….. It was on my Spotify playlist that BG music on my way back home with my dad before this launch trailer release XD. What a coincidence that it was played in the launch trailer!!!!!
BTW if you want to know the BG music it is called Beyond the Sea – Bobby Darin
Hopefully the matchmaking isn’t as brutal this next season if there are any changes at all. My KD went from 2.4 to 1.8 between the last couple of seasons. I’ll be wall bouncing and tap straffing and b hopping and super gliding with decent aim (realistically) and still getting absolutely beamed. Feels like I’m playing against straight killers every single game. Then my own teammates are either completely cracked and I leave with 8 assists, 2 kills, and 3k damage, or they are level 82 lobas that loot in the storm.
Now this is a trailer
Medic Gaming
i can’t wait for all the new cheats this legend will bring to the game. get ready, this is going to be a shitshow
Ballistic looks absolutely ballistic.
Very Fallout vibes in this trailer!
07.01.23 Ballistic gets his heirloom before all the other legends 😳
0:56 did dude just hit a collateral with a wingman?
_THE BEST_ Character design in whole Apex Legends -game. Model, voice acting, backstory 10/10
Nerf or remove redarded devs
Look how he masacred my boy Octane, will consider his unlock
There were the crows in the wall of the rocks from the old map in the background – hope they bring back an OG map!
Ain’t no way they used this song
What makes a Legend an Apex: years of experience and boi does he have that Legend factor to the teeth
o my gosh Wattson’s favorite gun is THE VOLT, GET IT!? (she used in season 11 trailer as well)
“Say my name.”
This last scene was GORGEOUS
we finally have walter white in apex
Anyone get weird chamber vibes?
Way to give me Bioshock vibes with the song selection 🥹
The Song>>> Apex always on top
imagine a baseball bat as a heirloom for him.Would be so cool
Nooooooo not the aim bot pistol from Titanfall 😭
Cool trailer! Here’s hoping you can fix the game!
That transition into Beyond the Sea was amazing
They make these characters look so much more cooler than what they play in the game lol
Passive wise I can’t wait I need the extra gun in my pocket, tactical wise it can’t get any better basically you make the fights so much easier landing hot, then his ultimate is icing on the cake I can’t wait to just dump and dump so many bullets with a rampage or even a R301
I’ve waited so patiently for Ballistic, and now that I finally got two outstandingly produced. trailers. I’m truly pleased.🔥
Lifeline! Lifelineeee rez me!! Lifeline! 😂
Dramatic much?
Just make an animated series dude🙄😂
Still no Cross Progression?
武器庫 貯蔵庫 兵器工場などの意味がある
1:10 haha he just disrespected new castle hahaha
can’t wait!!!
Love it or hate it, this trailer is goofy enough to be one of the best character launch trailers.
You know its badass when even Mirage says he is awesome.
This is gonna be so cool, Ballistic have such a good personality! Love it so much!
good music choice!!
Viejo Sabroso
This trailer already makes me wanna buy his heirloom!
w w w w w w ~ ~
An absolute gem. Ballistic shouldn’t really be all that likeable personality wise. Nobody likes a selfish show off but somehow I’ve found myself liking a selfish show off hahaha. I’m sold! Easy 10/10
Much better new legend🎉
finally a new legend that looks actually fun to play and listen too!
Oh, I don’t know what to say! 😮
I hope will be my new maine. 😅
We’re finally getting a good season? I thought Season 8 would be the last one.
Ballistic is at his prime💀
2:13 is the best !
And it launches on my b day best gift ever🎉❤
What a legend
The textbook definition of classy.
Boy I’m a lil excited for this season but no too excited due to not wanting to be let down. With the new update coming along with the future updates( hopefully an event where Rev is the main focus) I’m looking forward to
Epic season lets gooo
imagine all this content but on working servers. we can dream
Wait so we’re going to start being able to ult off combos better?and More combo’s ot tactical and ultimate for better gunfights?!
Will he Has a aimbot ult?
I thought that was actual gameplay..
Ah yes
Great trailer
When ur company gonna fix the server and cheater problems
Ah yes also the rank system
The first usable legend in 4 seasons.
Whats the music in here?
Finally Apex Legends added Medic gaming
No one can hit their shots
Great Launch Trailer! Also love the vibes Beyond the Sea brings!
The fact that you guys can pump out an outstanding trailer that provides a cool backstory to your character while being under EA thumb of opression an stupidity?
You guys rock. Dont ever let EA steal your integrity and thunder
Why hello there mr.gentleman
I’ve never seen an apex vídeo this awesome, sheeeeesh
i’m very confused by the character, but like mirage said: this is Awesome
Not in all the trailers octane getting put down😂
Bro majestic wit it
Dayumn grandpa
Best apex trailer , THE BEST
THIS was better than season 12,13,14 15 trailers combined no cap 💯
This the Apex trailer of all time
9 may its my birthday 😂
¡¡!Este trailer quedo buenísimo!!! 🔥💯
An old guy who looks like this will 100% understand a fistbump. Just look at bro
Great music selection fallout/biosjock vibes right there
i love the part where octane said “it’s octane time” and octane’d all over the smoke to die
who else keeps getting stuck in the crafter?
fixed the audio????
so badass! Styliiiissshhhhhhhhh
why ballistic is looking kinda like heisenberg from breaking bad 1:00
진짜 너무 섹시하다 미칠것같아
Еще и в день победы, пог!
Can’t wait for them to nerf him🙌🏾
Finally, a real Man in Apex.
Enough with “Truly an Apex experience”
pasive: have 3 guns (in this case CAR, Wingman, P2020)
Tactical: stun pistol
Ultimate: air movility?
Did they make a breaking bad reference?
This is the most insane & best trailer Apex has ever released. Ballistic seems so incredible dope!! LOVE IT!!
I love the part when grandpa standing in open field, not even dodge the bullet but none hit grandpa. Truly an Apex experience
ok but when are we getting ranked duos
Badass gramps!
Bro got class and style!
1:36 Why are there 3 bloodhounds trial birds?
Please stop releasing new legends
For the record, this was the first footage of ash being defeated in the Apex games
British john wick
Ballistic is literally an apex legend!
Этот дед _(конечно же)_ сделал мой день, но… Он какой-то слишком крутой… *[Вспомнил, что это происходит почти со всеми чемпионами в плоть до нового сезона и нового чемпиона]…* _Но это не точно 😅_
Perfect song last time I heard this was from finding NEMO 🎉
if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that jesus is lord and god rose jesus from the dead you shall be saved
A trailer where Caustic doesn’t die ? That’s rare enough to be pointed out
Octane running in and dying, bangalore smoke hindering her own team, and a solo ash getting killed away from her team. Apex is truly aware
Even Mirage couldn’t bamboozle Ballistic 😂
after valk trailer this is first time i am being excited
I don’t see ntn to b excited about
Ash with her aim is literally me
Apex is alive damm
All I can think of is the quote “Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young.” – Kevin Lacz
Hope you fix no tracers no audio no footsteps 6 manning ranked, ranked system, no gibby audio, servers, dc’s etc
He yous the song the meme song
Без лишних слов. Это ПИЗДАТО. Давно Respawn не выпускали годных трейлеров. Спасибо
OH, So the hacker where ur gun just automatically wont stop shooting was a teaser?
wait, no Gibs death? End of an era.
ps. I hate characters that are pushed/portrayed as “too cool for school” it always has the opposite effect, for me and that character ends up being corny. Coolness just happens naturally.
Still doesn’t beat revs trailer still its up there
Walter White meets James Bond
walter white
I never expected TF2 Medic alter ego be in apex legends one day. I like that guy. Very nice
to be honest he looked like carnal sanders(KFC guy)
There’s something for everyone in Apex Legends. Even Foxy Grandpa’s
bro caught the fist bump 💀
Man wish Devs could take a look at the issues within the game, this game has such amazing characters and solid gameplay to earn millions… SAVE APEX
It was perfect.
Old man giving 60’s vibe to the game
Apex be on a roll with these trailer’s
He looks like the villain from cloudy and a slight chance of meatballs
soldier 76????
Respawn watch premier league lol. First Newcastle now Arsenal.
This trailer is high art.
Octane rushing in and getting wreaked is crazy accurate 😂😂
I might be waiting for his voice lines with others
Was the guy that gets shot his best friend or gay lover?
Are they buffing the l star?
Dessa vez acertaram bastante
When I hear the music I just think about the dumb breaking bad memes.
Octane both lives and dies in this trailer.
Always gotta be octane 😂
Arsenal must win the premier league, this apex season boutta be lit!!
An English gentleman character? I am complete.
I can almost hear Downes’s Medic voice popping through in moments too. love it.
i think this might be my favorite trailer so far. everything about it from the models, to the rendering, to the soundtrack, is just *chef’s kiss*
New World’s Edge. Letzzgooo
Meet the Ballistic
I need this cool grandpa in my team asap!
Titanfall 3 even Titanfall 2 remesterd would be fun (add server browser and norhtsatr game modes. It wold make it a masterpiece)
But I gues that you cant
best trailer ever
Some Bioshock vibes
i just know he and Mirage will be friends or at least very good partners
bro thinks he is john wick
This was the most dramatic British trailer ever
See if you keep politics and real world problems out of video games this is what you will produce keep up the good work and hopefully new direction in gaming and apex.
Наконец то нормальный по сценарию трейлер
what is his ultimate?
Arsenal launch trailer on Manchester city vs Arsenal matchday
Finally a good character. Catalyst was disgusting.
finally a character with money so I won’t have to spend more money
Looks like the worst map is coming back.
The old MVP legend has returned from retried ^^🎉🍾☀️✨🌟👍❤️
I think i love the new guy maybe a new main 🙂
His weapon was an L-Star. No wonder he gets shot then.
Aaaaaand add another one to the “Octane dies in every Apex Legends trailer” list.
Because he just got floored.
1:11 This made this trailer perfect.
Daddy chill
1:11 the way he answer Newcastle FistBump 😂
Looks like his tactical is a bullet that forces the person it hits to empty their clip and probably unable to reload, change gun or shoot for a second or 2, ult either means quick reloads or no need to reload for a few seconds, no idea what his passive is but might be some kind of locator? He found octane and mirage easily enough
Tf2 medic is real.
I love the part where the trailer was lagging. Truly an apex experience
seems to me one of his skills enlarge the recoil of the enemy’s gun
Soldier 76 in overwatch :
There’s a New Daddy In Town! 👀👀
So based off this trailer, we can assume his abilities are:
Passive: The ability to carry a third gun (1:11)
Tactical: A smart pistol that can disable/malfunction your target’s gun (1:21)
Ultimate: A auto loader that will temporarily give you a bottomless mag (2:00)
Ash getting knocked is the best part of this trailer
Would the tactical work on the bocek?
And that he is voiced by the voice actor of the Medic from TF2.
The best launch trailer so far, absolutely no beating it.
Now imagine how it would’ve been if it were the old studio animating it.
If this is a 10/10, that would’ve been a 15/10
Best trailer ever for this game
Wait, is that Robin Atkin Downes voicing the character? The same VA who plays the Medic in TF2?
Edit: yes, it is.
Lobe the design of him and the voice actor is a great pick
But I think I’m going to hate playing aginst him in the game I don’t know how he works but it looked like auto aim and disabled guns dont seem fun to go aginst
Mirage still the best thing respawn ever did.
Gotta give props to the new animation team. It took them a while but they’ve finally reached the same quality of the old studio
cool but cross progression tho
I don’t understand what his ultimate is…everyone was saying “unlimited ammo, faster reload, etc.”…is that the case? Love how his passive is a third weapon and Wraith hears voices….how balanced.
He kinda sounds like Dr. Glenn Pierce and I love that so much
어떻게 시즌 이름이ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아스날ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
why at the end of trailer caliber its name of the season or what?
A Nemo OST in an Apex trailer? That’s brand new…
Okay Ballistic has a really charming personality, love him already.
It’s about time we get a cool classic gentlemen grandpa like Ballistic. This is by far one of my favorite characters that they have ever created.
Is this the end of sweaty wraiths 😮
Badass old man
I love it
I have a feeling ballistic is newts dad
so awesome
Hands down the best trailer apex has made yet
God they haven’t released a legend that oozes with this much character in a loooong while. I love it!!!
Let’s goooo!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
New main boutta drop
Uhhh can he really tell the real mirage apart from his clones 👀
So basically, horizons shock absorbers, revenants silence in a pistol and and explosive wingman? Creative…
Apex has been lacking recently but this trailer is probably the the best thing they’ve released to date, and Ballistic is already the coolest legend now imo
I agree with The Gaming Merchant
This mans is at a titan pilot level ?
My heart almost dropped! I thought he pulled out the smart pistol for a second!! I mean it reallyyyyyy looks like it but the bullet was something more like a stun instead of tracking.
such a shame that a cool character (only from the looks) is added to the game just when the game is on its last breaths
Bro… i just came back after a year vacation of apex legends. This is the best trailer i ever saw in ALL apex legends
Why is the animation on this trailer sooo much better that the animation of the stories from the outlands one?
This man is so funny ngl
Whoever is this guys voice actor needs a raise desperately
Mans slick with it
Bro he is unique.
The only thing that I agree with that man.
The part where he shot the “right” mirage was awesome
When Predator joining casual lobby…
A truly Apex legends experience…
Y le van a dar nerfeada????
I loved it when Ashe was shooting a non moving target and didn’t hit the target but she got knockdown… Truly an apex experience xD
ballistic W
Apex devs should stick with the day ones than trying to fit new standards
Maybe it’s just me but I don’t like old man characters in these type of games
They know their Octane players
Dude. This trailer was INSANE. Not only was the action stunning, but we also got Beyond the Sea in an Apex Trailer, which I never expected to happen. I’m excited for the new season!!
Chefs kiss for using Bobby darins track beyond the sea 🤌🏽
Robin Atkin Downs is a fantastic voice actor. glad he’s finally in the game!
Hopefully this new season we will, at last, get cross progression 🤞
Music Is Fire
Add cross progression
AWESOME 💯💯💯💯🐻.
finally, a decent character design since fuse.
Let go!! New season!!!!!
What a badass character nice
watching this well knowing ballistic is going to be rolled the same way by the next legend gameplay trailer hahaha
I swear before I watch this video apex he better not finish my main rev at the end 👏🏾
Im confused on his abilities now
Trailer is actually cool
When your Tinder date wasn’t lying:
The most chill legend to this day
I loved the part when Ash was missing 100% of her shots while the rest of her team is nowhere to be found. Truly an Apex experience.
I can’t believe guys…. Wattson didn’t die in one of these trailers today is truly a great day.
I hope Macro comments on this
His passive is he can hold a 3rd gun and then his tactical is a pistol that can lock your gun and your body and his ult is he doesn’t need to reload because it loads it self
The exaggerated swagger of a rich British man with a coat
9 мая – день победы
I’m pretty sure he’s going to break the game
Never been hyped for a new legend like this before! So cool!
When Ballistic smurfed an entire bronze lobby, truly an Apex experience.
hahahahahaha 1:09 I love how Crypto is waiting on the building with the dron just for take the baners of his team mates hahaha just an Apex experience
Finally a character just as sophisticated as I am (I only speak in please and thank you)
“Lets go practice medicine”
Exquisite trailer 👌
They had so much fun with him
I dont know what that autoloader was. But imagine if it makes so that all your guns function like L-Star without heating issue. Fire infinitely during ult without reloads.
Why is dude so smooth?😂😂😂
I’m just ready to get off this bs map rotation in ranked🙄
He keeps going AFK😂😂😂😂, loving this
This man going to be OP if he has no hitbox
Fun fact this the VA for the Medic in TF2
1:11 😂😂😂
Does he have double jump? If not I’m still maining Ball/Zen.
Wait a minute 🤔
This new season of Overwatch looks way different…
And they confirmed his abilities in the launch trailer really well.
Three Weapons Passive. Shock Pistol Tactical. And Autoloader Ultimate? Possible grants addition Airborne effectiveness or lock on.
That was really cool
Bottlecap, is that you?
I love the scene where crypto does nothing to help his team
As a wise man once said, “I got you in my sights”
I like the part where ash got hit by the smart bullet
This Legend is Like a genuine Legend… Too awesome… The attitude is In another Altitude…
I knew once i heard Frank Sinatra, Balisitic was pretty much based off one of his songs. I wonder if they will play “My Way” when they reveal the gameplay trailer.
well, I’m in love…
I love this game so much man, been playing since Season 0 and where Apex is currently heading, looks VERY promising <3
That ash’s aim seems like mine ingame ngl
Dang this is a really good trailer.
Welp…..New MAIN incoming. 😂
waiting for season 17! New hero and WE updates
Gramps is really out here
همش هایپ الکی فردا ش که سیزن لانچ شد میبینم بالستیک کراکیه و جون راه رفتن هم نداره
Did anybody downloaded the trailer with the premiere incl?
voiced by the same guy who voiced medic tf2 !!!
yet another old man to main! Fuse is now my 2nd. 🙂
This is just my favourite trailer it is so funny
The thing I find hardest to believe is that someone actually died during these games and none of the main cast
I decided to finally attempt the pistol challenge when he comes out because of how cool he looks
bioshock song
Ballistic’s Skill : Weapon Recoil 100%
Life could be dream, life could dream
I ain’t even gonna lie he kinda cool with it
Q puta locuraaaaaaa
He’s just so flawlessy cool. I’m honestly excited! Its been a while since we got a badass old guy in the Games >:)
One of the best apex trailers imo
This grandpa is badass. ❤
Pls nerf horizon
Why did balistic smile at newcastle like that?
This was so good! Respawn is really stepping up their animation game. Graphic details, colors, lines, scenes – everything looked so good in the story and this launch trailer. Well done! (Edit: Keep this in the hands of whoever you outsourced to! 😅)
My new main incoming!!!! 😍😍😍
One of the best season trailers they’ve dropped in a while.
Bros him
Who woke the rambo?
The song is from Bobby Darin. It’s called Beyond the Sea.
Don’t you think it’s suspicious that his son looks like a dead friend?
Hes literally revenant but better
As a Crypto main I must say I love how accurately they represented by main.
Simply, Beautiful.
the way this didnt get me excited
Somewhere beyond the sea
Yoooo, this one is thicc. Really. Thx Respawn
can’t wait for Apex Legends: Man City
1:09 classic useless Crypto.
i immediately thought of goodfellas once the song started.anybody else?
i hope the game will be good as much as this clip
Gunna be so mid.
can anyone please buy me a new laptop to play this legend game , I really don’t have money for this 🥲😭💔
I love how octane uses his stim and rushes into the fight. Haha classic Octane
3slot of gun and 1gun of tatical
Loved the part where ballistic said i’ve got you in my sights
i love that they made it very hard to tell what his abilities are from this. Normally you can tell. Apart from the obvious tactical ability everyone knows about.
I hope there’s a voiceline about his back hurting from CARRYING the squad
This is one of the best trailers on Apex Lagend, like a movie so far.
I love when Ballistic hacked into the enemy and messed with their shooting in an FPS. Truly and Apex experience
Ok boomer
one things for sure, the animation team does an outstanding job…hope we get some kind of arcane series from apex
this was a pretty funny trailer
Medic gaming
Car 110 skin??????? 👀👀👀
It appears that his passive grants him the ability to turn into the matrix
1:32 what’s wrong ash?
Why octane always dying in these trails?
toca volver al apex
This guy’s kit is gonna be so annoying to fight against 😂
Strongest legend lore-wise in the game?
Cool 🔥🔥
This is gonna be a good birthday present
Ever since Bioshock, Beyond the Sea has been an amazing song for a trailer.
2:15 flying spinbot cheat incoming
The wrecking ball not hitting anything is story of my life.
New legend looks op
🎉🎉🎉🎉 best trailer EVER
Wait wait wait…. Wheres blisk
Deadpool in grandpa version.💥
So Ballistic is basically the 🐐
At last a fellow English Gent. Now this I can get behind. Finally a character without some sorta Politically driven narrative.
Leshgo! Down and ready ‘🎉
i want cross progression
But if Manchester City wins the league, they should change the name
Granny is the new legend of Apex.
Im so happy…
Honestly, I love Revenant and Catalyst, but I can’t help but feel excited and hype for Ballistic to come on May
So Ballistic’s ultimate is golden extended mags? Well let’s hope that Ballistic bring a fix to the audio too
Its nice to see an actual legend with personality.
😂😂😂 believe me everyone need to have an strike pack or cronos zen to level the battle field with these cheaters who do not have any move mement
That was beautiful.
Ballistic is badass!
Will we get jazzy ost for apex?
Oh this season gonna be lit. Time to give out some battle passes 😊
Season 16 might have been the worst season yet but I’m sure season 17 will be the best one yet
Old guys in video games have to be the most chill, badass character’s
Nah this man is the best.
An actually good trailer! This is awesome!
i love how the octane haphazardly entered the smoke to be killed for free like the randoms i meet do, a true apex legends experience
World’s coolest Dad
I really want to see what mirage and he says when they are in the same squad
So awesome!!
Mirage, as usual, casually being the goat of the trailer
0:42 average Bangalore player, throwing smoke onto the enemy in the open so her teammates can’t shoot him accurately.
Literally best trailer they’ve made just because they played beyond the sea
Ballistic is daddy, that’s all I got 🙏
That was dope!
Alright, I’m in love
1:00 accurate representation of mirage mains
😍Such elegant artistry! The battlefield is going to be a masterpiece (More so than usual).
Passive : can carry a pistol with two weapons
Tactical : tazer bullet to interrupt enemy firing
Ultimate : unlimited ammo for short amount of time
” weak tea im afraid”
I love how other legends watching Ballistic with admiration
haha. Also, Music touched my heart really deep.
Wait is the next season coming out on may 9th or may 1st?
Somewhere~ Beyond the Seaaa Somewhere waiting for mee
Another trailer, another day of octane of getting wrecked again lol
Cool old man, looks like he has an ability to cancel your gun, looks like Walter white and he seems to still be cocky, l like him 👍
Incoming most hated character to ever touch the game ! ! !
God deum
I love the part where maggies ult does absolutely nothing, truly an apex experience.
So he can carry 3 guns, he’s special make enemy shoot everywhere but not target and his ult works like golden magazine?
Amazing 🎉
So it looks like he has Forge’s leaked Ultimate now?
I just hope his stun ability won’t be too annoying.
Cant wait for all the new bugs !!!
THAT WAS AWESOME! (in Octane voice if u can).
that was the best trailer in a WHILE
I didn’t know that they added the Medic to Apex Legends
Are we gonna have that jazz jingle in the game ? I hope so it sounds so good and finally an awsome super strong grandpa I might change main.😍😍
If this wasn’t a good trailer than I don’t know what quality is.
Freaking “A”.
Love how mirage wasn’t even mad 😂😂😂
I like that his lore fits his voice actor.
Man from the game from years ago, shows up in the new game to show how it’s done.
Song name plas , I like song
This was honestly Apex Legends’ best trailer. I mean the music, the visuals, EVERYTHING was perfect!
Badass character and interesting abilities. W
This trailer is in top 3 of best trailer 🔥
they’re faceeeee when he was in the air LOL
That was the most elegant trailer ever
I liked when ballistic jumped in the air and rained down overpriced skins. Truly an apex experience
Quick clarification: I think this trailer is amazing and I love where the game is at
So…he can reveal the true mirage?!?!
Hope we will get 3pts at etihad
Finally! Old male badass character
Ok ngl this was so epic and that music just was AWESOME! He’s a badass
Dude, Ballistic is so cool. His characterization and voice acting alone in this trailer makes him for me. Def trying him on launch day.
1:13 God he really is a father
Auto reload, 3 guns, can stop you from using your gun. 🤦♂️
As mediocre the game can get at times, you can tell the animation, character design, and lore teams really enjoy their job
What is this? The Premier League? There was Newcastle now Arsenal…. Bruh
Violence in a peaceful manner😂😂
John Wick chapter 5: the golden years
Amazing song choice 👏
I might comeback to Apex Legends after 13months…
Peki ya doğum günüme denk gelmesi🤌☠️
Aight, time to call the new guy Nemo.
1 comment “Amazing”
That was great xD
Gotta be one of the most fire character trailers apex has ever made😭😭😭.
Most beautiful trailer I’ve ever seen
No cross progression? 🥹
WOW,the old man so cool
huge fallout vibe
Yet again, I liked the part where everyone was one-shot
Bro is literally British soldier 76
The choice in music at the beginning is peak 🤌
that tactical ability looks so toxic
Three weapons, pistol to make guns stop working, and an auto reload ult!!!
he is one of the most badass apex legends.
I’m so confused
Exquisito 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Huge W
Ballistic new best character
This is the first legend I’ve been excited for in a long time!
i like this guy, He likes jazz
This showed nothing 🤔
Dear god I need Ballistic so bad please one chance.
He’s so classy man🔥🔥
Infinite ammo car smg lezzgooooo
mercy damage boost go insane
I love how “beyond the sea” is playing as he’s shooting everybody
I’m gushing over the fact he likes older music, and beyond the sea is always a good one.
I loved the part where Octane ran into a fight just to be killed a few moments later. Truly an Apex experience.
W apex maybe?
Their aim is worse than the storm troopers
Is Kaplan sitting there at the beginning?
I love this song. It was in the end credits for Finding Nemo 🤣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Octane just died again 😭😭😭
Haven’t played in Years Coming Back finally
Howed I get here late and there’s still a timer
Here we go!!!
Gonna grind the battle pass
Ballistic music track when? Very chill
car smg
Heisenberg is coming😂😂😂
Nerf revenant
Ze healing is not rewarding as ze hurting
Cross progression
Bro I just woke up 😮
We needed this peace of mind
Please let this game be fun again
rework some legends please. rework revenant ulti, make his ulti transform his allies to scale heights like he do.
My new main I’m bout to go ballistic in the new season 🎉🎉🎉
Exiting the stun gun is going to be a game changer
Under the sea
Bring back worlds edge ffs….
Apex is just so boring now days
Que bendición
Can’t wait for macro to make a “for noobs” video
Lets go! 🥳
Nerf Forge
I like how more great content is coming out but there seems to be no sign of cross progression in sight
Here’s to Weapon Mastery Challenges & more Respawn Content! (Mixtape Maps & Modes)
Season 17 gonna go bratttatah
Who’s going to prom
Tatti game benchod
Cool premier.
The only way this season could live up to the previous ones is if they nerf genji
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content :D!!!!
Hope for something exiting to happen
“Cant wait for bal sacc am I right, ohhhh….oops im srry everbody I meant ba ba ballistic. Yikes… I need to get out more.”
– Mirage
2k like and 1k viewer and 369 comment
This thing needs to hurry up😡
Cant wait for next season need a new character to main and Ballistic is looking really cool 😎
i’m hyped for this season
Either hoping for buffed movement, better gunplay, or good mastery rewards, keep those fingers crossed fellow gamers 🤞
Can’t wait who is gonna be his squad in this trailer.
Less go fanna master the L Star, yess saaa
I will be the number one Triple Take user worldwide once the season launches 😎
bring back arenas.
Is this the trailer which show the new legend abilities?
Hopefully this next season is the motivation I need to get back into it 😐
Hi how many times left
Les go gaming merchant
The thing about Arsenel is, they always try to walk it in.
Need a new flying character.
Cross Progression maybe?
Octane solos🚬🚬
Damascus in coming..
I can’t wait for this new season. Ballistic and all that. And please bring back kings canyon. I’m tired of storm point.
Why tf am i playing against pc players as console player please fix that
Sick now fix the audio
Mario 🎉
Where’s the next gen 120 fps we were promised was coming “soon” over a year ago?
Ay let’s go I was like “why is season 17 out already?’ But now I want this new legend SO BAD ❤❤❤
New season and the audio will be even worse and the servers😂😂
Cross platform?
We Love ballistic
meh, it has taken me 4 years to log back in to google and this is still the wrong account. Yay, new season…..
Can’t wait for this Launch Tralier and alrighty wow what a lauch tralier this one was very Awesome!👍✨️❤️
With what I hear about this legend he is going to get nerfed so quick😅.
Still no 120fps on current gen consoles 💀💀
So excited 🤩🥳
“Arsenal, great name for the new season” – Ballistic
I really hope that nothing happens to the Revenant and everything will be fine with him
where is titanfall 3
Only if we could manage to somehow play on low graphics and perfomance mode on ps4 consoles, we could easily get 120 fps😭
please bring rumble royale
i wish they would add more Skirmisher Legends so that i don’t always keep getting brain dead Octane and Ash mains on my team 😂😂
Recently took a break from apex, not even bothering to finish the battle. Hopefully this next season is the motivation I need to get back into it.
Bro I genuanlly cannot wait for the next season, new legend looks awesome and my mains finally getting their heirloom
We need more info😈😈😈😈😈
And is it just me or is ballistic kinda hot
I heard he can carry a third gun
FIX OLD GEN!!! Please
19 hours 😧
Finally, this is not a black gay man with a troubled past, but a brutal based man who loves guns 😀
Id rather have the abilty to play on PC and xbox with all my gear please
Hopefully the servers handle this update
On the program, correction of the “no audio” bug.
Controllers on PC will not have an aim assist, either playing keyboard mouse or returning to console!
Have the choice of crossplay or not.
No ping compensation.
And other things but that will be for later.
120fps for console?
Can’t wait!
Apex needs to stop playing and drop 120hz support already!!!
My exams are coming out the day the new season releases in so sad that I can’t be one of the first ones to play so respawn…..go die
Apex really named the new season after the team thats gonna win the PL
Give us 120hz on next generation consoles already.
Ballistic Gaming!!
Trash game still waiting
Just want 120 fps on xsx/s and ps5 already
is Apex telling us this season is for Arsenal, I won’t accept!
Im waiting for cross platform account linking
Octane says it again : MUST.WAIT.FASTER!
120 hz next gen consoles/audio (heard this is being fixed)/crossprogression/fix packet loss issues I’m getting 2 second freezes every 60 seconds in European console lobbies.
Can’t wait for octane to die in this trailer
Time to get my red glasses on 👴😎
Will Apex legends upgrade for PS5 and getting 2 new hero ?
CAR battle pass skin?
Lookin Forward to it I love apex
Expect support for 120 FPS and cross progression. There have been new generation consoles for 2 years. Your opponents (fortnite, cod wz, ow2) have 120 fps support but you don’t.
Gonna master the p2020 first 👍
Who else waiting for 120hz support for next gen consoles 😔
First look at Titanfall 3 guys get hyped!!!🔥🔥🔥
Footsteps audio season when?
Is cool I am gonna get my golden p20 faster than you guys because I am smart pistol player from Titanfall 2
bingo bongo apex congo 🎉
Save Titan Fall 2
Revenant rework?
Thunderdome ltm?
almost time to grind mozambique orion camo lets go 😎
Cross Progression???
ballistic’s trophies include one with cricket bat and ball, heirloom teaser ?
Жду с нетерпением